Fanatics CEO: These are the Habits of Healthy Entrepreneurs! Do This to Succeed & Grow Financially

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This episode features Michael Rubin, CEO of Fanatics, discussing key habits that contribute to both entrepreneurial success and personal well-being.

Episode Summary

In a revealing discussion on "The School of Greatness" podcast, host Lewis Howes dives into the habits and mindsets that have shaped Michael Rubin, the CEO of Fanatics, into a remarkably successful entrepreneur. Rubin details his journey from struggling with conventional education and facing early business failures to leading a global sports company. The conversation pivots around the concept that resilience, hard work, and a positive attitude towards failure are pivotal to achieving significant success. Rubin emphasizes the importance of learning from each setback and continuously striving for improvement, irrespective of past achievements.

Main Takeaways

  1. Resilience is Key: Rubin's journey underscores that bouncing back from failures, big or small, is crucial for long-term success.
  2. Importance of Hard Work: Continuous hard work and dedication are foundational habits that drive financial growth and personal development.
  3. Learning from Failures: Viewing failures as opportunities for learning rather than setbacks can significantly impact one's ability to succeed.
  4. Maintaining a Positive Attitude: A positive outlook and good interpersonal relations can create 'luck' and opportunities.
  5. Consistency and Adaptability: Being adaptable to changing business environments while maintaining consistency in effort and quality is vital.

Episode Chapters

1: Early Struggles and Business Failures

Rubin discusses his early challenges and how they shaped his approach to business and risk. Michael Rubin: "Every failure leads to your next success."

2: Building and Sustaining Success

Insights into maintaining growth and the continuous pursuit of excellence in business. Michael Rubin: "We always want to put our best foot forward in everything we do."

3: Philosophies on Wealth and Success

Rubin shares his beliefs on wealth, its impact on personal happiness, and how to handle success responsibly. Michael Rubin: "Being a good human and working hard are the foundations of making better luck."

Actionable Advice

  1. Embrace Failures as Lessons: View every failure as a stepping stone to your next success.
  2. Cultivate Resilience: Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks with a stronger resolve.
  3. Work Consistently and Purposefully: Dedicate consistent effort towards your goals, regardless of past achievements.
  4. Maintain Positive Relationships: Cultivate and maintain good relationships as they are often the bedrock of both personal happiness and professional success.
  5. Stay Grounded and Grateful: Even as success and wealth accumulate, staying grounded can enhance both personal well-being and business relationships.

About This Episode

Today, we have an extraordinary guest who embodies resilience, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Michael Rubin, the CEO of Fanatics and a serial entrepreneur, joins us to share his incredible journey from academic struggles to building a multi-billion dollar empire.
In this episode, Michael reveals how he turned early failures into stepping stones for success, the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people, and his unwavering commitment to making a positive impact through his philanthropic efforts. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business leader, or someone looking to be inspired, Michael’s story and insights are sure to motivate and empower you.


Michael Rubin, Lewis Howes




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Guest Name(s):

Michael Rubin

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Lewis Howes
If you have ever dreamed of launching an online business, like launching a book or a product or a course or a membership site or a coaching or software or anything online, but you struggled figuring out how to get your first sale or generate your first thousand sales and generate your first hundred thousand or million dollars, and then listen up. There is a formula to make this happen, but what you need are the right tools. And for the last 16 years, I've been learning and making a lot of mistakes on how to build and monetize my personal brand and really use my knowledge and turn my knowledge into profits through my mission. And there is a free training that I want to send you to that my friend Tony Robbins and Dean Graciosi are doing. They're going to teach you the step by step process on how to build and launch your online business and scale it to the next level.

Make sure to go to get game and sign up for free, absolutely free for this virtual live event. It's going to be a game changer, and I want to make sure you're there. Go to game right now to sign up for free and check out these tools for yourself. So here's the question. When I was 16 years old and I ran out of money and the sheriff shut up my house every day with a new lawsuit, and then I turned that near bankrupt experience into being the largest close out company in the world.

Michael Rubin
Was that luck or was that hard work and just unrelenting personality? Global sports company fanatics. You heard of it? Yeah. Yeah.

Founder and CEO. That's fnatic CEO Michael Rubin. Very, very, very successful business guy. We got a special guest in the building, Michael Rubin. One and only Michael Rubin.

Come on. What are the three things you think about of launching into a space and how to really take over market share? Great question. I'm gonna let you into my brain right now. This is like something like, I've definitely never talked about it.

It's fascinating for me to even examine it myself. I got lots of companies trying to kill me, so, like, that's my normal day. You're about to lose it all. I was about to lose it all. Most importantly, this is the most important thing.

Every failure leads to your next success. How do you make better luck? I think be a better human. That's the truth. Like, be a good human.

You'll create your luck, hard work, and be a good human. What would you say are the habits of the millionaires? Billionaires are successful, that, you know, who are actually healthy? Over the ones that are empty inside. I'll give you one example that's jumping to the top of mind for me, which I really, I don't think I've ever talked about before but is super interesting, is.

Lewis Howes
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Michael Rubin
It's packed with benefits to help unlock more value from your business purchases. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Learn more at american businessgoldcard. Welcome back, everyone, to the school of greatness. Very excited about our guests.

Lewis Howes
We have the inspiring Michael Rubin in the house. Good to see you, sir. Hey, good to be here. The legendary fanatics parties that I've been to, Super bowl parties, have been an amazing experience. I was just telling you before, but everything that I feel like you do, from the people I know who know you and what I've seen from the outside looking in and being at some of your events, you do it at a world class experience with world class people.

So I just want to acknowledge you first and foremost for having a vision of excellence and for constantly striving to live up to that standard in everything you do. I'm sure you'll say, well, we've got a lot of work to do, and we're not there. And all these different, you know, me. Well, already know exactly what I was thinking. We haven't done yet.

Michael Rubin
We got a lot of work to do, and we're just getting started. But look, we always want to put our best foot forward in everything we do, and we never think we do anything well enough, and we always want to keep figuring out how to do it better. Absolutely. Well, it's inspiring to watch and congrats and everything. One of the things that I've seen you talk about is that you were really bad in school.

Lewis Howes
You know, you didn't read that well, just like me. I was. I don't read that well today. I still don't, either. I had a 740 on my sats.

I'm not sure if that was the worst than yours. Wow. I finally met somebody who did. Let's go. Let's go.

Michael Rubin
I got a 780. I don't know if that's. I feel great. I don't know if that's celebrate. But I couldn't get into college because my sat was so low.

Lewis Howes
So I remember feeling very insecure around my abilities, my lack of ability from school, and it affected my self worth. And I wanted to ask you this. You dropped out of college at one point, struggled in high school, probably all the way through school. Did you ever feel a lack of confidence, an insecurity, or a lack of self worth because of school? Or did you always have confidence to go after what you wanted in business?

Michael Rubin
Honestly, not really. You know, for me, everything you said was right. I consider myself to be an awful student. I barely graduated high school. I went to college for one semester.

I actually posted my. Somehow they went back and found my Villanova report card. I had a 1.87 in the one semester that I went to school. I couldn't then and still don't really read today. I haven't read a full book since 9th grade.

I haven't really read part of a book since 9th grade. And so, like, we all learned different ways. And for me, the one thing I was good at was business, and I always loved it and enjoyed it. So I always kind of put everything I had into that. And so being a student, failing in school or college didn't actually bother me, because I always just had this huge desire to just give it everything I had in business and even having failures.

And that didn't bother me because I just felt like, whatever you get back up and do it again. And you were an athlete. What happened? When something goes wrong, you just work harder. And I just felt like I could always outwork out, hustle everybody else.

