Are Minerals the Building Blocks of Our Cells? Caroline Alan the Mineral Geek
Primary Topic
This episode explores the crucial role of minerals in maintaining health at the cellular, organ, and hormonal levels, and delves into modern challenges related to mineral depletion in diets.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Minerals are critical for brain, heart, hormonal, and gut health.
- The depletion of minerals in modern diets is a significant health issue.
- Quality mineral supplements could be a simple solution to complex health problems.
- The conversation highlights the systemic issues in agriculture that have led to nutrient-poor foods.
- Caroline Alan emphasizes the need for a broader public understanding of the importance of minerals.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction to Minerals
Dr. Mindy Pelz introduces Caroline Alan, who discusses her journey into the world of minerals and their significance in health. They set the stage for a detailed discussion on the impact of minerals.
- Mindy Pelz: "Today, we're diving deep into the world of minerals and their critical role in our health."
2: Mineral Depletion and Health Implications
The episode delves into how modern farming practices have led to mineral depletion in soil and consequently in our diet, affecting overall health.
- Caroline Alan: "Our soils are so depleted that the food grown in them can no longer supply the necessary minerals for optimal health."
3: Solutions and Supplements
Caroline discusses solutions to the mineral depletion problem, focusing on the benefits of supplementing with high-quality mineral products.
- Caroline Alan: "Taking a quality mineral supplement could replenish these essential nutrients and dramatically improve health outcomes."
Actionable Advice
- Incorporate mineral-rich foods: Focus on eating a variety of foods known for their mineral content, like leafy greens and nuts.
- Consider high-quality supplements: If dietary intake might be insufficient, consider supplements specifically designed to address mineral deficiencies.
- Educate yourself about soil health: Understanding the source of your food can help you make better dietary choices.
- Regular health check-ups: Regular blood tests can help monitor mineral levels and overall health.
- Stay hydrated: Adequate water intake can help manage mineral balance in the body.
About This Episode
Caroline Alan delves into the crucial role of minerals in human health, shedding light on the impact of soil depletion on our diets. In this episode, Caroline stresses the changing mineral content of food over time and the benefits of incorporating quality mineral supplements into our health routines. Exploring the potential Herxheimer responses to mineral intake, especially in individuals with high toxic loads, she addresses various aspects of mineral deficiencies, from their links to dysfunctional relationships with food, obesity, and chronic diseases. The conversation also underscores the significance of regenerative farming practices and mycelium in delivering essential nutrients to plant roots. Tune in to gain valuable insights into optimizing your health through a deeper understanding of mineral consumption and its impact on overall well-being.
Caroline Alan, Dr. Mindy Pelz
Guest Name(s):
Caroline Alan
Content Warnings:
Mindy Pelz
On this episode of the Resetter podcast, I am bringing you Caroline Allen. Now, let me tell you a little bit about her and about the concept we are about to unpack for you. So Caroline is a health survivor and a mineral enthusiast. She actually calls herself a mineral geek. And she comes from a career in the corporate world and like many of us, found herself struggling physically, mentally, energetically in that environment.
And a part of her road to health was this understanding and research of how depleted our bodies are of minerals. And what's interesting is you might hear something like that and just say, well, I guess, yeah, I don't know much about minerals. Maybe I'm depleting it. Maybe I need to take a mineral supplement. But what you're about to hear in this conversation is you're about to hear why minerals may be one of the most core nutrients that your body needs for brain health, heart health, hormonal health, for gut health.
I hope you get to the end of this conversation and you understand why we need to bring minerals back into the conversation. That many of the chronic diseases that are happening, many of the challenges with menopause that are going on, many of our sleep issues, all these things we're trying to throw 1000 different biohacks at, or medications or even supplements, many of them could be resolved by just getting the right mineral combination in. Now, if you're like me and you hear a statement like that, and you're like, this sounds like too good to be true, I think what you're going to find out in this conversation is how taking a quality mineral supplement could be the answer to many of your problems. So listen for yourself. Caroline does an amazing job with explaining what minerals do at the cellular level, the organ level, the hormonal level.
We both go into what the mineral content of food is in this current state that we're living in. We talk about minerals in conjunction to toxins. And can minerals help us detox the daily toxins we're exposed to? We go deep. And I have never brought you such a thorough conversation on minerals before.
Despite the fact that I've actually brought Caroline on before to talk about how we use minerals in our fasting window. What I think you will hear in this conversation is why minerals are even important in our eating window. So, Caroline Allen, this is a deep one. And as always, I hope this moves your, your life forward, your health forward. I know many of you, this is going to be the discussion that you have an aha.
And you realize I need to add minerals back in, and that will be the game changer for your health. So we will leave links. We will leave. She has some great resources. All of that will be in the show notes.
But most importantly, I want you to listen with an open heart, an open mind, and really tap into your own intuition and see if perhaps this mineral concept, the mineral idea, might be the thing that you're looking for with your health. Welcome to the Resetter podcast. This podcast is all about empowering you to believe in yourself again. If you have a passion for learning, if you're looking to be in control of your health and take your power back, this is the podcast for you.
Hey, resetters. Okay, no doubt this has happened to you. How many times have you purchased skincare products because they were labeled clean or organic or paraben free, only to find out that there are a hundred other toxic ingredients in the product? I know this has definitely happened to me, and it can seem so discouraging, especially when you don't know where to find the cleanest and most effective products. It's super overwhelming.
So let me tell you this. I have been using a really cool product from purity woods that is USDA certified organic, non gmo, free of parabens, dyes, all the things you want in a skincare line, and it's called age defying dream cream. Okay, let's just start with that name. How many of us want to dive into a cream that is called a dream cream? I know my 53 year old face was excited about that, and literally, this product has been a game changer.
Seriously, I feel like I have jumped back in time whenever I put the dream cream on. It is a true dream. And what I love the most about it is not only does it, like, make my skin feel really smooth and moist, and I'm much happier when I look in the mirror afterwards, but it's actually having a therapeutic benefit. It supports collagen and elastin production without disturbing any of the hormones in my body. Now, remember, as we go through menopause, as we go over our forties, you are losing estrogen, which is forcing, I'm gonna say lovingly forcing your body to make less collagen, which is part of the reason that wrinkles seem to appear so frequently.
