Crimes of the Heart w/ Luke James

Primary Topic

This episode explores the theme of scams, focusing on the experiences and stories related to scams in various industries, as shared by the guest, Luke James.

Episode Summary

In the "Crimes of the Heart w/ Luke James" episode, Laci Mosley and her guest, three-time Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter and actor Luke James, dive into the world of scams, sharing personal anecdotes and broader societal implications. The conversation spans from personal scam experiences to the systemic scams within industries like music and fashion. Luke shares his journey in the music and acting industry, including his tactics to break into the business, which he humorously describes as his own 'scams'. The episode is filled with light-hearted banter, deeper reflections on the impacts of scams, and Luke's thoughts on industry practices, particularly in music, that border on exploitative.

Main Takeaways

  1. Personal scams experienced by Luke James and the everyday scams people encounter.
  2. Insights into the systemic scams within the music and entertainment industries.
  3. Luke's perspective on the balance between artistry and the harsh realities of industry scams.
  4. Anecdotes from both host and guest illustrating how scams are woven into various facets of life.
  5. Discussions on broader societal scams, such as those related to fashion and environmental sustainability.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Laci Mosley introduces the episode and guest Luke James, setting the stage for a discussion on scams.
Laci Mosley: "What's Poppin congregation? It's your girl, Lacey Mosley, aka scam damn God."

2: Personal Scam Stories

Luke James discusses his personal experiences with scams within the entertainment industry.
Luke James: "I mean, I moved out here. I lived out here for about twelve years. So, yeah, definitely. I scammed a lot, you know, to get in the business."

3: Industry Scams

The conversation shifts to systemic scams in the music industry and their effects on artists.
Luke James: "There's a lot of scamming that goes on in the music industry of scamming artists out of their royalties and just their basic rights to their creation."

4: Fashion and Environmental Scams

Laci and Luke discuss scams related to fashion and sustainability, touching on the environmental impact.
Laci Mosley: "I love fashion, okay? But we all know buying the latest and the greatest constantly is a little bit of a scam to the planet."

5: Reflections and Conclusions

The episode wraps up with reflections on how scams affect individuals and society.
Luke James: "There's a lot of scammers out there. Oh, yes, I'm very well aware."

Actionable Advice

  1. Always verify requests for personal information to avoid scams.
  2. Be cautious of industry practices that may exploit artists.
  3. Consider the environmental impact of fashion choices.
  4. Stay informed about common scams in your area or industry.
  5. Reflect on personal experiences with scams to better protect yourself in the future.

About This Episode

What's Poppin' con-gregation? Singer-songwriter and actor Luke James joins the show to continue our discussion of scam rappers. These rappers dedicate their art to bragging and giving instructions to their fans on how to commit a variety of scams and frauds. Stay Schemin’!


Luke James, Laci Mosley





Guest Name(s):

Luke James

Content Warnings:



Laci Mosley
Watch Queenie, the new original series on Hulu. Who is Queenie? She's in her twenties. She lives in London. She's facing all the firsts.

First major heartbreak, first shitty apartment and soul sucking job. First therapy session to work through those mommy issues. Can she turn her quarter life crisis into a revolution? Maybe. Will she make some questionable decisions along the way?

Definitely. The new series Queenie premieres June 7, streaming on Hulu. Love the flexibility of working in all sorts of places. Well, working on the go seamlessly requires a strong network like T Mobile. We have America's largest 5g network.

Luke James
So whether you're on a video call at the park or uploading large files at a coffee shop, we have the 5g speed you need. Whatever takes you on the go, T. Mobile's got you covered. Find out more at T network today. Coverage not available in some areas.

Laci Mosley
5D device coverage and access details at. T dot. Scam cum robbery and fraud scam. Car robbery and fraud scam. Got it.

What's Poppin congregation? It's your girl, Lacey Moseley, aka scam damn God. It's back with another installment of the podcast all about robbery, fraud, and those who practice it. Sometimes we love them. Sometimes we hate them.

We don't know we'll all be on this ride together, but if you listen to the show, then you already know I'm. What? Yes. Well, yes. I'm very excited and thrilled for today's guest.

We have an amazing guest on the show. He's an actor and a three time Grammy nominated singer songwriter. He's set to lead Prime's highly anticipated second season of them. Okay, come on. That's Sony in Amazon Studios.

I know. That's right. Alongside Pam Greer and returning star Deborah Iarende. Am I saying her last name right? Yes, you are.

Okay, Amy. Oh, yes. Come on, voice. You know what? Let's leave that in.

Y'all get some bts. Plus, he'll continue to star on Showtime's critically acclaimed drama series, the Shy Congregation. Please welcome Luke James to the show. Hi, Luke. Hey.

Luke James
Thank you for having me. Oh, your voice is so nice. The audience is really gonna appreciate that. Oh, wow. I've been taking voice lessons because apparently, talking is also a function of the voice.

That's true. Oh, my God. Don't have me over here giggling or whatnot. I got a job to do. Oh, my goodness.

Laci Mosley
Luke, thank you so much for being here. Of course. Thank you for having me. We always ask on this podcast, what's your relationship with scams. Have you ever been scammed?

Have you ever run any scams that are passing statute limitations? It could be anything. We just learned that that's one year in California. I'm not trying to get you in trouble. No, no, no.

Luke James
I mean, I moved out here. I lived out here for about twelve years. So, yeah, definitely. I scammed a lot, you know, to get in the business, to just, you know, get in that door that, you know, your name is not on the list. Yes, it is, in some sense.

Laci Mosley
I mean, with that face, though, I feel like that's half of the scam is you were just showing up places cute. And you were like, this is enough. I mean, I did that. It didn't always work for me. It didn't always work for me.

