Naming 100 Women

Primary Topic

In this episode of "Distractible," hosts Mark, Bob, and Wade engage in a spirited challenge to name 100 women who are alive and well-known enough to be verifiable through a Google search.

Episode Summary

In this lively episode of "Distractible," titled "Naming 100 Women," hosts Mark Fischbach, Bob Muyskens, and Wade Barnes embark on a unique challenge: naming 100 women who are alive and recognizable in various fields. The challenge, inspired by QT Cinderella, involves naming women from diverse spheres such as entertainment, politics, and sports, ensuring they are well-known enough to be found on Google. The episode is filled with humorous banter, occasional confusions, and playful disputes among the hosts as they race against time to complete the challenge. This episode not only tests their knowledge but also sheds light on the wide array of influential women across different industries.

Main Takeaways

  1. The challenge highlighted a broad spectrum of influential women in various fields.
  2. It underscored the hosts' diverse knowledge of public figures.
  3. The episode provided a humorous yet insightful look at how people recall information under pressure.
  4. It showcased the importance of recognizing female figures in various professional domains.
  5. The playful interactions among the hosts added entertainment value while also emphasizing teamwork.

Episode Chapters

1: Challenge Introduction

Mark introduces the challenge to name 100 women, setting the stage for a competitive and humorous dialogue among the hosts. Mark Fischbach: "We're going to do the 100 women challenge."

2: The Naming Begins

The hosts begin the challenge, naming women from different backgrounds and discussing each briefly. Bob Muyskens: "I think I can name 100 women pretty quickly."

3: Rules and Clarifications

Discussion about the rules, including that the women named must be alive and verifiable. Wade Barnes: "They have to be, quote, googleable."

4: Hurdles and Humor

The episode progresses with the hosts encountering humorous misunderstandings and playful arguments about the rules. Wade Barnes: "No, that doesn't count!"

5: Conclusion of the Challenge

The challenge concludes with a tally of named women and reflections on the task. Mark Fischbach: "We definitely know 100 women collectively, 106 maybe."

Actionable Advice

  1. Explore diverse fields to learn about influential figures.
  2. Engage in similar challenges to increase awareness of various professionals.
  3. Use playful competitions to enhance team-building skills.
  4. Recognize the contributions of women in different sectors through discussions or quizzes.
  5. Implement regular discussions on diverse topics to broaden general knowledge in a fun way.

About This Episode

100 women vs the 3 dudes. Also Mark can't spell.


Mark Fischbach, Bob Muyskens, Wade Barnes

Content Warnings:



Mark Fischbach
This episode is brought to you by Mint Mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Everyone loves Mint mobile, and it's time for more mint mobile.

Mint mobile. If you say a word too much, it doesn't sound like a word anymore. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile.

Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Did you know Mint Mobile has unlimited talk? Everyone knows Mint Mobile has unlimited talk, text and data plans for $15 a month.

When you buy a three month plan. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows you can save with Mint Mobile. distractible use distractible use the slash distractable Mint mobile to get this new customer offer, go to distractible. That's

d I S d r a c c I b l e dollar 45 upfront. Payment required. Equivalent to dollar 15 a month for the first three months only. Speeds slower than 40gb on unlimited plan. Additional taxes, fees and restrictions apply.

Seaman mobiled for details. This episode is brought to you by accounting plus. Here's a story that's 100% true, and it's about how accounting is a great choice of career. Here's the facts. With accounting, you'll have flexibility, great pay, and the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed of.

Bob Muyskens
It's a lifestyle that's less math and spreadsheets and more traveling, personal and professional growth, and making a positive impact on your family and community. Want to start an exciting new chapter? Accounting plus provides free resources that will help guide you to a successful career in accounting and personal freedom. Do more live more visitors dot. This episode is brought to you by eBay Motors.

Wade Barnes
EBay Motors is here for the ride. Have you guys ever work on your cars? If I had one, it's very satisfying. If you had a cool car like mine, you could use eBay motors. Do you think that if I could get the individual parts and then assemble.

My own car, yeah, they do have over 122 million parts. Plus, with ebay guaranteed fit, they're guaranteed to fit your ride the first time, every time. Keep your ride or die that's eligible items only. Exclusions play good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to distractable.

This episode moribund Mark sets up his pals for a speedrun, so they rip on his swift spelling. Well heeled Wade takes a proboscis pounding and rages over. Rule calls bibulous Bob receives minor domestic abuse as baby james chooses violence, then finger wags at wades willfulness from top secret aquatic antics to fighting talk. Yes, its time for naming 100 women. Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show.

Mark Fischbach
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to distractable, the only podcast you ever need in your life. But you can have others if you so choose to disappoint us. Thank you for not disappointing us today. Even if you do it a little bit later or if you just were done disappointing us.

We're glad you're here, or at least I am. I can't speak for my lovely co host or collaborators or competitors. I am Mark, but they are Bob and Wade. Hello. Also our move in the boxing ring.

Wade Barnes
You got a bob and wade? It's a half flooded boxing ring. Man. Underwater boxing would be pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie. It would be so hard to throw a good punch in underwater.

Bob Muyskens
It'd be very technique based. Yeah. What was the movie? It was a movie that did a whole underwater fight scene, but it was a comedy, right? So they started, like, getting out of a car that fell out or they fell into a river or something.

Mark Fischbach
They were still punching, and then one punched, and they went through, like, saloon doors and over a table that was underwater, and then, like, punched the other guy and knocked into a group of four cowboys playing a card game underwater. It was very funny. I liked it a lot. But that's not what we're here about. How are you guys doing?

