Primary Topic
This episode delves into allegations of deep-seated issues within the Secret Service, brought to light by whistleblowers and examined by host Dan Bongino.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The Secret Service's longstanding culture of mismanagement has led to significant national security risks.
- Whistleblowers and insiders are crucial for exposing and potentially rectifying these systemic issues.
- Bongino emphasizes the necessity of reforming the Secret Service to prevent future lapses in security.
- The episode highlights specific incidents where the Secret Service's failures have had dire consequences.
- Dan Bongino calls for transparency and accountability within the Secret Service and other government agencies.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Dan Bongino introduces the episode's controversial topic, promising explosive revelations about the Secret Service. Dan Bongino: "This story is going to blow your mind."
2: Main Story
Bongino narrates his experiences and the significant security failures he witnessed, which are symptomatic of larger issues within the Secret Service. Dan Bongino: "They don’t want to change... It required someone to get killed and Donald Trump to get shot in the head for there to be enough political attention on the matter that they're willing to change."
3: Whistleblower Insights
Details from whistleblowers that reveal internal problems and the lack of action on previous warnings. Dan Bongino: "I've given interviews about it, I've spoken to members of Congress about it."
4: Conclusions and Calls to Action
Bongino concludes with a strong call for action and reform within the Secret Service to prevent future failures. Dan Bongino: "I am going to fix this place, and I'm not going to stop to the people that have been ruining the agency worthy of trust and confidence till they are absolutely gone."
Actionable Advice
- Demand transparency and accountability from security agencies.
- Support reforms and oversight in national security agencies.
- Educate yourself about the functions and responsibilities of the Secret Service.
- Advocate for better whistleblower protections.
- Engage with and support media that bring crucial issues to light.
About This Episode
The events and actions surrounding the assassination attempt are looking more and more suspicious by the day. What is the Secret Service hiding? In today's episode, I discuss a possible revelation into the USSS's big secret and a further exposing of Kamala's presidential campaign.
Dan Bongino, Donald Trump
U.S. Secret Service
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Dan Bongino
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Okay, so I've never told this story on the air before. It's not that I was trying to hide it from you, it's just. It's a political show. And ladies and gentlemen, the secret service and my stories with them are not the subject of everyone's life when other things are going on. Unfortunately, the Secret Service has made themselves a story by putting together a faulty security plan that got a man murdered in front of his family and Donald Trump shot in the head along with two others. And now there's a unique opportunity to fix a government entity to fix it, which we rarely, if ever, get. And I'm not letting the opportunity go. I'm going to share something with you. But I do have a lot to get to today. Big show on this Friday. Hey, you've heard me rave about beams. Dream powder. Get it now. Stop delaying. This stuff changed my life. They're offering their largest discount at shop beam.com bangino. Use code. Bongino. We got a big show for you today, folks. Don't go anywhere because this story is going to blow your mind. And it speaks to the culture of mismanagement and risk aversion these secret service has been engaged in for years. They got lucky for a long time. They're not lucky anymore. A man was murdered in front of his family.
Don't ever forget that.
A lot to talk about. Hey. Getting a good night's sleep is so important to your overall wellness. I slept like a champ last night. I really feel great today. It's why I'm thrilled to tell you how much I love my new Helix mattress. So I just got another one. We moved so I left one here because we're doing something with this place.
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There's two special birthdays today. Numero uno, the lovely paulita. My spouse, my partner. My partner in some crimes, it depends. My date night, that's for another day. Is her birthday today.
She is 27.5.
She looks at least. Never tell you tell woman it's your birthday. So happy to spend it with you. She loved my card this morning, too. Just want to put that out there. It's also my father's birthday. He's 73. Happy birthday, dad. My only live in parrot, so you know I love you both. But special thing. So everybody in the chat wish the lovely paula a happy birthday today. She is a, she is a, let's just say very special person and I think it was all laid out in my card.
All right, now let's get to the news du jour. I promise I'm going to tell you this story and it's going to blow your mind. I'm not holding it unnecessarily. I just want to get to this first because we've got a freaking election to win. And yesterday this prisoner exchange happened, which is great. We want our people home. I get it. Period, full stop. I say that with the purest of hearts. However, ladies and gentlemen, the details matter. And not only me, but some other conservative outlets are now starting to ask questions like, hey, man, what did we give up for this deal? Because if we gave up a lot of people and Putin got the better end of the deal, doesn't Putin figure out he could just take more americans and get the better end of the deal all the time?
We've got to ask these questions. They're hard questions, but we got to ask them. Here was Kamala Harris at the airport? Finally, an unscripted moment. Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I, I don't want to hear any bullshit about a red wave. We're in a fight, make no mistake. But all the Debbie downers out there, oh, my gosh, we're going to lose. Get our asses kicked by Kamala Harris. Remember, you were still dealing with someone who is really not bright and cannot even remotely speak extemporaneously at all. Here she gives another one of our word salads in an answer to a question about this special moment when we get the prisoners back. Check this. Check this out. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day.
