We're Not Fighting Democrats. We're Fighting Something DARKER | Guests: Yael Eckstein & JP Decker | 8/8/24
Primary Topic
This episode explores the idea that current political battles are not merely against political opponents, but against a broader, darker force manipulating societal and economic conditions globally.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The challenges faced today transcend traditional political rivalries, hinting at globalist influences.
- Economic policies and crises may be manufactured to erode national sovereignty and personal wealth.
- Media plays a significant role in shaping public perception and narrative to support globalist agendas.
- The erosion of traditional values is portrayed as part of a deliberate effort to undermine societal norms.
- Beck advocates for vigilance, research, and self-reliance to resist these manipulations.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Beck sets the stage for the episode's theme, introducing the idea that the fight isn't just against political opponents but against a more sinister, global manipulation. Glenn Beck: "We're not just fighting political disagreements; we're fighting against a globalist agenda that seeks to control more than just policies."
2: Economic Manipulations
Discussion on how economic instability is often engineered by those in power to maintain control and push globalist policies. Glenn Beck: "Economic downturns are sometimes orchestrated to shift control and erode national sovereignty."
3: Media's Role
The role of media in perpetuating globalist narratives is dissected, highlighting how narratives are controlled to suppress dissent. Glenn Beck: "The media is not just a news outlet; it's a tool for narrative control by global elites."
4: Cultural Impacts
This chapter discusses the impact of globalist agendas on traditional values and societal norms, suggesting a deliberate undermining process. Glenn Beck: "Traditional values are under assault because they stand in the way of a manipulative global agenda."
5: Conclusion
Beck concludes with a call to action, urging listeners to educate themselves, remain vigilant, and stand firm in their convictions. Glenn Beck: "It's up to each of us to stay informed and protect our freedoms against those who would take them away."
Actionable Advice
- Stay Informed: Regularly research and verify news from multiple sources to avoid manipulation.
- Support Local: Invest in local businesses and communities to strengthen economic independence.
- Educate Others: Share knowledge and discuss these issues with others to spread awareness.
- Participate Politically: Engage in local and national politics to influence policies directly.
- Protect Privacy: Be vigilant about personal data and privacy to avoid surveillance and control.
About This Episode
More of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s radical views are resurfacing, so Glenn reads through the ten craziest things and warns of the danger if Harris and Walz win in 2024. Glenn reads through "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" by Rudyard Kipling and discusses its parallels in today’s society. How is it that every Western country is following along in the same playbook and taking steps to destroy democracy? We aren’t fighting Democrats; we’re fighting globalists. The U.K. now has officers scouring the internet to look for "hateful" posts so they can arrest whoever posted them. Glenn further digs into the current unrest in the U.K. and how the media is blaming the Right, not leftist policies, for all the protests. Yael Eckstein, CEO and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, joins to explain how Israel is planning for a potential attack from Iran with the help of Hezbollah. Glenn speaks with Mercury One executive director J.P. Decker, who gives a one-year update on Lahaina since the wildfire destroyed the land and community.
Glenn Beck, Yael Eckstein, JP Decker
Guest Name(s):
Yael Eckstein, JP Decker
Content Warnings:
Glenn Beck
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To compromise.
We gotta stay together if we're gonna survive.
Stand up straight.
It's a new day. I turn around.
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We've got a lot to cover, a lot on our list, so we're gonna get right to it in 60 seconds. First, I have to tell you, things have changed recently.
We have gone insane. You know that. We see it every day. But I had a neighbor come to me about two, three years ago when the market was crazy for housing. And he came over and he's like, people are nuts. And I said, what are you talking about? He said, I just sold my house. A guy walked up to my door, knocked on the door and said, how much? And he's like, the house isn't for sale. Look, you just add whatever number you want on top of it. I want your house. And he came up with some ridiculous price there, standing with the guy at the door. And he said, fine, and I'll give you a buttload of money if you're out in the next 30 days.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Okay, so that doesn't happen anymore. That doesn't. That's not the way real estate works. You need a really good agent, especially in today's market. You need somebody who knows exactly what you do to do to get your house ready. You also need to make sure you have the best real estate agent to negotiate a price. I mean, unless you want to walk up to somebody's store with a bag of cash. I mean, you know, go ahead. By the way, I'm now living next to a drug dealer. But no, I'm kidding.
It's realestate agentsictrust.com dot. Get the best agent to help you get into the right house or sell your house fast and for the most amount of money. It's realestateagentsitrust.com dot. That's realestateagentsitrust.com dot.
Well, hello, mister Pat Gray.
Pat Gray
Hello, Glenn.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, hello.
We're glad you're here. Thank you so much for filling in for Stu, who is on yet another never ending vacation.
Pat Gray
It's only the 33rd of the year, I think.
Glenn Beck
The guy I think takes more vacation than I do. And I take.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
You know. Yes, he does. Right? Yeah. I don't understand.
All right. Anyway, let's get right to, let's get right to it. I, you know, we have a story out, a new study that shows how conservatives are much more empathetic to the other side and liberals are just much more moralizing and telling everybody how to live their life. A new study. So follow the science, man. We'll get into that.
Also, more on JD Vance. I've got to go over what we went over last night.
It's becoming very, very clear what this election and the elections all over the world are really all about. This is not about Republicans versus Democrats.
It is about globalists versus anyone who will stand in their way. And the one guy you'll notice everybody who won't play this game, for instance, Malay, down in South America, he won't play this game. What do they say about him? He's crazy. He's like a Donald Trump. He's Hitler. He's nuts. Ok. Anybody who stands in the way of this global cabal is handled exactly the same way. But I want to go into some of the things we talked about last night, and that includes how the funding of the left is working. And there's a few stories that tie into this today. We'll talk about that. Also, Cori Bush had an absolute meltdown on the stage after she lost. In fact, we have the Cori Bush meltdown audio. Let's just play this real quick.
She's threatening anybody who stands against, you know, her and the Hamas lovers. Listen to this. Let's talk about what it really is because see, now I don't have to worry about some strings that I have attached it as much as I love my job.
But all they did was radicalize me and so now they be afraid.
Okay, so now, now her opponents need to be afraid. You know, I got to tell you, I think, I think opponents of Hamas have been afraid. You know, I think the Jews that have been going to college the last year or so, I think they're, I think they're a little concerned of people like Corey Bush who have been radicalized.
I also want to take a quick step here and, and just point out there is a great article. Let me see if I can find it here. There is a great article on waltz walls and, and how he has just walked into this thing and he is incredibly, incredibly socialist. He is so far out of step with the american people. There's a great story in the blaze of the ten most radical acts of Kamala's running mate.
Let me, who wrote this? Because it's just a great article.
I don't see it. It's a, I don't see the name, but it's an opinion piece and it is filled with facts that we've heard some of them. But when you hear them all back to back, it is phenomenal how leftist this guy is. So the top ten things, the radical accomplishments for Tim Walz, Tampon Tim one, let, he let his state burn and burn and burn. Before May 26, 2020, rioters were never able to roam free for more than a day without the governor attempting to restore order. However, walls allowed his state to burn for weeks, resulting in numerous civilian and police casualties. 1500 destroyed buildings, half a billion dollars in damage. His primary concern was that the rioters would get Covid-19 he said, I'm saddened to see the way some of the protesters were in harm's way last night and I just want to encourage everybody to be safe, especially in light of the pandemic.
So they're, so as they're burning his cities down, he's concerned that they aren't all masked up, you know, hey, stay 6ft away. The guy with the gasoline and the guy with the matches don't give each other Covid. It's really bad. He defended, then he got on television and he defended the righteous anger, that's a, quote, righteous anger of the rioters and refused to call out the National Guard until the fourth day of rioting.
He even appeared to give his radical daughter hope.
Intelligence on where the National Guard would be posted. So rioters could avoid confrontation and arrest.
Then his wife came out and bragged about keeping the windows open in the house so she could smell the burning and be reminded of. I'm quoting, the nobility of the cause.
Okay. All right, that's. Is that who you want as vice president?
Second thing. Covid fascism. Like nobody else. While Black lives matter, rioters were free to burn businesses. Walz enforced the strictest, strictest lockdown. That even led to the jailing of business owners who attempted to open rather than burn businesses.
He even established a snitch hotline. We talked about this for neighbors to rat on each other for not social distancing. Unless, of course, you were burning neighborhoods for St. George. He also purchased a Covid morgue to shame and scare the public into submission, which, by the way, he spent all that money on that mobile morgue and then never used it. He claimed to care about saving lives, but he encouraged nursing homes to accept COVID patients. That is the worst thing any of the governors did. Uh, Cuomo did the same thing, you know, that it was attacking old people, that they were most likely to get it and die from it. And Cuomo and Tim Walls actually was saying to nursing homes, you got to take in these COVID patients.
That's a death sentence.
At the same time, he signed an executive order authorizing pharmacists to deny hydroclox. Hydro. How do you say? Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine. Yeah.
Prescriptions used to treat Covid. Later, he rationed monoclonal antibodies based on race. So if you were white, you had to wait. All of it was based on race.
Walls bankrupted the small businesses, kept children out of school, and masked them. He turned a blind eye to the largest Covid money laundering scheme in America.
70 people, mainly from the somali community, were indicted for defrauding the child nutrition program of $250,000,000.70 people in the somali community. In Minnesota, $250 million they defrauded. An audit by the legislature found that Walz administration failed to act on early warning signs of the fraud. And a formal statement from the Minnesota judicial branch called Walls out for making false statements about the state's payment to the program.
