"glamping" and red nail polish, things i like rn

Primary Topic

This episode is a personal sharing by Emma Chamberlain about recent favorites, focusing on the themes of travel, beauty, and well-being.

Episode Summary

Emma Chamberlain dives into her latest obsessions, such as glamping, red nail polish, and her newfound enjoyment of road trips despite a growing fear of flying. She discusses her change in perspective on following trends and embraces activities previously dismissed as too common or "basic". The episode features discussions on various lifestyle enhancements, including the benefits of traveling by road, the comfort of glamping over traditional camping, and finding a personal style in nail color. Emma also shares her thoughts on managing personal anxiety and her shift toward more environmentally conscious choices, such as supporting flea markets and reducing reliance on single-use products.

Main Takeaways

  1. Rediscovering the joy of road trips, enhanced by overcoming a fear of flying.
  2. The comforts and appeal of glamping as a more accessible form of engaging with nature.
  3. A preference for dark red nail polish, reflecting on personal style evolution.
  4. Embracing once-avoided popular trends and appreciating their widespread appeal.
  5. Advocating for environmentally conscious decisions, like shopping at flea markets.

Episode Chapters

1. Introduction

Emma introduces the episode's theme of sharing current personal favorites. She explains her tendency to avoid "basic" trends until much later than the general public. Emma Chamberlain: "Once something becomes overly popular, I usually avoid it until much later."

2. Road Trips Revisited

Emma talks about her newfound love for road trips, spurred by a recent fear of flying. She describes how road trips provide a sense of control and allow for spontaneous exploration. Emma Chamberlain: "I've discovered a love for road trips, allowing for unexpected adventures and deeper connections with travel companions."

3. Glamping Experiences

The discussion shifts to glamping, its comforts compared to traditional camping, and how it suits her anxiety needs while allowing her to enjoy the outdoors. Emma Chamberlain: "Glamping offers the perfect balance between comfort and adventure for me."

4. Beauty Choices

Emma discusses her journey to finding her ideal nail polish color—dark red—and how it signifies settling into a personal style. Emma Chamberlain: "Dark red nail polish has become my go-to color, matching everything I wear."

5. Embracing and Reflecting on Trends

Emma reflects on her relationship with popular trends and how she has come to appreciate their value, discussing social media's influence on her choices. Emma Chamberlain: "I've learned to appreciate the value in popular trends, understanding why they gain popularity."

Actionable Advice

  1. Try a Road Trip: Consider planning a road trip, possibly with a friend, to explore new places and enjoy the flexibility of travel by car.
  2. Experience Glamping: For those hesitant about camping, try glamping as a comfortable introduction to outdoor stays.
  3. Reevaluate Beauty Choices: Periodically revisit and possibly redefine your beauty preferences to better align with current tastes and lifestyle.
  4. Explore Flea Markets: Engage more with your local community and support sustainability by shopping at flea markets.
  5. Reflect on Consumption: Think about your consumption habits, particularly in terms of environmental impact, and explore more sustainable alternatives.

About This Episode

i've compiled a list, a very special list, of things that i've been enjoying recently. it takes me a long time to build a new list of things that i'm enjoying - hence why we only get two or three of these a year. but i'm at that point. my list is long. so let's get into my current list of things i'm loving right now.


Emma Chamberlain





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Emma Chamberlain
I've compiled a list, a very special list of things that I've been enjoying recently. I've made these episodes before, but they're very sporadic because I'm a creature of habit. It takes a while for me to compile a new, fresh list of things that I've been enjoying that exclude the things that I was enjoying a few months ago. Because, for example, when I say I love the Stanley cup, I'm using it every day and it's making me drink so much water and it fits in my cup holder and it keeps my ice cold. I love this cup.

Cup that reigns true for years, following, like, for the most part, once I figure out something that I really like enough to share it with you, that's sticking around for a while. So it takes me a long time to build a new list of things that I'm enjoying. Hence why we only get two or three of these a year. But I'm at that point, my list is long. And as I'm looking at this list now, I'm sort of skimming over it.

This is possibly my most basic list. Basic being sort of derogatory. This is my most basic list I've ever made. Like, it's very basic. Bitch.

Okay. That's the term I feel like the Internet would use to describe this list. It's like, it's literally like I went on Pinterest and just searched up the most popular things, and I feel like majority of this would be on the list. Not all of it. There are some weird outliers, but for the most part, there's a lot of basic stuff on here, stuff that you've seen a million times.

But the reason why I'm sharing them with you today is because when things are deemed basic by the Internet or by the world, I tend to avoid them. I don't know what it is about me, what it is about my psyche, I don't really understand. But anytime something is considered basic, I tend to avoid it. For example, when a new tv show comes out and it's all the rage, everyone's talking about it, guess who's not going to watch it. Me.

When there's some sort of trend, you know, whether it's a wellness trend or a beauty trend, guess who's not going to try it. Usually me. Although eventually I come around. Eventually I watched the tv show that everyone was talking about. Eventually I try the beauty trend.

Eventually I try the wellness trend. Whatever the trend is, eventually I try it, usually. And that's, I think, actually a flaw in me. I don't think that that's good, right? Like, just because things are basic, just because everyone's doing something doesn't mean it's bad.

Like, there's probably a reason why everyone's into it. So, that being said, let's enter into my current list of things that I'm loving right now. This episode is brought to you by Instagram. So something that happened to me recently was I posted some art and some home decor on my story, and a lot of my friends reached out and were like, where is the store? Where did you buy these things?

They're so cool. And I don't know. There's just something so cool about sharing something to the world and not knowing who it's going to reach and then connecting about it with friends. Instagram lets you express yourself in small, fun ways and can lead to some really cool conversations about shared interests and beyond. And I think that's pretty cool.

This episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Imagine you find something that you love. Maybe you see your friend wearing a cool t shirt, and you're like, oh, I want that. And then they give you the website, and you go onto it, and it just doesn't feel quite right. That doesn't make you want to buy that t shirt.

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If you're selling products, Squarespace makes checkout seamless for your customers with simple but powerful payment methods. Head to squarespace.com for a free trial and save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain with the code Emma. This episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Imagine you find something that you love. Maybe you see your friend wearing a cool t shirt, and you're like, oh, I want that.

And then they give you the website and you go onto it, and it just doesn't feel quite right. That doesn't make you want to buy that t shirt. A good website is crucial when it comes to selling your product or a brand. Squarespace is the all in one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out and succeed online. It's okay if you don't know the first thing about design.

