Primary Topic

This episode delves into the complex and emotional narrative of characters navigating through time, space, and personal tribulations, focusing on themes of love, sacrifice, and destiny.

Episode Summary

In this episode of "The Very Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen," characters grapple with their intertwined fates. Sarah and Raul, connected by a mystical loom of life, find themselves in a tangled mess of threads, representing their lives and destinies. Ming, a character with no hands, becomes a pivotal figure in the unfolding drama, helping to physically and metaphorically untangle the mess. As they navigate the complexities of love, decisions, and consequences, the story explores deeper themes of connection and the relentless nature of fate. Through dialogues and interactions, the episode weaves a narrative that questions the nature of existence, the pain of love, and the sacrifices individuals are willing to make for each other. The episode's intense emotional journey culminates in a climactic resolution that binds the characters' lives in unexpected ways.

Main Takeaways

  1. Fate and destiny are central themes, highlighting how lives are interconnected and impacted by unforeseen events.
  2. The complexity of love and sacrifice is explored through the characters' relationships and decisions.
  3. The mystical elements, such as the loom, symbolize the intricate and predestined nature of life's journey.
  4. Characters' struggles with identity, purpose, and belonging underscore the narrative's emotional depth.
  5. The episode challenges the concept of agency versus destiny, questioning how much control one truly has over their fate.

Episode Chapters

1. Introductions and Accolades

The episode starts with acknowledgments and celebrates fellow podcast "Midnight Burger" for its nomination, setting a friendly and communal tone.

  • Alex Kemp: "Huge congrats to Midnight Burger on the Amby's nomination."

2. Tangled Destinies

Explores the intertwined lives of Sarah and Raul, their love, and the cosmic accident that binds them.

  • Sarah: "I fell in love with Sarah."
  • Raul: "It's all I have."

3. The Loom of Life

Focuses on the metaphorical loom representing the characters' fates and the efforts to rectify their intertwined destinies.

  • Raul: "This is where the rug of your life is woven."

4. The Journey of Ming

Ming, despite being a snake, plays a crucial role in the narrative, symbolizing resilience and adaptability.

  • Ming: "You're always cold and you're always hungry."

5. Resolution and Reflection

Concludes with the characters attempting to resolve their entwined fates, contemplating the nature of love and existence.

  • Sarah: "I love you."

Actionable Advice

  1. Embrace the unexpected: Life can be unpredictable, so staying open to unforeseen changes can lead to personal growth.
  2. Cherish relationships: Invest in meaningful connections, as they can provide support and depth to life.
  3. Reflect on life’s tapestry: Consider how your actions intertwine with others' lives, shaping a larger communal story.
  4. Seek understanding in adversity: Challenges can offer insights into our character and the nature of our relationships.
  5. Contemplate the role of fate: Reflect on how destiny and choice influence your life path and decisions.

About This Episode


  • Antonia Despot, Isaac Gonzalez Rossi, Yvette Lu, Rulo Gardinier, Adam Meir Mo, Judy Lamour, Francois Guattari, James Taku Lung Pejvedat, Tiffany Chu, Camila Borghesani, Julian Shakuna, Kai Chen, Chelsea Rose Cook, Adam Greger

Content Warnings:



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Fans make the network what it is. Thanks for listening and we can't wait to hear from you. Find our listener survey today hey. Guys, this is Alex Kemp from Wolf of the Door studios, and we wanted to share a big congrats to our fellow fable and Folly network friends over at Midnight Burger. They also were nominated for best fiction podcast at the Ambies this year.

Alex Kemp

If you haven't listened to it yet, Midnight Burger is an audio drama about the adventures of a time traveling and dimension hopping diner, which means those guys understand the value of a good cup of coffee, which is something that we at Wolf of the door really treasure. So we're on the same page. They're coming up on their fourth season, so now's a good chance to catch up before they drop that on April 16. Again, huge congrats to midnight Burger on the Amby's nomination. You guys can find and listen to midnight burger all the usual places.

