20 More Questions (At Least)

Primary Topic

This episode of the Distractible podcast features a spirited game of 20 questions, where hosts try to guess various items and concepts posed by one another.

Episode Summary

In "20 More Questions (At Least)," the Distractible hosts engage in a lively session of the classic game "20 Questions." They take turns guessing an array of random items ranging from everyday objects to abstract concepts, based on yes-or-no questions. The episode is filled with humorous banter and surprising twists as each host attempts to outwit the others with increasingly tricky or obscure items. The game leads to amusing debates and discussions about the nature of the items and the strategies for guessing them, providing listeners with both entertainment and a peek into the hosts' thought processes and personalities.

Main Takeaways

  1. The hosts display quick thinking and creativity in their questions and guesses.
  2. There's a strategic element to selecting questions that efficiently narrow down possibilities.
  3. The episode showcases the hosts' chemistry and humor, making it engaging for listeners.
  4. It highlights the challenge of articulating and guessing abstract concepts.
  5. The game encourages listeners to think critically and creatively along with the hosts.

Episode Chapters

1. Introduction

The hosts introduce the episode's game format and set the stage for a session of 20 questions. They discuss past experiences with the game and their strategies.

  • Mark Fischbach: "This game always brings out the unexpected in us!"

2. The First Round of Questions

The first round begins with simple items and gradually moves to more complex ones. The hosts take turns asking insightful questions to narrow down the possibilities.

  • Wade Barnes: "Is it something I use every day?"

3. Strategy and Humor

In this chapter, the hosts delve deeper into their strategies, often using humor to misdirect or tease each other about their guesses.

  • Bob Muyskens: "At this point, I'm just trying to throw you off with my guesses!"

4. The Final Guesses

As the game concludes, the hosts make their final guesses, revealing the correct answers and discussing the rationale behind their choices.

  • Mark Fischbach: "I can't believe it was so simple after all those complex questions!"

Actionable Advice

  1. Use logical elimination to narrow down choices in guessing games or problem-solving scenarios.
  2. Practice creative thinking by imagining how everyday items can be described in abstract ways.
  3. Enhance teamwork and communication skills through interactive games like 20 questions.
  4. Develop patience and attention to detail when dealing with tasks that require precision.
  5. Embrace humor and light-hearted competition to make collaborative activities more enjoyable.

About This Episode

Time to give Bob a taste of his own medicine, and drive Mark even more towards insanity, with another round of 20 Questions!


Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, Bob Muyskens





Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:



Mark Fischbach
This episode is brought to you by Mint Mobile. Mint Mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Everyone loves Mint mobile.

And it's time for more mint mobile. Mint Mobile. If you say a word too much, it doesn't sound like a word anymore. Mint mobile. Mint mobile.

Bob Muyskens
Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Did you know Mint Mobile has unlimited talk?

Mark Fischbach
Everyone knows Mint Mobile has unlimited talk. Text and data plans for $15 a month. When you buy a three month plan. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows you can save with Mint Mobile.

Mintmobile.com distractible use distractable. Use the slash distractable to get this new customer offer, go to Mint mobile.com distractible. That's mintmobile.com dash ible dollar 45 upfront. Payment required. Equivalent to $15 a month for the first three months only.

Speeds slower than 40gb on unlimited plan. Additional taxes, fees and restrictions apply. Seem in mobile for details. Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to distractable. This episode Wangling Wade promotes office orgies, dominates his dude and has a canny time answering cunning questions.

Managerial mark likes to learn designs, decks and sleuths like a star. Blown up mobs states and offices suck, has schnancy new stuff and his queries answers drive him quackers. From movie meetups to nature's abhorrence. Yes, it's time for 20 more questions at least. Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show.

Wade Barnes
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Distractible. I'm your hostess with the mostest, Wade, and joined, as always, by my co hosts, Mark and Bob. Hi, guys. How are you?

Bob Muyskens
Hello. Hi. How you feeling, Mark? You good? He has not left the tub since.

Wade Barnes
Since the last episode, I have not left the tub. He's just been there pondering, wondering what. If bad things happened? No, everything's good. Why wouldn't anything be good?

Mark Fischbach
Wow, that's really different. When my nose is brushed up against it, does most of the sound come through the nose? You sound very nosy. Nosey? Not nosy.

Nosey. Not nosy. Nosey, apparently. Apparently a lot of your deepness comes out of your nostrils. What about this?

Can you hear this? That's kind of like rumbly rumbly in a way I'm not a huge fan of, if I'm completely honest. So how are you guys? Oh, I don't know what that was. Oh.

Wade Barnes
As much as I like us devolving into madness in the intro, I feel like I've got to try to get us on par somewhat today. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. I had a whole game. Ready? I was so ready to win.

Mark Fischbach
I was. I was so ready. I'm taking over. Can I take over the episode? No.

Wade Barnes
Hey, I've got too much of a good idea. I've got an original idea, and I want to get to it today. I want to make sure we actually get to my topic for one small talk. Yeah, quick small talk, and I will cut you off if it's going off too long. Oh, yes.

I'm being mean today. So much has happened since the last recording. Yeah. Tell us, mark, what's happened?

Mark Fischbach
You know me. I always hold my small talk till the next episode so I can really, really unleash. Oh, yeah. What's. What you got, dude?

Wade Barnes
Tell us. Uh, well, I mean, there's something small talk. Um, the whole. My whole editing game is here. Uh, we're all working together for the first time in a while.

Mark Fischbach
Like, well, not the first time. We. We worked for a week, uh, kind of learning VFX a little bit, um, with burning tractor and company. Uh, but now we're on our own, um, working together in an Airbnb, and we've turned the living room into an office. And it's really nice.

I haven't had this since way back when in what people might know as the team applier days, which was a while ago, was quite a while ago, and, uh, like, working in that environment was good. Um, but it was just something where I wanted to shift what I was doing from that. Now it's come full circle and I'm back doing it again. And it's very nice because I've learned a lot in terms of skill building and actually, like, able to do certain things, and so have a lot of the team, and it's. We're all working together, and it's just such a nice environment.

I know that a lot of people out there are, like, they want to work from home and predominantly. That's what I've done all my life, and that's what a lot of people who are in the sphere do. They work from home. But there is. There is something really nice about being in the same space working.

I'm not saying we all got to get back in the office. We gotta go fill those office buildings. Downtown, sit in traffic. That's not what it's about. But as a temporary thing for short term crunch time.

Not crunch time. No, it's crunch time. I mean, it is. It's not like that. But this is the end, right?

We're all, like, in for it, you know, no one's forced to do this. It's actually fun and engaging. It's tough, but it's the kind of tough that I like where it's. It's challenging. You're being pushed and you're having to adapt quickly, learn quickly, make mistakes, but it's.

It's actually quite fun. What if you introduce, like, reality cameras watching you guys do this and then sex, drugs, and alcohol and you have, like, the office meets Jersey Shore for a new idea of content and then. Right before everyone's about to leave, you say the last person alive wins a million dollars and then see what happens. Oh, man. Yeah.