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I don't know what has gotten into me because I used to honestly despise a road trip. I really despised a road trip. And I don't know if I've changed my tune because I've recently developed a fear of flying in planes, which was never present. I fly in planes all the time, multiple times a month, and unfortunately for me, I've developed a fear of flying. I don't know where it came from.

I mean, I did watch a video about some recent plane mishaps, and I don't think that that helped me at all. But even before watching that video, I was starting to develop a fear of flying. I think the fear is rooted in the fact that even though it's very safe, safer than driving in a car, when things go wrong, they go really fucking wrong. Like, I think I'm afraid of things going wrong and the period of time when I'm alive, but I'm not sure for how much longer. Like, I think that's the piece of it that I'm afraid of.

I'm afraid of experiencing that feeling, what that feeling would be like even if I were to survive the event, even if there were to be, you know, a massive fuck up, and I were to survive that period of time where I'm unsure. I just don't even ever want to experience that feeling, and I'm very afraid of that feeling anyway. So it could have something to do with my recent fear of flying, but it could also have something to do with just trying road trips again as an adult and realizing now that my attention span is a bit longer. It's actually pretty fun. When I was a kid, road trips were boring.

I was shoved in the backseat with, like, my leapfrog or something, and I was forced to entertain myself for 6 hours on said road trip. I also used to get car sick as a kid, so road trips were horrible because I'd sometimes throw up. I just had a bad taste in my mouth going into adulthood about road trips. But I recently did quite a few. I drove to and from San Francisco, from LA.

I went to and from Utah for a music festival that was honestly a really long drive. I mean, that's like 12 hours or something did that. What else? Oh, road trip to New Mexico. Like, I've done quite a few road trips in the last few months.

And you know what? No, I absolutely love a road trip. Let me tell you why. Okay. I will say it's especially fun if you have somebody to do it with.

And all of my recent road trips have not been alone. I've had someone with me. I will say that that helps a lot. However, there's something so delightful about traveling from one place to another and being on the ground for the whole thing. Like, I know that that's obvious, but you can stop along the way at little gift shops or little farms that have, you know, produce, or you can stop at a restaurant, you know, that you randomly find on the side of the road, like a diner or something.

You have this flexibility. You can go and make the experience full of activity. You don't have to sit in the car the entire time. In fact, I think it's actually more fun on a road trip to allow yourself to stop and explore the things that are on the side of the road. But I also think it's nice because if you have people in the car with you, you can really get into some good conversations on a road trip.

And even if you're alone, you can call someone up and get into a really good conversation on a road trip. You can't really do that on the plane. When you're on the plane, it's so loud. I just feel like you can't really get into any sort of conversation. Even if you're sitting next to your family or your friend or whoever.

I don't know. You can't really get into it. And when you have, say, 10 hours to kill, it's like, fuck it. Let's talk about whatever. You can listen to podcasts together and then have interesting conversations about whatever you listen to.

You can, you know, play different games. You could bring a game. I don't know what game you could really bring. I mean, some sort of verbal game, but I don't know. Like, I'm just really into road trips.

In fact, I have so many places I want to go now because I'm not afraid of a long road trip. Like, I live in los angeles. Okay. I used to think it was impossible to drive to utah, that you must get on a plane for that. Now I know it's not that big of a deal.

I can be in Utah in 8 hours, 9 hours, Utah, arizona, new mexico, oregon, maybe even washington state. I don't know if that's too far. But maybe there's no such thing as too far because you can always stop in the middle and sleep over somewhere, right? I just love it. I love it.

The opportunities are endless. I think, in a somewhat toxic way, I love feeling in control of my journey. You know, I'm driving the car or someone I'm very close to is driving the car, and I'm sitting right there and I can control it all. Maybe that's why I'm loving it so much, but I just think it's great. I also have not explored a lot of America.

Like, there are so many states that are right next door to me that I've never been to. Like, I had never been to Utah before. I've never been to oregon, never been to washington state. I had never been to new mexico. Like, I've never been to these places.

And they're all within a driving distance from me. And no matter where you live, if you live in America, it's like you can pop over to other states and experience a fully new vibe. Not maybe fully new, but something very different just by car. So I inspire you to road trip. Even if you don't.

I listen, I'm speaking to America because this is where I can road trip. But I think that this applies anywhere. It's like, do research on what's within a, I don't know, 15 hours drive from you and start planning little trips. I don't know, it's kind of a vibe. Now, speaking of road trips, I must discuss glamping.

No, not camping. Where you pitch a tent in the woods and there's no heater. And if an animal wants to come attack you, they can, because all you have between you and nature is a very thin, thin, thin tent. Talking about glamping, okay, it's very different. Glamping is basically camping, but in a bit of a fancier way.

Okay. I would love to go camping. I would go camping in a tent. I would go classic camping. I'm not saying I wouldn't.

However, as a very anxious person, there's a lot of frightening things about that, such as not having access to showers, toilets, relying on oneself for food in the sense that, like, you have to, like, make a fire to, like, make food. Like. No, I mean, there's other ways to do it. You can bring, like, one of those little mini stoves. Listen, camping seems fun.

I'm down to do it and down to try it. It would cause me some anxiety, but I think it would be healthy for me to get over that. Fear. However, in the meantime, glamping is great enough for me. Now, I think that there's a few ways to glamp.

Okay. Number one, you could bring some sort of rv. Like, you could rent some sort of pre furnished rv. I found them online because I got into this phase of watching van life videos. And.

Yeah, I know I'm literally five years late. Everyone's been watching those videos for the last five years. I understand that I'm late, but I just recently got into watching those, like, watching people buy these vans or sprinter vans, whatever, and decking them out with beds and stoves and all of these different things, and then, you know, taking them around, living out of them. And I have no interest in living in a van. I just.

I think that would be challenging for me. Like, I don't want to dedicate my life to van life, as some people have. However, I'm inspired by some of it. I'm inspired by the ease of road trip. I think there's something very cool there.

And so I started looking around online to see if there was any way you could sort of rent one of these vans already pre furnished and stuff like that. You know, maybe you could rent one for the weekend and drive up to a national park or something. I don't know. I looked into it and I was like, this is really cool, and it is available. It does exist, and I have not done that yet, but I'm thinking about it.

So that's one way you could go glamping is by being in a pre furnished van. And to be honest, it's the same cost as, say, renting an Airbnb or renting a house. And I think there's something adventurous and fun and challenging about not staying in a place where there's actual plumbing and stuff like that. You have to get a little bit creative. So that's one way you could go glamping.

