We Should Buy A Movie Theater!

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In this episode, the hosts of "Distractible" humorously discuss the intricacies and challenges of potentially buying and operating a movie theater.

Episode Summary

In this light-hearted episode, the hosts explore the nostalgic charm and business aspects of running a movie theater. They delve into different reasons why someone might consider buying a theater, touching upon the romanticized view of film exhibition versus the stark realities of the cinema business. Through a series of amusing anecdotes and hypothetical scenarios, the hosts discuss everything from the selection of movies, dealing with patrons, to the economics of concession stands. The conversation blends humor with insightful observations on how cinemas have evolved and the impact of streaming services on traditional movie-going experiences.

Main Takeaways

  1. The appeal of owning a movie theater is often romanticized.
  2. Practical challenges include high maintenance costs and the need for strategic film selection.
  3. Concession stands are a significant revenue stream for theaters.
  4. The impact of digital streaming services has transformed traditional movie-going.
  5. Community and nostalgia are powerful factors in the enduring allure of theaters.

Episode Chapters

1: Dreaming Big

The hosts discuss their personal connections to movie theaters and why the idea of owning one is appealing. They share memories and what a theater represents to them personally. Mark Fischbach: "There's something magical about the silver screen experience that you just can't replicate at home."

2: Harsh Realities

This section covers the economic and logistical challenges of running a theater, such as upkeep costs and technological upgrades. Wade Barnes: "You think popcorn is just popcorn, but it's actually the golden ticket in cinema economics."

3: Modern Cinema

Discussion on how streaming has changed movie consumption and what it means for future theater owners. Bob Muyskens: "Nowadays, you're competing with every living room – not just other theaters."

Actionable Advice

  1. Conduct thorough market research before investing in a theater.
  2. Consider innovative ways to enhance the movie-going experience.
  3. Focus on community-building activities to draw regular patrons.
  4. Explore diverse revenue streams, such as special events and screenings.
  5. Maintain a strong online presence to engage with potential customers.

About This Episode

Buckle up, grab your popcorn, and call the best lawyer you know. Because it's time for a Distractible Road Trip to the movies!


Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, Bob Muyskens





Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:



Mark Fischbach
I can confidently leave my cards at home because I have my iPhone. From grabbing my morning matcha to catching a ride to the office, or from picking up lunch with friends to picking up the tab at happy hour, I simply tap with Apple Pay easily. Add your cards in the wallet app and you're ready. Just double click the side button, smile for Face ID, and tap to pay. It's as easy as looking in the mirror.

Wade Barnes
With each tab, your card number and your purchases stay secured. Pay the Apple way with your compatible device anywhere. Contactless payment is accepted. This episode is brought to you by 711. You guys like frozen tasty treats?

Mark Fischbach
Yes. Not when you say it like that. I like it more when you say it like that. Do you like frozen tasty treats? Ah, yeah.

Wade Barnes
I'm talking about seven eleven's $1 small slurpee drink with seven rewards. Okay, is it just one flavor? Oh, it's not one flavor. They got all kinds of flavors. Cherry blue, raspberry, peach candy, lemonade, Coca Cola, pina colada, not to mention mixing them.

The classic, like cherry blue raspberry mix. How do I get this? Where do I get this? 711. How do you spell it?

Bob Muyskens
How do you count it? 711. It's actually dash, but whatever. Is it dash? It's Dash.

Mark Fischbach
If you're going, can you bring me one? Can you get me maybe Coca Cola mixed with, like, pina colada? That's pretty good. I just like the blue. Can you give me a blue?

Wade Barnes
Yeah, blue raspberry. Yeah. Visit 711 valid through 1725. That's January 7, 2025. 711 has the right to end this promotion early plus tax.

Participating us stores the app for full terms. All rights reserved. This episode is brought to you by accounting plus. Here's a story that's 100% true, and it's about how accounting is a great choice of career. Here's the facts.

Mark Fischbach
With accounting, you'll have flexibility, great pay, and the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed of. It's a lifestyle that's less math and spreadsheets and more traveling, personal and professional growth, and making a positive impact on your family and community. Wanna start an exciting new chapter? Accounting plus provides free resources that will help guide you to a successful career in accounting and personal freedom. Do more live more.

Bob Muyskens
Visit joinaccountingplus.com. good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to distractable. This episode, the distractable road trip baseless Bob the cheery chauffeur wants to know your habitation hardlines marginalized Mark echoes from the cheap seats and proposes naked communism, theatre capture. Well spoken raid. Ghost shotgun gets golden ideas, facial water sports, and movie massage.

Moments from wild geese to parades and punjaculation. Yes, it's time for we should buy a movie theater. Now, sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show. Hello, everybody, and welcome to yet another episode of your favorite podcast, filming like we always do from inside my car. I'm apparently the host today.

Mark Fischbach
I forgot that was happening. But it's okay, because clearly we have a really specific plan in mind, because we're doing this, and I'm the host because I won, because that's how the game works, and I'm the best. And other boastful things. Joined in person inside this car by mark and Wade, today's competitors, I guess. Conspirators, I think, is.

Wade Barnes
Oh, God, where am I? The gimbal locked. It flipped to the front. Oh, hey. Hey.

How's it going, everyone? I could very easily just have us both in frame, but I'm going to make it difficult. Yep. All right, so we're revealing what we're. Doing, or I guess where we're going is kind of what we're doing.

Bob Muyskens
You guys know how Wade is, right? So, Wade, always late to the party, right? Always a little bit behind. I really don't know how you're avoiding all of this blame. I come visit to see my friends and to get the latest scoop on the sitch in Cincinnati.

Right? That's what I do. And he gives me the lowdown that there was an auction that was going on. So if you aren't from Cincinnati, you don't know this, but there was a theater called, and they went out of business, and it was up for auction. And so wig got me all excited.

He was talking up this plan about all. There's seven theaters. Oh. It's a 37,000 square foot location. Oh, man.

Built on five acres right next to a new wall. All the equipment was there, included in the auction. Little did I know it had already sold. Hey, Bob, can I rebut with my version of this story? Let Mark finish.

Mark Fischbach
Let him cook. Yeah, let me finish. Are you done? No, I'm not done. I'm not done until the deed is done.

Wade Barnes
You're on my camera now, too. I don't even know if we could pretend to be in the form of a podcast for this. What do you mean? Look, all I'm saying is that our dreams were dashed. We're gonna go there to the movie theater, and we're gonna see what's up, and we're gonna see what can be done about this injustice that Wade has perpetuated upon all of us.

This thing does not like me. You're just doing your own thing. I swear you are. Oh, it goes up and down, too. I was just like, pure crotch cam for a minute.

