Socialism Is on the 2024 Democrat Ticket. Choose Wisely | Guests: Maureen Callahan & Tommy Robinson | 8/6/24
Primary Topic
This episode examines the rise of socialism within the Democratic party for the 2024 election, debating its potential impacts and implications for the United States.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The episode highlights an apparent ideological shift within the Democratic party towards socialism.
- It discusses the impact of media in framing political discourse and influencing voter perception.
- The potential consequences of socialist policies on the American socio-economic landscape are debated.
- Insights into how socialism in America could affect international relations and global policy.
- The role of public figures and media in either countering or propagating political misinformation is examined.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction to the Topic
The episode opens with an overview of the increasing socialist tendencies within the Democratic party. This sets the stage for a broader discussion on the implications for the U.S. political landscape. Glenn Beck: "Today we dissect the growing influence of socialism in the Democratic party."
2: Media Influence
Discussion on how media portrayal of socialism affects public opinion and the potential consequences of biased reporting. Maureen Callahan: "Media bias can shape not just public opinion, but also electoral outcomes."
3: Global Implications
The conversation shifts to how America's internal political changes might influence its foreign policies and relations. Tommy Robinson: "Shifts in U.S. policy have ripple effects globally, particularly in how it manages relations with allies and adversaries."
4: Counteracting Misinformation
The episode explores strategies to address and correct political misinformation related to socialism. Glenn Beck: "Critical thinking and questioning are essential in navigating through political misinformation."
Actionable Advice
- Educate yourself on the historical contexts and modern implications of socialism.
- Engage critically with media, questioning biases and seeking diverse perspectives.
- Participate in community and online forums to foster informed discussions.
- Encourage transparency and accountability in political reporting.
- Advocate for educational reforms that include comprehensive political education.
About This Episode
The U.K. has a two-tier justice system, and America is mirroring that practice. Glenn outlines the immigration issues plaguing the U.K. and reveals the terrifying similarities between the U.K. and what's happening here in America. Did Kimberly Cheatle destroy evidence to close the case of the cocaine found in the White House? Glenn rants about the idolatry that plagues the Democrat Party and reveals who Kamala Harris picked as her VP. Journalist Maureen Callahan joins to discuss her new book, "Ask Not," which exposes Kennedy's dark, secret history with women, including presidential candidate RFK Jr. Maureen and Glenn also dive into the assassination of JFK and RFK Jr.'s plane crash. Independent journalist Tommy Robinson, who was imprisoned for reporting about sexual abuse in the U.K., joins to discuss the civil unrest happening in Britain due to out-of-control immigration.
Maureen Callahan, Tommy Robinson
Guest Name(s):
Maureen Callahan, Tommy Robinson
Content Warnings:
Glenn Beck
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It's a new day. I turn around.
Maureen Callahan
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
Glenn Beck
This is the Glen program.
Hello, America, and welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It is Tuesday and I want to start in England, but I'm going to take you on a little tour of America and show you. I think what's happening in England is exactly the same thing. And all of the british press, all of the american press, everybody is missing the point.
And unless you know what's going on, I think we'll all pay a very high price for their ignorance or even faint in ignorance. We go there in just 60 seconds. Stand by. Let me tell you first about our spotlight sponsor. We want to talk to you about Lear capital.
I don't know if you saw what was happening yesterday or if you saw the reports of the pizza deliveries to the Pentagon.
Pat, do you remember that with the Gulf War when we used to watch the domino's pizza deliveries and remember that, watch them during the build up to the Gulf War? And we knew when the war was going, going to start because pizza deliveries went through the roof?
Well, pizza deliveries have gone through the roof. And then last weekend at the Pentagon. I don't know what that means, other than we've just sent a full squadron of f 22s overseas.
Iran is still talking about the use of an EMP style weapon, which would, absolutely critical, would cripple Israel. We'll see. We'll see. But between that, the state of our economy, the state of our society, things are about to change. And I beg you, please, please call and find out if you can get some gold or silver. Find out what it takes. Find out why it's important. It is. It is critical that somebody is left with some money, that you have something that can actually buy something. If you're just left with dollars, you'll have plenty of money, but nothing your money can buy.
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All right, so let me. Let me start. In England yesterday, there was a Cobra meeting.
That's the government emergency management committee. And they met in the cabinet office, all of them.
The top police officer for London was there. The top police officers all over England.
All of the security agents were around the table.
Nobody has said what's gone on inside.
However, when the chief law enforcement officer left the meeting, a journalist asked him, so is the end of two tiered justice here now? And he grabbed the microphone and threw it down.
So he was a little pissed off.
And here's why.
When he's asked, are we going to end two tier policing?
They're in denial that there is two tier policing.
They absolutely believe that they are, or they want us to believe they believe that they are.
They're just. They're. They're treating everybody equally.
We know this isn't true. Now, it's different in England. All they're doing is protecting Islam and the Muslims because they're so afraid the Muslims are going to set everything on fire. Because in London, I believe it's now 55% illegals or immigrants, muslim immigrants.
So they're no longer in the majority.
So what does that mean?
Well, it means if there is a problem, you better be very, very, very careful now, during the Black Lives Matter, see if this sounds familiar. During the black lives matter movement in 2020 in England, the now prime minister Starmer said this about the BLM riots that's cut six.
I was shocked and angered at the killing of George Floyd and the response of President Trump and the us authorities to the peaceful protests, to people rightly demanding justice has been an affront to humanity.
The last week has shone a spotlight on the racism, discrimination and injustice experienced by those from black and minority ethnic communities in the US, in the UK, and across the world. That's why today I've written to the prime minister asking for his assurance that the british government is doing all that it can to urge President Trump to respect human rights and the fundamental democratic right to peaceful protest. The labor party stands with black communities in our country and across the world because black lives Matter.
Glenn Beck
Okay? Now, if you've been following what's happening in England at all, you know that they. The police have failed to investigate sex rings. Young girls are scooped up in sex rings by these.
They claim to be muslim worshippers.
I don't think they are.
Well, maybe they are. I don't know. I don't know anymore. I don't know what. I don't know what's in charge. I don't know if reasonable Islam is in charge or it's the Allah Akbar, I'm going to blow myself up. Because you're an infidel, um, uh, islamicist that is in charge.
So they've been ignoring violence on the streets from these, um, immigrants or these illegals. They have been ignoring the illegal problem entirely. They have no go zones.
There is a two tier justice system to where if you say something about that, you're a racist and you can go to jail just for posting something on Facebook.
Now, this is what he said in 2020 with BLM.
Here's what he's saying today to the. The residents and the people who were born in England.
This is what he's saying about their standing up and calling for justice.
Listen, be in no doubt seven those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law.
The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand.
Charges will follow and convictions will follow.
I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves.
This is not protest. It is organized, violent thuggery, and it has no place on our streets or online.
Glenn Beck
So the guy that he is talking about that stirs all this up online and then runs away is a guy, Tommy Robinson, who has spent a lot of time in jail, even went to prison for just pointing out that these guys going into court were Islamicists who were raping children. And he was covering the trial. And because he was covering the trial, they threw him in prison.
Now he says he's just on regular vacation in Cyprus, but that was a threat to him. He's, by the way, going to be on the program a little later on, on today's podcast.
Meanwhile, here are the migrant protesters. Cut eight. This is Sky News reporter being surrounded.
Community leaders have been speaking to the.
Maureen Callahan
Police as well because I think apologies for the language you're hearing, but a.
Glenn Beck
Sense of all around her.
People are starting to come in.
Leave you there and Becky, we'll have security there and we'll get security there. Leave that and I'll get security there. It's peaceful protests. Why? Why not just abandon your female reporter who is now being surrounded by migrants who are saying, pre free Palestine?
What? Why are you afraid?
Why would you cut away? What would be the problem there?
How dare you leave your female reporter and say, oh, we're going to go away. We're going to cut away. And don't worry, we'll send security to this mostly peaceful group of people. Okay, so that's Sky News. Here's the BBC when they're on the street. Go ahead.
Peaceful. But it was around about 01:30 when there was around about 250 to 300 members of the asian community that came charging at one of the side streets here, up towards the counter protest site, charged at a police line, and that became a real flash point. There were chants of al Awakbah, which people weren't happy about here. And that's where tensions really did start to grow. That's where the police then had to kit up in all their riot gear. They were having to get the police horses in to create a line.
They were throwing eggs at one point at the police, and that's when things then deteriorated to the point that there was disorder in nearby streets.
Glenn Beck
But they're not the problem.
They are not the problem.
The problem is the white citizens of England that are standing up and saying, what the hell is happening to my country?
And the prime minister assures you there is no second tier justice system, of course, just like there's no second tier justice system happening here.
Let me give you this.
We find out today the DHS has released 99 terrorism suspects into the US.
They came across our border and DHS, who has been telling us the border is secure, the border is fine, we have no problems. We know who's coming in, who, by the way, broke the law and boarded 1 million immigrants, or, I'm sorry, illegals, boarded 1 million people with your money and flew them into the center of our country.
Those people also released 99 terrorism suspects into our midst.
Let me ask you, if Donald Trump had done that, do you think there'd be a problem now? Why isn't there a problem?