You see how whenever she's forced to speak off the cuff, she repeats herself over and over, unburdened by the pay. She does this all the time. It's because she has nothing to say and she gets lost in her own words.
Biden's a better public speaker with level 72 brain damage than she is. She's really terrible. And Donald Trump asked the question on his true social account yesterday that me and a lot of other people were asking, when are we going to get the details on this prisoner swap? Are they extorting the United States? They're calling the trade complexy notes.
That's because nobody can figure out how bad it is. Folks, I'm really sorry. We have to ask. Real honest, I'd love to just celebrate this whole thing. It's great we got our people back and we should do everything in our power to do that. But the world isn't a simple place. Donald Trump is asking a legitimate, fair, proper, appropriate question. I wish more people on the left would ask, what did we have to give up for this?
Because does it incentivize in the future more american hostage taking?
All right, let me get to this. I'm going to get back to. I'm not done with that, by the way.
And if I don't get back to it today, I'll get to it on Monday and on the radio show because this is really, really important, folks.
I'm going to tell you this. You know what? Let me just tell you the story up front because I hate teasing stuff. Get the Guardian one way. I'm sorry, guys go out of order. I mean, you can just get back on track. Put the Guardian story up.
I'm reasonably confident. I've never told this story on the air. The problem, ladies and gentlemen, is, and again, I don't hide things from you. I just. This was a story about an incident that happened a long time ago and it wasn't related to the news. I do a news show, not the Dan Bongino nerd show. Okay. I give you a short weekend update on Monday, and I generally try to keep the show about current events. Cause that's what matters, not about my personal life. It's not like the Howard Stern show. Let me tell you about my limo driver this morning. We don't do that here.
I want you to look at the date in this story. August 2. Is that really, is August at the casual date? Wow, it's today. I didn't even look at the day. I knew it was 2018.
Weird. August 2, 2018. The Guardian suspected russian spy found working at the United States embassy in Moscow. Now leave that up for a second, please.
Why am I putting this story up now?
Because, ladies and gentlemen, that story directly involves this guy.
Dan, you knew there was a russian spy in the embassy in Moscow.
Because I was in the russian embassy in Moscow when she was there.
Now, why is this important right now to the secret service story? Because I've been telling you, and for those of you out there, let me just cut off an impulse. I'm not talking about the p one listeners and the people who are listening to. I'm talking about the people whose instinct is always to ask some question before I've even finished a statement. For those of you out there saying, well, Dan, if you knew this, what did you do about it? One, I'm going to get to that. And second, they said, well, why didn't you highlight this stuff? I did. I wrote actual books about it, three of them. Life inside the bubble, the fight and protecting the president. I've given interviews about it. I've spoken to members of Congress about it. I've spoken to Secret Service insiders interested in changing about it. There's nothing else you could do to try to change the Secret Service? Nothing. There's nothing else you could do? I have done everything I can to try to fix this broken place, including warning you repeatedly that someone was going to get killed if they didn't. And now someone did.
Corey comparator murdered in front of his family, and Donald Trump shot in the head. There is nothing else I could have done. I am absolutely confident telling you that. Everything I could do, I did. They don't want to change. It required someone to get killed and Donald Trump to get shot in the head for there to be enough political attention on the matter that they're willing to change. Let me tell you the story, okay?
Because this speaks to the culture of dysfunction and risk aversion at this broken agency that should not survive intact after this.
Back in the early two thousands, I was an instructor in our training center.
I was sent on a temporary assignment over to Russia. I volunteered for it. Moscow. We had a, what they call an RO, a resident office over there.
I'm from boring you with the details.
Please stop me in the chat. But the story and the details matter.
I was sent over as a temp. I was there a little over a month because the guy there before, a guy by the name of Charlie, I'll leave last names out of it. A guy by the name of Charlie was what they call PnG, Persona non grata, meaning the Russians kicked him out of the country. It's a long story as to why, but it was a retaliatory measure for something the United States did to a Russian here, because the Russians, they never do what they're telling you. This is why I love when people tell me about Russia. I don't know. I've been there twice. I know a lot about Russia, probably more than most journalists.
The Russians do things they can put in a paper to make it look like they're sticking it to the United States because we have the name, the Secret Service, even though there's nothing secret about us, it's a protection agency. They knew the average russian citizen would think we were like spies, like the CIA. So instead of kicking out the FBI that actually does intelligence overseas, what they did is they kicked out the Secret Service guy Charlie, because they could put Secret Service every. Oh, my gosh, we kicked the spy out. You get it?
The Russians, though, however, didn't want to burn their relationship with the United States. So they said, tell you what, we're going to wink and nod and kick your permanent guy out, this guy Charlie, who was the boss over there, but we're going to let you rotate agents in. I was the second group of agents that got rotated, and it was two people at a time.
Here's where the story gets bananas.
You guys don't know this, right? I never told you this.
The guy I got sent over with to work the Russia office in Moscow, in our embassy, for a good amount of time, is now the boss of Donald Trump's detail.
