Are You Guilty of These Financial Turn Offs?

Primary Topic

This episode focuses on financial behaviors that may be turn-offs, colloquially termed "financial icks," and how these can impact personal relationships and social perceptions.

Episode Summary

In this episode, hosts Rachel Cruz and George Campbell delve into "financial icks"—habits or behaviors related to money that can deter or irritate others. They discuss various everyday behaviors that can turn off partners or peers, such as excessive couponing, oversharing financial achievements, or being overly frugal. The conversation is lighthearted, mixing personal anecdotes with listener experiences to explore how these financial habits can affect relationships. The hosts also share tips on how to address or avoid developing such habits, emphasizing communication and self-awareness in financial dealings. The episode concludes with actionable advice on maintaining healthy financial interactions with others.

Main Takeaways

  1. Financial icks can subtly undermine relationships.
  2. Being aware of your financial habits and their perception is crucial.
  3. Open communication about money is essential in relationships.
  4. Small financial habits can have large social impacts.
  5. Avoiding judgment and fostering understanding is key to handling financial icks.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Hosts introduce the topic of financial icks and discuss their personal and listener-submitted examples. They set the stage for a detailed exploration of how seemingly minor financial habits can impact relationships.

2: Discussion of Financial Icks

The hosts dive into specific financial behaviors that annoy or turn off others, discussing everything from the misuse of coupons to bragging about credit scores. They share stories from listeners and their own lives.

3: Advice on Handling Financial Icks

Practical advice on managing financial icks, focusing on communication, avoiding judgment, and understanding each other's financial perspectives.

Actionable Advice

  1. Reflect on your habits: Regularly assess which of your financial behaviors might be perceived as icks by others.
  2. Communicate openly: Discuss finances openly with partners and friends to avoid misunderstandings.
  3. Be mindful of others: Consider how your financial behaviors affect those around you, especially in shared financial situations.
  4. Educate yourself and others: Use misunderstandings as teaching moments to share why certain financial habits are important to you.
  5. Seek feedback: Ask close ones about your financial habits that might be bothersome and work on them together.

About This Episode

Venmo requests for $2? Obsessively checking the Dow’s daily swings? No thanks! Rachel and George are calling out America’s cringiest financial “icks” so you don’t have to. Plus, they’ve got some thoughts for the haters who think our tried and true financial principles are a total turnoff.


Rachel Cruz, George Campbell


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George Campbell

What's up, guys? This episode is brought to you by our favorite budgeting app, everydollar. Rachel and I love everydollar because it is the easiest way to take control of your money, build the right habits, and make progress on your goals. You can download it for free on the App Store or Google Play today.

Rachel Cruz

Hey, guys, I'm Rachel Cruz. I'm George Campbell, and this is smart money happy hour. Cheers, George. Cheers.

Mm. Delicious. Well, this is the show where two friends who happen to be money experts talk about what you're talking about. Everything from pop culture, current events, and money. And today, we are talking about the greatest threat to our nation since jeggings.

George Campbell

Rachel, the ick. You know about the ick. Whether you're familiar with the terminology or not, you have most likely been an offender and a victim of the ick. Of the ick. And we're not going to talk about icks.

Rachel Cruz

We're going to talk about financial icks in this episode. Yes, but while we say it like. That, while we do that, we're gonna sip on a drink that I actually requested. George, it's about time you took credit for something around here. This is called the corpse reviver number two, a very dark name for a very light and refreshing drink.

I'll say. I had this at a very nice cocktail bar back in December, and Michael Reddish, a resident bartender. I came back, and I could not remember the name, but I knew it was a weird name. I mean, corpse reviver, it's just weird. And I told Michael, I said, what's the cocktail with, like, a dead body?

It's like he was like, oh, the corpse reviver. I was like, that's it. Corpse reviver. Wow. So here we are, George, sipping on.

George Campbell

All right, hopefully this helps. I hope you like it. I loved it. I'm enjoying it so far. Okay, glad.

