Primary Topic
This episode discusses actress Jenna Ortega's remarks about white men, integrating discussions on race and identity with broader political and social issues.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Jenna Ortega's comments are used to discuss perceptions of race and confidence in society.
- Knowles connects demographic changes in the U.S. to political strategies concerning immigration.
- The episode critiques the media's role in shaping narratives about race and political identity.
- There's an examination of the political landscape and its intersection with race and cultural identity.
- Discussions extend to broader societal implications of changing demographics and political power shifts.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Michael Knowles introduces the episode's themes and sets the stage for a discussion on race, identity, and politics. Michael Knowles: "Welcome back to the show."
2: Ortega's Comments
Analyzes Jenna Ortega's remarks and their societal implications. Michael Knowles: "Jenna Ortega has gone viral for giving an interview where she mocks white men."
3: Demographic Changes
Discusses the impact of immigration on U.S. demographics. Michael Knowles: "The white population fell by 2.1 million people."
4: Political Analysis
Explores the political ramifications of demographic shifts. Michael Knowles: "I wonder if this might have something to do with the rapid demographic change in the United States."
5: Broader Social Implications
Considers broader social and political implications of the episode's themes. Michael Knowles: "But if you change the people, you change the country."
Actionable Advice
- Engage critically with media narratives to understand underlying biases.
- Recognize the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping societal norms.
- Be aware of how demographic changes can influence political strategies.
- Encourage open discussions about race and identity to foster understanding.
- Advocate for policies that reflect a comprehensive understanding of demographic impacts.
About This Episode
Joe Biden disappears again, Jenna Ortega belittles white men, and Joe Rogan endorses Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
Jenna Ortega, Michael Knowles
Content Warnings:
Discussions on race and immigration may be sensitive to some listeners.
Michael Knowles
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He used to be running for reelection for president this year and hes not doing that anymore. But hes still supposed to be the president.
But no one seems to hear from him or about him at all anymore.
He is apparently at his private home in Delaware again right now. And while some members of the Democrat establishment are still trying to make excuses for his obvious demonstration of dementia in that debate five weeks ago, even the liberal press are not having it anymore.
You want to show people what's in your heart. You don't have to memorize anything. You don't have to have days of prepping. So when I saw him, I thought, in my view, overprepped, not a good idea.
Jake Tapper
Did you think that that was all that was going on? I mean, the president has not had a full cabinet meeting since last October.
Michael Knowles
October, yeah, no, that bad debate he had, he was just overprepped. He studied too hard. What's my greatest weakness? Employer. I just care too much. I work too hard. Jake Tapper, there goes. Yeah, so that was all that was going on, though. He was over prepared. Cause he hasn't had a cabinet meeting since October.
Where is he?
Is he the she goes on.
Jake Tapper
There are people, Democrats that I've talked to, who think that obviously he's not able to communicate the way he used to be able to communicate. And they think that people in the White House were hiding this from senior Democrats like yourself, keeping him, keeping a close control over who got to see him.
Michael Knowles
I think this president is, I mean, he is a consequential president. Of course, office, he has accomplished great things. As we talk about yesterday, how do.
Jake Tapper
You think history is going to remember his decision to not run for reelection?
Michael Knowles
He's consequential, let's put it that way, Jake. He's obviously not consequential. He's no longer even visible. I mentioned yesterday on the show that we are easily distracted in this tumultuous news cycle. So I'm just going to raise another one of these questions. Yesterday, I said, hey, you guys remember when Trump almost had his head blown off and the news is just totally pushed that out of the cycle and you're not seeing headlines about it anywhere. And, okay, I'm going to raise another one of those questions.
Who is currently the president?
I'm Michael Knowles. This is the Michael Knowles show.
Welcome back to the show. Joe Rogan has made his presidential endorsement, and we'll get to who that is in just a moment. First, though, the yes or no game is wildly popular in the Daily Wire shop. We recently released a new expansion pack. You remember last year we released the conspiracy expansion pack. Sold out very quickly. I am thrilled to share that. We have a new one, the politics, philosophy and religion yes or no expansion pack. As a tease, I thought I would play some of the cards from the new deck, except I don't have the new deck. Where's the new deck?
This is what happens. Mister Davies doesn't show up. I'm supposed to play the game with Professor Jacob and there are no cards. So sorry, Professor Jacob. I'm not going to hear anything that you believe about religion, though I'm pretty sure we've had enough religious conversations. I think I probably know you can play with your friends and family, up to nine people at once. Put your knowledge of your friends and family to the test. Dailywire.com shop get yes or no the game. And while you're there, be sure to pick up the new politics, philosophy and religion expansion pack.
Joe Biden has just disappeared. And speaking of white people disappearing, white people are disappearing.