Well, with the dream cream, you're getting actual collagen production and elastin production, and you're skipping all the harmful chemicals that just will throw your hormones completely out of whack. So it's really, truly a dream. And check this out. If you go to puritywoods.com slash pels and you enter the code pels pelz at checkout, they're going to give you 10% off your first order. So that's puritywoods.com pels.
Enter pels in the code and you will get 10% off. And I want to know if you're having the same experience that I did with this amazing product, you are definitely going to want to try this one.
We as a human race, are incredibly mineral deficient. And a large part of that is coming because our soils, the food that our soils are growing in, are incredibly depleted, especially here in America. But throughout the world, we're seeing that soils are not having the same mineral rich content that they did years ago. And minerals are really strange because they have this subtle yet powerful effect on our brain and our body. So things like depression and anxiety have been linked to mineral deficiencies, which is why I am constantly looking for mineral resources.
And element has done an incredible job with their products. So if you're not familiar with element, they are a mineral packet. You can put it in your water as you're going throughout your day. They will keep you in a fasted state and they have really yummy flavors. So check out element if you go to drink element.
So let me spell it for you because it's a little tricky play on word words. I actually say elemente or element, depending on how you want to say it. So the website is drinkelement. So dash l dash m n t.com Mindypels and if you go, we'll also leave the link in the notes below. But if you go and you check out their website, they will give you a discount and let me know what your favorite flavor is.
Let me just start off by saying, welcome. I'm so happy to be geeking out on minerals with you today. Thank you so much for having me. Mindy, I always love to talk to you. So here's where I want to start this conversation.
I kind of want to paint a picture of what I've seen in my community. And last time when I brought you on, I talked about how I was watching that when people metabolically switched into the fat burning fasted state, a lot of symptoms showed up. And some of those symptoms were like hair loss, rashes, fatigue, brain fog. And what I noticed is if I added minerals into their fasting window, those symptoms went away and we already unpacked all of that. So again, that's a conversation that I I'm gonna encourage everybody to go back and listen to.
But the new part of this that has really intrigued me is that what I'm finding is that when people, specifically women, are switching back into what I call the sugar burner system, that there's a lot of dysfunction when it comes to our relationship with food. We don't really have a sense if food is actually providing nutrients to us. We have these really strange hunger signals that seem to be out of our control. We have sugar cravings. And so I've spent a lot of time dialing into why do women have this real dysfunctional relationship with food, and how do we make food simple?
And how do we make food medicine? And one of the things I've landed on is this idea of obesogens, that we have so many chemicals that have poured into our food system, we have so many depleted minerals in our soil system, that food isn't even giving us the nutrients we need anymore. So where I'd like to pull this out of your brain is to start with this idea of why are minerals important? And is it true that food isn't giving us the mineral punch it used to give years ago? And why would that be?
Caroline Allen
Yes. Well, let's start with the last question first, which is, why isn't food providing what we need anymore? And it's really interesting. We may have said this before, but it's always good to hear it again. When a plant grows in the soil, and even if you're eating meat, those animals ate plants.
Okay? So this is part of the same chain. When a plant grows in the soil, the way that it creates all of its structure, and in fact, all of the structure in your body is made of minerals. Now, in nature, when a plant grows in the soil, it grows, and then at some point, it dies and it decomposes and all of its mineral content goes back into the soil. But we, in our infinite wisdom, we cultivate, we grow plants in soil, and we take it away from where it grew and we eat it over there, or we feed it to an animal, that soil, when it's been cultivated like that for hundreds, and in some cases thousands of years, that soil becomes extremely depleted of minerals.
Now, you could say, well, wait, why don't we just throw some minerals back in that soil? But like your body, the replenishment system for minerals into plants is very complex. And you can't just put rocks and shells and bones into the soil and expect the plant to be able to utilize it the same way you can't put rocks and shells and bones into your body and expect your body to know what to do with most of it. You see? Yeah, that makes sense.
So they say that to get the same nutrition from an apple. And we have. We have studies that show this. If we could put that in the show notes to link to it. So, as people often ask me, is that really true?
And just so you know, I mean, I totally support people who want to do food as medicine. I agree. Food is medicine. And that's why I say plant based minerals are food. They are food as medicine.
Okay? They're not labs, formulated supplements. Okay? So when you eat an apple today, or, excuse me, if your grandfather ate an apple today, you'd have to eat, like, six apples to get the same amount of nutrition. It's that big of a problem.
I'm telling you, in the 1930s, they had a whole session of Congress about the problem of mineral depletion in the soils. And what have we done since then? Nothing. Because they cannot figure out how to. They can get nitrates.
They can get, you know, all sorts of other things back in the soil. But bioavailable nutrition is hard, even in regenerative farms. I mean, and I. And I want to go back to this concept, because I think this is. I don't want people to miss the importance of what you just said.
Mindy Pelz
So I can tell you from our own gardening. I live in California. We've gone through a lot of droughts. And so over the last couple of years, my husband and I decided to pull out all the grass and to do vegetable gardens. And one of the vegetable gardens has a artichoke plant.
And my husband is a protector of the environment. He knows a ton about regenerative soil. And so when this artichoke plant would die, he would say to me, just leave it. And I was saying, you know, it looks so ugly, it's in our front yard. And he's like, just leave it.
And so we have continued to let this plant die and go into the soil, and then we don't do anything other than deal with how ugly it looks in front of our house. And then each year, it grows back stronger and stronger and bigger, and it tastes better. So there's a classic example to me of a little microcosm of regenerative care for your garden. What I hear you saying is that conventional farming, you grow a crop, and then you get rid of the crop. You till the crop, and now after you've tilled the crop, you have dead soil.
Nothing was allowed to go back in. And then you grow the next broccoli, or you grow the next. So. So we, from the model that you just said, we're it's pretty clear. If you're eating food from a conventional farm, it is nutrient absent.
There's. It's just. It's. It's not giving you what you need. But what about if I go to a regenerative farm?
Do we have any signs that that type of farming is giving us the mineral punch that we need? Well, it's definitely better, but it's still not enough. And again, this is just the simple reality of when you grow in that soil and you take most of that plant away and you eat it somewhere else. Yes, some of the plant material ends up going back in, but it's not the whole thing. The other thing is that to create, like, humic and fulvic.
Caroline Allen
So we know about mycelium. So mycelium are these organisms. They're fungi that live underneath the soil, and they deliver nutrients to the roots of plants. And do you know what they deliver? They deliver fulvic and humic.