But the way that I tried was by staying at this place called under canvas. And there's probably more of these out, but it's basically like a hotel but for tents. So there's all of these pre set up tents in various locations around America where there's a bed and there's a bit of plumbing. You know, like, there is a working toilet in your little tent and there is a working shower. It's not.

The shower is definitely not normal. Like, you have to pull a lever on it and stuff. Like, it's not like normal plumbing, but it's definitely more than enough. And, you know, all of the little lights in the house are battery powered, and you're camping, but you're set up so well by this company. Like, under canvas really makes it special.

This is not sponsored, by the way. I fully paid for this. This was something. It got recommended to me, and I was like, oh, my God, I want to try that. So then I tried it.

This is fully just from the heart. Okay. And it was so delightful. I loved the adventure of being in a ten, but I loved even more the fact that it wasn't fully a tent. You know, it was kind of a fancy tent.

Like, it was. It was a nicer tent, and it gave me the feeling of safety that I crave from, you know, a hotel or any sort of place that I'm staying. But I still felt adventurous in a way, you know? And the thing that was really cool about this place is that they have this little home based tent that has a coffee shop in it and a restaurant in it. And so you're not really relying on yourself to bring food and things like that.

Like, you can rely on the facilities there to. Anyway, I really recommend looking up glamping in your area and just see what companies are already in existence, and I really recommend it. I had a great time. I absolutely loved it. I can't wait to go do it again.

It was great. Okay. Glamping. We love glamping. We probably love camping, too, but I just am not quite ready for.

For camping yet. I feel like I need to glamp a few more times before I'll crave the challenge of camping and then stemming from that. I've also been loving hiking. I don't know what. Like, I feel like I'm turning into a very outdoorsy person, which is very unusual, because even though I've always loved the outdoors, I've just never been somebody who's been obsessed with the outdoors.

Like, obsessed with sleeping in a tent, like structure, obsessed with going on hikes. I've just never been that person, but I'm watching it slowly develop in my body, this love for the outdoors. And when I was in Utah, I was in Utah for a music festival in Salt Lake City. But on the way back from Salt Lake City, I stopped in Zion National park, stayed in one of those fancy tents, and then did a hike in Zion. And I fucking love doing this hike.

Okay? Hiking is exhausting. We did a six mile hike. It's not even that long, but literally, I got my ass kicked, and I loved every single second of it. And I not only is it a phenomenal form of exercise, it's also an enjoyable form of exercise.

It's relaxed. You can chat with the people that you're with while you're on the hike. There's always beautiful things to see. I'm just into hiking. I like it.

I'm going to continue to hike. I just did a hike in Malibu the other day. I think hiking is a vibe. I think it's one of my new favorite forms of exercise. Now, I don't think I'm going to be hiking on a daily basis because, you know, I got to drive a little ways to get to a hiking spot near me.

At least one that's, like, long and interesting. Like, you know, I don't want to just do, like, a two mile hike when I'm hiking. I want to hike, like, five, 6 miles minimum. I want to really feel like I did something, you know? But I think it's nice to center vacations around hiking.

I'm starting to understand why people like this. I don't know where I've been all this time. It's like, this is the most obvious shit ever. But anyway, I'm liking hiking. Okay, next, let's go in the other direction and talk about red nail polish.

I've been looking for my signature nail color for years, and I've gone through phases. Like, I've actually had a few go to colors, but none of them have ever stuck. For example, the last one I had was this sort of creamy, buttery, light yellow white color. And I liked it because it matched everything, you know? Then I had a phase where I considered all black nails, but I actually just don't like how that looks.

And I never even ended up pulling the trigger on it. Like, I never even tried it because I just felt like it was too harsh. And I don't know, even though it matches everything, which I like about it. Too harsh. I had a phase with baby pink.

Like, a really light baby pink kind of bubblegummy looking, but a bit more pastel than that. That was cute and versatile, but it didn't really match everything. And it was a bit girlier than I think my style is. It has this sort of feminine, delicate feel to it, which is great, but not really my vibe, you know? Like, it didn't really match my clothes.

And so I let that one go. And then I tried nude a few times. Just, like, match my skin color with the polish. That looks weird. That, like, tends to make it look like my fingernails are just, like, don't exist.

I just don't like it. It works. Sometimes it's kind of chic sometimes. Like, I'll do that for an event or something when I need to have a really neutral manicure so that it doesn't clash with the look for the event. Like, fair enough.

But for day to day, I finally settled on dark red. That's what it is. That is. That is the best nail color. That is the ultimate choice.

Let me explain to you why. Number one, red nails truly do match with every outfit. I have yet to put an outfit on and say, yeah, the red really doesn't look good here. I've. I've never said that.

Maybe it's because red. I don't know. I don't know why. I don't know why it weirdly acts as a neutral, but I could be wearing an all black outfit, right? Like, black turtleneck, black slacks, black loafers, whatever.

And still the red nail pops and looks great and doesn't clash. I can be wearing an outfit filled with a bunch of different colors. Let's say I'm wearing, like, a white t shirt with, like, a olive green jacket and blue jeans and, I don't know, like, black converse in a black bag. The red still works. Red just always works.

Now, when it's a darker red, like, more of a maroon, I feel like it matches even more. I think there's something to be said for all shades of red when it comes to the nails. Like, I think almost any shade of red can be great depending on who you are. But I just think it's the ultimate nail color, and it's very flattering. And also, according to Tick Tock, there's something called the red nail theory, where you're more attractive if you have red nails for some reason, I don't really think that that's true, but, hey, why not?

I just think that this is my go to color, and it's so nice to have a go to color because I'm somebody that needs to always have my nails done. Like, it is one of my non negotiable parts of my routine. I don't get my eyebrows done anymore. I'm not a stickler about getting my hair done. Like, I don't get my hair cut very often.

I don't get it colored very often, especially not anymore. Now that I'm pretty much back to my natural color, you know, I don't get my teeth whitened. I just don't have that many treatments that I get done anymore. The only thing that's stuck around is the nails. I just.

I love the feeling of having my nails done and I feel like it makes me feel put together even when I'm not. And I love that. And I've gone through so many phases with my nails with different go to colors, as I, you know, explained earlier, with different lengths and shapes and stuff. I used to have really long nails. I loved having really long nails.

Kind of over that. Now I have sort of short to medium length nails, and they're square. That's been my go to shape. It's just classic. Whatever.

And red. Now I will get other colors if I'm in the mood. Like, if I am looking at the color options at the salon and I see something intriguing or if I see a design online that I really like, like, I'm not going to not do it just because red is my go to color. And I think red is ultimately the best color. If my heart is leading me in a different direction, I will go in that direction.

