The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

The Diary Of A CEO

Welcome to the world of "The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett," a podcast that delves deep into the mindsets and mechanics behind some of the most successful and influential people today. Each episode is a journey through the personal stories, struggles, and insights of leaders, thinkers, and creators who share their raw and unfiltered experiences. Steven Bartlett, the dynamic entrepreneur and co-founder of Social Chain, hosts engaging conversations that unravel the complex fabric of achieving greatness in today’s fast-paced world. Listeners can expect a mix of in-depth interviews, reflective solo episodes, and valuable takeaways that are applicable to both personal and professional growth. This podcast is more than just a series of conversations; it's a source of motivation and a catalyst for self-improvement. It’s designed for anyone aspiring to elevate their mindset, expand their horizons, and step into their potential. Explore the episodes below to start your own journey towards peak performance and enlightened leadership.


  • Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras

    In this compelling episode of "The Diary Of A CEO," Evy Poumpouras shares the fascinating techniques and life lessons she mastered during her 12 years as a U.S. Secret Service agent. Poumpouras, an expert in lie detection and human behavior, delves into the subtle art of reading people and the psychology behind influential communication. She recounts high-stakes situations from her career, including a gripping undercover operation that led to capturing a notorious criminal. The episode is rich with stories that blend danger, psychology, and the raw human element, providing an inside look at the intense world of a Secret Service agent.

  • The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!

    In this enlightening episode, Dr. Natalie Crawford, a fertility specialist, discusses the often-misunderstood aspects of fertility, particularly how it diminishes significantly after the age of 32. Dr. Crawford explains the biological factors contributing to fertility rates, including the decrease in egg quality and quantity as women age. She emphasizes the importance of early intervention and lifestyle adjustments to enhance fertility outcomes. Through a mix of scientific insights and personal anecdotes, the episode provides a comprehensive overview of fertility challenges and strategies to manage them.

  • Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!

    In a deeply engaging conversation on "The Diary of A CEO," Dr. Mike sheds light on crucial health issues and the pervasive problem of medical misinformation. He discusses the deceptive simplicity of health solutions often sold to the public, the dangerous allure of vaping, and the misleading nature of supplements. Dr. Mike emphasizes the importance of evidence-based medicine and shares personal anecdotes that underscore the emotional and professional challenges doctors face. The episode is a compelling mix of professional insights, personal stories, and practical advice, aimed at equipping listeners with the knowledge to navigate the complex health information landscape.

  • Charlemagne tha God: A Women Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!

    In a profound discussion on "The Diary of a CEO," Charlemagne tha God shares his traumatic experiences and the impact on his mental health. He discusses the sexual abuse he endured at eight, his tumultuous relationship with his father, and the influence of these experiences on his behavior and psychological state. Charlemagne also talks about his path to healing, which includes therapy, spirituality, and psychedelics, reflecting on the critical importance of honesty in personal growth. The episode is a raw look at his journey towards self-understanding and healing, emphasizing the power of authenticity and the struggles with mental health that often go unspoken.

  • The Exercise Neuroscientist: The Shocking Link Between Exercise And Dementia! Coffee Is Destroying Your Brain! Our Brains Have Been Hacked! - Dr Wendy Suzuki

    In a riveting conversation with Dr. Wendy Suzuki, an expert in neuroscience, the episode explores how exercise profoundly benefits the brain, particularly in preventing cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer's. Dr. Suzuki shares personal stories and scientific insights to illustrate the critical role of physical activity in enhancing memory, mood, and overall brain function. The discussion also touches on the detrimental effects of sedentary behaviors and poor dietary choices, emphasizing the need for holistic lifestyle changes to maintain brain health.

  • The Divorce Expert: 86% of People Who Divorce Remarry! Why Sex Is Causing Divorces! If They Say This, Do Not Marry Them!

    In a revealing conversation with James Sexton, the world's top divorce lawyer, the episode explores the complex dynamics that lead to marriage failures, highlighting the unexpected role of sex and prenuptial agreements. Sexton provides an insider's view on the most bizarre and controversial divorce cases, revealing shocking statistics about marriage and divorce. The discussion also touches on the economic and emotional aspects of relationships, illustrating how people often remarry quickly after divorce, despite past failures. The episode challenges listeners to rethink the traditional views of marriage and consider the legal, emotional, and practical implications before entering into such commitments.

  • The Glucose Expert: The Only Proven Way To Lose Weight Fast! Health Experts Are Wrong About Calorie Counting!

    In this eye-opening episode of "The Diary of a CEO," Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist, dissects the harmful impacts of sugar on our bodies and debunks the myths surrounding calorie counting. Dr. Lustig explains how sugar, especially fructose, disrupts our metabolic processes, leading to severe health consequences like diabetes, fatty liver disease, and increased obesity rates. He emphasizes the biochemical difference between glucose and fructose, illustrating how our bodies react differently to each. The episode is a deep dive into the science of sugar metabolism and its implications for public health, advocating for a paradigm shift from calorie counting to understanding the metabolic effects of what we consume.

  • Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands Of 1 Person! If Nuclear War Starts, Go To This Country!

