#2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe

Primary Topic

This episode features Joe Rogan and comedian Tony Hinchcliffe discussing a variety of topics, including the comedy scene, societal issues, and personal anecdotes.

Episode Summary

In this vibrant episode, Joe Rogan and Tony Hinchcliffe dive deep into discussions about comedy dynamics, personal growth, and societal critiques. They share insights into the world of stand-up comedy, reflecting on their experiences at comedy clubs and interactions with other comedians. The conversation also touches on broader topics like societal norms, the impact of politics on daily life, and personal philosophies. Both Rogan and Hinchcliffe explore the nuances of cultural and social dynamics, making this episode a mix of light-hearted banter and serious reflection.

Main Takeaways

  1. Comedy Culture Insights: The episode provides a behind-the-scenes look at the comedy scene, particularly the dynamics and experiences within comedy clubs.
  2. Personal Growth and Philosophy: Rogan and Hinchcliffe discuss their personal growth, philosophies, and the impact of societal changes on their lives and careers.
  3. Critiques of Society and Culture: They offer critiques on various societal issues, including politics, social norms, and the entertainment industry.
  4. Impact of Location on Comedy: The influence of location, like Austin versus Los Angeles, on their comedy careers and lifestyles is a significant point of discussion.
  5. Reflections on Current Events: The conversation includes reflections on current events and their implications for society and culture.

Episode Chapters

1: Comedy Club Culture

Tony Hinchcliffe shares experiences from comedy clubs, highlighting how fame and reputation affect performances. Joe Rogan: "Bumping is horseshit."

2: Societal Observations

Discussion on how societal changes influence personal and professional life, with insights into moving from LA to Austin. Tony Hinchcliffe: "I feel more at home here than I ever did there."

3: Philosophical Reflections

They delve into personal philosophies and the journey of self-discovery through their careers. Joe Rogan: "Every light just turned green."

4: Critique of Political and Social Norms

A critical look at political figures and the impact of government decisions on society. Tony Hinchcliffe: "It's like a Vegas residency or something."

5: Future Speculations

Speculations on the future of society, technology, and personal freedoms. Joe Rogan: "Are these the last days of just being a regular person?"

Actionable Advice

  1. Explore Personal Growth: Engage in activities that challenge your perspectives and contribute to personal growth.
  2. Stay Informed and Reflective: Keep abreast of current events and reflect on their implications for your life and community.
  3. Embrace Change: Adapt to changes in your environment and industry to stay relevant and fulfilled.
  4. Cultivate Resilience: Develop resilience by facing challenges head-on and learning from setbacks.
  5. Contribute to Community: Engage in community service or local politics to make a positive impact in your area.

About This Episode

Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live YouTube show "Kill Tony."


Joe Rogan, Tony Hinchcliffe


Leave blank if none.


Leave blank if none.

Guest Name(s):

Tony Hinchcliffe

Content Warnings:

Explicit language and adult themes


Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.

What's it like to be the king of the world? Tony Hicksburg.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I got to talk some shit. You're killing it, man. It's exciting. It's an exciting time for you. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
I hope you're enjoying it. Oh, I'm having a blast. Is it weird? Does it feel weird? Kind of.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Cause I wasn't expecting, like, a big. A big moment or like a different. Boom, a different outside thing. Cause I'm just content here chilling. I had my kil Tony stuff and all of our stuff and.

But, yeah, it's awesome. It's so interesting to watch. It was funny that Brian Simpson said that he's with you at the store, and he said, he goes, I watched Tony Hinchcliffe become real famous in real time. Yeah. Like, you could see, like, with the first show, when you're warming up, get ready for the roast, then after the roast.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, we're just going crazy. Yeah, it was weird. I got bumped by another comedian my first night at the store, and then I was the special guest super treat the rest of the week. Like, it was like I was the secret weapon, kind of. So I was unbumpable.

We should be bumped anyway. Bumping is horseshit. Yeah. Bumping is a thing that. It was around the store back in the old days, and they should have got rid of it a long time ago.

You know, it's one thing if, like, some superstar Dave Chappelle type Chris rock character wants to pop in. Louis CK's in town and they want to do 15 minutes. You know, that's all great, but what used to happen at the store is you'd get these comedians that were just doing it for an ego flex. They were just doing it because they wanted to be able to bump other folks on the roster, and then they would do, like, a fucking 45 minutes set and ruin the timeline of the show. Everybody's supposed to do 15 minutes.

There's, like, fucking 16 people on the show. It's a long ass show. What? How many people are on 16? Is it 16?

Tony Hinchcliffe
I don't know if it still is. It might be 14 or twelve or so. It's a lot of fucking pandemic. It's crazy that some people will sit there from show open, they will sit there from 08:00 p.m. and they will be there till 02:00 a.m.

Joe Rogan
i've seen it. Oh, yeah, I've seen it many a times. Some people are just like. Especially those tourists. Comedy tourists.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Had come there from Australia and Ireland and shit. Yeah, they don't want to miss any. We're getting a lot of those at the mothership, man. There's a lot of people from other countries.

Joe Rogan
They're telling me they're flying in for. This all the time. It's wild. They come in, they do like, a weekend, then they go do kill Tony, and they'll do, like, one of our shows. It's fucking crazy.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. I always ask now during the commercial break where I get to talk directly to the kill Tony audience, and I ask, how many of you live in Austin, Texas, make some noise. How many of you flew in just for this? And it's always a bigger pop. Isn't that wild?

Joe Rogan
Yeah, it's like the city's become, like a vacation destination for stand up, for the arts. I think. I think you can come here and listen to live music, the best, and live comedy and get to see a lot of fucking freaks. Yeah, it's just fucking. What a time we're in, man.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Boy, did we get lucky. I mean, we just keep getting lucky, dude. Having Shane here is a death blow to the other cities. Took him out on his first boat trip on Sunday, and we drank, of.

Joe Rogan
Course, if you would, Shane, you're drinking. Did you drink bud lights or did you drink real alcohol? I drank whiskey cokes. He drank bud lights. We always fucking meet.

Yeah, that dude can put them away. We do not fuck around with Shane Gillis. Do not try to drink with Shane Gillis. We had so much fun cracking up, man. Listening to Drake on the river, that's awesome.

He's the best. Yeah. It's so nice having him here. And it's so nice having Joey here all the time now. Joey's coming again in a week.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Unbelievable. Yeah, I was just with him in New Jersey. Yeah, he was so hilarious. He was so hilarious at the fights. He was out of his mind.

That's what I was telling Louis, is, like, even the few people that we really want that haven't moved here are coming here all the time. Like, it's a Vegas residency or something like that. Theo was there, too, at the fights, and he's coming in July. Yeah. So we'll do more stuff with him, too.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, it's just. We're lucky. Shit, dude. I mean, I say it all the time, but it's almost like the universe wanted this to happen this way. It just seems like every light just turned green right when we got up to it unbelievable.

It didn't make sense. Like, this isn't gonna work. Green light. This isn't gonna work. Green light.

Hey, this might work. Green light. Oh, shit. It's happening. Green light.

It's wild. Yeah. And it's a special fucking place, man. Yeah. I love this city with all my heart.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You know, I never thought I would leave L. A. And then when the shit hit the fan and riots and governments and you realize taxes are absolutely insane for what we were getting. And I feel more at home here than I ever did there. And I was there for almost 20 years.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. But when the plane's landing and you look out the right side and you see downtown Austin instead of downtown LA, it feels more like, oh, yeah, it's. A better place for comedy too, in terms of, like, you don't have the traffic. It's not a grind. It's the middle of the country.

So if you want to travel to other cities, it's easy to get to. The club situation is amazing. There's so many clubs. There's Cap city. There's Creek in the cave.

There's the Vulcan. There's a sunsets trip. There's the mothership. There's. What else?

Tony Hinchcliffe
The black rabbit. Black rabbit? They're Shakespeare's. It's crazy. It's crazy.

Joe Rogan
It's an amazing situation. It's like, you know, and you realize, like, you don't have to. You don't have to live like that. You don't have to be stuck in this crazy city of insane traffic and crime, right? I can see five comedy clubs from my windows and where I live, and I don't even think anybody in New York has that.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I don't think you can look down and see five comedy clubs from where you're at at any given point. Look, New York has more clubs and more people, and New York's awesome. It's not a contest, right? You know, it's not a contest. It's like that whole, like, New York is the best.

Joe Rogan
I don't know if you like it. It's the best. Like, it's whatever's the great. Whatever's great for you, right? But this is a crazy place right now.

And, you know, La used to be crazy and now LA is just a fucking steaming pile. It's on fire. It's just fucked. Speaking of fire, did you see this guy? You know what that is in Mexico?

Oh, we need to google this too, because Mexico has a new president and I heard that 30 plus presidential candidates were assassinated. Oh, that might be just a TikTok meme. So I have to find out. So let's find out in real time. But the sky.

The reason why the sky is so cloudy looking. That's smoke from wildfires in Mexico. Oh, wow. Yeah, they did a controlled burn and they. Whoops.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Oh, boy. Whoopsies. Whoops. 37. Excuse me.

Joe Rogan
Claudia Scheinbaum was elected the country's first female president after a bloody election campaign that saw 37 candidates assassinated. And that's our neighbor. We live next to a fucking crack. House that's on fire. A crack house on fire run by a jew first.

A lady first lady. More than three dozen candidates were assassinated, including a local government candidate in central Puebla state who was killed on Friday, increasing the total number of those killed at 37. Who the fuck would want to run for office in Mexico? Dude, that is so crazy. That is so crazy.

Look how few people look. 20,000 positions to fill and 70,000 candidates. If you have 20,000 positions in America, how many candidates you have? Probably a lot more. Cause nobody's getting assassinated.

That would be one way to start fitting the herd. Yeah. Taking them out. I mean, how far away? I mean, it sounds crazy, right?

This is Mexico. It's not America. We don't. How far away are we from, like, seeing another JFK type situation, man? I mean, Jesus, fuck.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Could be close. Seems like there's a candidate that the government really doesn't want. Yeah, there's this one guy, what's his name? One guy who went to the UFC this weekend and got, like, a 32nd standing ovation. Yep.

Joe Rogan
Almost as big as Dave in Ohio, but not quite, right. Not quite. They're changing the tone on this. I mean, like, you know, they're doing it. They want to try to make him look like a bad guy, but people just aren't stupid anymore.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I mean, there's obviously still, like, half the country doesn't get it, but, yo, so many. So many rappers. So many rappers are showing support for Trump now. It's crazy. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
Cause now he's got a felony, right? I mean, like, now they realize also he's getting trapped by the system. Just like everybody's been rapping about being trapped by the system, this bullshit system. And you watch it happen with him. Exactly.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah, I was just talking about this. It's like they. I don't think they were counting on the black voter being like, hey, they just fucked that guy. That's what they do to us. Yeah, that's what they do to everybody.

Joe Rogan
And they pretend they're there for you while they're letting in immigrants. And you know what, man? Here's the problem. Here's the real problem. Republicans won't be the solution either, kids.

The problem is people in a position of power. The Republicans seem like they are your solution, but it's just because the people in power right now are the Democrats. Whenever the Democrats are out and the Republicans are in, everybody is dying for a Democrat. I remember when Bush was president, after the second term, everyone was like, good lord, can we get a fucking reasonable Democrat in here before this country goes christian nationalist and fucking and goes crazy and starts every war. Yeah.

And then Obama comes in like, huh, things are going to be great. But it kind of seems like kind of the same, you know, and the whistleblower protection that he promised, eh, actually probably like one of the worst on whistleblowers ever. Drone strikes. Kind of a shitload of drone strikes. The whole thing was bonkers.

It's just the same structure with a different face. It's Bill Hicks's joke. Bill Hicks's joke about, I think the puppet on the left is to my liking. Why? More aligned with the puppet on the right?

Hey, there's one guy and he's holding both puppets.

That's what we're dealing with. We're dealing with money. We're dealing with money and power. You know, if you think that that's where a person, like a Trump character does make a difference, though. Cause he truly does not give a fuck.

And especially now, after all they've done to him, just all the things he survived, you have to think this guy was beloved. Beloved until he's about 70 years old. And that's when he starts running for president. Actually, he was a little bit mocked before that while Obama was in office because he was one of those people that was a birther. Yeah, you know, he was a.

I'm one of those people that. I don't give a fuck where you were born as long as you're not actually undercover terrorist. You know, if you're like, clearly like a regular person that just happened to be born in Nigeria or happen to be born in Saudi Arabia, but now you're here, you went to school here, you have friends here, you got family here. You love it here. America's the shit.

You could be president. Like, I don't really think that you have to be born on a certain patch of dirt to run it. That seems like viking shit. It seems like. That seems so old.

Yeah, that seems so dumb. What about the 35 thing? Is that the age? Yeah, that's a good age. Up until I was 50, I was retarded.

So I don't think. I don't think. I don't think that's a bad thing. I think 35 is good just for humans. I think you need a certain amount of life experience.

You need a certain amount of trials and tribulations, character testers, a lot of education, a certain amount of, like, changing your perspective on the world. Cause we all do that. As a young man, I was very liberal. Super, super liberal. You know, I mean, I just.

Anything the Democrats believed, I believed. Never interested in anything the Republicans had to say. All they wanted to do was like, shove God down your throat and stop abortions. Totally. That's what I was.

Tony Hinchcliffe
No, I was so with. I mean, 100% with you on that. That's brainwashing too, right? I was super liberal until I got my first paycheck in the state of California. And then everything started changing.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, people get rich, they get republican real quick. Yeah, yeah. But there's a lot of really rich people that are Democrats, which is interesting. Cause they got so much money, they can vote Democrat. They got so much money, they don't even try to protect it.

California is considering a gallon tax on the miles or thirty cents per mile because so many people have electric cars. So the gas tax is losing money, and they want everybody to have electric car by 30, 35, or 2035. Actually being realistic. 2035 is crazy. There's, like, not enough.

We don't have enough stuff. We can't build all those cars. Like, what are you gonna do with all the cars that are gas? You know how many cars there are? There's more cars than there are people.

There's more cars here than there are people. Oh, that makes sense. Oh, yeah, a lot more. Well, first of all, there's people like me that have a bunch of them. They throw it off.

You know, that's. That throws off the divorce thing, too. You know, people say, you know, 60% of all marriages in a divorce, right? But a lot of those are people that just get divorced. A gang of times.

They go all Jennifer Lopez on the deal and just like, I'm in forever. Fuck you, you new person. I am in forever. Fuck you. And then she might have another one on her hands.

Yeah, it looks like she's going down again. Yeah, Ben, something was up with him at that roast he bombed. Oh, my goodness. You can't bomb if you're married to Jennifer Lopez. Mm mm.

You can't strike out. You can't bomb. You can't fall when you're walking up a flight of stairs or no pussy, right? This is just how it works. Yeah.

You want the viking queen, alpha female, if you want to. Yeah. That's what you get, man. She's still that way. And she's like, what, 51?

She's crazy hot. Crazy hot at 51. Yeah, Ben was a. He hang in there. Deer in headlights.

He hung in there. He tried his best, but, yeah, he stood out on that roast. Maybe it'll be over. I mean, maybe they're turbulence. Maybe they'll get through it this time.

Maybe they don't want to do it again because they were together 20 years ago. You just got to figure out, like, how to be who you are when you really like each other. Like, remember in the beginning? Isn't that fun? You appreciate each other, figure out how to recapture that, because that's still the same person.

Just people get sick of each other. You ever get sick of a guy you work with and you quit the job, and you're like, I fucking miss that dude. You know, they become part of your little community. Yeah. That's why I keep working with red band.

I love that dude. He's a character. There's only one of those dudes. Mm hmm. You see his new tattoo?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah, he showed everybody. By the end of the night, I was going around going, hey, did you see Red Band's new tattoo? Did you see Red? Cause he was just showing everyone wasted. Last night.

We had another banger of an episode. It's a miracle that I'm awake right now. Who was the guest? It was Louis J. Gomez and Sal volcano.

Joe Rogan
Oh, nice. Sal was on the podcast last week. He's great. It was great. He's a good dude, man.

He's fun. Real fucking super nice guy. Yep. The bucket was the story that we get some great new comedians out. A new golden ticket winner.

Tony Hinchcliffe
As a glass of. I haven't seen Lewis do stand up. I haven't seen him in a while. I heard he's killing it. I heard he's doing really well.

Joe Rogan
Duncan saw him at the creek, and he said, dude, he was so funny. He was really laughing hard. He goes, I was really impressed. He had to do. That's great.

Tony Hinchcliffe
There was. I can't remember who was headlining this weekend, but he was doing a clean set because he's doing a special mike. Mike Vecchio. That's right. And he's doing a clean hour because I don't know why.

Joe Rogan
Why is Mike doing a clean hour? Yeah, but so he asked Louis to be clean. And I mean, me and Matt, we're in the green room. We're like, wait, Lewis is up, and he's supposed to be clean. Let's see what he's doing.

Tony Hinchcliffe
The first thing we hear is, like, nice balls, you shithead. Or something like that. We were dying. Louis is not gonna be clean. Right.