This according to a new study that just came out from the Brookings institution. So the Brookings Institution is a center left think tank. It's not like this is some far right wing institution. It's actually on the left. And the Brookings Institution found that from April of 2020 to July of 2023. So during the course of the COVID lockdowns and pandemic, the hispanic population grew by 3.2 million people in the United States.
And the white population fella 2.1 million people.
I'm not saying that the birth rates trickled off. So the rates of growth of the white people in America are lower than they previously were. There are 2.1 million fewer white people in July of 2023 than there were in April of 2020.
And there are 3.2 million more hispanic people in the United States. And when we say hispanic people in the United States, we're largely not talking about Hispanic Americans who have been here for generations, who are having kids. We're talking about immigration, people coming in, foreigners coming in who are unfamiliar with american culture, who don't speak the english language.
You see, other groups are also growing to some degree.
Black, asian, and mixed race populations grew by a modest amount. Hundreds of thousands of people each. Native Americans grew by 23,000. So a very small amount. But the only group that declined and declined dramatically, precipitously is white people.
So the us population over the whole period grew 3.4 million people, according to US Census Bureau data. But the white people disappeared. I wonder, I just want to focus in for a second on the group that is declining and collapsing and the group that is exploding, driven largely by immigration.
I wonder if this might have something to do with the fact that a report came out in February that during the Biden Harris administration, 7.2 million illegal aliens came into the country. I wonder if that might have something to do with the rapid demographic change in the United States.
I wonder if the Democrats are shocked by this data or these data, or if they're actually thrilled by these data because this is what they want. For instance, when the current vice presidential nominee for the Democrats, Tim Walz, says that, an ironically named man, because he said, if the Republicans build a wall, if they build a 25 foot wall, he wants a 30 foot ladder factory, he wants foreigners to flood into the country, he wants no real border.
How are we supposed to react to this? Conservatives are so afraid to touch this issue.
Republicans are so afraid to touch this issue because we don't want to be called racist. But it is weird, right? America has been a majority white country from the beginning. It was almost an exclusively white country in the early days. And even in the age of large waves of migration, it was still, it remains even today, a majority white country. So if you have the white population just completely collapsing, it's not to say that any other group is bad or you don't like them or anything like that, but that's pretty weird. That represents a pretty fundamental shift in how your country operates.
Forget about the races entirely. Just look at native born population versus foreign born population because that's really what's lying underneath these numbers here. If you have a collapse in the majority of the native born population and you have a mass influx of a foreign born population, you have a different country.
This is a political insight that goes back to Aristotle. Aristotle writes in the politics that when polities take in foreigners, it generally is not a great thing. It usually creates some problems. Dante, I'm giving a lecture on Dante tonight at the ISI Intercollegiate Studies Institute honors program. And Dante hears this point in paradise actually from his ancestor Kachaguida says, you know, when you mix in a lot of foreign people, things start to get a little rough in the city. Why not? Because the people in themselves are bad.
Just because they don't quite fit.
When you change the people of a body politic, you're going to change the body politic. It's going to create problems that's difficult for us to accept even on the right in our highly ideological age, in which we're told America is an idea.
It's not a people, it's not a tradition, it's not geography. It's just an idea floating in outer space. And if you went to the moon and you just injected the moon with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, then you would have America there too. But that's not true.
Nations polities are made up primarily of people and those people don't exist just at one moment in time. They exist over generations.
There's a lived experience, to use the term of the leftists, they like that term a lot. Well, there is. There is a lived experience of what it means to be american that you can't distill into five bullet points on the back of a napkin. You can't distill it even into a couple of documents like the declaration and the Constitution. The left has exhibited probably the clearest example of what Michael Anton calls the celebration parallax when it comes to the replacement of the native born population with a foreign population. And they say on the one hand, this is good. We have a coalition of the ascendant. We're so glad that the native born population, especially those pesky white people are dying off and they're not having kids. And so as they age, they die. They are not replacing themselves, will be replaced with a foreign population. And this is a really good thing.
But then the moment that the conservatives say, hey, look at that, the population is actually being replaced. The native population is failing to replace itself, and then it's being replaced through mass migration, even though it's contrary to the law. It's being cheered on and encouraged by the Democrats up to now and including the president, the vice president, who's the presidential nominee and the running mate for that vice president, saying he wants to build a ladder factory to replace the people of the United States. The moment the conservatives criticize that, all of a sudden this is called a grave, awful, terrible conspiracy theory. But now we've got a study from Brookings, which is a left wing institution, saying exactly the same thing.
But if you change the people, you change the country.
And I guess that's what the liberals want. Don't forget, I'm old enough to remember when Barack Obama was running for president. He said, I want to fundamentally transform America.
