I've Never Seen a Bigger Act of Courage from a President' | Guests: Salena Zito & Dallas Alexander | 7/15/24
Primary Topic
This episode discusses a recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally, exploring the implications, security failures, and the political climate surrounding the event.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt during a campaign rally, thanks to quick actions by the Secret Service.
- The shooter, identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, managed to access a vantage point that should have been secured, raising concerns about security failures.
- Salena Zito, who was close to the president during the attack, described the immediate and protective response from Secret Service agents.
- The attack highlights the dangerous political climate in the United States, fueled by extreme rhetoric from both sides.
- Glenn Beck speculates that this event could lead to a transformative moment in Trump's political career, potentially shifting his campaign focus toward unity.
Episode Chapters
1: The Assassination Attempt
A detailed recount of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, including the timeline of events and the immediate response by the Secret Service.
- "Glenn Beck: If Trump would have been killed on Saturday, we'd be at civil war today."
- "Salena Zito: I was just four feet away when the shots were fired. It was surreal."
2: Analyzing the Shooter
Discussion of the shooter's background, his political affiliations, and the complexity of his motives.
- "Glenn Beck: The shooter had a complex political background, being a registered Republican but donating to a progressive PAC."
3: Security Failures and Implications
A critical look at the security lapses that allowed the shooter to get into position, and what this means for future political events.
- "Glenn Beck: There were significant lapses in security that need to be addressed immediately."
4: The Role of Political Rhetoric
Exploration of how extreme political rhetoric might have contributed to the mindset of the shooter and the broader impact on society.
- "Glenn Beck: The rhetoric from both sides is fueling these kinds of actions."
5: A Transformative Moment for Trump
Speculation on how this event could change Trump's approach to his campaign and his message moving forward.
- "Glenn Beck: This could be the moment that transforms Trump's campaign into one focused on unity."
Actionable Advice
- Stay Informed on Political Rhetoric: Regularly engage with diverse news sources to understand the political climate and avoid echo chambers.
- Practice Critical Thinking: Question extreme rhetoric and seek out facts before forming opinions.
- Promote Unity in Your Community: Engage in respectful discussions with those who have differing views to bridge divides.
- Support Security Improvements: Advocate for better security measures at public events, especially those involving political figures.
- Encourage Political Responsibility: Hold political leaders accountable for their rhetoric and actions that may incite violence.
About This Episode
Glenn breaks down the timeline of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks during a rally in Pennsylvania. How much blame should be put on the media for the rhetoric they have used when describing Trump for the last decade? Glenn lays out what Trump should say in his speech at the RNC convention. In breaking news, a judge dismisses the classified documents case against Trump due to the constitutionality of Jack Smith's involvement. Washington Examiner national political reporter Salena Zito joins to share her experience being four feet from Trump when he was almost assassinated. Glenn reads the heartbreaking letter of the daughter who lost her father during the assassination attempt on Trump. Glenn's chief researcher, security expert Jason Buttrill, joins to break down the proper steps the Secret Service takes to prepare for an event and the failures that occurred to allow this assassination attempt. Retired Canadian special forces sniper Dallas Alexander, who holds the world record for the longest snipe shot, joins to discuss why he believes Trump's shooter didn't work alone.
Donald Trump, Thomas Matthew Crooks, Salena Zito, Dallas Alexander
Secret Service
Guest Name(s):
Salena Zito, Dallas Alexander
Content Warnings:
Glenn Beck
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Have no room to compromise.
We gotta stay together.
Speaker B
If we're gonna.
Glenn Beck
Survive stand up straight and hold alive.
It's a new day. I turn around.
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. This weekend was one of those times that happen rarely in a person's life, where you will remember exactly where you were when you heard the news.
President Trump was shot over the weekend. I'm going to bring you all of the facts, all of the news, as any good journalist would do. Emphasize any good journalist would do. We'll do that first. But I'm not a journalist. I'm a commentator. So I'm the guy who tries to put it all together so I can explain it to you and what it all means. We do that in 60 seconds.
From Texas. Wrote in that he has a nine year old Grey Dane who has a thyroid problem. Up until recently, she would sleep up to 23 hours out of the day.
But that's before she tried rough greens.
He wrote, I can't believe the difference. She does the happy dance all the way to her bowl. She's much more active. She even jumped up on his shoulders last week. She hasn't been able to do that in almost five years. It's an amazing transformation. Jason. That is exactly what I found with Uno.
Speaker C
Glenn Beck
I thought. I actually thought he was really healthy. He didn't have any problems.
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It occurred just after 610 pm while Trump was delivering a speech.
Let me give you the timeline.
610 gunfire erupted as Trump was speaking at the rally. Trump reacted immediately, crouched behind the lectern as his secret Service detail shielded him.
615 pm. Secret Service identified and neutralized the shooter. His name is Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was firing from a rooftop approximately 150 meters from the stage.
That makes that with a rifle a very easy shot.
620 Trump was escorted off the stage, transported to a medical facility for a minor injury, where he was treated and later released. 630 law enforcement began securing the area and investigating the scene, finding additional explosive materials in Crook's car and at his home.
President Biden then returned to Washington early and political reactions to the incident started to remove to emerge. Now, here are the key details. The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks. He's 20 years old, from Bethel park in Pennsylvania. He used an AR rifle, managed to reach the rooftop of a nearby building unnoticed.
That's not exactly true, according to those in the crowd, but at least unnoticed by Secret Service.
Reports suggest crook had a complex political background, being a registered Republican but donating to a progressive PAC.
We'll get into all of this in a minute.
The immediate response was a clown show.
The Secret Service's counter assault team responded swiftly, according to the facts, killing crooks and preventing further harm.
Did they though?
The incident highlighted potential security lapses and prompted calls for a thorough investigation into how crooks could secure access or to access a secured area unnoticed by secret Service but noticed by the crowd.
Questions also have arisen about the effectiveness of the Secret Service measures, whether adequate precautions were in place. There are allegations and denials regarding the denial of additional security requests by Trump's campaign.
The political reactions are just sick.
Now those are the facts as we know them.
Now, let me tie a few things together.
If Trump would have been killed on Saturday, we'd be at civil war today.
We would have seen for the first time the president's brains splattered on live television.
And because of the details of this, I have a hard time thinking it wouldn't have been viewed as JFK 2.0.
If you think that there were conspiracy theories on the grassy knoll, let's look at this one.
How does someone sneak a rifle onto the grounds?
How does someone even know that that building is there?
How is it that he was acting so weird and pacing in front of the metal detectors? They tried to follow him, but, oops, he got away.
How could the kid possibly even think that the highest ground at the venue wouldn't even be watched?
My first guess would be, hey, that's the one place I shouldn't crawl up to with a rifle, because they're most definitely going to be there.
Why wasn't anyone there? Why wasn't anyone watching it? Nobody except the shooter decide decided that the highest ground with the best view and a handy ladder just happened to be there was a great place to camp.
And nobody in the secret service, none of the drones, none of the things we pay millions of dollars for, none of that caught him.
How did he get a ladder there?
If the ladder was there, is it always there? Why was the ladder there?
They weld manhole covers closed when a president drives down a road.
How was there a ladder sitting around ready to climb up on the highest ground at the venue and the secret service failed to at least take it away?
There is plenty of video and eyewitnesses.
People were yelling that there was a guy with a rifle climbing up on a ladder to the roof for at least 60 seconds, more like 120 seconds before the first shot was fired.
Why were the police just looking for him?
Why? Why were they just looking at him?
Why did the sniper have him in his sights for over a minute before he took a shot?
Why did a cop climb up the ladder to look around when the guy pointed a gun at him?
He then ducked down and came down off the ladder.
Did he call anyone to warn?
Can we check to if the cop who climbed the ladder saw the shooter with the rifle?
Because this is the same story that we had in Uvalde.
Is he a Yvaldi cop? Do we know?