Does this whole story make sense now, I've known this guy 20 years, the same guy.
Let's call him Jack.
It's the same guy.
So when me and him, we're in Moscow, we noticed something interesting. I'm going to ask you to put that piece up again in a second.
The secret service had hired an FSN. FSN is short for a foreign service national.
Her name was Anna. That's her real name. Well, that's what she told us, her real name. I'm not going to mention her last name because it doesn't really matter. But her name was Anna.
And from the first night, let's just call this other agent. I was with Jack from the first night. We realized that Anuk was very, very suspicious and odd.
Anna would ask a lot of questions, totally inappropriate for someone hired as basically an administrative assistant. And we noticed that Anna had a really unusual interest in a lot of what the Secret Service did. Ladies and gentlemen, we noticed this on day one.
So this other agent and I, Jack, we started talking to each other, and we said, this is kind of a problem.
By the end of the first week, we knew absolutely that this woman was probably a spy.
We would go and meet with the Russian FSB, the former KGB, and they would know her right away. Oh, hey, Anna, how are you? And we would look at each other like. But I mean, like, know her. I don't mean like, hey, did we meet? I mean, like, oh, hey, how are you?
Couldn't have been more obvious.
The woman was up to no good.
So this other agent, Jack and I, who's now running Donald Trump's detail, by the way.
He was smart.
Known this guy a long time.
He said, I think we should do the right thing and notify Secret Service headquarters. I said, you're damn right that's what we're going to do. So that's exactly what we did.
We sent emails back saying, listen, the gist of it is, you got a freaking spy in here. We took all of our manuals and everything else, and we put them up on a different floor, let's say, in the embassy to make sure she couldn't see them, but she had access to them the whole time. Manuals, like protection manuals and everything else.
We sent that email thinking they would get back to us, to management, and be like, oh, my gosh. Great job, guys, like, farming out a spy here. Like, you know, I'm. Excuse me, fishing out a spy, right?
That's not the response we got at all.
The response we got was basically, how do I say this?
Go fuck yourself. Pardon the language, folks. But that was basically it. Like, you guys should probably shut your pie holes and never mention this again. Which we were like, uh, no. And we sent back another email that would put up that article again.
Notice the date on this article.
August 2, 2018, ladies and gentlemen. I can't pinpoint the exact time I was. Eric, forgive me, I just don't remember. But I'm telling you, it was around 2004, 2005.
Dan, this article's from 2018. 1415 years later, 14 years later.
What, you're saying you sent an email with your guy. And it took them 14 years to figure it out. Yeah, that's what I'm telling you.
And notice the Secret Service's statement 14 years later.
Their statement is, at no time in any secret service office have FSNs like Anna, foreign service nationals been provided or placed in a position to obtain national security information.
The State Department said it wouldn't comment on allegations related to intel or personal matters. And we have no information for you on this alleged incident.
You sure about that? I'm willing to testify under oath that that statement is fake.
I would guarantee you. So is Jack. Because Jack has the email, by the way.
You know why the Secret Service didn't do anything?
Because the Secret Service management culture, which I've been writing about, giving interviews about, one of the reasons I resigned my job and gave up this glorious government pension and benefits and, I mean, I had no job after that, was precisely because I wasn't going to be a part of this broken culture anymore. The Secret Service cares about one thing.
C why a covering, well, CTA covering their asses.
And they care about another thing. Luck.
The Secret Service has been lucky for probably 30 years.
They didn't get lucky. Well, not even 30 years, because George Bush had a grenade thrown at him in Tbilisi, Georgia. And again, that changed things for about two weeks, too.
Folks. The Secret Service can't continue to exist. They haven't like it is now. They have a totally broken management culture.
There are people out there who have been whistleblowing on this forever, and absolutely nothing has changed.
That story in the Guardian, it's about me, and I'm willing to testify under oath to anybody who wants to hear it. I was there. I saw it. We called it out, and the secret Service did absolutely nothing.
I'm going to tell you how I found out about this story, by the way, when this happened, I was in New York. I was getting ready to take a trip with Sean Hannity up to Pete egg says wedding, wedding in New Jersey.
True story.
Evita's mom was there.
I remember it like it was yesterday. And I got a call from Jack who said, hey, man, you remember Anna?
I said, oh, yeah, I remember Anna.
He said, read this article.
And it was this article right here, suspected russian spy found working at us embassy in Moscow.
You're telling me these same people who, by the way, some of these same people are still around, you're telling me they're going to fix this place?
Folks, even the New York Times is in on the story about the broken secret Service. Now, this place cannot be fixed as is. Someone is going to die.
It's not your secret service, it's ours, the taxpayers.
I've got video and audio coming up. Everything I told you, ladies and gentlemen, you have been two to three weeks ahead. If you are reading Susan Crabtree's social media or watching my show, you are two to three weeks ahead. What did I tell you just the other day? What did I tell you two and a half weeks ago about the drone? Now all of a sudden, the New York Times catches up again. Their audience is at least two weeks behind stories I've already told you.
