Primary Topic
This episode provides a critical overview of the first day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) of 2024, emphasizing ideological critiques and perceived inconsistencies.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The DNC's use of a land acknowledgment is criticized as a gesture that undermines U.S. sovereignty.
- Prominent Democrats are portrayed as out of touch with mainstream America, particularly in their handling of cultural and labor issues.
- Republican approaches to immigration and labor are presented as more beneficial for the working class.
- The episode critiques the quality of political discourse at the DNC, highlighting a lack of substantive policy discussion.
- There is a recurring theme of contrasting perceived Democratic weaknesses with Republican strengths.
Episode Chapters
1: Opening Remarks
Knowles starts with a critical take on the DNC's opening land acknowledgment, interpreting it as a sign of weakness. He challenges the Democratic platform's emphasis on historical grievances. Michael Knowles: "The first line of the whole platform says America isn't really ours."
2: Political Analysis
The host critiques various speeches and the general tone of the DNC, suggesting that the event highlighted ideological extremism rather than viable policy. Michael Knowles: "This is the ideology behind open borders."
3: Cultural Commentary
Discussion extends to cultural figures like Mark Hamill and their participation in the DNC, which Knowles criticizes as ineffective and indicative of a lack of enthusiasm. Michael Knowles: "How is it that the, the biggest star they can get to push their propaganda is a guy whose only notable film role originated in the 1970s?"
Actionable Advice
- Critically Evaluate Political Rhetoric: Listeners are encouraged to scrutinize political statements and the motivations behind them.
- Understand the Implications of Policy: Explore how different policies affect various sectors of society, particularly in terms of immigration and labor.
- Recognize Cultural Influence: Observe how celebrities and cultural figures influence political narratives and question their effectiveness.
- Engage in Civil Discourse: Engage respectfully with opposing viewpoints to foster a more informed and less polarized political environment.
- Stay Informed: Regularly consume a variety of news sources to get a well-rounded view of political events.
About This Episode
Democrats kick off the DNC by claiming America is on stolen land, Tim Walz ruined Thanksgiving, and a new study shows the Shroud of Turin is 2,000 years old.
Michael Knowles, Kamala Harris, Mark Hamill, Joe Biden
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Michael Knowles
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Major in masculinity@jeremysraisers.com today, day one of the Democrat National Convention is in the books. And this was a DNC day one for the books. Because the convention opened with a call, literally to give away the country.
Speaker B
We're going to jump right into the land. Acknowledgement the Democratic National Committee wishes to acknowledge that we gather together to state our values on lands that have been stewarded through many, many centuries by the ancestors and descendants of tribal nations who have been here since time immemorial.
We honor the communities native to this continent and recognize that our country was built on indigenous homelands. We pay our respects to the millions of indigenous people throughout history who have protected our lands, waters and animals.
While we meet in Chicago, we also recognize and honor the traditional homelands of the Anishinaabe, also known as the Council of the Three Fires, Ojibwe, Ottawa and Potawatomi nations.
We acknowledge the many other tribes who consider this area their traditional homeland, including the Myanma, Ho Chunk, Menominee, Sac and fox, Peoria, Kasakas, Kaskia, wea, Kickapoo and Muscatinous.
Maskhotan Democrat let's see. And I believe that is, that is our land. Acknowledgement. Ma zagirad z nakbaga o. Thank you.
Michael Knowles
That's the first line of the Democrat national platform in 2024. That's not just some weird breakaway group. That's the first line of the whole platform says America isn't really ours. It belongs to a bunch of tribes, the names of which Democrats can't even pronounce.
As the Democrat nominee for president declared explicitly back in 2019, America is stolen land.
Kamala Harris
First, let me just say, as I strongly believe and take very seriously, that we must acknowledge that the government of the United States stole land, took land from the tribes, and that there must be a restoration of that ownership for those lands that were possessed by the tribes. So that is a value I hold very dearly and very strongly.
Michael Knowles
There must be a restoration of the lands that were taken, that's giving away the whole country.
There were some people here, and then we came in, and then through, actually through different trade deals and treaties and things, but sometimes through acts of war, we got the land. She's saying we got to give all the land back. That's giving away the country. Now, for what it's worth, I think Kamala does, as she says, hold this value very dearly and very strongly. This is the ideology behind open borders. The cynical political calculation behind mass migration and open borders is that it gives democrats more votes. But the ideological justification is that we have no right to this land, so therefore we have no right to keep anyone out of this land.
Day one, page one sentence, one of the DNC says we have a moral obligation to give away America.