How is it the Secret Service has a bodyguard, literal bodyguard, who is a woman that doesn't even reach Trump's nipples?
How is she going to guard the president's body with hers?
How is it another female secret Service agent pulled her gun out a good four minutes too late, then looks around not knowing what to do and then couldn't get it back into the hole, the holster because she's a Melissa McCarthy body double.
I don't think it's a good idea to have Melissa McCarthy guarding the president.
Let me ask you this.
Who trusts the FBI with the shooter's computer?
Will his hard drive get filed with the Nashville manifesto?
How is it that they, they almost didn't have snipers at all, but they got them the day before the rea of the rally because everything was going to be put on Jill Biden?
I want Jill Biden safe. I want Jill Biden to have what the first lady should have for security.
But we are almost $40 trillion in debt.
You can't hire a few guys to make sure our candidates are safe?
How is it that we have a secret service director whose experience is literally guarding two liters of squirt and spicy doritos?
Did you know that's her background?
Yeah. She's in charge of the United States Treasury Secret Service, and her last job was head of security for Pepsi.
How is it they're allowing, you know, randos just to carry guns around the RNC convention now?
But no, really, this time, Republicans are going to get the sternest worded letter written. It's going to be different this time. The letter is going to, they're going to underline stuff and they'll put bold sentences in.
This is a game.
And that's what makes this sick.
This is a joke.
There are members in our country that actually thought it was okay to post themselves screaming about how this guy was so incompetent. How do you miss that shot?
Do you realize how close we came to another JFK?
If the president hadnt have turned his head at the exact moment, it would have gone into the center of his head and wed be a different country today.
Now, Joe Biden is also saying that we shouldnt make assumptions about the motive of the shooter.
Well, I think we can assume one thing. He wanted to kill the republican candidate for president. Can we agree on that, at least? Can we assume that?
How can the media even think of blaming Trump for the rhetoric when the Democrats and the media constantly call him literally worse than Hitler? That must be stopped at all costs.
I just want to play some of the stuff that even we forgot about.
Bowie, who's on my staff, who's in charge of audio and video for my shows.
I talked to her this morning, and she said, I even forgot how long ago this started.
He was Hitler who had to be stopped, even if it was an assassination, before he was even president in 2015.
Let me go through some of this when we come back.
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When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?
Where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him? I believe that Trump poses a fundamental threat to America. Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were in the last century. President Trump is dangerous to America and.
Speaker D
The future of America.
Glenn Beck
We need to articulate the fact that Donald Trump is a danger to America.
Speaker E
He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation.
Speaker B
Donald Trump is a, is a fascist leader, and he's mobilizing his forces.
Glenn Beck
Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation.
He's a threat to our freedom.
He's a threat to our democracy.
He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy.
And he has to be, he has to be eliminated.
Speaker C
The existential threat to the United States of America is Donald Trump.
Speaker D
I see Trump as a danger to.
Speaker C
Our democracy, and I see him as a self proclaimed fascist.
Glenn Beck
Trump is an existential threat to the future of America. David Aronovich who presents radio for briefing room show, took to x Twitter and wrote, if I was Biden, I'd hurry it up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America's security.
Okay, so what do you expect to happen, especially when, if you look through history, the people that have assassinated presidents here in the United States or tried to pull things off and kill politicians are usually marxist communists, leftists, and then the occasional Palestinian thrown in there.
That's the truth.
Now, most people are smart enough to know that homosexuals are not going to be disappeared, as the view claimed, or that Trump death squads have now been green lighted by the Supreme Court, as Rachel Maddow said.
But it is addictive and it is contagious. And for the unsettled mind, it allows you permission to do something and become a hero.
As soon as Trump was elected, Kathy Griffin was holding a bloodied, severed head of Donald Trump. Just recently, another celebrity begged Biden to, quote, blow Trump up.
For months, people have called Trump Hitler, the Gopdhead Nazi.
Some compared stopping Trump to stopping Hitler.
In fact, Dan Goldman, you just heard, not only unfit, he's destructive to our democracy and has to be eliminated.
Others said that Trump would destroy the world unless he stopped.
Now, I don't think most people actually mean that, but I'm beginning to wonder.
I have never thought assassination of a political foe or the president would be a good idea. And I've not liked a lot of the presidents that I've had in my lifetime.
I didn't think it was a good idea when a leftist Bernie Sanders Marxist gunned down Republicans on the baseball diamond, or a leftist using Reddit to run how to surveys tried to kill Kavanaugh.
These people are serious.
And we have a president that is focusing on January 6 and the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping hoax.
It was a hoax. We know that now.
The left burned cities down over BLM and took a section of a city in Seattle passing out assault rifles to children out of the back of a car. And they say traditional Catholics are the real danger.
Nowhere do we hear about the trans non binary shooters responsible in Nashville or Philadelphia or Colorado Springs or Denver or Aberdeen or Perry.
We're not even allowed to see the manifesto when we all know it exists.
And now the media is just hammering that project 2025 is nothing more than a fifth reich.
Have you read project 2025?
In 2021? We started keeping a string of stories where leftists were violent to the right and Trump supporters. There are now over 700 stories in that file.
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Speaker C
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Glenn Beck
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Speaker C
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Glenn Beck
Okay, I'm going to tell you in a minute here what Trump needs to say, and it looks like he is going to say this week.
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Speaker D
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Glenn Beck
I want to make something really, really clear.
The only one to blame for this assassination is the shooter. He's the one who tried to shoot the president with the facts that we know right now.
I am bringing up the president and the left's rhetoric for a couple of reasons. Did it play a role? Absolutely. Are they responsible for it? Well, I want to get into that in just a second, but the rhetoric has been non stop, that this guy is Hitler. That has to be eliminated. He's a hitlerian. He is a, you know, fifth Reich. He is going to round people up just like Hitler did.
That plays a role in unstable heads. Okay? But you can't, you can't be responsible for all unstable people that are out there because there's a lot of unstable people. But you can watch your language.
Here's what I think really happened with this kid, and I'm just guessing.
This kid is being pumped full of all kinds of bad ideas in school.
He is being pumped full of all kinds of bad ideas in the media and social media.
He is also seeing that you're really kind of a hero if you, you know, are part of BLM and you burn a city down.
If you're on the right side, there is, there is no trial for you. There's no problem. In fact, the vice president will bail you out.
So he's seeing the lack of enforcement on one side, which makes it appear that that side is right.
And the oldest question known to man in the 20th century is, if you could go back and kill baby Hitler, would you?
Implying that you're a hero? If you would, the only one that's responsible is the shooter. But there are other things that influence the minds of unstable people.
And I want to bring their rhetoric into play because why are they going after Donald Trump on for January 6?
Because he said, go to the Capitol peacefully.
Let your voice be heard. They're saying he incited this.
Those aren't inciting words.
Inciting words are much more like, it's time we put a bullseye on Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is Hitler who has to be eliminated. Now, I don't think that Joe Biden meant the bullseye thing, just like Sarah Palin didn't mean the crosshairs. But if you're going to be consistent, if you're going to be morally consistent, if you're actually outraged by crosshairs, then you should be outraged by bullseye. And if you think somebody's rhetoric can actually cause people to go to the Capitol and tear it apartheid, well, then you should be concerned about the rhetoric of this guy's Hitler. That has to be eliminated.
And if you want to be morally consistent because you're trying that guy, shouldn't you be trying this president as well?
Is anybody on the, on the left beginning to see the problems with the cases that they have brought?
So here's what I hope the president would say. First of all, I don't think I've seen a bigger act of courage in my lifetime from a president to stand up and insist that he can look at the crowd, make an opening for me so I can see the crowd, and to raise his fist and say, fight. Now, I know a lot of people on the left. They want to say, well, see, he's going for violence. No.
Fight for what you believe in. Stop being mealy mouthed about it. Stand up.
Stand up. Fight at the ballot box.
Stand up and stop just being plowed under by lies.
You darn right.
You darn right.