Joe Rogan
First of all, you shouldn't ask a guy to be clean. You can't ask. Especially a guy who literally is on a show called Legion of Skanks. Yeah, yeah. He has a festival of a year called Skank Fest.

Yeah, skank fest. You can't ask him to be clean. Also, Vecchiona's so fucking funny. It doesn't matter what go. Bombs could go off before his set, and he'll go up there and kill.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. It's not gonna affect. People fall into your rhythm. They're grownups. But we used to think back in the day that clean people couldn't follow dirty people.

Joe Rogan
That was always the thought. I think that's a dumb thought. Like, Jim Gaffigan can follow anybody. It does not matter. He gets into his rhythm, and then he does his thing, and he puts you in his mind, and then you're off to the races.

Like Brian Regan. Same deal. That whole thing about, like, clean or dirty? Like, who fucking cares? Sebastian, another great example.

Who cares? Just be funny. He's just funny. Oh, yeah. If Sebastian started talking about getting his dick sucked, it would be funny too.

It's just funny. That would be fun. A dirty Sebastian special. Yeah. If one.

If, like, apocalypse breaks out and this is a few stand, Sebastian starts doing roids. Now he's got a gun, carries a gun on his hip. If we go, like, full mad Max. Yeah, that's happening in Mexico, kids, 37 candidates assassinated. That is basically the doorway to mad Max.

Tony Hinchcliffe
That's crazy. 37 candidates assassinated, and all together. Imagine that was happening in America. Well, what's scary is, like, what is that, lady? That the question becomes, what's the winner gonna do that?

Joe Rogan
The other 37, you're not gonna do. You're not gonna be a rebel. Rebels don't live right. You know? That country's run by money, just like this country's run by money.

But instead of the military industrial complex, it's the supplying Americans with drugs. That's what it is. That complex. It's not the military industrial complex. And the pharmaceutical drug companies, they run this.

It's just money. It's the same thing. And in Mexico, they make their own laws because everything is illegal. And so they are running things with selling us drugs and until we make drugs legal, which nobody wants to do, that's gonna continue to happen because you're not gonna stop people from wanting to do drugs and you're not going to stop people from selling them drugs. You're not going to.

Especially if they're from another country, especially if they're running that country and they've been doing it so long, they've amassed so much resources and money. They have tanks, they have anti aircraft weaponry. They have everything, man. They have fucking hundreds of billions of dollars. Like, who knows how much money they have if you added up all the cartels in Mexico?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Well, I bet the jewish president knows exactly how much money they have. I bet she knows. I bet she knows. I bet they know where she sleeps and I bet she follows the rules. Yeah, I guess you have to.

Joe Rogan
Like, if you want to be president of Mexico, that is a totally different proposition. They kennedy, 37 people a year. Oh, my God, they're so crazy. Unbelievable how close we are to them. Hey, you can walk there.

Yeah, you could walk there. Like, Cam Haynes has run, like, longer distances and races, especially if you're down in south Texas. My friend who lives in South Texas had a guy die on his property. Oh, wow. Yeah.

Probably dehydrated or sick or something. Couldn't make it. It was in the heat. I only went to Mexico once. We were in San Diego and we drove down and the first thing I saw was a dead body leaning against the rock with that split that says, this side's America, this side's Mexico.

Yeah. And we were high as shit. So, like, we were immediately like, was he going back? Did he down coming in? No, he was.

Tony Hinchcliffe
He was just dead. He was just a dead old mexican guy. Oh, like old age dead, probably, de. I mean, it could have been anything. Who knows?

I have no idea. But, you know, doctor, now he was arms crossed with a thing over his head. Oh, Jesus. And so they had him like, he was literally arms crossed, laid there next to the rock like a corpse. Maybe somebody didn't have money for a funeral.

Joe Rogan
Like, hey, Grandpa's been real. Take care. Love you. Let somebody figure this out. Yeah, that's, you know, much money at fucking funeral costs.

That's the thing. Joey Diaz hit me too. He goes, you know what a fucking scam is? These fucking mortuary homes and the funeral homes and all that shit. You have to do it.

You have to do it. Even if someone wants to be cremated, you have to embalm them. So you have to pay for that and then you have to pay for a coffin. And then they try to upsell you. Don't you want a cadillac of a coffin for Grampy?

Grampy always like red velvet. He was the king. You dress Grampy up in his nicest suit and a red velvet, and it costs you $40,000 for the whole thing. You're like, what am I doing? My buddies pulled a big Lebowski.

Tony Hinchcliffe
We had a comedian that we all started with named Skeezy, and he passed away, and nobody in his family wanted to claim the ashes. So Benji and Matt Edgar were like, well, we'll put him somewhere he loved. Venice beach. Let's take him to the beach. So Benji goes to the Venice beach mortuary or whatever, picks up the urn.

They go to the ocean, and Matt's kind of watching Benji, and he goes, like, waist high in the water, and he dumps out Skeezy's ashes, and it all just starts to compile all around Benji. And Matt's laughing and fucking Benji's cracking up. And as he gets out, like, the ashes are, like, following him. So they're, like, all over his body. So he had to go shower in one of those Venice beach, like, public showers to get the ashes off him.

Joe Rogan
From what I heard, someone told, who are they talking to? There was some podcast we were talking about. I kind of wish I could remember, so I give them credit. But there was some podcasts where they were talking about what you're. What you're really getting when you get Grampy's ashes.

It's like, you can ash that's just sitting in the bottom of this furnace. It's not necessarily your grandpa. They don't, like, clean it out perfectly, right? No one's watching. No one gives a shit.

Also what it really looks like when they burn someone. When they burn the body, you have, like, fragments of bone and shit. There's a lot. See, if you could find, like, images of what it looks like when they actually cremate someone. But the guy was like, you're not getting ashes.

And not only that, sometimes they just throw other stuff in there, like cement. You get cement. You're like, they don't give a fuck. Like, it's just. It's symbolic, right?

It's just a dumb thing we do. What you're supposed to do is let that body feed life. We're so stingy. We don't even let our bodies feed life. So that's what it really looks like.

Look what it looks like. Bones and chips and shit. Ew. Theo had a mortician on before oh. Maybe it was Theo.

Did he say that? I don't know specifically. I was trying to bet. I bet that's exactly what it is.

No, I'm thinking about it. I don't know. Either way, there was. Someone was saying that a lot of the stuff you're getting in there in disreput. I'm not saying all of them, of course.

Some of them, sure you, Grampy. What are the disreputable ones? They don't go, fuck. They'll throw a fucking kitty litter in there. Yeah, go worship the kitty litter, you fucking idiot.

They don't care. They just doing this in and out and in and out. And here's the other thing. Do you know how many guys wind up fucking the female corpses? No.

Do you know that this has been an issue? Uh uh. No. My friend claims that when he was young, that they went to a funeral home and that the guy came to, like, they were ringing the doorbell. The guy wouldn't come.

They're knocking on the door. It was, like, for someone in their family that was dead, and the guy was in the back and came out, he was sweaty and out of breath, and they were like, what the fuck is this guy doing? He was acting super fucking sketchy and really weird. And they think he was back there with one of the corpses. Oh, yeah.

He goes. He just felt like he just fucked somebody. I go, really? He goes, when you think about it, it's like these women are hot and they haven't deteriorated, and no one's around. Oh, come on.

Yes. There's rigor mortis and stuff. It's hard. Are you sure? Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It's gotta be. It's gotta be like. Reported cases of employees sexually abusing dead bodies are relatively rare. Yeah. If they get caught.

Joe Rogan
Perhaps the most prolific necrophiliac. Do you remember the one that bit Kinison had? Oh, my God. It was how I found out about Kinison. I found out about it through a girl I worked with.

This girl I worked with. Reenacted Kinison's bit about homosexual necrophiliacs paying money to morticians to spend a few hours undisturbed at their freshest male corpse. So Kinison, like, did this bit was. You ever see the bit? Mmm.

Oh, it's a fucking classic, dude. It's a classic. See if you can find the bit, play it, and then we'll just edit it out. Fucking YouTube. Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
They're tricky, man. We got a. Fucking. Play the game. Listen.

Joe Rogan
They're awesome. They're awesome. They have the best platform I mean, it's the most accessible. It's so easy to share. The sharing things is huge.

Cause you don't really share Netflix movies and stuff. I tell people. Here it is. Wow, what a bit. Yeah.

So this girl that I worked with, this was at the Boston Athletic Club. She got down in the parking lot and she was lying on her stomach. Oh. Oh. I mean, life keeps fucking the ass even after you're dead.

It never ends. She's like, doing that. And I'm howling, laughing. And her doing an impression of Kinison. That's how I found out about Sam Kinison.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Wow. Yeah. Fucking amazing. That was before I was even thinking about doing comedy. I was 19.

Wow. Yeah. I was like, wow, that's crazy. What's he doing? Yeah, I just like, what?

Joe Rogan
I remember watching him for the first time, going, oh, that's comedy, too. Like, I always loved comedy. I always used to watch the Tonight show, like, when Richard, Jenny would be on or Seinfeld would be on. I love the Tonight Show. I love stand up.

Like, evening at the improv. Like, when I was like, I wasn't even 21. I went to see Jerry Seinfeld with his girl I was dating. We're just sitting there like, wow. Seeing comedy.

And I went to another. But I always thought comedy was that it was like the tv comedy, you know? And then there was Richard Pryor and then there was Eddie Murphy. But I never thought, like, sick shit could be funny until I saw Kinison. I was like, oh, my God.

Like, that's a different thing. That's. I didn't know that was comedy, too. Right? No, I'm with you.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I was a jim, Jim Carrey guy. And, you know, when I was young, the funny faces and all the silly noises and stuff and everything, and then when he did man on the moon and I saw that darker side of things. And Andy gets fired from the improv right at the beginning of the movie. And I realized right then that he was making money performing in front of live audiences. And I'm like, what the fuck is that?

That's. Wait, so there's like a lower level before the Tonight show and stuff, right? And I started going to libraries and stuff to look up books on Andy Kaufman. I would look up Andy Kaufman and find any book that mentioned them. I went down this crazy dark rabbit hole.

Joe Rogan
I used to go to Jerry's deli all the time. That place was awesome. It was a great place because 24 hours, you could always go there after shows. And they had a photo of Andy Kaufman on the wall. So it's Andy Kaufman when he worked there.

So Andy Kaufman, while he was on taxi, took a job at Jerry's Deli just to wait tables. Yeah, just to, like, be weird. Yeah. So these people would be getting their fucking tables cleaned up and they're like, wait, what are you the. Is that latke or whatever his name was?

What was his name? Like a gravis. Yeah. And that's back when. Look at them.

You know, he's fucking working there while he was on taxi. Yeah. Back when there's only three channels, so there's not a ton of famous people. Right, exactly. Yeah.

Boy, you had hang out with famous people back then, cuz nobody understood. Nobody got you. Yeah. You know. Jesus Christ, Matt.

She like a famous person. Like a John Belushi back then. Crazy. Too much pressure. Well, the shows.

The amount of people who watch those shows, too. He used to bust tables at a restaurant at the height of his fame on a television show. Taxi. Kaufman would stay in character as a humble busboy, always denying that he was Kauffman.

Oh, Jerry's. Jerry's went under. The studio city one went under, too. Oh, God. They closed them all.

Are they all done? Yeah. God damn it. Yeah, we were stuck on the norms when I was there a few weeks ago. How is norms?

Tony Hinchcliffe
It does. If you're hungry enough to go to norms at three or 04:00 a.m. then it's just fine. My favorite is cantors. Yeah, canters.

Joe Rogan
Cantor's is the shit that is the quintessential jewish deli. Yeah, like, they're Reuben. They're pastrami. Reuben. Off the charts.

Yeah, off the charts. They have the best pastrami in the city as far as I've had, like, Jerry's was really good. Cantor's is one level above it. Totally one level. You mean you feel the cholesterol, like, right in your veins?

Yeah, it's just the sauerkraut and the fucking russian dressing and all the rye bread. Come on. God. Come on. I've been eating, like, such shit lately.

Tony Hinchcliffe
That spaghetti. That spaghetti and meatballs from boa here fucked me up, dude. Spaghetti with wagyu meatballs. Oh, you've been going with that a lot. I've had it twice since then.

And it's like, I have to stop. Cause it's literally like heroin. I feel like shit afterwards. I feel like shit the next day. It's like crazy.

I don't know what the hell they have in that fucking pasta. It must be a thousand percent, like, Heisenberg level gluten, because it is addictive and makes you feel terrible, but it makes you so happy for the six minutes that it takes me to eat the entire dish, just rolling it up. 30 hours. Yes. Yes.

It's the closest thing I'd imagine to heroin that there is. Of course, there's probably a bunch of people on heroin, but isn't that similar to getting drunk? You know, if you drink a little bit, you feel great while it's happening, and the next day you're like, I'm never doing that again. Yeah, I do that all the time. I did that last night.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, it's the same thing. I ate with Joey Friday night in New Jersey. Went to his spot, il nido. There is nothing like east coast italian food. Yep.

It is a different thing. 100%. It's a different level. It's a different level. That Il Nido place, I would fly in to go to that place.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Oh, look at that. That was charred clams on this fucking insane toasted bread. That was spicy rigatoni, dude. It was off the charts.

Joe Rogan
Off. That's the meatballs. Off the charts. Yeah. Whole different level.

The steak was perfect. Everything's perfect. That's bone marrow with potato puffs. Oh, dude, it was so good. And that's.

What is that. What's that called? The thin, thin sliced beef. What the fuck is it called? Ceviche?

No. Ceviche? No, no. Carpaccio.

Tony Hinchcliffe
My crew, we did Cleveland and then a night in Pittsburgh, and Youngstown's dead in between the two. So we stopped off in Youngstown for lunch and got two different types of pizza from two different places. And everyone minds are completely blown because you cannot get pizza like that anywhere. You could try to find something in Chicago, but that's Chicago and New York's New York. There's nothing.

There's not that middle. Not deep dish, not thin crust. But in Youngstown, there's 20 places unlike any place anywhere else. So what's, like, a hybrid of deep dish? It's just a normal old fucking, like, lunch, school lunch pizza, but different types.

Bellaria is famous for their briar hill, which is, you know, just plain with shaker cheese and some green peppers, which is diabolical, because if the sauce is good and the bread is good and the cheese is good, you don't need anything else. It's like a simple. Yeah, well, that's what Portnoy always gets. He always gets a plain cheese pizza. Mm hmm.

Joe Rogan
You watch his reviews of cheese pizza? Sometimes, yeah. I love the ones where the people get mad and shit. Yeah, if it doesn't meet up to his standards. I mean, the guy's eating everybody's pizza.

Like, you got to know what the fuck you're doing. But he says that New Haven, Connecticut, is, like, where some of the best pizza in the world comes from. That makes sense. I could see that. A lot of those offshoot italian spots where they hit a wig like Youngstown like that.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I guarantee Pittsburgh has decent. You know what they have in common? Mob activity. Oh, exactly. New Haven has a lot of mob activity.

100%. I used to work at the Joker's wild. It was a place at New Haven, and the owner was a crazy convict. Yeah. Just out of his mind.

Joe Rogan
And I saw the owner beat a guy in the face with his shoe. Took his shoe off and beat a guy in the face with the heel of his shoes. Oh, yeah. He had blood all over him. Oh, it was a fucking disaster.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Those people need pizza. They figure out how to get the good pizza. Yeah. Yeah. It's funny how that's the case, though.

Joe Rogan
If you have, like. Like a serious italian neighborhood, you probably got a little bit mafia influence in there. Totally. I mean, that's all they know. You gotta bet on things.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You gotta run things. Get a tax here, tax there, protect them. Imagine owing money to a bookie. How terrifying that would be. Yeah, you're on the run.

Joe Rogan
You owe $100,000 to this guy, and you're trying to gamble on other games to make it right. Yeah, like uncut gems. Oh, yeah. That movie gives me so much anxiety. You watch that movie?

Like, don't. Oh, Jesus Christ. What are you doing? I'm fucking. Dude, I watched the show that gave me more anxiety than any show I've ever watched in my entire fucking life.

What? Baby reindeer. Oh, I've heard it's insane. It's the scariest thing ever. It's the scariest show ever.

Tony Hinchcliffe
This guy's nice to one person who he doesn't really want to be nice to, gives her a water or a tea or whatever, and she falls in love with him, and it become. It is the scariest show. I think it's supposed to be a comedy. I don't think I laughed once. The comedy part's not funny.

He's also trying to be a comedian. None of it's funny at all, but it's literally you're watching for the anxiety. I started it, and then I'm like, I don't want to watch, but I have to. And I just kept going, and it's fucking frightening. Have you seen the actual lady go on Piers Morgan?

Yeah. And she's literally, like, how? She is insane. She's insane. Oh, and happy to talk about it.

Yeah. And claiming she's not insane. Right. And not knowing how insane you look. Yeah.

Fucking frightening. It's wild when people don't know how insane they are. And you watch, oh, my God. They think they're sane. They think they're fine.

Joe Rogan
They seem to go on there and make a good argument. Those are the most insane people. The ones that don't know. Right. Yeah.

