the fashion olympics, a talk with jared ellner [video]

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This episode features a conversation between Emma Chamberlain and her stylist Jared Ellner as they prepare for the Met Gala, discussing the intricacies of fashion styling and the personal touches that make the event special for them.

Episode Summary

In a cozy hotel room, Emma Chamberlain and her stylist Jared Ellner share candid insights just days before the Met Gala, reflecting on their preparation and personal experiences related to the event. The episode reveals their thoughts on fashion, the pressures of the red carpet, and their unique approach to creating memorable looks. They delve into the challenges of managing multiple clients, the importance of fittings, and their personal growth in the fashion industry. The episode is interspersed with light-hearted banter and personal anecdotes that underscore their close relationship and dedication to fashion. They also discuss sponsorships and the influence of brands in their work.

Main Takeaways

  1. The importance of preparation and early fittings to ease the hectic schedule of the Met Gala.
  2. Insights into the relationship and dynamic between a celebrity and their stylist, emphasizing trust and mutual respect.
  3. Challenges of managing multiple outfits and clients during a high-profile event like the Met Gala.
  4. The emotional and psychological aspects of styling, including dealing with public expectations and personal insecurities.
  5. The role of personal style and authenticity in creating red carpet looks that feel true to the individual.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Emma and Jared discuss their current setting and feelings in the days leading up to the Met Gala, sharing a personal and relaxed conversation. Emma Chamberlain: "It's true that we have had this super extended Met experience this year."

2: Preparations and Challenges

They detail their preparation process for the Met, highlighting how early planning helps manage stress. Jared Ellner: "We did our first fitting, like, two months ago. Like, we are so prepared."

3: Styling Philosophy

Jared explains his approach to styling for the Met Gala, focusing on collaborative efforts with designers and clients to create cohesive looks. Jared Ellner: "It's all about leaning into people's strengths and creating a fashion stew."

4: Reflections on Past Galas

Emma and Jared reflect on their experiences at previous Galas, noting their evolution in the fashion world and the pressures they've faced. Emma Chamberlain: "Every year, I feel like it's become more complicated."

5: Looking Forward

The conversation concludes with their expectations for the upcoming Gala, personal goals, and thoughts on future projects. Emma Chamberlain: "I'm a little stressed because I'm out of control of it. I don't know what it's gonna be until the moment."

Actionable Advice

  1. Start planning early for major events to reduce last-minute stress.
  2. Establish a clear and communicative relationship with your stylist or team.
  3. Embrace fittings as essential, not just for the fit but also for building confidence in the look.
  4. Stay true to your personal style while being open to creative suggestions from professionals.
  5. Remember the importance of comfort and authenticity in fashion choices.

About This Episode

[video available on spotify] so let me set the scene for you, it’s two days until the met gala. i’m sitting in my new york city hotel room with my stylist and best friend jared ellner. today, we’re going to talk about my met gala look, and what the gala experience is like for us.


Emma Chamberlain, Jared Ellner





Guest Name(s):

Jared Ellner

Content Warnings:



Emma Chamberlain
So let me set the scene for you right now. Well, not for me. No. No. You're here.

Jared Ellner
Yeah. Okay, so we're. We're two days out from the Met gala. We're sitting on the couch in the hotel room, and there's no blankets, so we're using a robe as a blanket over our little laps. And I'm here with Jared, who is.

Emma Chamberlain
My stylist and my best friend. You're like, I'm not your. You're not my best friend. Speak for yourself. No, you're my best friend.

Really? Yes. Well, you can't. I mean, now you have to say that. Who else is my best friend?

Okay. Drew. Yeah. How are you feeling? I feel good.

Jared Ellner
I'm feeling great on this couch. Loving this hotel room. It is a great hotel room. Generally, I feel good. I feel like it's a crazy weekend leading up to it, but I feel calm this year.

Emma Chamberlain
You feel? Okay, that's what I was gonna ask. Like, do you feel calm this year? I feel calm this year because I feel like we're quite locked in. Like, normally.

Jared Ellner
Yeah, maybe we're jumping into this too quick, but normally, every other year, we're doing, like, first fittings this weekend. Some, like, first fittings happen sometimes, the weekend of. And we have had much more time this year, so I feel good. How do you feel? I mean, I feel so good.

Emma Chamberlain
It's true that we have had this super extended Met experience this year, because literally, right after the Met last year, you're like, okay, so I'm thinking about met next year. I was like, jared, where did they not even invite me? And you're like, it's okay. We'll have a dress. I'll give it to someone else.

Jared Ellner
It doesn't hurt. But we did our first fitting, like, fucking two months ago. Like, we are so prepared. I mean, I've been hearing stories about people doing their first fitting tomorrow, Sunday before the Met. So we're just chill.

Emma Chamberlain
But that's. That's normal. Yeah. Lots of people do that. We're being, like, prepared.

Jared Ellner
Weird about this. I think we take it really seriously. We take it too seriously. Definitely. It's cringe and weird.

It's embarrassing, for sure. And we can't tell anyone about it. No, but you also have four other. People that you're styling at the same time. This year.

There are multiple people, which is different, too. Usually I've had you or one other person. Yeah. But now there's some more people, so we just have to get everybody. How are you managing?

Ready to go I'm managing it well. I mean, everybody is like, they're all lovely people. I'm like, no one's a diva. No one's difficult. Good.

Everyone's very kind. So everyone's like, trusting and everyone feels good. I feel good this year. It's so weird to talk about the Met now and then have this episode come out. It's like a time capsule.