Wade Barnes
Is that what we're here about? Yeah. How are you doing? Pretty good. Uh, I went to an ent recently, so I've been losing my voice a lot this year, and it turned out I was having some allergy issues, so I got in some allergy meds, but I had scheduled an EnT appointment just in case to make sure my throat was okay, because I've also been screaming a lot.

Lethal company and some other various horror games. I've been playing a bunch of. I just, like, find myself screaming like a banshee and keep losing my voice. So I went to the ent, and they were like, all right, here. I was like, what?

They're, like, up my nose. I was like, oh, God, who's that? They're like. And they left. I'm making that up.

That's not really how it happened. But they sprayed some stuff down my nose, and they're like, this is for the camera. I was like, oh, I'm not camera ready. And then they brought in this, like, long thing, shoved it up my nose, like, all right, let's take a look. All right, look pretty good.

Say e. E. Oh, there's your vocal cords? See, they're good. And I was like, yeah, great.

And they're like, are we gonna go to the other nostril? No. Why? And they shoved it in that nostril. He's like, oh, look, you have a deviated septum.

And I was like, oh, I thought I had, like, nasal polyps. He's like, oh, you might have before, but you definitely have a deviated septum. And it's a. I guess that should have taken the swelling down, whatever spray, but it didn't. So he's like, yeah, you might need surgery.

Let's give it a couple months on the allergy meds. We'll come back, and we'll see. Oh, okay. He pulled the tube out, and the dude sat down. He's like, so, what do you do for a living and start asking me a bunch of random questions?

I was talking to him, and I was like, oh, I don't feel so good. I was, like, trying to answer his questions, and I felt like I was gonna throw up. And finally I was like, shut up. I didn't need garbage. Can I throw up?

Take me somewhere, doctor. I'm gonna be sick. Help me. Shut up. Help.

And then he and Molly looked at me, and they were like, oh, he's. He's gonna pass out. He's done. And I was like, I am. I just.

I just need to throw up. A promise. And Molly's like, oh, my God, your lips. Your face. You're so pale.

Your lips are white. I was like, lips are white. No, I just need to. I need to throw up. And he, like, came over.

He's, like, leaning me back, and he's like, no, what you need is to lane back here. You need to throw up. He gave me, like, this tiny little tray. I was like, dude, I'm a projectile vomiter. If you gave me this tray, this is going all over the room.

There's no way this can contain the. Oh, goodbye. And then, I don't know, I kind of leaned back. I felt, like, my whole head, like. I felt, like, the square part of my face.

Like, I could feel the rest of my head. Just felt like it was removed for a minute. It was a really weird sensation. And then I was just kind of, like, half out of it for about ten minutes, and I was like, all right, I guess you knew what you were talking about. I don't need to throw up.

I needed whatever that was. And Molly just kept talking about how, like, white my lips were and stuff. But I guess something happened, and my body just did not like either the meds or what, something. So what? And then the doctor was like, huh, that was weird.

Bob Muyskens
And then left. He actually did leave. He turned out. He's like, I'm gonna turn down the lights. He put, like, a cloth on my forehead.

Wade Barnes
He's like, I'll be back. Then he just left. I heard him go talking to the next patient, and I was like, what if I'm dying? And the nurse popped in. She's like, how you feeling?

I was like, I don't know. Okay, I guess, like, great. Then closed the door, and I was just, molly and I, great. My like, wait, that was a pretty mixed answer. You know, five or ten minutes, doc comes back and he's like, oh, thank God.

You're out in jeopardy. I'll hang out again. Let's talk some more. Like, man, fair weather doctor. It had to have happened before.

Mark Fischbach
He had to have seen it. Apparently, it happens all the time. They said, okay, well, all the time. Maybe that's too many times. Maybe you should switch medicines.

Bob Muyskens
Yeah. Every time I do something to one of you people, you're like, oh, I'm passing out. People are like, is it you? And I'm like, I don't think so. Do they have the protocol?

Wade Barnes
They had the dim the lights, lean you back, get you the cloth for the forehead, and if you're bitching about throwing up, they hand you a bucket. So did he say what that was? I said, some people just react that way, I guess. Could be from stress or reaction to the medicine or just like. Because it's an unusual thing to put your body through sometimes people like, it's kind of like whenever you get your blood drawn.

If some people get their blood drawn, feel queasy and, like, pass out. No, there's a very specific reason for that. That they pass out is because they. They just took a whole bunch of your blood. They scooped out your blood, and your blood is what you need.

I don't know. Cause I get queasy when I watch it happen. But if I don't watch it happen, I'm fine with blood draws. Yeah, but they pass out because they got less blood is. That's pretty much the only reason?

Well, apparently shoving camera tubes down my nose into my throat is what gets me. Can I just say? I'm not a doctor, so I don't appreciate all the nuance to whatever happened to you and whatever, and I'm sure they see it all the time. I fucking hate when doctors do that. And because you can never tell if it's that they see it so much and they're like, ah, you're fine.

Bob Muyskens
I know what that is. Or if they're like, oh, I have no idea why that happened. Oh, he seems fine now, but you can never tell. I don't care if the news is scary. I don't care if it's.

If the doctor's like, well, I only, you know, we only kind of understand. Tell me every. All the information I know. Some people are like, ooh, don't tell me. It freaks me out.

Wade Barnes
He didn't even talk to me. He's like, looked at Molly's, like, ah, he's going, I'm going. Where, Tom? Tell me, what am I doing? Where am I going?

Mark Fischbach
Fucking guy. There he goes. He's disappearing. Ha. Man.