Wade Barnes
Survivor meets the office meets Jersey Shore. Dude, you. You legitimately sound like that producer that I've told you about that walked in when we were doing that game Dev thing that blew up into everything that spiraled out of it. The game dev show. The producer who came in and was like, ah, this could be a tv show.

Mark Fischbach
And then started getting people to fight each other and creating drama and was, like, really lashing out at people. And I was talking in the back to the other game developers about game development, and then he was like, who's talking what? I'm talking about me. He's like, shut your fucking mouth. I'm like, what?

Fuck you. Yeah, those people exist. So you're saying it sounds super fun? Yeah, very fun. I'm saying if a real producer thinks it's a good idea, and I said it, be a real producer.

He was a real producer. I think you are a real producer, Wade. You're the realist. Thank you. You know what, Bob?

Wade Barnes
Compliment point. I'll take it. That does sound fun, though. I definitely don't think I would ever want to, like, go into an office five days a week. Not that I've done that in quite a while, but I did have a job, and I had to do five days a week in an office and, like, kind of sucks, but getting the team together for, like, special, you know, hard work sessions, it sounds fun.

Bob Muyskens
It reminds. I'm sure it's not the same, but it reminds me of the tour in a lot of ways. For my experience. Like, the tour was a lot and it would be even harder now because we, like, we have a kid and, like, our lives are busy and whatever, but there was something about that that was very fun, that we were all just on the bus and doing this stuff. Like, it's hard to capture that working completely remotely with people and just, like, talking on discord or whatever.

It's not the same. Yeah, it was. It is. It is fun. I don't think I could do it all the time.

Mark Fischbach
Cause I am a solitary person and I like to work alone. But even an introvert like me getting around people, especially when it's for something we're all passionate about or, you know, I'd like to think we're all passionate about. They could secretly not be passionate about it, but I think they're passionate about it. And then just, like, seeing the progress and learning, it's like, I always encourage people out there, like, oh, you always gotta be learning. You know, you gotta be learning new skills.

It's not too late to start learning anything. I'm getting into blender now, and boy, howdy, is it frustrating to even navigate in blender. If you send me a smoothie right now, dude, I'll give you ten points. Make me a green monster with a mind booster. I don't think I can.

I don't know your new address. You say blender, I think, like a nice caribbean smoothie. Yeah, I mean, that's fair. I mean, I can't exactly look like this guy doesn't know about the software blender because, you know, a lot of people use it. But I totally get, you would know a regular blender more.

Wade Barnes
It's like an orgy hookup app. Right. I'm sorry if that's your predominant knowledge of it. I, you know, I'm not gonna judge, but, you know, you could. So Mark's gonna send us smoothies and.

Bob Muyskens
What else were we talking about? Your small talk, Bob. What's new in your life? Oh, you're right, Mark. It's never too late to just keep learning.

And I have been learning things about car stuff. That's right. It's time for another car update. Yippee. I already shared this.

This is actually not breaking news to anyone who's on the subreddit, but I recently got. I've owned these wheels and tires for a quite a while, but recently finally got my summer tires mounted on my schnancy. Schnancy fancy. Whatever. My fancy gold wheels, baby.

Mark Fischbach
Ooh, summer tires. That sounds so fancy. They're not really that nice. They're the tires that come on the car, but you're not supposed to use them if it's under 40 degrees because the rubber is of a kind that gets very hard and kind of slippery when it gets too cold. So I have a set of, like, winter season tires that's for, like, for snow.

Bob Muyskens
It's like, grippy treads and stuff. But these are my new wheels. Whoa. Gold gold wheels. With the.

With my blue car looking snazzy. I did not put the tires onto the wheels, and. But I did put the wheels on myself. I have a little jack in my garage, and I jacked up all four corners. I also learned I got.

So I have tire pressure monitor sensors in my wheels. As you know how most modern cars, you have that, right? It'll tell you how much what psi your wheels are in case they get low. I didn't want to take them out of my old wheels and put them on the new one, so I wanted to have a set in both. And I didn't know until they were all on the car already that you're supposed to calibrate those and, like, set them up when the.

Before the tires are inflated. Once they're inflated, apparently you can't do that. So I have to now jack up all four corners of my car again, fully deflate my tires, set those up one at a time, then fully reinflate my tires, which is not, like, a huge problem. But it's just one of those tasks where it's like, it's gonna take a while. It's gonna be sitting on the floor of my garage, like, with the air compressor in the background, just like.

And I'm like, so it's kind of boring and annoying, but I'm learning. I was gonna say you could get. A Ryobi air inflator. Tire inflator. I have a Ryobi tire.

That's what I'm gonna be using. This episode of distractable is probably not brought to you by reboot, but it could be. I wish, man. I wish. It's almost ryobi days again.

Ah. Can you imagine? Use my Ryobi impact driver to put the wheels on. I've got my ryobi. My Ryobi shop vac to clean up the inside of my car.

Mark Fischbach
Oh, my God. They got new cabinets. Gonna be really awkward if we're brought to you by a competitor. They got a mobile workstation speed bench. Have you seen the mobile workstation?

Bob Muyskens
That's not. That wasn't available for sale the last time I looked, but it looks. That's awesome, doesn't it? Oh, it's still coming soon, but that's awesome. Yeah, it's like a dolly, but it's got a big wooden work surface, and it'll fold up to, like, a table.

But so you could dolly things around. If you fold it down like a dolly. It's a dolly. And then you carry all your tools. You set it right up the.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are we old? I.

Maybe. I have a. I have a kid. I'm a dad. These are dad.

These are dad activities. I don't know what your excuse is. I was all about this even back when I was in high school, building decks outside. I love power tools. That's true.

You were a construction man. And. Yeah. This is great. This is amazing.

Hey, speaking of decks, Mark, the stairs on our back deck are very unsafe. Do you know enough to help me build some new deck stairs? Yeah, as long as the posts are good. Are the posts good? All it is is the.

The stringers are, like, rotted, and then it's like the stairs are collapsing in the middle because they're just built real shitty. Yeah, you shouldn't walk on those deck. The deck itself is, like, in great shape. It's like they added crappy stairs onto a perfectly normal deck. I don't know what happened.

Mark Fischbach
How many stairs are we talking? Three stairs. It's like. It's like a. It's like a deck that's like 3ft off the ground, and it's just like three steps down to the.

Bob Muyskens
To the ground level. Yeah, that's super easy. That's super easy. Okay. We'll talk about.

We'll do that later. We'll talk about that. All right. We'll do that later. Yeah.

Wade Barnes
Can I come hang out while Mark fix your stairs? Well, I assume. I was just gonna ask him some questions and send me, like, maybe a drawing or something. But if you cut. If you're coming out here, you can help, but I know you're busy.

Mark Fischbach
I would. I wouldn't do it. I would love to. That'd be fun. We could do that.

