Re-Release: The Game Show Gangsta w/ Blair Socci

Primary Topic

This episode is a humorous exploration of various scams and fraudulent practices, with guest Blair Socci discussing her experiences and the broader implications of scams in everyday life.

Episode Summary

In the podcast episode "Re-Release: The Game Show Gangsta w/ Blair Socci," host Laci Mosley and guest Blair Socci delve into a comedic and insightful discussion on scams. The episode covers a range of topics, from Blair’s own hilarious misadventure posing as a computer coder to broader societal scams like movie ticket strategies. Through engaging storytelling and banter, they shed light on the omnipresence of scams in daily life, how they affect individuals, and the humor that can be found in these deceptive practices.

Main Takeaways

  1. Blair Socci shares a personal story of pretending to be a computer coder to secure a job, highlighting both the audacity and creativity involved in some scams.
  2. The discussion explores societal scams, such as overpriced movie tickets and the strategies one mother used to reduce costs, which provides a relatable and humorous look at everyday deception.
  3. Blair and Laci critically analyze the ethics of scams, distinguishing between harmful scams and those that might be seen as justifiable or harmless under certain circumstances.
  4. They discuss the role of charm and social engineering in scams, demonstrating how personal attributes can facilitate deceptive practices.
  5. The episode emphasizes the pervasive nature of scams in all areas of life, from professional settings to personal interactions.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Laci introduces the episode's theme and guest, Blair Socci. They start with light banter about personal updates and minor scams in everyday products. Laci Mosley: "Everything child is a scam to the hormones, okay?"

2: Blair's Coding Scam

Blair recounts how she scammed her way into a computer coding job without any relevant skills. Blair Socci: "I literally made up my resume and googled interview questions for coders!"

3: Societal Scams Discussed

Laci and Blair discuss various societal scams, including those involving movie theaters and how people creatively avoid high costs. Laci Mosley: "So my savvy mother developed a few scams to help out with the cost of going to the movies."

4: Reflections on Scamming

The hosts reflect on the ethical implications of scams, distinguishing between harmful and potentially harmless ones. Blair Socci: "Is it really a scam if no one gets hurt, or if it exposes a greater scam in the system?"

Actionable Advice

  1. Always question things that seem too good to be true to avoid being scammed.
  2. Employ critical thinking when dealing with offers or opportunities that involve money or personal information.
  3. Educate yourself about common scams to recognize and avoid them.
  4. Use humor and awareness to navigate and discuss scams in a way that can educate others.
  5. Be cautious with personal information, especially in professional settings, to prevent identity theft and fraud.

About This Episode

What’s poppin’ con-gregration? Are you enjoying your Memorial Day weekend? Well today, we’re revisiting our episode with comedian Blair Socci! We discuss Michael Larson, the man who went on CBS’s game show, “Press Your Luck” and scammed them out of over $100,000. Plus, a man is accused of double-dipping employment as a principal of two different schools hundreds of miles apart. Stay Schemin'!


Blair Socci, Laci Mosley





Guest Name(s):

Blair Socci

Content Warnings:



Lacey Moseley
Y'all, hormones. It's impossible not to have them. There's over 1000 hormone disruptors in our food, our water, the air, the clothes, the skincare, the dryer sheets, everything child is a scam to the hormones, okay? Plus, we have natural hormonal changes that our bodies go through. Like, what's going on with my body?

Like, I am now in my thirties and my skin is acting like a teenager. What is going on with the hormones? Which is why I love hormone harmony. It contains science backed herbal extracts called adaptogens. Okay, so adaptogens help the body adapt to stressors like chaotic hormonal changes.

It's perfect for women struggling with PM's, menopause, and more. Honey, y'all know I work hella jobs. Hormone harmony has really helped me, like, regulate, especially like, sleep and just relaxation and calming down and not panicking as much. They've got 17,000 reviews, so you don't even have to listen to me, but get into it. And for a limited time, you can get 15% off your entire order at hormone dot.

Just use the code goddess at checkout watch Queenie, the new original series on Hulu. Who is Queenie? She's in her twenties. She lives in London. She's facing all the firsts.

First major heartbreak, first shitty apartment and soul sucking job, first therapy session to work through those mommy issues. Can she turn her quarter life crisis into a revolution? Maybe. Will she make some questionable decisions along the way? Definitely.

The new series Queenie, premieres June 7, streaming on Hulu. Scam cause robbery and fraud scam, cuz. Robbery and fraud scam goddess can't stop popping congregation it's Lacy Moseley, aka scam goddess. And we're back. You know the name of the game?

Scam goddess. The show dedicated to robbery, fraud, cons, all those who practice it today, you know, I'm what? I'm excited, y'all. It's 2022, but I gotta come up with a new. We gotta get my vernacular up.

I feel like I need to be, like, elated or ecstatic, you know? Pitch me words on Twitter. I know y'all doing wordle cause you won't stop tweeting about it. Now I'm doing it too, but I'm never gonna tweet about it because I'm ashamed that I let y'all bully me. I'm a sheep in the herd of influence.

But today, guys, not about that. We have super, like, one of the most talented comedians. I love her stuff. She has a way that I ugh. Oh, my God.

I sound like I'm describing a missing person. I'm like, she got a way about her. Her smile lights up a room. Everybody wanted to be her friend, but she's very much alive, and we want to keep her that way. She has a new Comedy central show called Fairview coming out in February.

February. Come on. Fairview in February. Also, she will be performing in Seattle, Washington, on February 24 at the crocodile, so you could go see her live in the flesh. And I have to say this before I bring her in.

She has one of the most iconic sounding voices I've ever heard. I love her voice so much. So I'm glad that she gets to grace the podcast. Cause, y'all, it's just like. It's like she needs to be doing all the webs.

I mean, all the animated shows. Honey. Guys. Congregation. Please welcome Blair Psaki to the podcast.

Blair Socci
Oh, my gosh, Lacey. My heart is bursting after that intro. Oh, my God. It's such an. I'm such a fan of yours, and I just adore you, so I'm so excited to be here.

Lacey Moseley
Oh, I'm so excited that you're here. I'm truly, really, really, really stoked that we got you. Y'all don't even understand. I had to do some, like, real thirsty shit. Cause I was just gonna dm Blair.

And then I had went to her Twitter page, and it was like Beyonce. It had. She was following nobody. I said, damn, I got unfollowed. But I wasn't gonna unfollow because, like, blair Psaki's twitter is a thing to behold, and it's hilarious.

So I was like, I'm gonna keep looking at these tweets. So I had to go under her tweet, and I was like, hey, blair, it's me, Lacey. You remember me from when we had this together? Yes. I would very much like it if you would come on the show.

Blair Socci
Are you kidding me? You're like, you're all over my television. You're the number one celebrity. I can't believe I even know you. You are hilarious.

Lacey Moseley
That, and when my family back home be trying to tell me that I'm famous, I was like, y'all, I'm not famous. I promise you. It's levels to this. Every time I go anywhere, they be looking at me like, okay, are you passing out the crew to tag? Like, I am nowhere near.

But I appreciate that from your mouth and God's gift, I'm gonna claim it one day. One day, y'all. You're killing it. But I wanna be, like, Meryl Streep famous in the way that, like, meryl Streep is very famous, but she's never in a tabloid. Like, it's never like Meryl Streep leaving Jamba juice.

Blair Socci
Like, oh, yeah, it's incredible. I mean, I don't know. Maybe that bitch just can avoid a camera phone. I don't know. I know.

Lacey Moseley
You never. You never see people taking a selfie. Like, guess who I just ran into? Devil breast Prada. Your favorite bitch.

Like, you never see, like, Miranda Priestley out here on people's camera phones. That's like me. I just want to get so rich that I can live in the forest and then just fly in for a job. I want to be, like, so rich. I don't want to be a billionaire.

Cause you got to kill people to do that. And I don't want to do no murders. But billionaire is crazy. No, I just want to be financially stable enough that I can own a beach house in the hamptons. And then I just, like, one day I get a check, and that's the check that turns my bank account into a Nancy Myers movie.

And all of a sudden, all I wear is white turtlenecks and linen. And I walk on the beach and I think about my life. Like, that's what I'm saying. To wear white turtlenecks. That's the height of luxury.

It is. I got a white couch. Bitch was at a mistake, but I'm owning it. Like, I bought a bunch of tide pins. Cause I know myself, y'all.

If y'all got recommendations for cleaners and stuff for a white couch, I appreciate it. I'm keeping it clean. But the only reason I bought it is. Cause I realized, like, as I become an adult, I used to think that I would one day become mature enough to stop putting myself in. Or.

No, I thought I would become mature enough that if I was in a situation where it was tempting for me to do something that I would do when I was immature, I wouldn't do it anymore. Cause I'm just, like, grown now. I've learned the lessons. And then as I became an adult, I realized, like, oh, no, you just don't put yourself in a situation where you know you gonna do some dumb shit. So people are like, oh, you know, we going to the club.

We leaving at 01:00 a.m. and I know I got work in the morning at five. I'm not gonna go. Cause I'm not gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna dip a little toe and then leave. Like, I might wanna turn up.

Actually, that's not true. I can leave a party early, but it's an example. I love to leave a party early. It's like, you go have an entrance, say hello, have a good time, go right home to that beautiful white couch. Heaven.

Yep. And I used to sleep on my old couch because I just. I don't know, my anxiety. And, like, I liked being able to see the door. And I had a.

I got a. So I got a different bed. Something that really made my room comfortable. And I bought a white couch so that if I tried to fall asleep in my makeup, I will ruin it. So now there have been times where I fell asleep, like, on my hand.

Cause I was like, oh, girl. But I always wake up, like, ah, no, the white. No. I love all the thought process that went into that white couch. Like, really, the whole thing was just a vehicle to make sure that you washed your face at night.

Blair Socci
That's incredible. But is that insane that I was like, I need to buy a couch so that I would do my nightly routine? I don't think so. I think it's smart. You know what?

Lacey Moseley
I'm gonna go with that, too. It sounds insane now that I say it, but I did need a new couch anyway. But, like, I mean, like, that sort of thing is what I'll do to not put myself in the situation. I had a point to this. That wasn't the white couch.

