Kristi Noem Shoots Her Puppy, Cringe Kamala Interview, and Campus Chaos Continues, with Michael Knowles | Ep. 777

Primary Topic

This episode discusses several controversial topics including Kristi Noem's handling of her puppy, an interview with Kamala Harris, and ongoing campus chaos.

Episode Summary

Megyn Kelly discusses a series of provocative events: Kristi Noem's controversial decision to euthanize her overly energetic puppy, which backfired politically, and Kamala Harris's cringe-worthy interview tactics that include awkward laughter at inappropriate times. The episode also delves into the chaos on college campuses, where freedom of expression and political correctness clash. The conversation between Megyn Kelly and Michael Knowles offers a critique of current political and social issues, emphasizing a conservative perspective on missteps by public figures and the radical responses on college campuses.

Main Takeaways

  1. Kristi Noem's decision to euthanize her puppy has led to widespread public and political backlash, potentially damaging her vice-presidential prospects.
  2. Kamala Harris's interview techniques, particularly her laughter, are analyzed as potentially defensive or deflective, highlighting a lack of substantive communication.
  3. The episode discusses the broader implications of campus activism, focusing on recent protests and their impact on freedom of speech and expression.
  4. Megyn Kelly critiques the media and political figures for their handling or mishandling of sensitive topics, suggesting a disconnect from average citizens' views.
  5. The conversation also touches on broader themes of accountability and perception in politics, suggesting that public figures often underestimate the public’s attention to authenticity and moral consistency.

Episode Chapters

1: The Kristi Noem Controversy

Discusses the political and public fallout from Noem's decision to put down her puppy, considering it a severe misjudgment. Megyn Kelly: "It's a political disaster for Noem."

2: Kamala Harris Interview Analysis

Analyzes Harris's interview on a talk show, focusing on her use of laughter and how it might deflect from substantial discussion. Megyn Kelly: "Kamala uses laughter to avoid tough questions."

3: Campus Chaos

Explores the increasing tensions on college campuses over free speech, especially concerning political correctness and activism. Megyn Kelly: "Campuses are becoming battlegrounds for free speech."

Actionable Advice

  1. Be aware of the political implications of personal actions, especially in the public eye.
  2. Engage in meaningful dialogue without relying on deflective tactics like inappropriate laughter.
  3. Support open discourse on college campuses, recognizing the importance of diverse viewpoints.
  4. Evaluate media critically, understanding biases and perspectives.
  5. Foster accountability in public figures, emphasizing transparency and consistency in their actions and statements.

About This Episode

Megyn Kelly is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire's "Michael Knowles Show,” to discuss Gov. Kristi Noem writing in her memoir about shooting her puppy, the political malpractice of admitting she killed her excited dog, whether humans are too attached to their pets, George Stephanopoulos and the press highlighting the “abnormal” criminal trial of Donald Trump, why the left and the media are actually to blame for the loss of "norms," how the trial affects the Trump campaign and the 2024 election, Drew Barrymore’s cringe interview with VP Kamala Harris, Harris having literally nothing of substance to say, a Columbia University "encampment" student leader calling for Zionists to die, protesters revealing themselves to be anti-American, a terrible CNN poll for Biden, new pro-trans ideology court ruling, and more.


Kristi Noem, Kamala Harris, Megyn Kelly, Michael Knowles





Guest Name(s):

Michael Knowles

Content Warnings:



Megyn Kelly

Welcome to the Megyn Kelly show live on SiriusXM channel 111 every weekday at noon east.

Hey, everyone, I'm Megyn Kelly. Welcome to the Megyn Kelly show. It's Monday, and a lot has happened since the last time we spoke. President Biden went on Howard Stern and then entertained all of his buddies in the press corps at the White House correspondents dinner. I was invited.

I declined to go this as a new CNN poll points to a potential disaster for his campaign. Oh, and congratulations to your puppy at home. If he made it through the weekend alive, doing a lot better than Christy Noem's dog. I'm sorry, it's over. She's not going to be the vice president.

Trump is not going to pick her now. He's too smart. He wouldn't pick somebody who has managed to do the impossible and unite Democrats and Republicans alike in their anger for this woman who shot her puppy in the face. The fact that she thought this would make her look tough and become loved by the american populace shows how clueless she is. All right.

It was bad enough that she allegedly had an affair with Corey Lewandowski. Now we find out she shot her puppy in the face because the puppy was, and I quote, having the time of her life was, quote, the picture of pure joy. And then she shot her because she ate some chickens that Christy Noem put in front of her and didn't behave all that well out on her first trip hunting. This is unbelievable. I'm sorry.

There's something wrong with this whole thing. I don't know what's wrong with Christy Noem, but she's not going to be the vice president. Ok. It's not going to happen. We've got a lot to get to.

And we start with Michael Knowles. He's the host of the Daily wires Michael Knowles show. It's another morning and you're all set for work. You grab your coffee, head out the door and your car decides today's the day it won't start. Panic sets in.

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Michael Knowles

Marvelous to be with you, Megan. Thank you for having me. Well, let's just kick it off there cause I know from your tweet we may disagree on the crazy Christy nome story. Who shoots their puppy in the face. Listen, I don't, I don't want to be the one person out here defending Christy Noem.

I agree with you. She's probably out of the veep stakes. I don't, I don't really care that much about Christy nome. And I agree with you. It's bad politics to shoot your puppy in the face and then to brag about it.

I agree. This is political campaign school 101. It's not a smart thing to do. However, however, in Christine Ohm's defense, who do you want to be a governor of your state? Do you want someone who's really nice and sensitive and feeling, or do you want some cold blooded killer who takes cricket out to the gavel pit and puts cricket down like old yeller cause he ate all the chickens?

You don't, you want the really nice. No. You can choose someone who's tough and not a puppy killer. That's like, they're calling her the Jeffrey Dahmer of dogs. This is, she seemed to enjoy it.

Megyn Kelly

She lost her temper. I'll read the piece from the Guardian. Okay. We haven't seen her book yet, but this is the excerpt from the Guardian, which she's not denying. This is her story.

Just to make it clear in her book, this isn't like some tabloid outed it and she's denying it. It's, they got a copy of her book in advance. Cricket was a wire hair pointer, about 14 months old. She writes in her new book. And she said the dog had, quote, an aggressive personality and needed to be trained to be used for hunting pheasant.

She says she includes a story to show how she's willing to do anything difficult, messy and ugly if it needs to be done. By taking cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noam says she hoped to calm the young dog down. All right, first of all, who thinks an overly excitable young dog is going to calm down on a pheasant hunt with other dogs? That's stupid, right? Hello.

Why don't you just put it in front of a bunch of birds it naturally wants to kill and its ancestors have been trained for generations to kill. And that'll bring, it'll be just like a Xanax for the dog. Unfortunately, cricket ruined the hunt, going quote out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life. This would be the beginning of cricket's death sentence for governor nome. Noem describes calling cricket and then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control.

Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Nome stopped to talk to a local family, cricket escaped known's nome's truck and attacked the family's chickens, quote, grabbing one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another. Okay, do you know what my Stradwick would do if I brought him near a chicken farm or anywhere near there was. There were chickens, he would do exactly the same thing. And he is the sweetest big galug you've ever seen.

They're dogs. They see this as food, as prey. He doesn't. The dog didn't understand that it wasn't for him to eat. But she recalled Megan, he's the sweetest dog.

Train him. He's the sweetest dog. Tell that to the chickens. Won't somebody please think of the chickens? It occurs to me that this memoir, this episode that Christianom is recounting, it's sort of the opposite of Richard Nixon's checkers speech.

Michael Knowles

When the left was attacking Richard Nixon, really trying to push him out of politics, he realized that by hugging this little puppy, he could win support from everyone. And so he said, the one gift I'm not going to give up as this sweet little dog, checkers. Well, Christina must have missed that lesson in political class, or she took the opposite notes from it. But in any case, I think we all know what she was thinking here. She was thinking that she's a female politician, and so she has a weakness because she's a member of what has traditionally been described as the weaker sex.

She's got to make herself look really tough. If she wants to be a leader, she's got to look like the iron lady. She's got to pull a Maggie thatcher. And she thought that this would accomplish that and appeal to her audience. So it didn't work.

Obviously. It was a pretty grisly killing. We haven't even gotten to the part where governor nome then turns her guns on some poor goat that was also old and smelly and angry and then shot the goat, like, multiple times. And it was a grisly account. But if we can take ourselves away from the emotion of it, Megan, I guess this is my broader point.

I don't think there's anything wrong with humanely killing an animal on a farm. Could she have done something different? Could she have given it up for adoption? Could she have sent it to a farm upstate? Maybe, right?

Megyn Kelly

Like the horse is suffering and he has to be put down. Everyone gets that. She wouldn't be getting the blowback that she's getting now. Or the dog had bit 17 people, was a mature dog. She tried to rehab and train it.