So stick around for the end. We'll give you our rating, reveal the cost per glass, and of course, as always, the recipes in the show notes. That's right. Absolutely. So a few episodes ago, George, we did a guilty is charged.

Rachel Cruz

I remember this where we talked about what our spouse would say about our ick. Remember when I called Winston, that you. Phoning Winston was a highlight? We had a live call. People wanted Whitney.

But you did. To your defense. You texted. She wasn't around her phone. I tried to call.

George Campbell

She was going through something at the moment. Oh, it was a very bad time. It was like, chaos. Apparently, she just didn't have her phone. It's better that she didn't answer let's just say that, okay?

But Winston came through for us. As he does. It happens, so. And he called you out for water everywhere. No, everything everywhere.

Rachel Cruz

Everything everywhere. Exactly what he said. You just leave stuff all over the place and he just follows you and cleans it up. I'm a little bit of a child, but I clean up at the end of the day. At the end of the day.

George Campbell

It's a long time to live in chaos. I mean, it's. Anne, you got three kids anyways. Well, that's an ick for him. It's fine.

Rachel Cruz

It's fine. Okay. And a lot of us, again, the ick is like the. It's the thing. It's not.

It's a pet peeve. It's a pet peeve. Kind of like a little bit of an embarrassment, maybe a weakness. A turn off. Turn off.

That's good. Yeah. But again, they're harmless icks. They're small, not a big deal. But they do have power in dismantling attraction to somebody in an instance.

George Campbell

Well, and some of these relate to finances. And so we're gonna get into these. Cause you don't wanna be a part of financial icks. No, but let's talk about some regular icks. Like, let's give a list of just some icks in life so you get a feel of it.

Like fingernails that are way too long or dirty. Like a dirty fingernail. I'm like, dude, how'd you even get here? What had to happen in your life? Unless he's changing an engine on a car or something.

Rachel Cruz

Right? They're never changing an engine. Okay. George calls us out for our dirty finger. I do.

George Campbell

Well, like, you know, the team, the producers, they'll do, like, the little snaps. How do you even notice? Well. Cause it's pretty close to my face when they bring it right in front of your face. And I go, wow, she's got some crispy nails there.

Just take care of those. Gross. I can't. They've been offended. So that's one of you double texting.

Rachel Cruz

After the first text was ignored. But I'm guilty of this. Yeah, we've all been double, triple texting. I'm good at taking all my thoughts into one text. You'll get probably five.

Just thought, thought. Food smackers. People that smack their food. Yes. That's gross.

Chandler being on friends, one of his he talks about an episode is when women have the mascara, the goop in. The corner of the eye. Some of these are just gross. Yep. Like, they're not gross in real life.

Like, if I had, I wouldn't think about it, but just, like, saying things out loud is what's making me ick. I would say, like, old man breath is an ick for me. You ever talk to someone that's, like, a little older and it's kind of that mothball? Yep. You're like, what do you.

George Campbell

Is this a mouthwash they all use? You know, one of mine is, like, the baby voice or, like, not as much anymore as I'm older, but, like, in high school when girls would, like, call you babe or baby, hey, baby. It's like this, like, down talk feel. Wow. Hated that.

Okay. Didn't experience that. Women would not talk to me, so didn't have to deal with that ick. It's good. Like, tattoos in strange places can be an icky, you know, like, a lower back tat.

A toe ring is a nick for me for some reason. I just don't think toes are made for rings. I don't think the Lord meant it that way. I think they're coming back around. Well, the nineties.

Rachel Cruz

How about loud talkers? I had this on. I was on a plane yesterday. Oh, no. The entire flight.

George Campbell

This guy and the other guy hitting it off behind him. Oh, so he's turning towards me. No. To talk loudly to the guy behind him. Etiquette, people.

Even with my noise cancellation on my airpod pros, it was still so loud out.

What's up, guys? If you want to be better with money, your first step is to start budgeting with every dollar. This is the app Rachel and I both use. And trust me, it's great because it gives you everything you need to make budgeting easier, faster, and, dare I say, even enjoyable. Yeah, I think you can say that, George.