And the convention did not get any better from there. I'm Michael Knowles. This is the Michael Knowles Show.
Luke Skywalker did a really cringe video for the DNC, which got me thinking that the Democrats supposedly run all of Hollywood. They've got all these celebs at their beck and call. How is it that the, the biggest star they can get to push their propaganda is a guy whose only notable film role originated in the 1970s? How is he probably the least cool person associated with the Star wars franchise?
That's the best guy they can get. I don't know. It shows you something about the enthusiasm. There's so much more to say. First, though, go to goodranchers.com daily Wire and then use promo code Knowles. I know that's a real roundabout way of doing it, but that's what you got to do. Goodranchers.com Daily wire promo code Knowles try to keep that straight in your head. I don't know. That's a lot of moving parts.
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Here are the highlights.
The DNC, at least for day one, was trying to position itself as the pro worker convention. The Dems want to be the pro worker party, but this is really tricky because the head of the teamsters, probably the most famous and important union boss in America, Sean O'Brien, spoke at the RNC. So for the first time ever, you had a union boss speaking at the Republican National Committee.
This is, I think, the final chef's kiss on a movement that the Republicans have made in recent years, from being the party of the billionaires and Wall street and rich uncle Pennybags to being the party of the working class. And Trump has talked about it for a long time. And then I think the appearance by the head of the Teamsters shows, yeah, this has really happened. Think about your friends. Who are your friends who support the Democrats, who are your friends who support Trump for ordinary, normal working men and women of America, the ones I know at least, even if they used to be Democrats for most of their life, they've moved more in the Trump direction. The kinds of people who support the Democrats are the kinds of people who do land acknowledgments for the indigenous tribes of the middle of America. It's people who hang around Ivy League faculty lounges. It's people who work in corporate jobs, high level corporate jobs. It's people who are living in the cities.
The Republicans have basically pulled it off. They're the party of workers. And so the Dems had to try to counter this. So they got some two bit second tier union boss to show up. Sean Fain, he's president of the United Automobile Workers. His speech fell totally flat.
Sean Fain
That's the difference between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The scab Trump is pushing divide and conquer tactics of the rich.
It's the oldest trick in the book.
They want to blame the frustrations of working class people.
They want to take those frustrations. They want to blame it on race. They want to blame it on LGBTQ people.
They want to blame it on some destitute and desperate person at the border.
They do that because they want working class people to be divided and to focus and keep the focus off the one true enemy corporate greed.
Michael Knowles
Okay. I thought the whole speech was a flop with this guy. At one point, he ripped his shirt off. It was really weird. But this was even in a weak speech, the weakest point, because his charges, the GOP, they're talking about things like, you know, the Dems going in and transiting your kids in schools. They're talking about things like the open border and the mass migration crisis. They're talking about that to divide the working class. But we know better. We working class are going to be divided. This falls flat because the biggest political issue for the working class is mass migration. This flood of millions and millions, tens of millions over even just relatively recent years of foreign nationals illegally into our country is a major labor problem. That suppresses wages, that raises the cost of housing. That's a major working class problem. And Trump wants to curtail that problem, which means he's defending the interests of the working class. And Kamala wants to blow that problem open. She's the border czar. She's the reason that we have historically high mass migration and illegal mass migration at that.
So he can say they're trying to distract us from the working class issues by pointing to the border. Yeah, that's the working class issue, man.
What's the second most urgent working class issue? The second most urgent working class issue is the shipping of american jobs overseas in the name of globalization and free trade. Well, this wasn't always the case for my lifetime. This wasn't always the case in the last half century. But the Republicans are now the party that is skeptical of globalization, that is skeptical of pure free trade. The Democrats are the party of outsourcing. The Democrats are the party of throwing away american manufacturing. The Democrats are the party of not protecting any american industries.
So on the two biggest working class american labor issues, it's not just smooth words from Donald Trump.
It's not just talking the talk rather than walking the walk. The Republicans are legitimately appealing to and advancing labor interests. The Democrats are undermining labor interests no matter what lip service they pay to it.
That is why the most prominent labor union head in America spoke at the RNC and this two bit jump spoke at the DNC. Then we saw Democrat rising star superstar AOC shows up on day one to really inject some energy and prepare the audience for Joe Biden in Kamala Harris.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
I see a leader who understands.
I see a leader with a real commitment to a better future for working families and Chicago. We have to help her win, because we know that Donald Trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his Wall street friends.