Emma Chamberlain
This episode is going to come out after the Met. It is nice to be able to talk openly about it because even who you're wearing and what it's like because. For some reason it's been so sick, it's so sneaky. This episode is presented by Haagen Dazs. It's love at first bite with the new Haagen Dazs dulce de leche bar featuring rich caramel dulce de leche ice cream swirled with thick, milky dulce de leche ribbons and dipped in milk chocolate.

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Chaotic years. What's been, like, the most chaotic? I'm trying to remember the most chaotic. Maybe the first one. First one.

Jared Ellner
I would say it was chaotic just because neither of us knew what was going on. Year one was really stressful because it was just all so new, but it was also exciting and weirdly less intimidating. Because we didn't know how big it was. Yeah, it's almost like, you know, it's a big deal in fashion and whatever. But until you go and do it, you don't realize why everyone for sure takes it so seriously.

Emma Chamberlain
I think it's just. Cause it's so visible. Yeah. Extreme. Well, also, you're having to do so much more mental work than anybody else going, because you have to look amazing.

Jared Ellner
Like, I think that was your first red carpet. Honestly, genuinely. Wait. I don't know if there was a red carpet before the Met. I wasn't involved.

Emma Chamberlain
Well, I never did a red carpet without you. I don't think your first red carpet was the Met gala, then. That is. So how did I. Well, it was also, like, I didn't know how to pose.

Yeah, I, like, didn't know what I was doing. It worked, though. I was totally fine. I mean, there were definitely some awkward poses happening. I actually don't think you had any awkward poses.

Now. We, like, practice, though. Yeah. But you did very well, and that was kind of an awkward dress. It had, like, this, like, side tail situation.

Hard to manage. You did great. But in theory, it was a simple look. Like, the first year, it was, like, just my natural hair blown out. Pretty simple makeup.

Jared Ellner
Yeah. A dress that honestly doesn't have this long train. I can manage it all myself. Like, I can just. Whatever.

Emma Chamberlain
Whereas every year, I feel like it's become more. Oh, it hasn't become more complicated. I feel like second year, I did. Have a train that was complicated, and. That'S stressful because you're not there to manage the look.

A lot of times, these red carpet. Looks, they don't look right unless they're placed perfectly, which is so interesting. This whole thing is smoke and mirrors. So, like, there's people who are helping to straighten out the dress and stuff there, but, like, you can't be there. No.

To make sure everything still looks as it's supposed to. Like. Yeah. Do you have a meltdown about that on the day of. Are you, like, refreshing?

Getting images, freaking out? Of course. I'm literally, like, waiting for something to go wrong, but it hasn't gone wrong for. I don't think there's been, like, I've never had something where I'm like, oh, my God. Her top fell off.

Jared Ellner
You know what I mean? Yeah. It's not like, oh, my God, nipple out. That's. That would be cool.

Maybe that could happen this year. Well, how are you feeling? I'm feeling so chill. Well, actually, no, let me elaborate. There are a few things I worry about every year.

Emma Chamberlain
Number one, how am I gonna up. My game with the interviews? Like, I don't want it to feel. Exactly like the year before. I'm always like, oh, what can I bring to the table that's maybe a bit new, but it's kind of hard to reinvent that wheel.

Like, it sort of just is what. It is in a way, like, and. It'S natural and it's dependent on the other person. And there's kind of. There's nothing you can really do.

No. And there's not a lot of planning you can really do. And also, you also don't have much time. You have to ask people what they're wearing. Yep.

Jared Ellner
How they're feeling. Yep. And then they leave. And then they leave. And it's like, I try to get something else in there too, if I can.

What's your favorite movie? Yeah, literally, I will see, that's what I'm thinking. It's like, how can I make it feel fresh or, like, bring some new questions to it? But it's also, like, I cannot overthink it. Yeah.

Emma Chamberlain
So I'm just trying not to overthink it. So that's where I'm at with that. I'm a little stressed because I'm out of control of it. I don't know what it's gonna be until the moment. And I don't know who I'm gonna be interviewing.

Like, I know who's going. Yeah. Because I had my table read today. How was it? It was great.

Jared Ellner
Do you wanna explain what that is? Oh, yeah. The table read is basically, now you're interviewing me. I love it. It's basically where I go to the.

Emma Chamberlain
Vogue office and they tell me everyone who's going and what they want to talk about in their lives or careers. What they don't want to talk about in their lives or careers, so that everybody feels comfortable and safe and loved. Do you have someone? Is someone whispering these things to you again on the carpet? Yeah, they have, like, a full binder with all that.

So that's stressful. Also, what really stresses me out is. Like, I want the day of, like, you want. There's this fear. It's so vain, but it's like, you're.

You want to look good. Yeah, of course. And so it's this stress of, like, is my skin gonna be good that day? Like, am I gonna pose well that day? Like, there's all these things.

Like, is my face gonna look washed out? Or, like I. Or, like, whatever? Or am I. Like, am I retaining water because it's my period and my face is bloated?

Like, I don't know. It's just. No, thank God. I feel like a lot of people are really. What do you think is, like, the.

Jared Ellner
Worst thing that could happen on met day? Yeah, like, I don't think period is the worst. Well, like, worst. I was on my period one year. When I wore the white skirt.

Emma Chamberlain
I think I remember that fully on my fucking period. No stark white skirt. There actually has never been a whiter skirt. You've never worn a whiter skirt. I don't know how I didn't bleed through.

Jared Ellner
I don't either. You were so clenched. I was clenching my cooter. Y'all have never seen anything like it. What is the worst thing that could.