I thought it was an amazing moment. However, I was really happy to read what he said. He's going to Milwaukee. Yet another amazing think about what it feels like to be shot at and almost killed.
How long would it take before you could go out in public again?
He went last night till Milwaukee, which is significant. We'll tell you why here in a little while.
He goes to Milwaukee and he's on the ground and he says he's changing the theme of the convention that's happening this week.
He's changing it to unity, to peace.
I would hope the president will come out and say something along the lines of, we're standing here today because America is resilient.
A few days ago, somebody tried to kill me, but by God's grace, that bully bullet only grazed me.
But it is a stark reminder of the divisions and the anger that we see today.
And we're at a critical moment.
And when you have a bullet whiz by your head, there's two ways to go.
One is vengeance and the other is unity.
And our nation is divided. Trust is low in our neighborhoods, in the media, everywhere.
But let me echo the words of RFK when Martin Luther King was shot.
What we need in the United States is not division. What we need in the United States is not hatred. What we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness. But it is love and wisdom and compassion toward one another.
America is the land of the underdog, of the little guy. And we've always been that way.
But when I say fight, what I mean is the little guy needs to rise up.
Make sure your voice is heard. To be not afraid.
We need to fight, but not with violence. We fight with our words.
We fight on the streets with our words and with our actions.
And we need to stand up and show what America really means. To stand up against the fear and intimidation.
Remember, America was built on the idea that all men and women are created equal, with unalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. They are not just words.
They are the foundation of this country.
Beginning today, let's show the rest of the world what it means to be american.
If you believe that America is an exceptional place, then it's the people that make it that way.
Every voice matters.
Every citizen matters.
Stand up for the principles in our bill of rights. Defend the truth with integrity and courage. Forgive others without compromising our values.
I would hope the president would say, join me now in a different fight. Not with guns, but with ideas. Not with hatred, but with understanding.
To begin to write a new chapter in our history.
Let's rise above our differences and find our e pluribus unum our common ground again.
Because I do believe that all Americans should not be afraid of their commander in chief.
If you are afraid of the president, either on the right or the left, that is showing you and screaming at you. The power in the Oval Office is too great and our republic is out of balance.
And that's what Project 2025 is all about.
That's what I'm going to try to do. That's what the Supreme Court is doing.
They are not empowering the seat of the presidency.
I'm a president that is going to try to reduce the power of the presidency.
We're the United States of America, and we're strong, we're brave, we're compassionate.
But it's time to rise to the challenge and fight with the spirit that has always guided us. Let's be the light in dark times.
Let's stand together, shoulder to shoulder. We're not a nation divided by fear.
We need to be a nation that is united by hope.
This is our time to prove the american dream is alive and well.
That's what I hope the president says.
We already know the difference between the policies.
We know for the first time in my lifetime, we have two presidents, two administrations. We can ab compare. It's not like, well, will he do this? We know what he did last time.
We know what Joe Biden has done this time.
The winning message will be the message that most Americans want to hear.
This has got to stop.
And it's not going to stop by me forcing half the country to shut up.
It's not going to stop by them forcing the other half to shut up.
It's going to happen because a leader stands up and says enough is enough and can convince the american people, can reverse all of the damage that the elites in our colleges and institutions and our media has done over the last 20 years to convince us that we're a bad people, that we're a racist people.
We've done some bad things, but usually the worst things we do are led by our own government.
And I've never believed the government was America. I've always believed the citizens were.
There are a couple of things that could come our way that we should be aware of.
But the most important thing is that you reach out to those who think differently and you show them we are not the neo nazi fascist that they have been groomed to believe.
It is important today that we all reach out to somebody that doesn't agree with us, that is a friend.
Just say how you doing today?
Yeah, I know our guy was shot.
But I want you to know I don't hold you responsible for that.
I'm sure you were just as offended as I was.
If they weren't, move on.
But most likely any decent american was horrified by what they saw over the weekend.
Back in just a minute.
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You're listening to the Glenn Beck program.
Speaker D
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Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're glad that, we're glad that you're here.
There is the one message that I want to make really, really clear to this audience. I was at a family reunion this weekend and there were about 30 of us and we spent several days together and we had, and believe me, my family does not vote necessarily like I vote.
And there have been problems in the family with people getting upset at one another. And it didn't happen this weekend didn't happen, at least in my house with the family, because I framed things differently. I framed things because I do actually want to hear my relatives opinions on how they got there. How did you get there? And I could see that they are missing certain things. They are getting their media, they're getting all of their news from the mainstream. And that gives you a different look. We have a chance to really explain what's going on and what they're missing and perhaps what we miss from time to time because we're not talking to them.
If we're not jerks about all of this, we have a chance of really doing a great service for our country, for the constitution and Bill of Rights, because I think we all really feel the same. Not the die hards, not the leftists, but your neighbor, the Glenn Beck program. First, let me tell you about the coin credit card. Every time you use your credit card, your woke credit card company uses your money to support left wing groups.
It's not the best, you know, to hear, but it is absolutely true.
You're the one helping George Soros fund all these college occupations.
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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Hello, America. There is some big, significant breaking news also. Selena Zito joins us in just a minute. She was about 4ft away from the president.
She said she could feel the bullets whiz by.
One of the Secret Service advancemen actually pushed her down to the ground and was protecting lay on top of her and her daughter and a friend at the rally until the shooting was over. She has an amazing story to tell as she was obviously. There we go to her in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about Mercury real estate. It's realestateagentsitrust.com dot. The greatest thing about owning this company is not only the great service that I hear from people that they got, but also on days when it's big news, I can say just go to Mercury real estate right now. Go to realestateagentsitrust.com. that's realestateagentsitrust.com. you want to buy or sell your house, do it. They're going to take care of you. And then we can move on and get to the real news of the day.
Stu, give me the breaking news about Jack Smith.
Speaker D
Well, according to Judge Cannon, this is the judge in the case in Florida. His appointment is unconstitutional and the classified documents case has been dismissed.
Now, this will surely be challenged, of course, but a massive development.
Glenn Beck
Speaker one, how do you, how do you challenge that he was not appointed in the correct way?
I mean, he's not a special prosecutor. You cannot just make up the rules as you go along.
This is great. I mean, I was really upset about Al, Alec Baldwin, because I have heard things from people that were on the set that that would lead one to believe that Alec Baldwin should go to jail or be held responsible for the shooting on his film.
However, the prosecution was, was withholding evidence from his defense and so the judge dismissed it. Well, I'm pissed at the prosecution, but they did, the judge did the right thing. You do not cut corners when it comes to people's rights.
All right. Let me go to Selena Zito, who was in Pennsylvania this weekend with the president, and she was about 4ft away. Selena, I'm glad you're safe.
Speaker E
Thank you so much, Glenna.
Glenn Beck
So tell me the story. What did you see? What happened?
Speaker E
Well, I think the story begins with, I was scheduled to fly with the president, along with my daughter and son in law, to do an extensive interview from flying from Butler, Pennsylvania, to Bedminster. After the rally, however, a few minutes before he was set to speak, their advanced team came back and grabbed myself, my daughter, photojournalist, my son in law, and said, the president wants to say hi to you. So they take us back behind the stage into a holding room, and he's there with several law enforcement people. They're taking pictures, you know, shaking hands. It's a very happy place in this holding area. And he sees me, said, hey, Selena, oh, my gosh, it's so great to see you. Really, really looking forward to talking about Pennsylvania and talking about, you know, you're doing the interview. I left the room, and because we were behind the stage, they told us, you're going to just have to go into the bumper because we need to get you to the motorcade because you're going to leave with the president right after the rally. So I was in the bumper. It's a well that goes around the stage that separates yourself, the, the speaker, the president, from the audience. And it gives the ability for photojournalists, thank goodness, because the amazing work that they did, covering it and chronicling it. And I was, and my daughter has great photos, too. And we were to his left.
And Trump did something that he never does. I've covered his rallies forever.