Blair Socci
Look, I followed you the whole way, and nothing is more impressive to me than a white couch. So you've already won with me. I mean, I'm putting that on my vision board. Yes. Actually, that was the point.

Lacey Moseley
The other thing I was just gonna say was, I still don't buy expensive white clothing. Like, if I'm buying a white top, honey, it's from Amazon, and I'm gonna get six of them bitches, and they gonna be $5.99 each, and I'm gonna wear one, and then I'm gonna throw it away. Cause I'm gonna spill on it. I'm gonna spill on it. Also, you can enjoy joy wearing the white top, then a lot more when you're not so precious about it.

Blair Socci
If, you know, it's okay to make a mistake. Yeah, but, I mean, I have an aunt who she can keep something white, and I think she must be a witch. Like, she has to be. Like, there's no way. Like, she not burning pieces of hair in the forehead because she has a white sweater that she's kept white for 15 years, I was like, do you not wear it?

Lacey Moseley
Is it in plastic? How. Yeah. No, that's some crazy superpower, unbeknownst to the rest of us mortals, because that's. I certainly, I have not even gotten close to a feat like that.

I think if you can keep whites white, you should put that on your resume. Like, it should just be on there so people know what type of bitch you are. Like, if people are like, what's something interesting to know about you? You can be like, I keep whites white. And I would be like, wow.

So you are. Like, if you're that type of person, people can sense it from, like, 15ft away already, you know? That's true. There's, like, a real aura to a person who can keep their whites crisp and unstained. That's true.

Like, if you're a person who carries a purse, I feel like if you keep whites white, everything has a place in your purse. Like, we open that bitch up and you never rummaging. Yeah. Meanwhile, I fall in mine, and it. My shoulder's sagging because it's 40 pounds.

Blair Socci
Like, I don't even know what's in their bricks or bodies. It's the big, comfy couch. I'm like, blair, where did your head go? I have my body in the purse. I guess it's in the purse.

Cause it's not here. No. She's like, yeah, no, I have gum. I have gum. Okay, give me a 30 minutes.

Lacey Moseley
Give me a 30 minutes, and I'm gonna get you a piece. I know I have pepper spray in my purse, and I'm always like, well, if something happens, I'm not gonna get to it. So you getting mugged or somebody's trying to attack you? Like, hold on, hold on. Can you wait just a few minutes while I find my protective device?

Hold that thought, mister criminal. Hold that thought. Cause I got a pink pepper spray in here. It's got a little whistle on it and a laser pointer. Hold on.

Blair Socci
Let's make it a fair fight. I mean, pink, that's hysterical. Cause they know they're marketing. They know men don't need pepper spray. They're like, ooh, you want pepper spray, you bad bitch?

Yeah, I know. They're like, pink for girls, for when girls are attacked. Yeah. I love and truly don't love, but hate how society has completely put the onus on women to keep themselves safe. Like, all of the onus, they're like, y'all, why don't y'all have a taser?

Lacey Moseley
Why don't y'all have pepper spray? Y'all know men are the boogeyman. What do you want us to do about it? Yeah, they're like, what? You didn't come outside with your bazooka with your entire body, every inch of your body covered with clothing.

Girl, you thought you was gonna go to Walgreens without a 45 millimeter with a laser pointer? Sis, it's 06:00 p.m. jay. Lights haven't. It's dark.

Well, that was your fault. Like, girl, wear your bulletproof vest. What you doing? Should we get those after this? Oh, my God.

Can we get pink bulletproof vest? Oh, yeah, of course. They probably don't even sell another color. That's not pink, girl. Boss.

Blair Socci
Yeah. Oh, my God. Geez. Oh, what a note to start off on. But, Blair, I have to ask you, before we get to our first segment here, do you have a relationship with scams?

Lacey Moseley
Do you like them? Do you hate them? Have you ever been scammed? It can literally be anything. You know, I did think about this question because I really wanted to examine my relationship with it, and I have to be honest.

Blair Socci
The first thing that came to mind was when I lied and became a computer coder. And I was like, oh, I'm the scammer. Wait a minute. Okay. You jumped the shark there.

Lacey Moseley
So you became, do you have any computer skills? Like, did you have MySpace and, you know, put a background in the song on your page? Like, did you have any kind computer skills? No, I did not, and I still do not have any computer skills. I.

Blair Socci
At the time. You know, as a comedian, we need. More women in tech by any means. Yeah. I was just trying to write the disparity in this country in tech, even though I had zero to negative, zero experience.

But, no, I was in New York, and I was, like, a new comedian, and I had this rent that was really high, and I needed a job back. Do you remember how much the rent was? It was, like 1500 or something. For a room? Not even, like, an apartment.

It was crazy. Okay. Were you in Manhattan? Okay. Carrie Bradshaw.

And, like, it was for, like, a fake room. It was, like, awful. The whole thing. Whatever. It was a curtain.

Lacey Moseley
It was, like, a section of the apartment with a curtain. It wasn't a curtain, but it was a fake wall. Yeah. And so I saw this job. Whatever.

Blair Socci
And I saw that it paid $36 an hour, and I was like, I'll do this. So I looked up a resume for a computer coder, made up an entire resume, studied, googled questions of, like, what they would ask in an interview for a coder. Like, all this stuff showed up in the interview, then got hired. And I was. Nobody was more shocked than me when they were like, great, can you start Monday?

And I was like, what? Are you sure you went into this interview? You said, HTML, control, alt, delete, semicolon, 0100, and they said, you're hired. Yeah. And they said, oh, you really sound like you know what you're talking about.

And I was like, are you sure? Like, I literally. I was like, what? Yeah. Then I get hired, and I had to show up, and there was, like, five dudes, and I just picked the, like, nicest looking one, saddled up next to him and said, I need you to show me how to do this from start to finish.

And I wrote down every step, and I did it. How long did you have this job, Blair? Like, two years. But then. Two years?

My supervisor. Two years. I mean, my supervisor was, like, fully sexually harassing me. Like, he would always ask me on dates and call me sweetie, and, like, told me I had beautiful feet. And so I was like, so who played who, really?

You know what I mean? Yeah. I feel like.

Lacey Moseley
I hate that that happened. You know? I'm glad that you got two solid years. Now. Let me.

Did you leave this job or one day where they, like, we fired creepy Craig? Creepy feet Craig. And a new manager came in and was like, you don't know how to code. Or did you know how to code by then? Are you a genius?

Blair Socci
You know what I'm good at? Like, I'm good at figuring out systems and existing in systems. Like, I was really good at school. Like, getting. I would do the bare minimum.

Like, I would be able to know what the bare minimum was. To, like, get an a or to just figure out that stuff. But I got cast on an MTV show, and I left. But, like, I. This guy was just, like, not leaving me alone at work.

And I was like, this is a long time ago. Me, too. You know what I mean? But it was just funny because it was like, I was a fake computer coder. I'd, like, come into work an hour late and leave an hour early.

Lacey Moseley
Blair, you're one, you're a scammer, which I love. Cause I'm a scammer. And two, you're a fucking genius. You made this sound like this is an easy feat. I wish I would walk my black ass up into Google or Microsoft would be like, hey, y'all, I'm here for the coding job.

Yeah. Where's the computer at? I will be doing computering to it. Like, I wouldn't have made it a week before. They were like, if you don't get your ass out of here, leave now.

Blair Socci
Look, I constantly made mistakes and had no idea what the hell was going on. And to this day, I have no idea what I did, and I can't remember anything that happened, and I have no computer skills. I'm gonna argue that you do have some computer skills. But I am also gonna say that this is a time where. Cause I tell people on this podcast all the time, sometimes racism be working in my favor.

Lacey Moseley
Just be, like, letting people do it. Cause I'm like, this actually. Good for me. I feel like this is a time where sexism worked in your favor, where they're like, oh, she's just a woman. Dumb woman.

They probably had to fill a quota. And then just like, you're right. I never even considered that. I just thought I was incredibly charming and quick on my feet. I think it's that, too.

I'm not taking it away from you. I think it's also that. I think it is a combination. Two things can be true, because obviously, you are charming as hell. You found the mark.

You found your mark the day one. You were like, which one of these sheepish motherfuckers is gonna teach me how to code and not tell nobody about it? Cause he just need attention, and he ain't never got nothin from a pretty blonde lady. Which one is he? Which one?

Him. You. Come here. Come here, Doug. That's exactly what happened.

Blair Socci
And this poor man, anytime I had a question, I mean, this man was doing two jobs. He was like, sure, Blair, what do you need? Like, the guy who's never been approached by any woman ever, and she's like, sure, Blair. Oh, you want me to do all your work for you? Oh, you're going on a three hour lunch break for your auditions.

Lacey Moseley
Yeah, no problem. Okay. What happened? You're like, hey, Doug, can you finish this for me? Yeah.

You haven't typed anything, but okay. I would leave for three hour auditions just truly, all the time. Yo, shout out to Doug. I like that guy. Thank you, Doug.

Blair Socci
I'll never forget you. You better work. You better break the patriarchy, Doug. You better be out here helping women. We love to see it.

Lacey Moseley
Love you, Doug. Shout out to him. I love him. This is great. This is one of the best scam stories that I've gotten at the beginning of a podcast.

Blair Socci
It doesn't even feel real. It doesn't even feel real that it actually happened. Cause it's so crazy where you walked. Into NASA and was like, houston, do we have a problem? Yeah, no hidden figures.

Lacey Moseley
Oh, those black women. You get what I mean? Give me buzz Aldrich. Now, where's my desk?

Coding. That's so technical. So I hope that y'all need to be vetting a little bit. With coding, I'm like, okay, so what happens? There's a virus, a computer crashes or some shit.

Who gives a shit? Now, how funny would it be if they heard this podcast somehow and knew? But, I mean, I guess they'd be like, yeah, that makes a ton of sense now that I'm hearing that. Were you interviewed by someone who works in STem, or was it someone who was, like, an HR person? No, I was interviewed by the head of department.

Blair Socci
But what it was was educational software, so it was scholastic. Mmm. Shout out to scholastic. I don't understand software. I barely understand quick time.