Emma Chamberlain
Happen on mud day? I mean, you get so sick, you can't go. That's. That I would say, is being too sick. I would go anyway.

Jared Ellner
Imagine you're, like, food poisoning. I would go anywhere. I'm actually not kidding. I'm fully. This is a good game.

What if you got hit by a car and had memory loss and had to do the interviews? You knew it was the Met. So dark. You knew it was the Met. But I don't remember.

But you don't remember who these people are, why you're there, anything. But you know you're gonna look amazing. Oh, if I know I'm gonna look. Amazing, I'm still going. The dress is great.

But you have to interview every time. Can I be honest? It'd probably be the best interview I ever do. Because when you're not. When you're overthinking the interview, you're like, that's when it's weird.

That's true. I feel like most people don't realize that you pretty much go in cold turkey. I'm full cold turkey. Whereas, like, for a podcast, I don't. Know if cold turkey is the right.

Emma Chamberlain
Term, but it is not. But I love it. You understand? You had spirit, and it was close enough that you. I say that we run with it.

Jared Ellner
Okay, great. So you go in cold turkey. Yeah. Like, I don't plan. Yeah.

Emma Chamberlain
Which is crazy. Which is so crazy. Well, I can't, like, it's like, I do. I mean, planning in the sense of, like, I'm aware of who's going, and I'm trying to be aware of, like, what they're working on and stuff at the time so that I can maybe reference it. However, I do feel like, you know, a lot of times, celebrities, they talk.

About what they're working on in that. Very moment so much on press tours and stuff that I think a lot of times people are excited to talk. About themselves a little more and something. A little bit more personal, because I think most of the time, people are like, my God, I've been talking about my fucking movie for six months. I have nothing else to say.

Jared Ellner
I'm just repeating the script. Yeah. It's like, how are you. Is going to have a more interesting answer for them. Totally.

Emma Chamberlain
They're going to be excited to answer that question. Okay. But anyway, back to fashion. What is your ideal formula for putting together a met look in the sense of working with a designer or not? Maybe sourcing archive?

What's sort of the ideal relationship with the glam team? Yeah. What's your sort of dream scenario? What makes it the smoothest and the. Most effective, and what is the opposite?

Like, what is a challenging situation? I think something I didn't know before our first year was that it's so much more effective when you start these conversations with designers to pull references from their past Runway shows, because everyone's mostly creating custom things. So the first year, I think I had all these ideas, and I presented it to Louis Vuitton, who you're going with, and none of them had anything to do with the brand. Like, nothing was, like, from past seasons, an archive poll, anything. And it was just, like, for inspiration.

Jared Ellner
But quite quickly, I was like, oh, you have to pull from what they do best one so that they feel like it's highlighting their work, but also, you want to pick things that they've done well in the past because you see examples of it, you know that it went well and, like, it just helps speed the process along because everyone feels included, and it's like, leaning into people's strengths. So that is a. I mean, like, that's where I try and start with anybody is, like, picking things from designers pasts that are strong instead of just, like, random references. So that's kind of what I can do. But then it is always nice when designers are receptive and excited and, like, want to collaborate, because very rarely do talent and stylists and designers all, like, have the same idea.

Emma Chamberlain
Totally. Are you kidding me? Ever. Literally ever. It never happens.

Jared Ellner
Ever. So. Which is great. It's like everyone brings something to the table, which makes it, like, this collective fashion stew. Stew.

Stew. I'm hungry. Can you tell? Ooh, that sounds yummy. Should we have Stew?

Emma Chamberlain
We should have Stew. We should call down and see if they have Stew. They'd be like, please leave our hotel. Yeah, they're like, you're being moved to another hotel. You can get Stew on the street.

Yeah, you can get. You can get Stew from a bodega. Do not do that here. Where were we? Oh, yeah.

Jared Ellner
Fashion stew. Oh, yeah, stew. Okay, back to stew. So, I mean, when a designer's receptive, that's, like, so nice. Just because it's so much better when it's a collaboration, when it's, like, people who are down to, like, collab.

Emma Chamberlain
Like, really collab. Yeah. And, like, want, like, talent and stylist opinion. Same for hair or makeup. I think the best possible scenario when everybody's, like, trusting and excited and, like, respects everyone around them, which I feel like I think we've gotten there, but we were quite young for our first two years, and it's hard to be the youngest people in the room and also be the ones who are supposed to be directing it, because, I mean, why would they trust us?

Jared Ellner
We're like, yeah, we're literally stinky little kids. Like, gross. We're honestly gross. And we need to change our diaper. That's kind of how people look at you, though.

Emma Chamberlain
I know. And. But I get it. I would, too. If you, like, have been in the industry for years and you have, like, a 19 year old and a 23 year old, like, telling you what to do, it's like, shut the fuck up.

Yeah, 1000%. I mean, but I do feel like. Year after year, we're becoming more and more involved completely. But I would say, like, the first three years, we were just kind of fish out of water in a way. It was just still such a new thing.

And I feel like this is the. First year where it's like, Jean Paul. Gaultier was so down to collab with. Us and make something that felt like. A true marriage of all of us in a new way that we've never experienced.

Like, they are asking us, like, what? Like, what do you think of this exact, like, material. Like, do you want to use this type of lace, or do you want to use this type of lace or this type of lace? Like, they're giving us so many options. Options so that we're really involved in the design process.

I mean, especially you. Like, you're helping them choose, like, very specific details. But I think where it gets challenging. Is the Met is such a public event that everybody wants their art in one way or another to show through. You know what I'm saying?

