

Dive into the engaging world of "Distractible," a podcast where three long-time friends and content creators explore the quirks of daily life, pop culture, and their own eccentric interests. Each episode is a rollercoaster ride of laughter, debates, and deep dives into topics that seem mundane at first but are spun into extraordinary tales by the hosts' unique perspectives. The podcast promises not just to entertain but also to pull you into discussions that drift from the hilarious to the thought-provoking. With a knack for storytelling and a chemistry that comes from years of friendship, the hosts dissect everything from the latest video game trends to unexpected historical facts, all while managing to distract each other—and the audience—with playful banter. Whether you're looking for a light-hearted escape during your commute or insightful conversations to spark your curiosity, "Distractible" offers a fresh and unpredictable take on podcasting. Tune in as we unravel each episode, offering you a perfect mix of information, comedy, and unexpected twists.


  • We Might Have Started The Fire

    In "We Might Have Started The Fire," the hosts of "Distractible" dive into a series of personal anecdotes and tech mishaps, making it a showcase of their spontaneous and humorous chemistry. The episode kicks off with Mark's computer woes, featuring a misaligned fan causing a disturbance during his peaceful morning routine, which had recently included meditation influenced by a newfound interest in personal improvement. As they share their stories, Wade, Mark, and Bob juggle humor with irritation, discussing everything from unexpected incidents during podcast recordings to personal habits and preferences that affect their daily lives, like Mark's lack of a bathtub. The episode is peppered with light-hearted sponsor segments and concludes with the trio reflecting on the unpredictability of technology and the small frustrations of daily life.

  • The Room Where It Happened

    In this episode titled "The Room Where It Happened," the hosts of "Distractible" gather to share a series of nostalgic and hilarious discussions about their past endeavors and the significant role technology has played in their lives. From tales of their first charity livestreams to more recent endeavors, the trio reflects on the evolution of their personal and professional lives. Amid the laughs, they delve into discussions about the impact of aging, the quirks of dealing with technology, and their various sponsorships including humorous advertisements. This episode is filled with their characteristic tangents and light-hearted debates, providing a lively and entertaining listening experience.

  • We Should Buy A Movie Theater!

    In this light-hearted episode, the hosts explore the nostalgic charm and business aspects of running a movie theater. They delve into different reasons why someone might consider buying a theater, touching upon the romanticized view of film exhibition versus the stark realities of the cinema business. Through a series of amusing anecdotes and hypothetical scenarios, the hosts discuss everything from the selection of movies, dealing with patrons, to the economics of concession stands. The conversation blends humor with insightful observations on how cinemas have evolved and the impact of streaming services on traditional movie-going experiences.

  • The Inaugural Boat Episode

    "The Inaugural Boat Episode" on the Distractible podcast features hosts Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Muyskens sharing candid insights and humorous banter from a hot tub. They explore the intricacies of juggling personal life, professional commitments, and the peculiarities of their daily routines. Discussions range from personal anecdotes, the quirks of technology in everyday life, to broader topics like health habits and mental clutter. The episode is interspersed with lighthearted advertisements and a recurring theme of self-reflection on the impact of their choices on personal well-being and satisfaction.

  • Shotgun Roulette

    In this episode of the "Distractible" podcast titled "Shotgun Roulette," hosts Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Muyskens engage in a playful and strategic game that tests their luck and decision-making skills. The game is structured around a virtual shotgun with alternating live and blank rounds. Players must decide whether to aim the shotgun at themselves or another player, with each choice bringing different risks and rewards. The episode is filled with a mix of tension, humor, and unexpected twists as the hosts navigate through the rounds, often using game items like the "uno reverse" card to shift the game's dynamics. Throughout the episode, the hosts also engage in light-hearted banter and share personal anecdotes, making for an entertaining mix of gameplay and conversation.