Mark Fischbach
Tell your side of the story, bud. All right, my side of the story. We finished recording a podcast episode, I thought a few weeks ago. Bob said, like, a month, month and a half ago. And I brought up the fact.

Wade Barnes
I was like, man, remember that theater with, like, the recliners and stuff? They're closed. And he was like, oh, man, that's crazy. One of us looked it up. I think it was actually him.

Looked it up and was like, actually, it's on, like, auction right now. And I was like, oh, that's cool. I wonder, like, you know, what's left? We were looking about it, talking about it. It was just kind of the end.

Mark was working on, I don't know, his pedicure. He was doing something for the last couple of years. I don't know what. But he was all like, guys, I. Would love to talk to my friends outside of work, but I'm really busy.

Bob Muyskens
Can't stay. Gotta go. We're like, dude, but I just wanna see how you actually work. You gotta run. Click.

Wade Barnes
Like, all right, well, I guess Mark's gone. Bob, you wanna chat for. You know. That's how it went. I feel like that's an unfair characterization of me.

I don't know why I'm holding the camera at you when you talk. You have your own. We forgot about the conversation. Long story short, we're like, oh, it's on auction. Millions of dollars.

Whatever else. Four and a half million dollars. A lot of millions of dollars. It's been out for a few years. So it's like, I wonder how good it is.

Whatever. Interesting. And I forgot about the topic. Mark's in town now, and we brought it up. I made the horrible mistake of bringing it up.

Therefore, all the blame got shifted to me for not telling him earlier because I guess he was just gonna buy a movie theater. No, we were gonna go in on it. That's right, comrade. We were going to be those. Why do you keep saying comrade?

Bob Muyskens
It's a very capitalist move. Because it's our theater, comrade. That doesn't make any sense. I don't know. Anyway, my story is, Bob and I both knew.

Wade Barnes
Neither one of us told Mark, and it's gone now. But, like, sour grape back there, like, no, not letting it go. Neither one of us told Mark. But then one of us told Mark when it was too late for him to do anything. Yeah, exactly.

No, I made the mistake of being the one to bring it up. That is my crime. Well, you guys were so on board with the idea before we understood that it was not for sale anymore. But it would have been our future. It would have been the best thing for us.

Mark Fischbach
Yeah, we were all, like, looking at our bank accounts, like, all right, what do we need to do? Where are we moving the money? And then everything was torn away from. Us because this is sending into the wrong one. Well, we're in blue ash, though, aren't?

Bob Muyskens
No, blue Ash is up north. But no, it would have been a future. It had seven screens. Two of them were Dolby Atmos. Didn't have, like, twelve screens.

Seven? I thought twelve. It was seven. That many screens isn't a. Hey, over here.

Wade Barnes
Oh, I'm over here. Why, are you having trouble? Oh, man, we almost committed. Goose aside. Goose.

Mark Fischbach
Goose, you silly goose. Stop that. Geese. Mark, you were wrong. This is taking us to the right place.

Bob Muyskens
No, it's not taking to the right place. This is where it was taking us. What currently still is taking us. No, that doesn't make any sense. We're currently in blue Ash.

Wade Barnes
Maybe if we get on the five and take it down to Ventura Boulevard. Oh, hey, the gps says I should turn around. Oh, I don't know. What, you just changed its mind? I thought you were Cincinnati, man.

I don't know if I know how to hold a camera. I'm sorry. Everyone's watching. You are literally a youtuber. Why am I looking at Bob for?

While I talk? Everyone always thinks, oh, it'll be fun to be friends with these guys. Don't look at me. This is the kind of cat that place is called mcging dancers. Can I just say that?

Bob Muyskens
McGing dancer, maybe mcGing. I'll show you guys, it's right there. Please don't hurt my ribs. There we go. Okay, I don't know where the hell.

We are, but either way, that's not the point. The point is we had dreams. We had dreams. He gave me dreams. And then he killed the dreams.

Mark Fischbach
Wade purposefully gave Mark dreams that he knew would die the moment mark realized they were his dreams. Yeah, I zoned out. What would you guys just how much more? I'm not on your team when we're recording things. You might be right that I'm biased.

Bob Muyskens
Against you, but, Wade. Yeah. Wouldn't you like. Oh, sorry. Wouldn't you like to own a movie theater.

Mark Fischbach
Imagine we own a movie theater. You walk in, you're king of the movie theater. Yeah. Grab popcorn out of the thing with your bare hand. Yeah, yeah.

Would you like that? Doesn't that sound good? Okay, you know what sounds better is having a job where I don't have to leave my house like I do now. No, it's not a job. We're currently not at your house.

Wade Barnes
Yeah, but like, mark visits once every five years. He's like the Cicada plague. I feel like that. I'm talking about you. You didn't hear that?

Minus one. Minus one what? Yeah, you gotta mute yourself when you do that way, dude. Yeah, talk all into the audience. Is that where usually happens?

Mark Fischbach
Yeah. I was whispering to Bob, we have. A back channel discord. We talk a lot of shit about you while we're. But imagine at a movie theater, you could have game nights on the movie screens.

I'm with you, Mark. You could have a land park. Owning a movie theater sounds awesome. Is awesome. It's like everyone's dream.

Bob Muyskens
Think about liminal. That place will be at night when no one else is there. What do you do? Other than you pick what movies you show. Yeah.

Mark Fischbach
And what kind of candy you put in the contest. And it has a restaurant. Every theater. Okay, the restaurant, sure. But every theater has the same movies and the same candy.

No, but it wouldn't be. Every theater would. We would have some good ones. Yeah. We wouldn't have.

Wade Barnes
Oh, yeah. The other new releases that people don't know about. No, no, I thought you meant candies. We would have interesting candies. Oh, okay.

I thought you meant the other movies. Go hunt down interesting independently made police. Look away other independent candies such as butterfingers. Yo, you're such a negative nancy. You were about the idea actually in the dinner that we were at.

Bob Muyskens
I don't know why, when the camera comes on, you become a different person. You were in. I was pretty like, let me question this and make sure it's a good idea. What, question it now. I was questioning it, but non negative.

Mark Fischbach
You're not questioning it, you're just dismissing it. Well, it's gone. The opportunity is gone. We're entertaining it. Okay, so we're taking out big loans to go into a theater.

Wade Barnes
Are theaters like smart investments now? Theaters are an always up industry. Always up. And I know it doesn't look great if you look at numbers, maybe right now for theaters, but that's not indicative of the whole. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bob Muyskens
And think of it this way. You've got the restaurant. No one who's ever opened a restaurant has ever gone out of business. Restaurants are basically guaranteed money, 100%. Your guys answer is, do not fill me with confidence because you the same tone as when you're like, oh, yeah, wait, I'm sure Shakira loves your videos.