Because half of this country only cares about their.
What political party?
Thou shall not have other gods before me. Well, I think we have them. I think they're called the GOP and the DNC.
I think it doesn't matter anymore. If the DNC, if it's good for the DNC, that's fine. That's fine. Well, bow down. I'll bow down whatever. You got it. You want. You want Kamala in with no vote, no democratic process.
May the DNC be praised.
What is wrong with people who will not think for themselves?
Think you're really just okay. Half the country is. And I would be saying this, if Donald Trump were doing the same thing, I would say exactly the same thing.
You really don't have a problem with the department of Homeland security flying in a million people that we don't know anything about in the COVID of darkness with your tax dollars and doing it without Congress, no oversight, just the president doing it through the DHS, because he can, even though he can't, and nobody stands up and says a word.
How about this one? The former secret service agent that is now coming out and saying, the former secret service director, when the investigation that was going on about the cocaine in the White House, you know, that was so hard. That was a crime they just couldn't solve.
No. I mean, you never know who's been in and out of the waiting room for the National Security Council.
Well, they found a bag of cocaine there, and it was discovered by the secret Service uniform division. And an officer who is conducting the investigation talked to Cheadle and she's just resigned. But she talked to Cheadle and said, okay, we're going to use the standard protocols to do this. She said, quote, destroy the evidence so I can close this case.
He said, I'm not going to do that, ma'am.
The evidence was destroyed and they closed the case.
There was no investigation.
There was no investigation.
Now, do you think that would happen if Donald Trump's son was known to be using cocaine and there was, outside of the National Security Council, a bag of cocaine found, do you think that would have happened?
No, and it shouldn't have happened.
Meanwhile, a majority of Americans say the Secret Service performance is fair or poor. But, you know, it's only 27%. 27% of the. Sorry, 37% of Democrats that do that. The rest of them say, no. I think it's good. The rest of Democrats, only 37%. The president was shot.
We still don't have answers.
We still don't know anything.
We still don't know anything about the shooting in Las Vegas.
We still don't know anything about the shooting in Nashville. We still don't know anything.
But, boy, I tell you, it's a good thing we've got those January 6 people in jail.
Oh, by the way, release the Hamas people. They don't even have to.
Don't even write them a ticket for what they just did.
That's what's happening in England, and their press as well, is denying that any of that is true. You need to know what is true and then square your shoulders, no matter the consequence, or your children will not have freedom.
There's more in 60.
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I'm sorry, I just. I can't.
I'm doing this commercial and I'm thinking, I can't believe I'm doing a commercial when I feel this way.
But this is the way we communicate with each other now.
And these are the people that keep me on the air.
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All right, so you know we have election misinformation, right? I mean, we know it's, we know it's, it's out there and gosh darn it, we got to do our part to stop it.
So there's a new, there's a new posting out, a new ask from the Michigan state government.
Just as election officials have a duty to detect election misinformation and quickly provide correct information based on the law, voters have a responsibility to proactively seek out reliable sources of information and encourage productive and honest dialogue. I didn't know that. I didn't know we had that responsibility. I guess we do as an individual, sure. But I get that responsibility from God, not the Michigan state government.
Well, in Michigan, if you quote, if you see misleading or inaccurate information regarding voting or elections in Michigan, please report it and include an image, if possible, to misinformation at Michigan Dot Gov.
Now, because misinformation poses an increasing threat, you as a responsible citizen are urged to police your friends and neighbors about their use of artificial intelligence technology to create realistic deepfakes. Images, audio, video and fake comments. Fake comments.
You know, somebody making a fake comment, you gotta call the police. You gotta call the police. And if you don't know what's fake, the government now encourages you to go to the farleftsnopes.com, comma, the farleftfactcheck.org comma, the far left in long disgraced politifact.
They'll tell you the truth, Glenn Beck.
But wait, there's more.
Let me tell you about our sponsor here in the halfway point of this hour.
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It's crazy. I just found out this morning we were way number one yet again in book scan. And yet we're number eight on the New York Times bestseller. But there's no two tiered anything in this country. No, no, no, it's totally fine.
Ah, sorry. Just now you said, I'm in a mood today. Yeah, I noticed. And you referenced something about the way you were feeling during the mypillow ad.
How are you feeling today?
What's troubling you today?
Yeah, well, the world. The world is troubling me.
The blindness, the worshipping of other gods. As I said, last, just last break, we are worshiping other gods. First of all, you know, during the Olympics, we just pulled God out back into the public square, but we bound him, gagged him and tied him to a pole, and we just, we just mocked and spat on him. That's going to go well. And then we are worshiping the gods of our, of our parties.
Let me, let me just take you down the road here.
Help me out, Democrats. Help me. Help me on this.
You are now rallying around a, a candidate that you already vetted once during the primaries. She was in last place.
She traveled all over the country.
Everybody listened to her last place. She was so out of step with the american people. She was so far left and radical. I mean, we're talking Ilan Omar territory here. She was so far left, you rejected her. She was last in the polling.
Then she becomes vice president. She's assigned to find out the root causes and solve the border. Okay, well, did she know?
Look. Look at what she approved. I was the last person in the room with Afghanistan. Look at the record of this individual with the Biden administration, ok? She's part and parcel of it. She's been out pushing for the Green deal. She wants to go much, much further than that.
And that doesn't matter. And then it doesn't also matter that a coup on the president of the United States. Okay, I don't care what you think about Joe Biden. This was a coup.
Somebody walked into him and said, listen, mister president, you can make the decision, but we can make this. We can go the hard way or we can go the easy way. We're going to build you up and make you look like you know FDR and you won't have any problems. And Kamala, she's going to pardon your son and your family, and you won't have any of this nonsense. Or you can stay in and run, but I tell you, we pull all of our support for you.
We don't know what the Republicans will do.
You think games at this level aren't played like that? Of course they're played like that. They both had a gun to each other's head.
Joe, I know what you and your family has done.
And Joe said, gang, I've been around you for a long time. I know what you've done.
So why don't we just back away and be friends? Let's just be friends. Let's let this end nicely. And that's what happened. That's a coup.
So a coup happens. Democrats are fine with it. They're totally fine with it. If it wasn't a coup, it would have been the 25th amendment. They would have taken him out. But he knows too much, so they can't take him out. They got to give him the dignity of the president, even though he's not qualified. That was the reason why he had to go is he's just not capable of doing it. But he's capable of doing it now on the eve of war.
And you're fine with that? Democrats were fine with that. And so then Barack Obama comes out and says, I'm anxious to see how this democratic process is going to work. Well, there is no democratic process because your press has lied to you for over two, three years. They have lied to you. When we could all see him decline, they said, how dare you, you bigot, you ageist.
And the people, the democratic voter knew, and that's why they wanted him to run with a real primary and have challengers.
But the party, the almighty DNC, the God that must be worshipped, they said, no, no, no, he's fine. He's fine.
So he's exposed. He's got to go. He's not going to win. The democratic process. There is no democratic process. Chuck Schumer says it's a grassroots movement from the ground up for Kamala. Nobody liked Kamala.
Even the press didn't like Kamala. And then all of a sudden, because they got their marching orders, they erase history.
Do you hear me? They erased history.
That should be very concerning to you.
They erased history and then decided she's the one.
She wasn't democratically elected. She was anointed.
Who anoints?
God and his priests.
So she was anointed to be the candidate.
And everybody's fine.
She's raised $200 million. There is. There is all kinds of evidence that act blue. There's a woman. I can't remember where she's from. She would have had to donate every hour on the hour to.
In these. In these small little pieces to donate the amount they said she donated, which was $18,000. And she says, I didn't. I gave $100. No, no, no. According to records, she gave $18,000. Who did that in her name?
No. Kamala is so great. She's raised $200 million, and it's all on the up and up. No, we're going to do a show tomorrow and tell you what act blue is up to. We're going to show you the criminal fundraising that we believe we found.
But nobody cares.
Nobody cares. Now she's just picked her candidate, her vice presidential nominee.
Was it Shapiro?
Of course not. Of course not. She can't listen to this. In America, Democrats listen to this. She could not have a jew.
She could not have a jew on the ticket.
Should that tell you something?
America is the great Satan. America and Israel must die. Let's kill all the Jews. Let's kill Israel.
That vote is too important to the Democrats. They can't lose that vote.
And that's not just me saying that.
They all say that. All of them. They just say it in a nicer way. Well, it would really kind of ruffle some of the edges of our party. What, by having a jew?
And yet you're okay and you don't question, you don't know her policies. You rejected them when you heard them the first time on her website. She doesn't have a single policy. So who are you voting for?
The media is making her up.
The media has magically changed your mind about her. They hated her. You hated her. And now you're in love with her. So much so you don't even have to ask a question about her policies.
By the way, she picked the governor of Minnesota.
The governor of Minnesota. I mean, if that's not. If that's not the answer, America, I don't know what is. I mean, because you're a leftist, right?
Democrats. You're a leftist Democrats in the middle of the country. You like leftists, right? Because this is the governor, that is Bernie Sanders favorite. Governor.
Kamala is more left than Bernie Sanders.