And I for 01:00 a.m. tired of hearing about how a two bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot than the woman who fights every single day to lift working people out from under the boots of greed trampling on our way of life.
The truth is, Donna, you cannot love this country if you only fight for the wealthy and big business.
Michael Knowles
Can I get an amen? I say, can I say oc here? Rot your hands in the air. It was a little bit over the top. I actually thought she did a pretty good job for a Democrat convention. She kind of got the job done, but the substance of her argument was really silly.
So notice she knew what the job was, too. She was there to prepare the audience for Joe Biden, who was going to speak shortly after her. I. But she knew. This is really about Kamala Harris. Joe Biden sold news. We're preparing everyone for Kamala Harris. So we're gonna really hype up Kamala, but we're gonna lean in on labor issues. That's what all of day one was about. I'll be curious to see if the rest of the DNC is about this.
The fact that the Democrats feel they so have to beef up their labor bona fides makes me think they're quite nervous. They're afraid that Trump is actually gonna take the working class vote. And so they have to remind everyone that AOC was a waitress and she was a bartender and she loves the working class. And even though the Democrats are willing to sell out the working class through mass migration and globalization, listen, we still have AOC to give a rousing speech. This Donald Trump, he cant love his country. He would sell the country out for a dollar. No one really believes this because Donald Trump was one of the most famously wealthy people in America before he got into politics.
Donald Trump has lost money over the course of his political career.
Trump could be much richer today. He would not have to pay zillions of dollars in legal fees. He would not have constant legal threats on his properties. He would not have people trying to bankrupt him had he not gotten into politics.
President Trump, no matter what you think of the guy, no matter what you think of his rhetoric or whatever, Trump got into politics in a way that advances the common good. If he were simply out for self interest, he'd just keep running his golf courses and his resorts and appearing in his reality tv shows.
Donald Trump is one of the few people who starts flying in Air Force One, and it's a downgrade for his mode of transportation. President Trump is one of the few people who moves into the White House, and it's a downgrade in his standard of living.
Say whatever you want about him. You can't say he's in this for selfish or materialistic motives. He has lost material wealth doing this.
Someone like Aoc didn't really have any money. AOC has made a lot of money in politics. Kamala Harris, she didn't have a successful private sector career. She's made her money in politics. Joe Biden certainly didn't have any private sector career. He's worked his whole life for the government, and he's made millions and millions of dollars doing it. These are people who are sucking off the government teat, who are turning the common good for their own private interest. Joe Biden had his son gallivanting all around the world, selling out american influence to lie the Biden family's pockets.
Ironically, I think her speech was still somewhat effective. Cause she delivered it relatively well. But everything she is accusing Trump of not only does not apply to Trump, but it applies perfectly to all the prominent Democrats at the DNC.
Now, speaking of the common good, speaking of putting private interests second and putting the good of America first, I just had the great privilege of sitting down with Captain Sam Brown.
Captain Brown was injured while he was defending his country and defending his men. And now he's running for Senate. Take a listen if you don't mind going back in time.
What happened?
Captain Sam Brown
We were providing security for a convoy that was delivering turbines to a dam to help power southern Afghanistan. There's not a warning when your life is about to go up in flames. Had three sensations.
My truck got blown in the air. And so I felt this sinking feeling into my seat. The blast overpressure made everything go silent. And in a moment, I suddenly realized who I was. I threw my arms in the air in a moment of desperation.
That was true conviction that I needed God.
And I screamed, Jesus saved me. And I had these three final thoughts. How long is it going to take to burn to death?
What's the transition from this life to the next going to be like? And I made the decision to give up the will to live the miracle. Then came.
Michael Knowles
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Ok, final moments of the DNC. Day one.
Joe Biden is about to come out.
He is introduced. This was a real head scratcher.
Hes introduced by his daughter, who, to my knowledge, has not made a single public appearance during his entire presidency. Hes introduced by Ashley Biden.
Ashley Biden
Joe Biden is the og girl dad.
He told me I could be anything, and I could do anything.
As a child, I would sit on the leather chair in his office doing my homework, and he would sit next to me doing his work, drafting the violence against women act.
And he wasn't just a girl dad.
I could see, and he wasn't just a girl dad. I could see that he valued and trusted women, how he listened to his mother, how he believed in his sister, and most of all, how he respected my mother's career.
Dad was always there doing everything he could to be a true partner to her.
Michael Knowles
Okay, this was a weird choice because if you know the name Ashley Biden, the way that you know the name Ashley Biden is because parts of Ashley Biden's diary leaked, and it has been confirmed that what leaked was Ashley Biden's diary. And in it, she says that Joe would take showers with her when she was a little girl and that this was probably inappropriate and it was creepy and it was weird to that Joe, her grown father, would take showers with Ashley.