And so a lot of people are taking. Failure has never bothered me. I've dealt with it my whole life in different things, and I just, like, I'm always like, I can whatever I can overcome and I can keep pushing through it, and that's just my personality. But did you ever tie, then, your self worth to your business success or your net worth as it went up or sometimes if it went down or you had failures, did you ever tie it to that. Again?

This sounds weird. Not really. I've been through, even in somewhat recent times, I almost got margined out, which means pushed out of my company in 2009 during the financial crisis, and I was near business death, and I thought it was fun. I'm like, this is an adventure, man. Like, I like this.

Like, I like the action, and it just didn't bother me. Like, I liked more playing the game. And that was what I really, you know, got me excited, was figuring out, you know, how to try to get more wins than losses, how to try to put my best foot forward, you know? I don't know. I'm not, like, I'm a pretty thick skinned person, really.

I've always been that way. And maybe it's like, you know, different people grow up with different ways. Like, my parents always beat on me to do better. Like, it was like, you know, they'd be like, and why would you beat on me? Like, hey, you can do better.

Not physically beat on me. I had two parents that were amazing, you know, amazing parents. Both were. One was a veterinarian, one was a psychiatrist. But they'd always say, like, you know, nothing was ever good enough.

They were always pushing me. And so, like, I had that attitude of, like, it didn't bother me to, you know, be on, picked on, you know, have things go wrong. I had every learning impediment. Like, I had a speech, you know, tutor and this tutor and that, because I had all these things. Like, I was like, I had a lot of learning disabilities, you know, like, before people knew what add was, I had the worst add, dyslexia, ten year old.

And, you know, I'm very dyslexic today, and so. But all this stuff, for me, it's just like, I don't know, I just had fun, like, playing the game. So when you failed, did you ever, like, get down on yourself, or did you look at it as an opportunity of what you could do better next time. So always, what you can do better next time. I think anytime I've had, like, a really bad moment, I just say tomorrow is a fresh day.

So, like, I could have a, like, if I just, like, if everything went wrong for me in a day or like something really happened in business or something I really didn't like, I'd always be like, all right, tomorrow's a new day, so it might feel bad in that night, but then I. And by the way, things always, if you get. I don't sleep that much, but even like, sleeping 5 hours, like it's a new day, you feel like it's. Things feel like, less, you know, intense. You just go deal with the issue the next day.

Lewis Howes
So what was the biggest loss you had in business, would you say? I've had so many. Really? Yeah. I mean, it started, my first big loss in business was at 16.

Michael Rubin
That was my first real loss. And I grew up as a. You remember, I was an entrepreneur before being an entrepreneur was cool. Before it was normal, before technology, I mean, so I started with a, you know, ski shop, right? Yeah.

People know this story. I started with a ski shop, and by the time I was 16, I had the ski shop. So I started with a little ski tuning shop in my parents basement. Like, you know, first a couple thousand dollars when I was twelve in business. Then when I was 13, I did like $25,000 of business by borrowing inventory from other ski shops on consignment and paying them for it as I sold it.

But I opened my first ski shop when I was 14. It's crazy. And I killed it the first year at 14. Killed it the second year at 15. Then I got cocky at 16.

And the way the story goes is it didn't snow that year. And when the season was over, I had $80,000 in inventory and $200,000 in bills. Wow. And I literally got sued that off ski season that spring. Probably 100 times.

The sheriff used to come, told the story a few times, but it's actually amazing. The sheriff used to come to my house every Monday through Friday. She'd be there with lawsuits every month like I would before school. Hey, Michael, here are your lawsuits for the day. Okay.

From the hundreds of vendors that I owed money to. And like, I thought my world was over. And like, I was like, I've completely failed. And like, I was a disaster. And I ended up hiring a bankruptcy lawyer who actually told me you had to be 18 to incur debt legally.

I didn't know that I ended up settling my debts for $38,000. It was the only time I ever went to my parents for money. And by the way, that was a ton of money. To my parents, borrowing $38,000 was a huge amount of money. And they said, one condition, you go to college, but you have to be a normal kid afterward.

Lewis Howes
You tried. I did try. Was it one semester or one year? Well, first what happened was good fortune. So I settled my debts for $38,000.

Michael Rubin
And literally weeks later, another ski shop, because everyone was going bankrupt, because it didn't snow that previous season, they went bankrupt. They had $200,000 inventory got auctioned for $13,000. So I went. I bought that inventory at, like, a government auction for $13,000. I went back to my dad.

I said, hey, great news. I'm going to be able to pay you back the $38,000 more quickly, but I need to borrow another $13,000. He looked at me. He's like. Like, are you out of your mind?

You want to borrow another? Like, no. Like, we. You know, like, you know, your mom and I lent you $38,000, which is a huge amount of money, so you would agree to go to college and, like, get out of this business thing. That doesn't make sense.

I said, okay, but I'm gonna probably go to prison, because, like, I made a commitment to, like, a government auction of $13,000. So I went door to door to my neighbors. Knocking. Hey, got a great opportunity for you. I need to borrow $13,000, but I'll be able to pay you back with a lot of interest.

Someone lent me the money at $1,000 a week interest, which I thought was a great deal. Now I'm like, this is amazing what I do. I got the yellow pages and literally went to ski shops. Start calling every ski shop, said, hey, I've got these dolomite boots, these dinosaur skis, these Rossignol skis. I was able to sell $17,000 of equipment within, like, three or four weeks, pay back all the money.

I had, like, 80, 90% of the inventory left. Wow. And that literally three years later, I was the biggest buyer and seller of close out skis and footwear, doing $100 million a year in business, making $10 million. So my point is, near death experience, almost going bankrupt at 16 to a 21, number one in the world of buying and selling athletic footwear and closeouts and skis in the world, all from that near disastrous failures. So it didn't bother me like, I kind of like, it was a fun ride.

And when I was getting sued every time, it was just like, okay, like, great. If I go bankrupt, like, maybe I'm an idiot. I don't know, I'll figure it out. And so none of that bothered me. It's almost like if you didn't have that failure, you wouldn't have had the, I guess, the opportunity.

Lewis Howes
You wouldn't have seen the opportunity of like, oh, I can go and buy these things at discount and then sell them for more in the future and build a business that 100%. And that's the way life is. And that's why I really believe every failure leads to your next success. And so we have, you know, we have things that don't work out every day. And, you know, yesterday I was sitting in a fanatics meeting, going through our quarterly review and our commerce business, and the guy who took over international business, who's just, you know, doing a great job, you know, went through three things.

Michael Rubin
He tested that all didn't work. He was talking about, great, this didn't work. This didn't work. This didn't work. And here's what I'm doing about it, because that's like, part of how you grow in business.

So people, a lot of people are scared to take risks and scared to fail. And then if you do that, then you never go anywhere, right? Wow. But, you know, someone might be listening or watching and thinking, well, that's easy to do as a teenager to take these risks because you got your parents to support you, you're living at home, you know, they're going to take care of you if you fall. But what about a big risk when you had a lot to lose?

Lewis Howes
What was the biggest failure in your thirties or forties? So I'll give you the best story I think of off the top of my head. So in 2009, during the financial crisis, I never, you know, my company was a public company called GSI Commerce, and I was not paid, you know, I was paid a pretty small amount of money on a relative basis to run the company. What I actually did was I borrowed money against my public company stock, and then I invested in a bunch of different investments. And that was great.

