Fraud Fridays: The Stealing Starlets w/ Matt Rogers

Primary Topic

This episode dives into the world of celebrity scams and theft, featuring guest Matt Rogers discussing notorious cases and personal experiences related to scamming.

Episode Summary

In this captivating episode of "Fraud Fridays," host Laci Mosley, also known as the "Scam Goddess," teams up with cultural icon Matt Rogers to explore the murky waters of celebrity-related scams. They share hilarious anecdotes and insightful commentary on various fraudulent schemes that target and are perpetrated by celebrities. From absurd endorsements to outright theft, the episode is a rollercoaster of revelations, laughter, and shocking moments, providing a perfect blend of entertainment and cautionary tales.

Main Takeaways

  1. Celebrities are often both perpetrators and victims of scams.
  2. The glamour of Hollywood often masks the underbelly of financial and ethical misconduct.
  3. Personal anecdotes from guests can highlight the pervasive nature of scam culture.
  4. Listeners are advised to remain skeptical of too-good-to-be-true opportunities, especially in the entertainment industry.
  5. The episode underscores the importance of due diligence and legal awareness.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

The episode kicks off with Laci introducing the topic and guest, setting the stage for a deep dive into celebrity scams. Laci Mosley: "Welcome to another thrilling episode of Fraud Fridays where we uncover the not-so-glamorous side of celebrity life."

2: The Art of the Scam

Discussion about various scams involving celebrities, ranging from fake endorsements to charity scams. Matt Rogers: "It's fascinating how the allure of fame makes people both targets and perpetrators of scams."

3: Personal Experiences

Matt shares personal stories related to minor scams in the entertainment industry. Matt Rogers: "You wouldn't believe the things people try to pull off under the guise of networking."

4: Q&A with Listeners

Laci and Matt answer listener questions, providing advice on how to avoid scams. Laci Mosley: "Always verify the credibility of people you're dealing with in this industry."

Actionable Advice

  1. Always research before investing in any project related to entertainment.
  2. Be wary of unsolicited offers, especially those involving money.
  3. Use legal channels and contracts for any professional agreements.
  4. Keep personal and financial information secure.
  5. Educate yourself about common scams to recognize red flags.

About This Episode

What’s poppin, con-gregation? Today we re-visit our episode with Matt Rogers (Las Culturistas) who helps us break down the aspiring comedian who couldn’t steal the spotlight, so stole cash instead. Stay schemin!


Laci Mosley, Matt Rogers





Guest Name(s):

Matt Rogers

Content Warnings:



Lacey Moseley
You can save every day by shopping at Whole Foods Market. Seriously, don't just go for the big sales. Walk the store and see the savings for yourself. In the seafood department, look for the yellow low price sign on Whole Foods Market responsibly. Farms salmon.

This fish is perfect for the grill. Buttery, fatty, yet lean. Nice, thick filets. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it, and I know I can get it at a great price. There's so many ways to save at Whole Foods Market now, you know?

Watch Queenie, the new original series on Hulu. Who is Queenie? She's in her twenties. She lives in London. She's facing all the firsts.

First major heartbreak, first shitty apartment and soul sucking job, first therapy session to work through those mommy issues. Can she turn her quarter life crisis into a revolution? Maybe. Will she make some questionable decisions along the way? Definitely.

The new series Queenie is now streaming on Hulu. What's Poppin congregation? It's your girl, Lacey Moseley, aka scam goddess. Welcome to an episode of Fraud Fridays, where we release older episodes from the scam goddess vault. That's right.

Fraud Fridays is where we bring back your favorite episodes from behind the paywall. Enjoy this episode from behind the paywall. And as always, stay scheming. Scam, robbery, and fraud. Scam, robbery and fraud.

Goddess, what's poppin congregation? It's your girl, Lacey Moseley, aka skim goddess. And we are back for another installment of scam. Scam goddess, the pod that's all about fraud. Okay, listen, some general housekeeping.

I know I talk about scams. I know I talk about how y'all can scam. Stop trying to scam me, okay? I'm tired. Stop tagging me on Instagram on these.

You too can start making condoms. Making condoms? How am I supposed to start making condoms from home? Please stop. Please stop tagging me in this kind of stuff, y'all.

Please respect me. Respect me. Anyways, guys, what am I. Say it with me one time. Excited?

Yes, I'm very excited for today's guest, and I am actually extremely excited because this is a booked and busy guest. I don't know how we got him. I really feel like I scammed him. Like, he don't even know he on the show yet. They told him this was.

They told him he was gonna be on MTV. And actually, he probably wouldn't even do MTV. But today we have.

Matt Rogers
Yes to everything, girl. Same. Literally same today. Guys, we have already heard him. Cultural icon.

Lacey Moseley
You've seen him on shrill, nor in Queens, I can't even talk. He's the co host of the legendary podcast Las Colturistas and the star and host of Hot Dog on HBO, Max, which. That show is fun as hell. Guys, we have Matt Rogers. This is very exciting for me as well.

Matt Rogers
I'm very happy to be here, Lacey. Thank you. And I'm so I really identify because when the. We call our podcast listeners the readers, when the students become the teacher, it is a moment, like, when they come to you and are like, I didn't like this cultural take you did. And they act like they can tell you you're out here trying to scam Lacey.

Lacey Moseley
Yes. I don't think so, honey. As we say, right. We're called the congregation. So the congregation, they try to scam.

Matt Rogers
Unbelievable. And they be out here trying to steal from the collection place. And I'm like, y'all know your place. You listen.

Lacey Moseley
They run me, and they know they run me. So I don't know what to do. Cause I've listened too many times. So now they're like, no, girl, we run you. I remember when the Hilaria Baldwin situation happened.

I got tagged so many times, and they're like, we want the episode. And so I did the episode, and they're like, thanks, girl. We really appreciate it. I mean, the. The scam of the year, I would imagine.

Oh, what a beautiful scam. I love that woman so much. I could talk about her forever.

Matt Rogers
When she didn't know how to say cucumber, how you say, that was a moment. That was a moment for me also. This is, like, the first year. It's a good time for me to come on the pod because this is the first year where I had, like, I'm usually a really bad shopper for Christmas and, like, online shopping. I am, too.

So. But this year, I don't know how you feel, but I had the time, obviously, because of quarantine, the coronavirus pandemic. If you're listening to this years in the future, we are currently experiencing the pandemic. So now I'm, like, sitting around having time to go on Etsy and buy cute stuff or whatever. The way I got scammed on so many things I tried to buy, when I'll go on there and try to buy cute ornaments, and they show up and they're laminated plastic, girl.

Lacey Moseley
That's the issue with Etsy, is sometimes it's like, an artist who's really good, and it's a great platform. Other times, it's robbery. It is robbery. It is felony robbery. It comes to the point where it's like, I really paid $9 for a little laminated piece of plastic, and then you could pay the same price for, like, an artisanal cool ass clock I have up there.

Matt Rogers
I'm like, come on, man. Oh, the clock is cool. It's roll of the dice etsy. It's like, we gonna see. You know, you might it.

Lacey Moseley
Come on. You gonna see when you get it in the mail. We're gonna see it and we're gonna judge that, right? Don't get too excited yet. You won't see the hidden meaning of the name we see.

Matt Rogers
I use red bubble, too, which is like, more like red alert. Oh, I haven't seen red bubble. Don't sound like someplace I should be making purchases. I feel like my card would turn off. You know, I can't even pay for onlyfans.

Lacey Moseley
I tried to get to support one of my homegirls who has onlyfans, and bank of America called me and was. Like, uh uh, girl, it's. What? Because bank of America was saying, we're not letting you do onlyfans. They need to.

Matt Rogers
They need to rely on. They said they wouldn't let me look at hot girl shit. I was just trying to support my hot friends, and they said, not. Not over here at Miss America's, uh, banking institution, FDIC. And I was like, no, girl, they need to step in.

Needs to call me and be like, hey, you're paying for too much onlyfans. Cause I be spending money on onlyfans. Like, I have, like, three or four people that I'm, like, a fan of. Onlyfans has really become the moment this year. It has.

Lacey Moseley
And I wanna. I wanna get on only scams where I just.

It's just. But maybe I put on, like, a little teddy, a little lingerie. A little lingerie for the girl. Why, absolutely. Could you imagine?

Matt Rogers
I mean, listen, if you got the goods, make the coin. It's not even about that. It's about the effort. That's why I be trying to pay my homegirls. Cause, like, bitch, you put in on makeup in the ponderosa.

