Partying with the Dandy Warhols PREVIEW (SUBSTACK ONLY)

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This episode delves into the personal and artistic dynamics of the Dandy Warhols through the experiences of hosts Ben Lee and Ione Skye.

Episode Summary

In this revealing episode, hosts Ben Lee and Ione Skye share their personal stories and insights about Courtney Taylor-Taylor, the charismatic frontman of the Dandy Warhols. They discuss the band's portrayal in the documentary "Dig," comparing them with the Brian Jonestown Massacre and addressing the misconceptions about the Dandy Warhols as corporate sellouts. The episode highlights a recent reunion with Courtney in Sydney, including a vibrant dinner party scene that epitomizes the band's allure and the genuine connections they foster within the group. The discussion extends to Courtney's ventures in winemaking and the band's creative synchrony, exemplifying their enduring influence and the respect they command in the music industry.

Main Takeaways

  1. Courtney Taylor-Taylor is a significant figure in music, known for his strong personality and artistic vision.
  2. The Dandy Warhols are often misunderstood due to their portrayal in the documentary "Dig."
  3. The band has a cohesive dynamic, genuinely sharing interests and appreciating each other's passions.
  4. Courtney's interests extend beyond music, particularly into winemaking, enhancing his multifaceted persona.
  5. The Dandy Warhols maintain a committed fan base and continue to influence new audiences.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction to Courtney

Ben Lee and Ione Skye introduce Courtney Taylor-Taylor, discussing his impact and their personal connections with him.
Ben Lee: "He's such a big personality and big character."

2: The Documentary 'Dig'

Exploration of the band's depiction in 'Dig' and its consequences on their image.
Ben Lee: "It really branded them as something that they weren't."

3: Reunion in Sydney

Description of a lively dinner party in Sydney, reflecting the band's charm and the hosts' admiration for Courtney's leadership.
Ben Lee: "He invited us to stay there, and they just had a baby, Ajax."

Actionable Advice

  1. Explore diverse interests like winemaking to enrich your personal and professional life.
  2. Maintain authenticity in your artistic expressions despite external perceptions.
  3. Foster genuine relationships within your team to create a supportive environment.
  4. Celebrate your successes openly in today's culture that appreciates visible ambition.
  5. Embrace and commit to your unique style or approach in any creative endeavor.

About This Episode

On this week’s substack-only pod episode we recap our time hitting the town in Sydney with Courtney Taylor Taylor and camp, what Ben learned at the Nick Cave + Colin Greenwood show, and Brad Troemel's concept of the “Aesthlete”…

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Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Gus Van Sant, Shepard Fairey

Content Warnings:


For a summary of this vibrant exploration into the world of the Dandy Warhols, tune into the episode. Discover personal stories, band dynamics, and more with hosts Ben Lee and Ione Skye.


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Ben Lee

I think before we get into our Courtney Taylor Taylor adventures, we got to give a little background to the beautiful babies about Courtney. And we both have separate sort of relationships to him and what he means. Cause he's such a big personality and big character in. I was thinking that line, something is so passe. Heroin.

Ione Skye

Oh, heroin is passing. I know. I was trying to remember, what is he saying in that line? Where did you first meet Courtney? I met him through my brother, of course, my brother, aka the connector.

And Donovan met him just, there was that nineties music scene, and he would just come around, and he's such a beautiful dude. And I probably got him confused for a second with, well, he didn't look like Evan. No, no, there is a similarity. There's an almost, like, viking rock and roll element to both of them. Yes.

Yeah. I just would meet him with my brother, and he just is, like, a cool dude. Waspy, gorgeous, eccentric, slow voice. And, you know, he's just like a cat. And, like, I was impressed with him because my brother was impressed with him.

And then you meet him, and you're impressed with him, but. And I've just had, unlike Evan Dando, it's been less complicated. Yeah. Evan's a more heartbreaking person to hang out with. Courtney's like, really, he's, in a way, like, socially responsible.

Ben Lee

Like, he likes the etiquette of being in society and connection, whereas Evan's, like, truly, like, steppenwolf, you know? And I love those Steppenwolf people because when you are connecting, it feels so amazing and, like, special and kind of. I feel like I have a touch and, you know, to hanging out with people like that, it can be so exciting, but it's also. Yeah, it's sort of, like, inconsistent. But didn't he direct a short film or something in our house?

