The Game w/ Alex Hormozi

Alex Hormozi

Welcome to "The Game w/ Alex Hormozi," where invaluable business insights meet real-world applications. Hosted by entrepreneur and author Alex Hormozi, this podcast dives deep into the strategies that can accelerate business growth and personal success. Each episode is a new opportunity to learn from Alex’s own experiences and the successes of high-performing individuals from various industries. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or simply interested in optimizing your professional path, this podcast offers practical advice that can reshape your business approach and enhance your life’s work. Listeners can look forward to a mix of solo episodes and engaging interviews, all curated to provide actionable content. Alex breaks down complex business concepts into understandable, implementable steps, tackling topics from sales and marketing to leadership and team building. Join us as we explore the mechanics of profitable businesses and discover how to replicate these successes in your own ventures. Subscribe and navigate through the episodes below to start mastering the game of business.


  • How 1 Woman Turned 5800 Followers into $1 Million Per Year | Ep 721

    In this enlightening episode, host Alex Hormozi interviews a registered dietitian who remarkably generates nearly a million dollars annually from merely 5,800 Instagram followers. The guest, who specializes in helping other dietitians bill insurance correctly, exemplifies the power of a niche market. Despite a small online presence, her targeted content and focused service offering have enabled a robust business model that heavily relies on organic growth and minimal digital reach. Alex delves into the strategies that allow such impressive revenue figures on a seemingly small scale, emphasizing quality over quantity in audience engagement and the critical role of understanding and serving your niche market effectively.

  • What to Do When People Shamelessly Steal Your Stuff [Hint: Get Over It] | Ep 720

    In this invigorating episode of "The Game w/ Alex Hormozi", Alex dives into the often frustrating experience of having your ideas copied by competitors. Drawing from personal anecdotes and broader business principles, he challenges the notion of owning ideas, emphasizing the inevitable and competitive nature of business. Alex argues that rather than seeking legal recourse or stewing in frustration, successful entrepreneurs should embrace competition and focus on outperforming copycats through innovation and scale. He uses vivid examples from his own career, particularly in the gym industry, to illustrate how he shifted his mindset from protectionism to aggressive growth and market dominance.

  • You're Not Behind: My System for Outlearning Everyone | Ep 719

    Alex Hormozi delves into the psychology of winning and learning in business and life. He introduces a framework of five levels of competence, explaining how each level impacts one's ability to succeed and learn from experiences. Hormozi emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's success rather than attributing it to external factors or the quality of education or guidance received. Through engaging anecdotes and a direct approach, he challenges listeners to adopt a proactive mindset, leveraging both positive and negative experiences to foster growth and achieve success.

  • The Ultra Rich Playbook [Legal and Tax-Free] | Ep 718

    Alex Hormozi explores financial strategies employed by the ultra-rich to increase and secure their wealth without incurring significant taxes. He begins by discussing his background in wealth accumulation, then dives into four main strategies for wealth creation and tax management. Hormozi explains how these strategies are applicable both on a large scale and to personal financial goals like reaching a net worth of $10 million. He delves into the mechanics of income generation, investment, and leveraging debt to sustain and grow wealth, providing a nuanced understanding of public and private equities, ESOPs, and the benefits of various types of financial recaps. Hormozi also highlights the importance of being selective with opportunities and the need to understand market leverage.

  • This is How to Deal with Haters | Ep 717

    In Episode 717 of "The Game w/ Alex Hormozi," titled "This is How to Deal with Haters," Alex Hormozi delves into effective strategies for managing hate and negativity that come with success. Hormozi shares his personal experiences of growing his followership to 7.5 million and the accompanying increase in negative feedback. The episode outlines practical steps to handle detractors, from ignoring haters to creatively agreeing with them to disarm conflict. Hormozi emphasizes that hate is a natural consequence of visibility and taking a stand in life, suggesting that the way one responds to criticism can either fuel or extinguish it. The podcast provides a blend of personal anecdotes, historical quotes, and tactical advice aimed at helping listeners turn negative attention into a strategic advantage.

  • What It Really Takes to Grow Your Business | Ep 716

    In episode 716, Alex Hormozi discusses the importance of understanding the true nature of your business beyond initial perceptions. He shares personal anecdotes from various industries—gyms, supplements, and software—to illustrate how different the core business can be from what one might initially think. Hormozi emphasizes that most business challenges are not about the product or service itself but about marketing, sales, branding, and customer acquisition. He also discusses the placebo effects in product perception, the critical role of branding, and the significant impact of customer acquisition strategies. This episode is rich with insights on shifting focus from product features to customer perception and market dynamics.

