Patreon, Merch and Our Thanks - An Announcement from Alex Kemp and Wolf At The Door Studios

Primary Topic

This episode focuses on new ways listeners can support Wolf at the Door Studios, including a Patreon launch and merchandising.

Episode Summary

In this pivotal episode, Alex Kemp of Wolf at the Door Studios outlines recent initiatives to better engage with their audience and monetize their creative content. After years of producing shows without active audience engagement or monetization strategies, the studio is now introducing several platforms for listeners to support and interact with their work. Key announcements include the centralization of show information on their new website, the introduction of a mailing list, and the launch of a Patreon with multiple support tiers. The Patreon offers exclusive content such as ad-free episodes, behind-the-scenes commentaries, and original music from their shows. Additionally, Alex emphasizes the importance of these changes in helping the studio invest in and expand their unique storytelling approach.

Main Takeaways

  1. Wolf at the Door Studios has launched a centralized website for all shows, enhancing audience access to information.
  2. A mailing list has been established to improve communication with listeners.
  3. The studio has introduced a Patreon, providing fans a way to financially support the studio while gaining access to exclusive content.
  4. New merchandising options are now available, offering another avenue for supporting the studio.
  5. These initiatives are part of a broader effort to engage more deeply with the audience and expand the studio's creative capabilities.

Episode Chapters

1. Introduction

Alex Kemp discusses the studio’s past approach to production and distribution, which lacked monetization and audience engagement strategies. Alex Kemp: "We just make them and stick them up on the Internet."

2. New Studio Website and Mailing List

Details on the new centralized website for all studio productions and the introduction of a mailing list to better connect with the audience. Alex Kemp: "Great way for us to stay in touch."

3. Launching Patreon

Introduction of Patreon as a way for listeners to support the studio financially. Various tiers and perks are explained, including exclusive content. Alex Kemp: "Finally. A lot of people have been asking us, hey, how can I support you guys? This is the way."

4. Merchandise Introduction

Discussion on the newly available merchandise and its role in supporting the studio's growth and investment in new projects. Alex Kemp: "It's pretty rad, so you might want to browse while you're there."

Actionable Advice

  1. Visit the new studio website to find more information about your favorite shows.
  2. Join the mailing list to receive updates and exclusive content directly.
  3. Consider supporting the studio through Patreon to access special perks.
  4. Explore the new merchandise as a way to support the studio while getting something tangible in return.
  5. Follow the studio on social media to stay connected with their latest projects and community interactions.

About This Episode

Hey everybody! We've got a bunch of news coming at you from Wolf At The Door Studios. Listen in to hear it first from one of our founders Alex Kemp.

Want to be part of the Wolf At The Door community? Here's how you can support our shows:

We have a brand new Patreon!!! Grab exclusive perks including ad free feeds and commentary versions of our shows, behind the scenes content and more -

There's new really cool new merch on our website! Support avant-garde audio drama and look good doing it -

Come hang out with us on social media for more announcements everywhere @watdstudios

Thank you so much for listening from all of us at Wolf. We really appreciate your support.

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Alex Kemp


Wolf at the Door Studios

Content Warnings:



Alex Kemp

Hey, everybody, this is Alex Kemp from Wolf the door. I'm the writer director person behind the imperfection modes of thought in interrogator literature and the very worst thing that could possibly happen. And for the last four years or so, we here at Wolf of the door, we've been making these shows, and we just kind of put them out, and we haven't really tried to monetize them or grow an audience or get to know our audience or anything, really. We just make them and we stick them up on the Internet and we go, okay, cool, what's next? But, you know, we finally started to do a few things to bring these audiences together and give the listeners a chance to get more involved with the studio and what we're making.

So to that end, we did a couple things. One, the website, if you are so inclined, and you head over there. We've moved all the individual show pages to that studio website so you can find cast and crew info there for modes of thought. There's some really weird stuff that's up, which is awesome. And there's also a way to join the mailing list there.

The mailing list is a really great way for us to stay in touch, so if you get a chance, that would be really cool. Join the mailing list. There's also some merch up that we finally linked up there. It's pretty rad, so you might want to browse while you're there. Great way to support the studio and help us as we invest in making these weird shows.

Part two, we also launched a Patreon. Finally. A lot of people have been asking us, hey, how can I support you guys? This is the way. There are a few different tiers that you can look at.

The perks are really cool. Starts with ad free feeds to all of the shows, of course, but there's also commentary, episodes of pilot episodes of each show, and cast interviews. There's stickers, there's some other posters that are coming. There's all the music from very worst thing. That show had over 30 covers of songs from the nineties.

All of those full length versions are going to be up there and available and yeah, so really fun stuff. Go check that out. Patreon, Wolf of the door studios. Last thing I'd say is the goal here is just to be more in touch. So to whatever extent we can, you can follow us on Instagram studios.

You can join the mailing list at the website We'd love to be able to let you know, when our new shows are coming out and, you know, just be more in touch as we continue to do our part to push the boundaries of what audio can do in the 21st century as a device for storytelling and connecting modern humans. So let's do that. Thank you again for all the time that you've shared with us and can't wait to make more rad shit with you soon. All right, thanks so much from everybody here at Wolf talk soon.