It's fine. Especially if I'm going to an event or something, and I want my nails to match my specific look totally. Okay, whatever. But day to day basis, it's so nice to have a go to color because I used to get so stressed out at the nail salon trying to figure out what color to get, and for a long time there, I didn't have a go to color, and I would just pick something new every time. And a lot of times when I would do that, I would end up disappointed because I would try a new color, and it wouldn't work.

You know, it wouldn't match everything. It wouldn't work with my skin tone. It just would, like, look like shit. And I would end up very disappointed for the next three weeks until I could get them done again. And from there, that's when I tried to find my.

My go to color. And I went through just about every color before I finally landed on the most popular color for nails, red. There's a reason why all of our grandmothers love to have red nail polish. Maybe that's not all of our grandmothers, but my grandma always had red nail polish, like, maroon nail polish. And I was always like, why doesn't she switch it up?

Like, why doesn't she try anything new? I get it now. I get it. And I'm sorry, grandma, that I ever doubted you. You were right.

This episode is brought to you by better help. 2024 has been quite a year, and we're only halfway through. I feel like so far in 2024, I've not had a lot of days off. Like, I've kind of just been doing things nonstop I feel like my days have been filled with activity, whether it's personal or work related. With so much going on, it's very important to slow down and take a minute to reflect.

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This episode is brought to you by Instagram. Some things are made for friends, but some things belong just between close friends. There are certain things that only people on the inside get. That's a close friend's story post, baby. That's what I'm talking about.

Like, if all of my friends are on my close friend's story and we have a song that we used to listen to a few years ago, and I put it on my close friend's story, being like, y'all need to listen to this today. That doesn't make sense to the rest of my followers, but it makes sense to my close friends. That is what the close friend story is for. And it can even spark connections at times. You know, a friend that you haven't talked to for a while is on your close friend's story.

They might respond to that story, and you could reignite a friendship. Who knows? Keep your friends close and your close friends closer on Instagram. Okay, moving on to flea markets. I used to be really into the flea market.

I used to go to the flea market, like, every week. And if you're not familiar with the flea market, it's basically where there's a bunch of sellers who sell vintage and antique stuff, and there's a bunch of them in LA, a bunch. And for a long time there, I was going to them every week. And then a few things happened. Number one, everyone around me who was going to the flea market with me got bored, didn't want to go anymore.

And so I was like, okay, I guess we're not going to the flea market anymore. You know, I was kind of being a follower in that way. But then also, I had accumulated so much clothes because I was shopping and maybe not the most tactful way. And I was like, I just don't need anything else. Like, I need to stop.

But recently I've gotten back into the flea market grind. And let me tell you, it is one of my favorite weekend activities. And what I'm trying to do is so that I don't burn myself out and buy too much is be very picky about what I purchase. When it comes to buying things nowadays, I'm looking to buy things that I will wear until they are ripped apart and broken, like unwearable. You know what I'm saying?

I'm not looking for things that are trendy. I'm looking for things that are undeniably timeless. And that's what I'm purchasing. Unless there's something, like, really weird and unique that it's like, I cannot not have this. In fact, it's so unique and so weird and so unusual that it goes beyond trendy.

It's just like something weird that I just want that's almost timeless in itself, you know? But I just love going to the flea market, and I'm back into it. And I also love finding flea markets while I'm traveling, too. Like, I remember, I think it was maybe last summer or two summers ago, I was in the south of France. I was in Cannes, and I found this flea market on Sundays, I believe in sort of the center of the town, like, where the farmers market normally is every day, where they sell produce on Sundays.

I think there was this flea market with all these antiques. And it was so fun. Like, I didn't even really buy anything because I kind of couldn't because I didn't have space in my suitcase, but it was just fun to look around. I love the flea market. We all need to be going to the flea market.

It's such a vibe. And also, I'm somebody who, you know, I really do love shopping, and it's very hard for me to not shop on a consistent basis. Like, I just, I love it. I don't even necessarily need to buy anything, but I just like shopping around. And I'm really trying to buy majority stuff that's been used, whether it's furniture or home decor or clothes or whatever.

I'm really trying to stick to things that have been used. And I think going to the flea market prevents me from, like, I don't know, going to stores where I'd be buying new pieces and stuff. I think it's much better for everyone to be buying vintage stuff. So there's that. The flea market.

Okay, next. Reading while I eat. Okay. I discovered this on accident. So I go through phases with reading where I'm, like, reading a lot, and I keep finding books that I really like, and I'm just on a roll and it's great and I'm happier and my brain, brain feels better and my anxiety goes down and I feel like my grammar is improving and life is just beautiful when I'm reading a lot of books.

And then I'll hit sort of a standstill where I just can't read anymore. I'm just bored of books and I just can't find a book that grips me and I just lose my streak. Well, I've been reading the same book on and off for almost a year now, okay. And I've dabbled in some other books in between, but this has been sort of like the book that I've been trying to finish for over a year now. And it's not that I haven't been able to finish it because I don't like it, it's because, I don't know.

I just. I've been really struggling with my discipline, I think, when it comes to reading. And so even though the book is very interesting and I'm very intrigued, I've just been more tempted by watching YouTube videos or watching documentaries on the tv. Like, I've just been more intrigued by that. So, anyway.

But I've made the decision recently to start reading again, and I've been very harsh with myself about reading again. And I've been trying to read throughout the day instead of saving it all for nighttime, because I feel like when I do that, I end up just getting too tired. And I'm like, I just want to fall asleep with a documentary on the tv. You know, I don't want to read a book right now. So one afternoon, I decided I would read while eating my lunch.

And I am alone 80% of the time because I work alone for the most part. And, yeah, I just do a lot of things alone. So I tend to, like, watch a YouTube video or something while I'm eating. But on one day I decided, no, I'm going to read. And this was one of the best discoveries of my life, okay.

Because I've already explained to you one issue, which is that I don't read enough and I'm trying to read more. And I consume a bit too much Internet, which I think we all do. But another issue I have is that I eat too fast. I eat so fast, it's completely destructive for my digestive system. Like, I eat so fast, and I've always been like that, and it just sucks.

It causes stomach pain. I don't enjoy my food as much, but reading while you eat solves all of that, okay? Because you slow down by necessity. Like, you can't just shove all the food in your mouth when you have to turn the page of the book. You see what I'm saying?