Bob Muyskens
I just can't stand it. Cause doctors have done that to me in so many different scenarios where they're just like, oh, don't worry about that. I'm like, there's blood coming out of him. What do you mean, don't worry? Like, ah, this should stop event on its own.

It'll stop eventually. Where? Why is it? And they're like, nah, you don't need to know why. Like, I would like to know why.

Wade Barnes
Ultimately, it wasn't that bad in the end, but, like, in the moment, it was just like, I felt very nauseous. I was like, dude, I thought that. Was leading to you just being like, oh, and I got nose cancer or something. Like, I hope not. I do.

I do have a deviated septum that apparently needs surgery, which I feel so validated. I've been telling people that I've had issues breathing. Like, I can only ever breathe through one nostril. And, like, everyone in, like, twitch streams and stuff, they're like, that's normal. Most people, you can only ever actually breathe through one nostril at a time.

I was like, that doesn't feel right because I've occasionally had it clear up. I'm like, oh, clarity. And it's gone. Don't most people have, like, kind of a deviated septum? It's like.

It's like your eye. You can have a dominant nostril. You breathe in more through one than the other. But, like, a lot of people have deviated septum. Sure.

Not to the point where you feel like you can literally only ever breathe through one nostril. Like, playing sports for, like, as long as I can remember, I must have had this because, like, playing sports and stuff, I remember, like, the coach would be like, all right, you want to put your hands above your head, breathe through your nose. And the heat. The moment I was like, dude, I am not getting enough oxygen doing that. I need more oxygen.

Oh, thank God. There's the air. And, like, I've just always felt like people, like, something was wrong with me where it's like, it's my lungs bad. Like, why don't I get enough oxygen breathing through my nose? And now it's like, ah.

Because one side is literally blocked. Because the septum is just sitting there, pushed up against it, where there's tiny little. Like, he could barely get the camera. Like, when he was looking at the camera at that side, it was like there was two little, tiny holes then just pressed up against, like, that almost. And the other side was just like, oh, yeah, sure.

Look at that space. Look at that real estate, man. There's acres. Look at this cavernous septum over here. Oh, my God.

Where is the wall? So it was like, mansion on one side, and, I don't know. Harry Potter's broom closet on the other is how my nostrils are set up. It's a closet under the stairs. Okay, don't.

Bob Muyskens
Don't make the reference. Oh, whatever. Whatever. It was small. Yeah, small.

Mark Fischbach
All right, well, that's super sad for you. And the fact that you didn't get it resolved is really disappointing. And I'm so sorry. I haven't had the septum surgery yet. I also still haven't had my shoulder surgery.

Wade Barnes
Remember that? The slap tear I still have. Is there, like, a discount if you get it enough all at once? I'm hoping to get a combo meal where I could just be like, yeah, could I get a side of slap tear surgery with a helping of deviated septum? A larger large.

Bob Muyskens
It's like. It's like a. It's like the. The board game operation. You get, like, a special.

If they just open you up all at once and do everything. I need to find one more. It's a buy to get one free. Yeah, they call that an ents, you know, ear, nose, throat, and shoulder doctor. They definitely.

Mark Fischbach
They definitely exist. That's great, Wade. Your suffering earns you points, just so you know. Well, point. I've just never, like, I didn't fully black out or pass out, but I definitely was at the point where I was like, if I stand up right now, there is no chance that I am going to remain standing.

Wade Barnes
But, like, I was still conscious and aware what was going on, even whenever the doctor, like, was clearly thinking that he should talk to Molly instead of me about what was happening? Well, you weren't there. You were half translucent. So it's like, I don't feel so good, dog. I would have throw up.

He's leaving. He's going. He's gone. He could go all the way.

Mark Fischbach
All right, Bob, how much suffering you been through? Oh, I robbed three people. I stole five cars. You caused suffering. Oh, victim.

That's good. That's a good reference. Brian Regan jokes always work for Mark. Just trying to get those suck up points. Oh, no.

Bob Muyskens
Suffering. James is talking a lot. Uh, he's good, honestly, he's been sleeping pretty good this week and stuff. So, like, I think the biggest thing is he's getting stronger. Uh oh.

He's getting stronger, but he's not getting better about understanding what violence is. So it's not really his fault. It was. This is not even that. Recently, just wade suffering reminded me of this, I guess.

We took him to an event, and he got, like a. He got, like, a toy at this event. Basically, it was a dump truck toy. And he loves dump trucks. We made the mistake of.

He got that right at the start. Like, we got there, went to the first area. He got that immediately. He did not have any interest in doing any of the rest of this whole event. We were at where you could, like, sit in a helicopter and look at.

It was like, trucks and things. It was very cool. It was like emergency vehicles, a fire truck. He had his little dump truck toy, and we were like, look, buddy, let's get in line. You could sit in a tractor, and you can.

And you can sit in this medevac helicopter and look at all this stuff. I was. I was holding him, and I was like, I'm going to take this toy, and we're going to go get a picture of you sitting on a tractor. And I took that. I grabbed the toy, and I pulled it, and he was kind of like, what?

And I was like, nah, well, I'll give it back. Like, I'll take. I took the thing, I got it away from him, and he. Full body, full length of his arm, wheeled back, and, like, right on, like, my cheekbone, perfectly solid contact. He smacked the shit out of me.

And even I was there with Manny and Rin, friend Rin. Like, even they. He did that, and they were like, whoa, are you okay? Like, yeah, that was a real man smack. He's very strong, and he kicks and smacks way above his weight class.

