Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked | Episode 4 - Walz of Shame

Primary Topic

This episode critically examines the career and political stances of Tim Walz, highlighting his alleged inconsistencies and radical positions.

Episode Summary

"Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked" Episode 4, titled "Walz of Shame," delves into the controversial and politically charged history of Tim Walz. The episode portrays Walz as a figure of deep contradictions, from his early political engagements in China to his tenure as Minnesota’s governor during the COVID-19 pandemic and the George Floyd riots. The narrative casts Walz as a political opportunist whose policies often swayed with prevailing winds, emphasizing his radical shifts from moderate to progressive stances. It scrutinizes his actions during key crises in Minnesota, presenting them as mismanaged, and critiques his policy decisions on issues like public health, safety, and social justice, arguing they were driven by a radical agenda.

Main Takeaways

  1. Tim Walz’s political career is marked by radical shifts and opportunism.
  2. His management of the COVID-19 pandemic and George Floyd riots are portrayed as failures.
  3. Walz is criticized for prioritizing identity politics and radical policies over effective governance.
  4. The episode suggests Walz’s policies may alienate moderate and independent voters.
  5. It questions the implications of his potential vice-presidency under Kamala Harris.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

The episode begins by setting the context for its critique of Tim Walz, positioning him as a controversial choice for vice president. Michael Knowles: "Walz’s history reveals a pattern of opportunism and radicalism."

2: Political Beginnings

Discusses Walz's early political activities, including his numerous trips to China and initial political positions. Michael Knowles: "Walz's frequent visits to China are concerning given the geopolitical tensions."

3: Governorship and Controversies

Explores his tenure as governor, focusing on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and social justice issues. Tim Walz: "We need to ensure that all voices, especially those historically marginalized, are heard and respected."

4: Policy Shifts

Highlights Walz’s shifts in policy from moderate to progressive, particularly in the context of his gubernatorial campaigns. Michael Knowles: "Walz's flip-flopping on key issues reveals a lack of steadfast principles."

5: Electoral Implications

Analyzes the potential impact of Walz's vice-presidential candidacy on the Democratic ticket. Michael Knowles: "Walz's radical positions could drive away crucial swing voters."

Actionable Advice

  1. Stay Informed: Regularly follow trusted news sources to understand the political landscape and its key players.
  2. Engage Politically: Participate in local and national elections to have a say in your governance.
  3. Critical Analysis: Always critically analyze political narratives and promises, regardless of the source.
  4. Community Involvement: Get involved in community discussions and forums to better understand diverse perspectives.
  5. Educational Pursuits: Educate yourself on the historical context of political issues to better understand their complexities.

About This Episode

Scamala Harris has now selected her vice presidential candidate. His name is Tim Walz. And he is one of the most radical governors in America. Despite his seemingly humble beginnings, his career trajectory is littered with questionable decisions, political opportunism, and increasingly radical campaigns.


Tim Walz, Kamala Harris

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Michael Knowles
Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Knowles here welcoming you to Scamala.

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Tim Walz
Harris has now selected her vice presidential candidate. His name is Tim Walz, and he is one of the most radical governors in all of America.

Despite his seemingly humble beginnings, his career trajectory is littered with questionable decisions, political opportunism and increasingly radical campaigns. Tim Walls was born on April 6, 1964, in West Point, Nebraska. His dad worked as a public school administrator. His mom was a community activist and homemaker, Walls told Minnesota Public Radio. They were certainly New Deal, which is, Walls claimed, being a born and bred Democrat. According to the Independent, Walls parents almost named him after President John F. Kennedy, Walls shared, quote, growing up Catholic, we had John Kennedy memorabilia in the house. My mother was pregnant with me when he was assassinated, and I guess there was a debate about calling me John when she was picking names. The tenuous connection with the Kennedys was just an early indicator that politics would be Tim Walls life. After high school, Walls joined the Army National Guard. Concurrently, he pursued a career in education, earning a bachelor's degree from prestigious Chadran State College in 1989, a masters degree from Minnesota State University in 2001. Wallace taught high school geography and coached football. He was an assistant coach, not a head coach, despite his latest attempts to play one on tv. But what defined his career was his relentless pursuit of political advancement. The first place he sought out that advancement appears to have been China. Walls has been to China over 30 times. Yes, you heard that correctly. More than 30 visits to a country that is and has been no friend to the United States.