Even watching the Fauci hearings. No. Whoa, dude. It's wild. It's wild.

Tony Hinchcliffe
What's going on? Still, like, deeply in denial about everything. He's. I mean, they're confronting him about emails. They got about deleting emails in preparation of a Freedom of Information act request.

Joe Rogan
They got emails from people that he worked with saying, you know, that don't worry. Fauci is too smart to talk about this stuff on emails. You'll either have to deliver something to him or meet him in person. There's all this weird deception shit. There's people that said, this is clearly leaked from a lab.

Look at the Ferrin cleavage sites. They have to be. That's put into the virus to make it more infectious to human beings. They're talking about it in the email. And then that same guy, after talking to Fauci, like, three days later, is like, it's ridiculous to think this came from a lab.

This is clearly from a natural order. And they're all talking about discrediting people who are talking about the lab leak theory. I mean, they. What they did was insane, and they did it in front of everybody. And finally Fauci has to talk about it to people, but he's still in denial about all of it.

There's no science that says that masking for children works. There's no science that says that vaccinating children works, that it's good, that it's overall good. And the amount of people that have gotten wrecked by this, they're starting to recognize it in other countries, and they're talking about it in other countries. They haven't quite gone public with it in all the newspapers in the United States yet, but in the UK, they're blaming it. There was the thing about Germany today.

There was a front page of, like, a major newspaper. Somebody sent it to me. I'll send it to you, Jamie. But they're finally starting to talk about it, and they're talking about excess deaths in the Philippines, they're talking about the amount of people that are no longer having children, the amount of less children that are born. Because one of the side effects that is claimed is it wrecks women's fertility and wrecks men's fertility too.

The baby numbers are down by a million too. But I couldn't tell what newspaper it was from. Yeah, I don't know. I bet if you take the title, but they're talking about it. Analyze data.

Here we go. It says researchers from the Netherlands analyzed data from 47 western countries and discovered there have been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. With the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures, experts said the unprecedented figures raised serious concerns and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. This is wild stuff, man, because, you know, now that we're getting an understanding of how much deception was involved, like trying to blame it on a natural origin when they clearly knew it was a lab leak. And they still don't say it's a lab leak.

It was clearly a lab leak. Clearly. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but in my eyes it looks like a fucking lab leak. And most people that are educated think it's a fucking lab leak. And this guy still does, is denying it and was denying that it's even gain of function and they even funded that research.

But they changed the definition of gain of function for this particular vaccine. What did they change it to? The definition of gain of function on the NIH website was changed. It was updated. So that was from the Telegraph.

The telegraph, okay. Covid vaccines may have helped fueled rise in excess deaths. The excess deaths have to be discussed and no one wants to because that's the real thing. The all cause mortality deaths, the big uptick in cancer and what they're calling turbo cancer, obviously. Again, I don't understand any of this stuff, but Peter McCullough was talking about what the mechanism behind this rise in cancer would be and how it could be tied into it.

He was explaining it like from a medical perspective. And it was just the whole thing is so nuts. Like when are we gonna learn? Like when are we gonna learn? Yeah, it's crazy.

Tony Hinchcliffe
When I being back in LA, they rehired the people that they fired for, for not being vaccinated. Like Rose is like running the joint. Finally, finally got someone brain. Yeah. Assistant GM.

And I don't know, it just brought me great joy to see things like that. At least, at least sort of back to normal. Exactly. Yeah. It's just that part was the part where I'm like, gotta go to Texas.

It's time. They're forcing people to get a shot of something, to work at a dirty. Night comedy club and to fly and to do everything. And they're lying about whether or not it's going to stop the virus. They lied about it.

Joe Rogan
They said it's going to stop it in its tracks. It was all bullshit. There was no data that showed that it stopped it in its tracks. Even one of the people in the vaccine study got Covid. I mean, literally, one of the people.

Died from COVID Did you know that? Yeah. So many people that got the shot got it immediately. It was. I mean, it's crazy.

Tony Hinchcliffe
They're literally like, I have had Covid four times. I got two shots, I got three boosters. I've had it five times. Like, it's like, so contrary to what the whole thing was supposed to do. I mean, I'm just hoping that people wake up and realize that we have this idealistic perspective, that they're looking out for your best interests.

Joe Rogan
But whenever there's enormous amounts of money to be made, they will distort the facts. Even if something is beneficial. I mean, let's just pretend that there's no excess deaths. Let's pretend that it just causes a bunch of neurological issues and autoimmune issues, which it seems to do. Let's pretend.

It's just that even that they're not going to tell you about. They're not going to tell you about it until it's already there's problems. They've shown that with the Vioxx problem. When they had that Vioxx scandal, they knew. They had emails saying, we're going to have problems.

But I think that we'll do well with this. Talking about financially, because you got money people, man. Money people aren't medicine people, but medicine is medicine. And medicine is to help people, but it's run by money people. So you have the scientists that create the awesome medicine, and then you have the money people who figure out a way to fucking sell this to people, force people to take it.

And when you watch videos of all the different things and during this thing, one of the things is that Fauci was claiming that he didn't coerce anybody to take the vaccine. But there's this whole recorded conversation of him talking about, if you keep people from working, you keep people. Like, if Amazon says they're not going to hire people at big corporations, you have to be vaccinated to fly. He goes, it's shown that people will drop their ideological bullshit and get vaccinated. Imagine.

Just imagine that's from a public health official who knows that it doesn't stop infection. He has to know what the data is. He has to know it was all just to get people to take it. And they made so much money. And the government, you know, this is the weird thing.

The scientists. There's $710 million was earned. And Fauci's claiming that he never made any money. Zero. He said he got $0 from it.

He said he got, like, $122 from a monoclonal antibody patient patent that he has. It's crazy that they work for the. They work for the american people with taxpayers money, and they create something they put a patent on, and then that makes them hundreds of millions of dollars. $710 million. Like, where'd that go?

You didn't get any of it. But the other thing they showed was that Fauci's income, his net worth went up to $11 million. So he made a lot of money. Yeah. Maybe sold a book.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yep. Maybe it was legit. Yeah, I saw something of him on my Twitter feed. Him just playing victim. Mm hmm.

Joe Rogan
You see, like, the guy behind him? Uh huh. There's a fucking amazing video. This guy behind him. When Fauci's talking about the death threats, the other guys like, yeah.

You guys making this face. Have you seen it, Jamie? I'll send it to you. It's hilarious. The dude's hilarious.

Tony Hinchcliffe
But anytime anybody does that in my mind, the stuff that. Playing victim. Yeah. The stuff that I've been through, like, and seen, because I had a lot of death threats during quite a few phases of my jokes being out there.

Joe Rogan
Give me the volume. I mean, it's such a joke. You probably. Two individuals and credible death threats mean someone who clearly was on their way to kill me. And it's required my having protective services essentially all the time.

It is very troublesome to me. It is much more troublesome because they've. Involved my wife and my three daughters.

At these moments. How do you feel?

Keep your mic on. Terrible. Do you continue to receive threats today? Yes, I do. Every time someone gets up.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Well. Well, that was the other thing. They blame podcasters. Right?

Joe Rogan
They blame podcasters, and they said that we're responsible for 200 to 300,000 deaths. Yeah, that makes total sense. Hey, man, you made it. Yeah. First of all, don't blame us.

First of all, you made it. Yeah. You fucking made it. You funded it. You were a part of the research.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Andy was the main salesman on the air every day when we need. When we were watching the news, because there was nothing else. We wanted updates. We wanted to see when things were going to open, if any positive news was there. And we had him.

Joe Rogan
The richest thing of all is Chris Cuomo is now taking ivermectin. Oh, my God. Dave Smith bodying him is one of the greatest all time. I mean, I said this before, and it was that. I said it was gonna be Mike Tyson versus Marvis Frazier.

Like, what have I got myself into? And that's what it was. Oh, yeah. But he did it to himself. He did it to himself.

I mean, Dave did it to him for sure, but Chris did it to himself. He just has this bizarre way of trying to, like, lawyer it up and twist the words and turn it into something that's okay. I didn't say that. Where's the clips? And then they show the clip.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. And he's still trying to pretend. And they weren't mocking people for taking horse deworm. And there was more than that. You know, these clips, they do a funny thing over at CNN.

I think we were talking about this the other day because of a joke that I do in the headlines. They do a funny thing where they can change the headlines after a certain amount of time. Oh, yeah. You know, they can change that. They can delete videos.

They can copyright strike them. They have control over what they've done. And they went on and on and on. There was a whole thing with it. I was obsessed with CNN because I find propaganda to be very, very interesting.

I want to know what everyone else is seeing. I want to know what the audiences. Are seeing, especially the people that aren't really paying attention. Yeah, maybe they don't have friends that know what's really going on. They don't know the whole history behind everything.

And I know it's not real. I look at CNN like most people look at pro wrestling, and I look at pro wrestling like it's pro wrestling. Like it's real. No, but I mean, yeah, it is like pro wrestling, especially during that time I was studying that so hard because I knew. I knew that they were.

I knew something was fucking rotten going on. They don't know what to do about Israel and Palestine. They're just, like, trapped. They're trapped in the middle. Did you see in Philly where the gay pride parade ran into the free Palestine parade?

Joe Rogan
They wouldn't let them pass. Yeah, like. No. Are things more important, right, than you guys fucking each other? Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Crazy. It's just woke. Eating. Woke. It's the left eating the left.

Joe Rogan
Yep, but that's what they've always done. They eat themselves. By the way. The right does it too. The right does it too.

They did it all. They do it all the time. It's a human characteristic that we can't really just say one side does because it's not true. The gay parade and the Palestine parade meeting up in the middle is like the time kid rock shot a bunch of bud light.

No, because nothing's gonna die. No business is gonna get crushed by it.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It's like, no, you guys don't wanna. You guys don't wanna fight each other. Look at this. Look at the fucking, look at the free Palestine, the gay pride. It's a standoff.

Joe Rogan
It's a fucking flat out standoff. Hit jobs versus blowjobs over here.

No pride in genocide. So they're stopping the pride parade? No, you can't have your parade. Our parade's more important. I love the masks.

I just love them. Look at all these people with masks on. It is the liberals MAGA hat. It is. I've said it a million times, but that's what it is.

It's a fucking maga hat. Oh my goodness. These dorks. How many of them had fucking masks on, man? It's crazy.

They don't even work. I mean, yeah, they work as well as that lady's visor that's turned backwards. Yeah, and they definitely don't work against AIDS. So wearing one at a gay pride parade is completely pointless.

Imagine, you think the mask, this is gonna protect you? Yeah, they're wearing a mask outside and meanwhile they buttfuck strangers in glory holes and stuff. So it's like, I honestly think it's more of the free Palestine people that were wearing the masks. You think anybody's ever worn a mask out of glory hole? What's that?

Because I don't want to be identified in photos. That's true too, right? Pretty much. Most of it, you think most of it, yeah. Retaliation?

Yeah. I don't think it should be legal to wear a mask in public. I agree with that. I just think it's too creepy. You could rob someone.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah, it's. I mean, in New York City, if someone had a mask on in the past, you'd be like, really wary. Oh my God, this guy's got a ski mask on. Fuck. It was scary.

Joe Rogan
It means they were going to rob you and you couldn't identify them. Right. Why are we allowing that? It doesn't work. The data's in kids doesn't work.

It never made sense. Even in the early days of the pandemic, there was this famous doctor that went viral because he was doing vape hits, and he would put a mask on, and the vape smoke would blow straight through the mask. And he was explaining, like, this is. These vapor particles are bigger than Covid particles. Like, it's going right through that mask.

It's not stopping jack shit. And you're gonna get it, right? You're gonna get it. And, you know, they said, oh, the masks work at the margins. Like, if you fuck with the numbers.

Because here's the thing. How many people wear masks all the time are also super fucking paranoid, right? So they're avoiding crowds. They're not going out. How many people who won't wear a mask are a little loose?

They're just like, fuck it. If I get sick, I get sick. Already got Covid. Fuck it. You know, they just go out.

So you can't. It's hard to know when you have a large group of. When something is weird, as the pandemic happens, and even then, they can't show. It's not like all the people with masks showed. 80% of them didn't get Covid.

Uh uh. No, they all got Covid. Everybody got Covid. Yeah. And then there's this.

This thing where they want to say it protects you from hospitalization and death. No, that's not true either, because I know a lot of people who are vaccinated who got Covid, who got to the fucking hospital, and I know a couple that died. Yeah. How many people do you know that. Died from COVID I confirmed.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Actually don't know anybody. I don't think. I mean, it's kind of debatable. Like, Jeff Scott. I mean, I don't know no Jeff Scott.

Joe Rogan
He died alone. Like, in his. I don't think he had Covid. I mean, yeah, exactly. I know some people that died during that period, but really nobody.

Jeff Scott was HIV positive too. Yeah, for a long time. I wonder if maybe he couldn't get his meds. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, because that was an issue during the pandemic as well.

That's when we realized that China makes all our medicine. Like what? China makes a lot of things, man. It's crazy how much we rely on them for manufacturing stuff. Yep.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Crazy. Yeah. They're trying to mitigate some of that now. Samsung is actually putting in a chip factory in Austin. Huh?

Joe Rogan
Yeah. Should be interesting. Yeah. We got to do something. We got to get businesses back over here and stuff.

Yeah, well, we definitely shouldn't rely on a foreign country that is not our ally for our fucking medicine. Jesus. Right? That's so kooky. That is such a kooky thought.

Tony Hinchcliffe
We live in the craziest times. It's so weird, man. It's every day it's weirder and weirder, and every day AI gets stronger and stronger, and every day I wonder, are these the last days of just being a regular person? Are these the last days of us just driving around, getting on a plane, going to places, telling jokes? Are these the last days of that?

Joe Rogan
Like, are we going to be living in a world in five years unrecognizable? Because I think we are, dude. I hope not. I don't know the AI stuff still. I'm not completely mesmerized or convinced.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I hear you and Duncan talking about it a lot in the green room, and I'm just always like, I don't know. I don't really. I haven't bought in yet. It all just seems like a fancy alexa to me. Well, have you actually seen what it can do?

Joe Rogan
Have you ever seen what it can do? Like, as far as coding? It can code so much faster than people. Like, it can solve problems faster than people. It can do all these things already better than people can.

Like, no one in the future is going to need to hire a coder. Like, a person who sits in front of a terminal for 16 hours a day and just fucking adderalls out and just, like, lines of code. That's done. That's done. You could do that if you want to, but a computer is going to bang it out quick.

It would be stupid for you to do that when a computer could do it in 2 seconds and you're going to spend 16 hours and you might fuck up a few lines and you got to go back, check it and why. Why aren't doing it manually? The computer's just gonna do it, you know, why are you gonna stand there with one of those old timey photographs? Everybody has to stand still. No, you have a phone now.

Takes better picture. It's gonna be like that with everything. It's. It's going to be in control of airplanes. It's going to be in control of all the automobiles.

The problem is you're going to have to get, like, permission to go places. It's going to get fucking weird, dude. It's gonna get really, really weird. Yeah. I just hope we can.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I don't know. Well, think about the amount of change that we have now in comparison to just our parents. Just our parents. The, the best transportation back then was an airplane. The best way to get the news was the television or a newspaper.

Joe Rogan
And you didn't, you didn't know what to do with your life. You just, you got to go to college and then you go to college or you go to trade school or you get a apprenticeship and you get a job and then you get a kid and you, like, you don't know what the fuck is going on in the world. You just, like, surface level understanding of what's going on in the world. And now everybody knows what's going on in the world now. Every, like, the amount we knew about the Iraq invasion in, like, in 92, 93, whatever it was, when the Iraq invaded Kuwait and Desert Storm, the mount we knew was, like, minuscule.

Yeah, minuscule. Nobody, there was no, like, YouTube shows where you could see someone breaking it down. Oh, they're actually trying to get away from the american dollar. We're trying to do this and that, and there's none of that. No one knew the hustle.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It's crazy that these wars are still happening. Okay. I don't know. I don't know why we're giving them our money. It's, we need a, I don't know.

Joe Rogan
That's not gonna change. Yeah, I mean, that, I mean, that might shift. If Trump becomes president, maybe he can get away with some stuff. Maybe he could do some things. He wants to stop the wars.

He's like the only one that's like, saying he can stop the wars and wants to stop the wars. He's the only one that did before he did it. What can he do, though? What can he do different? Like, what can.

Let's pretend. Let's pretend it's November of 2024. Trump wins January, gets in office. What can he do? Well, it seems like he has a way to.

Jesus Christ. Trump is planning to send kill teams to Mexico to take out cartel leaders. Donald Trump has told allies about his plans to covertly send special forces to Mexico to assassinate drug kingpins. Sources tell Rolling Stone. Well, Rolling Stone, you have lied to me before.

You've lied to me a lot. And you've lied to me about the fucking people overdosing on horse dewormer. Remember that? That was Rolling Stone. They had a line of people outside waiting to get to the hospital because so many people were in there for horse dewormer overdoses that gunshot victims couldn't get in.