So you have two radicals, one from California who was in charge of crime in California. How's that working out for California? And the other one is the leftist from the home state of Ilan Omar and little Somalia. How's that working out for you? Oh, by the way, his major cities burned to the ground during BLM and he did nothing.
I'm sorry. I'm sure he supported Kamala when she was saying, we have to bail these innocent people out who are lighting fires.
This is who you want.
This is, you're just blind. There's no, there was nobody like, I don't know, let me look into her. Let me look into her. It was just overnight done.
And this is the party that's going to save democracy.
I just, I question, I question the sanity of people. I think we have gone insane.
I think we will be viewed by historians as a group of people that got so wrapped up in other gods, the gods of their party, that nothing mattered. It didn't matter. You know, everybody was up in arms.
Donald Trump could go across the street and kill somebody and it wouldn't matter. Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh.
Look at what's happened to your country.
Look what's happened to your savings. Look what's happened to your 401K. Look what's being taught to your children. Look at the future of your children.
Look at your community and what's happened with crime. Look at your border.
Tell me about what's happened to you personally and you don't care. You just go right along with it.
You're insane.
You're insane if you don't pause democrats to just even ask honest questions like, wait, wait, wait. So what is it she's going to do? What is it that she will do differently? No, you won't.
You will vote for anyone. Anyone. It doesn't matter. You'll vote if you vote for her, you will literally vote for anyone. You will just go off the cliff because your party says, no, there's dirt right there in front of that. No, no, that's not a cliff. No, look, it's a, it's a prairie and you will walk right off the cliff.
I have more respect for people.
I have more respect for the individual. I have, I have more respect for the intelligence of the individual. Even if I were to lose my side, where to lose, but it was an I actual reasonable debate. Even if everybody said I looked at all of this. I'm, I'm all for the Green New Deal. I'm for a new kind of system that has abandoned capitalism. But that's not it.
You deny that that's what's happening. You deny it and then they give it to you and you then say oh no, but we embraced it the whole time.
Its insane.
Back in just a minute.
Let me tell you about tunnel to Towers. Jerry Padgett, the second enlisted into the US Navy. He deployed many times to Iraq and Afghanistan. While on patrol in Afghanistan, he was injured by an improvised explosive device, most likely from Iran. He suffered a spinal cord injury. By the way, there's another one. They love Iran.
They love Iran. Tell me what american before with these, these parties got involved and just completely destroyed your thinking. Who liked Iran? Who thinks Iran is good? Tell me gays for Iran and Hamas, tell me how much they love you as they're throwing you off a building.
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This is the Glenn Beck program.
So the person that Kamala just picked, the governor of Minnesota last week during a fundraiser at a white dudes for Harris, said, and I quote, one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness.
These are socialists that are running.
You know, I have a lot to say, but choose wisely.
Choose wisely.
Choose today which God you will serve.
This is a government that is becoming and increasingly telling you they decide on rights.
Our system, our whole premise of a country is God issues rights.
They are making themselves God.
Socialism is evil. Communism is evil. It fails all the time.
There's always been two forces that have been fought. Always.
We've called them different names.
In the beginning, they were known as Satan on one hand and Christ on the other. In Joshua's time, they were called gods of the Amorites for one and the Lord on the other. Paul spoke of the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit.
We talk about selfishness, or for one, and a life of certainty for the other. This is good versus evil these days. Domination by the state on one hand, personal liberty, but be clear, it's communism on one hand and free agency on the other.
There is a phrase you don't want to have to use someday.
If I only had a burn a launcher.
If you're a gun owner like me, you've probably been taught that carrying a firearm comes with great, great responsibility. And one of them is you never pull your gun unless you're ready to shoot somebody and shoot to kill. It's not like the movies. I'm going to shoot him in the leg. You're a moron.
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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Well, hello, you sick freak. I can't figure out the RFK bear story. I don't. I mean, other than we're insane. We're a country that's gone insane. Here's RFK. A presidential candidate coming out and just saying, yeah, I saw this bear on the street. I was upstate New York. It was dead. So a Kennedy, I picked it up, I put it in the trunk of my. Because I was gonna go home and skin it and save the bear meat so I could eat it.
But I had to have a meeting in New York City.
And I was it just took too long. And so I was afraid the bear meat spoiled. So instead I went to the park and I posed it so it looked like it had been hit and killed by a bicycle. And it actually made the paper. And people were like, where the hell this bear come from? How did it die? What happened? It was RFK. We're insane. We're insane.
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And I don't know if you know this, we have a Kennedy running again in this. Yeah. Yeah. Believe it or not, Maureen Callahan is the author of the book, ask not the Kennedy Secret History with women exposed at a time when men are becoming women and women's sports don't belong to women anymore. The abuse of women, I think, by our society and by the elites, is the greatest it may have been in my lifetime.
Maureen is here to talk to us about it. Hi, Maureen. How are you?
Maureen Callahan
Hi, Glenn. How are you? Thank you so much for having me. And thanks to Megan for recommending my book to you so heartily.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, I have to tell you, and we'll get to it in a little while. I did not know that Jackie was going to divorce John a couple of times. The first time, I don't know why she went back. I mean, this is what, it's one of the worst things I've ever heard a husband do, honestly.
But let's start at the. Let's start at the beginning.
Are all of them like this?
Maureen Callahan
Not all, Glenn, but most of them, as you opened with the latest lunacy regarding RFK junior. And you know what's amazing to me about that story is people rightly lose their minds over his weird and mistreatment of animals. But when it comes to women, we're still sort of in the dark about that. We don't really talk about that.
Glenn Beck
I think his uncle did pretty much the same thing with not a bear but a woman.
I mean, I think that's pretty much what Ed Kennedy did.
Maureen Callahan
Yes. And again, you know, that's really not discussed at all. I mean, the germ of this book was really watching the wall to wall coverage of Ted Kennedy's statesman funeral, which went on for three days. And I never heard the name Mary Joe Kopechne.
It shocked me. I don't know why it shocked me. I shouldn't be that naive. But I do think leaving a young woman to die in 3ft of water while you cravenly rush back to your hotel and pass a firehouse and lighted homes and payphones and just make sure that you get a good night's sleep and that you shower and shave the next morning and have a hearty breakfast before you decide to take yourself over to the police station and report a minor incident the night before should be less than a footnote in one's obituary.
Glenn Beck
It's unbelievable.
So should we start with Joe? Because is Joe the root of all of this?
Maureen Callahan
The dad posit? Yes. That Joe Sr. The patriarch of the Kennedy family, who envisioned a White house for each of his sons a presidency, is the he committed two original biblical sins. The first, the political sin, was his appeasement of Adolf Hitler as the United States ambassador to Great Britain, his bloodless acceptance of the looming death of western democracy as he saw coming, his personal was the forced lobotomy of his daughter Rosemary, a beautiful, vibrant young woman who he rendered basically a two year old for the rest of her life.
Glenn Beck
Why did you talk about this in the book? Explain why he did that.
Maureen Callahan
You know, Glenn, for so long, when the story finally broke in, like decades later in the eighties, that there was a secret Kennedy who had been hidden away.
What they put out was that Rosemary had been born with some mental deficits, and in an effort to, quote, unquote, fix her, they were so desperate to find a solution that they over corrected.
She underwent an experimental surgery that went wrong and was left with these cognitive impairments. And, in fact, I mean, we're talking about a woman who could no longer toilet herself or speak or feed herself.
What I learned in the reporting, because also that just, it never made sense to me.
What really was going on was that Joe, the father, was very likely sexually abusing Rosemary.
Glenn Beck
Oh, my.
Maureen Callahan
Many family, friends close to the family always found something sinister in that dynamic.
And after the book came out, I heard from someone close to the family who said, that's correct. And they talk about that to this day.
Glenn Beck
You know, this election, we are hitting a significant milestone, and I've not heard anybody talk about this. This election will be the first in 48 years, almost my whole life, 48 years, without a bush, a Biden, or a Clinton on the ticket. And this is what happened with the Kennedys. Why do we have these royal families? Why do we tolerate this? How do they gain this much power to be able to control the awful, awful things that they've done?
Maureen Callahan
It's such a great question.
It's such a great question. And I really think the Kennedys are sort of the mushroom cloud that hang over all dynastic politics.
And it's a big reason why I wrote this book. You know, this country still has a very toxic and false relationship with the Kennedys and with this notion of Camelot.
These are people who, you know, we've been. I do think their personal behaviors have been ameliorated not just by a worshiping press, but by the assassination of JFK, which was a huge national trauma. The assassination a few years later of RFK, another huge national trauma.
And whenever a woman pops up and says, excuse me, I've been harmed by a Kennedy man, I've been raped, I've been assaulted, the reaction is typically, this family has been through so much.
Why would you come forward?
I mean, that happened as recently as I want to say. I think 2012, when Mimi Alford, who was a 19 year old White House intern who JFK, in my view, raped on her first day in the secretarial pool, she was a virgin.
She was. She got the same treatment by the New York Times, by ABC News. It was how dare you. How dare you malign a dead president? Not like, should we reassess this?
