anything goes with emma chamberlain

emma chamberlain

Dive into the captivating world of "Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain," a podcast that breaks the mold of traditional radio shows. Hosted by the internet sensation Emma Chamberlain, this podcast is a sanctuary where all topics are on the table, from intimate life stories to candid discussions about mental health, fashion, and everything in between. Emma’s unique perspective and raw honesty make each episode feel like a cozy chat with an old friend. Listeners can expect a mix of solo rants, thoughtful advice, and engaging interviews with guests from various walks of life. Whether you're looking for a burst of inspiration, a laugh, or some serious contemplation, "Anything Goes" offers a fresh and unfiltered dive into the complexities of contemporary life. Each episode promises to leave you with new insights and a sense of having connected deeply with one of today's most influential voices in media.


  • managing my internet addiction, a talk with emma

    In this deeply personal episode, Emma Chamberlain delves into her ongoing battle with internet addiction, exploring its impacts on her mental health and productivity. She candidly shares her experiences with various strategies aimed at curbing her dependency on digital platforms, including a controversial dual-phone system to separate her social and work lives. The episode is interspersed with practical advice on managing internet use and reflections on the broader societal challenges posed by digital overreliance.

  • "glamping" and red nail polish, things i like rn

    Emma Chamberlain dives into her latest obsessions, such as glamping, red nail polish, and her newfound enjoyment of road trips despite a growing fear of flying. She discusses her change in perspective on following trends and embraces activities previously dismissed as too common or "basic". The episode features discussions on various lifestyle enhancements, including the benefits of traveling by road, the comfort of glamping over traditional camping, and finding a personal style in nail color. Emma also shares her thoughts on managing personal anxiety and her shift toward more environmentally conscious choices, such as supporting flea markets and reducing reliance on single-use products.

  • psychology of sex, a talk with lori beth bisbey [video]

    Emma Chamberlain engages in a candid and enlightening discussion with sex expert Lori Beth Bisbey. They delve into various aspects of sexual psychology, examining how personal and societal perceptions of sex can shape individual experiences and attitudes. The conversation highlights the importance of comprehensive sex education, the diversity of sexual preferences, and the impact of societal norms on personal sexual development. Bisbey, with her extensive background in sexual therapy, provides insights into the psychological implications of different sexual behaviors and preferences, advocating for a more open and educated approach to discussing sex.

  • inner turmoil, advice session

    In this episode of "Anything Goes," Emma Chamberlain delves into the topic of inner turmoil, focusing on personal challenges that people often face alone. She emphasizes the importance of discussing these struggles, despite the tendency to internalize them to avoid burdening others. Throughout the episode, Emma provides her personal experiences and unprofessional advice on dealing with issues like insecurity, self-esteem, and emotional resilience. Sponsored segments include promotions for Instagram, Squarespace, and eBay, enhancing the episode with real-world applications of facing and overcoming personal adversities.

  • if it isn't broken don't fix it, a talk with emma

    In this reflective episode, Emma Chamberlain shares a candid journey about her podcast's evolution, "Anything Goes." Starting as a casual, low-pressure outlet, the podcast's unexpected success led Emma to revamp its format—upgrading visuals, adding video components, and incorporating celebrity interviews—to align with its popularity. However, these changes made her feel disconnected, prompting a realization about the essence of authenticity in her work. Emma discusses her initial attempts to sophisticate the podcast to match the perceived level of professional success and public expectation, only to find that these efforts diminished her genuine connection to the project. Ultimately, she decides to return to the podcast's original, simpler format, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself rather than conforming to external pressures.

  • the best home decor trends, in my opinion

    Emma Chamberlain dives into the world of home decor, sharing her love for fashion and how it translates into interior design. With a passion for both visual and tactile elements, she discusses how these interests shape her personal space. She offers insights into various home decor trends that resonate with her, such as the use of vibrant colors, natural materials, and personalized elements in living spaces. Sponsored by brands like Instagram and Squarespace, the episode blends personal anecdotes with practical decorating tips, all delivered with Emma's unique and engaging style. She emphasizes the importance of creating a space that feels both inviting and expressive, encouraging listeners to embrace their creativity in their home environments.