I'm going to take a quick break. I need to calm down a bit because that story still pisses me off about Anna.
Take quick break and we'll be right back. We'll get to that stuff, folks. I've had the sponsor for a long time. Check them out. Listen, I live in Florida. The windshields get really dirty down here. Rains a lot. The glare it gets creates a really dangerous situation. Your car just gets nasty looking. Check out windshield wow. It's appropriately named because you'll say wow the first time you use it. The windshield wow is an ingenious windshield cleaning device. Uses two magnetic cleaning paddles. They're really strong, by the way. And basically what you do is you just have to clean the outside because the inner magnetic panel that clings onto it cleans the inside of the windshield. All done from the outside.
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The acting director, he's worse than the former director. He is knee deep in every one of these scandals. The January 6 text, the red tie thing. Agents shouldn't wear red ties. It look like they're supporting Trump. What kind of stupid shit is that?
The reduction in assets to protection details, the refusal to provide security around Donald Trump, he is part of all of this. You think he's going to give an honest evaluation? Look at this. The New York Times.
Two weeks ago, I told you that the Secret Service, there's a joke in the Secret Service, and it's not funny, but agents used to, it happened. Agents used to tell each other this all the time because they know management sucked.
The joke was this, United States Secret Service, yesterday's technology. Tomorrow, they can, they're horrible with technology. You know why? Because of what I told you. They all they're interested is CTA covering their asses. So when someone comes in with a new technology, the guy who vouched for the old technology doesn't want to admit it sucks. So what does he do? He goes, oh, we, we don't need that new stuff. This will be good. And they just pray to get lucky.
No. Yes. I'm not kidding.
I told you that two weeks ago. Now, the New York Times, and by the way, good for them. This isn't about credit. We're trying to keep people alive. I don't like the New York Times, but if you're going to do actual journalism on this. Fine, fine. New York Times. Eric Lipton, David Farrenhal. Wouldn't trust these guys as far as I can throw them, but this piece is accurate.
Secret Service's technological flaws help the gunman evade detection at Trump rally.
This is how bad I, their research and tech division is. Hold on. Keep that up. You think this is like James Bond. Do you guys remember James Bond? Was it. Was it Q? Who was the guy? We had all the tech and stuff. Like, you think this is like that?
There's no. It's not like that at all. There's nothing like that. They note the Secret Service, for example, turned down offers to use a surveillance drone at the Butler farm show rally site. Again, I told you this two weeks ago.
The agency also didn't bring a system to boost the agent signals in an area with poor cell service.
They couldn't even talk to each other.
Some of the equipment the agency did bring, including a system to detect drones, didn't work when it was needed. The result was a 20 year old had a technological advantage over a $3 billion federal agency.
United States Secret Service.
Yesterday's technology.
I've been talking about this for 20 years. Wait. Hold on. I want to.
Hold on. Don't go. I just want to prove this to you.
I'm not selling your book. Matter of fact, don't buy this book, please, because I don't want to sell you anything.
I'm not.
I wrote this book a long time ago. The fight. It's an inside account of security failings and the political machine by some guy named freaking Dan Bongino.
The book's ten years old.
One of the chapters.
One of the chapters is about which you can see right here is about threats from the sky and drones.
Let's see why.
Here. It's right here. You can look at it right here. I wish I would have. I wish I would have dogged here. The White House fence jumper. What bureaucrats can learn from the secret service security model, how the. How the emergency brake and out of control government. Here, chapter five begins on page 61. The White House drone crashed. It was a warning about the secret Service being light years behind 20 year olds who can go to Amazon and get a freaking drone.
So don't tell me. Well, what did you do? The answer is, everything in my power to change it. And nothing changed. I'm not giving up this opportunity again. I am not. Listen to me. I'm not even done with this New York Times piece. I pledge to you this right now, and I know Secret Service people are watching. I am not your enemy. I'm actually your friend. You just don't know it. I am going to fix this place, and I'm not going to stop to the people that have been ruining the agency worthy of trust and confidence till they are absolutely gone. It is not their agency. It is ours. The taxpayer. You don't own it. You will come and go. The agency will not. And their protectees. I'm not going to let someone get murdered in front of their family again. I'm not stopping again. In case you think the secret Service and their $3 billion budget, that, what, 10% of it? 20% of it. Research and development, protection, new forms of armor, new forms of rf detection, everything like that. No. You know how much they spend on research a year?
$4 million.
$4 million. Folks, I think I spend more on marketing my podcast than they do on actual research. Look here again, I hate to cite the New York Times, but they're not wrong. Budget documents show the secret service spends only $4 million a year, less than 1% of its funding, on actual R and D for new security tools and other needs for next year. The agency asked Congress to provide even less in funding for research. Only 2.2 million. Isn't it great knowing we have a $6 trillion government where we spend 4 million of 6 trillion?