He never turns his neck either way. Now, he might turn his body, but he never turned his neck. He never looks the other direction. He also did something he never did. And he got, he got me became like his Ross Perot moment. He brought a chart out and the chart had on it the sort of, the amount of illegal immigrants that have crossed. He was pointing to the low point, which was when he was president.
When I heard pop, pop, pop, he grabs his face. I see the blood on his face. He immediately gets down in a protective posture. He is surrounded as he is being surrounded by the law enforcement. I hear pop, pop, pop again, this sounded to me like a different caliber, not the same gun that was first used.
And I watched them, you know, I can hear them talking. I can hear the chatter between them. I'm right there.
And at one point they say, it's time to get. You know, we're gonna go. We're gonna go. And I hear the president say, I gotta get my shoe, guys.
I'm paraphrasing, but he. Apparently someone had knocked his shoe off when they put him in a protective stance.
And he rises up and he lifts his hand and he says, fight. I can hear him say, fight, maybe five times.
And he projects it out to the crowd.
Then they come past me. I'm on the ground at this point, and he does not have his hat on, but someone has his hat. And it just sort of. It was almost like slow motion just fell right in front of me.
And then they take him off to the motorcade. As he goes that way, I see people in the vip section, the bleachers. Someone is injured, and people are rushing towards them.
Within minutes, they take us out of the bumper and place us into a holding area. I think because they were worried that we were okay. It was very unclear if any of the photojournalists were hit or hurt.
And so that's what I saw.
Glenn Beck
Did you get on the plane then with president afterwards?
Speaker E
No, but here's how I got the interview with him. So, the next morning, and it was early, like yesterday. That was yesterday. My God. The sense of time is bizarre at this moment. He calls me early yesterday morning, and he said, selena, are you and your daughter Shannon, and your son in law, Michael? Okay.
And I really want to apologize for not being allowed to do that or not being able to do that interview with you. And I said, mister president, you were shot. I feel like we're good.
I feel like we're good.
And so we talked.
Glenn Beck
What did he say to you?
Speaker E
He just. Well, you know, he talked for a while. He called me back a couple different times. We eventually did an interview, but the thrust of his emotion was someone who is feeling incredibly thankful, someone that recognizes that that was an act of God. It was a divine intervention, because he never does what he did when he did. And the minute, the second that he made that decision, he doesn't know why he made that decision.
He always turns his body, which would. Had he done that, he still would have been shot. So whether he was facing forward or facing to the side, but full body, he still would have been shot in the head.
But because he turned his neck, which is something he never does. If you've ever been to a Trump rally, it's a very transactional event between him and the people that are there.
And so he always is projecting towards them. He never looks away from them.
And he talked just about, he said, I had a humdinger of a speech I was going to give those exact words. He said, but it's important to meet the moment I understand, understand knowing that I was saved and there is a purpose there, and that I need to meet that purpose, that moment. And he said he didn't. When he stood up and raised his fist, he said it wasn't about him. He said, american presidents represent not themselves, they represent the country. To me, was incredibly important to convey that the country is okay, that we are okay.
Glenn Beck
So, Selina, when you say he recognized this moment, it feels like this could be transformative in his life, but also his life as a politician. Did you get that sense? And when he was talking about going to Wisconsin, he said that he's changing the theme of it. He's not going to go after Biden, but he's going to go after unity.
Do you think this is transformative?
Speaker E
Absolutely. You know, what is interesting to me, as someone who has covered him for over nine years and has really understood the Trump voter, mainly because of my geographical and emotional location in the appalachian Midwest, his, you know, people have turned make America great into a sort of slang term, a derogatory term. They call it Maga. But make America great again is an aspirational sentiment.
And I think he understands that he is now transformed to being in a more aspirational moment that we need as a country to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
Glenn Beck
What is your take on the security, the lack of securing the president?
It was, I mean, if he would have been killed, this would have been the JFK assassination times 1000 when it comes to conspiracy theories. Why wasn't this covered? Why wasn't this covered? Why did they wait so long to shoot the guy?
What are your thoughts on that? Do you have any?
Speaker E
Well, I didn't have in the moment with the security I saw was immediate and protective because they surrounded him. They were on top of him.
They put their bodies all around him, and there were immediately men with really big guns standing over me because they surround, I don't think that's seen as much in some of the video clips. But there, that whole perimeter there were. You mean they were aiming it?
They were there protecting him?
They were there.
But I think, having said that, I think the preparation, it appears to be that the preparation was, had many holes and was very faulty. You know, this is western Pennsylvania. Not only were there outbuildings that were not even two football fields away that were not in the perimeter, there's also then wooded areas around it. Western Pennsylvania is filled with crops of trees everywhere. I, you know, so, so when you, you look at that, you wonder, huh, what, why was that should have been secured. Somebody could have been in those trees.
Glenn Beck
Well, they usually will take something and they will block the view from those areas. If they can't secure it, they'll put, you know, a big sign or something in the way. So if somebody were in the woods or on that, on that rooftop, they wouldn't have view of the stage. And that wasn't done either for some unknown reason.
Speaker E
No. And the assumption I had going in as I'm walking in at around noon, that those outbuildings, this is a farm show complex. So in a farm show complex, there's always these big sheds that, where the livestock are for these big farm events. Farm events. Farm shows are big deals in the Great Lakes, Midwest.
And I made the assumption that they were along with the buildings right behind them, which was that business that he climbed onto. I assumed they were part of the protective area, but now we're finding out they were obviously, they were nothing.
Glenn Beck
They were not. Selena, I know you have to run. Thank you so much for making time for us today, and I'm glad that you're well and that things worked out the way they did over the weekend. Thank you so much, Selena. God bless.
Speaker E
Thank you so much.
Glenn Beck
I want to go to somebody else who was there and actually provided aid for the man who was killed.
There's something that I think everybody is missing in this, and that is the reaction of the crowd. If you think Mag is just these horrible people, I want you to listen to the, the other person that we wanted you to hear from today, and we'll do that in 60 seconds. Stand by. First, let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour.
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That interview to the left, and I got to give this guy tremendous credit, was a army combat veteran.
And excuse me, after the interview, he came up to me and said, brother, there's blood on your face.
I said, okay. And he gave me his water bottle and I washed it off. And I looked at my shirt and I washed off as much as I could. And then I handed the bottle back. He wouldn't take it. And then he stepped into me, put his hand on his shoulder and said, are you okay, brother?
I saw the combat veteran across the brim of his hat, and I said something like, you've seen this too? And he goes, yeah.
I said, I'm okay, and thank you for what you did.
And we hug.
The reason why I wanted you to hear that today is this a guy who in the crowd saw need this doctor and went over and tried to resuscitate.
An avid supporter of the former president who came with his family and his children. And when the shots rang out, he covered his children.
He was killed.
But this doctor ran over to try to resuscitate him and bring him back. It didn't work, but he wasn't the only one. There was.
This is not an angry, vengeful group of people.
This is who Americans really are. And I wanted you to hear about the veteran that nobody was talking about that just came over and wiped the doctor's face and hugged him and supported him.
It was a moment that I haven't seen since 912 2001, the day after the World Trade center came down.
That's who these people are.
And for those people who might be listening, who do not agree with me or they don't think they agree with me because they've only gotten their news from mainstream media, I really believe that that's who you are as well.
I really believe that most Americans, not the die hard political gamers.
But the average American, they.
They want this madness to stop.
They do believe that our lives are blessed and we're headed in the wrong direction.
But we can't agree on who's causing it or what is causing it. And let me just say it's the loss of our values that are causing this. And I don't mean go to church every Sunday. I mean the loss of the values that are enshrined in our declaration of independence and in our Bill of Rights.
You want those to be restored and properly charged, and so do I.
How comfortable are you with things the way they are right now? You worried about the state of our nation? Of course you are. The upcoming election. God only knows what's going to happen in Chicago.
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Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. You know, I have often said that Melania Trump is this generation's Jackie Onassis. And Saturday, that almost became true in a completely different way.
