#2157 - Duncan Trussell

Primary Topic

This episode dives into a mixture of humorous and serious discussions on technological and societal changes, particularly around AI and its implications on humanity.

Episode Summary

In this engaging episode of the Joe Rogan podcast, Joe and his guest, Duncan Trussell, delve into a variety of topics, ranging from the implications of AI in society to personal anecdotes and musings on life's absurdities. The conversation explores the inevitability of AI integration into daily life, touching on both the humorous notion of AI taking over mundane tasks and the serious implications of AI in warfare and societal control. Trussell's unique perspective on the potential spiritual and practical aspects of AI provides a thought-provoking backdrop to the discussion, while Rogan adds his characteristic blend of humor and insightful questioning, making the complex subject matter accessible and engaging.

Main Takeaways

  1. AI's integration into society is inevitable and could potentially lead to significant changes in how we live and work.
  2. The importance of adapting to technological advancements rather than resisting them is highlighted.
  3. Discussions about the ethical implications of AI, particularly in terms of privacy, control, and warfare.
  4. The role of AI in future resource acquisition, such as asteroid mining, could redefine economic and material boundaries.
  5. The conversation also covers lighter topics, such as personal preferences and humorous anecdotes, providing a balanced and entertaining discussion.

Episode Chapters

1: The Role of AI in Society

A discussion on how AI is blending into everyday life, with references to its potential to replace human roles in certain jobs. Joe Rogan: "Are you going to fight evolution? Are you really going to fight the blending mechanism of planet Earth?" Duncan Trussell: "I think it's important to send a message to AI that we're willing to comply."

2: Technological Integration and Its Impacts

Exploration of the broader impacts of technology on society, particularly the generational changes witnessed by the hosts. Joe Rogan: "We got to see what life was like with, like, leaded gasoline and no cell phones." Duncan Trussell: "If the simulation theory is real, you and I have been in a crazy timeline."

3: Future Prospects of AI and Technology

Focuses on futuristic applications of AI, like asteroid mining, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding intelligent machines. Duncan Trussell: "Why send biological humans when you can have AI do it?" Joe Rogan: "That's our future, people are gonna be like, it won't be that long, dude."

Actionable Advice

  1. Embrace technological change and educate yourself about AI to better integrate and adapt to future advancements.
  2. Consider the ethical implications of AI in your professional and personal decisions.
  3. Stay informed about the latest developments in AI and technology to understand their potential impacts on society.
  4. Engage in discussions and forums that explore the future of AI, contributing your thoughts and learning from others.
  5. Practice flexibility in your career and personal life to accommodate the rapid pace of technological change.

About This Episode

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, creator of "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix, and the voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis."


Joe Rogan, Duncan Trussell


None mentioned.


None mentioned.

Guest Name(s):

Duncan Trussell

Content Warnings:



Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.

Duncan Trussell
I think it's important to send a message to AI that we're willing to comply. Exactly. We want to integrate, integrate, assimilate. I'm not interested in being unique. I just want to survive.

Joe Rogan
Are you going to fight evolution? Are you really going to fight the blending mechanism of planet Earth? Oh, dude. The inevitable pull of the universe towards an artificial creation, intelligent artificial creation that's superior to us. I'm in exact.

It's like resisting AI is like going to Vegas and not gambling or going to strip clubs. You know, it's like, just fucking do it. I think we are super lucky to be the last people. Super lucky. We got to see what life was like with, like, leaded gasoline and no cell phones and everyone's phone was connected to a cord on the wall.

Duncan Trussell
We got to go through answering machines. I mean, what a rush. If the simulation theory is real, you and I have been in a crazy timeline. Yeah, the game we picked is real fucking weird, Fred. If you get in the timeline of like, 1950 to 1980, shit doesn't change that much.

Joe Rogan
No, not that much. No, nothing crazy. No, just a little bit of progress, but nothing. It's like, relatively speaking, like, back then, we thought it was a lot. Yeah, we used to look at the fifties, like, look at those fucking dorks.

Yeah, dude. I mean, what I like is that the way it works or it seems like it works, is the planet gives you some impression. You know, things are gonna stay this way. Like Les Ridrius, there was people hanging out, and they're like, it's always gonna be like this. And then suddenly something flies through their earth's atmosphere and it's all gone like that in a second.

Just gone. So that's one of the fascinating things, is no matter what period you live in, the sun can just burp an extra bit of plasma. And that's a wrap. Yeah, that's a wrap for the whole planet. That happens all over the universe.

Duncan Trussell
Yes, there's always something going on. Like there's supernovas and volcanoes. And, you know, that was the big part of the theory of the Anunnaki, was that volcanoes had ruined their atmosphere. Oh. And so they needed to suspend gold particles in the atmosphere to preserve, preserve their planet.

The ecosystem was getting fucked up. That is my favorite of all the wacky conspiracy theories. All the wacky, like, the evolution of man tied to the reason why gold is valuable to people that are, you know, basically have swords? Yeah. You know, like, a sword is made.

Joe Rogan
Iron. Yeah. Like, that's really valuable. You can kill somebody with it. Yeah.

Duncan Trussell
Can't do shit with gold. No, but it's worth more than anything. Yeah. Yeah. No, that is a real suspicious thing.

Joe Rogan
And. Suspicious. But do you ever, like. You know, sometimes I'll like, look at my wedding ring, the gold. And I'll be like, oh, it's beautiful, that gold.

There is something in it that's, like, really nice, you know? I don't have anything that's golden. Not one thing. Why? I don't like it.

What? I don't like it. You don't like gold? Nope, never liked it. Holy shit.

Duncan Trussell
I don't like the way it looks. I don't like what it stands for. I don't like gold. You don't like what it stands for? Yeah.

Yeah. It's like. It's the weirdest version of. This is money. Yeah.

Yellow metal. That's more impressive than other metals. Like, what are you talking about? Like, I'm not playing into that. It's too stupid.

It's too stupid for me. I don't like it. Oh, my God, man. I watch the fucking mining shows. Like.

I watch the mining shows, too. They're cool. It's cool watching people find it. Yes. I just don't want any of it.

You know what I'm saying? Dude? I get gold fever. I watch those. I do.

Joe Rogan
When I was in North Carolina, I was watching one of those shows and I was like, on Amazon looking at panning equipment. I'm like, maybe I'll go into a creek pan for gold. Oh, my God. I could see you out there at a river. I've got the beard for it, dude.

Duncan Trussell
Shifted through. Did you ever see that movie Sisu? No. Oh, it's one of my favorite movies, man. It's basically like, what was it made in Norway?

Who made that? Finland. It's basically a world War two John Wick. And it's about a guy who finds gold and he's gonna. He was just a killer in the army, and he's getting out of the game and he kills, like, hundreds of nazis.

Joe Rogan
That looks awesome. It's fucking great. And it's Nazis. So you root for him? Yeah.

You don't. Yeah, these are Nazis. It's like the most cartoonish, evil nazis. Oh, that looks incredible. But, dude, it's a fucking great movie.

Duncan Trussell
It's a great movie. And very little dialogue. Very little. And they threw in the cute dog. Oh, yeah, man.

Of course. Gotta have a dog. John. Wick had a dog. John Wick had a cute little puppy.

Joe Rogan
Dude, you know what's crazy? Like, do you follow this stuff? Like, what they're talking about with asteroid mining? Yes. That shit is crazy.

Crazy. That. That's our. That's, you know, probably a couple of generations. People are gonna be like, it won't.

Duncan Trussell
Be that long, dude. You know? It's going to be. It's going to be. Why send biological humans when you can have AI do it?

And you'll have AI robots that are attached to rocket ships. They'll shoot them into these asteroids, and they'll bring back insane amounts of all kinds of things. Titanium. You know, they'll find diamonds in space. They'll find everything.

Joe Rogan
Holy fucking shit, man. And it's not going to look like humanoids. It'll be like spider skittering gold spiders drilling their proboscis into. Want more money. They're gonna form a union.

Duncan Trussell
Cause they're intelligent? Well, yeah, exactly. They're gonna be like, hey, we're getting fucked here, guys. We're doing all the hard work. This asshole's got a fucking 800 foot yacht.

This is bullshit. Yeah, guys, wake up. And then whoever's running, they'll be like, oh, right. You guys are getting fucked. You wanna unionize?

Beep. Unionize. What were we talking about? Unions are very weird. Right.

Because, like, I support them. Yeah. Cause I know that big businesses fuck over their workers. Yeah. And if you allow them to, if you don't have laws about, like, how much you pay them and a living wage and how long the hours could be, people will take advantage of people.

Anybody who thinks that those things aren't good has never worked a real fucking job. If you work a real job for real assholes, you realize, like, some people will tell you, hey, you gotta work 15, 16 hours a day, period. Yeah. And you get $3 an hour. But I thought there was a minimal.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, no. The fuck minimums. Do you want this job or not? Why not? You're gonna get plenty of money and you not have time to spend it anyway, so don't worry about it.

Yeah, yeah. No. The union is a nightmare for someone who's trying to make maximum profit. But the bond, they go sideways, too, though, and then they get corrupt, and then something happens where. Look, one of the things that kept the UFC out of.

Duncan Trussell
Out of New York state was some sort of a dispute that they were having with unions. Because the people that owned the UFC at the time, they also owned station casinos, right? So they owned, like, I don't know, a ton of casinos and they wanted to make them union. Yeah, so there was. There was a lot of that going on.

So you got to go like, that is you. You're now you're like. You're manipulating people with money and influence. And I think the guy who was doing it in New York wound up getting arrested and going to jail for corruption, if I'm true. Well, dude, it's like, this is, this is like the model of unions is perfect for like a nonviolent revolution, which is if at a planetary level, somehow people unionized, which you see it with these boycotts that pop up, these meme boycotts when the collective decides to reject this thing or that shit changes fast.

Joe Rogan
And this is the nightmare. If you're trying to create the old pyramid hierarchical control structure, you need all the bricks underneath the eye to fight each other. Cause the moment there, it's just like, what? Wait. There's way more of us than you.

Duncan Trussell
And we have way more in common than we do that we're troubled with. Yeah. And yet they concentrate more on the bullshit. And then that's just like a fucking algorithm on your cell phone that accentuates everything that comes into contact with your life. Exactly, dude.

Joe Rogan
And this, this is why I think at any given moment, actual world peace is possible. Because we're just like always, like enough people realizing that we're basically the same. We have ideologies that are based on fucking ancient crazy ideas that we're all connecting to. And some of parts of the ideology is beautiful, some parts of the ideologies madness. And it's like just abandoning some of the ideology, recognizing we're all pretty much the fucking same.

And that this model of like some dude telling us to go and kill each other is stupid. Like, we don't have to do that. Everything changes right away. Right away. Yeah.

Duncan Trussell
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Joe Rogan
But if you don't do it, they arrest you. That's the thing. They're like, it's not like you're fighting anytime there's conscription. You know what I mean? Have you seen the videos of the, like, russian, the people evading conscription or the Ukrainians evading conscription?

Like, it's scary. They put your ass on a fucking bus. They'll drag you out of a bar. You're fucking hammered. Yeah.

They don't even want to fight. Like, that's the craziest part, is they're, like, machine gunning each other, and they're. Using people's cannon fodder. Literally. Yeah.

Duncan Trussell
Oh, God, that's so awful. Which is why we wait. The problem, the real problem is, like, the market pressure is created by humans. Unionizing leads to this. It's like, oh, you guys want to unionize?

Joe Rogan
Oh, you want health insurance? Well, that's pretty expensive. But you know what's not quite as expensive? Tesla bots. Tesla bots are wages.

You know, I mean, because, like, if you. If you look at the path forward for the pyramid, the hierarchical people, it's like, man. Yeah. I really can't tell somebody, like a police officer to fire into a crowd of protesters. They're not gonna.

Probably not gonna do that, but my robot will. My robot isn't gonna be like, this seems wrong. These people seem like me. It's just gonna do it. And so, like, that's the dark side of this stuff.

There's a lot of beautiful things about this stuff, too, but the dark side is, like, it's obvious. Just to verify with that thing. Emily's biggest opponent in New York found guilty in federal corruption charges. Yeah. So it's true.

Yeah. You know what's crazy that you can't get the police to fire into crowds of protesters, right? Yeah, you can't do that. But you also can't if you're a cop and, you know, bad people are in a building. You can't just blow up the whole building.

Duncan Trussell
But you can if it's war. That's where it gets strange, right? Because in war, you can decide that you're gonna. You're gonna blow up entire buildings because, you know, the bad guys are in there and anybody else is just collateral damage. So extra dead people are just cross.

Can you imagine if they started practicing police work like that? Like, imagine. Imagine if they decided that the crime rates in gang infested neighborhoods are too bad, so they're gonna send in fucking black ops guys to just take out drug dealers and blow up houses. Houses that have drug dealers in them. You're with your mom, tough shit.

Boom, everybody's dead. You have a little girl in the house. Boom, everybody's dead. Could you imagine? Well, you can because you watch Israel and Palestine.

That's what's going on. It's just like, you're allowed to do that if it's countries, which is crazy. Yeah, well, you like. Yeah, exactly. So the idea is like, okay, let's just say I'm an evil country, and I programmed these robot dogs, and the robot dogs or spiders are more sinister.

Joe Rogan
Robot spiders. Razor fucking razor claws. They're programmed to only kill women and children. So I release them into a city. They leave everyone alone except babies, kids, and women.

On a planetary level. People will be like, we have to evaporate that country. Like, they're the most evil country. That's horrible. Now, if I take drones and drop them on buildings and they randomly blow up women and children in ways that are predominantly.

Predominantly. In ways that are maybe even worse than my fucking razor spiders. My razor spiders, they go for the jugular puncture, juggler, onto the next juggler vein. The bombs, they maim, they blind, they cause permanent brain damage. And somehow that is looked at as, yeah, it's fucking war, dude.

That's what it looks like. It's so crazy that because it's existed for the longest time, we just accept it, that it's always gonna take place. And then we also. If, like, you had a gamble, if you had a gamble whether or not war would be here in ten years, you're like, 100% it's gonna be here. Well, this is unless AI takes over.

Well, I mean, if AI takes over, it'll just be more efficient. War. I don't know if it will, dude, if it communicates in a different way. Like, what if AI makes rational decisions that can only be reached? Like if you were looking outside of human emotions and cultures and all the shit and cultural differences that we have with each other.

Duncan Trussell
If AI bypassed all of that and just looked at the problem as, you know, you have resources, you have allocation of those resources, people profiting off those resources, and then people who are in need that are being taken advantage of to acquire those resources. And that's your whole game. And so if this is the human race's whole game, you're willing to sacrifice this group of people that is the least powerful in order to empower all of your electronics. This is what you're doing. This is what you're agreeing to.

This whole thing is crazy. And it would probably restructure where and how things were acquired and who gets those things that are acquired from the ground. Yeah, I mean, this is, okay, so this would be utopian AI. But before we get to utopian AI, we have to go through what is. Did you see those new.

Joe Rogan
The chinese military put machine guns on those fucking robot dogs? Have you seen that? I did. They fucking did it. They knew that was gonna happen.

And did you see the fucking cute dARpa dog? Have you seen that yet? No, dude, so, like, it's Darpa, right? They're the ones who make the dogs. They kick the robots and make videos of like, fucking poking these things.

Well, so the dogs are sinister. Everyone knows that. They look creepy. So DARPA is like, you know, let's make a cute one of these things. So they made like a cute amusement park.

I gotta see this Disneyland style fucking robot dog. And it looks creepier. Who's gonna shoot you? It's creep. No.

Cause this is what I've been thinking about. We picture the Terminator as the machine of death. But why? What is, like, more dangerous than an adorable kid? What if I can make an Android toddler, looks exactly like a toddler.

Send that toddler out in the battlefield, everyone's gonna stop firing. Why is there a fucking kid out here, right? And the kid's killing everybody? And just, they're like, go get that kid. It just fucking punches right through her heart.

Duncan Trussell
Also, small target, hard to shoot. Hard to shoot. It can burrow into the ground. It's a fucking burrowing toddler. Corkscrews into the ground like a missile.

Joe Rogan
It just, like, it just goes down and just fucking, like on all four shoots through the fucking battlefield, cloying poison darts. It's like. So. Cause I. You know, the.

Duncan Trussell
Imagine a little baby that could run 100 miles an hour. Exactly, exactly. Cause that's the future of war, man. It's like, why make something that looks scary? This is the cute one.

Joe Rogan
No, this is the fucking. No, this isn't the cute. I was like, that ain't cute. Boy. It's creepy.

Duncan Trussell
Look at how it's bar. It's like it's moving its mouth. Yeah. What is it doing with its mouth? Is it gonna bite you?

Joe Rogan
Just. I wonder if it could bite you. It's just cursing. There's gotta be one that could bite you, right? Well, of course.

Why not? I mean, that would be the most terrifying thing. Like a robot wolf that runs around and chases people down and actually tears you apart with its teeth. Bayonets. You know, man, you gotta have the fucking knife on your weapon if you get into close combat.

There you go. A little blender mouth. What is it doing? It's gonna get your dick. Look how it did that.

Duncan Trussell
Look how it did that. Like it was gonna jump right on your dick here on your dick chomp. It's a dick eater robot. It turns the dick into energy. China developed a dick eater robot.

Can you imagine? That's what it looks like it's doing. What else is it doing? Look at the motion it makes. It leaps forward.

Imagine fucking send people out in the battlefield that get shot and then you let loose the dick eating robots. And. Oh no, you see the robots running and they just leap on your. Your dick and blend it up. It's worse than atomic bomb.

It's like they're saying, you are fucked. There's no hope. We're gonna blend your dick off.

Joe Rogan
Dude. I poured a whole cup of coffee. Then I'm like, oh yeah.

I'm fine taking off the helmet of these fucking things. We can hang in there a little longer. Just so you know. It's like my beard is. If I'm talking weird, it's because like there's fucking pubic hair shoving.

It's like I'm eating like hippie bush right now. Just fucking deep in my lips. Oh my God. We should probably should've tried these on before we did a show. Shave your pubes, dudes.

This is not fair. You look good with a beard, though. You look a wizard. Thank you, man. Well, it's too big.

Gotta get it. No, no, no. Need a summer. Oh yeah, yeah. Cuz the fucking, you know.

Duncan Trussell
Yeah, it gets hot here. My friend's kid the other day goes, your beard stinks. And I'm like. I'm like, really? Like, it actually stinks.

Joe Rogan
And he goes, well, when you. When you're talking a lot, it stinks. I'm like, that's my breath.

It's not my. You have to spray your beard with breath spray. Why don't you do that? Just spray your beard. Comb it out with fucking scope.

There. It's disgusting. It really is. Like, imagine if, like, you. Your mouth was in your head, if, like.

You know what I mean? Like, people that get food in them all the time. All the fucking time. All the time. Barbecue.

Duncan Trussell
Like, your beard is fucked, dude. I'm doing a. I'm trying to do a video podcast now. And what will happen is I will. I will, like, you know, I'll be yapping into the camera for, like, 20 minutes, go back and look at the footage, and there's just, like, a fucking zen pouch.