This is. This is like an Austin power skit. You know that, right? $4 million. But in this case, he's not wrong. Like, you know, he's just a million. And they laugh at him. In this case, it's actually right.
We have a $6 trillion government obsessed with flying illegals around the country giving him benefits and Obama phones and everything. And we're spending 4 million a year on keeping people alive in actual research. Good job, fellas. You guys are really kicking ass, knocking it out of the park.
Us Secret Service. Yesterday's technology tomorrow, folks. When I was in the secret service, you know how we were entering our time cards through a program called Smartware? Smartware, my wife, who's an Internet and database developer. Happy birthday, Paula. Again.
I said to her, we use smartware. She was like, that's hilarious. Nobody's used that since, like, the forties.
This was in 1999, actually, 2001, when I met her. Smartware.
Go look it up.
And you know why they didn't change it? Because the guy who invented the smartware thing or brought it into the Secret Service, it was his product, and no one wanted to hurt his feelings. No. Yes. No. Yes.
That's why agents would spend hours wasting their time on a 1940s time card program, because nobody wanted to upset a guy who had brought the smartware program in. No. Yes.
Don't tell me it didn't happen. I was there. Want me to testify on the oath about it? Go look up my time records. Go look them up.
Foia them.
And while you're at it, foia that email about the spy in the russian embassy.
I give you permission folks, I'm not done. John Cornyn asked Ron Rowe a question under oath the other day. Have I not warned you about Ron Rowe, the acting director? Did I not tell you when the scandal broke even before that that it's Ron Roe, the acting director now who is personally responsible, personally responsible for creating the lapsed security environment that led to this disaster in Butler and would have led to disasters elsewhere if it wasn't for a whole lot of luck. Did I not tell you?
Okay, more coming up. Let me take a break. I got some video for you. And again, I'm going to show you how people are just lying to you left and right. They're way too late to the game folks. Policy genius 40% of people with life insurance wish they got their policy at a younger age policygenius helps you get the life insurance you need fast so you can get almost your life. With policygenius you can find life insurance policies that start at just dollar 292 a year for $1 million of coverage. Some options offer same day approval and avoid unnecessary medical exams. PolicyGenius lets you compare quotes from Americas top insurers in just a few clicks to find your lowest price. Their expert licensed support team is your advocate at every step of the process, answering questions, handling paperwork and helping you make decisions with confidence. Its not just expenses you need to be covered for. Your loved ones could inherit your debt. Your work life insurance policy that may not offer enough protection for you and your familys needs. Even worse, it may not come with you if you leave your job. PolicyGenius gives you a unbiased advice from licensed experts at their support team. They have no incentive to recommend one insurer over another so you can trust their guidance. They have thousands of five star reviews on Google and Trustpilot from customers who found the best fit for their needs. So don't put off life insurance. Make it easy with PolicyGenius. Head on over to policyGenius.com or click the link in the description to get your free life insurance quotes.
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You've been weeks ahead of the news here. I've told you the Secret Service right away has problems with technology. Where the hell was the drone? Where the hell was the drone? The ability to stop the other guy's drone. The answer is it wasn't there because the Secret Service believes in yesterday's technology. Tomorrow I want you to listen to this question by John Cornyn, Senator from Texas. He, someone told him to ask this. I'm sure it's a very smart question. This is not stupid. Whether you love them or hate him, this is a good question.
Here's Cornyn on weaponized drones. Now we know weaponized drones are a thing. Drones that can drop grenades and explosives. Why folks, this isn't secret. Just go to social media and watch the war in Ukraine that both sides have been doing this forever. This is not new. Where's the Secret Service? Who the hell knows? Listen to Ron Rose answer. Check this out. Speaker one, you have the capacity to stop a weaponized drone.
Ron Roe
What I will tell you sir is that we have technical security measures that we utilize at permanently protective sites. We also have the ability in a limited fashion at temporary sites. What I can tell you is that on this day the counter UA's system had technical difficulties and did not go operational until after 05:00 so in this.
Dan Bongino
Case the shooter had a rifle. But somebody who wanted to kill a president for a former president or a candidate for president would not need a a rifle. They could use a drone. Correct.
Ron Roe
It is a potential threat vector.
Dan Bongino
I love how they use these faux sat words again, to try to sound sophisticated, like it is a potential threat vector.
No shit, Sherlock. Like we used to say when I was a kid in Queens. Really?
Drones have been a threat vector for 20 years, last time I checked. Guys, am I wrong? It's 2024. Correct.
Thank you.
I guess it's a trick question.
It's been a threat since 2000. Again, I wrote this book years ago about the drone thread.
You still can't figure out how to stop a guy from hovering. A drone. And by the way, for the dipshit class out there, especially some of the media. Oh, my gosh, dad, don't give these people ideas. They already have the fucking ideas. Pardon my language.
A guy was just murdered in front of his family. If you don't highlight this shit, nobody's going to do anything about it. You're going to get another speech about threat vectors ten years from now, when a grenade gets dropped on Donald Trump's head, what do you think is happening behind the scenes to the Wall Street Journal editorialist, who, again, I like, we should stop talking about this in public. Why? So in private they can do jack shit and get someone killed?