Michael Rubin
From 99 until 2008 until the financial crisis, when the financial crisis happened and our stock, my stock went from being worth 250 million personally to being worth 25 million over a few months. And then the banks went from lending 50% to lending 15%. So I went from being able to borrow $125 million to be able to borrow whatever $3.7 million. Basically, it's called almost getting margined out of your company. Okay.

Lewis Howes
Wow. So I remember. So, at one point, the most money I owed Dom, it was actually one of the big banks. I don't want to name him to not embarrass anybody, but I owed $50 million a peak, and it worked great for eight years. And now they keep saying, hey, you got to pay the loan down.

Michael Rubin
You got to pay the loan down because the stock's going down. And the rate, though, vance me is going down. And I got the loan down to about $3 million. Fighting with everything. I couldn't get it.

I was done by. I was calling all my friends. Hey, can you. Can I borrow a million here? Can I borrow?

Because I was running a big business in 2009. No one was lending anybody money. So it was like I was getting no's from everybody. So I sold enough investments to get the loan from 50 million down to 3 million. 3 million.

Can't. I'm done. No one else. You had no more cash? No more nothing.

By the way, my net worth wasn't at this point, maybe at a $10 million net worth. Again, this is only 15 years ago. Wow. And my stock that was worth 250 was now only worth $25 million. I couldn't sell it.

And so the bank was basically going to sell my stock and basically throw me. Push you out of your company. Push me out of my company. There was one person who I seeded in their hedge fund, and I invested, and I had, like, maybe four or $5 million with them. I called them 50 times to get the money back, and they wouldn't give.

They said, if I give the money back to you, I have to give it to other investors. Right. And on the 50th, try me calling, saying, like, hey, man, I need this money back. Like, I'm going to get thrown out of my company on the 50th try. He said, you're so annoying.

I'm gonna give you the money back. Don't call me ever again. Wow. And I got the money back, paid the bank off. They would've started selling the stock the next day.

Lewis Howes
Come on. I sold the company 18 months later for $2.4 billion to eBay. Okay, so. So how much was the company worth at the time? Cause your stock was 250.

Michael Rubin
It was. It was down to. The company was. It was down to 250 million. We sold it 18 months later for 2.4 billion.

Lewis Howes
Wow. To eBay. And you were about to lose it all. I was about to lose it all. And you wouldn't have me here today, if that happened, by the way, because I wouldn't have then sold my company, eBay, had that be a great transaction.

Michael Rubin
Buyback. Fanatics turn it into what it is today, which is just in the beginning phases. But my point is, I was just unrelenting. I just quit. Wow.

And the funniest thing about the whole thing, it was almost a little bit psychopathic.

During the whole period of time, I was calm as a cucumber. Like, I remember my now ex wife saying to me, like, michael, are we gonna be okay? Like, like, you know, like, had I got thrown out of my company, I don't know. I couldn't afford the house I was living in. I couldn't, like, you know, I'm like, we'll be fine.

Don't worry about it. She's like, how are you sleeping? I'm like, wow. You know, I sleep my 5 hours, I'm good. My four or 5 hours, I'm good.

What do you think? I mean, most people would be stressed out, anxious and worried, you know, if they lose a little bit, let alone losing almost all of it. What do you think were the three skills that you learned growing up, whether it be from your parents or sports or whatever it was, what were those three skills that supported you through the growth phases, through the losses, through the high stakes, last minute lose it all, all of that? What were those three skills? Well, I just want to tell you one thing I'm thinking about.

Then you're going to have to ask me that again because of my add. Go ahead. I have a question that I love asking people, and the answer is, like, 50 50.

Look, when you're in business, you meet a lot of really successful people. And I always ask people who really made it big, who made tens of billions of dollars, if you could be ten years younger, in the same health and give up everything you had, 100% of your money, would you? And the answer I get is, like, 50 50. Really? My answer is 100% yes.

I would give everything up. I have just be ten years younger because I feel like I could do it again tomorrow morning. Wow. Okay. Now, a lot of people look at me like there's a screw loose in my head.

They're like, how would you possibly give up everything you have to be ten years younger. For me, I'm like, okay, I'm 51. If I can go from 51 to 41, I'm in. Take it all. Zero hesitation.

Lewis Howes
Wow. So that goes to my mindset of, like, you know, I can always figure out how to do it, and that's just like, you know, that's. I don't know. Well, I'm humble. I'm confident from that perspective.

That's interesting. Speaking of that question, I'm 41. If you could go back to 41 right now, or if you could give advice to your 41 year old self with all the wisdom experience you have now, what advice would you give him? I give advice to my 41 year old self. Where were you at 41?

Michael Rubin
Yeah, I was really just beginning and building fanatics, I would say. I think I've always known you need to get the best people in the world around you to really, like, I've always known that, but I didn't always practice as hard as I do today. So it's the unrelenting skill of getting the best people in the world to work with and then making sure they work really well together, because you can get a ton of really smart people, but then they don't work well together. And you play football. Right.

It's a little better than football, but, like, go to a basketball court, get three superstars to work together. Not always easy. That's tricky. Okay. And so, you know, to me, I think it would be like, don't just say you're going to get the best people in the world.

Make sure you get the best people and get them to work together. The other thing, if I can give myself advice, in a consumer business, everything starts with the consumer, or in our case, the fan. Make everything you like. We've always thought about the fan, but I think I wasn't the same way. Like, you said certain things, but you weren't unrelenting enough to be unrelenting.

Everything we need to do needs to make the experience better for the fan. And we've delivered on that sometimes and not delivered on that other times. And I think being unrelenting on delivering that, which is something now that I have so much excitement about it. Like, you know, I feel like every day is a new day to just be better at what we do, and there's so many things we can do better. Wow.

Lewis Howes
Okay. So those two things, how did you, over the last ten years, how did you learn to enroll, attract, convince the greatest people to come work with you, and how did you get them to separate their egos and work together? Yeah. Well, first, I think when you're going to get great people to work together, you need to make sure you don't have, like, you need to make sure you get people that don't have egos that are too big. Cause if people have you know, Tom Brady always says to me like, you know, there's, you know, I've heard him say this so many times, like, there's only so many people you can pass the ball to, okay?

Michael Rubin
And people need to know their role, okay? So to me, you need to get people who want to do what they do and you need to get people who want to work well together. And some people you could find are amazing athletes or amazing business people, but maybe they're not going to be a great fit to us. That to me is about backdoor reference checking. I'm always, you know, if I meet someone I want to hire, I've never asked somebody for a reference once in my life.

Lewis Howes
Why? Because the world's small. I'm always, if I'm interested in somebody, I'm going to find someone. Five people that know them, not one. I'm going to ask five people or ten people and I'm going to figure out what I need to know about them and figure out, like, it's only what you, when you meet someone, it's like 50% of it is, you know, kind of, you know, what you see in that interview.

Michael Rubin
The more important 50% is what you're doing. Backdoor referencing. Wow. Interesting.

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Lewis Howes
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That's betterhelp lewis. How do you, I mean, how do you find the right people? First off, how do you even recruit them or know where they are? And then what type of conversation do you have when you first meet with them, where you want to get them to buy into your vision and be a part of your team or your company? What do you say to them?

Lewis Howes
What's the vision conversation? Yeah, so to start with, I'd say we have a, especially like a big. Executive, a big leader. So I'd say, first, the world is really small, and so we're always able, like whenever we've got a key role, we'll do two things. One, we'll generally run a search with an outside search, firmware or internal search team.

Michael Rubin
But then we'll also do a lot of work on that search yourself. Because to me, if you just hire a search firm, you just do it internally without working it hard, you're going to get a less good result. To me, if you work out of it, and then you also have great professionals doing it. You merge those two together, you can get a better result. That's smart.