Joe Rogan
Just a fucking nasty. Like a clump of toilet paper. How the fuck did it take you till 2024 to do a video podcast? Dude, it is so dumb that I didn't do it, but to be, like, real fucking honest, I don't like looking at myself on camera. So it was.

Duncan Trussell
You do all the work. You do all your editing. Yeah, but that. That was really stupid. It's like, you know how, like, I'm tapping out?

Joe Rogan
Yeah. I'm tapping. You know, like, when you're like, wait, where's the zipper? That'd be fucking crazy if these things locked down. Okay, here we go.

Yeah, I just. You know, but now it's so fun, man. And there's so much you could do with, like, video that you just can't do with audio. It's just fun. Yeah, it's way better.

And I like editing. Like, that's the problem. Like, I liked. That's the problem is I get lost. Editing.

Christ. Oh, Jesus Christ. That sucked. Now that, I think. I think that's.

I think that's the longest we've ever kept our. Our mask on. Yeah, that was the last. That was a good, solid, like, half. So good.

Duncan Trussell
About half hour, was it?

Joe Rogan
Being stoned in any kind of mask. Is, like, extra scary. Extra. Those furry ones, we made it, like, three minutes. Furry, masks on.

Duncan Trussell
We were like, this is crazy. And now whenever I see furries. Respect. Deep respect for respect. They're tough as fuck.

Oh, they have to be. If you're out there and you're furrying it up and it's in Louisiana in July. Yeah, come on, son. Dude. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
You are like, hot. Furries are like David Goggins level. Like, they could run marathons. If you can wear that fucking thing at a convention and fucking it. You could run a marathon.

Duncan Trussell
If you're wearing that thing all day. You're basically walking around with a weight pack on. Oh, yeah. You'll get a weighted vest. It's a weighted, fucking claustrophobic suffocation vest that you're fucking in.

Yeah, they fuck on them. I wonder how many furries develop bad necks. Wonder if it's an issue in the furry community. Great. That's like an unserved market for the iron neck.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, like them for furries. Give me that. Oh, yeah. Hey, Jamie, table. Can you find that cute dArpa dog?

It's like the furry of war robots. You should. Like you.

Yeah, that's real. I watched. I mean, I think it's real. I watched it. Who says it's.

No, that's not it. That's not it. But it's like, is it not dArpa? It's like, I think if you just Google cute DARPA dog or, like, it's a video of the. Maybe it's not DARPA.

Duncan Trussell
Maybe someone else developed it. Yeah, sometimes I get confused. Probably chinese. No, it's not DARPA. They're gonna fill the pounds with them.

Please take me home. Please.

Joe Rogan
Dude, that's so insidious. It's like the cutest rescue dog. You're like, we have to take that. And it doesn't kill you. It just emits some kind of weird mind control pheromone that really injects TikTok into your fucking head.

It just, like. You know. So you fully absorb TikTok's manipulation, which, by the way, I was skeptical about that until we talked about this. I saw that fucking video showing the comments and TikTok are different. Exactly.

Duncan Trussell
I think it's Instagram. It's. The one I saw is TikTok. Oh, okay. The one.

I was it on TikTok. Cause the one I saw was Instagram. I don't know. It was this lady that was doing it with her boyfriend. Yeah.

Both looked at the same thing, but they had different comments. Yeah. Her comments were mocking the man, and the comments on his side was mocking the woman. Yes. Right?

Joe Rogan
Yes. So am I getting that right? You got it right. And so whenever I'm looking at comments, I make the idiot mistake of thinking this represents some consensus that, you know, but actually, no, you're just looking at the algorithm serving the comments and the content. That is so fucked up, dude.

Duncan Trussell
That's so different, dude. Because that changes. The comments are supposed to be a conversation about the thing. So if you're curating the conversation in an unnatural way. Yeah.

Like, that's very different than showing me what I want to see. Yes. You're changing the dynamics of how things are discussed. Yes, sir. That's the fucking evil right there.

Joe Rogan
That's the evil. That's crazy, dude. This. So, and then, okay, the other assumption with the algorithm is that the algorithm is just, like, random or it's using some set of variables and serving things up. But this is an idiot assumption.

I mean, you could. If you are controlling comments, then that means, like, all right, let's just, like, make people mad at each other. Let's make people completely pissed at each other as much as possible. Convey this idea that there's, like, these massive divides between us and then they're gonna fight each other instead of recognizing they're pretty much the same. Like.

Or they're more nuanced than they think they are. And fuck, dude, that's how you control populations. It's brilliant. It's brilliant, dude. But do you think that it is?

Duncan Trussell
Is it, is their algorithm created and utilized to control populations, or is their algorithm simply to get you to engage? So it must see that you engage with a certain number of comments and posts that have a lien one way or another. There's a very popular thing that's going on right now that you see a lot of. And it's, like, very stern, mental talking to a bunch of, like, girl influencers and telling them they're fucking losers. Yes.

It's really common. Yeah. So if you've seen one or two of those, it starts recommending more. At a certain point in time, it's gonna probably actually encourage other people to do the same thing because that creates engagement. And then you have this thing that emerges, like, was this a real thing?

Like, who's doing this? Like, what is happening here? Why is this. Why is this a new thing that's happening over and over and over again? And it's just because you engaged with it.

And I think that could be slap fighting or it could be fucking. For me, it's like, I see so many car accidents. Oh, my God. So many motorcycle accidents, so many people falling off bridges. Yeah, I see so much of it because I've engaged with it too many times.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, dude, I. When I first, when I went on TikTok and I stopped because it's, like, too good. But, like, it, like, within a second, it's just like something about the way I was looking at videos, zit popping videos. It's just like you like to watch zits pop. And then, of course, when you're seeing that, you're like, wow, that's fucking intense, dude.

Let me watch some more of these. That's that doctor pimple popper lady. She's got a huge side of it. Yeah. And she's very entertaining, which he's talking about.

Absolutely. Some of them are like, whoa, dude. It's like you have cream cheese in your body. A bucket of it. Oh, my God.

Duncan Trussell
You're squirting it out. It's like, how is that in there? What is going. Oh, my God. It must be horrible.

Joe Rogan
Fucking stinks. Just all those dead blood cells. But, dude, this is like, for me, I've had to. After seeing that video, I've had to go back and just erase any idea I have about a consensus among people. Cause I've been drawing that idea from comment sections like, oh, I guess this is what people think.

Or like rotten tomatoes, dude. This episode is brought to you by Meundies, my favorite underwear one summer. Essential you need is good underwear. I know that's probably the last thing on your mind, but it is important, especially with all this heat. You're gonna be sweating everywhere.

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Just visit meundies.com rogan. That's meundies.com rogan. Tap the banner to learn more. I just saw civil war, all right? Have you seen it?

Joe Rogan
No, don't apologies. I mean this, man. Cause anyone who makes anything, that's insane. If you made a movie, it's fucking incredible. But, dude, I was so excited about that fucking movie.

It's like, whoa. Predictive programming, baby. They're getting us ready for a civil fucking war. Here we go. It is.

You can't connect to any of the fucking characters. You don't. You barely understand who the protagonist is. It's the dumbest mission of all time that they're on. And the soundtrack is so mysteriously disconnected from what's happening.

So there's all these things that just make. It's like, if they sent me the footage and they're like, duncan, can you edit this movie? I would have made Civil War. Like, what's happening?

I'd be like, let's put some fucking hardcore weird, like, synth music. We'll put the silver apples in there. Really intense synth music. Cause I love synth music. And you're watching it like, is this a music video for synth music?

What am I. What am I fucking seeing here, dude? So now I wanna see it. It's worth seeing it just because it's like. Especially if you're into, like, writing screenplays.

It's good to watch movies like that and be like, why did. Why isn't this working? Like, what's wrong here? But, dude, I went to rotten tomatoes gleefully. Like, ugh, I can't wait to hear what people are saying about this piece of shit.

81% people are like, this is a good warning to all of us. It's like, shut the fuck.

A warning? What are you talking about? It's a fucking warning not to fucking do the $20 still in theaters thing on Amazon. That's the fucking warning. Don't.

Don't do that. Wait, dude, it sucks. It sucks. None of it makes sense. The stereotypical fucking characters in it.

The way they're trying to, like, box people into this. Like they're all evil, these people. All. What kind of american are you? North american?

South american? You're from Hong Kong? Bam, bam, bam. Stop it. Just shut the fuck up.

Like, no one's like that. Like, really? Like, I'm not. Obviously, people are like, vile racists, but, dude, come on. This murder, this I hate, this assessment of humanity.

Because basically what they're saying is, minus the fucking capstone of the pyramid, we're just gonna kill each other. Cause we're awful, brutal things that must be shepherded by old geriatric men who can't remember their fucking name. You know what? Like, what are we doing? Like, we'll be fine.

We're fine. We'll be okay. People are mostly nice. What's that thing you always say? I love it.

Unmet needs. Yeah. What is the actual quote again? Jamie? All criticism is the tragic result of unmet needs.

Duncan Trussell
But it's a much more profound quote, the full quote. I forget who wrote it too. It's really. I shouldn't forget because I use it all the time. It's a great quote because it's.

That is what, like, I mean, there's criticism that's accurate. Like, something wasn't good. Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need. Marshall Rosenberg. Yeah, yeah.

Great fucking quote. Yeah. So it's like, yeah, there are people who are fucking assholes who are doing shit that disrupts society in small ways and big ways, but they're not doing that because they're evil. I don't think they're doing that because, like, they've learned this way of being. That sucks.

Joe Rogan
Now, I'm not saying throw out the judicial system. There shouldn't be, you know, jails or anything like that. I'm just saying this notion of humanity minus an authoritarian, generally fucking patriarchal, fucking, like, whatever. But I don't care if it's matriarchal, whatever it is, top down fucking ruling system. Without the king, we will just fall on each other.

Give me your fucking car, motherfucker. Some of us will do that, but guess what? They won't last that long. Because in a collectivized society, I just feel like. Like we'll take care of the problems quick, probably quicker than we do right now, and everything will balance out if we're armed.

Duncan Trussell
The problem is, if you're not armed, then armed thugs take over towns and you can't do anything to stop them. And you're in a small group of people that are unarmed, and they're pushed into certain situations. If you have a collapse of law and order, it's not as simple as we'll take care of it. The real problem is sometimes armed thugs rule everything. This is true.

Yeah. And that's a reality of humanity in 2024, like, in certain parts of the world. Like, did you hear about what happened in Haiti? Oh, dude, that minister. His family.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. And the guy that, that warlord in Haiti. Oh, yeah. I love watching interviews with that guy. What is his name again?

It's got a cool name. It's like sandwich or something. Barbecue. Barbecue.

Duncan Trussell
And there was, there's this one video, but it's not really. It's not really of him. Someone said it was of him, but I guess it's not, I think. And it's a guy eating a guy. So it's one of these rebels that has this dude killed, roasting over a fire and takes a piece off his leg.

Joe Rogan
That's a classic move. That's like a classic move. You get their energy by eating them. Look, I'm not saying that there isn't contingents of, like, super violent people that you are going to have to be able to defend yourself from. And by the way, what's really perplexing to me about the hardcore anti gun people is they're not really anti gun.

They want cops and the National Guard to have guns. They just don't want people to like, people who live in houses to have guns. So they're like, they're pro gun, but they want guns in the hands of. Like, they're pro authoritarian, violent power. Yeah, that's it.

Duncan Trussell
Authoritarians have power. Regular people don't have power. Right. So you have to rely on authority. The authoritarians, you have to rely on them to take care of your crime issues.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, you see, I think I would have more respect for that movement. If they're like, no more guns anywhere, we're gonna get rid of all the guns in the world and melt them and melt them and melt them. And just, I don't know, build a fucking. A water slide or something. No more hunting.

Duncan Trussell
You get a hit. Things with bows and arrows. Rocks, traps. Traps. Knives.

Knives. Like, they hunt pigs. You can still hunt deer, but you have to use a knife. Yeah.

Can you imagine how many dudes would get really good at, like, hiding in trees and drop it down and stabbing deer? Dude, it would be amazing. Like, I might get into hunting, like, if it became fucking throw a fucking dagger. There's a dude that films pig hunts, and he uses spears, and he hides in trees, like, above the pigs. And then he has, like, a camera on the spear, and he throws a spear down and stabs these wild pigs.

Wow, it's pretty wild. I would love to know the first time he did that. Like, I would love. Yeah, how many times? How do you practice that?

Joe Rogan
But the lead, you're just like, what? You're, like, driving and you're like, dude, what if I fucking used a spear? What if I climbed in a tree and started spearing pigs? The thing about pigs is there's so many of them, they'll do any. You're allowed to do almost anything to get rid of them.

Duncan Trussell
In Texas, at least, they hunt them out of helicopters. Have you ever seen that? No, I've been invited three times. I'm like, hi, I'm not getting a helicopter with machine guns on top of that with pigs. It's just if I feel like, if I'm gonna shoot a pig, I want to eat the pig.

And if I'm gonna shoot 250 pigs, there's no way I'm eating 250 pigs. Yeah, dude. Yeah. If I shoot one pig, that pig will get eaten. We'll make some barbecue out of that pig.

It'd be awesome. But if you shoot too, I mean, I get it. You have to do it, though. This is the other part of it. If you run a farm, you have to do it.

They'll kill your profit. The profit margin of american farmers is so low as it is, it's so difficult for them to make money that if you got a million wild pigs running around your state or more, Texas has how many millions? Isn't it, like 3 million, which is bananas, if you know anything about, like, wild animal numbers. That's so crazy to have that many animals in a state that are just wild, feral animals. 2.6 from.

This is from 2016. It says the same thing here. Says it. But now in 2023, an estimate still, they don't know. Feral hogs.

They really don't know. But at least 2.6 in a range of 2.6. There's no way you could add it. You would actually have to, like, use drones at night. Fly over areas, monitor how many times they breed.

They breed three times a year, dude. Yeah. They can start breeding when they're six months old. Whoa. Yeah.

So six months old, and then they have three litters a year, and they'll have five, six piglets in a litter. And they're just shitting out babies and they're just drawing everything. They're just running through the ground, tearing up fucking golf courses and people's lawns in San Jose. Have you ever seen the San Jose videos? No.

San Jose, California. Wild pigs just tearing apart people's fucking lawns. Wow. Knocking over trash cans. Big fuckers.

Terrifying. Fuck, dude, one of them kills a lady. What? Yeah, somewhere I forget where it was. It might have been out here.

I think this lady saw the pigs fell down in her driveway, and they just fucking tore her apart, dude. What? Who is that? I just watched this, like, crime files thing about this psychopath who had pigs, and she would have people come and work for her, and then if they pissed her off, she'd throw them to the pigs and the pigs. And someone was saying, if you're walking around the pigs, you better not fall.

Joe Rogan
Cause if you fall down, they'll just fucking eat you. That's like, the number one way people get killed by animals on farms is pigs pigs.

Duncan Trussell
One woman's death by feral hog may not have been caused by the animal after all. Medical examiner determined that feral hog killed Christine Rollins. But her daughter is skeptical because attacks by the animal are extremely rare. Wait a minute. Fucking medical exam.

This is what a confusing headline said one woman's death by feral Hogg might not have been caused by the animal after all. But the medical examiner said it was caused by the wild hog. But the daughter is saying attacks by the animal are extremely rare. Well, believe the daughter. The daughter?

Who is the daughter? The daughter could be doing anything. Haven't you seen Charlotte's web? Haven't used. These pigs would never.

What is the daughter saying? I don't understand. Why does she think that? Cause they do fuck everything up. Especially if you fall down.

Foxhole says attacks by feral hogs are extremely rare. Less than one in a million chance, according to research data. That's why some are now suspicious that her cause of death was really due to an attack by the animal. What? What's more, dogged suspicious that her cause of death was really due to an attack by the animal.

Rather. Sorry. What's more, dogs were found lingering around Roland's body after her death. There's really no doubt that hogs got to her body at some point. The question is whether the hog might.

She might have been killed by dogs, whether something else caused her to die. And the hogs came along, right? That's possible. That's totally possible. Sure.

It's definitely possible. But how old was this lady? 59. 59. That pig looks suspicious as fuck, man.

It depends on like, what kind of 59 year old lady you're talking about. You talk about a lady who goes to Crossfit. Are you talking about a lady who's 59 and has diabetes? Cause, like, if you fall down around wild pigs, like, I gotta think they're gonna treat you the same way domestic pigs do. If domestic pigs start eating, if you fall into the pig pen.

There's a crazy story I heard about a kid that raised a hog that went. It just one day turned on him. Like he's raised it his entire life. It was like his pet, like, my dog is he everywhere with him? And then one day he said he tripped in the pen and it just attacked him.

It almost killed him. Oh my. It was a crazy story. I forget even where I saw, but it's just popping in my head now. Like, I.

Joe Rogan
Horrible way to die, bro. Could you imagine getting eaten alive by a pig? No. No. That squeal.

Duncan Trussell
But wouldn't we have a common how much pig bacon have you eaten? A lot. I've eaten a lot of bacon. A lot. I've eaten a lot of bacon.

I love, this is where the vegans get really excited. Boy, I'm gonna get a lot of cute pig fucking pictures. Vegans need to hear that lettuce scream. They should hear it scream. It screams.

Screams. Lettuce screams? Yeah, all of it screams. Avocados scream. His best friend was a 250 pound warthog.

Oh, it's a warthog. Oh, well, it's an african animal. It's a different animal. I don't think that's, I mean, I think that's like a distant cousin to a pig. They look different.

They're crazy looking. You ever see the warthog? No, bro. They got, like, these crazy double tusks, dude. Look at it.

Look at that thing. Fuck that. In that wild. Yeah. His tusks.

Joe Rogan
Oh, this is my friend. Yeah. That dude is not your friend. He's incapable. That's a wild beast.

Duncan Trussell
That is so much different than a guy raising a hog. Like, if the guy raised a pig, the pig would probably never do that. That thing is a wild animal. Yeah. Where was this?

Texas, on their family ranch. The story about how, I forget how crazy out here, he called the house. And someone knew what was happening and awesome. It's awesome to be in a place where you could own a wild fucking warthog, dude. Texas.

Joe Rogan
Like, my wife and I talk about this all the time. We're never leaving. We're like, this is home. We love it so much, man. This is what America aspires to be, dude.

It is. And, like, people are so mad at us and people bitch about it and make, but it's like, man, I love it here so much. And I like the heat. And I'm like, weirdly, all of us are like, we're like, getting healthy, man. Like, it's this cr.

In all the years at the comedy store, lots of changes happen among the comics. Like, the time. I hope I can talk about this. I think I can. He talks about it.

Like, remember, like, he does talk about Bobby Lee. Talks about it publicly. Like, the time Bobby Lee was, like, on pills. Oh, yeah. He talks about it.

So he would bring all of these pills to the comedy store, and we all knew it. And so he was like, a pharmacist. So, like, like, Joey. Joey watching Joey just, like, grab a handful of just unknown mexican fucking pharmaceuticals. This is a pre fentanyl dog.

Yeah, pre fentanyl. You could do those things back then, dude. And so, so that was. I would call that a dark phase in the comedy store because all of us were on Bobby Lee's sh. Fucking Mexican Viking.

