The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)


Embark on a spiritual journey with "The Bible in a Year" podcast, where Fr. Mike Schmitz guides listeners through the scriptures with insight and wisdom. Each episode offers a unique blend of storytelling and theology, making the ancient texts accessible and relevant to modern audiences. Fr. Mike’s engaging narrative style captures the essence of biblical teachings, supplemented by prayer and reflection, helping listeners deepen their understanding and connection with God's word. This podcast is more than just a reading; it's an invitation to explore the depths of the Bible, accompanied by thoughtful commentary that illuminates its teachings. Whether you’re new to the Bible or looking for a refreshing way to reconnect with its stories, Fr. Mike provides the tools and perspectives necessary to foster spiritual growth. With episodes structured to systematically journey through the entire Bible, listeners can develop a comprehensive understanding of the scriptures at their own pace.


  • Day 117: Reverence and Faithfulness (2024)

    In this episode of "The Bible in a Year," Fr. Mike Schmitz explores themes of mercy, reverence, and faithfulness from the biblical story where David again spares King Saul's life. David's refusal to kill Saul, despite having the perfect opportunity, is highlighted as an exemplary act of reverence towards God's anointed and an exercise in personal integrity and faithfulness. The episode also reflects on Psalm 56, emphasizing trust in God during persecution. Through these scriptures, listeners are invited to cultivate these virtues in their daily lives, facing their challenges and relationships with a faithful and respectful approach, just as David did.