Glenn Beck
They're still, they're still claiming that Thomas Jefferson, not his brother, but Thomas Jefferson, raped slaves. They don't have any problem maligning him.
I don't.
It is.
Maureen Callahan
Kennedy's are just a different beast, you know, I mean, we're seeing it in real time. In my book, I detail with great color provided by Bobby's estranged wife who killed herself. Her divorce lawyer spoke to me. Her psychotherapist spoke to me. They all wanted people to know exactly who they're dealing with in RFK junior.
Glenn Beck
So tell the Bobby story. Tell the Bobby story, the RFK junior story and his wife, because she did end up killing herself because allegedly of what she lived through.
Maureen Callahan
It's just incredible. So Mary Richardson was another beautiful, vibrant, brilliant woman, mother of Bobby's four children.
Their marriage begins to fall apart, in no small part because Mary discovered Bobby's sex diaries, in which he listed the numerous women he had had sex with rated from one to ten based not on performance, but on how far they went.
Some of these women are very famous. Some of them were friends of Mary's.
And rather than apologize or try to work through this, he gaslit her.
He cut off her court mandated funds. He was supposed to pay her $20,000 a month in spousal and child support.
He cut off her credit cards. She would be seen at the school run begging other mothers for $20 so she could go to the grocery store or fill up her gas tank. He's flaunting his new girlfriend, Cheryl Hines, a famous actress up in Westchester. They move into a house just a few hundred yards away.
He takes Mary to her therapist one day, and he says to the therapist, I would like you to diagnose Mary as mentally ill.
This is Kennedy Playbook 101. When a woman becomes inconvenient, call her crazy, call her nuts, lock her up. They did it to Jackie at one point, and the therapist says to Bobbi, I'm not going to do that. Bobbie, your wife is sad, your wife is angry, but she's not mentally ill. Mary winds up killing herself before she did. So she gave those diaries to her lawyer, basically saying, in sum and substance, if something happens to me, I want the world to know who this man really is.
After she dies, she hangs herself in their barn.
Bobbi not only runs to the media into the waiting arms of the New York Times to talk about what a mess Mary was and how hard it was to be married to her and how amazing it was that he even survived it, but he fights her siblings for her body, which he gets with great fanfare, pomp, and circumstance, buries her in front of the media in the Kennedy family plot.
And then one week later.
This, to me, is the cruelest blow.
Secretly and without permits, in the middle of the night, he has her coffin exhumed and has her buried alone, 700ft away on the side of a hill.
Glenn Beck
Maureen Callahan
I know it was his final act of revenge.
Glenn Beck
You know, it goes to his uncle, though, the way his uncle treated Jackie when they lost their child.
I mean, it's a horror story. Hang on. We're going to. We're going to go there next. Give me 1 minute, and then we'll be right back. The name of the book is ask not. You'll.
You might actually regret asking if you really want to know the truth, because it. You'll look at the Kennedys in a completely different way. Make the most of the time you have. It's pretty good advice for pretty much anything you're doing in life, but it seems especially good when it comes to anything doing with your dog.
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all right, let's take 10 seconds, and then we're right back talking to Maureen Callahan. The name of the book is ask, not take us through because this sounds very similar to the cruelty that JFK showed Jackie O when they lost her first baby.
Maureen Callahan
Yeah. This is a part of Jackie's life and her marriage to JFK that, that very few people know about. So she wanted more than anything to have a child, and she had very difficult pregnancies.
The Kennedys always blamed Jackie, when more likely the STD's that Jack was passing to her constantly were having the terrible effect on her health.
But she is about to give birth to their daughter, and he goes off on a multi day cruise on a yacht in the Mediterranean with a bunch of other women.
She goes into labor.
She wakes up and is told that she has given birth to a stillborn daughter.
She wakes up to Bobby at her bedside. Not Jack.
Bobbie says to her, I can't reach Jack in the med. And, of course, Bobby had reached Jack in the medden, told him about the baby. And Jack's response was, what does it matter? The baby is dead.
I'm not coming back.
So Jackie is left alone in a hospital bed for eight days to mourn a daughter she never got to hold.
She was too weak and grief stricken to bury her daughter. Bobbie took care of all of that.
Jack materializes in her hospital room on day nine, having been told by his good buddy, Senator George Smathers, if you ever want to be president of the United States, you better haul ass back to your wife.
That's the first time Jackie almost left him.
She really agonized.
Glenn Beck
You have to read the book because you go into much greater detail where, you know, he lands. And the first thing he says was, she never told me she didn't want to wreck my vacation.
I know.
I mean, it's really, it's, it's. It's grotesque. And she's talking to her mom, saying, I'll never go back to him. I can't. Why did she go back to him?
Maureen Callahan
Oh, my God, Glenn, you're so. I mean, she was crying. She would say, how could I have been so stupid? And this is a woman who is extremely intelligent, both, like, intellectually and emotionally correct.
She consulted with Walter Ritter, then a media mogul, you know, on par today with, you know, a murdoch, etcetera. And he said to her, you really need to game this out in your head, because if you leave him, he will never become president.
Can you live with that?
Suddenly, this is all on Jackie's shoulders.
And she really took that to heart. She was so young, she couldn't see that this wasn't something that Jackie would be doing to Jack, but rather that these were things Jack was doing to Jack.
Glenn Beck
We have to take another quick break here in a minute or so, but I want to get to that day in Dallas because the way you wrote it is just, it's expertly written. Thank you. And it is, it's really moving. And I've never, I've never read it like that before or seen it portrayed like that before on how she was so dedicated to him, at least on that day.
And then I kind of, I want to go back into what does all of this mean for us? Glenn Beck, I don't know why I'm fascinated with the Kennedys, because they're really bad people. But have you ever noticed that if you do a job right the first time, you don't have all that irritating hassle of having to do it over and over again because you did it the wrong way the first time? Well, when it comes to buying and selling a home, especially in the current market, truer words have never been spoken. You've got to do it right the first time. That's why you need the absolute top of the line when it comes to a real estate agent. A number of years ago, my brother and I were talking about, he was trying to sell his house, and I had just tried to sell my house, and it was just a real hassle. And we decided, you know, we got to find out. How do we find real estate agents that are good? Because we didn't even know how to interview them. And I started working with the 500 best real estate agents in the country, according to the Wall Street Journal. And I learned a lot from them. And that's when we started this company. We vet these people six ways to Sunday, and that way we can narrow it down for you. The people in your area that have the best business practices, have the best track record, and we can turn them on to you. All you have to do is just get in touch with us. Realestateagentsitrust.com that's realestateagentsitrust.com. dot don't forget to use the promo code. Glenn 30 trial for $30 off your subscription, plus a seven day free trial@blazetv.com.
glenna, you now have the most radical socialist slash communist ticket since Eugene Debs in the teens in America, Kamala Harris has selected the governor of Minnesota. I want to just play the audio of him last week. Listen, this is our moment.
Tim Walz
This is not just transformational for one election. This is transformational for several generations. But here's the thing that I take responsibility for. We're not in this alone. The rest of the world needs us to be here. These guys throwing our NATO allies under the bus, the idea that they don't care what happens in the rest of the world, not addressing climate change, that's going to impact communities that are less fortunate than anyone else. Those are the things that has to do. We have communities that are going to pay the price because we don't address it. Here's the great news. How often in 100 days do you get to change the trajectory of the world? How often in 100 days do you get to do something that's going to impact generations to come? And how often in the world do you make that bastard wake up afterwards and know that a black woman kicked his ass and sent him on the road? Don't ever, don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. Just do the damn work.
Glenn Beck
One man's socialism is another man's neighborliness. We're going to comment on that next hour. Also, Tommy Robinson joins me in about a half an hour. This is the guy that the prime minister yesterday in a press conference said has caused all the trouble and is stirring it up and has run. We're going to talk to him in Cyprus in about 30 minutes. Right now we are discussing the Kennedys, a new book out called Ask not from journalist Maureen Callahan, a good irish name there. Maureen, taking on the Kennedys.
I want to quickly, if we can just tell the details of the assassination and all that she did.
Jackie O. That day.
Maureen Callahan
To sort of just summarize it, you know, while all of the men from secret service agencies, two priests called to deliver last rites were falling apart, it was Jackie who really held everything together.
It was Jackie who immediately mobilized the White House staff to begin planning the funeral.
It was Jackie who held the country together and signaled to the world that America would not just survive this trauma but would emerge even stronger.
And it was Jackie who, without realizing the long term consequences, called a journalist up to the Cape one week later and basically had him act as a stenographer as she gave what we now know to be the Camelot myth.
Glenn Beck
The scene that you described, she doesn't remember climbing out on the back of the car to retrieve some of his head.
She actually, a doctor was walking by in the hospital, and she was holding a part of his brain, and she gave it to him. I mean, stuff I just didn't know. She was remarkable that day. Truly remarkable.
Do you, did you get into, in any of your investigation? Did you look into, you know, the assassination? Do you believe, do you believe the story that it was just one man in the government wasn't involved at all?
Maureen Callahan
That's such a great question, Glenn. I, you know, I don't. I don't know. But what I do know is that Bobby, his brother, thought the CIA was involved.
