From Hate to Great: Media Constructs NEW Reality for Kamala Harris | Guests: Sean Cooksey & Nigel Farage | 8/7/24
Primary Topic
This episode explores the media's shifting portrayal of Kamala Harris, analyzing its impact and the potential motivations behind it.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Media outlets are possibly manipulating public perception of Kamala Harris.
- This shift might be part of a broader political strategy.
- The episode raises concerns about the impact of media bias on democracy.
- Questions are posed about the ethical implications of media influence in politics.
- The discussion underscores the need for media literacy among the public.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Overview of the episode's theme focused on media manipulation. Key points introduced by Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck: "Today, we're diving deep into the media's new narrative around Kamala Harris."
2: Guest Insights
Sean Cooksey and Nigel Farage discuss specific instances of media portrayal shifts and their potential motivations. Sean Cooksey: "It's fascinating to see the transformation in media portrayal." Nigel Farage: "There's a clear narrative shift that seems orchestrated."
3: Analysis
Deeper analysis of how media narratives are constructed and their impacts on public opinion. Glenn Beck: "We need to question why these shifts happen and who benefits from them."
Actionable Advice
- Develop critical thinking when consuming media.
- Research multiple sources for a broader perspective.
- Engage in conversations about media bias.
- Educate others on the importance of questioning media narratives.
- Stay informed about political strategies that may influence media.
About This Episode
Glenn and Pat go through the radical leftist beliefs that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' VP pick, has espoused over the years, including abortion post-birth and his state being a safe state for transgender surgery for minors. Did Kamala Harris pick Tim Walz because Josh Shapiro was too Jewish for the Democrats to accept, despite his high electability? Federal Election Commission Chairman Sean Cooksey joins to discuss the legality of Biden's unprecedented move of redesignating the money donated to his campaign to Kamala Harris. Glenn reacts to Jamie Raskin admitting Democrats will attempt to overturn the election if Trump is elected by charging him with insurrection to invoke the 14th Amendment. United Kingdom Parliament member Nigel Farage joins to discuss the possibility of a civil war within the U.K. due to illegal immigration. Glenn talks about the global cabal that the Left is attempting in America and throughout the world.
Glenn Beck, Sean Cooksey, Nigel Farage
Guest Name(s):
Sean Cooksey, Nigel Farage
Content Warnings:
Glenn Beck
Hey, I want to talk to you a little bit about rough greens.
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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment. Entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Glenn Beck
You know, it's so folksy, you know, and so cool is the midwest. And Tim Waltz, he's folksy. And, man, you know, the old man with his socks just pushing the lawnmower, you know, in the middle of the day and then just having just an everyday beer and going to work and just doing stuff in a red state. I mean, the midwest is so cool now. And those flyover states, man, they're cool.
Wasn't yesterday. Weren't they really weird? No, no. JD Vance is weird. And you know, when you're talking about the midwest and you talk about Ohio, that's weird. But not Minnesota. No. Little Somalia. That's not weird at all. And neither is Tim Walsh. So we got that going for us. We're going to go deep into him. Also, act blue. We're doing a special on tonight's tv show. There is, there's corruption deep, deep in our government now and with the democratic party, with act blue, the FEC chairman is going to be with us to talk about what they're looking at with these. With this $200 million haul for Harris. Something's very wrong here. Will anyone pay attention or are we just gonna go with a really cool guy from a flyover state? Flyover states are so cool, aren't they? He's like, you know, leave it to beavers, dad. Which is cool now. It's cool.
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Well, joining me today is Pat Gray from Pat Gray unleashed. Pat, I listen to your show today and chewing the fat with Jeffy. And you guys run quite a roll with Tim walls.
You like him about as much as I do.
Pat Gray
Oh, man.
He's quickly risen to the top of my list of people that I dislike with a very intense disliking.
Glenn Beck
What do you mean you don't like? Now, I didn't get that impression from you earlier.
Pat Gray
A little subtle. Maybe I was too subtle because I mentioned that I dislike him with all the intensity of a trillion white hot burning suns.
Maybe that's not enough.
Glenn Beck
I don't know. Yeah, I'm not sure what you were saying with that. Now.
Could it be because he says things like this? Cut. Eleven, please. Here's Tim Walls and I think seeing a.
Tim Walz
A plan that's out there talking about it with folks, knowing that he's not going to do anything. He talks about this wall. I always say, let me know how high it is. If it's 25ft, then I'll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory. That's not how you stop this.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Is it because of stuff like that?
Pat Gray
It's stuff like that and worse, actually. Stuff like that.
Glenn Beck
Well, what could be worse? Here, cut ten. Could it be this?
Tim Walz
And what we want to say is we're there to protect children. We're there to have you understand that in Minnesota you're going to be protected. And I just want to be clear. Clear. I will never understand what goes into the thinking of these folks to bully these children, that is not impacting them in one bit and making it a living hell for children, for families, for adults, for folks who are just trying to bring themselves in. So in Minnesota, we're making it very clear we're not going to cooperate with these folks, we're not going to extradite people. We're going to say that this is a place where you can come to make these decisions. I am. This is the community. The trans community is as terrified as they've ever been. We've seen attacks across the nation, even here in Minnesota, and we're now saying we have to be much more proactive. We have to be much more aggressive about making sure that folks are protected.
Pat Gray
Yeah, folks are protected in getting their noodles cut off and that kind of thing.
Glenn Beck
Children are protected, okay. Children have a right to have their noodles cut off.
Pat Gray
They do.
Glenn Beck
Or their breasts removed.
Pat Gray
They do. If they're six and they don't feel comfortable, cut off their noodle. That's really good. Who am I? Not nobody.
Glenn Beck
Yeah. Who are you? What kind of monster have you become?
You know, I mean, it's really, it's really, really bad. Now.
He's also, you know, he was big on Covid.
He was. Well, when I say he was big on that, I mean, he had more nursing home deaths in his state than they had in New York under Cuomo. Yeah, so, but he was, it wasn't that he was a total dictator. It was just that he was a total authoritarianism, authoritarian and locked everything down. But he went the extra mile. Here he is, cut 28. Now here he is on a new way to be neighborly.
Hello, you have reached the department of Public Safety stay at home hotline. The information you leave is considered public information. At the tone, please leave the following.
Your name, your callback number, how the stay at home order is being violated and where the stay at home order was violated. Thank you.
Sean Cooksey
Record your message at the tone. When you are finished, hang up or press pound for more options.
Glenn Beck
And that's, of course, congratulations. Yeah.
Pat Gray
That's where you stitch on your neighbor. Yeah. Hey, I just saw my neighbor pull out of their driveway. They're going somewhere.
I think you need to send a SWAT team right now, please, because. Yeah, they left their house. They left.
Glenn Beck
That's just being neighborly. That's all that is.
Pat Gray
That's all that is.
Glenn Beck
It's just being a good neighbor. Here's cut 29.
Tim Walz
But we can get out there, reach out, make the case, and for one thing, don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness.
Glenn Beck
Amen. Amen.
I. They just don't understand how the left wants, you know, wants freedom. And the right is just trying to take rights away. You know, like, they're not taking rights away when they want to take your guns. They're not taking rights away when they, when they, you know, lock you in your house until you can't go anywhere. They're not taking any rights away when they say you have to inject this into your body.
They're not taking any rights away at all. In fact, they're making. It's just good neighborly stuff to be able to snitch on your neighbor. That's so american. So folksy. It is so folksy and not weird, I'll tell you that. Not weird at all.
Pat Gray
And when they tell you that you shouldn't be driving suv's, that does, that doesn't limit your choices on what you can drive? Not at all.
Glenn Beck
No, he's not taking away your right at all. He's no, he is just saying that there will be no gasoline cars in the state of Minnesota by 2035. That's all he's saying.
Pat Gray
Is that a bad speaker?
Glenn Beck
In ten years, nobody's driving gasoline cars because they're. Because he's also not taking your right away. He's not.
He's definitely not. When he says we're going to shut down the oil industry.
No, he's giving you all kinds of choices. You could have solar panels or you could have, you know, a wind powered electricity.
Pat Gray
There's two choices right there. What do you want?
Glenn Beck
Two. How many choices do you need?
You know what I mean?
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
It's just so crazy what people are saying about him now. So he's, you know, I'd like to call him the name that people call him in the state occasionally, and that's Tampon Tim, which I think is very dignified and shows what he's for. And that is tampons in boys restrooms.
You know, he, you know, who are you to say you shouldn't have, you should, you should use the restroom, you know, designated for the sex you were born with. It is so bigoted. So weird. So weird. This is folksy. You know, you have your, your boy go in and shove a tampon up where he's bleeding. That's normal.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
If that's not middle America, I don't know what is.
Glenn Beck
I don't know.
No, it's, you know, and as he said, one man's socialism is another, is another man's neighborliness. And, you know, when I think of a good neighbor, I think of Stalin, I think of Mao.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
I think of, I think of the good neighbors that were turning jews in, you know, in Germany, I think of those neighbors, they were neighbor. Neighborly. Nationally, though, socialist party. Yeah, in Germany. So it is, it is. Some people would say that socialism, you know, where they just, you rat on a neighbor, hey, there's a jew living next door.