Lacey Moseley
You put in on hair and clothes. Couldn't be me. Like, I'm working right now full time. But they put the clothes on me, and they put the hair in the face on me. I don't do that shit.

Matt Rogers
Yeah, well, listen, we could always, like, I've been trying to think, like, let me learn how to put myself together in a new way for the zoom. Cause you gotta show up for zoom. Because what else are you showing up for? So it is interesting. This has been a time where usually when I'm doing this, I don't have to look at myself.

So I feel like if I'm gonna have to look at myself for a while, I might as well do the hair. I might as well put on my little sweater that I bought. Cause I don't wanna look at myself looking a mess. Yes. So, wait, Matt, getting to know you a little bit before we hop in, have you ever been scammed?

Have I ever been scammed? I would say I went to Nyu. Okay. Okay, well, so I think that counts. I mean, honestly, like, I don't foresee a reality where it made sense to pay over $200,000 to have a degree in television writing.

I do think that some of these private universities are way too expensive. And if I have one, like, not my mission in life, but something I wanna do is just be, like, to kids that are in high school, be like, you know, you don't have to go to college right after you graduate, right? Like, take your time. Figure out what you wanna do. Because I do think that the system of, like, well, you graduate, and then you graduate high school, and then you're supposed to go to college, right?

Like, that's such a. That's such a commonplace thing where it's, like, so many people that I knew did not know what they wanted to do when they were. When they were getting ready to leave for school. And then even at the end, I have close friends that at the end of college, like, had an education major and realized they didn't want to be around kids. Oh, it's like, that's something we should have known.

Meanwhile, it's like, you went to Towson University, the whole thing. And so you. Meanwhile, now you have all this debt and no career plan and no interest in the degree that you have. So I do think that, like, just, like, you know, nationwide, like, the way that America does education and then, like, college education needs to be looked at in the way that they do in Europe, where it's, like, I would wait tables with girls who had come over from, like, Scotland and Ireland and England, because they. It was part of their culture that they come over here and, like, experience America for a while or, like, do something else.

Lacey Moseley
Like, take a while, experience America. I mean, at the time, it didn't seem so bad, but now it's like. You guys get in the garbage real quick before, just so you can really accept your blessings. That's, like, when you have to go and, you know, do volunteer work when you're forced to. I love doing volunteer work.

But, like, when they're like, go see how the other half went. Like, yes, your honor, I love doing volunteer work. Yes. Go pick up trash next to the side of the road, aka America. Well, this was like, this was, like, back in, like, 20, 12, 13, where we still were having.

Matt Rogers
The president was Barack Obama. And it was like, I guess America was still aspirational. This is right before the shitstorm that was. Or at least, like, when it was finally revealed to everyone that it was a shitstorm. Cause a lot of us knew, right?

Lacey Moseley
Cause we knew the girls, the black girls knew. But I will say everyone. Yeah, we all were living a little better in that time when, like, the biggest scandal was, like, our sexy ass president in a cream suit, so. Exactly. Oh, can you remember when they wrote him so hard for, like, his suit not being the color they wanted?

Matt Rogers
And now it's like, he's so hot. Yeah, he is the hottest. I mean, there's some pictures of him, I won't lie. Like, I've definitely googled Barack Obama beach photos and the man, it has it together. I mean, like, it's just like, he is a gorgeous specimen.

And Michelle looks better every day of her life. Right? When she showed up at the inauguration, I was like, poof. Right? And gave the.

Lacey Moseley
And walked all over. The girls just said, put your neck down here. Put it on the curb. Yeah, there you go. Rip.

Matt Rogers
All next, right? But I get what you're saying, though, of, like, the culture of America very much being like, if you don't go to college, you're a loser. It's in our television. Like, how many movies are there about college? It's in our.

Lacey Moseley
Our music industry. Remember Asher Ross? I went to college, and I was naked. I can't even remember how the song, but it was called I love college. And, like, I remember that coming out when I was in high school, and I was like, ooh, I love college.

I want to go to college. And it was propaganda. It was, because all they want is your money. It's so crazy how all they want. And then they have the nerve to email you later and be like, could you make donations?

Matt Rogers
It's like, no, I can't. When you say later, I mean, five minutes after the grudge, I'm still in my motherfucking gown, and they over here emailing me talking about, would you like to give the girls? No, no, no. Never again. It's like, how about this?

How about when I go back to campus. I'd like to be able to use the Internet. You want to talk about a donation? I'll give you $20 if you let me use the Internet one time on your campus after I give you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Like, yeah, they should always let you.

Lacey Moseley
Wifi should always be free when you're in that part of town. Like, what? Wifi should be like water. It should be free, right? And if we're gonna get there, and hopefully if Elon Musk does one raggedy ass thing before he moves to Mars, is that he can get us some universal Wi Fi with his raggedy.

Matt Rogers
Let's get it together. But you can do one thing for us. Positive, right? But wait, wait, wait. I have a question.

Lacey Moseley
Have you gone back to the NYU campus since you've graduated? I mean, it's, like, in the city. Where are you right now? Are you in LA or are you. I live in LA now.

Matt Rogers
But I did live in New York up until last year. So I will say the first few years after I graduated, I would go back just because it was comfortable to go back there and grab rehearsal space or quiet space to do things. But. But I will say they got to be real stingy with letting alumni in, because your card needed to say you were a current student. So for some reason, like, they just got really strict about people coming on, which is just, like, insane.

It's like, I went to the school for four years. Like, let me come on and, like, hang out here for a second. But I don't know, with any other school, maybe I'd be like, yeah, I get it. People graduated. They should move on.

But with NYU, it's like, you asked for so much. And it's also, like, it's not easy to find spots in the city to just, you know, get some shit done. So I think they could be a little chiller to their. To their alumni. But for the first couple years, yeah, I was hanging out there, and then I bailed.

Lacey Moseley
Okay. Cause I went back on my campus, and for homecoming, which I went to University of Pittsburgh. I don't know why me and my friends, like, we had this nostalgia for Pitt, because there wasn't nothing to do there. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. There was one gay club that was, like, super rundown, but we used to go there, and it was cute, and we had a few nightclubs that were trash and.

But we, like, had such a good time because we were such great friends. So we were like, let's go back. It was so fun. We got there. It was cold, it was rainy.

I went back to the campus, which is absolutely gorgeous. And when I tell you, I was so mad because they had updated so much shit, and it was looking cute as hell in that bitch. And I was like, I know the. Glow happened after the fact. Always.

This is my money. No, y'all did this with my money. Exactly. I went to school on scholarship. Exactly.

I'm lying, but. Well, you know what? I didn't have all that debt, but because I was an RA, so I was a resident assistant, like, trying to be. But I did get fired from that drop. Wait, how did you get fired?

All you gotta do is snitch on people a little bit. Girl. The realty is that they did not fire me. What they should have fired me for, they fired me one day when I did. They fired me one day when I didn't pick up the duty phone.

Matt Rogers
I was supposed to, like, you know, be that bitch that was, like, had the phone and, like, trolled the halls and was, like, trying to smell weed. I didn't give a fuck. I was smoking weed with the residents. I was hooking up with the residents. Like, consensual.

Everything was pathetic and consensual. You're, like, age. That's what I'm saying. It's like I was an upperclassman ra. So I was actually an RA when I was a junior and there were some seniors on my floor.

And so what am I gonna do? Like, a 21 year old knock on the door of, like, some person that's older than me? Like, smoking weed when I'm doing the same thing and be like, hey, you can't do that. No. Like, let me get a hit.

Like, that's the vibe. Yes. Like, I didn't care, but they didn't. They fired me for a lame reason. And also bullets.

My bulletin boards were always whack. They were always like, make a creative bulletin board. And I was like, girl, I can't be bothered to do this. Oh, God. That was.

Lacey Moseley
It's a job for lames. Cause I remember the best ras I had were lamest shit. But they weren't about that life. Before we get right, and we'll get into it right after this. I have to tell this story.

Cause I've never told this story. I had. I was bullied in college, which I don't even call it bullying. Cause I'm just like, that bitch. How could they bully you?

Matt Rogers
You're, like, fabulous. Like, what did they have to say? That's why they was coming for me. So this girl, basically, who liked this guy that I was dating, was mad that we were seeing each other. And I didn't give a fuck about this raggedy ass man.

Lacey Moseley
Fuck that raggedy ass man. And her. And she. So our Ra would do these bulletin boards that were like, follow your dreams, and everyone write your dream on the bulletin board. And somebody.