Jackie herself, during, she testified for the Warren commission. But she said it. She didn't even want to know.
Her trauma was so deep and abiding that, you know, you talk about those great details of her trying to climb out of the car after he was shot. And she would look at the Zapruder. She would see it with the rest of us every anniversary, and she would say, I could never recognize the woman on the back of that car, and I have no idea what she was trying to do. Completely blacked it out.
Glenn Beck
It's crazy.
So JFK junior, he was in an airplane crash.
You talk about it in the book.
What happened?
Maureen Callahan
So the JFK junior plane crash, you know, we just went through the 25th anniversary a couple of weeks ago, and we just went through all of the hosannas about what a great guy he was and what we lost. And his wife Carolyn and her sister Lauren, who died in that crash, are footnotes in the book. I go through a tick tock of not only what led to that crash that night, but I also go deeper back into JFK junior s history as somebody who not only had a death wish, but often bullied the women in his life to risk their lives along with him.
But, Glenn, I'll tell you the one detail that, that sticks with me still and that I guarantee none of your listeners know.
That night, he was so reckless and had deliberately ignored every rule of aviation that JFK junior almost crashed into a packed American Airlines commercial jet making its descent to New York City that night.
Glenn Beck
Even weirder into JFK, if I'm not mistaken. Right?
Maureen Callahan
Yeah. No, you're absolutely right into the whole thing, actually, his pilot's license, his papers washed up on Jackie's beach on Martha's Vineyard.
Glenn Beck
Oh, my gosh.
So why does all of this matter to us today?
Maureen Callahan
Well, I think it's extremely relevant today, not just because we see another Kennedy making a run for the White House who's really that. It's predicated on nostalgia for and affection for the Kennedys.
But, you know, when we talk about our divided politics and how tribal we are and the information that the mediaev allows us to consume much of the mainstream media, you know, I can draw a direct through line from the media covering for all of what JFK was up to in the White House. And we're not just talking about women or teenage girls that were shuttling around the country as sex toys, but we're talking about his heavy, heavy drug use, the lies he told about his physical health, which was quite dire.
Glenn Beck
She didn't even. Jackie didn't know she married a healthy guy. She thought, right. I, when I read that in your book, I was. It was crazy.
They intentionally kept it from her.
Maureen Callahan
He sold her such a false bill of goods. And like every Kennedy woman who marries into that family, the minute they get behind the curtain, it's a holy s moment. Like, what did I just do to myself?
When you get behind the curtain, it is so dark.
And if you are a woman, it's like they throw you in the deep end of the pool and they tell you to just swim, just tread water, just try to survive it.
But to your earlier question, I mean, I could draw a direct through line from that cover up in JFK's interests. Right? To Biden, where we were told for years, he's great. He's spry.
His 20 something aides can't keep up with him. You people who are concerned, how stupid are you? Trust us.
Glenn Beck
What do you think?
These people, they've been in Washington forever, so they know where the bodies are buried, and many of their bodies have been buried by people. So who controls who?
Did Biden control the government. The government control Biden. Is it, you know, 50 50? And once in a while, one gets the upper hand. How does this happen?
Maureen Callahan
I would love to know. I mean, who do I don't know. Who's been in charge the past three years? Who's been making the crunch decisions? Who answers the 03:00 a.m. call? That question we know is not Biden, since we've learned to. And his staff does not wake him up in the middle of the night.
They let him sleep.
Glenn Beck
Do you think it was a coup with what happened with Biden?
Was that a coup?
Maureen Callahan
It seems to me like it was an internal coup for sure. And, you know, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi had to take out the long knives.
So it's been a match.
Glenn Beck
You know, it really has been. And it's amazing that nobody seems to care.
You know, I don't want that happening to him or anybody else. I would. I wanted him to resign or the 25th amendment to be invoked because he's not fit for office, but not a coup because what, what was exchanged for that? What was promised to get threatened and what was promised because, you know, they both walked away from each other with a gun to each other's head. Okay, we're going to walk away friends, right? I mean, we're going to keep quiet on everything. Right?
What was that?
Maureen Callahan
I couldn't agree with you more. I mean, I think that, that, what seems clear is that he was threatened with a 25th amendment or worse. I mean, they know where all the bodies are buried. Hunters bodies, Joe's bodies, Jill's bodies. They know.
And I think that the exchange was, we will let you serve out your presidency, which is such a hero, a travesty, and I mean treasonous, really. This guy is not running the show. We don't know who is, but we're supposed to just be happy with this. So to watch this, you know, coronation of Queen Kamala and everything's great, and we have new energy. It's sort of, I feel like I'm in an alternate universe universe.
Glenn Beck
I know.
I mean, I think it was the Atlantic marine that had, you know, they hated Kamala. They hated her. They've hated her forever. Americans hated her. You know, they just thought, no, she's not for me. She's kind of a radical or a dummy. She's no dummy.
But that's the way she was viewed. And then I think it was the Atlantic that had the COVID Camelot.
And they're resurrecting Camelot from the Kennedys.
Maureen Callahan
I mean, we know not what.
Glenn Beck
They can't keep anybody working with her. Yeah, it's crazy. My gosh, it's just crazy. Thank you so much, Maureen. I really appreciate the conversation. Thanks for your hard work.
You bet. Are we going to ever know the truth? I mean, are they ever going to release the Kennedy files?
Maureen Callahan
I would hope so. I mean, Trump said he was going to in his first term, and then for some reason, he backed off of it.
Glenn Beck
I know.
Maureen Callahan
I think that we are old enough and wise enough to handle the truth.
Glenn Beck
Well, I just, I have a feeling it's not names. It is. It's agencies that are being protected now.
Maureen, thank you so much. Appreciate it. God bless.
Maureen Callahan
Thanks, Glen.
Glenn Beck
You bet. The name of the book is ask not the Kennedy secret history with women exposed. If you're thinking about voting for RFK Junior, you might want to read this because there's a lot in there about the way he treats women.
It is. There's.
I don't know.
I don't know if I've ever believed in evil more than I do right now.
I don't.
Evil as an entity. I've always believed that there was evil and, you know, people could make choices and. But it's an entity. It is. It's a cult. It is a cult. And the world is being sucked into it. And we saw, with the Olympics opening ceremonies, we saw a ritual happen in front of the world, and everybody dismisses it and, and blows it off. I also don't think I've ever understood more.
Even the very elect will be deceived.
And, you know, that could be me, too. I don't know. I really don't know. But.
And how people just will not see it. They would.
People with eyes and ears, they won't hear it. They won't see it. And that's what's happening. And these dynasties like Clinton, what's the difference between Clinton and JFK and the Kennedys? There's none. They won't do anything to the Clintons. Why? Why?
They wouldn't do anything about Jeffrey Epstein. Why they won't even allow you to know that the Clintons were involved with Epstein. Why they won't do anything about the Biden family.
Why, what kind of pact has been made with these families?
Back in just a minute.
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Call in and let it out.
888727 B e c k this is the Glenn Beck program.
So Britain is on the verge of civil war, and it is because there's a dual justice system just like there is here.
You know, there's this meme going around of one guy who spent 15 weeks in jail because he posted racist comment on Facebook, a racist comment on Facebook. 15 weeks in jail, another white guy, 24 months prison because he sold anti immigration stickers.
And then the third guy, who is an Arab, repeatedly raped a twelve year old girl.
Three counts he got 180 hours of community service.
I don't know. That sounds a little like the difference between January 6 and BLM.
It sounds a little like what's going on happening here and it's happening all over the world. They're denying it.
The guy the prime minister says behind it next.
Tommy Robinson
Have no room.
Glenn Beck
To compromise.
We gotta stay together if we're gonna survive.
Stand up straight.
It's a new day. I turn around.
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Okay, we have the pick for vice president from Kamala. It's the governor of Minnesota, literally, because they couldn't afford to have a jew on the ticket. That should tell you everything you need to know. But we're going to go over the recent record, like last week, of some of the things the governor of Minnesota said, and we're going to do that in. Just. No, I don't have time now.
We also have Tommy Robinson on to talk about what's happening in.
Okay, hang on just a second.
Yes, Mike, you're on. Yeah, you need to make time for this, Glenn. Yeah. You been watching the Olympics like I have, O'Neill? No, I haven't. Yeah, I was watching the Olympics yesterday and you had that Frenchy. French guy with the pole vaulter who knocked off the bar with his pole. You know what I'm saying? We know, we know, we know. We don't need to really go here. Noodle bulge knocked ball right off of the top of the boulder.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know the same exact thing happened to me. I mean, it happens. You know what I'm talking about, Mike. Yeah, well, no surprising coming from I was at a state dinner over in South Africa for Nelson Mandela. And you remember that luscious little prime minister from Daneland?
You know the one I'm talking about? Danish prime minister. Yes, danish prime minister. Exactly. I walked over to where she was seated and accidentally knocked the entire play settings off on the floor. Right.
Yeah. All right. Okay. Okay. Much big mike, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, all right. Okay. Thank you. Hang up on him now, please. Or her, whichever the case may be. We're going to go to Tommy Robinson here in 60 seconds. Standby. First, let me tell you about my patriot supply. At this point, done. Something like my patriot supply pretty much sell itself. I mean, how many more items do you need to cross off your list of the, you know, the crazy bingo crap happening in 2024 for, you know, I think we're about to call bingo or civil war or something.
