The AI Podcast


Dive deep into the evolving world of artificial intelligence with NVIDIA's "The AI Podcast," a series where innovation meets practical implementation in AI. Each episode invites leading scientists, researchers, and technologists to share insights and breakthroughs that are shaping the future of AI across various industries. From advancements in deep learning to real-world applications that solve complex problems, the podcast offers a unique platform for understanding how AI technologies are transforming our world. Engaging discussions, expert analysis, and inspiring stories make this podcast a must-listen for enthusiasts and professionals alike looking to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of AI.


  • Media.Monks' Lewis Smithingham on Enhancing Media and Marketing With AI - Ep. 222

    In this engaging episode of the NVIDIA AI podcast, host Noah Kravitz interviews Lewis Smithingham, the SVP of Innovation at Media.Monks. They delve into the innovative use of AI and robotics in media and marketing, highlighted by the creation of the Wormhole robot and the Monks Flow platform. Smithingham discusses the origins and evolution of Media.Monks, emphasizing its global impact and diverse capabilities in creating digital solutions. The episode also covers the potential of AI to personalize content and streamline media production, offering listeners a glimpse into the future of digital media landscapes shaped by AI technologies.