And it was huge. She did it with butcher stock paper. It had to at least been, like, ten to 12ft long and, like, 8ft wide. I'm like, bitch, why are you spending so much time on this girl? Go to class.

Matt Rogers
No. She writes on this bulletin board in several places. Like, lacey is a hoe. Lacey is a bitch. And this is my freshman year.

Lacey Moseley
And I don't know why, but if you make me mad, it's just a whole different person comes out. I told my ra, which I was like, why am I even wasting my time talking to this bitch?

And she was like, oh, well, we can try to have a mediation. I was like, mediation? Mediation? I didn't do shit. I was telling you so you could go take it down yourself, respectfully, but you're not gonna do it.

Bet. I went and got some chairs. I tore the whole fucking thing down. Yeah, from top to bottom. And she was just standing there like, her name was Colleen.

Shout out to Colleen with your whack ass. Yeah, well, Colleen. Colleen could have made that situation a whole lot easier for herself by not being like, oh, we can have a mediation. It's like, no, take the abusive graffiti down off the goddamn wall. Colleen, she was like, no, but it took me 5 hours to do this.

Matt Rogers
That's a shame. It took me 2 seconds to pull down the slander. Right? She was like, no, but, lisa, I went to Joann's fabrics like, no, bitch, we're taking this down, please. And she's taking.

Little does she know. She's making it worse. It's like, right? We went to Joann's fabrics also. It's like, you probably when you're a freshman, it's like you don't want to be the person being like, hi, I'm being bullied.

It makes me feel like glam. Right? But also, it wasn't good bullying. I was like, you couldn't come up with some original insults? The other day, some mean person put on my instagram, Iris and a wig.

Lacey Moseley
I laughed at that. That was at least funny. Also being like, you're a hoe. It's like, if someone said that about me, it's like, okay. Yes.

Matt Rogers
So I know. I knew that. Okay. And the sky is blue. What's up?

At least reveal something to me. Let's start a conversation that I can sort of examine something new about my life. I know I'm a ho. I've been a ho for centuries, right? Be an observant bully.

Lacey Moseley
Be an introspective bully. Exactly, exactly, exactly. So speaking of bullying. Not really. This is a bad transition.

Y'all know what y'all get when y'all come over here, so don't be acting surprised. So, guys, so this is a listener. So this is our first segment. If you're new to the show, what's poppin this is where we talk about what's hot and fried. So we'll either warn a listener about what's some hot fried on the streets so you can be prepared, or we'll get a letter from you guys where you can snitch on your friends and family.

And if you'd like to do that, that dot, just make sure the scam is retired. We don't wanna fuck up your bag. All right, so this person says, hi, scam goddess. Please call me scarlet fever. That's my derbit name coming to the stage.

Scarlet fever. Scarlet fever. Love it. I don't know, girl. Scarlet fever was its own pandemic.

We can't be. I guess we gonna call you that, Edgar, right? Scarlet fever is cute now, but it used to be killing the girls. Yeah, absolutely. It was the first corona in, like, three years.

Matt Rogers
We're gonna see a drag queen named coronavirus, and I'm gonna be like, girl, you know it. You know, retire it. Retire it. So Scarlet Corona. Why they always gotta have girl names?

Lacey Moseley
We know a man is doing this. This is ridiculous. We know it's a man that messed up. Right? Scarlett and Corona sound like they go to brunch and they stay till 06:00 p.m.

and they throw up in the street. And they're unfortunately the coolest girls there that will undergo the hardest, like, right. Scarlett and the corona is the reason next time you come to the restaurant, they got drink tickets. They say, we can't give y'all bottomless no more. You bitches can't have it.

Matt Rogers
Yeah, there's a. There's a 75 minutes table limit, right? Cause of Scarlett and corona. Cause of the girls. So Scarlett says, I used to work at a fast casual restaurant.

Lacey Moseley
Let's call it popular bread company. Mmm. Okay. I'm a man. Absolutely.

Matt Rogers
Panera bread, right? I can say it, but scrawl fever didn't want to. Right. Scarlet fever. We gonna keep your secret, but also we gonna tell everybody the call out is real.

Lacey Moseley
Right? So she says, I was part time in school and just trying to get enough money to go out on the weekends. Okay? Mm hmm. Get your shit together.

Not you working so you could get you a little cosmo on the weekend. Yeah. She was like, not to live to party. She said I worked just enough that I could get a plastic bottle of that russian vodka. Yeah.

Matt Rogers
Just a shift or two at popular bread company. Love it. So she said, I had been there for a few weeks when I noticed that the store managers would have morning meetings in what I assumed were, like, corporate managers or something. They had boxes of stuff, stacks of paper, and were set up on one of the bigger tables. So one day, my manager came over to me after one of the meetings and asked me if I wanted to try this new protein drink.

Lacey Moseley
And I thought it was a new menu item, so I said, sure. And it tasted like cardboard and dirt, but I had to pretend I liked it since he was my boss. Good old capitalism. He'd be like, it made me throw up in my mouth, but I was like, mm mm, daddy capitalism. Already we're seeing the conditioning that this employee was went through.

Matt Rogers
So that's gonna color the rest of this, right? Then he told me about this nutrition wellness company he works for on the side and how great their products were. This protein powder would help you gain muscle, lose weight. It could cure migraines, hair loss, and intimacy issues. So it's gonna make you skinny.

Lacey Moseley
Your headache's gonna go away. Your pussy gonna be on that wap wap.

Like, what is this? And you're gonna be horny as shit. Like, what's this miracle product? You're gonna be so hot and so horny. You're gonna be hot, horny, and ready to go.

Matt Rogers
Better educated. You're gonna have a fuller hair. You're gonna have a badass. Your skin's gonna be clear. All your shoes are gonna be lifted.

Lacey Moseley
All of a sudden, your eyelashes will grow. Okay. And you're gonna have an assistant. Bitch. Your plants gonna live.

All the plants that die gonna live. Like, how is this product doing all these things? Okay, so he gives her this and tells her about this miracle product, right? And then she says he was like, well, hey, do you want to help me sell the powder? And she said, obviously, I was stupid.

I was making $8 an hour. You're not stupid when you're making dollar eight an hour. Of course you gonna sell protein powder scamp. I would. Yeah.

Like. Cause it's not enough money. Money. That's insane. That that's a job that happens, like, oh, God.

Right? It's so disgusting. So it's like, no, girl, you weren't insane or stupid. You were making a living, so you. Were being victimized by the system, right?

Oh, so sad. I laugh, and there's, like, tears going down my eye, like, I'm gonna get out. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. The american story, right? The american story.

Whenever they say there's, like, a movie that's, like, the american story, it's always some glamorous ass shit, like la la land and shit. And I'm like, that ain't what it's like over here. Like, the blind side or something. It's like, yeah, for sure. I just revisited that.

It's so crazy that you mentioned that. Can I tell you that there is. If you guys play a drinking game where every time there's a white savior, you take a shot, bitch, you will die. The blind side is just a bunch of white people coming in and being like, here's this black boy. He can't read good.

He from the ghetto. This little white child will teach him how to play football and also have to read. And Sandra Bullock will go to the ghetto and fight the ghettoians for her new black son. Yeah. And finally at the end, we'll see her cry a single tear.

Matt Rogers
It's like, okay. And then she was given an Oscar. It's like that. It's like the help is another one. All these movies that are about, like, race relations that suddenly, at the end of the year, like, green book like that have, like, tons of Oscar nominations.

It's like, always be wary because this industry loves to pat itself on the back for getting it, like, 40% right all the time. It's like the cast was almost all black because they were slaves. Yeah, they were playing the help. Did you see even Viola? Good.

Viola came out, like, two years ago, and she was like, you know, to be honest with you, like, she got an Oscar nomination for that. And, like, she was. She, like, got her awards together and everything like that. And it was big for her career, but she was like. But I did not enjoy playing that part and don't want to be playing that part, honestly.

Lacey Moseley
I get it. Cause there's, like, you know that meme that used to go around to that girl drinking that soda or that kombucha where she'd be like, eh. Mm, maybe. Yeah. It's like, my face is like, ugh.

When I see, like, a new slave movie coming out, it's like, oh, a slave sitcom. What will massa do next? And then like. But then when you see an audition for that shit, you'd be like, well, I don't know. I guess it's my Lapita moment.

