StarTalk Radio

Neil deGrasse Tyson

StarTalk Radio, hosted by the charismatic astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, is a thrilling journey through the cosmos and the fascinating interplay between science and popular culture. Each episode, Tyson invites a blend of celebrities, comedians, and scientists to explore a variety of complex topics that span the universe. Whether delving into the mysteries of black holes, discussing the latest developments in biotechnology, or exploring the science behind popular movies, StarTalk Radio makes even the most intricate scientific concepts accessible and entertaining. The show not only demystifies the universe but also offers insightful commentary on the societal impacts of science and technology. By blending humor with rigorous scientific discussion, StarTalk Radio appeals to curious minds eager to understand the world through the lens of science. With Neil deGrasse Tyson at the helm, listeners are guaranteed engaging dialogues, thought-provoking ideas, and a deeper appreciation for the ever-expanding universe around us.


  • Debating Pluto's Planethood with Alan Stern

    Neil deGrasse Tyson and Alan Stern delve into the classification and characteristics of Pluto, arguing its status as a "dwarf planet" and exploring its properties and the broader implications for celestial body classification in astronomy. The discussion encapsulates the historical context of Pluto's demotion from a planet to a dwarf planet, shedding light on the scientific criteria that govern planetary classifications and the new findings from the New Horizons mission which challenge old perspectives. Their dialogue not only clarifies the technical definitions but also highlights the emotional and cultural impact of such classifications.