And other people just think that that's just, it's just neighborly. You know, it's not socialism. It's just neighborly. And I love that. Now, he's also a man of truth.
If you, if you look at cut twelve here, he, he was telling you the truth the whole time. He was way ahead of the curve.
Tim Walz
Listen, I've spent a lot of time with the president, and he's great. We're talking, we're chatting and all this, and I think, you know, we all get a little older. That's what happens. But you also gain that insight. And I think when it comes to these issues, working across the aisle to get things done, you see the president just doing this with dignity, doing it with class, getting up every day, doing the work. So I think he's just doing what he does. And I think it's kind of coming up on all of us. Look, my mom's 88, still living on the farm, drives herself.
Pat Gray
Is she the president, though?
Tim Walz
Folks are able to do this. So I think this little bit of ageism that goes to this, if it's not, that would be something else. They attack all of us on something. This is part of it.
Pat Gray
That's right.
Glenn Beck
That's all. Yeah, absolutely. How folksy of him. You know, he's not lying there. He's just being folksy. He's just telling a story. And it turns out that he was absolutely right. He's totally just like his mom, able to drive his car, you know, Tim, I want you, when you get to Washington, you're not going to need a car. Cause, you know, you'll have secret service driving you everywhere. Why don't you just hand the keys over to Joe of your car and tell him just to, you know, hey, Joe, why don't you just take it, you know, just park it in the garage around the corner. You'll, you're going to be fine. Cause I don't think, you know, his mom could drive a car. Sure.
Pat Gray
Oh, yeah. She's 88. That's older than Joe. She's 88.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
Now she's not running the country, but.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
But I'm sure she has just as important a position and doesn't, it doesn't mess her up at all. Getting old.
Glenn Beck
I will tell you that there is a couple of other things that I think are really, really, really good.
Minnesota. There's room in the inn. In fact, let me just, let me just play tampon. Tim here on sanctuary cities. Cut 13, please.
Speaker one, would you have done the schools any differently? Because I think that's where a lot of parents are upset about what happened with the schools. Do you think you could have made any other choice?
Tim Walz
Well, I think, just to be clear, over, over 80% of our students missed less than ten days of in class learning. The vast majority of students were in it depended, again, on population density. Many of these decisions were being made by local folks to be able to do what was necessary to keep them there. I think, again, in hindsight, if we could have known that we would get vaccinations out as quickly as possible. We prioritize teachers and the staff in schools to get there.
We're doing it differently now. And since, since May of 2021, almost every one of our students has been in the entire time and been doing that. So I think with hindsight as 2020, perhaps we could have tailored a little bit closer to that. But the fact of the matter is, making the case that we shouldn't have done anything is simply wrong.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, simply wrong. By the way, that was, that was about him shutting down all of the schools, which apparently never happened, Pat. Never, never, never happened. Let's go to cut 13, please. Should Minnesota be a sanctuary state?
Tim Walz
If the definition of that is that the federal government enforces immigration law and local law enforcement enforces local law, then yes.
Glenn Beck
Should cities be allowed to be sanctuary cities. Yes.
Tim Walz
Local control.
Pat Gray
Mm. Yes.
Glenn Beck
Local control.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
Local control. I mean, he's not for local control on anything else, but when it comes to sanctuary cities, you know, there's, as he said, there is, there is room in the end, you know, for more Somalis and, and, and everything else. And he has taken, I'm going to give you just a little track record, you know, when we come back here on, on Tim, because he has taken the state of Minnesota and just, wow. I mean, it is just taken off. It's a. Yeah, it's an entirely new.
Pat Gray
State rocket ride to the moon with Tim walls.
Glenn Beck
You know, I I think Pat, now, you could disagree with me, but I think you put a team together like Kamala Harris from California and bringing those California things right to America and then Tampon Tim's Minnesota, what he's done to that state.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
My gosh. I mean, America is fixed.
Pat Gray
Imagine that. Kind of like on a nationwide scale.
Glenn Beck
Yeah. Yeah. My dog is fixed as well. But it's gonna be, it's going to be fantastic. We'll give you some more on this here in just a second. And maybe, is there a little anti semitism going on? There's a little bit.
We'll get into that in a second. 1st let me tell you about Preborn. Oh, that's another thing.
Do you know that he signed a law in Minnesota where you can give birth to your baby and then just let it die?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So far, there's been eight babies that have done this under his, under his new law. And it's just great because the baby is born, you know, after a botched abortion, and the baby's struggling there, you know, and in pain, and they don't give him any care or comfort, and they just watch him die. And it's so it's folksy, is what it is.
Pat Gray
It really is.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
It's not weird.
Pat Gray
No, no.
Glenn Beck
It's neighborhood. It's neighborly. Do you want us to help you kill your child? We're like a good neighbor. Tim Walls is there, and I think that's great. Now, if you're weird and you think, I don't know, we shouldn't have babies die after birth, you know, we. I don't know. I gotta have a problem with full term abortion on the day of delivery, which, by the way, only 5% of the american people, according to polls, believe that's even true, that that's even happening. 70% of America, which I'm surprised it's the numbers that low.
70% of Americans are against it, and. And yet only 5% believe that it's actually real because they've done such a good job of saying, no.
That's just weird that you would say that. That's the law in Minnesota. So when we say, you know, they want to kill babies after birth.
No, they don't. Yeah, he does. He signed it into law. But again, if you're weird and you'd like to see this. And Preborn is the largest pro life organization in the country. They're leading the charge to put an end to the atrocity of abortion. Every day. They sponsor free ultrasounds for women, as well as providing help for up to two years after the baby is born. And when a mom sees her unborn child on that monitor, when she hears the heartbeat, she's twice as likely to consider choosing life for her baby. Your donation of $28 sponsors one ultrasound. How many babies can you save? Please donate. Just dial pound 250. Say the keyword, baby. That's pound 250, keyword baby. Or go to preborn.com. beck, you know, I'm doing a this event in Salt Lake City with Tucker Carlson in a few weeks, and I asked Preborn if we could raise some money. I said, why don't we do a dinner with a few people and see if we can raise some money, some big money, and then we'll do dinner, and then I'll take everybody over to the Delta center, and you'll meet Tucker Carlson, and you'll get good, cushy seats, and you'll be the people that are kind of in a golden circle that have. Are saving children.
I have no idea how you get those tickets, but we're gonna do that. Okay. Yeah. I don't know how you buy the tickets for the Tucker Carlson thing, but look into it.
Pat Gray
Look into it.
Glenn Beck
But look into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, preborn.com beck. Preborn.com beck. This is sponsored by Preborna. Ten second station.
Yeah, yeah, that's great. Now, JD.
JD Vance is weird because, you know, he went to. He went to Yale.
And, you know, Walsen said, look, I grew up in a small town, you know, and it's small town values.
And, you know, he said, yeah, JD Vance grew up in a small town, but he eventually attended Yale law school.
JD Vance talks about this in hillbilly elegy.
None of my hillbilly cousins went to Yale. Yeah, maybe because your hillbilly cousins either don't have the aptitude or the interest to go to Yale. I mean, Yale's really not for everybody, you know, not everybody has to go to Yale. Fact, a lot of people would really hate Yale. I'm for one, went to Yale and hate Yale.
But gosh darn it, I just, I won't give any money to Yale. Why not?
Man? I'm weird. Anyway, JD Vance worked hard that something called meritocracy.
And that doesn't happen in socialist countries. No, everybody has an equal outcome. Everyone's equally miserable. Well, I shouldn't say that. Except for the people at the very top. They tend to get very, very rich and powerful and not so folksy, you know, not quite so folksy.
So JD Vance just doesn't know anything about small town America because, you know, he went to Yale afterwards. Yeah. Yeah, he did. He earned a scholarship because he decided to work hard. He made that choice. You should watch the movie or read the book. It's really interesting. Tampon Tim.
Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck
Who doesn't want your boy to have tampons in the bathroom? You know what I mean?
Anyway, you know, we weren't looking for a fight.
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I don't know. Could you note, teach everybody in your business that being white is just horrible and there's no repentance from any of that? Could you, I don't know, could you not tell me that America is a horrible place and then spend all of your profits to try to destroy America? I'm just saying. I'm just saying I didn't think that was that big of a deal, but apparently it is. That's why you should do business with companies like Patriot Mobile. They understand they're, they're the company you need them to be. They'll give you a great service.
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Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're glad you're here. Van Jones said something quite amazing yesterday on CNN. Cut one.
Tim Walz
Here's the challenge you've got in this party.
And, you know, people don't want to talk about it. We got to talk about it. On the one hand, you have a lot of young people who are concerned about Gaza. You have a lot of Muslims and Arabs and others. They have not felt seen by the Biden administration.
You start hearing that genocide joke that was building. That was building. And so those folks needed to have a candidate that they could feel comfortable with. This helps them in that regard. But you also have anti semitism that has gotten marbled into this party. You can be forced, the Palestinians, without.
