The 13th Step


Dive deep into the heart of societal issues with "The 13th Step," an enlightening podcast series presented by NHPR. Each episode invites listeners to explore critical social topics through a blend of investigative journalism and powerful storytelling. Hosted by seasoned journalists, "The 13th Step" uncovers hidden narratives and brings to light the overlooked voices impacting our communities. From systemic challenges to personal triumphs, this podcast promises not just to inform but also to inspire meaningful conversations. Engage with us as we tackle the complexities of modern society, one story at a time.


  • Update: A New Bill and a Final Ruling

    In this impactful episode of "The 13th Step," host Lauren Chuljin narrates a crucial moment in the fight against sexual misconduct in addiction treatment facilities. The episode centers around the introduction of Senate Bill 495, spurred by the podcast's reporting. The bill proposes vital reforms, including the establishment of a behavioral health ombudsman and a certification requirement for treatment providers in New Hampshire. Through interviews and testimonies, such as that of Amanda Vachan, a drug court coordinator, the episode explores the profound influence of media in legislative changes and highlights the ongoing challenges in the addiction treatment sector. The episode not only discusses the bill's specifics but also reflects on the broader implications of accountability in recovery environments, emphasizing the role of oversight in protecting both staff and patients from further victimization.