Who's. Who is this guy?
This guy is a dangerous, dangerous radical. He's a socialist radical who believes in, you know, justice by burning down cities.
He is such a danger for the combination of these two.
You put these two together, and you will not recognize your country or your bank account.
Within a couple of months into their administration, he also signed in abortion for life, which is kind of funny. As soon as his party flipped the state senate in 2022, he not only established a fundamental right to abortion until birth, but also repealed any protections for baby babies born after abortion. So if the baby was born alive, he signed in all the legislation that said you could just let him die. Don't have to give him any kind of care or any comfort care.
Number four, all illegal aliens welcome at taxpayer expense. Walls turned Minnesota into a sanctuary state, offered free college and Minnesota care for them, enabled them to get driver's license. He recently said that he would invest in a ladder company to help illegals defeat the border wall.
Waltz also signed. This is number five, a bill allowing 16 and 17 year olds to pre register to vote.
Now, why would you do that?
We've all registered when we were 18.
We never had a problem with it.
You want to vote? Go register.
Why do you need to pre register two years before you're eligible to vote?
He recently said, no, no, no, with a driver's license. He took the driver's license for illegal aliens. Taken together with driver's license for illegal aliens. It's easy to see his motivations with the new registration laws then gutting our heritage. When writers knocked down a statue of Christopher Columbus, who's his lieutenant governor, praised their lawlessness and walls refused to reinstall it. He then repealed Columbus Day as a state holiday and replaced it with indigenous people's day and Juneteenth. On top of that, he also changed the Minnesota state flag to a flag with a star mid, you know, colors that look like the somali flag.
Rabid support for violent criminals and not just rioters. He has commuted the sentences of numerous violent criminals, including murderers. He also started a new program for most violent offenders to shave off half of their sentence, established a new legal avenue for Soros prosecutors to seek shorter sentences, and funded a new office to help violent juveniles avoid prison altogether. Oh, and again, it has to come back to the votes. He also signed a law in allowing all violent felons to vote while on parole. Pulled parole eight, no energy.
In 2023, Wall signed a law mandating the abortion or, sorry, the abolition of all natural fuels and all normal cars by 2040. He created a database that will assign climate scores to large businesses.
This guy is dangerous to America. Also, he made his state a sanctuary state for castration of miners.
And then, you know, the guy loves drug traffickers and murderers and rapists and anybody else, but he wants to land his political opponents in prison. He recently signed a law that prescribes jail time for anyone caught sharing an AI generated video or audio of a political candidate.
Now how do I know what's AI or not for sharing it? Not creating it, sharing it. At the same time, he created a hate speech database to target ordinary citizens who commit crimes against progressive beliefs.
This is the most radical third world country socialist ticket by far that America has ever fielded.
This should be a very easy election to win. Unfortunately, because of the press, because of other things that I think are going on with act blue, et cetera, et cetera, the way it appears that they are just, it's a money laundering system and they are pouring money everywhere.
It's going to be a tough fight. Every single American needs to do their homework. It is very hard for us to share things now. They've siloed, siloed the blaze and everybody else so thoroughly that we cannot get our messages out. We can't even pay for advertisement to come and see these stories or to push these stories out. We can't do it because it's political.
So they won't accept us even paying for advertising and they've siloed us. So it is super important that you go to theBlaze.com and get a story like this and then share it with as many people as you can. Even if you have to print them and give them to people, they are shutting everything down. All of the other voices. This is on the blaze media right now. The blaze.com comma, the ten most radical acts of Kamala's running mate, blaze media. The blaze.com dot go there now. All right. Let me tell you about our sponsor quickly. The meat you're buying at the store, where does it come from?
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10 seconds. Station Id all right, welcome to the program. Uh, Pat, you know, it makes no sense that she would pick this guy. No sense. This is either a death wish that shows that, how stupid she is, but I don't think she is.
So it shows how stupid she is or, or how confident they are that they are going to win, that they're.
Pat Gray
Just, I, I really think they believe they're too far down the road to be stopped now. And so let's just be transparent about it. I mean, Donald Trump, by rights, if America was where we should be, Donald Trump would be up by 40 points right now.
Glenn Beck
40. Oh, if not only where America should be. If just, if America had the truth from the media. Yeah, if the media was just right down the line. You don't have to be for Donald Trump. Don't be for the other guy. Just write down the line and actually report facts.
He would, he would be, this would be the biggest win of all time. This would be bigger than Reagan Mondale in 84.
It is. This guy is so far out of touch, and so is she.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
That there's no chance that they would ever win in, you know, a truthful America.
Pat Gray
Well, Democrats, Democrats used to be really pissed off if they were called socialists. This guy's just embracing it. As we showed you yesterday and the day before, it went with the socialist is neighborliness thing. They just don't care.
When we called Barack Obama a socialist in 2008 and nine, we were racists. Not sure what racist socialist is, but that's what they, what they did to us back then.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
And now. Yeah, it's just neighborliness. That's all it is.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, social, one man's socialism is another man's neighborliness. And he said that last week. This isn't like some dug up tape from Jeremiah Wright. This was last week on the conference call. White dudes for Harris. I mean, they're not hiding from this at all. And, you know, Donald Trump, it just needs to just keep pounding away on how radical these people are, because did you see the latest on what the, what they're trying to do with prescription drugs now the price is going up on prescription drugs for the elderly.
And Harris is now trying to rewrite that to bump that increase until after the election so they can continue to say that we've lowered prescription drugs and the right is going to, is going to raise them.
It's in their own bill that prices go up this quarter and they're trying to push it to next year. Glenn Beck. So it's just so evil and deceptive. Just really is our sponsor. This half hour is my patriot supply.
You know, here we are with the most progressive socialist presidential candidate we have seen in decades at the head of the democratic party.
I mean, you're going to get a, you're going to get a kick out of this. You know, when she, if she wins, another massive, massive socialist is behind her. What happens when countries do this? Look at Venezuela, look at Cuba. You know, it was one of the Kardashians who said, oh, I love going to Cuba because they've saved all of those old cars. And it's so quaint. They didn't save them. They don't have a choice. That's all they can afford. That's all they got.
Oh, my gosh, everything begins to collapse. This is why people were eating the zoo animals in Venezuela. Please.
You know, maybe you don't live close enough to a zoo, you know, or you don't like the taste of tiger.
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Pat Gray
Don'T forget to use the promo code. Glenn 30 trial for $30 off your subscription, plus a seven day free trial@blazetv.com. glenn.
Glenn Beck
Read the new fiction novel from Glenn Beck, chasing embers, available everywhere now.
You know, when we were writing the Overton window, found this poem from Rudyard Kipling, which has been an absolute favorite of mine ever since. I had never heard it before. It's only published in one book, and it's because it's a warning against the progressives or in his case, the Fabian socialists.
And, and I remember reading it and thinking, wow, look what's coming.
And now almost all of it has been done just to show you where we are in this cycle that Kipling saw back around World War one and then put into a poem to remind people it's going to come again.
It's called the gods of the copybook headings. And copybook headings used to be things that were up at the top of your writing book when you used to have to practice penmanship, and it would be in cursive, and it would say, God is good.
Water will wet, fire will burn.
Things that were all true and everybody knew they were true. Those were called the copybook headings.
And he warned of a time when all of those things that everybody knows is true is destroyed and lost.
And I just want you to end. Then he predicts how it ends. Let me just read this to you again and just pat, notice how much we may not have even understood. There's a couple lines in here I don't think I really understood until recently.
As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race, I make my proper prostrations to the gods of the marketplace. Peering through reverent fingers, I watch them flourish and fall. And the gods of the copybook headings, I notice, outlast them all. So as you're watching what man is doing in the market and everything else, it just. Mistakes are made and it just keeps going. But truth outlasts, he said. We were living in the trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn, that water would certainly wet us as fire would certainly burn. But we found them lacking in uplift and vision and breadth of mind.
So we left them to teach the gorillas while we followed the march of mankind. Think of that one.
This is unburdening yourself on what has been.
Let's reimagine a world this way and leave behind every truth that we have known from the past.
We moved as the spirit listed, but they never altered their pace, being neither cloud nor wind, born like the gods of the marketplace. But they always caught up with our progress. And presently word would come that a tribe had been wiped out off its ice field, or the lights had gone out in Rome with the hopes that our world is built on that they were utterly out of touch.
After all. They denied that the moon was Stilton. They denied she was even Dutch. Think of this.
We're building a world right now where we hope, you know, the idea is that all these old fashioned, old fashioned ideas, like men are men, women are women, and they can't change sexes just by saying it. That is building a world on hoping that those things are just gone and out of touch.
Look it, the truth is denying the fact that a man can be pregnant.
They denied the moon was Stilton. They denied she was even Dutch. They denied that wishes were horses, they denied that a pig had wings. So we worship the gods of the market, who promised us all of these beautiful things when the cambrian measures were forming, they promised perpetual peace. Which who is promising peace? Who has been saying even now, as we are on the verge of nuclear war, that the other side will bring war, and they are bringing peace and the world closer together.
They swore if we gave them our weapons. Isn't that weird? So they're promising perpetual peace, and then that same side is the one trying to take your weapons away from you.
They promised perpetual peace. They swore if we gave them our weapons that the wars of the tribes would cease. But when we disarmed, they sold us and delivered us bound to our foe. And the gods of the copybook heading said, stick to the devil you know.