Mark Fischbach
I've never said that. I've never said that at all. Yeah, okay, well, I've heard you say it in my dreams. Why would we be saying it and not Shakira? Say, in your dreams, I love your videos.

She aims low even in wait streams. He's like, I'd never be in the same room as Shakira. You guys are being a little too real right now. Oh, okay, we're sorry. We'll tone it down a bit.

I'm sure Shakira would love your videos if she knew who you were. They're pretty awful. I don't know why she would. What if you could partly own a movie theater without having to do any of the work? If I could get all of the reward without any of the risk or investment, I would love that.

Okay, one of those things is pretty possible. Is it true you could get all of the reward? The other part of that is not possible, but you could definitely get all the reward there is to be had. Just what's the interest rate on a loan for? I don't know, $2 million or whatever.

You heard interest rates on commercial properties are at, like, an all time low. Some kind of record or something. Don't check that again. That's another one of those tones that makes me more and more confident in this plan. All right, what's a good tone, mister?

Tone? Police? I don't know. Honesty. All right?

I don't know that that's not true. I don't believe it's true. I just had to get a mortgage not long ago, and it wasn't commercial. But, man, was it high. You don't know what I'm even talking about.

Wade Barnes
Do you know what you're even talking about? Because I've looked into this in depth and Mark and I are going to buy a movie theater. Only you're out. Listen, dear audience chat. Viewers, esteemed guests.

I do not know the life of me still, if they are serious about this or not. I have not been able to tell for a week now. If we. Hi. What would we.

Bob Muyskens
What would you want and make your theater. What would you want to make your theater? Yours. Like your theater. If you were going to a theater as a customer, what things would set it apart?

Mark Fischbach
What would you want to do to make it the experience. Okay. I've not been to that many different theaters, but I do know the leather reclining seats are fantastic. Pressing a button to be able to get popcorn, drinks, and food brought to your seat. Awesome restaurant.

Wade Barnes
Good food. Like, a variety of food. Where people would want to go to the restaurant independently of the theater even. Cause the food's just that good. Good staff.

Bob Muyskens
Seems like you know everything there is. To run a theater. Good parking, no drive through. A drive through theater. Here's the.

Wade Barnes
Here's the trailer. Now go. It just plays at a speed that you drive through it slow. It's normal. But if you go fast, it's like.

Mark Fischbach
A car wash. At the beginning, there's a guy who's like, run time is 87 minutes. So really take your time. Maybe pop it in neutral. You go too fast, we can't get it back for you.

So, you know, someone goes in accidentally, like, floors it, like, oh, man, I saw 30 seconds of shallow Hal. Yes. Shallow howl. Back in theaters. It's being remastered.

Look forward to that. The top new movies. I haven't seen shallow Hal in ages. I forgot it existed. See, if you have your own movie theater, you could put shallow hall, right?

Bob Muyskens
You could put it in the drive through or the main stage. Dude, I like the idea of a drive through movie theater where as they're handing you your food, someone just gives you, like, a 32nd summary of the movie. Yeah, I want a number four. And I'd like a summary of the new space jam, please. Some guy talks to you.

Mark Fischbach
Lebron. Space cartoons. Aliens. Aliens are winning. Oh, I mentioned this if we first started talking about it.

Wade Barnes
What if we treated the movie theater like fallout treats their vaults where each one has a different experiment going on? Yes. So, like, this is an idea. One theater, we put in, like, laughing gas. We just pump in one theater.

We have all of the annoying, loud talking people to, like, see how your experience is with all of them in one place. Right? Yeah, it'll be like, whenever you have, like, an Uber rating or something, like, you'll have, like, a four star movie person. You have to have, like, a social capital account with our movie to dictate which theater you're allowed to go into. I mean, I don't think that's a terrible idea.

Yeah, you have, like, a seat map, and on the seat map, you can, like, tap someone's seat and give them, like, a five star rating. A one star rating. Can one of the theaters be, like, standing room only? It's for people that watch movies by pacing around, like in the back of the kitchen when everyone's watching tv in the living room. It's like that airline where you have to stand up for the whole flight.

Mark Fischbach
One of the theaters is the seats. You're just like sardines, but it's a really cheap experience. One is a pool. You're just in the water while you watch. Oh, that one sounds good.

Wade Barnes
One's like the driving experience where it's all the back of, like, all the seats are just the backs of pickup trucks. You drive to the theater, park your car, go inside, climb inside another car. Actually, it's a service. You park your car, then they will drive your car inside. You got the comfort of your own car.

Bob Muyskens
And then when you're done with movie, just drive on out. You actually have to re valet, though. The valet moves your car back outside. You go back up to where you parked it. Yeah, we'll make a killing on tips because we won't give tips to the valet guys.

We'll. No, tips are for the house, which means I keep them. One. We can just give, like, free candy and just see how everyone feels at the end of, like, it's like a really long movie, but you have free candy. What if it's like, candy gets drip fed like, a hamster water bottle?

You know, just enough to keep them in there if it drops a water. Bottle, you'd, like, lick the ball bearing to get your candy. That's the one where you got to play, like, the worst movies, though. Like, that's one of the movies you can't sell a single ticket to. You put in the kit, the free candy theater.

Mark Fischbach
And people are like, well, I mostly come for the candy ever. Oh, they took down the tarp. No. Good for them. Yeah, good for them to see a business succeed.

Bob Muyskens
Ah, yeah, that's so good. They took the tarp down. I was wondering if any of the people watching this are, like, at the theater waiting for us. Then I realized it's not in real time. Guys don't come out when we're streaming these live recordings that get edited and posted later.

Mark Fischbach
Also, I just want to say their bright green sign is really droopy, and it looks like it says, how open? Shallow. How open? Whoa. We should get another sign next to it that just says full open.

That's how open. Also, I gave up on switching this thing back and forth. I'm just holding it where we're both on it now. That's fine. That's fine.

Wade Barnes
And Mark can occasionally pop in and appear on our camera, too. Hi. Hello. Think of how good of a deal this was. They got a steal of a deal.

Bob Muyskens
And I know there's probably going to be someone that works there or, like, one of the investors that's going to follow this podcast and listen to this and hear. Hear us. But I mean, like, man, they got a freaking good deal. Holy driveway. Aren't there other businesses that would be, like, good deals to invest in?

What do you mean? This is the only. Oh, my God. Okay. The water.

Yeah. More of a thing than I remember. Yeah, full on show that. This is big swans over there on the lake. Yeah.

Mark Fischbach
And there's geese's. Oh, they're real. That might be a fake swan back there. Let's find out. Enhance.

Wade Barnes
Yeah. Zoom and enhance. Enhance. Man, my life would be so changed if I owned a movie theater. There's other movies you could build.