  • Two Truths And A Lie

    "Two Truths and A Lie" on the Distractible podcast features hosts Bob Muyskens, Mark Fischbach, and Wade Barnes engaging in the titular game, revealing bizarre and amusing facts about themselves. The episode is filled with laughter, off-topic banter, and personal anecdotes, reflecting the hosts' chemistry and camaraderie. They delve into humorous discussions about past experiences, hypothetical scenarios, and the absurdities of their lives. The episode is marked by its informal and spontaneous nature, making it a true reflection of the hosts' personalities and their dynamic interaction.

  • My Body Betrayed Me

    In this engaging episode of "Distractible," hosts Wade Barnes, Mark Fischbach, and Bob Muyskens humorously discuss various ways their bodies have betrayed them over the years. The conversation flows from the comical and bizarre to the genuinely insightful, touching on topics like eye health, the annoyance of glasses and contacts, and the appeal of laser eye surgery. The hosts exchange personal anecdotes about their physical challenges and how these issues have impacted their lives, injecting humor and lighthearted banter throughout. This mix of comedy and personal revelation provides listeners with both entertainment and a candid look at dealing with common bodily frustrations.

  • Naming 100 Women

    In this lively episode of "Distractible," titled "Naming 100 Women," hosts Mark Fischbach, Bob Muyskens, and Wade Barnes embark on a unique challenge: naming 100 women who are alive and recognizable in various fields. The challenge, inspired by QT Cinderella, involves naming women from diverse spheres such as entertainment, politics, and sports, ensuring they are well-known enough to be found on Google. The episode is filled with humorous banter, occasional confusions, and playful disputes among the hosts as they race against time to complete the challenge. This episode not only tests their knowledge but also sheds light on the wide array of influential women across different industries.

  • World Wade Supremacy

    In the episode "World Wade Supremacy," hosts Wade, Mark, and Bob engage in a playful and imaginative discourse on forming a global government. The conversation ranges from whimsical ideas, like basing government on video game mechanics, to serious discussions about political systems and the power of randomness in choosing leaders. Throughout, the hosts mix in personal stories and light-hearted comments, creating a lively and engaging dialogue. They speculate on various aspects of their hypothetical government, including the potential pitfalls of political parties and the complexities of implementing a fair and effective leadership selection process. The episode is infused with humor, often drifting into tangents that involve internet culture, personal quirks, and the occasional technical glitch.

  • 1000 Hour Energy

    In this episode of Distractible titled "1000 Hour Energy," the hosts engage in light-hearted and often ridiculous banter, including discussions about research chemicals, longevity, and the potential to live forever. They weave through various topics with humor, touching on personal anecdotes, hypothetical scenarios, and strange yet entertaining theories. The dialogue is filled with digressions into unrelated subjects like a fantasy sponsorship from a mobile service provider and a made-up fast-food brand, adding layers of comedy to the show. The episode doesn't just stick to the script; it flies off at tangents, exploring the bizarre edges of science and technology in a way that's both engaging and laughable.

  • It's Over, It's Done

    In the "Distractible" podcast episode titled "It's Over, It's Done," hosts Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Muyskens engage in a dynamic and comical discussion, reflecting on past episodes and the quirky dynamics of their podcast competitions. The episode kicks off with Bob hosting because he won the previous episode's competition. The trio delves into funny mishaps about public payment apps and their preferences for more private transactions like Apple Cash. They humorously debate the fairness of previous games they've played on the podcast, leading to Mark demanding justice over a controversial game involving a plastic fork. Throughout the episode, they revisit other contentious moments from their podcast history, poking fun at each other's expense and highlighting their unique blend of friendship and rivalry. The episode is sprinkled with light-hearted sponsor segments, adding a layer of ongoing jokes about product placements.

  • There Is No Excuse

    In this engaging and humor-filled episode of "Distractible," hosts Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Muyskens dive into a series of playful and absurd discussions centered around creating the worst possible excuses for everyday situations. The episode oscillates between bizarre hypotheticals and impromptu games, where each host tries to outdo the others with increasingly ludicrous excuses. From dodging responsibilities at work to explaining social faux pas, the trio employs their comedic talents to explore the art of excuse-making. The chemistry among the hosts shines as they challenge each other, leading to a barrage of jokes and laughter, making it a particularly memorable episode for listeners who enjoy a mix of improv comedy and friendly banter.