When you hear the name Ashley Biden, that's all you think of.
Fair or not, it's in her own handwriting. And this was her recollection, and she clearly was uncomfortable with it.
If Biden has avoided until now, bringing this to people's minds, why would you choose the final moment, really, of your political career, your final mainstage moment of your political career, to remind people about this bizarre recollection from the daughter in showering? And why would you do that? And the answer is because the alternative was Hunter Biden. He's the only other kid who could have introduced him. So you probably don't want the crackhead, international criminal, woman abuser, deadbeat dad to come out and introduce you and talk about what a great family man you are. So, yeah, it was just, I understand why they chose Ashley Biden, but if it were me, if I were setting the stage, I probably would have just avoided the kid introduction altogether and had Jill do the introduction. In any case, Joe Biden came out finally after what sounded like a eulogy from Ashley Biden was really sad.
Comes out, you know, oh, my dad. I'll always remember when he took us fishing or whatever. It actually sounded like all of these thousands of people were just attending a funeral for Joe Biden, who wasn't quite dead yet. And then Biden came out and didn't really do anything to undercut that perception.
So you hear those chants, thank you, Joe. Thank you, Joe. And when Biden came out and said, oh, Joe, yeah, we love Joe, whatever, he seemed so happy. They gave him a nice standing ovation.
His countenance seemed to drop a little bit when they started chanting, thank you, Joe. Thank you, Joe.
They were thanking him for dropping out.
That's offensive.
And even Biden, in his enfeebled state, seemed to understand that. Thank you, Joe. Thank you so much for dropping out. You're such a bad president and so obviously unable to be president. Thank you so much for not continuing to run and dashing all of our hopes. That was the valedictory to Biden's political career. And if one is at all inclined to feel bad for the guy, it might be for that reason. His greatest accomplishment is quitting.
The whole speech he gave, it was all the usual. Trump called nazis, fine people, total lie. Everything's great. Under my reign, it's not. Things are terrible. That's one of the reasons why he couldn't run for reelection successfully.
He didn't really point to any achievements from the rest of his political career. He didn't really point to any actual achievements. This guy has been in politics since 1970. He's been in national politics since 1972. He was elected to the Senate before he was constitutionally eligible to serve. He's been in public life for 56 years, 54 years at the national level.
And what does he have to show for it?
He's accomplished nothing. The one law that he might claim some credit for, which toughened up on crime in the 1990s, is a law he has to run away from because the Democrats are now pro crime.
He had nothing. You're in national politics for more than half a century for the majority of your rather lengthy life, and you have nothing, no accomplishment to point to.
One almost feels sorry for him. The only person I feel a little bit sorry for is Mark Hamill, another relatively unsympathetic figure who came out and posted this hype video at the top of the DNC, Mark Hamill here with the head of the DNC, Mister Jamie Harrison.
Listen, Mark, we got an important election coming up in November.
Sean Fain
Michael Knowles
You got a message for everybody out there.
Mark Hamill
Well, in the movies, I fought against make believe evil, but we're at a.
Michael Knowles
Time in our history, we're fighting against real evil.
Mark Hamill
So I beg you, please don't go to the orange side.
Michael Knowles
Oh, man, this is s, I'm not even gonna really comment on the video itself, lest my face be stuck in a permanent cringe.
But it is weird that Mark Hamill is the best guy they can get. They trot Mark Hamill out at the White House. They trot Mark Hamill out at their white guys for Kamala.
Virtual rally. They trot mark Hamill out at day one of the DNC. These guys are supposed to control Hollywood. How is it that this C lister is the best guy they can get to push their agenda? Well, in part, I think it's because no one is really, certainly no one's enthusiastic about Biden's administration, and relatively few people are enthusiastic about Kamala's campaign.
I think this is why Gavin Newsom wasn't all that interested in taking over this cycle. Like Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan didn't really want to take the nomination.
Whatever the media are saying, Kamala's looking great. She's up in the polls. Everyone's so excited. They're raising a lot of money.