Rachel Cruz

I mean, it's pretty enjoyable to have more money, right? And that's what happens when you're intentional with your spending. Guys, download every dollar for free on the App Store or Google Play today.

Okay. But the TikTok teens, George, they've educated us when it comes to the ick. It's been a trend, but I think there's a trend also in this with finances. Yes. The financial.

George Campbell

We're gonna call out the financial ics in today's episode. Yeah. The stuff people do with money just makes you cringe. So here. What's one that comes to mind?

Rachel Cruz

That you're just like, oh, man, oh, man. What would be an ick in the financial world? I think people who have a ton of credit cards, it's just an ick to me. Okay. Regardless of where they're at financially and how they're handling it, it's just sort of, like, excessive.

George Campbell

When someone has, like, 510 cards, 16 cards, and they're trying to maximize their rewards and their wallet is that thick, I'm just like, what are you doing, man? You have better goals? Yeah. How about you?

Rachel Cruz

I think, like, the credit score brag. Oh, yeah. It's like, well, I've got, you know, over 800, you know, or whatever. And you're like, well, they have that. Dating app now that's based on your.

George Campbell

You have to have a good credit score to join. And that's just a weird. Yeah. Throwing out the credit score. Flex is like a.

It's called score. Cause nothing says I'm a classy dating app. Like, calling it score score or people that, like, self promote their money, but you, like, really do. Question, do you really have that money? Or are you, like, a self promoter?

Well, anyone that, like, is trying to flex when it comes to their money, yes. That to me, is just an ick. I feel. It's just gross. I feel ya.

Rachel Cruz

I'm with you on that. Do you have an ick for me financially? Oh, my gosh. Do you financially with an ick? Where do we start with you?

I'm gonna say your passion for always having to find a deal. Oh, it is. Yeah. It makes me tired. I know.

It makes me tired. Like, if we were gonna get a pizza, I'd be like, rachel, we can't order yet. I'm looking for the promo code. I would be like, oh, man. But eventually I find it and I save us 30%.

George Campbell

And you don't appreciate that, but I do. I know that would be it. What's my financial ache? Oh, no. This is so dangerous.

Rachel Cruz

You have one and you don't wanna share it. Share it. I'm ready on my corpse. You may have to. Rachel texting me for my HBO Max password.

George Campbell

Because I was like. Like, I also. I had a deep respect because I was like, they could easily just, like, get a max subscription and watch this movie. But the fact that she was petty enough to be like, hey, we want to watch rookie of the year. Can you just like.

I know you have it. That to me, it was an ick, but I also love it. You know what I mean? Oh, my gosh. I literally, Friday night, this was like, just a few days ago, we were like, rookie of the year.

Rachel Cruz

Cause we always do the nineties movies with our kids on Friday nights. I did it for the cruise children. I wanna make that happen. And we go and it's like, buy $17.99, rent $4.99, HBO Max. And Winston said, you know, who has HBO Max?

That we still have his login. I was like, I'm ask George from when they watched dumb and dumber at our house probably a year ago now. It's been a little while. It's been a while since I've been invited back. So I'm gonna make that very clear.

George Campbell

Thought we had a good time. I brought snacks. So I was like, I'm gonna text George and just completely be humble. Cause I have hated on people sharing subscriptions so much in our. I can't believe Denise still uses.

Rachel Cruz

I know, I know. I get so mad at people or not mad, but I'm just annoyed. And then stel's like, hey, it's a Georgia Friday night. He was like, hey, Rachel. I was like, so.

George Campbell

And I immediately knew. I was like, you want? She was like, so I'm trying to watch. I was like, here's the login. Anything that your spouse.

Rachel Cruz

Money ink with spouses. Well, for me, it was Whitney's. Like, with returns, it was always. They're like, hey, I'm gonna buy $500 worth of pillows, but I'm gonna return, like, pretty much all of them. So I'm not really spending dollar 500, even though I am.

George Campbell

And then what would happen is she would return it, come back home and be like, I made us $250 today. I'm like, how? She's like, well, I returned stuff. I got you back. I'm like, no, we just spent 250.