Are we not being bound and sold to our foes?
Are we not being bound right now and sold to the highest bidder in China?
On the first feminine sandstones, we were promised the fuller life, which started by loving our neighbor and ended by loving his wife. Now listen to this line. Till our women had no more children and the men had lost reason and faith.
Are we not there? And the gods of the copybook heading said, the wages of sin is death.
In the carboniferous epoch, we were promised abundance for all by robbing selected Peter to pay for collective paul but though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy.
You are about to feel that bigly.
We have plenty of money, meaning your dollar is being inflated. You'll have more and more dollars, but you won't be able to buy anything with them. And the copy book head, the gods of the copy book heading said, if you do not work, you die. Did you see that new report out that talked about what happened with Covid-19 all of the money that we printed, which inflated our dollar to bail people out, how it went to buy, you know, hellcats and all kinds. Nobody saved that money. Nobody really saved and spent that money on anything that was rational or reasonable. Most of the people went and used that PPP cash and they bought things that they shouldn't have been buying.
The gods of the market. Then the gods of the market tumbled and their smooth tongue wizards withdrew. Think Tony Fauci and all of the economic experts and the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true that all is not gold that glitters, and two and two do make four.
And the gods of the copybook headings limped up to explain it once more. We are right here. This is where we are in this poem now we are at the place waiting for the gods of the market to tumble. They almost did this week. And have the hearts of the meanest turn around and go, wait a minute, this is, this, this stuff matters as it will be in the future. It was at the birth of man. There are only four things certain since social progress began, that the dog returns to his vomit and the sow returns to her mire and the burnt fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the fire. And after all of this is accomplished and the brave new world begins, it's again where we are.
We have this last choice. Are we going to go to a global government? Are we going to go and listen to all of these experts who are denying that things are true and promising us that wishes are horses when all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins.
As surely as water will wet us, as surely as fire will burn, the gods of the copybook headings the truth with terror and slaughter return.
It is, I think of this poem all the time now, because it is, it's prophecy, it's poetic prophecy from a guy who wasn't a prophet. He just lived through it and then came out and wrote a poem and said, warning, you cannot, you cannot disregard the truth anymore.
You have to pay attention to what is true and never deny it. And look at all of the truths that we're now denying every single day.
You know how many people are going to deny that Tim Walls was involved in stolen valor?
This guy was a national guardsman. But when he found out that he was going to be deployed to, I think, Afghanistan or Iraq, I don't remember which, he, he quit.
Now. He was, he was the top of his battalion, the, the highest serving recruit.
And when you're training to go into war, you don't change the hierarchy. Everybody is trained together. And so you trust one another and then you go, this guy bailed on his, on his group.
They were very upset about it at the time and he could have done it other ways, but he didn't. And then when he's in office, he starts to say things like, you know when I carried a gun in a war zone?
No, you didn't carry a gun in a war zone. You never went to a war zone ever.
You quit before you went to a war zone.
And then I, and on top of that, I just told you the story that's on the blaze.com comma, the ten, the ten craziest things that Tim Walz did in the last couple of years while he was in office as the governor of Minnesota.
He then also in that article, it says that he was giving his daughter and others the location of the National Guard so these people who were burning down the cities could avoid trouble with the National Guard.
This guy has not only sold his his own troops out, he then sells the country and the national Guard out and tells people how to get around the National Guard. And then he steals the honor of people who actually served and claims that he was carrying a gun in a war zone. That never happened. That never happened.
And yet what's happening? They are making all of it sound true and dismissing anyone who says that that's not true, that what he was saying was not true. And here are the facts.
And this is happening over and over and over again. And where are we? How close are we to losing the right to be able to question?
I'll show you in just a second. 1st let me tell you about rough greens. I don't mean to alarm you, but there are some real weirdos out and about. And I don't mean JD Vance.
I'm talking about how some people actually, I can barely say it, go jogging with their dogs in the heat or the cold or the mild temperatures. I mean, you know, good for them. They need the exercise, blah, blah, blah. Listen, you're never going to catch me doing something as crazy as going and running. I mean, God wouldn't have issued driver's license, you know, if we were to run.
Anyway. I keep my dog healthy and happy because I put rough greens on his food. He doesn't want to go jogging either. He was not born with sweatpants.
Anyway. This is not a dog food. This is a supplement developed by naturopathic doctor Dennis Black that you sprinkle on the food. Remember, brown food is dead food. You want the green stuff, you name it. If it's healthy for your dog, it's probably in rough greens. The folks at rough greens are so confident that your dog is going to love it that they have a special deal for you. You can get your first trial bag for free. All you pay for is shipping. Give it to your dog. See if you don't see him start to gobble the food down and really love it. And over time, and I mean a very short period of time, you're going to start seeing changes in your dogs, your dog's energy, your dog's willingness to play and to be young again. Rough greens ruff greens.com Becker call 833 glenn 33. They're going to give you your first trial bag for free. You just pay for shipping. Roughgreens.com ruff greens.com Beck or call eight three three. Glenn 33, you're listening to the Glenn Beck program.
I will tell you that, well, I told you just about 30 minutes ago, we are so siloed now and all conservative voices are becoming this way. We are so siloed that we just cannot get out of our own echo chamber. They will not allow us out of our own echo chamber. We can't even buy ads to get us out of our own echo chamber.
So we are really relying on you to get the information from us and then share it yourself and get it out, even if you have to pass out, you know, the stories on printed paper.
But it is, it's truly remarkable what is happening right now. We invite you to help us fight this fight by joining Blaze tV.com glenna.
Right now. I think you can save $30 off of your subscription. Just use a promo code. Glenn, I don't know what the deal is right now, but you'll save money.
But, but join us, will you, because we really need your support and we are going to give you some more information every day that you're not going to be able to get elsewhere. We're working on a project now in a couple of weeks that we talked about this morning in my morning meeting that I think you're, I think is critical. But it's got to go out to people that are still independent minded. You know, it's, the conservatives are not the only ones. We need to be for people who haven't decided who they're going to vote for. And it's a new way of looking at things that we'll share a little bit of that coming up in just a minute. But we rely on you to get this information out. And it's amazing that we are capped and my voice is capped. However, the Kamala Harris campaign is paying for people to make videos and to be, you know, to use their influencer voice to push for them. Let me explain by playing a couple things. These are from CB's news. Here's cut for the influencer on how she does videos for Kamala last month. Sunday says she was hired by Protect our care, a progressive advocacy group that relies on anonymous donors. She made a video warning about Trump's second term agenda. They almost help you script it, right? Right. Definitely. She takes their talking points and puts them into her own voice, saying she always discloses when she's being paid. What's your rate? So a video just for a creator in my size, an average can go from three thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars depending and upwards.
Pat Gray
Oh. Huh. So, okay, this comes from the heart.
Glenn Beck
Yeah. They're using these organizations that many of them come from. The money from Act Blue, which we did a whole special on last night on blaze tv that, by the way, is going to be posted on YouTube, my YouTube channel. Glenn BecKleY tonight, please watch this, educate yourself and spread the word.
These influencers. This is propaganda, pure propaganda.
Let me tell you next what's happening in the UK program. I want to talk to you a little bit about good ranchers.
The Olympics been a little disappointing this year for a lot of reasons, you know, I mean, the beating up of women, I guess some people enjoy, I don't, I don't really enjoy that. The mocking of God, not really that great.
And the fact that they didn't have any meat at the Olympics for anybody, it was all vegan. You know what's great and not disappointing? American meat from good ranchers. Right now. When you subscribe, they're going to give you a free gold medal add on for the next four years. You can enjoy free chicken breast, Angus ground beef, applewood smoked bacon or wild caught salmon in every order for the next four years or until the next summer games. Plus with my exclusive code, you can get an additional $25 off your first box. That's up to over $1200 in savings. When you subscribe, use the promo code. Glenn at checkout, claim your $25 off your first box plus free express shipping and your free add on for four years. They are great people. I love these people and I just love their product. And the fact that it helps american ranchers and farmers. It is goodranchers.com. that's goodranchers.com. make sure you use the promo code. Glenn welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Hello, America. I want to talk to you and ask you two questions. Who is running our country right now?
Is it Joe Biden? Is he the guy who's running all of this is his grand scheme? It's his grand plan.
Is he the guy taking the calls at 04:00 in the morning? Who's running the country?
The second question I have is, what is this really all about? What is this election all about?
You'd say saving the country and everything else.
I mean, what is the choice in front of us?
I'll explain in 60 seconds. First you wouldn't think leaves could do a lot of damage, but you'd be surprised. You get enough of them gathered together in one place for very long, and they start to cause all kinds of trouble. Kind of like democrats. It's weird. Anyway, if you're like me, the last thing you want to be doing is getting up on a ladder to clean those stupid things out. Leaves, not democrats. But it's just such a hassle. Well, the good news is you don't have to worry about that anymore, thanks to the leaf filter from leaf home gutters. It's a filter that you put on your gutters, and it helps protect your home from flooding, roof damage, rotting, siding, foundation issues, all of that stuff. Best of all, you'll never have to think about your gutters again. So protect your home and never clean out your gutters with leaffilter, America's number one gutter protection system. Schedule your free inspection and get up to 30% off your entire purchase@leaffilter.com. glenn Beck that's free inspection, 30% off@leaffilter.com.
glenn Beck see the website for all of the details.
All right, so this should be an easy question. I started the show with this last night. Should be an easy question. What?
Who's running our country?