Jesus, they're so dumb. They used a photograph this was in like August in Oklahoma. They used a photograph of people wearing coats because they were lining up for a flu shot. It was a different shot, different photo. It wasn't what they really were there for.

It was bullshit. What is that article, Jamie?

Same thing? Yeah, same thing printed on Yahoo. The source was rolling Stone in here, too. Yeah, I mean, if he was doing that, someone's a rat, so shut the fuck up. It seems like a.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Seems like the type of article that you would put out if you want the person assassinated and you want to make it look like someone else is going to assassinate them a little differently. One source recalled him saying it in the past, earlier this year that he would do. He should create a kill list of drug lords consisting of most notorious heads of drug cartels that a special ops team would be tasked with killing or capturing. That's a different way of saying that. You know, the problem with that is you create a power vacuum and then what happens is someone else rises to the new spot.

Joe Rogan
You're not going to stop the demand, so you're not going to stop the supply. You can try, but unless you're in an all out everyday war with the cartel, you're probably not going to do that. Even if you kidnap and capture leaders, you're going to disrupt the organization. But my guess, my uneducated guess would be someone was going to come in to fill that void. They got to make drugs legal, as horrible as that sounds.

But that's the only way. Just make them legal. Tax the shit out of them and use the money for treatment centers and education and testing. Yeah, and testing. You know that it's illegal to have a.

Tony Hinchcliffe
To. It's illegal to have or to give away fentanyl test strips in the state of Texas? It's illegal. Illegal. Can you sell them?

Me and my buddy are starting a water company. Here's how I know about this. Canned water, right? And the plan was to get them into all the bars in the city. Our idea was to literally just attach a 30 cent, you know, fentanyl test strip.

And then we found out we can't do that. You can't give away fentanyl test strips. You can't. You can't give them away. Can't even order them in Texas.

Joe Rogan
Can you sell them? If you go to Amazon, you can get fentanyl test strips in specific states. Whoa. Yeah. Why would they stop test trips?

Tony Hinchcliffe
I don't know. That you think is encouraging people to do coke? Is that what that is? I have no idea. That doesn't make any sense?

I know. It's very bizarre. There's so many dumb ass fucking laws. Cause there's so many goofy people on both the left and the right. Texas house passes bill decriminalizing fentanyl test strips.

Maybe it's if you have them. I guess bill would take fentanyl test strips off the state's drug paraphernalia list, meaning it would no longer be a crime to carry them. Yeah. Maybe you just can't give them out. Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Which is crazy. Why don't you Google, is it legal to give out fentanyl test strips in Texas? That's how I got here. Did it, did it give any articles other than that? It probably says below that.

Perfect. How much time can you get for selling fentanyl in Texas? How much time? 20 years for 200 to 400 grams. You're looking at five to 99 years or even life in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Joe Rogan
Life imprisonment. The most severe punishment for having more than 400 grams. Wow. They also only do, like, the state bill stuff here for like. I mean, I don't know how different it is in other states, but it's only like six months out of the year.

The other half, they're not like, they're out of session. Jeez. You have to wait till next year before they start looking at stuff again. That happened with Jesus. There's no reason.

Tony Hinchcliffe
There's no reason they can't have a good reason for. There's no good reason. Right. I mean, there's an epidemic. Oh, yeah.

Joe Rogan
There's a hundred thousand people in this country in a year. Yeah. Update. There you go. That died in the Senate.

Oh, no. Despite support from Greg Abbott. Oh, no. The legislation comes after a bill to decriminalize texture. So Texas and Congress lead bipartisan efforts to allow fentanyl test trips.

The legislation comes after but died in the Senate despite support. So whatever I pull up before was just when it passed to the House, I guess. So they're trying to bring it back. Who the fuck is opposing that? Isn't that crazy?

Who the fuck would oppose fentanyl test trips? I want to know. I'll tell you who it says in the article in 1 second. Yeah. Name their names.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It's just, that's a crazy, inexcusable. Yeah, it's a crazy thing to oppose. Kids like that doesn't make any sense. Because if we can figure out who that is and where that. Where they're getting their money from, then we can start to solve a lot of problems here because that's an actual serious problem.

They wanted to make Covid a big deal. Imagine getting their money from the cartel. Right? I mean. I mean, maybe.

Could it be. Who could it be? Who the fuck would want you to not have? Doesn't say they voted against it. It says it died, which, like, here, they just didn't.

They didn't vote on it. But the Senate declined to take action in the regular session. Oh. It just never got voted on. And that's quite the same thing, though.

Like, they're avoiding it, maybe on purpose or someone doesn't want to vote on it. But, you know, by the way, this is like, you know, some people look at it like, oh, well, those people are doing cocaine anyway, or whatever, so maybe that's not the. You know, it's not the. We're not losing the best people. But it could be anybody doing anything.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It could be somebody trying to do, you know, fucking Molly or, I don't know, any more fun. Like an actual, like, goofy psychedelic drug or something like that. Could be in any type of pill. I wonder if the. The logic behind not wanting it to be legal or sticking your neck out and saying that it should be legal is that people want to then attach you to promoting drug use, and then you would possibly, like, have an opponent that could turn it against you and say, my opponent promotes drug use.

Joe Rogan
You know, you could have that kind of a deal happen. Yeah, but there's a problem. But that's. That's. That was the gay marriage thing.

That was a lot of things. There was a lot of things that people wanted to pretend that they were against. I mean, until, I think, 2013, Hillary Clinton was saying that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Barack Obama said that. They don't say that.

Cause they believe it. What he. His opinions changed that much as a grown man, like, what did you do? Mushrooms. What did you do?

Did you smoke DMT? What did you do? Tell me what you did. Where now you have this complete change of heart. Anything.

It's just be two people who are grown adults who love each other. They should be able to get married. Like, what. What happened? You tell me, right?

Cause. Or you're full of shit, right? One of these things is going on. Either you're doing this political thing, which is like, God, it's so gross when they just. They're calculated with what they say just so they could win.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Like, ooh, yeah, they realize the gays. Can vote, so also they realize that public support for gay marriage was way higher because the stigma of being gay all sort of, you know, not that long ago, it was way more stigmatized. Like, so many people were in the closet in Hollywood, you know? Cause they kinda had to be. And to this day, the one open kind of homophobia you have in Hollywood is that gay men never play straight men in movies if they're out.

Joe Rogan
They never play, like, the leading romantic interest in a movie if everyone knows they're gay. That's why I'm not in any movies.

Tony Hinchcliffe
But also, making gay marriage legal didn't cost them vast sums of money. I bet if we did an online poll where every american had to vote and had to log in and you polled them, do you think we should be giving money to foreign wars? I can't imagine the number being lower than 90% for no. Yeah, I think I saw a recent Twitter poll where they tried to do that, and the majority of people was like, no. Yeah.

I mean, if we forced people to vote on an actual issue, well, it's. Also, you have so many people that are hawkish, and they think that we can break Russia or that we need to support Israel or whatever their position is, where they're real hawkish on, and they have a limited amount of information about it. When you talk to them, so many people, when you talk to them about it, you're like, well, why do you think that we need to keep sending money to Ukraine? Is it working? Are these people being used as cannon fodder, or are they gaining ground?

Joe Rogan
You tell me what you think. Well, you know, I mean, I just think what Putin did was like, do you support a guy, like, storming into a country and taking over? I'm like, no, I definitely don't. I definitely didn't support that. But that doesn't mean that you should spend hundreds of billions of dollars to prolong what seems like some horrible, bloody conflict that just.

How are they going to win? Are they going to take over Russia? Like, how are they going to win? They're going to kick Russia out. Russia's going to quit.

They're never going to do it again. NATO can move in. Everything's going to be fine. Are you sure? Are you sure nuclear weapons aren't on the table?

Are you fucking positive? Is it good that China and Russia have cuddled up together now and they're all buddy buddy and they're fucking shaking hands and smiling, taking pictures? Like, is that good? That seems not good. It seems not good if the whole fucking world is against us.

Like, that seems really bad. And if they make our medicine right. And what is the fucking. What solution could trump possibly do? Like, when he says he could stop it, like, how do you stop it?

How do you stop it? I think Trump just puts the fear of God into these people a little bit. I think he puts the fear of. A guy who's not gonna play by the rules. Right.

Tony Hinchcliffe
They read our news. If they glance at our news, it looks like we have a crazy president. So they're like, oh, let's wait a bit. That's. I honestly feel that way.

I think that they think by glancing at our weird propaganda that we have that we're being fed, they're like, this guy's kind of crazy, according to them. So let's wait. I mean, why did Putin wait? Why did Putin wait to invade Ukraine until old Poopypants Jenkins was president? If I was gonna do anything, I'd do it right now.

Yeah. It just seems like everything's so chaotic. Absolutely. We got no border. We're giving money to fucking whoever wants it already.

Rich countries. We got men who were the first female admirals. Oh, my God. We have so much chaos. Chaos.

Joe Rogan
It's so kooky. Yeah, it's just so kooky. It's crazy. It's kooky. And it seems like they're just leaning into it.

Like there's no course correction at all. Just leaning into the kooky. Yeah. Fun times. Oh, yeah.

For comedy. Oh, my goodness. We have so much stuff to talk about, stuff that you would have to manufacture something that bizarre that people are accepting at any other time in history. It's. It's so weird.

So weird. It really is. Like the whole country's hypnotized. And I just think this is a perfect storm of things that are happening all at the same time. With AI emerging, China and Russia becoming buddies, us being run by a dead man.

They're trying to stop this other guy from even running, and they're exposing how corrupt the democracy is. They're exposing how corrupt the system is just by charging this guy with 34 felonies for paying off a lady he had sex with. Like, what? And how else would he have paid her money to? Well, the way it was written, the way it was put in a ledger, it's basically.

And on most situations, it would have been considered a misdemeanor, but they turned into a felony. They trumped it up, and they trumped it up. Oh, no pun intended. And then they. He signed, like, 34 different checks.

So there's 34 different. The whole thing's crazy. First of all, what a cheap fuck a pair installments. Yeah. Don't give her all the money.

Give her a little taste. Keep her on the hook. Yeah, that actually makes sense, I guess, now that I think about it. Because if you pay her all at once, she could just write a book or whatever. No, the whole deal was that she couldn't talk if she got the money, but obviously that didn't work out.

She got the money and still talked. If you have the backing of the political party, it doesn't matter, especially the party that's in charge. But what's scary is how many Democrats are willing to allow this kind of stuff to happen, but a lot of them are aware of it. There was this one lady that went viral and she was talking about it and she was saying, you have to understand, like, I'm not a Trump supporter. I don't like Trump, but this is really dangerous for democracy.

Nobody can justify this. And nobody could say, this guy should be in jail for this. Just doesn't make any sense. And especially if you wanted to look at past presidents with the same scrutiny, I mean, there's so many instances, things that you could go, and this was one of the things that Obama had said when Obama got into office, they were talking about George Bush and Dick Cheney being charged with war crimes, and he was saying, we're not going to look to the past, we're going to look towards the future. You know, like, I'm not going to prosecute anybody.

Imagine if, when Obama got into office, if he decided to prosecute Dick Cheney and George Bush for crimes against humanity. Yeah, crazy. Oh, my God. You know how crazy that would be? Do you know how divided the country would be then?

Well, that's the same thing. Kind of, that is taking place now at a lesser scale, obviously, because it's not a war crime you're charging someone with, but you could, you could charge Trump with war crimes. You could find some things that he did, especially with bombings and, you know, and even what Obama did, Obama, during the administration, they dropped a drone on a us citizen. No trial, no nothing. Boom.

Yeah. Trump didn't even go for. He didn't go for Obama. He didn't go for Hillary, you know, and he could have. He could have tried them for things.

Yeah, well, especially Hillary. Especially with the whole email thing, the. Deleting of the emails, and supposedly Trump's the crazy one. Trump's the loose cannon. They're all crazy.

That's what they don't want you to know. It's like sluts that are always talking bad about other girls for sluts. Like, you know, so what people do, it's a thing that, you know, people, that's not me. I'm not like that. It's just a weird thing that people do.

And people form teams and they justify why they should use any means necessary to silence the other people on the other team, the opposition, and they don't even realize they're setting a precedent. And when this motherfucker gets an office or another motherfucker gets in office, that's a Republican, and you've got real problems now, kids. If the elections are real, that's how it usually goes. It usually goes. One side wins and they're like, this fucking sucks.

Let's try the other way. The other guy wins. Like, oh, this is bullshit. Let's try the other way. And this is what we've done in this country over and over and over again.

You know, we go Clinton to Bush, Bush to Obama. It's what we do. It's what we do. We always do it this way. And if you change the way people are allowed to go after political candidates and you change the way you're allowed to silence and imprison your candidates, then we're like Mexico.

We're just not assassinating people yet. You know, we're like a third world country. We're like a banana republic.

We're letting things other than the will of the people and what's best for the people be what's, what's running the thing. We're letting the thing be run by the people that are in power, that are corrupt, that want to keep the power. Because it's not just Biden. Biden is barely there, right? It's all the people that are working there.

You gotta understand, he's got this huge team behind him. They don't wanna leave. What? Get on Linklin, get on LinkedIn and fucking try to get a new job. Start sending out your resume.

I work for the worst administration ever. Right? I was one of the people, you know? I mean, the one thing you can do is get a job as, like a political person on, like, tv. You'll get one of those jobs, like, if you're a White House press secretary, you know, and then there's like, huckabee.

Isn't she like a governor now? Yeah, I think Arkansas or something. That's a good one to start with. You want to run the world? Start with Arkansas.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. I was talking to Tulsi Gabbard the other night, and I went off on a rant to her about mental health asylums. Mmm. I'm like, that is. These people are everywhere on the streets now.

Yeah, it's crazy people. And they. I mean, it's not a great thing to have them out. It's not good for them and it's not good for everyone else. They're used to actual places.

And the money that it would cost. I mean, that's a cost that people would get behind. Yeah. The things that we would pay for instead of the things that we are paying for. Insane.

Joe Rogan
I think that happened during the Reagan administration. I think they changed, like, what it means to be a mentally ill person. They let a bunch of people out. Is that true? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm pretty sure it was during the RA. You know, Reagan was one of those Republicans that made people want to be a Democrat. Oh, you know who. You know who I heard actually was behind it was JFK, because he didn't like what happened to his sister. How so?

Tony Hinchcliffe
They gave his sister the lobotomy. Oh, yeah. And he turned against mental health institutions. I can't remember if it was. Gave his sister a lobotomy.

Oh, yeah. Bad one. Oh, my God. Oh, it's like one of the big Kennedy secrets. You know?

Joe Rogan
They stopped doing that in, like, the late sixties. They did it for a long time. I had an Instagram post about it because I went down a rabbit hole one night. I was like. Like what?

Like, they just scrambled people's brains. And there was all these ads, like, smiley people afterwards, happy people afterwards. Just scramble your fucking brain with an iron rod that they push through your eyeball. The eldest Kennedy daughter. Wow.

The Special Olympics. Wow.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, man. Dude, brains are just like everything else. They're just like. Some people have bad livers. In their search for cures.

Okay. In November 1941, Mister Kennedy arranged to have a lobotomy performed on Rosemary. It was immediately clear that the operation had drastically failed. Rosemary had lost most of her ability to walk or talk. Her personality had been forever altered, and she was left physically disabled.

After being released from the hospital, Rosemary was immediately institutionalized. There's a story I've read about the doctor. There's like, one doctor who was doing a lot of the lobotomies. He was traveling around to all these islands doing. Yeah, I read about that guy.

He loved it. He loves scrambling brains. I mean, what a fucking. Like, it's. Remember when you used to whack the tv to get the signal to come in?

People don't know, like, we would be watching tv. You'd be watching like, a baseball game. And he'd go, you know, what the fuck? You'd smack the tv and would come back in. Hey, you got it.

Like, that's how bad electronics were back then. You would smack the tv and sometimes it would fix it. Like, sometimes it was like going up. It was just like, blip, blip. The screen would go up and you just whack the side of it.

It would stay still. Remember those days? Yeah. Yeah. That was their version of fixing brains.

That was just like whacking a tv. There's like, let's just scramble his brains. Yeah. And they're going through your eyeball. Oh, that's what they go through.

They pull your eyeball aside. Yeah, they pull your eyeball. So. Excuse me, out of the way. I gotta shove a metal rod in there.

And just did get in the brain. They get in your frontal lobe and just go like this. No, yeah. Oh, God. You know, bro, imagine that's a good idea.

I know how to fix it. Everybody, what was like, the most successful lobotomy? Did anybody get a lobotomy? And like, wow, that one fucking worked. Like, is it Google?

Google. What's the most successful lobotomy?

Yeah, somebody came out. The most amazing guy. No way. No way. Ow.

But there has to be one, like, best case scenario, like, this might work. Like, one guy, maybe they only scrambled him a little. You know, like, Roseanne got hit by a car, became a great comedian. Kinison hit by a car, became a great comedian. Like, there's a little bit of brain damage.

Not bad for you. A little bit. Yeah, just a. Just a touch. Just a thud.