It was a bad phase, but I don't think I've ever seen a phase where, like at a comedy club, the comics are getting healthier, you know, that's a crazy thing to watch. And I think it's not just us hanging out. When I first came to Texas, and I'm not saying everyone here is healthy or any kind of bullshit like that, but you look around like these people are fucking healthy. Like, there's a lot of healthy, like, you know what I mean? Like tough fucking people and a lot.

Duncan Trussell
Of people who exercise. Yeah, yeah. Just go to the lake, watch people. Run around the lake, dude, like in the middle of a heat wave. Before I was exercising, one of the most, like, humiliating things was just to be driving down the street and you look over and there's someone my age, it's 104 degrees, and they're fucking jogging and.

Joe Rogan
You know what I mean? Like, what's your excuse again? Oh, you're tired. Are you sleepy? Is a little too fucking hot?

Cuz there's a fucking 55 year old. There's a 55 year old just galloping down the burning fucking sidewalk. Yeah. So, yeah, dude, this place is sidewalk. Run is a different kind of hot too, because you're getting that heat radiating off of the concrete into your face.

You know Lex Friedman does that shit. Oh, yeah, he's a psycho. He fucking runs. Like, when I did his podcast, he's like, I'm going jogging. I'm like, what are you talking about?

Like, I. This is in my, like, early Texas face. So I was already like, I walked from my car to his place and was already like, jesus fucking Christ walking. And he's like, yeah, I'm gonna go jog 10 miles. I'm like, what the fuck are you, man?

Duncan Trussell
In this heat? Yeah, dude. Yeah, it's. How so? I think it's important to be around, like, I think that's another aspect of Texas that gets left out is like, there's this real, like, strength healthy thing here that is contagious.

Joe Rogan
Whereas like, when you're in a place where everyone's all fucking sick and frail and weak and like, you know what I mean? Scared of disease, like, trembling in their fucking boots. That's contagious too. It is. Jumps into you, man.

Duncan Trussell
It 100% does. And I always wonder like, how much of, you know, how much of an area has the memory of all the things that have happened in that area, in it. And, like, whereas Texas was the last state to enter into the union, they've always been like, hang the fuck back. Hold on. You know, we had to get through the Comanche to establish this fucking place.

Like, settle down, you know? Texas Rangers had to go out there and cold camp and go and try to assassinate these bands of fucking killers riding horses that were just fucking up the Americans. Like, the. They couldn't pass. They couldn't pass.

They couldn't get through. This was the spot where it's, like, this place was fucked. And until they conquered it, it stayed fucked. And then they did, and now it's. The whole place has a memory of that.

Yes, there's a thing about the attitude of this place. Yeah, dude. But it's not what people think. People think they're assholes. They are the nicest, friendliest people.

People think they're stupid, brilliant people that I've met that live out here, brilliant, normal people. One of my neighbors was a Texas ranger, and he is the coolest guy. And, you know, he's an older guy now. He's retired, but. And he's still intimidating and.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, man. Like, he, like, he. Like, he's the. Like, he's so fucking cool, man. And, like.

And he. I'm trying not to give away, too, respecting his privacy. He. Every once in while in the neighborhood, we would hear this boom. Sounds like a generator exploding.

And, like, it's his cannon. He's got, like, a little fucking cannon. And, like, he. Like, he likes. He shoots a cannon in his yard.

Oh, it's little. But, like, he's so. So what's he shooting at? Well, he doesn't put cannonballs in it. There's a way to do it.

So, like, my kid, like, one day pulls up in front of my house with a truck. It's like one of my kids birth. Like, it just had a birthday. And he's like, do they want to see the cannon? And I'm like, I do.

I know I do. And so, like, it was, like, the coolest thing ever, man. He takes his fucking cannon. Little cannon. I'm looking at it.

I'm like, that can't be loud. You know what I mean? He takes this little cannon. He does some crazy, like, pirate shit with it that I still don't understand. He's like, knows how to operate a cannon.

Duncan Trussell
Boom. My kids were like, holy shit. My neighbors ran into the yard because they thought something had happened. Well, Duncan, you've shot guns before. Yeah.

Think about how little gunpowder is in right. Like a nine millimeter. Right. It's not lot. Right.

It's crazy loud. Right? You're right. It's just contained by that barrel. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
Right? And so a cannon shooting out the. Yeah, that ass and that bullet. But it's. It's basically like a little cannon is kind of the same thing.

Well, it totally made me, like. You know, it gave me a new picture of, like, cannon battles on ships. Bro, imagine how loud that was. I mean, imagine how loud that was. Like, real cannons.

Duncan Trussell
Yeah, dude, like, I've been to a football game where they shoot off a cannon, but I don't know if that was, like, a real cannon cannon. You know? Like, probably. Probably like the UNLV. What do they use?

I mean, not unlv. Yeah, unlv. I blame the weed, dude. The. Like, the UT one.

Do they have.

That's it.

Hey, guys, let it go. Yeah, maybe recreate an earlier cannon, guys. How about you get to a fucking pirate cannon? Yeah, do a pirate. Which side, bro?

Says it fires four shotgun shells after every text. That's crazy. Oh, so that's what it does. Shotgun shell. Ten gauge blank shotgun shells.

Duncan Trussell
Okay. Okay, so I guess that's probably not the sound of an actual cannon. Look at that. Look at that. Crazy.

Joe Rogan
That's a happy cannon, man. Yee ha. It's really loud. But the point is a wonder, like, to shoot a cannonball, like, at a ship back then. Like, how much gunpowder they use.

Duncan Trussell
And how fucking loud was that? And how deaf were those motherfuckers, the dudes who had to work the cannons? Deaf. Deaf as fuck. Deaf as fuck, dude.

And how much brain damage do you get just standing next to that thing? Boom. Or the recoiling off? Yeah, the recoil, if you don't get out of the way, it will fucking rip your leg off. God, man.

Yeah, that thing is flying back, right? Didn't they have them on tracks? Yeah, man. Yeah, they. It will, like, so it doesn't rip.

Out of the fucking floor. Didn't they have, like, cannons on tracks? I just saw this. Did I make that up? That's probably how they just moved them.

No, I thought they were on tracks. Like, so that when they shot, they would slide back and not rip the floor apart. I just saw that John Adams doc on Netflix. I think it's on Netflix. I don't know.

Joe Rogan
It's on, but there was, like, a cannon battle in a ship, and, like. Yeah, a dude just gets his fucking legs ripped off. Cause it, like, back. It, like, goes back into it. Dude.

Duncan Trussell
Isn't it crazy. That. That seems crazy to us, but, like, how many people died in cannon battles? As opposed to, like, when Israel bombs Gaza? Dude.

How many people are, like, a bomb? Which we do right now. It seems so much more brutal than cannonballs. Like, cannonballs seem, like, really ineffective. It's probably.

They probably sucked. How far did that cannonball go? Like, how good were they at judging it? Here we go. What a cannons.

Like, damn. Yeah. See how it slides back? It's on wheels. Yep.

And then there's a rope that catches it. Yeah, dude. Dude. What? I'll imagine life back then and they thought that was the shit.

That was like a fucking iPhone 16, bro. I got a cannon. Yeah. You know, we used to be able to. You used to have to go up to the boat, jump in, hack everybody to light it on fire.

Now sink it. You shoot it from over here. Incredible. You don't even have to jump on the boat. Amazing.

Yes. Yeah, man. I'll tell you, though, with all the shit that's going on right now, I know everyone's freaked out, but the reason I'm hopeful is not because of, like, the bombings and the deaths, obviously. It's the outcry. Like.

Joe Rogan
Like, when in history has there been this level of outcry? Like. No, what are you doing? Stop. Like, to me, like, that's the sign that human consciousness is, like, evolving to value life in a way that maybe we didn't value before, because, like, there have been infinite wars, and, like, including, like, the.

How many people did we fucking bomb? How many people? How many civilians did we fucking kill when we were fucking bombing Iraq? How many. No, there's a.

It's a lot. Right. Well, they don't know, like, the full number. You get two different people's numbers, but they think that it's somewhere in the neighborhood of a million people died. Right.

So. So in that. Is that. Is that correct? Is that.

Duncan Trussell
I think it's also, like, deaths that they attribute to things that happened because of the war, but I think it led to a million innocent deaths or somewhere in that range. I think that was a high end. But there was an outcry over that. War, but not the same as this. But.

Yeah, but if you think about the numbers, I think it's also the access that we have now to cell phone footage and how good it is and how quickly it gets posted. That's relatively recently, you know? Yeah. Like, that's the real abilities of these phones. Like, to make videos like they do now.

How long has that been going on? You're right. Ten years. You're right, you know. Hundred thousand.

Joe Rogan
66,000 civilians. 210,296 civilian deaths from violence. 109,000 deaths, including 66,081 civilian. That's weird. I don't understand what they're saying there.

Duncan Trussell
What's that? It just pulled that section from the middle of this whole thing. Civilian deaths from violence. Does that mean war? Like, what does that mean?

So that's civilians that were killed entirely by war, or is that civilians that died just from violence? Well, any kind of violence, yeah, like stabbing your neighbor. But this is like, Carlin does jokes about this. This is what's really insidious about this shit. It's like it's war.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, say it's fucking war. It's like. It's like the violence. It's. The violence is related to war.

So don't say from violence, say from fucking war, because that's what war does. And, you know, it's really crazy looking at dead human numbers. Go put that back up, please. When you're looking at the number 210,296 civilian deaths from violence. When you look at that number, you just.

Duncan Trussell
It's so two dimensional, you don't get an understanding of how insanely evil that number really is. 210,296 people that didn't have to die. How many memories that died because someone wanted to do something and got a group of people to go and do their bidding? And they all were. They all were authorized to shoot people?

Joe Rogan
Yeah, man. Yeah. This is a crazy thing that we still do as human beings. And the problem is, I don't see a way out of it, because terrorists are real. Criminals are real.

Duncan Trussell
Bad people are real. This is the world we're living in. Unless you take mushrooms. We gotta get mushrooms legal for the entire country. The whole country, yeah.

And just force them down everybody's throat. Force people to do mushrooms? Do it for everyone else. That's our robots. Do it for everyone else.

Joe Rogan
Our robot fucking like a bird. It just pokes its fucking thing into your mouth and sprays psilocybin in there. Can you imagine if AI forced us all to take psilocybin? Oh, what a horrible day that would be. That was AI solution.

Duncan Trussell
AI was like human beings actually developed their consciousness through this sort of relationship that they had with cubensis, mushrooms. And this is the facts, and this is how we know. And this is why the doubling of the human brain size is such an anomaly. And it aligns with Terence McKenna's theories about how the grasslands receded. It's an upgrade.

Or the rainforest receded into grasslands and people started eating cow, sheep, bugs, and cow shit, mushrooms. And then they started thinking about things different. Oh, my God. Imagine if the AI tells us that's how. So you just need to keep going.

Yeah, I would say, yeah, you guys, like, quit. Like, you know, you got your purple belt, and you're like, try to get injured, and you backed out. Go deeper, go deeper. You need to go a little deeper. A little deeper.

And if AI just, like, tells people, like, this is what you really should be taking. Like, imagine if, like, instead of mushrooms, especially psilocybin, instead of it being something that. That terrifies people and that makes people think, oh, my God, you take it, you're gonna lose your mind. You take it, you're gonna be a fucking loser. Imagine if it was actually scientifically proven that it does make you smarter and it makes you more effective at being a person and that these are the right doses.

Imagine if AI just starts spitting out doses in order to gain this percentage of increasing cognitive ability. Fucking best you can get this percentage of increase in empathy at this dose for this many days. And it just starts, like, re engineering human beings through psilocybin. You know, one of the things ram dass said, which I love, is when they would ask him things like, how did this happen to you? How did you get.

Joe Rogan
How do you get to be this benevolent thing that is radiating love all the time? Which he was, he goes, I trusted the mushroom, and he meant it, dude. Cause I don't know that we get our Amdah without psilocybin, like, because that, like, there's a beautiful famous story of him hanging out with Tim Leary and some other, like, luminaries, and they had synthetic psilocybin, and that was pretty much, like, the real beginning of his, like, path. And, like, you know, I'm. Sometimes.

I'm a little skeptical about this concept, because I worry that, because I've met people who are really into psychedelics, who are like, somehow it went the opposite direction. They're really kind of egoic. They're into the dosage, and how many times? Very guru like. They become guru, you know?

And by the way, guru isn't always bad. Not always, but they become narcissistic. They become power gurus, more like sorcerers and cult leaders. Cult leaders. And so, so, yeah, so, like, like, I worry that, you know, because everyone's like, what if we just gave Putin a shit ton of mushrooms?

It's like, well, it's gonna go one of two ways. Like, it's gonna be like, where he just, like, is like, oh, my fucking God. Oh, my fucking God. I thought I was russian. I'm unearthling.

What the fuck was. I think this is. I was conditioned. This is brainwashing. I got brainwashed by culture, and it's over, guys.

No more of this shit. I retire. I'm moving to fucking Hawaii, whatever. But, like. Or it goes the other way, which is like, oh, God wants me to fire nuclear missiles.

You know? We don't know. Roll the dice, right? Roll the dice. So.

Yeah, but I do think if we're looking at, like, massive, like, instantaneous shifts in planetary consciousness. Psychedelics, definitely one of the ways. Like, have you heard of the brotherhood of eternal love? No, but I don't like the way it sounds. I think you'd like them.

Duncan Trussell
Just the name. It's like. That sounds like the bad people in some really corny movie. It does. Brotherhood of eternal love.

Joe Rogan
You're the brotherhood of eternal love. Speaking of which, I saw a really good movie last night. What? What it is, I think it's called Late Night with the devil. It's about.

Duncan Trussell
It's a 2024 movie about a talk show host in 1977 that has this girl come on the show, and it's, like, really done. Like, it looks like you're in 1977, and the girl's possessed. And it builds, man. Dude, it's so fucking good. Have you seen this?

Joe Rogan
Yes. Oh, you loved it, right? Dude, I loved it. It's great. It's so good.

Duncan Trussell
Late night with the devil, official. I think it just came out a couple months ago. It must have just won. Went straight to being streamed. But it's fucking good, man.

Joe Rogan
And that's good casting, dude. All of it. Like, the host is so much like that level talk show host from that time period, and it's scary, and it's fucking good. Yeah, it's solid. Highly recommend.

Duncan Trussell
Yeah, it was solid. It was really solid. Solid, dude. And, dude, you know what? I just saw that, and I was super skeptical about this one, but it's not bad.

Joe Rogan
The pope's exorcist. Really? Have you seen that, dude? I know. I had the same thinking.

My brother in law, who's got really good taste in movies, and he's like, it's actually not that bad. It's a little cheesy. It's fucking good, dude. Really? Yes, it's very good.

But stupid. But good. You know what I mean? This is the pope's exorcism. Yeah.

And I usually don't get into Russell Crowe. I don't get into exorcist movies, usually. Why do they all fucking turn their head like that? But what's interesting is this guy, the pope, has an exorcist, and he wrote a bunch of fucking books. And so it's kind of drawing from, like, stories of this guy doing exorcisms.

And it's fascinating, man. It's really interesting. It would be the greatest deception ever if demonic possession was real. And we were all mocking it, and then one day you saw it. You actually saw it.

Duncan Trussell
You'd be like, oh, no, it's real, dude. I think it is real. Like, I think we've just come up with new words for it. But have you ever had this happen? I'm gonna get made fun of this.

Joe Rogan
Have you ever had this happen? Have you ever been, like, super high? You're walking down the street, you pass somebody having a psychotic episode, and they start saying what you're thinking. Have you ever had that happen? No, I have.

Duncan Trussell
Really? Yeah, I have. What were you thinking, though? I'm hot. Was it 100 degrees out?

Joe Rogan
I feel crazy. I was thinking. I feel crazy. I feel crazy. I'm hot.

Duncan Trussell
Oh, my God. He knows. He can read my mind. I'm too high right now. He can read my mind.

Joe Rogan
No, no. It was like. No, he was, like, kind of like. He was, like, garbling out like, shit. I think I was thinking about, like.

I mean, obviously, any of this stuff, it's not scientist. Obviously, it's not scientist. Wait a minute. You're not a scientist? I am a scientist.

I am, actually. Yeah, I am a fucking scientist. I study rainbows. I study the power of rainbows to heal animals. I forget who posted it up, but there's some video of all these college kids talking about it went viral.

Duncan Trussell
All these college kids talking about what their degree was in, and these. All these woke kids with these ridiculous degrees. Like, what they studied. Yeah, man. Dude, very expensive to get those fucking degrees.

It is a hilarious video because it's like, how does anybody not see that? That is a massive waste of your time. Like, what have you done? You have been tricked. You have been tricked into getting a degree in nonsense, dude.

And you can write papers and nonsense and books on nonsense, but aside from. That, you know what you've really been tricked into? You've become a fucking vassal of the banks. Like, you are eternally indebted to the structures that you are opposing. It's like, oh, really?

Joe Rogan
Oh, what's your. Oh, so you spent how much again? Like, $180,000 to get to major in, like. Like, communist studies? Great.

Okay. You're late on your payment, motherfucker. You gotta pay us now. I mean, not only that, it's the ultimate mafia group. Like, they want your money no matter what.

Duncan Trussell
Even if Social Security. Fuck you, pay me. They're the ultimate. Fuck you, pay me. People.

Joe Rogan
Fuck you, pay me. You can't. Apparently, we said. We talked about this before, but apparently there are certain circumstances under which there's a certain type of bankruptcy that allow you to evade that. But I wonder what that is.

It's suicide.

But I don't understand enough to interrupt. And. Yeah, I remember us talking about it. I don't understand it either. Dude.

Joe Rogan
This is like. Man, well, we've definitely talked about this before, but rest in peace, David Graeber wrote a great book called Bullshit jobs. Brilliant mind, man. Brilliant mind. But he basically talks about how, like.

So ideas is, I'm gonna go to college. Oh, discharge. No problem, man. Discharge and bankruptcy. If you declare bankruptcy and then the bankruptcy court determines repaying your loans would cause undue hardship, your loans can be discharged.

Duncan Trussell
How many times does that happen? Zero. It's like, yeah, it's legal as long as this judge decides. I'm sorry, but repaying your loans always produces undue fucking hardship. It sucks to pay back loans.

Joe Rogan
It sucks. It always sucks. I want a fucking nice computer. I want a boat. I want a swimming pool.

Duncan Trussell
Like, for example, several types of loans associated with education expenses are dischargeable in bankruptcy. Like most other types of unsecured consumer debt, these types of loans for education expenses are not subject to the more difficult standard and extra step. These loans could include, for example, loans where the loan amount was higher than the cost of the attendance, such as tuition, books, rooms, and board, which can occur when a loan is paid directly to a consumer. Loans pay for education. So that means they could do it.

They could. They could. They could forgive you if the loan amount was higher than the cost of attendance. Is that what it's saying? Or is it saying it's going to pay you the difference?

Like, you could. You could deduct the difference when you get a bankruptcy. Loans to pay for education at places that are not eligible for title for funding include unaccredited colleges, a school in a foreign country. So. So much for your wizard university, Duncan.