Like, you have to take a bite, and then while you're chewing, read a section and then go in and get another bite and then read another section while you're chewing that you just end up chewing your food properly and taking your time, and. And you end up enjoying your food more. And you got to read a little bit of a book. I really recommend it. It's a little bit frustrating at first because you're, like, trying to manage the book as you manage, you know, your food, but you figure it out, and then you're happy you did because it makes you slow down while you're eating, and it replaces the maybe YouTube video that you'd normally watch, which, don't get me wrong.

Like, I think watching a YouTube video during lunch sometimes is great. But, see, I have an addiction to watching YouTube. Like, I go through phases where I'll wake up in the morning and immediately, like, put on a YouTube video and then carry my phone around with me while I do my morning chores. Do you see what I'm saying? It's.

It's extreme. So reading while I eat is helping me not drown in YouTube in the middle of the day. And instead, well, I guess it could be at any point in the day, I'm trying not to consume, like, YouTube or tv or anything like that before I'm done with my work for the day, because I find that when I do that, it fucks with my productivity. So reading in the middle of the day doesn't fuck up my productivity at all. In fact, it makes me inspired to get back to work, so it's very good.

Next. Running outside again, it's kind of similar to hiking. I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm, like, an outdoorsy. I'm becoming an outdoorsy freak all of a sudden.

But I recently was on a trip back home to northern California, and I decided to spend a few days by the ocean in this cute little bed and breakfast sort of hotel. And directly next to this bed and breakfast, there's this long trail that's nice and flat, easy to run on. And I was like, oh, well, you know, I don't really have access to a gym or any workout classes by the beach here. It's very isolated. So I'm going to exercise by running on this trail.

And I really just fell in love with running outdoors, which I didn't really like for a while there. Like, I've gone through phases throughout my life where I've liked it and then didn't like it. Like, I used to live in this neighborhood that was very, I don't know, like, residential. Like, there was a lot of sidewalk and a lot of house. And so it was very easy to jog on, you know, because there were all these sidewalks.

And so I used to jog out there during COVID Specifically, I would jog on the street a lot because the gyms weren't open and stuff like that. And I didn't love that. Like, it was fine and it did the trick, but I didn't love running outside at that time. I think it was because I was running in such a residential area that it was like, just. I don't know.

I wanted to be more connected to nature, and I wasn't, but I really did not live in an area that was near nature, so it wasn't really an option. But. But I don't know. Recently I've just been into the idea of going for runs outside, whether it's, you know, on a trail nearby or maybe it is in the neighborhood. I haven't really run around my neighborhood.

I think I'd rather go and drive to somewhere where there's a trail. And that's what I've been doing instead. But I love it. I just think it's so nice, especially when you work inside a lot. Like, I work inside a lot.

And for a while there, I was going to workout classes that were also indoors, so I would spend, like, so much time indoors. It's really nice to break it up with an outdoor run maybe a few times a week. And speaking of outdoor running, something I've always hated about running outdoors is managing the phone. Like, what do you do with your phone while you're running outdoors? And I've tried the little sleeve thing.

Like, the little sleeve that you put around your arm. I've tried just holding it. No, you know what the best is? A vest. A running vest.

Okay. I don't know what it is about this, but it's just the most comfortable way to carry your phone on a run. And I love it. Basically, imagine a pouch right around your breast area. Imagine a pouch there, and then little straps going around the back and around the side to secure it.

Okay. That is the running vest that I have, and it's so great. Okay. I use it all the time. I would even use it on a hike.

Like, it's so comfortable that you don't even really know it's there. And, yeah, you don't feel it while you're running. It doesn't slip down. It doesn't move. It's like the ideal way to carry your phone and any other things that you need when you're on a hike, on a run on any of these things, I would very much recommend that I found it online in 3 seconds.

You can find them anywhere. They're very easy to find, but it's changed my life. Okay, next. This is going to be really one of my most. I don't know, just like, maybe embarrassing things that I've been into, but I just.

I can't help it. I have to be honest, and I have to tell you what I've been into. If you're on the Internet, you may have heard of the clean girl bun. Now, if you're not super on the Internet, then this just makes no sense to you. Like, what is the clean girl bun?

So I'll explain it as though you don't understand it. The clean girl. There's been this, like, trend online about the clean girl aesthetic, which I ultimately dislike. I don't know. I don't like the way that it's framed.

Like, the clean girl aesthetic consists of a girl who has clear skin with natural makeup, dewy makeup on top, you know, a slick back bun with not one hair out of place. They go to pilates. They wear chic, minimalist jewelry in simple outfits, probably from Aritzia. Just clean girl like chic, clean, whatever. What I don't like about it is that it's like, I don't know.

It's sort of like the old money aesthetic or like quiet luxury or whatever. I actually enjoy certain things about it, but because it's been turned into this aesthetic, there's just something about it that feels toxic to me. Like, for example, with old money slash quiet luxury aesthetic, which is basically wearing designer clothes that aren't covered with logos and stuff. It's basically like wearing expensive clothes that you can't really tell are expensive unless, you know, it's like if you know, you know, vibe. And I don't like that because you can accomplish that aesthetic at the thrift store very easily.

You can go to the thrift store and buy a fucking $4 polo shirt and like, a $10 pair of slacks and, like, a little pair of vintage loafers. And now you have the exact same aesthetic. So it's like. It feels exclusionary in a way, to be like, well, the only way to accomplish this look is to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on designer pieces that don't really look designer. It's like, I get it.

I get that vibe that is something that exists, but it's like, it becoming a trend under the name quiet luxury to me is annoying, because I'm like, no, this is just, like, timeless minimalism to me. It's very minimal. It's very timely. It's like, if we describe it as that, I'm like, I think this is great. We'll never regret this.

You know, you'll never regret having these pieces in your closet. You can get them from thrift stores. They're very widely available. It just seems to have, like, a closed minded mindset to me. And it's the same thing with the clean girl.

It's like the fact that in order to fit into this aesthetic, you need to have perfectly clear skin, and you need to have, you know, cute little minimal jewelry, and. And you need to have the perfect slick back bun that looks a certain way, and you need to be wearing the chic, simple sort of outfit. And it's like, I don't know, there's something about it where it's like you almost can't enjoy what this aesthetic has to offer because you feel like you need to have all or nothing. Does that make sense? Like, if you're wearing the clean girl bun, but you're not wearing dewy, perfect skin makeup?

Well, it's not really the clean girl. It's like, I don't like that vibe. It just feels toxic. It feels immature. I don't like it.

Okay? There's something about it I don't like. However, I do enjoy the clean girl bun. Okay, I will admit it. I do enjoy it.