Glenn Beck
Being an anti jewish bigot.
Tim Walz
But there are some anti jewish bigots out there and there's some disquiet now. And there has to be. How much of what just happened is caving into some of these darker parts in the party? So that's going to have to get worked out.
Glenn Beck
It's going to have to get talked through.
First of all, I would like to know what Van Jones meant by darker parts. I hear the dog whistles. I hear the dog whistle. Van okay, what do you mean exactly by darker parts? And when you're talking about, am I anti semitism?
Is it because of George Soros that you might say that, man, what a, what a, what a bigot. No, seriously, what he said was actually absolutely right. It, it has been marbled into an anti semitism and not just a few anti Semites out there. That is who they've just, that's who they've just catered to.
Tell me, what is the advantage, Pat Gray, to have Tampon Tim be the vice president? A state you're going to win anyway. It's Minnesota.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
When you have a, another candidate in the one state, you must win a, he's the governor of Pennsylvania.
Why wouldn't you pick him?
Pat Gray
Yeah. A person, the governor of that state, fairly popular governor of that state who could maybe wrap up Pennsylvania for you, and instead you choose somebody in Minnesota. As you mentioned, you've already got that locked up. That's, that's not an issue. There's no reason, there's absolutely nobody, even 73% of Americans didn't even know who Tim Walls was yesterday. There's still probably 60% that are still learning about this guy and who he is. But most of most Americans don't even know Tim walls. He helps her. Not at all. There's no reason.
Glenn Beck
Not at all.
Pat Gray
No, not at all.
Glenn Beck
Now let me give you the two, let me give you the two candidates that quite honestly I was afraid of. I'd afraid that they would pick because I thought they were smarter than this. Maybe they're arrogant or maybe they just know something that I don't know about the election.
But you need two states. You have to have these two states to win Arizona and you have to have Pennsylvania. So you have a jewish governor in Pennsylvania. He's really good. He's got a good track record. He's moderate, you know, in comparison to almost everything else in the Democratic Party.
He's got great approval, approval ratings. And you would have picked him and you probably would have won that state. The other one is Mark Kelly. Mark Kelly is an astronaut. He's beloved in the state he's moderate in compared to everybody else. He still voted all the way with Joe Biden, but he appears to be moderate. He was the guy I was really afraid they were going to pick because, you know, you'd have that pro USA kind of feeling to it. They didn't pick either one of those.
So you didn't want the pro America guy who could have helped you in Arizona and you don't want the jewish guy. Instead you pick a guy who is just like you. There's no separation. There's no difference between California and Minnesota when it comes to voting. There's no difference between Kamalo, who is, was raised by a marxist professor, her father, and she, she spouts marxist ideology all the time. So there she is and what does she do? She gets another guy who just last week said, social, one man. Socialism is another man's neighborliness.
What are you doing?
Pat Gray
It's incredible. It's incredible. I think they're so far down the road, they just believe they can't be stopped now. And so they're just saying the quiet parts out loud and they're just bringing the socialists to the fore now because it's too late. I mean, that's why they've been, you know, buttering us up and loosening us up with the democracy talk for years now because they really mean democratic socialism by that. And so now they think they're to the point where I, it doesn't matter. We'll just do what we want now. Let's just do it. Let's just take the mask off.
We're tired of hiding behind it and let's just show America who we really are.
Glenn Beck
They really think that that's who America is. And I don't know, you know, I don't think american is that, yeah, I don't think they are. But I do think that they have been hypnotized by the parties.
They have been hypnotized by the lies and the mediaev. They just, they're not thinking anymore. I can guarantee you there are tons of people that, you know, that you could say, look, this guy is a Marxist. She's a Marxist. And they'll go, oh, stop it. No, they're not. Well, what about that? That doesn't mean that, well, what does one man's socialism is another man's neighborless. Neighborliness mean when you, when you are saying, don't shy away from your progressive values?
Yeah, one man, socialism is another man's neighborliness. What, what does that mean exactly? Other than that?
Pat Gray
There's no other explanation. That's what it means. That's, that's who he is. This is by far, I think, the most radical ticket for president in american history.
Glenn Beck
In american history. Well, I mean, you from a main.
Pat Gray
From a main party.
Glenn Beck
He was, you know, from a main party. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.
It's, uh, it's quite, it's quite, you know, it's just another day in America.
Pat Gray
Mm hmm.
Glenn Beck
Honestly, aliens could climb out of my butt right now and sit on my shoulder on live radio and tv.
Pat Gray
We go, hmm.
Glenn Beck
And I don't know if anybody would be surprised.
Pat Gray
They'd be like, oh, I'd say, Glenn, did you notice there's an alien that climbed out your butt and is now sitting on your shoulder?
Glenn Beck
There is nothing that surprises us anymore.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
There's nothing left. There's nothing left.
I think, I honestly think that, you know, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, even Donald Trump could just rip his skin off his face and go like, oh, yeah, I'm here for the, uh, uh, for the, uh, party of two, for Satan. And everybody go, uh huh, huh. And then they would just vote for them. They would just vote. It wouldn't matter.
So what if he's Satan? Wait, wait, wait.
Pat Gray
I mean, it's pretty close to that already, you know, what do you think? Yeah. What is socialism? What is Marxism?
These are people who remove your choices. Who was it? Who was. For removing our choices in the very beginning? Satan.
Glenn Beck
Bing. Bing.
Pat Gray
Yeah. That was his plan from the beginning. So when the plan is, I'll just make the choice for you. And that's a, that's the government telling you that? Well, that's Satan's plan. You're aligning yourself with Satan. And, you know, yeah, they can throw around this stuff with about Hitler and all that. I don't even have a problem of calling them evil anymore because that's what they are and that's what's going on. It is evil.
Glenn Beck
There is, yeah. There is no other word for it. I mean, honestly, you're right. Satan is the guy who fought in the war in heaven. Look it up in Genesis, fought in the war in heaven, was cast out because God didn't like his plan. Give me the glory, and I'll just tell everybody what to do.
And instead it was the plan of Christ that, you know, no, no, I'll go down and I'll sacrifice myself and you get all the glory, God. So look at, look at what, what we have. We have people who are saying, I'm smarter than you. I'll make the decision. I'll tell everyone exactly how to live, how to eat, you know, what they need to do, what they don't do. And if they don't do those things, if they are in lockstep with me, the most powerful, the guy who is replacing God. And redemption, there will be no redemption. There will be no redemption for you.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
And if your parents weren't on board, you're. There's no redemption for you. That is an antichrist teaching.
Pat Gray
Yeah. And as with that initial plan, it's made to look as if it's good for everybody because I'll make sure everybody returns to you, Father.
Glenn Beck
Pat Gray
I'll be the one that makes sure everybody comes back. Well, that's how socialism and Marxism is presented to us on earth. Now. It's. I'll make sure that this is utopia. You will have utopia if you just choose socialism. We'll just make sure everybody's.
Everybody's the same. Everybody.
Glenn Beck
And what, and what happens, Pat, during that process?
They end up killing people, they end up torturing people, they end up destroying people every time. Every single time. And it turns into hatred.
And it always comes with just enough anti semitism to round up all the Jews?
There are earmarks here.
Do you not have eyes to see and ears to hear what is happening?
Pat Gray
And we forget the fact that there wasn't just one holocaust. The Jews have been rounded up. Is it 18 times?
Glenn Beck
18 times. 18 times throughout history.
So over and over again and over again and every time, and it always.
Pat Gray
Every time, the rest of us say, okay, never again. Okay, never again. Okay, this time we really mean it. Never again. Well, when are we really going to put our foot down and say, we really mean it this time it's not going to happen again. Well, you got democrats hedging on it right now.
Glenn Beck
Hang on. Let me take a break. I want to come back and I want to ask you a question. How did you get a third of the angels that were around the, uh, were around the altar and the throne of God. How did you get a third of them to go? You know what? This God guy isn't what we thought he was.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
How would, how could you possibly do that? I think I have the answer, uh, and we'll give that here in just a second. Stand by. John wrote in recently about his experience with relief factor. Uh, John wrote and said, I've used relief factor now for about six months. I was highly skeptical at first. I tried, uh, to put it off. I, you know, my, my brother was raving about it, so we loaned a few days worth of his, uh, since he found that it was so effective, I was really shocked. The benefit every day as relief factor reduced my constant back pain, which came from years of injuries and aging. I don't know if it helps everybody, but it sure helped me. John, thank you for writing in. Thanks for trying relief factor. I was skeptical, skeptical about it myself when I first heard, but I got my life back in a big way. I'm glad you made the decision to give it a try. Please, if you're in pain, would you just try it? I know you're skeptical, but what they say at the very beginning is, it's 1995. You try it for three weeks. If it doesn't work, stop taking it it. So you're out $20. But isn't $20 worth the gamble?
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Welcome to the Glenn Beck program.
So we're just talking about the book of Genesis and the war in heaven and Socialism.
How do you get a third of the host of heaven, the third of the angels that have spent all eternity worshiping at the throne of God?
How does Satan convince them to go his way?
How do you convince them that God's a bad dude? How do you do that?