  • Animal Noises

    In "Animal Noises," the hosts of "Distractible" engage in lively and humorous discussions interspersed with games involving imitating and guessing various animal sounds. The episode begins with the hosts being introduced and sponsored messages. They then dive into the main content where each host takes turns guessing animal noises from audio clips, challenging each other to mimic these sounds as accurately as possible. The banter is light-hearted, filled with jokes, personal anecdotes, and playful teasing among the hosts, creating an entertaining atmosphere. The episode culminates in a points-based game where each host's imitative skills and quick wit are put to the test, providing listeners with both laughter and a surprising appreciation for the complexity of animal sounds.

  • 20 More Questions (At Least)

    In "20 More Questions (At Least)," the Distractible hosts engage in a lively session of the classic game "20 Questions." They take turns guessing an array of random items ranging from everyday objects to abstract concepts, based on yes-or-no questions. The episode is filled with humorous banter and surprising twists as each host attempts to outwit the others with increasingly tricky or obscure items. The game leads to amusing debates and discussions about the nature of the items and the strategies for guessing them, providing listeners with both entertainment and a peek into the hosts' thought processes and personalities.

  • At Least 20 Questions

    In this episode, hosts Bob, Mark, and Wade play an extended game of "20 Questions," each attempting to guess an object the other has in mind. The episode highlights their playful banter and strategic questioning as they navigate through misleading clues and hilarious misunderstandings. Despite some initial confusion and a series of incorrect guesses, Wade ultimately succeeds in identifying his object as a basketball, whereas Mark struggles significantly with his, which turns out to be a plastic fork. The episode is filled with laughter, mock frustration, and light-hearted teasing, making it a classic display of the hosts' dynamic and chemistry.

  • Bad Or Worse

    In this episode of "Distractible," hosts Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Muyskens embark on a hilarious journey through bizarre and painful hypothetical scenarios in a segment called "Bad or Worse." They challenge each other to determine which scenarios are less desirable, ranging from stubbing toes to catastrophic car troubles. The episode is packed with their trademark banter, witty comebacks, and the occasional deep dive into surprisingly philosophical waters, all while attempting to outdo each other with increasingly wild scenarios.

  • The Cursed Man

    In "The Cursed Man," hosts Wade, Mark, and Bob explore the intriguing and often humorous side of supernatural beliefs, specifically curses and witchcraft. They discuss personal experiences and cultural tales that blur the lines between reality and superstition. The episode is filled with light-hearted banter, anecdotal stories, and a playful examination of whether modern-day problems can be attributed to supernatural causes. As always, the trio manages to entertain while slightly educating, all wrapped in their signature comedic style.

  • Uplifting Children's Stories

    In this engaging episode of "Distractible," the hosts dive into a playful exploration of children's stories with a whimsical twist. The episode starts with sponsor messages and then transitions into the main topic, where the hosts, including Mark Fischbach and Bob Muyskens, recount a range of uplifting and humorous stories. They blend real-life scenarios with fantastical elements, creating an atmosphere of nostalgia and creativity. Discussions veer from humorous personal anecdotes to imaginative interpretations of traditional narratives, ultimately crafting an environment that both entertains and sparks the imagination. This episode is characterized by its light-hearted tone and the hosts' ability to play off each other's storytelling.

  • Chugging Hot Tub Water

    In the "Chugging Hot Tub Water" episode of Distractible, the hosts, Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Muyskens, engage in a series of entertaining dialogues and stories, touching on topics from professional wrestling's spectacle to quirky personal mishaps. Mark talks about his regrettable decision to taste saltwater in a hot tub, which humorously leads to him contracting a mild case of COVID. The hosts also delve into the physicality and dramatic flair of professional wrestling, discussing characters like The Undertaker and events like WrestleMania. Throughout the episode, they explore the humorous side of their experiences and share a mix of fabricated and real-life anecdotes, leading to a series of laugh-out-loud moments that encapsulate the show's aim to distract and amuse its listeners.