Bob Muyskens
We could do a whole episode. Wade, you could sit in the hot tub. The hot tub is almost done. You hang out in the hot tub. Mark and I will do the.

And do the real work. Can I get a boat floaty to sit on in the hot tub? Yes. Yes, yes. Absolutely.

I was thinking we could. If we do the hot tub episode idea, but we put a boat in the hot tub. Is that our biannual boat episode? Does that count? I mean, hot tubs are pretty fun.

Mark Fischbach
I wouldn't. I wouldn't argue that. We got. We gotta level up with each boat episode. It'll get more extravagant every time.

Bob Muyskens
We can't lead off with a private yacht rental. That's for later. Did our ten year anniversary. Do we each get a yacht? Thanks, Mark.

Three of us on three separate boats doing this over the. Why am I buying you a yacht. Because I just asked you to. You're fixing his stairs. It's pretty much on par.

Because I said it out loud. You'll fix Bob stairs, but he won't buy me a yacht biased friendship. You know what? We will build you a yacht together. Ooh.

Mark Fischbach
We will work together, and we will build you that yacht. Hang on, I've got some. I bet you guys could build a yacht that would definitely float. At least a little. I've never built a boat in my life, but, hey, it's wood, right?

Bob Muyskens
If you put enough epoxy on anything, it'll float. We gotta look up a yacht instructions. Maybe there's like, a Ikea for yachts. That sounds right. You could probably just buy a malm dresser and then waterproof it.

Probably float. Malm, Malm or a Feorg. Yeah, it'd probably float. I want an Ikea boat. That sounds great.

Mark Fischbach
I want this. I want this mobile workstation. No. Doesn't it look sick, though? I don't even need that.

Bob Muyskens
But I just saw that and I was like, ah, that's a combination of so much cool stuff. All right, all right, all right, all right. Workstation. Workstation. We got episode ideas.

Wade Barnes
We got some small talk. I think it's time to jump into our episode before we go too deep into Ryobi. Ruby, if you send me a mobile workstation, I'll. You can sponsor every looser speech I do for the rest of the year. What's your totally original idea, Wade?

All right, so today I am going to think of something, and I want you guys to work separately to figure out the couple different somethings I'm thinking of. And you can ask me questions, maybe 20 to try to get to that answer. Man, something about this spells super familiar. Baby, it's 20 questions, part two. Hmm.

Mark Fischbach
Man, the first one was pretty weird. It reminded me of my weird episode that was then taken and made a mockery. But I'm not gonna make a mockery. I think Bob, no one made a mockery of my first episode. You guys played fair and square.

Wade Barnes
No, no, exactly. Exactly. I'm not making a mockery. I just liked the idea. I felt bad that you only got to use one of your ten ideas for each of us.

And I was like, you know, yeah. Well, that was ambitious, wasn't it? We'll just do. We'll just do a little bit more. 20 questions.

I feel like Mark deserves a chance to redeem himself. Bob has this idea, and he's got to be like, even though I won. I feel like Bob's the reigning champ somehow. Oh, yeah. You know, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

Mark Fischbach
Actually, this is great because that I. Well, I don't know how your brain is gonna come up with stuff, but I know. I know you got boat on the mind. So my first guess is boat. My preemptive guess is yacht.

Bob Muyskens
If boats is boat on your list. Can I get points if boat's on your list? I won't tell you right now, but sure, if boats on my list, I'll give you a point. All right, so I just gotta somehow trick him to writing boat on his list sometime in the episode. It's such an interesting idea.

Wade, I can't believe you came up with this all on your own. Thank you. Thank you. I was up all night last night racking my brain. I was like, when I inevitably dominate mark in the first episode, we record.

Mark Fischbach
Whoa, wait a minute. I need a good topic idea. So what I'll do is take Bob's and call it part two. And I was like, genius, farmer genius. I'm gonna get this compact, brushless pruning chainsaw, and I'm gonna show you the dominance.

Wade Barnes
Which one of you would like to go first? Me, me, me, me, me. Should I even bother writing down on my guests? Hold on. I'm not ready.

Bob Muyskens
Is it the same game? Everything? Oh, God, yes. Do you think I changed it at all? No.

Mark Fischbach
Okay. Just making sure we understand how it works and where we're. You get a question and a guess. And the first 20 questions, the more points you have left. If you guess it early, you get to keep.

Bob Muyskens
Man, if I don't get this fairly efficiently, I'm gonna look like such a cock for how much I made fun of you guys. I mean, I feel like the words are relatively even in concept, but some of them might be harder than others. It's real. After playing, it's so hard to know. I don't know where your guys brains are gonna go.

Wade Barnes
So mark, was your first guest. Boat. Before you even ask a question? No. Yes.

Mark Fischbach
Sure. Boat. Is it a boat? No. Fuck.

Wade Barnes
Can you imagine, though, if it had been? All right, okay, all right. What's your. What's your question? Do I have to keep track of these, Bob, or do you guys keep track of them separately?

You guys keep track of your own stuff, right? You don't have to keep track of the questions. You just have to keep track of what. What numbers we're on and stuff. Can I hold it?

Mark Fischbach
In my hand. Not easily, typically. Okay. All right. Okay.

Bob Muyskens
Wait. Can I ask a question outside the game to begin with? The things you've thought of, it includes, like, people and stuff, too. So it could be, like, a specific person or something, or is it not. Is it non people things?

Yeah. So similar to what you did? I don't have, like, vague concepts. These are all, like, real, tangible people, items, things. So it includes everything?

Yeah. It's not like. It's not going to be, like item 264 on the periodic table. That could theoretically be conceptualized. It's nothing like that.

Wade Barnes
It's like, these are real things or people or whatever. My first question. Is it a living being? No. My first guess is a furnace.

No. Is it made up of multiple parts? You're gonna not like my answer again. Come on. What do you mean, it can be?

It doesn't have to be. What the fuck? What do you mean, what? I think that. I think what he's saying is maybe.

Mark Fischbach
Oh, fuck you. Oh, God. Because if I say yes or no, you can think of an example of this that you can disagree with me on. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Bob Muyskens
You thought I was tough. You're welcome to hell, Mark. You'll love when you hear what it is. What? The ant.

Mark Fischbach
The answer to, is it made up of multiple parts? Was it can be, yes. I would say, to make it a little bit more fair, I would say it can be typically no more than two, though. I guess it could be more than two. Ah, fuck.

Oh, man. Mark, I feel like today this one's gonna go way better for you than the last time we played this game. I can't wait. I can think of two more questions Mark can ask. Where I give an answer like that to it.

Don't worry.

Bob Muyskens
I thought I was gonna have a way worse time being on this position than being the host. I love it. I love this game. This is the best. I think I'm having even more fun this time.

Wade Barnes
All right. Is it the International Space Station? No. Good guess. With its modules and stuff?