Walls connection with China began in 1989, a pivotal year marked by the horrific Tiananmen Square massacre. While most Americans were recoiling from the brutality of the Chinese Communist Party, Walz decided it was a perfect time to head on over to China to teach. He even witnessed the aftermath of the protests firsthand. Fast forward a few years, and he chose to go back to honeymoon in China with his wife. Wen an odd place for a honeymoon, to be sure, but then again, Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union. But wait, theres more. Walls and his wife started a company, educational travel adventures, specifically to take high school students from Mankato, Minnesota, on trips to China every summer. These trips, it turns out, were at least partially funded by the chinese regime. What did China expect in return for this generosity?

No one knows, but the CCP isnt exactly famous for being giving and open hearted. Walzs interactions in China didnt go unnoticed. Its almost certain the Ministry of State Security, Chinas powerful secret police, vetted him. Theres no hard evidence, of course, to suggest that Walz was directly involved with chinese intelligence. But the very nature of his extensive travel and engagement with chinese officials warrants some scrutiny. Another questionable life choice occurred when walls, then a 31 year old high school teacher and assistant football coach, an example for the children of Mankato West High School, was arrested for driving under the influence in Nebraska, Walls was pulled over for speeding, clocked at 96 mph in a 55 miles per hour zone. According to the police report, the arresting officer detected a strong odor of alcohol on walls breath. In person. Walls subsequently failed both a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer, leading to his arrest and subsequent guilty plea in 1996. During Tim Walls 2006 campaign for Congress, his campaign manager, Kerry Greeley, attempted to address the resurfacing of that 1995 DUI. Greeley asserted Walls was not actually drunk at the time of the arrest. She attributed the incident to a misunderstanding, partly due to walls partial deafness, which he suffered during his time in the National Guard. Something about him being partially deaf probably explained how he flunked the field sobriety and breathalyzer test, clocking a 0.128% on the latter.

Even the end of Walls national guard service was shrouded in controversy. According to the New York Post, veterans have accused him of embellishing his military career and abandoning his National Guard battalion. Thats because Walls retired ahead of his units 2005 deployment to Iraq. According to retired command sergeants Major Thomas Behrens and Paul Hur, walls quit upon learning that his unit would be deployed to Iraq, even after telling his fellow troops he would join them there. According to Behrens and Hur, on May 16, 2005, walls quit betraying his country, leaving the first 125th Field Artillery Battalion and its soldiers hanging without its senior non commissioned officer as the battalion prepared for war. Here is Behrens he abandoned us. I mean, what the hell kind of leader does that?

Unidentified Speakers
I mean, he just as soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit.

Tim Walz
In Walls official congressional biography, it simply states, quote, Walls served overseas with his battalion in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. From a veteran's perspective, there is a big difference between serving overseas in support of an operation versus in an operation. Walls biography is intentionally vague. Veterans have been ringing the alarm bells ever since his 2006 run for Congress. One video unearthed online shows a veteran confronting Walz's campaign staff at his offices over the issue.

Unidentified Speakers
There's a huge difference between being deployed to certain face in Italy and being in the Hald Afghan Finn. Under current us law, this could get the congressman probably thrown in jail in violation of 2006 stolen Valor act.

Tim Walz
None of this has stopped Walz from continuing to imply he served in combat.

Unidentified Speakers
Highest ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in Congress, retired 24 years later as command sergeant major and served with his battalion at operating enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

Having been one of those that came back, we were in support of OEF, but being sitting in there with OEF OIF veterans. When we came back, they showed us the horse whisper and told us to be nice when we went home.

Tim Walz
This type of lie is typically known as stolen valor. While the nature of his veteran status remained hazy throughout his gubernatorial campaign and election. His elevation to Kamala Harris presidential ticket has brought those allegations back to light. Ironically enough, it was Kamala Harris campaign account that tweeted a video of walls claiming to have carried weapons in war.

Unidentified Speakers
I've been voting for common sense legislation that protects the second amendment. But we can do background checks, we can do CDC research, we can make sure we don't have reciprocal carry among states. And we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are out.

Tim Walz
Even CNN understood the gravity of the stolen Balor allegations.

Unidentified Speakers
There is no evidence that at any.

Bet Online
Time Governor Walts was in a position.

Tim Walz
Of being shot at. And some of his language could easily.

Bet Online
Be seen to suggest that he was.