Okay, you know what? Forget it. That's the ick to me. Is the girl, man, that's good. Yeah, that's good.

Do you have one for Winston, or is he perfect in every way? When we travel, I traveling and experiences, you know, this, I'm like, I'll go big where. I'm like, let's just. We're gonna enjoy where he still is. Like, every little, you know, he's more budget conscious and like, well, we can save here.

Rachel Cruz

Save, you know, so if you get the room that's off in another building and not in the main hotel or whatever the thing is, you can save. A few hundred bucks. It's the penny pinching on while you're. Trying to, like, have this wild enjoyment on vacation. Let's just go for it.

George Campbell

When Rachel's in vacation mode, it's just like, no, hold on. Game on. The 401K is funded. Let's enjoy, like, we've done what we're supposed to do well, truthfully, I think. That'S why you and Winston work so well.

You need the balance. He keeps me. I know. Keeps me in the straight two or two penny pinchers. No one's going on vacation.

Ever. It's like we could invest that into a Roth Ira. That's right. Just enjoy life. Yep.

Rachel Cruz

I know. I love that. So good. There was a yahoo article that shared some financial icks, and we've added a few of our own to spice it up. So what we're gonna do, Rachel, I have a little bucket here.

Oh, fun. We love a little fish bowl. And we're gonna draw a financial ick out of here and share our level of cringe and then discuss it. Okay. And since I tend to be a natural saver, you're a natural spender.

George Campbell

Let's see if there's any disagreements. I love it. Keep it friendly. You wanna go first? Yeah.

All right. Our first common money. Ick. Overactive Venmoers. Okay.

Rachel Cruz

All right. It goes on to say whether you're in a relationship, have roommates, or just do life with friends. Don't be a penny pincher on Venmo. If one of you grabs the coffee on your way to church, have the other one pick up the tab next time. If you split a $4 or queso, just have one person cover it.

George Campbell

You'll probably go out to eat at the same restaurant next week and can return the favor. So why charge your bestie $3.47 if it all evens out in the wash? Do you agree with this mentality? Ooh, what if someone is balling on a budget? I agree, but I'm the annoying Venmo on the flip side, that, like, if we go out and somebody pays for.

It, oh, you did this. Well, we did this at dinner recently. We did. And I'm more like, oh, my gosh, I will pay somebody money. Like, I'm like, oh, yeah, I'll split the ca.

Rachel Cruz

I'll pay the $3.93 without anyone asking. But I always want to feel like I cover my fair share. Yes. I never want to. I won't be the asker.

Does that make sense? Yeah. You don't want to owe the money, but you're fine to cover it. Yes. And then you're fine asking.

And then. And I have friends, and they're always like, they're that, oh, my gosh, Rachel, stop. Like, well, I'll just pay it next time. Like, people are more chill. I just get self conscious of, like, I want to feel like I'm carrying my weight like I can.

You know, that whole thing. Yeah, I. Here's the thing. Just today, mixologist Michael redish. He was behind in front of me at the lunch line, and he didn't have his wallet.

George Campbell

And so I was like, hey, I'll cover you. And I was like, just venmo me. And so he instantly. He was like, hey, just let me. Know how much so you are this person, though I wouldn't say it's over.

Rachel Cruz

Michael Reddish, Venmo you. $5.23 minutes. And all the work he did, it was $6.53. Why do you feel the need to Venmo? Why do you feel.

George Campbell

It wasn't like a, hey, you better. It was just like. He was like, hey, just let me know how much it is. Okay. So he offered it.

Sure. Okay. But I would have covered him. You know, we've been friends for over a decade. Of course, in his time of need, Penny Pinscher.

But here's the different. Okay, so I think. Here's the thing. I don't want to, like, well, next time, we might go out and, like, you can maybe get it. Like, who's keeping track of that?

Rachel Cruz

I agree. I agree. It feels like a lot of mental calories. So I'm just like, hey, I'll send you the. You know, we all get pizza.

George Campbell

I'll cover it. I'll just send you the venmo for half. Okay. But. Okay, tell me this, though.