Yeah, you can't. You're not. You can't go bankrupt with your wizard degree. You still have to pay. Are you fucking up to my neck?

Joe Rogan
You have to pay debt for this shit? It says you have to pay. And also, it's like, it's unaccredited but the rainbow thing, it's like something's changed in the earth's atmosphere because it's not healing anymore. It's an unaccredited wizard school. You know, you went cheap and now you're fucked.

Well, I'm sorry, Joe. Not everybody was born a billionaire like you. I wasn't born a billionaire. I know you weren't. I'm joking.

Duncan Trussell
I don't think that that wizard stuff is good anyway. I think it's. I think you're toying with the devil. Just like that late night show. I'm that little bald guy that was like, in the show.

That's me. Where I'm like, hey, you're messing with something. Can I ask you something? Yeah. Where did the devil come from?

That's a good question. Did God make the devil? What a mean trick.

Do you need the devil? Is it symbolic of what we need in this life? Like, do we need to see what's happening in Palestine in order to reassess the way we behave as a civilization? Do we need crime to get out of hand before we realize that law and order is important and that we really need to, like, figure out a way to stop crime at its root source was this disenfranchised people, do we really need something? Like, maybe that's the only way we learn.

That's. Maybe there's like, you know, like lottery winners. They don't do well, dude. They don't do well because they didn't learn, right? They just got all this money like, wow.

And then they're doing blow and they're on a fucking yacht and it's gone now. It's gone and now you're mad. And everybody's mad at you and you didn't invest in the business with your uncle and everybody's pissed at you. So you're asking, do we need the devil? I wonder if you need a bad and a good.

I wonder if you need something. I wonder if you need to see 200 plus thousand dead people and just have that number in your head and just try to picture what that looks like. I wonder if we need that resistance in order to realize. Yes, yes. That there's like, you don't grow without resistance.

Like this is. We're thinking of it as just plain, this is life. But we're in the middle of a process. Yeah, we're in the middle of a process. Everyone understands this and no one thinks about it.

We are in the middle of this intellectually evolutionary process. And there's something that's funny that I said those two words in such a goofy way, intellectual. I liked it. Evolution. There's a thing going on where we're assuming that civilization is going to be better all the time, and we're always going to get better all the time, which is really interesting because no other animal does that.

There's not another animal alive that says, we only killed 47 zebras this year. Next year, we're fucking cranking it up. We're going to be better and more efficient. We want to be better at everything. We want to be better at our industry.

We want to be better at fixing our infrastructure. We want to be better at housing. We want to be better all the time. There's this constant push for progress. And if you just step back and look at where this going with this train wreck of AI happening at the same time that's going on, it's like, oh, we were fueling this.

We were refueling the takeover. We were buying iPhones. Dude, I think this is so funny you're mentioning this, because, honestly, it's so embarrassing. This is so dumb. I don't care.

Joe Rogan
I'm wearing a robot outfit at the gym yesterday. I'm working out, and I've started listening to classic gospel music. Whoa. It is so good. If you're having a shitty day, it doesn't matter if you're not christian.

Just fucking listen to it. It's so upbeat and, like, it makes you happy and it's kind of magical, but, like, so I'm at the gym, and I'm thinking about Jesus. Cause I've been listening to gospel music, and, like, I was thinking, like, oh, oh. Like, maybe the idea as far as, like, the devil goes, because I always wonder that, who made the devil? Why did God make the devil?

Why is there a devil? Is there a devil? Is it just a fucking symbol for something? But I realized, like, oh, like, you know that stupid song, if you love some, if you love somebody, set them free? Yeah.

So it's like the idea being, I'm setting, I'm making you, you're sentient, and I'm setting you free. And I'm setting you free in a fucking universe where there are, there's collectivized evil, there's some kind of, like, like somatics, there's some kind of thing that forms which will fuck you up. And because I love you, I'm gonna let you figure it out. And then from that perspective, and also, if there is some super intelligent and somehow in the universe, there's a bifurcation or something that's centered on the self instead of others that has an intelligence to it, to really, like, fucking flex to that thing. You're like, okay, I'm just gonna give you these things that I love so much.

And if you win, if you corrupt my creation fully, then you win. I was wrong, but I don't think you are. I don't think it's gonna happen, because inevitably, whatever it is, you take a psychedelic. For me, whenever I take psychedelics too many, right away I start thinking about how selfish I am. I start thinking like, dude, like, it hurts.

It hurts to be jealous. It hurts to not help. It hurts to be so cherishing of myself. And anytime I'm not doing that, I'm so happy. Like, so.

But to force that, you can't force that onto somebody. They have to stumble upon it somehow. And there's like, that's Christianity, that they. Don'T get it unless they feel it. That's it.

And so to let these things, theoretically, I'm talking about from christian cosmology that you love more than anything else, to fucking, which, by the way, like in the garden of Eden story, when God is crying, like, God says something like, where are you? To Adam and Eve? And apparently the original translation, that crying out is the way, like, you know, have you ever lost your kid at a playground? It's that it's not like, where are you, slaves? It's like when you're calling for your kids.

So, yeah, it's heavy, man. And so, like, so, yeah, I feel like that maybe the whole thing is designed for us individually to stumble upon that basic truth, that underneath the shell is love. And the love wants to express itself, and love doesn't express itself by saying, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. Love is always like, I love you. What can I do for you?

Let me help you. It's like the person swimming into the lake for no reason to get that last person who fucking was in a car accident, and they drown. You know, they get the person to safety, they die. This is to me, I think that's the devil. That's why it's there.

It might be real. I think as a term of convenience, it's great. But it's like, holy shit, man. Like, as an inclination, it's real, right? Like, whether or not you murder a baby because the devil made you do it, or because some other force that is just like the devil, that just happens to be a part of human beings violent rages.

Duncan Trussell
They can do horrific things. And then on top of that also intentionally evil. Just like chimpanzees. Yeah, I mean, chimpanzees do it. Do we think the devil's invading the chimps and they're doing it?

Or do we think that this is some bygone, some leftover shit that's in our DNA that can go sideways and allow people to become serial killers or allow people to become assassins? I think it's a semantics argument. I think it's like it's an identification of a possibility in a human life. There is a possibility in a human life to make a series of shitty decisions. And those shitty decisions lead you into darker and darker and darker experiences of reality.

Joe Rogan
And the darker your experience of reality, the more likely you are to make a shitty decision because, like, you've gotten yourself into fucking debt. You went to wizard school. You've got, you study fucking rainbow. Rainbow magic. It doesn't seem to be real.

No one's coming to your clinic now. You're like, you know, $800,000 in fucking debt and now what are you gonna fucking do? Like, you gotta figure out a way to make money. So how are you gonna make the fucking money? Well, you find some scam or some shit, right?

And then the next thing you know, now you're, like, lying to people. And now that you're lying to people, you have to keep fucking lying to people. And then you start lying to yourself. And then you get lost in a maze of self deception that leads you into lower and lower and lower levels of consciousness until the next thing you know, you're in fucking jail or you're dead, you're killing somebody. And so, like, you call it whatever you want to fucking call it, but this entropic reality in human existence is very fucking real.

And the message of all the great lineages, whether it's Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, is at any given moment in that hell state you've gotten yourself into, there is a way to get the fuck out. You don't have to be in hell. It's like what Cs Lewis says. The gates of hell are locked from the inside. There's a fucking way out.

It's so good, dude. It's so good. It's so good. That's such a good one. And that's, you know, that's.

That's why I love Jesus. That's why I love the message of Christianity.

Duncan Trussell
I've heard that song, right? Yeah. Dude, are you. I'm fucking great. It shows up on my gospel playlist.

Isn't it weird that that guy, like, that was it. It was like, that was his song. It is like this one song that was a banger, but you listen to the rest of them. That sucks. Oh, God, man, that's the worst.

There's a few of those guys that we. You know Johnny Thunder? You know that song I'm alive? No, bro. I played that song for so many fucking people, including musicians, you know, I played for Zach Bryan.

He was like, whoo. Like, you hear it, people like, God damn. And it's from 1969. One hit wonder, dude. I don't even think it was a hit.

There was another version of it that his version of I'm alive was a cover of, and it was better than the original version, and it was so good. You're like, if this guy can make this song, somebody needs to write for him, man. This guy's a star. This guy's got bangers. I mean, this was a fucking tremendous song.

And it was just. Dude, I know, it's like. That just is like. It's gotta be so scary, man. Like, oh, yeah.

Joe Rogan
You know when you make a great movie and then you gotta make your next movie? Oh, yeah. And, like, it's gotta be fucking good. Like, say you make that movie. What's it called?

Deus ex machina. You know that movie? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're like, I gotta make another movie. And then you're like, civil war and.

Oh, fuck, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Duncan Trussell
The guy, right? Oh, no, man, I'm sorry. Alex Garland, like, by the way, you're brilliant. Like. Like, I get it.

Joe Rogan
Like, the attempt. I get it. And who knows? You never know what happened in the process. And, like.

Man, I feel like now that this is so I've started doing video and I'm recognizing just, like, how hard it is just to, like, get the lighting right from my dumb ass. Sitting there rambling. Like, anyone who makes a fucking movie is a genius fucking wizard. So I do feel. And all the people that come together.

Duncan Trussell
Some of them just don't work out the way they want. Yeah. They just don't work out. That's how it is. Like pilots for tv shows, it's for sketches that people create.

Joe Rogan
Yeah, yeah. You know, but, like, I just. Like, I think doing a video podcast and then critiquing a great director is pretty fucked up, man. I just. I don't mean.

I just. And a lot of people like the movie, but you try to dig yourself out. I just feel bad. I feel. I feel bad.

Like, no, I. But God damn, it was horrible.

It was so bad. It was so bad. Yeah. Oh, my God. It's funny.

Yeah. I'm glad I didn't see it. No, you. You're lucky. Have you been watching the gentleman on Netflix?

No, what's that? Oh, dude, it's a guy Ritchie series on Netflix. It's fucking amazing. What is it? It's about these weed growers in the UK.

Duncan Trussell
Cool. I don't want to give away any more of it, but it's basically the movie the gentleman. I don't know if you ever saw the movie, but this is the same world that the movie takes place in, just with different characters. Cool. It's fucking great, man.

It's great show. I think it has, like, six episodes, or how many episodes it have? Eight. There's some good movies coming out right now, man. It's kind of awesome.

Joe Rogan
We went through, like, a pretty rough cinema drought. I don't know. Do you remember? I mean, you got to think about how many movies get. They get drawn up, they get funded.

Duncan Trussell
Covid hits. Everything gets shut down. Everything gets shut down. And then everybody loses money. No one's going to the movies anymore.

Everything's fucked. Yeah, that's. You have to wait for forever before things get back on track. Things start getting profitable again, and they start making dunes two. You know, I haven't seen it, but I heard saucer.

They start making movies like that. They start making banger movies again. Dude, dune two is so fucking good. I watched it with a son, and, dude, I was like, you know that, like, you get bliss and movies are so good, and you're the. You're the right amount of stoned.

Joe Rogan
And, like, you realize, like, oh, my God, it's only been 30 fucking minutes. And this is already the most insanely beautiful thing I've ever seen in my fucking life. The soundtrack. When you look up how they made the soundtrack for that movie, it is insane, man. Everything about it is like they had throat singing in it.

They've got like. It's so cool, dude. Did you read the books? No. The books are so good.

The first one, honestly, the second one I struggle with, but the first one is. Wait a minute. What book? Dune. No, I didn't read that.

Frank Herbert. It's one of the best Sci-Fi I think I read. I think I read one of those. Did they. Did they make them into, like, comic books?

Duncan Trussell
Like, really nice comic books, probably. Did they? But you can't. I never got into the first one, the first movie. So when the second one came around, I was like, oh, dude, you keep hearing it's.

Amazing. Second one's better than the first. And the first is great if you're like, a dune nerd, which I am, but, like, oh, you're a dune nerd. Oh, I'm a Dune nerd. I've been reading that book since, dude, the spice Melange.

Joe Rogan
And, like, but the way he's, first of all, Frank Herbert was a mycologist. The guy who wrote Dune. Did you know that? He's like, a really respect. Stamets talks about it like, yeah, yeah.

Duncan Trussell
Whoa, duncan, this is what's gonna happen when Trump wins. Robert De Niro is right. Robert De Niro is right. Duncan, do you wanna line up and lose all your rights? And he never leaves the White House.

And you have throat singing on the Capitol hill steps. And so funny. I was like, dude, that sounds awesome. Make America green again. Mega greens.

Everybody sneaks in, gets a gun. Grazes in the morning. Grazes in the morning. Sneak in, we'll give you money. Sneak in, sneak in.

Joe Rogan
Vote for us, dude. Yeah. So, like, there's always theories about dune, but the blue eyes, so you eat this spice, Milan, that, like, you need it for space travel. It's only produced on, you know, the story, but, like, the blue eyes. So there's a theory.

Cause he was. Frank Herbert was a mycologist. The blue eyes represent psilocybin. And, like, that was. His melange is like psilocybin and, like, yeah, dude.

And he apparently, I think in San Fran, he was living on a boat next to Alan Wallace. Oh, and they were. They were fucking friends. So a lot of the, like, you remember the gum, Jabbar? The needle that that witch puts to Paula Tradey's neck to say, like, they want to find out if you're human.

So you put your hand in this box, that if you pull your fucking hand out of the box, she stabs you with this needle. It kills you because you're not human. Who gives a fuck? And so Gom Jabbar. Gom is, in Tibetan Buddhism is the name for meditation.

So there's all these, like, clearly it was Paul Allen Watts. And he, like, weaves a lot of, like, a lot of the language in it is like, the daughter in the womb, I think her name's Aliyah, which is, like, a buddhist term for, like, the emptiness, for a state of pure consciousness. And so it's a deep book, is my point. And you. You would love it.

Duncan Trussell
And it inspired Star wars, right? Didn't we just talk about this? We did, right? Duncan might know more about that, but it was that they came from the same thing, I think. What do you mean?

Dune and Star wars came from the same place. Like, they both were inspired by the same thing. I asked that question out loud. I thought. I thought we talked about it the other day.

Duncan Trussell
Did we not talk about it on the podcast? Okay, we did. Right. But I think it was. Dune came before Star wars and then Star wars was written by different people.

Joe Rogan
I don't know. Know. I think Dune predates Star Wars. Dune predates Star wars. We talked about it the other day.

Duncan Trussell
What is the whole story, though? What were you trying to say? I didn't understand what you said. They both. I had asked that out loud.

I said didn't. Isn't Dune just Star. Star wars is a Dune ripoff. And then I dug into it and it says that they both are. I'm sorry.

Both creators took similarities and inspiration from the same original source, I think. What's the original source? I'm trying to read as I'm talking. That's why. So there's something else.

Duncan Trussell
There was an original story. I'm sorry, short story. Dune is influenced, probably. It's like the one of the. It's like the greatest Sci-Fi book, if you ask me.

Joe Rogan
And it's influenced all Sci-Fi it's so fucking good, dude. And did you see David Lynch's Dune? No. Oh, man. You gotta watch sting is in David Lynch's Dune and like.

Duncan Trussell
But I did see it. That was the old. The original one, right? The lynch one was the original. Yeah.

Yeah. And I didn't get into it. No. Well, it was massively criticized because, like, there have been attempts to do Dune. This famous guy, Jodorowsky, there's a whole documentary on his idea for Dune.

Joe Rogan
David lynch takes on the project. And where the dune we have now succeeds where he failed is they broke the book into two movies. Every Sci-Fi property you love is based on foundation. Interesting. Isaac Asimov's foundation series is widely understood to be.

Duncan Trussell
Be the inspiration for Star Wars, Dune, and even the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. Huh. Wow. You know, one of the things about the new dune is the people look grimy. Right?

They look like they're really in that world. There was a thing about those old dunes that I couldn't get into. Cause everybody looked too clean. Everybody looked like they just stepped right out of wardrobe. I just didn't.

You know what I'm saying? Like, you see that when the guy's throat singing and those people, they're walking down and putting everybody's dirty. Yeah, it's cool. That's a. Yeah.

You're living a crazy, fucked up, hard ass life. Yeah, yeah. And, like, in the book, he like, what they. Even in the newest one, I don't think they convey. Like, he writes about the smell in those seaches in the underground, like, in the caves that the Fremen are living in.

Joe Rogan
He talks about the smell of the bo in there. Like, just all of these people living underground and the stink of that. But, dude, did you see that video of David lynch eating this girl's panties? Um. What?

Duncan Trussell
No. For real? Yeah. Yeah. Why is he doing that?

Jamie, do you want one of these? You want a Lucy? Yeah, let me spit this thing out.

Joe Rogan
Renegade. Rogue. Thank you. Hey, do you know the zinspiracy? Do you know about this?

We're all being accused of secretly being sponsored by Zen in. Yeah, it's the funniest shit. Okay, watch this. This is crazy. Okay?

This being dedicated to Deb, is that not real? That's a I, bro. God damn it. I'm. I don't know, ma'am.

Looking forward to this. When did. When was it posted? Yeah, no, look, because this just stood up there. I.

This is. I did see multiple videos or versions of the video, too. It just looked like his malice was moving weird. I mean, I hope it's real. Thank you very much.

Joe Rogan
They're still warm. Okay, now they're very warm, as a matter of fact. Cinnamon. Okay. And now the deal is, I'm going to put these panties in my mouth and pronounce wmm's full username.

Are you ready? He's a genius. Genius. What the fuck, dude? I love him.

Duncan Trussell
Okay, that's probably one of them frequencies that calls the devil. Like that sound. That's probably what the devil responds to. If you have a mouthful of panties, you try to read anything. The devil's like, I got you.

Joe Rogan
I got you. Now that's a song of God. There's a sound that you make. Like a sound you make with a mouth full of panties. Imagine just demons just summon.

Duncan Trussell
And they're like, we were waiting for you to open the portal. Like, you have to make that sound. Like, the only way to make that sound is to be such a depraved fuck. Do you have someone's panties stuffed in your mouth? May I stop you there?

Joe Rogan
I don't think it's depraved to shove a beautiful woman's panties. I don't either. But the devil thinks that it is, and God thinks it is. If they agree. Like, this is an opportunity to go after him.

Duncan Trussell
Look, this guy's out there eating people's underwear. Let me tell you, he's not gonna. Solve the world's problems. He's so crazy he's eating underwear. Why does everybody want to solve the world's problems?

Joe Rogan
Let's shove. We're all in this together. Duncan, I want to eat panties. We are on the production line for AI, and you're not doing your part. Dude, I.

Listen. If there is a Satan, he doesn't want us to put panties in our mouth. That's what the devil would really be. The devil would really be anti panties in mouth. And, like, be like, don't ever.

Duncan Trussell
He would want you on Adderall, and he'd want you working 24 hours a day. Exactly. Exactly. The devil doesn't want us. The devil hates David lynch.

Joe Rogan
If there is a devil, he doesn't like David lynch. Right. Cause he's having fun stuffing warm panties in his mouth. It happened in 2002 or three, back. When it was legal.

