

Radiolab is a podcast that blends storytelling with science in a way that captivates and educates. Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, the show explores big questions in science, philosophy, and humanity with a sense of wonder and a deep respect for the complex world around us. Each episode of Radiolab is meticulously crafted, featuring in-depth research, thought-provoking interviews, and innovative sound design that pulls you into the heart of the story. The podcast has a reputation for its creative approach to complex topics, transforming them into engaging and accessible narratives. From the mysteries of time and space to the intricacies of human emotion, Radiolab tackles a broad range of subjects. The program not only informs but also challenges listeners to think critically about the issues discussed, making it a must-listen for anyone curious about the intersection of science and society.


  • Memory and Forgetting

    "Memory and Forgetting" is a compelling episode that takes the listener through a profound exploration of how memories are formed, stored, and sometimes lost. The hosts, Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, along with guests like neurologist Oliver Sacks, delve into various analogies to describe memory—comparing it to a filing cabinet, a computer hard drive, and more creatively, to art. The episode illustrates through fascinating experiments and personal stories how memory is not just a passive storage of information but an active, dynamic process of reconstruction. Each act of remembering is depicted as an opportunity to alter memories, sometimes making them stronger or more distorted. The narrative also covers groundbreaking research on erasing traumatic memories and how such interventions could revolutionize treatments for conditions like PTSD.