Mark Fischbach
Damn. That's not exactly surgery, but did he laugh afterwards? Did he, like, he was very unhappy. He did that, and was like, kill you. I know where you sleep.

Wade Barnes
He takes like a bottle off the table, breaks it, like, holds it at you. I can climb stairs now. Yeah, no, he's a. It's wild. It's talking more, though, now.

Bob Muyskens
He learned in the last couple days, he's learned how to fake sneeze. So now I don't know where he'll just be all.

Mark Fischbach
It'S really cute. He's like, what, a year and a half now? Is that right? 17 months? That's basically like a year and a half.

Wade Barnes
This is not even the bad. Isn't like, when they turn two, doesn't something terrible happen? He's getting into the terrible twos type stuff. It's. It's more like terrible toddlers because they're learning how to regulate their emotions and they're able to do more stuff physically, but they're not aware of what they're doing over.

Bob Muyskens
So, yeah, he, he's. This is like, he's getting into the terrible quote, terrible two's behaviors. Can't wait till he's a terrific teen. He's gonna be just the best. No more problems.

Gonna be smooth sailing once he gets past two. Tell you what. Nice. Excellent. All right.

Mark Fischbach
This episode is brought to you by Mint Mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Everyone loves Mint mobile.

And it's time for more. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. If you say a word too much, it doesn't sound like a word anymore. Mint mobile.

Bob Muyskens
Mint mobile. Mint Mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile. Mint mobile.

Wade Barnes
Did you know Mint Mobile has a limited talking text? Everyone knows Mint Mobile has unlimited talk, text and data plans for $15 a month. When you buy a three month plan. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows you can save with Mint mobile.

Mark Fischbach distractible use distractable. Use the slash distractable. To get this new customer offer, go to distractible. That's dashible. Dollar 45 upfront.

Payment required. Equivalent to $15 a month for the first three months only. Speeds slower than 40gb on unlimited plan. Additional taxes, fees and restrictions apply. Seamen mobiled for details.

This episode is brought to you by accounting plus, here's a story that's 100% true, and it's about how accounting is a great choice of career. With accounting, you'll have flexibility, great pay, and the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed of. It's a lifestyle that's less math and spreadsheets and more traveling, personal and professional growth, and making a positive impact on your family and community. Want to start an exciting new chapter accounting plus provides free resources that will help guide you to a successful career in accounting and personal freedom. Do more, live more.

Visit are you guys ready for the episode? Yeah, sure. No, you're not. I'm not ready, Mark.

There you go. That's the right answer. All right, so we're gonna do a challenge today, and it might ruin our reputations forever. Yours. Your.

Your reputations forever. No, ours. I like ours. I want you grouped in with this. Yeah, I think you're included in this.

Well, no, the hour is in YouTube's reputation. Uh huh. All three of us. Got it. But I'm giving you the opportunity of a lifetime and probably ruining my reputation by changing the rules of this challenge.

Bob Muyskens
That we're doing, changing the rules to. Modify it so that we can do this. Because usually this is a one person thing. Three has got to be better than one. I'm going to write down what you guys are saying.

Mark Fischbach
I'm going to write who said it so that we can keep track of. How many points get allotted so there's an official record. Good. And there will be a loser in this one. And that.

That is the person whose reputation will be tattered and torn to shreds and then tossed into the wind forever. I'm looking at you, Wade. Perfect. That's a lie. But it could be more perfect after this, because what we're gonna do is we're going to do the 100 women challenge.

That doesn't sound right. Yeah, well, I'm married, Mark. Name 100 women challenge. Oh, okay. Yeah.

Started by, I believe, QT. Cinderella. That's what the Internet says, I think. And the Internet's always right. All right, so the idea here is for Internet personalities or whomstever desires to.

To name 100 women. And there's some rules and stipulations this, because a lot of people out there might be like, oh, no, that's. That's probably easier said than done, but they have to be alive. They have to be, quote, google able, as in, they can't just be your friend who you name or random first name, random last name, and therefore unverifiable. It has to be verifiable public figures, streamers, like significant politicians, whatever it could be whomstever, whomever.

But we are trying to spread speedrun the naming of 100 women. I say we again, you two. We, including Mark. Got it. The un royal we, the peasant we.

Bob Muyskens
That's you. I I'm not a big, like, names person. I'm that guy who's always like, oh, that's that actress in that one movie. But I still feel like I could definitely name on my own. I feel like I could definitely name 100 women pretty quickly.

Mark Fischbach
Well, that is the challenge, and technically, we're not doing the real challenge. So if you want to redeem yourself and or add on to the glory, then you can do that on your. Your own later. I could. You could if you wanted to, if you so chose.

Bob Muyskens
I feel like we're gonna kill this so hard, I won't even need to do that. This is just gonna stand on its own merits. It might. It might. This might be great, and this might be fantastic, and you might.

Mark Fischbach
You might. It might. I don't think that this should be difficult, but again, we don't know for sure, but we're gonna try our best. Right, guys? Who's ready?

Cause as soon as I hit go on this speedrun timer, it's on. You go first, buddy. All right, Mark, let me know when. All right, get ready to. And I'm going to write them as fast as I can.

There's no speed limit. If you. If. If you stutter for more than a few seconds, the other person can jump in afterwards. But we're going for gold here.

We are collectively the equivalent intelligence of one man. I think this counts as an honest start of this challenge. Three, two, one, go. Shakira. Scarlett Johansson.

Oh, God. Hold on. Mama plier. Doctor Jill Biden. My wife, Molly.