Bob Muyskens
Name one. Milford. Whoa. We're looping. We're looping.

Mark Fischbach
I'm not going into anyone else's private property. Just no trucks. You guys never had the desire to own a movie? This. I never thought about it.

Not specifically a movie theater, but I. Like seeing them, like. Yes. And actually specifically a restaurant. And there is a restaurant here, so that really scratches that itch for me.

Yeah. I am surprised that they're open. And also, I mean, what's today? It's a weekday, but they don't seem very open. Well, they had a soft open on Memorial Day, and then, you know, they're not gonna do the restaurant or the food to the seat thing.

Wade Barnes
They're already letting us down. I didn't say he said, but because I originally got that experience from here, and I think they got it from Alamo Drafthouse and, like, you know, Austin, Texas, places, they did that. Maybe not first, but it was kind of the idea of you ring a button and you have servers come to your seat in the theater. It's made it a much better experience, because one of the things I liked about this place is that you could get, like, full on food, and it was good. You could have a whole meal delivered to your seat.

And they did it, like, during the previews. Typically. Typically, people didn't have a lot of stuff delivered during the movie because you'd think that would be, like, annoying. But, like, the waiters, like, they had to be pretty nimble. They must have put you take an obstacle course to hire you because you had to, like, duck and, like, weave and not block the screen while you were, like, bringing checks and stuff at the.

Bob Muyskens
But they're not gonna do that here. And they were on roller skates. Yeah. They were on jet packs, actually. That would really disrupt a movie.

Wade Barnes
They had silencers on them. Theater full of people. There's a corn dog. Hey, they're going. They're doing that.

Mark Fischbach
That's the world's most powerful. Shush. How many people watching would move to Cincinnati and go to a movie every day? If we had a theater here? Why do I have to do that?

Yeah, why is there so many. How many people would go to a movie if we had a movie theater here, like, once? That's not very profitable. I don't think expecting people to move for our movie theater is very realistic. Why wouldn't you just ask them for some equivalent amount of money it would cost them to move?

What if I phrase it this way? If there was a chance that any of the three of us, or all of the three of us might be here at any moment, what's the likelihood you would go from a pretty far distance to go to see a movie here as opposed to anywhere else? What if we did a signing every day for 12 hours a day at the entrance? If it was our movie? You have to watch your movie first.

But once you've seen the movie and bought something from the concession stand, there's a signing every day. All day. Every day. Every day, all day. What if we had, like, our own toilet?

Wade Barnes
So, like, you have the wade toilet, the mark toilet. Was it, like, our mouth, and when you open, it goes. Fades. Is like.

We have our surprise faces on the urinals. Uh huh. Yeah, thumbnail faces. It's like the. We have our face on a thing that's, like the dvd logo.

Mark Fischbach
It, like, moves around just as, like, a target. Yeah. Yeah, that could be fun. Do you want to piss on this? Maybe we shouldn't go into business with weed.

Wade Barnes
What do you mean? I've got golden ideas. Oh, now you want the movie theater. Now you. If I can have my face on a toilet seat, that's all I've ever wanted.

Bob Muyskens
Is that really the bar for the thing? That's good. That's. That was the stuff. The tipping point.

Okay. Would not have guessed that. We could probably make that happen. I'm fine with that. Maybe Shakira would come watch a movie.

Mark Fischbach
Here just to piss on Wade's face. Maybe. I don't want to be part of this conversation. Well, not like, actually, my feeling. There's disparagement happening.

Wade Barnes
Wade, the person doesn't want urine, but Wade, the toilet seat, would totally take it. How thin is the line between Wade the person toilet seat. What's the division there? One's me and one's a toilet seat. Yeah.

Bob Muyskens
It's like, you know the Personas you got me, worf staff. This is not a Persona. I do not want to have a toilet seat Persona. Toilet weighed, hair weighed, toilet seat. I'm a lot more creative than mark.

Wade Barnes
He's always people. I can be an eminent object. Anything. Look at me, I'm dark, I'm medium rare plier. I don't know why all of this in my head made me think of this.

Mark Fischbach
But you think there's a bidet that exists where when you activate it and it starts spraying, it makes a sneeze noise, like somebody just sneezed on your underside from inside. Bidets are shotgun blasts. No, but still, if that happened, if you sat down at a friend's house and you. And you were like, oh, you slipped it and he was like, came from inside the toilet, you would laugh. I was thinking more if the toilet makes pissing noises when it hits you with a bidet, so you think you're being peed back on.

Bob Muyskens
What do you think piss sounds like, man? No, the toilet is like, I was holding that. Can you imagine if people have long sneezes?

Mark Fischbach
Would it be like singing, or would it be like a series of noises? Well, I mean, it could be more than just ah Chu. There could be other noises.

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Anyway, so when are we gonna buy this? Yeah, when are we gonna buy this? When this one fails, I guess because they don't deliver food to the seats. Anyone else noticed another car pull up right next to us and just sit in the parking lot? Awkward.

Wade Barnes
Yeah. They're doing a vlog about taking over this business. Just go, dog. They're like, dunk, dunk, dunk. Hey, you guys talking about buying this theater?

Mark Fischbach
We saw it first. We're competing movie theater, wanting podcast. What if we got all of the listeners to chip in and we all bought this movie theater? It's not for sale. What if I feel like you're ignoring the bigger picture here, Wade?

Then everyone is a. Is an invested. What's. How much is a share of? So it's our theater, comrade.

Bob Muyskens
Yes. How much is a sheriff and friends theater presented by Markiplier? What would be fair? Well, I think there's different. There's different scales, right?

Mark Fischbach
Like, it could be like, $5, and a lot of people would be into it, but then, you know, no individualist is super invested. Could be more like a. Then you're kind of. You're kind of. You're kind of in.

Wade Barnes
We divide 1% of the business into all of their shares. That's how you make money. That'd be a hell of a 1% of our business for $5 million. That's a $500 million valuation right there. That's a hell of a.

You think we can get on the shark tank and make that pitch? I think. I think Cuban would definitely go for this. Yeah. When you can go on, you represent us.

Open cardboard cutouts. Oh, you're going with me one way or another. This this this theater, I think, sold for $4.3 million. Right. Okay.

Bob Muyskens
We divide that into $100 shares. So we have 43,000 shares. Correct. You've already lost me 43,000. Right.

So we just need 43,000 of our loyalist listeners. Who want to be rich. So rich, in fact, that we'll all have to take turns working at the movie theater for free. To make sure it's a thriving, successful business. Oh, that's smart.

Mark Fischbach
You'll be so rich, you won't even be concerned about that. Yeah. You'll be ready to work for free. Just because you'd be so bored of being so rich. And we don't know when the money will come in.