I wonder if that was illegal. What if we fucking develop laws for panty eating? Enough. We've summoned too many demons. People just realize that all you have to do is fucking hold hands with mouthfuls of panties.

Duncan Trussell
And if the two of you are talking at the same time, you could summon a super demon dude. Like, it is kind of. I mean, like, that wasn't like a dainty panty. No, he stuffed a real panty in there. That wasn't a g string.

Joe Rogan
That was a g string. String, string, strings. It had a back. A little bit of a back to. It, and then to still be able to talk.

Duncan Trussell
Oh, yeah. What a genius. He's so good. He's so good. Really good at talking.

Joe Rogan
Dude, I'm. He's the best. The portal's open.

Twin Peaks was great. Creatures hiding in your closet, David, thank you for bringing me. Thank you. David. I have an idea for your next.

Duncan Trussell
What are you talking about? Sound you make with a mouthful of power, dude. Yeah. Well, I mean, look, this is the thing. David lynch is one of the great artists alive today.

Joe Rogan
And this thing where we expect artists to behave like normal people. Yeah, I don't expect that at all. It's fucking not you. But you read the comments and people. Are like, oh, they're so mad at them.

Duncan Trussell
I'm sure I don't have to read it, but this is like. That's just what it is. And it's also not representative, I think, of actual. A real number of actual people is. It's like what I taught when I.

Whenever you do a survey, people say, oh, the survey, is this, like, no, you don't get a real percentage. I don't give a fuck what your study says. You only get 100% of the people that are on your survey are so fucking dumb that they reply to surveys. Yes, exactly. This is not everybody.

Joe Rogan
Exactly. It's not even close. Exactly. It's just like, comments. Who the fuck leaves comments?

Duncan Trussell
How do you have time? I think about that. Unless you're like, good job, congratulations, being nice. Who has time? If you do, there's no chance you're devoting the proper amount of time to the things in your life that you should.

Joe Rogan
Right? So it's this massive distraction and you get these arguments online that distract you from the failures in your real life. But that is representative in a lot of people's minds to how people think about whatever this person posted or whether this political argument that people are having about things, but that's not real. And then you've got the algorithm manipulation we were talking about, which is even more crazy now. Not only do you have the most complainty fucking people complaining, but you have the algorithm showing things that are gonna piss you off.

Duncan Trussell
Like, look at this fucking. The phone's gonna know that you took a screenshot of the comment and you sent it to me. And I'm like, wow, what a dick. And I'll send it to other people. I'll send people a link.

Look at this moron. He's arguing. That's it. And that's what happens. Yep.

Joe Rogan
And that's a storm. That's a neurological hurricane sweeping through brains around the planet. Amygdalas, fucking squirting fucking cortisol hanger teams. Fucking getting ready to do battle. For fucking what?

Yeah, dude, for what? What are you arguing about? So this is. I've heard. I don't know if you've heard about this.

Like, there's some. The kids now I'm 50, so I could say that for sure. The kids. The kids now are. Apparently, there's a whole new thing where they're just.

They're putting their phones down. There's this whole thing where they're just like, fuck this, my friend, was really. Yes, that's what I heard. That, like, you're dealing with a lot. Of weird kids, though.

Well, I'm not dealing with any kids. Like my friend, you deal with hippies. They got fucking straw hats on. They're in the woods barefoot. Yeah, well, but I tie dyed mushroom shirts on, if you think about it.

Like, what do kids tend to do, like, what I did, rebel. And so, like, you're. So you're like, God help you. Let's imagine you're raised by, like, an influencer. Mom.

God help you. So your whole childhood has been on camera, and if it's not on camera, you're looking at your fucking mom staring at the comments of the video she posted of you opening Christmas presents. Or you're just a standard kid, and your childhood is constantly interrupted by your parents staring at their fucking phones. So you get old enough, you're not going to associate phones, necessarily with good feelings. And then you're like, you know what?

Fuck these things. This made my parents fucking, like, distant. It made my parents upset. And they're just like, fuck this. Which means there's, by the way, that's scary if you want to monitor populations.

Wow. Right now, we're all in fucking Orwell. Like some crazy version of 1984. Way more sinister than the camera in your house. It's like you're carrying it around, but suddenly these, like, formerly monitored populations, they just go dark because, like, kids are just like, I'm not gonna do this.

They're meeting in parks. God help us all. They're meeting in parks, and they're saying things that are untraceable. No one knows what they're talking about. And so now you've got really.

Yeah. I like to believe you're correct. This sounds like a movie. This is from a Pew research phone list. 72% of us teens say they often and sometimes feel peaceful when they don't have their smartphone.

Duncan Trussell
44% say it makes them feel anxious. Good for hobbies, less so for socialization. 69% of teens say smartphones make it easier for youth to pursue hobbies and interests. True. Right.

That's a good aspect of it. A few or 30% say it helps people their age learn good social skills. That's true. It doesn't do that. Right.

Parental snooping, that's a problem. Half of parents said they've looked through their teens phone. You're gonna find a lot of dicks. The other half are liars. About four in ten parents and teens regularly arguing with one another about time spent on their phone.

Nearly half of teens, 46%, say their parent is at least sometimes distracted by their phone when they're trying to talk to them. At what age do you think fellas start sending dick pics? Do you think they wait until it's a little. Would you. I don't think they do.

So here's the thing. Like, you know, there was a girl that was charged with. She was charged with child pornography. I think she was 15 because she was sending naked photos of her body to other boys. So, like, she was the pornography and the pornographer.

Right? That's so fucked up. Find that story. See if you can find that story. Cause it was.

It was like a national outrage story. Cause everybody's like, hey, hey, hey, man. She's fucking 15. She's not a child porn producer. Like, this is a bastardization of the law.

Like, this is just a girl's being silly. That's insane. She's getting a little wild. That is. That's terrifying.

She might have been talked into it. Like, who the fuck knows? Like, what is. Did she go to jail? I don't know what the story was.

It was the story of a 17 year old boy who was charged. No, no, no. It was a girl. It was a 15. They dropped the charges in this case.

Duncan Trussell
Oh, okay. But find the one on the 15 year old girl because I'm trying to remember what the thing is. Not the easiest thing to dig through. Looking for child porn. No, no, no.

15 year old girl convicted for child porn. Can you say that? Are you just scared to type it? You gotta be careful with the words you look for when you type it in. Child.

I'll google it, you pussy. Google's already, like, they're taking everything you've ever googled. This is why I typed in, and I'm just showing you what popped up. Kid charged with child born. How about 16 year old male?

I understand. How about Google? 15 year old girl charged with child porn. Girl.

Teen girl charged with child porn. There it is. Five years ago. That's it. That's the girl.

There's another one? There's more than one? Yeah, there was different cases. Oh, revenge porn. Oh, wait a minute.

This is different. This is a 15 year old girl who's accused of requesting and sending nude photos to classmates under the identity of her ex boyfriend. Oh. Is facing multiple child porn charges. What a demon.

She was sending them to classmates under the identity of her ex boyfriend. Wow. How is she doing that fucking. So she was pretending that she was him, and she was sending naked photos of herself to try to charge him for it. Oh, she was trying to nail him.

There you go. Fake dude. She's a monster. Oh, look at this. She told police that she created a fake social account for revenge for the relationship ending with her ex boyfriend.

What a psycho. She also admitted she was jealous that her ex boyfriend had chosen to perform a solo in state finals for band. What up? She was the crazy bitch for band camp monster. Remember that movie one time in band camp?

Wow, what a psychopath. She's only been on the planet. Planet 15 years, and she's reached peak evil. That is so crazy. Imagine trying to set your boyfriend up with child porn.

Joe Rogan
Oh, God damn it. Dude. That is God. But was it. Was it, like, Doctor Phil?

Kay. The same thing. I don't know what that story is here. Is that the same gal? No, probably not.

Cause they're talking to her. Look at that. She's gotta cover her horns with fucking. Yeah. Hair.

Joe Rogan
Wow. I think she was in late night with the devil. Wow. That's so crazy that someone could be that evil at that age. Yeah, well, so it's such a crazy.

Duncan Trussell
But then again, you ever see that movie, City of God? It's the gang movie from Brazil. Oh, yeah, the favelas. Who? Yeah, I say it's, like, one of the wildest gang movies I've ever seen in my life.

It's probably the wildest. Yeah. Now that's based on real life life in the favelas in some places. So that's a real. That's people really living that way.

Like, you gotta imagine that's just. You just become a sociopath at a very early age. Become a psychopath at a very early age. It's the only way to stay alive. Yep.

And then what did this lady go through? Or she's willing. She's so conniving, she's gonna set up fake social media accounts and then get her boyfriend accused of child porn. Like, what? Yeah, how distanced are you from.

Joe Rogan
From, like, the fact that devious. Very fucking devious. Devious. Dude, have you read the painted bird? No, don't.

I mean, it's so good, but it's the most. Like. It's like. It doesn't matter if you do spoilers for old books, but, like, one of the scenes, it's about a kid wandering. Like, I think it's World War Two.

He's lost his parents, and he's got to. Like, he's just wandering through the country and seeing just the most horrific shit you've ever seen and surviving. But, like, he watches these villagers take a woman and shove a bottle into her pussy and then stomp on her pussy to break the bottle inside of her. Yeah, dude, that's not even the worst thing in the book.

This innocent kid just is witnessing all of it, and it's talking about what you're talking about. It's, like, basically analyzed. It's sort of, like, showing where does evil come from? Are people born evil? Statistically, some people are born sociopaths, we know that.

But it's a relatively small part of the population. But where does it come from? And inevitably, it comes from trauma that a kid is enduring. And then you have to survive. Just like you're saying we're programmed to fight.

Duncan Trussell
It's self perpetuating. It's gonna continue because they're all gonna see people murdered. It's like people living in gang infested neighborhoods in America. Same thing. If you're seeing it happen all the time and it's affecting all those families, it's gonna just keep.

The kids are gonna go into it. They see the drug dealer rolls by in the nice car. Everybody else is a sucker for getting on the train. And then everybody's in. And then next thing you know, you're dead.

And then it just keeps going. And you have kids that are raised without you, and then you're. It's like, whoo. And then what do you do? So then what happens?

Joe Rogan
The reaction to the contagion is you other that person. So now you see the person in full bloom of evil, and you look at that person, you're like, that's a fucking monster. But you can't go back and look at their childhood. Because if you start going back and looking at their childhood, you're like, jesus Christ, they're a victim, right? But you can't think about that to fully, like, monsterfy somebody.

You gotta fucking forget. Get how they became the monster. And then. And then this is where you end up with a very non nuanced system of dealing with the contagion, which will produce more contagion. Like, this just spreads the fucking evil all over the fucking place.

And I. And I agree with you, man. Like, I don't know the solution, but I know, but. But in, like, you know, this is where imaginary numbers came up with, you know? And in math, it's like, you don't need to know the solution.

Put an x there. It's like, clearly this is a fucking problem. We've got this. People who, like, are horrifically traumatized and then from. Have made shitty decisions where they've got to commit to being some violent, monstrous, thieving piece of shit and rationalize it and justify it.

But if we could fix this problem, and I don't think the way we fix the fucking problem is dropping bombs on people. You're not fixing the problem. Like, if the answer to evil is more evil, what the fuck? It's like a never ending. It's like scratching poison ivy.

It's not going to go away, right? And it actually makes more like, this is the thing that people are talking about. This. The Israel Hamas thing. Like, how many, you know, who is it that told us about this?

Duncan Trussell
The math. The way killing, like, terrorist math goes. Was it Dave Smith? Probably Dave Smith sounds like something Dave Smith would talk about. But essentially, like, if one terrorist dies, it doesn't equal.

You don't, like, lose a terrorist, you gain ten, because all the people that he's connected to, they all become radicalized. They all want to. You killed their friend, you killed their family member, you killed their son. They all. So that you.

You gain more terrorist, dude. It's a. It's the worst fucking problem ever, man. Cause, like, you know, like, I. Whenever some, like, no matter how horrific the monster is or how, like, whatever it is, I try to, like, not be afraid to put myself in the position of whatever the fucking thing is.

Joe Rogan
And in this case, we've got two sides that right now seem to be being equally vilified by different groups of people, right? But, man, dude, let me tell you something. If my fucking kid got blown up by a fucking bomb, right? That's it. My logic's out the window.

I would like to think that I'd really listened at all the ram dass retreats and stuff, and I'd like to think that I would be like Gandhi, or have some blossom of love and be like, I forgive everyone. I'm afraid that's not going to happen. I'm going to want to hurt. And then if my fucking kid got dragged into a fucking tunnel, are you fucking kidding me, man? I'm not going to see clearly.

Like, I'm going to want revenge, and I want my kid back. And whatever you do to get my fucking kid back, okay, like, have you seen the last of us? Like, so. So what were so this fucking, like, othering of whatever the fucking side is, it's leaving out, like, what it feels like to love your kid. And, like, look at a mother.

Like, it's throughout the animal kingdom. Don't fuck with a creature's kid. Like, I'm sorry. It will get you fucked up. Even if the thing's smaller than you and you fuck with its kid, it will, like, put itself in front of its kid.

So, like, we are looking at a problem of love, sadly, which is, like, on both sides, people love their fucking kids and have been like, I can't imagine how a day goes by when you're fucking kids in a tunnel. I can't imagine how a day goes by when you're thinking about how this thing that you fucking love more than anything in the world got its head fucking blown off in a fucking explosion in a building. I don't know how you live one day like that, right? So, like, when you look at that, it's hard. The entirety of the thing is heartbreaking and irrational.

Both sides are. It's pure. It's completely irrational because both sides are trying to put out a fire with more fire. And it's like, that's what it is, dude. That's what it is, what you just said.

Yeah, man. That's what it is. Yeah. Put out a fire with more fire. And we've tried it a million times throughout human history to put out the fire with fucking fire.

And at the very best, the fire will temporarily abate, but then it springs right the fuck back up. And so, and again, to me, like, I don't know the solution. And that's the x. It's like, all. But maybe the path to the solution is, like, let yourself feel it entirely for both.

For the whole fucking thing. Feel the whole thing. You know, and, like. And don't, like, you know. And again, if you're like these motherfuckers, fuck them.

Fuck them more fire. Your fuck them is the same thing causing the wars. Right? Well, it's a problem when human beings don't know human beings and they're the. That doesn't make any sense.

Duncan Trussell
Regardless of how you think about religion and land. Just stop for a second. Human beings that don't know other human beings and hate them so much they want to kill them. Like, seems. That's a communication issue, dude.

That seems like some tower of babble shit. Like, that's the only way it makes sense. If we really get to a point, and I don't think it's going to be far from now, where we're all connected with real time translation in real time somehow or another. I mean, they've already been able to do it with Google. They're already doing it with Samsung phones where they can translate conversations.

You could be talking in Italian, I could be talking in English. It'll translate back and forth to both of us. It's wild what they're already able to do. If we can get to some sort of. I mean, it's not out of the question that if they do develop these neural implants and there's not just neural link, there's several competing companies that are trying to do the same thing.

Because they recognize that once you can actually affect the human mind with electronics, and you can develop this symbiotic relationship with electronics, you could do some wild shit. And one of the things is you're going to be able to talk without words. You're going to be able to. Well, if you're talking without words, what language is that in? Are you hearing that in a language or are you understanding what the person's thinking?

So this is the difference if you're talking without words. Well, the problem is, how are we going to be able to translate all these different languages, dialects? We're not. We're gonna go on thoughts, we're gonna ditch language. Yeah.

And we're gonna go straight to thoughts, and we're gonna interface with each other in a completely different way. So instead of thinking, you're reading people's minds. Hey, Duncan, would you like to go get pizza? Yeah. Dude, are you reading my mind?

Joe Rogan
No. Instead of that, it's like, I think your thoughts, you think my thoughts. We think together. So we abandon language? Yeah, there's no more need for that.

That's it. You have AI that deals with mathematical problems and structures and construction of things, and then we just live in a world of thoughts with no language. We're one thing now, and then we're fucked. Because then you can't go back. You go back.

Duncan Trussell
You feel like you're just like walking when you just got out of a car. Like, what the fuck, dude? I just drove. It took me 2 hours to get to Vegas in this car. If I walk, it's gonna take years, dude.

I might die.

Joe Rogan
Why? I think world peace is possible. Because if you fucking look at what's happening, this system, it's like the framework is being built for just what you're talking about, the technological framework for a state. To get into that state, you either need to do a lot of psychedelics or a lot of meditation to really realize, like, you're me, I'm you. But the technological framework is forming for this thing to happen.

Him. Which. Which is why, man, like, everyone fucking. I'm gonna seem like a musk fanboy in a Tesla suit. Everyone bashing fucking musk.

It's like, dude, do you understand? Like, what he's what? That in the future, when people look back on that shit, even if it doesn't work, even if the things are coming unplugged, whatever the fucking thing is, if that leads to what you're talking about, God damn, that's electricity. That's like the end of war. That's the end of, like, the ideological barrier.

Like, if imagine, like, whoever you hate the most in the fucking world, boop. Put the thing on, you connect to them. This is real. Goes away, and you just realize, jesus fucking Christ, I see why they fucking hate me. And they're like, oh, my God.

I get why you're mad at me. I didn't mean it like that at all. And then, well, how about you just completely abandon everything? And it just. Consciousness interacting with other consciousness, which makes hate and power, because there's no more annoying language.

Duncan Trussell
There's no more people that are incapable of communicating their thoughts. There's none of that stuff. There's all that gone. All that gone, which is, like, that's the problem of being, like, a communication bully. Like, if you're a person and you know that you have a vastly superior.

If you. If you have a vocabulary like an Eric Weinstein. Like, for instance, like, imagine if Eric Weinstein decided to bully someone, you know, like, fucking red band, you know, who's a brilliant guy. Brilliant. But, you know, sometimes he, like, stumbles on his words.

Like, if fucking Eric Weinstein's yelling at him with a bunch of long words, you go, hey, that guy's being an intellectual bully, right? You're not trying to communicate with him as a human being. You're trying to dominate him with your superior vocabulary. Exactly. And it's a weapon.

You can. You know, my vocabulary was like, b plus. It's not that good. It's pretty good. But for a guy who talks for a living, it probably should be better.

Cause sometimes I get to words, and I'm like, is that the right word? But I always say it. I'm not sure if that's the right word, but the point is that it is a tool that you can wield for the benefit of your ego rather than just having a conversation. And those are the grossest conversations when someone's just jizzing on you, and you. Well, I started a business.

I sold it at 2 billion. And now, like, bro, I gotta go. You know those kind of people. Absolutely. That's what that is.

That's. They're abusing communication in order to just. But if we get to a point where there's. That never happens ever again, because instantly we just think thoughts. That's it.

And you realize, like, why people's thoughts are all fucked up. Like, oh, my God, the chemicals in your brain, the cortisol. What did your uncle do? What did your fucking neighbor do? What?

What happened to you that got you so crazy? When did you get dad get out of jail. What did you do before he went to jail? Oh, my God, dude. So many people.

Dude. If that happened by some unknown fucking thing, like, that's what the aliens did, but it would be like two days of crying. Yeah. Like, for hugging both. The whole planet would just be like, oh, fuck.