You find podcasts or on their website. We openat It's all spelled out. We Okay, thanks.


But I can't. I can't give you that. It's not helping you anyway. Look at you. You drift from time to time and place to place, filling people with all this hope and love, and for what?

So they can just live normal lives with all that normal shit? The accidents and deaths and bills and mean bosses and shitty friends for that. But it's. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to.

She just. She just got me by surprise. It was a rookie move, falling in love with a mistake.

Did I hide it well? Yes. But you could tell, you know. I fell in love with Sarah. Yes.

And I will do you the kindness of trading that love for your twin. 24 hours. Simple. Take it or leave it.

Your mouth is open wide, your inside. And when the tumult's done collided with the sun, you're staring at the sun. You're standing in the sea. Your body's over me.

Your body's over me. Soy don't moda thing. Soy don't moda joy. Soy the very worst thing that can possibly happen. Part nine.

Director, you need to get down to the basement. No shit. Charlie.

Hey, buddy. Hey. Excuse me. Is that delivery for the weaver's room? I can get that for you.

I have to go down there anyway. Happy to help. Come on. There should be a freight elevator on the left. No problem.

Where. Where am I? Ming. Min ming, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you.

Stop yelling at me. Can you get through okay? I think so. But can you get the grate off? The what?

The grate on the sand. Oh, oh. Oh. This thing? Sure.

It's stuck. Well, I can't get through if you don't get it off. Hold on. I'll get my shaving kit. I have a swiss army knife in there.

If you could hurry in every way, I would. In the pasture. Bombay. One sec. Trotsky.

What's going on? You're awake. Good. 1 second. Ming, did you know the first swiss army knife was made in 1891 by the Karl El Senor Company in Aybak?

That's in Switzerland. But then the Karl Elsinore company became a victorinox, which is still around and going strong, and.

Yes, I'm sorry. Here, I got it.

What happened? You passed out in the lobby. Oh. We brought you up here in a wheelchair. The doctor said you're fine, but you hit your head pretty hard.

He left some pills. If it hurts. I'm okay, I think. Good. Where's Claire?

I don't know. She said she needed to stay up late and eat american hamburgers. Sounds like a right. A hamburger sounds good. I'm hungry.

Ah, well, take a look at this. I ordered so much room service, it's insane. What would you like? Cobb salad, steak, fritz, waffles and bacon. Did you get anything for me?

What is that? Oh, yeah. This is Mister Ming. Don't worry. He's a friend.

That snake is your friend? Yes. He's also a colleague. And he and Claire have been discussing the case with you and Raul, trying to come up with a solution. I thought the plan was we come to Kazakhstan and I get to meet Raoul.

That's why Claire said three things. Make love, write a letter, take a trip. We did all three. So what's the problem? Well, we're a day early to rendezvous with Raul.

Why can't we just wait? It's one fucking day.

That's so funny. She's like, we could just wait. Oh, my God. I'm laughing so hard. Maybe I could just set my watch forward a day.

You guys can suck my dick. That steak looks pretty good. Uh oh. I can't help it. Me?

We're kind of in a rush here. I would not make my meals a priority. That's not true. I read the reports. Well, fuck you, Frederick.

I'm just hungry. Have you ever been a snake? No. It sucks. You're always cold and you're always hungry.

And you have no hands. And you have no hands. Help yourself. There's a lot of food over there. That's nice of you, but I'm kind of particular.

Suit yourself. Hey, pass me the waffles. Frederick. So wait. Where's Claire?

Take it or leave it. No. It would only hurt you more to have to let her go. But I would. I will.

I will. I will let her go. You don't understand. I need to feel this. It's all I have.

I know about you, AI. You're supposed to be one of the best. How could you? It wasn't on purpose. I never would have thought it could happen.

Really? Never in a million years. But that first time, I held her condemn the way she fit.

You have it. And I want it. What do I have to do?