So it's like, that's why I think. There'S such a conflict of interest a lot of times, like, the brand wants to represent themselves in a certain way. Yeah. The stylist wants to represent themselves in a certain way. Hair and makeup want to represent themselves in a certain way.

And then, of course, the person wearing all of it wants to represent themselves. In a certain way. So there's, like, so many people who want themselves to be represented in the. Way that feels truly them as an artist. And that is where it's challenging, because it's.

It's valid. It's like, yeah, it makes sense that everyone wants to showcase their art and. Have it come through, but it's like, there are compromises that have to be made in a way. Like, not every part of every person involved can, like, shine, but that doesn't mean it's not gonna be a great representation of everybody. Yes.

Jared Ellner
Yeah. Like, I think we both like to. We like to play around and be involved. Like, we're really hands on, probably to a point that, like, everybody's like, can they stop? No.

Emma Chamberlain
People get out. Like, we never can work with them again. Why do they like fashion this much? People hate us. People hate us, but I'm ultimately gonna be snatched.

Jared Ellner
And then they love. And then they love me again. Let's talk about creating this year's look. As I said earlier, we started doing fittings for it and having meetings for it, what, two months ago? It was during Paris fashion week, which was February.

Emma Chamberlain
Yeah. Is that right? Yep. I think so. Yeah.

Jared Ellner
A while ago. Explain the whole process. The whole process. Well, first, we put together a list of people that we wanted. Yep.

And Vogue has a say in, like, who you're wearing, and it ended up being gautier. And when we were in Paris for Paris Fashion Week, we decided to have a meeting at their headquarters, which is gorgeous. Gorgeous. I will say that was, like, one of the best days slash meetings of my entire life. The best meeting I've.

Emma Chamberlain
Because it's the most beautiful building in Paris. And there's amazing view. And they have the whole atelier in there. Mm hmm. And so you can just go see.

Jared Ellner
Them making, like, hand sewing all these crazy things. It was the coolest thing I've ever experienced. Yeah. And, I mean, you had scoured Vogue, Runway. Yeah.

Emma Chamberlain
Or whatever. And, like, found so many good references that made sense for the theme because. That'S the other thing is that it. Can be hard to be on theme because, again, there. It's very hard to be on theme.

It is very hard to be on theme, I think. Well, it depends on the theme, especially. But I think in general, it is hard to be on theme because, again. Everybody has their own vision. Totally.

So you have to find something that's on theme but also in the brand's DNA that you're wearing. So, like, you found all these references that could be torn off the Runway and just warn to the event because it matches the theme enough. You know what I'm saying? So you. That was really smart on your end with finding those references beforehand, bringing them.

To them and saying, this is the. Fucking vibe, you guys. Yeah. But also, let's make it new. Zachary.

Jared Ellner
Well, yeah, we showed up. We had this meeting. They showed us their gorgeous offices with, like, some of the best fashion I've ever seen. And then we, like, laid out all of our ideas, and they had someone sitting next to us, like, sketching as we were talking. Also, like, the coolest thing that's ever.

Emma Chamberlain
So cool. This is, like, where I'm, like, a nerd. Like, that's. Like that. I would not even.

You're, like, the coolest fashion nerd ever. You need, like, a little pair of black glasses with the little tape around the center and then, like. But it's, like, ultimately, like, chanel. Wait. That's so cute.

You know what I mean? Like, can we do that? Nerdy fashion nerd glasses. I love. I feel like a brand needs to come out with those as, like, a.

Jared Ellner
By the way, someone will. No, that would be really cute, you know? Yeah, right? That's actually adorable. That's, like, Balenciaga code.

Emma Chamberlain
I was gonna say they love being silly like that. Yeah, I'll tell them. Okay. Tell them. I will.

Okay. No, we need to keep that. But we had that meeting. They had someone sketching. Then they took, like, all of your measurements.

Jared Ellner
They measure, like, your pinky toe. The distance from your toe to your thumb actually measure. Yeah. Every single inch of my fucking body. They're like, bottom of ear to top of ear to eye.

Just in case. Just in case. For the fashion glasses. And then after that, we had a couple zooms where they put together some options, some sketches, and then we just gave them feedback, and then they came to LA. We did our first fitting, which was like, what, like a week and a half ago.

Yeah, almost two weeks. Yeah, I remember two weeks, I think. And it was a good fitting. Everything, I think, was great. Like, we had a few things to change.

Emma Chamberlain
Like, I think, you know, I have two looks because I have my main. Like, look for the carpet, and then I have a slightly less dramatic version for the interviews. And so, you know, we had to try on two separate dresses, but there. Were only, like, a few minor changes to both. The carpet dress had more to do.

Well, it was unfinished. Yeah. The. The interview dress was closer to being done, so that look was pretty solid. It was, like, done, but also even.

Like, even the actual dress. Dress. Yeah. Was not close to being done. Close enough.

And it, like, everything fit really nicely. Because also this specific look is, um, it's sleeveless corset vibes. And sometimes that can be a tough one to be flattering because you get the armpit vagina. You know, it doesn't give your arm the. The space to move properly.

Like, it just sort of, like, if you're. If you have a strapless corset, it can squeeze you at the top, and. It can go up too high and then be very unflattering. And I was very nervous about that. When we went into this look, doing.

A corset, I was like, oh, God. Like, I'm definitely have a lot of. Notes about, you know, let's get rid. Of this armpit vagina. And ultimately, there was none.

There was no armpit vagina. I don't need more than one vagina on me. Totally. On any red carpet. All I need is one.