Packets of fulvic and humic. So there's this process of decomposition of freshwater plants. And in that decomposition process, there's some specific microbes in a particular sequence of events that happen that turn into humic and fulvic. If you see a pond and it's a brown, that's actually freshwater plants decomposing and becoming humic. Okay.
Mindy Pelz
Okay. And this is what happens in a compost pile. Now, the problem is most compost people leave doesn't get broken down enough. So it has to get broken. It actually takes, like, I don't know what the actual length of time is.
Caroline Allen
I should know that, but I don't. But much longer than you'd expect. Okay. But what are the regenerative farmers using? They're using humic and fulvic on their garden.
So what you guys should do, Mindy, is take some of our minerals, our humic, the micro boost, and in the fallow season, I want you to put it onto the soil, just spray it on Orlando, you know, water your whole garden with it, and then watch what happens with your plants. Oh, you know, it's funny. Zach Bush told me years ago to do that with ion biome, and it really. Because he's like, it'll put the good bacteria in. That's a brilliant idea, and I definitely will do that.
Mindy Pelz
I love that idea. So with that in mind, knowing and the where I also have to say where I know my brain goes to in this conversation is, holy shit. Our soils are in such bad shape, and food as medicine is becoming more and more difficult to say. And we also have these toxic, this toxic environment we're living in. And women on top of that have birth control they've been on for years, and antibiotics and antidepressants.
And now we've got a huge influx of HRT and bio identicals. And then you throw ozempic in there, and like, all these medications, and from what I know about many of these is they're destroying the microbiome. So even if I choose to eat food that comes from a regenerative farm that is, well, has lots of nutrients in it, I also have to make sure that that food hits a gut that has plenty of microbes that can pull the nutrients out of that food and put it into our system. That seems like a very complex problem that I'm not sure even the healthiest of us are able to overcome. So my next question to you is twofold.
One is, do you agree with that statement? You have thoughts on that statement? And what are some real telltale signs for our listeners that you may not be getting enough minerals? One thing I want to say is that because our food supply is lacking in minerals, there is actually a term for micronutrient deficiency, and it's called the hidden hunger. And I talked about this.
Caroline Allen
Yes. And isn't that what so many people are feeling? So, you know, particularly when we're trying to affect our health and we're trying new diets or ways of eating and things, and, you know, you go to the fridge, you eat dinner an hour later or half an hour later, you're like, opening the fridge, looking for that thing that's to fill that void. And what I say to people is, what if that feeling is just your cells saying, I need minerals? Yep.
So if you are constantly feeling cravings for sugar and salt, you know, these, this absolutely can be mineral deficiency. I'll tell you an example. I just went away. I was traveling for two weeks, and wouldn't you know, the mineral geek doesn't bring minerals on her trip. Like, hello, happens to the best of us.
Mindy Pelz
It happens to the best. By the end of that two weeks, I was actually with my family, and I found myself craving sugar, like carbs and sugar, and I'm not a carbon sugar craver, so that it was like, I was like, wow, this is the minerals. This is absolutely the minerals. So, so that's the first piece. So, things that people don't think of as mineral deficiency, like anxiety, constant low level anxiety, panic, depression, blood sugar, irregulation, not being able to sleep through the night.
Caroline Allen
I mean, sleep and minerals is absolutely, I mean, we know magnesium will help people sleep. I don't recommend using magnesium for sleep that way, but that's another conversation. But hair loss, of course, and the obvious things, but those in the brain fog. Absolutely. So we have.
And also having a struggle managing your anger, like, kind of that mood dysregulation. And that's really big with kids. Kids who have lots of outbursts. You can give them minerals, full spectrum minerals, and it can literally change them dramatically. We have a great story on our website about that.
Mindy Pelz
Yeah, and I love that you brought up some of those pieces that we wouldn't tend to think because my brain goes to hair and nails. And I said this on the last time I brought you on my podcast. The one thing that blows me away when I take your minerals is that my nails grow so fast, so much so, that if I don't take a nail clipper with me when I go on a trip, I'm, like, struggling to find it. I got to go buy one. And that never happened before.
Never. I would cut my nails. It got to a point of maybe once a month, and now it's once a week. Same thing with my hair. My hair is growing so fast that I'm having to get it cut a lot more.
So when those kind of things happen to me, I think, okay, if this is happening to my hair and nails, what other parts of my body are starting to come back online taking these minerals? So one of my questions to you is, like, do we know which body parts require more mineral help than others, or do we know what type part of the cell that minerals affect? Like, let's take it down to, like, an organ cellular system conversation. Well, you know, we're used. We're used to thinking about our body like parts.
Caroline Allen
You know, we have a heart, we have lungs, we have nails, we have hair, we have tissues. We have biosynthesis processes like hormone production and thyroid production and cortisol. And we have our cardiovascular system, and we have lymph and all of these. We're used to thinking about it like parts. But when we think about minerals, what you have to do is think about, your entire body is made of cells.
Every single part of your body is made of cells. And minerals work at a cellular level. So you have maybe 37 to 150 trillion cells in your body as an adult human. And inside each cell, there are mitochondria. And just to give you a sense of scale, like, on the back of your hand, you might have in a single cell, like, one to 200 mitochondria in your heart in a single cell, like five to 8000 mitochondria, and in your brain, like, you could have up to 2 million mitochondria in a single cell.
Okay. What these mitochondria do is they generate almost all of the energy in your body, almost all of it. So if you don't have enough, if that those mitochondria, which are fueled by minerals and amino acids, do not have enough fuel available, your body will have to pick and choose what it does and what it does not do. And it doesn't really need your hair, and it doesn't really need your nails and your skin. You know, we can let it go a little bit and, you know, well, that gut, we're just gonna limp along and not get rid of that inflammation.
And if you have a cut, it's gonna heal much more slowly and on. And, well, this anxiety is literally can be fueled by your cells. Literally. I mean, how do you feel when you're hangry? You're hangry, like on edge.
So imagine every cell is like, okay, am I going to get what I need now? Yeah, that's really well said. I think that's really well said because the body will always, like, let's say you have, for the lack of clear information, let's say you, you have a small dosage of minerals in your body, and so your body's going to have to prioritize where those minerals go. So I would think the brain would probably be its top priority and the heart, and it makes sense that the hair would fall out and your nails would. You know, one of the things I've noticed is if I don't take it, I get the ridges on my nails.