Tim Walz
Immediately after abandoning his troops, Waltz launched a run for Congress. In fact, he was apparently considering a run for Congress even during his last years in the National Guardhouse. In 2006, Walls formally entered the political arena. He ran for the US House of Representatives from Minnesota's first congressional district. He narrowly defeated six term republican incumbent Gil Guttnecht. His focus on veterans affairs, agriculture, education masked a more opportunistic approach to governance.

Unidentified Speakers
This administration took us to an unjustified war in Iraq where our warriors are doing the best they can. They are the best that's ever been fielded. They left them there. They do not support the VA on the back end and this country is no safer because of it. We can do better. I don't have to rebut or say anything. I live that I, on a teacher's salary, understand what's happening. When I coached football, these stands held about 3000 people. That's a lot. It's also the number of american soldiers who have died fighting in Iraq. Serving right now are kids that I taught, coach and train to be soldiers. They deserve a plan for Iraq to govern itself so they can come home.

Tim Walz
As a former high school teacher, Walz made education a central plank of his 2006 campaign. He argued for increased federal funding for public schools, large leaseops to the teachers unions. Tim Walls time as us representative was marked by his stance on positions he would quickly abandon. Later. Upon becoming Minnesota governor, he represented himself as a moderate, a supporter of gun rights, the Keystone XL pipeline in Israel. He also voted in favor of tighter vetting of refugees. While Walz served on the House Committee on Veterans affairs and was a vocal proponent of veterans rights, VA whistleblowers reported that Walls office did not adequately support their efforts to expose mismanagement and corruption within the VA. Walls also gained reputation for failures in his communication and with his office's constituent services. Reports of delayed responses and insufficient support for constituents dealing with federal agencies were recurrent themes during his tenure. By 2017, Walls saw an opportunity to climb the political ladder higher. Announcing his candidacy for governor of Minnesota. His campaign capitalized on Governor Mark Dayton's decision not to seek reelection. The democratic primary for governor was a battleground, with walls facing formidable opponents like state representative Aaron Murphy and Attorney General Laurie Swanson. Walz's campaign strategy was straightforward, win at any cost. The cost was the abandonment of much of his centrist platform. He suddenly shifted left on issues like gun control and vetting of refugees.

Michael Knowles
Should Minnesotans be required by law to show a valid id to vote? And should undocumented or illegal immigrants be granted driver's licenses? And Tim Walls will just go around with that? No.

Unidentified Speakers
And yes, they should not have an id to vote, and yes, they should have driver's licenses. So when hope comes home after Parkland and says, dad, we have to do something, this issue of the nation changing, the NRA changing, and to be quite honestly, the folks we're going to need to actually get this done, responsible gun owners, if we can't welcome them in when there's a change of heart, if we can't welcome them in to make a difference, to actually get this done, then it's simply advocacy in words.

Tim Walz
He also endorsed a public option for health care that would effectively undercut private insurance in the state. He pushed vast spending initiatives on everything from infrastructure to affordable housing. He suggested a vast overhaul of the state's energy system in order to stop climate change, including extraordinary spending on wind, solar and other inefficient technologies. There wasn't a spending initiative walls didn't support.

Unidentified Speakers
This place is sacred to me. It's sacred to Minnesotans. As your governor, I will do nothing that puts at risk that sacred place. But I will continue to praise, to build and to make sure that if we have the solutions to build the clean energy economy, we have the solution to create jobs. I will stand there and make it happen.

Tim Walz
Walls also began speaking loudly about social issues. He pushed soft on crime policies, gun control, LGBTQ minus, divided by sign issues, Walls secured the democratic farmer labor nomination with 41.6% of the vote. In the general election, Walls faced Republican Jeff Johnson. The race wasn't much of one. Walls, unwilling to define himself clearly politically, enacting all things to all people, won 53.9% of the vote. It was his governor, however, that walls true leftism emerged. On his very first day in office, Walz signed an executive order establishing a DEI council, diversity, equity, and inclusion, tasked with implementing DEI focused initiatives all across state agencies. The council included representatives from various state departments, community organizations, and advocacy groups, with a timeline aiming for quarterly reports and a comprehensive action plan. Within the first year, the DEI council's mandate included conducting assessments of current practices, identifying disparities, and recommending policy changes to promote equity and inclusion. Equality of outcome this council also oversaw the implementation of DEI focused training programs for state employees on issues related to diversity and unconscious bias. Lets be clear about what this meant. Tim Walls prioritized an agenda that elevated identity politics over merit and competence. This council enforced quotas and mandates leading to hiring practices that emphasized demographic characteristics rather than qualifications or experience.