Maybe then this dog was 14 months old. And I'll tell you something, we've been hearing from dog trainers all weekend since this broke. And I'm going to get to the details of what she did. But dog trainers are saying things like the following. This is a guy named Dan Loosen quoted in Rolling Stone, professional hunting dog trainer saying a 14 month old dog is, quote, a baby that doesn't know any better.

To me, it's a lack of guidance by the owner or training by the owner or discipline of the owner, he says, explaining that young bird hunting dogs in training often go through a slow process of introduction to dead foul before ever being around gunshots. There are a lot of steps, he says, that you take before you take it to a field and shoot birds over it. Hello. That's obvious even to those of us that don't have traditional bird hunting dogs. Labs are meant to go retrieve the dead carcasses.

Go ahead, Megan. I think this, this dog trainer has accidentally hit on the real point here, which is even 20, 30, 40 years ago, people probably wouldn't have thought this was a smart political story, but they wouldn't have become so enraged as they are now. And I think part of the reason why people are getting enraged over Christy Noem taking her dog out back like old Yeller, even a little young dog 20 years ago, is because we now view dogs as babies. That's what that trainer said. It's a little baby.

Michael Knowles

And today I'm not gonna name which family member of mine it was. I have a family member who purchased a dog. He rescued a dog from a very expensive breeder in Texas, flew a guardian down to pick up the little dog. Then they flew back to New Jersey. Then this relative of mine bought a stroller, a nice expensive stroller to stroll the little dog around so that the little doggies unvaccinated paws wouldn't touch the nasty sidewalks of New York and New Jersey.

This is crazy. And you don't need to take my word for it. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has said, we are living in a culture now that is mistaking animals, especially puppies, for children. So as we have fewer and fewer children, and not even through natural infertility, but choosing to have fewer children, choosing not to get married, we all of a sudden start to treat animals like their kids. And, look, I'm all off.

Megyn Kelly

You're wrong. You're wrong. This is not it at all. This fine people. I mean, people have gone so far.

Forget dogs. They have monkeys now. They call them monk kids. They put them in diapers, they dress them. Yes, there's a problem there.

But America loves its dogs. They're not replacements for children. Nine times out of ten, they're in addition to the family that are messy and a hassle and difficult and awesome. And you get them because it's fun to love them and have them love you and play with them and teach your children how to care for animals and all that. So this is, this thing is stretched across party lines.

It's true. Democrats and Republicans are outraged by her behavior because dogs tend to be extremely sweet. And the fact that this puppy killed chickens, which are below him or her, cricket was a she on the, you know, evolutionary scale. Right? Yikes.

Thank you. Doesn't say anything about how aggressive it was. And she talks about how cricket allegedly came for her as she tried to get it away from its meal. The chicken and cricket snapped at her again. Many dogs that aren't aggressive would do that because they see it as their food.

It needs to be trained. She goes on to say, cricket behaved like a, quote, trained assassin. When gnome finally grabbed cricket, she says, and by the way, another dumb ass move to bring your puppy by a chicken farm before you've trained it, after you brought it out on a pheasant hunt, thinking it would just know how to behave. Okay, the dog, quote, whipped around to bite me. Right, because you were trying to take food out of its mouth.

Then, as the chicken's owner wept, that's also a problem. I don't know who's crying over their chickens, okay? But that's, I guess you get attached to your chicken. Emily Zenotti, she would tell me. So, no, I apologize.

She, she wrote, I'm only, I'm only sympathetic to the cute animals. I've told my audiences before. She, she wrote the shocked family a check. Okay? That was the right thing for Christy nome to do for the price they asked, and then helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime through it all.

Nome says, cricket was the picture of pure joy. Then she adds, I hated that dog, adding that cricket had proved herself untrainable, dangerous to anyone she came in contact with, and less than worthless as a hunting dog. At that moment, I realized I had to put her down, quote unquote. Nome then led cricket to a gravel pit. Quote, it was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done.

And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done. The guardian incredibly, gnomes tale of slaughter is not finished. Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was nasty and mean because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled disgusting, musky, rancid, and loved to chase gnomes children, knocking them down and ruining what? Their safety?

Their wellbeing? No, their clothes? Getting their clothes dirty. Michael Gnome decided to kill that guy, too, the same way she just killed cricket the dog, though. She dragged him to the gravel pit.

The goat jumped out as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Nome went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down as well. At that point, she writes, she realized a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off gnomes children. Kennedy, her child, looked around, confused, this is her daughter, and asked, where's cricket?

Crickets dead. Shot in the face by Mommy Kennedy, who's now bragging about it in a book. There's no coming back from this. She tried this morning. I'm reading that guy, Dan Lassen, Michael, to do like a corrective tweet, you know, something to, like, stem the bleeding.

Saying, I can understand why some people are upset about a 20 year old story of cricket, one of the working dogs at our ranch, in my upcoming book. The book is filled with many honest stories in my life, good and bad days, challenges, painful decisions and lessons, blah, blah, blah, blah. The ratio on this, you know, meaning people who comment who. People who liked it. 17,000 people have commented so far, 26,000.

The the earlier two tweets wishing happy birthday to Melania Trump completely ratioed as well. 9000 liked it? Yes, 7000. And climbing on the dislikes and the comments. And then she tried.

We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. Sadly, we just had to put down three horses. Blah, blah, blah. Harsh ratio on that one, too. America's not having it.

6000 likes, 22,000 comments. This is honestly, this is political malpractice and she's managed to piss off 98% of all dog and pet lovers in America. It will be studied for generations to come in poli sci classes as a really dumb move. There's no question. My last defense, though, of governor nome as you read that tale, I think we're getting this image of governor Nome as Patrick Bateman in american psycho cricket.

Michael Knowles

Do you like Huey Lewis in the news, putting on the smock and everything? And it'd be one thing if she were torturing this animal, but she just kind of took him out back, said, look at the flowers, George, and did a little of mice and men kind of action, a little old yeller action. Life.

As this psycho dog was gleeful, you know, at the bodies of the chickens, you know, tossing them in the air. Psycho. That's normal. That's normal behavior. Dog.

Megyn Kelly

Every time Stradwick sees a squirrel or a rabbit run across our property, he's almost frothing at the mouth, he's so excited. If he were just a little faster, he'd be killing them every day. But he's kind of fat and a little slow, so he can't do it. It's, he's a dog. Don't get a dog if you don't want something that's going to eat smaller critters running across your property.

And don't bring your damn dog to the chicken farm. Look, that is a very great point. And first of all, you certainly shouldn't bring your dog to South Dakota these days. I would definitely keep it, you know, away from that state. But it's, it's in their nature.

Michael Knowles

Absolutely. And I totally agree with you. That's in their nature. That the political problem with all of this is, as I mentioned earlier, sometimes I think we anthropomorphize our animals a little too much. So Philip Raines, the former spokesman for Hillary Clinton, top aide to the Clintons for many years, he went on tv on CNN to talk about cricket Gate, and he said, this is dreadful.

I have two cats. I love animals. I actually prefer animals to humans. And I think a lot of people agree with that these days. But animals, as we were talking about the order of creation, they are less than human because they don't have rational souls.

That's why when they bite chickens, we don't put them on trial. We don't have multiple prosecutions of dogs or anything like that. There are two things that I think are true here at once. One is that the animals don't have any particular rights. They don't have a rational soul.

They're not going to go to college. They're here to serve us. They're here for our fun and enjoyment. And we're called to be good stewards of them because we have humanity and all the stuff we've just been talking about. And also, and this is probably the more important political fact, people really like their dogs.

And if you want people to vote for you, you shouldn't brag about gleefully killing the dogs and then the goats and who knows? Yeah, I agree with that. You are clearly not a dog owner. Michael Knowles, do you? Or.

Megyn Kelly

I'm a people person. Megan, you admit you have no dog. I have no dog. I have no dog. I have no cat.

Michael Knowles

I have no goldfish. I was clear to all of us. Here's another one. The Daily Beast interviewed, Cole Jensen of Badlands kennel, said wire haired pointers are known as the most aggressive of the hunting breeds. Quote, I find it very unlikely she wouldn't have known that before bringing one home.

Megyn Kelly

Quote, it sounds like this dog was just not trained properly. It's a common problem that any trainer worth his salt can help with. Maybe you don't just put a bullet in its brain just before Kennedy gets off the school bus saying, where's cricket? This is so effed up on many levels. I'm dying to know my audience's thoughts.

You know, maybe we'll take some calls on this throughout the Michael nose segment. You guys can call in. What's our number? I always forget our number. What's our.

What's our number? You guys, hold on. Usually they have it hanging in the studio so I don't forget it. Christy cracker. What's our number?

What is it? Nobody knows it. Michael, you can call my cell phone. I'll put it on 833446. What's the last?

