50. Self-Checkout

Primary Topic

This episode delves into the economics and social implications of self-checkout systems in retail environments.

Episode Summary

In "Self-Checkout," host Zachary Crockett and guest Christopher Andrews explore the evolution and impact of self-service systems in retail. The episode begins with a personal anecdote from Andrews about his frustration with self-checkout at a supermarket, setting the stage for a broader discussion on how these systems shift labor from employees to consumers. The narrative traces back to the first self-service grocery store, Piggly Wiggly, and progresses to modern automated systems. It examines both the perceived efficiency and the actual challenges of self-checkouts, including increased shoplifting and technological hiccups that complicate the shopping experience. Experts like Sara Aloy and Phil Lempert contribute insights on the implementation and consequences of self-checkouts, emphasizing the mixed effects on both consumers and retailers.

Main Takeaways

  1. Self-checkout systems transfer labor from paid employees to consumers, often without clear benefits for the latter.
  2. Despite their prevalence, these systems can lead to higher incidences of shoplifting and errors, challenging the notion that they are more efficient than traditional checkouts.
  3. The introduction of self-service in retail dates back to the early 20th century and has evolved significantly, impacting labor dynamics and operational costs.
  4. Consumer experiences with self-checkouts vary widely, with some appreciating the speed and others frustrated by the complexity and lack of human interaction.
  5. Retailers face a dilemma with self-checkouts as they try to balance operational efficiency with customer satisfaction and loss prevention.

Episode Chapters

1. Introduction

Host Zachary Crockett introduces the topic and guest, setting up the episode's exploration of self-checkout systems. Zachary Crockett: "If you've been in a supermarket in the past decade, you've encountered a self-checkout machine."

2. Historical Context

Discussion on the origins of self-service systems, starting with Piggly Wiggly. Christopher Andrews: "Piggly Wiggly... was really the first self-service grocery store."

3. Modern Challenges

Analyzes the challenges and inefficiencies of modern self-checkout systems. Christopher Andrews: "It's essentially transferring what were paid tasks that cashiers do onto unpaid customers."

4. Technological Implications

Explores how self-checkouts affect shopping behavior and store operations. Sara Aloy: "We like to work with our retailers to kind of think about how customers want to use self-checkouts."

5. The Future of Self-Checkout

Speculates on the future developments in self-checkout technology and its broader implications. Phil Lempert: "The shrink factor, as more people have gravitated towards self-checkout, is now four to five times what it was pre-pandemic."

Actionable Advice

  1. Be patient and prepared when using self-checkout to minimize errors and frustration.
  2. Consider the ethical implications of your actions at self-checkouts to help reduce unintentional theft.
  3. Educate yourself on how to use the system efficiently to improve your shopping experience.
  4. Weigh the benefits of self-checkout against traditional checkout to choose the best option for your needs.
  5. Advocate for clearer benefits from retailers, like discounts, when using self-service technologies.

About This Episode

Grocery stores have turned shoppers into cashiers. Zachary Crockett runs two bags of chips and a Gatorade over the scanner.


Zachary Crockett, Christopher Andrews, Sara Aloy, Phil Lempert


Piggly Wiggly, Publicist Sapient, Kroger, Albertsons, Target


The Overworked Consumer by Christopher Andrews

Guest Name(s):

Christopher Andrews, Sara Aloy, Phil Lempert

Content Warnings:



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Zachary Crockett
A few weeks ago, at a grocery store in New Jersey, Christopher Andrews reached a breaking point. I was shopping at my local supermarket and I was pushing the cart and I had probably between 30 to 40 items. And when I got to the checkout lane, I saw several staff and associates and they were standing around and I asked, you know, is this lane open? And they said, no, but self checkout's open. And I looked at my watch.

Christopher Andrews
It was 09:00 p.m. i was tired. I was ready to go home. And I thought, I'm not going to spend the next 20 minutes, 30 minutes doing this. After working all day, I just walked out of the store.