Walls first step in office was a step toward division and DEI when the pandemic of 2020 hit, Walls instinct was to lock down hard. On March 13, 2020, he declared a peacetime emergency, then issued more than 100 executive orders ranging from stay at home mandates to mask requirements to business closures. The Minnesota economy plummeted into chaos. According to the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, total non farm employment fell by 416,000 jobs in March and April, amount larger than the entirety of North Dakota's workforce. Unemployment spiked to 11% in May. State GDP declined by nearly 30% in the second quarter. Tens of thousands of businesses around the state were forced to close their doors and either pivot to remote operations or temporarily close their business altogether. Wells administration faced criticism for inconsistent messaging and execution of policies. His decision to allow only outdoor dining during certain phases of reopening was met with confusion and frustration, particularly as other states adopted more direct and cohesive approaches. The administration's handling of unemployment benefits and aid distribution was slow and inefficient, compounding the economic hardships faced by many Minnesotans. The $67.3 million in Covid-19 business relief payments that walls controlled were insufficient and came too late to save too many local businesses. One of the most contentious aspects of Walz's pandemic response was his handling of health and safety measures in long term care facilities.

Early on in the pandemic, these facilities became hotspots for Covid-19 outbreaks of leading to a significant number of deaths among elderly residents. The state's response was inadequate and slow, failing to protect the most vulnerable populations effectively. This criticism was further fueled by reports of insufficient PPE and delayed testing in these facilities. Additionally, Wall's administration failed religious groups, including the Minnesota Catholic bishops, by placing limits on religious gatherings. Those restrictions infringed on religious freedom and were inconsistently applied compared to other public gatherings in the state. Walz's administration went to great lengths to intrude on the privacy of his citizens during the pandemic. In March 2020, Walz implemented a Covid-19 hotline, which encouraged Minnesotans to report violations of state lockdown orders. The information you leave is considered public information. At the tone, please leave the following your name, your callback number, how the stay at home order is being violated, and where the stay at home order was violated. Thank you. This so called snitch line was operational from March 2020 until June 2022. The hotline generated thousands of reports from residents who reported their neighbors for dangerous, scary activities like walking their dogs, playing basketball, not wearing masks, making non essential purchases, and hosting church services that did not meet legal requirements set by Waltz's orders. Today, of course, Walz claims the essence of Minnesota nice is minding your own damn business.

Unidentified Speakers
There's a golden rule, mind your own damn business.

In Minnesota. We respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make.

Tim Walz
Waltz's administration also implemented an unconstitutional, unethical, DEI based approach to rationing Covid-19 treatment. Prioritizing patients based on race under Walz's watch, the Minnesota Department of Health adopted an ethical framework that explicitly gave preference to non white residents for monoclonal antibody treatments. This framework was based on non binding FDA guidance suggesting that race could be a risk factor for severe Covid-19 outcomes. The policy, for example, prioritized black 18 year olds over elderly white people. The state's rationing plan, part of the Minnesota resource allocation platform, assigned points for various risk factors, with racial minorities automatically receiving two points. This meant that being a racial minority could elevate someone's priority for receiving scarce Covid-19 treatments, even if they were at lower overall risk compared to elderly or immunocompromised patients. The America first legal advocacy group challenged the system, highlighting that race is not a medical condition like hypertension or heart disease, which are legitimate risk factors for severe Covid-19 outcomes. The policy was eventually scrapped after legal threats and public outcry. Every major issue that arose during Waltz's governorship was met with gross incompetence. The handling of the riots following the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, was no different. The response from state and local authorities was sluggish and ineffective. Walts admitted to an abject failure in the response to the riots.

Unidentified Speakers
There weren't any police there, there weren't any firefighters. There was no social control, and her constituents were locked in their house wondering what they were going to do. That is an abject failure that cannot happen.