So then conservatives said, oh, you don't love America. And the lib said, how dare you suggest Obama doesn't love America. But of course, you don't want to fundamentally transform something that you love.
You don't say to your wife, I want to fundamentally transform you, honey. So they've been saying this for a long time, and now we're seeing that come to fruition. There's so much more to say. First, though, go to the number three, dayblinds.com knowles. There is a better way to buy blinds, shades, shutters and drapery. It's called three day blinds. They are the leading manufacturer of custom window treatments in the US. Right now they're running a buy one, get 150 percent off deal. You can shop for almost anything online these days. Why not shop for blinds, too? I absolutely adore three day blinds. It has been in business for over 45 years. It has local, professionally trained, designed consultants who have an average of ten plus years of experience. I love three day blinds because one blinds, shutters, windows really matter to your home. It's where the light comes in. You know, it really affects the ambiance. But it's something that I never really think about. I can't, most guys, I think, don't really think about it. And you just want it to be simple, effective, efficient, reasonably priced. Right now you can get three day blinds, buy one, get 150 percent off, deal on custom blinds, shades shutters and drapery for a free, no charge obligation consultation, head to threedayblinds.com knowles. Buy one. Get 150 percent off when you head to three. Number three dayblinds.com Knowles number three. D a y blinds dot com knowles. Speaking of the left, cheering on the diminishment of white people, there is an actress, I am told, jenna Ortega.
I'd heard the name. Couldn't pick her out of a lineup. But Jenna Ortega has gone viral for giving an interview to Vanity Fair in which she mocks white men.
Jenna Ortega
The show that I do right now, I have to play the cello, and I don't play the cello. And I want it to look real so that cellos don't look at it and call me mean names. My teacher told me that as long as I looked confident in my movement and I was strong and stoic and, you know, fully embodied the character, that it would be fine. And she told me that I just needed to approach everything I do in life with the confidence of the average white man. And that changed my life. I feel better. I was nervous to even do this because I ramble like crazy. So I was like, man, what am I gonna talk about for all this time? And then I just remembered, how would an average white man do this? And he probably would have shown up with mismatched socks.
Michael Knowles
Okay, so there at the end, you get a little bit of the mockery. So I see why people are offended by what she says.
Shes saying, all these white guys, theyre so incompetent, theyre careless. Theyd show up in mismatched socks. What does he care? But the first part, I actually dont really see why people are offended about this. She says, yes, some really good advice I got was to emulate the average white guy.
I think as a white fella myself, a little swarthy, a child of the mezzo giorno. But I thought, okay, well, that's, yeah, white guys are. Average white guy's pretty good at stuff, right? Not saying other people are good at stuff too, but, yeah, the average white guy, yeah, he's pretty, he's actually not a bad fella. I sort of like average white guys, so. Sure you want to emulate an average white guy. Great.
It's good to be confident.
She's saying average white guys are more confident than other people. I'm not quite so sure about that, actually. I think probably Jenna Ortega is not aware of how right her words are, because what she's suggesting is white guys have this unearned sense of confidence. They're so entitled. They get whatever they want. It's easy for white guys, but it's really difficult for everyone else. White women and then especially women of color and men of color and they thems of whatever various shades she's imagining. But ironically, in the age of DEI, the opposite is true in the age of affirmative action, the opposite is true in the age of disadvantaging white guys in hiring, in college admissions. Well, if a white guy gets into an elite institution, be it a school or a place of employment, that means he really earned it. He really, really earned it because he overcame all of the handicaps and disadvantages that are in place by law and by culture.
This is not some conspiracy theory or something like that. There are laws on the books and there are practices that institutions have owned up to to disadvantage white guys in college admissions and employment in any place in society. White people are the only people that you can discriminate against by law and by culture. You can also discriminate against Asians by law. So maybe she should have the confidence of the average asian, you know, asian immigrant who works his way up to Harvard and then gets a job, engineering or something.
But the reason the white people in particular have this disadvantage in Dei culture is they're the group that you can discriminate against by law and by culture. That's the only group that you are sanctioned by the culture and encouraged by the culture, actually, to insult and diminish an attack, as we see in Jenna Ortega's comments here. So the reason I wouldn't be offended by it is I think it's actually pretty good advice. Yeah.
Have the confidence of the average white guy. That's good. I'm glad. Changed General Ortega's life.
Maybe it could change a lot of other libs lives, too. There is at least one guy who is overconfident. There is one guy, one white guy in America who has way more confidence than he should. That, of course, would be Tim Walz, the running mate for Kamala Harris.