Take a little walk to the edge of town. Go across the tracks where the fire duck looms. I could burden the tomb as it shifts and cracks where the secrets lie in the border fires, in the humid wires. And then, you know you never coming back. Past the square, past the bridge, past the mills, past the stacks on a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man in a dusty black coat with a red, red hand.

Lamira. I don't feel very good. I know. Raul. It's okay.

You don't have to send any more letters now. He is so weak. What are those stoops on the ceiling? That's the mail. You mean like the letters I wrote to Sara?

Yes. Those come here to be logged and sorted before going to the mail rooms. And who are all these people? They are the weavers.

I'm used to this. From me, I see them all weaving. Sansa, Harpo. What are they weaving? And why are there so many of these people here?

They're making the carpets for everyone. For everyone? You mean like everyone in the world? Every single one.

Here we are. Raul. This. This is our problem. What happened?

Open up.

You're back. Aye, Nichiren. Aria. We're losing her. Raul is almost gone.

Jesus, Ming. Hi, Trotsky. Yes, I'm back. Did you find your hamburgers? In a way.

But they were expensive. What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you love Raul? I don't think there's a word for what I feel.

Let me put it this way. Do you two belong together? Yes, we belong together. We are one thing. Mom.

I got it. Uh, what is that? It's just a typewriter. Relax. Is the big bad spy scared of a little typewriter?

Kate, can you set it up on the table? Here? Sarah, I need you to type something. Okay. Do you fill up for it?

Yes, I'm fine. Oh. Oh, Sarah. Here, get in the wheelchair. I can make it.

Come on, let me help. This is so embarrassing. I just feel so weak. You need to step on it. Chill, Ming.

You can do it. I'm going to say the letters and you type, okay? Okay. I'm ready.

Sheets of ghost till you she.

Raul. This. This is our problem. What happened? Raul, this is your loom.

This is where the rug of your life is woven. Wait, what? That's you. The carpet. That's me.

That's you. Your time, your moments, your symmetry, your serendipity and imperfections. And this one, the one next to it. This is Sara's love, her life, her timeline. And as you can see, there was a little accident.

Two of the delivery carts were wheeling by, loaded up with wool, and they crashed. And it pushed your two looms together. In a giant fucking mess. There it was, among the rows and rows of endless weavers. Two looms had been smashed into each other, one tilted sword, shaft, frame and heddles pushed through the warps of the other.

Their wefts and shuttles wrapped around and threw each other. The ratchet wheel of one jammed into the breast beam and batin sleigh of the second.

I got up out of the wheelchair, still a little wobbly, and looked closer at the unfinished carpets, inspecting the fabric that had been woven before the crash. Every pattern and medallion unfolded into more patterns and shapes. As I got closer, I squinted and there were still more inside them. I had the feeling that little red and burgundy and brown and blue shapes were inside each other all the way to an atomic level. Don't stare too long.

We'll get dizzy.

Period. E. N. We're starting with a period. Yes, darling.

We're going backwards now, but quickly. Hey, why are you crying? I'm okay, Sarah, really. O. Space.

Y l n. O. Space. Like this. S I.

Space. E. R. E. H t.

Here. Ming, you need to take this letter with you back through the tubes. How do we get the letter to go with Ming? He has no hands. Why is everyone so preoccupied with the no hands thing.

I know. Here, use the plastic wrap. Oh, yes. This is going to work, Ming. It has to work.

Come here. Stop squirming. Take cozy. Ming, stop it. Stop it.

So this is why everything was fucked up. Are you serious? Very. Because of an accident with the delivery cart? Exactly.

You guys should really be a bit more fucking careful.

Whoa. Mister Ming. Snake buddy, are you alright? Six foot drop. No, I'm not all white.

Ow. My fucking back. You're a snake. You literally only have a back. What's this?

What's what? I'm pretty sure she's talking about the piece of paper that's wrapped around your body. Is that. Is that plastic wrap? That's why I'm here.