Generally, for me, look, at this point, I think it's us more trying to figure out quickly whether someone's interesting to us. And then if we think they're interesting to us, then we'll go to start selling them. So generally, if you're in a. If I'm trying to get to know somebody, you generally see I ask you a thousand questions first. Then if I'm interested, I'll start selling.

You got it? And if anyone's listening to this and they see me, you know, in an interview, they'd say, that's what you'll see. I go from, like, asking a lot of questions. If I'm not interested, quickly get myself out, extract myself from that meeting. If I am interested, then you'll hear me getting you excited about the opportunity.

Lewis Howes
That's cool. That's really cool. The thing that I feel like a lot of people know about you, at least from the outside looking in, is that you are one of the most connected people in the world to other successful business leaders and billionaires, the world's greatest athletes, artists, musicians, cultural icons. They see this from your Instagram and videos that you have out there online. And if people have been to your parties, they see that as well.

You know, I went to your party a couple times to just the who's who of everyone is there. I'm curious. A lot of people desire to have fame, success and money, but not everyone knows how to be happy and have healthy relationships and have a healthy relationship with themselves while they acquire those things. You've been around all the wealthy, successful and famous people. What do you wish people knew about fame, success and money that you don't think they truly know about?

Michael Rubin
Well, I think, first of all, I'm very lucky to have all the exposure that I have to so many great, different, interesting people. For me, that's how I learn. Right? Cause I don't learn from reading. Cause I really don't read.

Okay. I learn from listening. And that's what I enjoy the most doing is getting so many people with different backgrounds together and always picking up different things from people all day long. Okay? And so that's my.

If you say different people, everyone's got their strengths of weakness. That's my strength. That's my superpower, is the ability to just, like, be a sponge to other, you know, interesting people around me. And that happens every day of my life that I'm just picking up data points that make me better. Look, last week, I'm sure you saw, we launched with Travis Scott and Cactus Jack, our collab with Mitchell Ness and fanatics and just flying with.

Trav's a good friend of mine, flying with Trav from LSU to Texas and to Texas to USC. And just the questions I'm asking, the conversation we have, we're each learning, and he's doing the same thing for me, by the way. We're each learning from each other, and I'm doing that in every interaction, no matter what someone's background. And it could be someone who just started a job at fanatics and, you know, and by the way, I learned so much from my teenage daughter about how they, you know, consume information differently than how I consume information. So I'm always just picking things up from people.

But I think, so I start from the place of. I'm very fortunate to have such great exposure. That teaches me what I learned every day. I'd say. What I would say is some people really struggle with it more than others.

Like, look, I've had some of the financial success. I'm the least well known person of a lot of people. We do business with some of the biggest athletes, artists, celebrities in the planet. I think for some people, it's really natural, and for other people, it's hard to deal with it. For me, I'm just always paying attention to studying and even look, in the last few years, I'm probably more well known.

But for me, it's like I'm humbled by it. Anyone who wants to stop and ask me a question, who wants to? I'm just like, I know how lucky I am, and so. But I think it is. I think for to answer the question directly that you asked me, I think for some people, it's really hard.

It's an adjustment. A lot of times, this stuff can happen quick, too. I know. So, look, you saw it. You played at a really high level from an athletic perspective.

Some people can deal with this great and others can't. What do you think it is about? I mean, I know you probably. You don't need to name. I'm not asking you to name names, but I know, you know, people who are billionaires and super famous that are happy, that are truly happy and grateful.

Human beings and a lot that aren't. And a lot, probably more that are stressed out, overwhelmed, bad relationships, you know, constantly living in fight or flight or competition versus collaboration. What would you say are the habits of the millionaires? Billionaires are successful, that, you know, who are actually healthy, which is probably a smaller percentage over the ones that have it all but are empty inside. So I'll give you one example that's jumping to the top of mind for me, which is I really, I don't think I've ever talked about before, but is super interesting is.

And all of my good friends know this about me. And, you know, you could get. A lot of people would say they know this about me. I want all of my friends to do great and do better than me in any way they can. Cause, like, I'm living my dream, okay?

So why would I not want everyone to do great around me? A lot of people feel like they're in competition. And it's one thing, like, you're playing football, kill your competitor. Right, right. You're playing basketball, kill your competitor.

If I'm in business and there's someone I'm competing against, that's different story. Okay. But I'm talking about in life, I want my friends to do amazing. I'd say, like, I have certain friends who are like, hey, if you could make x, or I could make 50 times that, I'd rather you make x because, like, I'm good and I'm happy, I'm having a great time, and I'm living my dream. So I think it's the healthy people want the best for the others around them.

One of the things I see a lot of time is, like, cultures of, like, people trying to bring people down. I hate that. And I'm always, I'm always saying this to, like, my daughter. Cause she's 18 and she's like, you know, she's developing the same way I'm still developing. I'm always like, you want always be inclusive.

Bring everyone together, have people want to do great. That's what I say is an interesting observation. A lot of people don't want people to do great around them, and that's really weird to me. Do you think that's what makes them stressed and miserable or unhappy or have broken relationships? Look, people think.

It's just so hard to say. No one's. I'm gonna get ridiculed for saying this, but people think money fixes things. It doesn't. Okay?

You're either going to make the most of your life or you're not. So obviously with money, you have more access to so many things. Okay? But I tell you, I outwork just about anybody. I'm still working 18 hours a day, 350 days a year, and I love it.

And that, for me, is fun, and I enjoy it, and I'm learning and I'm growing from it. So it's not like I'm trying to, like, I'm not like, you know, people see, like, oh, they see the white party, and great. So I do three fun. I do the white party, this fanatic party, and together, the Reform alliance, which, when the founders have we started last year, the galaxy. We do three big events a year.

Those are fun moments people see. But my life is about grinding day in and day out, and I like that. That's not every day. Yeah. Yeah.

The grinding's every day. No, I mean the grinds every day. Three days a year. Yeah, of course. Yeah.

Do I do a fun Christmas vacation? I used to be able to make fun of my friends publicly. Now we have to do it privately because I get rid of cool if I make fun of my friends now. But what do you think is the energy of, you know, that that drives people to. Again, I think a lot of people that want to learn from you or someone that's, like, you with a, you know, massive net worth, big businesses, all these different things.

Lewis Howes
I think a lot of people want to know, can, how can I do that or my own way of doing that in my life while also being healthy and happy? Because I see a lot of people get burned out, celebrities who are young, not know how to manage the success of the fame, billionaires go bankrupt, all these, or just do things that maybe don't align with the values. So, I guess I'm curious about, do you think it's possible to be actually healthy and happy, have good relationships with your family and friends, and be uber successful? And if so, what does it take? What are the key habits that your friends who are that do on a consistent basis?

Michael Rubin
Yeah, I think it's 100%. It's 100% doable, and a lot of people do it. But some people, you know, look, the thing with a lot of really successful people is, like, what makes me. I'll say what does make me a little bit different is, you know, barely having made it out of high school, not having gone to college, not reading. Like, I'm not an intellectual.

I'm like, you know, I'm kind of like a, you know, just like a street smart. I still feel like a kid, even though I'm not. So that's. That. Like, a lot of really successful people, they're naturally.

They're awkward they're not like, they're just like, they're a little uncomfortable in their own skin. You know, you've gone out, you've had all this success, and you're not sure how to deal with it. Like, to be, like, still, like, a normal, logical, rational person. I'm still like, you know, if you listen to the conversations I have with my friends, we make fun of each other the same way we did ten or 20 years ago. And I take more from people I take than I give, although I give a lot of it as well.