Tim Walls is under attack right now because people are learning who he is. And that is inviting a lot of attacks because he's done many disreputable and bizarre, dishonorable things in his life. So people pointed out his big achievement as governor of Minnesota was putting tampons in the bathrooms of fourth grade boys in public schools. That's a little weird. The Democrats are embracing it. We'll get to that in a moment. We know his other big achievement was letting Minneapolis burn down on his watch. And frankly, seeming to encourage at half the time. And then we know one of his big accomplishments is that he served in the military for 24 years and he deployed, he carried guns in war, and he's now a retired command sergeant major. Except that we found out a lot of that is just complete bunk. A lot of that is actually stolen valor. And we now have proof of that from the Harris Walls campaign.
The Harris Walls campaign has altered its website's bio of Tim Walls, removing its reference to him as a retired command sergeant major. He is not a retired command sergeant major, despite embracing that title.
It's. It's fake.
He. He once served at the command sergeant major rank, as Politico reports, but he actually didn't fulfill the requirements to have that title.
So he doesn't have that.
Walls official campaign buyout now describes him as rising to the rank of command sergeant major, but doesn't mention his rank being reduced before retirement. This is a vulnerability.
Okay, what you're going to hear from the libs is, oh, this is no big deal. This is outrageous. JD Vance is weird for some reason, but this is crazy. This is ridiculous. Republicans need to stop this line of attack. Well, it's clearly a vulnerability for them. If they're going to alter the Harris campaign website, they know this is a big deal. Republicans need to keep pushing on this. Okay? I in no way would diminish anything about serving 24 years in the National Guard. I think it's a little disreputable to, as Tim Waltz did say, that you will deploy to Iraq or you will deploy to the Middle east if your unit goes, and then to bail out as quickly as you can when it seems that your unit actually will go. I think it is disreputable to pretend that you retired at a higher rank than you did. I think it is disreputable to pretend that you carried weapons in a combat zone in war when you did nothing. And valor and fraud generally are quite disreputable things.
But the Harris campaign obviously thinks this is a vulnerability.
If they did not, they wouldn't be stealth editing the website. Another major vulnerability for Kamala Harris comes from my friend David Daleiden, who runs the center for Medical Progress, who you might remember this story from years ago. At this point, David went undercover. He got footage of Planned Parenthood officials trying to buy baby body parts. Okay, this is illegal activity.
Planned Parenthood denied that they were doing it. David goes undercover, and he gets them admitting he got one video of a planned Parenthood staffer saying, oh, yeah, well, we're going to haggle over the price because I want to buy a Lamborghini.
Whoever gives the first number out there loses in a negotiation. Well, years after the fact, David is releasing more footage, really jarring footage.
And it's coming out now because at the heart of this controversy is Kamala Harris. Here's the footage.
The footage you're about to see was taken from an undercover meeting with top level.
Oh, okay, so it's not.
She's gonna pull off a leg or two, so it's not partial.
Jenna Ortega
Trust me.
Michael Knowles
Because, like, I never would have had a conversation with you if I wasn't.
Jenna Ortega
Already, like, fairly confident.
Michael Knowles
I would never have had a conversation with you if I.
If I thought you were going to record it. This clinic that we're hearing about, aborted babies up to six months and sold their body parts, this abortion practice ended with the Dobbs decision.
This person here, tram Noyan, is the VP of abortion access. Oversaw the abortion practice at Planned Parenthood here. Doctor Ann Shute, a and chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood, Gulf coast.
She connected NIH funded professors with Planned Parenthood to purchase aborted babies. Why does this matter politically? Look, it's ghastly. This is what the abortion industry is. These people kill babies. They know that they're killing babies. They attempt to hide the fact that they're killing babies. They commit illegal abortions, like partial birth abortion, and they try to hide that fact by pulling off a leg or two, as you heard that woman say. They sell baby body parts, which is illegal. They know exactly what they're doing. And Kamala Harris covered up for them because Kamala Harris has been prosecuting. What was prosecuting David Daleiden when she was the attorney general of California.
Kamala Harris supports everything that you just heard in that video. There's so much more to say. First, though, go to expressvpn.com. knowles Internet service providers can see every single website you visit in the US. These providers are legally allowed to collect and sell that info to third parties, like advertisers.
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Got a lot of headlines, got even. Women in the office were somewhat in dispute about this because that gal at the Olympics proposed to her boyfriend. And I said, this is not how things are supposed to go. So I heard a response, which is that, well, you know, Michael, they had been dating reportedly for nine years, and the boyfriend hadn't proposed. So she took matters into her own hands. And so really, Michael, that guy should have just manned up and proposed. No, I'm sorry, that's not. Yes, I'm sure he should have proposed or he should have dumped her or whatever, but the woman should not propose to the man because that is just not the sort of thing women do.
That is not how marriages are supposed to work. That isn't. And we went through some of the reasons for this yesterday. But I have great sympathy for this woman, and I think the guy is a total loser.