What underwear am I going to wear under this? I'm thinking. Cause it's kind of see through. It's a little bit see through. Like, the thinnest matching.

Jared Ellner
Like, are you. Well, I was gonna suggest somewhat of a thong, but maybe just. I would wear a thong. Oh, cool. Like a thin one.

Emma Chamberlain
Like a little seamless, super thin thong. Barely there. Um. Okay, that's fine. I hate thong.

Jared Ellner
Maybe we can make it a little thicker than a thong. Like a bikini? Yeah, like a bikini. Well, that's actually big. Well, that's huge.

Emma Chamberlain
That's covering the whole lot, then. Is there anything between bikini and thong? I don't think that there is. Maybe there's not. Maybe we should create that so we.

Jared Ellner
Have a new company in one day. So we have a new company starting. We sell, as you can see, in between fashion glasses and in between thongs and bikinis. That's great. I think this is a huge market.

Emma Chamberlain
This is a huge market. I love this company. What should we call it? Thong bikini glasses. Can I be honest?

Open that up in Soho, thong bikini glasses, something that would be huge. Genuinely. There would be a line out the door. People be like, I don't even know what they're selling. I have to go.

But the name is so chic. Like, it actually is. Like people. There's like a lore to that. Well, I'd be so confused.

Same. But that what people would be like, excited like, what does it mean? I need to never seen something like. I've never seen something like this. I need to know more.

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Like, when you see it, you're like, oh, fuck. What it, like, paint that picture for me broadly, and I'll tell you what I think, too. I think it has to, like, take some type of risk for men. Agreed. I think so.

Jared Ellner
I think it's. If you're going and not doing something out of the ordinary, it's like, this is the time to do it. Yep. So something that's different and taking some type of risk. Yeah, I just.

I would love. I like it when people steer away from boring. Yep. Because, again, when else can you do this? I think for regular red carpets, if you just look gorgeous, great.

But for this, there's so many added layers that there's the opportunity to do something more creatively exciting. So that's, like, the biggest thing. But also, I think you can just tell when something, like, is flattering on someone and is the right coloring for them. Like, you can kind of feel when it was, like, a good process and. They'Re personalized to them.

Totally. And their features. What do you think is a good met gala look? Number one, something that does feel truly. Organic to the person.

Emma Chamberlain
Like, you see them in it, and. It'S not like they look like they're dressing up in their parents clothes and they're kidding. You know what I mean? It feels like, oh, this is them. It's not.

And it doesn't even necessarily need to be their consistent aesthetic. Yeah. You know, just like they're wearing it. It just needs to feel like them wearing it. Exactly.

Like they are shining in it. It makes sense for them. It in some way ties into their. Personality or who they are, whether it's in a costume way, like in a, you know, I'm dressing up as someone else or something else way or in a personal way, whatever. I also think definitely, like, beautiful tailoring.

Jared Ellner
Yeah. Like, the way something's tailored, if it's made for the body. Like, I think a lot of times. Like, anytime it looks like, oh, you know, that the pants are a little. Too long or like, the corsets a.

Emma Chamberlain
Little too tight, it's like, that's not. How it's supposed to be. That's not how clothes are supposed to fit. No. And that.

But we find ourselves in. Do you know what I'm saying? Totally. Like, for example, if we're doing a. Fitting and I'm, like, squeezing into something, it's like, we just can't do this.

Jared Ellner
Yeah. Like, even if we could make it. Fit, it's like, the perfect tailoring is. It's everything. It's everything.

Emma Chamberlain
And I feel like that's overlooked for sure. Like, that's why we have to do. Fittings up until the very last day. Because your body changes. Like, you could be.

You could have pooped more, and now. You need to take it in a little bit on the waist or maybe. Like, you haven't pooped and you need. To let it out. There's so many need to let it out or you have gas and you're very, very bloated.

And so there's. There's always. There's so many variables that you need to be doing fittings up until the last day to have something perfectly fitted, which is so crazy, but it kind. Of reminds me of, like, weddings. You know what I mean?

People are doing fittings for their wedding, like, constantly. Constantly. It's like, wow, you're still doing fittings for the wedding. This is so boring. It's, like, so boring.

Jared Ellner
No one cares. Do something else. Why are you wearing. It's a white dress, okay? That's not camp, Jared.

Emma Chamberlain
It can't be easy to do more than two people. No, scratch that. More than one person for the Met. Because it is the biggest carpet of. The year in many people's eyes.

And there are so many details that. Go into it, and there's kind of. It feels like a lot on the line. Right? Like, it's like, very high pressure.

Especially when you are, you know, directly helping someone achieve a good look. Like, there's a lot of pressure on you to make shit happen. Making me so nervous. You know what I mean? Okay, so.

No, but listen, hear me out. Hear me out. Okay? You're correct. You're correct.

How do you manage having this year? What, five different people going to the Met or four? Five. Yeah. You're dressing five people for the Met.

How do you manage that? Like, you're not doing it all alone. No, I have an insane, amazing team that it's mostly. I mean, I have a team in LA and most of them came out. I have a team of four.

Uh huh. Lauren, Brooke. Maya, Emily. Shout out and literally obsessed would be dead without dead. So would you.

Jared Ellner
You'd probably be naked. Hideous. You think I do things? Don't do anything. No, I mean, just.

Emma Chamberlain
They're doing all of it. Yeah. You're just like, come on, you guys, where's my coffee? Don't do anything else. It's really inspiring.

Jared Ellner
It's who I am. You are. So I have a team, and they're amazing. And they have been, like, they're very used to getting people ready for red carpets because there are lots of times where red carpets are happening and multiple people are going, so everybody has somebody who's with them, even if I'm not able to be there. But I try.