You know, I think it's just like, look, you know, look, I see the greatest people in the world do great with handling. I see a lot of people that get, you know, huge success, and, you know, it's really hard for them. I say, like, you know, keep the eye on the prize, just like you also, like, you know, for the. For the way you're asking the questions. A really small percentage of people, they're super lucky.

Like, appreciate that. And, like, look, I know it's easier to say that, but, like, you know, people say to me all the time, like, anyone who stops me, always try to be as nice as could be. And people say, like, why was like that? I'm like. Cause I'm lucky.

Like, if I'm not, I'm a bad person. It's a problem if I'm not like that. Right. That's probably what keeps you fulfilled and happy. Yeah, and, like, I'm rooting for everybody, too.

Lewis Howes
Yeah. I'm rooting for everyone to do great. I think that's a key differentiator, because most people that I think are unhappy with success or with what they have at a big level. They're competitive in terms of they don't want to see their friends, and they think of more. It's win.

I have to win and you have to lose versus. How can we all win together? Yeah. Look, I know a fair amount of people who have gone down in business because you just, you meet a lot of people and, you know, and a lot of them have handled it great and some haven't, you know, and it just depends who it is. It just depends who that person is.

Michael Rubin
The thing I like to see by the time is someone who can do something, who can do it two or three times. Like, you get one success, it could be luck. You get two or three successes. That's proven skill. By the way.

You win one Super bowl, you're really good, but, you know, you win a couple, you're really special. That's another level. Yeah. Speaking of Super Bowls, what do you think? You're close with Tom?

Lewis Howes
I'm supposed to be interviewing him next week at an event. What's something about him that makes him so unique that other people, other athletes don't have? He's one of the most unique individuals on planet Earth. Look, he's become a really close friend of mine in the last few years, I'll tell you that. When you see his determination and grind, you see why he had the success that he had.

Michael Rubin
And, you know, he's very athletic. He's not the most athletic guy relative to whoever would be the most skilled. He did it based on will to win. And I see when you're going to text me afterward, you're going to say, I fully get it. This guy is a beast, and he's going to win whatever he puts his mind to.

And so when I look at him, having won seven super bowls, I'm like, yeah, I would expect that. Like, he's more determined. Like, by the way, I talked to him at 530 in the morning, you know, more days than I talk to him at 09:00 in the night. He's so disciplined. He's so focused, and you see it in business, too.

And he's. He's one of the greatest human beings, one of the hardest working human beings. And I will tell you, there's no. He's had no luck. That's all.

Lewis Howes
Really? That's all? That's all. Will to win. Wow.

Michael Rubin
Ask him to tell you the story of how he came back. 28. Three. He'll probably give you a little bit of a PG version of it. Okay, but tell him.

I told you to ask him. But it's just like. It's his personality. I've put him. We had a meeting with our biggest investors, and I asked him to come and interview him in front of our investors.

And, like, you just, like, you literally, you're there. You just, like, want to get up. And go kill everyone. It's just like he inspires you like that, and it's like, I know people are some of the greatest athletes in the world. They just don't have the heart, man.

He's got the heart. But it sounds like you've got the heart in life and business. How did you develop that heart? Or is that from parents? Is that from kids?

Lewis Howes
Is that from not being good in school? Like, where did the heart come from, and how did you sustain it for decades? I think it's a combination of one not being good at so many things. Like, I was the worst athlete. Always.

Michael Rubin
I was always picked last on every team. It was a joke. Like, you go to pick teams as a kid, I was always the last kid picked. I was that uncoordinated. Okay, how did that make you feel that?

A little bit, maybe angry. Okay. But that fire was good for me. Just made me want to work harder in business. Like, okay, if I was gonna be a loser in sports, let me be a winner in business.

Let me go to what I do best. The school thing bothered me less. I thought it was like, I was like. I mean, I was like Ferris Bueller in high school. And by the way, I need to.

Lewis Howes
Be out of here. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I did a co op program in high school where, in my 11th and 12th grade years, I got out of high school at 11:00 in the morning to work at the ski shop that I owned. And my grade, 50% of my grades, came from the grade that my landlord gave me.

Michael Rubin
He just said, pay my rent on time, I'll give you an a on your co op. And I still almost didn't graduate high school because I couldn't pass chemistry. Like, I literally couldn't pass chemistry. And so that stuff was all motivation to me. And even if, like, something.

If something makes me mad or sad, it's motivation, period. End of story. Motivation, by the way, Tommy, is exactly the same way. You're gonna see that next week. Yeah, but what makes you motivated, though?

Lewis Howes
And how do you sustain motivation to be driven to overcome all the obstacles that come in your way every single day? You're working with big business challenges, people. Trying to kill me every day. The bigger we get, people trying to kill me every day. That's just the reality.

Michael Rubin
You know, you close one eye and there's someone coming for you behind. Yeah, 100%. That's business. How do you stay calm, though, during the chaos and stay motivated when everyone's coming after you? Well, if you're not calm, you're going to make worse decisions.

So I think you need to be calmer during the most important times. Also, by the way, something I've always believed, I actually put something out when I put Tom in front of our thousands of employees. We were talking about, how do you deal with the most high pressure situations? Always be calmest during these situations. Interesting.

So, you know, it's. Look, I think some of it, you're born with it, and some of it, you can just muscle to. But the most interesting thing, I guess, is there's never a time I need to work less, and I've never worked harder, because to me, business is my drug, okay? That's what I love. Cause I'm overall good at it, by the way.

There's lots of things I need to improve my game on, but I'm overall good at it, and that's how I. You know, that's how I. I don't know if you're. Let me ask you a question. If you're a professional athlete, you want to stop playing sports, you want to play as long as you can.

Lewis Howes
I wanted to play as long as I could. I got injured, which made me stop. And most athletes want to play as long as they can. Right. For me, the great thing about being in business, I think I can do the sport for the rest of my life.

Yeah. So you don't have to worry about, you know, injury holding you back from playing. Yeah. Yeah. You could still be injured and be on the phone and negotiate deals.

Michael Rubin
I worry about mental injury, which some might argue I have already. You mean both. Man. One of the things that I really appreciate about you is that, obviously, you've built massive businesses, but you care a lot about philanthropy and giving back, as well. Make a wish foundation.

Lewis Howes
You guys have did a big partnership with them, which I think is really cool. But also the reform alliance, I think is really inspiring. It's really about criminal justice reform. Growing up, my older brother went to prison for four and a half years, and just watching what happens to inmates in prison after prison is a challenge. It's supposed to be rehabilitation.

Yeah, exactly. And in a lot of cases, it's actually getting you stuck in the system. And I know there's a lot of people who will say, oh, someone does something wrong, they need to be in prison. That could be the right answer in a lot of cases, but the point of prison is to help rehabilitate someone, not to entrap them for the rest of their life. Exactly.

So I really acknowledge you for not just wanting to make the most money and build the biggest business, but also for trying to make change in different areas with kids, with prison reform, all these different things that you do, and a lot of these things are public, and you have partners in all these things. But I'm curious, what's the thing that people don't know about you that you're most proud of? The stuff that's not out there online, the stuff that you know isn't public information. What's the thing about you that you're most proud of that people don't know? Well, first, let me.

Michael Rubin
You know, you brought out the things that we try to do to make the world a better place, that's our responsibility. Like, if you're in the position that I'm in, you have a responsibility to try to make the world a better place. I don't think we can do enough of that, and I really feel that way. I also will tell you something that I didn't know. Remember, I was a person.

I've been very public about this until 2017. I would always give money to people that were important to me. Causes that were important to me always helped financially. I never did the work. My work was just giving the money.