And now the world thinks the guy's a total loser because of how this whole thing went down. So what should the woman have done? Well, she should have dumped him either years ago or if she didn't want to dump him, she should have done what my grandmother did to my grandfather.
They didn't date for nine years. This was just a kind of usual thing that women would do back in the day. She would say, all right, listen, buster, we've been dating for a little while now, and please excuse my vulgar language, but these are the words of my grandmother, piss or get off the pot.
And my grandfather proposed, and they had six kids, and they had a wonderful life and were married for 69 years.
And they would have been married forever had he lived longer. So that's what should have happened. But a woman proposing to a man on international television, did she buy the man a ring?
No. Bueno. Not the way it's supposed to be.
David Daleiden of the center for Medical Progress is now coming out with even more footage, even more damning footage of Planned Parenthood attempting to purchase baby body parts illegally.
Why is this only coming out now? Because Kamala Harris tried to cover up, and they've been prosecuting this guy ever since he got the goods. David writes, he just posted this yesterday. In 2016, Kamala Harris seized dozens of hours of my unreleased undercover tapes.
Now that this evidence is finally coming out for the first time, it's clear Kamala Harris led a cover up of late term abortion crimes as California attorney general. She sent eleven armed agents to raid my apartment anyway, even though she. They all knew this was totally bogus.
They seized all the undercover footage for Planned Parenthood. A state judge ruled years later that it was obviously filmed in public, so the footage was totally permissible. But the damage to me and my team was already done.
This woman, we laugh at Kamala Harris cause she's goofy and she doesn't seem to know very much. And she has a vocabulary of about eleven words. And most of her public speeches are just uncontrollable giggling. And we all view her as an empty suit, just as we viewed Biden is an empty suit somehow, perhaps her suit is even more empty, if that were possible.
But there's something really nefarious going on. There's something really dark about Kamala Harris.
If she cares about any issue at all, there's probably just one issue, and it is killing babies. She loves killing babies, and she will defend it to the death.
And she has been complicit in persecuting a journalist for going out and proving on camera that a major organization that has received a lot of taxpayer money breaks the law in about as egregious and horrifying a way as is possible.
She was complicit in that. And so, years later, the truth comes to light. Okay, well, that's after this woman's been vice president. She's on the brink of becoming president of the United States.
The damage has already been done. Planned Parenthood basically got away with it.
Sure would be a shame, I guess, for the Harris campaign if these clips went viral. Speaking of complicity, Hillary Clinton is embracing the nickname that conservatives have given to Kamala's running mate, Tim Walls.
Conservatives have dubbed Tim Walz Tampontim because he was so insistent upon putting tampons in the boys bathroom at elementary schools. So Hillary writes, how nice of the Trump camp to help publicize Governor Tim Walz's compassionate and common sense policy of providing free rental products to students in Minnesota's public schools.
Let's do this everywhere. Let's put tampons in the bathrooms of fourth grade boys everywhere in the country, says Hillary Clinton. Well, look, Hillary, I'm glad we agree.
I'm glad we agree that it's a fair nickname.
I was mentioning earlier in the week that the Democrats just completely made up this gross story about JD Vance. They said that JD Vance wrote in his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, that he did some weird sex stuff with a couch.
And this went viral.
Not because it was a joke. There was no joke to it. There was no setup and punchline. It didn't really refer to, to anything that would seal the joke. It was just a lie. And it went viral because many libs are illiterate, functionally illiterate, and so they don't.
Or practically illiterate, I suppose. So they didn't actually read the book. They just took this guy's word for it. It was totally made up. And they ran with this story. Republicans are running with a story about Tim Wolz that is demonstrably true. He pushed a policy that put tampons in fourth grade boys bathrooms in public schools. So the libs are running on a weird sex accusation that's completely invented, completely fabricated. The Republicans are running on one that is true. So true that the Democrats are embracing it. Hillary Clinton's embracing it. I'm glad we agree. I don't want to lie about Tim Walls. Tim Walls lies about himself and his record. But I don't want to lie about Tim walls. I don't want to lie about Kamala Harris. I don't want to lie about my political opposition. I want all of my attacks on the political opposition to be 100% precise and true.
My problem with them is that they're wrong and they have a terrible vision for the country. So I want to present their vision in honesty.
It's very telling that the Libs attacks on Trump and JD Vance and all the other Republicans are based on lies.
When Joe Biden comes out, he launched his whole presidential campaign in 2020 on how Trump supposedly called nazis fine people at Charlottesville, even politifact. Snopes. Snopes, it was, came out and said, no, that isn't true. They came out seven years later and said it isn't true.
But they said it isn't true. The libs attacks on conservatives are false.