Bob Muyskens
No. Yeah, that's one of the rules. You can't say someone's wife. You have to say, yeah, man, that was, like, straight up the way to not do it. She is my wife.

Wade Barnes
It's not someone's wife. It's my wife. Foxtrot 44. Molly. Ivanka Trump.

Melania Trump. Wait, hold on.

Mark Fischbach
Trump. Jill Stein. Former presidential candidate, american politician Jill Stein. Of course. Of course.

I knew that. Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Marjorie Taylor Green. Wait, hold on. Wait. No, that's not right.

Bob Muyskens
I've got a counter, Mark. You could catch up. We'll see how many you get. This is Mark's test. Keep going, Wade.

Wade Barnes
Oh, Amy. Hold on, hold on. Wait. No, that doesn't. Bob, what did you say after?

Who says Amy cows. You can search Amy. Sis, sniper, wolf. I've missed one. Hold on.

Katy Perry. Cher. Cher's still alive, right?

Pamela Anderson. Britney Spears. Did you say Pamela Henderson? That's what I put.

Bob Muyskens
Keep going. This is speed thing. It's a speed thing. Taylor Swift. What?

Mark Fischbach
Wade, what'd you say? Wine. What'd you say? He said Taylor Swift. I said Rihanna.

Wade Barnes
Uh, Beyonce. I was gonna say Hannah Montana. That's not her name. Miley Cyrus. Michelle Obama.

Mark Fischbach
Michael Obama. Oh, God. I feel like you're distracting us right now. I feel like this is. No, no.

Bob Muyskens
Megan Trainor. Oprah. Oprah.

Megan thee. Stallion. Caitlin Clark. Lizzo. Oh, God.

Wade Barnes
Venus Williams. Serena Williams. Kim Kardashian. There's other ones. Oh.

Bob Muyskens
Khloe Kardashian. That's one. Oh. Ooh. A billie Eilish.

Lauren Boebert. Rue barrymore. Cameron Diaz. My first crush. Sarah Michelle Geller.

Mark Fischbach
Sarah. Sarah Michelle Geller. Sarah Michelle Geller. Lucy Liu. Sara Michi.

Wade Barnes
Willie Geller.

Simone Biles. Christy Abaguchi. Madonna. Oh, I got distracted laughing at Mark's typing. Okay, Sarah.

Bob Muyskens
Sarah Palin. Dolly Parton ways with the musicians. I'm noticing a trend on that. That's good. Jennifer Aniston.

Wade Barnes
Do we have Emma Watson yet? No, not yet. Oh, oh, don't look. Emma Stone. Or Emily Stone, as she would prefer to be called.

Mark Fischbach
That's true. That's very true. Anne Hathaway. Kate Winslet. Brittany Griner.

I don't know who that is. She was WNBA player who's imprisoned in Russia now. I don't know sports. I'm trying to think of sports. Women, but that's not a thing I know about.

Wade Barnes
Wade. You can steal tonight. Ashley Simpson. Jessica Simpson. Avril Lavigne.

Angeli jali. Jessica.

Shut up. Shut up. You're doing this on purpose just to be distracted. My keyboard is broken. I spilled red Bull on it.

Mark Fischbach
Half of the letters don't always work, and I'm also in a hurry. Um, Sarah Connor is the character, not the person. Sandra Bullock. Thank you. I'm still trying to think of sports.

Bob Muyskens
Cheryl swoops is. She's a retired WMA player, right? Isn't she one of the people that was talking a lot of shit about the. The new girl who's in the demon ba. Who's really good?

Wade Barnes
Oh, no. I will try to verify it later. I'll put it, I'll put it. I'm pretty sure that's her name. I'm pretty sure she's a commentator now and was a WNBA player.

Tina Fey. Amy Poehler. Perry Hatcher. Kristen Wiig. Oh, what's the other ones?

Chloe Feynman. Amy Adams. Sarah Sherman. She's an SNL one, too, right? Sarah Silverman.

Ashley Olsen. Mary Kate Olson. Bastard. Elizabeth Olson. There you go.

Mark Fischbach
The trifecta. Kate McKinnon. Cecily strong. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cecily strong.

I don't know that, but I'll. We're going through all the SNL right now. You've unlocked comedy and you gotta dig deep. Margot Robbie. There's plenty of actresses that you have not named.

There's like, tons name. Something.

Sigourney Weaver stealing on you. Taylor Joy, if you really want me. To be part of this, I was gonna say. Oh, you just distracted me. No.

Bob Muyskens
Maya Angelou. Maya Angelou, still alive, right? Yeah. Oh, Maya Angelou passed. No, she did not.

She is not alive. She passed away. Kyra Knightley. Rebel Wilson. Natalie Portman.

Oh, what is her name? No, I said that one already. She's a judge on the voice. She was Britney Spears. Like rival Genie in a bottle.

Fuck is her name? Christina Aguilera. Judge Judy. Also a judge. Judge Judith Shinland.

Thank you. Oh, well, Bob got the real name. Judge Judith. Her name is Judge Judith Shinland. Shinelan.

Wade Barnes
That's mine. I still get credit for that. No, no, because you have to name the real name. The only qualifier is. That's not the rules I saw.

Bob Muyskens
That is, it doesn't have to be spelled correctly. But you do have to know, like, their name. I would give it to Bob just because he did know the full name. I brought it up. Yeah, but he knew the full name.

Mark Fischbach
I'll put controversial here because. All right, whatever. Go on. Sonia Sotomayor. Oh.

Wade Barnes
Emily Blunt. Sandra day O'Connor. Not familiar with that one. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor of the Supreme Court. Well, you type in there.