And she issued a statement almost immediately after.
And I want to read it because I think it is the right tone, and I think it's just beautiful.
She said, I'm thinking of you now. My fellow Americans, we have always been a unique union. America. The fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one.
When I watch that violent bullet strike my husband Donald, I realized my life and Baron's life were on the brink of devastating change.
I'm grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband, to the families of the innocent victims who are now suffering from this heinous act, I humbly, office, offer my sincerest sympathy. You need to summon your inner strength for such terrible reasons. Saddens me.
A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to wring out my Donald's passion, his laughter, ingenuity, love of music and inspiration.
The core facets of my husband's life, his human side, were buried below the political machine.
Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times.
Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love. Our personal structure, structural and life commitment, until death is at serious risk.
Political concepts are simple when compared to us human beings.
We are all humans, and fundamentally, instinctively, we all want to help one another.
American politics are only one vehicle that can uplift our communities. Love, compassion, kindness, and empathy are necessities.
Let us remember that when the time comes to look beyond the left and right, beyond the red and the blue. We all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together.
While we're here in this earthly realm, dawn is here again.
Let us reunite now, this morning. Ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple minded ideas that ignite violence.
We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first and love transcends. We can realize this world again.
Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships. Again, I am thinking of you, my fellow Americans. The winds of change have arrived.
For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide. Thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.
I'm telling you, I think the Trump family is handling this absolutely perfectly.
And if Selena Zito is correct, we may see a different man in Donald Trump.
He's already said that he's changing the theme and the emphasis of the convention, at least his speech. He said it will be a very different speech than it was going to be, and it's not going to focus on, you know, we got to get Joe Biden out, but more aspirational tones of who we really are.
Speaking of who we really are.
If I may also read the letter from the, from the daughter of the, the hero father that saved his family's life.
Yesterday, she wrote, time stopped. And when it started again, my family and I started living a real life nightmare.
Well, it was supposed to be an exciting day that we had all looked forward to, especially my dad, turned into the most traumatizing experiences someone could imagine.
I know the media will cover this event, and I'm going to try my best to stay away from looking at everything, especially because I've already seen and lived through it in real time. I want everyone to know what the media will not cover and will not say about my dad.
He was the best dad a girl could ever ask for.
My sister and I have never needed for anything you call, he would answer, and he would do whatever it is you needed. And if he didn't know how, he would figure out how he could talk and make friends with anyone, which is what he was doing all day yesterday and loved every minute of it. He was a man of God. He loved Jesus fiercely.
He also looked after our church and our family members as well.
The media will not tell you that he died a real life superhero. They're not going to tell you how quickly he threw my mom and I to the ground.
They're not going to tell you that he shielded my body from the bullet that came at us.
He loved his family. He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us. And I want nothing more than to cry on him and tell him, thank you. I want nothing more than to wake up and for this not to be the reality for me and my family.
Yesterday, we lost a selfless, loving father, husband, brother.
I will never stop thinking about him and mourning over him till the day I die, too. July 13 will be remembered as the day that changed my life.
And I will never be the same person I was less than 24 hours ago.
There are a lot of children out there that say their dad is their hero, but my dad really is mine.
I wouldn't be here today without him.
Dad, I love you so much. There aren't words to express how deep that love goes.
I know you're going to give heaven some hell.
And I know God is proud of the man that came to his gates yesterday.
So what does this mean for us going forward?
Well, I think some questions need to be answered.
Questions need to be answered, and people need to be fired or resign.
The head of the Secret Service. There's been problems with the secret Service for a long time, and our president and our candidates are not safe.
Let me say this again.
If you don't want this to happen again.
Our president and the candidates are not safe under the Secret Service. They're just not.
I have been saying this for years, but it has gotten much, much worse.
This is the last chance for our secret service and treasury, our DOJ and FBI, to save their, their credibility.
If they are not responsive, if they don't give us truth, clear answers, and hold people responsible, no one will believe them ever again.
They cannot fail on this. Congress and the Senate must not fail on this. And not because you want to assign blame, but because you want to find out the truth on what happened.
How could these kinds of mistakes at this level happen?
Yesterday? If Donald Trump or Saturday, if he would have not moved his head, the bullet would have connected in the center of his head, and we would be in a very different world today.
But by the grace of God, are we not in civil war?
And we still have our candidates.
Literally, by the grace of God.
Let's fix this problem before somebody tries it again.
Not just on Trump, but Biden or RFK.
There is no excuse. There is no. There is absolutely no reason with a country that is in debt. 35. I don't even know what the number is anymore, $35 trillion in debt. That sends hundreds of billions of dollars all over the world for God only knows what. There is no excuse that we didn't have the money to be able to protect the president or the political challengers. There's no excuse.
The head of the secret service, her last job was head of security at Pepsi.
I'm not sure that disqualifies you, but I'm also not sure that qualifies you.
And unfortunately, it was a Dei kind of hire.
She's been pushing Dei, and we've had problems with the secret Service detail that we know of with Kamala Harris.
One of her secret Service detail was all dei ed up and was a little bit crazy. It seems this is the most serious thing that we as people need to look at.
It's not about Donald Trump. It's not about Joe Biden.
This is about protecting the constitutionally elected president and those who challenge him.
We live in a very different world, and it has happened over and over again. The one thing that nobody is really talking about behind me on the set today is, is the letter, or I'm sorry, the speech that Teddy Roosevelt gave when he was going to accept the nomination of his party.
He was shot.
And let me just hold it up in his pocket.
He had folded his speech and his glasses in a leather case. Now, this is not the one that he was carrying at the time. This is another pair exactly like it that he had.
The Smithsonian has the case with the bullet hole in it, but he had it in his front shirt pocket and here is the speech. And let me put this behind it. You can see he had it folded and you can see the bullet hole in it.
This happened in Wisconsin where they were having the convention.
Almost exactly the same thing happened as happened on Saturday as the president is going to Wisconsin. And then after the, after that happens, our current president goes to Chicago.
These are dangerous cities for conventions.
Historically speaking.
We must secure the president and our candidates. That should be top priority for Congress and the Senate. Number one, back in a minute.
Okay. Your God given freedoms are up for grabs right now. We don't know what our country is going to look like in six months from now.
There are people that have sworn a duty to protect your freedom and I don't think they're doing a very good job at it.
And in fact, we are still now threatening with more war.
We're threatening China, we're threatening Russia.
We've gone insane.
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This is the Glenn Beck program.
We have a guest, Dallas Alexander, coming on next hour. He's retired canadian special forces sniper. He has set the world record for his shooting in combat and he said what happened on Saturday absolutely cannot happen without help. We're going to talk to him and get his point of view on this here in next hour. Also, Jason Butrill is going to be joining us. There's a lot going on today.
The president's case on his taking the files out of the White House that has been dropped now because the judge has ruled that the special prosecutor is not a special prosecutor.
Was not appointed in a constitutional way by any stretch of the imagination and had no right to bring this case. So it has now been thrown out. That's going to accept a lot of people. Also, President Trump is expected and said that he would make his decision on vice president today.
The convention starts in Wisconsin today. Have I missed anything still?
Speaker D
I don't know. There's so many huge things I. Oh, yeah. Taylor Swift had to pause a concert because she ate a bug.
So we didn't get into that yet. We can get into that. Coming up next hour, real story. She killed the bug, I think the bugs dead. No one will even talk about it.
That's the only other story we haven't covered so far.
Glenn Beck
How did we miss that story?
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Have no room to compromise.
We gotta stand together.
Stand up straight.
It's a new day, I tell.
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Hello, America, and welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Well, this weekend, a little bit of news was breaking involving Donald Trump, and we still don't know all of the answers. And this, I believe, is the last chance for our Justice Department, the Secret Service, the FBI, to actually do their job, come clean, be completely transparent and tell us exactly what they know, when they knew, and all of the details on the shooter. If they fail to do that, they will be a failed organization and our justice system will never be the same. We go into that and ask some of the questions that need to be asked by Congress and the Senate, and answers need to be had. We do that. Also, we have, coming up, Dallas Alexander. He's a former sniper.