  • Why Hard Work Beats Happiness Every Time | Ep 715

    Alex Hormozi delves into the philosophy that eschewing the pursuit of happiness in favor of hard work can lead to greater satisfaction and effectiveness in both personal and professional realms. He argues that happiness as a goal is fundamentally flawed because it often leads to a loop of constant questioning and dissatisfaction. Instead, Hormozi suggests that being useful and improving oneself in service to others not only cultivates skills but also leads to authentic contentment. Throughout the episode, he emphasizes the importance of repetitive practice and dedication to mastering skills, sharing personal anecdotes and broader reflections on how hard work has shaped his life and success.

  • How Loving the Work Fuels Unstoppable Success | Ep 714

    Alex Hormozi discusses the profound impact of loving the work one does and how this devotion can fuel unstoppable success. He emphasizes the importance of focusing intensely on a single area to achieve excellence, sharing personal anecdotes and experiences from his own journey and those of successful figures. Hormozi argues that true joy and satisfaction come from the process of striving towards challenges rather than merely achieving goals. He underscores the idea that enduring happiness and meaningful accomplishments stem from a consistent commitment to hard work and continuous improvement. Through engaging storytelling and practical insights, the episode motivates listeners to embrace challenges and dedicate themselves to their passions to achieve lasting success and personal growth.

  • What I Realized about Mentorships | Ep 713

    In this episode of "The Game" with Alex Hormozi, he delves deep into the essence of mentorship, emphasizing the importance of both mentors and mentees surpassing each other as a sign of successful guidance and personal growth. Alex discusses how every mentorship relationship should aim for the mentee to outpace the mentor, symbolizing the mentor's success. He reflects on his personal experiences, both as a mentee who has surpassed his mentors in business and as a mentor who relishes in the achievements of those he guides. The dialogue is rich with insights about humility, the inevitability of aging and death, and the long-term impact mentors can have on the professional landscape. Alex passionately articulates a vision where mentorships are not about maintaining a status but about fostering an environment where everyone thrives more rapidly because of the groundwork laid by those before them.

  • Lessons Learned from Failed Partnerships | Ep 712

    In Episode 712, Alex Hormozi shares candid insights from his personal experiences with failed business partnerships. He emphasizes the importance of partners bringing unique skills, time, or financial resources to the table to ensure a balanced and necessary partnership. Hormozi discusses the common pitfalls in forming partnerships, such as equity distribution and the lack of complementary skills among partners. He highlights the critical need for clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations from the onset to prevent conflicts and ensure a successful collaboration. This episode serves as a cautionary tale and a guide for entrepreneurs looking to navigate the complex dynamics of business partnerships.

  • How to Handle Mess Ups | Ep 711

    In episode 711 of "The Game" podcast, Alex Hormozi delves into the inevitable nature of mistakes in business, using personal anecdotes to illustrate his points. He shares stories about his own business mishaps, from shipping errors to service delays, and discusses the significant impact of handling these issues correctly. Hormozi emphasizes the importance of exceeding just making things right with customers, advocating for turning mishaps into opportunities to win lifelong clients. He contrasts two customer service experiences—one poor, one exemplary—to underline the lasting effects of first impressions and the power of overcompensating in service recovery.

  • What Crypto and Real Estate Taught Me About Investing | Ep 710

    Alex Hormozi shares candid insights from his investment journey, particularly in cryptocurrency and real estate. He discusses the highs and lows, including a failed crypto investment during the peak of the market and a disastrous real estate venture. Hormozi stresses the importance of investing within one's sphere of competence and highlights how emotional impulses like FOMO can lead to poor investment decisions. Throughout the episode, Hormozi reflects on the crucial lessons these experiences have taught him about risk management, the value of expertise, and the importance of foundational business practices over speculative investments.

  • The Amount of Preparation You Need to be Exceptional | Ep 709

    Alex Hormozi discusses the underestimated importance of preparation in achieving success across various fields, including business, content creation, and personal endeavors. By sharing personal anecdotes and the practices of high achievers, Hormozi illustrates that success often requires far more preparation than commonly assumed. He differentiates between preparation for familiar tasks and new challenges, emphasizing the intensive prep done by top performers. Key examples include detailed content creation processes and business strategies that significantly outperform the norm, highlighting that exceptional preparation can lead to disproportionate success.

  • Creating Conditions for Success | Ep 708

    In this episode of "The Game with Alex Hormozi," the discussion centers on creating optimal conditions for entrepreneurial success. Alex introduces the concept by drawing from a metaphor involving a horse: to make it drink, one must create conditions that leave it no other choice. This approach is applied to business, where Alex stresses the importance of setting up an environment conducive to productivity and focus. He advocates for dividing work into two types: "maker" and "manager" modes, each requiring different scheduling and focus. Alex's insights delve into the nuances of prioritizing tasks that drive significant business outcomes over routine administrative duties. By managing one's "decision juice" carefully and creating an environment with fewer distractions, entrepreneurs can significantly enhance their effectiveness and achieve their goals more rapidly.