Tim Walz
The delayed deployment of the National Guard, along with a lack of clear directives, fueled the chaos. Minneapolis police were overwhelmed by the scale of the unrest, which included mass looting, arson and violence. Minneapolis police chief Maderia Arrondondo and Mayor Jacob Frey both acknowledged that their forces were overcome by the scale and intensity of the unrest. The failure to evacuate the third precinct before it was set on fire further highlighted the poor coordination between authorities. Minneapolis fire chief John Freudel was unaware of the fire until informed by a CNN host highlighting the communication breakdowns that plagued the response efforts, all due to the governors absence of leadership. Walts decision to delay the National Guard deployment was a massive mistake. By the time the National Guard was mobilized and arrived on the scene, the damage had already been done. Buildings were burning. The city was in chaos. Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka criticized walls for not taking immediate control and using his emergency powers more decisively. Adding insult to injury as Tim Walls his family was off to do was Hope Walls Tim Walls 19 year old daughter during the riots. In response to a post from a community organizer warning rioters to get out, Hope tweeted, quote, the guard cannot be sent within minutes. To be clear, the National Guard will not be present tonight. Obviously she knew something the rioters did not. Hope Walz's twitter account, Hopewalls has since been scrubbed of all content.

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He acknowledged the state's slow response, admitting the situation should have been handled more swiftly. His comments about the need for unity and understanding the community's pain belied the facts. He failed his office. He failed the people of Minnesota. In one of the state's most critical moments. Complicating the issue for the governor was his wife, Gwen Walls. She gave outrageous public comments during the riots. Heres what she had to say.

Unidentified Speakers
I could smell the burning tires.

That was a very real thing. And I kept the windows open for.

Tim Walz
As long as I could because I.

Unidentified Speakers
Felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.

Tim Walz
Thats a bit of white privilege for you. During the peak of the riots, when Minneapolis was engulfed in chaos, buildings burning, businesses being looted, people suffering, resulting in an estimated $2 billion in damage nationwide. Gwen walls kept the windows of the governor's mansion open as long as she could to smell the burning tires so she could suffer along with her people. That may be in the race for the most elitist, tone deaf response to a crisis in modern history. But wait, there's more. Gwen Waltz has been a radically outspoken advocate for criminal justice reform, being quoted as saying, quote, criminals should have as many chances as they need.

Unidentified Speakers
How many chances do you get? My answer to that is as many chances as you need.

Tim Walz
During a 2020 rally at the state capitol, Gwen encouraged individuals who needed pardons to apply, saying, quote, if you need a pardon, apply. Those numbers have been going down. I want them up. Flood the zone, because what that does is fully restore people to our community, and we need each and every person in this state in our community. Rights restored, active, engaged. By rights, she means removing the accountability of committing a felony in our country, restoring voting rights, creating leniency where there should clearly be none. Aiding in Gwen Waltz's efforts was none other than Kamala Harris, who reinforced her own lenient crime stance in a tweet. During the riots, Kamala promoted and requested donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a fund subsidizing cash bails for criminals. In this case, the fund was bailing out the rioters and looters, causing the destruction on Minneapolis streets. So what did Tim Walls have to say during the riots? In a press conference, Walls decided to make his position on systemic racism abundantly clear. In the press conference, Walls stated, quote, I understand clearly that many communities feel the weight of systemic racism. He emphasized, I will not patronize the struggles these communities face, acknowledging the difficult that is. Walz didn't stop at merely acknowledging systemic racism. He doubled down, declaring, I refuse to overlook the blatant injustices that occur in broad daylight. Sympathy for the rioters in the middle of gigantic riots.

That's the Tim Wall story.

Unidentified Speakers
I understand clearly there is no trust in many of our communities, and I will not patronize you as a white man without living those lived experiences of how very difficult that is. And I refuse to have it take away the attention of the stain that we need to be working on is what happened with those fundamental institutional racism that allows a man to be held down in broad daylight. And thank God a young person had a camera to video it.

Tim Walz
In June 2020, a group of protesters led by members of the american indian movement, toppled a statue of Christopher Columbus outside the Minnesota state capitol. These vandals, who considered Columbus a symbol of genocide against Native Americans, pulled down the statue with ropes. Walls was aware ahead of time that groups might attempt to tear down the statue, but when the incident occurred, law enforcement was criticized for not intervening. Walls, commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, later told the press, law enforcement was, quote, not able to get out there in time. Sure, it was literally right outside the state capitol. At a press conference, Walls stated that while he did not condone the act of toppling the statue and warned there would be consequences for those involved. He also expressed understanding for the protesters actions. In a statement, he noted that the protesters had, quote, legitimate concerns regarding Columbus legacy and the ongoing issues faced by indigenous communities. Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka made the link to other leadership failures during the Black Lives Matter riots. Giselke stated, the governor didnt protect the third precinct. He didnt protect businesses on Lake street. The lieutenant governor condoned the destruction of public property. Mike Forza, the activist who led the toppling of the statue, was charged with felony criminal damage to property. However, in a deal with prosecutors, he avoided trial and received a sentence of 100 hours of community service.