I have pondered this for so long, and the only thing that I can come up with now, this is just the gospel according to Glenn, is you have to convince him that he is. You convince the, the angels that he doesn't care.
He, he talks a good game, but he doesn't care at all.
So I've. Wait, let me make the Satan case.
I've just, I just said that man is going to go down to heaven or to earth. They're going to struggle. God told us it's going to struggle. They're going to, many of them will be lost and never be able to come back. They'll never come back to their father.
That's what he's saying. And so I came up with a plan where none of the people have to suffer. None of them will suffer. They just will do exactly what I tell them to do, and then they'll be pure and clean and they'll be able to come back. And all I asked was, because it's going to be a lot of hard work. All I asked for was credit.
Jesus comes down and he says, no, no, no, I'll sacrifice myself.
They'll all suffer. Many will die. They'll have horrible, horrible lives. And then he'll come down and he'll forgive all the sins.
Excuse me.
Glenn Beck
He'll be the sacrifice so they can all be redeemed, yet they're gonna nail him to a tree.
And Dad's cool with that one, huh? Really? That's what he wants his son to do?
This guy's a monster.
I just want to save everybody, okay? That's all I want to do. And save them from pain. All they have to do is just listen to me. I'll tell them exactly what to do.
You could get a third of the population. In fact, I think the, we've gotten half the population to fall for that now. He wants this. This, you know, Donald Trump, he just wants kids to die.
He wants kids to die. He wants kids to starve to death. He wants kids not to be educated.
You know, they say they're so compassionate. Really?
Yeah. They, they don't want to, because compassion. They care about these babies, but they'll never adopt them. They'll never do anything like that. It's more compassionate to kill the child if it's not wanted.
That's how it works.
How do people not see that this is the same argument we have had throughout the eternities?
I don't know.
I don't know. But that too was predicted. And in those days, even the very elect will be deceived.
They just won't see.
The Glenn Beck program.
Glenn Beck
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Sean Cooksey
If I go to survive.
Glenn Beck
Stand up straight.
Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck program.
Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. So this is unprecedented. I say this every day about everything we talk about. This has never happened before. I think we got it. We got it. We are living in abnormal times.
We're living in a far side cartoon. And sometimes I think, but this never happened before. We've never had a candidate change at the last minute and then had all of this money that was pledged to another campaign suddenly just be transferred to another name. Is that even legal? And what is going on tonight? I'm doing a special on tv, the Wednesday night special, and it's about act blue. There is something very wrong, at least on the surface.
Something just doesn't look right. And there have been several investigations by reporters. James O'Keefe is one of them. We did our own homework and fact check James O'Keefe, and we found some additional stuff as well. We'll show you tonight. Something's wrong.
There is a, I don't even know what, how to describe it, but we have the commissioner and current chairman of the FEC, the Federal election commission.
He is going to speak to us as much as he can. He can't talk about ongoing investigations.
However, he can give us a look into how unusual is this and what exactly is the law on what's going on?
We're going to talk to the FEC commissioner and chairperson in 60 seconds. Standby.
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Sean Cooksey is the Federal Election Commission chairperson. I really appreciate you coming on, chairman, and helping us figure out exactly what is going on.
We want to start with, with this situation.
How do you transfer money from one person to another legally? Can you do that?
Sean Cooksey
Well, thanks for having me on, Glenn. And you're right, what you said at the top, which is that it's a completely unprecedented situation. I mean, we haven't had anything like this happen for at least 50 years. To have a presidential nominee drop out just a few weeks before the convention, before he's been formally nominated, and hand over his entire campaign operation, including millions of dollars, cash on hand to a different candidate, to his vice presidential nominee, although she hasn't been formally nominated yet, it's really no surprise that this raises a lot of legal questions. It's, again, a completely novel situation.
Some experts have tried to argue that this is permissible, but a lot of electional experts have raised a lot of big questions about this. Some have said it is unlawful, that you can't just switch the name on a committee and give it over to another person without that being an illegal transfer. It's something that is going to have to go through an FEC process and maybe a court process, too, to get to the bottom of it.
Glenn Beck
So I know that for my charity, let's say, if I raise money and it is designated for, let's say, hurricanes, I can only use that money to help people recover from hurricane. I cannot transfer it to another.
And even if it's a bigger emergency, legally, I can't move that money to any other place. It's the same kind of thing with this, isn't it?
Sean Cooksey
I mean, it's a big question what these donors were told and what they thought they were given to. To your point, all of these people were giving money they thought to re elect Joe Biden as president, and now they're being told, no, actually, this money is going to a completely different candidate that you may or may not really approve of. One of the big questions that happens, FEC guidance is whether donors in that kind of situation are entitled to a refund or to have the campaign be required to ask their permission to redesignate it. I think one of the big problems, though, is really just the lack of time on the clock. We're in a situation where the election is less than 13 weeks away at this point and the wheels of government move so slow. I'm concerned that really none of this is going to get resolved before election day. Day.
Glenn Beck
And it won't really matter after election day, will it?
Sean Cooksey
I mean, I think for all intents and purposes, right, any fine or any unwinding that happens after the fact is really not going to do anything to change the vote count on election day.
Glenn Beck
So the money she got from the Biden Harris campaign, they transferred over. But is that really, that's really not that important compared to what she's raising now? I mean, she's raising money hand over fist like, like I've never seen before.
Sean Cooksey
No, I think, I think that's a fair point about maybe why at the end of this, at the end of the day, this, this won't matter much. I mean, reportedly, both the Harris committee and the Trump committee, right, are raising hundreds of millions of dollars every month. They have to report that to the FEC every, every month on the 20th. So, for example, in a little bit less than two weeks here, we'll get the hard numbers on what they raised. In July, Harris committee, I believe, reported over $300 million raised. So it may be the case that whatever cash was left over from the Biden committee doesn't make a big difference. At the end of the day, we're.
Glenn Beck
Talking to the Federal Election commission chairperson. He's the guy who is at the SEC that is, or the FEC that is making sure that all the money is on the up and up, and everything is played by the rules.
His name is Sean Cooksey. And Sean, the, to be fair to them, you could make the case that when I gave money to Biden, Harris, a lot of people would say I was just giving it because I didn't want Donald Trump, and Harris was part of that team. And if Joe Biden would have died when the money have gone to her anyway.
Sean Cooksey
Well, I think the big problem with that possibility is the fact that this happened before the convention. And so one of the big sort of open questions is what happens when she's on the paperwork. It's called, you know, they call her the vice presidential nominee, but she really hasn't gone through the roll call vote. She hasn't been nominated by the convention yet. In that case, you know, it would also have been possible for Joe Biden to switch vice presidential nominees and things would be very different. And so I think, again, it's going to have to go through some kind of court process ultimately, at the end of the day to get that settled. And I don't think that's going to happen before the election, unfortunately. Definitely.
Glenn Beck
So I don't know if this is your purview or you can comment on this, but this is the first time that I have seen in american history where the democratic process didn't really happen. I mean, it happened. People went to vote, but they didn't vote for her to be president.
And it was really funky. I think a lot of people on the democratic side wanted a different candidate. It, but the DNC shut it down. And then at the last minute, they say this was a grassroots movement, but it appeared to be, to me at least, a coup.
You know, he's not going to leave. He's not going to leave. He's not going to leave. They give him a deadline of Sunday.
Deadline for what? He's already made his decision.
And then Sunday, at the very last minute, he changes his mind.
And then Barack Obama comes out and says, we're just going to see how this Democrat, democratic, you know, process works. And there were no votes. It was just going to the, the electors and the superdelegates. And that's just the party.
I mean, is, is there, is this totally funky, is this legal?
Sean Cooksey
I mean, I think I think you're right that it is absolutely not a grassroots nominating nomination process. I think it's really the exact opposite of that, which is party leaders, party elders coming together to decide amongst a couple dozen of them who they want as their nominee. In fact, it's really sort of a throwback to the way parties used to nominate presidential candidates. Right. Sort of in the proverbial smoke filled rooms where they would say, you know, primaries be damned. We don't really care what the voters think. We're going to just make a selection as the bosses of who's going to be up for president. And I think that's really kind of a good summation of what happened here.
Glenn Beck
And is that still legal to do that? I mean, the parties could make their own rules. Right?
Sean Cooksey
Right. At the end of the day, the parties make their own rules. They chose, you know, several decades ago to really go to primary voting processes. But they don't have to do that. Ultimately, the party decides how they want to select their nominee.
Glenn Beck
Okay. So tonight, we have been following this, this act blue and all of these organizations that are raising money for the Democrats. And to me, and I'm not, I'm not asking you to comment on this, nor am I putting words in your mouth. This is me saying this.
I done enough research on the Tides foundation to know how this shell game works. And they're raising all kinds of, of dark money through things like act blue, and they're setting up all these different organizations. And I guess you can do that. That's fine. But the one thing that is happening now is there are reports that they're doing something called smurfing. That's been called smurfing. And that is if somebody makes a donation of, let's say, a $100, all of a sudden it'll show up on the books that they made an $18,000 donation, and they did it in ways that aren't even humanly possible.