And one, I try and give everybody as much time and attention as humanly possible. Everybody has one to two, if not three, fittings. I'm usually there for all of them. And then kind of, like, day of. I do try and, like, make it to everybody.

I was actually just planning this out, but it really, like, the way I have to prioritize it is by who has the most complicated look, who needs the most help getting into it, who has the most, like, unknowns with hair and makeup that need, like, direction and just kind of take it from there. They, like, this year, I'm getting a car for myself. I've never done that. I've always. It's like a really whipped around.

Yeah, I gotta be whipped. Like, it's actually a nice system because you're the first person on the carpet. Yeah. Just so weird. I know.

You're the first one there. So you're earlier than everybody else. Yeah. So the way it's gonna work this year is I have another client staying at your hotel who started glam around a similar time. So I can run up and down and, like, be with both of you.

Emma Chamberlain
Yep. And then we'll take you to the carpet. Yep. And then I can swing back and take another client who's at another hotel to the carpet, and then hopefully swing back and take another in the car to the carpet, and then hopefully swing back and take the last couple to the carpet. That is so intense.

Jared Ellner
I'm trying to do it because everybody, I want to be with everybody as much as possible. Of course, the way I, like, plan it out is whoever. I mean, who needs the most, like, the most TLC, tender, love and care? Well, you're. You're dressed.

This year is a full corset from top to bottom. This is definitely the most complex one in terms of getting dressed. Yeah. And you're the earliest, so I can lace you up and then go. And then go take care of the next.

But I don't know. You just have to like being present at all the fittings to make sure that, like, all the prep going into it is done well is like the most you can do. And then showing up as much as humanly possible on the day of is also ideal. But once all the looks are, like, sorted and everything's done, like, if the hair and makeup is simple and the outfit is worked out, you really don't need much assistance. It's more just moral support.

So I'm trying to be there for everybody as much as humanly possible. Yeah, you fuck. You get it done, babe. We're trying. You get it done.

Well, we'll see. This episode is brought to you by prime. Whether it's a hobby, a side hustle, or simply your favorite pastime, Amazon prime doesn't just help facilitate your passions, it helps you find new ones as well. I'm always going through phases with hobbies. Sometimes I go through a phase where I love sewing.

Emma Chamberlain
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PNC Bank National association member, FDIC. Do you have any predictions for what. Other people are gonna wear this year? This is a great theme to, like, go off. I feel like, I mean, honestly, the best predictions I can give is there's gonna be a lot of florals and nature, but we're doing kind of like the darker, grungier, more gritty side of nature.

Jared Ellner
It's very much about like death and decay and, yeah, things at the end of their life cycle, which was a choice. Cause the story that this theme is based off of, it ends with, like, this enchanted garden being plucked indicate bare. And then it's like. It's just leaves and dead things left, which was fun for us, but I feel like we're gonna get a lot of people in, like, blushing flowers and beautiful blooming things. But I don't know, maybe we're wrong.

Maybe everyone will be like, let's do decay. Well, I was excited about the decay. Because it's sort of. I like that color scheme. I like that.

Emma Chamberlain
I like the silhouettes that go hand. In hand with that. Like, I just like the overall feel of that more. Yeah, I'm a hot topic kid. I'm super different.

I'm super different. Very emo. I'm really emo. Goth and goth. Can't say goth.

Oh, my. I said something on an interview once. And that shit you wore black to. You literally wore black to a red carpet. And you're like, this is super goth.

Jared Ellner
And the Internet was so mad. No, but you know what I meant. It was more like. I don't know. I'm kind of, like, in a more gothic.

Emma Chamberlain
Yeah, I was. Oh, I said grunge. I didn't say goth. I said grunge. I said grunge.

This look is, like, a bit grungier than what I'm like. It was, like, a gorgeous course. I don't remember what I said, though. So if somebody's gonna get mad at me and be like, you're lying and. You'Re gaslighting something with a g and was either.

Grunge. Grunge. I know that I said something about, like, being more in a grunge era of my life, I guess. And everyone was like, this is not grunge. Like, you're wearing a gorgeous black gown, strapless dress, and, like, red eyeshadow.

But for me, I was like, it. Was grungier for me. Yeah, but it wasn't necessarily grunge by definition, so I definitely. We have to strike those words from my language. Wow.

I am not using them anymore. Grunge. Grunge. Stop saying it. I'm gonna be, like, doing the interviews.

Being like, this is so grunge. They're wearing, like, a pink little girly dress. Everyone's like, what are you wearing? Like, I'm so grunge this year. Year.

Oh, my God. That's a one way ticket to just, I don't know, like, not really being. A fashion girl anymore. No, it's hard to predict exactly what it'll be. But that's the fun of it.

Zendaya's a co chair. What's Zendaya gonna wear? Zendaya's gonna wear. I feel like she's gonna want to wear something corseted. Oh.

Jared Ellner
But I don't know. I feel like she'll want to. Maybe this is more of a hope, but I hope she does something, like, romantic and, like. I know, silvery blues for her. What do you.

Emma Chamberlain
You don't see this? He's weird. Yeah. Green in it, too. Greens.

Jared Ellner
You're like, green, green. Yeah, that's. Watch us be psychic and get this. All right. I will freak out.

Emma Chamberlain
Can we put. Can. Do we win? Oh, yeah. What do we win, you guys?

Anyway? No, we'll just. We'll just have a shot of tequila. At the after party. Okay.