That sentence falls right in line with how Tim Walls deals with criminals.

Unidentified Speakers
A society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we're at.

Tim Walz
Following the riots themselves, the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged with the murder of George Floyd, was one of the most high profile cases in recent history. Tim Walls management of the case and the surrounding environment was as mishandled as the riots themselves.

From the beginning, Walls administration failed to ensure an impartial and fair trial for Derek Chauvin. The extensive pre trial publicity and the public pressure for conviction compromised the integrity of the judicial process without a doubt. Additionally, Walls public statements did nothing to address concerns about due process for Chauvin. By transferring the prosecution to Attorney General Ellison, known for his progressive views, walls bowed to public pressure and to the left. Walls ultimately called Chauvin's conviction a critical step towards justice and used the momentum to push for legislative changes aimed at the police. In the wake of the Chauvin trial and the subsequent shooting of Daunte Wright, Walls failed any and all tests in public safety.

Unidentified Speakers
George Floyd's death and our justice system's conviction gives us that small place to believe we can make the difference.

Tim Walz
As time went on, failures from the pandemic continued to plague walls at his doorstep, landed the feeding our future scandal one of the largest pandemic related fraud cases in the entire nation. The scheme involved the embezzlement of $250 million from federal child nutrition programs meant to feed low income kids during the Covid-19 pandemic. Federal prosecutors have charged dozens of individuals associated with feeding our future, alleging they used the funds for personal luxuries like jewelry and property instead of, you know, feeding kids. An audit revealed that Tim Walls Minnesota Department of Education failed to act on warning signs and did not perform adequate due diligence on high risk applicants. The controversy deepened when Ramsey County Judge John Guffman issued a statement disputing walls public characterization of the court's role. Walz had suggested the court force the Minnesota Department of Education to resume payments, defeating our future after they were suspended due to suspicions of fraud. He described being speechless when Judge Guffman ruled in favor of the organization in April 2021, implying the court's decision left the state with no choice but to continue the payments.

Unidentified Speakers
We respected the judge's decision, but I could and yes, on this one I can tell you I was speechless.

Tim Walz
However, Judge Guthman clarified he never ordered the MDE to resume payments. Instead, he said, the department resumed payments voluntarily, although they were threatened with sanctions and legal penalties if they did not comply. In June 2021, the judge found the MDE in contempt of court for failing to process feeding our futures applications in a timely manner and ordered the department to pay sanctions. Once again, Tim Walls administration was found negligent and lacked transparency in handling its cases. Once again, Tim Walls lacked leadership and displayed a failure to take action. Once again, as per the usual, Tim Walls failed. In addition to his many failures, Tim Walls tenure was characterized by a hard turn towards the extreme left. He pledged to go net zero on the electric grid by 2040, radically increasing the cost structure for energy. Walls policies on gun control, criminal justice reform, and social issues reflected his increasing bow to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Despite all of this, Walls secured re election in 2022 with a lower share of the vote and pushed through significant legislative changes with the democratic majority in the state legislature. His administration passed a $17.5 billion budget that included overreach and overspending on education, infrastructure and progressive priorities like universal free school meals, abortion rights protections, and a statewide paid leave program. In 2023, Walls advanced several pieces of legislation that expanded benefits for illegal immigrants.

One significant legislative move was to offer tuition free public college education for undocumented immigrants from families earning less than 80 grand annually. Additionally, Wall signed a bill allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, a move he pretended to enact as a measure to enhance road safety. Wall said, quote, ensuring drivers in our state are licensed and carrying insurance makes the road safer for all Minnesotans.

Unidentified Speakers
It's done.

Tim Walz
These 2023 initiatives, built on walzs earlier actions in 2019 when he passed state funded health care provisions for illegal immigrants. According to the Minnesota House of Representatives website, those with refugee or asylum status could access supplemental security income, while legal non citizens could benefit from programs like Minnesotacare and SNAP. These progressive policies put a strain on state resources and encouraged illegal immigration. According to the Migration Policy Institute, Minnesota has an undocumented immigrant population of approximately 81,000 individuals out of a total state population of 5.7 million, a fraction of that total illegal immigration population of the country that we even know about. Of course, if Walls was willing to do that to Minnesota, imagine what he would do with the whole country. Walls next priority after his reelection was a terrifying move that centered around expanding abortion rights in Minnesota. In 2023, Walls signed the protect Reproductive Options Act, a horrific piece of legislation establishing a fundamental right to obtain an abortion in Minnesota. The Pro act lacks time limits, terminal or trimester specifications, meaning it permits abortion up and until the point of birth. Additionally, Walls signed Minnesota Senate Bill 29 95, repealing several existing laws protecting life. That bill repealed provisions that prohibited coercion into undergoing an abortion or sterilization, as well as the use of public funds for abortion, including for minors in schools.