Here's the thing. I want you to call my patriot supply and have your own food, emergency supplies, whatever it is, for whatever kind of emergency we might face. And that could honestly just be a giant space vacuum sucking your whole family into space. At this point, nothing would surprise me. Please be prepared. My patriotsupply.com, they're selling their three week emergency food kit now for $200 off. Each kit delivers over 2000 calories a day. Sealed inside practically unpierceable packaging. Lasts up to 25 years. And it's really, actually really good. My patriotsupply.com save $200 per kit. Price will never be this low again. My patriotsupply.com I am.
I'm thrilled to have Tommy Robinson on. He is a independent journalist. He has been imprisoned in the UK for reporting on a sexual abuse case.
I don't know all the ins and outs of the goings on in Great Britain. But I do know that the reporting I have seen from him, he is just trying to tell the truth, that there's a two tier justice system just like there is here in America.
And it is really bad in Great Britain. And the media is part of it. And the higher ups, now they have a new prime minister. I want to play what he said yesterday about this. What could some people are saying? A coming civil war in England being.
No doubt of those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law.
The police will be making arrests, individuals will be held on remand.
Charges will follow and convictions will follow.
I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves.
Glenn Beck
This. What does he mean by that?
Well, Tommy Robinson is a journalist. He, he has said that he is just on vacation with his family over in Cyprus, but the prime minister was talking about him with that threat. He joins me now from Cyprus. Hello, Tommy.
Tommy Robinson
Hello again.
Glenn Beck
How did you feel when the president, the prime minister said that about you yesterday day?
Tommy Robinson
In all honesty, terrified.
Terrified. Because I know their opinion on freedom of speech. I know the tyrannical mindset of them, and I know that when he says whipping up, what he means is reporting the reality and the truth to the public. So it's like when they create this word of hate, they keep going on about hate. What does hate even mean? Like if their opinion, or what their opinion is of hate. I've never been arrested or tried or questioned. We have stringent laws on inciting hatred or racial hatred or religious hatred. I've never been arrested on any of them. They're not talking about people breaking laws. They're talking about people giving opinions, people giving facts. Facts have become hate to governments who don't want the truth to go to the public. So obviously, I speak very openly and honestly and I make documentary after documentary which exposes the problems that come from open border, mass immigration. And they are problems that the government wish to hide because they're due to their policy failures. So rather than deal with the problems, they deal with the people talking about the problems. And that's been my life story for the last 15 years. As you said, I've been in prison multiple times. I currently. Glenn, this will be amazing for an american audience. I currently face two years in prison because I made a documentary. There's nothing that's not true in the documentary. It's all covert recordings. But to prevent the public seeing the film, they took me through the courts, and they gave me an injunction preventing me from ever airing the evidence.
And on last Saturday, I had, I held a rally. All my rallies are peaceful, okay? I held a rally of 100,000 people. That's the largest gathering of british patriots London has ever seen. And at that rally, I played the film. I let everyone see the truth. And that film is currently my pinned 20 on my twitter, on my ex account at T. Robinsonnewera. And in a week, it's been viewed by 34 million people. And this film is far. This is what this is about. This is why the hate and the government and the media are totally attacking me right now. This is why they're trying to frame me as being involved in these riots, because the film is far bigger than Tommy Robinson. The film totally proves the weaponization of the judiciary to target dissident voice. It's what's happened to Donald Trump. It's what's happened to, it's what's happened to Steve Bannon. It's what's happened to Katie Hopkins. Across Europe, anyone who speaks out, builders face the same Marine Le Pen face the same Morton Messerschmitt, the Danish People's Party, any party that has opposed mass immigration, their leaders have been targeted from weaponized court cases. Now, my documentary proves that their entire story, they made a story that went well worldwide. And I proved the entire story was fake. The entire story. And not just it was fake, but I got covert recordings to prove that they brought the silence of employees from council so they couldn't speak out. And then it's a long documentary, but I'd advise everyone to watch it.
Documentary. And this is a documentary that by now we'll face two years in prison for.
Glenn Beck
So, Tommy, explain to the american people what happened, because there was the three girls that were stabbed. And everybody jumped to the conclusion because he was of foreign descent, non white Arab in looks. And everybody assumed that it was yet another cover up because the police didn't come out with the facts. We don't know. I mean, we go through this all the time in America. So people started to stand up. And what happened? What were they, what were they saying?
Tommy Robinson
I'll explain what's happened, because this isn't the start. Yeah. This has been brewing for decades. Anyone who's tried to talk out against immigration has been called a racist smeared attack and silence. So that's what people have seen in every town and city across our country that has an islamic community. We've had a crime which the government and the media have called grooming it's not grooming, it's rape jihad. In one town alone, I've done a five part documentary series in a town called Telford. Telford has a 1.7% muslim population. There were 1000 english victims in that town, young children. Five of them were murders just in that one town. Out of the 1.7% muslim population, it means there's only three and a half thousand Muslims. When you get rid of the women. The police investigation identified 200 culprits. The police investigation did. There's only a thousand of the men. So that's 20% of the men were raping, torturing young english girls. Now, in that case, the police identified 200 perpetrators. Only eleven faced prosecution. They didn't charge the other 189. And in Robberham, we had 1400 children. So across our entire country, from one end to the other, young english girls have been sacrificed, the cases have been hidden up. There's been a conspiracy of silence by institutional leaders, religious leaders, political leaders. All of them have conspired together. Now, this isn't Tommy Robinson's opinion, because there's been government research and government investigations and independent inquiries in many of these seats.
In Robberham, they found that the reason the police didn't deal with it and Robin, again, 1400 victims, it's only got 3.7% muslim population. There's not that many there, but there's 1400 children raped. And the police reports now say the reason why the police didn't deal with it was because all the perpetrators were muslim and all the victims were young white english cells and they didn't want to be accused of racism. So whenever anyone thinks about the power of political correctness, it's that powerful. They paralyzed entire police forces from one end of the country to the other to stand by and allow the rape, prostitution and murder of young children. So that's been going on the our country. They hid it, they had to deal with it. Since we formed an organization, we started highlighting this across the country and we forced them to discuss it. They started making arrests. So all these different things have been happening. But what made it brew? Very recently, since October 7, we have seen the support of Hamas in our capital city every single Saturday. We've seen the takeover of universities, we've seen the calling for jihad in mosque after mosque after mosque. We've literally seen them standing in our city, in our capital city, demanding muslim armies commit jihad. And whilst they're doing that, the metropolitan police force then come out and say, there's different meanings to the word jihad, not that they're calling for muslim armies.
Then they see Isis flags, Hezbollah flags and hamas flags. And again, we're back.
Our police force, who again, out defending it. So we've seen the calling for Daphn of jews. We've seen hatred like no other. We've seen them so emboldened. And whilst all this is going on, the police don't make any arrests. They literally stand by and allow people to support prescribed terrorist organizations that carry 14 years in prison for that crime. They don't get arrested, they don't get met with police horses, with police dogs. So the country's watched all of this brewing week in, week out, and we've seen the police failure to enforce the law equally across all communities. They have a favoured community, the muslim community, but they literally don't do anything. And then as soon as patriots come out, I organized the rally where they've been, where they've been going. For our capital city, it was Armitage Day, which is our most sacred day, where we remember our armed forces and the members of the muslim community in that pro Hamas rallies, said that there's going to be no silence this year, so they're going to come to the war memorial and cenotaphs. So I made a video calling on british patriots to come down, because we can't rely on our police, because every Saturday, our war memorials were desecrated, every Saturday they spray painted on, they ripped down british flags, they set fire to our flags, and the police stood by.
So we went in Los Angeles to London to.
And then when the police come out, it was ex members of our military were with us, patriots were with us. The police come out and back, charged everyone. Now, that was a scene that no one has seen the police do that to these terrorists or these jihadists seeing it. So then the videos went viral. And then. And then two tier policing become part of british vocabulary. From that point on, Soella Braden was our home secretary. She came out and said, the Metropolitan police force are enforcing two tier policing. She was forced out of her job. So the british public watched this brew and brew and brew. Then there's not. There was another rally, this has continued. And then we had a soldier. So this is all in space for seven days, okay? We had a soldier wearing full military uniform. And as he come out of his barracks and his house, a migrant, who's been in the country six months, jumps off of his motorbike, runs over and stabs him. Stabs him twelve times, starts butchering him. And as he's butchering and the soldier's wife comes out the house. Soldier's wife comes out of the house screaming. Now, Glenn, you probably haven't heard about this because it didn't really make the. Which is insane.
Glenn Beck
I have not heard that.
Tommy Robinson
No. It didn't really make the media. So at the time that this is going on, we all know it's going on and this is why the government don't like me, because I make a big deal out of that and I report it saying, they're not telling you that. What's happened? So the soldiers been attacked. Now, this, this person who they claim suffered from mental health problems, he'd been in the country six months. He didn't stab anyone else, he just went for the soldier in military uniform. So he attacked the soldier. And we've had this before that a soldier beheaded on the streets, blundered. So then they said he was suffering from mental health.