Bob. Bob. What was that? I'm making sure she's still alive. Okay.

Mark Fischbach
All right, just checking. She died in December of 2023. No shit. All right. Sandra day O'Connor doesn't count.

You're very close. You got probably 75. Oh, I'm on 79. That's not good. Halle Berry.

Bob Muyskens
Willow Smith. Wait, there's a natural association there. I'll take that one. Jada Pinkett Smith. There you go.

Wade Barnes
Kirsten Dunst. Does it count if it's a stage name? Tones and I. The artist who did the song dance monkey. If Wade knows the real name, I'll let him steal.

Mark Fischbach
But Tones and I. Tones and I. Tones and I. Okay, have we done Jamie Lee Curtis? No.

Bob Muyskens
That's a good one. Liv Tyler. Jennifer Connelly. Ah, see, this is the thing. I keep thinking of actresses faces, and I'm like, oh, I don't actually know their name.

Mark Fischbach
Oh, very famous. Incredibly famous. Very famous. Sandra. Oh.

Bob Muyskens
She plays Christina on Grey's Anatomy. She's also very famous. Right. I never watched Grey's Anatomy. Gal gadot.

Did I not say that I thought of her at one point? Cate Blanchett, Kristen Stewart, Meryl Streep. You're probably at, like, 89. Have we said Charlize? Charlize Theron.

Charlize Theron. I almost don't want to give you that one. Dude. I'm picture in the face and try to work my way through the name. Okay.

Charlize the. Ron Bette Midler Grimes. Is Lady Gaga an official enough name? I think she goes by it enough that definitely. That could.

Wade Barnes
Oh, sure. Judge Judy was too far, but Lady. Gaga, well, he knew the full name. Fuck yourselves. What's Lady Gaga's whole real whole name, then?

Hang on. Hey, Siri, what's Lady Gaga's real name? Stefani Joanne. Angelina Germanada. No.

Mark Fischbach
You had Siri help you. Oh, is that against the rules? You didn't say, don't let Siri help you. Yes, you asked me the name. I gave it to you.

Bob Muyskens
Yvonne Strahovski, Zoe Deschanel. And the obvious connection to that one. Is Billy Bobby Brown. Wrong. But there it is.

Emily Deschanel. Zoe Deschanel. Sister who plays bones on bones. I think I knew that. I think I knew that.

Mark Fischbach
But wow. Harry Underwood. I said that. Kelly Clarkson with Paltrow. Nope.

Okay, I think we need. I think this is the last one. I believe. Yes, I believe it's the last one. Well, that makes it extra important.

Wade Barnes
I've got one. I think she's still alive. I was just double checking. Judi Dench. Ooh, dame Judi Dench.

Mark Fischbach
I don't know how to spell that, actually. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go one more. There's one more. Because I put one in, and I feel like you guys should have the full list.

Bob Muyskens
Elena Kagan. Associate justice Elena Kagan of the supreme court. All right, and that's time. Wow. You guys did this challenge in 16 minutes, 27 seconds and seven milliseconds.

Wade Barnes
I want to go back and read some of these names mark typed out here, like Evan Strahovski. That's my job. That's my job. That's my job. What about Liv Tyrell?

Mark Fischbach
Hold the phone. I'm getting the points here. I have to go through. Name them again. Pphra.

Oh, you talk about Oprah. Oh, hold on. You guys are spoiling all the jokes. I'm going through it. Just shut up, Kim Kardashian.

Bob Muyskens
All right, we're holding on. We're holding on. So we're gonna go through this list, and we're gonna make accounting of everyone. So, Wade, you mentioned Shakira. I did mention shaq, Ira.

God, I love Shaq's music. Bob, you got Scarlett Joe. I believe he went the one with two t's, but we could be wrong. Wade, you mentioned Mama plier, which, you know, she has a real name, but it's okay. Bob.

Mark Fischbach
Doctor Jill Biden. Bob with an Ivanka. Wade with a Melania. Yeah. Can I add Melania, too?

Wade Barnes
I want to get the trump's wife. Hold on. I have to count. There has to be a winner. Oh, making mark type.

Bob Muyskens
These was the best part of this whole idea so far. Did I spell share right? Sure, sure. It's a c. I know it's a c.

Wade Barnes
I know there's a c. Okay, yeah, the c is at the end. It's a silent c. Michael Obama. Fraud.

Bob Muyskens
No, I know. You were trying to type Oprah. Got it. Megan the Stanleyan. Caitlin Clark.

Wade Barnes
Caloric. Caloric. You know, fun. Fun fact about Lizzo is Katherine actually was at a convention. I don't think it was Pax or something, but this was right before Lizzo blew up.

Mark Fischbach
She was performing on a stage, and Katherine was just a huge fan of them at that performance. It was like, this person. Because they play flute. She's incredible at flute. She was just, like, destroying the stage.

Like, wow. I don't know. I didn't get sent video, but Katherine was super excited about it. Anyway. Kim Kardashian.


Bob Muyskens
Chloe. Billy. Ice. I'll see. Billy.

Wade Barnes
I'll see.

Mark Fischbach
Did we. Did we verify Michelle swoops? I did not check that out. Wait, no, not Michelle. Cheryl.

Bob Muyskens
Cheryl swoops. I said Cheryl, didn't I? You might have said Cheryl. I think I heard it as Shell. I don't remember because I was too busy.

Wade Barnes
Like, oh, thank God it's bobst. I gotta know what to think. The WNBA lady is Cheryl swoops. Yeah, I think. I think that's valid, because if I wrote shell, it's because I heard.

