Steve Forbes: What's Ahead


Dive into the world of economics, policy, and personal finance with "Steve Forbes: What's Ahead," a compelling podcast hosted by Steve Forbes himself, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media. Each episode brings you face-to-face with key leaders, thinkers, and innovators, discussing the most pressing issues and trends. Steve Forbes leverages his vast experience to provide insights that help you understand what the future holds in business and beyond. Whether you're an entrepreneur, an investor, or just curious about the economic landscape, "What's Ahead" offers deep dives into topics that matter. From interviews with policymakers who shape the world’s economies to discussions with business mavericks who disrupt industries, this podcast illuminates the complexities of the modern world. Get ready to be informed, inspired, and engaged with every episode that explores new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities awaiting us in the ever-evolving global marketplace.


  • Spotlight: Price Of Gold Should Be Sounding Alarm Bells At The Federal Reserve

    Steve Forbes opens the episode by highlighting the rising gold prices as a significant indicator of potential inflationary pressures. He emphasizes that gold has maintained its intrinsic value for thousands of years and its price fluctuations are more reflective of currency values rather than the metal itself. Forbes criticizes the Federal Reserve and other central banks for their failure to maintain stable currency values and their reliance on interest rates to control economic fluctuations. He dismisses the Phillips Curve, which suggests a trade-off between unemployment and inflation, as outdated and disproven. Despite increases in interest rates, the U.S. economy continues to grow while inflation rates from their 2022 peaks have moderated. Forbes concludes by recommending that the Federal Reserve should focus on a stable dollar and consider gold and commodity prices in their monetary policy decisions, echoing practices from the 1980s and 1990s.