Lacey Moseley
So, honestly, scholastic deserves it for scamming us with all them damn book fairs. They deserve it, okay? Because that was fucked up. The book fairs were fucked up because if your parents didn't have money, then you had to stay in class. They wouldn't even let your ass browse.

I was like, this is so fucked up. I would always get my little coins for my mom, which I know is a privilege, but if you didn't have coins, they wouldn't even let you just go read some of the books. They'd be like, if you make a show, the teachers would make us show them our money. Yeah, you know what? That's so funny.

Blair Socci
I've never thought about that. That's true as hell. Like, you were shit out of luck if you didn't have money. Like. And it's so funny, too, because, like, no one wants to read at that age.

But then all of a sudden, the book fair comes, and you can't have a book. And you're like, I've never wanted a book so bad in my life. Right? Now, look, they had stickers. They had some other shit, but I wasn't Junie B.

Lacey Moseley
Jones head. I love me some Junie B. And I remember it was so fucked up now that I think about it, because they'd be like, oh, the book fair's here. And the teachers be like, all right, well, show us your cash, you little broke bitches. If you ain't got no cash, you gonna stay here and do a workbook.

Cause you're poor and we hate you. Like, dang, you can't even go aspire. You can't go look at the book fair and be, like, one day after I get an education I can afford. Where's Waldo? Yeah, you're right.

Blair Socci
It was never about reading. Never. Never. That's why they. I feel like that's probably why they did that.

Lacey Moseley
Like, if everybody read this many books, we get a pizza party. Where these books coming from? Not the library trying to make us run it up. My mom would always be like, the library's right there. What do you need cash for?

And I'll. And I mean, how do you argue against that? It's true as hell. Yeah. I don't even know how I think.

Cause my mom, she was never, like, the PTA parent. Like, she was never gonna show up. Now, it changed when my sister was born because she was a little bit older, and then she started showing up to some events. But when I was a kid, if there was anything where they were, like, parent volunteers before the signup list even came out, my mom wrote me a check and was like, take this to the school, baby. That's gonna be my volunteering.

Blair Socci
Oh, that's so funny. Oh, my God. I love that. So your mom was in on the scamming, too? On the volunteering?

Lacey Moseley
Yes. My school was Bennett, and she was not in it. She was not coming. I won't be there.

Blair Socci
A woman knows herself, and I love that for her. I love that for her, too. There was. I'm not gonna tell this story. Cause my momma get mad.

Lacey Moseley
But we'll keep going into our first segment, what's hot and fraud? This is where we warn our listeners about popping scams and the zeitgeist. Are you guys know? More often than not right now, we've been getting listener letters, although I have seen some. Some cute little scams.

So maybe I'm gonna switch it up and expose some things that I've been seeing on the interwebs for y'all on Beyonce's Internet pretty soon, but today we're gonna do another listener later. So I need a fake name. Blair can be anything. Donna. Donna.

Oh, Donna. Like, Donna Karen. Like Donna Summer. Yes. Donna definitely gets her hair highlighted, like, every three weeks.

Blair Socci
Yes. Donna always keep her nails done, but she not gonna get gel polished. She gonna get it the wet kind, and she gonna sit in the salon, and so they like, Donna, I think you're dry. She's like, nuh uh. Put that spray on it.

Lacey Moseley
Put that spray on it. And she loves a ruby red. That really brings out her undertones. That's Donna. Ah, a ruby red.

Blair Socci
Hilarious. Donna Besikay was the name of my imaginary friend as a child. Oh, you had an imaginary friend? Yeah, but it was just, like, me trying to make up one. Like, I didn't believe it was actually there, you know, just for fun.

Lacey Moseley
Wait, what's your sign? You a sagittarius or a Pisces? No, I'm a Libra. Oh, you're a Libra. Okay.

Blair Socci
What are you? I am a cancer, but I have a lot of different places. Libra. Oh, I love cancers. That's so crazy.

Lacey Moseley
Yes. And nobody ever guesses that up front. And then if you get to know me, you'd be like, okay, that bitch cries a lot. No, I think it makes sense. I wouldn't guess it, but it feels right now that I know.

Yeah, I like to cry in the process, obviously in my home. Me too. I cried at the pilot of Abbott elementary. Shout out to Quinta Brunson. She's a fucking genius.

Blair Socci
I love that show. There was one moment in the pilot, I was rewatching it because I had missed jokes. There's so many jokes happening. So I like to rewatch comedies and catch everything. And it was one point where it was a little heartfelt moment.

Lacey Moseley
I was like, oh, my God. Yeah, you know what? I don't watch that many hard comedies anymore, but I can't wait for that show to come on every week. I can't either. And honestly, sometimes I wish I could just wait and not watch it live.

Cause I don't wanna see commercials. I just wanna, like, go, go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Janelle, James, Quinta, like, everybody on the show, so fucking funny. But.

So let's get into the slip, Donna. Donna says, long time listener, first time writer. I like that. Y'all do, like, first time calling. Oh, I love that.

Oh, says, I'll put the nice stuff at the bottom. Cause I know you're gonna skip it. Okay, so you do be listening. Okay. Love that for us.

So, my family is big into movies. We'd go to a new movie a few times a month and even more so during the summers, because I love this. Because. So I'm gonna read this next sentence, and I'm gonna say what I have to say. So because of that, my savvy mother developed a few scams to help out with the cost of going to the movies, which, of course, is a scam in and of itself.

So I just want to say, this mother is so smart, because the summer the kids ain't going to school if you can't ship them away to camp, she's like, how can I make them be quiet for 2 hours a movie. Then they gotta shut their little asses up the whole time. And I love that. She just needs, she's like, I'll do. I'll just shove them in the dark so I can hear myself think for 1 minute.

And I know. Pandemic parents. I shout out to y'all for staying sane. Y'all are also real heroes because I've seen so many posts and photos of moms in the bathroom hiding from their kids. Like in the bathroom eating Ferrero Rocher.

Blair Socci
I don't know how they've done it. I don't know how they've done it. We're going on year three. Oh, goodness gracious. Yeah.

Lacey Moseley
Shout out to y'all and to the teachers, because y'all are God bless you. Oh, my God. Woo. Woo. So scam one.

Most of the time, the theater employee at the podium who checks the tickets doesn't count the tickets if they're grouped together. This was also back in the days when you didn't have to reserve specific seating. So even though we had maybe eight people to go see a movie at a time, my mother would only buy four or five tickets and hand the group tickets to the podium worker. They'd never check the amount, and they just rip the whole group of tickets in half and we would go in. Beautiful.

Blair Socci
Genius. Absolutely genius. Mother iconique, your mom. A savant, a hero. She is the moment.

Yeah. And also because movie theaters are usually staffed by disgruntled teenagers who maybe are high and virgins. Also not a lot of life experience. And also, why do they care? They not miss the AMC, they not miss the regal.

Lacey Moseley
Only when you're a hater would you count the tickets? Cause I feel like if you hand me a stack, I'm gonna be like, yeah, y'all gonna like, yeah, exactly. It's not affecting their 725 an hour. Literally. Like, what do they get from it?

Hell, the movie theater doesn't even make money off the tickets. Right? Isn't it like, that goes to the film? Oh, I don't even know. I believe so.

And as an actor who does movies, I'm trifling for being like, yes, bitch, robin, bitch. But anyways, so scam number two since I love the organization. BTW's Donna, I knew you'd be this way. Donna, you got some white shirts, don't you? You keep em crispy.

Love it. So Donna's like, I don't even need no bleach. Clorox. Never heard of her. Don't need her just using tie.

Shouts, don't need it. Never had a stain. Okay, Donna, when she picked the spoon up, it go all the way in her throat. Drip just a drop on her love. You're killing me.

So, number two, since the podium worker never counted people, we'd also send in my younger sister ahead of us so she could reserve seats for us all. She'd wait until a large family was getting their tickets ripped and then she'd walk past the podium with them, no questions asked.

Blair Socci
This mom, Donna has some gall. I am so into it. Unmitigated. Donna has no fear. She using her baby's cuteness as a scam.

She says, incredible. Okay, Sarah, family. Family of six. Family six. Get up there and act like you with them.

Lacey Moseley
Like, Donna, I love this little Sarah just walking in, like, make a fake conversation with the people in front of her. Like, yeah. Oh, my God. She has a 6th sense of when to capitalize. She knows.

And also, I'm thinking in my head, like, Donna's mama is literally lurking, like, waiting in the lobby for a large family to come in. So I imagine that y'all have to get to the movies pretty early. Like, you know, you got previews, but y'all getting there, like, an extra 45 minutes early. So you're like, okay, we gotta wait for our family. All right, there's the mark.

Go, go. Yeah. And they're like, who is this kid? We don't know this baby. She's just bopping along with them like, no, this is my family.

No, I'm with them. No, I'm with the. I'm with the group. Yeah, well, it's so funny too, because, like, the other family's just smiling. Like, look at these cute people walking by.

Oh, man, this is sweet. This is so sweet. So scam three, a certain movie theater chain used to have their largest popcorn size come with a 50 cent refill that came in the shape of a ripoff tag on the popcorn tub. My mom would either save the popcorn tubs from the past movies that we didn't use the refill or even root through the trash after a movie for popcorn tubs that had the refill tab intact. Damn.

Your mama liked movies. She'd clean the popcorn tubs between movies, of course. So she. Unreal. This woman is firing on all cylinders.

Blair Socci
She has the whole place mapped out. She knows where the. She knows how to desensitize the lasers. Like, um. Like, ocean's eight.

That's Donna. Mom. Mother, Donna. Mother. Donna is full.

Lacey Moseley
Ocean's 812. Eleven. I'm like, what are you gonna tell me next, Donna? Sometimes we would sleep in the movie theater and catch a morning show. Like, what?

Blair Socci
Yeah. She's like, I burned the locks later on the way out so that I could come back in seamlessly in the morning with my seven children so that they would finally stop talking. Mama Donna got an AMC uniform and would pose as an employee.

To hide from her children. She really wanted y'all to be quiet. Mama Donna needed peace. She was like, I'mma root through the trash. I don't care.

Lacey Moseley
I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do. This woman would do anything to find a shredded of relief from her children, right? But she was gonna get them snacks, too. She was like, yeah, if I get them snacks, they gotta have their mouth closed. Chewing.