I guess I gotta go get whipped on so I can get me an Oscar. I can't. It's so. I don't think I'd be good at that, though. They'd be whipping me.

I'd be like, ouch. Ouch. Cause then you have to think about how you're acting. It. It's like, is this, like, is this brutal enough for you people?

Matt Rogers
It's insane, right? You gotta be crying and sniffling and shit. I'm like, ooh, how many more? No, my God. I get this bitch off the set immediately.

Unreal. So back to what we were talking about. Y'all remember, right? So protein powder scam at panera bread. We love segway.

Lacey Moseley
You get it? Oh, my God. Slavery, capitalism. Of course you get it. And if we actually traced it back how we got, we'd be like, what the hell?

Yeah. And we've said it on this show before, if you work in any tipping industry, that's cause of slavery. So, you know, it's cool. Reconstruction came around and white people were like, we don't wanna pay Negroes. We've been getting them for free.

And they were like, y'all pay em and they work here, but we don't pay em. So that's tipping. Yay. So back to it. So dollar eight an hour, she said.

So that's when she decided she was gonna sell this magical dick assistant. Hair regaining protein. Criminal dick assistant. Oh, my God, what a dream. Title of an episode.

Oh, right, I know. That's probably the title right there. Magical dick assistant. All right. So she starts slanging this powder.

So how they're doing this, which sounds like she's selling cocaine, but she's slanging health powder guys. Although some would argue cocaine is health powder. So because my manager and I, along with some other cokers, with coworkers, now. Cokers, all of a sudden she's talking about cocaine. She's like my other cokers.

It is certainly life giving, right? Me and the Cokers, obsessed. That makes it sound fun, like a 1920, like, jazz time. Me and the cocas. Come on, come on.

Matt Rogers
All my cokers are getting together for a night out of town. I love it. We got our good clothes on, right? Not our good clothes. We got our Sunday best on our.

Sunday best for Coke. Anyway. Yes. So her and some of the other coworkers would sell the protein powder in the store. So they sell in an empanera, bread to customers, and keep the cash in a box under the counter.

Lacey Moseley
My manager kept asking me to get my friends involved, but I didn't want to ask. I didn't want to let them in on my money. Okay, I respect you didn't want your friends to get scammed. She was just like, look, I ain't cutting this check. Me and you, scarlet fever was like, I make $8 an hour.

Matt Rogers
I'm going to get this money together, right? I'm not mad at you, girl. So it says, eventually my manager got fired because he really wasn't supposed to be doing that. Duh. Yeah.

Lacey Moseley
You're not supposed to be like, hey, this is. Welcome to McDonald's. You want some of our off menu? Hey, by the way, cut co knives. Like, it's like, girl, welcome to Chick fil a.

Have a blessed day. And also, herbalife. I happen to be here for a five piece. Right, okay. But since you already here, though, have you ever considered lululeggings?

Matt Rogers
What's your bank? How many sauces would you like? Also, and how many orders of leggings? Yeah, I love it. So he got fired because he really wasn't supposed to be doing that.

Lacey Moseley
Duh. And I think other people involved had to shut down, too, because the protein powder just stopped coming. Dang. The supplier got cut up. And so, in hindsight, it's messed up to sell fake medicine.

But I'm also pretty sure that dude stole a couple of my paychecks before he got fired, so nobody wins. Anyway, love the show. Sorry, this is long stay scamming. Anyway, I love the show. Now, he stole your paychecks on the way out?

Matt Rogers
Oh, yeah. I mean, he's a bad guy. That's a mess. And also, I feel like, you know, if you follow that down the road, he could essentially, like, at some point, like, he could have been asking his employees to do some shady shit. Like, that was not right.

Lacey Moseley
He kept trying to get more people involved. I'm just like, I don't. Sir, I don't fuck with this. I don't know. He was scheming.

Scarlett, I fuck with you, though. You absolutely should be selling protein powder on the side. Like, people want soup, salad, and breast. And then you give a protein powder on the side. I mean, that's the thing is, it's like, when you say protein powder, like, that, that is a dog whistle to a lot of people.

Matt Rogers
It's like, oh, you can get big and strong. I mean, whenever I am, like, I have a protein option, I'm always taking a protein option. Like, I always want to add more because I have it in my head that it's going to give me the body I want. And it is like such a, it's a buzzword. It is.

Lacey Moseley
And so are like, whenever you go to any smoothie place, they have all the things up there. They're like Goji complex. I don't even know what that does, but I'm like, put that goji in there. Put the Golgi in there, and also put the creatine. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's gonna get my muscles back. Like, yeah, I've never drank a smoothie. And then was like, yeah, this really improved my muscle function. Yeah. You know what I liked about the hemp in this?

Matt Rogers
How I have more energy now. It's like, girl, no, no, you're not. You like the strawberry taste. That's what you like, right? But we have to tell ourselves.

Lacey Moseley
Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself. Scam yourself. Yeah, that's always. It's like, it's one of the best ways to live. It is.

And guys, on that note, we're gonna take a quick break for some non scam advertisements and we'll be right back. Scams, y'all. Hormones. It's impossible not to have them. There's over 1000 hormone disruptors in our food, our water, the air, the clothes, the skincare, the dryer sheets.

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That's Q dash combination to get free shipping and 365 day returns. goddess.

And we are back, and Matt and I were having fun conversations on the break. I ain't gonna tell y'all talk about scams. Yes. But we're back, and it's time for historical hoodwinks. And this is when I will regale Matt with a famous crime caper.

Criminals or maybe a ring of criminals. Today we got a little bling bling ring. Okay. And we'll get his opinions all throughout. So, guys, today we're talking about.

And I think this is gonna resonate with you, Matt. It resonated with me, because the scammer, who I think is a bad guy, but he originally moved to LA to do comedy. Oh, yeah. So he's a dreamer. Oh, gosh.

I will say, like, it takes a lot to be like, oh, I should be on tv. It takes a lot of self determination, narcissism, a lot of, you know, shenanigans in your own brain, right? A little sprinkle of delusion. Not too much. No, just a sprinkle.

Sprinkle. To taste. A spoonful of delusion. Right. But it's gotta be to taste.

If you over sprinkle, you're gonna be bad. You gonna be in a bad way. So this is called the Starlet Bandits. So from 2008 to 2010, a group of sex workers, an aspiring comedian who became their pimp, robbed several banks in the Los Angeles area, they were known as the Starlet Bandits, which. I like that.

That name is very la. I'm like, yes. Yeah, our bandits. A comedian is a good. Would be a good pimp.

Matt Rogers
You have to imagine, like, sort of like, you know, if he was a good comedian anyway. Make people laugh. You always make people feel at ease. After he take your money and beat you. He'd be like, a bad comedian would be the worst pimp, though.

Lacey Moseley
Just like, hey, then everybody just has to laugh at your jokes. Cause you're their pimp. Oh, God. Be tortured. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You so funny. Okay, here's my money from last week. Like, love ya. Like, yeah, that would be awful. I hope he was, but he can't be that good if he didn't make it.

Well, no, because there's a lot of great comedians who don't make it in comedy. Yeah. Nah, maybe y'all just suck. I'm sorry. I ain't even gonna give y'all that.

I was gonna get y'all there for a second, so I'm gonna give it to you. I mean, I know some funny people. Who decide who don't really work. Yeah. But, you know, they got, like, like, sweater businesses and stuff.

You know, they're doing great. Exactly. Yeah. So I feel like I just looked at your sweater and said, business, man. I don't know if that's a.

Matt Rogers
Is it giving you business? It's giving me the business. It's amazing. It's, you know. You know what the inspiration is?

This is very similar to the Chris Evans knives out sweater. Oh, my God. It is. That's. That's what I wanted to look like.

Lacey Moseley
And I truly remember that sweater because I love me some Chris Evans. Oh, he looked absolutely. He. Let's just say that sweater was not wearing him. He was wearing this.

That's what. Yes. His knives were out. His. His knives were, in fact, out.

Matt Rogers
Then mine, too. Yes. I was like, cut me, daddy. Cut me. All right, so that was our horny pullover, and we're back.

Lacey Moseley
You gotta have those. So Henry McElveen grew up in a middle class family in Washington, DC. His father was a us marshal, and his mother worked at the Pentagon, so. Damn, those are scam professions. Anything in the world.

Matt Rogers
And they were middle class. I feel like they were making dollars. This doesn't seem like a big job. I feel like if you work at the Pentagon, everybody who works there, even the janitor, got at least be making 100k. It's too much going on in that bitch.