Mindy Pelz
So I use my hair and nails to sort of tell me where my minerals are at. But what you just said is really interesting, which is if your nails aren't growing or your hair is falling out, you're at a mineral deficit. But that might be because the body has taken your mineral load and has put it into other organs in order to keep you alive. So what I just learned in your comment is one of the things I'm trying to bring back into the conversation is how our peer periods, our menstrual blood, actually can tell us a lot about our health. But what I just heard from you is that our hair and nails can also tell us a lot about where our mineral levels are at.
Now. You could go to anxiety and depression. There's a lot of reasons for that. But in my book, hair and nails is very clear. It's a mineral issue?
Caroline Allen
Well, we have so many just on the menstruation thing. You know, we have so many women who start taking our minerals, and after two to four months, if they've had painful periods, they go away. Okay, so. And why is that? Well, partly it's because of the detoxification capacity of the plant based humic substances, because menstruation is a detox event as well.
But it's also because of the cramping. I mean, the cramping is a mineral deficiency. So when you're fully mineralized, your body doesn't have to do so much cramping. So it. Yeah, or it doesn't end up.
And that's not well said, but end up in such cramping. You know, this, one of the things that I've really been thinking about recently, as I've continued to delve down and get smaller and smaller and look at the body, I mean, recently I was learning that, I think that, that bacteria and microorganisms in your body outnumber cells ten to one. Yes, yes. Nobody talks about this. So I've been thinking more and more.
I've been thinking about how this relationship, and it really speaks to just actually letting your plant die and just go back to the earth naturally in your garden, is that this body that we have is an ecosystem. And in fact, we're not separate from the earth. The earth is an ecosystem, and humans actually are part of that ecosystem in the way that these bacteria and microorganisms are part of our ecosystem. It's all a whole. And if we begin to start thinking about our body as an ecosystem, when something's out of balance, that's when we lose our hair, that's when our nails aren't working, and that's when we have brain fog, when this microorganism, I mean, relative to the size of the earth.
Right. Or this ecosystem is not imbalanced. So what I've been really starting to want people to begin to think about is how can you start to think about your body that way? And it relates certainly to food. What we really want to talk about is, and how do you get food into you?
Or how do you. And one of, in the same way that we've thought about our, we've been taught to think about our body as parts. We've also been taught to think about having a huge effect on the body. Like, I'm going to take Advil, I'm going to take a drug, I'm going to take caffeine, I'm going to take something that's going to give me an impact right now. And people call me two days after taking the minerals.
They're like, I don't feel anything. I'm like, okay, give it some time. Your body is an ecosystem. You're using ecosystem tools that work with the natural replenishment systems in the body. These are slow acting balancing processes, not in nature.
If we have something like that, it's a volcano, it's a tidal wave, it's an earthquake, these are not good things in ecosystems. Right. Well, I go back to the garden. I love this ecosystem, by the way. I go back to the garden analogy, and I think, okay, let's talk about my garden.
Mindy Pelz
It's an ecosystem. So now, if I came out and I poured chemicals into it, if I covered it so it didn't get any light, if I decided to talk horribly to it, and we have some studies talking, showing what happens when you talk poorly to plants. I could not expect that garden to flourish. But yet, if we don't think of the human body as an ecosystem, that's exactly what we're doing. It's like we're putting toxins in.
We're not getting enough light. We're talking poorly to ourselves. We're allowing our brains to hook onto negative thought patterns that are out in the cultural zeitgeist. We are literally trashing our body in this modern day world. And then when symptoms show up, we go looking for the one thing that's going to cure us, like the person you talked about where they take minerals for two days, and then they're like, wait a second, this doesn't, this isn't helping.
But really, what the name of the game of health is, is bringing harmony back to that ecosystem. And what I'm just learning from you right now, and I just want to emphasize this for my listeners, is minerals are a key piece of this because of the effect and the crucial part of them for cellular health. Before we got on this, you talked a little bit about the cell membrane, and the cell membrane is a really interesting one to me because that is how nutrients get into the cell and how toxins get out of the cell. It's also how hormones get into the cell and out of the cell. So if your cellular membrane is junk, I don't care how many patches you put on yourself.
I don't care how many creams or trochees or pellets you and you lather yourself up with, you are never going to be in hormonal balance. So talk to me a little bit about that cellular membrane. And what do we know about how minerals can make that membrane more receptive to the hormones in our body? Hey recenters. As we step into the new year, I am so thrilled to invite you on an extremely transformative journey with me in my reset academy.
So check this out. If you're ready to kickstart your fasting and health journey, which I know so many of you have reached out to us and asked how you customize a fasting lifestyle. For you, my reset academy is the absolute best place to be. So here's what you get in the academy, and I like to think of it in terms of a complete picture. So imagine being surrounded by people who understand your journey, who are passionate for fasting, who want to lift you up and will support you every step of the way.
My academy is not just me, my team, but it is an incredible group of people that are all dedicated to building fasting lifestyles and supporting each other in it. This is why I created the reset academy. So when you join, you gain access to all the exclusive calls where my team and I share the latest insights. We answer your burning questions and we guide you towards your health goals. That's not it.
We didn't stop there. By becoming a member, you're not just investing in a membership, but you're investing in yourself. I am such a fan of setting you up to win this year and my academy is the best place I know to do that. I want to keep you focused. I want you to customize this for you and I want you to succeed at your health goals this year.
End of story. So if you're ready to unlock your fullest potential and embrace a fasting lifestyle, join me. If it feels good, join me. And let's make this year an incredible year for us all. So all you gotta do is go visit drmndypels.com resetacademy to become a member.
I can't wait to welcome you. I can't wait to see you on the Zoom calls. I can't wait to be in community with you. And most importantly, let's get your health goals handled and let's do this together. It's so much better together.
So that's doctor Mindy Pell's excited to see you there.
As a menopausal woman, I have been mildly, maybe deeply obsessed with hacking my way to better sleep. I promise you, any product out there for sleep, I have tested it and either decided I love it or thrown it out. And one of the products that has not reached my trash can is one of my favorites, is cured nutrition sleep products. So I love taking their Zen product about an hour or two before bed. And then I pair that with my PMF mat to allow my body and nervous system to wind down and relax.
They also, they didn't just stop at Zen. There's something about the word zen that I love. When I take it, I just reminds myself, like, it's time to be Zen now. But they also have other products that help the nervous system, system calm down, help your body move into sleep much quicker. And it's a CBN night oil.