43496. Okay. 8334-4634-9683-3446-3496-4463-496 okay. Call us and we'll let our audience be the judge. Okay.

Was she right to shoot cricket? Or is Michael Knowles right in saying it's a free for all on your puppies?

Michael Knowles

This is going to be, you know, about twice a year I go on C span's Washington journal, which has the Democrat phone line, and I just get hit with a barrage of attacks. I think that is going to look like a walk in the park compared to what people are going to send to me over cricket. That's going to be, that should be the title of christine Ohm's memoir. Where is cricket? A political life.

Governor. Christine, she can't run. Literally. If you ran against her, every single ad would start with a picture of cricket. And there's a picture.

Megyn Kelly

We'll put it on for the YouTube show. There's a picture of the dog is absolutely adorable. It's so cute. If I could tell you the number. Do you have any idea how much money I have spent on trainers for my.

Stradwick? I mean, we had dog commander, five time w. Five time winner, b o w. He came. Stradwick came back.

He was well behaved for five days. He was amazing. And he went back, and then we had another guy who was wonderful. He was a reform monk. Used to be like, not reform, but like, you know, was once.

He was great. But Strut is a strong personality. And unless you have all day to sit with the dog and reinforce these trainings, sometimes they don't behave. Strut is alive and well. Why?

Because I have a heart and I love him. Abby's always saying, I can't believe you kept him. I can't believe you haven't gotten rid of him. Like, giving him away and everyone killed him. I can't imagine looking a difficult dog in the face and putting a bullet between his eyes.

That's a special kind of coldness. Are you telling me you were never once, as your dog is jumping and breaking things and tearing, you were never once once tempted by the gravel pit? Never. Never. The worst I've gotten, Michael, is I've got.

I've called poison control so many times and I've had to give the dog the hydrogen peroxide mixed with the yogurt. That's what the vet and the poison control tells you to do. Don't do this at home unless you have the advice on how much hydrogen peroxide. Because that can kill the dog if you give too much. Anyway, so many times, and I've spent so many thousands of dollars on endoscopies and the.

Looking at the intestines and all that, I thought the next time he ate, like, he just ate a whole bottle of antibiotics. Okay, so the thought has occurred to me. Let nature take its course. So. But I don't.

I do give the hydrogen peroxide to get the antibiotics out, but I'm not going to lie. The thoughts occurred to me like, maybe it's darwinism. Maybe. Yeah. It's nature.

Michael Knowles

It's nature, as we say. Yeah. I could never. That's right. Okay.

Megyn Kelly

Hurt him. I love him. Even though he aggravates me. I love him. I love him.

Not the same way. I love my kids, but I adore the dog. And you fall in love with. Most normal humans fall in love with their dogs and would never hurt them. Okay, we're taking your calls right now.

Again, my number. You're learning as I am. 833. I sound like doctor Laura, my pal. Uh, my number.

833-446-3496 Abigail finan's going to come in here and set up my computer so I can take your calls. All right, we've got to talk about George Stephanopoulos, who is at it again on his Sunday show, making his best bid to persuade you that Trump is a unique criminal, a unique candidate, and not normie in any way, shape, or form. And that's why we should all vote against him in his, you know, objective journalist kind of way. So take a listen to what he said, and then I'd love to get your thoughts on it. Here it is in saat six.

Until now, no american president had ever faced a criminal trial. No american president had ever faced a federal indictment for retaining and concealing classified documents. No american president had ever faced a federal indictment or a state indictment for trying to overturn an election. No american president ever faced hundreds of millions of dollars in judgments for business fraud, defamation, and sexual abuse. The scale of the abnormality is so staggering that it can actually become numbing.

It's all too easy to fall into reflexive habits to treat this as a normal campaign where both sides embrace the rule of law. But that is not what's happening this election year. Those bedrock tenets of our democracy are being tested in a way we haven't seen since the civil war. It's a test for the candidates, for those of us in the media, and for all of us as citizens. Okay, my thought on listening to that, Michael, was, okay, I agree with a lot of those points, but we totally disagree on who's to blame.

Megyn Kelly

Right? The scale of the abnormality is so staggering that it can actually become numbing. It's all too easy to fall into reflective habits to treat this as a normal campaign where both sides embrace the rule of law. But that's not what's happening this election year. Those bedrock tenets of our democracy are being tested in ways we haven't seen since the civil war.

It's a test for all of us. Right, and whose fault is that, George? This abnormality, as he calls it, was entirely inaugurated by his. Well, his former boss, actually, because he was the war room leader for the Clintons for many years before he decided to masquerade as an independent journalist, but also for the broader liberal establishment. Yes, it's true.

Michael Knowles

We did not indict presidents, and we did not indict leaders of the opposition for most of american history. Who changed that? Who was the one who. Why did we not do that? Well, because that one, as we're seeing in the trial in New York, there's no such thing as an impartial jury for a former president.

Everybody has an opinion of this guy, and it has nothing to do with the facts of whatever bogus case they're throwing at him. But even before all of these indictments, even before the Democrats upended our political order, what about the illegal spying? The moment Trump announced that he was going to run for president? That's the first time we've seen that, at least publicly in american history. So what do we make of that?

What do we make of changing all the election rules in the weeks and months before the election? What do we make of locking down the whole country? What do we make of unconstitutional widespread mail in ballots, at least in the case of Pennsylvania? What do we make of all of that abnormality? It reminds me of when the Democrats go after the Republicans on the sexual revolution and they say, you know, these Republicans, they want to stick their nose in your bedroom or something.

They want to get involved in your private life. And I think, hey, guys, we're not the ones who peddled abortion on demand. We're not the ones who are pushing all sorts of weird obscene materials in elementary schools. We're not the ones that are naked people on the street and naked people on the street and naked men in the women's changing room, and we're forcing our little girls to go in there. We're not the ones who did it.

We're just trying to be normal over here and keep things basically as they are, where everyone was happy. You're the aggressors in this culture world to restore the nerve to blame on. Us, the nerve of Stephanopoulos. Until now, no american president has ever faced a criminal trial, has ever faced a federal indictment, as ever, whatever. So.

Megyn Kelly

Right. That's why the other side is so mad, George, at you and your side, because it's not that no american president has ever pushed the limits or come up to the edge or done things like steal documents or furniture from the White House. Okay, just ask if you're a boss. Yeah. I mean, it's a purge of themselves, right?

We could keep going all day. It's just that you people are the first ones to try to actually turn these acts into criminal charges and trials in an election year. And it's no accident you waited until the actual election year to bring these charges so that you'd have them on trial four different places. Don't forget, Megan, it was in 2016, as I'm sure you well remember, that you had some of these Republicans chanting, lock her up. Lock her up, because Hillary Clinton appeared to engage in some illegal activities, at the very least, very suspect activities, selling american influence to the highest bidder overseas.

Michael Knowles

The same sort of things that we now have the receipts of the Biden family doing. And so you had all these locker up chants. Trump would joke at his debates and rallies and say, yeah, you don't want me to be president, because if I were president, you'd be in jail. But then guess what happened? We didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton.

We didn't actually jail the leader of the opposition. He didn't do it. And at the time, I think responsible statesmen would have said, well, that's the noble thing to do. Donald Trump actually is remaining within the american political tradition. He's not a tyrant, he's not a dictator, he's not everything that they accused him of being.

And now the Democrats are. They actually have become the thing that they accused him of being, that he was not and is not today. All right, stand by. We're getting. I'm like, my call list has never been quite this lit up.

Let's see. Let's try Stephen and Long Island. Stephen, what are your thoughts on Christy Noem? Hey, everybody. Thank you for taking my call, Megan.

You know, we've become pretty numb to almost everything nowadays. We could almost. We're tolerating chance of death to America in the streets. We're tolerating men and women's sports and locker rooms, the constant attack on Donald Trump. But bring a pet or an animal into it and nothing fires people up more.

And I was considering Christine. Oh. On these short lists for Donald Trump for vice president. And I'm like, oh, that would be great. She seems like a really cool, kind of earthy american.

She would be a great vp pick now. So done. I'm so turned off. And if Mister Trump was to pick her, I'd have to go another way and vote for Bobby Kennedy. Thank you, Megan, for taking my call.

Megyn Kelly

Thank you for calling in, Stephen. I couldn't agree with speaker one. I was with him. I understood what he was saying until the moment that he said he would no longer vote for Trump. If I get it.

Michael Knowles

Look, there's this irony, of course, which is that the irony is that the politicians who are attacking nome for this support abortion. Right. So these aren't killing little kids, but they don't. They get offended. Yeah.

Megyn Kelly

The point is we don't have to have. No, you vote for it. You'd vote for a Democrat over Trump if he picked. That seems extreme. Okay, well, let's get somebody else on.