Rachel Cruz

If you pay for the pizza for everyone. Yep. Are you the first one to say, hey, I'll just venmo you the request? Or do other people say, George, let me know? I do the request because I don't want to.

George Campbell

That makes me so nervous. I don't mind doing a venmo request. It's not like you don't know what's coming. I'm not shocking you. So you are the queso girl.

Rachel Cruz

This is you. I guess I'm an overactive venmo. You're an overactive venmo er. What about me, Nahan? Married couples who venmo each other.

George Campbell

That's who he is. As an icky. No, y'all stop that. You're not a married couple. You are not.

Well, if you're venmoing, venmoing your. No, just have a. I can count. On zero fingers how many times Whitney and I have Venmo'd each other. Cause we use the same bank account.

I'm, like, so dumb. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah. No, boy, no. So I guess I.

Okay, I'm guilty. Wow. That is a. Yeah. Zero for one, Rachel.

Rachel Cruz

Zero for one. Yucking someone else's yum. A common example is husbands making fun of their wives expensive tastes to the point where his jokes embarrass her in front of their friends. Oh, so this is a judgment thing. Obviously, couples should learn to discuss finances, weigh the pros and cons of budgeting together.

But it's all about the attitude. If you have a partner who's making fun of your bougie gym membership or shaming you for your price of your hair appointments, that points to an underlying resentment. Respect is in huge in all aspects of a relationship. Wow. Don't drain.

Don't rain on your loved one's parade. Have it conversation your spouse or loved one. Yes, that's exactly right. Yep. So what do you think, judging other people's purchases?

George Campbell

I think if it's a spouse, it's different when it's a spouse to me. But in front of other people. In front of other people? No, that's. And to themselves, like, making fun of them.

You know, I would not make fun of something unless it's very lighthearted and it's not a big deal. Totally. But if it's really a big deal, I'm gonna address it and be like, hey, did we really need to spend this much on this thing? Totally. You know, and lucky for us, we communicate about these things, so she's not going out and making a big purchase without my knowledge, so I would address it before it ever happens.

Rachel Cruz

Yes. If that makes sense. Yeah, totally. Do you ever judge it? It feels passive aggressive.

Like, oh, my gosh, you just keep. Especially in front of people. Don't ever talk badly about your spouse in front of other people. Yeah, the ick is making fun of or being annoyed with your significant other or other peoples in front of them. Address it.

George Campbell

Don't be passive aggressive. Be privately aggressive. Privately aggressive. That's good. All right, my turn.

Rachel Cruz

Uh huh.

George Campbell

Flaunting wealth is the next financial ick. Yes. Gross. So this says, think generosity and quiet luxury instead, unless it's 1998 and you're a six year old bragging about the new Pokemon card you got for your birthday, you have no excuse to publicly show off your financial situation. Why are you putting your credit score in your dating profile?

Guys, that's not the flex you think it is. I'd almost rather have you hold up the fish. At least that took some. Yes, but I couldn't. There was some, like, manly effort in that, you know, you had to kill something and drag it home.

Rachel Cruz

That's right. And if you really want to make an impact, use your means to bless others. Let that be what people notice about your money, how generous you are. So, yeah, I think the flaunting of wealth. I agree.

George Campbell

Now, people, this. Like, for example, if I see Rachel driving on the road, is that you flaunting wealth? I don't think so. No. I think for me.

So how do you categorize flaunting wealth? To me, it's the social media, that element. Oh. For whatever reason. Cause again, you can buy.

Rachel Cruz

We talk about it. You can buy what you want. The stuff is not bad. And I think probably if you live in a pattern of, like, oh, my gosh. Always having to have the bad.

Like, there's probably a pattern there. But for some reason, the ick for me is on social media, when I see it, and I'm just like, I don't. And some don't mean it. Like, they don't mean to flaunt. Like, maybe they're at a beautiful hotel or whatever, and they're taking a picture of their family.

Like. But there's some very obvious flaunting, like, putting numbers, like, well, this and this and this. And you're just like, nobody. Nobody. Nobody cares.