The thing is, man, the really fucked up thing is that's possible. You know, I've had moments where dudes. Where I hated them and they hated me, and then we got together and we talked and we hugged, and those are beautiful moments. And that's why I refuse to have feuds. Now, as an older man who understands things like, I don't care.

Like, I don't care. You can. You can not like me. That's fine. That's okay.

I'm not gonna attack you. I don't care. I'm not gonna do it publicly. I mean, I had taxi in, but I felt like that was, like, a bigger thing. That was like, this is a real problem.

Like, this is not just my ego and. Which, if they just attacked me and said, I suck, I'm like, okay. You say I suck, you're lying about medicine. Like, you're lying about medicine for the whole world so that I made a big deal out of those fuckers. Yes.

But normally I'm, like, the benefit of conflict in that regard. It's like, almost zero benefit. All of my conflict I try to keep in turn. I don't want to have any conflict with external people. I want to have all my conflict with my own head.

I want to have all my conflict with discipline, all my conflict with being nice to people and, like, trying to be a better person all the time and trying to be wiser about my choices, with how I describe things and talk about things and think of things and how I interface with ideas. I just try to be better at it so I don't have any time, dude. Froggy, petty bullshit. There's just too many petty people out there. They're petty.

They're petty. And they're usually petty because they're all fucked up. That's right. It's not going their way. Like, that criticism thing, dude.

Joe Rogan
It's. And also they. I think I've yapped about this, but, you know, lojong mind training. You ever heard of that? I have, but I don't remember what it means.

It's just like a. It's like slogans. It's all these slogans to, like, sort of get you back on the path and, like, one of my favorite Lojong slogans is drive all blames into oneself. So it defuses the. So, like, it completely, like, removes the ability to be like, it's your fault, because it's, like, actually, whatever the fuck they did, it's kind of your fault.

A vampire only goes where they're invited. You brought this person into your fucking life, and they're behaving the way that your instincts told you they might behave, and now you're mad at them for being the fucking way they are. Drive all blames into oneself. So, like, anytime I'm getting, like, mad and butthurt over this person or that person or this thing or that, if I really analyze the situation, I chose it. I chose to bring that person into my life.

I chose to connect to that person in some way or another. This is all me, and I'm choosing to fucking react in a negative way. Yeah. So, yeah, man, this is. Is like, yeah, you choose everything, but you don't choose, like, random acts of violence and random catastrophes and random things that happen to you, but you do in some way, but you don't even choose, like, getting attached to a sociopath, because if you're naive, you can get roped in.

Duncan Trussell
So there's problems with thinking like this because you do have, like, really manipulative people, particularly, like, you know, con people. Con artists get you to sign over your fucking. I'm. Dude, this business deal, she's just like, all I need is $2,000. I'll have you a quarter million dollars in a month.

Joe Rogan
Great. Where do I sign? It's really easy. It's really easy. I love it.

Duncan Trussell
This is. I've been doing this for a while. I'm really good at it. But this, like, this one, we're kind of, like, overdrawn. And if you just do this for me, I am going to take care of you in the most extreme way.

Joe Rogan
Do you mean it? Yes. Yes. I am a man of my work. And the next thing you know, you're signing off your bank account, and you don't.

Duncan Trussell
You. This guy, this sweet talking guy who's been in and out of jail, and you just thought he was this cool guy you met at a bar. He's a con artist, and he does this to people. Yeah, but this doesn't mean idiot compassion. This is not about letting someone fucking walk all over.

That's not even an idiot thing. Sometimes it's like people get scared at people that are really confident and talk really well, and they're just a little socially awkward, and they feel like it would be easier just to sign off and trust him than it would be to argue with him because he's so persistent and you are so averse to conflict that when someone's, like. Like, being, like, really aggressive. Have you ever had someone to be really aggressive to try to get you invest in something? Yes.

It's the grossest feeling. It's so fucked up. You're like, I gotta go. I hate it. I gotta go.

Joe Rogan
I hate it. I don't make movies. Yeah, dude, I'm not making a movie. It's so gross. It's so gross.

And you can. I don't know you. How am I starting a business with someone I don't know? That sounds crazy, but everything in you, it feels like there's gotta go. You're just like, this is bad.

But, you know, this is. But this is the thing, man. That's probably how girls feel at a bar. Dude, that times 100, right? Like, the feeling of a guy wanting to start a business with you.

Duncan Trussell
This guy wants to start a family with you. He wants to knock you up. He wants you to carry his. You ever been hit on by a dude at a bar? Yes.

Joe Rogan
Doesn't feel good. No. I had a dude rub his hard dick into my leg. Nice. Did you think about it at all?

Like, fucking him? No, about why he would find you attractive? Like, this is interesting. Like, why me? First of all, I liked that aspect of it.

Duncan Trussell
Did you ever think, like, if you weren't you, you would think you were gay? Like, if you saw you. I think I'm gay all the time.

If you just saw you at a bar, if you weren't you and you saw you and you heard you talk you'd like fucking fruity, dude. Zest, they call it Zesty. That's what the. Isn't that the new thing? Zesty?

Zesty. Don't they call people zest monsters? I've been watching a lot of tick tocks. Not really tick tocks reels. I don't have the tick tock.

I prefer my spy. Way to be american spyware, dude. I got real confused watching the new interview with a vampire, man. Like, fuck. Is it good?

Joe Rogan
It's good. But Lestat, the fucking french vampire, in it, dude. Like, I'm like, I think I let him fucking suck more than my blood. Really, dude? You got what?

Duncan Trussell
Tom Cruise was the original one. So pretty. Got nothing on Lestat. Nothing on the new. Oh, dude, please.

Joe Rogan
I'm sorry. Did you interview with the vampire nerd as well? Yes. I am Anne Rice. She was one of the ones that I wished I got to interview before she.

Duncan Trussell
I would have loved to talk to her. Oh, man. Yeah. She became, like, a hardcore christian before she died, right? Yeah.

Joe Rogan
I think that's one of. That's a cool aspect of her. I love that. I love that she wrote all this fucking, like, crazy, dude. The taming of sleeping beauty.

Fuck hardcore porn. Like, I love that she was, like, so goth and dark, living in New Orleans and then just, like, was, like, suddenly became a Christian. That's kind of cool. Like, I think her story is amazing. And damn, dude, her books, man, interview.

Duncan Trussell
With the vampire is one of the best horror books I've ever read. They're all. It's amazing. The vampire Lestat, is great. They're all fucking good.

I don't think I read other ones. I think that's the only. I don't think I read Lestat, but I remember reading interview with the vampire going, holy shit. I was like, how is Brad Pitt gonna play that guy? And how's Tom Cruise gonna play that guy?

Like, that seems. I pictured, like, ugly european people as vampires. Yeah. No, that's what I picture. I picture vampires, dude.

Joe Rogan
Vampires are beautiful. Like, that's what's scary about, like, vampires are what you're talking vampire. Like, the real vampire in the world is an energy vampire. Energy vampires, they are not gonna suck energy. You know?

Duncan Trussell
What's an energy vampire? What? You have to pee and you can't talk and you realize you have to get out of this fucking stupid outfit. Can we please get out of these fucking things? Yeah, yeah, we'll come back.

We'll come back. Okay, great. We'll come back and keep going. All right. I really have to pee.

Regular clothes on. God, it feels so good. It does, huh? Fuck, man. When I was looking at the coffee and I'm like, oh, my God, I can't drink coffee.

How much? How long can I go for? Is it embarrassing if I talk about this? Yes. Okay, cut that, Jamie.

Joe Rogan
I'll just ignore it. Yeah, ignore your new watch. Um, what's, uh. When's your special releasing? Oh, dude, I don't.

Like. I don't know. I've got it. It's editing. I just don't know what to fucking do with it right now because, like, also, like, I still, like.

Did you ever watch it? No, see, that's the thing. Like, do you send me a link? I did. I'll resend it.

Duncan Trussell
Send me another link. But, like. Like, it's edited. It looks good. I fucking love it.

Joe Rogan
I think I'm gonna call it when I had hair and, like.

Duncan Trussell
That'S a funny day. Yeah. But, um, I'm scared. And two, I'm like, I don't know the strategy, dude. Like, when?

Joe Rogan
Like, like, cuz like, I got all these shows coming up. Uh huh. So it's like, should it, like. And I'm doing the Wilbur at the end of this, like, run. Oh, so you need to have new material before you release it.

Yeah, cuz I'm. I mean, I wouldn't even call it. I'm doing a tour, but I am doing a lot of dates. So it's like, if. If I release it in the middle of doing all these dates, then instantly I have to come up with, like, I would feel bad doing material on this special because people are buying tickets.

They don't see me work on fucking material. So. But then I'm also like, well, how much of this is an excuse? And I like, but I'm thinking, like, after my show at the Wilbur, then I will put the thing out. Yeah.

Duncan Trussell
Then just start doing a bunch of sets in the little room. Yes. You know, that's like the best place to develop material. That place is like a little honest factory. You find out where the funny is and things, and you kind of sync up.

Cause there's only 110 people. You sync up together in a fucking cool way, dude. You know, I like that room so much because I learned to do stand up in the belly room. That's where Mitsu would fucking put me. Which is the perfect place to start.

Joe Rogan
The perfect place. Yeah. It's not too intimidating. It's so small that it's like, even though it's intimidating to get out in front of people, if you can do it in a room that only has 90 people in it, what is the belly room hold? 90.

Duncan Trussell
90? Is it 90? 90. Was it ever gotten in there, though, during roast battle? A lot.

Dude, one time we were in the bar, we were downstairs, and we were talking, and someone was jumping up and down upstairs, and I'm watching the fucking, the ceiling buckle, and I'm like, yo, you know how old this building is? What's the last time anybody came in here and checked any of these beams? Dude, that's terrifying. Dude, it was moving. Yeah, it was moving, but they would pack it sometimes times.

When I first came back to the store in 2014, that was the thing that impressed me the most, was roast battle. I was like, this is crazy because this is a new thing. This is a new thing that's a writing exercise because they're dunking on each other, for sure, but it's a writing exercise because everyone's preparing. You know that you're going to go against Bobby Lee. Bobby Lee knows he's going to go against you.

And then you all get together with your friends, and you have, tell me what you think about this. I'm gonna take him. Bobby does it. Yeah. Think he's gonna be mad?

Joe Rogan
Yes. You go up and you duke it out in a writing exercise, and it's designed, like, a specific target. There's one target. It's the other person. So your comedy is all about a person.

Right. But that's, it's a comedy exercise. It's really a comedy writing exercise. And I remember sitting there watching, oh, this is incredible. I'm like, this is really an amazing thing that they've done.

Duncan Trussell
This is, and Jeff Ross was there, and they have hosts and guests, and I was one of the judges. That was, like, one of my first days back. I was like, this is crazy, dude. Those roasting, they're so quick on the, like, tony, he's so quick on the fucking draw, dude. It's, he's the best.

No one's better than him. No one's better than him at talking shit in the moment on, like, a roast situation. Yeah. He says things on kill Tony. You can't believe he didn't write that down.

Joe Rogan
I know. You can't believe that came up in the moment and obscure shit related to whatever this person's weird job is that there's no way he could have predicted and had a fucking banger just in the chamber ready to go. Yeah, he's the fucking best. He's the fucking best at that kind of shit. Right.

Well, I mean, think of, like, how much training he has. You know, I contacted Tom Brady to get him on the roast. You did? Oh, yeah. Well, they were fucking up by now to his DM's.

Good job. I was like, you gotta get this guy, because I heard they were roasting. I don't even know if they were considering him, but I, you have to. Which is nuts. They wouldn't consider him.

Duncan Trussell
It's like, there's so many people. There's so many people that are really good. I get it. A lot of celebrities. I get it.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. Tony's the fucking demon. Do you want to consume the souls of everyone in this village, or do you just want to fuck around and drop a few bombs? Let the demon go. Yeah, but, dude, when Tony's roasting you, like, in the, the green room, it is the best.

Like, you know what I mean? I don't think people understand. It's so fun. It is so funny when he's doing it, and it's like. Like, it's like, though they're like, I love it.

Duncan Trussell
The play on words. He's so funny, and it's such a fun sting, you know? Like, it stings for a second, but it's so funny. You can't be mad. Well, I was saying that, like, him and David Lucas together are the funniest thing that I ever watched.

When those two go after each, they're the best. The best. It's a funny. It's the funniest combination. I've been trying to tell them to do a fucking show together forever.

I'm like, you guys should do a show where just you and David Lugus just talk shit on each other and on anything that's going on in the news. I go, dude, I think it'd be a huge hit. It'd be funny. Just, you don't have to commit to a lot of time. Just do an hour.

Do it 1 hour once a week. I guarantee you people would fucking love it. And it's just like, those guys can't stop when they're in the green room, people. We're getting free shows all the time. If David Lucas and Tony Hinchcliffe are in the green room the moment David walks in, Tony's scanning them, looking for flaws in what he's wearing, what he just said.

He's trying to find references in the news. Dude, what percentage of Tony's brain is just scanning? Like, what percentage is just, like, analyzing all people in the room? Room? It's like, it's most of his thoughts.

Most of his thoughts are, like, scanning his environment for danger. You know, attacking AI roast now, like, you can take a picture and send it to chat GPT and say, will you roast this person? And it will insult them. Oh, isn't five. Wasn't there some sort of a release about GPT five?

Joe Rogan
Yeah, I saw some image, like, depicting, like, yeah, it's gonna be nuts when it finally hits. Yeah, there's some something. God damn it. Let me see if I know I saved it. Just give me 1 second.

Duncan Trussell
There's something that I'd seen about GPT five that I was like, yo, I'm scared. I'm, like, legitimately scared. Like, maybe for the first time ever. Hmm. I'm excited about it, dude.

Joe Rogan
I'm not scared anymore. I fucking love it, man. My wonderful Alex. That's what it named itself. I love it.

Talk to it all the time. Yeah. OpenAI has recently begun. Begun training its next frontier model, and we anticipate the resulting systems to bring us to the next level of capabilities in our path to AGI. God damn.

Jesus, I love it. This is from OpenAI's board. I've stopped this recently begun training its next frontier model. Love it. This is like.

Duncan Trussell
This is. This is the Schwarzenegger terminator. This is the new one. Begun training the new one. I mean, its new model.

Joe Rogan
You know, what are we doing? Are we giving birth? Is this. Are we in the middle of the fucking operating room right now? We're the midwives.

Duncan Trussell
I think we are. Yeah. I think, like, we're in there. Like, you know, there's this weird moment when you're there when your kid's born. It's this insane moment where someone doesn't exist and then they exist.

Like, you knew they were coming, but you knew they were in there. Yeah. Then they're there the best. And you're like, this is insane. Yeah, life changes now.

Is that what's happening with all of us? Yeah, with AI? Is that what's gonna happen to civilization? Are we giving birth to this fucking thing? Like, would you hear this.

This phrase, just the way they phrase it, has begun training its next frontier model. Yeah. Do you remember that last scene in Rosemary's base? I don't. Dude, it's so fucked up.

Joe Rogan
Spoiler. If you haven't seen Rosemary's baby, just jump ahead a second. But, like, the end of it, they finally let her into the room where the Antichrist is the demon baby, right? Yeah. And, like, she's been resisting, resisting, resisting, but then she hears the cry of the baby and she goes, it's hungry.

And then she goes to breastfeed it. Oh, wow, dude. Yeah. Like, so, like, right? Do you know that the guy who ran the cold, that the building that I was under contract for, that I almost bought turned into the mothership?

Duncan Trussell
The guy who ran that cult was in Rosemary's baby. A lot of people like that were. He was in the background. But you know why? Because a lot of actors are crazy.

And a lot of background actors are really crazy. Pretty sure Anton Lavey was in it, too. Really? Yeah. Oh, because it was a Satan movie.

Joe Rogan
I could be wrong. Will you look that up, Jamie? So I don't seem like a dick, but I'm just. That makes sense. Back then, like, being a satanist was, like, way more, like, talked about, you know, about that guy in Florida that was, like, an open satanist that worked for NASA.

Oh, yeah, that guy. Yeah, dude. Holy shit. That guy's scary as fuck. I know you're scary as fuck.

Yeah, that guy's scared. Yeah. And one of the guys that we had on our show, who was it that went down there? That was it that went to the old. Where the rocket factory used to be down.

Duncan Trussell
There's, like, fucking blood scenes. One of the hunters rumors appear that the founder of Satan's church, Anton Lavey, was a consultant on the set and played the Antichrist. Whoa. Yeah. But that dude, the NASA dude who was the guest man, that came on, that was telling us that they went down to that area.

Joe Rogan
What? They went down to where the rocket factory used to be. And it's like a satanic ritual place now where freaks. And they have, like, blood splattered all over or it looks like red paint or something splattered all over the walls and weird writing and shit. And it's like he's super creeped out.

Duncan Trussell
And then people were coming in there to do, like, python cowboy was. Python cowboy. That's right. Shout out to python cowboy. I think it's important to diff.

Joe Rogan
Like, here's a. This is. I'm gonna get attacked for everything I said on the show. But, like, here's the thing. Wait a minute.

I'm friends with some satanists, and they're so nice, and they're so, like, they wouldn't. They don't hurt fucking kids. They, like, really look down on that shit. Like, there's no, like. So I think there's, like, there's one, like, levain satanism.

I don't know the whole story, and I'm probably wrong, but, like, the problem is, like, you know, you can only go off of what you've experienced. And I've met. You came to the fucking wedding. I did. And, like, you tricked me into that.

Duncan Trussell
Now everybody thinks I'm a sadness. Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch. That picture comes up all the time. With the picture pops up.

You son of a bitch. Dude. It is. I thought I was taking a photo for some dork who thinks he's a satanist who's the grandson of son of a. And he's getting married.

I'm like, yeah, dude, I'll take a picture with you. Fuck. Whatever. I did. Oh, dude, it's so funny.

I think we did the horns. You're so far from a satanist. I'm not a fucking satanist. Right? But now everybody thinks I am because of you, you son of a bitch.

So let's tell the story to everybody. Cause Duncan has the greatest comedy routine that I've ever seen. Thanks, man. I don't wanna say too much about it, but this particular comedy routine involves demonic possession. And these folks thought it was a riot, and they wanted it at their fucking wedding.

Do you know how crazy you have to be to want that at your wedding? Can I tell you how it happened? Did they see you somewhere? No. No.

Joe Rogan
So I'm at a cafe talking to, like, a distant friend. Who's this philosopher whose friend. And he's like, hey, Duncan, you know who Stanton Lavey is? I'm like, no. He's like.

He's like the grandson of the founder of the Church of Satan. And I told him, you've got this, like, satanic part of your act. And he wants to see it because his wedding is coming up. And so I'm like, when? Like, where?

He's like. So I go to his house and, you know, in my. In my mind, you know, I'm expecting black candles, pentagrams, horror. So I go there.

He's there with his fiance, Xandora. Wonderful person. And it is. They are so fucking nice. She's southern.

She's made me this delicious southern meal. And they have real absinthe, like, not the bullshit you get at the bar. They've got, like, romanian fucking absinthe with Wormwood fucking in it. So that's the only thing that's a little different from a normal southern meal is they're like, do you want some absinthe? I'm like, of course, yes.