Now I can make sure they not gonna talk at all. Cause they gonna be eating that popcorn. Okay.

Blair Socci
You can't talk when they're seven pounds of popcorn. Literally. You leave in the movie theater. Your mom like, hold on, let me go collect the popcorn buckets. Also, mama Donna, you didn't have to root through the trash.

Lacey Moseley
If y'all waited till the credits, you could have just walked through the aisles and grabbed the popcorn buckets without them being in the trash. I feel like you would have been doing the cleaning crew a favor. Like, people leave popcorn. But you know what, mama Donna? Whatever you got, I'm not gonna knock your hood.

Blair Socci
No, I think she liked the art of it a little bit. Yeah, it was exciting for her. Like dumpster diving. Yeah, she got off on it. She had to have.

Lacey Moseley
Cause she was. She putting her kids in it. She's like, sarah, run up there, act like that man's your dad. Like normal people. Sarah's like, I thought they said stranger danger.

Not at the movie theater. Stranger fringer at the movie theater. Now go act like that's your daddy.

Blair Socci
Not at the movie theater. When I say go up to all strange people, you go. You go. And you look like they kid. Okay?

Lacey Moseley
You know how I taught you how to look like they kid?

Like what? How about this? So this is once. Donna says, once. I ended up working for a movie theater myself.

Of course, it's a family business. I shut down my mother's scams. Oh, okay. Cause I was able to get free movie tickets for her, so that made up for it. Oh, this is heartwarming.

Oh, I love how this ends. Donna, that child was traumatized. She was like. She was like, yeah, I wanna go straight now. I'm tired of a life of crime, y'all.

I love that Donna. Like, you know how rappers be. Like, I'm gonna buy my mama a house. Donna's got a job at AMC. Cause she was like, I'mma take my mama out the movie theater game.

She ain't gonna. She ain't gonna be a motion picture piffler no more. I'm gonna make a rain tickets on my mama. That is exactly what happened. That's so crazy.

Blair Socci
That child just couldn't deal with it anymore. I mean, I also think, like, if you see your mom rooting through the trash because she wants to give you an experience, no matter if her. If the mom. If Mama Donna was getting off on it and having fun, I feel like you would want to be like, I don't want to see my mama, like, rooting through the trash. Like, I'm a.

Lacey Moseley
I'm a hook. I'm going to give her all the popcorn she could ever want. Make it rain popcorn. All the butter, all the different sauce. You want the cheddar?

We got the cheddar. You want the garlic? We got it. You want kettle corn? Say less.

I'm like, you know what? This is a beautiful story. That was like, that was a great listener letter. What a great start to this whole show. You know what, Donna?

Shout out to you. Shout out, Donna. Love you, girl. Love you. Love you so much.

Guys, we're gonna take a quick break for some non scam advertisements. We'll be back with my favorite part of the show, historic hoodwinks scams. Some people think Taco Bell is only for late night. But if that was the case, it wouldn't be open all day. That'd be horrible management.

It's also for daytime, which is why Taco Bell's introducing the new cantina chicken menu with new cantina chicken tacos, burrito, and quesadilla with seasoned sleasted chicken. And even a new avocado verde salsa packet. You should try it today, emphasizing that word so you don't forget that it's not just for late night. Introducing the new cantina chicken menu. Taco Bell at participating us Taco Bell locations while supplies last contact store for participation with shares.

Finding the perfect t shirt has always had me like goldilocks trying on shirts. This one's too hard, this one's too soft. And it fell apart because y'all know I got it from a cheap website. And this t shirt from skims is just right from fit to quality. It is one of my, like, these are my favorite t shirts.

I have three different ones. Y'all know I love me an onyx because I'm gonna be wearing black all the time. They have a cotton, long sleeve jersey tee that I really like, too, because the material is so soft. But when I put it in the washer, she don't have a whole transformation or makeover. It's not move that bust.

When I take it out, she looks the way that she looked when I put her in. And we know we cannot say that for all t shirts, okay? So you can have staple t shirts that you can mix and match and wear up or down. Maybe we're going to a fancy night out. Maybe we're going on a date.

Maybe we're lounging around the house. I love these shirts so much because I can do so many different things with them. It's like I'm telling y'all, skims they doing right over there. I got on the underwear right now. I can't give it up.

I think they got me, y'all. I'm not even playing. Shop the skims t shirt now available in sizes extra, extra small to four x. If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know I sent you.

After you place your order, select scam goddess in the survey, and select my show in the drop down menu that follows.

And we are back, and it's time for historic hoodwinks. Ooh, I like this one a lot. Guys, we're talking about press your luck. Do you remember that show? I don't.

Before my time? No, I don't. But if it's during your time, shout out to you for knowing it. Love that. Well, this is not an ages show.

We want all ages, all races, all creeds, all abilities, all genders, and all sexualities. I get everything. All hair color. Thank you for including that one. I really appreciate that.

In May of 1984, a middle aged ice cream truck driver took CB's game show pressure luck for all it was worth during a winning spree that just wouldn't stop. He said, can't stop, won't stop. Uh uh, uh uh. Come on, Diddy. The man scammed the network out of over $100,000 during a single game.

Wow. Okay, so Michael Larson. Of course he's a Michael. Every mic is Michael. That's incredible, pal.

Michael's, Matt's. We know what y'all doing. We know what y'all doing. That's, like, such a. That's the kind of name, like, if, like, I always remember this name from modern family, but, like, Longinus, if your name is Longinus, like, it's like, there's very few of those.

We gonna find you. But if you name your kid Michael, Matt, and somebody's like, Matt did this, we're gonna be like, okay. That's like a billion people. Right, right. Just move through a crowd quite easily.

Oh, yes. You're invisible. It's like hiding in plain sight. Yeah, like a visibility cloak. Ain't got shit on.

You. Ain't got shit on a mat. Okay. Just be Michael or Matt. No one cares.

No one cares.

They put that on their birth certificate. The nurse is like, okay. You know. You know. You mean your baby.

Something nobody gonna care about. And they're like, no. So now they can get us into the movie theater. Come on, little Michael. That's your fan?

Yeah. Flavorless can take a show for 100 grand. No one will know. So Michael Larson was a 35 year old ice cream truck driver from Lebanon, Ohio. Never heard of Lebanon, Ohio.

Shout out to y'all. This is Michael. Okay. Michael is also giving, like, very much ice cream man. Yeah, these pictures are kind of given a little bit, like, murderer.

Blair Socci
But I was gonna say, I don't know about these. These are some real shots right here. I mean, the first one is like, oh, we taking a group photo? Cause you can see somebody head cropped in the corner. But the other one where he's in this suit with this kind of devilish look, you know?

Lacey Moseley
Michael is mischievous. Yeah. So, like most game show contestants, he had a goal of being on television and spent a significant time preparing. Now, I would say that I. When I was first starting to act, I remember this reality woman had somehow got ahold of me, and she was, like, a casting director for different reality shows.

So she would always send me, like, reality stuff. And there were certain things, like, obviously, I wasn't trying to do, even though, guys, if you really want to know my shame, I put it on my instagram. It's somewhere deep, deep down. But I was on Real Housewives of New York. I was fully doing a bit for food.

My boss was like, oh, you want to come on Real Housewives of New York? Ramona pretending that she's having her wine business here. And I was like, sure. He was like, yeah, I'll give you a week of free dinner. And we had some bussing dinners.

So I was like, okay. And I had just started improv classes, so I was like, okay, tv. That sounds like a great job to me. Right? But after that, I knew, like, I don't want to do reality tv.

But she would send me these emails this different woman. And one was for a game show. And I remember going in, oh, my God. I got picked to do the game show, and the day of, I didn't feel like it, and I didn't go. You are a goddamn legend is what you are.

Blair Socci
Oh, my God. It's hilarious because they said we were gonna be there for, like, twelve to 16 hours. It was unpaid. And they told me they were gonna take my cell phone, and I was like, what am I supposed to do? Read a book?

That's so funny. I remember getting asked to do all those things too. And it's just like, the worst. Like, in New York, you're trying to survive, even if it pays, like, a $100, but it's like hell for 18 hours. You're like, okay, I'll go do it.

Like, I remember I would go to, like, concerts where they needed to fill the audience, but it would be like hell. Or, like, late, late at night or. Yeah, and it's like they treat you like cattle. I've only done background work once, and I actually ended up in the episode that was law and order SVU. I was behind ice t making the same face.

Lacey Moseley
He made every single take, and then I ended up in it. Oh, my God, I wanna see that so bad. There's a picture. I always be promising to post these pictures. Judith, will you remind me?

I'll try to find the Real Housewives episode, and I'll try to find the picture and I'll post them. But I was just. Cause I think it was like his cop friend was getting indicted, and he was like, oh, my God. I was behind him, like, oh, my God, too. What?

What? And I did it every single take. Every take. And I actually posted it. Cause somebody made a thread on Twitter, like, a year ago that was like, show us, like, if you're an actor, a professional actor, show us a background work, if you ever did background work.

And I posted that, and I was like, ice tea was really nice. He offered us donuts, and then he responded and was like, yo, what's up? And I was like, oh, this is sweet. Full sex. Oh, that's cool as hell.

Blair Socci
He seems so cool. But I think the only people who do background who are cool and normal, I will say, obviously, I did it. So it's a learning experience to know that this is not a path to acting. But the only people who are cool and normal, who do background, like, over and over again, are old people. Because any old person I've met doing background, you could tell they're just like, we retired.

Lacey Moseley
We want to see some celebrities and see how the movies work. And they just chilling. They're not there, like, oh, I hope I can get a line. Or, like, trying to, like, talk when they shouldn't or, like, leering around the actors and stuff. Yeah, they're just, like, there for a thriller to be social, right?

They're like, this is something new, Gertie. Let's get off course. Yeah, this is a hobby. And do NCIS. Yeah, let's go see iced tea.

Right? Let's walk by in a frame. That sounds fun. So he's doing this game show thing, and he said that. He said, like, caitlin's notes here say that he prepared for this, which I'm like, how do you prepare for something called press show luck?

