Voices from DARPA


"Voices from DARPA" is a captivating podcast that provides a rare glimpse into the innovative minds behind the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Each episode invites listeners into the world of DARPA’s program managers, who spearhead a diverse array of projects from quantum computing and artificial intelligence to defense technologies that could shape future military capabilities. This podcast offers a unique platform for understanding how these cutting-edge technologies might evolve and how they’re set to change our world. Join us as we delve into conversations that are not just about technology, but also about the ideas, challenges, and motivations that drive America’s tech frontier. "Voices from DARPA" is more than just a technology podcast; it’s a portal to exploring the unseen and unheard stories that are shaping the technological landscape of tomorrow. Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a scholar, or just curious about the future of technology, this podcast will provide valuable insights into some of the most secretive and influential research being conducted today.


  • Episode 77: Meet DARPAConnect

    "Meet DARPAConnect" provides an in-depth look at DARPA's outreach initiative aimed at incorporating diverse and non-traditional talent into the national security space. The episode covers how DARPAConnect facilitates easier access to DARPA's resources and support, aiming to demystify the agency's workings and encourage innovative contributions. Key features of the program include networking events, one-on-one coaching, and a comprehensive online curriculum that helps participants understand DARPA's mission and opportunities. Guests discuss the significance of bringing fresh perspectives into DARPA and the potential long-term impacts of these engagements.