I discovered this hairstyle because I don't like to wash my hair every day. It just sort of makes my hair more brittle. And my hair is very fragile because I used to bleach it. And, yeah, I'm trying to regrow my hair, basically, and make it healthy again. And so washing it every day is not conducive to that goal.

So I've been trying to figure out ways to style my hair in between washes that can cover up the natural oils that my scalp is producing. Okay. So I've tried, like, slick back buns before, and I was just going off instinct, trying to do it the way that, I don't know. I thought everyone would do it, which is basically putting my hair into a slick back ponytail and then doing a little bun, okay. Like, nothing crazy, but I found that was always very unflattering.

Like, I didn't like the way that that bun made my head look. So I saw a girl out one day with a clean girl bun, if you will, which is this very specific way to do a bun. And I was like, wow, that looks so good. And I recognized it as the clean girl bun because I've seen little tutorials online over the past few years of people doing this bun. Okay.

And I was like, you know what? Maybe I'll try it. Like, my hair's long enough now I'm going to give it a try. Cause I had a bob for a long time. So we're finally back.

We can do these things. Basically what the clean girl bun is, you separate a chunk of hair from the front. Okay? Like, imagine when you were to do a half up, half down when you were younger. You ever were gonna do that?

Imagine separating that chunk of hair, like, in the front of your head, right? But imagine doing a little bit less. Okay, so it's a little bit less than doing a half up, half down. And you separate that piece out in the front. And then with the back chunk of your hair, you put that into a slick ponytail.

Okay. Now you have these weird front pieces just hanging out. Okay. What you do with that is that you part them with a middle part, and then you take a dense brush and some tiny little elastics, and you smooth the left piece, kind of swoop it down a little bit, connect it to the ponytail, and then you do the same thing with the right side, and then you put your hair into a little bun. Okay?

I don't know what makes this bun so flattering compared to just pulling all of your hair back straight into a bun, but it is so much more flattering. And I do this bun all the time now. I hate the stigma around it. I like. Listen, I.

Okay. However, this bun is phenomenal. It has changed my life, because now when my hair gets to a point where it's too oily, dry shampoo can't fix it. I just have a day with the clean girl bun, and then I wash my hair the next day. It's.

It's amazing. Now, let me tell you the products that I use for this hairstyle, okay? Obviously, I use classic elastic hair ties, but I have a few specific things that I use okay. Number one, the r plus co hair wax. I don't know how to say the brand.

It might be arco or it's our plus co whatever. R plus co hair wax. I think it's called a pomade stick online. This wax smells so good, and you just run it over the areas that you're going to smooth down, and it just smooths everything down so beautifully and it's like, soft and movable. So it's not like your hair is super stiff.

Like, you get that slick back look without it being super stiff. And then on top of that, I'll spray the. Wow. The brand wow. Hairspray.

It's in a silver bottle. The brand is wow. And it really is wow. I love the hairspray. It's flexible.

Doesn't, I don't know, make my hair too hard and rigid. And I just fucking love doing this bun. I. Sorry. I love it.

I can't believe that I'm admitting this, but I really just love it. Speaking of the brand. Wow. I also recently tried this product from them called the Dream coat. It's basically the stuff that you spray on your hair before you blow dry it.

And it helps with frizz, and it just makes your hair really soft and not as frizzy. And I'm fucking loving it. I've been using it once a week, minimum, spray it all over my hair. And then I actually use the Dyson straightener blow dryer. Okay.

I'm giving you my whole hair care routine, apparently, but I just never took care of my hair before this. Like, I used to have the worst hair at all times because I didn't know what to do with it. And now I'm doing research and trying to get better at doing hair because I don't know, like, my makeup can be really good, my outfit can be really good, and then my hair always looks like shit, and I'm just done with it. So anyway, I'll spray the dream coat and then I'll take this Dyson straightener. It's like a blow dryer straightener.

And then I will basically straighten, blow dry the wet hair. And there is a setting on the Dyson straightener blow dryer thing that allows you to do a straightened blow dry with wet hair. So don't be frightened. I'm not destroying my hair even more. It's a feature on that.

I actually don't have an air wrap. Or maybe I do. I don't think I have the air wrap. I can't keep up with all the Dyson products I've never really used the Dyson airwrap. I think I have it, but I think I've used the.

Just the brush function where you just can, like, brush your hair out with it and blow dry it that way. But I've never used, like, the actual air wrap feature to, like, create soft waves. I'm not good at hair like that yet, but that's why I love the Dyson straightener, because I can just blow dry, straighten my hair, and it just is straight and easy to manage. And that's it. Okay, next, board games.

Okay. Specifically the game ticket to ride. It's not a super popular game. Like, it is popular. Like, you can find it anywhere.

You can find board games, but it's not like Monopoly. It's not like, sorry, it's not like chess. It's not one of those games that's fully a household name. I think it's somewhat of a newer game, but I've been actually playing ticket to ride since I was, I don't know, probably 1312 or 13. I used to play with my dad.

I haven't played it with him in a while. Although next time he comes to visit, we're playing that shit again. Because let me tell you, for my birthday this year, somebody gave me ticket to ride as a gift so that I could have it at my house. They had heard me talk about how this was the best board game of all time, and they were like, okay, well, you don't even own it at your own house. Like, you need to own it.

So they got it for me for my birthday, and now I'm obsessed with this game again. It is one of the best games, if not the best game I've ever played. Okay. I can't even explain to you the instructions because it's a little bit complicated, but I just want you to take my word for it. This game, I'm not kidding.

I feel my brain expanding from playing this game because it's so challenging and there's so much strategy, and it's a game where you really get to choose your own strategy, if that makes sense, like, and I love that piece of it. It's not like there's an obvious strategy. You have to really be focused to play this game. And you really have to be analytical and like. And fuck, you just have to be so locked in.

And that's what I love about it because I'm really, really trying to do more things, like read and play board games and do puzzles and things like this because I think that the amount that I use the Internet is really bad for my anxiety, and I'm a very, very, very, very anxious person, and I'm really trying to work on my anxiety levels. And so I think things like board games really, really help ground me. So for the love of God, for the love of gosh, okay, please do me a favor and listen. I don't own fucking equity in ticket to ride, okay? I have nothing to gain from you playing ticket to ride other than you just being happier because you having a board game that you can play with your friends and family, that is riveting and all consuming in the best ways.

I just think that this is the best game. I also did order monopoly because I haven't played that since I was, like, 1213 14. I ordered Monopoly, and I also ordered clue because I think that those games are really fun, too. I haven't played them, though, in so long that I might end up hating them. So we'll see.