Do you really think that it's Joe Biden?
Do you really think it's Kamala?
Who's running the country?
Who got Biden to quit?
Who was that?
Well, we know Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were involved. We know Barack Obama was involved. But are they the ones running the show?
It is a question that every single country in the western hemisphere is now having a very hard time answering.
We're not alone.
Everyone is suffering from exactly the same issues right now.
What are the odds that, you know, we have this southern border and people are coming across our southern border? What are the odds that this is happening in every western country in the world right now?
It's not happening in Russia. It's not happening in China. It's just western countries. And without a world war, it's coming, don't worry. But without a world war, where are all these refugees coming from? Why are they all, I mean, we don't have new horrible dictatorships springing up all over the world. Where are these refugees running from? And how come they're coming across our border in record numbers? And each of, listen to this noodle this for a second.
Each of our countries are reacting exactly the same.
Every single country. We are a very diverse group of people in the west.
I don't remember anything that we've ever done in lock step, except maybe war.
Pat, can you think of any time in your lifetime where you saw every western country develop their own, quote, unquote, their own laws and they were all in line with each other and against what the people of the country wanted?
You ever seen that?
Pat Gray
I don't think so, no.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, I don't either. I've. I've never seen that. And it's, it's weird because not only, for instance, just on this one thing, but there's tons of them just on this one thing with immigration, they're all doing exactly the same thing, plus they're all defending it the same way and they are all taking down the people that are against it in exactly the same way.
The media is saying the same thing, whether it's in German or in France or it's in Italian, whatever language they're speaking, the media is saying the same thing to all of their citizens, anyone who is standing up against them. It's misinformation, malinformation. It's social media that is making people say this and it is extreme far right that is standing against it. Every good citizen is for this.
What are the odds?
Remember the, you know, organizations like the WEF who designed this, put it in their own white papers, had big meetings about all of these things, talked about how it was coming and what they were going to do.
They have no power. They have no power.
But coincidentally, exactly what they said was coming, exactly what they said every nation should do, every nation is doing, and the media is walking lockstep with them. And anyone who questions it is a conspiracy theorist.
So I go back to asking you, we're having all of the same problems and yet every politician is acting the same way.
Except if there are any politicians that stand against it, they're known as Hitler.
In Italy, prime minister, she's Mussolini.
Hungary doesn't want to play this game.
He's just another Putin, maybe worse. Donald Trump, Malay anybody who stands against it is Hitler or worse.
Isn't that weird?
Strange, isn't it?
This story that comes out of England.
All over the world. All over the world. Only in the west, all over the world, rioters are clashing with police.
In the UK, it's because there was a knife attack, killed three little girls.
Now here's. This is weird. This is weird. And I don't think we've ever experienced anything like this in our country.
The government goes out and they see this knife attack by this 17 year old kid whose parents are from another country, but he was born in the UK.
And they go in and immediately they walk in and say, we don't know the motive. We don't know anything really yet, but this was not terror related or islamic related. Well, how do you know that if you don't know anything about anything? How do you know that? How do you possibly dismiss that?
Now, it may end up that that is true, but this has been going on for a couple of weeks and they still, police still don't know.
Wait a minute, I thought of something else. Boy, this has happened once in our nation recently.
The shooter from that the secret Service missed.
We still don't know anything about him. Isn't that weird? Wait a minute. We still don't know anything about the guy in Vegas either.
We also don't know really anything about Nashville, that shooter.
Wait a minute.
So what's happening over in England is what's happening here.
The police will do investigations and they'll say there's no information unless it's somebody who has ever said anything against the policies of, for instance, illegal immigration or one of the other crazy policies.
If they've ever said anything like that, then they're a right wing kook, the extreme right wing, and they're trying to destroy democracy. Isn't it weird that we're being told that Trump is trying to destroy democracy and every country in the west is being told that the people who stand up against the government are also trying to destroy democracy?
That is weird, isn't it?
You know what also is weird? They're also trying to shut down any voice that disagrees with the government. And they're calling people like Elon Musk, you know, Hitler's helper, and they're saying that he is responsible for a lot of this stuff because he won't give in to the governments of the world. He won't say that. He will censor that. He will play their game. So he's.
There's another weird cut.
Let me show you how bad it's gotten now, in, in England, you think you have freedom of speech.
This is England. This is where we're going. Cut to the offensive incitement to racial hate. To.
Yael Eckstein
It involves publishing or distributing material which is insulting or abusive, which is intended to, or likely to start racial hatred.
Glenn Beck
So if you retweet that, then you're.
Yael Eckstein
Republishing that, and then potentially you're committing that offence. And we do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media. Their job is to look for this material and then follow up with identification, arrests and so forth. So it's a really, really serious. People might think they're not doing anything harmful. They are, and the consequences will be visited upon them.
Glenn Beck
So if you tell the truth, even of Islamicists, if you tell the truth that they want Sharia law and you make some quote from the quran, and it's true, but it's insulting, you could go to jail. And they have dedicated police officers looking for those people who might insult that. His word, not mine. Insult another group of people, you're going to be rounded up and followed up with an arrest. Now, that is interesting. That's weird, because that's exactly what they're saying they want to do here in America and. Wait a minute. They want to do that in France and in Germany and in Italy and in the Netherlands. That's. Now, wait a minute. What's happening?
Pat Gray
Amazing coincidence.
Glenn Beck
It is almost. Now, I'm not saying this is. Yeah. I'm not saying this is true. I'm just positing this question. Could it be that our president isn't the one running the country, that our, our leaders are not really running the country, that they are just. It's a little show that we're all watching that they have tied themselves in to a direction without telling us. In fact, not just not telling us, they have denied it and called anyone who said they were doing this a conspiracy theorist. Except everybody has suddenly decided in the west, without asking you, we got to get out of these cars. We have to go to all batteries.
You know, we have to get off of fossil fuels because it's just no good. And we're going to replace it with some magical thing that we're going to invent here soon.
That's weird. Every single country is doing that.
In the west. In the west. That's weird.
Now, I've never seen our country withhold information or outright lie and then blame it on the far right every time there's a reaction to what could be attributed to their policies. I've never seen that. But now I'm seeing it in every single country. And even their politicians are using exactly the same campaign promises and the campaign slogans.
What is that?
Have we already moved to a global government?
And my question is important, because what is this election really all about? I'll tell you in 60 seconds. Stand by. First, let me tell you about american financing. NMLs 182334. Nmlsconsumeraccess.org dot apr for rates in the five starts at 6.799% for. Well qualified borrowers. Call 8090 624 40 for details about credit costs and terms.
I know you and I think alike.
We think many of the same things. And one of the things that we are both, we are both taking our financial house seriously. We both really want to be responsible. We've saved, we've done the right thing. We don't believe in handouts. We don't believe in the government bailing us out or anything else.
And we've lived by the law. We've tried to do the right thing. Now the people that are in control of the money supply have printed so much cash and given it to so many people that prices are going through the roof. We're having a hard time actually making ends meet, and a lot of people are worried about the future.
Well, if that's you, or if you just want to, you know, look at a new house and you need a new loan, you need people that are going to help you with that. You want to take out, uh, maybe a consolidation loan, or you want to use the asset of your house to pay off some of this high interest credit card debt. The people to do that with is american financing. American financing. The number is, uh, 800. Let me see if I can find it here. Um, 8090 624 40 american financing.net 809. Oh, 624 40 americanfinancing.net ten second station id so who's running the country and what is this all about?
Well, we have wars breaking out. So this election is about wars and how we fight. Are we going to fight yet another and never ending war?
We have an economy spiraling out of control.
Are we going to continue down the same path that we have been walking down for the last three and a half years? Is this, are you better off than you were under Donald Trump?
For the first time, we have a real choice. We have two administrations that we've seen in action. We've seen Biden Harris.
I don't think we've seen the radical side yet. Harris is much more radical, as is her running mate.
And we've seen Donald Trump. So we've seen what they each do while they're in office.
Were you financially better off? Was the world more stable under Donald Trump? Were we closer or farther away from war under Donald Trump? Trump.
Okay, so it's, it's about those things. It's about your children.
Remember, it was under Biden Harris that we started having, you know, drag queen story hours. It wasn't under Donald Trump. Were your kids safer under Donald Trump? And the direction that we were taking our education or now.
So it's about that.
But I think we need to start looking at this in a different way entirely.
This isn't about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. I mean, we're really blessed in a way, for the very first time, and I've been saying this for a long time, when Barack Obama was president, he wanted all these marxist things. They just said, admit it. Admit who you are and what you want to do. You talk about a fundamental transformation, give the american people a real choice.
And in some ways, they're doing it. They're not hiding from their socialism now.
And so we have the most radical socialist ticket ever presented to the american people and Donald Trump. They are very different from one another. And we, if we have that debate, it would be healthy for the country and we could decide, because we can't keep going back and forth. We can't. So we need to decide, are we going to do this socialist thing and transform America and end everything that has brought us prosperity, or are we going to clean our system up and restore it back to what it should be that it hasn't been in 100 years and in some cases, it's never been. But are we going to strive for that?
That is the choice.
But when you look at it, you see we're all being told in every other country it's the globalist or the crazy right wing.
You just change the name of the politician.
If there's somebody that is saying we can't go that way, they're crazy right wing.
In our case, we have a name for that, Donald Trump.
The other side is globalist. It's not really even about Kamala. It's not.
She's a figurehead.
She'd be the president, but she's merely a stakeholder in this global cabal.