Mark Fischbach
I heard Cheryl wrong. I think that's okay. Amy P. Hoehler. Ew.

Amya dams. Amya dams. Judge Judith Shindlin. Controversial. That was mine.

Wade Barnes
Literally mine. Yeah, well, let me. Let me skip over that for now. I'll write that as a j point. That's a j point.

Mark Fischbach
But. But, you know, wait a second. Live. Tyrell. You take two of those before bed.

Tones and eye. Can you look up tones and I? Tones and I. Australian singer songwriter producer Tony Watson, known professionally as tones and. I.

I think that's valid, because the challenge also allows you to say, like, streamers. Stream names. Like they're. Yeah, I mean, if sniper, wolf counts. I swear to fuck if fucking Judge Judy doesn't count.

Wade Barnes
But sniper, wolf and tones, and I count. I'm gonna fucking beat your asses. I said, look what's over here? Where's my red flag? I get a red flag.

I'm just gonna preemptively get it ready. To throw you if you know any of these other women. Wait, if you knew women's names, you could steal them? Cause I only know their. Their stage names.

I don't think you should be able to steal Judge Judy whenever. Judge Judy is, like, the most common way to know her ever. That's it. You know, maybe. Okay, I'm willing to listen to that argument.

Mark Fischbach
You don't have to assume that it's already been. It's literally the intro of the show. The guy's like, Judge Judith Shinelin dispenses justice in her courtroom, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah, what's the name of that show? Yeah, Judge Judy.

All right, hold on. Hold your. Hold your. I'm losing count. You don't want me to lose points at this point because I'm fighting with Bob right now.

Wade Barnes
Could you stay out of it? You're right. All right. Okay. All right.

Mark Fischbach
Sandra. Oh, go back to Mary Lil Streep. It's literally me. If I was counting money or something. I'm like 57, 58.

Have you seen 89? What about 90? 91. Oh, yeah. Thanks, guys.

Bob Muyskens
Charlene. Does Wade get credit for Charlie? I literally. What place? I just lost my place.

Mark Fischbach
I don't know where I was. Does Wade get credit for Charlize Theron? If he couldn't even. He didn't actually know her name. I do know her name.

Wade Barnes
I could spell it for you. Please, for the love of God, stop talking. I literally just said I lost my place. What was I at? You said Santa.

Bob Muyskens
Oh, you said gal gadot. I don't think you had counted Cate Blanchett. Maybe that was about where you were. You said it out loud, though. I think that was the last one you'd said out loud.

Wade Barnes
And then you're like, you shut up. So 89 was the last one you said out loud? Wait, look up Bette Midler. You don't know who Bette Midler is? She's famous.

She's alive, okay? That's all that matters. I should know her hocus pocus. Wait, there's three hocus pocuses? Yeah, they made a new one recently.

I didn't know there was two. Before. I thought they just made two. Two came out in 2022. Oh, wait, that was the second one.

Yeah. Three doesn't have an announced date, I guess. Who's Evan Strahovski? It's supposed to be Yvonne. It's Yvonne.

Oh, she's the one that was, like, the voice actress for Miranda. She's also in. She was also the face for Miranda as well. It wasn't Evan. Her well known brother, Evan Evans.

Mark Fischbach
Look, you guys are lucky that I even could get close on any of this. And I don't know why I didn't just sort by name over here. Man, spreadsheets have so many useful tools, if only you use them. I've tried to pick my favorite one. It might be Shakira just as the starter.

Bob Muyskens
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distractible. You should get that, Mark. It's probably important. Oh, no way. All right.

Mark Fischbach
Would you like to know the results of this? And who is a disgrace? I have a bad feeling about this. I thought I talked to big game. I think I'm in trouble.

Bob Muyskens
I gotta be honest. I like how Mark put his mom on there, but not Molly. It's supposed to be people that you don't personally know. My mom counts. No, that's actually part of the rules.

It is supposed to not be like your own wife or like your friends. They're well known Google able people, but. They'Re also your personal friends. Oh, so famous people can't compete because they know other famous people? You just competed.

Oh, woe is famous people. Oh, no. I'm gonna go mow my fifth side yard. Fuck you guys. It's a controversy.

Wild Wade's guys want to say I definitely earned Judith Shindlin, but that's fuck you. She is judge Judy, I think. Yes, absolutely. But the point. Point of the competition is to know their names, right?

Mark Fischbach
So if. If it was, like, sniper Wolf and you knew Sniper Wolf's real name, I feel like that's more credit towards you, knowing who that person actually is, right? No. Okay. I'm with you, Mark.

Thank you. All right. Oh, I'm shocked. I wonder why. So, Wade, you knew 51 women.

If Judge Judy counts in your favor, you knew 52 women. That seems like we were trying to get 100, and I'm over halfway there. That seems pretty good. Bob, you knew 49 women, including Judge Judy. If you didn't, that would be at 48.

Bob Muyskens
Mm. That doesn't look right for me. Even if he poaches a name that clearly I deserve the point for, he would lose to me. Yes, if that was the only metric of points. Oh, the other metric is bullshit.

Wade Barnes
I hate Wade metric. Go ahead, spell it. What's the secret, Mark? At the beginning? Swear to God.

This episode is called Wade can't win. I'm gonna lose my shit. What do you mean, we give? I literally said, when I was giving points earlier, I gave Bob a point for Brian Regranz, which is a Brian Regan reference, and I gave him a point for fought a baby. Ah, Wade, I gave you a point for suffering, which puts you at 52 points to Bob's 51 points, even without Judge Judy.