And you compare it with Zen with their nightcaps, which is a CBD mix with MCT oil. And that combo has been like a tranquilizer for me. So. And I don't wake up groggy. It puts me to sleep, keeps me asleep, and it's definitely become my go to for my nighttime routine.
So super grateful for cured nutrition. And if you want to try their products, you just have to go to curednutrition.com pels and you can save 20% off, which is really awesome. So it's curednutrition, curednutrition.com pels pelz. And I hope you love it as much as I do. Give it a whirl.
I recommend you give it up a month. When you get the bottle, give it a month. Get it some consistency to start to build in your system, and you will start to sleep as well as I am. So I hope you enjoy it. And cheers to a good night's rest.
Caroline Allen
So it's, it's so cool. The cellular membrane is, it's the way a cell works is absolutely normal. It's really cool. I always like to help people think about it this way. So if you're in a room and imagine the room is a cell, okay, maybe you have one door and one window.
If you can't open the window because it's been painted closed with seed oils. Right. And the door is locked from the outside. Well, nothing can come in and out. Okay, but let's say you have one door and one window.
Well, some things can come in and out, but if you had four doors and four windows, then the efficiency of both nutrients in and bio waste and toxins out would be greatly affected. Okay. Yeah. That is so important to the overall nutritional system and replenishment. I love this word, replenishment because, you know, we can supplement, which means stuffing the whole bunch of stuff into our body and hoping the body can do something with it or we can actually understand the way the replenishment system works in the body, and we can provide things that that replenishment system naturally can utilize.
And so if you have this cell lining, one of the cool things about humic, which is a part of one component of plant based minerals, is that it interacts with the proteins in cell walls, causing it to open more channels. Okay? Now, most channels that open in a cell wall, they're gated because the wall is a place to keep non beneficial substances out of the inside of your cells. And that's fantastic. Okay?
Now, the sad thing with something like glyphosate is that your body recognizes glyphosate as glycine, which is one of the most prevalent amino acids in your body, and it will let it into the cell. Okay? So that's one of the reasons glyphosate is so bad for us. Okay, so, but what we want. But the, so most of the channels that open in a cell wall are gated.
So it's like a magnesium molecule hits the cell and it says, the cell goes, oh, that's magnesium. Let's let it in. Okay, but the fulvic molecule, which is the other component of plant based minerals, it's called a flavonoid. And a flavonoid is a transportation molecule. And the fulvic molecule is the most effective transportation molecule.
It'll carry 60 times its weight of nutritional elements, hormones, minerals, amino acids into the cell. And any channel that opens in that cell wall, it gets a free pass through. Wow. So this is a way that especially, and this is why it helps these help people so much when they're struggling to get into that fat adapted state, that fasting state. Because when they're going through that process, if their cell linings are clogged, they're getting way fewer minerals into their cells, and everything starts to glitch.
Like all your electrical systems, the communication between cells, all of the things start to glitch. Okay? So what you want to do is actually provide these things that both increase the number of doors and windows that you have in your room and then have a whole bunch of guys with backpacks carrying things in and bringing them into you and then filling up all the trash and taking it out. Yeah, I love that. I love that analogy.
Mindy Pelz
I've never heard anybody describe a vasel that way. And I think it really helps because the. The cell is your inner miracle. Like, when you actually stop and you look at what your cells are doing is they are doing exactly what you just said, they're keeping the bad out and they're letting the good in. And what I just heard and what you just said is, with a mineral deficiency, that system becomes dysfunctional.
So I'll give you an example of where we see it, and then you can kind of tell me if you've seen this in your community. For years, in my clinic, we worked on vitamin D levels because vitamin D is so important for hormonal production. And what I found is just giving somebody vitamin D didn't always make their vitamin D levels go up. Like, I had people on mega dosing vitamin D, and then we would check every month once we started to shift something like fix the gut microbiome, or if we started to pull heavy metals out, all of a sudden, their vitamin D levels started to go up. But if I, what I didn't do is take my thought to a deeper level, which is, well, what was in the.
Why was the heavy metal causing that? And why was the, the gut dysbiosis blocking this cellular health? And now you have me thinking maybe it's minerals that if you have a dysbiotic gut, you don't have a right amount of minerals that you can pull from your foods that don't even have enough minerals. And then if you are, have heavy metals in, in you. What I know about heavy metals is they can bind to minerals and they can make you even more mineral deficient.
So once we fix those problems, we saw vitamin D go up. But what now I'm thinking is, I could have just given them some minerals, and we probably would have seen vitamin D go up a lot quicker. So have you seen other parts that somebody's trying to fix? Whether it's increase a hormone or increase vitamin D or get into a deeper ketosis, where do minerals fit into that part of the conversation? The answer is to all of those.
Caroline Allen
Okay, I'll give you me. I'm a good example. I had hypoglycemia all my life. Very bad hypoglycemia. I actually fell asleep.
I, like, passed out at the wheel driving, and had a huge accident as a result because of hypoglycemia. I have no hypoglycemia now. None. Yeah. Okay.
So the thing, you know, I kind of want to go. Well, I want to go back to this basic understanding of the body as cells. And inside your cells is where all of the energy in your body, almost all of the energy in your body is generated for all of those biosynthesis processes, whether it's hormone production or whether it's moving things around your body to get to the right places, whether it's blood sugar regulation or whether it's creating a hospitable environment for beneficial microorganisms in your gut, whether, you know, every single process in your body is fueled by the energy generated in the mitochondria. So I always say, I say to people, if there is one thing that you can do for your health, one thing, it is try to find a way to get a full spectrum mineral replenishment tool. And full spectrum is so important, okay.
If we think about the body as this ecosystem, and there's about 17 to 20 minerals that, depending on who you talk to, that your body absolutely needs. Okay? We generally think about our five to six, like the macrominerals or the electrolytes that people use. But your body needs this full spectrum, and many of them are extremely important. Even though they're needed in very small amounts, they're extremely important for important things like thyroid, like hormonal production, like adrenals.
So there is no way, even if you go and do a test, people say, well, should I go test and find out how I'm doing? I'm like, well, that's a good idea. But even I don't care how smart you are as a practitioner or a scientist. I said, maybe Chet GPT could do it after studying it for five or ten years, be able to tell you if they looked at, if they looked at your particular scan, what sequence of minerals might, in what amounts. I mean, it would be such a complex model.