And we looked into this tonight. I mean, when we show you this America, you're, I think you're going to be, you're going to be flabbergasted. James O'Keefe did a recent report where he highlighted donations to a Cindy no. Nowe of Maryland.
She claimed to have not made the majority of the donations. If you go to the FEC data page on Cindy no. Of Maryland Maryland, the note, the donations through Act Blue do seem suspicious. We're not saying that it's illegal. We don't know yet.
Coincidentally, through an accident, as we were double checking the work one of our researchers typed in, Cindy Roe Ro of Massachusetts. And you find the same exact donation pattern on a Cindy row instead of a Cindy? No. So, yes, James O'Keefe was right about Cindy. No. But the same pattern is there with Cindy Rowe.
What makes it even more suspicious is that the names are nearly identical. Only one difference.
Are you guys looking into these, these irregularities here or these strange instances?
Sean Cooksey
Well, you know, as you said, as a matter of law and FEC policy, I can't comment on any investigation the FEC may or may not be doing. But what I can say at a general level is that the FEC takes misreporting and straw donor schemes, which is, I think, another name for what you called smurfing. We take those things extremely seriously. Those are some of the most serious violations that we have at the SEC, where you are misreporting your identity on campaign finance reports, where you are giving someone else money in order to make a political contribution for you. Those are very serious violations. Many people have gone to prison for those kinds of things. And I know that this is an issue that reporters have been focused on. I know it's one that other government agencies are looking into. The Virginia attorney General I know, and the Committee on House Administration and Congress are looking into this. I think it's worth watching their work on that issue and any results that come out of their investigations.
Glenn Beck
And is that because the FEC is. I mean, you may or may not be investigating it, but you're so slow. Will it, will it matter if the FEC picks it up?
Sean Cooksey
Well, ultimately, we do move as fast as our resources allow on any enforcement matter. And there are also opportunities for private parties to get involved. If we move too slow under the statute, whether something can come out.
Glenn Beck
Wait, what does that mean? Private parties can get involved? What does that mean?
Sean Cooksey
Well, under the statute for the FEC, when you file a complaint with the FEC, any private person can file a complaint with the FEC alleging a violation of campaign finance law. And under the statute, if the FEC doesn't act on that complaint, doesn't give, you know, an up or down vote on whether this is something we're going to look into or not, within 120 days, the person who filed the complaint can then sue, saying that we are, we are too slow, we are not acting on their complaint fast enough, and then ultimately, if it's shown that we're not acting on that complaint fast enough, that person then can file a private lawsuit to enforce the law themselves.
Glenn Beck
And the like the Virginia attorney general, I'm not sure, you know, if you can answer this or if you can, if you even know the answer. But the attorney general's, they can only look at the, the potential fraud that's happening in their state. So Cindy Rowe in Massachusetts would have to be the Massachusetts attorney general.
Sean Cooksey
I don't know the specific limits on their authority. Certainly attorney generals have really wide ranging, you know, subpoena authority and investigatory authority to launch their own inquiries into these things, to start demanding documents and witnesses and interviews.
Whether that could be limited to just their own states, it might depend on the state. It might depend on where ActBlue is operating and where their servers are and things like that, sort of as a jurisdictional question. So I think the one thing that you do know, though, is that Congress has jurisdiction throughout the entire country, and they wouldn't be limited in that kind of way.
Glenn Beck
One last question, and we've got to run because I would have network break the.
They'll say that this is just all politics. This is just a smear campaign. I don't want to be involved in any of that. I want to look for real things.
Is there enough smoke here to believe that this is worth questioning? Doesn't, no outcome, but it is a legitimate line of inquiry.
Sean Cooksey
I mean, I think the, the actions sort of speak for themselves here. When you have multiple agencies, members of Congress, attorneys general, who have been alerted and are interested enough to operationalize their offices, to sort of get machinery moving to get the facts, I think that really speaks for itself.
Glenn Beck
This is the federal election Commission, the FEC chairman, Shawn Cooksey. Sean, thank you so much. God bless.
Sean Cooksey
Thank you so much, Glenn.
Glenn Beck
You want to find out everything we're talking about in great detail? Watch tonight's Wednesday night special on Blaze tv. I think it'll, I think it'll open your eyes and hopefully you'll get some friends to see it, too.
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You know, I honestly, you know, the left will never give us credit for anything. I try to be fair.
I do my best on serious issues to take it seriously. I don't know what's happening with actBlue, but there is an awful lot of smoke. You'll see it tonight.
It's pretty intense. I have no problem. And I think this is actually good, this ticket with Tim walls and Kamala Harris. We have two people now. One is fighting for traditional America and capitalism and everything else, and the other is now openly socialist, so we can finally have that. And I really want American Americans to decide, but I want to have that real honest debate, not a bunch of smokescreens.
And I want it to be done fairly and honestly. If we honestly lose at the vote and it was counted right, it was fair and legitimate, I don't mind losing. And I think that's the way most Americans feel.
Can we get that, Beck?
I'm not sure.
I don't know what it meant, really. I think to have a great night's sleep before I discovered my pillow. You know, I toss and turn at night and I'm always fluffing my pillow because it gets hot and you have to flip it over and then you fluff it back up. You don't have to do that with my pillow. It stays fluffed all night. It remains cool on your head and it contours exactly to your comfort needs. You don't know what you're missing out on. I have to tell you, I didn't like it the first night. And I got this because I had the small pillow. Mike Lindell came into my office, and I said, mike, he said, what do you think about the pillow? And I said, and I can't lie. And he said, you really don't like it, do you? And I said, I don't. I don't. He said, which size do you have? The smaller? Big. I said, I think I have the small one. He said, try the big one and then tell me. It was night and day difference for me. I don't know which size you prefer, but it was night and day difference, and I sleep on it every single night for a limited time. Their queen size premium pillow is now $19.98. When you use the promo code back, you're gonna find all kinds of deals@mypillow.com. mypillow.com. Call them right now. Their number is.
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you know, we have, we're going to learn a lot about America this election period.
An awful lot. You know, we are. Tonight, I'm going to show you, and I hate to beat a dead horse here, but it's really important that you watch tonight's tv show. Tonight's tv show. I mean, you know, I have, well, let me just, here, who runs the country?
Who's running the country right now, honestly, is Joe Biden? Have you seen him? And I'm not saying he's dead or anything like that. Have you just seen him? Have you seen him react to what is happening in the Middle east?
And what is he doing on that? Who is running the country right now?
Is it Kamala Harris?
Is it Pelosi? Schumer? Jeffries? Obama?
Everybody is answering to somebody. Somebody has a plan.
Whose plan is it? Who's running things? And I, you know, I think the answer is it's a cabal. It's a, it's a, you know, secret society. It's a secret combination where they're all kind of working together. They just did a coup on a sitting president. There's no other way to describe that. And America's Americans yawn.
They schemed, they plotted, they applied pressure. Ultimately, they then just picked a candidate for president. It's not democracy. It's not freedom, it's not liberty, it's not the welfare of the nation. This is all about money and power, and they control it.
The old days of Soros and the Tides foundation, those were cute. Those were the good old days. There is a new system in place, and they have the power to do whatever it is they want. They can dump a president. They can groom a other. They can overthrow an entire system in less than 48 hours.
Tonight, we'll expose the entire thing, as well as some of the other election irregularities that are happening right now. You don't want to miss tonight's special 09:00 p.m. on blaze tv. And tomorrow, on my YouTube channel, YouTube.com glenn Beck. How dark money elites have anointed Kamala Harris to control the election.
Now, I want to play something that I hope it is my honest prayer that every day I can reach somebody and they don't even have to agree with me in the end, but reach somebody that hasn't done their homework, who has just listened to the media and has bought into all of this stuff, but they're starting to go, you know, something doesn't seem right every day. I just hope that one person in this audience wakes up, because it's not just about the country. It's honestly about our souls. We are, we are so easily led astray on this.
Now, I want to play something from Jamie Raskin. Now, Jamie Raskin is the guy who was in charge of the impeachment of Donald Trump. He is, you know, in my opinion, he's not the, he's not the best of guys, but I just want you to hear what he was saying. Now, this is, this is a couple of months ago in a conversation at a bookstore in Washington, DC. The book is politics and prose. And here's Jamie Raskin talking to the public on what is coming if Donald Trump is elected. Now listen to this cut for last night.
Jamie Raskin
I was most worried about the Supreme Court's prospective imminent abdication of its very clear duty to disqualify Donald Trump for, from the ballot under section three of the 14th Amendment. And what that might mean if their decision says that it's really up to Congress on January 5 or January 6, 2025, to disqualify him at the counting of the electoral college votes, which really could lead to something akin to civil war, if that's what the suggestion is, which is what I think I, I heard when I went to the oral argument that they themselves were unwilling to rule whether or not the Colorado Supreme Court was correct in finding that he had engaged in insurrection on January 6, 2021. So but that was just last night's worry.
Glenn Beck
I want you to understand what he was saying.