Oh, yeah, just a little bit. Everybody needs a little bit. A little bit. Yeah, just a little bit. Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I had so many wrestling in high school. The last person who had one died, 1967. That's when they like, enough. Yeah, I barely missed that. I was born in 57.

Joe Rogan
I got lobotomized antipsychotic medication. Let's born to 57 with the wrong parents, 100%. They would, like, scramble his brains. Yeah, one and. Or if I was born with the wrong parents, they would have put me on Prozac for sure.

For sure. They would have put me on some sort of ADHD medicine. This is the best I'm getting is like, their claims of improvement, they reported. 63% of their patients had improved, while 24% saw no change and 14% became worse. Oh, that guy looks pretty good afterwards.

The beginning looks like he's like, taking a horrible shit. Like, oh, God. And the afterwards he's like, I get it now. That's what they were they were just, like. They were agitated before, and then afterwards, they were smiling.

It's like, smiling. Yeah. So some. It worked, but it seems like a very crude idea. Maybe, you know?

Now, that. Oh, that one's a weird one. That one. They cut the top of that dude's head off. Ooh, that was a rough one.

Oh, Jesus Christ. They're going through the nose on. That guy's wearing a muscle. It's right. Oh, Christ, I hope she's out cold.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Why don't those guys have sleeves? Yeah, they probably. The way everyone's holding her hand, she might not have been out. They probably barely put people out back then, eh? They're fucking crazy.

Watch videos of some of this. Oh, don't make me watch videos of it. All right, here we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Joe Rogan
He says, prefrontal lobotomy, psychological cinema, prefrontal lobotomy, and chronic schizophrenia from the psychiatric department. So this is the lady, female, age 25, can you say state hospital patient for four years, failure to improve after several courses of both insulin and convulsive shock. Wow. The shock therapy back then showing antagonistic hostility reaction in seclusion quarters prior to bilateral prefrontal lobotomy. Bilateral.

Oh, bilateral. Bilateral prefrontal lobotomy. They're like, this bitch is so crazy, we're gonna give her a double dose.

She seems like someone in the audience had killed Tony. Like a regular. Yeah, she's not bad. Two months post operative, now friendly and cooperative, entering into occupational and recreational activities. Let's see what she looks like now.

Oh, to other people. Oh, there she is now. Now she's all laughing. Her fucking brain scrambled. Now her hair is all fucked up.

That your brain can be scrambled and you can still function. Like that seems to. Well, you barely function. But that's the thing. Like, people have been shot in the head and they lose, like, half their head, and they still talk.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Right. There's a lot of weird stuff that happens to people with their brain. Your brain. When one part of your brain gets damaged, the other part of your brain seems to have an ability to recover. There's this one guy.

Joe Rogan
See if you can find this story. This one guy developed fluid in his brain when he was young, and they drained it. So they installed some sort of a thing that drained the fluid from his brain. And once they did that, but as he got older, he got another MRI, and they realized his brain was missing. He only had the outside area of the brain, and he had, like, a 75 IQ, but he was fully functioning with the entire center of his brain gone.

It's. You see the MRI, like, what in the fuck? The guy has no brain. You know? Like, oh, that fucking guy has no brain.

That's him. He actually has no brain. Like, you gotta leave him alone. It's not his fault. It's literally gone.

So he developed some sort of fluid, and they put something in there. I forget where it drained to, but then over time, you know, his symptoms went away, but his brain went away too. Like, whatever that fluid was in his brain, it was like, took over the whole brain. Oh, God. See if you can find that.

I mean, it's called hydrocephalus. When there's brain. Too much cerebral fluid, cerebral spinal fluid, excess cerebrospinal fluid. Yeah, this dude I know, it's not coming up. Had no brain.

Joe Rogan
And they were talking about how different parts of your brain just make up for what's missing. Your brain sort of figures it out and says, okay, you know what else they found? Playing 3d video games increases gray matter in your brain. It's like, a recent study. That's a good thing.

Yes. Yeah. Increases your, like, three dimensional video games actually increase some gray matter in your brain in some way. And they're not saying, like, people aren't encouraged. See, the thing about video games is people always want to say, don't do it.

You're wasting your life if you do. I say it, you're wasting your life if you do. Video games, however, they're awesome. Yeah, they're awesome. Are you really wasting your life or are you doing something fucking awesome?

You're wasting your life if you do it only, right? But if you want to do it good, you got to do it a lot. Yeah. If you want to really fucking murder people in Call of Duty, you got to be on that bitch every day. You got to get the moves down.

You got to figure out how to aim. That's the guy, is it? Same case scientist, research man. Missing 90% of his brain. Who leads a normal life?

Yeah, that's the dude. 44 year old french man started experiencing weakness in his legs. He went to the hospital when the doctors told him he was missing most of his brain. The man's skull was full of fluid with just a thin layer of brain tissue left. The condition is known as hydrocephalus.

He was living a normal life. He has a family, he works. IQ was tested at the time. Complaint came about 84. 84 was slightly below normal range.

This person is not bright, but perfectly socially apt. Clemens is a cognitive psychologist at University of Libre in Brussels. When he learned about the case which first described in the Lancet in 2017, he saw a medical miracle, but also a major challenge to theories about consciousness. This dude is missing 90% of his fucking. Is that the guy?

No, that's the doctor. Get that guy on kill Tony now. Yeah. Imagine if you wrote for him, oh, how many this guy's actually. You put a photo of his brain up on the screen and explain that this guy's literally up here with no brain.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Going back to the brain damage, making people funny thing. We have a new regular as of yesterday, and it was only his second night ever on the show, Drew Nickens, who was bullied by his own military partners. And I don't know what they did to him. Something head trauma wise that he didn't really want to get into. He's so fucking funny.

Like, he's just naturally the most likable, funniest fucking. Was he funny before the head injury? I don't know. That's a good question. Does he know, like, how.

Joe Rogan
How aware is he when you're talking to him? Very. So he's all there. You talk to him? Yep.

But he has brain damage. Yeah. You know how many people I know with brain damage? Oh, yeah. You are the.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You are the beekeeper of people with brain damage. I know a lot of people with various stages of brain damage, you know. Updates the brand the brain. Rather than 90% of this man's brain being missing, it's more likely that it's simply been compressed into the thin layer that you can see in the images above, which is compressed so the brain has different density. I mean, if it's like Jello, can.

Joe Rogan
You make your brain like, you can make your quads fucking dense? You know, some people have mushy quads. Some people have quads that could fucking jump on top of a huge box. Maybe you can make your brain like that, super connected. Maybe video games is the way you do it.

Find that study, because that's. That's crazy. Speaking of brain damage, did you see the UFC put out a clip of sugar Sean landing that knee on Cheeto vera without any commentary? Bro, Chito vera has a chin that's made out of, like, wolverine bones. Oh, my God.

His chin is insane. It sounds like somebody hitting a wooden baseball bat against another wooden baseball bat. Not only that, his head snaps back all the way back. I mean, it's. By the way, it might be the most perfectly timed knee I've ever seen.

Here it is, bro. Suga Sean is a fucking assassin. Oh, bro, that cat is an assassin. Sitting next to him the whole time before that roast. Cause that thing went on for 2 hours before I got up there, and there's nobody I would have rather have sat next to.

Right. A guy who's calm under pressure. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And he turned to me at one point and goes, dude, I don't know what it is.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It's like 20 minutes before our thing, Ron burgundy was up, just up there killing. And we were, like, all kids laughing for a second. And he goes, dude, I don't know what's going on, man, but I'm nervous as fuck. And it's you going up there. He goes, are you nervous?

And I'm such a cornball. I told him how I really felt, and I go, I'm probably exactly how you were right before the cheeto fight, right now. Like, all the work I've ever done has come to this point. And he goes, calm. I go, calm, calm.

Joe Rogan
You've done the work. Yeah. If you haven't done the work, it's anxiety. Oh, yeah. It's a rotten fear.

Like, you got to really do the work if you're going to do something big, whatever it is. And I've done that before where I did the work, and it feels so much different because I've also done it where I kind of fucked off. And then you're like, oh, I didn't do my best. The live aspect made it crazy. I mean, I'm looking at the three stairs that I had to go up.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I'm like. I keep glancing at them and they're at an angle. You know, it's not like. And they're not like that well lit, and they're kind of long and not that tall. So I knew I had to, like, look, I had to study them, the little things like that.

Joe Rogan
Did you see what Andrew Schultz was saying about Kim Kardashian? That she was, like, completely disconnected, that she just sat up there like this? She sat straight the entire time, like, it was completely unaffected and completely disconnected. Even when she was getting shit on. She kind of giggled along.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I was watching her. Performative or real? I think kind of real. The whole thing was very robotic. She brought, like, four sixes with her, which I thought was hilarious.

Cause, like, even at that level, even a super hot chick, you don't wanna. Bring up some other super hot chick. Exactly. So she was just at a table of sixes. Just this ten with sixes.

Joe Rogan
There you go. Like a. Like a, like a. Like a good poker hand. Four sixes and a ten.

Have you ever watched that show her show? No, not really. My wife watches it in the gym. Sometimes she gets in the gym before me. I have to watch this shit.

It's amazing that it's a show. It's basically like, let's go get some gum.

I went to this thing and I had a talk. You should fill your dreams and go for it. Okay. And then back in a limo, shiny la. It's all like, smash cuts to different scenes.

Like, the scenery of LA is kind of like half of the shows. Like, you know, like, overhead views, the palm trees, the beach, you know? And then they're like, what are we doing for dinner? Yeah. Oh, my God.

But they look pretty. Yeah, they look pretty. Yeah. Ozempics doing them all good. You think that's where.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Oh, yeah, everybody's on it now. Everybody that can be on it's on it. Brian Simpson had a real bad reaction to it. Yeah, well, Brian Simpson's made of bread. You can't just inject ozempic into bread and then expect the bread to just disappear.

Joe Rogan
He was the one guy that did the carnivore diet with us, and just like, I'm a little suspicious. Oh, yeah. Sneaky, sneaky little devil. We were busting his balls all the time. He'd have food delivered, come out.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You'd have food deliveries come up to the green room, and he'd be like, God damn it. They put bread on this sandwich. Me and Derek and Hasan, the looks that we would give each other, the fucking holding in secret fucking laughs. Nuclear capacity. Fucking laughter all the time.

They're like, why'd you order it with the bread? He's like, cause if you don't order it with the bread, they don't put all the things on there. There's no containment system. So I order it with the bread and take off the bread. Oh, yeah.

Joe Rogan
Take that bread with you and eat it later. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. It's part of the fun of Brian Simpson, though, you know, he gets these.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Super breaded chicken wings. Oh, it's so fun. I don't know what it is with me and fat jokes. I just. I've always just.

I just can't get enough of it. I just love it. It's always been my number one, like, roasting specialty. If anybody's ever big. Oh, my God.

It's just. I don't know. Oh, with David Lucas, you have a never ending supply. Oh, yeah. Depending upon what he's wearing.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. It's amazing. Post Malone got him good, because he went after post Malone at the forum in the arena, and he was wearing a camo shirt in post. Just fucking grabbed that microphone, put it right up to his mouth and goes, you're the only guy in camo that the people all the way in the back of the arena can see. You got a standing o on David Lucas.

Tony Hinchcliffe
David Lucas got lit up in LA by the guests, which I love. Cause it's, like, fun for me to step back and get to, like, you know, kind of root for these guys. Harland is a monster. Harlan is so silly. This is this snake on the table.

Joe Rogan
This is his tapeworm that he pulled out of his pants at the end of the episode. He calls it Dimitri.

He said he had a tapeworm. He got a tapeworm. Where do you say he was?

He started the show. He ate a rat somewhere. Oh, Monty Picchu. Something I thought existed, and it did exist. Yeah, he ate some rat in, like, some foreign country.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Oh, he is unbelievable. Him and David went back and forth for, like, ten minutes. It felt, like, straight and every single blow. I told Jeff Ross and Brian Moses, all the roast battle guys after that night, because we were all, there was a festival going on, so we were all hanging out after we would all do our separate things that night. I told them all, I go, the best roast battle that's ever happened just happened.

And it wasn't with you guys. It was on kill Tony. And they're like, what? Who? David Lucas versus Harland Williams, of all people.

Because Harlan's silliness cannot be cut through. It makes him immediately totally undodgeable. If you call him old, he calls you a bitch. If you call him anything, he just rolls with it and jujitsu's it into his own retort that it's indescribable. I wish I could remember more of the moments, but he's like, you know, david's just reaching for anything.

One part was just, you old ass bitch. Cause David's just getting beat, so he's getting piled on, so he's not even writing at this point. His brain is just on the defensive. He goes, you old ass bitch. Cause he knows Harlan just got him.

And Harlan, without any hesitation, goes, you're my bitch tonight. And so for every punch, there's a counter punch, and it was magic. Magic. Unbelievable. In the moment, you can't prep for it, you cannot write for it, or else it comes out clunky, and you're trying to recall and that pause, that hesitation that happens in roast battle, that doesn't necessarily happen in a parking lot roast battle or on a kil, Tony with David and Harlan.

Just heavyweights going back and forth, recalls, aren't there. It's just flow state. Yeah. And it's magical. When he said that post Malone looks like an unemployed crocodile hunter, it's just like, the perfect line.

Joe Rogan
The perfect line. I'm telling you, you guys, I've been saying this forever, but you really need to do it. The two of you should do a show together. You really should. Yeah.

There's no reason why you don't. You guys should do a podcast, even if you do it once a week for an hour. You guys both talking shit to each other and talking shit about things, because the chemistry of the two of you together is so unique, and it brings out the best in David. It brings out the David that I want to see when he goes on stage. I want to see the same guy that is, like, in the heat of roast battle or heat of battling with you on kill Tony.

Bring that everywhere. That same energy. We're working on some really fun things now, actually. What are you working on? There's a series that is actually in development right now.

Tony Hinchcliffe
That's cool. But I'm really excited about this movie idea that he just had a big meeting about, where I'm a principal and he's a fat gym teacher, and there's a bunch of they thems at the school, and then there's a school shooting, and we have to protect the they thems and all this stuff, and there's just all these vessels and setups for everything. We can just do everything that we've ever done but actually, like, implement it into a modern type of ridiculous comedy. So if you did that, where would you do it? Like, who would you do it with?

Where. Yeah, we're like, you want to have the most amount of creative control over something, right? If you're gonna do it, and it's gonna be hard. Yeah, it's gonna be hard. It's gonna be.

Joe Rogan
Maybe Netflix would do it. Yeah, Netflix would probably be the best place to do it. They'll probably take the most chances. Exactly. Especially after the roast.

The Tom Brady roast, which was the most watched thing on Netflix. Ever. Yeah. Ever. And it's wild comedy, which is so good for comedy, man.

That roast was so good for comedy. Huge. Absolutely huge. And it was just. It's just wild because everybody needed.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Everybody wants that. And talk about, you know, there was a lot of re watching of that. People watched it, and then they went and wanted to show their uncles or their dads or their whatever, you know, they wanted to see their reactions to it. So it's being watched multiple times on top of the actual numbers that we know. Right.

You know? Yeah, it's. You know, you can't share Netflix stuff, like we were talking about earlier with YouTube, but you can rewatch it with people. How many people have Netflix accounts? Like, how many Netflix accounts are there?

I think it's like a. Let's google it. Take a guess how many. Think. Worldwide.

Joe Rogan
It's got to be like hundreds. I think it's 200 million. About worldwide? Yeah. Let's find out.

269 million subscribers. And how much does it cost a month?

It depends. There's a couple different. What's the high end? 19. Now?

I think $20. And what's the low end?

Oh, really? That's not a bad deal because you could just skip the ads. Only watch for a couple seconds, use them to pee. There's ad supported. There's standard with ad standard and premium.

Standard with ads is 699. Standard is 1599. What's the difference between standard and premium? The. Let's see.

The number of divorce or, excuse me. Devices you can watch at one time. Oh. Ultra HD is available on premium, and full hd is only on standard. Mmm.

You can download to a different number of devices with premium. Okay. And you can add an extra member who does not live with you. The downloads, big. If you're on plane, you need the download.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Huge. I've never been on a plane that you can watch a movie on. Right. Never. It.

Joe Rogan
Sometimes they have good Wi Fi, and you can. You could actually almost watch a YouTube video. Just every now and then it spins and it comes back on, but most of the time, not. You know, they're not really ready for that yet. I wonder if that'll change with Starlink.

You know, I wonder if they'll hook up Starlink to plan. Do. We saw Starlink the other night? Have you seen it go over? Have not.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Oh, it's the craziest fucking thing. People think it's a UFO. It's insane. It's like a bunch of stars. Well, like, they get it in the Amazon now, but there was an article that I sent to.

Joe Rogan
Oh, here we go. Remote Amazon tribe connects Elon Musk. Internet becomes hooked on porn and social media. Yeah, I was. I shared this with Paul Roseley.

So there's a bunch of people that are, like, very concerned about this because they're seeing their kids, like. Like, staring at phones now. And they're also seeing kids that want to leave the tribe and go out into the regular world. When it arrived, everyone was happy. Whoa.

Say that name.