Michael Knowles

I can't hear you. Let's go to Greg. I seem to have lost you. Okay. Can you hear me now?

Hello, Megan, can you hear me now? Yes, ma'am. Okay, Greg. Yes, ma'am. Hey, thanks for taking my call.

Yeah. This woman is just dumber than a rock. She's an experienced politician, and if her judgment is so poor that she thinks sharing this story during an election season and a time when she's basically in the running to be Trump's vice president, then she shouldn't be anywhere near sharp scissors or matches, because she is. She is an absolute fool. So.

And I'm convinced Trump won't pick this fool for a vice president. Agree with you? I'm convinced of that. Greg's out in Wyoming, and I'm sure you know a thing or two about ranches and open space and getting dogs to behave. Yeah, I've got an english setter next to me.

Yeah. Right now. I've got my english setter bird dog right next to me right now. All right, thank you, Greg. I appreciate it.

Megyn Kelly

Let's see. Let's go to. Let's go to. Let me see. There's lots of folks, Jerry in New Jersey.

Jerry, what's on your mind? Hi, Megan. I'm visiting lovely guard state this week. I can't believe that Christie don't just ruin my vacation. I would never kill a dog, no matter how bad it is.

Maybe if it died, I get it, but there's no reason to be doing. That telling this story. You gotta be a moron. But she's from South Dakota. What do you expect?

Megyn Kelly

Zachary? No, we like South Dakotans, but we don't like dog killers, Jared. We also like New Jersey, Jerry. So thanks for calling. The thing is, Michael, that's the problem, is that I think she released this in the book because there were too many witnesses.

And so she was trying to, like, own it. You know, she's like, oh, you know, the. Oh, not only did I kill it, I killed it in the face. I killed it while it was joyful. Sure, I did it.

You know, like it's a political move. Like, I did it. I'm proud of it. I killed that fucking puppy. It's dead.

Dead in the gravel pit. Like, seriously, I think she was trying to pull that without realizing. You know what? This would have been a better one for you to deny, even if there were witnesses, because it's unforgivable. Well, also, Megan, if.

Michael Knowles

If Christy Noem is the psycho killer that we're all saying she is, then why wouldn't she just kill the witnesses, you know? I mean, if she is really this total mobster, Patrick, then it seems much. There's no political risk, then. All right, wait. Let's get.

Megyn Kelly

Let's see if there's somebody else who wants to weigh in. Okay. How about Aaron in Virginia? Hi, Erin. What's on your mind?

What are your thoughts? Hi, Megan. Hi, Michael. Homeschooling mama here. My kids love you.

Michael Knowles. I just wanted to do a shout out and listen to Megan often, but I just want to say I love my dogs. I have dogs. It's like they become a part of your family. But I grew up in the country, and sadly, we had a dog that was, we were warned, if our dog got into our neighbors, who shall remain nameless, if our dogs got into his chicken coop one more time, he would shoot them.

And he did. And our poor dog, like, crawled all the way home and died on our front porch. And it was very traumatic. But, like, it's just sometimes it's part of people's livelihood in the country. And so I totally get it.

I don't condone it. Okay. But question for you. Question for you. Because you said if the dog got into the chicken coop at the neighbors one more time, which suggests it didn't get executed on its first defense, correct?

Megyn Kelly

Yes. So that's. Don't you see a difference between that and what happened here? Sure. Of course.

Of course. I think it was a bit. A bit much. However, I do understand growing up in the country, and I'm an army wife, too, so, you know, I've lived through a lot sexually. Anniversary of a dear friend's husband's death today.

So during the Iraq, Afghanistan wars. And so I don't know. I think sometimes there's just first world problems, and I definitely would not, not vote for Trump, even if she was his VP, so. All right, so a little support for Michael Knowles position. That's probably as good as you're going to get it.

Megyn Kelly

Michael, let's go to very, very sensible caller. And with children, it has nothing to. Do with the fact that our kids are your fans. All right, Connie in Indiana, what are your thoughts? Hi, Megan.

I just want to say, your guest, Michael, he has a couple of times compared this to shooting old Geller, but old Yeller was bitten by a rabid wolf. So it's a big difference between shooting. A puppy in the face there. She knows her old Yeller history. Michael Knowles got you there.

Michael Knowles

It's not a perfect analogy. I'm saying there's a similarity here. I'm saying. What I'm saying here is that Christy nomes, poor little cricket, does not have some right to life. Could he have had a better owner?

Could, you know, maybe. Yes. But it's not, you know, it's a dog, right? Look, I'm on the losing. I know it'll never be non dog lover.

Megyn Kelly

No, you don't get it because you don't own and love a dog. Julie in Florida, she gets it. Julie, your thoughts? Good morning. Oh, my goodness.

What are these people thinking? Christy has to be catastrophically stupid to get this story out here. But beyond that, nobody's talking about what she should have done. She had a puppy, she had a dog. She had a responsibility.

Okay, you don't want your dog. I get it. She's out of control. Whatever. Here's the thing.

If she would have had 100 people lining up in ten minutes to take that dog, why? Because it was the governor's dog, just the celebrity of it. She could have found her home for him or whatever. And by the way, have you never heard of training? That's right.

Megyn Kelly

She doesn't even suggest. She didn't try anything. So my point is this. I was very behind this girl for being a VP candidate for Trump. And yes, I would still vote for Trump, but there's no way in hell I would have anything to do with her.

Her values are wacky. They're just wacky. They're not mine. I can't believe she had no responsibility for this animal she took. And I think it's disgusting.

Megyn Kelly

I'm with you. I'm so with you, girl. And I'll tell you what, Michael, now, in Chrissy Noem's tweet, she's like, oh, it had been aggressive toward people. Now it's plural, people. That's not what you wrote.

You said it snapped at you when you tried to get it away from the chickens. It was killing. That's a totally different scenario than this was just an aggressive dog that was biting everybody at 14 months. So she's changing the story already, which is she has to change the story. Because it reminds me of a line that a friend of mine says, a friend of mine says, facts don't care about your feelings.

Michael Knowles

And so I guess that's true in as much as it's true. But politics cares almost exclusively about your feelings. And so even if Christy Nome wrote out a long moral treatise on why she had every right to kill little cricket, as I think she did, in a humane way, and she could write it all the. What I don't understand is her job is not to be a moral philosopher. Her job is not to write anthropological and theological.

Her job is to appeal to people and to win their votes over. I don't understand, other than her view perhaps, that the american right is just bloodthirsty. I don't know how she thought that this was going to really play, even just a misreading of the political moment. We're in a time now where people walk little, you know, foo foo, down the street in a stroller so the paws don't hit the sidewalk. Who's she going to win on?

Megyn Kelly

You're about to get it. You're about to get it from Joan, who's going to defend that exact practice? She's in North Carolina. Joan, go ahead. Hey, Megan, how are you today?

I'm great. How you doing? I'm doing good, but I'm in. I'm just incensed with this story from Christy Noem and Michael Knowles. I have a stroller from our Pomeranian, not because I'm afraid her paws are going to hit the cement, but she does much better when we take her on trips with us when we go into stores.

I'm not concerned that she's going to be stepped on because she's little and she enjoys being in the stroller. And I will defend my kids, sometimes even call me a crazy dog mom because I have the stroller, but I am not embarrassed by it. Also, the poor pit bulls have gotten very bad raps because of the way people train them to be killers. They are very. Oh, you're upsetting Michael Knowles now.

Megyn Kelly

I could see it on his face. Joan, he doesn't like that. Wait, go ahead. I don't care. I love my dogs.

In fact, sometimes I love my dogs more than my kids. They are just innocent creatures that if they are not trained correctly, they have to be trained if they are having. An stroller and kill it. Go ahead and say again what, Michael? Joan, would you ever put the cute, sweet little pit bull in the stroller, or would that seem a little, I don't know, incongruous?

Michael Knowles

Because the pit bull is trained to be just a killer. You know, the pit bull's trained to be a real tough dog. And so I always hear this from the pit bull lovers. They say, no, it's never the dog's fault. It's always just the training.

And that's why the pit bulls love to just chomp down on all the little children and toddlers and things. But, you know, you just look, statistically, these attacks generally are undertaken by pit bulls. It's not their fault. That's kind of how they're bred. But then, you know, if we acknowledge they're not cute little frou frou dogs to push around in the cart, then can't we say, hey, maybe we shouldn't bring the pit bulls around, the little children, just because, can't we make that pre judgment about their nature?

Absolutely not. Because pit bulls are very gentle dogs that are very good with families. They are not dogs that are automatic killers. All right, we're, we've run a field now. We're on the pit bull.

Megyn Kelly

But thank you, Joan, for calling in Michael Knowles. You're getting some support. You know, I can see just a little, a little headline of what people are saying. I'll give you. Let's go to Jim in Florida.