Hand delivery. It's from Ives. Is it for me? Not this time. I will give it to Dani.

Wait. Hmm. Well, it'll work. Yeah, it'll work. Let me see.

Ah. So that's why she sent the ropes for Raul. Raul, I need you to sit at the loom. Tamira, he will be gone. No, he will live.

She will live. This is the only way. Now. She's right. San Saha, help him out of the wheelchair.

I've got you. Okay, here we go. Do you know how a loom works? No. Go slow.

Slowly. We have to undo this knot. This tiny knot right here. Then we can join the two rugs. Join the two rugs?

Yes, my friend. So it's the only answer. Raoul. Now, Raul, push this back and pass the shuttle through behind. But be careful, if you pull too far, Sara's loom will fall.

There. Left to right. That will pull the thread backwards. Slowly. Now.

Like that? Yeah. Okay, stop. Stop there. What now?

Take this thread. The tiny one? No, the black one, not the red. Sounds like I'm diffusing a bomb. You are.

Now we have to get you ready. Sarah. So heavy. Claire, I can barely move. I know.

Ming play. Oh, quite. Here. Mister Ming has never failed. Kate, what should we use?

The air conditioning vent. No, that's too big. The faucet in the tub.

Okay, I'm in the weaver's room. Which way? You're looking for roll D 48. Copy that. They'll be here tomorrow.

You know, if you don't get some mice, Ming is going to be really mad. Oh, yes, sorry, I totally. Excuse me. I'm looking for row D 48. I got a little turned around.

Oh, you guys, you never look at the signs. It's right down there. Oh, okay, thanks. I asked you three times already, son. Zaha, you have to get in for Mike.

Snakes have a very fast competitor. I know. I know.

Director, I don't know if you can hear me. I'm losing the seat signal. I've got it from here, Charlie. Sorry. What's that?

I found it. D 48. This is Sarah's rock. Come again? I've got it from here.

Excuse me.

What's up? Coming through.

Oh, shit. You got to watch what you're doing. Oh, no. And the mirror is going to be so pissed. What day is it?

What? What fucking day is it? It's Tuesday. Ah, no. I did this.

Sarah. My Sarah. It's all my fault. God. God.

It's all my fault.

I can barely see. My eyes aren't that great. Slow it down. Push the wood thread out of the way. Just a little bit slow.

If you break that. If I break that, what? Well, you die. Okay, that's good to know. The black thread.

Weave it through there. That's the thread from Sara's rug. That's why we're connected. Every rug borrows threads from others. Family, friends, lovers.

That's normal, Rahu. That's essential. But if we separate these two rugs, you both will be lost. So instead, we make one rug.

But I love her. And now you will be together. I promise. I don't know what to believe. But I'm sad.

And I'm very weak and tired. So don't fuck with me, Tamira. I do not want to lose Sara. You can't lose her, Raul. You are her.

I wanna hold the hillside. You.

I wanna take some breath. That's true.

It's just so good. I have no words. Do you miss Sarah? Or is it just the feeling, just a love without Sarah attached? It's so strange.

I. I miss someone. I don't know who, but it's so good it hurts. Yes, it's so good, it hurts.

When they first found me for the postal service, I was only 16. You know, this is pretty much all I have ever known. But I never felt that before. Will you retire? No.

Yes. I don't know. You're a candle. You knew you'd get blown out. You must have known.

I must have known.

Yes. Raul. Yes. Good job. Sounds a hot.

Put the crate under the edge of Saru's loom so it stops wobbling around. Got it. So what now? One of our weavers will finish from here. You need to go with Mister Mink.

Come on, Wai Wu. There's a drain pipe over here. A drain pipe? Well, you're just a sack of bones, but we still need something bigger. Than the male tubes.

Ah. This will work. Sansa. Ha. What?

Come here. Get the grate off that thing.