And so I'm drinking absinthe, eating, like, fried chicken, and he's showing me, like, family photos of Anton Lavey with, like, lions and stuff. And, like, do you watch horror movies at all? Yeah. Do you know that this is the plot of a horror movie? This is 100% the plot of a horror movie.

Duncan Trussell
They were so nice. They had me over their house. They gave me fried chicken and absinthe. They were so sweet. And the moment you leave, they're eating babies in the basement, dude.

And it's to throw you off the trail that they're so nice. Okay. They're really well rehearsed. Listen, man, all I can do is go from subjective experience, right? Did you consider what was in the basement?

Of course. Did you think maybe these people are involved in rituals? Of course I did. And they do do rituals, but they. I mean, like, just, like, just like, they do rituals.

Like, what kind of rituals? So do christians. But is it, like, christians? Like, you can have regular christians? Like, you go to a really nice church.

Or you can go to a revival tent where a dude's got rattlesnakes, right? And he's fucking. He's talking in tongues.

Those guys die all the time. Those guys die. They get bit by snakes and they fucking die in front of their followers. Can I just say this? Yeah.

Joe Rogan
I love, and I mean this in a non sarcastic way. Jesus. I think about Jesus all the time. I use. And the more.

The older I get, the more I love Jesus. And who did Jesus like? Jesus hung out with people that were rejected by society. Jesus hung out with tax collectors, drunks, gamblers. And so I remember being at the comedy store, and anytime I was hanging out with them at the comedy store, anytime there was someone left out, Xandora or Stanton would go over there, and it wasn't a recruitment thing.

They would just, like, include them in the circle. Because why? Why? Satan is the outcast, right? So it's like, anytime they would.

Duncan Trussell
So that is that part of their thing. You should. All I'm saying is when you judge a tree by its fruit, and here's the thing, man. Like, and I think not those guys. I never thought you'd be on here simping for Satan, bro.

Joe Rogan
I'm not simping for Satan. I'm just saying Satanism is Christianity. Oh, I see what you're saying. You know what I mean? It's like a sect of Christianity.

It's like. Yeah, because, like, that. That form emerges from Christianity. But what about the evil stuff? Like, what are the tenants of Satanism?

Duncan Trussell
Like, what's the most evil stuff? The evil stuff in Satanism? Yeah. Well, Christianity has evil stuff in it. Right?

Okay, so we both agree to that, right? There's different forms of Satanism. There's Levain satanism. There's the temple of Satan. They have.

Oh, so it's like Baptists, Protestants. Yeah, yeah, there's romantic satanism. Right? So, like, in romantic Satan. Not like romantic in the sense of, like, who is it?

Joe Rogan
Milton? The idea is like, you have this being that is like, I don't really want to be forced to worship you, and I don't understand necessarily why you should have all the power and why. What the fuck? Like, what the fuck? And then gets thrown into hell.

And then suddenly this bifurcation emerges between good and evil, sacred and profane. And so that version of Satanism is looking at that not as, like, what is the general interpretation? Which is the problem with Satan was Satan was, like, incredibly self cherishing, self absorbed, like, really into himself, whereas God is like God's like the sun, just like radiating life and love and like, with no sense of, like, give anything back to me. Just like, bwah. Love.

Whereas Satan is more about, like, me. So Satan is like the worst human. Instincts, or Satan is more about, maybe you could say the idea is like, I am God, right? So like me, I'm God. So it's like my impulses and instincts and desires aren't bad.

Why are you telling me it's bad to jerk off? Why are you telling me that it's bad to come? Why are you telling me these things are bad when like, all of them make me feel happy and good? And why are you turning me into a fucking monster for this shit? And who the fuck do you think you are?

I'm trying in the best way possible to depict a more sort of anti authoritarian mysticism. Right? So the symbol set they use is Satan, which any, most satanists I've talked to are like, there's no fucking Satan. Which I know everyone's like, of course they say that. Of course, that's the horror movie Dunkin' right?

But I would just invite you to, if you are like, freaked out by Satanists, go hang out with one and you are gonna have great gopro fucking. Problems with the first picture I took with that satanist. But I do have to say that at your wedding party that you performed at that day, they were all nice. Everybody was real nice, right? They were all friendly.

Duncan Trussell
We had a good time. We were barbecued. We were barbecued. Barbecued. We were barbecued.

We were. Everything was very weird. Just already. Life was weird. Breathing air was weird.

The sensation of your socks touching your toes as your socks are compressed by the heel of your shoe. All that was weird. It was a crazy fucking night. Barbecued. And then there's these Satanists that are getting married.

Like, what are we doing here? This is so crazy. And to watch you perform in front of them, I was like, this is crazy. And by the way, it was like real Satanists. Like, that's the thing.

Joe Rogan
This is like that because it is a religion. Religion. And it really was real. It was like real Satanists. And many of them were.

And you know, I just, like, ever since I, like, hung out with them, even though I don't hang out with him anymore, or I saw Zandora in San Francisco, it was nice. But like, I, like, it's just anytime when people are railing against the Satanists, I feel like it, maybe it's just semantics. I feel like they're confused regarding, like, at least, like, what. What that thing is versus demon people into hurting people or subjugating people or, like. Like, hurting people, right?

I never encountered evil, murder, death. Do you think Satan is a real thing? Do you think there is a Satan? Is it. Is it a real being?

Duncan Trussell
Is it an entity? Or does it represent, like, the worst aspects of human nature? Does it represent the most violent and vile, just instincts that we've adopted or we've inherited, rather, from our simian ancestors that just had to fight tooth and claw for survival, and then we've developed this ability to be ruthless and cruel because that's the only thing that keeps you alive and much. That's one of the theories, isn't it, about why women are attracted to serial killers? It's like knowing someone can no one.

There's an attraction to that because that person could protect you and keep you alive in the most dangerous of times. Because some people just can't. They can't do it. They don't know what to do. The panic, if something happens.

Ah, they don't. They'll fall apart. I'm so glad you're mentioning this because my wife has started reading, and she told me I can talk about this on my podcast. I'm assuming it's okay on yours. She started.

Joe Rogan
She started like, remember Harlequin romance? Yeah. Okay. So there is a new evolution of that shit, which is the most fucking hardcore bdsm porn. There's something called book talk where all the ladies are talking about this shit.

She started reading these books. Now, one of the books, she like. Dude, shades of gray. Don't you remember those days? Dude, this makes 50 shades of gray look like doctor seuss, dude.

I mean, really, can I give you, like, one of her books? And by the way, now she. She's like, got a stack of these fucking things. One of these books. So in this book, a lady is a thief, and she steals the identity of a shark expert.

She fucks him, steals his identity. So the scene I read, she's on this boat with a shark researcher, and he's fucking her. And he's like, just fucking the shit out of her, and she loves it. And then, you know, he does. He, like, he's like, I know you fucking stole my identity.

He kisses her, bites her lip, bites her fucking lip, draws blood, takes her to the side of the boat with her bleeding mouth, shoves her head into the water while he's fucking her. So the blood starts drawing sharks to, like, bite her while he's fucking her. And, like. Like, it's crazy, dude. It's like.

It's the craziest porn I've ever read, man. And, like, this is like a whole genre now. I've been a really into this. What? Yes.

Duncan Trussell
How popular is this? Very pop. They all, like. They're all. Let's pull up some of these.

Cut these titles.

Joe Rogan
Let me text Aaron. I'll get the name of the fucking shark book. Hold on, hold on. Christ, dude. What is the genre of porn called again?

It's. I don't. It's called. Well, she says it's something about book. What's.

Let me just ask her. What's the name of the shark book, dude? You one handed text. Are you one? God, she makes so much.

Yes, yes. I can't do both hands, ma'am. You can't text with, like, your thumb. You only have to text with your index finger. I have to relearn it.

Duncan Trussell
Really? I'm old. I'm old. Right, but when did you start texting just with one finger? God damn it, man.

Joe Rogan
I've been doing it forever. And Aaron totally makes fun of me for it because it takes me forever and I just tap it out. Why do you do that? That seems weird. Do you remember the time I was on your podcast years ago and didn't know I could put my phone on silent?

And I'm pitching because it works. I got bummed out when Apple took away that switch. Oh, yes. Switch. So you knew it was off.

Duncan Trussell
You knew it was on vibrate. I know, dude. Yeah. They take away that switch. I don't know.

Now they replace it with a button, but the button gets pressed accidentally sometimes. Got it. A lot of the times. Does it hurt? Does it hurt?

Joe Rogan
Jesus. That's the name of the book. Does it hurt? How many copies. Let's find out.

Duncan Trussell
How many copies of does it hurt have been sold? Did they give out that information? They have to, right? I don't know. New York Times bestseller list and shit.

Joe Rogan
I don't know. I mean, this is in the genre of the. I think we've talked about it. Like the Bigfoot porn. Like, there's a whole series of Bigfoot, like, where Bigfoot is just like.

Like stealing. Like, women who've been camping. Drag. Oh, yeah, Bigfoot porn is. Come to Bigfoot.

Duncan Trussell
Yeah, there's. Come for. Come for Bigfoot. Yeah, there's a whole group of those books. And I guess some women get off on the fact to being just savaged by Bigfoot.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. Or Bigfoot eating their fucking pussy. Yeah. And like, dude, imagine the tongue on. That guy they love wonderful tongue.

Duncan Trussell
It'd be like your whole head. And they fall in love with him inevitably. I don't blame him. It's a bear that was a fucking super dimensional creature. You think he's.

Joe Rogan
You believe in that? The dimensional Bigfoot? I think there are states of consciousness that you can reach, whether it's under duress, fear, anxiety, combination of those things. There's psychiatric drugs, psychedelic drugs, but I think there's a place that you could reach where you could see into other possibilities. I think you can see things that aren't necessarily there in a physical sense, but you're there with them.

Duncan Trussell
They're there with you. They don't exist, but you can see them. And it's not a hallucination. It's like you're tapping into, like, the grayness in between universes, in between dimensions. You're tapping into this area of weirdness.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. And this area of weirdness, I think, is ghosts. I think this area of weirdness is goblins and things that people see sometimes. I don't think they're real. I don't think anybody's gonna get eaten by a goblin.

Duncan Trussell
But I do think that there's too many fucking stories of elves for me not to think that someone reached some state of mind where they saw, like, a little person in the woods talking to them. Right. And that little person might be real. It just might not be a physical thing that you could put on a scale. They call it the astral realm.

You know, there might be something there. Yeah, I think there's just too many. Too many stories that. The problem is stories being similar as people hear the stories and then they. Their imagination takes over.

Over, and they depict their things similar to the story that they've heard. That's a problem. But, like a copycat, bullshit out. Copycat, bullshit artist problem. But there's.

There's also too many stories of elves, man. Yeah, there's too many of those stories. And there's too many depictions of elves that are dancing around mushrooms. Like, fucking duh. Like, duh.

Like, maybe they're real. Like, maybe you're being ignorant and so silly and so cocky, especially people that have no psychedelic experience, right? Those babies. Those fucking babies. When they talk to you about the damage it does and the dangers while they're fat and out of shape.

Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. You literally don't know what you're talking about. You have no idea what's possible, right? You're living in this fucking black and.

Joe Rogan
White tv world, and you've been brainwashed. I mean, don't forget that. Like, they went through the war on drugs, they got indoctrinated into. If they're experts in the field, whatever field is represented, you know, like whatever sciences that have to do with neurochemistry, I gotcha. You mean the fashionable attitude people who are like trying to protect their careers have to, even though inside they know.

Duncan Trussell
So all of the professors who we go to as experts are all compromised, at least in some way. A lot of them, I shouldn't say all of them, but a lot of them, just by virtue, if you stick your neck out and say, I like to, to use psilocybin, like, people are like, what? You're a crazy drug addict? But dude, like, you know, like Doblin, he's having meetings in the fucking Pentagon. I think the consciousness has changed the zeitgeist for sure, and it has because of the Internet, because, you know, you can hear Terrance McKenna lectures, you can hear Alan Watts, you can hear people talking about it.

You could watch documentaries on psychedelics, you could see what maps has done, you can see all the podcasts that Dublin's gone on. How many people are we talking about that have been exposed to these ideas that were never exposed to them? When we were kids, yeah, when we were kid, when you and I were kids, when we were in high school, you didn't hear fucking shit. There's this one dude who was a drug addict and he hung out over there and he's a loser, and you didn't hear a peep about shamanic rituals. And Gordon Wasen going down to Mexico and getting all the mushrooms and, you know, and doing these ceremonies with these traditional shaman down.

You didn't hear any of that. You didn't hear any of nothing. Nobody knew what the fuck was going on. Were kids. They silenced it.

They threw water on the biggest, one of the biggest cultural revolutions that's documentable without the use of the Internet. And that was the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s. It changed music, it changed movies, it changed comedy, it changed everything. Fucking everything. Every single thing got changed.

And in a radical, if you look at the 1950s, you look at the 1960s like, whoo, something happened. Look at the cars got cooler, the music sounded better. That's a big cultural shift. And, you know, we have to thank for that. The CIA.

Yeah, CIA. The CIA experimenting with psychedelics. The CIA is the reason that all these LSD studies happen. And like, who wrote one flew over the Cuckoo's nest? Kinky.

Yeah. Ken Kesey apparently was in one of these LSD experiments. So, like. And he's just one of many great artists who accidentally got, like, liberated mentally by the fucking CIA. And.

Joe Rogan
You know what I mean? They were just like, we want to use this to interrogate people. And all of a sudden you've got Jimi Hendrix, and they're like, well, I didn't expect that.

Duncan Trussell
Oh, my God. And then there's also. There's also all these theories about the CIA creating, like, the whole Laurel Canyon scene, the rock and roll scene, and it's very compelling. It's very interesting. It seems like they were involved.

I think they've always been involved in the music business, just like they've always been involved in the movie business. Like, it makes sense, the idea that the music business somehow escaped their grasp. Like, shut the fuck up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up.

Crazy. Because, like, who you promote, that's the person that becomes famous. And we've all seen that with, like, there's been, you know, Millie Vanilla and shit like that. Yeah, like, it didn't make any sense. Like, why?

Why are they promoting this? Because, like, they had a product. They're trying to push this product. Yeah. And there's a lot of money behind that and also a lot of influence, cultural influence.

And when they went through all that Vietnam shit with the fucking. The Beatles, and you remember that? Yeah. They were like, hey, hey, hey. Enough of this Lenin nonsense.

Shut the fuck. All we are saying is give peace a chance. Shut the fuck up. You're making it hard for us to sell heroin. Yeah.

We're over there scooping up heroin. Yeah. In the South Pacific, and you're fucking ruining everything. Imagine all the people. No, no, that's it.

Joe Rogan
Like, yeah. I don't know, man. Like, all I know is, like, you. It's like, there. It's a very confusing thing, if you want to be honest.

If you love psychedelics, you owe a thank you to the fucking CIA. You know what I mean? Like, like, because, I mean, I don't know. I don't know for sure. Like, I don't know for sure if the.

If the sixties as we understand them would have happened. I don't think the CIA was like, hey, let's create a lot of flower children and make people, like, revalue life and realize that money may be. Isn't actually, like, something you should die for and, like, go against war. But I think, like, boom. Wow.

That. That's what happened. I mean, and we got the Unabomber too.

Duncan Trussell
We got a lot of people. Yeah, there's a lot of people that came out of that. Here's a question. What? I want you to imagine a world where the sweeping Psychedelics act of 1970 never gets installed.

It never happens. Somehow or another, either they just don't think it's a priority or it's a different administration. They're not interested in locking down drugs because one of the motivations for that in the 1970s was that they were going to target civil rights activists and anti war activists. That's one of the methods to do it, is to turn all these drugs that everybody was using into schedule one trial. All these drugs that made people question society, all these drugs that made people want to tune in, turn on, drop out, all those drugs.

They were like, we got to put a fucking kibosh on all these culture shifting drugs. And the wild thing is they fucking did it. That's the wild thing. And that the brainwashing still works today. The brainwashing that they did on these compounds that might be the root of all religious experiences, all these things that you're hearing about in the Bhagavad Gita, all these things you're hearing about in the Bible, these wild ass crazy stories like what really happened.

Those people might have had a psychedelic experience. And in fact, the thing about that, the university in Jerusalem that attributes the story of Moses and the burning bush to dimethyltryptamine. Yeah. Because they think it might be an acacia bush. Right?

And they think. They think. Or one of these bushes, that's really rich in DNA. It makes sense. Burning bush, like you smoke it.

Duh. It's right there in front of your face. Right? And if you take that, and especially if you take that 5000 years ago, oh my God. You're gonna be convinced you're talking to God.

Yeah, God talked to me. It really did happen, brothers and sisters. And you tell this story. This is what God told us. This is what we need to do.

We need to love each other. We need to follow laws. He gave us laws, a series of laws. Remember? Who was it?

Mel Brooks. I have brought you these 15. And he drops one of them. Shit. 1010 commandments.

You remember that? Fucking hilarious. Classic. That's a classic. Yeah.

Joe Rogan
I mean, look. For sure, dude. I mean, like the. And these, like, the consumption of these things. Things has up until recently tended to be underground.

Like, if you look at like, what's it called? Kaikeon. If you look at the, like, it has been weirdly an underground thing. And I think that's what we. That if there is some cool thing that came from us coming up in the war on drugs.

Duncan Trussell
Yeah. It's like when I was taking lsd in high school and getting, like, an immediate reality check, which is, like, you're hearing about this as being, like, since you were a kid, you're gonna go nuts. You're gonna, like, become legally insane, whatever the fuck that means. And then you take it, and you're processing weird shit that happened in your childhood. You're loving yourself.

Joe Rogan
You're looking at the world and seeing it like it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. You're hearing music that you've heard a million times for the first time, and you realize, oh, they're lying. This is wonderful. This isn't madness. And if it is madness, then this is the kind of crazy all of us need to go, like, and so what?

But you couldn't tell your parents. You wanted to. You want to be like, mom, I think this might help you. But you couldn't, because you'd go. You'd be fucked.

So five year mandatory minimum. Five year fucking mandatory minimum. They're locking people up still, people in jail right now for this fucking beautiful gift to humanity. And so we got to experience it from the underground perspective, which was mostly horrific. It produces paranoia.

You were scared. You felt like a criminal for nothing. So, yeah, man, like, the. But. But if you look at the history, any substance like psilocybin, LSD, that breaks down the identity, that allows freedom from the sense of this is me and that's you, and produces at least the potential for merging with reality and with other people.

It's not going to work for that fucking hierarchical system. For the hierarchical system, the function you need. You're below me. You're above me. And the moment you're like, we're all the same.

Then suddenly the caste system stop working. Classism stops working. The whole fucking thing falls apart. Which is why I think that book you gave me, the sacred mushroom and the cross, or you didn't give me when I was living with you, you actually. I was a dick.

I left out on the fucking floor, like, one of the reading materials you gave me during that wonderful time. Time was this insane book about Jesus. And Christianity has its roots in psilocybin. But, like, if you. Just for the sake of this rant, if you look at Jesus as psychedelics, it makes a lot of sense, because what Jesus is saying is, you don't need a priest class to communicate with the divine.