It seems like it's about love. Well, we gonna find out. So Michael had filled his home with televisions. This man, in my head, all I imagine is, like, a bunch of tvs stacked on top of each other into, like, a very haphazard fire code. Definitely like, a fire hazard thing where he's got all these tvs set up and he's just watching it.

So he filled his home with these televisions, spent hours on end watching infomercials and game shows to find a way to get rich. During one day in 1983, the game show pressure luck appeared on one of Michael's televisions. So I think those creepy pictures, we had the right feeling, like, this is a man who's watching multiple televisions at once. That some. Yeah, that's like one of those weird men in the movies with, like, surveillance, you know?

Blair Socci
But he was just, like, surveilling cable, looking for get rich scheme. And also, like, I feel like an ice cream truck driver is a scammer job. Although I did just see, like, a funeral with ice cream truck driver. Ice cream truck driver had passed. And then they did, like, a procession of all these other ice cream truck drivers, like, with their music on.

Lacey Moseley
And it was actually really beautiful, but. I feel like that's cool. Ice cream truck driver feels like a scammer driver because you make your own hours. Like, the kids don't know when the ice cream truck come, and that's why they put on the music. Like, if the ice cream truck trump came every day at three or 215, you would just know to be outside.

But the ice cream truck driver was like, I work my own hours. When y'all hear the dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun, you better get your ass out here and get a bomb pop, because that's when I'm here. Yeah, I feel like they're also famous for like some of them like selling drugs to like they could sell weed to kids. Oh, okay. Yeah, I've heard of that, definitely.

Now, do you think that that was like the conspiracy theorists who are also saying that every year you gotta check candy for weed for Halloween? Like people gonna give away they hard earned weed to children? No, I don't think that. I remember when we were little, I don't know if you had this, but like there would always be rumors of like razor blades or like scary stuff in candy. I never like heard of it.

Blair Socci
I don't know why that was like a prevalent thing in childhood. I never knew anyone had happened to or anything. If it was just something people were afraid of or if it actually happened. But I've never heard of like people being afraid of weed being in candy. I feel like that's a news holiday because every single year the news wants to be like, it's Halloween.

Lacey Moseley
How can you protect your kids more at eleven they're putting shanks in the snickers, right? Oh God. Terrifying. I feel like I would notice a shank in my snicker. I feel like if I got a starburst and had a knife in it, I would see the knife.

Blair Socci
I feel like as I get older, the more it's like bad to watch the news. I'm just like, there's nothing that can improve or make our lives better on there. Yeah, I mean, the news, their whole tactic is to keep you in fear so that you keep coming back to the news. That's the point. They're like, we have all the facts about your neighborhood, who's murdering your kid, right?

That's exactly what it sounds like. Are you sure you weren't on the news? That's crazy. I feel like I should do the news. Oh my God.

Lacey Moseley
Everybody's gonna die tonight. More at eleven. If you watch though, at eleven you probably not gonna die. We need these sweeps ratings. We need the ratings.

Blair Socci
Your cortisol is now high enough for you to be worried and run around your house for the rest of the. Night, find out about the deadly product in your home. And it's like, why won't you just tell me now why I gotta wait till eleven? Yeah, this just in. There's an axe murderer on your doorstep.

Lacey Moseley
More at eleven. Tell me now. I know. Jesus Christ. Your house is on fire.

More at eleven. You need to tell me right now. What? So you know he's watching all these tv shows. He sees pressure luck.

And he's like, ooh, boom, boom, bam. At the time that it's airing, the game show was offering more than any other on air. So they had the coins on pressure luck. The game had a big board, a light up, rectangular array of prize boxes. Which contestants would earn the right to take turns by spinning, by answering the host trivia questions correctly.

So we're looking at the box right now, and they got some cute things up here. Okay. So it's like a little gremlin. That means that you lose, I think. And then they got a box that's like $700.

Okay, that's. That's cute. For. For a few weeks. $750.

This is the eighties, too, so it's a little bit of inflation. You could do. You could do some tight things with that. Or a car. There's a car.

There's a car. And it just says car, not what kind of car. It's a drawing of a car. So you just don't get a whip. You're not gonna know what kind of whip, but you gonna get a whip.

Which. Washington, DC. You can go to the Lincoln Memorial. Yeah. Like, you go to the lawn.

Jamaica. And they have a picture of what looks to be two white people dancing. And. Can we zoom on that? What is this picture of Jamaica?

Cause I feel like it should just either be a jamaican flag or black people or a beach. But it looks like two white people dancing. I can't see their faces. Or are they dolls? I see two heads.

Blair Socci
Yeah. I could be wrong. They really got that one wrong. Yeah. Yeah, that looks more like Puerto Rico.

Yeah. And then the devil Gremlin everywhere. The devil Gremlin. I do want to. I do want to also say that I watched this TikTok, and if you follow me on Twitter, you saw this hater woman who was talking about how influencers get lot of gifts from, like, businesses and stuff, and she brought up the point that, like, you're supposed to claim gifts on your taxes if they're worth $100 or more.

Lacey Moseley
And, like, ain't nobody doing that. Don't do that. How the government gonna know what gift you got? Don't tell nobody. But, um.

But also, if you do decide not to tell nobody and you get Wesley Snipes, don't bring me up. I'm not in it. Um, but don't snitch, you guys. Right? But the hater TikTok lady did bring up a good point that, like, when Oprah gave away all those cards to those teachers, they had to pay taxes on those cars.

Cause it was a gift. And a lot of them, or some of them ended up having to sell the cars because they couldn't afford the tax. Oh, my God. That's sad as hell. Which I was like, teachers, I.

Blair Socci
When I think about. I get so upset when I think about teachers not being paid a million dollars, truly. And the thing is, is that I always say this with children. Like, with babysitting, don't underpay your babysitting. Don't underpay the person who's watching your kids, because then maybe they're not gonna care as much if your kids live or die.

Lacey Moseley
You know, maybe they'll let your kids slip on some Lysol while they texting their boyfriend, like, you want to make sure the job is worth it, because that's precious cargo. So I don't understand why we've ever allowed teachers to be underpaid when they're literally looking after the thing you made. Oh, my God, Lacey. One of my 500 jobs I had in New York, I was a nanny for this Upper east side family, and it was a five year old, a three year old, and a four month old. And I got paid $18 an hour.


So they basically were like, yeah, yeah, you can let our. You can let the three year old. The five year old put the three year old in the dryer and hit spin. Like, do you not love your children? I feel like they was trying to put a hit on their kids.

I feel like if you. If you're on the Upper east side, you got coin and you paying your babysitter that little, like, you want your kids to die, what is happening? Oh, God. It kept that. I understand.

But if you're on the Upper east side of New York, you got a little coin, and you got that many kids in New York, in this economy, that's too many children. Who are you hungry and involved with? That's too many kids to live in New York. I know. I feel like in New York, two kids maximum.

Like, you got four, five kids. You a rich person, right? God bless the babysitter. God bless the babysitters as well. So also on this board, there's a $2,000 thing.

There's a $5,000.01 that also has an additional spend. So you get five G's, and you get to spend again. There's a big screen tv. We don't know the brand. Could be Samsung, could be LG.

We don't know. It just says big screen tv. Whatever you get, you're gonna take it. And you go, like it. There's a $2,500, and then there's, like, a dollar 500 that has a one more spend, too.

And then there's also a motorcycle. You could win a motorcycle. Which I feel like a motorcycle is not something that you should ever have people win just because. How do you know anybody knows how to ride a motorcycle? And how do you know that they want a motorcycle?

Blair Socci
Yeah, it's also like a death trap, a motorcycle. And also, one time when I had a scooter, like, a little Honda tiny scooter, I went to get my permit, and they accidentally gave me a motorcycle license, which you actually have to do all these classes and several hours of training for. And, yeah, I'm a licensed motorcycle driver, even though I can't. Don't know how to drive one. Where are you a whole scammer?

Lacey Moseley
Then how you just accidentally get a motorcycle license? That's not how licenses work. You're not supposed to be like, oops, they said I could drive a big rig. And then you just start driving a big rig. Like, that's not how it's supposed to work.

Now, as a lady who got a license in very sketchy terms, I would say I understand. Cause the DMV is overwhelmed. I didn't do a driver's test to get my license. Like, not the, like, in the car one. All I did was a written test, and they was like, here you go, girl.

State of Texas. Ew. That is so funny. Yeah. Cause I always think, how did that happen?

Blair Socci
But the lady just read the form wrong. You know, that's all that it was. Look, she was over Cheryl at the DMV. They didn't let her have her coffee. Smoke break.

Lacey Moseley
And she was like, I don't know. Stamp it. Stamp. And she was like, Blair and Lacey can go on the open road. Even though they're not fully qualified.

They can drive a big rig, a motorcycle, car, commercial vehicle, whatever they want. It's also a scam that we're allowed to drive u hauls. Like, I think you should have to have a commercial license to drive a U Haul. That is an insane piece of truck to just let anybody with a license drive. Yeah.

Blair Socci
Or, like, large rvs where it's, like, a 73 year old man who just retired and can barely see all of a sudden is driving the biggest vehicle on the road. Right. He hitting the open road, like, wow. No, no. He's like, this is all good.

Lacey Moseley
No, it's not. It's all bad. Very bad. It doesn't make sense. So the game, you know, had this big board, which we just described.

The squares would light up in a seemingly random order, and the player would stop the spin by pressing a button. The square would stay illuminated, and the player would win whatever was in that square, which included not only cash prizes, but vacations. Like, we saw Jamaica with the white people. Sailboats or extra spins. A motorcycle, a car.

We don't know what kind of car. Just a car. I love that, too, because this is the eighties, and they were like, we don't know who's sponsoring it every week, so we ain't gonna make a new board every time we got a new whip. We just gonna be like a car. And then you open it up, and maybe it's a Honda fit.

I guess they didn't have those back then, like a station wagon or, you. Know, I love a Honda fit. A model t. I'm playing. That's rude.

But with each spin, there was also a one in six chance of hitting a whammy, which was that little monster guy, which would automatically wipe out all of the players winnings. So if you had hit a 750 and you hit a 700 and you hit a, you know, whatever. If you hit the Lil Whammy monster, not only did you not win that turn, they took away all your coins.