  • a talk with charli xcx [video]

    In an engaging session, Emma Chamberlain converses with pop icon Charli XCX, delving deep into Charli’s creative process, personal life, and industry experiences. They discuss Charli's ventures in music production, songwriting, and her acting aspirations, particularly her role in an upcoming film. The dialogue also touches on personal anecdotes and Charli's views on the dynamics of the music industry, her self-expression through fashion, and her thoughts on social media's impact. The episode is punctuated with lighter moments discussing their mutual love for coffee, fashion, and the lighter, often humorous sides of celebrity life.

  • friendship challenges, advice session

    Emma Chamberlain hosts an advice session focusing on friendship challenges in her podcast "Anything Goes." Known for her candid and personal approach, she shares insights based on her own experiences and listener queries. Emma talks about the transient nature of friendships, emphasizing the importance of not settling for less than healthy relationships. She advises on handling situations where friends begin excluding you, advocating for self-analysis and open communication to address potential issues. The episode blends personal anecdotes with listener interactions, providing a platform for empathy and understanding regarding the often painful dynamics of changing friendships.

  • a talk with cody ko and kelsey kreppel [video]

    In this insightful episode of "Anything Goes," host Emma Chamberlain sits down with popular YouTubers Cody Ko and Kelsey Kreppel. The conversation spans various topics, from the evolution of their content and navigating fame to balancing personal life with public expectations. The episode delves into how the couple manages their relationship in the public eye, their thoughts on mental health, and the pressures of constantly creating engaging content. Additionally, they discuss their future aspirations and reflect on the changes in the digital content landscape. The episode is filled with personal anecdotes, making it a compelling listen for fans and fellow content creators alike.

  • the ethics of anti-aging, i'm ranting again

    In this thought-provoking episode, Emma Chamberlain candidly discusses the societal and personal implications of aging. She reflects on the changing excitement of birthdays as one grows older, transitioning from milestones to mere markers of age. The conversation evolves into a deeper exploration of societal fears about aging, heavily influenced by media and cultural beauty standards. Emma debates the merits and pressures of natural aging versus using cosmetic procedures to maintain youth. She shares her personal contemplation on the subject, revealing her conflicted feelings about embracing natural aging or succumbing to societal pressures for cosmetic enhancement. The episode is enriched with personal anecdotes, cultural observations, and a thoughtful examination of the ethical dimensions of anti-aging practices.

  • my nonexistent birthday party, i'm ranting again

    In this introspective episode of "Anything Goes," Emma Chamberlain discusses her decision to not have a birthday party, using this as a springboard to explore broader themes of solitude, self-care, and the social pressures of celebrations. She candidly shares her mixed feelings about birthdays, particularly focusing on the societal expectations that come with them and how these have often led to disappointment. Throughout the episode, Emma reflects on her past celebrations, noting the evolution of her feelings about these events as she grows older. She emphasizes the importance of finding personal happiness and satisfaction beyond the conventional celebratory gatherings, advocating for a more self-centered approach to acknowledging personal milestones.

  • oops i have a crush, advice session

    "oops i have a crush, advice session" is a heartfelt discussion where Emma Chamberlain delves into the complexities of having a crush. Emma shares personal anecdotes and listener queries to explore why crushes can be thrilling yet tormenting. She discusses the distracting nature of crushes, likening it to a form of escapism that prioritizes romantic fantasies over daily responsibilities. However, she also highlights the anxiety and uncertainty that accompany trying to decipher another person's feelings. Throughout the episode, Emma stresses the importance of direct communication over conjecture and the need for personal growth and self-reflection in romantic pursuits. Her advice is interspersed with promotions for various products, adding a commercial layer to the episode.

  • fashion history, a talk with richard thompson ford [video]

    Emma Chamberlain delves into the world of fashion history with guest Richard Thompson Ford, a Stanford law professor with expertise in the societal impacts of fashion. The conversation explores how fashion serves as a tool for personal expression and social negotiation. They discuss the evolution of fashion norms, legal battles over dress codes, and the social implications of clothing choices, particularly around issues of discrimination and gender norms. Richard shares insights from his book "Dress Codes," explaining the historical intertwining of fashion with issues of race, gender, and class. The dialogue also touches on modern fashion consumption and its environmental and ethical implications, leading to a deeper understanding of fashion beyond mere aesthetics.