Wade Barnes
It might be like your great great grandchildren that get paid, but somebody will get paid. This is generational wealth. This is like if your grandparents had bought apple stock back in the day. And then handed in 1920. If my grandpappy had bought apple stock at the turn of the 20th century.

I feel like if I was the owner here and I saw us out here doing this, I'd call the police. Yeah. I think that we're probably. This is probably not good for us. I've been scanning the mirrors.

Mark Fischbach
I don't think any of the guys who are doing that. What was that big bang? Oh, God. Could have been that motorcycle. Could have been a shotgun.

No, it was like a door. It just. Hey, that car is leaving too. Where would that car come from? Behind us.

I feel less good about it. I think we gotta get out of here. The longer we do it. Yeah. We gotta get outta here.

Okay. Is there any other cinemas for sale in Cincinnati? You would know, but you're not gonna tell me until it's gone. Why am I the expert on. You live here.

Bob Muyskens
If you get me a theater, I'll move back. Wait. Can we tell this story, though? Cause this actually, that brings up probably the funniest thing that's happened to me in person in a little while. The parade story.

Wade Barnes
Oh, God. That was the fun. This is completely aside. We went to dinner the other night. We all hung out, and Amy and Molly and Mandy were there.

Mark Fischbach
James Cameron came. It was fun. We had, like, a big dinner. Everyone except for Mark and Amy. Was there.

And at some point, Mark texted and was like, we're on the way. There's a parade. All the roads are show. It was a voice message. And he's like, wade, why didn't you tell me about this parade?

Wade Barnes
Why did you? Yeah. And Wade was like, I don't know about. Why would I know about parades? I don't know this thing.

Mark Fischbach
But. And so all this time, Mark is, like, complaining, and it's, like, a whole bit, and then, I don't know, everything's going on, and they get there, and Mark is like, you should have told us about the parade, you bastard. Oh, I. Why would I? Oh, it's frontier day.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's right. It was frontier day. You actually did know about the day.

Wade Barnes
Oh, yeah. Molly told me. She was like, oh, you knew about the parade because something ratted you out? Yeah, exactly. The whole dinner, it was like.

Bob Muyskens
Like you kept saying, why would you know? You don't live there anymore. Well, I didn't know till you were on the way. And I forgot that I knew on the way. And then Molly said that you had just told what your mom about from.

Wade Barnes
My mom had told me because she wanted to go down there and get. A brat and a beer just before I got there. Like, on the way to that restaurant. Yeah. I also didn't know that in order to get to the restaurant, you were taking some weird fifth century back road.

I was, like, going Ohio. I went through old Milford, which is the path from my mom's house to there. Oh, you know what? I went to your mom's house. I didn't go through that.

Bob Muyskens
You chose to go the highway route. That's what you should have done. Hmm. Hindsight, huh? You criticizing my mom's living situation?

Yeah. That is the one mistake you will live to regret. I don't know how that's the conclusion you drew out of everything I said. But you know what? You will live to rue this.

Wade Barnes
At least I'll live. You will die to rue. You will rue so hard you will pay. Are you gonna rue me to death? Oh, you're gonna be rude today?

Bob Muyskens
Maybe by me. I thought I was the one being rude. Being kind of rude guy. You didn't let him finish the sentence. I don't want him to finish the sentence.

He wants to jump in with his jokes, even if we are in the middle of it. Hey, I see a joke I'm going for. It doesn't matter when what you're saying. Someone else is holding it in the palm of their hand. Can I rat Ethan out a lot for that?

He did the same thing all the time. And then afterwards, when I would, like, reference that joke, he's like, hey, that's my joke. And I'm like, you literally snatched it out from it. There's video evidence of tons of live. Streams where I do steal a lot of jokes.

Wade Barnes
No, him. You. Him. No. That was one of my favorite dynamics of redacted.

Mark Fischbach
You would be doing something or clearly about to do something, and Ethan would just either start doing exactly what you were clearly about to do, or say the punchline of the thing that you had just been talking about for little seconds. That redacted. I thought you meant the tour. I was like, why do you call it redacted? You mean redacted?

What the fuck am I driving towards? Oh, yeah, don't go that way. Uh oh. I don't want to go. Uh oh.

Bob Muyskens
Don't worry. Show it. That's like that scene in a movie where, like, there's clearly about to be a hijacking, where they're, like, redirecting the traffic a certain way because the road is just so completely not passable. So the people escorted the vip have to turn where the ambush is waiting. We could pretend like there's gunshots and we're being shot at.

Mark Fischbach
We're rolling down the hill. Oh, they got ball. Hang on, I gotta show off the balls. That's a parking garage. Oh, they got safety balls.

Bob Muyskens
Nice balls. I just think that we need to have a plan for when this podcast eventually collapses. You keep implying that lately. What the hell's happening? I mean, it's.

Mark Fischbach
It's in the car. It's. You can see it. All right? I mean, you could just, like, get rich and give Bob and I money.

Bob Muyskens
Why not? That's a good opportunity for Bob and. I. Yeah, I guess I'm okay with that, if that's an option. Is that on the table?

Not really. Not really, is it? No. What if we vote? I feel like it's two to two to one here.

Wade Barnes
Yeah, that's true. We got another council episode where two thirds majority wins. Interesting. That's a straight expert. Listen, Wade, I didn't know.

Mark Fischbach
You know, two of us are trying desperately for one outcome, and the third guy. No, except that's actually. That's really funny. Like, competitive, three headed. Are you really.

Bob Muyskens
You really would just want me to give you my hard earned money? Yeah. I mean, if you guys were ever in dire straits, I would. You know, I would. I'm bald.

Wade Barnes
I look like this man. I'll help. I can get. Listen, if you guys were in dire straits, I would. I would help you out.

What defines dire? No money. What are straights, like, in our account or, like, no money, period? Straights are the circumstances with which you find yourself. And no money.

Bob Muyskens
No car. Well, you don't have a car. Yeah. Wait's halfway there. Well, me to buy you a car.

Wade Barnes
Do I get to pick the car? No, I still would take that deal. That's probably. He's either gonna buy you, like. Like, a Tesla or Lamborghini or something.

You have very different expectations than me. I'm expecting, like, a used murder vehicle where, like, the body's still in it. Just saying. It could go either way. It's either gonna be, like, very high end.

Mark Fischbach
The barrel. The barrel. It makes a good. The barrels. The barrel.

Wade Barnes
Oh, the barrel. Mark's fan. It makes a good. It makes a good video or good story either way, so. You know what, Mark?

Sure. All right, cool. I'll help you work on it. I fixed air conditioning today in a car that was pretty impressive. Is that the back half of this episode?

