The Closer: Deals Change the World


Welcome to "The Closer: Deals Change the World," a compelling podcast presented by Brazen, dedicated to exploring how major deals shape industries, redefine global markets, and transform the way we live. Each episode features in-depth interviews with top dealmakers, industry experts, and leaders who are at the forefront of negotiations and business strategies. Dive into the intricacies of business deals that not only drive economic growth but also bring about significant social change. Join us as we uncover the stories behind some of the most groundbreaking deals in history. From tech mergers that revolutionize how we interact with the world, to cross-border acquisitions that shift economic power balances, "The Closer" provides listeners with a unique perspective on the dynamics that govern our economic landscape. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned executive, or just a curious listener, these episodes offer valuable insights into the art of deal-making.


  • Inside Florida's home insurance meltdown

    In this episode, host Amy Keene and reporter Ben Walsh explore the dire state of Florida's home insurance sector, spotlighting the cascading effects of hurricanes and legislative loopholes that have led to a market "meltdown." The discussion traces the impact of Hurricane Ian and previous storms on insurance premiums, which have risen sharply as major insurers exit the state and litigation soars. The episode also covers legislative attempts to stabilize the market, the role of the state-run insurer "Citizens," and ongoing challenges such as insurance scams, notably the pervasive "Florida roof scam." Through interviews with experts like insurance policy analyst Mark Friedlander, the narrative reveals a complex interplay of natural disasters, market dynamics, and policy decisions shaping the lives of Florida residents.