  • What It Really Takes to Find 'The One' | Ep 707

    In this engaging episode of "The Game with Alex Hormozi," the host explores the profound impact of choosing a life partner on personal happiness and success. Alex Hormozi argues that many people underappreciate the importance of selecting a partner, despite it being a decision that vastly influences one’s life trajectory. He criticizes the casual approach many take towards dating apps and emphasizes the necessity of maintaining high standards. Hormozi shares personal anecdotes and insights on how having a partner who aligns with one’s ambitions and values is crucial for long-term satisfaction and growth. The episode challenges listeners to reflect on their standards and encourages self-improvement to attract and recognize the right partner.

  • Embracing the Hardships of Success | Ep 706

    In this compelling episode of "The Game with Alex Hormozi," episode 706 delves deep into the harsh realities of entrepreneurship. Alex engages with a listener named Kevin, discussing the loneliness that often accompanies success and the shifts in personal and professional life as one's business grows. The dialogue highlights the importance of community, resilience, and strategic networking for entrepreneurs. Throughout the episode, Alex emphasizes the necessity of embracing the discomforts of entrepreneurship as a path to growth and success, using personal anecdotes and listener interactions to underscore his points. This episode is rich with practical advice, offering listeners insights into maintaining relationships, leveraging online communities, and the psychological resilience needed to thrive in business.

  • The Entrepreneurial Journey | Ep 705

    Alex Hormozi delves into the complexities of entrepreneurial growth, focusing on the pivotal shifts in control necessary for scaling a business. He outlines the entrepreneurial journey as a series of stages where founders must progressively relinquish control to expand their ventures. Starting from hands-on management of every business aspect, entrepreneurs need to delegate tasks—initially simple, then increasingly complex—to focus on higher-value activities. Hormozi emphasizes the psychological and managerial adjustments required to transition from doing everything oneself to managing teams and eventually, entire departments. He introduces the "buyback principle," advocating for entrepreneurs to invest in reclaiming their time by hiring others to handle operational tasks, which allows them to concentrate on strategic growth and leadership.

  • Choosing Your Own Path in The Game | Ep 704

    Alex Hormozi discusses the importance of perseverance and setting one's own standards for success in "Choosing Your Own Path in The Game". Hormozi delves into the psychological barriers that people face, such as the fear of others' opinions and the comfort found in excuses. He emphasizes the need to redefine personal narratives away from societal expectations and past traumas, advocating for a life lived by individual terms. Throughout the episode, Hormozi shares insights from his own journey, from feeling stifled by external validation to embracing a path that aligns with his values, ultimately crafting a life that feels genuinely successful to him.

  • The Unseen Battles of Entrepreneurship | Ep 703

    In "The Unseen Battles of Entrepreneurship," Alex Hormozi engages with entrepreneurs to discuss the less visible challenges they face, such as decision paralysis and the mental toll of relentless pursuit. Hormozi offers insights on navigating the uncertainties inherent in starting and scaling businesses, emphasizing the importance of commitment and strategic focus. He advises against spreading efforts too thin across multiple ventures, as this can hinder success in any single area. The discussion also explores the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship, like coping with comfort zones and the inevitable fears of failure that accompany ambitious goals. Hormozi's pragmatic advice is intertwined with personal anecdotes and questions from entrepreneurs, providing a multi-dimensional view of the entrepreneurial journey.

  • 7 Ways To Measure Business Value | Ep 702

    Alex Hormozi discusses seven methods to measure business value, aiming to equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge to see through inflated claims and make informed decisions. He emphasizes understanding terms used in business valuation, the importance of distinguishing between various types of revenue, and how these relate to actual business worth. The discussion provides a critical perspective on common metrics like contract value, lifetime revenue, and EBITDA, and introduces concepts such as net free cash flow and the practical implications of these valuations for business decisions.

  • The Game of Relationships & Choosing Wisely | Ep 701

    Alex Hormozi delves into the complexities of relationships, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and clarity in choosing partners. He shares personal anecdotes and lessons learned, including the significance of aligning with a partner whose expectations match one's inherent traits and goals. Hormozi argues against the conventional ideal of compromising in relationships, proposing instead that a strong relationship is built on mutual understanding and acceptance of each other's true selves. He challenges the listener to be brutally honest about their needs and to seek partners who naturally meet those needs without forced changes.

  • From Sacrifices to Success: The Path to Becoming the Hero (on The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk) | Ep 700

    Alex Hormozi and Ryan Hawk discuss the journey of personal transformation through the challenges of life and business. Hormozi shares his experiences, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself despite societal or familial pressures. The episode delves into Hormozi's decision to leave a conventional career path and pursue his passion in fitness and entrepreneurship, which was met with initial disapproval from his father. Through candid conversations, Hormozi explains how facing big challenges and making uncomfortable decisions can lead to significant personal and professional growth. He also touches on the dynamics of personal relationships and how they influence one's life choices.