But I'm in my board game era, I guess. I don't really know what came over me, but these classic games are just so much fun, and it's such a great way to, you know, hang out. Like, fuck it, okay? If you and your significant other are living together and you're just like, we've just been watching tv every night for the last, you know, four years. Like, whatever.

It's just getting stale. Board game puzzle. All of these things are great. I have a puzzle on my dining room table right now that I've been waiting to start, but I've been too consumed by ticket to ride to start the puzzle. Like, anytime I would start the puzzle, I'm like, finding somebody to play ticket to ride with, you know, who's around.

So please get this fucking game, and you'll be happy you did. This episode is brought to you by Purina. As the owner of two cats, I totally understand the healing power of pets, and so does Purina, which is why they're addressing the youth mental health crisis by making pet therapy more accessible. Research shows that pet therapy can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as boost self confidence. So to help ensure there's a therapy dog available for any kid who needs it, Purina is helping get more certified, starting with their employees pets.

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Find it at all major retailers. Okay, this next one's very weird. And, like, I just never thought that I would enjoy this specific thing, but here I am, bird watching. I have loved birds for a while now, and I've enjoyed watching them for a while now. Like, I think it started for me a few years ago when I was in Europe, and, I don't know, Europe just has really beautiful birds that I'm not used to seeing in America.

Like, they have these beautiful doves, pretty much pigeons, but just, you know, in different colors. Not like the city pigeon that you are used to seeing in New York or whatever, the sort of gray pigeon and, you know, other sort of seabirds and stuff like that. And, I don't know, I just started to love birds. And I particularly loved pigeons, I think, because they were just around, and there's so many of them. And every time I saw them, I just enjoyed seeing them.

And they're very integrated in city life, so, you know, they're just around. Right. Like, I think that that's why I grew such a love for them. And then, in general, I just grew this love for birds. I don't know why.

It just. I find them to be calming, and they're very sweet and nice, and I just like them. I love ducks. I love swans. I love, like, whatever, it doesn't matter.

But I sort of started randomly bird watching without even realizing it. I think it was last summer or two summers ago. No, do you know what? It really started last summer. Like, my love for birds started, like, two years ago out of nowhere, just from realizing that they're actually quite pleasant.

Then last summer, I was going through a very hard time, I'm gonna be honest. And I was in Europe for a while. I was in the south of France, I think, for a bit. And then I was in Switzerland for a bit, and I was there with my dad, and I was really going through it. Like, I was having a rough time.

And I remember, without even really setting out to do so, I spent quite a few afternoons alone watching birds. Okay. Like, it tended to happen because I would go on a little jog or something or a little walk to get my exercise in. And then once I was finished, I would sit on a bench or wherever and watch birds because there were just birds everywhere. And I remember one day I watched these swans that were in this big lake in Switzerland, and that was so beautiful and pleasant.

And then another day I just sat and watched, you know, doves and pigeons. Like, I just. I don't know, I just got into it. And ever since then, I've just really enjoyed watching birds. And I don't have the binoculars.

Like, I'm not taking it seriously, but it's really nice to go and do things alone and to leave the phone in your bag, maybe even to leave the book in your bag and to just sort of watch birds. I don't know, it's so nice. Like, on my birthday this year, for example, I was also having a rough time on my birthday this year. And I don't really know why. I think it's because there's something about birthdays that is always kind of tough for me.

And I think it's cause I've had a few birthdays of disappointment in the past. Like, you know, growing up at school, we would all decorate each other's lockers for our birthdays. And I remember two or three times throughout my middle school, high school experience, my locker didn't get decorated because I didn't have, like, a strong enough friend group to have anyone to decorate my locker. It just felt like shit, you know, and stuff like that. And I remember my 16th birthday.

Like, I was really depressed. Like, I was going through a really depressive episode during that time in my life. And so just coincidentally on my birthday, I was depressed. I don't know, I just don't like my birthday. I just haven't had great ones.

And so I tend to now, by default, just get into a sad mood on my birthday. So I spent my birthday alone this year and I went to the beach by myself. And I was like, I'm just going to walk on the beach for like, 2 hours and just, this will be my activity for the day. So I did that. And then there were lots of birds out that day.

And you want to know what I did? I fucking sat on the beach for an hour after my walk. And I just watched birds for like an hour. And it was great. I didn't have a phone out, I didn't have a book out.

I had nothing out. I just was watching the birds and it was really nice. And I can imagine myself being, you know, the retired person who sits in the park and feeds the birds. That might end up being me. I'm.

I wouldn't put it past me. I don't think you need to watch birds as though it's a sport. Like, there's definitely people who watch birds for sport, almost, but I just don't know. I think it's something nice to tap into and it's something nice to seek out as well. Like, oh, you know, I'm going to go sit at this cafe and watch the birds today.

Like, that's what I'm going to do. It's just a really great thing for people who have a very active mind, like myself, who want to just settle down. And birds are interesting. They do interesting stuff. They're looking for food.

They walk kind of weird. Like, they're fun to watch. Okay, next I have a few food items. Number one, we have buffalo cauliflower. Listen, I think that this is the perfect appetizer, okay?

Every single time I see buffalo cauliflower on a menu, I order it, and it's almost always good. It's the perfect appetizer. It's spicy, it's vegetarian. Anyone can, you know, not. I mean, if you're vegan, you might not be able to eat it, but it's, like, great for the whole table.

Almost everyone can eat it. Cause it's vegetarian, and it's fucking delicious. Like, it's delicious. It's crunchy, it's a little fried, but, you know, there's a little bit of fiber in there. Okay.

Cause of the cauliflower. And it's spicy. It's just fucking great. It's just a great food. It's a perfect food all around.

And I discovered this food from Erewhon, because at Erewhon, the la grocery store that everyone loves, including myself, they serve buffalo cauliflower in the hot bar. And I get buffalo cauliflower all the time and have for years now, but then I started to see it pop up on different menus, and I was like, yeah, this is something that I'm never going to go without ordering. It's similar to, like, deviled eggs for me. A lot of people don't like deviled eggs, but anytime I'm at a restaurant and I see deviled eggs as an appetizer, I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna get that. To me, it's just a great appetizer.

And I don't know, I just. I think it's a really fun, perfect food. So keep that in mind, and next time you see buffalo cauliflower on a menu, maybe give it an order and let me know what you think. Next. We have this green tahini sauce that I discovered the recipe for a few years ago.

Actually, I think I've even made this sauce in a video, like in a YouTube video. But the recipe is pretty simple. It's a cup of tahini, a cup of water, habanero pepper. I put a whole one in there because I can handle spicy food. But if you don't like spicy, you could put anywhere from like a quarter of a habanero to, like a whole one.