It would be, it's unbelievable. So there's no way, but there's no way this brain can figure out what I need. But here's the thing. Think about cellular systems. Back when cells were just developing single cellular cellular organism and multicellular organisms, and then actual little plate plants or little bugs and et cetera, all of those operate with cells as well.
And cells operate in such a way that minerals and amino acids have to get inside the cells to do their job. So there had to be some sort of method evolved right alongside them, or cellular life on this planet would not have thrived. So this is the thing about plant based minerals, is they operate in synergy with the incredible innate wisdom of your body and the cellular systems and the microorganisms and the beneficial bacteria and the fungi and all the plant life that lives in you as well as, you know, even. Anyway, just everything. Literally everything.
Mindy Pelz
Yeah. You know, in research for eat like a girl, I really dove down into what the needs of hormones were when it comes to food. And I came up or, you know, put together this chart called the key 24. And there are 24 nutrients you need to get on a regular basis in order to make a hormone. And I will tell you that about half of those are minerals.
About maybe close to the other half are amino acids, and then there's a sprinkling of vitamins. So that shocked me. That shocked me in my research how all of a sudden this light bulb went on, like, oh my God, like we've always heard about b six and b nine for hormonal production. We hear about vitamin D, but you don't hear about the mineral, the minerals required to make hormones. So can you speak a little bit about what you know specifically with your formulas?
Because it's interesting, and we may want to touch on this with the humic and fulvic mineral sources here, is that those are, you're not individual minerals. Those are bringing a complex grouping of minerals together. So maybe we can talk about that. What do we know about minerals that are needed for hormonal production? Because in case you haven't known, we're in a big, hot hormonal mess.
Doesn't matter if you're 15, by the way, New York Times article just came out that girls are now having their period at nine. That is not normal. Or if you're in menopause where all of a sudden everybody is slapping on patches because their symptoms are so high and nobody's going back to this idea of just, holy shit. I just need to make sure I've got enough of the ingredients in my system to make a hormone and balance that hormone out. Well, you know, of course, the biggest one is magnesium.
Caroline Allen
That's needed, and it's also needed for the circulation of estrogen and progesterone. And zinc is also extremely important for stimulating hormone. But the reason, one of the challenges that I always get into when I talk about this is I worry about talking about specific minerals with people because they're going to go to the store and they're going to start going, oh, I better get magnesium, I better get zinc, I better get whatever it is. And I'm really trying to get people to shift and think about minerals differently and think about that, your body actually knows what it needs, when it needs it, where it needs it. And rather than thinking about, and we know that when we're eating foods, I think you're the 24.
Your list of 24 is really important, especially if it's associated with foods that kind of are how you can get those from foods you eat. And I'm not saying you can't get any minerals from foods. I'm saying, yes, eat very well, get a lot of your nutrition from your foods, and then provide the humic and fulvic, which are going to support the uptake of those nutrients that you're putting in your mouth, into the cells. Okay? So, yes, humic and fulvic also have all those micronutrients that you might not be getting from your food, especially if you're eating a very low carb diet, because lots of micronutrients are in carbs.
So if you're eating a very low carb or paleo diet, you really might, or carnivore diet, you definitely need to think about getting some other full spectrum micronutrients. But what you want to do is try and provide those to your body in these natural formulated ratios rather than trying to do it. There's no way that you can be wise enough and get everything, even if it's some lab formulated, like, it's some six capsules you have to take. And this got like a list of 30. And they're all powders and stuff that came from a lab.
I'm telling you, they're not going to get into your cells, and that's where they need to get to. So is there a combination? Do minerals work better when they're with their friends? Well, they absolutely do. So minerals work in triumvirates and pairs and quads.
And they have very, very complex relationships. Extremely complex relationships. Okay. The body itself has that innate wisdom. So, as an example, if you put a whole bunch of magnesium in your gut, let's say you take magnesium for sleep.
When you do that, what happens is the body says, oh, I have to balance that with phosphorus and potassium. Now, where am I going to get that? I'm going to get that from the bones. So if you do it once in a while, okay, that might be okay. But if you do that on an ongoing basis, every day for years, that is not going to support your bone health, you see?
So you have to really, this is why this whole concept of minerals is, it's just a beginning conversation. And I'm trying to bring a holistic view to people so that a lot of the information that is out there, again, I'm not, I don't mean to say speak badly about other ways of doing things. I'm just saying that if people begin to think about their body and a relationship with their body and a holistic view of their body, they will recognize that there are natural ways to put minerals to replenish minerals in the system in a full spectrum way that supports all of the biosynthesis processes, all of the melatonin production, as well as the detoxification. Yeah, you know, it's interesting. Sorry, I'm kind of a broken record.
Mindy Pelz
No, yeah, no, I mean, your message is very, very clear. And I would say that one of the things that I have learned with your product is I usually start off looking at a product very. With a lot of skepticism because I am especially a supplement product. I am a huge fan of getting everything you need from your food. But as the years have gone on, and the more I've understand soil health, the more I've understood obesogens, the more I understand the toxins in the world, the more I feel like we can't just rely on food.
This is why I got really excited about fasting, because it was like, oh, now, fasting is a new state you can put your body in that doesn't cost any money, and it will heal itself. But with the conversation we're having right now, I think the next piece that we all need to be saying is even in this world, where many of us are taking insane care of our health, there are certain things we cannot get anymore. And it's just the frickin hard truth. And those of us that have been trying to detox our life for decades, like me, and we've kept as many toxins out of our house and our environment, we're still inundated with toxins because of this crazy world we're living in. And so when we look at all the chronic diseases that are forming, we look at the obesity epidemic.
That is, like, exhausting me. The more I study it, the more like, I literally feel like I want to cry. This is insane. It's insane. And then we have come up with a drug to help people lose weight.
I remember hearing Zach Bush years ago say, go on and on about how humans are close to extinction. And I thought, God, he's overreacting. And I sit here today and tell you, I'm very, very concerned about the human race. I'm specifically concerned about women, because it's getting harder and harder to advise women on what they need to do to navigate this modern world. And if you're doing nothing, I'm just going to be really transparent.
If you're doing nothing, you're not thinking about your food, you're not thinking about your toxic load, you're not thinking about adding minerals back in. You're kind of screwed. I mean, I mean, that with love. So we have to think outside the box. Now, my classic statement is, even though this health moment may not be your fault, it is your responsibility, and each one of us has to take our own responsibility back.