Jim in Florida, you agree with Michael Knowles? I mean, no one ever says that. What? I mean, what? Well, to a certain degree.

I mean, whoever let this story come to light should be terminated immediately. Should never have been in the book. But at the, at the end of the day, we have developed this bizarre moral equivalency. Dogs and humans, that just doesn't exist, and it shouldn't exist. Now, you should run around, and I.

Am a dog owner. I love my little dog. But. And I would never shoot my little dog for him. I also don't.

I also don't scare for your dog. I also don't run a farm. I don't deal with what, what those folks do. But, I mean, you look. Look at, uh, what's in the news.

Fauci supposedly doing experiments on dogs. Yeah. Killing people with a vaccine isn't going to take down Fauci. Dogs are going to take down Fauci. Right.

Megyn Kelly

Get it? Yeah. I'd love to see him go down on any one of those crimes. Yeah, well, me, too, but there's just no, everything that everything having to do with humans should be above everything having to do with animals. I agree with that.

But that also doesn't justify shooting your dog in the face when it's just an untrained puppy. But, Michael, I'm telling you, you're getting a little bit more support coming in now. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, Bill in Illinois has got a problem with the breed.

Bill, what do you know about these pointers that we don't know? Hi, Megan. How are you? Good. How you doing?

Doing well, thank you. First of all, it was the dumbest. Idea of her story. But the breed is notorious for being aggressive, very aggressive. But I'm sure she knew that.

Michael Knowles

So I support. That's the thing. Then why buy it, right? I mean, like labs. I'm talking about Stredwick and chasing the squirrels and the bunny.

Megyn Kelly

I don't actually know if he would eat the bunny because he's never caught one. But labs are inherently not violent. They're not aggressive dogs. That's why you get them as a family pet. But, Michael, she got this breed that's known for being aggressive, says Bill.

And that's what the article said as well. Then she didn't train it, so I had no chance. Sure, but there was no due process, Michael. That's the problem. There was no due process.

Michael Knowles

You're right. And the people want the due process for the dog, just like they want to start putting monkeys, elephants on trial, but we don't do it because they don't have speech. You know, that's. That's probably the clearest distinction between them and human beings. And so what were they going to do with this dog, you say?

Well, they could give it to someone who wants the aggressive breeder. Maybe they could have trained the aggression out of it. But the zebra does not change its spots. I think that's how the expression goes. Who's getting railroaded faster and more unfairly, cricket or Trump?

Megyn Kelly

Michael Knowles. There is no question, if the Democrats could, they would take Donald Trump out to that gravel pit. Fortunately, they haven't done that yet. The way they're treating Donald Trump is much, much less fair, because Donald Trump, being a human being and being a political leader, actually does have rights. And they're treating him worse than dogs.

Michael Knowles

They treat all of us worse than dogs. And it's a flaw in our system, I suppose, and of the moral priorities of modern society. Oh, listen, I love that you guys all called in. God bless you all so much for doing this on the fly. You've been wonderful to listen to.

Megyn Kelly

I love hearing from the audience. I'm always reminded of how smart they are. Thank you all for your points of view. And thank you, Michael Knowles, for being such a good sport. You did win some support in the end, and thank Michael stays with us for another hour, so we have plenty of MK on both sides.

Coming up, you're cruising down the highway, windows rolled down, tunes blasting from the radio. You're in the zone and living the dream. Suddenly your car sputters, coughs and throws a wrench in your whole day, tow trucks, repair bills, the dream turns into a nightmare. Don't wait until car trouble steals your peace of mind. Visit Carshield

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Megyn Kelly

Michael, this is the clip of the day our vice president went on the Drew Barrymore show. And look at this promo clip they just released. Apparently some people love to talk about the way I laugh. Oh, yes, okay. I love your laugh.

Well, let me just tell you something. I have my mother's laugh. And I grew up around a bunch of women in particular who laughed from the belly. They laughed. They would sit around the kitchen and drinking their coffee, telling big stories with big laughs.

I'm never going to be, that's just, I'm not that person. And I think it's really important for us to remind each other and our younger ones don't be confined to other people's perception about what this looks like and who you, how you should act in order to be right. It's really important. It's important. It's classic, classic Kamala Harris trying to offer fake profundities with her fake affect.

When she's saying nothing, she delivers her normal air sandwich. And even worse, Michael is the Drew Barrymore leaning in for the listening audience. She leans in, she must be three inches away from Kamala Harris. Even Kamala Harris gotta be uncomfortable. I feel like Secret Service is probably like a little farther away, madam.

And the, oh, when she says, oh, I've got my mother's laugh, Drew. Drew Barry's like, oh, your mother's la, oh. And then the, you know, just the fiend, like from the belly look, she's leaning in like, this is gold. This is gold. You're giving me I hate everything about this clip.

Michael Knowles, what do you see? It's really uncomfortable. I always liked Drew Barrymore. I thought she was charming, and I like her in movies and stuff. But this show, the whole, I remember she did an interview with Dylan Mulvaney and was like, on her knees.

Michael Knowles

I don't know. It's really very intense. And then you took the words right out of my mouth. When I was watching that clip, all I thought was, this might be the first person I've ever met who speaks publicly, who has nothing to say, who does not have a single thing that she ever communicates. I can't think of one thought that she has ever expressed, which obviously explains why she leans into the laugh so much, is the longer and louder she can laugh, the less she has to speak.

Because when she speaks, it's just filler. It's just words that are bunched up together that have no semantic content to them. It's astounding. We, as far as I know, like the mocking of Kamala Harris's laugh is. It is a little odd.

Megyn Kelly

Yes, but it's also because it is deployed at very odd times. She uses it, and maybe that's the reason, the one you just hit on. But, like, as a deflection or as a protective mechanism, it, she laughs at the wrong times. It's like, we love the show modern family, and they have Claire Dunphy, the lead actress, always laugh. When someone tells her there's been a death in the family, she can't stop herself from smiling and kind of giggling at it.

That's Kamala Harris. She's inappropriate with the laugh. No one gives a shit that she got the laugh from the mother and she turned, what? What you're seeing up there is entirely performative by both women. Is there anybody at home thinking, this is a really sweet moment?

Michael Knowles

No, there's nothing sincere, of course. And so even when she says, well, I got this from my mother, it leans into the nearest thing that Kamala Harris has ever said, which is, I am a woman and I am of color. I guess those are the two. They're not thoughts, obviously, but they're just kind of identifiers that she spouts out. So even when she has to explain this weird personality quirk of hers, she says, well, you know, it's my mother.

It's from my aunt. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. I have this family. It's a woman of color.

Hi, there. I'm Kamala Harris, woman of color. In all of her interviews, she says, I'm the first, I'm the first woman of color, a yada, yada, yada, yada. And nary a thought passes in there that doesn't surprise me. I don't really get the Drew Barrymore of it all.

I don't get how anyone could sit there. Maybe she's just a really great actress. If you can sit there and pretend that you're fascinated by a word that Kamala Harris has ever said, you deserve an Oscar. It's true. And the, I love your laugh.

Megyn Kelly

Oh, my God. It's so demeaning. Can you imagine someone speaking to Donald Trump that way? It's so, it's just demeaning. It demeans both the anchor and the guest.

Drew Barrymore is not very good at this. I really didn't know that until I saw Dylan Mulvaney and now I'm seeing this. But Drew, I can tell you're acting. And normally, you know, like in the wedding singer, I couldn't tell poltergeist. You were very good.

I feel like you lost a little off your fastball, sweetheart. You're going to have to work on it. Our vice president, hopefully she doesn't have to work on this for much longer than another seven months. Ok, Michael Knowles, stand by. Quick break.

Back to you. And we're going to talk about the college campus insanity. I'm Megyn Kelly, host of the Megyn Kelly show on Sirius XM. It's your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures. Today you can catch the Megyn Kelly show on Triumph, a Sirius XM show featuring lots of hosts you may know and probably love.

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Michael Knowles

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Megyn Kelly

We just got some breaking news out of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals which used to be conservative and is now responsible for some of the most leftist issued rulings on transgenderism that we've seen in the country. This is what happens when you get leftist presidents in office. They're the ones responsible for nominating the federal judges. They get on the bench, they get confirmed and then they go on to turn the country hard left, which is what's happening. They're out of Virginia, okay?

This is the south. And they just ruled that states have an obligation to use public funds for so called gender affirming care. So now you have to pay for somebody else's kid to have his penis chopped off. Okay? That's according to one of the previously most conservative appellate courts in the nation.

I can only hope and pray that they're going to appeal this up. The Fourth Circuit has been responsible for several of these decisions lately. I'm going to pick it up in a minute with Michael Knowles, but I'm going to start with what's happening on campuses. This is outrageous. What happens when you take your eye off the ball.