It's the Pentagon. Like, you seem to be important. Important for here. Anyway, so he says it was like the Cosby show. That's how he grew up.

Lacey Moseley
Okay, the Cosby show, not Bill Cosby. Cause that's a whole different existence. That's a different experience. Yeah, it's a bad one. So.

But the Cosby show, that's cute. So his idol was Eddie Murphy, the most successful, confident black man around. Well, okay, I'll take that. Eddie is Poppin'that's. Who he wanted to be, but his parents wanted their only son to follow their example, go to college, maybe start a business, just like you were talking about in our first segment.

Man, look at that. The scam of college. I get it. So after high school, he changed his name to Robert St. John and moved to Hollywood to pursue stand up comedy.

Matt Rogers
Yeah. The funniest name you could find. Robert St. John. That sounds like a goddamn soap opera actor, right?

Already. I have notes. I don't trust this person already. He should have just stayed as Henry McElveen. And he could have been.

Lacey Moseley
What's the short name for Henry? Ho ho. Hank. Hank. Hank McElveen.

Hank. He could have been hank Mack. Hank Mack. Like Bernie Mac. Like Bernie Mac.

He played. He played. He had it right there. He didn't understand what he needed to do. Right.

And then he became robert St. John. Like, I don't know about that. Robert St. John.

Yeah. I don't. He feels like an insurance adjuster. Like the kind of coming to your house and tell you how long you got to live, and then they give you a policy. They had my business.

Matt Rogers
Robert St. John. Yeah. I don't like you, Robert. So he read a lot about Richard Pryor and started to do open mics and extra work, but it was harder than he thought.

Lacey Moseley
It was harder than you thought. Boo. Yeah. What a shame. That's the thing.

People are like, oh, influencers. Those fucking dog shit assholes. I'm like, do you know how much work it takes to be an influencer? Them bitches getting up every day, coming up with content, beating they face, filming for hours. Editing.

Couldn't be me. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it is. It's a grind.

Matt Rogers
It's a serious yes. And that's so funny. Like it. Open mics. We're not going.

Well. Yeah. Get ready for four more years of this. Right? What do you mean?

Lacey Moseley
You thought she was gonna go to the first open mic and they'd be like, you're a star. Yeah. You gotta stick it out. Maybe he didn't really want it? Maybe he wanted to pivot to pimp earlier than we did.

What, a pivot? Yeah. So it took him a year and a half to get his sack card. The longest he had worked on anything. A year and a half is not that long.

That's not a long time at all. It took me like seven years. What are you talking about, bruh? He struggled to get by working at Marshall's department store. Before he settled on an easier way to make money, he would sell drugs.

Oop. Oop. I mean, I feel like working at Marshalls is probably very hard. It's cluttered in there. Probably a lot of go back, everything everywhere.

Matt Rogers
Also, like, the kind of people that shop there are like. Like the kind of people that, like, are trying something on and they throw it on the ground. That's how I feel like every time I go into Marshalls, it's like everything is everywhere. Yep. And I feel guilty because I'm very influenced by my environment.

Lacey Moseley
So if I go in the place and they look like they don't care, I just. Oh, well, I don't want this top. I throw it in the candy section here. Exactly. It's like you got that halter top in the fucking little, like, put it under some weights.

Matt Rogers
Yeah, they do have everything. It's so funny, right? They do. I mean, one good thing about it is, like, Marshall's whole thing is like, you got a bargain hunt, so they're not gonna organize shit. They're just like, some shorts over here for the ladies, wild west shirts over here for everybody.

Yeah. Sometimes I'll be wearing something and I won't even realize it was from the women's section. I'll be like, but it was in the men's section. Cause I put it there. Cause I ain't want it.

100, 100, 100. So St. John said, I have friends who did drugs. Well, duh. You live in LA.

Lacey Moseley
And they were like, you need to sell. Like, in Hollywood, people don't care how much it costs. They just want it brought to them. They want discretion. Coke, weed, whatever.

I was that dude. I would bring you whatever you wanted. I love how his friends were like, you know, you have a real future in this. Like, you need to sell. Yeah, that's so interesting also.

Matt Rogers
I never know, like, when people are like, I didn't just sell. I'm like, but how did you get all of it? Like, who was your dealer? Like, I just. I guess I don't understand, like, how it all works.

Lacey Moseley
So there's like. So you have, like, the cartel, you know, like, at the top. And that could be. That's not. We always say cartel, but it's not just cartel.

Like the mob has, you know, a huge, like, big, big supply area. Like, there's so many. There's so many different drug suppliers. So you have those people who are basically, like, the Walmart. They're getting the economies of scale, you know, getting it straight from.

They're probably making it, you know, in Columbia or wherever. I just love Columbia. So then you have, like, the middleman, like, distros. So those people, like, bring it out to. Then the people who are, like, heading the crime families or whatever.

Then those people give it to, like, the lieutenants. I'm probably getting this wrong, but I know I'm pretty close, and then it sounds wrong. I'm like, yeah. Then those people start getting it down to, like, the community. So then that's how they get it.

So it's like, you never will go face to face with the person who's, like, making the cocaine for you. You'll never. You never meet Walter White. No. And you don't want to meet Walter White.

You don't. He was a bad guy, but he was so cool. He was. Heisenberg was a look, right? How do you make meth cool?

Meth is never been the top. Get your mustache together, dress in your all black and start talking like that. Yes, yes. Cause, like, weed is, like a cool drug. Cocaine is like a cool drug.

You'd be like. You see it. It's sexy in movies and stuff, but, like, meth and, like, heroin and crack, are those drugs where a lot of them are heavily stigmatized, but also, it's like, if anybody was like, yo, we got so much crack at the crib. You trying to come over, I would never be like, yeah, that sounds good. Well, maybe.

Matt Rogers
Right? Yeah, of course. But it's like, in the gay community, like, meth is very. Oh, yeah, meth is. Yeah, meth is much bigger than that.

Very. I've had friends that have accidentally done meth because they thought it was weed, because of how casually it was presented. So you really don't know. I mean. No.

Lacey Moseley
Yeah. Meth is. That's a whole different thing. Shout out to Ed Buck getting arrested. Fuck you.

That's a pullover for me. A petty pullover. Anyway. I'll do those all the time. So, anyways, so he was like, I hooked up this one dude in the industry, and the rest was history.

So he was still a struggling comedian telling unfunny jokes. Oh, no, he was not. Funny man. You were right. You hate to hear it.

But he didn't feel like he was financially struggling anymore, so now he's like the drug dealer comedian. So doing stand up. One night, he met a girl. We're gonna call her Anna to protect her name. But she was 19, and Anna is, like, such a.

Matt Rogers
Okay, it's a professional woman's name. Anna. This is known Anna, right? This is Anna. I have so many annas in my life that I feel like that's why I pronounce it that way.

Lacey Moseley
Cause it's just. And I'm like, if y'all wanna put some stank on your name, if y'all wanna put some seasoning on it, go ahead. If I get famous enough, I'm gonna start going by lay. Sy can't do much with Matt. I could be going by Matthew, but I don't like the few sound.

Matt Rogers
Really? What about Matthew? Matthew, Matthew? Hmm. We'll decide later.

Lacey Moseley
Hue of Matt. I don't know. Q for someone else. Look, Timothee is doing the Timothee TB. Timothee.

Timothee Chalamet. That's what he should have did. Timothee Chalamet.

Matt Rogers
The name is a party. It is. It's always an exclamatory chalamet chalamet. Right. Imagine you getting your Covid results.

Lacey Moseley
It's like Timothy Chamberlain. They're like, Timothee Chalamet. It's positive. We're actually gonna have to admit you to the hospital. Wow.

Matt Rogers
That was fun to say. Okay, so the results. Yeah, not good. Prognosis is very negative. Yeah, but.

Lacey Moseley
So, yes. I love that. So they started dating. She says, he's a very smart guy. He wanted to be famous.

After a while, Anna started noting little lies. Once she found an old id in the name of Henry McElveen. He said it was fake. Well, it was your real name. When she was 20, she got pregnant and wanted to keep the child.

He broke up with her because he was trying to get famous and didn't want to be tied down. Okay. If you break up with somebody, y'all still got a baby together, though. They don't. And you gonna just tell the baby.

Matt Rogers
He'S got a fake name and no responsibilities. We don't know. And he's can't. He's not funny. Right.

Lacey Moseley
He said, look, tell the baby that we broke up. Like what? The baby broke. The red flags are falling from the sky. It's raining red.