They said he was suffering from mental health. Now, the reason why we don't buy that and I don't buy that and we don't trust them. And I'll give you one example. I can give you 20 examples. In 2016, a Muslim went into his mosque and said they wanted to kill non Muslims. Now, rather than ring the police or security services, they prayed for him. And then he left the mosque and he went into Russell Square in London. And anyone listening to this Google Russell Square attack, he goes into Russell Square in London and he starts stabbing non Muslims. So he leaves the muslim area, he doesn't have a mental health episode in a muslim area. He leaves and goes into a tourist area and he starts stabbing him. There was an american citizen who lost his life, he was murdered that day. And in between stabbing everyone, he was screaming Alar Akbar. Now, again, the media and the government told us it was mental health. We had an 88 year old woman beheaded in the her garden in London whilst the man was screaming out of the bar. And again we were told it was mental health. So all of this is happening then in hairfields, up in an area called Leeds. Romanian.
Glenn Beck
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I got to take a 1 minute break. We're with Tommy Robinson. He's explaining what the history is of why there are riots on the streets. Right now. He's about to get to the latest and what has caused this latest spat. Back in 60 seconds with Tommy. First, let me tell you about simplisafe. Recently got a letter from a disabled veteran suffering from severe PTSD. Wanted us to know that because of the simplisafe system, he has peace of mind. He said the simplisafe's advanced security technology and monitoring. I put it in my home. I'm getting a good night's sleep and I'm avoiding the nightmares that he's had for over a decade. That is something to be proud of if you are, if you're smart. I was going to say if you're concerned, but if you're smart, you know the world is changing and police are not going to be necessarily coming to your house. You need somebody to warn you and alert you. Now, peace of mind. Every day comes with that advanced home security and 24/7 monitoring plans for less than a dollar a day. Simplisafe has their live guard protection. They can act within 5 seconds on an alarm. They've got the picture. They can even talk to the intruder. No long term contracts, easy to set up for yourself, or they'll do it for you. Protect your home. Right now, 20% off any Simplisafe season system. When you sign up for fast protect monitoring, just visit simplisafe.com beck. Simplisafe.com beck. 10 seconds and back with Tommy Robinson.
Sorry, Tommy, we're on commercial radio, so I've got to take some network breaks, but go ahead, that's fine.
Tommy Robinson
So there were Leeds in the north of England, and basically we have a system where we have care for children. So if parents hurt their children or they go to hospital. So a child went to hospital with a fractured skull. He'd fractured his skull and his mum and mum and dad weren't in the house. I believe that's the allegation. So he was left at home alone and he has had multiple injuries in the hospital. So then straight away, the first incident is that they take the children into custody, into care so they can investigate what's happened. So as they've gone around to get the children, this is in a romanian gypsies and a muslim community. The Muslims and the romanian gypsies come out and started attacking the police. They burnt buses, they burnt police cars. And the video we watched was of our police force running away, literally legging it. Again. Again. They didn't come with right shields, they didn't come with police dogs, and they didn't come with horses, which is how they treat the British. So we've watched has ever run away. And then the city and then this area was burned for two days, and then the mobs kept coming out. And then there was a statement given by one of the representatives who warned that the riots that are about to happen will be spoke about for the next hundred years, if the children are not returned to the family by tonight, okay? And I knew then they'll give them back. I knew they'd give them back. So then what did the police in council do? They give the children back.
So the british public are watching all of this and then at the same time, this isn't a seven day period, our soldiers been murdered. Then a 68 year old british nan who's walking down the street, she's beaten to death by two somali migrants. So this has happened as well. And if every single hotel across our country, in every town and city is full with undocumented men from Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Iran, they're all in them. There's no children, there's no women, they're all men. And there's been lots of incidents. I'll talk about the incidents when we get there. But then we had an incident, an incident at Manchester airport. Now, incident at Manchester airport. There was a viral video that again went worldwide and it showed a Muslim laying on the floor who was being detained and the police officer kicked him in the face. It didn't look great. When you watch the video, it didn't look great, but context wasn't there because it was a two second clip. You didn't get to see what happened before this.
Thousands of Muslims took to the streets in the city called Rochdale, which is in the north of England as well, and they pelted the police stations. They turned up outside the police station threatening the police that they need to let the Muslims go that have been arrested. Okay, so the Muslims are in the police station, then the Muslims are released from the police station and then Muslims on tv across our country being interviewed saying that they're going to riot and that they demand that the police officer is toss a. The police officer is then under criminal investigation. So the police come out and make a statement saying he's under criminal investigation. They've let the Muslims go that were arrested because there's insufficient evidence. That's what we're told as a british public.
The next day, after they do that, someone leaks the video of what happens before the police officer kicks it. And what happens is that the Muslims violently batter three or four police officers. They're punching them from behind. The Muslim who was arrested who actually gets kicked in the head 2 seconds before he gets kicked on the head, in the head beat, punches a police woman and knocks her out, breaks her nose. Now these are armed response police officers so they can't mess around away because the next thing the police, the Muslim will grab the gun. So as he's gone to the floor instantly, as soon as he fell to the floor, the police officer kicked him in the head. Now, when you watch the video, the police officer was a hero, right? But that, and the police, the police knew because they had six officers there and they had the footage. They knew he shouldn't be under criminal investigation. And everyone's asking the question.
Glenn Beck
Okay, hang on. More with Tommy Robinson in a minute.
Look, this is all in a week's time. What he's just told you is a week in England leading up to where they are now.
Events all over the world are unfolding rapidly, especially in the Middle East. I mean, we're on the eve of, of war in the Middle east. It's really, really bad. They're talking about using Emps against Israel.
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Check out my show Pat Gray unleashed every weekday seven to 09:00 a.m. live, eastern or anytime, anywhere. You get your podcast.
Read the new fiction novel from Glenn Beck, chasing embers. Available everywhere now.
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're speaking to Tommy Robinson, who is in Cyprus now.
The prime minister said that he's going to be arrested and he will spend time in prison for what they say is inciting these riots and these protests.
He's talking to us about the history of just the last couple of weeks on what started all of this. And I can understand he just dropped crap. See if we can get him on real quick.
I understand the feeling there, but I think it's important that we as Americans understand Gandhi was right.
You will not win if you are violent. You just won't.
The left is pushing us into a place. They want us to riot. They want us to burn. They want us to take bricks up and break windows. And believe me, we will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If they got a second. January 6. The January 6 part two.
It's done. It is done. They want us to do these things and we must not do it.
Tommy, thanks for rejoining and spending this time. I'd love to get you on for a podcast so we can have a real in depth conversation.
But you're not calling for the rioting and burning of buildings and bricks through windows, correct?
Tommy Robinson
Glenn, if you. I've just put a video together. The insanity of this is the media, the politicians and the police are currently building a narrative, and they're pumping everywhere that I've instigated these calls for violence. So what I've done is I've gone right. If you look, it's my latest tweet. Tweet on Twitter. I made a video and I've cut together all the things I've said. Do not be violent. You're a moron. If you're burning scene, put the bricks down. You're ruining everything. I have appealed for calm, peace and love from the start of this, so the truth doesn't matter. Do you know why the truth don't matter? Because my name is banned from Facebook, my name is banned from Instagram, I'm banned from TikTok, so they can tell the public whatever they want. And they're currently telling them that I am the instigator of all this violence. So when you're looking at the riots right now on british tv, on every chat show, everywhere, they're saying it's Tommy Robinson. Whereas the truth, if you watch my video, is the total opposite. And the reason they've done this, I think they've allowed a lot of this to happen, is because they want Elon Musk's. Elon Musk's platform. They now want to use powers to come in and seize freedom of speech. Because if we have freedom of speech, the video I've just made, you can see they're all lying, totally and absolutely lying. There's not one single bit of evidence that says I've instigated or encouraged anything, Glenn. I have. Britain is brewing on the verge of a cultural revolution, a peaceful one.
We had 30,000 people on the 1 June, on the 27 July, we had a hundred thousand people. We had music. We had celebration of our identity. The reason why we celebrate our identity is because they've taken it from us. They've taken it. People are terrified. And, you know, the towns are rioting where the trouble is. I'll give you an example. One of the towns is Ryan is hull, and they're attacking the migrant hotels. When a migrant who's put up and paid for by the british public left the hotel and he murdered a pensioner and whilst he stabbed the pensioner to death, he shouted, this is for Palestine. That's one of the hotels. Another hotel now where two days ago it was ransacked by the british public, is in Tamworth because Mohammed, who was staying in the hotel, 23 years old, came in asylum, went and raped the needless woman in the town. Another hotel that you've seen is Wobberham, where it's been attacked by 500 men. Well, that hotel, twelve year old girls were sexually abused by the many. So they don't want to talk about why these people are angry and it's far easier. Where I got to was I got to. I got to the point of the muslim. The whole situation where they basically like George Floyd's killing, they literally was hanging the police officer out. He would have lost his job, probably end up in jail. But then the video's been released and when the video's been released, the british public are asking, why are these men not in prison? Why are they not getting prosecuted? Why have they not been charged?