You focus on a bunch of nonsense like Trump's latest tweet for four years, like the media did, as opposed to like who's taking over in our courts under eight years of Obama and now four years of Biden? Who's, who? What, what's happening? What's happening with trans laws, state to state and women's rights? Okay, you've heard me say it before.

Let's get something about our country that we love on the docket here. And that's we've always been able to debate. Always. That's something, that's one of the reasons some people migrate here is because you can say what you think and you can have it out rhetorically on the street corners and everywhere the land of the free. But in recent weeks, things have taken a dramatic and dark shift, particularly on our campuses, because we normally could say very crazy, incendiary things.

But we typically, on college campuses because of, well, the law, wouldn't see targeted campaigns about how we hate Jews or blacks or women over and over and over how we really would love it if the Jews would just die. And America, too, for that purpose, for that matter, as America's young people right now, and their professors, let's not forget about them, are increasingly embracing not just anti Israel messages. Not just Israel should stop the bombing campaign in retaliation for the murder and torture of 1200 of its citizens, but actual anti Semitism. Actual anti Semitism, like death to the Jews, like, hey, Hamas, here's your next target. That's problematic.

Reminiscent of 1930s Europe, perhaps. Nowhere is this more evident than on the lovely campus of Columbia University. A lot of people go there because it supposedly has a master's in journalism program that is very alluring to some. I can speak on behalf of journalism when I say get out. Do not complete your education there.

You're wasting your money. It's pointless. Unless you want to go work for, I guess, Al Jazeera, in which case it might help you out. One of the leaders of the anti Israel movement on this campus has now been outed as someone who has the, well, the small belief that these so called Zionists, they don't deserve to live. Meet Kamani James.

Khamani James is one of the leaders of the movement in a video flagged in part by the daily wire. Why would we want people who are supporters of genocide to live? Zionists, along with all white supremacists, need to not exist because they actively kill and harm vulnerable people. They stop the world from progressing. And so be glad, be grateful that I'm not just going out and murdering Zionists.

I've never murdered anyone in my life, and I hope to keep it that way. Philosophically speaking, the death of a maniacal genocide is like Netanyahu in Israel. His death would theoretically mean that many people would live. Zionists don't deserve to live. The existence of Nazis, white supremacists, Zionists, these are all the same people.

The existence of them and the projects they have built, that Israel, it's all antithetical to peace. I feel very comfortable, very comfortable calling for those people to die. See you in New York real soon.

Megyn Kelly

Okay? Kamani, who apparently goes by he she, they has now been barred from campus after this all went public and has issued a non apology of sorts, quote, regretting the words, but blaming far right agitators, claiming to have been taken out of context on all the calls for the jew killing, saying I had been feeling unusually upset after an online mob targeted me because I am visibly queer and black. Oh, you go boy. You do it. You play the black card and the queer card.

Yeah. Or girl. Or get they boy and girl. I don't know what you are. How about just don't say that people deserve to die, Kimani.

How about that? Like all the jew killing, maybe what got you in trouble. And by the way, he was called to testify in front of the Columbia board because of his terrible behavior. He said this publicly and there was absolutely no consequence to him. Go ahead, call for the all the Jews to be killed.

No problem. Only when it become became public did this become an issue for him. The so called apology came a day after Khamani and others were visited by none other than Congresswoman Ilan Omar, whose own daughter is part of the anti Israel crew. She and her daughter were apparently seen embracing and glad handing with this guy because they had no problem with the Zionist do not deserve to live. Zionists don't deserve to live.

And you should be grateful I'm not murdering any of them. And I hope at least that I'm going to keep it that way. They had absolutely no problem doing that. Here's a bit from the congresswoman on her visit right afterward. I think it is really unfortunate that people don't care about the fact that all jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti semitism or bigotry for all jewish students, whether they are pro genocide or anti genocide.

You see, that's how we look at the Jews. The Jews, you may not know this. If you're jewish, you're either pro genocide or anti genocide. And if you happen to support Israel retaliating for the slaughter of its citizens, that means you're pro genocide. Just in case you're playing at home.

Farther north, up at Harvard, Steve McGuire posted this on X. Protesters taking it upon themselves to raise the palestinian flag over the John Harvard statue in place of the Stars and stripes. This is unbelievable. Turn down with occupation liberation. Up, up with liberation countdown in occupation countdown in occupation.

Up, up with liberation. Free, free Palestine. Free, free Palestine. Free, free Palestine. Free, free Palestine.

For the listening audience, what happened there was they took down the american flag and they raised up the flag of Palestine on an american campus, one that we fund with our tax dollars. You pay for it, I pay for it. And when these snot nosed kids get out of Harvard, you're going to repay their loans. Thanks to Joe Biden. You're paying for it all.

All the truckers listening to this show right now, as you get our goods from the west coast to the east, you're paying for it. You're going to pay for those snot nose kids education thanks to Joe Biden and his loan forgiveness, which was done without the approval of the US Congress. But with his magic pen, you get to pay for it. Okay? And if you send your kid to Harvard, let's say you overcome the odds and gets in there and he happens to have one night of sex with a woman he doesn't know that well.

And in the morning she has the Sunday morning regrets and accuses him of rape. He's effed. He's going to get tried and convicted by a kangaroo court in which the prosecutor is the same person as the investigator and it's one in the same because it's a victim's rights advocate. He won't get to see the evidence against them. He won't get to cross examine his accuser.

He won't have a right to an attorney. He will just get convicted and labeled a sex offender. All on your dime. There you go. Welcome to the american universities.

Raise that palestinian flag. Let's get rid of all the american flags. Okay. Let's bring in the sharia. Sure.

Great. See how they like you in your little tank tops. Then further south, at Emory University, a professor found herself on the receiving end. These professors are so pathetic. They're so desperate to be part of the action.

They've had no life. You see. They went right into academia. They thought that they were going to have something fulfilling, but they wound up having to just be these woke warriors and there's no fulfillment in it. Look at what happened to this lady when she wound up on the wrong end of a very unhappy officer after she tried to inject herself in a scuffle with the protesters.

Give me some props. My head on the concrete. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You be more fascist.

You are Hitler. You are happy dog. Say my view.

Megyn Kelly

Right on. That's the way you do it. Cops like a boss. That guy handled that. She was interfering with a police officer, trying to subdue a protester and apparently make an arrest.

She made it her business to come over and try to get in the middle of it. He told her to get back on the grass, away. She didn't listen. She resisted arrest repeatedly. By the way, she's a white lady, okay?

This doesn't just happen to black people in Chicago who resist arrest. She resisted arrest and she was handled appropriately. And just in case you had any doubt, here she is later admitting that she hit an officer on the head. Prior to this, I saw a large. Man pinning one of our students to the ground, pressing on his neck and potentially choking him, causing life threatening injury.

And so I impulsively hit him on the head very lightly to get his attention. And they grabbed me, threw me to. The ground and arrested me. And they are now injuring my arms. They smacked my head on the pavement.

Megyn Kelly

And you can see you deserved it. That they hit my face on the concrete and there's probably bruised and you can see scratches and they are now manhandling me without any. We don't care. Due process. The due process will come when you get to jail, madam.

You deserved it. And as for your claim that they were George Floyding, that protester, sure, Jan, we don't believe that either. You deserved to be knocked down and arrested and have your hands behind your back and handcuffed and no one gives two shits if you are uncomfortable at all. By the way, it's not just on campuses. Saturday night, protesters gathering outside of the White House correspondents dinner in Washington.

Unfurling, yes, you guessed it, a giant palestinian flag from a hotel window. Great. Some laying on the streets outside of the hotel. Lying on the streets outside of the hotel along with fake blood covered press vests in an attempt to tell the media that they are, hashtag, part of the problem. One unhinged person in a mask, of course, confronting Katie Pavlich, my old pal from Fox News and Town hall who caught this moment on camera.

You're not welcome here. You're not welcome here. You're not welcome here. Why don't you fucking copper. 34,000 people dead.

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You are so complicit in this genocide and you don't even care. We're a spectacle to you. We're.

Katie Pavlich is complicit in the genocide, Michael. Who knew? Actually, people are finally waking up to that genocidal Katie Pavlich, the campus intifada, and I suppose the White House Correspondents association protest, the jihadi protesters. It makes me feel for the jewish students who can't go to class, so I feel for them. It's very sad.

Michael Knowles

It's obviously unjust. They should all be arrested. Sure. I do feel a little bit of shot in Freuda though, when I think about the university administrations. Columbia did this to itself.

Yale did this to itself. All of the universities, the White House Correspondents association, frankly, did this to itself. This is the culmination of years and years and years of ideological indoctrination, because the campus intifada, oddly enough, is not really about Palestine and it's not really about the Jews. If you listen to the language they're using, these people are using the exact kind of language that they use to attack America and Europe and Christendom and the west. They're attacking Jews not because they're Jews, but because they're white.