I did not get the impression that Democrats feel confident about their chances in 2024. There's so much more to say. First, though, go to puretalk.com knowles. There is only one cell phone company that gives you free, unlimited access to the media that you actually care about. That is puretalk. This might be the best offer PureTalk has ever come out with. When you switch your cell phone service to pure talk on a qualifying plan, you will get a free one year Insider subscription. The Daily Wire plus. That's right, take advantage of unlimited talk, unlimited text, 15 gigs of data and mobile hotspot on America's most dependable 5G network. For just $35 a month, you will get one year free of DailyWire plus. The DailyWire Plus Insider plan gets you access to our entire library of movies, series and documentaries, including lady Ballers, what is a woman, Mister Bircham, run, hide, fight, and more. Plus, you'll get all our daily shows uncensored and ad free. But the only way you get this special offer is by going to puretalk.com knowles.
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Tim Walz, the VP contender for the Dems, has just raised what I think could be an effective line of attack in the 2024 cycle, and especially around this time of year. Tim Walz asks if you remember the good old days when politics didn't dominate everything.
Mark Hamill
Some of us who have less hair and are old enough can remember when you could go to Thanksgiving, watch a Steelers game with your relatives, and not complain about politics the whole time, not be on each other's neck because you shared a commitment to democracy, a commitment to personal freedom, a commitment to public education, a commitment to infrastructure.
We don't call each other names. We don't do it, and we don't use the leech fortunate amongst us as punchlines for our jokes because they're our neighbors. They're our neighbors. And so you're getting an opportunity to see the best side of America. And for the young people here, they maybe haven't seen a campaign like this because of COVID because of things that's happening. This is a chance to bring out that joy, turn the page and look to the future.
Michael Knowles
Okay. I think this is a potent and persuasive line. The only problem with it coming from Tim Waltz is that it's completely disingenuous.
Which side has ruined Thanksgiving?
He says, you remember when you could go to Thanksgiving and not bicker about politics? Which side bickers about politics at Thanksgiving?
I am about as right wing as they get in american public life.
I am somewhat well known for being involved in politics.
I have never once started any political fight at Thanksgiving.
I don't bring up politics at the holidays. I try not to raise controversial issues. And it's not just me.
Have you ever seen a conservative put out a commercial or a brochure or some pamphlet saying, here's how you scold your left wing relatives at Thanksgiving. You've never seen that. You've never seen that once.
Probably you've seen jokes about that because conservatives would never do such a thing. However, from the left, you always hear this in all the left wing media outlets every year. Here's how you can lecture your right wing Trump supporting uncle at Thanksgiving. You remember during the Obama administration, they had pajama boy come out. They said, here's how you can scold your right wing relatives and get them to support Obamacare. It's always the left who's pushing the divisive politics at the holidays. It's the left that ruined Thanksgiving. I don't want to talk politics at Thanksgiving. I talk politics every day of my life.
I understand that some of my relatives, in fact, many of my relatives, are maybe a little bit confused about politics it's okay. Many Americans are a little bit confused about politics. That's all right. They can tune into my show if they want. We can talk about that later on. We can go to an election party and talk about that.
That's not what I go to Thanksgiving for.
But that is what the left goes to Thanksgiving for, or they won't go at all. Have you ever heard of a conservative saying, I'm not going to go to Thanksgiving or Christmas because my blue haired, half lesbian niece is, you know, has too many piercings or something? You've never heard that? It's never the conservatives who do, however. Have you ever heard of a left wing, purple haired lesbian, half lesbian niece with too many piercings saying, I won't go to Thanksgiving because Uncle Johnny, the right wing frog. Yes, you've heard that many times.
So I like the sentiment that Tim Walls is suggesting. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just get along and recognize that family is more important than some political bickering? Let's all go and slice some turkey together. Yeah. His side won't let us do that.
It ain't the trumpers. It ain't the conservatives.
In disagreements in war, the other side has a say.
So we talk about the culture war. The left is the aggressor. In the culture war, conservatives just want things to remain basically as they are and a little bit normal. It's the left that wants to change the definition of marriage, which is impossible to do ultimately. It's the left who wants to put big dudes into the girl's bathroom. It's the left that wants to put pornography in elementary schools. It's the left that wants to murder all the babies and change the laws to make it easier to murder the babies. It's the left that's doing that.
They're the aggressors. So I don't know what to tell you. You know, I'd be happy to chill out for a holiday or two.
They won't. Tim Walz won't let us do that.
Now, speaking of holidays, speaking of holy days and holy things, a great story, a great new study has come out.
This is from Italy's Institute of Crystallography of the National Research Council.