He has set the record in battle for the longest sniper kill. He said he was watching this and looking at it and he said, something's not right.
There's no way this could happen. We're going to talk to him about that in about 30 minutes. Stand by. We'll go there in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about Patriot mobile. Would it be great if we, you know, didn't have to deal with this stalled economy and inflation and endless wars and political bickering and now assassination attempts? Wouldn't it be great, and especially if our government had, you know, the american values at heart and our media did as well.
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He has extensive background in military intelligence. And that's why, you know, military intelligence is a joke because Jason was involved in it.
But he was also, you were never the lead of my detail, right? Of my protective detail was never the lead.
Speaker C
But I was, I was the manager on your detail and I'd led many other details in the past.
Glenn Beck
Yeah. So the reason why I'm still live today is, Jason was not in charge of the detail. But that's good.
Speaker C
That's good.
Glenn Beck
I will tell you that we have had many dealings with secret service and without getting into any of the details, but I would be willing to testify on it.
The secret Service is, in my view, inept.
It's nothing against the agents or anything. I think that the, the people who run it, they rely on money and technology, and they just don't think.
And it, we have seen things that could get people killed, quite honestly. We've experienced it with the secret Service ourselves. And I've been warning about this for a very, very long time now. Jason, you have actually planned events like this with the Secret Service.
You have been with major politicians and done major events not only with me, but with others, and worked side by side with the secret Service. How could this have happened?
Speaker C
I'm glad you had me on today, Glenn, because I saw a lot of speculation. I think it's important to understand how these things happen. How did we get to where we got to on Saturday? And I just want to briefly run down, I'm going to reveal a few tricks of the trade here. I think it's good for crazy people and potential attackers to know this as well, to know how difficult it is. It should be almost impossible to pull off what happened on Saturday. But as you know, Glenn, you've seen this work. An advance team is always sent out, and this is copied from the secret Service level all the way down to the governor's protection details, all the way to public officials or personalities like yourself. But an advanced team would go out, secret Service go out weeks in advance. They'd go out and they would set up a multi tiered security plan.
So basically, like, let's say you see a president on a rope line and he's shaking hands and patting people on the back. That's political smoke and mirrors. Those are not people that just randomly showed up. Those are friends, family, highly trusted people that have been vetted.
That takes a little bit of the sexiness out, but that's the same way as when Donald Trump is on a stage. The people right in front of him are supposed to be there. They've been given access. They have a wristband or a lanyard. They're wanded, they're checked. They're fully vetted, trusted people right in front of them. There's another tier. Beyond that, they're usually high level donors. They're also very, very trusted, vetted. They've been searched. Then once you get beyond that, there's not a thousand Secret Service agents out there. So they have to delegate to law enforcement officers, local law enforcement officers, SWAT, just regular beat cops. They designated those areas.
Now, as all this planning is happening, they also identify further out threats and they identify sectors of fire, positions of fire, potential sniper positions going all the way to like 1000 yards.
A sniper position. Absolutely.
Which is where this attacker was, would have been identified and there would have been several designated. They would like say, this is Alpha position, this is Broadway position, whatever. They would go through them so that they can quickly address the situation. Now, they would also, in this advance plan, they would have local law enforcement guarding those areas to make sure no one would gain access to those areas and they would be in contact with the secret Service.
Now, there's multiple different questions here that need to be asked. As you said, in full transparency, knowing this entire complex plan a, did the secret Service designate those sniper positions as they always do and as they're supposed to? Now, let's assume they did.
The second question, did law enforcement adequately man those positions? It does not appear so on the videos that we've seen. I mean, we've got tailgaters basically screaming at law enforcement. The only thing missing was like a couple of beer cans hanging off their helmets and they're chugging down beers. It's basically what it was. They were like, hey, look over there. There's a guy climbing up there. He's got a rifle. How did no one respond? That breaks the entire plan. There should have been a law enforcement officer or officers watching it.
Glenn Beck
So there's also the fact that when you have a position like that, first of all, that position, if it was left open, they keep saying, well, it wasn't part of the secure perimeter. It was 130 yards away.
You know, when. When you are on rooftops and sniper positions, you don't have to be on just the building right across the street.
You can be watching all of the rooftops all the way around that have any kind of angle at that street. So not only should they have had somebody there or at least had a team around and it looks like they had local police. And I don't know if local police failed, but they also, when you have a position like that and for instance, there's woods in this same venue area, you always put up something that blocks the view. So you would go up on that roof and you would say, okay, there is the podium, so let's put up a big screen or a big sign or something that blocks that view from that position. They didn't do that either.
Speaker C
To say as an excuse that it was outside the secured perimeter is absolutely ridiculous. I cannot believe someone would say that. I've been at events where secret service was there, where there was a river hundreds of yards away. But they still had local law enforcement driving zodiacs up and down the river because they were worried about potential snipers coming from a boat that was not inside the perimeter. But that was a potential firing position that they had identified. Now, that's the key right here. They would have identified all these positions, especially 130 yards with a clear line of sight to the president that would have been identified. There would have been a team of law enforcement officers or should have been protecting that area. Now, did they leave that? This is the second question. First question was, did secret Service identifying them? I'm assuming they did. Second question, did law enforcement adequately man those positions? Third, and this is probably the. The scariest part of the question, was there a law enforcement officer there? Was there help given to the shooter? Now, this is not a conspiracy theory. It's a question. It needs to be asked because we heard people saying, there's the shooter. No one did anything about it. So they, look, this has to be done in full transparency. Can you imagine Cliffenhe and the JFK assassination, all these weird things that happened, right? You have, let's just say back in, during the JFK assassination, there were cell phones and camera phones, and they're like, again, with their beers and their helmets going, look at that.
And they're filming the grassy knoll. And they're like, hey, officer, there's guys in the grassy knoll. They're carrying. They have fedoras on, and they're like, they have sniper rifles and they're about to shoot. Like, can you imagine if we had all of this evidence? What would the conspiracy theories be like then? This is what we have right now. We need to ask these questions. It's very, very rational to do so.
Glenn Beck
So we're about to have Dallas Alexander on. Do you know who he is?
Speaker C
Glenn Beck
Yeah, Jason.
Speaker C
Very, very famous sniper kip.
Glenn Beck
So he's a sniper, and he says there's no way this happened without help.
I don't want to go there. I don't want to believe that, because that takes us into an entirely different world.
Do you believe that is a realistic possibility?
Speaker C
Okay, I think it is a possibility. There are also the other random possibilities that it was just lackadaisical security by the local law enforcement, in my opinion. I'm not jabbing law enforcement, but I don't think they make great security guards because they're primarily reactionary. The secret service aspect of security like that is not reactionary. It is preventing the attack before it happens. But law enforcement as a security, it's.
Glenn Beck
Why the shooter, which I don't believe was a Secret Service sniper, may have only shot after shots were fired.
You know what I mean? We're Secret Service. You're in secret service, you have permission. You see a guy with a gun pointed at the president, shoot him before he shoots, where law enforcement would need the permission to shoot unless he shot first, would they not?
Speaker C
That's exactly right. The Secret Service is a different mindset than under law enforcement. Basically, when you. They don't manage a situation with a firearm, if you see a Secret Service with a firearm, it typically means someone's getting shot.
Law enforcement is completely different.
But I will not rule out the fact that it could just be very lax security. Maybe they were big Trump fans, maybe they're not fans at all. Maybe it was the exact opposite and they weren't as vigilant as they could have been. And someone was able to sneak over there. That is possible, but the most random things in assassinations happen. Who would have known that Sirhan Sirhan, a palestinian activist, would have been posing as or blending in with hotel staff and would have been in the right place at the right time and caught RFK going through that. Private areas, you've been through those areas yourself, going through public events. It's chaotic. Who would have known, you know, things like that? Who would have thought that a crazed Hinckley would have, you know, looking to gain the support of Jodie Foster, had no political ideology at all, just was a crazy guy looking to impress a movie star, would have been able to get to Ronald Reagan. These things do.