They're attacking the state of Israel not because of any particular policy of the state of Israel or any particular faction there, or even the establishment of the state of Israel and the zionist movement. They're attacking the state of Israel because they call it a colonizer, settler colonial project of western imperialism. It's the same thing they say about America and why they claim that America is not a legitimate country because we exist on stolen land. So even the motivation for these protests is so. It's so pathetic.

It's just more of the same. Hey, hey, ho, ho. Western Civ has got to go. That we've been hearing since Jesse Jackson marched it down the streets of Stanford. It's amazing.

Megyn Kelly

You look at the campuses in Florida, it's crickets. Ron DeSantis knows what he's doing. No one's doing this there. They nip it in the bud. Because do you know what happens when you keep giving toddlers their own way?

You get a lot more of their bad behavior. I mean, super nanny told us this many times here, stop. 14.

Yeah, that was a little kid hitting his own mom. Super nanny standing by. That's the problem. If you give the toddler what he wants just because he's thrown a fit, you're going to get a whole lot more of the bad behavior. And so Columbia trying to negotiate, you know, if you could just, like, not say the anti semitic things, if you could just call for the elimination of Israel, but not the Jews, and also maybe get rid of the Hamas next targets, signs that would really help us out.

Michael Knowles

Well, you can see what this is all about when you look at other conflicts around the world, because we talk a little bit about Ukraine, and more than a little bit, we talk a lot about Israel. Gaza, there is a genocide that is gearing up right now, and it's gearing up not in any of those regions, but in Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Nagorno Karabakh conflict, which is expanding, the Azerbaijanis, the Muslim Turks there are threatening to ethnically cleanse the Armenians from their ancestral homeland. The Armenians. It's the first christian nation in the world.

It became Christian a dozen years before the edict of Milan legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire. And I don't really hear any of those protesters at Columbia or Yale or anywhere else talking about the Armenians who have already suffered a genocide, by the way, a million and a half people 100 years ago. You don't hear about that because it doesn't fit the narrative. Because in that case, the perpetrators of the genocide are Muslim Turks. And the victims of the genocide, and potentially another ethnic cleansing are Christians or christian Armenians.

So it doesn't fit their narrative, which is really what this is about. These people don't know anything about Palestine or Gaza. There was an event the other day, the drag queens for Palestine. The drag queens would be pushed off a rooftop if they ever made it anywhere near Gaza or the West bank. What this is really about is just a continuation of the radical left liberationist kind of politics, which.

Which does not ultimately really focus on the Jews or on the state of Israel or any of that. It's really geared at all of western civilization, which they view as illegitimate and which they want to tear down. Okay? So I appreciate the firm hand by law enforcement with these ridiculous student protesters and professors standing there. Protesting is one thing.

Megyn Kelly

Getting in a cop's face, going with the truly anti semitic slogans is another. And this is what happened. This is another one in emory, where the cop. Yeah, in Emory, right? Yeah.

Where the cop led one of the protesters away who would not comply. Like you do a toddler. Watch. You're hurting me.

You're hurting me.

Listening audience. I can't tell if it was a man or a woman who he picked up, but the person tried to, like, throw themselves on the ground, and the cop just grabbed the person by the crooked elbow and leg and carried him away. In response to which everybody on Twitter was like, if I had a nickel for her. Every time I've had to do that to my toddler, like, you're going. You're going.

Michael Knowles

And by the way, my toddler cries less when I do it. My toddler cries a lot less than that overgrown baby screaming about how his arm hurts or whatever. It's amazing. It reminds me of the fake soccer injuries. You see if you watch male or female soccer, where it's like, this is the worst acting I've ever seen.

Megyn Kelly

But I love the cop. Cause he's like, you know, he seemed not that large a man, and the protester looked like a very large male or female behaving like an infant and being treated accordingly. Now you mark my words, all those protesters and those professors who got manhandled by the cops will be filing lawsuits within the next six months. And they'll get paid because that's the world we live in today. Michael Knowles.

Michael Knowles

That's right. You know, these people keep invoking the Nazis. And there is a political theorist who was associated with the nazi party who says that articulates thinking that's very similar to their own, which is that the fundamental distinction in politics is that between friend and enemy. And you can clearly see these people have a very clear sense of who their enemies are. So this is a big problem for the Democrats and for the left because it's not just happening on Columbia's campus or Yale's campus or wherever it's happening outside of Joe Biden's appearance at the White House Correspondents association, which means that these people are, they're not on our side.

Okay. I don't think there are allies generally with the, the palestinian flag and shrieking about liberation and all the rest of it. Those are leftists and they're protesting the left wing president and they're protesting the left wing journalists. It means that while Biden yucks it up with all of the political establishment, he's got the liberal elites on his side, but he doesn't have the people. He obviously doesn't have the right wing people.

He doesn't seem to have the independence or the moderates. And he's losing the left wing people over his own failed policies. So what can he do? And ultimately what they're going to have to do is just gin up a bunch of other distractions. Because not only is the american political order fraying under Biden's reign, but his own political coalition is falling apart every time you hear these shrieks about the genocide.

And the ruler of the country is Joe Biden. So ultimately those attacks are being directed at him by his own side. Right. There's been polling that just came out, I think on Friday showing he's hemorrhaging on the Israel issue with dems, independents and Republicans. He's pleasing absolutely no one.

Megyn Kelly

His tips of the hat to those weird people in Michigan who are out there chanting death to America did him no good. He's in the barrel on approval rating with them. So you'd think you would just back Israel and try to lean into that core of the democratic base that tends to love him and is very pro Israel, but he's not getting that message. The latest CNN polling that just dropped this is of registered voters, not as helpful as likely, but shows in a head to head poll. Trump's now up plus six over Biden.

That's an additional two points in Trump's favor since January, when other candidates are added in, Kennedy, Cornel west, and Jill Stein, it's Trump up 942 to 33. Looking back at the Trump presidency now, 55% say it was successful. Only 44% say it was a failure. How about for Biden? Now, 39% say it's been a success.

61% say it's been a failure. 70% say the economic conditions in the US are poor. And Biden's approval ratings for the economy and inflation are in the basement, 34% and 29%, respectively. So, you know, we're several months out, Michael, but this is like, this is after he's been indicted four times. He's in the middle of a criminal trial in New York, where the headlines about him every day are terrible.

Their plan's not working. And by the way, the conviction is only going to help him. I think a lot of us are expecting a conviction in New York, if not elsewhere. It seems like that's how the game is rigged. I think it will only help him because all of the polling shows that people, the vast majority of Americans, understand that this is an unjust political prosecution, a persecution, really.

Michael Knowles

So Biden is in a lot of trouble right now. The best he can do is distract. But unfortunately for him, President Trump is playing his cards so perfectly. They say, you can't be on the campaign trail. You've got to be defending yourself in court.

Okay. Trump's going to hold a press conference every single day at the courthouse, and then he's going to go up to a bodega in West Harlem, something no Republican has probably ever done in history, and have a successful campaign event there. He's going to keep playing with that. And then when they try to pin Trump down on these really thorny issues, he can legitimately and persuasively say, my answer is, none of this would be happening on my watch. You get into an issue like the Israel Palestine conflict, which people have all sorts of opinions on.

It's probably the most complex foreign policy problem in the world and has been for some years now. What does Trump do? Does he have to weigh in on whether or not Israel is using excessive force or weigh in on the prospect of a palestinian state or blah, blah, blah? No. That can only lose in votes.

So he points to Biden. He says, hey, what he's doing is terrible. This wouldn't be happening under my watch. The russian invasion of Ukraine wouldn't be happening under my watch. The Xi Jinping threatening Taiwan wouldn't be happening under my watch.

And he's got credibility on it because he was the president. And that was true. That actually Trump, believe it or not, brought peace to the Middle east. He got the Abraham accord signed. He was the only president in the last 20 years on whose watch Vladimir Putin did not further invade another country.

And even China was playing ball. We were winning that trade war with China right before COVID locked the whole world down. So he can point to that and say, hey, I'm not going to get into the details here because they're trying to throw me in prison for the rest of my life. But suffice it to say, things were better when I was president. All this bad stuff wasn't happening.

You have a chance to elect me again and make America great again. That seems to be persuading people. You know, speaking of China, all these kids on these college campuses are going to go to their protest. And then once they're ejected from campus and hopefully suspended or expelled or arrested, they're going to maybe go watch an NBA game. They're going to make a call or a text on their iPhone.

Megyn Kelly

They don't care, you see, about those Muslims, they don't care about the ones in China actually being subjected right now to all the killing, all the genocidally conduct that we've confirmed with our own satellites. I guess it's because the Jews aren't doing it. I guess, like, the Asians can have a pass. If you're chinese, it's fine. It's tough to keep up with the moral compass.