The bill also eliminated any requirement for written patient consent before an abortion, instead requiring only that the abortion be deemed medically necessary by the treating provider. The repeal of informed consent provisions, which previously mandated that women be informed about the medical risks of an abortion, the age of the unborn child, and their rights to state assistance or other paternal child support, was also prioritized and enacted by walts. Since the reversal of the Dobbs versus Jackson Women's health organization decision, Minnesota has become a booming abortion factory for women all over the midwest. The combination of the Pro act and Senate Bill 29 95 has made the state a significant provider of abortion services, all pushed by Tim Walls and his government. In addition to his extraordinarily radical abortion policies, Walls has also played a key role in the advancement of left wing LGBTQ policies throughout his political career. This started with his advocacy of the repeal of don't ask Dontel in the military and in 2006 congressional speech. Walls emphasized sexual orientation did not affect a unit's ability to fulfill its mission.

Unidentified Speakers
I know how important it is to fill our military with qualified, professional and motivated volunteers. We are blessed in this nation. That's exactly what we have. It's time for us to honor their professionalism and know that they're ready to end this discriminatory practice.

Tim Walz
Walz was a key player in Congress in passing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Junior Hate Crimes Prevention act, which expanded the definition of federal hate crimes to include those based on sexual orientation, gender identity and disability. The spill arose out of an implicit accusation that Matthew Shepard was killed due to his sexual orientation, marking the midwest as a bigoted place, a story since totally debunked by the Free Press. In a revisit of the case, the article determined the 1998 murder of Matthew Shefford was motivated not by sexual orientation or homophobia, but by drugs and money. In January 2021, Wall signed an executive order to ban conversion therapy, and in March 2023, Wall signed the trans Refuge and Gender affirming health care bill. This bill made Minnesota into a so called trans sanctuary state. The bill ensures transgender individuals and their families can access, quote unquote gender affirming healthcare without any legal repercussions. Walls has been presented by the Harris campaign as Americas dad, emphasizing his family oriented image and midwestern roots. This portrayal is attempting to serve as a strategic foil to distract from walls wild left wing stances. The campaign highlights his wholesome family life, posting about his kids achievements and family activities to try and create a sense of authenticity and relatability that is a false flag. It is not true. Not Mister Feeney. He is not coach Taylor. He is, as he has stated publicly and repeatedly, a wild progressive, a radical, and a liar.

Walls personal background is leveraged to enhance his moderate image. Raised in a small town in Nebraska, his experiences as a high school teacher, football coach and Army National Guard member paint a picture of somebody deeply connected to traditional american values. It is all political sleight of hand. It's a bad political sleight of hand at that. Arrested for DUI while teacher and assistant coach abandoning his unit in the guardhouse, none of the dad Persona really sticks. When revealed in examining walls career, it becomes painfully clear. His journey from a high school teacher to state governor has been marred by a series of missteps, failures and a turn toward the radical left. Walls administration, characterized by indecision and reactive measures, has dragged Minnesota through crisis after crisis, each handled with a lack of foresight or effective leadership. The Covid-19 pandemic saw walls draconian lockdown measures cripple small businesses, leading to countless closures and economic hardships. His delayed, disjointed response to the George Floyd riots allowed chaos to reign in Minneapolis, exacerbating tensions and leading to widespread destruction in the aftermath. His handling of the Derek Chauvin trial did nothing to ensure a fair judicial process, instead contributing to a politically charged atmosphere that undermined public confidence in the justice system. He has left Minnesota more divided than ever, and more people are leaving Minnesota than ever. Here is a chart of people leaving Minnesota.

Tim Walz's Minnesota legacy will likely be more about his progressive policies, failures and controversies than any substantive achievements. His tenure stands the cautionary tale of how poor leadership and political opportunism can lead to further crisis and complete deletion of public trust. Not a great look for a person seeking higher office. In January 2024, Walls joined many on the left and downplaying concerns about President Joe Biden's mental fitness, dismissing them at the time as ageism.