Jared Ellner
Are you excited for after parties? Oh, wait for that. We're gonna get into that last pause because we have to name a few more celebrities and what they're gonna wear. Okay, what about Ariana Grande? Big and pink, because it's wicked.

She's in her wicked era. Big and pink. Interesting. Okay. I.

Emma Chamberlain
I could see her in, like, a really sheer white thing. Okay. With, like, a bunch of flowers tacked onto it, like, floral. Like, it looks like a forest inside of the. Her.

Inside of her. It's inside of her. Okay, so that's what I picture. What's Rihanna gonna wear? Oh, Rihanna.

Jared Ellner
Interesting. Because last year she did a big, like, floral capey thing. Yeah. Like flowers. So.

And there was another year where she. Oh, wait, I actually don't remember what that looked like. Wow, I need to google that white. She was pregnant. Iconic as well.

Emma Chamberlain
I hope that one day I can go to a met gala pregnant. That would be so sick. Oh, my God, you have to do this. But I want to be, like, eight months pregnant. Like, about to birth.

I like going to labor at the Met Gala vibes. Well, that's obviously the plan. Yeah, but that would be. You could actually time that out. Well, I know you could find the day.

I just have to have sex on sex in November or. No, no, no. I'm not even going to attempt this. I think it's August. I'm going to trust you.

August, September, maybe. I'm so tired. I don't want to. No, we can't do math right now anyway. So I'll no one to have sex.

Jared Ellner
And then you can have. You could. That would be amazing. Oh, my God. A pregnant met Gala would be.

Emma Chamberlain
Oh, my God. Imagine I bring baby daddy of the baby to it, and we put him in a matching outfit. And then the next year, you have the baby in an outfit. Oh, my God, you're 18. Yeah, I actually was thinking about.

So baby gets shoved at home with my mom. Okay, fine, mommy, you're taking this one. But I feel like for me, like, let's say. Let's put this into the calendar, like, 2029 met Gala. I'm pregnant.

Jared Ellner
That would be sick. It's kind of not in that lot. Five years. That's not that long. I'll have a baby at like, 27.

Emma Chamberlain
Why not? Yeah, just have a kid. I'll have one now. Don't have a kid yet, but it. Would look so cute at the after parties.

Jared Ellner
This is a big question. Are you. We going after parties this year? Cause it's been back and forth. I have decided yes.

Emma Chamberlain
Which is so fun. I. Listen, here's the reason why I want to go. I like. Well, originally I booked my return flight.

Back to LA Tuesday after the Met. Gala at 07:00 a.m. So I was gonna literally stay up all night and then fly home. Crazy. Which is just crazy.

I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know why anyone listened to you and booked that. I know. Someone should have stopped you. Where were y'all?

I'm, like, yelling at my team who. Was in another room. No, I. I don't know what I was thinking. I was like, oh, I'm just gonna be so tired.

Jared Ellner
No, I know what you were thinking, but you were thinking, if I go to after parties, then I'll get straight on the plane. Yes, that's what I was saying. But that's it. That was probably it. Because you wouldn't come home and go to sleep.

No, you have an illness where if. I have to pull an all nighter. Before my flight, and it's so weird and it makes no sense to me, and it's something we'll disagree on until we die. I sleep like Baba on the plane. Yeah, but we've.

There have been times where we have flights early and we have 4 hours, and you're like, we should probably just stay out. It's like, let's get a three hour nap. No. Yes. No.

Yeah, but you also don't. I better about it, though. I do it more now. You also don't know because remember when we took a nap during that shoot and it was the best decision we'd ever made? That's true.

Emma Chamberlain
We did have a photo shoot once. Like, we were super jet lagged. Because it was a shoot in Paris. And we were like, okay, we have. A 1 hour lunch break.

Like, can we nap? And we fucking napped hard. Okay, you're right. I'm not opposed to a nap. The only thing is, I just hate flying on the plane so much.

Jared Ellner
You want to be knocked out that. I want to be knocked out. And, like, that's my journey. However, all is well because I moved my flight. So we can party.

Emma Chamberlain
We can party and then sleep and then wake up at, like, 11:00 a.m. It's all good. Maybe even noon. Amazing. Not gonna shoot for eleven.

And I can have a drink and, like, just enjoy myself. But it's crazy. Cause there's, like, eight after parties. I was gonna say this year, I feel, like, conflicted because there's so many. So it's hard to tell, like, where do we go?

Jared Ellner
What's the good one? What's the fun one? Yeah. Who's where? Yeah, we're just gonna have to be, like, working the system.

Emma Chamberlain
Oh, I. We're gonna have to be lots of. Group chats, lots of networking, lots of emails. I know. It is kind of like.

The thing that's interesting, though, is that. I think when I went to my first met Gala party, I was expecting it to be first year. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Pajamas.

Yes. Yes. I was expecting it to be crazy. Like a party. I've never experienced the after party.

Jared Ellner
It's just a party. But it's crazy how, like, normal. The Met party. Well, yeah, the Met Gala event is. Unlike anything I've ever been to before.

Emma Chamberlain
I mean, ultimately, it is like celebrity prom. Yeah. But it is still its own experience. There's nothing remotely like it. I mean, it is very unique in all ways.

However, the after parties totally just feel like a party. Yeah. After a party. I feel like last year, no one went out, and it was kind of sad. It was weird.

No, I think this year people are going out, definitely. But I remember last year, us, like, sitting in a corner being like, why. Is no one here? Like, no one's going out. Yeah.

Yeah. I feel like this year we'll have a lot of good stories to report. I think so, too. I'm gonna be buck wild. Are you.