All right, wait, Michael, let me get this fourth circuit ruling in front of you. It just broke. So I'll, this that they outline is this court, which used to be reliably conservative, has just ruled. And it was the full panel of the fourth Circuit. It wasn't just a three judge panel, eight to six.

So a tight decision that state health care plans may not legally exclude from their coverage so called gender affirming surgery or, quote, healthcare, what you and I would see as barbaric procedures in which we're cutting off people's body parts, kids, minor minors, body parts and others, they have to pay for it, which means the taxpayer must pay for these procedures. The Washington Post reporting, I made reference to this earlier. It's the second ruling in favor of, quote, trans rights this month from the Fourth Circuit, a once conservative court that has become a trailblazer in the realm of transgender rights. The court was the first to say trans students had a right to use the bathrooms that align with their gender identity, the first to recognize gender dysphoria as a protected disability. Earlier this month, the court said a federally funded middle school could not ban a transition 13 year old from playing on the girls track and field team.

All these rulings split the appeals court down ideological lines. A Trump appointee in a strong dissent saying there is no role for the federal courts in policing what treatments health care plans decide to cover. And, you know, the, the people on the other side have been saying trans people can get exactly the same medical care as you or I could in, I think it was North Carolina and West Virginia. It's just the taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for chopping a penis off or trying to, quote, turn a boy into a girl, which is a medical impossibility. What do you make of it?

Michael Knowles

We need to get a little more comfortable with the word discriminate, because that's what's at the heart of this ruling, right? That the court comes out and says it is discriminatory for the taxpayers not to fund the mutilations for these people who are confused about their sex. And our response is going to be, it's not discrimination. It's XYZ. No, you're right.

It is discrimination. It's true. It is discriminatory to tell a man who thinks that he's a woman that he can't go into the women's bathroom. It's also discriminatory to tell a woman that she can't have her own bathroom free from men. To discriminate just means to distinguish one thing from another.

And so what the court is engaging in is just a new kind of discrimination. A discrimination against people who don't think that a man can become a woman. A discrimination against taxpayers who don't want to fund these barbaric kinds of practices. A discrimination against doctors who take their hippocratic oath seriously and agree that first a physician should do no harm. Unfortunately, now they're being impelled and even coerced to harm patients.

That will not do them any good. We call it gender affirming therapy, but all it affirms is delusion and injury, and it leaves the patients worse off than they started. We are also still currently discriminating against people with other kind of body conditions. So if someone walks into a doctor with a clinically valid condition of body integrity, identity disorder, it's a rare condition, but it's a condition where you just want to lose one of your healthy limbs, I guess. In fact, we're literally talking about that in the case of transgenderism, because they want to cut off certain very specific healthy limbs.

But if you went in and said, I have body identity integrity disorder and I want to chop my arm off, I just feel like I'm a one armed person trapped in a two armed person's body. The doctors, even in these crazy states, would tell you to go talk to a psychologist or something. They'd say, they can't do that. Well, that's a kind of a discrimination, and it's an incoteration, coherent discrimination. Now, according to this court, which is just arbitrarily ruled that taxpayers have to fund lopping off the healthy genitals of disturbed people, but not other body parts.

It's arbitrary, it's capricious. It's not grounded in anything sturdy in medical ethics or in the law. But that's how the court is going to rule. According to the fashions and passing fads of the day. This must be taken up.

Megyn Kelly

Undoubtedly, the losing side will appeal. West Virginia, North Carolina will appeal. They had tried to pass laws saying, no, the state does not have to fund this, and I hope the Supreme Court takes it. It will require them to be bold. They like to be loved.

They're not loved. They just need to do their jobs as justices and take this case and set it right. What's the point of having a six three conservative majority if they reject all the hard cases? The problem, though, Megan, is even if the Supreme Court takes the case, let's not forget the Bostock decision with our supposedly conservative court, which decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights act didn't actually mean to give employment protections on the basis of sex, but rather employment protections on the basis of sexual identity and gender orientation, which ironically undercuts the employment protections on the basis of sex by saying that men are entitled to women's spaces and women's rights and privileges. So that was Justice Gorsuch.

Michael Knowles

I mean, that was ostensibly a conservative jurist. Yeah. I'm not all that optimistic if this case would make it to the Supreme Court. I mean, it's like, it's one of those things where it's not that you don't want a trans person to ever get a job. Right.

Megyn Kelly

I see in the employment context how they're trying to say, you can't. You know, that you can't say, you can't work here just because you have some gender dysphoria. But can I say, I don't want someone to be at the front desk of my hotel welcoming guests, who's an obvious six foot three man with a wig on. Like, what if I could find a position for him in the back office? Right?

Like, you're really playing with an experimental, like, phase of, I don't know, gender expression. And within one year, that decision came back to haunt them, of course. I mean, it was even more egregious. Not in Bostock, but in the case of Harris Funeral homes, which was another one of these transgender employment discrimination cases in which we're talking about a funeral home, we're talking about customers who are grieving. They're so emotionally raw.

Michael Knowles

And one of the funeral home employees is a man, and he wanted to dress up like a woman, wear a little skirt to work. And the owner of the funeral home said, hey, man, people are grieving. They're raw. This is not the place to engage in your social and political activism. It's not about you, man, and it's not about your fantasies.

And we all, I guess, indulge your fantasies to some degree or another in all aspects of life here. How about you, like, focus on what the business is for and have a little sympathy or care for other people? And, of course, the employee said no, and it went up to the supreme Court. And then ultimately, Vostok ended up deciding that, yeah, it's not about any antipathy toward anyone, but it's about putting things in their proper place and living in a normal society, which now the courts increasingly are telling us we're not allowed to do, and we actually have to fund the abnormality and the injury. I mean, how far are we going to take?

Megyn Kelly

This is like, think of Kayla Lemieux, the shop teacher up in Canada, who is a guy that's not his real name, with the enormous breasts, with the enormous nipples in the shop class. Do I have to pay for that? If that is, if there's a Kayla here in the United States and he wants me to fund his enormous breasts, I don't like. I'm pretty sure that if, just, like, some 25 year old actual woman wants breast implants, she has to pay for them herself. But some dude who claims he's gender dysphoric, I guess we're going to have to pay for his enormous Kayla Lemieux boobs with the huge lemon sized nipples so he can shove them in our kids faces in shop class.

That's. That's going to be just fine. And now they're going to be able to come into all the locker rooms and bathrooms on all school campuses, thanks to the title ix revisions. This is Joe Biden's America. The reason, Megan, is that we can't avoid the decisions.

Michael Knowles

Even a lot of people on the right, we're very liberal, and we think, oh, well, let's just. You do you. I don't really, I actually don't care if you want to wear some weird prosthetic or you want to pretend you're a man. You know you do. You just don't make me pay for it.

But we have to pay for it because we have Medicaid, we have Medicare, we, even beyond particular health entitlement programs, we live in a society, okay? We have rules about how medicine is practiced. We all pay our taxes. And so you can't avoid the question, and you're going to have to come down one way or the other. Either you have to come down and say, hey, it's not affirming to anyone, or it's at least not helpful for anyone to have their delusions affirmed.

And so we're not going to pay for it. We're not even going to really allow doctors to do it, just like we wouldn't allow a person to, with a perfectly healthy arm to chop it off because of some psychological condition. We're gonna, ultimately, we can't just fall back on these kinds of procedural standards. We have to get to substance, and we have to say, no, actually, a man can't really be a woman. And that's why the doctors aren't gonna do this thing that's harmful to your health, because we gotta discriminate between things that are good for your health and bad for your health.

And then we're gonna fund that or not fund that based on the conclusions that we come to. And sorry, man, but too, two plus two equals four, and the sun shines in the sky and grass is green, and your own fantasies don't get to contradict that. And we don't have to fund your fantasies. Right? They tried to do the right thing in these states, and now they're being told by unelected judges that they must fund it.

Megyn Kelly

So if you object to children having this done and you live in any state now, because it's going to, if it doesn't get challenged, the other test cases will go up all around the country. Unless the Supreme Court resolves this, and we'll have similar rulings, and you'll have to, you've got to participate in this. Notwithstanding what, for example, the pope says in the catholic religion and what all sane religions are saying, which is this is not something we should support. But you're going to have to now. You're going to have to, because any state funded insurance program or health care program needs to pay for this gender affirming care.

And why? Because the trans activists are vicious and they're damn effective. And while we weren't paying attention, they were making inroads in all 50 states in this nation. And again, it must be undone. Michael Knowles, a pleasure, sir.

Thanks for being such a good sport today with all our callers in our dog conversation. You were great. The pleasure was all mine, Megan. Thank you. Thank you to all the callers, especially the three who agreed with me.

Michael Knowles

And I look forward to seeing you next time.

Megyn Kelly

Thanks for listening to the Megyn Kelly show. No B's, no agenda, and no fear.