So whatever we are doing right now, because the rest of the world is doing exactly the same thing, will be done under Kamala, and it will just get faster and deeper and worse.
The people of the world need to stop looking at the argument that our media, globally, all over the world, is asking us to have. Don't you hate Donald Trump?
Don't you hate him?
Well, why would the media and all these globalists hate him this much to wherever. I mean, they'll kill him. They'll kill him.
Because he will not play the game with these globalists.
He will not do it. He fundamentally believes, like you, like me, that America is a different place and God bless the rest of the world, but we're not here to save the rest of the world from themselves or from some war that they've gotten themselves into. You know, we'll pray for them. We'll help them all we can, but we're not going to fight that war. We're not the policemen anymore. That didn't work, and we're not going to a deeper global system. This has proven to be the wrong direction. We're not going there. And any leader who stands against them, they've got to stop, and they will try to destroy. So what this election really is all about is who will stand in the way of these globalists.
You want that person, or do you want the globalist back?
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Pat Gray
Now. Get it@glennbeck.com or wherever books are sold.
Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're so glad you're here. Thank you, Pat Gray, for joining us. Pat Gray from Pat Gray unleashed. He's been filling in this week for the everlovable stew.
Pat Gray
You've been talking about how a global cabal is responsible for what's going on, not just in the United States, but in all of western civilization. You have any idea who that.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
Who is that cabal?
Glenn Beck
I don't know, but I would assume that it's the same elites that are meeting in Davos and saying that they're going to do all of these things and coupled with Blackrock and Vanguard and all of these huge financial institutions.
Because honestly, I'd love to talk to an odds maker. What are the odds that not only are all of the same policies that are destroying our country happening at the same time, for instance, the illegal immigration, and it's then being handled the same exact way with the same language, with the same villains and the same media response. What are the odds that that's this is not an american problem, this is not a Donald Trump problem. Donald Trump is a red herring that they are trying to use to make you think that, oh my gosh, he is the problem. No, it's not. Let me give you this, Pat. This comes from the Spectator in UK.
The riots that have erupted across England in the last week have been splash across Europe's newspapers and broadcast on primetime news editorials in France and Spain and Sweden, the italian newspapers, Yada, Yada, Yada, they have all described the rioters as a mix of extremists and hooligans.
Why did the anti immigration riots not explode first in France or Germany? They ask. Some of the coverage has been superficial. The editorial Le Mans read. The current riots raise painful questions of the underestimated influence of the far right in the UK. So they're not questioning the policies, they're not questioning the governments, they're not questioning how they are not listening to their own people.
Instead, it is the influence of the far right.
The german tabloid published more in depth and honest analysis of the riots on Tuesday. Can something like that happen to us in Germany?
The paper asked, and there was a general consensus from the cross section of experts that were asked to speak in the paper.
An extremist researcher explained, there are various far right organizations in Germany full of angry Mendenna who definitely have a mobilization capacity.
Now let me ask you, is this a new thing that there's all kinds of right wing crazy nut jobs in Germany?
Is this a new thing that there are, there are militias in America or, or France or the UK? No, they've always been there.
What is galvanizing them into movement?
And why is it that normal people are starting to listen to them and go, well, I mean, at least they're standing up for us?
See that? That is the one question nobody in the media will ask.
The Christian Democratic Union, in which is a paper in Germany, said, you have to see what's happening in Great Britain as a warning.
We have to note that the migration policy is rejected in some parts of the population and contributes to a strengthening of populous aspirations.
Gee, well, now you're getting a little closer to things, but those reactions from the public are the same. It's not just some little side group of craziest.
Look at the polling numbers.
70% of America is against this with probably like 13% undecided.
You've got a small number of people who are for immigration done like this in every country. It is a, it is an overwhelming majority.
And yet they try to make it look like it's a small number of people who are kooks and they're all on the right.
Why is that?
Why is that?
So who's running the country? I don't know. Who's making all of these, who's making this policy?
Who's pushing it? Well, the UN and the WEF.
And they have, they have put their tentacles into all of our politicians, all of our systems of government and our businesses.
And so they're all walking in lockstep. And if you step out of line, you're destroyed.
Look at, look at what they did to Joe Biden.
I mean, the minute he couldn't win, in, the minute he wasn't useful to them. Gone.
Gone overnight. Gone.
Pat Gray
Mm hmm.
After declaring that he was in it for the long run, after declaring that he wasn't going anywhere, somebody thought otherwise.
Somebody. And it wasn't. And you're right, it wasn't just Nancy Pelosi that thought otherwise.
It wasn't just her.
She's not the decision maker.
Someone else is.
Glenn Beck
So now, this is why I am so very concerned. We have got to make sure that we are getting everybody out to vote, that nobody misses it, because this is the last call.
I'm really concerned as every American, both Democrat and Republican. Look, I have no problem losing a fair fight.
If America chose socialism, that America is wrong and chose socialism, and we're going to pay a heavy price for it, but I am not. If the election is fair and everything is on the up and up, then America chooses socialism. And I'll continue to fight for, you know, the constitution and the bill of rights, but it's, if that's what people choose. But I don't, I'm not sure that we're going to get that choice. I'm not sure that that, I mean, if you really want to finish the job, you want to finish the job, what do you do to America? What do you do? You follow in the footsteps of Chavez.
In Venezuela, he took the third richest country in the hemisphere and destroyed it within ten years. Now we are farther along. We've already had our Chavez weakening. Now it's just time for somebody to come in and polish it off.
And if we elect socialists, that's exactly what will be happening.
And, you know, we'll get what we deserve. But I'm not sure that it's going to be really up to us with all of the money that we have put in. And this is what the show was about last night. You can see it on YouTube tonight@YouTube.com. glenn Beck with all of the things and all of the money that is happening with Act Blue and other organizations, you know, I'm not sure it's all fair play. You know, it's funny because the Democrats have been trying to get big money out of this forever.
But hundreds of millions of dollars that took Donald Trump and Joe Biden to do $100 million to raise $100 million, that took a year of going and shaking hands and, you know, getting, having dinners and everything else. It took a year to raise $100 million.
In the last two weeks, they've raised $150 million. So, you know, $150 million is everything Donald Trump raised in over a year.
So where did all this money come from?
Pat Gray
Oh, it came from grassroots people. Just, those were, those were tiny little donations from hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, Glenn. That's what we're told by them. We're told those are all that averaged about $5 a piece from, from millions of donors.
Just a grassroots effort. Is all that what really, like overnight, you had that happen with grassroots, with a grassroots effort, tiny little donations from average Americans. You know, that's a lie. It's an absolute lie.
Glenn Beck
You know, but this whole house is built on lies. Now, Steve Forbes tweeted out yesterday the strategic petroleum reserve was tapped to lower gas prices until after the election.
Now this time, Harris and Biden are attempting a last minute tweak of the Inflation Reduction act. Wait a minute. Didn't that already pass? Isn't that, I mean, how are you tweaking that? Now?
What they're trying to do is to delay the premium increase for seniors prescription drugs until after the election.
See, they're running on no prescription drugs. There'd be no price increases for anything. In fact, we've lowered the cost. But they passed the inflation Reduction act, which actually allows the premium to go up for seniors prescription drugs.
Right now they're trying to delay that until the election is over. That's, that's, that's a lie.
It is a lie. Everything that is happening is based on a lie.
And you might not like Donald Trump. You may not like the way he talks. You might think that, you know, he's whatever, whatever. You don't have to like him.
Who is the person standing in the way of this globalist marxist cabal who's standing in the way?
If he could be bought off, don't you think they would have done it?
If they could have used him as part of the plan, don't you think they would have done it?
They destroy anyone who gets in their way.
I would suggest that we start looking at this campaign for not only I was much better off four years ago than I am today, and also the Harris ticket is socialist and radical, but I would also begin to look at this as a global hoax.
The entire western world is under a spell and we're all being told exactly the same thing about the right wing extremists that are out everywhere without ever questioning the policy of the globalists who is standing in their way.
I just don't see how people can miss this now because this, all of these policies, all of the things that are happening all over the world, it's not because of Donald Trump, has nothing to do with Donald Trump. So why is it happening in every other country at the same time?
All right, let me tell you about the tunnel of towers. There are far too many veterans out there who have served our country honorably.
But, you know, they didn't all become the governor of Minnesota. Oh, I'm sorry, I was talking about veterans who served honorably. Anyway, they're now homeless or risk of becoming homeless. We've got, we've got migrants. And it's crazy because this is what I've heard on the streets in London as well. People say the same thing. Why are we paying for migrants to actually stay in these hotels in all of our cities and destroy them? And then we're paying for their food too. Meanwhile, our service members are living on the streets.
Yeah, it's weird that England is having that problem because we're having that same problem here. Anyway, the tunnel to Towers foundation is there to help these families, to help these veterans that are living on the streets.
Step up today if you can. If we want the government to do less than we need to do more. Tunnel to towers at tthenumber two t.org dot t two t.org dot. Go there now.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're very glad that you joined, joined us today.
Oh, my gosh.
You know, pat, we were, we were just talking off the air because this. Do you have the audio of Joe Biden talking about this nonsense of, you know, a bloodbath after the election caused by Donald Trump?
Pat Gray
Yeah. Yeah.
Glenn Beck
It's so infuriating.
Pat Gray
Cuts in.
Glenn Beck
This is what he said yesterday. Cut in.
Are you confident that there will be.
Pat Gray
A peaceful transfer of power in January.