That's a little too much for me. Because that's cuss throat as hell, right? I feel like if I was on pressure, look, I'd be like, okay, well, I already won $1,500. I don't want to spend no more. They'd be like, you have to spend.

No, I don't. I'm done. Give me my money. Are you looking? That's why the casino, right?

That's why they could probably do more money than all the other game shows, is because they knew they were gonna rob you. Like, you think you're winning, you having a good time? Then all of a sudden, they got a ski mask on, and they're like, give it back. Run it back like this. Let me leave with something.

Like, Denzel said, I came here, I'm leaving with something. Yeah, that's their loophole. It's like blackjack. No, if I got kicked off pressure luck, I'm leaving with the host, cue cars, a microphone, the stand, something like, you're not just about to tell me I got to go home, and I get nothing disrespectful. So, after weeks of observation, Michael discovered that the squares did not illuminate randomly, but instead had only five movement patterns, which included two squares that never held whammies.

So he was like, the math is math. Yeah. He's like a card counter, right? It's like that meme of who was that woman in that show where she like saw the numbers in front of her face. You know what I'm talking about?

Blair Socci
Oh, yeah, I do know exactly what you mean. But I don't know what the show. Was not the queen's gambit. Cause she did see the chess pieces on the ceiling, which I was like, is that what quaaloos did? You can see the whole chess game on your ceiling.

Lacey Moseley
That sounds fun. But also, look, I feel like a waste of quaaluce just be staring at making do a chess. You could just do that sober. But. Yeah, but what was it was not 24.

It was like a woman who. It's a blonde woman, right? Yeah. Oh, I know y'all are yelling. Y'all are yelling.

However you listen to this, your headphones, your radio, like your boombox. I know y'all are yelling and we are not gonna get it. And that is so unsatisfying, isn't it? I know it is. Cuz I listen to podcasts and I hate that shit.

Shit. But we're not gonna get Judah Google blond lady number meme and see who it is. We'll circle back. I won't do y'all like that. But I know some of y'all are yelling.

And do y'all feel satisfied? Reply, guys. Cause you know what I'm talking about. Love that for you. Take that.

Take that. Win. We all need to win every day. According to the then head of CB's programming, Michael Brockman. This is what he says.

What was expensive to create was the light pattern on the board. No one wanted to spend that much money on the pilot. And then the pattern wasn't improved enough when the show went to production. So basically y'all had the light pattern on the board. And then Blair came in and she said, HTML, control, alt, delete.

And y'all hired Blair. And she never switched it up on the board for y'all. Just like this is good enough. I got an audition. I'll be back in 5 hours.

Plus your luck. Good luck finding the right one. I gotta go. Thank you. Good luck.

Press your luck. So armed with a winning method, Michael borrowed the money to fly to California to audition for the show. Damn, you had auditioned in person. I guess you could have sent tapes. It's 19 83 84.

So you can't just. I guess you could mail a tape. But that feels. Yeah. Michael also didn't have time with all the tv he was watching.

Blair Socci
He had too many things, too many screens to be keeping time. I feel like he had to get that plane ticket money. So all of a sudden, the ice cream man just started coming every hour back again. Dunno. He was literally here 30 minutes ago.

He drove his ice cream truck down to the Florida states. Now, I will say the only thing, like to circle back to what you said, a callback about the ice cream truck dealer. Maybe, you know, dealing drugs was like in Friday, big worm was also drove the ice cream truck and he definitely was dealing drugs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I feel like that's like a famous.

It could be something that they just show in tv and movies, but I feel like I've seen it so many times over the years. Yeah. I wonder how much it's based in reality. Yeah. Where did that myth come from?

Lacey Moseley
Also though, face on love, we don't like you on this show. I don't like that you tried to insult my queen, Nicole Byers. So anyways. Oh, yeah, I won't forget that either. Any fucking ways.

Raggedy bitch.

So he got his winning method. He's like, I'm gonna fly to Cali and give the girls what they. When he arrived in Los Angeles, he was so broke that the shirt he wore on the show was thrifted for $0.65. Ok. Thrift store, though.

Blair Socci
65 big ones. Also, you didn't have any shirts at home. That's an ice cream sandwich, right? That's one of the ice cream sandwiches he got while he was running it up. He was like, all right, this bomb pop used to cost like $0.30.

Lacey Moseley
Yeah. Well, now it's gonna be 95.

$0.65 for a fit.

Y'all like how fast I did that math? Very simple math. But come on now, y'all know this is improv. Praise me. I'm amazed.

Thank you. No calculator or nothing. Jesus Larson's plot. So, during the audition process. Ooh, this is gonna be a long one.

We're already at 55 minutes. Here we are. During the audition process, Michael intentionally fit the bill of the perfect, perfect contestant. He was perky, a little too eager, self deprecating. They want you to be perky and self deprecating.

Producers are evil. Yeah, I mean, that's what twisted. That's a twisted message you're sending, right? Like, you want somebody to be basically insecure, excited, and sad. And crystal from the read, which is my favorite podcast, she tweeted this week, or maybe last week, she tweeted that, like, the people, the producers on TLC will never see heaven, but I love the content.

And so producers do be evil. Especially like, reality tv producers. Like the other producers, you know, it's all scripted or whatever. Some of them bad, some of them good. But reality tv show, their whole job is to exploit you as who you are as a human being.

Blair Socci
Yeah. And ply you with alcohol so that you'll be so worn down, you'll behave in ways that you normally never would. And they'll deprive you of sleep. And they'll also whisper things in your ear. Like, the bachelor producers, all them motherfuckers are evil.

Lacey Moseley
Yeah. They're like, hey, do you know what this person just said about you to everyone? And then they go on a rampage. And people don't know about the villain. Edit that Victoria girl from the bachelor.

She definitely is trash in real life because she did some shit too. Black and brown people on that show that I did not fuck with, but I also know that behind the scenes, they were like, oh, Victoria, if you want to stay on the show and get more airtime, you gotta fight with these bitches. One of them called you ugly and said that all your bras show and all your clothes, so you should definitely drag her. Like, they do things like that and they're like, you're not interesting. You gon leave.

Blair Socci
Yeah, and they. Yeah, they can. And they also will sell the villain story. Like, oh, you're gonna be the star if you're the villain. And think about how many sponsorships and Instagram ads you're gonna get to sell after this.

You know, sell your soul. It's worth it. Cause after this, you're gonna sell cold teeth, lightning on Instagram and lollipops that make you not wanna eat. Don't you want that in your future? Yeah.

Don't you want to sell shit tea and boxes of beauty samples? Don't you want to let your young people shit from tea? Oh, my God. Literally, like, this is. You're right.

Lacey Moseley
This is the dream that they're selling them. So this poor. I'm not gonna say poor man yet. Cause we don't know how he turned out, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But you know, he sold it. Cause he's watched enough of this on his 3000 5011 tvs to know, like, there's a type for game shows. And I knew that too, when I went on that game show that I didn't actually show up for, is that they want you to be excited, a little smart. You gotta be fun and funny, but not too funny and not too fun. A little like.

Like an everyman. Like everybody who's watching it in middle America as they cut their corn in the grass, Nebraska is like, oh, that's me. I feel like that's also, like, every sides that I get for audition. They're like, pretty, but has no idea. Attractive, but you wouldn't know.

Blair Socci
But down to earth, but has no idea that she could even have a shred of worth. But that's literally every cis straight man. I'm not gonna say every. There's some good cis straight men out there. Cause come on, Doug.

Lacey Moseley
In the beginning, Doug is a. Yeah. Doug, thank you for everything. Thank you for everything, Doug. But you know, some cis straight men who are into misogyny, that's their hobby.

That's what they want, is like a real bad bitch who has no clue. I want a sexy ass woman who has no mirrors in her head, house. Huge boobs, but extremely humble. I was. So something I like to do for fun is go on dating apps on FaceTime with my friend Amy, and read the dating app profiles for men because they are fucking wild.

Blair Socci
Oh, my God. They always say they want a humble woman, and I'm like, humble. I'm like, what are you saying? All I'm hearing when you say must be humble is that you want a woman to be in your room that you can yell at while she folds your socks. Literally humble and loyal.

Lacey Moseley
Which means that, one, I want you to have low self esteem, and two, I want you to like me so much that when I start doing fuck shit to you, because you're loyal, you don't go nowhere. Like, you just stay and take it. That's what those words mean. All y'all out there, can you tweet that? Cause I'm gonna retweet it after I'ma.

Tweet it after this. Because we need to get this out there. Cause that's literally what it is that. Needs to be out there tonight. As soon as this is over, will.

Because this is our more at eleven. This is our PSA. But we're not going to tease people. I'm going to give it to them straight because it's humble. They'd be like, oh, you don't know how much you're worth.

Loyal. Oh, you don't care how much I do to you because you're going to stay here for it. And those are literally the lethal combinations. If I see either of those words on a dating profile and not all this straight men listen to this podcast. So we're probably safe giving this information because I don't want you all to switch it.

I want people to know, but, you know, I'm a woman, so, you know, they're like, women talking. Yeah. Is she black? Oh, my God. No.

Blair Socci
Oh, my God. That's, like, mostly where all my negative reviews come from. They're like, this negro wench is on here waxing poetic about scams. I hate her. But this woman had the gall to speak in a microphone.

Lacey Moseley
What is she doing? Women talking the ghetto. So. But it is true, guys. Like, if you see that on a profile, both of those things hit swipe left, swipe left, swipe left.

Also, if you see people complaining on a dating profile, like, I want to meet up. No pen pals. They've been on there too long. And please don't be boring. I'm like, you say something interesting, bitch, right?

Blair Socci
You probably never said something funny in your life, and I. Don't be boring. Please don't be boring. You hate women. Also, I had to learn to stop being interesting as an entertainer.

Lacey Moseley
You know, like. Like, I always so funny, I would always be trying to have something nice to say or fun to say or something different. And that's why I got off bumble. Cause I was like, bitch, I gotta do all the entertaining. I gotta come.

And after a while, this is why I knew I needed to get off bumble. I would just start sending gifts as the first thing. Cause I was on bumble, they make the cisgendered women respond first. And I would send a gift. Cause I was like, bitch, I'm not coming up with another entertaining thing to say to y'all.