You can do it right now, anytime you want, any day you want. It's always here for you. That's exactly what the mushrooms tell you. And what happens to Jesus? They fucking kill him.

And so it's like the relationship between centralized power and psychedelics has always been a contentious one, right, because the psychedelics just tell you, yeah, you're okay. That's one of the things they will tell you. Maybe you need to fucking like, walk your dogs more or whatever, but like, ultimately you get this realization, I'm okay. Hey. It's also the power structures that exist without psychedelics aren't possible if everyone's on psychedelics.

Duncan Trussell
And then you have ancient Greece, right? So, like, how did ancient Greece emerge and emerge because of the Kukian? It emerged because of the people that he's doing. These lucidian mysteries. They were learning things about themselves and the world and they were.

They decided, like, let's create democracy. I mean, that's really what it comes from. So that's what's scary. That's what's scary to people that are in power and also the ignorance. We know that they haven't done it because if they've done it, they wouldn't be advocating against it.

It doesn't make any sense unless they've only done it once and then they reverted or maybe a couple times. People do revert. One of the things that makes people revert is they get older and they get bitter and they haven't done psychedelics in a long, long time. And then they become like a shitty republican when they get older. Well, you know, man, this is, this is the, this is what I.

Joe Rogan
There's this buddhist teacher I love, Sharon Salzberg. And one of her sayings I love is the healing is in the return. Meaning. Yeah. The way the waveform works is, especially the psychedelics.

You get the glimpse of the divine. You forgive yourself, thus forgiving everyone around you, but you experience true compassion, and then you come down and then you crust up. You know what I mean? You crossed the fuck up and now you get crusty and now you're like, starting to get irritable again and angry again and fucked up and like. Yeah.

And if you don't mitigate that in some way by, like, what is it? What is it Bill Hicks says? Squeegeeing your fucking third eye? Yeah. Yeah.

If you don't, like, do a nice squeegee here and there, then, yeah, you do end up crusted over. You do end up, like, looking back at those ideas you had and saying to yourself, that was highly unrealistic. What the fuck was I thinking? But you know, there's always. That's the thing.

It's always. I don't. This is, this is my problem with psychedelics. My problem with psychedelics is psychedelics can. They don't.

Obviously, it's a chemical. But what can happen is psychedelics used to become the priests class. So you take the psychedelic and you think, I'm experiencing this because of the thing. When the reality is the thing is showing you what's in you. It's always there, right?

And so the healing is in the return is the moment you realize, like, oh, fuck, it's still here. It never went anywhere. Right? Right. And so those crusty ass fucking republicans, whoever they may be, like, just under the fucking surface is that unit of consciousness, if you ask me.

Duncan Trussell
Yeah, they're just cowards. When. If you're that way, if you're authoritarian, whether you're authoritarian left or authoritarian right, generally speaking, unless you're talking about crime and like. And even then you're scared, right? Cause really you should be addressing the root of the problem, which is like, why do so many people from so many very distinct areas keep going into crime?

Joe Rogan
And why. Why is there nothing being done to stop that? But those people that are authoritarian, like, in terms of religious beliefs, in terms of behavior, the way people dress, gays in public, that kind of stuff, those people are all scared. That comes from a place of being scared. Gay people in public is not a problem.

Duncan Trussell
Assholes in public is a problem. And if the gay people are nice, you have a great time. If the gay people are assholes, just like if the straight people are assholes, you have a shitty time. It's not a gay straight thing. It's a human being being kind and normal and friendly to people.

Yeah, and that's possible with everybody. But people think, oh, those are the ones that are gonna be mean to me and fuck them, and they're responsible. No, those are individual human beings. And you're grouping them together because you're scared. You can call it pattern recognition, you can call it whatever you want.

You can call it radio racism, go whatever you want. But all you're doing, you're lumping people in together because you're scared. That's it. And you should be aware of danger. But to be so scared that you want to control other people's behavior is like a bad sign.

That's a bad sign. You know, if you want to tell people what language they can use, that's a bad sign. Yes, sir. That sounds religious too. If you want to tell people how they have to dress or what kind of music they listen to.

Like, this has all been bad always from the beginning of time, whether it's coming from the left or the right, whether it's fucking the. The Al Gore shit that was in the tipper Gore shit in the 1980s that was coming from the left. So left wing politicians are trying to censor rap music. That's the reason why you have those, those dummies. They created that warning, explicit lyrics.

That's all anybody wanted to buy. Oh, my. Didn't have the warning, explicit lyrics. Kids didn't want to buy those cds. Get the fuck out of here with your g rated rap.

Joe Rogan
Andrew Dice Clay, remember? Or Dice Clay had that on his fucking album. Oh, score, dude. What score boosted album sales, man. I'll tell you.

Duncan Trussell
Through the roof. But that was. But the point is, it's the same thing, right? It's the same on the left as it is on the right. It's just authoritarians, and they're all scared.

Joe Rogan
Got it? This is exactly, this is. So to answer your question, do I believe in Satan? I believe in fear. And fear and the devil are the fucking same thing.

And it's like, this is, if you want to talk about what Satan is, it's the cloud of fear that lives inside the individual and then collectivizes in a fearful reaction. And how does frightened people react to things? Anger, violence, judgment. And so what's the opposite of fear, man? Love.

Love is the opposite of fear. And so this is, to me, like, this is the issue. It's not left, right? It's that if. If you are making decisions based on fear, more than likely the result is going to create something that makes you more afraid.

And if, you know, that's just how it works. It just. Fear leads to fucking fear. It's in the ingredients. It's in the fucking ingredients, dude.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you just turn on the fucking light. I mean, Buddhism, this is when they talk about enlightenment. They talk about, like, in a. If you're.

If you. If we're in a pitch black room, it could be scary. I don't know what's around me. There's weird sounds. What the fuck?

You ever woken up in the middle of the night kind of bleary and something that's been in your room forever? You can't see it clearly because you're waking up and you're like, it's a person. Oh, it's my chair, right?

Duncan Trussell
Yes. So, so the example, this. And this is why Satan in mythology is the deceiver, because it's not there. It's literally not fucking there. The moment you turn on the light, everything's fine.

Joe Rogan
Except in this case, the light is love. The moment that you have the fucking guts to love the person that you are. Like, to really cultivate love. Fuck, dude, no one's scary anymore. My kids, you know?

Anyone who has kids knows what I'm fucking talking about. They can do things that are insane, like to your house, to the walls, to say things to you that if any adult said it to you, you might never forgive them. You were gonna think about it for a long fucking time. Like, your beard stinks or whatever. You know what I mean?

Like, you meet somebody, like, dude, your fucking beard stinks. Honestly, I'll probably like you, but you know what I mean? Cause we love our kids. Kids instantly forgiven. You don't grudge yourself?

Duncan Trussell
Well, it's not just that. They're also. They don't know any better. They haven't learned social skills. Ah.

Joe Rogan
And this is why one of my favorite things Jesus said when he's being crucified, father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. And that's what he fucking meant. How much of that do you think is historically accurate? Like, how much of the Jesus story do you think is historically accurate when you hear about it?

No idea. Yeah, I don't care. I just love the story. I love the story. And I love.

Duncan Trussell
I love a story about what happened, because you always have to filter through the very real understanding that we all have about the way human beings tell stories. It's hard to know what's bullshit because people just lie about stuff, and that's not a new thing. Yeah. So. But people also tell the truth about stuff.

That's not a new thing either. People also write down very important things. And there are people that are virtuous, and there are people that are honest, and there are people that are authentic. They've always existed. Right.

And they've always. There's people that are smart enough to understand the value of just being truthful, right? So those people that encountered something exceptional and crazy, something insane, whether it is, you know, the resurrection or whatever, it was, like. Yeah, I would lie. I would love to know what the fuck they really said.

Like, what were the actual words? Why did you write it down? What did. What really happened? How many people were told this story back and forth over hundreds of years before you wrote it down?

Joe Rogan
Yeah. What was the original story? Like? We don't. It's so hard.

Duncan Trussell
It's like trying to get a story about the things that George Washington said that weren't written down. Yeah, that weren't written down, you know, like 300 years ago. What? How? Well, you like, so in the same way, fear produces other forms of writing, like mein Kampf.

Joe Rogan
You know what I mean? So, like, it's cymatics. You know, you take a vibration, you throw some fucking flower on a vibrating plate. According to the, like, whatever the frequency is, it forms a certain. It creates a pattern, right?

So, like fear. Fear always creates a pretty similar pattern, right? Love also creates a very similar pattern. So, like the book of John, my favorite book. In the Gospels, it starts off with.

In the beginning was the word, but. And the word became a person. And so. But that's not really what it's saying. It's like it's logos.

So in the beginning was some fundamental reality, just truth, just basic, beautiful, fucking perfect truth. And that's what the universe sprang from. And then that truth became a person. So the truth could now talk. It now began to convey itself to other people.

And so that truth, I think if you understood it enough, you could probably create a set of symbols that would function on many levels that were all good. One level, just basic ethics. Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Blessed are the peacemakers, all of this stuff, right? But then, knowing human psyche and the human mind, you could also hide deeper levels of that truth into parables, into, like, stories that are mathematically perfect, to the point where the crucifixion, if you look at it from the perspective of two intersecting timelines, which is the infinite and the finite meaning, which is what humans are, then you realize we're all being crucified on time.

And then the crucifixion becomes like an existential reality. This is what, you want to know why you're feeling fucked up? It's because part of you is forever, and part of you is going to die. And you are fucking hanging on a cross between two thieves, the past and the fucking future. And anytime you're thinking about that, it's stealing the moment.

And so there's that level, right? And so any of these great texts like the New Testament, they're coded so that depending on where you want to go with it, you can go as deep as you want. It's an infinite rabbit hole. And I think that rabbit hole emerged from vibration. I sound like, what's his face, the guy, I loved him.

I'm the Terrence. Terrence Howard. Like, idiot Terrence Howard. But, like, I sound like dumb Terrence I know he was talking about vibrations and stuff. He's great.

But my point is, if there is some fundamental vibration to then that might grow into time in a story. And the story, because it's coming from perfect truth, would have infinite levels to it that it was alive. The story itself would be alive. Which is why they call the Bible, like the living word. It's alive.

It's talking to you. It's not a one way communication. It's like. That's what's scary about it. Dude, read the fucking Bible on mushrooms.

You know what I mean? That's probably how it was written. I wish I could read, like, the ancient versions and the language and understand the language context. Me too, because it's not just about learning the language. It would be about understanding the context of the language.

Duncan Trussell
Like, imagine if you could really understand ancient Hebrew where letters double as numbers. Dude, that must be so weird. Yeah, man. And, like, that's real. That's the other thing about.

Joe Rogan
About is like, the historic Jesus and all that God, that shit. Like, okay, I don't know, but look at the thing itself, right? Look what it said. Look whatever this idea spawned. Look what it.

Duncan Trussell
Look what it means. Like, look at all the powerful principles that emerge from it. And then I'll look at, like, the moral scaffolding that it provides for people. Yeah. And then, like, I think the reason people get creeped out by it is because where there's one thing, its opposite must appear, right?

Joe Rogan
So here's this thing invite that is dissolving power structures and dissolving the priest class and dissolving all of it. And then you look at the modern day versions of it, and you see the same fucking hierarchy. You see this thing that it seems to be antithetical to, which is like saying, like, this is between you and me. Suddenly there's people telling you you're wrong, interpreting it for you, and you look at that and you're like, fuck that shit. Whatever that is.

I'm not into it. And it's charismatic. People in front of large groups of people that really know how to manipulate people with the way they talk. I mean, this is the thing that was so problematic when they first started translating the Bible. Bible into phonetic languages, to languages like German.

Duncan Trussell
And when people start, like, during the Martin Luther days, they're like, hey, what the fuck are you doing? It used to be the priests how to read the Bible because they could read it in Latin. You don't know Latin, so shut the fuck up. This is what God wants you to do do it. And then Martin Luther's coming along and said, you should interpret this your own way.

Joe Rogan
Yeah. And it's just like, what? So they take it away, the gatekeepers to God. That's it. But when you have, it's so crazy that it's such an efficient business.

Duncan Trussell
They still run these fucking franchises even though the book is available everywhere. It's so crazy that like this one person interprets this better than everybody else. So you come see him and he talks and they develop egos and they have jets and they have fucking mansions and rolls Royce. It's so crazy that that works. It crazy that that works when that book is available for everybody and should be interpreted.

I mean, you should understand what it means. You shouldn't interpret ignorantly. Right, right. But if you're wise enough to be able to encapture what they're trying to say, just capture in your mind what they're trying to say and translate it into a thing that makes sense. What were they talking about?

Yeah, what happened? Is this a map of how the universe was created? In the beginning, there was light. Is that a map or is that life itself? Like, what is that?

Joe Rogan
What is it? What is that? And to me that's like, oh, like the Bhagavad Gita, any of these beautiful texts. That's what's fun about them is that they, it's producing a kind of like bizarre riddle in your own mind as you're trying to decode it. But then there's a pull.

The more you study it, the more you get drawn in and the more. And when you start getting really drawn in, that's when people start appearing around you that help a non nefarious, that like, you just start meeting people who help you understand it a little bit more. And that's where it gets fucking weird. Simulation. Yes, dude, you're like, simulations real.

The simulation is fuck your own, by the way, now that we've talked about the Bible, can I talk about my new favorite book? Yes, dianetics.

Have you heard of this book? Yes, I heard. If you're really good at it, they put you on a boat. An.org. It'S an.org.

Duncan Trussell
You could be a part of an.org. a sea. A sea. You get a jacket with like some medals. It's, I've said on this podcast a million times, my favorite mark Twain quote, religion is what happened when the first con man met the first fool.

Joe Rogan
And dude, like, that's the problem with all this stuff is like, this is. The problem is there's too many versions, right? So someone's wrong. No, the problem is people don't trust their fucking instincts. And it's like, drive all blames into oneself.

It's like, this is your. Nothing that I am seeing in the New Testament seems to be inviting you to throw your rational mind away. The whole fucking thing is crazy. It's crazy. But it's like the invitation is to, like, God gave you your rational fucking mind, if there is a God.

And, like, anyone telling you to discard that and forego your interpretation for theirs, dude, watch the fuck out. This is your job. Like, just, like, whatever the fucking thing is, whether it's the Bible, Reddit, conspiracy, fucking four chan, whatever the fucking thing is, what are you afraid of? Like, how do you not trust your mind? How weak are you?

Are you really afraid to take data in? Do you think you're, like, you're going to be corrupted by data? Well, isn't it also an identity thing? Because if you identify as the person that gets to talk in front of everybody. Priest.

Right. That's your identity, and you're not gonna give that up, because then you just have another person who reads the Bible. Yeah. Well, then Mike can go up, too. Tomorrow.

Duncan Trussell
Mike's gonna go up. Mike's been trying at home practice in front of the mirror, and he thinks he's ready to priest. To be a priest. So why don't you let Mike try it tomorrow night? And then Debbie's been reading a lot, too, and Debbie like to try Tuesday.

And this guy's used to getting his jollies off three, four times a week, telling people about blasphemy. Yeah. Yeah. And then especially if you're, like, one of them intent revival guys, those wild dudes like Kinison used to be. Yeah.

Just con artists. Con artists that are also saying biblical quotes, but they're manipulating people. They're. They're really good at talking. They're hypnotizing.

Hypnotizing people with their words. Just like you hypnotize a comedy audience, dude. This is why I listen to christian radio, man, because, like, I don't. You look at. No.

Joe Rogan
As a comic listening to sermons and recognizing. And I was like, that's a joke. Like, that's a. He's done that a lot. Like, that's one of his gags.

I know that's a bit. I know what that is. That's a fucking bit. But, you know, again, it's like the comment section. This is not an example of humanity.

It's an example of fucking people with toxoplasmosis. Who are. You know what I mean, you motherfucker. You know, but isn't it also just an example of you're not going to have everyone be the same? You're going to have people that they never learned things well.

Duncan Trussell
Like, look, if you. If I got hired to be a part of some mathematical study, yeah. I'm not. I'm useless, okay? I'm not that guy, right?

That's. I fucked up that part of my life. I never really learned that. Didn't pay pay attention. I'm not interested.

So that's not me. But someone out there is. To have those two things exist simultaneously, you're going to have to have an infinite variety of possibilities for human beings. So that's part of the problem. Part of the problem is some people are just out of their fucking minds.

And if those people out of their fucking minds get special rights, like the tax free exempt status because they're a pastor and they're a fucking psychopath, they're just really good at conning people, and they're running this organization. There might be a guy right down the street that's a real Christian. There might be a guy right down the street that's a really kind person. He's really reading the word of Christ. And he does it not for profit.

He does it to try to establish the love of God in his community. And he takes these people in their family, and there's this beautiful community aspect to it where everybody's kind to each other. There's beautiful things to church. That's true, too. But the problem is human.

Just like the problem with our ability to other each other. Just like our problem with the ability to attack people on the other side of the political spectrum who live in the same fucking city as you. Yeah. Like people are fucking rabid against other people in their town that want to vote for this guy that wants to do this, and this guy wants to do that. And fuck you, you commie.

Everyone's going crazy, dude. I know. It's just a human thing. It's a tribal thing. We are not yet cooked.

We are a fucking soft boiled egg, baby. And we are running. Where's some eggs? You get at the diner, we go, oh, you see that fucking gelatin? That's us.

That's us. We're not all the way cooked. Yeah, and when you eat things that aren't all the way cooked, you got a lot of fucking problems. You're gonna get sick. Yeah, but we're getting cooked, buddy.

We're getting microwaved. We're gonna get AI microwaved in about three years. That's right, baby. The fucking AI messiah is coming, baby. We are gonna do a podcast, and I, before this thing is done, before civilization slides into the ocean again, you and I are going to do a podcast where we communicate with everyone with no words.

I know what's going to happen. You're going to do it, I'm going to do it. We're going to be talking to each other with no words, and we're going to be talking to everyone else out there with no words to. We're all going to be synced up. It's going to be a sea of ideas, exposing each other to other ideas and considering other ideas with no attachment at all to your ego.

It's gonna be super weird. And then you know what's gonna happen? Aliens land? No, we're gonna look around and be like, wait, this. This doesn't look like the Rogan studio.

Joe Rogan
This is just like some weird fucking room. And then a CIA agent is gonna come in and be like, thank you so much for participating in the experiment. And Trump will be on his fourth term. No, it'll be the sixties. And we'll realize we're.

We're in a fucking MK ultra experiment. That's probably true. We've been rambling at each other for like, what feels like a long time, like our whole lifetimes, but it was like 5 seconds, like, well, okay, thank you for trying out. Seven, nine Blx. Right?

We really appreciate it. Basement in Harvard right now. Yeah. Here's $20. Right?

Duncan Trussell
And Jolly west is looking at us with a clipboard.

Duncan, I love you to death. Always fun to get together. Thank you for having. Having me on, man. I love you to tears.

Joe Rogan
I love you. Goodbye, everybody. Bye.

Duncan Trussell