Not hallelujah. So short after the breakup, he was arrested. Why not? And then it was that Ana realized her baby father was a pimp. After his release from jail, he was back to pimpin'he.

Pursued it as though he was making up for lost time so that he was like pimpin extra hard. He was the grind. He took his open mic grind and said, nevermind, I'm gonna actually dig in on the illegal stuff I've been doing, right? This is my calling. You know, some people's calling is crime.

These crimes I don't really love. Cause, like, pimps are so unnecessary in sex work. So, like, fuck a pimp, but, you. Know, cut off the middleman, right? The middleman of what?

Especially cause pimps usually be causing you more harm than protecting you from danger. Like, get out of here. Well. Cause they have like, a financial stake in it. Yeah, I don't know.

I don't like it. No, I don't like it. Sex work is empowering for women. Women, men. But no pimp.

No pimps. So pimps down, hoes up. But sex work had changed a while while he was away. Now it was on Craig's list. So he drew up an escort ad and figured out how to make them stay at the top of the queue.

When people called, he would pretend to be a woman. How does that work? Hello? I mean, knowing this clown so far probably was like, hi, I'm Marissa. Just like, okay, I'm about to go meet Marissa.

She sound like Elmo, but it's whatever. It'll probably be fine. I'm almost positive Marissa is Elmo. But I'm still gonna go to get my drugs, right? Listen, I'm still going down the Sesame street, okay?

Matt Rogers
Can you tell me I need one drugs, two drugs? Yes. Like, honestly, Oscar the grouch has just been around the block. He's like, the reason I'm an asshole is cause I'm telling you to leave. Right?

I know what goes down on this street. We should all listen to Oscar. I don't know why we kept kicking it. So he was doing all this, right? So when people call, he put on this fake voice and pretend to be a woman.

Lacey Moseley
Ana caught on when she found condoms in his car. So to keep her happy, he got her a $40,000 Lexus. He also bought himself a $50,000 Escalade. And so to Anna's annoyance, he bought a Camry for his employees. So we got a ride in the Camry, and y'all get to Escalade and the legends.

Matt Rogers
Also, I didn't realize this was such a lucrative business for him. Wow. Wow, right? He was. I guess his fake voice was working.

He was making it rain. It was pretty good. So he tried to restart his entertainment career. He bought a bunch of cheap video equipment and started shooting a reality show with the girls. He put the footage on MySpace and he would buy ads on Power 106, hip hop station that led nowhere.

Lacey Moseley
Pound 106. Crazy. This, man. This is like being an arsonist and like buying a public access channel to show yourself lighting a house on fire. Matt, can you believe that?

We haven't even gotten to the robberies.

Matt Rogers
I forgot that's what the crux of this was. Oh, my God. My man's is the hardest worker in crime. If they gave out a warm for just, like, criminal activity, like, he gotta be up there, like, number one. He is the Sandra Bullock of this industry.

And this is his blindside moment. Constantly working. He's the Samuel Jackson of crime. Okay. It's wrong, but it's right.

Lacey Moseley
Right. So the robberies began. It's not clear who thought up the idea of robbing banks, but a woman named Danielle de Rosier was the first of St. John's girls to give it a try. On March 25, 2008, Danielle walked into bank of America on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

Yo, do you know where this bank of America is, right? Literally. Yes, I'm very clear about where we're at right now. Yes. She wore a baggy gray sweatshirt and a large dark sunglasses, and she held a flip phone to her left ear.

She did not put it down. As she approached the counter, without saying a word, she slipped a note to the teller and said, give me all the money in the register quickly. Wow. Oh, like a movie. Like, honestly, like, she was getting her star moment together.

Yes. I wonder if he scripted this. Like, I wonder if he's on the phone. Like, okay, okay. Give her the.

Matt Rogers
He was like, so I'm not really a screenwriter, per se, but I did do a little bit of bad comedy, and I have some ideas about how the narrative could play out. Yes. Of the robbery. You know what I mean? So your motivation for this is money.

Lacey Moseley
Okay. So keep that in your head the whole time. Just. You're playing the action of you wanna steal the money in this bank. Yes.

And then the urgency is coming from, like, the police. Right. So just who will come? Yeah. Who will come?

Okay, so keep that in the back of your head when you're going in there. All right? Great, great, great. Do we have a wardrobe? A gray sweatshirt.

Great. Okay, yeah, perfect. Maybe a little. Honestly, maybe a little wig if I'm gonna go rob a bank, I am gonna be wanting to wear, like, a little bob. Oh, of course.

You're wearing a wig and sunglasses and these days, a face mask. Ugh. This is the perfect time to rob a bank. Truly not to give any ideas out to the congregation. Right?

Honestly, Robin, banks is so hard these days. Don't even try it, okay? Don't try it. It's not worth it. So unless you work at the bank, it may be an inside job.

That could be cute.

I didn't say that. I didn't say that to allegedly. No, I don't think I even heard that. Thank you. I don't think it happened.

I don't think that happened. We just gaslight the listeners. Yo, what are y'all talking about? Oh, my God. We never said that.

So. Okay, so the teller pressed the silent alarm. Duh. And the two exchanged a look. Danielle calmly walked empty handed, still talking on the phone.

She just. She just left. A few months later, they tried again and were successful. This time, the note was more detailed. It said, quickly, give me the money in your till.

Do not press the alarm. I have a weapon, and I would hate to hurt innocent people. Yeah, you came in with a suggestion the first time. You was just like, give me the money, please. And she was like, I'm gonna give you.

I'm a cotta police, bitch. What? Yeah. And the next time, they were like. I can multitask, right?

The silent alarm is right under there for a reason, so that you can't see them pushing. So, anyway, April 2010, another one of the girls, Kadara Kilgo, started lobbying to do more robberies. So she was like, guys, we should be robbing more. So St. John and Kilgo agreed together to rob a bank, but they also decided to protect themselves by persuading another woman named Mallory to be the one to go inside.

So now they're doing the pimp thing, but for bank robbery? Yeah. Yeah. You ain't pimping me into no bank robbery. If you tell me how to do the robbery, I'm gonna be like, yeah, on Tuesday at Chase national, I'll be there.

And then I'm gonna take myself over to TD bank and do the same robbery over there. Yeah, just so I know you're creating a distraction. Also, I don't trust anyone named Mallory. Yeah, Mallory is. She was not the one to be roped in.

Matt Rogers
I mean, if this is a fake name, then forgive me, whoever the real Mallory is, but Mallory. My eyebrows raised. Yeah, Mallory doesn't sound like she would be good at Robin Banks. But you don't name a smart girl Mallory. Anyway, sorry to any Mallory.

Lacey Moseley
Yo, we tracking the malories. Mallory's come back. I love you. All right. She walked out of the bank with nearly $6,000 and the spree began.

She got hooked on doing it. The high, I guess, St. John says. But now the cops had some of the girls photos, which meant that St. John could no longer advertise on Craigslist.

So as a precaution, St. John also pulled the reality tv footage off MySpace. At this point, the FBI alerted the media. KTLA said on the evening News right now, she seems to be unstoppable, hitting eight banks in the last ten days of southern California. It's my newscaster voice.

Matt Rogers
So you took me there. So the FBI believed that there were only. There was only one robber. But some witnesses gave descriptions that said there's probably more than one robbers because, like, one robber, like, one witness description was like, oh, she's like five three. She got red hair.

Lacey Moseley
Somebody else was like, she's like five seven and blonde, but it's called wigs. But I don't know how you make your height taller. Maybe she wore heels to some of the robbers. There could be some lifted shoes happening. I mean, in the worlds of.

Matt Rogers
Of espionage and robbery, they have many ways of disguising. Maybe Mallory had some of that protein powder and got taller. You know? We don't know. Is it the same girl from the first story?

Lacey Moseley
She was like, look, I worked at Panera bread. Then I met this comedy pimp and started robbing banks. Sounds like an LA story to me. Yep. So the FBI took a tip from somebody, a snitch who snitched on Mallory.

Y'all ain't right. Listen, that's bad. You know, Mallory had her heart enough having that name. She didn't need you to snitch. And this is how they get caught.

So we're reaching the end of this story. So the report said that a woman had been smoking crack and bragging about robbing banks. Oh, no. Oh, no. That makes me feel just sad.

Matt Rogers
That's the thing. At the end of the day, it's like I am on their side because I don't want them to have to rob. Right. If you have to rob a bank, it is because you are in dire. Strains and like, yeah, no one's just like, I think it seemed fun.