Zachary Crockett
If you've been in a supermarket in the past decade, you've encountered a self checkout machine. The technology comes with a promise. Instead of waiting in a long line operated by a human cashier, you can control your own destiny by scanning, bagging and paying for things yourself. In its ideal form, its faster and more convenient than sending your purchases down a conveyor belt to a supermarket employee. But is it really a good deal for shoppers?

Christopher Andrews
It's essentially transferring what were paid tasks that cashiers do onto unpaid customers. I think a lot of shoppers are left asking, what's in this for me? For the freakonomics radio network, this is the economics of everyday things. I'm Zachary Crockett. Today, self checkout there was a time when customers weren't allowed to do any work at a grocery store.

Zachary Crockett
If you went shopping at the turn of the 20th century, you'd hand over your grocery list to a clerk. They'd collect everything for you, put it in a bag and tally up your bill. That system changed with a store called Piggly Wiggly.

Christopher Andrews
So Piggly Wiggly, which was founded by Clarence Saunders in 1916, was really the first self service grocery store. Again, that's Christopher Andrews. In addition to being a disgruntled shopper, hes a sociology professor at Drew University who studies how technology affects the workforce. Hes also the author of a book titled the Overworked Consumer, which explores the history of self service. Piggly Wigglys innovation was to allow customers to go through the store, gathering items from the aisle, which ultimately cut the labor costs and in turn, let the store offer customers lower prices.

So at the time, this was really a revolutionary change. Self service became the norm in grocery retail, the final step of the process. Though the checkout still required human assistance from a cashier. Saunders wanted to change that. He had this dream of a giant robot store, and so he experimented with a store they called Kduzel, or key does all, and it was essentially a store comprised wholly of vending machines, with the idea being that we would come in and there would be practically zero staff, and it would dramatically cut down in the overhead.

Zachary Crockett
The venture ended up being ahead of its time, and it failed. But it got retailers thinking about a more automated future. That future arrived in 1986, when a company called Check Robot introduced the first automatic checkout machine at a Kroger outside of Atlanta. For the first time, shoppers could scan their own groceries. A machine would read the barcode and announce the price in a digitized voice.

The invention was hailed by one newspaper as a revolution in the supermarket, one that would make shopping more efficient for consumers and reduce labor costs for stores. But it took a while for the idea to catch on. It was really the two thousands when it began to take off in significant numbers. This was in the months leading up to the Great Recession, and so businesses saw self checkout lanes as possibly a way to cut costs so they could compete with the Walmarts and the targets. Today, self checkouts are used by 96% of major grocery chains, and they account for nearly four out of every ten lanes.

For retailers, the machines don't come cheap. A four lane setup runs around $125,000, and a large grocery store usually has at least two or three of them. Installation, maintenance, and software add tens of thousands of dollars to that cost. There's a whole economy of people who help implement these systems.

Sara Aloy
My name is Sara Aloy. I'm the experienced retail lead for North America at Publica Sapient. Publicist sapient is a digital consultancy. They help businesses, including major grocery chains, find solutions to problems using technology. People, you know, they either love or hate a self checkout.

We like to work with our retailers to kind of take a step back and actually think about how customers want to use something like a self checkout in the general flow of the store. They want to help customers get out of the store, frankly, through checkout as fast as possible. After helping a retailer install self checkout lanes, publicist sapient will track a bunch of metrics to see if they're serving their intended purpose. The type of data we would check would just be time in store. Time through checkout.

We would look at when you start the checkout to when you would finish. How quickly could you scan an item? What kind of errors might you encounter along the way? Do you need help from a human? And what does that data say?

Zachary Crockett
Is self checkout actually more efficient than regular checkout? It doesn't necessarily create an affordance every time. It's kind of up to is the customer capable of scanning something faster than a traditional employee would be able to do? Andrews says self checkout lanes often create the illusion of efficiency.

Christopher Andrews
Self checkout lanes are like a fun house. They create a time warp effect because were so busy, when we're doing things, time seems to move more quickly. But in most cases, we are not, in fact, faster than trained employees. Cashiers have a lot of informal knowledge about where the barcodes are placed on tens of thousands of different product packagings. They have memorized all of the codes for the various different forms of produce and fruit and vegetables.