The conservatives attacks on libs are true.
Even if you're a lib, I think you have to kind of grant that, that fact. And that should tell you a lot about the respective campsite. Now, speaking of fairness in the election, Kamala Harris has agreed to one debate with Donald Trump.
You remember, Biden proposed two debates to Trump. Trump immediately accepted. Trump beat Biden so badly in the first debate that Biden is no longer the nominee. So then Kamala said, okay, well, I want to do that second debate.
You already agreed to it. And Trump said, hold on, I didn't agree to this. I agreed to debate the guy who was your nominee until I beat him so badly that now he's out of the race. So then Kamala said, oh, I want to do it. I want to do the debate on ABC.
All these super libs and let's get it done. And Trump said, okay, well, hold on. Now we have a new negotiation because we have a new nominee. So I propose three or four debates. I want one on Fox News and I want one here and I want one there. And Kamala won't do it.
She's only agreeing to the one ABC debate. So it seems as though Trump is going to do the ABC debate with Kamala, but Trump still wants these other debates in addition.
So what's really going on here? I mentioned earlier, earlier in the week or last week that Trump should debate Kamala. Shes not that good on her feet. Trump is considerably better on his feet than she is.
But I said, so why is Trump trying to avoid the ABC debate and hes pushing a Fox debate in this debate? I said, I think its a negotiation.
I think hes going to do the debate, but I think this is all a negotiation tactic and it would appear that that was correct. And what was the negotiation? Is Kamala going to do the Fox News debate? No, probably not. Maybe she will, but there's no evidence that she will right now.
The negotiation was that the angle here for Trump was he has reframed the debate issue.
Biden had framed the debate issue as I want to debate Trump, but he's going to be scared. Trump said, I accept your terms even though they're all beneficial to you. I'll accept your terms.
Then Kamala reframed the debate issue. Trump's afraid to debate me even though Trump never agreed to debate her.
Now Trump has reframed it.
Yeah. Why wont Kamala do the extra debates? Why is Kamala running from the Fox debate and the NBC debate? Why is Kamala running away? So its just a reframing of what the debate even means. I think it was well done. And I continue to hold that Trump should debate Kamala because hes better at it than she is. And because shes radical and people dont actually like her, thats why she got out of the 2020 presidential primaries before the first primary.
Speaking of the presidential race, Joe Rogan has just weighed in. He's made his endorsement in 2024. Is he going to endorse Biden or not? Biden? Biden's out. Is he going to endorse Kamala? Is he going to endorse Trump? He is going to endorse Bobby Kennedy junior.
He's okay. He's doing the third party thing. RFK. That's it.
I actually, I haven't heard the words out of Joe Rogan's mouth. So I guess it's possible this is social media fake news. But this was being widely reported yesterday and it would, it would make sense.
Some are saying that this would be cynical. This way Joe gets to avoid picking one of the two major parties. I don't know that. I mean, look, maybe there's a business calculation there, but I don't think it would be cynical. I think Bobby Kennedy is actually pretty spot on in terms of Joe Rogan's politics.
Joe Rogan is anti establishment. He's anti vicious on Biden. He liked some things about Bernie. He liked some things about Trump. And so I kind of get it. Bobby Kennedy is weirdly, even though he's a Kennedy, he's anti establishment, but he is still liberal on many issues. Joe Rogan, I think, is liberal on a number of issues, but there's no way he's going to vote for Kamala. Probably she should just vote for Trump.
He's clearly got a pretty good space in the Trump world.
I don't know. I'm not that. Yeah, okay.
I see why Bobby Kennedy would appeal to a voter like Joe Rogan.
Now, ultimately, does that take votes away from Kamala or does that take votes away from Trump? I continue to maintain Bobby Kennedy in as many votes as he will get, will take more votes from Kamala than he will from Trump.
Do you remember our magnificent movie? What is a woman? Well, the same guys got back together to ask America's next burning question, am I racist? Coming to theaters this September, Matt Walsh went undercover into the cesspool of Dei insanity, rubbed elbows with professional race hustlers and diversity con artists. Pre sale tickets go live on Thursday, August 15. Get all the details. Watch the official trailer@amiracist.com. dot finally, finally, we've arrived at my favorite time of the week when I get to hear from you in the mailbag. Our mailbag is sponsored by Puretalk. Go to puretalk.com knowleskanawles. Take it away.
Hi, Michael, Chris here, Huntington beach.
I'm listening to your rant about women's boxing, and I would just like to point out a couple things.
I think they've been boxing a lot longer than two decades. I think it's more like the beginning of the century.
A women didn't get to vote until the twenties.
Were we some sort of far left, crazy liberal, non conservative if we wanted women to vote?