And then on other apps, I still found myself, like, trying to keep the conversation interesting. And I was like, why am I doing this now? They'd be like, what you doing? And I'd be like, nothing. Where you at?

Nowhere. Nowhere. I would never in my life go and bumble. I'm like, there are literally, like, two good things about being a woman. Like, I know I'm definitely not making the first move.

Blair Socci
Like, what's the point of being a woman? Like, what is the point? I'm not doing that. And, like, if you make the first move, shout out to you, like, I've done it. Sometimes it doesn't work out for me.

Lacey Moseley
Like, they'll, like, be interested, but they won't be interested enough. But, you know, it's. It's fine. I think with women, like, if I make the first move with a woman, it's different. Like, that is different.

And I'm bisexual, so, like, that's different. But with a sister, man. It's like, I'm not doing this. Like, y'all don't deserve all this energy. Y'all about to get, like, three letter texts.

They be like, how you doing today? I'm gonna be like, good. I'm not even gonna put the D. It's just gonna say good.

Blair Socci
No, it's like, do your job. You don't deserve a full word. What is this? Wordle? Yeah, you can't have it.

Lacey Moseley
So, anyways, back to the story. Cause I know y'all are like, this is a departure. We did get the meme lady for y'all. It's from a brazilian show, and the meme is called math lady. And I have to say that I'm very embarrassed, but I thought it was Claire Danes from that show that Claire Danes was on, which is very disrespectful of me.

Homeland. Whoo. I thought it was Homeland meme, but it is not. It's the brazilian lady from the brazilian show. So let's continue with the story because.

Blair Socci
I look the same. No, they don't. They don't at all. Although I will say I ran into an actress, and this happens to me all the time as a black person. This happened to me in the room where, like, I remember going up at UCB, and I was about to do a show, and somebody had just finished a show, eggo from SNL, and she's the homie.

Lacey Moseley
And for some reason, people think we look alike because we're dark skinned, and we used to have the same hairstyle, but she's taller than I am, thinner than I am. We don't have the same face. She's very beautiful. We just don't have the same face. And I remember a comedian came up to me and was like, oh, you just killed it out there.

Great set. Meanwhile, I'm in the groom about to do a show, echo in a corner, and I'm like, she's here. How did you confuse us? But then I did that to another comedian at a party where I was like, oh, girl. We follow each other on Twitter.

So good to meet in real life. And after we had this conversation, I realized I was like, that's not who I thought. Oh, yeah, I've done that. I do this all the time. Like, and I need to get glasses where I think I'm like, I'm so friendly.

Blair Socci
Like, if I think I see someone, like, I'll wait. I'll just wave. So I'm always waving to the wrong person. I won't go up and say hello. I just, like, do one of these.

And then they always look at me confused. And then I'm like, fuck. That's not who I thought it was. God, how many times do I interview? A wave is safer than walking up confidently and having a conversation, though.

Lacey Moseley
So people could just think you're friendly, right? So back to the story. The act earned him a spot on the show the same day he auditioned. So, remember, his act was, he came, and he was like, I'm so excited to be here. Here I am.

Not worthy. I'm ugly. And they were like, yeah, him. Him. We gonna get him on there?

And so it worked. He got on the show after the first round of generic questions that were always asked in order for the three contestants to earn spins. Michael was the first to get his turn on the board. So he got, like, he knew everything. He knew all the things to say to the girls.

Those 37 tvs he had stacked up against each other really paid off. So on his first spin, he intentionally stopped on a whammy to avoid suspicion that he didn't and he didn't have money to lose. So he was like, okay, I'm gonna give the girls a whammy on purpose in the beginning. Cause I don't have no coins, so I'm not gonna lose anything. Like, they'll never know.

Which I think, like, as a scammer. So smart. You don't wanna get too greedy. You don't wanna be too arrogant. He's like, I have to let the girls know that I don't know nothing.

And, like, look at the way he looks on this. He's wearing a suit, 85 cent dollars shirt that actually looks pretty nice. How far did $0.85 go in 1985? This man knew what he was doing. He was like, I'll look clean cut, non threatening.

He's wearing blue. No red. No aggressive colors. Like, blue is typically on television. A lot of democrats wear blue.

It's seen as, like, not a. It's like a smart color, not a power color. Yeah. He's like, I'll just look very vague. Just vague and muted.

He was like, I'll give myself a haircut with my kitchen knot.

Blair Socci
He looks sweet in this photo, though. He does his hair like he was. Putting the part on. Yeah. And also, it feels like he should have shaved his head bald, but I feel like he would look crazy if it was bald.

Lacey Moseley
So he's like, I want to look like I'm holding onto my hair. So I'm going to like have a receding hairline that goes down to my neck. Yeah, he really played the part and I love a costume. And he's giving, you know, theatrics. So on his next spin, he collected $2,500 while his opponents, Ed Long and Janie Littrus, earned 40 00 84,600 before the first round ended.

And it was Michael's turn again. So he knows. And pressure luck, they let the girls get a good amount of coin and then what keeps the viewers interested is they snatch it all away. So it's like you looking at that money you just earned and you're thinking about all the light bills you're gonna pay, you know, the vacation to a resort you're gonna take your kids on and stuff. You're excited.

So there's a pain when they see it highwire act. Yeah, they want you scared and they. Want you like excited. Cause you're like, oh, I just got some things. Like, oh my God, things.

So he's got the least amount of money right now, right? So this is when the heat turned up. On his first spin, Michael hit one of the best spots on the board. 4000 plus a free spin. His next spin, he hit 5000 plus a free spin.

The next 1000 plus a free spin. Using his studied strategy, he kept going for 40 consecutive spins, never hitting a whammy between five and ten spins, meaning his winning spree should have been impossible. Wow. By the time he decided to end his turn, he had won $102,851, roughly with inflation, about $275,000 today. As well as trips to the Bahami, the Bahamis, the Bahamas, kauai and a sailboat.

While the producers were freaking out, there was nothing they could do about it because he never technically broke any rules. Additionally, Michael's turn took so long that it couldn't be contained in a single half hour episode, necessitating it be broken up into a two part episode filled with an interview between Michael and the host. So then they was like, okay, we gotta turn this around somehow. So there's definitely a producer in the room. Like, how the fuck is he winning this much?

And they're like, okay, we can, we can spend this. This is gonna be exciting. We gonna get ratings cuz finally somebody cleaning it up. So we gonna do an interview with him and be like, how did you learn how to press your luck, Michael? Like, when did you learn how to press and when did you get luck?

Blair Socci
Tell him, how'd you learn how to beat our asses? And then look at this. This photo. It says, to be continued. There's a guy with, like, $4,080 and for some reason he's got his hand on his head and he looking very defeated.

Lacey Moseley
Why? His head in his hands. Just like, I have met my nightmare. I waited to get on this episode, and this man is winning $102,000 and won't stop spinning. I want to go home.

I want to go home. They're like, we're tired again. Again. Yeah. So due to CB's rules, Michael also wasn't eligible to be invited back to the following episode to defend his title that he won.

Wait, as he won more than $25,000. So if you win more than 25 G's, they were like, well, you can't come back because you won 25,000. Like, please leave us. Yeah, because that's not supposed to happen. We're supposed to just not have you win.

We're supposed to take all your money away. So the show was so embarrassing to CB's, they locked the episode away in their vault. Wow. Years later, when other networks brought the syndication rights to old episodes, CB's also refused to let them air the Michael Larson episode. They were like, we don't want anybody to see us take this.

L. So you know what? I take it back. The producers were dumb because I feel like this is something that could have. Been explosive, like a huge news story.

Yeah. I would have definitely let it play out because if you do a stay tuned, like, the girls are gonna be like, oh, my God, the american dream. Why picket fence? Yeah. He got all the money, like, what.

Blair Socci
They would, like, weighed the giant publicity. It could have been against the nightmare of everyone figuring out their show in an instant. But here's the thing then. If you know that obviously this man has figured out the show somehow, just switch it up before you start doing more shows. Yeah.

Lacey Moseley
So after the show, the $50,000 theft, though producers didn't want to let Michael keep his earnings. He was ultimately allowed to keep everything of which he had to pay $30,000 in taxes. Remember we talked about the Oprah cars? So, you know, like, he had to pay taxes on his winning. When he returned home, he immediately put $30,000 into a real estate venture that ended up being a Ponzi scheme.

Damn. I mean, you are a scammer, Michael. So he was like, oh, a new scam, losing over half his winnings in a matter of weeks. Because, mind you, like, he won, like, a $102,000 knockoff, 30 grand for taxes. So now he's sitting at, like, $72,000.

He drops 30 in a pyramid scheme, so now he's sitting at, like, 42 grand. In November of 1984, his extensive radio listening led him to a contest hosted by a radio station in Dayton, Ohio, every day, the station where the players could win $30,000 by playing a sort of lottery. I remember this kind of lottery, even though this is before my time. The host would read off a set of serial numbers from a $1 bill, and if you could find the matching dollar within several days, you'd be the winner. The first time Michael scheme, like, involved depositing the rest of his press your luck winnings into several banks and withdrawing all of it in $1 bills.

So he was like, okay, well, I got to do another pressure luck scheme. I got a. So now he's like, the radio serial number joint pressure's on now. Because of the sheer amount of volume of cash, they were stored in trash bags and burlap sacks. It soon became apparent that there were far more bills that could be sifted through in a few days.

So he put some of the money back in the bank and kept, like, $40,000 on hand. Unfortunately, this decision was Michaels worst. While at a holiday party, taking a break from reading $1 bills, his house was broken into and robbed of all $40,000 that he had left. Oh, my God. Like, if I remember correctly from articles that I read, because it's not here.

I think he, like, went on a date with some woman, and she saw that he had a lot of cash on hand, and then. Oh, my God. This man had him rock. Poor man got scammed of all the money that he won in his scam. And he worked so hard watching his 50 tvs.

Blair Socci
Oh, my God. I'm actually really. This is not how I wanted this to end, but this is like how every Scorsese movie, right? Like, they just don't win, lose it all. I want them to disappear.