Like, I don't think people care. I don't know. There's just a. Well, I think posting a picture in front of, like, a private jet or something, it just. That's odd to me.

George Campbell

But, you know, like, you have a Louis Vuitton purse. It's a nice purse. Yeah. But you're not, like, posting on Instagram, like, going out on the town, you know? I know, I know.

It's a very different vibe. Yeah. And again, it's this weird. It's a very fine balance of, like, I'm not mad at stuff. Cause, yes, there is nice things in the world, and if you get to a point in your life and that's what you experience, that's great.

Rachel Cruz

Like, that is not bad. It's the motivation behind it. And I feel like sometimes the need. To let people know about it is the difference maker. And to me, that just screams, like, I feel the need.

George Campbell

Well, it screams inscriptions, insecurity. Yeah. I need people to be okay. To be okay in life. Here I am here.

Rachel Cruz

You know what I mean? And you're just like, man, that's why. And again, I'm as guilty as this to a degree. I don't do it on social media. I hope not.

But that's why I always ask the question, if nobody sees this purchase, do I still want it. Oh, love that. Because there are those personalities, and I'm one of these, so I get it. Y'all, like, where you're like, yeah, you can. That affirmation feels great, but what's the motivation behind it?

Like, it's empty. It's empty instantly. That's true. And this doesn't just apply to women. I don't think we're dogging women.

George Campbell

It's the dude. Oh, no. There are men out there on social. Media that are the under led light kit. You know, that whole situation.

Rachel Cruz

We know the whole truck situations. George. George hates truck. I guess it happens with guys with, like, splitting. I don't know.

And then there's. Okay, so then, okay, so then if we go a little bit further, there is that trend of, like, the loud budgeting. But above that is like, talk about what you make. Talk about these things. And I've been in conversations recently with some women around Nashville who are incredible at business and doing stuff, and they are sharing numbers with me, and there's no ick in it because I'm genuinely like, thank you for telling me what you char.

Like, this or this. Like, it's so helpful. And you guys, it's a different relationship, but. Yeah, but for me, it's not on a public platform. Like, it's not on a public.

George Campbell

It's a private conversation. And you guys are peers and you're sharing. Yes. Do you know what I'm saying? So, like, there's places for things, and then there's some where it's just like, oh, you can just, like, feel the.

Rachel Cruz

Feel the ick. Or I can. I don't know. Yeah, your face says it all. That's the ick face.

I know, but I also don't want to be judgmental. Classic Rachel wanting to be a good person. Jesus. Jesus. What's next?

Oh, grumpy tippers. So, people who tip out of spite or try to punish the waiter for not being a ten out of ten, at the end of the day, they're providing a service for you. Tip them the standard amount like a mature adult. And then if you receive exponential service or if you feel like being generous, do more. But whatever you do, don't be a crouch about it.

It's a weird way to exert power over someone serving you. Wow. Say it with us now. Frugality is not a weapon. Wow.

George Campbell

Okay, you know what? I lean on that side. Grumpy tipper. I'll say Winston's a little bit more critical. He'll.

I've probably been the grumpy tipper. But it's not in a server situation. Like, if I get bad service, I'm never like. Unless they're, like, crazy rude, which is very rare. But if it's just like, the food took a while, I'm like, well, the kitchen was probably backed up.

It's probably not their fault, or something was wrong. It's not always the server's fault. Yes. So I always tip minimum 15% if I'm sitting down. Generally, 20% is just the go to, and then more if it's, like, exceptional.

They went above and beyond. That's kind of my go to for a sit down restaurant. But are you critical between the 15 and 18%? Not really. I am critical about the tipping on the post tax amount, because I'm like, why are we tipping on the tax?

Rachel Cruz

Oh, interesting. You know what I mean? Okay. Now, so if you tip 20% on the post tax amount, you're technically tipping, like, 20 over 20%. Sure, sure.

George Campbell

Which is fine. You know, there's nothing wrong with that. But I'm just like, I'll tip 20% on the subtotal amount. Yep. And that's an easier.