And then you're. What about skateboarding? They've been skateboarding for 40 years, maybe longer, I don't know. And it just got added to the Olympics.
I think your logic's a little flawed here. I'd like to hear your rebuttal. In any case. Pretty much everything else I agree with, and thank you for all you do.
Michael Knowles
Very good. Series of questions. I will take them one at a time.
Yes, women have been boxing since the beginning of the century. This century, though, the 21st century, not the 20th century. There were sporadic attempts in the 20th century to institute women's boxing, but they were snuffed out very quickly. In fact, in the UK, I forget the UK political leader who, as he was snuffing this out in the early 20th century, he said, this is really weird. This is, I think, appealing to the prurient interest for some perverse men. I'm paraphrasing, that's not verbatim, but no, it didn't exist in anything even resembling mainstream life until about 1998 in the UK, 1999, 2000, you start to see a little bit of this.
And then in the Olympics, not until 2012. So no women's boxing, other than a few sporadic attempts that were quickly extinguished, it did not exist until about 1998 and end in the Olympics, not until just a dozen years ago.
But then you say, well, what about women's voting?
Now we'll avoid any debates that any members of the audience want to have over the 19th Amendment. It's worth pointing out that there were many women who were opposed to the 19th amendment for perfectly reasonable political concerns. However, women can vote in a way that women can't box, because women do possess an intellect.
What is required for voting is judgment and intellect. Women possess that. What is required for boxing is brute strength. Women generally do not possess that. And what is required for boxing is taking punches to the face. And I don't think it's ever appropriate for women to be punched in the face. So that's why I think voting is different from boxing. And then the final question, what was the final. Oh, skateboarding. Yeah, skateboarding is a very light, easy pastime. I know you can do all sorts of tricks and everything, but it's like surf. I think women can surf too. I think women can play tennis. I think that's perfectly normal.
Skateboarding. I guess, like voting, doesn't involve women getting punched in the face, which is different than, you know, other sports are not the same as full on contact sports, especially boxing. So for those reasons, I think your refutations of my argument are ultimately unsatisfying. Next one.
Hello, mister Knowles. First of all, I want to say thank you to you and the rest of the daily wire for helping me get through almost to the end of my high school experience despite radicalized, liberal infiltrated experiencing curriculum in the public school.
I've been listening since I was in 8th grade, and I have a couple questions now as I am approaching my senior year.
As someone that is interested in entering the field of philosophy, I am curious about the best ways to approach this. Entering this field from your perspective, especially with all the modern issues, I am open to any ideas, but one option I've considered is attending my small local catholic school, where there will be fewer leftist cult ideologies pushed throughout the curriculum and my overall life and values. Any wisdom is appreciated. Michael, thank you. And also tell Professor Jacob I said hi too.
Michael Knowles
Fair enough.
Professor Jacob, he says hi.
Really good question about philosophy, and I've got a very simple answer for you.
Your teachers, broadly, are going to convince you that philosophy is something that dead men said.
It's not. It's something that living people should do.
You should approach philosophy not as something dead men said, but as something living people should do. You should view philosophy as a practical science, you should read philosophy. But then you need to implement the wisdom that you glean from philosophy in your own life. There's technical learning, there's practical learning.
So it's one thing to read about the virtues, it's one thing to read Aristotle's nicomachean ethics.
It's another thing to live a virtuous life. It's another thing to recognize that virtue is rational activity done in an excellent way, and then to implement that. It's one thing to read about magnanimity, it's another to cultivate greatness of soul. That's what you have to do.
If you approach philosophy as just some nerdy academic field in which you write a lot of papers, it's not going to be fruitful. If you approach philosophy as a love of wisdom, and if you approach philosophy as a way to improve your life, then it will be worthwhile. Next question.
Chuck Meister
Hi Michael, it's the Chuck Meister. There's been a lot of talk about the situation surrounding MrBeast because of all the terrible things Chris Tyson did. Since then, people have been taking a closer look at how he does his charity videos and have noticed surprising methods of how they're conducted, gamified and breaking FTC law. All of that's interesting, but I would love to hear your perspective on charity. Is what Mrbeast is doing actually considered charity? It is a net positive that he brings water wells to Africa and pays for cataract surgery. And I think to an extent public acts of charity inspire other people to give charity. But in his case much of it is done with the knowledge that the revenue brought in will be greater than the revenue expensed and those costs are often backfilled through very shady practices. I've been leaning into thinking it's not real charity after reading through Dante when he has this very interesting discussion with St. John the evangelist in Canto 26 of Paradiso. The blindness Dante has when discussing love for his other man and the divine seems to me like the purest definition of charity. But what can we learn from this? I would love to hear your response.
Michael Knowles
Thanks Mister Schuckmeister, wonderful take and I agree with you.