Ione Skye

Yeah, he said, can I direct a short film in your house? And can I paint your bedroom red? And because I'm such a lover of the arts, I was like, of course, a patron. Patron. And we did it, and it was a really trippy short that was fun.

And Lala was in it, and we shot. Yeah. And he. And I don't know, like, I just, you know when you meet people and you're just, like, fans of each other personally, and then you and I went to his castle in Portland. Yeah, we had a great.

Ben Lee

When Goldie was, like, six months or one, we went up to Portland. He invited us to stay there, and they just had a baby, Ajax, and. Who was six months younger, and. And we just had such a great. They were such amazing hosts, and he threw a big dinner party with Gus Van Sant and.

And Shepard Fairey, and we did. Yeah, he's just. He was, like the king of Portland, and I was just so inspired by his commitment to his creativity and his, like, rock and roll vision, and it has not changed. Like, he is so. I know.

Ione Skye

I love that. He's almost like a comedian who's committed to the bit so intensely, and he's going to see it through 100%. And some people, I think, don't like him and don't like the Dandy Warhols because it's so specific. But that is what I like about it. And that famous documentary called Dig and who's the other band?

Ben Lee

Brian Jonestown Massacre. And so what's the deal? Like, is there two camps? Well, they're mates, but it was kind of interesting because the narrative of the documentary is that the Brian Jonestown massacre were the real artists, and the Dandy Warhols were, like, the corporate sellouts. But I remember, like, saying to Courtney, I was like, didn't you have final cut on that?

He's like, yeah. And I was like, why didn't you exercise it? Because it seemed like you were portrayed so bad. He's like, we were on tour being rock stars. We weren't watching edits of a documentary.

But it really. It did actually. Did he regret it? Yeah. Cause it really fucked with their.

That's not. It just branded them as something that they weren't. Cause the dandy walls are actually, like, super creative and committed to what they're doing. And, I mean, they love success and. That, but, yeah, yeah, now it's like everyone's like, go for it.

Ione Skye

Get those back. Exactly. They were ahead of their time. But back then, it was looked down upon. I guess if you seemed.

If you showed that you wanted to do well, now it's like, no big deal. Yeah. Now it's almost like a positive, but. So Courtney was coming into town and we had a plan, Sydney. And we went out for dinner.

Ben Lee

He had a plan to put this dinner together. And we met at Dean and Nancy's on 22, which was like a high rise gourmet restaurant in the city. And we've been living a real village life. Quaint. Quaint.

Ione Skye

And whenever I go into the city, I'm like, wow, this is a real city. So we go up. So it's literally on the 22nd floor. We get there first. We got these taco cocktails.

Ben Lee

What were they called? I know, which was a mistake because, I mean, I barely drank. It was fine. After you left, everyone passed yours around to taste test it. It was a crazy cocktail.

Ione Skye

It was delicious. But I remembered that Courtney is a big. One of his businesses is vino. He has a weimba. Yeah.

So I knew. And he loves the pairing. I was saying the band are really compatible. Yeah, because like when there's a big lead singer star with a big personality, sometimes people around them pretend to sort of love everything they're into and bow down. Right.

Ben Lee

It becomes like the members of the court type thing. Yeah. But in this case, they were into what he was into, genuinely. So it's a good match. Like, the band were like, oh, should we get champagne with the oysters?

Ione Skye

Yeah, let's do it. You know, and I love the. What's it called? The. What's the kind of.

When you get into the mood of the pomp or the kind of ceremony getting drunk. No, ceremony. The ceremony before the drunk? No, no, the ceremony around beautiful things. You know what I'm saying?

Ben Lee

Well, it was amazing. So it was Brent from Dandy Warhols, their lighting guy. I forget his name for some reason. It was like Snoopy Boopy Doopie or something. That was his name.

And Jamie Price, who's an artist, who's an australian oil painter who'd won the Archibald, I think, with it was Warren Ellis or Nick Cave, but he's. We know, the baby Archibald winner. Oh, yeah. Baby Archibald. Archibald.

Ione Skye

Is that what it's called? Yeah. Yeah. Jamie, I guess, played the role of occasionally on tour as like the Dandy Warhol's vibe master who is like. And he's one of those real connector guys who knows all the best places that he'd introduced them to the guy at the restaurant and they brought out the best wines and it was amazing.

It's like Sinatra and the boys. To hear the rest of this episode as well as receive lots of other exclusive content, head over to our sub stack and consider supporting weeded together for just $5 a month.


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