Glenn Beck
I want to ask.
I want to ask you about the things that are being said now about the shooter, that we really don't know who he is. I don't believe that for a second. Okay, if so, what the hell is the CIA and NSA doing with all of the eavesdropping on all of our communication? Yeah, I don't believe that at all. And this ruse, this lie that. Well, we just don't know. We don't know anything about him. We don't. You know, it's. It smells of the Nashville shooter. Now, it's still early, but if they don't come out with the full detail on this guy, they're going to lose all credibility. And then where are we? I want you to answer some of those questions. When we come back. First, let me tell you about car Shield. Trying to make it to the breakdown lane in, in the middle of morning traffic. Not the best time to suddenly realize that you have no coverage for whatever it is that just started smoking under your hood. The check engine light that came on a few weeks ago should have been a pretty good indicator, no pun intended. But it's time for you to get car shield. It's going to be pretty expensive. For almost two decades, car shield has been helping millions of drivers to avoid the stress and major repairs. And they offer, they offer plans now to cover up to 5000 parts from your engine transmission to the electronics. All of it. It's 827 6100. Or go to carshield.com. back today, Carshield gets an a plus rating from the Better Business bureau just by doing their job. The experienced phone representatives will answer your questions and set you up with an affordable plan that fits your financial needs.
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So do you believe that we don't know anything about this guy?
Speaker C
Not, not at all. I think that they're trying to make us believe that a 20 something has zero social media profile, zero Internet profile. And I think I just read that they can't, they're saying they can't get into his phone for some.
Speaker D
Yeah, I read that, too.
Speaker C
Like, so the best hackers on the planet cannot get into his iPhone, which I do not believe at all.
That's why, I mean, I saw, I saw videos of people trying to go immediately afterwards once all of his everything was getting scrubbed. Tried to even drive down his street, and it was already blocked. So they're clearly blocking information.
Speaker D
But it does seem like the Internet sleuths of the world, right? Always dig up these accounts immediately after this. You know, they always have the Facebook account, they always have the, I mean, that's why I went on social media to see if someone had found it. And it doesn't seem like anyone has found anything on this guy, which is incredibly odd for a 20 year old. But is it possible he's just, like, not doing these things? I guess he was on twitch or discord or something, and that was basically about it.
Speaker C
I guess it's possible. But do we actually believe that? I do not.
Speaker D
Wouldn't you be surprised that just the Internet sleuths didn't find it, if it actually existed? Usually that's the way it happens after this.
Speaker C
I have not met a single 20 year old with zero Internet footprint.
Speaker D
Good point.
Glenn Beck
I mean, that's just, like, nuts, right? I haven't. I haven't either, but it doesn't mean that he was on social media. But you would know about his, you know, phone records. Look, the. The NSA is cataloging and keywords. You would know his entire friend network if the guy even had a phone. Yeah, I mean, the things that they can do now with the NSA and the things they do without warrants is shocking.
And to tell me that we don't know anything about him except. Well, he did give $15 to act blue, but he was a registered Republican. He was a. He was what? He was a registered Republican and he gave money to act blue. Well, then that's a sign of insanity, for one.
And we do know that he tried to kill the republican nominee, so it doesn't. It doesn't usually make you into a good Republican.
Speaker C
Yeah. At this point, I do not care about the shooter at all. Like I said, Hinckley was not an ideological person, but he tried to kill Ronald Reagan. I do not care about what his political affiliation is at this point.
We have a major problem with both the current president of the United States down to the prob. The potential next President United States. The country is in danger or leaders are in danger because the system appears to have broken down. I told you how these things go down. So when the details start to come out, was there a multi tiered security system? Were they checking credentials at each different tier? Did they identify shooting positions? And were they manned?
Keep an eye on those questions, because if something is off there, then we need to just completely have a full audit of how they're doing this thing and reevaluate. And that. And that secret Service head, what's her name? Can't remember her name.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, she needs to. Pepsi.
Speaker C
She needs to resign immediately.
The head of that detail. Resign. The assistants under them. Resign. Get out of there. It's insane.
Glenn Beck
At least even just for the.
The look of it.
You know, nobody ever seems to. They pull us out of Afghanistan and people are falling from the skyd because they're in the wheel well trying to escape with the american planes. And nobody ever is held responsible for it.
Speaker C
No accountability.
Glenn Beck
No accountability whatsoever. You can't have a failure this big and not have somebody pay the price. But I'll bet you nobody does, which will only lead to more conspiracy theories.
Speaker C
Yes. Yes.
Glenn Beck
Okay, coming up in just a second, we have Dallas Alexander, retired canadian special forces. Sniper. What do you know about this guy Jason?
Speaker C
I just know he's got the record for the longest kill. He's, he's amazing.
Glenn Beck
Longest confirmed kill shot in history from 3402.1 mile, 2.1 mile.
And he just doesn't say, this was such an easy shot.
This, this is an easy. Stu could make this shot. Honestly, if he's ever picked up a rifle, Stu could.
Speaker D
I don't need to be the example of a game.
Glenn Beck
Look, if you have basic competence on a rifle, you could make this shot. But our next guest said not alone.
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Speaker D
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Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. And we say hello now to Dallas Alexander. He is a retired canadian special forces sniper. He actually holds the record for the longest kill and that is at 2.1 mile, which is remarkable. Just the amount of math involved in that just hurts my head. Dallas, welcome to the program.
Speaker B
Hey, thanks for having me.
Glenn Beck
You bet. So you have said some pretty controversial things and I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth because you do have experience in this.
You don't believe that this was just incompetence on the secret services side?
Speaker B
Yeah, that's right.
Glenn Beck
Can you make the case?
Speaker B
Yeah, I think, like you said, I have, I have some experience.
I did that job for a long time. Close protection and protecting vip's and stuff up to.
Up to. Including our prime minister in Canada was part of my job.
And I think looking at the situation yesterday or the day before, rather any amount of tactical professional. I mean, I've seen the videos and there was, I don't know how many on the ground from, you know, police and secret service. And it was just. There was too many people there to not have the most obvious position covered. Like you, I said this before, children who play Call of Duty or go to paintball would know that that roof is the most important position and that building is one of the most important buildings to secure, period. Like, just not picking that up is impossible.
Glenn Beck
It seems impossible to me.
But, you know, sometimes the impossible happens just through sheer incompetence.
What, so what are you in your world where you are?
You're just war gaming? This?
I think it's important for people to know. There's no evidence of anything yet except questions. And what the question Dallas just brought up is 100% valid and needs to be answered to satisfactorily satisfactory.
We have to know why they weren't watching that. If they weren't, so what do you think would have happened?
Speaker B
Well, I think that. And this is what I said on a video yesterday, is that. And this isn't me pointing a finger at anyone in particular or a party or an agency, but someone within, like the inside, quote unquote, had to have helped with this. Like, you can't walk through layers of security like that and then climb up a ladder to the most obvious shooting position and take a shot at, you know, the former president and maybe future president. Like, there's somewhere. Somewhere along that chain. Like, you know, I think there's talk of coming out that he had a van and there was explosives. And so, like, details are going to be crazy for a little while, but just from that to having the shots happen, there had to be someone that helped with that.
Glenn Beck
Dallas, they did say that this was not part of the.
Not part of the secure location. This was an adjacent property, so he didn't have to go through security to get the rifle. There, there. But again, you would have been. If your secret Service, you would have been at least if you're not covering that building with bodies and somebody up on there, you would at least be covering it with eyesight, would you not?
Speaker B
Yeah, absolutely. And especially with a covered approach like that being the building sloping away from the other sniper team or whatever that could see it.