And so I don't mind that you're a broken record, because I think we really need to come into this place of, okay, I'm doing everything I can. What else do I need to be thinking of? So we've talked about the humic and the fulvic minerals. Can you explain to me why the minerals that come from those sources are so powerful? Like, where do you get them?
Are they from soil? What is so unique about them compared to minerals that we could get on the shelf at our GNC? Yeah, well, most, you know, I spend a lot of time in the aisles at a health food stores, etcetera, talking to people. You know, they're getting this particular mineral and it has to be in a particular form, and they're going to have to eat it with food or without food, or they're going to have to eat it this time of day or that time of day. And there's all these complexities and they're like really stressing over which single mineral to get.
Caroline Allen
And then, you know, I say, well, how many? What's, do you have a, do you have a supplement graveyard at home? And they're like, oh, yeah, they know exactly what I'm talking about. That's well said. I love that.
Right, right. So, and I say, well, then that's where these are probably going to end up, because they're, they're made, most of them are made from rocks, shells and bones. So if you're eating and you get a piece of rock, shell or bone in your mouth, you spit it out because you know, it not going to digest very well even if you have a healthy gut. Right? So the difference is the humic and fulvic, and particularly in our product, there are lots of different types of humic and fulvic.
Just so we're clear, humic is the base molecule, and fulvic is actually extracted out of humic. Okay, just so people know that. And these, these with our product, they come from ancient decomposed freshwater plants. So imagine an entire rainforest back when the dinosaurs lived. A meteor hit the Yucatan in like a few hours.
It killed 75% of all life on earth. And all of these rainforests around the earth decomposed back into this mineral rich substance called humate. In our particular products, it's a crystalline substance. There are other minerals around the earth one is shilajit from the Himalayas. They have peat in the British Isles.
They have black soil in the Amazon basin. These are different humic materials.
The beautiful thing about these mineral substances is that they not only carry that full spectrum of minerals that your body needs already in the natural ratios, that your body needs them. So your body uses a lot of magnesium, potassium, what we call calcium, the boron, what we call the macrominerals. But it uses a whole bunch of other minerals in much smaller ratios. In fact, the lining of your gut is also lined with receptor sites and it's in the same ratios. Wow.
So imagine you have these plant based humic substances, which also includes fulvic, and they are also in the same ratios. Of course it makes sense because this is the way the earth works, as above, so below, this is just the way things are in nature.
These materials have this full spectrum of minerals, and they naturally then have the delivery system for the minerals into the cells as well as the support for the detoxification of the cells and your whole body. So when I'm taking these minerals, I'm not only adding in what I need for hormones, I'm not only repairing the cellular membrane so I can get nutrients and hormones into the cell. I'm not only powering up the mitochondria, but I'm also detoxing. I mean, it sounds a little. I'm going to be really honest, it sounds a little too good to be true, but it makes perf.
Mindy Pelz
Perfect sense. I mean, I think about it this way. So back when cellular systems were first developing, there had to be a way to get minerals into the cells. And there were also lots of concentrations of really minerals like sulfur. And, I mean, there were volcanoes or all sorts of hot spring areas where there were like lots of bad things that were really not going to help cellular systems to thrive.
Caroline Allen
So there had to be methods, natural methods for detoxing cells and detoxifying cellular systems. So these are just the natural tools that if you look outside your window, they're, all the plants are using it, both humic and phobic. All the plants are utilizing it. Your body is already pulling it from. The soil, they're pulling it from the soil, they're utilized.
That's exactly what they're utilizing. So, you know what fascinates me again? There's so many places I can go with this one topic of minerals, and I might just be on a rant today, but why the fuck would we destroy the land we are living on when it gives us some key nutrients that keeps our ecosystems and bodies alive. Why are we doing that? This is ridiculous.
Mindy Pelz
To think that the human body is separate from the earth. Enough already. This is so ridiculous. And one of my questions was going to be like to you is, do you think your product was necessary 100 years ago? Well, that's a really interesting question.
Caroline Allen
I don't think it was as necessary at all. Okay. People foraged a lot more.
They were eating natural meats that were from animals that were foraging. So everything was different. Everything was different. You know that we had a much closer relationship. We were eating foods in season because we couldn't refrigerate.
I mean, things were really, I mean, we could 100 years ago, but, you know, maybe 200 years ago. So, you know, so, you know, I really can get worked up about this as well. The thing that I really, I want to bring to the conversation is I'm always like, well, what can I do about it? What can I do about it? And what I really see is what I can do about it is to start with my own relationship with myself, my own relationship with the foods that I put in my body.
When I put something in, I'm like, how did that feel? Like, actually feel it, experience it. And that's the thing. What's so interesting about the minerals? When you put them in your body goes, thank God.
Yep. Oh, that feels so good. Like you want them again. It's a really interesting thing. We had this cool thing in a zoo, a zoologist that we know in the UK, and she went to every single animal in the zoo, she put down a water, plain bowl of water and also water with our microboost in it.
Every single animal in the zoo drank all of the micro boost water before it started. The other water. Yeah, yeah. Animals know, you see, animals know. Our educated brain gets in the way all the time.
Mindy Pelz
Yeah. Intuition. That is so amazing. I love that. Do you?
You know, I recommend in full transparency. You know, I'm not saying this because I love Caroline. I'm saying this because I really believe in this product. Every single person that I have engaged in a coaching program, the first thing they do, I do is put them on beam minerals. Every single one.
Lisa Billia is a new one. I know she's reached out to you all and she's been very public about her health journey with me. But the very first thing I do is put them on minerals so that I could then back away and say, let's see what your body's doing. Because once I get this nutrient back into it, now, some of these symptoms might go away. And so I just need to see what your body does with this.
Now, something interesting she told me, and this is just personal curiosity is she doesn't like the taste of them. And I thought that was fascinating because I'm like, I love the taste of them. It doesn't even have a taste to me. So I know with certain supplements, when there's a taste differential that tells us something. What does that tell us?
Caroline Allen
You know, we have, it's about, oh, it's probably like one in 1000 people come up to our booth and taste our minerals and go, ooh. I mean, everybody else is like, oh, it tastes like water. Right. And one in a thousand person is like, ew. And what we have, what we, because we have an opportunity to do a scan in our booth.
We'll do a scan. And what we find is that they have a lot of depletions. Not just like low levels, but deeper. They have a lot of lower level depletions. And it also could be that it's.