Or maybe if you really like spicy, maybe put two in there. I don't know. But I put one and then a third cup of herbs, specifically basil and mint. And then I think a quarter cup of lime juice. And then I think that that's.

And then some salt, like a teaspoon of salt. I'm pretty sure I found this recipe. I must credit this recipe, of course, because I did not come up with it. I got it from. It's by the chef Rick Martinez, who you might recognize from Bon appetit test kitchen because that's where I found him.

Rick Martinez has a video on food 50 two's YouTube channel called twice baked sweet potatoes and veggies with spicy tahini. Holy fuck, this sauce is so fucking good. I don't just. I put it on vegetables, actually, and sweet potatoes as well, but I also put it on eggs and it's phenomenal. You can dip crackers into it and it's phenomenal.

Like, this is my go to sauce, and I do think it's not for everyone. Like, I've had some of my loved ones try it and it's kind of hit or miss. Like, some people love it, some people don't. I think it's fucking delectable. And I put it on everything, specifically my eggs.

Like, I just. I'm always looking for something good to put on eggs. Cause I don't just like them plain. And I used to put ketchup on my eggs, but, like, I'd make scrambled eggs and put ketchup on them, which is kind of gross in retrospect, but I've grown out of that and I've been looking for something new. And this sauce, just like a drizzle of it on top of eggs is so good.

Oh, my God, it's so good. So, yeah, just keep that in mind. Next thing in the food category is a Tajin rim. Okay, I know I'm not reinventing the wheel here by presenting to you a Tajin rim, okay? This is something that we all know and love.

But what I think we tend to forget is that we can get a Tajin rim on just about anything. Okay. My order of choice is a tequila soda with lime juice. Not just a squeeze of lime. No, I like them to take the bottle of lime juice that they have at the bar and squeeze a decent amount of lime juice in there.

And I'm always clear about that. When I order a drink, I'm like, tequila soda with the, like, with lime juice, like, juice, not from just a fresh lime, but like, actual lime juice. And they're like, you got it. It's kind of a complicated order, but it's worth the complexity because I love sour and I love tequila, and it's just the perfect drink to me. But what I've been doing recently is when I'm feeling really complicated and, like, I really want to complicate the bartender's life, I'll say, can I also have that with the tahin rim?

Because most of these bars have tajin for margaritas and various other tequila drinks. And it's just fucking amazing. It adds the most amazing chili tart flavor, and it's great on every drink and it doesn't come on every drink. So if you have your own special drink that you like to order, just add a tahin rim. It doesn't work with all flavor profiles, so, you know, you have to be smart.

But, like, holy shit, it's so good. Okay, start adding a Tajin rim. I think it's the best with tequila. So with all the tequila drinks that you order moving forward, be like, hey, can you just add a little Tajin rim? Come on, don't be shy.

Okay, next, relistening to music I grew up listening to. I grew up listening to a lot of, I don't know, like the Beatles and the Beach Boys and things like that, because that's what my dad was playing in the house. And I grew sick of a lot of that music because I listened to it so much. Like, growing up, when I would be driving to school, my dad would be playing usually the Beatles in the car, and he had a lot of the cds. So we would just replay those cds over and over again.

We probably had, like, five Beatles albums and we would just circulate through those five. And I did sort of grow sick of them. Like, I listened to them so much that I was like, you know what? I think that my journey has come to an end with those. Like, I'm not going to really add those to a playlist or seek out listening to them, whenever I hear them, it's pleasant, but like, I think I'm good on hearing them on a consistent basis.

But I recently had the desire to, like, go back and relisten to these old albums that I grew up listening to, and I found that in a way, I was rediscovering this music. Like, for example, I just recently listened to Magical Mystery tour Beatles album, and I found new favorites on that album that I think I didn't appreciate as much as a kid because I was too young. So all this to say, I really recommend going back and listening to music that you grew up listening to, whatever your family used to play and seeing how you feel about it as an adult, because I think you'll be delighted to find that it's a different experience now that you're an adult. Last but not least, we have two things that I recommend on television. I think I already recommended one of them, but I'm gonna recommend it again.

So number one, we have the show how to with John Wilson. It's on Max. I still call it HBO Max, but it's Max now. And to me, this is like the office. You know, so many people watch the office and it's like their comfort show, or they watch parks and rec or they watch Modern Family.

Everyone has their go to comfort show that they put on when they're trying to fall asleep or something. For me, this is how to with John Wilson. This is one of the best shows it's ever been created. I don't even know how to describe it. You're just going to have to go watch it.

But oh my God, this show is amazing and it's so smart and it's so entertaining, but it's also relaxing and it's just the perfect show. Please go watch it. If you have a max subscription, you will not regret it. And the other thing I watched, which was also on Max, is a documentary called Love has won the Cult of Mother God. This is one of the most interesting documentaries I've ever watched.

It was recommended to me by a friend and I don't know, like, I don't know, it's so great to get recommendations, but I rarely, like, follow, like, I don't know, I get so many great recommendations from people, but I don't always get around to watching them. This one I did, and I'm so glad I did because it's one of the most fascinating cult documentaries I've ever watched. And it's very recent. Like, it happened very recently. And even the opening scene of it is just unbelievable.

And it's dark. Don't get me wrong, this is a dark one. Like, you might want to watch this with a loved one because it is kind of dark and upsetting, but it's just so fascinating and it's. I just. I really would recommend it.

So that's it. Those are all my recommendations I have right now. Okay. You know, I feel like recently I've been discovering a lot of new things, so maybe I'll do another one of these in a few months, like sooner than we think. But that's everything I've been loving right now.

Maybe this will inspire you to try some of these things, and maybe these things will bring you joy as they bring me joy. That is what I hope from today's episode. I just appreciate you listening and hanging out if you enjoyed it and you want to tune in for more new episodes every Thursday and Sunday, you can stream anywhere you get podcasts. Although video interviews are exclusively on Spotify, the interviews are available everywhere, but the video version is exclusive to Spotify and you can follow anything goes on all platforms at anything goes. You can follow me on all platforms at Emma Chamberlain.

You can check out my coffee company, Chamberlain Coffee. We are probably in a store near you if you live in America. So go on the store locator and see if we're in a store near you. And if not, then just order online. Chamberlain coffee.com dot.

That's all I have to say. Thank you all for listening. I appreciate you all. You're all awesome, and I will talk to you so, so soon in a few days. Okay?

Bye. Love you. Bye.