The 14th amendment, section three, is. Was written about the civil War. War. And it was, if you were, you know, if you were Jefferson Davis, who was a congressman or a senator, I can't remember.
And he was the head of the Confederacy.
Because he was the president of the Confederacy, he engaged in insurrection, and so he could not then become president of the United States. Anyone who was engaged in insurrection could not be president of the United. Well, that was very, very clear back then. Who was part of the insurrection and who was not part of the insurrection. It was a civil war.
Donald Trump has never. He's been accused of all kinds of stuff, and he's been accused of engaging in an insurrection, but he has never been charged with that. Out of all of the charges that they have laid against this guy, they've never charged him with insurrection, okay? Which means, because he's never been charged, he's never stood trial. He didn't get a chance to make the case. No, that wasn't insurrect. I wasn't involved in an insurrection. So he hasn't been charged. He hasn't been tried, nor has he been convicted of that.
But Raskin just believes that he was involved in an insurrection and doesn't even think he. They need to make the legal case case. He thinks the Supreme Court just should have said, no, it was insurrection.
So what he's saying here is, if he is elected, we're going to charge him with insurrection under the 14th amendment, section three, and disqualify him before he is officially sworn in as president of the United States. So they will overturn the. The vote.
He is so serious about this. Now, remember, this is the way these people have been working.
They had. They just say it. And because they have the media, it just becomes that, okay, Donald Trump was in cahoots with the Russians to overturn the election in 16. None of that is true. Donald Trump had a bank account that was being pinged by the russian Russians. None of that was true.
But it suddenly became true.
The same thing with Hunter Biden. His laptop isn't real. That was true for a long time for a lot of people, even though the government and people like Jamie Raskin knew it wasn't true. Take Biden. He's not senile.
They met with him. They knew he was fading, but they needed him to be the guy. Until he proved in a debate, he couldn't be the guy guy.
He loses the debate and all of a sudden he is senile and he has to go right now because why? He can't handle being president. Then why didn't you invoke the 25th amendment? Why didn't you do it the right way?
Why did you have a coup? But it wasn't a coup. It was a democratic process. No, it wasn't. Not constitutional.
He resigned, sure, but how did that come about?
That was a coup then they just replaced. Now, remember, Harris was.
She was incompetent. She was a joke. Everybody in the media knew that. Everybody said that. In fact, the stories were just a week before, she can't keep her staff. She is so hated, she's a monster in the office. And a week later, after hearing that for three years, a week later, the new reality is that it's come a lot like Camelot, that she's going to bring back the JFK years because she's so beloved and so smart and so unifying.
So when they say things, they just expect everyone to believe it. And the sad thing is, about 30% of the population believes it. Inflation is transitory. It's not real.
It is real. And now that is real. But it was Donald Trump's fault somehow or another.
Now, the consequences of this is significant, and Jamie Raskin knows it.
Listen to cut five.
Jamie Raskin
What can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly. And the greatest example going on right now before our very eyes is section three of the 14th Amendment, which they're just disappearing with a magic wand as if it doesn't exist.
Glenn Beck
They're disappearing this as if it's a magic wand.
How, how is the. How is the right making something in the constitution disappear? We're not disappearing it. We're saying, charge him, try him.
You don't, because you cannot win that case. You don't have any evidence of that case. It was easy under Jefferson Davis. And believe me, if Donald Trump was trying to overthrow the. The country and the Constitution, I would be standing with Jamie Raskin, not near him. I don't know. I don't want to catch whatever it is he's got. Insanity.
But I would not stand for any president either side trying to overthrow the constitution of the United States. And I don't think you would either.
But they haven't made that case. They just accuse. So what happens? He says, we're making that just disappear. So you got to fight for the Constitution.
And here's what he says is going to happen.
Jamie Raskin
Disappearing with the magic wand as if it doesn't exist, even though it could not be clearer what it's stating. And so, you know, they want to kick it to Congress. So it's going to be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified. And then we need bodyguards for everybody and civil war conditions, all because the nine justices, not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do, a huge staff, great protection, simply do not want to do their job. Job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means.
Glenn Beck
It is, it listen to, listen to what they're saying on one hand, because nine people made the choice that it is not a federal issue on abortion, they haven't done their job and they're out of control. And what the Supreme Court was saying is it has to be up to the people and the state states, not the court, not nine people making that decision.
They do the same thing on. What does the 14th Amendment mean? Well, you got to kind of charge the guy. But, you know, this is all about Congress, so Congress has to make it. They don't want that responsibility.
They want the nine guys in the robes to blame.
And so they, they mock and say the Supreme Court is lazy and they just don't, they don't have much to do and they just don't want to do this. And so we're going to have to have bodyguards and civil war conditions.
And I hate to say it, but Jamie Raskin is right. If they do that, it will be a civil war you cannot unseat. I mean, look at what they're saying. We're going to do exactly what we've accused Donald Trump of doing on January 6, overthrowing the system.
And somehow or another, they'll be heroes. This time, America, you have a serious, serious choice, and some deep thinking is required now.
All right, more in just a minute. Hang on.
I tell you, if civil war would break out, I hope that you would be, have your family prepared in all sorts of ways. But, man, the last thing I want to do is shoot somebody.
I don't believe the Lord will protect those of those of us or anybody who is, is going out on offense and starting a civil war. It's just, it's not going to work out well.
However, there's mostly peaceful protests that, you know, keep breaking out all over the country. Country.
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Glenn Beck
Nigel Farage, the member of parliament, former head of the Brexit party, is joining us here in just a little while to continue our conversation of is Great Britain headed toward a civil war? I think the answer there is yes.
Also, we want to thank you for making the chasing embers the number one best selling young adult fiction book. It was number eight in the times, but we see the raw numbers now. We have double the numbers that their number one has.
You know, you know the truth. And the New York Times thing just doesn't matter to me, except that helps get the book into airports, et cetera, et cetera, so more people see it. But what really matters are the reviews. I just got a couple of reviews here. I bought this book for my grandkids to pass around. In addition to that, my son bought the book for his son, not knowing that I had already bought it. I had a 14 year old granddaughter read the book. She loved it. Read it in a day. My grandson is eleven. He read the book in a day and couldn't stop talking about it. He kept coming down and reading it out loud to us.
Thank you for this book another reader wrote in. I bought this book for my granddaughter, who's twelve. She read it in three days and loved it. At the end, she was hollering, giggling and crying because it was so good. She can't wait for the next book. She wants to tell Mister Beck, thank you and please write the next book soon.
Well, hopefully, if there's enough people that like it and continue to read it and pass it on to their friends, the next chapter will be out, hopefully next summer. Chasing embers is out right now. Chasing embers. The unofficial if you do it just by math, the official New York Times number one young readers or young adults bestselling fiction, the Glenn Beck program.
But we're gonna talk to him about what's going on there. I also want to talk to you about something that just happened in, in our own little circle of producers. Michaela, who is the co writer of Chasing Embers, she came in a couple of weeks ago and she said, glenn, somebody stole my home title. I said, what are you talking about? She said, you know, your commercials. I said, yeah. And she said, it's absolutely true. It just happened to me.
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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment, entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the glenn Beck program.
Glenn Beck
So last couple of days, the things that are going on in England are terrifying, honestly. I mean, we have, you know, our sister country, they have chosen socialism and are going down that path with their new prime minister.
The Labour party is in control or out of control. And there are riots. And it looks like England could be on the verge of civil war.
Nigel Farage joins me. He's just won a seat as a member of parliament in the House of Commons, but he is anything but common. He's very uncommon. We're going to talk to him about the situation in England. Nigel Farage joins us next.
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So, Nigel Farage, he was a Commodore commodities trader for years. He then started became a founding member of UKiP in 1993. And he was saying, we got to get out of the EU. Nobody thought it could happen. June 2016, he was the leading figure in the campaign to leave. He was called Mister Brexit by Donald Trump. The Brexit party stormed a victory in six weeks and then prime Minister Theresa May had to step down, down.
And then he kind of just fell back and he was off the front lines. He started doing some television in 2023.
How does a Conservative do this in 2023? He won news presenter of the year at the annual television and radio awards ceremony for his show on GB News. Which is tremendous. But boy, the establishment doesn't like it. He's been debanked by Nat west.
He fought against it. They fired two CEO's and the government has promised to change things. Then this July 4 on our Independence day, he won a seat in the House of Commons as a member of parliament.
The result was the biggest ever election swing in modern times. He now leads the Reform UK party and he joins us now at a dark hour for, for England, good friend Nigel Farage. Welcome to the program, sir. How are you, Glenn?
Hello. Well, yeah, I'm in depressed, to be honest with you. What has happened?
What has happened to my beautiful, very reserved, very quiet, very polite, very christian, very nice country where everybody knew the christian names of their neighbors, where we helped each other, we worked together, we disagreed in elections and we voted for different parties and we accepted the result and we lived our lives.
And now, now we find ourselves. And as I speak to you, there are thought to be 39 protests going to happen across the United Kingdom tonight alone. And many of those will turn violent and police will be attacked and cars and buses will be set fire, too. We are in the most terrible trouble.