Glenn Beck
2025 if Trump wins? No, I'm not confident at all.
I mean, if Trump loses, I'm not confident at all.
He means what he says. We don't take him seriously. He means it.
All the stuff about if we lose, there'll be a bloodbath. It's stolen. Look what they're trying to do now in the local election districts where people count the votes elected, putting people in place in states that they're going to count the votes. Right.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Okay. This is amazing because what Donald Trump was talking about, and you can just easily find this, he was talking about how they're going to gut the car industry.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
And it will be a bloodbath for our auto industry if he doesn't win because of Biden, with the electric cars and everything else, it's all going to go to China and it will be a bloodbath for our car industry.
And he has taken this and run with this over and over and over again. This is Miss Mal and disinformation.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
The president should be dangerous. Dangerous, dangerous.
He is trying to say that there is going to be a bloodbath if Donald Trump loses.
Well, I can't predict anything. I pray that whoever loses is that it is a fair and true election and it is clearly that and that everybody stays calm. Otherwise we're going to go into civil war and it's bad. And he's doing and saying things to cause those things. And he's lying about it on top of it.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Will anyone correct him now that he's.
Pat Gray
Correctable and it's the president, you can't lose sight of the fact that it's the president of the United States. It's so unbelievably irresponsible to spew this kind of rhetoric. And he knows it's a lie. You know, he knows. He knows. He was talking about the auto industry. He knows he wasn't talking about a literal bloodbath of human beings if he loses.
Glenn Beck
And the other thing he said, look what, look what they're doing. They're putting people in place in states where they're going to count the votes. Of course they are. That's what we always do. You put Democrats and Republicans and independents in the room to watch how the votes are counted. Everything they say about the elections, everything, everything they say is remarkably untrue.
The Glenn Beck program. Let me tell you about our spotlight sponsor for the blaze. We're so grateful for everything that they do to keep the blaze going and offset some of our cost. And it's american giant. I also am big, huge fan of theirs because they're doing everything they can, I mean, everything they can to be able to bring american manufacturing back. You know, in November. You can vote with your vote, but you also vote every day with your wallet. And when you purchase products made in America, especially by american giant, you are casting a vote for american manufacturer, for american workers, for american quality. We have to make more things here. Expecting the chinese government to play fair is just stupid. And it's a death sentence to think that if we ever get into a spat with them that they'll continue to make, you know, our batteries for our cars, our chips for our computers, our medicines, make things here in America. And the company that is leading the way is american dash giant.com. glenn great american clothing. Every stitch, every piece of fabric, all the ink, everything made here in America, save 20% when you use my name. It's american dash giant.com. glenous.
Have no room to compromise.
We gotta stand together if we're gonna survive.
Stand up. Strength and hold the light.
A new day. I turn around.
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Hello, America. Welcome to Thursday.
We are on the verge of a two or three front war, which we can't fight.
The election, I think will make all the difference of whether this is going to happen or not. But we are already fighting via proxy with Russia in Ukraine, and that could just engulf the entire continent of Europe. Then in the Middle east, you have another enemy of ours, or at least I thought it was an enemy until we started giving them money and all kinds of stuff. But Iran is now threatening new style weapons against Israel, and it would only be a matter of time if that happens before you will see North Korea and China start to stir things up. And China definitely will take Taiwan. It is. We're in a precarious situation, and yet we're not really looking at things the way we should be looking at them. I don't think people are still taking these seriously. I think Ukraine has been taken seriously. But what is about to happen if what Iran says they're going to do, if they do, it could be the.
Could be the spark that sets the entire world on fire.
We're going to talk to somebody who has been there and has been helping and preparing the people of Israel to be able to protect themselves and survive this in 60 seconds. First, Patriot mobile. You and I have a lot of work to do in this country, and it seems like the battle is always uphill, especially when it comes to fighting against the left's constant efforts to destroy America from within.
But hope persists. And one of the things you can do is patronize the businesses who are not trying to destroy us, not trying to tell us how horrible we are, but who stand for the same principles that you and I stand for. The parallel economy we've been building. It's made up of businesses who don't hate what you stand for, like the Constitution and declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Right now you can switch to Patriot Mobile and you're going to get a whole whole month free just for doing it. It's a great way to start your new service. They are America's only christian conservative mobile phone company, and their mission is to passionately defend our God given constitutional rights and freedoms and to glorify God always. They offer dependable nationwide coverage so you can access any of the three major networks that everybody's on. They have affordable, excellent plans and 100% us based customer service team that will make switching easy for you. Right now. Just call them at patriot mobile.com Beck or 972. Patriot 972 Patriot. When you call me, you get a free month of service beginning today. Patriot mobile.com beck patriotmobile.com Beck 972 Patriot is with us now. Just a, just a disclosure to make sure I'm always honest with you on everything. I do not do paid interviews. I do not do commercials that are interviews. But Yael Eckstein is the CEO of a sponsor of mine. It's international fellowship of Christians and Jews. But I wanted her on because they have been making a huge difference in Israel and things are getting very tense there.
Yael Eckstein
Thank you so much, Glenn. I'm so honored to be on your program.
Glenn Beck
So where are you right now? Are you in Israel right now?
Yael Eckstein
In Israel? I'm in northern Israel, where they project within minutes, hours, days. We could potentially be bombarded by seven different fronts, all sponsored by Iran. So we're working around the clock, getting ready here in Israel.
Glenn Beck
So how are you getting ready? How are the people preparing there and how are they holding up under this constant, it could happen at any moment kind of feeling?
Yael Eckstein
Well, it feels a lot like how I studied before the six day war. Felt like that something big is about to happen, I think, always living in Israel. I myself picked up my life from America as four kids here in Israel, and you have to live unsafe. We know that Israel is of Bern last year, surrounded by 99.6% enemies, that there's 10 million citizens here in Israel founded by hundreds of millions of enemies. And so I believe that we have a calling here, a calling that were part of this story, a story of God that he proclaimed thousands of years ago and saw all the way to today, us here in this situation right now. So we turn to the scriptures and we see feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the poor, and we read the scriptures that say mass, and we mess and we comfort, comfort my people. And so, in the past two days alone, the fellowship has distributed over 10,000 food boxes to people living in their shelters. International fellowship. The Christians and Jews have placed over 150 bomb shelters. We're distributing first responders kits and bulletproof vests and helmets that. I'll tell you, Glenn, all this is life saving and amazing to see happening. But I think the more inspiring thing for me personally is what it represents, that all this represents christians in America who are telling the people of Israel, we stand with you. It doesn't matter what the UN says, what the EU says, even what our government says. There are millions of christians who are praying for and standing with Israel.
And that message is the most powerful message we can get over.
Glenn Beck
Can you tell me?
I think it does make a difference. I have a lot of friends in Israel, and they'll listen or somebody will tell them of something that I've said or something, and I will get emails or calls from them and say, can't tell you how much it means to know that there are christians in America that are standing up. I mean, they really feel alone. And can you share any examples of when you've.
When you've told people or when you've given them things and told them that this is from the Christians?
Yael Eckstein
Wow. I have examples every single day. Just a few days ago, it was very powerful. I went to go deliver a food box to a woman in Stairros. Now is one of the towns that was bombarded on October 7. Terrorists invaded, killed many people. They've been living under rock attack for 20 years, right on the border with Hamas. And I went in and brought a food box, and it was an older Holocaust survivor. And I said, this is some Christians who love you, who want you to know that you are not alone, and they are not only providing you with food, but they are providing you with prayer.
And she started crying. And she looked at me. She said, well, I'm a Holocaust survivor. 70% of the Nazis identified as Christians. Now, there are Christians who love.
And I looked at her, I said, there are over 700 million christians around the world who love you and who recognize exactly what the story of Ruth. Your God is my God. Your people are my people. What we're seeing, Glenn, is the enemy that Israel faces is the same enemy that America faces more than the words of my friends. I look at the words of my enemies, and I see the enemy saying, first book one for the Saturday people, the Jews. And then we're going to December 1, we're going to the middle Satan, which is Israel. Then we're going to the big Satan, which is America. But I think the fact that Christians realize that we are fighting the same enemies, facing the same threats, we are both infidels in the eyes of our enemies, and we have to face this together.
That is creating a story that our children and grandchildren will benefit from, because together, the only way we can make the future better.
Glenn Beck
So they are talking now about the use of some sort of an EMP bomb on Israel. This is Iran and Hezbollah. And if they use that, it'll be the first time anybody has used something like that in war. It will quickly be denounced and added to the Geneva convention.
Destroy the Iron Dome and all electronics which is important for this fight in the skies. And also with all the equipment that Israel has.
Is the feeling on the ground in Israel that this is an empty threat or a real threat?
Yael Eckstein
Well, I say that we are preparing for that scenario and any other scenario, and we have to get our bomb shelters ready to live in there for three days at least, without running water, without food, without electricity. And that's exactly why the international fellowship of Christians and Jews is working literally around the clock, providing these food boxes in every single city to the shelters where otherwise people literally won't have them. Just yesterday, I went to go visit one of the most strategic locations in Israel, which are the electric poles that we know. Hezbollah has hundreds of rockets that are precision targeting. That location provides electricity to 70% of the country.