Mark Fischbach
Or is it one or 20,000? Is it one space station or is it multiple modules? All right, mine. My second question. Is it made of metal?

Wade Barnes
No. My second guess is Wade's special chicken wing plate. No. Though I wish I had that. Dude, that'd be cool.

All right, Mark, please don't ask me a question that I have to give you a convoluted answer to. All right, I got you. I got the most convoluted question. Is its purpose intended for the idea of improving things? I would say yes.

Mark Fischbach
Okay. All right. I don't know if I'm leading you down the right path, but, like, I. Was literally trying, like, what's the most complex way I could ask a question and then I get the simplest answer. All right, that's cool.

Wade Barnes
Well, they're supposed to be yes or no. Well, I wasn't getting them, was I? Was I getting them? No. All right, Bob.

Or did you guess your item, Mark? Oh, uh. Uh. Um. Uh, weights.

Mark Fischbach
Like lifting weights? No. Okay. Uh, is this thing commonly found in a house? I say yes.

Bob Muyskens
Is it a toilet? No. I think, Bob, just like, straightforward question, answer. Now, would you say the components that this thing is made up of? No, it's fine, it's fine.

Wade Barnes
It's fine. Um, do I own one of these things? I would say at least one. Oh, wow. Oh, I would hope at least one.

Mark Fischbach
You would hope. What does that mean? Well, if you don't own at least one, then I guess you got problems. That's what that means. Is it a fire extinguisher?

Wade Barnes
It is done. It is my thing. Regularly touched by the people who inhabit the house. That's a complex answer. I feel like it's not.

Bob Muyskens
It is either regularly touched or not. Regularly touched doesn't mean never touched. But either it's touched, like, multiple times a week, or it's not. Sometimes it's regularly touched. I feel like that was a pretty, pretty solid yes no question proposition, but okay.

Wade Barnes
And I gave you the best answer I could with what you've asked. Was it the stairs to the attic? No. I'll be nice and just tell you. It's not stairs.

Mark Fischbach
Oh, okay. Is it a tool? Let me check something to answer that. Oh, no. Mark, I thought you had such a good question.

Wade Barnes
I was like, all right. Okay. I would say, no, it is not. What did he look up? Now I'm confused.

The answer is no to your question. Okay. All right. So it's not tool, it's not the space station. Um, you hope I own one.

I also hope you own a space station, if it makes you feel any. Better, at least one. Is it a toilet? It is not. I was kind of thinking it might be.

And this is your fifth question each. So this is your fifth question now, Bob. Is it primarily made of wood? No. That particular question and answer is a very tough one.

I would almost tell you to throw that one out because it's kind of like. I feel. I feel like that one will mislead you. Is it windows? It is not.

Mark Fischbach
Is it electronic? No. Well, that was actually what I was thinking about asking. You can ask it. I would never.

I would never make fun of you for that. In a very rare circumstance, it might be able to be. Oh, fuck off. F you. What do you mean?

Wade Barnes
I'm not leaving any wiggle room for you to protest. Why would you even say that? If it's, like, a rare case, why would. Oh, wait, I get. Well, no.

Mark Fischbach
Plastic fork is in a rare case. I will at least admit that. Yeah, but, like, a bone fork might have been a rare case, right? It is possible that it was a bone utensil, but that's pretty. Unless, I mean, a lot of caviar.

Bob Muyskens
That's pretty unlikely. I will tell you, none of the items I have or things I have here or people I have here are meant to be that convoluted. I'm just thinking of extreme cases where you guys can be like, you said. This, and it got me off of that. Well, so it should always be presumed.

It should always be presumed that. You mean primarily yes or primarily no. Primarily, no, Mark. So the answer to your question is primarily no, Mark. Okay.

Mark Fischbach
Primarily, no. Is it a mirror? No. Yeah, I guess I'm gonna go with that. Is mine electronic?

Wade Barnes
No. My guess is a food serving dish? No. Is it found in the kitchen? Yes.

Ooh. Ooh. A straight answer. Is it straight answer. Well, actually.

Mark Fischbach
All right. Okay. All right. Wait, hold on. Whoa.

Bob Muyskens
Mm hmm. Is it water? No. Ah, fuck. I thought I was like, oh, not it.

Mark Fischbach
Not typically. Easily holding the hands made up of multiple parts. I see why that would have been disparate. Because it's, like, hard to get in one part. It's not the space station concept of improvement.

I was like, I thought I was. I thought I was. I thought I was on you. Okay. All right.

Bob Muyskens
Okay. Let me work to you this way, Mark. Like, I've given bob some specifics. Let me give you one. You can almost always hold it for sure in two hands.

Wade Barnes
Holding it in one hand might be a bit tougher. Oh, okay. All right. Okay. Is my item primarily found in the bathroom?

Bob Muyskens
Hmm. My inclination would be to say yes. Hmm. I think that is a very common place to find it. It's mine.

A drinking glass? No. Is it rigid? Primarily, yes.

What do you mean? I would say the answer is yes. This really, you know, if this. If this was water, like, these would questions you saying that would make so much sense? Because I'm like, oh, ice or some shit like that.

Mark Fischbach
I'm like, oh, I just want to. Make sure that I'm not, like, missing some part of the definition, so, yes, I would say it's rigid. Is it a sink? No. Is mine a container for something?

Wade Barnes
Damn it. Is mine normally a container for something? How is that hard? That one doesn't seem like it should be that complicated. What did he come up?

Mark Fischbach
What did he come up? Love with? Partially. Partially? I wouldn't think of it.

Wade Barnes
So I would say no. I wouldn't think of it as a container. Okay. Is mine the shower? No.

Mark Fischbach
Is it in other rooms besides the kitchen? Likely you are averse to a yes or no answer. You are averse to it. I would say usually yes. Like, it's probably definitely in the kitchen, but it's likely in other places too.

Is it a trash can? It is. Oh, no, that is correct. Oh. Oh, God.

Oh. Ah. That makes sense. That makes sense. So, like, you see how, like, it can be multiple parts.

Wade Barnes
It's like, well, some have lids, some. Have, like, mechanism and intended for the concept of improvement. I see it now, and it's not. That's why you had to look up. Is it a tool?

Ah, because I was like, well, like. And then some can be electric. You're so right. You're so right. Because some are, like, built into, like, your cab, and it's primarily rigid.

Mark Fischbach
I guess the. But there are, like, really flimsy. Like, it was really tricky to answer your questions because it's like, when I think of a trash can, of, like, a little plastic container with no lid, but, like, sure, some of them are, like, built in. Like, it was ended up being a tougher thing than I thought of when I originally wrote it down, but it was a trash can. You got it.

Wade Barnes
That was your 9th question. So I think that means you have eleven points, right? Holy shit. Well, that's a lot of pressure. EBay Motors is here for the ride.

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Rocketmoney.com distractible. You should get that mark. It's probably important. Oh, no way. Is mine also commonly found in the kitchen?