And then obviously, I went through the experience that everyone knows with my friend who went to prison for not committing a crime. And seeing that firsthand, being in a courtroom, watching someone go to prison for two to four years for not committing a crime, for going for a probation violation, for puppet and wheelie on a motorcycle, like, I felt powerless and hopeless for what was happening to my friend for the first time. Cause I couldn't help him. And I think putting the work in for that changed my whole perspective because upfront people thought, and what everyone said to me is, don't get involved with this. It's gonna hurt your business.

Everyone told me. I just went with my instincts of, like, I had to be there together with another friend that helped as well to help make a. To help fix this. And the most interesting thing was, a couple years later, when the pandemic started, we did this giant kind of fundraiser called the all in challenge. It was pretty spectacular.

Raised $60 million for food insecurity, and we were sure it was going to hurt our business and ended up helping. We thought, hey, we're going to be asking our customers to donate to this. At a time when there's no sports and we're a sports company, it's going to hurt the business. What actually happened was it created a halo for our business. So one of the fascinating things.

Interesting, if you do the right thing some way, somehow, you're going to get paid back in karma eventually. And I didn't know that before, really. So I will tell you, I just gave money my whole life until 2017. Then when we put the time, and I spend real money, like, I spend. Sorry, I spend real time, not money.

I spend real time, in addition to money, trying to do things to make the world a better place. Those things, whether they pay different attention to yourself, how you feel, whether it's the people you help, it's whether there's overall just good karma that comes back to you. They always benefit you in the long run. So I'm always saying to big business leaders, man, do the right thing. Personally, helping people, you'll get that paid back for sure.

And I've seen that a thousand times. Over, and it may not happen this year or right away. Doesn't it just. You're just. You're building up chips.

Yeah, you're building up chips. And look, so you used to give. Financially, but now you're giving more energy. I gave zero energy, only money till 2007. Yeah.

Lewis Howes
Yeah. And I used to me the question, hey, you know, you're something that's important to me. You have something that's important to you. How can I write you the check as quickly as possible to get you out of my office so I can go back to business? And then I had this life changing experience with my friend, and that really opened my eyes.

Michael Rubin
And then we've done so many charitable things since. So do we make a wish? Oh, my God. What? Or not.

By the way, if you don't care about make a wish, I say this all the time, because make a wish is, like, the greatest thing involved with. No one can say they don't like make a wish. You could say you don't believe in criminal justice reform. There are a lot of people who say, hey, they don't care about your brother. They don't care what happened to my friend.

You know, they made a mistake. They should go rot in prison. Okay. I've heard that a thousand times. It's been said to me, okay, I don't agree.

I believe we should help people get a second chance, a third chance. But that's up for debate to who you want to debate it with. But helping kids who are terminally ill, right. If you don't like that, you're a bad. I'll say right now, you're a bad person.

If you don't like make a wish, you're a bad person, like, to me, out of your life. Okay? So what an honor it is for us. Like, I remember, I just. I was at an all star game, and we had these.

These kids, and, you know, we brought them to all star weekend with make a wish. And, you know, we do all the sports things we do together, you know, with make a wish and fanax. You know, we do everything together in sports. And like I said to these kids, you guys are so gracious to me. Like, I want to thank you because you're inspiring me.

You're inspiring our company. All the people that get to work with make a wish man. They're inspired by you. And it's such a, you know, it's such a great thing to do. That's beautiful, man.

Lewis Howes
But what would you say? Is there a moment or something that you're most proud of that people don't know about? It's probably the this look, there's so many little things you do every day to help people that, you know, you never talk about. You want to do it to make a difference for people, you know. And I care about that because I think I'm lucky.

Michael Rubin
And so if I'm lucky, I should be able to, you know, give back in whatever way I can. Absolutely.

Unidentified Speaker
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Ziprecruiter, the smartest way to hire. How do you think someone creates more luck in their life? So I'm a, so I'm a pretty superstitious person, which might sound weird, but I'm a pretty superstitious person, by the way, I'm the type of person that can't, like, if my team is winning, like, I'm not moving. Like, I'm weird like this. I'm just, I've got some weird superstitions.

Michael Rubin
You know, don't switch seats if I'm playing blackjack in a casino, you know, I'm not, you know, I don't want, I'm not switching up. Like, I believe in keeping what's working going. How do you make better luck? I think be a better human. Like, that's, that's, that's the truth.

Like, being a human, you'll create your luck. Okay. Hard work and be a good human. Yeah. Do you ever feel guilty for your luck?

No, I feel appreciative. Yeah, that's good. Feel appreciative. But I don't feel guilty. Yeah.

What would I have to, why do you think, you know what? I feel guilty. The things I would feel guilty about would be, like, if I miss something, if I let somebody down, that's where I feel the guilt. Why do you think some people who have created more opportunities for themselves sometimes feel, like, bad for the success they've created? Have you ever seen that with anyone?

Not much, to be honest. I think, look, at the end of the day, you make your own luck. Anyone who says, look, to be successful in business, you need to, you know, be smart, have a good strategy, get the right people, outwork your competition. Add luck to that. You need luck to go with that.

Okay, so it's a component, but I think, like, you make your own luck, too. Do you think if, you know, you would have chose a different business model or a different industry, you'd be able to create what you've already created by now, or do you think a lot of it is kind of timing, the luck, being in the right place, right time to get you launched, but obviously, you have to keep sustaining it year after year, and you could go out of business like you almost did in 2009. But do you think you could also just do this in a completely different industry at this time as well? I do. Really?

I do. I know it sounds obnoxious and confident, but I do. And I'm not gonna lie about that. So here's the question. When I was 16 years old and I ran out of money and the sheriff shut up my house, you know, every day with the new lawsuits for three months straight, and then I turned that near bankrupt experience into being the largest closeout company in the world at age 21, doing $100 million and making $10 million a year.

Was that luck, or was that hard work and just unrelenting personality? When I almost got margined out of my company and pushed out my company in 2009, was that luck? Was that my just unrelenting attitude? I would say I made my luck in those situations. Now, still have good, like, I might leave here, look at my phone, and someone might tip me off to something that I need to know about, competition or something.

And, like, that's, you know, something. But it's a common. It's kind of like, again, great relationships build great relationships. That'll make good luck for you, too. That's great.

Lewis Howes
A lot of people here who are watching and listening. There's a lot of entrepreneurs here. I see people struggle as they don't have a lot, and they start to. Earn more and more. If they go from zero to 100,000 in sales, then to a million, then 10 million and beyond.

You see people's energy start to shift as they earn more. Did anything shift for you energetically, inside or emotionally when you went from your first million to 100 million to a billion? Yeah, I got hungrier. I love it. I'm just being honest.

Michael Rubin
And by the way, I shouldn't say this, but I think it's lame for the people that got more lazy and more complacent. Like, I have a friend who we will not name or give any hints to, but the person made tens of billions of dollars, and I was sitting with them once, well, talk about where. So I don't call anybody out. And they were just like, they were done. They didn't want to do it again.

I was so uninspired by that. I was like, this lame man, I left, like, I had no interest in that person. Interesting. But what is there besides hunger of wanting to create more, give more, all these different things, contribute more? Was there an emotional energy shift of, like, oh, this is more exciting.

Lewis Howes
I have more money in my bank account or my net worth now. It's like I've got a different feeling or identity about myself because I think a lot of people's identities shift when they hit certain financial marks or exit companies. Mine have never. People might call on that. Go for it.

Michael Rubin
I will tell you, because I'm always paranoid about, you know, what's going to go wrong. Okay. And if you stay paranoid and you stay hungry, then I don't think that you. I don't feel those things. Like, when we do, like, we have great things that we happen all the time.