So while we might think of it as a very unskilled job, there's actually a lot more to it. And in part, that's why cashiers are often faster than we are in the checkout lane. One thing that might slow us down is the dreaded performance anxiety of self checkout.

When you're in there, you can feel the clock ticking. You can see the eyes of the person behind you. When we're bagging our groceries, I think there's this very keen sense that every second we're taking to finish our transaction, somebody is waiting for us. And so there is this social pressure. Hurry up, hurry up.

Figure out where the barcode hits. But the problem isn't just our own incompetence. One consumer survey suggested that nearly seven out of ten shoppers have experienced an error or technological issue in a self checkout lane. At some point, everyone has faced an unexpected item in the bagging area. Message or even less welcome, please wait.

Zachary Crockett
Help is on the way. All of these problems are made worse by the fact that self checkout is often our only option for shoppers. With just literally a handful of items, self checkout lanes are great. Theyre a solution to having to wait in those long lines. The problem is that because of stores employment practices, we often see more and more people, in a sense, forced to use self checkout lanes because there's one, or maybe not even any human operated cashiers open.

So why are supermarkets replacing friendly, efficient cashiers with expensive and error prone machines? You might think it's to reduce labor costs. And that's true in theory. In an abstract sense. If you replace six cashiers with six self checkouts and one staff left to assist customers, you just cut your labor costs at the checkout by roughly 80%.

But the reality is a little different. After Albertsons installed self checkouts in its stores, its average employee count went up from 118 workers per store to 128. The same thing happened at Kroger and Target. This is partly because many grocery stores are unionized. A displaced cashier who has strong employment protections might just be assigned to another role in the store.

Self checkouts also often call for additional jobs, chief among them security officers, because, as it turns out, when shoppers are in charge of the scanning, they take some liberties. Shoplifting is significantly higher through self checkout lanes. They literally turn us into a nation of shoplifters. That's coming up.

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Shopify.com everydaythings Phil Lempert is a journalist and retail analyst whos been covering grocery trends for more than 30 years. He runs a website called Supermarket Guru, and for years, hes been predicting the downfall of self checkout lanes. Theres probably, in my opinion, you know, a good 30, 35 reasons to get rid of self checkout.

The biggest reason, he says, is self checkout theft. Known in the industry as shrinkage, retailers. Around the country are seeing their bottom line being affected. We're talking about a huge problem. When I talk to the CEO's of supermarkets, it's number one on their list.

Phil Lempert
The shrink factor, as more people have gravitated towards self checkout, is now four to five times what it was, pre pandemic. A lot of people can fool that checkout. Various studies have found that theft is far more likely to occur at a self checkout than at a checkout run by a cashier. One in seven shoppers admit they have intentionally stolen something at a self checkout, which works out to around $10 billion worth of goods each year in the US alone. Christopher Andrews, the sociologist, says that shoppers employ various techniques to dupe the machines.

Christopher Andrews
One way that's been popularly referred to as the banana trick is by entering a more expensive produce item as something like an apple or a banana. In one store I went to, they told me about an incident in which they went to the back of the store and they had lots more apples than the system said they should have had. And meanwhile, they were missing several of these cases of seafood. And what had happened is that because nobody was staffing the self checkout lane, people were going through entering these cases of king crab legs and frozen lobsters as cheap produce items. But not all self checkout theft is intentional.

Zachary Crockett
The technology also leads to lots of accidental shoplifting. There's different categories of shoplifting, ranging from organized retail theft rings to what they call walk offs, people who walk off with items because they become frustrated or as I've experienced things you forget to scan, they call a bottom of basket or bottom of the cart. If you forget to bring that up and scan it and you walk out, technically, you've just shoplifted. Wow. Okay.

Duly noted. I don't think we ever really had that discussion about, you know, what are the legal implications of using self checkout lanes. If you make a mistake, you could. Be charged, Lampert says. There's precedent for this.