Wade Barnes
As likely as it is to be. Found in a bathroom, commonly has a pretty specific meaning in this question. Those are two of the first places I would think to look for this. Okay. Is it a sink?

It is not. Bob, not that I want to give you a hint, but if you're on that train, you should ask if it's something I guessed. I also guessed toilet. Oh, that's true. You know, I'll give you this.

I don't think any of us guessed this in this or last episode. That's a lot of guesses. Last episode. Sorry. I think that eliminates a good bit.

Mark Fischbach
We're good. Partially. A container is the thing that's really fucking me up here. I would not think of it as a container. Well, does or does it not contain other things?

Wade Barnes
Contains one thing. Mm hmm. Is this item used during some form of bodily ablution? What is ablution? Like, any bodily function, like going to the bathroom, washing your hands, brushing your teeth, anything where you're doing stuff that's like cleaning or otherwise getting things into or out of your body.

I would say it is used to help your body. Is it a soap? Dispenser. It is not. Is this item consumed when it is touched or otherwise used?

Mark Fischbach
That's a good question. Eventually. That's a bad answer. So, yes. So, yes.

Wade Barnes
Yes. Is it a bar of soap? No. I feel like yours ended up being a lot harder than I thought it would be compared to mark. Did you ask if it was rigid?

Bob Muyskens
Uh, no. That's probably a good question. That's kind of where I was going. Is it rigid? Generally rigid.

Wade Barnes
Not the important part. Is it a box of tissues? No. I feel like you're on the right track if that helped. Tissues is probably the closest to being on the right track.

Bob Muyskens
Does. Does it get wet at any point during normal use? Yes. Oh, I don't know if I would. I don't know if I would think of it as wet, but, like.

Wade Barnes
You know what, Mark? Mark. Should I message you this to see if you. How you feel about the. Sure, yeah, I can abstain.

Mark Fischbach
I'm not really guessing, so I'm fine with that. Yeah. Yeah. You're not. Let me.

Wade Barnes
Let me just send you what it is and see how you feel about my answers. Please send it to me. Accidentally. Yeah. Most of this, I think he.

Mark Fischbach
It's been fair and not misleading. There was one thing that I think might throw you. He's your opponent. You're welcome to give him what you think's not right. If you want to clarify one of the answers, that's fine with me.

Bob Muyskens
Okay. So I think the idea of, like, just as likely in the kitchen and bathroom might throw you off from this. I think that's, like, a personal preference thing. Yeah. That's fair.

Wade Barnes
I do think that there is a place you'll probably keep this, but for most people, it's usually kitchen and or bathroom. Is it a sponge? No. No. Cause that would be wet, obviously.

Mark Fischbach
Obviously. Was that 13? That was 13, yes. Dude, it's tough. Whenever your brain doesn't come up with anything close to the item, do you think of questions to help you get there?

Bob Muyskens
Well, my problem is I have a lot of questions, but I don't think any of them are gonna get me substantially closer in a helpful way. Is this meant to be eaten and or consumed like it's food or drink? Probably not recommended. I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying.

Wade Barnes
Not intended to be eaten. Okay. Not so easy, is it, Bob? Not so easy. Uh, is it mouthwash?

Bob Muyskens
I don't think that's what it is. But it is not. You were cagey about whether it's gets wet which is confusing. Wet is not the term I would use to describe it, but technically, is there, like, a moisture involved? Probably.

Mark Fischbach
I can understand that response. That. That is a bit difficult. If I had a gun to my head, I would say most likely yes. But that's not the main point here, Bob.

Ask me a question, and I'll give you a straight answer. No matter what. I won't sabotage your chances or anything. Yep. I believe you.

You asked me yes or no. That's the only thing I'll say. No qualifiers. I'll give you. Right.

The information you want. Is this thing one distinct item? Oh, man. Okay. No, but.

Bob Muyskens
So is it one thing completely, or is it, like, something inside of something? Something attached to something? I feel like that's not that crazy. He said give you a yes or no answer. That would definitely answer, yeah.

Mark Fischbach
So which side of the question was it? Is this one item or is it not? Is it some combination of, like, different material in a container or some other combination of things? It is not one singular thing. But wait, I get why these are kind of hard to answer.

Wade Barnes
Dude. It's a lot harder to be on this side than I thought it would be, because you guys question, like, your garbage can questions of, like, is it one item? It's like, could be. Is it paper towels? It is not tissues was closer than.

Mark Fischbach
That, I'll tell you that. Does it help the body quote in your words by being used on the body itself? Yeah. That's not what I thought you were gonna say. Is this lotion?

Wade Barnes
No. Ah. That was the guess. That's as clear of a yes or. No as you can come hesitant.

Bob Muyskens
No on lotion. It's so fucking confusing. I kind of understand that, but it's like. It's a guess. It's not lotion.

Wade Barnes
You are so on the right track, though. Is it applied to, like, an injury or a specific medical condition, or is it applied. Yes, it's used for a specific reason? It's a specific condition you use it for? Well, not injury, though.

Not an injury, but a specific condition you'd use it for or to prevent a condition. One of those two sunscreen. I was afraid you were gonna go. That way with it. No, it's not sunscreen.

That's just a guess. It's not your question. So you still have your question? This is my 18th question. Now, between tissues, Kleenex, and sunscreen, it's hard for me to tell you a closer guess without you just getting it.

It's right there for the taking. I'm honestly struggling to think of something that relates to all of those. Is this a kind of wipe? No. Is it aloe vera gel?

Right along the right concept still. But no, it's. It's a simpler concept than that. No. You could recommend eating that, and that'd be fine.

Bob Muyskens
Oh, that's true. It's just gross. There's a clue that I could give, but I feel like it would almost immediately give it away. It's up to you if you want to give it or not. Mark, you sound very handsome today.

I like your tub. He's enjoying your suffering after he suffered so hard. No, no, I'm not enjoying the suffering. I just am, like. You know, it's.

It's. But I don't want you to. You know, you already have a pretty. Good lead, even if I got it right now. All right, I'll give you.

Mark Fischbach
Can I give this in? It's. It's gonna probably nail it. That's fine. You know, when you said, can you eat it?

Some people have a problem with that. Some people have a problem with that. Some people have a problem with eating this thing. Probably. That wouldn't surprise me.

Wade Barnes
Or at least licking it. Is it a salt block?

No. We've left the realm of close, and now we are very far away. I thought that. I thought that clue was just gonna really. Oh, man.

Bob Muyskens
I can't think of anything that relates to, like, sunscreen, lotion, and tissues. No, it's right there. It's right there. If I had a one word clue, it would probably be seasonal. I feel like this is a thing I just either have never heard of or don't use is where I'm at right now.

Wade Barnes
I'd be shocked. You've. Yeah. You've heard of it? You've heard of it.

You've probably seen it used more recently than you think. Chapstick it is. And I put some on while you were. How the actual fuck is chapstick related to lotion or sunscreen? Those are liquids.