It's Reggie. Bring her in here. Sarah, we need to get you in the bathtub. In the tub? Please.

I'm too weak to hug you. I can carry her. Kit, get the door.

Is it warm enough? Yes. Good, good. Lean back. This is the end.

No, no, we don't really use that word, but. Au revoir. Goodbye. Comrade. Touches her.

Good luck. Now lean back. Okay. Yes, all the way. I'll hold you.

Okay, I've got you. Good. Now open your mouth. What? Open your mouth and put it on the faucet.

Yes. Yes, that's it. This will only hurt for a second. I promise. I love you.

I love you.


Where to? Where are we? Gerdo Nord. The train station. Oh.

Home. You want to go home? Sure. Good trip? I.

I don't know. Wh what year is it? It's 1959. Raul? Yep?

Mind if I listen to the news? Sure. And in Paris, the government of Charles de Gaulle is under fire for their involvement in a false flag operation to drum up support for the subjugation of Algeria, codenamed Red hand. Government operatives were responsible for the bombing that took place last week in a square off avenue de Saxe, near the Ecole militaire.

This is it. Up here. I know, but how do I know? How do I know that? He angled the rearview mirror a bit so I could see my own face.

So that's me. Do you need some money, mister? Ming and Claire left me some money for you. Thanks. Of course.

I won't see you again. I have a new assignment. Oh. Well, take care. You too.

Take care of yourselves.

The apartment is exactly how I remembered it. Or imagined it. I don't know. I went to the bathroom to look. At my new stuff.

I washed my face and listen to the dream. Just briefly. Just checking. I don't think we'll hear any more from them. I suppose.

My typewriter sat on the desk a little dusty.

I felt like I should put it all down. In case I forget. In case I disappear again in the place you said you'd meet me. I don't see you hanging around. I'm going home.

If that's all you love or tell me. Seems you don't wanna be.

Alex Kemp

The very worst thing that could possibly happen was written and directed by Alex Kemp. Starring Antonia Despot as Sarah, Isaac Gonzalez Rossi as Raul and Yvette Lu as eclair. This episode all also features Rulo Gardinier, Adam Meir Mo, Judy Lamour, Francois Guattari James Taku Lung Pejvedat, Tiffany Chu, Camila Borghesani, Julian Shakuna, Kai Chen, Chelsea Rose Cook and Adam Greger. The show is produced by Chica Barboso. Engineer and sound designer is Bo Milkes.

Our intimacy coordinator was Denise Kamalo, the sensitivity reader, Sarah Clark. Music is by Alex Kemp. Production coordinators are Kendra McDonald and Louise Netz, consulting producers Camillo Garzon and Federico Toronto. The executive producers are Winnie Kemp and Alex Kemp. The show is recorded and mixed at Wolf of the Door studios in Venice, California.

To find out more about the show and our other shows, look for us on Instagram or Twitter at watdStudios. You can also sign up for our mailing list and find out some more information at our website, wlfdr. Thanks for listening. I'm going home. If you're casting out some psycho, you'll need me babe, I won by on a day that's burning this grace don't you tempt me cause I might I'm going home if it's gonna be the last time well then maybe it's alright I'm going home.

Ryan LaPlante

Jesters of Ravenloft is a new podcast being recorded on Twitch. It's D and D five e and we'd love to tell you about it, but we can't because seriously, the cast know nothing about what is going to happen. Adam McNamara is mystified. Del Borovic is baffled. Guy Bradford is bewildered.

Tyler Hewitt is even more clueless than usual. And me, Ryan LaPlante, the DM, I'm the only person who knows what's going on. We're live on Twitch, May 31 at 08:30 p.m.. Estimated. And every Friday after our Wednesday night shows, we'll be dropping two episodes of Gestures of Ravenloft here.

So get ready, subscribe, and soon you will be journeying into Ravenloft alongside our jesters. Oh yeah, don't tell them about the whole Ravenloft thing. They really know nothing.


They really know nothing.