Why? Exactly? What evidence do you have that not exposing it publicly is going to fix it? Privately you have none.
He just said under wrote. Oh, yeah. Basically, our stuff doesn't really work that great.
Well, maybe figure it out. Just an idea, bro.
This agency cannot possibly survive, folks.
We cannot let this happen.
There are a lot of. I promise you, there are good people there. And I will go to the grave with that because it's true. And there are a lot of them who are really, really pissed off, but there are also a lot of really bad people there.
This thing has to be completely, completely done over from scratch. And people have to reapply.
Some of the people who are 13 should be 15s management.
Some of the people who are ses, senior executive service. Big bosses should be fired.
This agency is a train wreck, man.
It's a mess.
People have been promoting their buddies. People have been promoting people on quotas.
People have been promoting people because they're this guy's kid. And this guy knows that guy.
You think there's any merit in their promotion? You know how many good guys I saw struggle over there? His 13s forever, while a bunch of dip shits got promoted to 14 and 15. Who were their bosses? You know, many losers I saw get promoted over there because they kissed someone's ass. Or someone got to check some box.
You think people don't know about this? Now someone's dead because of it.
He was Ron Rowe the other day. I want you to watch this. This is a. Is this vigilant fox? This was a good one.
I want you to watch Ron Roe again doing this demo on what he says his counter sniper guys saw. And I want you to keep this in mind in light of the new video that emerged, where we actually see what appears to be the shooter on the roof at the 03:00. So, again, nothing Ron Roe has said is actually true. He left out the part that, hey, this is what the shift should have seen. What you see right there at the 03:00 check this out.
Ron Roe
This view is a reenactment by one of my agents laying flat.
There is a five inch rise on the middle of that roof.
The assailant would have had to present his bore over that to get his shot off.
The view underneath reflects the perspective that he would have had.
Again, I call your attention back to the first exhibit. If they'd have looked left.
Give me a seat.
This is what our countersniper team saw.
Shooter, no elbows.
You barely make out the crown of his head.
Below it, the assailant up prone.
Dan Bongino
To the world, will see a vibrant Republican Party.
You notice how Roe completely leaves that POV out of it? Again, nothing these people are telling you is true.
I asked you two and a half weeks ago, didn't the shift see this?
How did the working shift around President Trump miss that?
How you can see it from a cell phone camera.
That's not a Marvel movie camera. That's a cell phone camera from one of the people who was shot.
Guys, ladies, Cory comparator was murdered in front of his family.
Do you understand what happened here?
Forget for a second that Donald Trump came within probably an inch of having his head blown off on live tv. Just for a moment. There's still a guy dead.
Here's Ron Johnson, who's done a good job, folks. A really good job. He was on Newsmax yesterday and he brings up a critical question about the counter sniper teams on the ground. And very few people are asking because the timeline here matters. This is not the time to be taking a celebratory victory lap about, oh, look at what we did. What's important right now is not what the Secret Service and their agents and their counter sniper texts everyone did. We'll get to that later. What's important is what didn't happen.
Because a guy's dead, his family doesn't want to hear victory lapse by Ron Roe.
Here's Ron Johnson on Newsmax. Newsmax. Listen to every second of this. It's important. Check this out. I heard you speaking after the testimony this week, talking about wanting more whistleblowers to come forward. What are you hearing, jen?
John Cornyn
We do need those whistleblowers. But I think the video that was released yesterday, taken by the man who was shot twice, that's pretty remarkable as well. But this video was taken at 608, and it clearly shows crooks kind of moving across the ridgeline of the roof of the AGI building again, at 608, shots were fired at 611. Now, we also know from local law enforcement, we're not getting information from federal law enforcement, but from local law enforcement, we know that a secret Service sniper acknowledged receiving the picture of crooks at 545 and also received his location. So they had a picture of him. They knew he was lurking somewhere around the AGR building. There are two sniper teams there. What did they do with that information? That is 26 minutes before the shots were fired.
Again, he was moving three minutes. We see the video, he was moving three minutes. Visible to somebody on the ground. Snipers obviously had a better position. I think one sniper team might have been partially blocked by a tree. But again, what did they see? We still don't know. So that's why I'm calling.
We need, as a committee, we need to interview those sniper teams ASAP. It can't wait days. We should have those people in front of our committee tomorrow.
Dan Bongino
Yes. Thank you, Jim. Can you see if Senator Johnson come on the radio show later?
Do you understand the timeline he's putting out here?
The timeline matters. Nothing the secret Service has told you is correct. I played for you yesterday video of acting director Ron Rowe saying we never got this information. It was, quote, siloed from local law enforcement about the shooter. That's bullshit.
Johnson's telling you. At 545, one of the counter sniper teams had the picture of this guy.
The shooting happened at 611.
Even worse, that video of the guy running across the roof, what appears to be the shooter there.