    Annie Jacobsen, an investigative journalist, explores the harrowing scenario of a nuclear war potentially ending the world in just 72 minutes. She discusses her book and research, revealing a chilling reality: the U.S. president alone can authorize a nuclear launch. Jacobsen interviews experts, including former military and security officials, who underscore the perpetual threat of nuclear conflict. The discussion illuminates the stark consequences of nuclear war, not only immediate devastation but also long-term ecological and societal collapses, such as nuclear winter.

  • The Fertility Expert: Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Children & Reducing Your Chances Of Parenthood By 90%! Masturbation Reduces Cancer Risk!

    Dr. Michael Eisenberg, an expert in male sexual function and fertility, discusses the alarming trends in decreasing sperm counts and fertility rates, especially among men. The conversation delves into the reasons behind these trends, including the impact of environmental toxins, lifestyle choices, and the increasing age of first-time parents. Dr. Eisenberg emphasizes the significant health implications of these fertility issues, not just for immediate family planning but also for long-term health outcomes like increased mortality risks linked to lower semen quality. The episode provides a deep dive into how everyday items, like plastic bottles and personal care products, may contribute to these issues due to their chemical compositions.

  • Rebel Wilson: I Experimented With Ozempic! Childhood Trauma Was The Reason I Couldn't Lose Weight & ALL The Truth About Sacha Baron Cohen!

    In a revealing interview with The Diary of a CEO, Rebel Wilson discusses her tumultuous journey with body image, the pressures of Hollywood, and her personal transformation. The episode covers her experimentation with Ozempic, the impact of childhood trauma on her weight issues, and her insights into her professional interactions with Sacha Baron Cohen. Wilson shares poignant details about her upbringing, marked by familial strife and emotional abuse, which shaped her relationship with food and self-image. She also touches on her career trajectory, leveraging her size for comedic roles, and her recent focus on health prompted by fertility concerns.

  • Russ Cook (Hardest Geezer): I Haven't Told The Whole Truth About Africa!, They Took Me Into The Jungle To Kill Me!

    In a gripping conversation with host Steven Bartlett, Russ Cook recounts his perilous journey across Africa, which included kidnapping and near-death experiences. Initially discussing his motivations rooted in a challenging upbringing and a quest for self-discovery, Cook details his extraordinary adventures, from being kidnapped and taken deep into the jungle to confronting dangerous wildlife and hostile environments. He also opens up about his internal battles with mental health, exacerbated by the isolation and physical demands of his journeys. The episode serves as a profound reflection on human endurance, the power of resilience, and the profound impact of adventure on one's psyche.

  • Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Increases This Disease By A Factor Of 9! They're Lying To You About Ozempic Side Effects & What It's Doing To Our Brains! - Johann Hari

    In a riveting episode, host Steven Bartlett invites Ozempic expert Johann Hari to expose the hidden dangers of the popular diabetes drug, Ozempic. Hari argues that Ozempic, widely prescribed for weight loss, may actually increase the risk of developing a particular disease by up to nine times. Through a detailed analysis of medical data and personal anecdotes, the discussion challenges the prevailing narratives about the drug’s safety and efficacy, suggesting a significant discrepancy between public knowledge and the reality of Ozempic’s side effects, particularly its concerning impact on cognitive functions.

  • Mo Gawdat: 80% Of Illness Is Linked To One Thing! An Alarming Warning For The Burnout Generation! If You Feel Like This, Quit Your Job Today!

    In this eye-opening episode of The Diary of A CEO, host Steven Bartlett and guest Mo Gawdat discuss the severe implications of stress on health, stating that 80% of illnesses are stress-related. Gawdat, a former Google executive turned well-being expert, delves into how modern work cultures glorify being busy and how this badge of honor is detrimental to our health. He explains the physiological and psychological mechanisms through which stress exacerbates or triggers health issues, advocating for a lifestyle that prioritizes well-being over productivity. The conversation is not only a critique of contemporary work ethics but also a guide on recognizing and mitigating stress through practical, everyday actions.

  • World No. 1 Biohacking Expert: "I Tested 100,000 People's DNA. This Diet Will Kill You!". Fix This Hormone And You'll Fix Your Anxiety! - Gary Brecka

    Gary Brecka, a renowned biohacking expert, shares his extensive experience in human biology and life insurance to reveal how genetic testing and understanding hormone balances can drastically improve health and prevent chronic illnesses. The episode is a deep dive into how deficiencies, particularly in methylation, play a significant role in various health problems. Brecka stresses the importance of simple, proactive health measures such as regular genetic and nutrient deficiency testing. The conversation also touches on the psychological impacts of health, illustrating how physical health significantly influences mental health and vice versa.

  • Moment 158: What is The Best Cheap Coffee? Coffee Expert Reveals In Blind Taste Test: James Hoffman

    In this episode of "The Diary of a CEO," host Steven Bartlett and coffee expert James Hoffman explore the taste and quality of various affordable coffee brands through a blind taste test. The coffees tested include options from major chains like McDonald's, Costa, and Starbucks, as well as an independent local coffee shop. Hoffman evaluates each coffee based on its roast, acidity, body, and overall flavor, sharing insights on how factors like roasting time and bean quality affect the taste. The episode delves into the common misconceptions about coffee quality and provides listeners with a detailed comparison of price versus taste across different brands.