Like, I'll be like, okay, we can celebrate them for 60 seconds. Let's get right back at it. Okay. But I think it's more the fear of. I recognize, like, I built.

We have three businesses today, fanatics, commerce. I built it from a $250 million business to a $6.3 billion business. And I look at that, and some people would say, oh, that's great. I'm looking at what are all the things we need to do to reinvent the business to get from where we are today, to get to our next chapter. For us, it's about we haven't been good enough from a consumer experience.

We need to be great, not good. Okay? Getting 99% right. If you get 1% wrong when you have 70 million transactions a year, that ain't good enough. Okay.

And we're worried about how do we become just great at product where we haven't been great at product. So, like, I'm always thinking about how to, like, I'm not worried about. I'm not saying, oh, this was some great accomplishment, saying, man, here are all the things we don't do right so we can be that much better in the future. You know, in our gambling business that we've just launched, we're now in 20 states with fanatics sportsbook. I'm like, hey, I got fandom draftkings that own 80% of the market.

I want to figure out how I take real share from them. I'm friends with both of them great companies, but, like, we're playing a game. I want action. Let's go, baby. Wow.

Okay. In the collectibles business that I just got in three and a half years ago, I got lots of companies trying to kill me. So, like, that's my normal day is people trying to get me from behind. You know, all kinds going wrong. So you just gotta be smart, be disciplined, be thoughtful, prioritize and like, focus.

Lewis Howes
Wow. So when you go into a new, I guess, business, like the gambling business, let's say, and there's already different market share leaders, there's a couple, two or three people that are kind of having the market share. What is the mindset you go into of like we're going to launch into a new space. Sure. We've got a big customer base already, a big brand, lots of money, resources, team, but they own the market right now.

What's the thought process of saying, we're going to go into this and what are the three things you think about of launching into a space and how to really take over market share? So it's a great question. I'm going to let you into my brain right now. This is like something like I've definitely never talked about. And it's fascinating for me to even examine it myself every day, which I do.

Michael Rubin
So when we started in the merchandise business that we call fanatics commerce, we were the third player in the market. And through, you know, a lot of hard work and innovation, we became the number one player still with so much to do, like, we have so much to be better in that business. Okay, but you're number one. We are. And in the collectibles business.

Lewis Howes
Side note there, from how long did it take you to go from third to number one after launch? Third to one was probably only three or four years. Three or four years. Okay, sorry, go next, by the way. 24/7 like and worried about everything, paranoid about everything, obsessed.

Michael Rubin
Okay. Okay. And I think what's more interesting for me actually, is where we are today. How do we completely reinvent ourselves? Because now we're only focused on how do we become the best consumer company in the world.

Anytime someone gives us shade over something we screwed up or something that didn't go well, it actually hurts me. It bothers me. Like, I sit up, I'm obsessive. I sit up and look on social media. I don't look for people saying great things for the negative comments.

Are they right or wrong? If they're wrong, I don't care if they're right. How do I use that to be better? I'm sending notes to people all day long saying, how did this happen? How do we be better?

Just to use it to make us a better business. Okay. In the collectibles business, we weren't in the business. Three and a half years ago. Now we're the top player in the business, and we're innovating and we're making the consumer experience and the collector experience so much better.

And we're marketing. That hasn't been done before. It's fascinating. But the interesting thing is, I'd say we're the leader in each of those two businesses in gaming. I said, okay, look, gaming, online sports betting, and igaming is going to be a really big business long term.

Okay? Potentially, if we had that same type of leadership, it would be the best of the three businesses. But today we're not in it. But we have some real strategic advantages. We have 110 million customers.

We do 70 million transactions a year offline and online. We can use that to kind of cross sell customers into gaming. But now I'm a year into. I'm a year. I came up with the idea three years ago.

We're now launching. We launched a year ago. We're just. As of today, we're in 20 states, 19 under the fanatics brand. One under the points by brand will be onto the fanatics brand April 30.

Okay? Everything will be under one brand. And what we've been focused on is obsessively building the best product. And then once we do that, getting great cross zone. The most interesting thing is, I don't know, sitting here today, am I going to win or not?

Now, I have that confidence that I've done it in commerce, I've done it in collectibles. But I have that concern. Hey, you got fanduel draftkings, MGM. Great companies, okay? That are really good competitors.

But I love playing that game. That, to me, is so fun and so not knowing exactly what that. Am I confident? Yes. But do I know?

No. So what do I need to do? I need to build a great product. I need to have great relationships with my customers. Okay?

I need to leverage all the assets they have at fanatics, the relationships with 110 million customers, the relationships with thousands of athletes, and use that to build our business in a way that's great for everybody. Wow. But I don't know what the answer is yet. This is fascinating. So, by the way, if you're listening, make sure you give us a chance.

Go to fnatic sportsbook, get on the app, try it out. I think you're going to like it. There you go. So when you're my only pitch. I like it.

Lewis Howes
I like it. So when you're thinking of, like, a new space to launch into, you know, you did the commerce, you did the collectibles you did, you know, now gaming. Are you thinking, this is a really interesting space. I could see it blowing up. We should get into this.

Is that kind of part of the philosophy? So what I'm generally thinking about is, is it a big enough business to be worth our time? Yeah. Which is probably a billion dollar minimum. I'd say at this point, we need to think it's a billion dollar profit business long term, not revenue, profit.

Michael Rubin
Okay, so number one, is it a billion dollar profit business long term? That's. That's actually our number. Number two is a completely synergistic with the rest of our business. And most importantly, and this is the most important thing, can we make it better for the fan?

Lewis Howes
Okay, then what's already out there? Yep. Interesting. And by the way, in some, in some cases, you have, what's out there has not been good enough. So better is still not good enough.

Still not great. Right. And we've been there certain times, but at this point, it's like, can I do something that's better for the fan? Is it completely synergistic? Is it a big opportunity?

Michael Rubin
If we don't get yeses to all three, we're out. That's interesting. I love getting inside your mind now. Now, when you're thinking of like, okay, here's gaming batting all these different things. Are you then checking out all the competitors that are out there maniacally.

Lewis Howes
So you're. You're downloading the apps, you're checking out, you're researching it. How many, their business model, everything. I'm talking to everybody known to mankind, really. I'm meeting with the companies.

Michael Rubin
I'm meeting with the analysts. I'm meeting with employees. I'm interviewing people to learn. I'm learning everything I can and how long I can't read. Right, right.

Lewis Howes
So you're interviewing a lot of research. How long will you do that research? Phase four. Is that a few months? Is that a year before you decide we're going all in?

Michael Rubin
It depends. There's sometimes, like, I've researched media for years and said, we're not doing anything, really. I researched ticketing and said, we want to offer tickets to our customer. We don't want to be a ticketing company. We just want to work to have them for our loyalty program for our most important customers.

So I do a lot of research that nets out on not doing it. Interesting. Okay. For me, right now, we have three businesses. Fanatics commerce fanatics, collectibles, fanatics gaming.

They're all massive opportunities. I don't want to do anything new? Anything I do is to support those three businesses to be better in those three businesses, to make the fan experience better. Wow. And so you'll research yourself.

Lewis Howes
I'm sure you'll have teams researching as well. But I'm a big, I will say on something new. I'm the biggest researcher myself. Always. That's always how you have to love it.

Michael Rubin
And beside it, look, we just started a new business called fanatics events, which is basically, I went to, there's so many of these local trading card shows, and they look like they're, you know, they look like they're flea markets from 30 years ago. Then I went to Comic Con. I'm like, this is incredible. How do I do this for sports? And then we said, we're going to launch this, by the way.