Phil Lempert
There was a woman at a Walmart store who checked out, I think it was about twelve or 15 products, and she forgot to scan a candy bar. And she was then pulled into the back room by security and threatened to go to jail for not scanning, scanning, you know, a candy bar. Retailers have experimented with various solutions to the theft problem, security guards, surveillance cameras, scales that can sense when the weight of a product is off, gates that won't open until you scan your receipt. But customers sometimes bristle at the security measures.

Consumers are really getting a feeling that the supermarket doesn't trust them at self checkout. And the truth is the supermarket doesn't trust them at self checkout. But you know, it's very off putting when you think about going into a grocery store, which is supposed to be a community place where you have a great experience with all these great colors and aromas in the produce department and so on, and then you go to leave and there's this big burly security agent coming over to you from to self checkout. And customers aren't just frustrated about being policed, they're tired of doing labor for the store. I hear from a lot of consumers that they're saying, you know, if I have to do my own checkout, if I have to do my own bagging, give me a discount.

Give me some benefit for doing it. Last year, a bill in Rhode island proposed giving customers a 10% discount for using the self checkout to buy ten or more items. In 2019, Oregon attempted to pass a measure that limited grocery stores to just two self checkout lanes. Both of these efforts failed.

Zachary Crockett
Some stores have decided that self checkout isnt worth all of this backlash. Last year, the uk based grocery chain booths removed self checkouts from 26 of their 28 locations, citing a return to human centered customer service. In the US, Dollar general, Walmart and Shoprite have also pulled back on aggressive self checkout expansion in certain markets. Other retailers have never dabbled in self checkouts and have instead leaned into their human cashiers as sort of a boutique offering in the digital age. Here in Los Angeles, there's a chain called erewhon.

Phil Lempert
It makes whole foods look like a discount store with their pricing and with their offerings. Their driving force is having a great customer experience. You know, they wouldn't put in a self checkout for any amount of money. The dutch grocery chain jumbo has so called slow lanes where human cashiers intentionally take more time to chat with customers. There may be a business case for decisions like this.

Zachary Crockett
A recent study found that checkouts with human cashiers lead to more customer loyalty than self checkouts. The fact that we're seeing major retailers experimenting with getting rid of self checkout says to me that if I was in the self checkout manufacturing business, I'd be worried.

There have been efforts to make self checkout radically easier for customers. Amazon spent several years experimenting with a process it called just walk out at its brick and mortar stores. Cameras and scanners detected when a product was picked off the shelf, and customers were automatically billed when they walked out of the store. Earlier this year, the company gave up on just walkout and shifted its focus to smart carts that allow you to ring up items as you shop. There are also changes on the horizon for how products are scanned.

GS one, the organization that maintains standards for barcodes, has proposed a new product identifier that looks more like a QR code. It's gonna be able to tell where the product was made, when it was made, any food safety recall information. I mean, it's just gonna have a plethora of data. And you know what? Those self scanners that are there today, some of which have been there 10, 15, 20 years, they can't read this new barcode.

Phil Lempert
And I think you're gonna see a major push for people to use their mobile devices to scan those codes, to be able to check out, to take the money right from our bank account or our credit card and deliver it instantaneously to that retailer. But Christopher Andrews says that even if self checkout technology is changing, one thing is here to stay the exploitation of consumers unpaid labor. If the micro view is self checkout line in the supermarket, I think the macro view is looking at the economy more broadly and looking at self checkout in libraries, in retail stores, looking at self ordering systems in fast casual dining, looking at self check in at hotels. The technology is becoming ubiquitous. Even hospitals are starting to look at self service technology to try to displace some of the tasks and the costs associated with that front end labor of receptionists and people processing medical records.

Christopher Andrews
The idea of passing paid tasks onto unpaid consumers is just simply too seductive for businesses to not pursue.

We're busy running around doing these things, and you have to ask yourself, are we getting anything out of this?

Zachary Crockett
For the economics of everyday things, I'm Zachary Crockett. This episode was produced by me and Sarah Lilly and mixed by Jeremy Johnston. We had help from Daniel Morris Rabson.

Phil Lempert
I always wound up behind the father who was trying to teach their four year old how to use it. So it really has been a problem.

The Freakonomics radio Network the hidden side of everything.

Christopher Andrews

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