They violently attack three police officers and because of the threats from the islamic community, they don't enforce the law. So that happens, then we have to murder. And they have to understand what's happened in this. In this dance class, I've got two daughters. These children were seven, eight and nine years old. And they were a Taylor swift dance class. Lots of little girls, 1520 young little girls, beautiful girls, innocent girls, dancing. And then a. A man went in there and he grabbed the first one, snapped her in the face. And then he butchered eleven or twelve of them. He murdered three of them. Now, in this local community, as this has happened in this local community, for example, I spoke to one of the girls uncles who he stabbed in the face. So he took half her face off. He also took her body step off. She's seven years old.
So that one man has. That's his niece that's happened to on the other side of his family, from the other side of the family, one of their goddaughters, she was murdered, stabbed seven times. So imagine the emotion and the tension in this small, close knit, really working class community, as with all the things that have been going on. So as that happens, that's all gone on as that's happened that night. People have come out from, not from around the country, local men from that community have gathered in the street and if you listen to what they're screaming. They're screaming, save our children. Save our children. Okay. The government are not saving our children. They're actually sacrificing them in every single town and city, and they're sacrificing them at the altar of multiculturalism. They're telling us that diversity is our strength. Whilst our women and children are being abducted and murdered in towns and cities across the country. People are upset. People are angry. They don't want to say. They want you to make that evening when the local men write a against the police, there's a lot of tension against the police. And what the police come out, they didn't say who's done it, but within an hour of that attack, they come out and it's not terrorism. Now, how can they possibly know that? How could they possibly know it's not terrorism within an hour? How so?
Glenn Beck
People don't. So, Tommy, we are in the same position in different ways. America does not trust the FBI. They don't trust the Secret Service anymore. I mean, I've seen incredible changes happening in America and we're in the same position. But what is the solution?
You know, you are saying don't riot, don't do that.
But you are up against a really, a global cabal, because this is happening in every western country. So what do you suggest the solution is, if it's not violence?
Tommy Robinson
I suggest. And the reason they're coming down on a ton of bricks like me is what we laid the foundations for on June 1. And if you look at our videos on July 27, with a hundred thousand people and a million people watching live on x now, we were looking at a british cultural movement.
Britain doesn't need a cultural movement. The entire west need to cultural movement. We need a cultural movement because our cultures are disappearing, our countries are changing beyond belief, and they're silencing anyone who talks about it. So I think that I went to the Republic of Ireland, Glenn, in March last year because demonstrations were brewing, because migrants in the hotels, young girls have been murdered, teachers have been raped, the men being imported into the country are raping and murdering the women. So I went and made a documentary. Santa's documentary is called Plantation two, rise of the kells. And I wore undercover cameras and I spoke to irish women in the streets to understand how they feel. And all of them, all of them said, we can't walk down the street. We're scared. My husband has to walk me to work. I know my friend got attacked. She got sex. So they're all telling me, these stories, then I covert recording, then I tell them I'm a journalist, do you mind if I get a camera out? And then they'll say, no, no, no, I can't.
And this is how they've got us. They've got everyone too scared to even speak. They don't need laws to take away your freedom of speech because the public now self and they felt sensitive culture and because of fear of losing their jobs. So what do we need? We need a peaceful revolution. We need it, which is what we've done in London. We stood and I said, it's David versus Goliath. It's David versus Goliath. But there's more of us than there are. And when they start realizing that, and on the 27 July, they realize, you have awoken a lion in this country, you have awoken. And what you're seeing is the british spirit of spirit or the human spirit, our love for freedom will outweigh your want for tyranny. And right now you want tyranny. You want to bring up, bring immigrants into our country that are hostile to us and you want to silence us. And as everyone's turned against each other, you then bring in the laws. So after this demonstration then, which was on the 27th, on the 29th, I get in my car, I travel to the border of the UK. I'm detained under terrorism act. I'm arrested under chains to 6 hours. Now, the law that they use which was brought into terrorism, this is the problem. The patriots, they bring these laws in and then they turn them against the public. So they sat me down, they detained me for 6 hours. And under the terrorism legislation, you do not have a right to remain Simon. So as they sit down and question me, and everything they question me about is my legal, legitimate, lawful, democratic voice.
So my right to protest the journalism I do, the work I do, who I'm involved with, they want to know everything. And I'm saying, and the first question they said to me is, the first question they said, is what you, what's your opinion of the UK? I said, it's a totalitarian state. That's what. That's what we live under now. Don't think there's any freedom of speech. There's not. That's a facade. We don't have democracy. We don't.
And we have tyranny. So. And they have under 6 hours. Now, one of the reasons, one of the questions, so you don't have a right to remain silent. One of their questions they asked me is, how do you think you're going to stop the great replacement. This is them asking them six hour interviews, are you for real? And then they asked me, then they took my phones, when they held me, took my phone and said, give us your pin code to your phone. And I've shared the legislation and the paperwork so everyone can see it. And then they asked me for the pink over my phone and when I refused, I said, well, I'm not giving you the pink code on my phone because I'm almost. I've made five documentaries and working on part six.
It's a box set called the rape of Britain. And I've exposed corrupt police officers who are working with pakistani rape gangs and they've discarded evidence, so I've exposed that. So my sources of information on the journalist, my sources of information are protected. They're not for you, you're the state. These people talk to me because they don't trust you. I'm exposing you. Well, I'm not going to let you know who talks to me. So when I refuse to give them my pin code, they then arrested me and transported me to be charged for breaching terrorism legislation. And then after 6 hours in cells that day, I was unbailed till October 25. So this is what they do, obviously. We have terrorism, we have jihad, we have massive problems. They then bring in encroaching laws that are total abuse to freedom and then they turn them on us. They turn on the people who are highlighting it and the people, police officer actually said to me, because the first part, when they arrest, when they detain you, it says, if we believe you are in the preparation for instigation of acts of terrorism, and then the officer said, we know you're not, but under this legislation, when you come to a border, we can do this. I said, yeah, you can abuse your power. This is an infringement of my voice. I'm a journalist and I'm a journalist who's believed in freedom of the press and freedom of speech and I'll die on that hill. So with my documentary that I just made and this is the most important film I've ever made and I chose three years ago.
Glenn, I failed myself. I've been an activist for 15 years and I've been a journalist and I was taken to court and when I had everything, bit of evidence in the documentary made and they gave me a, they gave me a gagging order and I failed myself because I walked out of court and I should have done is play the film, but I didn't. And I didn't because two years in prison for me is probable death because our prisons are like ISIS training camps. Islam are taking control of every single one of them. So I didn't play the film. And that ate me up for three years. It ate me up and ate me up. And then literally on the 27 July, I made a decision. And in my speech, I told them, like, you think you're going to put me on trial? I'm putting you on trial. You are now on trial for the entire world. The world can watch this film in the views. If they want to lock me up, then it's end of free speech, it's the end of freedom of journalism. It's the end. But I know we don't have that anyway, so I want the world to know we don't have it.
Glenn Beck
So, Tommy, Tommy, we have to have more conversations with you. I am unfortunately out of time. I'm up against a network break.
But I would love to have you in an uninterrupted form on my podcast so we can, we can not only hear what's happened, but what the plans are going forward. Are you coming back to England anytime soon?
Tommy Robinson
So at the minute, no.
I want the world to watch that film. So any public, I'm happy to do the podcast. And I. Why? Because when I was born in 1982, we had one mosque in my town. We've now got 45. I can tell you exactly how powerful that block vote will become.
Borders open for the last four years, and you have not had, you have not had Mexicans coming through. You've had islamic followers coming through. And the cultural change that's going to come. It's going to come so quick, so fast. You can see how powerful they are anyway in the american universities.
So, yeah, to brace yourselves.
Glenn Beck
Thank you very much. We'll have you on in an uninterrupted form.
You can follow him on Twitter.
His website is urbanscoop dot News.
Twitter handle is trobinson new era. All right, Tommy, thank you.
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The Glenn Beck program.
We'll be right back.
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Let me play just a clip from last week. This is your new vice presidential candidate under Kamala Harris. Listen to what he said.
Tim Walz
How often in 100 days do you get to do something that's going to impact generations to come? And how often in the world do you make that bastard wake up afterwards and know that a black woman kicked his ass and sent him on the road? Don't ever, don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. Just do the damn work.
Glenn Beck
Wow. So clearly a socialist. Bernie Sanders loves this guy.
So she picks from Minnesota, which is not going to help her at all. Not going to help her.
She could have picked the governor of Pennsylvania, a swing state, really important, probably would lock that state up for she is married to a jew, but she knows she can't put a jew on the, on the, on the ticket because they need the.
Death to America, death to Israel, death to jews vote. That's really, literally what's going on. If she would have picked Mark Kelly, it would have been a centering, it could have been very dangerous for Donald Trump. Could have been scary because that would have shown that she's trying to appeal to the center by picking Tim walls. She is showing no one man's socialism is another man's neighborliness. We're radicals.
We love what's going on in Minnesota. What's going on in California. That's who we are, Democrats. You better wake up to that.
The Glenn Beck program.