Unidentified Speakers
I think he's just doing what he does, and I think it's kind of incumbent upon all of us. Look, my mom's 88, still living on the farm, drives herself.

Folks are able to do this. So I think this little bit of ageism that goes to this, if it's not that would be something else.

Tim Walz
This stance contradicted pretty much all the evidence, including Rasmussen report and Heartland Institute poll showing more than six in ten likely voters believed Biden's mental decline posed a national security threat. Walls dismissal of those concerns further undermined his credibility, especially as the truth about Biden's cognitive challenges became painfully clear to Americans over the course of the summer. In the lead up to Kamala Harris selecting her running mate. The progressive godfather himself, Bernie Sanders, vocally supported Tim Walls.

Unidentified Speakers
I'm very impressed by him. I think you have an excellent governor who understands the needs of working families, and I hope very much that the vice president selects a running mate who will speak up and take on powerful corporate interests. And I think Tim Waltz is somebody.

Tim Walz
Who could do that. Sanders emphasized that walls, a former teacher and native of rural Nebraska, would be a strong advocate for taking on powerful corporate interests and representing the working class. That should have been a giant red flashing cautionary signal. Do not pass go. Walls is not a centrist. Walls has ventured as far from his midwestern traditionalist roots as one can.

Bet Online
Governor Walls, are you a progressive or are you a centrist?

Unidentified Speakers
How about progressive?

Tim Walz
At his debut rally in Philadelphia as Kamala's new vp pick, he basked in another opportunity to call JD Vance, the republican vice presidential nominee.

Unidentified Speakers
Weird. You know it. You feel it. These guys are creepy. And yes, just weird as hell.

Tim Walz
That's what you see.

Unidentified Speakers
That's what you see.

Tim Walz
Which has been parroted by Democrats and the media establishment. But I repeat myself for weeks. Yeah, it's not. I mean, it's quite weird. Just plain weird.

Unidentified Speakers
Just plain weird.

Bet Online
Really weird. Such a weirdo.

Unidentified Speakers
They're weird.

Tim Walz
They are weird.

Unidentified Speakers
Republicans just being weird.

Michael Knowles
He said a lot of things that are weird.

Unidentified Speakers
Just plain weird.

Tim Walz
Walls is the person who popularized the term weird to refer to republicans. In an interview with Morning Joe. After the assassination attempt on President Trump, caused in large part by inflammatory rhetoric of the left, the Democrats found themselves back footed. They needed a new strategy, one less incendiary but still critical. Enter Tim Walz.

Unidentified Speakers
These are weird people on the other side. They want to take books away. They want to be in your exam room. That's what it comes down to. And don't, you know, get sugarcoating this. These are weird ideas. Listen to them speak. Listen to how they talk about things.

Tim Walz
Wells introduced the term weird as a viral trend to describe republican party behavior, policies, and players. The strange move was aimed at appealing to younger generations, especially Gen Z. But this was a rather ironic choice, considering the long line of strange and extreme actors within his own party. The truth is that nothing is weirder than the current democratic party, its key players, its policies, its followers. Considering the alternatives, Tim Walls is a perplexing choice as running mate for Kamala Harris. In fact, the choice is so perplexing, it raises some weird questions about discrimination in the selection process. The frontrunner originally for that VP nod was Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, an extremely popular figure in a swing state, 62% approval rating. Shapiro happens to be, however, openly pro Israel and Jewish. Kamala Harris could not have that on the ticket as she seeks to win over the pro Hamas radicals in her base. All of those radicals, by the way, were ecstatic about the walls pick for good reason.

Unidentified Speakers
Its Walsh baby, lets go high school teachers stand up. He comes from a rural state. He has been a champion of the working class. He's passed some very good legislation.

Tim Walz
He's a wonderful person, just normal, lovely, wonderful guy. Walls selection amplifies Kamala Harris own radicalism. His own record is riddled with flaws, question marks, history of flip flopping, poor decision making, ineffective leadership. Rather than strengthening the democratic ticket, walls presence bolsters the Trump vans campaign as the cracks in the Harris Walls team are already beginning to show. This is without a doubt the most left wing ticket to ever enter a presidential race. The ideological extremity of this ticket will alienate moderate and independent voters, paving the way for republican victory in the fall.

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