Glenn Beck
This isn't, I mean, stuff like this hasn't happened.
You know, we know in America v for vendetta.
And, you know, that is, that's kind of based on, you know, what happened in England. I don't even know in the 16 hundreds they've, they've brought now the new prime minister has brought the, the standing army back, which was, you know, what's, what happened under Cromwell. It's truly terrifying to watch it from this side of the ocean. I can't imagine what it's like for the average, the average person. Can you tell me what is really happening? Because from over here, it seems as though you're having the same sort of two tiered justice system that we have here, except I think it's worse there. It's, you're in full fledged denial, the government and the media that these things are happening that are very, very bad and that you are losing your country to radical.
And I mean, look, Glenn, there is.
No excuse, there is no excuse for people going out committing acts of violence on either side of the divide. We, you know, we do have, we do have some far right sort of soccer supporter jobs who live out, who live outside the law and mostly have very large pupils. Something to do with what they consume, I think so. We do have some lawless people on the other side.
We have some extreme radical Islamists who have now taken control of parts of our small towns and cities, particularly in the north of England, who now wish to implement sharia law, who are deeply intolerant of anyone that doesn't bow to the way they want to live. They are the two extremes of what is going on here. And the problem is threefold. Number one, that the police, if you're white and british, they will police you in a very harsh manner. And I'm not saying that's wrong, by the way. You know, I do think lawlessness needs to be dealt with. But my goodness me, my goodness me. We saw the other night in Birmingham, our Midlands capital. We saw the other night hundreds, and I mean hundreds of young, masked muslim men, some carrying knives, some carrying swords, and they went outside a public house that sold alcohol, which, of course, these people believe should be completely banned, along with women having rights and homosexuals being allowed to exist and all those things.
And we saw a white man coming out of the pub being beaten to a pulp, his liver being literally lacerated by these people. We saw windows being broken.
And I've actually got the response here from the head of police from Birmingham, who, when he was asked, why did you not police this mob the way you would a bunch of white british people? He said, we had the opportunity to meet with community leaders prior to the event to understand the kind of policing we needed to deliver. So he went to this group and said, what policing do we need? They said, oh, nothing at all, governor. It'll all be fine. This is what we call two tier policing, where we dare not, we dare not do, stop and search for knives in areas where there's a black community, even though 80% of the murder victims are black for fear of being called racist, we dare not intervene in muslim areas for fear of being called Islamophobia.
And yet, if you're a white group going out to protest, you know, we really crack the whip. So two tier policing has led to deep resentment within the british community.
Glenn Beck
So, Nigel, you and I are on exactly the same page, and I fear for my country, because the left has been poking and want violent reactions from the right. And if one person goes out and gives them any excuse, they will crack down. If violence.
Martin Luther King and Gandhi were right, and any violence in your country or our country started by people who believe in our country and our rule of law, they were, they're just going to get hammered and they will lose our countries for that. However, how do you. How do you separate those people who, you know, like they said on BLM, and I don't know if this is the case over in Great Britain, but are there, and they are protesting and they are upset about what's happening to their country. They see it. The media is in complete denial of any of this stuff.
How do you get.
What is the goal or what is the approach to talk to the regular person that doesn't want to riot, that doesn't want to be violent, but wants somebody to do something, something where it's equal justice under the law?
Well, a couple of quick points there. Within 24 hours of the murder of George Floyd in the midwest of America, within 24 hours, we had a mob in central London who defaced the statue of Winston Churchill. Defiled, defiled the cenotaph, which marks the deaths of one and a half million british boys in two world wars. And you know what our police did?
They knelt down in the street and took the knee. They took the knee. They took the knee. They made a political gesture towards an organization because it had the word black in it. I, at the time, said, because of all the years I've spent, all the time I've spent over the last 40 years in America, I know who these people are. They're marxist, they're bad. They wish to destroy the family, community, the country, western capitalism, freedom, liberty.
And for my pains, I got sacked as a host of the biggest talk radio show in the country. So this is where it started. The BLM thing here is where we saw the very beginnings of two tier policing. Now, interestingly, you mentioned to me a moment ago, Glenn, Martin Luther King, right, let us remember, let us all remember what he said in that famous speech, which we know is the I have a dream speech, because this needs to be our guiding principle on both sides of the pond going on if we're to avert violence on a massive scale. I'm not. I promise you, I'm not over exaggerating this and the importance of this.
Martin leaves the king in that speech, said, I have a dream that one day my four children will be judged not by the colour of their skin, I repeat, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. That is what the american civil rights movement in the sixties was all about. It was about equity, it was about equality, it was about fairness. And the march of the marxist lefts through our institutions, through our public offices, through our education systems, through our universities, through much of our media, much of our political class, is now all about dividing us. You are either gay or straight or bisexual or pansexual or black or brown or asian or white or whatever, we're being divided up into different groups. And the object of all of this is not to bring us together and make society fairer. It's to turn us against each other. In order that a global revolution and a new marxist regime may come, we need to reaffirm the founding principles of America. The things that we learned here from Magna Carta onwards, the things that the Bible teaches us, that all men should be treated equal, regardless of their color, sexual choice or creed. And if we can get that to be re understood again, we might just be able to begin to mend the divisions in our society. And if I say those things to you with huge passion, is because I really am deeply fearful, not just for my country, my communities, what is going to happen tonight in just two or 3 hours time, but the entirety of western civilization?
I promise you, this really matters.
Glenn Beck
I tell you, never attend any street rally at night. There is no reason to do it at night. Nothing good happens at night.
Nigel, hang on for 60 seconds. I want to talk to you about the role of the labor party because you've suddenly just lurched to the socialist left.
And in my opinion, at least here in America, they're the ones that are really kind of pushing a lot of this stuff.
All right, let me tell you about Lear capital. The american economy has been the victim of so many crimes of mismanagement. At this point, it is impossible to keep track of all of them.
You can draw a chalk outline around the US dollar and set up the police tape because we are just, we're in trouble. We are in real trouble. The entire west is. And if you're listening to Nigel now and you're hearing, you know, civil war, I just played one of our own, Congressman Raskin, who said we have to prepare for civil war if Donald Trump wins, because the, and remember, he's a Democrat, we are going to remove him from office. We are going to invalidate the election.
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Okay, so a couple of things are going on. First of all, they, the british MP's want to haul Elon Musk in front of parliament. They're saying that his social media is pushing all of this, so they're going to use this to clamp down on freedom of speech.
Tommy Robinson, I don't know. We had him on yesterday. He said all the right things, but I don't know. You know, Tommy Robinson as I don't follow english politics that closely, but they're going to arrest him. He's terrified of it. And he said, I appealed. Calm, peace, love.
But the truth doesn't seem to matter anymore.
And now you have a socialist government. I mean, the socialists now are running, banning England.
What is their role? What's the Labour Party's role in all of this?
Well, look, Glenn, you know, the Labour Party are socialists and we know that. However, however, I blame much of what has happened across the western world, not on the left, because they've always made their aim clear. You know, we know what they believe in. We know they want to destroy free markets, liberty, capitalism. I mean, you know, ever since Marx wrote the book back in the 19th century, that's what they believed. Tell you what I blame, conservative cowardice.
Would you believe that illegal and legal migration under the last 14 years of conservative government hit record levels, hit levels so high that integration became impossible, hit levels so high that separate, built up within our towns and cities where in many cases, people didn't learn or even bother to learn to speak English, they brought with them the politics of the indian subcontinent, the politics of the Middle east. We've now even had some mp's elected on, you know, Gaza and free Palestine as opposed to what was actually happening in the communities of those towns and cities within the country. And, you know, America was built on immigration, but it, it came and it was a painful birth and a bit of a battle with us and a civil war and a few things that America went through. But when people emigrated to America, they went to join the american dream. Yeah. They spoke the language. They swear the oath. They became part of american society. And that way immigration could work very effectively.
But if you pursue diversity purely for the sake of diversity, if you don't encourage people to become part of a community, then you have a massive problem.
And outside of the right wing skinhead yobs and the extremist, do you know what? You've got a majority of british people saying things to me like, well, I'm pleased I won't be here to see it, but I'm fearful for my children and grandchildren. When parts of your country become unrecognizable as still being even vaguely english, and you realize this happened under a so called conservative government. So it doesn't matter anymore whether people are called conservatives or socialists. If they're globalists, they've lost sight. They've lost sight of what nationhood really is. Ronald Reagan said 40 years ago that a nation without borders isn't a nation. Do you know what? Four decades on, those words to me, I bet, to many of your listeners ring very true.
Glenn Beck
You know, it's amazing. Nigel, we only have 60 seconds left. Can you hold on for.
I know you're so busy. Do you have time to do another 15 minutes, minutes with me or not?
No, honestly, I don't. I love you. I love your audience. I'll come and see you in Texas soon, I promise.
Glenn Beck
Okay. Okay. Nigel, thank you so much. We wish you the best, and we pray for peace.
It's amazing. What's happening in your country is happening in our country. And, wow, you don't have Democrats and Republicans over there. Seems like this is a globalist move to destabilize everything. Thank you so much, Nigel. Appreciate it.
Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck
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Pat Gray
Glenn Beck check out my show Pat grand leashed every weekday, seven to nine eastern or anytime and anywhere you get your podcast.
Glenn Beck
Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're glad you're here. There's lots of things going on. If you missed any part of this show, you've got to go listen to the podcast today. It'll be available soon, sometime today. And the first hour, we talk all about the new vice presidential pick.
And it's really important that you ask yourself, why was he selected?
Because there's no, you select a vice president to balance ticket. You select a vice president to maybe play electoral politics. And there's two states that they have to win. They have to win Pennsylvania and they have to win Arizona. And Shapiro was, Josh Shapiro is the governor of Pennsylvania. And he was a very, I mean, he was a pick that would have scared me. I would have been like, oh, boy, that's not going to, to go well. It was an obvious pick.
And then the other one was in Arizona. And this was the scariest of them all was, gosh, what's his name? Pat.
Mark Kelly, the astronaut.
I mean, he was, he's perceived as center.
Also, he is from Arizona. You need that state to win. So both of those politically, electorally made sense. Plus they would balance you. So you didn't look like you were a far left socialist and that you weren't, you know, you didn't hate Jews. Now, I'm not saying Kamala Harris hates Jews because she's married to a jewish man, so I'm not saying that. But I am saying that they are pandering.
They need the death to America, death to Israel, real crew.
And so they, they take a socialist governor and make no mistake, do not allow them to play this game again. You know, Obama. Well, I'm not. So that's just crazy. How dare you call me a social, it's racist to call me a socialist. Thank God this guy is white. Just last week on dudes for, you know, Harris, a conference call, he was talking about standing up for your own principles, for those progressive principles.
I don't see the cut, do we? Do you know which cut it is? We can just pop that in real quick, please.
Yeah, I got it?
Pat Gray
I have it.
Glenn Beck
You got it, sir. All right, go ahead.
Tim Walz
Don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness.
Pat Gray
Mm hmm.
Glenn Beck
What the hell is that?
So we have now a presidential candidate, top of the ticket from California, a disaster of a state, who wants to bring all of those progressive socialist ideas. Her. Her father was a marxist socialist professor at Berkeley. Okay?
She does not believe in the same things that you and I leave in.
They're not moderating. They didn't. They're not shying away from that. Instead, they go to another guy who is pushing socialism. He's pushing open borders. He was a disaster during COVID Gosh, what other things that he has done?
The highest amount of recruiting for jihad in America comes from his state.
It's. It's. It doesn't make any sense. But you can listen to all of it as we. We run everything down and try to make sense of this insane pick on today's podcast. There's another story that we haven't gotten to yet, and that is the secret service arresting a pakistani man that has ties to Iran who was supposed to arrange and.
And foster assassinations on certain Americans, one of them being Donald Trump. What do you. What have you heard about this story, Pat? And what do you think the main source is? Because.
Or the main point is because there's something that is being left out in most stories in the mainstream media that I think is really important. See, if you. If you saw it in any of.
Pat Gray
The stories you read, pakistani national with ties to Iran, that it was a. One of the things that stood out to me was that that was apparently some kind of assassination plot that they prevented from happening in the first place, which they couldn't do with this 20 year old loser from Pennsylvania. Apparently, despite all the warning signs and all the people pointing. Pointing him out, they still couldn't get that done.
The other time. The other thing that was interesting was that he spent time in Iran, flew from Pakistan to the US, and apparently they were able to sniff him out with the FBI, according to this criminal complaint.
And the other thing that is interesting is that this is all happening with the $70 billion, I think, that Joe Biden has freed up for Iran, and they seem to be devoting a lot of those dollars to attacking Israel and plots against Americans.
Glenn Beck
Okay, so, very good information.
Let me give you. Let me. Let me just ask you a couple of questions. Let me go to the other shooter, the guy who actually shot that american kid.
What was one of the first things they said that he had no social media contact, but he did have something that they were looking into. Do you remember what that was?
Pat Gray
Not right off hand.
Glenn Beck
No connections to foreign entities.
Remember that? He had like five connections, and they were very unclear what those connections were, but that somehow or another, he. They were investigating outside could. He had no. No social media, nothing. But he had some connections with foreign entities, and they left it at that. And we haven't heard anything about it. The other thing that they're. They're leaving out here is they arrested this man on his way out of.
Now, his instructions were to come here to foment this, to arrange it to pay for him or whatever, just to get it done, and then leave before the assassination. Okay, well, he was arrested at the airport leaving on July 12.
The assassination attempt, completely unrelated, happened July lie 13th.
Now, that might be a coincidence.
Might not be, but why aren't we hearing anything more about.
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck
This kid. Why do we not know any more about any of this stuff?
Pat Gray
All they've said about these two things at the is that they're completely unrelated. So don't look over there.
Glenn Beck
And they might be.
Pat Gray
Don't look at it.
Glenn Beck
And they might be.
Pat Gray
They might, maybe. Yeah. But that is interesting.
Very interesting.
Glenn Beck
And it's interesting that they could catch this guy, but they couldn't catch the kid, especially with everything. I mean, the more this sits, the more I just don't believe it. I mean, you know, I think during the Kennedy time, I don't know. Cause I was. Well, I wasn't alive when it happened.
I. I can't imagine that it was like this, that, that the american public just didn't care about answers or the. The congress was demanding answers and everybody was getting stonewalled, and they just kind of went, oh, okay. And we moved on.
There is something really, really wrong here that bothers me. Bothers me a great deal. A great deal. The other thing I want to.
I need some help understanding. Maybe you can help me. Pat is talking to Nigel Farage here and seeing what's happening over in England.
So what is happening? Okay. It's a completely different system. They don't have Republicans. They don't have Democrats.
It's a parliamentary system, but it's still capitalism. It's still free.
As much as countries can be free without a bill of rights.
And what's happening? Their government officials are lying to the people. They are playing footsie with people like BLM and Islamists.
They are shoving things under the. The rug. They are then coming down on white people and the residents and saying that they are the problem.
They are, they are developing a two tier justice system at the same. If any of those sound familiar, let me know then at the same time, they are.
You know, when I heard an interview with somebody in London yesterday, just a regular, you know, person from England, a citizen who said, I don't recognize my country anymore. And if you go to London, you have all of these hotels that are filled with these illegals, these migrants that are coming in, and they're all refugees, and all of the hotels are being filled, and we are paying for their food and their stay. And I thought to myself, gee, that sounds like exactly what's happening America right now.
How did it that these two different countries on different sides of the world are going through exactly the same thing and their press and their politicians are saying exactly the same way in the same fashion, using many times exactly the same words, and it's all because, because of refugees.
Well, I know this didn't happen in England in world War two, and there were millions of refugees from the war.
We're at a time where it's what the war is in Israel and the war is in Ukraine. Ukraine. And they're pretty mild compared to, you know, real all out war where everybody is being dislodged, and yet we're getting the refugees. They're getting the refugees.
Germany is overrun with refugees. Italy is run over with refugees. How is it possible that all of these things are happening and the same reaction from all of our countries, countries, and they don't have a Donald Trump and a Joe Biden. They have an incredibly different system than ours, and yet the same thing is happening.
When is it? People will recognize this is a global cabal, the odds of this being a coincidence, where they are attacking the farmers, they are trying to reduce your meat, meat eating. They are trying to reduce you traveling, airfare. They're coming off of fossil fuels. They are all shouting about social media and specifically Elon Musk and how he must be shut down and how anybody who's on the right is a danger to their system of government. And they're all covering for their corrupt politics, politicians for the, the refugee problem and their spending problem. How is it we're arguing about Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
Here's what we should be arguing.
We should be talking about.
There's no way, there's no Vegas odds that would make this a coincidence. There's no, there's no, there's no odds. You couldn't, you couldn't do this without some sort of coalition or cabal or understanding that this is what we're going to do to the west. Okay, so that's clearly happening.
You should be looking for, not Democrats and Republicans, who is the one that is standing in each of these countries that is saying, I will stand against this cabal, this globalization, because England must stand on its own. 2ft. England is important to the world.
Italy is important to be Italy. America is important to be America.
And those people who do that every single time, they try to destroy them in any way possible.
This isn't about Republicans and Democrats Democrats. This is about a global takeover of at least the free world and those who stand up for the individual rights and freedoms of the people and those individual countries make the most of the time that we all have. It's pretty good advice for pretty much anything you're doing in life, but it's a especially good when it comes to doing anything really with nutrition for yourself or in this case for your dog. That best friend of yours is here for a short time and it's killing me every day. I look at Uno because he's just getting sold and I'm starting to see him get into pain for the first time. And I just love him.
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The previous content identified as mildly humorous, humor fluid.
The Glenn Beck program.
We'll be right back.
Glenn Beck
All right, you sick, twisted freak, welcome to the program. We got a couple of things that I just want to make you aware of.
You know, for some reason the midwest was very, very weird. But Minnesota is not weird. Minnesota is. I mean, it's full folksy, you know, JD Vance Weird, but the socialist from Minnesota folksy.
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