I'd like to risk my goddamn life. No way. No. Why would they? No, I really.

Lacey Moseley
So, you know, the desperation, the capitalism, the being in a hard position and then, you know, finding out that sadly, you know, she's using drugs and talking about robbing a bank. And I hate that she's talking about robbing the bank. Like, girl, don't snitch on yourself. Like we say on this show all. The time, gotta be a steel trap.

Don't fuck up your bag. But that's the thing about something that's exciting. Like, I remember I did. I didn't date this guy. I went on one date with him, and the first thing he told me was, when we were boxing together in this boxing class, was that he was puerto rican for some reason.

And I was like, oh, I speak Spanish. We go on this date. Long story short, he was not puerto rican. His mom was white, and his dad was black. And I was like, oh, so who's Puerto rican?

And he was like, oh, no one. I just said that to impress you. And I was like, huh? Okay, so you lied about something really crazy. Yes.

And then after that, he told me, like, I was like, oh, where do you work? And he was like, oh, I used to work at this bank. And I was like, oh, you moved on? Are you changing your profession or whatever? And he was like, oh, no, I got fired.

And I was like, oh, that sucks. He was late a lot or something. And he was like, oh, no. Insider trading. Believe that?

Matt Rogers
That what? Come on. You were like, oh. You didn't show up for work. You were willing to believe the best.

Lacey Moseley
He was hot. Outsider trading, you know, that's when you give the excuses on them. You're like, no, no, no. Sh. Don't tell me that.

Matt Rogers
And also, like, when people are like, yeah, I went away for insider training. They think you're gonna be impressed that it's like a cool, like, smart, smart train. But then it's like, yeah, but you got caught doing it. And the way that he got caught was he bragged around the office about how much money he made. And that's when I was mad.

Lacey Moseley
I could have got with insider trading, but not you telling everybody. No, we've also all done illegal stuff. You just don't talk about it. Right? Like, everyone has broken the law in their life.

Matt Rogers
You just cannot be speaking about it. Right? Laws are suggestions, okay? They're like. They're just like.

Lacey Moseley
They were made up by other people. How dare somebody else on this planet be like, dem's de rules? No, I live here, too. It's a loose prompt, right?

Matt Rogers
It's a guideline. Do with it what you will. Yeah, exactly. So they. So basically, she snitches on herself.

Lacey Moseley
Detectives interview the bank tellers, and they're like, yeah, yeah, that's her. So they swing by Goodnight Inn, where she's currently staying. They see her outside. She's recognizable from surveillance stuff. They arrest her.

This all happened on her 20th birthday. Oh, so young. I'm like, let this baby out of jail. She is a baby. She ain't even got her full brain developed.

You don't get that until you 25. Let this baby out of the. Someone just needs to tell her to lie. This is not the way. Put the baby in rehab and let her get her life together, okay?

She could probably be a great actress or something. Put her in rehab. She's got drama, right? That's what you need, baby. She's a storyteller.

Matt Rogers
She tells stories about herself. Robert Banks. The story was probably too good. That's why the girl went to the FBI. She was like, I gotta tell somebody else.

The FBI, literally. Yeah, I have to share this. So St. John continued to rob banks, and a week after he picked up another young woman named Kayla Conti at her mother's house, they hit a bank in Northridge, but got less than they expected. So they went to chase bank in Mission Hills that they had robbed twice before.

Lacey Moseley
Now, you can't go back to the same spot that you hit the lick at. I mean, if they robbed it successfully twice before, maybe that bank was a mess. Maybe that is the bank to go rob. That's the margin. You just said the location and the branch.

Matt Rogers
Yeah. You're quote, unquote, not telling the congregation to rob. Meanwhile, you're just like, this one's real easy. Okay. So on the 400 block, this is the marshals of banks.

Lacey Moseley
They just leaving the money everywhere. Okay. Going on in there. Get yourself. Employees are very lax.

Matt Rogers
Yeah. They're like, it's not my bank. They got the FDIc, and I'm not the FDI, the deodice. So, yeah, grab $20,000 and a halter. Top, and it'll be in the same place.

Lacey Moseley
Cause I put it back. I ain't want the halter top.

So they go back over there to rob this bank again. Lord Jesus. So St. John sent Kanti inside, and when she didn't come out, he recalled, she's in forever. Everybody knows you can't stay in forever.

A disguised officer was parked right outside the bank. The officer had been there for half an hour when he saw a bank employee step out the front door and take off running through the parking lot. Oh, no. Oh, no, what? Something was wrong.

Yeah. When the employees run out of the business in a sprint, something's wrong. So Kandy was running away with her cell phone up to her ear. She screamed, where are you? Come and get me.

They're chasing me. So the employee was running after her. So this unreal. This just, like, full zoo that is happening. God.

So St. John later got a call from Canty's mother saying Canty would not rat him out, but that they needed $5,000 for Bailey. But before they could get the money together, Candy started talking, and the detectives traced the car to St. John. So St.

John was still on parole, and he was wearing an ankle bracelet. No, no, no, no. That's a bummer. Sir. How you doing?

Robberies. And you got a full beep beep, beep beep. Yeah, that makes me feel like he felt like there was no other option. That's dark. I don't know.

If you find $50,000 cars and $40,000 cars, it's just like he took out ads. It's like you could have probably just stopped. Yeah. You should have just checked yourself, gone back to the old weeks. I know.

Matt Rogers
I know it was a bad situation, but it can't be worse than this. Lord. Well, guys, this story has more details, but they got to get to me. More bummerish. So we gonna skip over those.

Lacey Moseley
I hope that all those ladies out there are doing well. I hope St. John is rotten somewhere. Cause he's trash. Yeah.

We'll be back after some non scam advertisements for the saddest part of the show. It's the end, where I have to let Matt go. No, I refuse. Robbery. Want the same expert advice you get.

Matt Rogers
From the pros in the store while shopping Comma, meet Treadwell, your personal online tire guide that matches you with the perfect tire for your vehicle. Get your best match in 1 minute. Or less with Treadwell by discount tire. Let's get you taken care of.

Lacey Moseley
All set for your flight? Yep. I've got everything I need. Eye mask, neck pillow, t mobile, headphones. Wait, T mobile?

You bet. Free in flight wifi, 15% off all Hilton brands. I never go anywhere without T Mobile. Same goes from a water bottle, chewing gum, neoclip. I'm gonna leave you to it.

Matt Rogers
Find out how you can experience travel travel qualifying plan required. Wi Fi were available on select Us. Airlines deposit and Hilton honors membership required for 15% discount. Terms and conditions apply.

Lacey Moseley
And fraud. And we're back. And it's time for the saddest part of the show, it's time for scammer of the week. This is when we'll give our praise to a charlatan who's really worthy of it. Or maybe we won't like old, what was his name?

Matt Rogers
Huck? Henry? Fucking rob St. John. Fuck that bitch.

Lacey Moseley
You know, sometimes we like him, sometimes we don't. So skimmer for week is a Texas teen. Shout out to Texas. That's where I'm from. He collected $17,000.

Oh, no. In a fake cancer. Oh, no. You can't do a cancer scam. That is the lowest of the low.

Like he's a teenager. So again, brain not fully developed, but. Right, right. So, 19 year old Angie Gomez. Okay, well, we do love female representation.

Women in business.

Matt Rogers
Women in tech. There probably was some tech involved, right? Stem program for the girls. Yes. We love a woman.

Yes. Girl boss.

Lacey Moseley
That girl boss. I'm leaving. I'm getting my briefcase and I'm going. So she allegedly received $17,000 in donations and gifts for her achieve the Dream foundation. Great branding, excellent branding.

Flavorful. Angie claimed that her cancer began January 20. Eleven. And that doctors had given her six months to live. Angie told the El Paso Times, the doctors are telling me to prepare myself and start planning for what's about to come.

They think the worst is coming when you start to feel sick and you can't move. I think they're all crazy. But detectives said Angie never suffered from cancer. Fundraisers were held to help Angie start the achieve the Dream foundation, which she claimed helped children and families also suffering from her same circumstances. Through the foundation, she sold t shirts, merch and magnets.

No. Oh, no. Magnets. Even a prom had been organized for Angie. Oh, I hate this.

After she said she missed her high school's prom because of the cancer, she wanted a party. She said, give me all this money at an event. This was the first prom on Netflix for making cancer. No. Oh, no.