Are you gonna dance hard and stuff? I'm trying to think if there are even ones with dancing. Yeah. Remember that one that was like a basement? Oh, basement.

Jared Ellner
Yeah, I'll dance there. Yeah. We should, like, a big open room. No one dancing. I'm not.

Emma Chamberlain
Austin, our friends, we need to go and we need to have fun. And we need to dance and just say, who cares? All of you guys are in it. Are trying to be too cool for school. I'm done with this b's.

It's cringe. And I'm gonna. And I'm gonna do the fucking macarena if I have to. Please don't do that. Okay, too far.

Jared Ellner
I will leave you. No, I just want to do the macarena. Please. Oh, yeah, my final story. That's so funny.

Emma Chamberlain
And then I'm letting you go to your next. You have so much to do today. Don't talk to me anymore. I'm gonna just drop this. Yeah, literally just leave and I'll just keep talking for 2 hours.

Not last year, but the year before. I dyed my hair blonde, obviously. I bleached my hair and a photo. Of it got leaked or whatever, and we wanted to debut my blonde hair. Can I be honest?

Jared Ellner
I didn't know a photo got leaked. No one told me a photo fully got leaked. And it was. I, like, it was so funny because. My agent saw the photo and was like, oh, my God, no.

Emma Chamberlain
And started like, freaking out and wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I was like, girl, you gotta fucking. Tell me what's going on. She's like, no. And I was like, did my nudes leak?

I'm like, I don't even take nudes. Like, what could it be? Like? Also, like, I probably like my boobs probably great. Like, I bet they look great.

I was probably holding them properly. Like, it was probably good. I was like, I haven't taken a nude in a really long time. Like, I don't take bad nudes, so it's all good. I facetune my nudes, so fine.

That's Owen's joke. Is it? Yeah. Owen always jokes about facetuning his nudes. I don't even know my own boyfriend.

I know, I know. But that sounds like him, so you should be apologetic. I know, I know. Owen, I'm sorry I stole your joke. Honestly, it is a good joke.

It's a great joke. Facetuning nudes. No, I genuinely haven't taken a nude. I don't know the last time I've taken a nude. It's just not happening these days.

Jared Ellner
Maybe in the coming future, maybe I'll take a nude. Maybe I'll take one tonight. We could do that. But it'll be like, really gross. Yeah, and like, you'll like, I'll like.

Emma Chamberlain
Be, oh, my God. I had this, like, one. One time my friend took a photo. Of me in the bathtub, and I, like, had a bunch of back knee, and I was, like, bent over, and it was, like, so funny. And it is sort of a nude, but it's hideous.

I'm into that vibe of a nude. I think that's funny. Yes. Yes. Where it's, like, not trying to be hot.

Okay. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Basically, she's freaking out. She's like, oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God.

And I was like, what is wrong? She's freaking me out. I'm like, my nudes are leaked. And, like, something, like, my cat died. Like, something happened, and she was like.

Your hair got leaked. Everyone can see it. It's like a photo with, like, I had gotten a massage done the day before and taken a picture with the. Girl who did it. Cause she's so awesome and whatever.

And she posted it on her instagram. And so now the blonde hair is out in the world, and she was freaking out. She's like, oh, my God, are you upset? And I was like, not at all like, this shit is not that serious. Yes, there is.

We're so tunnel visioned and we're so, like, zoomed in that it's such a. Big deal to us. But also, it's not that big of a deal. It's really. It's all just literally none of that.

It's all meant to be fun and to, you know, raise money for the Metropolitan Museum. And that's really all it is. Yeah, that's it. And that's it. And it's not that serious.

No. However, we take it extremely serious. Yeah. We spend nine months of the year thinking about it. Yeah.

Jared Ellner
Actually, twelve. Well, it's. Honestly, it is a year round thought. Although then there's like. But after, we have to wait till I get an invite again, because then it's just like, you can't start planning unless you get invited.

Yeah, it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to do that. However, we do also that. Jared, I can't wait. It's, like, so nerve wracking, actually, when.

Emma Chamberlain
I think about it, two days before, there's so much pressure. Like, the pressure is building, building, building, building, building. So I'm not, like. I'm not worried about anything. Everything's going to be good.

Jared Ellner
It's just pressure. But it's just pressure. You're just under pressure. But there's so much to be excited about. I'm so excited.

Emma Chamberlain
And we're just going to have fun. We're going to make it fun. It's going to be good. It's going to be great. It's gonna be good.

Thank you for hanging out in your busy week. Your busy met week. Are you kidding? You came to my hotel room and. Talked on the couch with me under a robe.

Jared Ellner
Well, that was my. I asked for the robe. Well, you're cold. And also, I wouldn't. I wouldn't even be.

There would be nothing else if you hadn't. If you hadn't brought me on to do your first met. You're the only reason I'm here, so. Okay, well, let's relax with that. Because you're a sleigh and you're amazing at what you do.

And so are you. Okay, we'll stop. Okay, now. So we're gonna go cry and hold hands. And we're gonna go cry, hold hands and kiss.

Emma Chamberlain
So, we'll talk to you guys later. By the time that you all are. Listening to this, you've seen it all. It's allowed on the Internet so bad. I know.

What if it's so. It's hideous. You guys are like. It could be. And it could be.

So we'll see what you think. Touch base later. We'll touch base later. But we love you all and thank you for listening. And thank you, Jared, I love you and thank you for coming on.

Jared Ellner
I love you more. I think I love you more. No. Okay, bye.

Emma Chamberlain
Okay, bye.

Okay, bye.