It would be covered. Like, I saw that just by. Like it flashed on the screen at a restaurant, I was out, and immediately I'm like, two most obvious things. That building and then the water tower in the background, and you don't need any special training for that. And yet there was a bunch of people there with special training and presumably leading up to it in days before.
Speaker C
Hey, Dallas. My name is Jason Bottrell. I'm a glenn's head writer and chief researcher. Can you explain, from the sniper's perspective, especially in a situation like this, in close protection, details upon visual acquisition of an enemy sniper, does the counter sniper have permission to immediately take action and fire, or do they have to go through a long process of verifying and then getting permission and all that?
Speaker B
Yeah. So that very much depends on the department what the roes are. And I can't speak to the Secret Service when they're working with a police force. I have no idea.
I know in the jobs that I have done, if there is a sniper position and I'm a counter sniper. Sniper, overwatch? Yeah, you're shooting. You're not waiting for someone to give you permission to shoot.
Speaker C
Can I ask, as a sniper, overwatch, do you also, are you focused on a specific pause, or are you kind of scanning the entire horizon?
Speaker B
Yeah, it sort of depends on the mission and how many other sniper teams there are. So if you have a bunch of teams, you'll have areas of responsibility.
If you are tasked with watching one specific doorway or something, then that's where you stay. So mission. It's mission dependent.
Speaker C
Glenn Beck
So, Dallas, let me ask you, there was a five mile an hour wind.
This is, you know, it looks like by the grace of God, Donald Trump turned his head a. How easy of a shot was this for a 20 something?
And how close did we come to losing a president?
Speaker B
Yeah, that's something I've been thinking about, you know, for the last couple days. It's crazy because if it would have Fitzhe just, you know, an inch or two the other way, I would. I just hate to think about what would have happened, you know, in this country and the whole world. It would have been very crazy.
But the shot, you know, I was asking somebody about this yesterday. I haven't got confirmation on what the optics on the rifle were, which makes a big difference.
It's not generally a very hard shot. I think it was 150 yards, roughly.
It doesn't take much shooting training whatsoever to be able to hit a head sized target at 150 yards.
Wind definitely would play a factor. I think. I think the caliber is 5.56. Even that, I'm not 100% sure, but it's not a difficult shot, but it's also not unmissable if he only has an eotech sight or something like that.
And you don't have a lot of gun training, something that you're for sure going to hit, which is maybe why he sent, I think it was five or eight rounds.
Glenn Beck
Have you ever.
Have you ever shot and had them dead in your sights and they moved at the very last minute like this? How often does that happen?
Speaker B
Oh, from that range like that. That's pretty wild. I think.
I was very surprised. I think someone telling me yesterday that they heard it was an eotech sight made a little more sense to me, because if they had a scoped rifle with any magnification, ten power or whatever, it would have been very a different shot. A lot easier to make.
Glenn Beck
Dallas, thanks for your weighing in on this.
I really hope that you're wrong.
What are the questions that we should be demanding from our secret service?
Speaker B
Oh, geez. The breakdown is crazy. Like, there's so many layers to this. And it would be. I don't even know who started the planning, how long ago it was, but to miss something that obviously, again, I don't think there's an explanation. I think it just needs a deep dive investigation. I don't think competence, and I've worked in the government for a long time, so I know incompetence, and there's a ton of it.
I just don't think that that is what explains this problem away. I think something happened, and I think there needs to be a gigantic deep dive investigation because it's very, very shady.
Glenn Beck
So you don't think that even incompetence would cover this because it's so obvious.
Speaker B
Yeah. Like, I think you could take a ten year old out there and say, okay, we want to plan security.
What should we look at? And if it'll be a kid who played call of duty, he's going to tell you, this rooftop right here is the most dangerous point. It's overlooking where the president's going to be speaking or the foreign president's going to be speaking.
It's just. It's cliche.
It's so obvious. Those snipers will be that and the water tower.
Glenn Beck
But it couldn't be just one person. If that was happening, it would have to involve a team, wouldn't it? Because somebody else on the team would go, Bill, what the hell are you talking about? We got to cover the roof.
Speaker B
That's what I mean. So I'm saying in all these videos, whether it's secret service agent or local police or whatever it is, these are all tactical professionals. And even if the level of competence is low, it still doesn't matter. That's such an obvious, basic thing. You could take a navy cook or whatever, and he's going, oh, yeah. Tactically speaking, we got to look at that thing. Out of all the people on the ground, all the people involved, it just doesn't make any sense that that one position and the most important position arguably, was just not being watched. And then, like, a ladder, someone could put up a ladder and climb up. It doesn't make any sense.
Glenn Beck
Well, apparently the ladder was attached to the building, so nobody had to bring a ladder or.
Let me ask you, the thing that bothers me is that all of the people on the ground were pointing and shouting, shooter, shooter, shooter.
Is it possible that nobody heard that, that it didn't get up, you know, to the, to the guys? I mean, if you're a police officer or you're in secret service, wouldn't you radio that in immediately?
Speaker B
Yeah, you would hope. I mean, this is the part of it that I think could be.
You could point to incompetence. I've seen communication break down when things get crazy.
Radios not work. Like, I'm guessing all the agencies there, whoever, local police, and they're probably not using the same radio and gear, and there's probably someone passing along the message. In chaotic times, I've seen communication be poorly executed to, like, a sort of surprising level. So that, that part I could almost, I could almost wrap my head around it being blamed on incompetence, but I just think everything leading up to there being a guy with a gun on a roof within essentially zeroing range of a rifle, to the president, to me, that doesn't add up whatsoever.
Glenn Beck
And they would have recorded everything that was said.
Speaker B
Would they note, I don't know what the SoPs are actually like for secret service and police, the missions I've gone on, unless it was going through, like, a tactical center or something, like, on the ground, we were not recording our radio conversations.
Glenn Beck
Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
No, I know, I know, I know.
Thank you for pointing this out and giving us questions that really need to be answered. Dallas Alexander, appreciate it. God bless. Stay safe.
Speaker B
Thanks for having me.
Glenn Beck
Back in just a second. 1st, let me tell you about Mantis X. I mean, look, we're living in a dangerous world, and if you have a gun, you better know how to secure the gun. And if you ever pull a gun, it's to shoot to kill.
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We'll be right back.
Speaker D
88727 Beck is the phone number.
Let's go to Jesse, who's at the rally. Jesse, welcome to the Glenn Beck program.
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Speaker D
Appreciate it. So you were there. What was the scene like?
So I was about 10ft from the barricade just to Trump's rear, right. I was in the bleachers.
Glenn Beck
Oh, my God.
And it took me about two and a half hours to get through security.
But once you got through security, it was just, it was very unorganized. You just kind of wandered around wherever you wanted to go. And.
Glenn Beck
There were like, nobody checked your tickets, nobody checked your id.
And. But once we got seated and once the president came out and started talking, whenever the, whenever the first shots started, I personally, I only heard three. And then I heard multiple engagements of other gunfire and I'm guessing that was like the federal sharpshooters and. But, I mean, it happened so fast. Everything, everything was over within 15 seconds. And the Secret Service, when they, when they tackled the president, they knocked him over so hard that it knocked his shoes off. And I could hear, you know, Hawkeye is here. Hawkeye is here. And then on the extreme right, like, there was a center group of bleachers right behind the president. And then there were a set of bleachers to the left and a set of bleachers to the right. And it was on those far ends of each of those bleachers that those other victims got hit. And there was a hydraulic lift.
They look like forklifts but they're like 25 to 30ft tall and they were holding big speakers and there was one on each side, one on the left, one on the right. And gunfire had hit the hydraulic line on the one on the left and it crashed straight down. Thank goodness, because if it would have fallen over it would have crushed all those people.
Glenn Beck
Oh my God.
Left side of the bleachers there.
Speaker D
Jesse, hold on for 1 second and we'll talk to you here off the air. Just an incredible historic last couple of days. We'll continue to cover it tonight on Stew doesn't America. Don't miss it.
Glenn Beck
The Glenn Beck program.