And by the way, the only reason I say appears to be is because, yes, it's 99% chance.
Was there someone else up there? I'm not willing to preclude anything. It's the only reason I say that. 99.99. Repeating decimal. But the shooter on the roof is moving around at 06:08.
That's three minutes before the shots were fired, folks.
They're just not telling you the truth.
Now, why are they not telling you the truth?
This, again, is one of those areas where I just wish the left wing mainstream media would put aside their biases against me and conservatives out there and just do the right thing for once.
I warned you from the beginning that Ron Roe is part of this scheme to strip security assets from Donald Trump. Nobody listened but you. And thank you. Here's a Nick sorter breaking whistleblowers just revealed to Senator Hawley that acting Secret Service director Ron Roe personally directed cuts to secret Service agents responsible for threat assessments while deputy director. And now he's been promoted.
The whistleblower also told Holly none of these threat assessment agents were President Butler when Trump was shot. Many of them have been sounding the alarm and problem problems for months. Yet another coincidence. Folks, I told you this.
Now why does it matter? Nothing I do on the show is by accident. Put that Fox News piece up. There is a reason I have been asking on this show, hoping somebody would pick this up.
There is a reason I have been asking, I'm saying this again for the CSU vulnerability assessment. Don't get lost in the jargon. There is a team out there called the counter surveillance team.
Their job is to counter surveillance.
Because bad guys engage in what's called in the business pre op surveillance. Terrorists and others will typically go out to a site just like criminals go out to a bank and they case the place. So we have a team designed to counter that surveillance and detect it.
I told you and I told members a while ago and thankfully they're on the case.
Demand to see the counter surveillance units vulnerability assessment. That's where they go to a site in advance and do an assessment of its vulnerability. I'm, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to sound students. None of this is hard.
Why did I tell them to ask for that?
Because they weren't there.
Whistleblower accuses acting Secret Service director Roe of reducing counter surveillance before Trump shooting to weeks ahead.
I told you nothing happens by accident on the show.
If you would have asked for the vulnerability assessment early, you would have found out they don't have one because they weren't there to detect the guy surveilling the site.
And as one whistleblower, there's a lot of whistleblowers coming forward. So don't want to lose faith in the entity, folks. There are a lot of people speaking out and I told you it was going to happen because people have known about this forever. One whistleblower came out and said if we would have had counter surveillance there, that guy would have been in handcuffs in the parking lot. Let me tell you something. The CSU guys I work with.
Can I tell you just a quick story about secret service culture?
I don't want to waste your time, but you're never going to understand the entire details around this until you get this. The Secret Service's presidential protection division. The people who obviously protect the president.
There are subunits underneath. We call them satellite details. You have to go to one of them.
There were three when I was there. There was counter surveillance, the first lady's detail and transportation. They do motorcades called t's of. I was in t's twice. I went back as the whip later on, where I was. Kind of like running the place, right?
The pretty boys go to the first lady's detail. That's just a fact. You. You look good in a suit. They want you around the first lady. Don't ask why. I just. Not important.
The logistics guys and the door kickers, a lot of them go to T's. Why? Because it's a dirty job, Mandy. You're running motorcades, you're loading car planes, you're figuring out logistics. You're dealing with. With cops every day. And the cops, they want door kickers. So that's where a lot of the T's guys go. I wound up there.
The guys who find themselves sudden, for all the wrong reasons, on the outs. And I don't mean because they're bad agents. I mean because they're true tellers and they don't kiss management's ass. They wind up in CSU.
It's unfortunate they wind up in CSU because management. Because they get to work in down close, and management just wants to hide them. They don't want to deal with them because they're troublemakers.
Most of some of the best agents on the detail find themselves in CSU.
So when that counter surveillance whistleblower told Fox News, hey, man, if we would have been there at the site, this dude would have been in handcuffs.
Whoever he or she is is probably not kidding.
But Ron Roe, according to this reporting, seems to want to cut those assets just like I told you. How does this guy still have a job?
How does this guy still have a job?
He is part of the COVID up. That's why you're never going to get the truth, ever.
Here's how you know shit's about to get bad, too, for the Secret Service. And this is how. This is related to January 6.
There's an expression they teach you in business school, they say, listen, if you're a publicly traded company and you got bad news, they call it taking a bath. You can look it up and it's nothing to do with a shower or cleanliness. If you've got bad earnings coming up in a quarter and you're a publicly traded company, meaning everyone's going to know about it and your stock price is going to get slammed, they tell you, jam all the bad news into one quarterly filing. Why, you might as well just take a bath, let the stock price get pummeled rather than a slow drip, and then fix things. The Secret Service about to take a bath. I think a lot of people realize they're going to get fired and their emails are going to be public because of FOIA. And they're going to realize, you know, my role in cocaine gates about to go public.
Hold on, hold on. There's something in my eye.
Can you guys get.
I think I do.