Lacey Moseley
So Michael's last scam. After being left with almost nothing, he bounced around from job to job, eventually landing a gig as assistant manager at Wally World Walmart. However, unbeknownst to his friends and family, he was also selling shares of fraudulent MLM scheme run by a company called Pressure Time, Inc. He is a true scammer. He was like, I gotta get him to mlMs.

The MLM involved a fake american indian lottery that raised 1.8 million from 14,000 investors and what was, like, a pioneering Internet scam at the time. So the Internet was new. Al Gore was like, hey, girls, here's the Internet. And he was like, let's get in on it. The Security Exchange Commission, the SEC, the F to B, and the I and the IR's eventually caught wind, and Michael abruptly fled Ohio in 1995.

He was never prosecuted for the crime and eventually passed away of throat cancer in 1999 at the age of 49. Yeah, it's pretty young to pass away. Michael, you were a scammer, and I hate that you saw a third of your winnings into an MLM. It just feels like if anyone should know that that's a scam, it should. Be a scammer also, like, you're in Ohio.

You could. In the eighties, you could have made that hunt, you know, that 72,000 ish dollar stretch. But she was greedy. Oh, my God. I just.

Blair Socci
I just can't believe, like, you're so. He made. He was so smart on how he won that money. Like, he had to be so smart to, like, figure that all that out and all the studying that it went into, and then he just dumped it in an MLM. I can't believe it.

Lacey Moseley
Well, the MLM was after the Ponzi scheme. No, I know. I just think it's so crazy. I just. It's.

Michael, you know how this stuff works. You went on a scam tv show. You figured out it was a scam. Why are you not more perceptive of scams as a burgeoning criminal? Right.

Also, where's your ice cream truck? You should have just got back out there and started, dunna doom doom doodle. Do you know, giving the kids the spongebob where the face all melted in the eyes, in the pants? Like, yeah, it's like when a player gets played and you're like, but I thought you invented this. Yeah, that's the thing.

You know, you win some, you lose some in scams. Yeah, you got to know when to pull in, when to pull out. Just like everything else. Yes. We're gonna take a quick break.

We'll be back for the saddest part of the show, where I have to let Blair socky go. Robbery. Finding the perfect t shirt has always had me like Goldilocks trying on shirts. This one's too hard, this one's too soft, and it fell apart. Cause y'all know I got it from a cheap website.

And this t shirt from skims is just right from fit to quality. It is one of my, like, these are my favorite t shirts. I have three different ones. Y'all know I love me and onyx because I'm gonna be wearing black all the time. They have a cotton, long sleeve jersey tee that I really like, too, because the material is so soft.

But when I put it in the washer, she don't have a whole transformation or makeover. It's not move that bust. When I take it out, she looks the way that she looked when I put her in. And we know we cannot say that for all t shirts, okay? So you can have staple t shirts that you can mix and match and wear up or down.

Maybe we're going to a fancy night out. Maybe we're going on a date date. Maybe we're lounging around the house. I love these shirts so much because I can do so many different things with them. It's like I'm telling y'all, skims they doing right over there.

I got on the underwear right now. I can't give it up. I think they got me, y'all. I'm not even playing. Shop the skims t shirt

now available in sizes extra, extra small to four x. If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know I sent you. After you place your order, select scam goddess in the survey, and select my show in the dropdown menu that follows. Love the flexibility of working in all sorts of places. Well, working on the go seamlessly requires a strong network.

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network today. Coverage not available in some areas. See 5g device coverage and access details at t dot and fraud. And we're back in a scammer of the week, end of the show. And we're talking about a scammer that maybe we love, maybe we hate.

And honoree charlatan. We don't know. Maybe they are defamed. Let's see. So one man has been accused of double dipping as principal in two different schools hundreds of miles apart.

Blair Socci
What? Okay. He said, I'm gonna be the principal of two schools, and he's like, and. I'm gonna be driving a lot. 400 miles away.

Lacey Moseley
I hate to call it back, but. Blair, this feels like I love driving. He was like, I gotta go. On my lunch break. He could go for 5 hours to go be a principal at the other school.

So, Michael. Another Michael, of course. Oh, my God. Michael's just won't rest. Michaels to crime.

Michaels were like, we bout this, okay? Michael Redmond was maintained. He maintained a full time employment as both a principal of Rhode island school and an assistant principal at a Washington, DC middle school 400 miles away. Redmond was working virtually as an assistant principal at Kramer Middle School, making an annual salary of $125,434 a year, when he took an in person position at EQ Dacademy in Providence. I'm not mad at this.

Oh, my boy's a black king. Wow. I'm not mad at this. One of them was virtual. You could principal virtual and also principal in person.

He's just got to check a lot of emails. All I hear is hustle so far. He said, every day I'm hustling and driving. Okay. Michael can't turn his car in.

It's got too many miles on it. Michael B. Driving. Okay, you've heard of Michael B. Jordan?

We're talking about Michael B. Driving. Okay. He driving. I hope he had a Prius.

Blair Socci
He had to have had a Prius, right? I hope you're getting good gas mileage, and I hope you're riding it off, because, whoo. Child. Don't tell me you're driving an suv. He wrote it off at both schools.


Lacey Moseley
So, however. So his hours were roughly the same. He'd arrive at one job, then clock in at his other 115 minutes later. Okay. We love a grace period.

Contract with Kramer Middle School stipulated that employees are prohibited from engaging in any outside employment that is reasonably likely to interfere with the employees ability to perform his or her job. Reportedly, Redmond immediately resigned from his assistant principal role after learning that he was not allowed to work both jobs. In a statement, he said, I worked virtually for Kramer during fall 2020, fulfilling all duties and responsibilities with a highly effective rating, while also working in person as a principal in Providence. Also receiving excellent marks currently. Mark Michael is not employed by either school district.

I mean, if one is remote and one is in person, like, what is y'all problem? Michael was getting on the zooms. I wish Michael didn't get caught. I'll be honest. I like to.

Blair Socci
It would be great if he kept that up for, like, so many years like you did. I like when people don't get caught. Like, I feel like this is not bad. He got on the zoom. He was like, if you suspended on Zoom, he telling your parents on Zoom, then he also was in person with the other kids.

Lacey Moseley
I feel like he did his professions. Yeah, Zoom's not real. And he said he had high marks. He said, the girls love Michael. Oh, God.

Blair Socci
They should have let him stay. I just, you know, we're so low on educators. I just feel like Michael was watching classrooms in Providence, but he was also, like, zooming on the classrooms in DC. Well, maybe they should pay teachers more so they don't have to work at two schools. Exactly.

Lacey Moseley
Like, that feels like what the issue is here. Like, Michael had to have two jobs. He had to be two principals. And he probably getting on Zoom and being like, all right, so listen, in DC, we gotta keep our kids DC. We in Providence, he's like, and now Rhode island.

Blair Socci
And they're like. They're like, what? He's like, where am I? Like, this is 2020. So I feel like he probably, like, you know, he was in the position in person in Providence, Connecticut.

Lacey Moseley
I feel like maybe he was in the classroom, like, hey, kids. All right. They storm in the Capitol. What? We ain't gonna.

Blair Socci
Yeah, that's how he got caught. All right, Connecticut. Okay, let me get on Zoom. Principal Michael out. Let me get on Zoom.

Lacey Moseley
Hey, y'all, I know they storm in the Capitol. That's where y'all, again, drop a pin. For all we know, he probably had more zoom jobs than this. Yeah. Oh, my God.

Blair Socci
Hilarious. He's like, can anyone tell me what state I'm in right now? As the principal at this Florida middle school? I just want to let y'all know, the insurrection. This is not a threat to us.

Lacey Moseley
Wait, no, we in Florida. Oh, we in Florida, actually. Okay, I'm gonna leave the chat. I'm gonna leave the chat. But y'all be blessed.

Shout out to Michael, because I don't think this is a reason to fire someone. He works very hard. Too hard. Yeah. Michael, you have a few fans over here.

Yeah. We love you. You work very hard. Seems like everybody really likes you, Michael, you dress very well. I don't see why you couldn't continue to be the principal of multiple schools.

Blair Socci
If there's one thing I can admire in anyone, it's work ethic. You have a very great work ethic. So do you. Oh, my God. Extremely great, Blair.

Lacey Moseley
So this is the end of the show. Thank you, guys for being here. This is a longer one. Blair, we always ask on this podcast, where do you want to be found? I would love if you guys came and visited at my Twitter and Instagram at Blair Socky Blairsocci.

And then you have a show coming out in February. I'm on a show? It's not my show, but yes. I mean, you on it? Yeah.

Yeah. I'm a series regular. Okay, so you want it? So it's your show. Okay.

Fairview. It's actually. Yeah, it's a new animated show, and it'll be on after South park. And I'm really excited. Super funny.

That amazes me. I actually didn't know that it was animated, but I said at the beginning, I told you, like, this woman, her voice. Love it. Also, the girls could see you in person if they're in a certain location. Oh, yes.

Blair Socci
If you're in Seattle, I would love if you came out. I'm gonna be doing the crocodile theater February 24. It'd be awesome to see you guys. Yes. Go and see Blair in person.

Lacey Moseley
Now. Don't try to touch on nothing but Sierra. Cause she's brilliant. Her stand up is so fucking good. Like, seriously.

Blair Socci
Oh, my God, you are. I love watching you. And as always, d I v a l a c I. Diva Lacey on all platforms. If you wanna find me for my own personal shenanigans, if you wanna see the photos and everything from the podcast scam got his post on all platforms, but we usually post on Instagram.

Lacey Moseley
I'd be saying we to absolve myself from responsibility, but it's me. Hey, guys. I was on Kenan watch Keenan, episode four, and there's a fun twist that definitely ties into this podcast that you will enjoy. Oh, my God. I'm gonna watch it.

I don't know when season two of iCarly is coming out. I will let y'all know when I do congregation space gaming. Yeah, I've got it. This has been an Earwolf production in association with Team Coco. Scam got its stars and is hosted by me, Lacey Moseley, aka scam goddess.

It's produced by Judith Kargbo, engineered by Marina Pais, and researched by Kailyn Brandt. Stay scheming.

This has been a team coco production in association with Earwolf.

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