Mark Fischbach
Are we taking Wade car shopping for the car? Marks gonna buy him? Yeah. Do you want it? What car do you want?

Wade Barnes
So I get to pay? I don't know. If we drive around and find a car that's, like, for sale with it written on the side, I'll get it for you. Okay. Can we go to Indian Hill?

Mark Fischbach
No. Plus, there's no way in hell. They would not park their car in the front yard sale. If someone came in, let's say you had a car, and someone came to your house, knocked on your door, and said, like, I will pay any price for your car, would you do that? Would I sell it?

Bob Muyskens
Yeah. If it was, like, a good price? Yeah. Like, way more than it was worth? Yeah, dude, probably.

Wade Barnes
Why would I care that much about my car? What about your house? Okay, well, there'd be some stipulations. I have time to move my stuff out. But, like, if they offer me, like, double the price of my house, yeah, they can have it.

Bob Muyskens
Okay, what about a movie theater? Yeah, they can buy my movie theater. So if we walk in there with double the price they paid for. For the movie theater, we're on the. Other side of this all of a sudden.

Mark Fischbach
You're right, Mark. All we have to do is make him an offer they can't refuse. What about your dogs? Oh, that's tougher. I don't know if I want to lose my dogs.

Bob Muyskens
Million dollars. Would you do it?

Wade Barnes
Yes, we are. Right now. Wait, wait. Are your ass first. I would not.

I would not. Per dog million per. No to. I don't think so. Look, I'm comfortable.

Like, I don't need a whole lot of money, like. And I know that, like, I would just regret it. And what would I do with the money that I'm not already doing right now? Play video games and cry? Cuz you don't have a duck.

Mark Fischbach
You started way higher. And then I would have said yes already. So 50k. All right, let's start. Million go down.

That's why we didn't go this way. No, wait, this is a different. Yeah, go straight million. You would? Yes.

Oh, yeah. No. Oh, okay. Wait, wait, then. Two and a half.

It was a joke, Mark. I would. Oh, come on. I probably have a price. What would your price for Henry be?

Bob Muyskens
Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's priceless. But a billion dollars would be pretty compelling. I mean, that's a whole other scale. It would have to be like a billion dollars in cash sitting in front of me where they were like, take it inside, count it.

Mark Fischbach
Look, make sure it's real currency. And then, you know, once you're all happy with that, that maybe I'll take the dogs. Even if there was a number, I would still have to make sure it was like a family that would take good care of them. And it wasn't like a hot dog factory or something. Nah, they're gonna.

Bob Muyskens
They're gonna eat them. Oh. Cause wiener dogs got it. Yeah. Yeah.

Wade Barnes
You never do know what's in those hot dogs. All right, so I know a lot of people out there. Probably. No, I would never. But I'm like, you would.

Bob Muyskens
Honestly, I wonder who could turn down. A $1 billion actual pile of a billion dollars. Even a million sitting in front of you. Even $100,000. If someone actually had that set done in front of them for their dog, like, you'd have to think most people.

Mark Fischbach
Would probably know a million. It's hard to. To quantify. A hundred thousand. I feel like one probably looks less impressive than we're imagining.

And two, even if that was the amount it was in cash in front of me, I would look at that and be like, no, I don't think so. But it has to be like an unfathomable amount of money. Like, a billion dollars is like, you could just give everyone, you know, a million dollars and it wouldn't really bother you. Yeah. Oh, you know, there's a plot of land up here, up on the right that is for sale near buckle up.

Bob Muyskens
That's used to be an airport, so actually, they've done a lot of nice development over here. Is that what that is? I've always wondered what that tower. It's an observation tower. Now you can go up there and you can look over the area.

It's apparently very pretty. You look over the area, which appears to be hotels and office parks. They're trying to build it up a bit, but again, you know. You know, I used to work over here. I used to drive this all the time.

Oh, you worked at this ice? Yeah, since I was over here. This is all nice to work at. Well, the more, you know, you could be back here working in a movie theater, you do have retirement plans, right? Movie theater wasn't part of it, but, yeah, my retirement plan was 15 more years of distractible.

That's a real laugh, man. That's a real. Ten more years of YouTube and 16 years of streaming. Are those additives? Are those, like 15 podcasts, then 16 streams served concurrently.

Okay, so what if it all comes crumbling down in a year and a half? Well, I guess I hope I've done well enough putting stuff away for now to get me to whatever is next. So what better time to dump it all into a movie theater? I don't know if that's how retirement plans work. I don't think you take it all out and dump it into something else.

I think plenty of people do. Nothing makes your savings safer than converting it from an imaginary number you look at on an app on your phone into a real building. Yeah. A pile of brick and mortar that can only go up in value and will earn untold amounts of money. Yes, untold.

Wade Barnes
Because I have, like, a financial advisor, we have a whole plan in place. And they haven't talked to you about the movie theater situation? No. I feel like you should fire them again. I told them that we were talking about it, and he replied, lol.

Bob Muyskens
About the movie theater. Yes. I can't bring this up earlier. You're so right. That's the rest of the message.

Wade Barnes
There was no rest of the message. That was the next. The next day he was like, actually, on second thought, did he quit? Did he steal your money before you could blow it on a movie theater and run? He could have, I guess.

I wouldn't know. You think I checked the app? Yeah. Apparently you don't. So.

Bob Muyskens
All right, that is concerning. I just. I do want to say that. That we were talking. I forget what we were talking about.

Wade Barnes
I checked it all. We were talking. And we were talking about, like, our bank account balance or something. Came up getting paid and. Oh, yeah, that's right.

Bob Muyskens
Yeah. I didn't know we got talking about stuff. You actually just don't even ever check that, you know, just have a peek. Just make sure. I usually get email updates when there's like, big account changes, like getting paid or paying or whatever.

So big account changes, like a regular monthly deposit going in. I do. Look, occasionally I looked for like a week. I got stuff to do, man. I don't have time to watch that.

Mark Fischbach
Play a lot of mobile games. I feel like you could work in some bank account checking. I just play dokon and flow free. That's where there's a bunch of dots. You have to, like, draw and connect them and work them around the other dots.

Wade Barnes
There's like red, yellow, green, blue. You could be language learning. Try duolingo. I wish I was sponsored. Every time I talk about when I took classes, it gets longer ago and it makes me sad.

Mark Fischbach
I'm talking about the number of years you could just say I took Spanish a sophomore in high school ago. How old is a sophomore in high school? About 15. Oh, I thought that was pretty self evident, but I should have explained it. Well, I didn't know if you were saying when I was a sophomore or like a sophomore's age ago, a sophomore's.