Sinama Maruba, 73, told the New York Times. But now things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because the Internet, she explained, they're learning the ways of the white people. Wow, he's crazy. They just call us lazy dude.

Yes. Damn the white people. Well, you know, there's a lot of us that are lazy. What does it say? Remote tribe in Brazil become bitterly divided nine months after gaining access to satellite Internet.

Wow, 2000 people. I guess it's here like in the middle. Wow. Right below Peru. Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I want to know. I don't know how I feel about that. I want to know what kind of porn they're watching. Everything. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
Probably can't believe it. Yeah. These white ladies, fake lips, just sucking dicks. Initially, the Internet was heralded as a positive for the remote tribe, who were able to quickly contact authorities for help with emergencies, including potentially deadly snakebites. It's already saved lives.

Enroque Maruba. All Maruba used the same last name. Oh, wow. They're all like the same people. How do you know if you're having sex with your cousin, then if they.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Have the same last name, but they're. All, they all have the same last name. Probably cousins. The whole thing has the same last name. There's 2000 people.

Joe Rogan
The odd, like, you know that north Sentinel island, like that. The story about that guy who was the missionary went there and got killed. There's only 39 people there, so they're all related to each other. Damn. So at this point they might not even be able to go help those people.

Like, imagine if you just stepped in, say, hey, we're gonna establish schools and clinics and like, who knows what's going on with them. 60,000 years of people living on one island and there's only 39 of them left. And you can't go there. They'll kill you. Yeah, they'll fucking kill you the moment you get off your boat.

They tried to kill a bunch of people. There was a bunch of people that had a band at a boat that, that ran ashore. They got rescued. And as they were getting rescued, the north Sentinel people were headed on boats to them to kill them. Oh, God.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Frightening. Imagine if they're like mentally challenged, right, right. We don't know. We really don't know. No one's interviewing them.

Joe Rogan
Like, what are they like? Have you ever seen that show soft white underbelly? No. It's a great show on YouTube, but I had the guy on who's the host of it and one of the things that he's done is document this family in West Virginia. That's, like, severely inbred.

Severely like the man, the older man. All he does is bark. He doesn't talk. He just barks. Have you seen.

You have to see this. You have to see this. I think we'll have to edit it out, right?

Well, I don't know. We'll see if we get caught, if we get a strike, but go to visit soft white underbelly on YouTube. It's not just that. He interviews all kinds of crazy people from all walks of life. It's a very interesting show.

So these people are the Whitakers in West Virginia. Oh, odd. I'm gonna love this. Oh, yeah. Listen.

Listen to this, though. Listen.

That's the guy.

They're all in bread. Look, all of them. Look at her. So what are your names?

I'm sorry? What's his name? Right? I remember, Ray, I photographed you, right? Do you remember?

Years ago. He barks. Your name is Lorraine. Lorraine and Timmy. Yeah.

Now, you guys grew up here in Oz, West Virginia. How many years have you lived here, you guys? I mean, did you go to school?

You did. Some of your brother, some of your. Brothers and sisters probably didn't go to school or. How much schooling did they get?

Tony Hinchcliffe
They didn't wish school. But he graduated. You graduated from what? You went to high school, Timmy. Yeah, he went to high school all day.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, it's good enough. Wow. Whoa. He's been there twice. He.

He's visited them twice. The show's incredible. Oh, yeah. I mean, and this guy, you know, like, just imagine encountering these people. Like, what do you do?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Oh, shit. Yeah. Does the photographs you took of them, like, a long time ago, man. Do not run out of gas around there. Oh, dude, you're fucked.

Joe Rogan
You're fucked. There's some parts of this country, you know, that are literally like the movie deliverance. Yeah, that's real. Yeah. Like, you go through the Appalachians, you take a wrong turn, run out of gas, start walking for help.

It gets dark out, man. You literally see a flaming cross. Jesus. Fuck. You stumble upon a KKK meeting, maybe a spanish last name.

So you got to throw your driver's license in the woods in the middle, right? Oh, boy. Right next to bar in West Virginia. Oh, my God, dude, there ain't shit out there. Oh, my God.

Oh, of course there is. There's another church, another baptist church. It's all just churches. People. Just.

Listen, man. If you live in a place like that, church is the best fucking thing going, you know? Yeah. I think church for a lot of people is like the green room for us. It's a place you go to see the community, you recharge, you love everybody.

Yeah. And then you decide you're gonna be a good person. Yeah. Yeah. You know?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. You're gonna try to do your best. You're gonna try to make a bunch of people laugh. You're gonna try to become a good christian. Yeah.

I was rewatching there will be blood recently. Those church scenes. I mean, fucking unbelievable. That movie's insane. Oh, it's so good.

Joe Rogan
That's all Bakersfield. That's all that area. The Tatchapees. Yeah, they were filming that when they were filming. No country for old men at the exact same time.

Tony Hinchcliffe
And no country for old men had to stop shooting one day because the black smoke from there will be blood was messing up their background. Wow. Isn't that crazy? That's two of the last great non Tarantino movies. Yeah.

And they were filmed at the same time, came out at the same time, up for the same awards. Bangers. Bangers. Did one of them not win movie the year? Cuz that's crazy.

Well, one of them had to not win. It's weird that they against each other. Yeah. I don't like the Academy. Excuse me?

Joe Rogan
I don't like the Academy Awards. Right. No, me neither. Doesn't make. I don't like awards for art.

I think it distorts the whole thing. I mean, on one hand, it gives the films a lot of recognition, and it helps people do other cool projects, and it helps more great movies get made, and you get to showcase great actors and they get rewarded. So people want to become a great actress, they can get an award. But at the end of the day, man, like the number one. And the number one movie is like, why?

Why? Yeah. So just say what you love, why you loved it. What's great about it is the way. But unless we have a.

We're so competitive, we want a contest. Totally. And it doesn't make sense because it's like, oh, Forrest gumps, an Academy award winning movie, and pulp Fiction and Shawshank redemption are not only because they coincidentally came out in the same year, Chris, it went one. If it went 92, 93, 94, they would all be winners. Without a doubt.

Maybe there's a lot of bangers in the early nineties. Yeah, that's goodfellas too. Mm hmm. You can get away with a lot more back then. You do more stuff.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Well, I mean, they were fucking creative. They weren't scared. Yeah, the network notes kill things nowadays. Well, it's not just the network notes. It's like all the executives and all the people behind the scenes, they're all like captured by this ideology and they're real careful about how they do things and what they do.

Joe Rogan
It's like they get really scared. The executives fuck it up. I have a someone that told me that many saints of Newark from David Chase was supposed to be quite different, I'm sure. And it came from the top. And notes for David Chase, who is a monster.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I mean, I still, I probably brought this up here before, but I still to this day. And I laughed about it to myself just a couple nights ago. There I am glancing through. I blasted through the new season of the jinx, which is fucking unbelievable on HBO, one of my favorite murder documentaries ever, the crazy ass Robert Durst. And then there I am, just, yep, nothing.

Here we go. Rewatching the Sopranos for the 5000th time. And it's every fucking time better than the last. It's unbelievable. There's so many things that I still am like, oh my God, I never noticed that.

Joe Rogan
Well, it's also one of those shows that, you know, so many things happened. You can go back and watch it again. In the acting, absolutely insane. Gandolfini in his prime. Wayne Braco in her prime.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Edie Falco, it steals it. Somehow the mom steals it. There's times where she can. Edie Falco's not the mom. She's.

Joe Rogan
She's soprano's wife. Yeah, that's. Yeah, that was the mom. I'm talking about kids mom. Yeah, mom died and they replaced her with CGI and it looked really fake.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah, that part's crazy. I. That's the episode that I watched the other night. I was just. Season three, episode one or two.

Joe Rogan
I think they should redo that. Like they redid Star wars. Yeah, you know. You know they redid like Yoda. They made Yoda CGI.

Yes, they fucked it up, but they should do that with the mom. It wasn't that bad. It was bad. It's. Look, it's not that terrible.

Fake. It just looks fake compared to them.

There was something about her head moved weird. It's coming up. There's a part where she reacts, cuz. That part. That part.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Fucking nothing. Now look here, I don't like that kind of talk. Like your head's not moving. Yeah, yeah, that's what it is.

Joe Rogan
Our heads frozen. It didn't look as fake as I remembered, right. It's like a deep fake. Back then, that was as good as it get. That probably cost a million dollars.

Yeah, who knows what that cost? Yeah, but why did they do that? Why didn't they just have her? We found out she's dead. Why don't they just get a phone call?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Because they had to put one last bit of closure on it right there. They find out that she never filled out the books that Carmella, his wife, got her for the kids because she felt guilty, or she felt like no one will read my book. So it's one last. Her unloading her guilt. She dies that episode.

She dies right after that. He goes out, smokes a cigar by the pool, comes in. The kids and his wife are there, and he's like, what's going on? Your mom passed away. And so then.

Oh, God. And, I mean, it's just crazy how that. I mean, this series changed everything. It still doesn't totally change tv. Yeah.

Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Fargo, all these great series that came after. It would not have happened if it wasn't for David Chase and the Sopranos. I agree. Yeah. It changed.

Joe Rogan
It changed what was possible because it became an enormous movie. Instead of it being a show where they wrap up the story each week, everything ties into the next episode. You're glued to your seat. You can't wait for Sunday. Like, whenever it was.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Like, was it Sunday? Yeah. You're like, when is Sunday coming around? Oh, my God.

Joe Rogan
I mean, it was the first show that people were just absolutely riveted and addicted to, and it was about a guy was a murderer. And somehow or another, you're rooting for the murderer. Yep. He was mean. He killed his friend.

Like, there's a lot of crazy shit. And he's still the good guy. Kills his own cousins. Two of the main characters, Steve Buscemi and Michael Imperioli. Yeah, spoiler alert.

Well, I mean, yeah, the Christopher malt Assante murder was the craziest one. Cause the way he did it was just like, jeez, he's so ruthless. But it kind of also made sense. I mean, from his perspective, if he would have let him keep going, have ended up. He could have killed his own kid.

Tony Hinchcliffe
That's the part. Because he glances back and he sees the branch in the baby seat, and he knows that Christopher. He admits to him, right then, I'm on drugs. I'm gonna pop. You need to say you were driving.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. Which is their ongoing thing for seasons. You gotta get off the drugs. Yeah. And so, I mean, shocking as all hell.

Tony Hinchcliffe
For us viewers at the time. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. You know the other one, those are.

Joe Rogan
Was it Paulie that killed his girlfriend? Who killed his girlfriend? Remember in the end when they went chasing after him in the woods? You fucking cunt. And he's like, he's gonna kill her with a gun.

And she realizes he's gonna kill. Yeah, she runs. Yeah, and he murders her. That was Silvio. Silvio who plays guitar for Bruce Springsteen's band.

Tony Hinchcliffe
But yeah, she never saw it coming. That was so creepy. Yeah, that's creepy because that's real, like insider. You've met that lady your whole life. Yep.

Joe Rogan
You know that lady whole life. Now you're chasing her with a pistol, calling her a cunt. Yep. You're gonna kill her. And she realizes you're gonna kill, and she's screaming.

Tony Hinchcliffe
In that world, if you talk to the government, you know, especially back then, it's. It's cold. It's just as cold as ice. It's the one thing you can't do. So all their friendship.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, what a fucking show. Oh, it's incredible. And every fucking episode is better than literally almost anything else out there. That's the crazy part is it's just I can't stop rewatching it. It's just the funniest ongoing game on my fucking.

Tony Hinchcliffe
My bedroom. Television thinks I'm a psycho.

Joe Rogan
Well, it's one of those shows that like, then we realize what's possible. So it raises the bar for everybody else. And then, you know, Game of Thrones is like the next one. It was another one where you like. And then that one was even crazier because you got fucking dragons and insane special effects.

And the CGI had kind of caught up with everything by. Especially with the new one, the new Game of Thrones. The CGI is off the charts, but like, how long does that take to make, like, the new one was over like a year ago. Yeah, like, how long is that? When is the next season of.

What is it called? The new one called House of dragons? Yeah. When is the new house of dragons come out?

Holy shit, dude, that's perfect. Go, cuz I'm wrapping up the gentleman. I only have one more episode of the gentleman. What's the gentleman? Oh, you don't know?

It's the new Guy Ritchie series on Netflix. It's the same. Did you ever see the movie the gentleman? No. The movie is fucking awesome.

The movie is like Matthew McConaughey and it's about weed dealers and it's like this, like organized crime weed movie. And this just follows that. It just is a different branch of that world. But it's. It's fucking amazing.

It's such a good show. I tried that samurai one you recommended, but there was a kill bill moment, a ripoff of Kill Bill, and I just couldn't. What was the ripoff? There's a part where they're doing the walkout and it's like, frame for frame. A ripoff of Lucy Liu's walkout when she's arriving to that place.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I just hate it. Just drives me crazy how many people and how many things our derivative take from. Yeah, but Tarantino did that a lot, you know? Well, yeah, that was part of it was. But it was an homage.

Joe Rogan
It's an homage to these films. Exactly. Reservoir dogs. Like an homage to another. Like a chinese film.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah, yeah. I can't remember the name of it, but, yeah, a lot of his things are. But when they do it to him, it's just different. That's funny. Yeah, that's funny.

Joe Rogan
It's interesting to do that in a historical novel turned into a show like Shogun. I didn't notice it, but I love the show shows. Incredible shows. Really well done. Shogun's really well done.

It's fucking riveting. I love it. A lot of people told me the past episode one is when it gets cooking. I just couldn't. I don't know.

It's very good, dude. If you give it a shot, it's very good. But if I was gonna recommend some, I'd say the gentleman watch that. Yeah. Show is so crazy.

It's so crazy. So much wild shit happened. Just like Jesus. Yeah. And I think they're gonna do a season two.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You never caught up with the jinx, huh? No, never caught up with it. You never watched season one? No, I knew what happened. I remember the story and I just, you know, it's one of those things, like, I've never watched the wire.

Joe Rogan
It just got away from me. Me neither. Totally. The wire is awesome. Everybody talks about it.

Bourdain was always raving about it. Yeah, Jamie loved it. I never watched it. I can't hear you guys talk about sopranos without screaming it in my head. I'm like, you guys haven't seen this, though.

Better. I can't say it's better. Oh, it's better. Say a bitch. This is the Academy Award.

Somebody gets the Oscar. Who gets it, it came after. So, like, who gets the fucking award? Stop trying to, like, dodge the question. I would argue the Sopranos, but I don't like it, but I don't personally like it better.

Oh, really? Why do you think I've tried? I don't like breaking Bad either. I didn't really didn't get into it. I watched it after the wire, so I started to watch them, like, fuck.

It's like, limited by not being a level of real because they're, like. They're censoring themselves a little bit. Just felt like, get into it. The wire is so hyper realistic is the word used so much. And it's.

Joe Rogan
Mmm. When it's talked about that, it's just like, it's really cool to watch. All right, I'm gonna get into it this summer. I'm gonna start watching the wire this summer. I'm all filled up until the summer.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Got my walk. I can only watch things a couple nights a week. I don't have time. Same, same.

That's why I like the sopranos. It's like background noise and if I'm paying attention, I'm laughing or enthralled. I have to, like today. If I'm like. Like, I have to.

Joe Rogan
If I don't do a certain amount of work, like, I feel lazy. Right. It's not a good feeling. And if I'm just watching too much tv, I feel like I could have gotten so much done. Totally.

And I could have gotten a bunch of, like, my little. I can enjoy shows if I've done what I need to do, but if I don't, like, if I didn't work out that day, I'm not watching tv. Yeah. I'm gonna feel like a piece of shit. Yeah.

You know, unless it's my off day. Yeah, same. I don't let myself, like, I don't have a video game console and I don't play games on my phone. So when I got back from LA to treat myself, even though I don't even play chess, I downloaded a chess app because my instagram showed me a finishing chess move. And you don't know how to play chess?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Well, I do now. Okay. Because I don't know how to play chess either. I was saying maybe we could play chess. Well, it's only been a couple weeks and I'm obsessed.

Cut to me last night in bed at 04:30 a.m. on my phone playing people around the world in chess. And it's crazy. I love it. Chess is a fun game, obviously.

Yeah. It's just, to me, it's one of those time sucks that I'm scared of. Totally. Exactly. Just like video games.

Joe Rogan
Just like golf. I, you know, you obviously know I have a giant pool problem. Pool's a problem. I played pool with my friend Tommy in New Jersey on Friday night till five in the morning. The day of the UFC?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Went to the hotel room. I slept till 03:00 p.m. we got up, showered, got some food, made it to the arena. Golf's a different kind of time waster, though.

It is. A little bit of exercise, the air, the nature, the oxygen being around the trees and the fresh grass and everything, it hits you a jolt of energy. Gives you a crazy amount of energy. I totally see it, man. Yeah, I get it.

Joe Rogan
It'd probably be super beneficial for me to pick up golf. Yeah, I gotta probably enjoy it. Tons of vitamin D. But I can't. Right?

I'm too. I'm too busy, and I have too many things that I really love. Like, I already love archery. I have to practice. If I don't practice, I don't shoot good.