A lot of people starting to realize their role in Cocaine gate and the mysterious disappearance of the January 6 tapes. Now that they're going to lose their email. Excuse me, January 6 emails and texts, they're going to lose their political cover because a lot of republicans are really pissed off about this now all of a sudden. Wow, look at this. August 1, 2024. That's crazy. Isn't that yesterday? August 2, Paula's birthday might. That is yesterday. Wow. Mike Levine, ABC News New DHS watchdog report details how close Kamala Harris came to the viable pipe bomb on January 6. Only a story we've been covering for, like, ever.
The report suggests the secret service made some mistakes on January 6.
Oh, my gosh.
Boccino. Is Boccino out there? We take a quickie poll.
Yes. This is just one big happy coincidence or no, this is definitely not a coincidence. A lot of people with a lot of shit to hide are just figuring out now that it's time to take a bath. And we better get this stuff out there or we may find ourselves in handcuffs. Yes, a big coincidence. No, definitely not a coincidence. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark. Boccino on the case.
Okay, thank you, folks. The secret service has been a broken enterprise for close to 30 years.
Wow. Oh, by the. No f. No. Hell to the f. No, no to the f. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Wow. Listen, and we met. You know what I'm really impressed about? Chris has done such a great job at rumble, getting a lot of buggies out there that it's almost impossible for us to break the chat anymore.
They're trying pretty hard. Yeah.
Folks, there's a lot of stuff about to come out in the next few weeks and months, and I promise you, you'll get it here first because I'm telling you, whistleblowers are reaching out left and right.
I've lost faith in the government a long time ago, but there are people I worked with there who really care.
And I'm going to say to some of those people, I'm hearing some inkling of good news that some people on the Donald Trump detail are now starting to speak out.
I think personally, it's a little late. I think you should have spoke out a long time ago. However, I'll take it late rather than never, because you know, you know everything.
And you know that Ron Roe was part of lightening the security footprint around Donald Trump that led to this disaster, period. I'm going to tell you right now, something on the record for perpetuity, recorded on this show.
If CSU counter surveillance teams had been at that site and appropriate counter sniper technician assets were there, which they weren't, and allowed to do in advance, not showing up that morning like I heard they did, but allowed to do a proper. Follow me, media people. Get your pens out.
I have zero doubt. I say this unequivocally and categorically. Zero doubt.
If a proper counter surveillance vulnerability assessment was done with a proper advance, there's no way this happens.
Second, if proper counter sniper technician assets were sent out a week in advance to properly assess this site and scope it out for line of sight issues, there's no way this happens. If both of those assets were properly assigned like they should have been, there is less than zero chance. Less than zero chance this happens. You know why? Because I've never worked a site where we've had to. Because I'd push it with my site. Guys. We didn't. We never, ever, ever compromise safety and security. Folks, I did this. Twelve years. You're telling me over twelve years, Dan, you did all these sites. Nothing happened. Why did nothing happen? Because I did my job, not because I'm some superhero.
If you would have let the CS techs and the CSU team do their job, Cory comparator would not have been murdered in front of his family. And to the secret service managers who covered their asses. Made the Anna spy story in Russia go away, made the tbilisi, Georgia story go away, made all of this stuff go away. I'm just telling you, I don't know how you feel today, but you should feel this way. You should feel horrible because you have blood on your hands. Not rhetorical blood or figurative blood, literal, actual blood on your hands from Cory comparator. His blood was shed because of your dumb ass decisions and mismanagement.
Media folks. Wow. This may be our greatest result ever. Thank you. Boccino 98.1% don't believe that this is an accident.
Now you'll see. Watch. Now here's what you're going to see if. Here's a big one more thing. I was going to wrap it up, but this is important. Don't go anywhere.
Flag it. Flags in the chat. Red flags right now.
Sorry, don't mean to be demanding.
Did you guys, what's that going. Look at these guys. I like it.
If Donald Trump closes in on winning this election, you see the polls against Kamala Harris because it's a new race now.
You are going to see a massive amount of information start coming out about the January 6 pipe bombing.
You're going to see massive amounts of information start coming out about the cocaine scandal at the White House. There is going to be a massive effort by a group of people to throw others under the bus and go, I got to keep my job. I don't want to get arrested. I didn't do it. He did it.
They're starting to see the writing on the wall right now. They've lost all political cover, folks. What a banger of a week. 153,000 people to close out the week. Please do us a small favor. Keep us on the charts at Apple and Spotify, too. We have been killing it over there. I just asked one small favor. Go there to Apple podcasts and the Spotify. Just go to Spotify.com comma, find our show. Click follow. Also click that green follow button on Rumble right there. And if you want to get the full 3 hours of the radio show on this channel here, you can become a member at locals. The first 2 hours are free. I will see you back here at 11:00 a.m. eastern time every single day, live. Thank you, folks in the chat. Love you. Thank you for those listening. Video on demand, too. We really appreciate it. Rumble.com bangino. Click that follow button. See you on the radio show in a few minutes here in Rumble and back here on Monday. Thanks for tuning in. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.