Scientists have just conducted a study on the Shroud of Turin. For those of you who don't know what the Shroud of Turin is, the shroud of Turin is the purported burial cloth of our Lord of Jesus. And the burial cloth appeared for the first time in public around the 14th century. So skeptics have said for a long time, this is a medieval forgery. This is not really for Mandev antiquity. This is not really the cloth that Christ was wrapped in after he was taken down from the cross. You read in the Bible that Joseph of Arimathea, who had this big tomb, wrapped Jesus in this cloth and he was buried, entombed, and then he's resurrected. So skeptics don't know how to explain this shroud. What's odd about the shroud, though, is there is this faint image of a man on there, but it doesnt appear to be paint.
There does appear to be maybe a little bit of blood, but its not all blood. Whats even stranger is the image thats on the shroud appears to be a photographic negative of the image of a man somewhere between five foot seven and 6ft tall. A man who appears to have been tortured, a man who appears to have a crown of thorns on his head, a man who appears to have been crucified.
But it's a photographic negative, as if it were produced by a spurt of light rather than paints or anything like that. And no one's known what this is. If it is as it is something akin to a photographic negative, no one can really understand how that would have appeared, even if it were a medieval forgery from the 14th century. Well, we didn't have photography back then. What is this thing?
In the 1980s, there was a study that used radiocarbon dating to test when the shroud was made. And in the 1980s, scientists concluded, oh, it's from the middle ages, so it can't be the burial cloth of Christ because it's not from antiquity. This is a medieval forgery. And that's what most people know about the shroud of Turin, if they know anything at all.
However, there were always some questions about those studies.
What part of the shroud were they testing? Was there any contamination or was the radiocarbon dating precise? Well, now there's a new study that appears to be a little bit more precise.
The study measured the aging, the natural aging of flax cellulose in the shroud and converted it to time since manufacture. So it studied eight small samples of the fabric of the shroud of Turin, put them under an x ray, uncovered little details about the linens and the cellulose's structure and patterns, because the cellulose is made up of sugar molecules that break down over time. So you can reverse engineer this and figure out a how old the garment is.
And the study discovered that the shroud, the material of the shroud, has measurements that are analogous with samples whose dating, according to historical records, goes back to the first century.
It's analogous to samples that they have from 55 to 74 ad. So almost precisely at the crucifixion.
Now, the team also compared the shroud of Turin with linen samples from the Middle Ages, from the 13th and 14th century, when, according to the 1988 study, the shroud was supposedly forged.
However, the samples didn't match. They were totally different.
So it couldn't have been from the 13th or 14th century. Has to have been from the first century. It has to have been, well, pretty much from exactly the moment that our Lord was crucified.
So why was the 1988 study wrong? Well, according to lead author of the study, Doctor Liberato Decaro, he said that the fabric samples are usually subject to all kinds of contamination which cannot be completely removed from the dated specimen. So, for instance, if the cleaning procedure of the sample is not thoroughly performed, the carbon 14 dating is not reliable.
So the numbers are, this is just a much more precise mode of dating. And it turns out from the latest scientific study, the shroud of Turin appears to be the sort of shroud that could have been the shroud of Jesus.
I mention this whole story because I really like the shroud of Turin, but because this is really scandalous for people.
If you talk to a normie on the streets, some agnostics, some atheist, you say, hey, what do you think about the shroud of Turin, the image of which is totally inexplicable from contemporary technological advancements at the time that it seems to have been made, which dates back to antiquity and which purports to be the burial shroud of Christ, they would laugh at you. They'd say, oh, that's ridiculous. It was just made up. Whenever it first appeared on the public scene, it was just made up. It's all fake. These relics, the whole thing. It's all just like total nonsense, superstition, legends.
But then you show them this study, you say, no, it's from antiquity.
Whatever it is, it's from antiquity, and the image is a photographic negative. And we don't.
How do you explain it? That's scandalous to people. It's scandalous even to some religious people. There are some people who would call themselves christians who say, oh, I don't believe in that Shraddhaturan. That's crazy. I don't believe in something like the tilma of our lady of Guadalupe. This was a marian apparition in America. This was a miraculous image appeared on a cloth that was worn by a peasant 500 years ago. This cloth should have broken down within 30, 40 years. It's still intact. Anarchists in the early 20th century tried to blow this thing up. They blew up the church. They didn't destroy this delicate shroud. In fact, there was a crucifix that was bent around it as if to protect it. The image that miraculously appeared, no one really knows what the image is made of. And there was a microscopic analysis done on the eyes. So there's this image of Our lady, it's this image of Mary. And it's an image the microscopic study looked in at the lens of the eye, in the image, and found out that the lens of the eye contours exactly as a human eye. And there's actually an image in the lens of the eye, which is the reflection of the room. Apparently when the tilma was shown, things like the shroud of Turin, things like the Tilma of Our lady of Guadalupe, are really scandalous to people and even to religious people, because they say, no, no, no. Religion is an abstract thing. It's not about this cloth. It's not about this thing that happened at this date. It reminds me of one corinthians.