Mark Fischbach
Well, I could see. I could see it being related to that also. How is that not a container full of Chapstick? You completely got me off of anything that was, like lotion or deodorant or chapstick. When you said it wasn't a plastic container filled with something, did he ask that question?

Bob Muyskens
Yes, I asked if it was a container, and his answer was, oh, not really. I don't think of it like that. No, the primary part of it is not a container. The primary part of Chapstick is the chapstick. It is a container filled with material we all.

Wade Barnes
I don't know. I went through it. Mark and I went through it. We did the best we could with that, man. I didn't hear that question.

Mark Fischbach
I didn't hear that one also. I get you on the wet one, but I'm gonna go ahead and say the bodily ablution one was also a bad answer. You use that at any point in time, primarily in public, because usually it's when you're outside. You don't use that during a bodily ablution. That depends.

Wade Barnes
I use it when my lips are chapped. I don't use it as a preventative. I use it after my lips are trapped. You don't keep it also, I'm just gonna say you probably don't keep it in the bathroom. Probably don't even specifically keep it in the kitchen as much as you keep it.

Mark Fischbach
That's why I was saying that one. You keep it wherever you keep your keys, which is, for a lot of people, the entryway or the mud room. I keep chapstick in our medicine cabinets. So, like, our medicine cabinet in the bathroom, I've got chapstick. In the kitchen, we've got chapstick.

Well, that's why I called that one out specifically. That's why I said, I feel like. The container one totally shut off the realm of a bottle of lotion. That's. It was a tough question.

Wade Barnes
Like, you could see how it's a tough question to answer. It's not. No, I don't actually, if you asked me if chapstick is a container, I would say, yes, it has a container because it has a lid. I think my answer was, it's not primarily a container. Cause the primary part of chapstick is the stuff you use.

Bob Muyskens
No, you said that about something else specifically. I wrote down that you said no. Kind of. I don't think of it as a container. I don't.

Wade Barnes
I mean, it is a. It is specifically a plastic tube containing the chapstick. It kind of is. Yeah, I get that. I get that.

Bob Muyskens
Or a thing of lip balm in a little container, which, by the way, could be made of metal, but that one's not that strong of an argument. Okay. You know, I wasn't thinking of the little handheld lip balm. That. That was a fair item.

But I do feel like a couple of those questions really fucked me. They were tough to answer. For my defense, they were tough to answer, and Mark was laughing at me until he tried to answer them, too. So I want to say that was tougher to answer than you think. Well, okay.

Mark Fischbach
The one I got. What? I don't remember. What did I get asked? All right, you know what, Bob?

Wade Barnes
I will be fair and I will adjust the points accordingly, slightly to make it more fair. No, no, that was my 20th guess. I deserve zero points for my performance. Do you guys want to try to. Do a quick one?

Bob Muyskens
Yes. Yes. Also, I have heard of it. I've never in my life used chapstick, except for one winter when my lips wouldn't stop bleeding. But I don't ever.

I don't actually use chapstick. Like in five years, I haven't bought or used chapstick in my life. Well, did I use it? I've got it everywhere. I've got it in the bedroom, I've got the bathroom, the kitchen.

Here. Like, we keep chapstick everywhere. We travel with it. If you'd mentioned, like, traveling with it. I feel like it's one of those things where if you.

If you can get away with not using it, even if your lips get pretty chapped, it's better than if you use it. Because the moment I've ever put chapstick on, I always just need more. Every, every half hour, my body is like, more. Yeah, I think it depends on what brand you use. But I actually don't use that.

And I don't think Mandy uses it very much either. We have very moist lips in this house. That's surprising. I. I use it all the time.

Wade Barnes
I wouldn't say like every week, but like, I relatively frequently have used it and use it. Like I said. I even put some on, like, just to be cheeky during the episode. He did do that. He was going, yeah, every time you would look away, he would go, that.

Was not intentional, actually, that was just me playing with my lips. I just put some on. Oh, I could have sworn that was a clue cuz you really put it. On as a clue. But I was not like, I, I.

Mark Fischbach
Was getting a lot of that actually. That was just me playing with my lips. Alright, next one. We'll try to get through it quick. I'm sure this will go well.

Wade Barnes
Mark, do you want to go first again? Yeah, give the hardest. Give you the hardest one. Done. And give me the easiest one.

I don't know if either of these are particularly difficult, but I guess it depends. All right, Mark? Yeah, go ahead. Did it exist a hundred years ago? Fuck you, dude.

Mark Fischbach
I did it or not. I mean, that is potentially a tough one, I guess, depending on what it is. But yes, it did but you had. To look it up. I'm gonna remember that one.

Is it the locomotive? No, not the locomotive. I just. This is my default question. Is mine a living being?

Wade Barnes
No. Is it the Eiffel Tower? No. Is it used, like, do you use it? Yes.

Mark Fischbach
Is it a toilet? No. Is mine made of plastic? Primarily. Of plastic?

Wade Barnes
Primarily. I'd say no. Or typically, I'd say no. It definitely could be. It could be made entirely of plastic.

But if I'm thinking of the typical version of this, the answer is no. Is it a plate? It is not. Do I own one? Hope so.

Bob Muyskens
I think he means yes. I don't know. Not gotten to visit you in quite a while, so I'm not sure. Interesting. Interesting.

Mark Fischbach
Is it a refrigerator? It is not. Is mine electronic? No. Uh, a shovel?

Wade Barnes
No. Is it a status symbol to have one? No. If that ends up being the question that comes back and haunts, because I don't think there's a chance in hell that it is, but that somehow throws you off and it comes back to bite me in the ass movie pissed, but no. No.

I think. I think that one's pretty cut and dry. Is it, um. Is it a roof? No.

Bob Muyskens
Is mine primarily used inside? No. Is mine a lawnmower? No. I'd be very niche inside.

Yeah. Could it kill me? I think kill you? Probably unlikely, but. Probably unlikely, but probably interesting.

Mark Fischbach
I should give you a specific scenario of it killing me. All right. I'm sure it has killed someone and it'll kill again. Is that the fifth question, this number five? Yeah, that was his fifth question.

Should be, is it a hot tub? Nah, it's a status symbol. It is not a hot tub. Does mine use any complex machines? Meaning like any sort of levers or anything?

Wade Barnes
No. Is it an umbrella? It is not. Can I hold it in my hand? Yes.

Mark Fischbach
Oh, no. Yes. Depends. There are versions of this that you can. There are versions of this.

Okay. All right. Okay. Like a miniature container ship. But you'd said yes, which means that's the predominant one.

Right? It predominantly can be held in my hand. The majority of these. Not the whole thing. Wait, so can you hold it in your hand?

Wade Barnes
Yes, but I would say, for the most part, whenever I think of it, I would not think of just being in your hand. Can I hold it with one hand? Would that help you specify the answer down? Not predominantly, no. Okay.

Mark Fischbach
All right. Okay, I see where you're going. Is it a wheelbarrow? It is not. Bob, this is your 6th question.