What Mister Beast is doing can be good. You know, if he's going to go build wells for kids in the third world or something, that's really good. I'm not discouraging it at all.
And from the perspective of those kids in the third world it it probably feels like charity and it's just as good as charity. And maybe it's better than charity in some cases because NgO's are often not efficient or effective.
But from the perspective of Mister Beast's soul, it is not the same thing as charity.
Mister Beast is doing business and he might be running a good business and he might be running a business that does good things. He's obviously running a powerful business that is good at doing business. Hes got zillions of views and hes making lots of money. His business might well be doing good, but from the perspective of his soul its probably not fulfillingits probably not helping him to grow in charity necessarily because he is personally benefiting from this. So its not a selfless giving, its not concern for the other for his own good, willing the good of the other for his own good, absent any kind of personal or selfish desires. So keep it going for the kids in the third world. That's great. But if MrBeast were to ask, how can I grow in charity? Yes, you would probably respond and say, well, you should do something else in addition to what you're doing.
Next question.
Hi, Michael. Thank you so much for your show.
I really appreciate what you bring to it, particularly as a christian.
And I'm wondering what your thoughts are, particularly as we head into the election season.
The role of the media has in maybe bringing down some of the tone and polarization.
We've already had one serious assassination attempt, and clearly there's polarization everywhere. And do you think the media can do a better job in unifying instead of polarizing?
Thank you so much.
Michael Knowles
Absolutely. Great question. And of course, the media can do better job. They don't want to is the thing, because the media are not the intrepid fourth estate speaking truth to power. The media broadly are the propaganda arm for the liberal establishment.
That's just what they are.
I dont mean to sound edgy or conspiratorial. Thats just a fact. I dont think its even really disputed anymore among most people. So thats what they do. So when they raise the temperature and they say trumps an existential threat to the country, even after someone tried to blow his head off, theyre doing that intentionally. They want to raise the temperature because they want to put Kamala Harris into office.
Lets take one written mailbag before we get to the membrum segmentum from David Michael, I have to say, I completely disagree with your take that women should not be allowed to box. Here we go, more women's boxing questions. There aren't always men around to protect women, and women should be able to learn and practice defending themselves. Boxing is a sport. If women want to box, who are you to say no? Okay, well, hold on. Are you objecting because women practically need to be able to defend themselves against men, or are you objecting because boxing is a sport? It seems like there's a contradiction there, but I'll take them both. Yes, women should be able to protect themselves, especially if they're ever finding themselves walking down a dark alleyway in an unfamiliar place. I certainly want women to protect themselves. They will not protect themselves by punching a man. It won't happen. They'll protect themselves by shooting a man or maybe by using mace or bear spray or pepper spray, but they will not punch their way out of an attack by a mandehead. And it's actually misleading and dangerous to convince them that they will. It's not gonna happen. So, yeah, I want women to be able to protect themselves from bad guys, too. They need guns to do that.
As for boxing being a sport, not as a way to protect yourself, yeah, it's a sport.
I think men and women are different. So I think certain behaviors are particular to women, certain behaviors are particular to men. And there's some overlap. But for some things, actually, some things are better left to the fellas, like catch and blows the head. And some things are better left to the women, like giving birth, for instance. Now we have men who are attempting to give birth, and it doesn't really work. They're trying to emulate it, even though it's biologically impossible. So that's my view. And who am I to say that? Well, I'm just a citizen with at least semi functional faculties of reason and judgment.
Just a guy who lives in a body politic in a country that's supposedly self governed.
I don't know. That's all I am.
In this case, it's fake headline Friday. The rest of the show continues now. You don't want to miss it. Become a member. Use code knowlescana wlas at checkout for two months. Free on all annual plans.
Republicans are Nazis. You cannot separate yourselves from the bad white people. Growing up, I never thought much about race. Never really seemed to matter that much. At least not to me. Am I racist?
Jenna Ortega
I would really appreciate it if you learned.
Michael Knowles
I'm trying to learn. I'm on this journey. I'm gonna sort this out. I need to go deeper undercover.
They gonna say I'm racist. Joining us now is Matt, certified Dei expert. Here's my certification. What you're doing because you're stretching out of your whiteness. This is more for you. And this for you. Is America inherently racist? The word inherent is challenging that. I want to rename the George Washington Monument to the George Floyd monument. America is racist to its bones. So inherently, yes. This country is a piece of white folks trash. White supremacy. White woman. White boy. Is there a black person around here? Black person right here. Does he not exist?
Hi, Robin. Hi. Your name a Mac. I just had to ask who you.
Are because you have to be careful.
Michael Knowles
Never be too careful. They go say you right in theater. September 13, rated PG 13.