Mark Fischbach
Wait. You have won fair and square. Complain now, Wade. Keep complaining. Never stop complaining.

Bob Muyskens
I think we should make Wade win unequivocally every time he's a competitor, just to. Just to cut off the one bit that he has where he complains about how unfair everything is. I am going to say this, though, Wade. I'm going to say this, though. In future episodes, I have not been doing it because of this.

Mark Fischbach
It would exacerbate the condition. But as this is a fair ruling where you have won by knowing more women, and even the controversial point, if you got that, you would know even more, and you got. You won based on points from prior things. However, in the future, I will start deducting points for complaining. There is an official medium with which to complain, and that's throwing a flag.

Wade Barnes
Oh, I will bitch. And I will bitch some more. And if you fucking deduct points, I will take it to the goddamn subreddit, and they're gonna fucking cook your balls in a goddamn fucking hibachi grill. How's that feel? Complaining is my thing.

I will not stop or change for you, you wee little man. I'm gonna go ahead and say you can complain to the subreddit as much as you want. I think I'm done with that. I think I'm good with them for now. They are my people, and we will rise like the tide.

Bob Muyskens
Yeah, you can all. You can all just suck your own dick for a while. And then when you come back and Mark and I haven't looked at the subreddit in months, we're gonna get fra. And sure on the show, and we're gonna show you guys exactly what we're all about. What is this?

Wade Barnes
Our people. Pfra. Pfra and shur. Oh, okay. In reference to the list, anyway, I would say it was a good competition, but we've got the sorest winner I've ever seen in my life.

Honestly, there was only one loser today. It was the host. Your spellings were so bad that I don't know that you get credit for even putting names on the list. Honestly, you know, wait. I haven't assigned a winner.

Bob Muyskens
I think he's just trying to lose because he doesn't have an idea to host the next one. I think he's literally. Okay. One. Bob, that's not fair, though.

Wade Barnes
I don't have an idea. So you're right about that part. Two. I don't remember what you just said already. Good thing you made a list of points that was too long for you to get through it.

Three. Fuck you. Okay. All right. That, I think, qualifies as his winner speech.

Bob Muyskens
That's about right. Wait. I'll give you a chance. What's your winner speech? Subreddit.

Wade Barnes
You ready? I'm literally gonna go right now and remove myself from the subreddit and just not even be a mod there anymore. I'm not interested. All right, good, good, good speech, Bob. I do want to acknowledge that we pick on wade a fair amount, and then it's not all in his head, but I think that it's very telling that even when during the course of the episode, it was pretty clear to me that he was winning because he kept jumping in and I kept taking too long to answer.

Bob Muyskens
And even when it was still clear. Clear that he was winning, he was playing the victim. I'm just. You know what? It makes me feel bad.

Wade Barnes
Rebuttal. No, that's not how these speeches work. Yeah, I choose to rebuttal. Also, you don't get to interrupt when you name. Name one of these you felt like you got robbed on, whereas I named someone, and you're like, yeah, this person.

Mark's like, bob gets a point. Oh, my God, I love him. Bob gets a point. I had a fair reason to be upset. Thing number one, I didn't get the point in the end.

We didn't know at the time. And at the moment you did. Until I fucking bitched. I had to bitch. I have to fight for my points.

Because the moment Mark sees a chance to give it to you, he dies. You won anyway. You literally won anyway. Which was apparent to me during the episode. I was like, oh, I'm losing.

I don't care about the winning or losing, man. It's about being treated right. It's about being treated fairly. I have had to fight my whole career to be treated fairly, and I still will. You.

Bob Muyskens
You just were. And you still aren't enjoying it, is my point. Of course I'm not enjoying it. Cause you guys are like, oh, man, we gotta give Wade to porn. Wade, you're such a bitcher.

Wade Barnes
I have to fight, man. I have always had to fight. I always will. I was like that because it meant that I didn't get the point, and Mark wasn't like that. When you literally made your argument.

Bob Muyskens
Mark was like, oh, you know what? Actually, you're right. I think I have to give you the point. And no, no one complained except me. The one who didn't get the point.

Wade Barnes
What did he write next to it? He wrote controversy. It was not always right. It was still not a sign because. We were in the middle.

Bob Muyskens
Anyway, listen, I didn't even get to make a loser speech because Wade is such a sore winner. Your loser speech was bitching about me. I was saying that I feel bad for you. I wasn't complaining about you at all. I was saying that I hope someday you can enjoy something in your life because you seem to have a hard time appreciating it when you win fair and square and you are ultimately treated fairly and you still feel somehow like you are the one who's being mistreated.

I feel like this was a nice, fair episode and you're still. It's combative. Why is it combative? I only had one. I only had one controversy the whole time.

Wade Barnes
And that was the judge Judy thing. Which you've already won but also still won't let go is what I'm saying. It's decided that you got that point now and you're still acting like you have to fight for it, which you don't. You won. You actually won.

Bob Muyskens
And you're still acting like you didn't or you might not. I'm not. This is not me being like, I'll convince Mark backhandedly to give me the point. It's over, man. This is the part where you could chill out and have a good time.

It's okay. I'm always on the defensive. I'm making a loser speech. If you'd let me know. Way over time.

Now they're playing the music. All right. That's the music. Thank you so much for participating, boys. That was a very fair competition.

Mark Fischbach
And just goes to show that we here distractible. We definitely know 100 women collectively, 106. Maybe we did have, like, we did have more. They had to be alive. I kept thinking of dead ladies.

We'll think of them more. Maybe we'll do another episode where we name 200 women. Check out our dash have a good day.

Podcast out.