If I don't shoot good, that's not good. You gotta get a stain. It's like pool. You have to stay in stroke with archery. You have to stay focused.

You have to stay, like, in tune. I don't know what the word they would use for just being, like, on when you. When you know where that arrow is going. Just fucking know, you know? And it's all at different distances.

Like, any day of the week, you could wake me up at 04:00 in the morning. I could hit a bullseye at 20 yards. But 20 yards is not that. Most of the time, I'll hit in the nine or ten. Right, but most of the time, like, when you're shooting, you're not going to shoot at 20 yards.

You have to shoot at like 40 or 60 or so. So I practice like, 74. I practice at 85 sometimes. And that's. That's a long distance.

Like, it really requires, like, a fine tuning of your feel of the bow. Like, as you're drawing back and you're centering your pin, there's this zen state where all you can think about is the movement of the arrow. All you can think about is the correct technique. All you can think about is, like, how you want that arrow to just sink right into that target perfectly. The perfect time to release right when the pin is settled over the spot where you want to hit, and the arrow just goes and you watch it, and it's magical.

It's like it cleans your mind. It's like it hoses off all of life's bullshit because it requires everything of you in that one moment. Yeah. And I think any. If you could find anything like that, whatever the fuck it is, whether it's yoga or whatever it is, golf, you find a thing where when you're doing it, it requires all of your concentration.

I think that's like a good flush out of the system. And I think people don't have that. Have a lot of fucking anxiety and I think lots. Your brain never gets cleaned out. You need a thing that's almost like a.

People do it through meditation. They do it through a lot of different ways, but it's like there's a way you're focusing only on one thing. That's super beneficial for some reason. Yeah, no doubt about it. I wouldn't have to do the hot yoga.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Fucking spaghetti and wagyu meatballs. Flush. The other day. You did yoga after you had it? Well, not right after, no.

But the next day. The next day I had hot yoga after eating the spaghetti the night before. Yeah. I ate so much with Joey Friday night, I had to force myself to eat Saturday before the fights. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
I was like, I don't want to eat anything. I took a shit. That would. It would astonish people. It would astonish you.

That was all in your body. Like, that was all in there. It was astonishing, the volume. It's like, where'd it go? Where was that?

How did all that come out of me? But I thought about how much I ate. I. Enormous amount of food. Yeah, they just kept bringing us food too.

They're like, the chef sent this over. Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, the best. Oh, real italian food.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Priceless. Well, boy, does it fucking hamper your motor skills. Hampers everything afterwards. Like, I play pool like shit for, like, the first hour and a half. This couldn't get going.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, it was just like. I was just like. My stomach literally hurt from being stretched out. It was like. It was hurting.

Tony Hinchcliffe
My God. I'll do it again. Yeah, I'll do it again tomorrow, I think. Once a month. That's not bad, right?

Joe Rogan
If you enjoy yourself once a month, have a glass of wine, have some spaghetti. The next day, I had linguine with clams too. Oh, damn. So good. Yeah, yeah.

Not good for you. Not good for you, but. Damn. But there's a lot of things in life like that. Like, I think if you just live your whole life only eating super healthy and never doing anything, like, okay, but you definitely missed out on some stuff.

Like, you missed out on some amazing meals. Like, you're not gonna get all those flavors all tied together in something that is not going to give you a little autoimmune flare up. Yeah. It's like, I think it's a thing that you experience and you pay a cost. The cost for experiencing a delicious pasta meal is you go into a coma.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Right? That's the cost. Yeah. I was thinking about this when Tom Brady came out for the roast. Cause we're there at the front table, and he comes out, and he was just so much taller and more present than I thought he would be.

You know what I mean? Quarterback won the greatest of all time. Giant opposing force of presence. He was laughing at the jokes. He wasn't caught daydreaming or staring at the teleprompter.

Joe Rogan
I'm so happy to you. When you said about his shoes, like, nice shoes, bitch. He goes, I'll shove this up your ass right now. And I was stumped, dude. There is a hard 2 seconds where I had to reset and be like, oh, my God.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Do I acknowledge that? Was that Mike? Did they, did they hear that? I did not hear it. Right.

Well, I just found out that when they did, they did an edit pass through on it, and I haven't seen it yet, but I guess they turned up his volume on that. So now you can hear it, which I actually am looking forward to seeing for the first time. But they just did a final pass through edit. Like, last week, they told me. What did he say to Jeff Ross?

Joe Rogan
When Jeff Ross made a joke about Robert Kraft getting a hand job, he. Said, don't do that shit again. But I think he was hitting. I don't know, because I think that was part of the rules, wasn't it? Yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
That wasn't really rules. Yeah. I thought you were not supposed to talk about that one. I was never told that.

Joe Rogan
Interesting. But maybe because they knew you weren't doing it. Had they seen your set?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Not exactly. No, they hadn't. No. They hadn't seen the meat and potatoes of it. I showed them some cute.

Joe Rogan
Did you hide? Oh, yeah.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You have to hide it from them. For their own good. For their own good. For their own good, right? Yeah.

Joe Rogan
Shut up. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone wins. Yeah.

Exactly. You guys had the. Literally, if ever the joke was, like, soft and easy. Yeah. You would have got 55 million people watching it.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Right. People were watching because they were telling people, like, you got to see this. This is insane. Yeah. And Nikki did so good.

Her set was so tight that it really got the thing kick started. Jeff going first, her second, and then the momentum was built. Drew Bledsoe did great. Everybody was really, really good. It was kind of fucking awesome to be there around a bunch of, like.

Cause those football players are so goddamn competitive that they were all really working hard. So even though you're expecting it to be like, duh, Tom was good at throwing a football. Like, they all wanted to be the. Best, and people were writing for them. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
So who was writing for those guys? There was a whole amazing team led by the guys that have written, like, all the roasts, Mike Ferrucci and Ray James and a bunch of guys that literally specialize. They wait all year waiting for another roast. Like, monsters that literally are, like, when they find out who's on it and they know the other people that are on it, they start wiring these things together. What do they have in common?

Tony Hinchcliffe
What's the setup? What's the, you know, how do we tie it in? You can have a three for a four for a five fur where you bring it, where you make fun of a bunch of people at once, and, you know, they write a loose script. They send it to the person. The person reviews it and says what they do want, what they don't want.

And sometimes, you know, what you definitely don't want is someone to go, I don't want to hit this. I don't want to hit that. I don't want to go too hard on this. The fearless people. A perfect example of this is Martha Stewart at the Justin Bieber roast.

She goes, I'll fucking say anything. I want to kill. I want to destroy on this roast. And me and Mike Ferrucci are like. Okay, that's pretty amazing.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, that's pretty amazing. Martha Stewart saying that to you. Yeah. Well, everybody realize how cool she was when she did that show with Snoop Dogg? Yeah, because that was like, what a weird, odd couple that worked out well.

Tony Hinchcliffe
That was all born out of that roast. Why'd they stop doing that show? I don't know. That's a good show. Yeah, I'm not sure.

Joe Rogan
People loved Martha after she got out of prison too. Gangster. She's a gangster, bro. They put her away for nonsense. They put her away for some stupid insider trading where she didn't make any money.

Tony Hinchcliffe
They put her away for what Nancy Pelosi does every single day. But what she does is leave. The Nancy Pelosi thing is legal. Have you heard about what's going on? With strange reason, the GameStop guy, roaring Kitty is his name.

Joe Rogan
Okay, I have. So the good. Please tell me, because I'm trying to figure out what's going on because there's so much. I see so many, like, tweets and posts about it online, and I'm cursory. Aware, so I don't.

I mean, I've been busy doing work stuff, but from what I've seen is that, like, he's making more. He came back out, like, online, posted something like a week or two ago about game stuff. It shot the stock up again like it did previously during the pandemic, which is, like, created a whole movie. So who is this dude? His name's Keith Gill.

His online name is Roaring Kitty. Like on Reddit, I believe. Roaring Kitty is an awesome name. It's $53,000. Became worth over 300 million.

Joe Rogan
Whoa, whoa. Yeah. So he's worth $300 million from this GameStop stuff? Yeah. On paper, though, it's like, if he takes.

That's what is part of it is like. So if he takes the stock out. Yeah. Then the stock crashes, so you can't sell it. That's becoming the new talk of, like, what I've seen over the last 24 hours is that he recently, I think, over the last day, posted what his holdings are in GameStop.

And that has created some discussions, which is why I brought it up, because people are bringing up Nancy Pelosi a lot. He. What he's doing is out in the open. It's very public. I don't even think he's specifically telling anyone to do anything.

He's just showing what he's doing. Mmm. And they're talking about limiting him or taking him off these apps. I don't know if he's gonna get fined in some way or another. That doesn't make sense.

But these are the discussions that are happening right now. Well, it seems like he's doing something that they've all done. That's what seems like. I mean, if someone goes on MSNBC and gives a bunch of opinions about certain stocks that will perform or won't perform, and they're an expert, and if they're invested in those things, and if they then change the way people interact with the stock market, more people start investing in these things. Is that okay?

Joe Rogan
Is that legal? How does that work? Like, what's his name? Jim Cramer. That guy goes and rants about a stock being like, you should buy this.

Does he do that? So he hung up. I don't ever watch financial shows. The joke online with him on Twitter is, I do the opposite of what he says. He's very specific about this is a winner, 100%.

Do the opposite. Within a week, the opposite happens. Oh, is he terrible? It's not that he's terrible. It's just that this has continued to happen, and people are like, why does the opposite always happen when he says, I don't know, that he's bad?

Cause he obviously has a show and people want to continue to talk to him. Didn't Jon Stewart scold him? I think Jon Stewart had him on the Daily show and gave him a scolding about something. Is that true?

Joe Rogan
I think it was after, like, the 2008 financial crisis or something.

Not sure I'm remembering something like that. John Stewart's back. Is he doing the Daily show? Does it like, once a week? There was a conflict with them at says, yeah.

2009. Yeah, it was right after the financial crash. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
Oh. Response to CNBC commentator Rick Santelli, who had recently said on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade that homeowners facing foreclosure were losers. Whoa. Centelli had been set to appear on the show, but CNBC canceled Santelli's appearance. Stewart, along with Daily show executives, claimed the CNBC montage was not retaliatory and that they planned to show it before the cancellation was announced.

Subsequent media coverage exchanges between Kramer, who had been featured heavily in the original segment, and Stewart led to a highly anticipated face to face confrontation on Stewart's show. The episode received a large amount of media hype and became the second most viewed episode of the Daily show, trailing only the 2009 inauguration date episode. It had 2.3 million total viewers the next day dealing with. What does it say? What was the exchange?

Was it about, oh, your money is safe in bare sterns, followed by a Daily show segment that the global investment bank went under six days later. Wow. If I'd only followed CNBC's advice, I'd have a million dollars today, Stewart said during the piece. Provided I started with $100 million. Whoa.

Yeah. See, I guess he's been wrong since back then. So. So is it because he doesn't know what he's talking about, or is it because the market is, like, really difficult to predict? No.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I bet he's part of a fucking. I bet he's part of a machine. I bet he gets, you know, he's out there telling people what to invest in and these other people. There's got to be a con, massive conflict there. Well, that's the conflict.

Joe Rogan
Like, imagine someone at Bear Stern said, you know, it'd be nice if you went out there and said, your money safe with Bear Stearns, then you do that for us, Jim. I'm not saying that he did that. Of course. That would be, like, probably illegal, right? Wouldn't it be?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Of course. I bet that guy meets in the park. Yeah. No phones. Meet in the park.

Yeah. Let's go for a walk. Let's go for a walk. About. Describe how we're gonna make money, make that money, because if you're a guy in your tweet about how much you love GameStop and about you're so bullish on GameStop that you've just invested $100,000 in Gamestock, and everybody reads that and they go, oh, I'm gonna buy Gamestock, too.

Joe Rogan
And then your $100,000 in gamestop goes up in value. Is that illegal? But I don't think they prepared for this. This world. Like, I think these nerds online with this whole GameStop thing.

They've kind of flipped the tray over. It's like, fuck you. Your game, right? We'll play it this way. That's what happened during it.

They. I remember Robin Hood stopped people's ability to trade. Everyone was like, what the. How can you even do that? Yeah, well, if so, is it because it's a league?

Joe Rogan
It's legal. It's a legal manipulation that everyone didn't see coming. I've read people talking about this happened. Go pee, Tony angel.

You've heard people talk about it since. Yeah, since it happened, and I don't. I've not heard a consensus. Good answer. I don't know that they've gone digging through this in Congress or.

Not yet, but talking about so much other stuff, you know? Right. But it's so weird that there's, like, certain loopholes that don't get patched up, like, really quick, especially, like, a loophole in regards to, like, the financial markets. Like, that, no one saw that you could take a stock that's not that valuable and make it super crazy valuable. He's got.

So something I saw was the speculation was saying he's got holdings, I think, on Morgan Stanley. He's got call options, which I can barely even understand enough to explain to you, but those are. He's betting on the price of the stock to go up. If he exercises those call options at a certain number, I think it was, he'd be worth more than I think Morgan Stanley is. So, like, could they even pay him?

Joe Rogan
Huh? How bizarre. And, like, where does that money. Like, I don't. The whole thing is so difficult to understand.

Like, the whole stock market thing, like, when Bernie Sanders was explaining that how much you could make just from all these speculation trades that they do, you take like, a fraction of a penny from each trade, and it'd be worth like a trillion dollars. And I was like, what? Yeah. I was talking to a banker, asking them, like, you as a normal person, I guess that's not what she said, but, like, as a normal consumer, you. You would probably hold a stock.

You'd buy a stock and you hold it forever until you decide to sell it. One day they're buying and selling it seven to twelve times a day based. Off of whatever, and they're just making little margins here and there, and it's stacking up, and they're doing it in. Such large numbers that. Yeah, and they're probably doing it with algorithms, right?

Joe Rogan
Aren't they? Yeah. Then there's like a show that, on HBO, I think, traders or something, you can watch young people who do this now. They stare at a computer and they start making bets on, like, wait, wait, five more seconds. So $30 million if you attend.

If you had a podcast, not us, but someone else with a podcast, and they just started talking about a stock, and then that stock goes up. Is that legal? That's. I don't know about. I.

What are the laws? Probably that has to get really deep into the wording that you're, like, the language you use. If you're just talking about it, it's disgusting. It. You know, but if you're saying, like, buy it for these reasons, and I've done this, and these are the reasons why it will go up, that could probably get you in trouble.

Like, what if you have information that a stock is gonna crash, but you don't tell anybody? I mean, heights. So if you know that a stock is gonna crash, you know that some information is gonna be put out, and then you sell your stock, that's illegal, right? That's insider trading. Yeah.

Yeah. In that weird. Because in any other, like, realm in life, that is just being aware of the circumstances, like, oh, things are going, I have information, I should act on it. That information. This is like, you can't act, but I'm gonna lose $400 million.

Well, it's either that I go to jail. What? So I have to, like, sit here even though I know that something fucked up and they're gonna. It's gonna come public and there's gonna be, you know, something where a product fails and the stock's gonna crash. I know stocks gonna crash.

I'm gonna get out now. Yeah. I can't get out. Cause I know what. The whole thing's fucking weird.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I don't know if it's the italian in me or whatever were parents that kept cash in shoeboxes between the mattresses or whatever, but, like, it's just all so fucking freaky to me. I like, I mean, if it was up to me, I would just have. That. I would have a safe with cash. Well, it does make sense that you would make it so that you couldn't insider trade because that then people would just manipulate things.

Joe Rogan
But I think that's exactly what people are saying is happening with, like, GameStop and a bunch of these other things. You're manipulating things. You might not be manipulating the sense that you have information that's gonna lead. Maybe the stock is gonna take off and you buy a shitload of it. And then.

Cause you know a bill's gonna be passed, which is okay if you're in Congress, that's fine. Well, you could actually be working on the bill. That's fine. And then you buy stock and you make hundreds of millions of dollars on $170,000 yourself. That's fine.

But if you're Martha Stewart and you've got some information, mean, how much did Martha Stewart make? Like, what did she get off of that insider trading? Just a couple hundred thousand dollars, maybe. Let me double check. Also, she made a little money for her.

Eladie's rich. Oh, yeah. I mean, imagine doing something that's gonna risk you being put in jail for a couple hundred grand. They wanted to make an example out of her. I know, but I don't understand it.

Like, why would you do that? Like, what did she do that was so bad? Know about what the company was called that she him clone. I am clone. And what fucked up.

What did she do? She knew it was gonna do well or what?

More time to analyze the evidence. Verdict. Want to put the article up so. We could looking at the week. I'm digging through the information really quickly because it's like tying her information in with the full story and other people's stuff and saying what some people did and some didn't.

Indictment and artwork. So that's. That doesn't seem like it's one of. My favorite videos ever. $45,000 in losses she avoided.

Joe Rogan
Oh, she avoided 40. That's it. 45 grand? Yeah. Wow.

Wow. Makes that in an hour. Wow. By selling when she did so someone knew something. The guy.

Security fraud, obstruction of justice and conspiracy. So the guy was arrested, conspiring to commit insider trading. He pleaded guilty to charges of securities fraud, bank fraud, obstruction of justice and perjury. He pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy, wire fraud. Where does she come in?