It says, for both the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seeked after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews, indeed a stumbling block, and unto the Gentiles foolishness, but unto them that are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
When you read a study like this and you say, oh, wow, this actually might be the miraculous burial shroud of Christ. In fact, that seems to be the most logical conclusion of what this is. Or the Tilma. This might just seems to just be a miraculous image because no one else can really explain it any other way. That seems to be the simplest explanation for it and the most persuasive. Then you start to think, oh, yikes, it might all be true.
The claims that God makes in the Bible, the claims that the church makes, the guidelines that God has set down, that the church promotes, do this, don't do this.
God saying, I want to be worshiped in this way and you want to live in this way.
Golly, that might all be true.
That is scandalous to people. That's scary to some people.
That religion might not just be something floating around in your head. A matter of personal preference.
There might be a right answer and there might be a right way for you to live. And you might be called upon to use your reason, which is a distinguishing feature that reveals us to be made in the image and likeness of God. You might be required to use your reason to open your heart to faith and revelation and live in the right way so that you can know your God and you can flourish.
And you might actually be convinced of that or brought along the path to being convinced of that by things like a really old shroud.
Yikes. Maybe it's all real.
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My favorite comment from Rosemary Kelly 3078 vasectomies. That's one way to reduce the number of future Democrat voters. That's true. That's very true.
However, though it is funny that the Dems have a a vasectomy booth, a vasectomy van just sitting outside the convention. But you know, it's bad. Intrinsically is the thing. It's bad to geld yourself. It's bad to cut off a future progeny. Sometimes you'll even hear right wingers usually jokingly say, well, you know, abortions, abortion's bad. But if it's going to limit the number of future democrats, you know, they're just killing themselves. And I think, yeah, right. That's kind of funny in a dark way, but we don't want them to do it's intrinsically bad. It's intrinsically bad to kill babies. It's intrinsically bad to castrate yourself. It's intrinsically bad to cut yourself off from the possibility of life that'll kill your country in the long run. It's currently happening to us now.
Yeah, it's funny to think of the Dems, these loser cuck Dems just sort of bent over, hobbling out of the vasectomy van. I know, I laugh at it, too.
But it's bad actually. We don't want that for them. We want them to flourish and live in the right way. If you have more and more people living in a way that's vicious and self interested and bad, then you're going to have a worse country. And if you get more people who are living in a way that's conducive to flourishing and allows them to be happier and not just taking drugs and doing all sorts of nasty things all the time, then you're going to have a better country because we're a political animal and no man is an island. So I want the democrats to live a good life, and they shouldn't castrate themselves or kill their kids, certainly not at national conventions.
Speaking of abstractions and our democracy, Kamala Harris has a really rousing message for all of us from the campaign trail on the nature of democracy.
Kamala Harris
We know there's a duality to the nature of democracy.
On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact, what it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty and their freedom, incredibly strong and incredibly fragile.
Michael Knowles
There's a duality. You know, man, when you really think about it, Kamala is the kid doing the book report, and she didn't crack the spine of the book, and she always sounds that way.
Bart Simpson, getting called on by principal Skinner doesn't know a thing about the subject.
Libya is a land of contradictions.
Democracy, there's a duality to democracy. It's incredibly strong yet incredibly fragile.
That isn't possible because there's this thing called the law of non contradiction, where mutually exclusive and contradictory statements cannot simultaneously be true.
Now, there is a kernel of truth in what Kamala is saying.
She says, when everyone is doing the right thing and everyone's really strong, then democracy is really strong. That's true. That is true.
This is why the founding fathers said that the constitution is built for a moral and religious people. This is why Ibben Franklin famously said, we've given you a republic if you can keep it. Because a republic calls for virtue in a way that other forms of regime, which are perfectly legitimate, do not.
It calls for civic virtue.
And so when the people are virtuous and industrious and religious and doing the things they ought to do, then the republic really can flourish. It can be a really beautiful thing.
It is fragile in the sense that republics do not cultivate virtue necessarily in the way that other regimes do. And so when that virtue dissipates, then the republic turns into mob rule, which is what the founders and the framers feared.
So in that sense, it is pretty weak.