Age ago, I thought that was gonna be way more obvious. Four score and seven sophomores ago, our four sophomores founded this nation. Four sophomores, more than three freshmen ago would have been a funnier joke. Do the line and then they'll. Yeah, say it again.

Bob Muyskens
It's not the same. No, just do it. Do it with. Here, I'll put this camera on you. Do it.

Mark Fischbach

Wade Barnes
You love cameras. Come on. Oh, come on. We'll be a cody. Big one.

Mark Fischbach
Turn it on, buddy. I'm sure shaking this at you is how you do good camera work.

Wade Barnes
Whoever thought me holding this was a good idea? Good lord, this road. You never been on a hill before. Mister La and not the hill. Do you think the hill was like.

Mark Fischbach
Good Lord, that should be seven, eight degrees of incline. This is a well paved road from what I'm used to right now. I will say La also has some pretty shit roads in terms of bumps and stuff. Absolutely. Yeah.

Wade Barnes
The frequency and quality of paved roads, I feel like has really dwindled back in my day. Frequency. How many unpaved roads do you experience on a daily basis? I was just in, literally the backwoods of Kentucky where they don't have paved roads, and it's like dirt and gravel just on a cliffside with no guardrails or malls or houses. My korean uncle doesn't believe in speed bumps.

They don't exist. What a bold position. Such a physically existing thing. When he was driving us around Korea, we took a trip down to Busan, which is 5 hours away. He took the back road speed bumps the whole time.

Bob Muyskens
We were in the back of a minivan in third row. No suspension in the back. That was the most arduous journey of our lives. Every bump, take it at 50 miles an hour. Heads hit the ceiling every time.

And he would laugh. He laughed every time we hit the ceiling. Yeah. Amy knows about this story because she was there. So if you mention this to her, you'll see this, like, harrowing look on her face.

Because all of us in the back. After the fourth hour of nonstop speed bumps at 50 miles an hour, we were starting to get a little peeved. Meanwhile, where I was at, I told you it was like, the backwoods, but, like, there's just a random, like, three tombstones, like, just in the middle of nowhere. And I was told that that was the former, I think, constable or sheriff. No one really liked him, so he and his family were buried away from everybody there.

Wade Barnes
But, like, there's nothing around. You're, like, an hour deep away from civilization, so I don't even know, like, hospital, police station. I don't know where you would go. Oh, so there's, like, a constable that's just, like, a dude with a badge. Whoa.

Mark Fischbach
For sale. Oh, that's not bad. You think she'd sell that truck? I don't know if that's her truck. Probably a guy on the roof.

Oh, she's got a dog. We think she'd sell it for a million. I don't think I could ride a dog. You want to be those people who make content by just harassing people in public? That'd be cool.

Wade Barnes
Let's go buy, like, graders or UDF or something. Can we? All of graders? Would you like to go in on a franchise? I think we would run a grade franchise.

Dude, there is no fog of chow in Cincinnati. That's a bit different. That's a good one. But there's no bagel place by it where we live. Bagel.

Mark Fischbach
Can I just. Bagel. Can we get, like, a Bruggers franchise or some such? Yes, I would be into that. We could do so good in a franchise.

Bob Muyskens
Remember waking up? That's a weird question to ask. Don't answer that. I've woken up so much. Yeah.

Mark Fischbach
You know. You know about it. I've woken up every day so far. Yeah. Wow.

Wade Barnes
Okay. But think about it. Waking up early, making bagels, making the bacon bagels. Making. You're making a lot of assumptions about me.

Bob Muyskens
You can have the night shift. We beg assumptions. I've got family that owns a donut place here in Cincinnati. Buy it. Basically just bagels.

Wade Barnes
They have, like, three. I think it's called, like, Holtman's. Or think of. If we could. If we did a real franchise, buddy.

Bob Muyskens
Boo. If we did a real franchise. Why'd you kiss it, man? It would be so good. We would have such good business, and our customers would love it because they'd be our fans listening to this right now.

Mark Fischbach
Right, fans? Okay, you guys want our bagels? And I don't mean that as, like, a weird innuendo. I mean, literally, what innuendo is that? Bagels have holes.

Wade Barnes
So do we. A lot of things have holes. It's not an innuendo. It could be. Name one hole that's not an innuendo.

I first thought was butthole. You're right. That's a but. Okay. All right.

Bob Muyskens
Game over. This episode is brought to you by accounting. Plus, here's a story that's 100% true, and it's about how accounting is a great choice of career. Here's the facts. With accounting, you'll have flexibility, great pay, and the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed of.

Mark Fischbach
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distractible. That's r o c k e t m o n dash e dash slash d I s t r a c t I b l e. What a man. Can we. What can we buy?

Wade Barnes
I don't know. You really want to spend some money? No. I want to make an investment into our future so that we have a future. The climate's going to explode.

Bob Muyskens
The political climate's going to explode. We need something that's going to stand the test of time and endure over all the chaos that is inevitable. What are we experts in other than what we already do? You know, what everyone uses? I'm looking over there.

Mark Fischbach
I'm seeing a green sign, a driveway, chains. Can you buy highways? How does that work? Oh, toll road. Toll road.

Can we build a toll road? $16 to go on our road. Oh, man. We would have the. Hey, buddy.

Bob Muyskens
Boo. We would have the best toll road if we would run the best road. You know how much people would love us for having the first Cincinnati toll road? You could pay it. Everyone loves toll roads.

Mark Fischbach
Such a better road experience. Great experience ever, anyone. I mean, they are smooth. People would pay any amount of money. He's stealing.

Wade Barnes
He's on it. That's what. I'm at the very edge of that. So am I. I'm also on the edge of the frame.

Mark's the only one in the middle. I'm driving. You gotta lean in. Hey, wait a minute, buddy. Boom.

Bob Muyskens
What about a hospital? What if we buy a hospital?

Mark Fischbach
Yeah. Our for profit hospital. They're all for profit. Yes. Monsters.

Generally, healthcare is a for profit industry. You don't know. You don't know. Insurance was. I know.

Wade Barnes
Hospitals were, you know, I guess it makes sense because doctors make a lot. Of money, is very expensive, and the system in America is not. Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah. That's part of the core.

Okay. In my brain it was because doctors have to have really good insurance because they get sued for stuff all the time. If you thought we lived in England, I would forgive you because they have the NHS. We could like a health care. Can we have the first for profit hospital?

Bob Muyskens
In England, I guarantee you there's a for profit hospital. Yeah, probably right? Yeah. But, like, they have also, like, can. We just go ruin, like, Canada's health care system?

They're doing that themselves. What if we ran a massage parlor? Okay, okay, okay. Do we have to give the massages at first, yes. So I gotta go learn to be a masseuse.