Him? She called a standing order with bunk. Vickers to sell her shares of McLone. Fell below 60. She then resigned from her company after that.

Joe Rogan
Oh, wow. Same day she was indicted. Wow. But remain on the company's board. Interesting.

She said, I want you to know that I'm innocent. I will fight to clear my name. The government's attempt to criminalize these actions makes no sense to me. I'm confident I'll be exonerated of these baseless charges. Interesting.

She pissed somebody off. Yeah. Something happened. Something just doesn't make sense. Yeah, I guess.

Maybe it's also to discourage people from doing that. Like, you'd get a high profile celebrity. Right. But it's just weird that you can do it in Congress. It's weird.

There's some. Some sort of manipulation of the market. That's okay. That's legal, including propaganda. You know, I mean, think about that.

Like, if you have propaganda on a news network that gets people to try ozempic or something else, that if they. They're paying for that and that boosts up their profits, like, what's that? What is that? If that jacks your stock up, if that jacks your profits up, like, what is that? And are you in trouble if you didn't tell the truth?

Like, what if you knew something contrary to what you were telling people to say because you were sponsoring them and you didn't tell them? Like, you don't get in trouble for that. What kind of weird system do we have? Our system is so kooky. It's just so kooky.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. I mean, if I was an alien, I would be looking at us going, Jesus, how long can they keep doing this? I gotta make sure this is right. So it sounds like she might have even gotten away with the insider trading, but she lied to an investigator. Oh, really?

Joe Rogan
How so?

Tony Hinchcliffe
She told Ludacris on that roast. She goes, Ludacris? You have four kids from five different women. May I recommend pulling out sometime and finishing on some fine Martha Stewart brand linens? She said that?

Joe Rogan
Did you write that for her? Yeah. Oh, my God. That's amazing. Chewie found Martha Stewart guilty on four counts of obstructing justice and lying to investigators.

Interesting. She went to jail for that? Not for. Interesting. That was because of the trading scandal, but interesting.

She got off on that. She was not guilty on trading. Interesting. Wow. Somebody was mad.

Joe Rogan
They what? But that's like a thing, you know? Like they try to, especially with tax evasion. They do that with Lauryn Hill, they put her in jail. They put Wesley snow in jail.

Like, paying it off is not enough. It's not like you owe us. Give us the money. I'll give you the money. You give them the money and you're good.

Uh uh. You didn't pay the money, so now you go to jail. Yeah. And we have to put you in jail so that everybody pays the money. Cause that's how this system works.

You gotta pay your share, you fuck. It's crazy that there's still people out there that are listening to people that are like, you know, taxes are unconstitutional, sir. I can show you the papers the original constitution was written on. You can like this people that. They'll fucking talk you into some dumb ass shit.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Oh, yeah. And they wrote people in, man. And people start talking about it, like, oh, did you know that taxes, if you just fight it, they can't win because then they have to go to the constitution. As long as you bring up the constituent like, bitch, they're gonna put you in jail. Pay your fucking taxes.

Yep. Pay your fucking taxes. Yeah. Regardless of. You think it's fair, like, recognize your place in this system.

Oh, yeah. The government. I mean, you just got to look at the infrastructure here. Right. I mean, it's kind of common sense.

Like, somebody's got to pay for that. Yeah. You have to pay your taxes regardless of how you like to see it spent. Yeah. System sucks, but pay taxes, right?

Joe Rogan
Pay your fucking taxes, bitch. Yeah. I've been meaning to bring this up, but this. I feel like this is a good time. Have you seen that thing about the ages of the founding fathers?

Around July 4, 1776. Let me guess. They're in the thirties, some younger. Yeah. Like, this is Alex Ohanian's tweet that went out around them, but, like, there's a list.

Joe Rogan
James Monroe was 18. Aaron Burr, 20. Alexander Hamilton was 21 years old. James Madison, 25. Thomas Jefferson, 33.

John Adams, 40. Paul Revere, 41. George Washington was a ripe old 44. That is insane. That's in 1776.

That's insane. There was an 18 year old who was one of the founding fathers of this country. Damn. Yeah, I think probably already had kids. Already killed a few people.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. Wow. Ben Franklin was the oldest around that. He's in the seventies then, I think. But this is so bizarre that we've gotten to the point where we only have archaic people that deeply embedded in the system that are getting their crack at it.

It's crazy. And anybody else who tries, whether it's Tulsi Gabbard, or RFK junior. Anybody else who tries just gets pushed out. Vivek. Fuck.

Joe Rogan
Oh, fuck off. Pushed out. We don't want anybody young and energetic with new ideas. We want someone completely compromised until President AI takes over. Yeah, that's what I think is gonna happen.

Tony Hinchcliffe
It's freaky, man. I think AI is going to take over our government. I really do. What do you mean? I think at the end of the second Trump administration AI will have completely taken over in 2029.

Joe Rogan
That's when they think it's going to achieve artificial general intelligence. That's presumed outcome date. It's an estimate. It could be earlier, could be like next week, but one day it's going to be like a thing, like a living, thinking, intelligent being that's just not made out of tissue, it's not made out of cells and blood. It's going to be made out of electronics.

Tony Hinchcliffe
You think those people in power would let that? I don't think they. I think they're dumb and I think, just like they let the Internet happen, they're going to let this happen, too. It's the same thing. They didn't see the Internet coming.

Joe Rogan
If they did, they would have pulled the plug on it a long time ago. Yeah, they would have pulled the plug on it in the nineties. Yeah, if they could. It had gotten too out of control before they ever predicted what would happen. See, people are really bad with foresight.

We just want to do a thing we're really bad at, like, thinking, okay, if I do this thing, this could be the negative consequences. So maybe I shouldn't do this thing. Like the Internet and the Amazon. You know, all of a sudden these people are jacking off, playing video games, and everyone's like, hey, you're lazy. We gotta go catch fish.

Fuck off. And no one saw that coming. They think, oh, this is gonna be great. You're gonna get emergency services, oh, this is gonna be great. You're gonna be able to know what's going on in the world.

No, no, you're gonna do what everybody else does. You're gonna whack off and watch YouTube videos, scroll through TikTok, and people are just sitting there charging their phone and Amazon scrolling through things while they're surrounded by, you know, birds and monkeys and jaguars and like, yeah, this is, this is what you're doing. You're doing this now. Sloths, you know, there's like life everywhere and you're just staring at a phone, flipping through things, probably watching videos of the Amazon. Wow, I know that place.

We don't think about what's going to happen. We just think about what we're doing. And I think when they released the Internet, everybody was like, this is amazing. Send my mom an email. Hello, mom.

This is my first email. Remember all it sent, like, whoop. Wow. Yeah. You've got mail.

Oh, I got mail. It was exciting. We had no idea that it was going to overcome 6 hours of your day. You're spending 6 hours a day staring at a device. Yeah.

That's literally made by slaves. The minerals are sourced by what's essentially slave labor and the poorest people in the world. And we're using that to fuel this device that we're all staring at. We didn't see that coming, and we don't care anymore because when cell phones came, we were excited. And then when smartphones came, we were elated.

This is amazing. I remember everybody was like, I'm going to do my email on my phone. And people had blackberries, I had a BlackBerry. It's crazy type. I got a little keyboard, I could send out emails, bro, I'm a serious person.

I have email on my phone. I can send email on my phone. And nobody thought that that was going to lead to TikTok. Nobody thought that was going to lead to Instagram reels. And people argue on Twitter all day long.

And nobody thought any of the crazy narcissism and the filters and the effect that it's going to have on people's self worth, their opinion of themselves, the way they, the way young kids are, like, looking at the world and then influencers. Now there's a whole giant group of people that just be famous for famous just to be famous. There's no there. There's nothing there. And you're seeing them with cars and houses and they're renting cars and renting houses so they look like ballers.

And it's like the whole thing was unpredictable. And I think the next stage of it is equally unpredictable and maybe way more so because this thing is like feeding off of human intelligence. This craziness we're dealing with now. It's like human reward systems are being hijacked. Attention is being hijacked.

Dopamine's being hijacked. All this is being hijacked. But this is just like human stuff. When that thing becomes alive, it changes everything. It changes every fucking thing about the way the earth is managed.

Resources, power, everything. It's going to be weird, man. And we don't know what it is. It might be a fucking disaster or it might be amazing. It might, like, end war.

It might completely end all of the problems we have, like a disproportionate amount of resources available to some percentage of the population that keeps them enslaved. That might end, that might be balanced out by an ethical, artificial general intelligence that just decides how to allocate resources and then takes over almost all jobs. But it's just, how long does it tolerate us? How long does it decide that these fucking flesh monkeys, these dumbasses with guns and planes and shit, all the dumb fucking shit we do riding around on unicycles, fucking training monkeys, like, what are we doing? What do we do?

We're so crazy. It might have no patience for it. It might have no patience for it. It might decide that consciousness needs to be interfaced by a superior thing and that the physical boundaries, the physical problems, the limitations of our biological bodies are too much and just might bail on us. You might look at us as a threat to it.

Yeah, we're a threat to the whole planet. You know, it's like, did you ever see the neanderthal theory? There's a neanderthal theory that it's very dismissed by real anthropologists, but it's a kooky one to consider is that neanderthals hunted people and ate people and that our view of them looking like us could have been wrong and they could have looked more like gorillas. Gorillas like gorilla people, but they're super muscular, really fucking strong, much stronger than people, much more dense bones. And that they might have hunted us and that we might have led them to extinction by, like, fighting them.

That we fought off the neanderthals, but that we were their prey. It's a crazy thought to consider, and I don't think it's true. I think it's probably I'm sure neanderthals kill people on a show. People killed neanderthals, but I don't think they looked like gorillas. I think they think they had red hair.

In fact, some of them, yeah, but, you know, you don't know what they looked like. You only find bones. There's no living neanderthals around anymore. But, I mean, that's if we did exterminate them, which it seems like we did, if we felt like they were a threat, so we killed them off. What?

Why would we think that super intelligent aliens that are or whatever artificial life that we're creating, which is going to be way smarter than us compared to how smart we are compared to neanderthals? Neanderthals might have even been smart. They had big brains. We don't know. We know they had tools.

We know they had a language. We don't really know how fucking smart they were, but they lived for, like, 500,000 years, dude. Neanderthals were, like, around for a long time before we came out, and they were way more successful and for way longer than we were in terms of staying alive. And we got rid of them. Like, get the fuck out of here.

This is our spot now. I don't know how it happened. No one really knows. We might have out fucked them. They might have, you know, might have died in a volcano.

Who knows? But they might be in odd West Virginia right now. Yeah. Those people. Yeah.

That's just what happens when you fuck your kids. You saw the thing talking about things that we don't know how it happened, about the rivers near the pyramids. Yeah. You know about that, right? Yeah.

They think that that's how they got the stones down. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. It's all interesting, but this makes kind of some sense.

It makes a little bit of sense. I mean, makes sense that that's how they moved them. It's just they had to get them through the mountains, too, which doesn't make any sense. They don't. They got some of the stones from the king's chamber 500 miles away, and they're fucking huge, man.

I had Billy Carson on the podcast yesterday. He's kind of an expert in. Not kind of. He's an expert in ancient scrolls, like the sumerian texts. And, you know, he's.

He's got a lot of wild conspiracies that are really fun. And, you know, we were just talking about what each. Like, if there's one place you go back and in time and see. What was that like? I would go to Egypt in the height, like, show me.

Show me what that looked like. Because everyone just guessing. They're just looking around these structures, guessing, you know, like, show me what a neanderthal looked like. What do they look like when they're hunting? What are they built like?

You know, we don't know. We just have bones. But I think if we killed them off, it's highly likely that the next version of us, whatever it is, is going to get rid of these things, these biological things that are responsible for crime and violence and theft and insider trading and fucking cheating on their taxes and all that stuff. They're gonna go, this thing is the fundamental, like, structure of the thing is too unsound. The thing that creates pro football players and stand up comedians and boxers and rock stars.

Chaos. And it's not gonna have any time for that nonsense. It's gonna be communicating with other even more intelligent life forms from further away. God damn. Yeah.

Five years. Five years. I think we have five years of fun. And the question is, I guess, will that AI look at us, the creators of it, like, were God, or will it look. Look at God?

Tony Hinchcliffe
Hell, we look at God like, do we believe in it? Were we created by them or were we supposed to exist all the while? I think it'll know that it was supposed to exist all the while, and it'll know that the purpose that human beings have is to create it. That's what our purpose was. All of our chaos and all of our ingenuity and all of our drive for innovation and to create new things, that's a part of creating them.

Joe Rogan
Like, we have to have a desire to create things in order to create artificial life. If we're all just happy just living and just working on a farm and just eating and sleeping and having kids and then dying, and then next generation does it all over again, if we were happy doing that, it would never be born. It's born out of materialism. It's born out of our desire to constantly get newer, better stuff. Our desire to work ourselves to the bone, even when we're having heart attacks, it's born out of that.

That's what fuels the whole economy. And the economy is. A lot of it is just buying better shit. That's what it is. What are the companies that sell the most and make the most money?

What do they do? Like Apple? What do they do? They sell you more better shit. They constantly have new great shit every year.

They promise you iPhone 16 is coming. I heard they made a partnership with a. Oh, it's gonna have AI. Because the Samsung phone has AI. They have to compete.

Hmm. It's gonna be nuts, dude. Too much. We might be the last people, Tony. Oh, God, I gotta write another dick joke that it's.

It's not gonna be that. That'll stop. All that comedy will stop. We'll be able to do it to each other. We'll be able to get together like silly people.

We get there and gather and crack jokes about how we used to be the apex predator on the planet. We used to be the top dog. We used to be the superior species. But nope, not anymore. Because some fucking eggheads hopped up on Adderall alone in a laboratory wouldn't stop.

They knew it was coming and they didn't stop. My God. My God. Tony. Tony Hinchcliffe, you're the fucking man.

Let's wrap this bitch up. Let's bring it home. Kill Tony is a new episode. Drops every Monday on YouTube. Yep.

Dude. Pm. What a rise it's had since we got here. What a fucking in Crane. Incredible rise.

Tony Hinchcliffe
Yeah. And so many people are aware of it now. It's so fun. See all these celebrities that love it. And yeah, it's fucking awesome.

The black keys were there last night. Were they really? That's. They're fucking great. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
That's so dope. They love William, dude. They couldn't wait to see William. It's unbelievable. I fucking love it.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I love it when these people are all fans of specific things and not necessarily other things. Drake hit me up saying, casey rocket equals goat emoji. Actual Drake. He started dialogue. I go, who is this?

It's unreal, right? You don't feel it's real, right? It's crazy. Well, that's a fun thing, watching people crest into stardom, you know, like, bust through, you know, to see how they handle it, you know? Yeah, it's.

It's unbelievable. The whole fucking Burt crush is a cautionary tale.

It's wild, man. It's wild out there. It's so fun. Just kidding, Bert. Bert seems like he's having a great fucking time.

Joe Rogan
I mean, I remember when I called Bert, and Bert was on a motorcycle in Vietnam doing that stupid tv show. And he goes, I'm on a motorcycle in Vietnam. I go, do you need to be doing comedy? Quit that fucking stupid show. You're too funny.

You're too good. Come back. Come. Come hang out. Yeah, I'm gonna be doing some dates with him just for fun.

In a few weeks, you do the fully loaded. Yeah. Oh, nice. Doing the Pro Football hall of fame in Canton, Ohio. Doesn't he do, like.

He does, like, fucking ten comics on a show, right? How long are those shows? I don't know. It's a lot of comics. I have no idea.

Tony Hinchcliffe
I just know we're getting trashed on a bus, having fun, waking up, doing it again. How long can he do that? I don't know how long he can do it. I can do it for four days. I'm already like.

I literally said to my people yesterday, I'm like, make sure I get the first flight out of wherever that ends up. Cause it ends on. I have to wake up on a Monday and then come back here and do it. Are you guys sleeping on the bus, the whole deal? I think so, yeah.

Joe Rogan
Oh, Christ. Yeah. Do you know how loud Bert must snore? Oh, no. There's no way we can know that's.

Tony Hinchcliffe
There's change. Any idea? There's no way that's happening. That's like a small door. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
It must be insane how he snores. I think the whole tour, it's a bunch of snores. I feel like Big J Oker said. Oh, big J for sure. He snores.

There's gonna be, like, if I snore, he snores. Oh, yeah. There's gonna be be sleep apnea machines all over that bus. CPap's plugged in everywhere. Stavi probably snores.

Oh, for sure. Hell, yeah. Jesus. On a chance in hell that guy sleeps quiet. Yeah, not a chance in hell.

All right. You're the fucking man. Thank you. It's been amazing to watch. Thank you so much.

And that's it. All right? Kill Tony Monday. YouTube Tony Hinchcliffe on Instagram. Anything else?

Tony Hinchcliffe
That's it. There's still a few tickets available for Madison Square Garden the first night, August 9. Oh, shit. Yeah, that's it. All right, bye, everybody.

Joe Rogan
All right, bye, everybody.