You know, I just do the math easier. Way easier. Yeah, yeah, totally. But, like, the iPad tipping to go orders, I'm a grumpier tipper when it comes to that, for sure. But if I'm with people, or my wife especially, she's like, why didn't you tip?

I'm like, cause I don't even know if the serv. Like, I don't even know if our food's right. I have no idea what's about to happen. I don't even know what's happening. Like, the person literally put in my order, and that's all they did.

Like, why am I tipping that person? Yes, totally. And I don't know where the tips are going. Are they going to the person who made the food? I know I am more old school.

If there was more transparency, I'd be more willing to tip. Yes. To me, it's like charity. I'm like, charity water's great. I know 100% of my charity giving goes to fund water projects.

So if they had a sign that was like, hey, here's where your tips go, I think more people would tip, truthfully. That's good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. That's my Georgia's hot take.

Rachel Cruz

There you go. So, yeah. So, obviously, it's no secret that people on the Internet think that we're crazy. Maybe we have icks that people feel rude yeah. Not having credit cards, not using debt.

George Campbell

Oh, that's true. All of that. People are like, ew, 15 year mortgage. Ick. I didn't think about that.

Rachel Cruz

People probably feel that way towards us, George. So we need to have some humility in all of this that we may have some teaching icks that y'all don't like. But here's the thing. What they see as ics, we see as time tested, proven principles. Yes.

George Campbell

Us living debt free. I'm like, how is that an ick? Like, that's just a way of life we found to be the best. Yep. But, hey, but sometimes you do.

Rachel Cruz

Yeah, that happens. You live your truth. So, honestly, get past the ick, you guys, and do the plan. We talk about, you know, the seven baby steps. Emergency funds, getting out of debt, fully funded.

Emergency funds, retirement, investing, kids college, paying your house off. Like, there are some great principles in there, you guys. That, again, some see as ick's. We see to your point as a proven plan to help you become free with money. So that money doesn't control you, you control it.

And that's what we want for you. If cash is king is an ick. Call me Mister Ick. You know what I mean? Like, sorry about it.

George Campbell

Not sorry. Sorry. Not. So people still say that? I don't know.

Rachel Cruz

Oh, man. All right. Well, I. I feel good about that, George. I think there's some icks out there in the world, financial and not.

And, you know, you. I'll continue to call them out. You do, you. Whether it's a credit score and a dating profile or venmoing your spouse or. Mascara goop in the eye, I can.

George Campbell

Deal with the mascara goop. Compared to that, I feel like financial ics actually can hurt you long term. The mascara comes off every night. Hopefully, ladies, do a good job taking that makeup off. You know what it's doing to your skin, all those chemicals.

Rachel Cruz

Hey, it's hard. I know it's hard. I know it's, you know, if you got a shower. Sometimes we're tired. Sometimes we're tired, I guess.

George Campbell

What's up, guys? George camel here. I know you know how important investing is for building real wealth, but there's so many opinions out there. And knowing when, where and how to invest is like trying to assemble Ikea furniture without the instructions. Until now.

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Rachel Cruz

All right, well, it's almost the end of the episode, and we close out every episode with guilty as charged. And this is where our producer, Skylar, gives us a new guilty as charged question every week. And if we are guilty. Take a sip, Skylar. So this question was submitted by a listener of this podcast.

The username is Chodis. And they said, have you ever been left speechless by a call on the Ramsay show? Oh, wow. Oh, so speechless. I'm guessing that is, like, just pure shock and awe.

I have those moments. I'm trying to give a specific one. Rachel's been in shock and awe at something I said had nothing to do with the caller. Katie the horse doesn't even know your name. I was like, rachel.

George Campbell

Oh, my gosh. I can't believe you say that. Come on. That's a Tuesday for me. That's a Tuesday for me.

Rachel Cruz

I will say the debt amounts, sometimes they are. They still. Anytime there's, I would say, a half million or more of non mortgage debt, it takes my breath away. And, like, $75,000 plus on credit card debt, it's always like, oh, man. Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Cause you know what you're dealing with. It's a per. You know what I mean? Like, you, we. We know the drill.