But it's not simultaneously strong and weak. It's just a particular form of regime that even the people who gave us this system feared might not last very long, and historically doesn't last very long and leads to demagogic sophists like Kamala Harris, who go out and say, you know, man, when you think about Venn diagrams and the duality of democracy in the microscopic world. Man, you know, you think about school buses. Who doesn't love a school bus?
This would be exhibit a in the case against the virtue of democracy, because Kamala does not show us the duality of democracy. She really only shows us the negative side.
So what is going to happen? Well, all I could do is really pose a prediction. I could pose a hypothesis. Here is what Kamala has to say about hypothesis.
Kamala Harris
There is this wonderful word that has a great meaning, and it's called hypothesis, which means that you have an idea, and then it is well accepted. It will be tested, and then you will learn whether it was correct or not. But there will be no pride associated with the hypothesis, because, after all, it was a hypothesis.
And then you will reconvene and then create a new hypothesis.
Michael Knowles
Oh, man.
First of all, that's also not what hypothesis means, and it's something that's well accepted, and it's actually not. It's not. Hypothesis does not need to be well accepted. Very often, it is not well accepted. It's just tested.
And she's explaining this to people in a way that is at once simultaneously totally devoid of substance, but also extremely condescending, which I was going to say that seems ironic, but no, often people who are really condescending are people who are ignorant. And so, I don't know, she's trying to buttress her, her lack of knowledge about really anything and some kind of, you know, she's slowing down her speech, and she's kind of laughing a little bit at how, you know. Okay, so let's hypothesis. High means not low.
Po is a river in Italy. The. That's like. That's the definite article. A is the indefinite article the is the. And cis, which is a non trans individual hypothesis, you know? Okay, okay. Yellow school buses. Okay.
We have forgotten something, and the Democrats in particular have forgotten something, which is that it is good to have presidents who are educated and intelligent.
We think in our highly ideological age that ideology is all that matters.
This person is on my side. This person checks the boxes on the candidate questionnaire. Okay, that's great. Put him in office.
But that's a highly mechanistic view. It's a mechanical and almost computational view of a political candidate. We're not just installing Aih into the White House. We're not just installing some new software into these offices.
We're electing people who are supposed to exercise judgment, okay? And they are supposed to have cultivated their judgment through education, which requires at least some modicum of intelligence and ideally a higher than average degree of intelligence.
It's nothing just about ideology.
I would vote for a right wing dolt over a left wing genius, but I would prefer not to vote for a right wing dolt. I'd prefer to vote for an intelligent right winger.
And the reason is that you can't predict all of the exigencies and unforeseen events that will occur when someone is in office. And so you're electing someone not just for how they check off a policy list on a, on a questionnaire, but for their judgment.
And people who prattle on without any meaning about Venn diagrams and hypothesis and yellow school buses. People for whom the height of conversation and thought is 6th grade homeroom probably aren't quite there.
And if our country is run for long enough by people who have not really taken the time to cultivate their intelligence and their judgment and their knowledge, the country's not going to remain on top for very long.
The rest of the show continues now, you do not want to miss it. We have a former Trump DOJ lawyer who is being persecuted by the left. That's no surprise. But who isn't even receiving publicity for it. You know, this is, I think, probably the worst part of the Democrats lawfare, other than just how intrinsically damaging it is for the republic. But the worst part is they're so good at it and they're implementing it so broadly that half the time, we don't even know the right wingers who are being persecuted, who are being silenced, who are being crushed under the heel of the state to intimidate other right wingers, to stop people from ever supporting Trump. So anyway, we're talking to Jeff Clarke right now. You gotta go to Dailywire.com, comma, become a member. Use code knowles at checkout for two months, free on all annual plans.
Republicans are Nazis. You cannot separate yourselves from the bad white people. Growing up, I never thought much about race. Never really seen seem to matter that much. At least not to me. Am I racist?
Kamala Harris
I would really appreciate it if you learn.
Michael Knowles
I'm trying to learn. I'm on this journey. I'm gonna sort this out. I need to go deeper undercover.
They gonna say I'm racist. Joining us now is Matt, certified Dei expert. Here's my certifications. What you're doing is you're stretching out of your whiteness. Listen more for you. In this view, is America inherently racist? The word inherent is challenging that. I'm gonna rename the George Washington model to the George Floyd monument. America is racist to its bones. So inherently, yes.
Speaker B
This country is a piece of white folks trash.
Kamala Harris
White supremacy, white woman, white boy.
Michael Knowles
Is there a black person around here? Black person right here. Does he not exist?
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