Bob Muyskens
Is mine intended to be touched or physically interacted with regularly. I don't like the word regularly. Is it intended to be touched or physically interacted with? Yes. Intended and regularly.

Wade Barnes
I feel like are words that'll throw you off no matter how I answer them. It's intended to be interacted with or touched. Uh, is it a, uh. Is it grass? It is not.

I feel like you've both had points here where you're like. It's like with, uh, the mark's thing on the first episode where it was like, oh, you guys are so close. And then, like, your next follow ups are kind of, like, veering further, and it's like, huh? How. How did we get here?

Mark Fischbach
Shut up. He's trying to play mind games, Bob, don't listen to him. We're on the right track. He wants to. He wants to veer us away from it.

Wade Barnes
I do. I want a two hour episode. I want to be the first two hour episode. This will be mine.

Mark Fischbach
Would you typically own more than one? Not necessarily. One is probably sufficient, though. I would say some people own more than one. Is it a car?

Wade Barnes
No. Is mine primarily made of metal? Again, I would say it could be entirely metal, but typically I would say no. Whenever I picture this thing, metal is not the first material I would think of is. Is it a terracotta plant pot?

No. Is it made up of multiple parts? Yes. Is it a furnace? It is not.

Bob Muyskens
Same question for me, actually. Is it made of multiple parts? I don't think so. I would say no. Is it a window?

Wade Barnes
No. Is it found in the kitchen? That's not what I expect to keep it. It definitely belongs there sometimes, but that's not where we expect to keep it. I don't know how to answer that one.

Bob Muyskens
That's a. That's a tricky one.

Wade Barnes
I wouldn't dwell on that question or answer too much. Cause that one, I feel like, might throw you off. Okay. All right. I wouldn't dwell on that one.

Mark Fischbach
Wouldn't dwell on it. I'm not dwelling on it. Then is it a laundry machine? It is not. Can I pick mine up?

Bob Muyskens
It's like a. Like a. Like a patio paver. No. I don't know if you got this, where it's like, there's certain questions I wish you guys would ask that.

Wade Barnes
You haven't asked where it's like, man, if they asked this, that would certainly help. Is it something that runs out as you use it? I feel like if I answer this in a specific way, it'll give it away. Well, that's why I'm asking the questions, isn't it? I know, but it's supposed to be like a yes or no.

Bob Muyskens
Yeah, it is. Huh? If I answer that yes, you can run out. But not like a battery. Not like a battery.

Mark Fischbach
The fuck? I hate that question. Mark. I want you to know I hate that question. Well, it's not up to you to.

Like the questions or not. It's you to answer them. What do you mean you hate the question? I feel like I. The answer is yes.

Wade Barnes
With an asterisk, you can run out, at least temporarily, but not like a battery. Is it a radon mitigation system? It is not. All right. Is mine made of wood?

That is the predominant material I would think of whenever I picture this wood, then maybe metal, then plastic, in that order would be the order I would think of, but I would focus on the wood. Is it like a. Is it a swing set? No. Is there a specific room in the house that this thing belongs when you're not using it?

Mark Fischbach
Is it a vacuum? It is. No way. I was just typing that, though, to Wade. Does that count for anything?

Wade Barnes
I don't know, because I didn't get the message yet. It says 341 on the time stamp. Ah, I guess I could. We gotta play the game of trust here. Were you actually thinking that right before he answered it?

Bob Muyskens
As he was saying, I was on the a of my question, is it a vacuum? And I had the thought of like, oh, it's a vacuum. I feel like it was. It's. If it's even remotely close it out.

Mark Fischbach
It was fully my turn and I got it out there. You got it before he typed it to me, Mark. So I mean that. That is true. Yes.

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I wasn't paying attention to yours, so I don't have any idea either. His is primarily. What if you want to review it, Bob, you can. It's not alive. It could be made of plastic, but not normally.

Bob Muyskens
It's not electronic. It's not primarily used indoors. It does not use any complex machines. It's normal for it to be touched or physically interact with. It can also be made out of metal, but is not normally.

It is not made of multiple parts. I could pick it up and it is usually primarily made of wood. Interesting. Does this thing get moved on an irregular basis or is it basically stationary? I would say it definitely gets moved if you're using it.

If you're using it. The baseball bat it is. No, I was just about to say I love that. My comments, reading our chat. It's fleshlight.

Wade Barnes
Nope. And is it a vacuum? It is a baseball bat. You got that on your 11th one. Wait, was that your 11th one too?

Bob Muyskens
That's a. Yeah, that was. I have that as my 11th. Yeah. So you guys both got it on your 11th question.

Mark Fischbach
Ah, what a good. That was a good one. You almost got me. If I didn't get that guess, Bob, that I feel like it would have stolen a lot for. Well, I don't think that's true.

Wade Barnes
If you had gotten vacuum before Mark said it. Mark didn't get it that round. I think you would have gotten a lot of points. But being as he had just said it before, it's like he still beat you to it and it was his. I will point out it could be a status symbol for some at some point.

Bob Muyskens
That's why. That's why I said I kind of don't. Like maybe in 1901, when apparently the first vacuum was invented that I had to look up. I don't know why I didn't think of this. Because you had to look up a hundred years ago, and I was like, ooh, interesting.

Mark Fischbach
I remembered that. And then I forgot about it down the road when you kept asking things. Like, is it in the kitchen? It's like, well, you want to use it there? Probably.

It couldn't kill me. I had to look up how many. People have died by trying to suck their own dicks with a vacuum cleaner? That was fun. And yeah, the baseball bat, it's like for kids, the little plastic ones.

Wade Barnes
My brother had a metal baseball bat that he used to swing. And, like, I remember getting hit with the ball after he swung the metal baseball bat. That fucking sucked. But, like, you think of the major leagues or colleges. Like, it's wood, right?

Wood bats. What? You would imagine they use metal in college, but. Yeah, they use wooden triple a and up, but they still use metal in college ball, but. Okay.

But typically, you'd imagine a baseball bat is wood, predominantly, right? No, I think all of your answers were pretty fair. I don't know why you were so cagey about it's. Is it mentally touched? What?

Bob Muyskens
It's used normally? I don't. Was I cagey about that? Yeah, you're. You were like, oh, I don't like that question.

That could be. I don't know. You were, like, cagey about it. Like, yeah, obviously it's meant to be touched regularly. I don't think that would have really affected it.

But I. I do think that your answer to that one was weird, which I thought was weird. I don't remember exactly how you worded or what I was thinking at that time, but I try to think outside the box of, like, if I'm gonna lead you down a line of thinking that might. Maybe I shouldn't think of that. I should just answer the question.

Wade Barnes
But, like, I'm like, eh. Do I answer that? Like, is it meant to be touched? It's like, well, if you want to use it, but, like, you don't really have to. It's kind of an entertainment thing.