We have to be ready for any what if scenario. So, on one hand, I'll tell you, Glenn, that we are preparing both as a country and also specifically as the international fellowship to the Christians and Jews, this philanthropic organization in Israel. We have an obligation to be providing tens of thousands of food boxes prepared before that happens so the people would be safe and they'll be able to survive this. But I also have a side note that very strongly believes, just like the story of Perham and wicked Haman, that this day that we anticipate as disaster could, in a second turnaround celebration. And that's my prayer and that's my belief that God has his plan. This isn't by chance. God calls Israel the apple of his eye, that we have to prepare. We have to do what we can, and we have to know that God is calling us to say, what side do you stand on? There's no more masks on. There's good and there's bad. There's life and death. Those who cherish life and those who are chasing death and using human shields and targeting civilians, he's taken off the mask and what he claimed is what side you stand on. But I believe that ultimately, God has his plan for this role, and that plan will be good.
Glenn Beck
Yael, thank you so much for everything that you guys do. It's an honor to work with you guys. It's ifcj.org. you can find out all of the information on how you can get involved.
I love the fact that these are Christians and Jews standing together and. And making sure that we don't, we're not part of the sins of the past, that we don't repeat this, that we're actually on the front lines helping people and making sure that they have food and water and everything else that they might need.
And you can get involved. Roll up your sleeves. Ifcj.org. ifcj.org. Yeah. Thank you so much. God bless you. Be safe.
Yael Eckstein
God bless you. Thank you.
Glenn Beck
International Fellowship of Christians and jews is ifcj.org.
so, Pat, if this goes into a global, I mean, into a regional war there, how long do you think it would take China to go take Taiwan?
Pat Gray
1520 minutes?
Glenn Beck
20 minutes?
Pat Gray
Yeah, I think. I think they. Right away.
Glenn Beck
Right away, right. I mean, I could see all of this happening before January.
I mean, if Iran strikes and it becomes a regional war there, it's going to destabilize everything. All of our concentration will be there. We've already sent another aircraft carrier group group to the 6th Fleet.
Plus, you have Ukraine, which that thing could spiral out of control the minute that Putin sees us distracted anywhere. We shouldn't be involved in any of these things. Shouldn't be involved in any of these things.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
And we have a treaty to protect Taiwan. Here's what we should do with Taiwan. And I hate to say this, but this is the only thing I think we would be capable of doing. And that is if Taiwan. If Taiwan goes to China, if they attack Taiwan, we don't have the supply chains. We don't have anything. We should blow up those sterile factories for the chips.
They make all of the highest end chips that we need for artificial intelligence and everything else. You cannot allow those things to go into the hands of.
Of China. Just can't. And I know. I'm sorry, Taiwan, but for the good of the free world, I think we should blow those things up. If they start coming in, we should have people there now with explosives.
If they go in. Blow them up. Blow them up.
Pat Gray
The short sightedness with China has been astounding to me. I can't.
You know, we're. We continue to rely on them for medication.
Yeah. Almost all of our drugs are produced in China.
The chips that come from there, the precious metals.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
The batteries.
Glenn Beck
Batteries, everything.
We are moving to electric cars, and they control the battery supply.
It's insane.
Pat Gray
And like you just pointed out, if there's a conflict and we're on the other side of it, you think they're going to continue to supply all this stuff to us? Not. Of course not. They're not going to know. They're not going to. They'll just cut us off.
Glenn Beck
If they take. If they take Taiwan, then every major chip that we need as a country will. Will be made by China. Do you think they're not going to have access to absolutely everything that we have if they're making all of our high end chips? And they're the only people in the world that are doing it is Taiwan. And if we went in and we destroyed those, I mean, it's really our own, our only chance of any kind of even playing ground. But if we went in to destroy those, I mean, you know, I'm not an idiot. What is China going to say? Because China claims all of that is theirs now.
I mean, it's just. We're just.
We've got to switch riders. These. These riders are taking our horses over the cliff, and we've got to have somebody grab the reins, pull them back, and start going the other direction. There is something really important about being an adult.
We have adult things to work on, and. And realizing that you are living in these times is kind of exciting in a way. I mean, it's really spooky in some ways. You're like, wait, I don't want to live in those times in history that everybody looks back and goes, I got to go see that documentary. That was amazing. I don't want to live in those times. But we are. And so now we have to face it. And it is a fight against good and evil. And one of the biggest fights is on the, uh, abortion. And I just don't believe we're ever going to, we're ever going to litigate our way out of this. We're never going to shout our way out of this or protest our way out of this. This, this has to be a change of heart. And that's why it is so important that we hold up our light, that we shine our light, that we don't get dragged into everything, that, that all of the anger and the hatred, because what's changing? Abortion is preborn. They are holding up the light. They are actually loving not just the baby, but also the mom who's coming in and saying, I have to consider an abortion.
When you love on both of them, the whole thing changes.
They're twice as likely to consider choosing life when they just get the free ultrasound and see their baby and the heartbeat and hear it, uh, and then when they say, by the way, I know you feel alone. You don't feel like you have the support or money or anything else to do it. We got you covered for the first two years. After you have the baby, you, you can stop like 60%. Now. The problem is we have to change hearts because now most abortions are being done by the pill, but they're working on that as well. Can you help us save babies, please?
All you have to do is $28. It sponsors one ultrasound. How many babies can you save? Dial pound 250. Say the key word baby. It's pound 250, keyword baby. Or go find out all about it and, and donate online@preborn.com. beck preborn.com Beck sponsored by preborna 10 seconds station id.
Pat Gray
It'S just looking at the stats on rare earth minerals, you know, the things we need for so much high tech.
You know that China supplies 95% of the global supply and that we account for 74% of those minerals being imported here. So that's a lot. And it's interesting because we just found a massive reserve in Wyoming.
Did you read about the massive reserve we have in Wyoming? 2.34 billion metric tons of it. It 2.3 billion. 2.34 billion metric tons.
Glenn Beck
But do you think the environmentalists and the leftists are going to allow us to take that out of the ground?
Pat Gray
No, they're, they're trying to stop it. Right now.
China has an estimated 44 million metric tons. We're talking about 2.34 billion that we have and. And then wouldn't be dependent on them anymore.
Glenn Beck
Right. So tell me, I'm. How does the left make sense at all? They say we have to save the planet by going to electric cars. Well, if you have electric cars, you have to have cobalt.
We find cobalt, they will not allow us to dig it up.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
And so they want to make the. The batteries in China, which is the dirtiest country in the world, and then put it on a ship and ship it over here, then on a train, then on a truck, and then in your car.
It's insanity. Yeah, it's insanity. I mean, why we are still listening, you know, they're so arrogant now. I think that we have a real chance of America waking up and going the other direction.
And if that happens, these guys are done for a long time. It's just done for a long time because we are so close to the edge right now. And hopefully Americans wake up before we commit suicide.
And if we do, I think Americans has just had enough of it. You know, the pendulum is swinging back towards common sense, and it couldn't come at a better time.
Rest of the show in 60. Hang on.
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Pat Gray
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Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're glad that you're here.
I want to read you an excerpt from chasing embers, which is my latest book for young adults. We're getting great reviews on it.
It is a number one best selling book for young adult. And we thank you for that. Let me read this. Someone from the older generation is telling one of the teenage protagonists, sky, about this corporation tyranny that was caused and how this company came to power.
There was a country and a corporation. Then there was a war. It's not that Topos took control. That's the company. They were given it bit by bit until they had it all. Topos wants to create a new world, but they can't create a new world with the same old man. Man has changed, too. But men don't change. Not really.
Despite our advancements, our breakthroughs are brilliant new ideas. We still want the same things our ancestors did. We still make the same mistakes. But the leaders of Topos are arrogant. They think human beings are containers that can be filled with whatever they want. But they have to empty us out first. Bit by bit, they emptied us out.
That way, we could be made new.
Now, listen to this clip from Kamala Harris. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know, what can be unburdened by what has been. What can be.
Unburdened by what has been. What can be. Unburdened by what has been. What can be.
JP Decker
Glenn Beck
We've made fun of this for a very long time. But what is she saying there?
I can take all of the old stuff that I know and take it out. I can take it out of me. And when we are unburdened by all of the things that we know, that we've learned, if we just empty all of that out of us, we can be made new and we can accomplish anything.
This is the same idea about the world that Topos has in chasing embers. If we just unburden ourselves of our history, of our language, of our traditions, we can enter this bright, utopian new world. Want to know how that works out? Read chasing embers with your family and then talk together about, you know, whether it's worth forgetting your history to pursue utopia chasing embers. It is out wherever books are sold, right? Now.
Let me go to JP Decker. JP is with us. He's been with me forever. He's the Mercury one executive director now, and it is the one year anniversary of the wildfire in Lahaina. And I think we're one of the only major charities that is still there. I could be wrong. JP, welcome to the program.
JP Decker
Hey, thanks, Glenn. It's good to be on.
Glenn Beck
So you're not over in Hawaii now, are you?
JP Decker
I am right now. We are here for the memorial today.
Glenn Beck
You are. You are. Tell me what is happening with Mercury one. Just give us an update on what has happened in Lahaina and what we've been doing there for the last year.
JP Decker
So we've been providing mental health because there's been a mental health crisis of multiple suicides. Most people still feel uncertain. I was speaking with many people yesterday as soon as I landed, and they're uncertain about their housing still. And they're uncertain about what the jobs. About 72% of all people in the white in Maui were affected by these fires. 59% said they have moved over three times. Mercury one, like you said, is one, if not the only nonprofit that is still here helping. We have provided sports for a nonprofit who ran out of funds and sports for kids. Cause these kids can't. A lot of the kids can't even come into Lahaina without frying and screaming because of what they saw that day one year ago.