You don't have to learn anything. Lay down. Strip. Here's some. What is this?

Wade Barnes
Cannoli oil. Probably good.

Bob Muyskens
I mean, I believe it. I believe you're misuse other viewers. I love cannoli oil. Yeah, you look like you love cannoli oil, don't you? I'm gonna sprinkle some tenderizer and barbecue rub on.

Mark Fischbach
You use mustard as a binder here. The aromatherapy hickory wood smoke. Don't worry about it. If you start to smell hawks, don't worry. If it gets warm, it could be the campfire underneath you.

Wade Barnes
I just lit for. For relaxing. It's to make the hot coals. What's the oil called that I thought was cannoli oil? Are you thinking of the cooking oil?

Mark Fischbach
Canola oil. Oh, canola. Which is also not have anything meaningful to do with massage stuff. No, I guess, sure. I don't know how to answer this anymore.

It's called massage oil, I think is the thing you're trying to imagine. No, no. We need some granola. Canola and canola.

Bob Muyskens
It's exfoliating. Don't worry. Basically, you'd be a great mass. All right, maybe not masseuse. I don't know.

Wade Barnes
I'm kind of liking this, the more I think about it. If we could eat our meal on our patients or clients or whatever they're called on them. What are you talking about? We got some granola and some, like, barbecue. All right.

Bob Muyskens
All these ideas were rolling into the ultimate movie theater. Think of if you could have a massage and a movie. And a bagel. And a bagel. Would the movie be under?

Wade Barnes
Because you're, like, faced out, ass up. Other things with holes. The table would be hung from the ceiling and it would be projected onto the floor. It's a two story building. You go upstairs, you get naked.

Mark Fischbach
You walk into the glass floored massage room with a hundred other people. You all lay face down on your massage table. Bagel, speakers. The movie starts playing through the glass floor on the floor of the first floor beneath you. And actually, you can order a prescription for your specific lens floor to be so you don't even have to wear your glasses.

You can fully relax. This is unrelated. I talk about this specific car that we're in a fair amount, and I realize I haven't really showed it. Can we. Can we end this with.

Bob Muyskens
Oh, you want me to do some sweet shots? Can we get some glamour shots of the car and just chuck that in the episode just as, like, for the. For the. All right, I'm on it. Don't worry.

Wade Barnes
I'll roll down my window, which shouldn't help at all.

Bob Muyskens
Carbon fiber wheels. Well, there he is. Is that in focus at that close?

Wade Barnes
Just get out of your system, buddy. Get out of your system. Oh, okay. Is that cool? Yeah.

Bob Muyskens
Oh, Subaru. All right. It's okay. It looked good. Does that look cool?

It looks so cool. Okay. 2.1 amps, a boom. Oh, you got it. Have you seen the ASMR car?

That's what I was doing at the outside. I was like, subaru, Subaru, sub. Have you seen the guy who makes his own, like, duet TikToks, but he has, like, military vehicles, and he'll just be in, like, a Hummer, and the lady will be like, clickety click. Ooh, Bentley. And then he'll just be like, humvee.

Mark Fischbach
Or he'll just be like, we don't have one. Subaru. Oh, don't show the trash file. Come on. Oh, no, it's a reflection.

It's a reflection. It's a reflector. It's a reflection above. It's the reflector. Oh, okay.

It's a sunshade. Yeah, it's a sunshade. Okay, good. Just don't show the trash. I'm not showing the trash.

Okay, good, good. Cause there's, like, dmv stuff there. You don't want that on. No, that's probably personal information. Well, I don't know.

Wade Barnes
Let the viewers decide. Is it. Take a look at this. Is this person information? God, I want that movie theater.

Mark Fischbach
Oh, all right. I mean, should I pick a winner? Are we gonna say that that's. We did the boat episode, now the car episode. We're gonna need a plane or a train here.

Wade Barnes
Boeings are cheap right now. I don't want to complain, but we use my hot tub and my boat and my car. I feel like I'm bringing a lot to these episodes. Someone else better buy a plane or a train real soon. Amy was looking at train cars.

We can do, like, a boxcar children episode. We're gonna send a box car. We could have a box car movie theater, but it projects it on the mountains as we pass by. And we charge people money. You know, it's funny, we all remember this that way, but it's actually box stain children.

Hey you. I'm good. You Berenstein bears embarrassed?

Bob Muyskens
I want out. Nope. You can't get out of relax every 5 seconds. Well, good thing I'm putting on my seat. That was a me level joke and I appreciated it a lot.

Mark Fischbach
Unthink it once I thought it. Anyway, I'll pick a winner. Well, in here, in this parking lot where I do a six kid and everything looked cool. Mark, for having the vision to understand that we need not that we should get the movie theater, or that we want to get the movie theater, but that we need to get the movie theater. I think you really earned a win in today's episode.

But Wade, because I literally admitted during the start of this episode when I was not at all lost and driving the wrong direction to go to the movie theater, that I'm very, very biased against. You.

Bob Muyskens
Can just twist your wrist. He's been trying to do it very exactly. Look, because I'm clearly biased against you and everyone has been correct this whole time, including the subreddit, and you are vindicated. And they are vindicated. And I was wrong.

Mark Fischbach
I'm going to go ahead and unfairly take this win away from Mark and give it to you in full acknowledgement. Oh, that's very mark and very biased to you for you for no real reason. How's that feel, Bobby? Remember how we weren't supposed to give him the win because he would start his video? I'm trying to.

I'm trying to gussy him up a little bit. Are you gonna be a dictator if I give you this win? Oh, I don't know what. Okay, mark wins. Thanks for watch listening.

This has been the not constitutionally required car episode. If you know of any movie theaters in our area that need to be purchased, well, go ahead and let us know. Our area. Cincinnati, not your area specifically close to us. I would be ideal.

Let us know. Tell me or Mark, not Wade, because he'll just keep to himself again and screw the whole thing up. Make sure that you check out the merch at distractable store.com. still want to see? Just talk to mystery.com.

Wade Barnes
there was an old Leo and Satan thing where they would say like sharkrobot.com. they said it. That voice. Sorry, they got merch. I always think of that voice.

Mark Fischbach
It sounded like a South park voice to me. But Leo and Zayden makes sense. Mark is markiplier. Wait, is Lord Minion seven seven seven or minion seven. Seven.

I'm my skirm. And Mark will host next time because he won fair and square, not unfairly and unsquarely. Fair and square. Oh, yeah. I should be more upset.

Wade Barnes
I hate you. And this podcast is over. Over. Yes. This is the end.

Mark Fischbach
Everybody enjoy these last few episodes before we all kill each other in a triple murder podcast. Out. I'm hungry.

Bob Muyskens
I'm hungry.