I did that, and I walked into Comic Con ten minutes later, I said, I'm launching fanatics events, and I'm hiring the CEO of Comic Con. Really? And I get this guy in my office, and we hired this guy, and now. Yeah, you hired him. Just like that.

I made the decision in ten minutes. There are other times I'll look at something for three years and say, we're not doing it. How did you get the guy to leave Comic Con to come, you know, run your business? What would be more fun than building the biggest and best sports event in the world with fanatics? I mean, think about this.

You want to. I mean, Comic Con, fanatics fest. Fanatics fest can be so much more fun. That's cool. We're launching our first event August Javits, New York City.

I bet you have 100,000 people come to this with the best athletes in the world, best brands in the world, all the sports properties, doing incredible stuff. That's amazing. It's exciting, it's fun, but I still sweat it. Like, I'm worried. Like, I'll worry every day.

Is everyone to show up? You know? By the way, is everyone. Is everyone. I need to be there.

Going to actually be there. I mean, it's no different than, like, you know, you still have these crazy, you know, thoughts. Sure. Sure. I wanted to ask you about the fanatics athlete immersion program.

Lewis Howes
Can you share more about that? Yeah. Look, first, without the incredible athletes that play in the field, on the court, on the ice every day, we got no business. I got nothing. I'm in a different industry.

Michael Rubin
So we're super appreciative of that. One of the things that I'm always getting, people reaching out to me and asking me from current athletes, professional athletes is like, hey, I'm interested in business. Or, hey, I want to figure out how I could build this business. So we thought we were the company perfectly positioned to create the Dream intern program. And so, basically, we played around with it for several years.

But in the last couple years, we said, we want to go on and do this. We're now taking 60 professional athletes, three classes at 20. We got a class coming up in July that will be NBA and NHL players. We did. So the NFL one.

Lewis Howes
You did. We just did an NFL and WNBA one, and then we did one in November. That was baseball and WNBA. And we'll have curriculum from having the CEO of Mitchell Ness talk to them about how to build their own brand, the person who runs our social impact, talk about how to make the world a better place, to our CFO talking about how to build the business, to our strategy, how we decide what to do and what not to do. Then we bring it outside guests.

Michael Rubin
We had the CEO, Verizon, the CEO of Anheuser Busch, the CMO of Visa, Robert Smith, who's the richest black guy in the world, come in and talk to these players about how they built their businesses. So it's fanatics giving them, you know, kind of the day course of everything that we can show them and then getting great outside speakers. It's amazing watching the look on players face. They're just like. So they love going through it.

It's like. And we do it for one week, and. And it's. It's a great program. That's amazing.

Lewis Howes
There's so much stuff people can find out about you. I've got two final questions for you, but I want people to follow you on Instagram. Michael Rubin on Instagram. Where else should we go to be of support service to you and learn more about everything you're up to? Well, first, we love.

Michael Rubin
Like, we love. Look, we're in the consumer business. I mean, go tell us what we do well and what we don't do well. And by the way, we like when you tell us we do well. We also like when you tell us we don't do well.

That's helpful input that makes us better. Where do they do that? Where do they send that message? People, a lot people. People email you.

They hit the company. Sometimes they hit social. But we're looking at everything, and we're trying to fit anything, by the way. Look, we're in the consumer business. We have so many transactions.

We touch so many customers. 70 million transactions a year. Yeah. And we don't get everything right. We own that.

We want. We want to be better at it. So we love feedback, you know, so we love the good feedback. We love, like, I went out, you know, what we did last week with the launch, it was like, the feedback was amazing, you know? You know, there are other things that, you know, we'll just, you know, look, you know, we'll have issues that go wrong with things, but we always want that feedback.

That's how we get better and we learn and we grow, but we care so much. That's beautiful, Michael. Well, I want to. I want to acknowledge you before the final two questions for your drive. Man, it's inspiring to watch your drive at this season of life with the success you have.

What do you mean? I'm a kid. I mean, you're a little older than me, at least. I don't believe that. Making me feel like an old man.

You're a kid. You're older chronologically, but biologically, you've got the heart of a kid and the. Drive of a kid always. But the thing I appreciate about you from our interaction is just your desire for feedback and your coachability and saying, how can we get better? We're not perfect.

Lewis Howes
We make mistakes. We want to get better, send us feedback. And I think that's one of the things that if people can take away a lot from this interview, but great athletes who sustain it for years are coachable, just like in business, you're not great individuals, great people in relationships. And so I love that you say, I know I'm not perfect with all the things we do, but I want to get better at giving me feedback and I'm not going to take it personally. I'm going to say, awesome.

Michael Rubin
Thank you. Now I'm going to go improve it. And I think that mentality and mindset is one of the keys that has supported you continually and making a greater product, greater business, greater teams and all these things. So I really acknowledge you for your drive. Thank you.

Lewis Howes
Your commitment, just your. Your passion for business. You make business look fun. It is. Make it look exciting.

Michael Rubin
I don't make it look fun. It is fun. It is fun. Well, some people, it's exhausting. Well, and they're drained and it takes a life out of them, but you show a different side of it, so.

Then you miss an opportunity. Exactly. By the way, when you play football, was it exhausting? But it was also fun. It was a lot of fun, but it was also.

But I don't know. One person could say it's exhausting, other person could say it's fun. I look at say it's fun. Exactly. It's exhausting sometimes, but I love it.

Lewis Howes
Yeah, exactly. But thank you. Look, I. Look, I think that is a strength of mine, and I got lots of weaknesses, but that's a strength of mine. And like, you know, I'm loving every minute of what I do.

That's beautiful. Final two questions. This is a hypothetical question, so bear with me for a second. Imagine you get to live as long as you want in this life. Hypothetically.

You can live hundreds of years old, and you get to accomplish and create everything you want to create in your life. The businesses, the philanthropy, the success, all of it. It all comes true. But for whatever reason, in this hypothetical scenario, you have to take all of your content with you. So this interview is gone.

When you in 100 years, anything you put out in the world of interviews or messages or social media, it's all gone. So no one has. Sounds peaceful, yeah, but no one has. Access to your content anymore. The things you said.

But in the final day, you get to leave behind three lessons. And this is all we would have of your information and your content. I call it three truths. What would be those three truths for you.

Michael Rubin
Rolling on this planet for so long? Maximize every minute, enjoy every minute. And to me, enjoying every minute is doing what I do at work for the most part, to get the right people around you. The right people take you everywhere, the wrong people take you down, and so get the right people around you. And by the way, learn from each other.

And third, failure is an opportunity. Don't let it bother you. We all fail in life. We all have lots of failures. Take each one of them.

Learn from it, grow from it. Those three things would be three that I think of right off the top of my head. Those are beautiful, man. Final question, what's your definition of greatness? That's a really good question.

I would say. I would think about two things for me, so I'm not giving you the exact answer you asked me. One would be winning at the highest level and the second would be doing it the right way every minute of the day. I hope todays episode inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a rundown of todays show with all the important links.

Lewis Howes
And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me as well as ad free listening experience, make sure to subscribe to our greatness plus channel on Apple Podcast. If you enjoyed this, please share it with a friend over on social media or text a friend. Leave us a review over on Apple Podcast and let me know what you learned over on our social media channels at lewishows. I really love hearing the feedback from you and it helps us continue to make the show better. And if you want more inspiration from our world class guests and content to learn how to improve the quality of your life, then make sure to sign up for the greatness newsletter and get it delivered right to your inbox

newsletter and if no one has told you today, I want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.

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