The Iced Coffee Hour

Graham Stephan/Jack Selb

Welcome to "The Iced Coffee Hour" podcast hosted by Graham Stephan and Jack Selby. This engaging podcast brings together a unique blend of personal finance advice, intriguing entrepreneurial stories, and candid conversations with a diverse range of guests. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting to manage your personal finances, Graham and Jack deliver insightful content with a dose of humor, making complex topics both accessible and entertaining. Each episode serves up valuable lessons on how to increase your income, invest wisely, and achieve financial independence. Dive into episodes that range from deep dives into real estate investments to discussions about everyday financial decisions. With their relaxed style and practical advice, Graham and Jack have cultivated a community of listeners eager to optimize their financial paths. Explore the full list of episodes below and join the conversation to empower your financial journey with the expertise and experiences shared on "The Iced Coffee Hour."


  • "THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!" Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    Michael Saylor discusses the transformative potential of Bitcoin and critiques the traditional financial systems that he claims are leading to the devaluation of the US dollar. He posits Bitcoin as a technologically advanced, decentralized alternative that offers true economic freedom and sovereignty to individuals globally. Throughout the episode, Saylor shares his personal journey and insights on why he believes Bitcoin represents the next major paradigm shift in financial systems. He emphasizes Bitcoin's engineering, ethical soundness, and economic benefits, positioning it as a hedge against inflation and a tool for preserving wealth.

  • Kevin O'Leary: "The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!"

    In a candid conversation on "The Iced Coffee Hour" with hosts Graham Stephan and Jack Selby, Kevin O'Leary addresses the prevailing myths about money that, according to him, keep people poor. O'Leary emphasizes that the dream of sudden riches often leads to poor financial decisions. Instead, he advocates for a methodical approach to wealth, stressing the importance of value creation over mere profit chasing. Throughout the episode, O'Leary dispels the notion that big money comes from big risks alone, and instead highlights the slow and steady path of value creation and strategic risk management as keys to genuine financial freedom. His insights are interwoven with personal anecdotes from his extensive career, making the episode not only informative but also deeply engaging.

  • Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    In a revealing conversation with Don Lemon, the episode delves into the ramifications of Lemon's contentious interview with Elon Musk. Lemon discusses the broader implications of media in shaping public perception and its ability to maintain neutrality in today's politically charged environment. He articulates his experiences and challenges within the mainstream media, particularly at CNN, shedding light on the internal and external pressures that influence media coverage. The discussion also touches upon the firing of prominent media figures, the responsibilities of journalists, and the complex dynamics of media consumption that often reinforce societal divisions. Lemon's insights highlight a media landscape that struggles to balance objectivity with audience engagement, amidst pervasive accusations of bias and misinformation.

  • FBI's Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    In this gripping episode of "The Iced Coffee Hour," hosts Graham Stephan and Jack Selby interview Matthew Cox, a former FBI most wanted con artist. Cox candidly discusses his past criminal activities, primarily focusing on mortgage fraud, identity theft, and bank fraud. Throughout the episode, Cox reveals how he exploited the financial system to amass fortunes, detailing the technical and psychological tactics he employed. The hosts explore Cox's transition from a struggling individual to a master manipulator, highlighting key moments that pushed him deeper into criminality. The episode also touches on the broader implications of his actions on the victims and the real estate industry. The conversation is punctuated with reflections on morality, the allure of easy money, and the eventual consequences that led to Cox's downfall.

  • Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Mikhaila Peterson delves deep into her life's challenges, including battling severe depression and autoimmune diseases, which she attributes to dietary issues. She shares her unconventional journey towards recovery through a strict diet consisting solely of meat, which she claims transformed her health and alleviated her symptoms. The episode also covers her experiences with public and media scrutiny, especially concerning her father, Jordan Peterson's public figure. She discusses the impact of cancel culture and societal shifts towards what she perceives as "woke" ideologies, providing insights into how these experiences shaped her and her family's lives.

  • Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Graham Stephan and Jack Selby dive into the contentious world of property squatting with guest Flash Shelton, a self-styled "squatter hunter". The episode unveils Flash's personal journey, starting from a painful experience of a squatter in his mother's house. The discussion reveals the loopholes in property law that both protect and empower squatters, sometimes to the detriment of rightful property owners. Flash shares his proactive, and somewhat unconventional, methods for removing squatters by leveraging both legal gaps and social media influence. The hosts also touch upon broader legal aspects and societal impacts of squatting, making it clear that this issue often leaves victims feeling powerless and seeks to offer some form of redress through community action and awareness.

  • Mental Health Expert: The #1 Secret To Achieving ANYTHING You Want | Dr. John Delony

    In this episode of The Iced Coffee Hour, hosts Graham Stephan and Jack Selby talk with mental health expert Dr. John Delony. Dr. Delony explores the significant rise in anxiety and depression, attributing much of this to the modern world's incompatibility with human biological needs. He critiques how society pathologizes normal human experiences instead of teaching resilience and coping mechanisms. The conversation also covers Delony’s crisis negotiation experiences, emphasizing the importance of practical steps over mere theoretical understanding in managing one’s mental health. Dr. Delony advocates for actionable wisdom, incorporating both knowledge and personal growth experiences, highlighting his comprehensive approach to mental well-being.

  • Confronting Hasan Piker on Socialist Grift, Hypocrisy, and How "The Top 1%" Keeps You Poor!

    In this episode of "The Iced Coffee Hour," hosts Graham Stephan and Jack Selby confront Hasan Piker on his views and lifestyle, which some critics argue are hypocritical given his socialist beliefs. The conversation delves into topics such as the responsibility of governments in preventing poverty, the role of taxes in a capitalist society, and the public perception of wealth and success. Piker defends his position by discussing systemic issues in the U.S., such as income inequality and education disparities, while also addressing personal attacks and misconceptions about his own lifestyle and beliefs. The episode is candid and provides insights into Piker's perspective on a variety of social and economic issues.