  • met gala 2024, storytime

    In this episode, Emma Chamberlain delves into the highs and lows of her 2024 Met Gala experience. She begins by describing her initial physical discomfort post-event, reflecting on her excitement and the dreamlike quality of the gala contrasted with its chaotic aspects. Emma shares anecdotes from past galas, like struggling with tonsil stones and last-minute outfit changes, emphasizing the recurring chaos each year brings. Sponsored by brands like Haagen Dazs and eBay, the episode transitions into detailed stories from the gala, including losing her voice and skincare mishaps before the event. Emma humorously discusses the challenges of long nails and her tactics for managing them during the gala. She touches on the physical discomforts that come with high-profile events, like migraines and standing in heels for extended periods. Throughout, Emma maintains a lighthearted tone, candidly sharing the less glamorous sides of a typically glamorous event.

  • the fashion olympics, a talk with jared ellner [video]

    In a cozy hotel room, Emma Chamberlain and her stylist Jared Ellner share candid insights just days before the Met Gala, reflecting on their preparation and personal experiences related to the event. The episode reveals their thoughts on fashion, the pressures of the red carpet, and their unique approach to creating memorable looks. They delve into the challenges of managing multiple clients, the importance of fittings, and their personal growth in the fashion industry. The episode is interspersed with light-hearted banter and personal anecdotes that underscore their close relationship and dedication to fashion. They also discuss sponsorships and the influence of brands in their work.

  • learnings from the red carpet, advice session

    Emma Chamberlain uses her experience from attending red carpet events to offer advice on a variety of personal and aesthetic challenges faced by her listeners. She discusses strategies for feeling comfortable while taking photos, ensuring makeup looks good in both photos and real life, and assembling outfits that are both flattering and appropriate for different occasions. Throughout the episode, Emma emphasizes the importance of practice, self-acceptance, and surrounding oneself with supportive people to overcome insecurities and improve self-presentation. Sponsored by brands like Haagen Dazs and Bumble, the episode blends personal anecdotes with practical tips, providing listeners with both entertainment and valuable takeaways.

  • what it's like to work at vogue, a talk with vogue's sergio [video]

    Emma Chamberlain visits Vogue's New York office to chat with Sergio Kletnoy, delving into the realities of working in fashion, distinct from the glamorous portrayals in media like "The Devil Wears Prada." Kletnoy shares his journey from a music-obsessed youth in the USSR to handling celebrity bookings for Vogue across multiple regions. He recounts his unconventional path through the music and magazine industries, emphasizing his passion for music and its influence on his career choices. The conversation also explores Vogue's strategic adaptations in the era of social media, where celebrities wield significant influence through their platforms. Kletnoy's anecdotes about the Met Gala reveal the meticulous planning behind Vogue's major events and his hands-on role in shaping the guest list and event details.

  • heeled sneakers and tooth gems, trendy or timeless

    In this episode, Emma Chamberlain investigates current fashion curiosities—specifically heeled sneakers and tooth gems—to discern whether they are fleeting trends or enduring styles. She muses on the cyclical nature of fashion, where items like heeled sneakers seem to disappear only to reappear years later as 'new' trends. The discussion pivots towards tooth gems, comparing their revival to past fads like tinsel hair extensions. Emma's personal anecdotes, coupled with historical insights, paint a vivid picture of how trends evolve and sometimes recycle through the fashion world.

  • i'm back on tiktok, a talk with emma

    In this reflective episode, Emma Chamberlain delves into her decision to rejoin TikTok despite past criticisms of the platform. She begins by recounting her initial hesitations and eventual departure from TikTok, driven by negative experiences and the toxic environment she perceived. However, she acknowledges the change in her perspective over time, recognizing that her own usage patterns contributed to her experience. Emma expresses a newfound appreciation for short-form content and a desire to engage with it creatively. The episode is interspersed with sponsor segments and personal anecdotes that underline her journey towards a healthier relationship with social media. Through candid discussions, Emma explores the complexities of public life and the personal growth that has led her to reclaim her presence on TikTok.

  • should you leave them? advice session

    In this episode of "Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain," titled "Should You Leave Them? Advice Session," Emma dives into the emotional and practical aspects of deciding whether to end various types of relationships. She empathizes with the difficulty of these decisions, acknowledging the love and emotional investment that complicates them. Throughout the episode, Emma provides insights into recognizing when a relationship is detrimental, the importance of setting boundaries, and the role of communication in ending relationships healthily. Sponsored by brands like Haagen Dazs, Bumble, and Squarespace, Emma also discusses her personal experiences and gives advice on handling breakups, implementing no-contact rules, and the necessity of emotional clarity before making relationship decisions.