They could, I don't know about, you know, her. But it also could be that they have toxicity of heavy metals because that immediately starts chelating out metals. So. And then you could taste it like a metallic taste on your tongue, you see. Oh, and she has a high heavy metal load.
Mindy Pelz
She has. Yeah. So there you go. Exactly. Wow, that's so fast.
Cause I had never heard anybody say that and, but I knew it was something, I knew it wasn't like, we'll suck it up, Lisa. It was like, keep going. But let me figure out what that is. So that is really interesting. So that leads me to another in water.
No, I could have her do that. And that was going to be one of my other questions is can you take too many of these minerals? Like, is like I had her double. Her dose, you know, and that is totally fine as long as somebody. So the dark one, the micro boost, because it's a very powerful, it's gentle, but it is powerful detoxification element in the body.
Caroline Allen
Depending on someone's toxic load, it can cause Herxheimer responses, which is a detox response. That might be a rash, it might be headache, it might be aching. It might, it could be. There's a whole. We have a great article on our website.
We could also put that in the notes if you want. That kind of demystifies that helps people understand it. But, you know, I'm actually somebody. I never used to Herx. But now, ever since I took, I had long Covid.
If I drink our micro boost straight, I will start getting pimples. I'll get a rash between behind my knees. I don't know why, but if I drink it in water like that, no problem. The beautiful thing, again, like when you take a large amount measured in milligrams of a particular mineral, you're actually creating imbalance in the gut. But when you take it in this full spectrum way that is already formulated in those natural ratios, you're putting more in, but you're keeping the balance.
How cool is that? You can add more without throwing off the balance. Yeah. So for people who are extremely in depletion, or you're trying to do some balancing or some removal of that heavy metal load, it's a great idea as long as you're monitoring how they're feeling and making sure they're not having any detox symptoms. And again, great article.
At the end of the article that we have, it has a slow introduction method for some people who are very sensitive. Yeah. Will you send it to me? I would love to include that. I'll send it on to her as well, because that was a really interesting finding.
Mindy Pelz
Well, I mean, it seems like minerals would be a boring topic to many people, but every time I leave a conversation with you, I'm left going, okay, well, what about this? And what about that? And I do believe that we're in an evolutionary mismatch. The human body is suffering in so many ways in this modern world. And as little as two years ago, I used to say, just dial in your lifestyle and you don't need supplements.
And I'm making amendments to that now. And minerals is one of those, like, we have to bring minerals in and it's. One of your supplements is the one that I take every day, except for when I forget to travel with it. But for the most part, it is just one of those ones that is an absolute. So I appreciate you for pioneering the formulas, finding a path for us all to get it.
I enjoy taking it. It's easy, it's tasty. So I just want to applaud you for that. Before I ask you the last question, let me know, where can people find you? I think we have some discount codes.
How long would you recommend people take this? Because the other piece that I'm really trying to get people out of is let me take something for a week and then go and then claim that that thing is no good. Like, how long do you take it? And maybe a great question is, is there, do you feel there's ever a time you get off of it. Yeah, well, I'm going to take these minerals for the rest of my life.
Caroline Allen
And it's why I've researched them so deeply, because I want to make sure they're safe and they're going to be good. And because I literally believe you need to be taking these for the rest of your life. So that said, it's all over the map how people respond. Some people, after taking it for three days are like, oh, my gosh, I've had such a huge change. Right?
Their cramping goes away or they feel more energy. But again, we're working with the body, with the body as an ecosystem, and ecosystems work best when you slowly change over a period of time. So if you buy one set of our products, what we call our advanced set, it's a two month supply for one person. But I always tell people is, do the two months every single day. Every single day, take it every day for two months.
And then if you don't think it's doing anything, stop. And after ten days, you'll go, oh, it was the minerals that was making me feel better. I mean, I cross the board that. That'S what happened to, yeah, I used to do that, my clinic all the time. When people would say, oh, I don't know if this supplement's helping me, I'd say, okay, great, let's pause it.
Mindy Pelz
Let's see if there's a shift. So I love that. And how do people find you? They can find beam minerals@beamminerals.com. and that has two m's in the middle.
Caroline Allen
They can also find me@mineralgeek.com and we also have, we have some good videos and different things on our YouTube channel as well. And we'll leave in the notes, I know you guys have a discount code and it's probably beamminerals.com resetter or resetter. Correct. That's it. Yeah, that's it.
Or they can just go to the website regularly and just type in resetter at checkout to get the discount. 20% discount code. Yeah. Amazing. Okay, here's my last question, and I'm always so fascinated at people's answers.
Mindy Pelz
What is your definition of health, your personal definition of health? And how do you know you are healthy, that you're living in a state of health? My personal definition of health would be that I'm able to be embodied and present in every moment. So not just, and that means, you know, because I don't think I'm trying to get to a steady person, a specific state that's like this because flatlined is flatlined, you know, so it's going to ebb and flow and there's going to be changes. So my ability and to have enough bandwidth and capacity to be present with whatever's happening both internally and at least what appears to be externally in my life, that, to me, is what health is.
Caroline Allen
I just had an opportunity to go and be with my family during a very challenging time, and I felt really happy because I felt like I was able to do that. I was able to be present, even though there were lots of different challenging things that occurred and just not go off my, you know, not go ballistic or not get depressed or not, you know, and I took care of myself. Like, having that bandwidth allows me to take better care of myself. So it's the self fulfilling prophecy, whereas, you know, the other way can be self fulfilling. The opposite way.
Mindy Pelz
Yeah. Yeah. I call that regulation. You know, when you are. When you are regulated, you can handle stress a lot more.
And we are living in a world where so many people are dysregulated. So I love that. I, again, thank you, Caroline, for everything you're doing. I keep bringing us amazing products like that, like this. We really, really appreciate it, and it's.
The world really needs it. Thank you so much, Mindy, for what you're doing in supporting women and their health. It's such. It's so needed, and I feel it is literally the apex of what's happening in our world. It's exploding, and it's going to be amazing.
Caroline Allen
So thank you. Thank you so much for joining me in today's episode. I love bringing thoughtful discussions about all things health to you. If you enjoyed it, we'd love to know about it. So please leave us a review, share it with your friends, and let me know what your biggest takeaway is.
Mindy Pelz
So please leave us a review, share it with your friends, and let me know what your biggest takeaway is.