Bob Muyskens
Like. Like, I expected some more questions online of, like, is it. Is it medicine? Is it food? Like, you guys never asked if something was edible.

Wade Barnes
Never asked if something was like, medicine, if it was for entertainment. I knew it wasn't. I knew you guys went straight into, like, the what is it made of? Rather than the what's it used for? Questions which I found interesting.

Mark Fischbach
I know. I asked, did it exist 100 years ago? I feel like my. Yes, of course. That's the.

I should have asked, did it exist 200 years ago? I asked if it uses complex machines. I feel like that was a good question. Yeah, that was a good one. Cause I was like, no, it's about as simple as you can get.

Wade Barnes
It's just a piece of fucking wood. And then I guessed umbrella. Like, my guesses were not very good. That's the thing. I learned that whenever you host it, it's like, as soon as you would say, like, no, it's not that.

I'd be like, what about this? It's clearly that thing you said. Can I wear it? No. What about a shoe?

Bob Muyskens
Can I pick it up? It's a swank set, to be fair. We have a swing set in our yard that I could definitely pick up. But it's a terrible piece of shit that I'm a little bit afraid to let James use. Your incredible strength plays no part here.

No, it's made entirely of one by fours. It weighs like 150 pounds. Awful. It feels like it's gonna blow over in the wind. Mark messaged me and guessed birdhouse, which is a pretty good guess too.

For what? The clues that you had at the time. I had a thought during one of your early ones. I was like, ooh, it could be a vacuum. I should just gone for it.

But then when you said you stored in a certain room, I should have just guessed. Why wouldn't I? Guess as complicated as chapstick ended up being, I was like, I'm gonna go with vacuum cleaner and baseball bat. And I hope it doesn't get that complex. It is shocking how difficult it is to narrow things down.

Wade Barnes
Well then the handheld, Mark, you understand the handheld difficulties? It's like there's a little small handheld back. Yeah, totally. I get you, I get you. The running out thing was interesting and I feel like that got me there weirdly.

Mark Fischbach
I don't know why, but I was like. Because you could run out of bags, it could fill up. There was like a whole different. There was a couple different ways. I was like, oh yeah.

Wade Barnes
So that was also tricky to answer cuz it's like, can you run out? Yeah, you can run out of base, but you just empty it. I would have just said, no, you. Can'T run out of vacuum. Yeah, you don't.

Bob Muyskens
Well, you know, it doesn't run out, it fills up, but also you just empty it. It's not like you use it up and you buy another one. Yeah, but it's like, if I'm thinking. Of a flashlight, can the flashlight run out of battery? But the same thing, you just replace the battery.

I would say the flashlight doesn't run run out, but the batteries run out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I win, right? I. Well, I don't know.

We'll see what the points say, mark. I just want to. I just feel like I did pretty good. As we know, Mark got eleven points from answering the first one on his 9th question. So that left eleven unused.

Wade Barnes
That was eleven. And then nine points for guessing vacuum. That's 20 points so far. The points you know about, Bob, you have nine points for guessing on your eleven. For baseball bat.

I gave you a bonus four points because I felt bad about some of the answers for chapstick. Oh, I feel like I should get zero but that's fine. Well, you made a fair argument that some of my answers might have misled you. And it's like, that wasn't my intent, but, like, I can see how they might have. So I gave you four points for that.

So that gets you to 13. So 20 to 13 right now, Mark, your bonus points. I have learning teamwork. Ikea for yachts. Both of you I have excited about together.

Don't know what that means, but. So that's another five. Bring you to 25 points, Bob. I have compliment points. Car point, not tab.

Hot tub. Maybe it's hot tub. I have tough answer. And then I have. You did guess vacuum, though slightly after Mark, but I was doing the honor system, so trusting you, and that got.

Bob Muyskens
You to 37 21, which is four shy. So Mark still came out on top. Mark is the winner. Redemption redeemed. I'm not bad at this.

Mark Fischbach
And if the subreddit sides with me, that's two wins. I swear, if I get justified, if I get justifucked. Another thing I took off the list in case we had to go to three rounds. I actually had tissues in the third round as one of the items. Oh, we never would have guessed it.

Wade Barnes
It was from. It was one of Mark's items. I won already. I get points for that. I'll give you two points.

You still lose by 20. Good show. Good fun. That was good. That was fun game.

It's harder to be on the question side than I think it feels like it should be. Oh, I prefer to be the host in this one. I don't like playing that much. It's tough. It's tough to be on the host side, too, with some of the questions you guys ask.

It's like fucking, can you hold it in one hand? Like, yes, but what is that? The item I picture whenever I picture a vacuum. No, but, like, there are those. You could hold pretty much any vacuum in one hand if you try hard enough.

Mark Fischbach
If you're very strong, pick it up from the side. The right hand. Anyway. Mark, do you have a winner speech? Yes, I do.

Yes, I do. Stay tuned for next episode because I have the greatest idea ever. And it's not gonna be like the greatest episode of distractible ever, which I think was. But now that episode is gonna look like shit compared to the episode that I have in store. I was so excited.

I was hoping that I would win the one of these so I could get to it right now. It'll just have to wait until the next episode. I can't wait. You guys can't wait. It's gonna be great.

Oh, boy. Thank you, tubboi Bob, what do you got? I just wanna say that after that, if Mark does another 20 questions episode next time, I will be disappointed, but unsurprised. Is it bad that I'm hoping it is? Cause I'd find that hilarious.

No, no, no, no. It's not that. I'll tell you straight up. Nah, nah, nah. I'm still gonna hope it is.

Wade Barnes
No matter what you say, mark, I. Feel like my personal disuse of chaps really screwed me over more than anything else. And I appreciate your fair judgment during this episode. And I look forward to Mark definitely having a lot of original ideas and a very cool episode when he hosts next, so that'll be good. And you remember when I had a really good episode and then I didn't win for like, several months?

Bob Muyskens
You get to get right to it, Mark. You only had to wait one. One week or something. I know, right? It's great to win.

It's just. It's just the best. That's that. Good. Not winner speech.

Good. Winner speech. Thank you all for watching. If you aren't watching this on Spotify, you should, because we have some great visual gags, such as Wade puts on chapstick during an episode, marks in a tub. It gets crazy over here.

I might be in a tub next time we record. I'm excited for that. And then everyone will find out that being in a tub increases your. Your viewership. And everyone's gonna be in a tub, probably.

Are we allowed to. Are we allowed allowed to show nip on this show? Yeah. Or do I have to wear a shirt in my tub? Because I'm not trying to, but there might be a little nip if I'm in a hot tub at some point.

Mark Fischbach
Awesome. We have merch. Distractiblestore.com. Yeah. You should probably know that by now.

Wade Barnes
But that's it. Distractiblestore.com. We have stuff there. You can get it. And if we don't have stuff, there'll be more new stuff soon.

Stay tuned for the next one where mark will host probably 20 questions, part three. Stay tuned for that, and we'll see you then. Until next time, podcast out.