No. So the prom was also meant to be. Okay, the fundraiser for the achieve the Dream foundation. This bitch is bold. Achieve the dream.

Matt Rogers
Oh, my God. This is so much. You see, this is like this. Maybe this girl does need, like, she needs to go away somewhere. She said a jeep dream foundation.

Lacey Moseley
No. An investigation was launched in 2011, in June, when an anonymous person said there were some holes in Angie's story. So we got a hater in our midst. So, 1 January 2011, she said, the girls only gave me six months, right? So this is June.

So this should be month five, where, like, if it's you know, so maybe this person started putting together the dates or. Yeah, I was gonna say, like, also, when someone is lying about having cancer and they're not ill, that's one tell, I guess. That bitch is in my spin class.

Matt Rogers
She's beating me. The instructor's obsessed with her. Right. That's what I hope. It was something really petty.

Lacey Moseley
Like, really, really petty. And then she was like, uh, uh. I'm snitching. Yeah. So it had been six months since doctors supposedly told Gomez that her cancer was fatal.

Right. So there was a lot of suspicions, just like I said right before. And then at the one point, the mom became aware that this was going on, she tried to talk to her and told her to tell the truth. So. Wait, wait.

Matt Rogers
Yeah. Her mom didn't know that she was lying about this? Oh. Cause she's 19. She probably doesn't live in the house.

Yeah. So she was. That's crazy to be able to lie to your parents about that. That's nuts. Ooh.

To tell the people that you love the most that you're going through this. I don't know. No, I would never do that. That's extremely, like, this woman must be a sociopath, something. That's sociopath behavior.

Lacey Moseley
Right. So at the time, Angie's fundraising was supported by Horizon City High School. However, the district was unaware that her claims were untrue. She eventually was arrested, and her bond was set at $50,000. I.

Here's the thing. If this had been a Gofundme, I wouldn't feel as bad, because, like, I don't know when I give money to anybody on GoFundme, if it's going where they say it is. You know what I mean? Like, I've never been like, oh, someone's like, oh, my daughter was in a car accident, and, like, we just need money for her back surgery. I've never been, like, six months later, let me see your daughter back.

I didn't know my $12 went to the right place. Exactly. Exactly. I'll be giving money to if I'm convinced by the GoFundme, it's enough. Yeah.

Right? And it's like I. No matter what, as long as my intentions were positive, I can't do nothing about it. And so I just let it go. But I think it's different when you're doing this as a community organizer and you're literally, like, throwing a prom, and you're, like, doing, you know.

Matt Rogers
No, this is an elaborate lie. This is dark. This is dark sided. Yes. And this honestly makes me understand why Susan G.

Lacey Moseley
Komen is so litigious. I don't know if you know, but Susan T. Comey, cancer, breast cancer foundation, they will sue the shit out of you if you try to use a Susan, a. G, or a Coleman, and it is not from their business. They.

Susan will. Yeah. They'll say, excuse me. Hello. Hello.

Is that a pink ribbon I see? You better put that shit in the trash. Here to collect or reject, right? You can run a race, but not for the cure, bitch, I don't know what you. That's our race.

That's what we run it. So I understand that even more now. When you have people like this who are just creating fake foundations and, you know, exploiting their community, it's terrifying. Angie, you a bad child. Like, you 19.

Well, actually, you're not 19 no more. If this is in 2011, honey, that was ten years ago. You 29. Yeah, she's approaching 30. And I would say, I hope you found a way to enterprise or, you know, get better at this or put your skills to better use.

Matt Rogers
Maybe you should be an actress. Maybe you should start going with the open mind. You seem to get a real reaction when you perform. Not for nothing, move to LA or a producer. Cause, honey, you were putting on events.

Oh, she was an event. She was producing events. She is a coordinator. So, Andy, just please, I hope by now you have taken your skills and, you know, take your talents to a better venue, because scamming people, like, are an icon. Yes, you are an icon, and you are very talented, but this.

Lacey Moseley
This is not the way. This is wrong. We don't support it. But, guys, that brings us to the end. Oh, my God.

This hour flew by. It truly did. This is so fun. This is so fun. I feel like I've known you.

This is our first time meeting over Zoom, and I feel like I've talked to you forever. Oh, my God. I could stay forever. You honestly have such a fun show. And honestly, I feel educated.

Matt Rogers
I feel I know what to look out for. Yes. So that's what we want y'all to leave with that. Or a plan, I guess. The bank that I talked about in Ridgewood, it did tighten up.

Lacey Moseley
So maybe don't try to. Well, we hope. And only the congregation can let us know. Let us know how your attempted robbery. Goes at the Northridge bank.

No. Oh, my God. So we always ask, Matt, where do you want to be found? That's such a good question. And it's such an important distinction.

Yes. Like, I don't want to be found in Gainesville, Florida, dead. But I would love to be found on my podcast, last culture with Bow and yang. We release episodes every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts, which I love to say. And also, I'm hosting the show hot dog, which you were kind enough to mention at the top of the app.

Matt Rogers
It's on HBO, Max. It's a dog grooming competition show. It's a blast. You root for everyone. I'm on there with Robin Thede, who's the best, and also Jess Rona, who's, like, the empress of dog grooming on Instagram.

And you gotta check the show out. It's fun. We get put into fashions. The dogs are adorable, and the groomers are so talented, and their stories are amazing. So you gotta check it out when that drops on February 4, and then all twelve episodes of that will be out so you can binge your ass off.

Lacey Moseley
Binge, baby, binge. We love a binge. I need a binge. Honestly, I can't watch it unless it's all out. Cause I'm gonna just be starving.

Matt Rogers
That's what I'm saying about WandaVision. You know, wandavision on Disney. Plus, I will be trying to watch that show, and it's like, literally, the episodes are 26 minutes long, and I'm like, God damn it. Like, put this all out at once. Like, I am hooked.

But I don't want to wait a week. A week? A week. Because I don't know what I'm gonna be like in six weeks. My life could be different.

Lacey Moseley
Nobody knows what we're gonna be like in six weeks. I'm the same way. I haven't started WandaVision because of that. I was like, y'all have y'all takes? I'mma wait until Wanda's whole vision is out.

Yeah. And then I'm gonna go look and see what she was looking at. I'm not here for the partial vision. Yeah, exactly right. I want 2020, but I do not want that year back.

No. No. Guys, as always, if you want to write into the show scam, got his snitch on your friends and family. If we don't read the letter on this show, you guys know we have that bonus show confessions, which is rolling back out this February.

Is it fourth, Chelsea? Yes. Which is rolling out February 4. Leave that in. Everything's rolling out February 4.

Matt Rogers
We love it. Yes. Oh, yes. Come on, hot dog. Hot dog.

Lacey Moseley
And also, it's a huge day for entertainment. No. Hot dog looks so fun, and I'm very excited. The clips that I've seen have been amazing. So yes, guys, tune the fuck in.

As always, snitch on your friends and family. It's dot. And if you don't hear your listener letters on the show again, confessions, February 4. And if you want to find me and all my shenanigans, that's D I V a l A c I. Diva Lacey on all platforms.

Congregation ooh, and diva Lacey on clubhouse. If y'all want to be messy, maybe I'll start a scam room. Congregation Stay scheming, Scam Goddess this has been an earwolf production in association with Team Coco. Scam Goddess is starring me. Duh.

Scam Goddess, aka Lazy Mosley. Scam Goddess is produced by Chelsea Jacobson and engineered by Marina Baez with research by Sherlyn Vera. Stay scheming at Energy Trust of Oregon, we understand that energy isn't just what happens when you flip a switch, it's what happens afterwards. It's a home that can provide both shelter and peace of mind. It's a business that can run more efficiently and keep their dream alive.

And it's communities that can thrive today and flourish tomorrow. That's energy. And that's why we partner with local utility companies to help you save energy and lower costs for cash incentives and resources that can help power your life. Visit

Matt Rogers
A lot of debate out there on what to put on your Johnsonville broth. Sauerkraut? No sauerkraut. Peppers and onions. No peppers and onions.

Or maybe peppers, but no onions, but what kind of peppers? And then mustard. We doing brown, spicy, or are you going to go amateur hour? And then ketchup's its own situation, which, by the way, is absolute heresy. But here is the beautiful Johnsonville.

Don't care if people are debating relish, bun or no bun. At least we're all talking and sharing again. And yeah, the ketchup's a personal choice. Keep it juicy.

Lacey Moseley
Keep it juicy.