We've done. We've been doing this a long time. We know the drill. Yep. Not that you can't get out.

If you are $75,000 in credit card debt, you can do this. There is hope. You can do this, but it does take your breath away a little bit. I have two that come to mind. One was the guy who had $120,000 in tin cans buried in his backyard in Texas.

George Campbell

And I was like, what's your address? Just kidding. I know you have a lot of guns. I was like, you think about that? That's, like, a fake scenario.

Like, yeah, buried in the backyard. And this dude literally had six figures buried in cash in the backyard. The other one was the guy who was gonna drop half a million dollars on his indian wedding, and he's gonna take on the brunt of this on his own. That one left me speechless that I was like, this guy's actually gonna do this. Like, I don't know that I can.

Rachel Cruz

Convince him otherwise otherwise, and he's just. He's gonna walk into it. So anything that's big money, numbers or crazy situations. I mean, we get the gamut of it on the show. Yep.

George Campbell

I mean, lottery winners, you name it, crazy stuff happens on the show, and we just then move on and go, all right, next call. Or you get, like, three minutes with them, so that's hard. Yep, totally. All right. I guess we're both guilty of being speechless on the show.

Rachel Cruz

That's part of it, which is rare for us. George. Mm. Corpse reviver number two. She gone?

George Campbell

I mean, put her back in the grave. You like that? We both finish our drink, which must mean it's fairly decent. What would you rate the corpse reviver number? 210 out of ten?

Rachel Cruz

But you can all. And let me tell you all this. I've been to two restaurants and asked for it, and they can't do it. So you have to be at a very specific, either a really probably high end bar or a very specific cocktail bar for them to probably a know what it is. That's true.

And number two, to have all the stuff, because there's four ingredients. Michael was telling me about it, but technically, five. Oh, five. Okay, go through. And I can tell you what another.

George Campbell

Way to get this drink is if you host smart money happy hour today. So lucky you. That's right. I gotta go ten out of ten as well. Rachel.

Rachel Cruz

Nice. I could not personally improve on this drink. Would you get it at a restaurant? I would. I think it goes with a lot because it's not too heavy of a drink.

George Campbell

Like, it's light, refreshing, citrusy. If you like lemon and you like gin, you like citrus, we'll do a. Double date, and then I'll pay for it, and then you can venmo me later. I refuse. I don't like owing people money.

Rachel, I would instantly venmo you at the table as soon as I ordered it. I believe it. The cost breakdown of the corpse reviver number two is $2.81 per glass. Here's the ingredient. That's not bad for you at all.

It feels like a very high end drink. Yeah. It's got gin triple sec, which is like a citrus liqueur lilit blanc. Okay. That's what.

Which is another Liqueur 1 bar. Yeah. One restaurant we went to, they couldn't make it. Cause they didn't have that fresh squeezed lemon juice. It must be fresh squeezed.

Rachel Cruz

Yes. And then an absinthe rinse. So this is where you coat the glass in absinthe? Yep. So just kind of like, give it a little rinse and then spill it out.

George Campbell

And that creates that kind of licorice y vibe. So if you don't like a licorice scent or taste, it wasn't that strong. It's not strong, no. But for people that really hate licorice, they probably would not like this drink. That's probably fair.

Rachel Cruz

Yeah. Yeah. So find the recipe in the show notes. And if you're brave, try it this weekend. This could be a bougie.

Move on y'all's part. Next time you go out to dinner, ask for it and just see what they say. Maybe it's a financial ick. I don't know. I feel like you're snobby.

George Campbell

You don't have Lydette blanc. You don't have a corpse reviver. Number two. That's a very specific term. That's a very specific term.

Number one. No, thank you. Number two is what we're looking for. That's right. That's what we want.

Rachel Cruz

What we want. All right, well, you guys, it's closing time, so if you enjoyed this episode, make sure to leave a review. We love hearing from you guys. And make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an all new episode next Thursday of Smart Money Happy Hour.