We have been able to be a beacon of hope for these people.
We have also worked with a nonprofit who has built a whole community for the survivors. What's crazy about this is that they're ready for hundreds of these survivors to come live temporarily until their homes can be rebuilt. But the governor and the mayor continue to fight with each other on who's going to get the credit for wherever they're going to put these survivors, and so they're not allowing these people to move to this nonprofit yet. 30.
Glenn Beck
Wait, are these the tiny homes we've helped build?
JP Decker
Yes, these are some of the tiny homes that we have helped build with churches all across the island. And that's what we're doing. That's some of the work that we've been doing just over the past year.
Glenn Beck
Thank you so much. I saw some of the stats on what has been done just in Lahaina, and I know we've been all over the world, and it's. It's stunning.
Funded a DC eight aircraft, 17 tons of relief supplies on board, including solar lights, hygiene kits.
Following the DC eight airlift to the island, Samaritan's purse teams sifted through the ashes, cutting the burned trees, and ministered to homeowners.
Teams worked with, providing survivors with connectivity in common spaces of the hotels. This was all last year. 25,000 meals were given out through our.
One of our charities that we fund, Operation Barbecue Relief. Operation Blessing was there to get people clothing and tarps and. And all of that stuff. We've been doing a lot of stuff with Harvest church, which is right there in the community, and, you know, help shelter people and. And make sure they're doing things. I love the thing that we're doing with the kids, giving them a chance to play sports because they, they don't, they're not doing it. And they ran out of money and. Go ahead.
JP Decker
And so many of these people feel left by the, by our government. They feel left alone. They feel as if no one's talking about them anymore. 102 people were killed last year, Americans. And we have the mercury one has not, but our government has forgotten about them. A lot of them are asking, where's Oprah in the rock? Where are those funds? Where are the funds to help us rebuild? And the governor even said yesterday, well, I know that you like Front street, which is historical in Lahaina, but you have to remember that climate change is taking Front street away so things will change and it'll look different. You say that on the one year anniversary. What kind of a leader are you? These people are trying to find hope.
Glenn Beck
JP Decker
Of the 11,000 that lived there and were displaced, there's only about 3000 left because they've had to move to find jobs. And so mercury one is here. Like when we started mercury one. When you started mercury one. We want to be the first in and the last out. And that's what we're doing and that's why we're here today is we're praying with everyone, all the partners. We're praying and trying to bring that hope that we've brought to Israel, that we have brought to Afghanistan, that we've brought to all the United States through our disaster relief. And that's what we do. That's who mercury one is. And we still need help because obviously this is going to be a long process. It's going to be years and we have to continue to be here.
Glenn Beck
Thank you very much. I know that we're, you know, first in, last out in Afghanistan. We hope to be getting the last people out this year. That's our goal. We are still doing that in Afghanistan. Mercury one.org dot JP, thank you so much. God bless to you and everybody in Lahaina on this one year anniversary.
Okay, thank you, JP.
Pat Gray
JP obviously drew the short straw and had to go to Hawaii for the commemoration of the fire. It's a tough assignment. I feel for him.
Glenn Beck
Tough assignment. Yeah, it is tough as I. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really tough.
Pat Gray
Yeah, really a hard one.
Glenn Beck
There was something else, Pat, that we were gonna talk about. What was it? I've got it on my, mmm.
Stack of stuff here.
Pat Gray
Oh, it was the Olympics, right? Was it the Olympics?
Glenn Beck
Oh, yeah. You're watching the Olympics?
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
I'm shameful.
Pat Gray
Oh, why?
Glenn Beck
Shamed of you? Yeah.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Because I just. I don't know. I just like NBC to lose a lot of money. That's why.
Pat Gray
Well, see, I thought that way at first, too. I thought, I'm not gonna support these games after what they did in the opening ceremony. And then it realized. Yeah, well, that was France. I'm not gonna penalize our people for France.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, right. I'm not gonna watch something that would be entertaining for me. Right. Because of a loophole.
Pat Gray
So I found that loophole, and I've been very.
I did notice, though, we've been ahead the last couple of days in gold. We were way ahead in overall medals. But China just passed us again on the golds, 28 to 27 right now.
Glenn Beck
You know, can I tell you something?
I don't know why this would surprise us at all. I mean, I know it sucks, but I don't know why it would surprise us.
They have, like, almost all of the people on earth in China. It's true. All slaves. They take them from their children and as children from their parents, and, like, you're gonna dance?
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
I mean, and, yeah. And we're just doing it part time, you know, many times for fun. You. If you look at the population, China is so much bigger than the United States. Of course they will win more medals. They are bigger than the United States. If you can compared China and the United States, it would be like saying, can you imagine if we were at the Olympics and we're like, Colombia is beating us.
Colombia is almost tied.
I don't know for sure. Exactly. I know the area that Colombia is in. I don't. You know, I don't know if he took all the names off the countries in Latin America that I could go, oh, yeah, right there. That's Colombia. No, dude, that's El Salvador. I thought that was a town. What?
And if they were tied with us or even close.
Pat Gray
I know.
Glenn Beck
Would tell you something.
Pat Gray
Yeah. It would be embarrassing.
Glenn Beck
It would tell you something about their society.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
If it was all free, you know, and they weren't spending all their money on that. It was all privately raised, and the kids were doing it because they just were really driven to do it.
That would tell us everything about Colombia. Don't.
Don't be disheartened, but when you.
Pat Gray
And when you say it this way, it does make sense. 1.4 billion people.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
They should be able to find the best person in every single sport when they have five times our population. But we've always dominated, even with the disparity in population. So I think that's why it's a little bit hard to take. And. And the other thing is, we will pass them back before the Olympics end, where they end on Sunday, I think. Yeah, I think Sunday.
Glenn Beck
So all we need to. All we need is just a couple of guys to go in and beat up some women.
Pat Gray
If only we had that.
Glenn Beck
Isn't it weird that. Where's that guy from? Algeria? Yeah.
Pat Gray
One of them's from Algeria. The other one's from, like, Taiwan.
Glenn Beck
Muslim country.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Why is that muslim country all of a sudden? I going, we just love men who become women. What? Excuse me? What?
How did that happen?
Pat Gray
They are pretty adamant that this is not a man. They're adamant that this is a woman and has always been a woman.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
Have you seen the person you're talking about?
You might want to take a look again.
Glenn Beck
I just want to scratch my beard here just a little bit.
Pat Gray
I've always been a woman over there.
Glenn Beck
Yeah. Right. I mean, we know the difference between men and women. When the Soviet Union used to send those big falcon women over, you know, we all knew that was still a woman.
You know, there's some.
There's some differentiating, differentiating characteristics that set us apart. Anyway, let me tell you about the international fellowship of Christians and Jews. We were just talking to them a little while ago. We're coming up on the one year anniversary of the terrible October 7 hamas attack on israel. And the holy holy land is under attack every day.
Multiple fronts now. They are almost completely surrounded. This is usually when God shows up. But, you know, we'll, we'll see. It's. Hezbollah is now constantly destroying critical farmland and people's homes with their rocket attacks.
We just told you that Hezbollah and Iran now are threatening to use EMP and take down their power.
We just had Yael on from IFCJ, and she was talking about how their power lines, 70% of the power is in this one area that is being targeted by Hamas that will turn this into a catastrophe if they do that. International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has been on the forefront in Israel since the beginning of the war and way before that, addressing the needs of the most vulnerable. That's why I'm partnering with them today. And you can, too. Your life saving donations to help provide emergency food as well as security needs like flak jackets or firefighting equipment, armored vehicles, bomb shelters, and so much more. They are asking 500 of my listeners to join the fellowship and me by donating $150 to meet these urgent security needs. Will you be one of the 500 listeners to join me? Thanks to a generous IFCJ supporter, your gifts going to be matched, doubling the impact to the holy land. So make your gift right now become one of the 500. 804 eight. Eight iFCj. 888 488 Ifcj. Or go online to support ifcj.org. that's one word I support. Ifcj.org. and give now chasing embers, the new young adult fiction novel from Glenn Beck, is now on sale. Get your copy anywhere books are sold.
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We'll be right back.
Pat Gray is with me now. Pat, biggest story of the day that you think everybody should pay attention to.
Pat Gray
It's got to be the extremism of Tim Walz, because that's so important right now to realize how out of touch that ticket is and how they need to stay completely away from the White House.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, we started the podcast today in our, our number one of the podcast. You can get it at glenn beck.com or wherever you get your podcast, but you should go back and listen to it because we go through the top ten things that he has done that just, I mean, he is a, a radical of radicals and right in line with the, you know, with Harris, the top of the ticket. I mean, it would be just such a destructive radical ticket and presidency.
It would finish us off, I think, as far as the country that we know and respect.
The other thing is, you know, we haven't had a chance to talk about Tulsi Gabbard. I'm trying to get her on maybe tomorrow, hopefully. But, you know, she's been targeted by DHS. She's actually been put on a terrorist list.
And so this summer, as she was flying around.
Wait until you hear the story. It's crazy. And she thought, you know what? I'm just being paranoid. And then some whistleblowers came out from the Department of Homeland Security and said, no, you've been targeted. You are, you've been designated a terrorist.
And, I mean, she's had everything but the cavity search at every airport she has gone to. This government is weaponizing everything against their enemies.
More on tomorrow's program tonight, YouTube. The Glenn Beck program.