Okay, well, you are a cis man, so sometimes there are limitations on how far the cute can take you. I'd be like, I'm a woman, and I'm beautiful and dumb. Can I come in? They'd be like, sure, sure. Dumb woman, come inside.

We have room for you. Now, wait, did you start in music? Yes, I'm a musician. Okay. So music, to me, I think it's like, what do they say?

It's like, rappers want to be basketball. Players, basketball players want to be. Basketball players want to be rappers, actors, all secretly, some of us want to be singers. Yeah. And then a lot of actors are singers and actors, and obviously you are both.

I mean, you're on the shy. You're coming back with them second season, so you're doing all the things. That's a little scammer in you. Serial entrepreneur, you know what I'm saying? It comes natural to me.

I wish I could see how he's gesticulating very naturally. Now, music, to me, though, has always felt like the hardest industry to get into. Like, I'm an actor, I do sing, but that is my secret. But how do you get involved in that? Cause I'm like, I look at.

There's no unions. I hear about the 360 deals all the time. And, you know, how did you get started in music? Well, I think that music might be a little easier than getting film. Yeah, that's.

Luke James
I think. I think, yes, there's a lot of scamming that goes on in the music industry of scamming artists out of their royalties and just their basic rights to their creation. Oh, yeah. Not too bad. No, not too bad.

Not too bad at all. No, no, no, no. But, yeah, I think it's a little harder. What did you do? I mean, did you just start background.

Laci Mosley
Showing up places. Showing up places. Okay. I was in a group. I was in a trio in New Orleans.

And you were the Beyonce? No, I wasn't the Beyonce. Hilarious. And you was like, fair. Your bags are right there.

It's three beyonces. Okay. I love that. Okay, y'all still cool? Three Beyonces?

Yes. That's the name of the group. So you were in three Beyonce's in Louisiana? Yes. We did everything.

Luke James
We sang everywhere. We bar mitzvahs, anywhere we could sing and be heard, we would do it. And so there was a concert down at the Sanga theater. It was Brian McKnight featuring Tyreese. And so we just.

After an event that we performed at, we just sat outside the backstage entrance and just started singing, hoping somebody would hear us. Cause there were a few people standing out there, whatnot, paparazzi or whatever. And we just sang, sang, sang, sang. And his manager happened to be in the car that was parked on the street. And then he brought us in.

We met Tyrese, gave us tickets, watched the whole show, and then we stayed in cahoots until we graduated. Okay, see, this is like a movie. Y'all stood outside and y'all sang. Nowadays the girls get on TikTok or YouTube. This is why, like, real artistry, they say.

Laci Mosley
We showed up to the concert. We'll also be having a car start, too. It'll be happening next to the parking meter. Yes. Put in a quarter so we can keep our car there.

Luke James
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're selling CDs out, you know, in the alley. It'll be all right. Yes. Now, congregation, do not try this at home, because y'all can't sing like Luke, James, most of you.

Laci Mosley
So I don't know if they'll. I don't know if they might escort you away. That's very true, but I will try this at the next Beyonce concert. Beyonce. You took all my money, so I will have to be single and selling fish plates.

Luke James
Just know you won't be alone. There's a lot of scammers out there. Oh, yes, I'm very well aware. Listen, we're gonna get it however we can. We got to.

Laci Mosley
And that's why I love us scams. I love fashion, okay? But we all know buying the latest and the greatest constantly is a little bit of a scam to the planet, which is why I love newly. It's a subscription clothing rental service that's all about helping you have fun and get creative with your style. Sometimes you put something on the gram and you be like, oh, well, it's dead now.

Well, with newly, you can keep having fresh fits and you're helping the planet try out trending styles, colors, silhouettes, and then you can send it back for something new. Okay, come on, newly. For just dollar 98 a month, you get your choice of any six styles each month. Access to thousands of styles for more than 400 brands with inclusive sizing. I know that's right.

Fast free shipping and returns with professional cleaning in newly state of the art laundering facility. Plus the option to buy whatever you love, which I love that because sometimes I put on a piece and I'm like, it's mines now, so you can buy it from newly. I love using newly because the free shipping, it's really quick and the pieces are really nice quality. Also, I love that the orders, like when I got mine, it was shipped in a recyclable reusable tote. Nuuli is a great value at dollar 98 a month for any six styles.

But right now you can get $20 off your first month of newly when you sign up with the code goddess 20. Just go to, that's newly with two U's and enter the code goddess 20 and sign up to get $20 off your first month. That's n newly with two u's with code Goddess 20. Newly subscription clothing rental. Change your clothes.

Watch Queenie, the new original series on Hulu. Who is Queenie? Shes in her twenties. She lives in London. Shes facing all the firsts.

First major heartbreak, first shitty apartment and soul sucking job, first therapy session to work through those mommy issues. Can she turn her quarter life crisis into a revolution? Maybe. Will she make some questionable decisions along the way? Definitely.

The new series Queenie premieres June 7, streaming on Hulu now. We always start this podcast with our first segment here, what's hot and fraud. This is where we warn our listeners about popping scams in the zeitgeist. Or more often than not, we get a letter from you all out there. As always, snitch on your friends, family and your

Dot, just make sure the bag is retired because we don't want to. What? Yes. Fuck up your bag. Amen.

My mom is going to get me for that one day. Cause I can't keep cursing in this saying amen. Okay, but God know my heart. That's the part. God knows everything.

He knows everything. That's the part. Okay, so I just need a fake name for this person. Luke, we don't care about gender here, so it could literally be anything. Mmm.

Breaker, breaker. Okay, that's a scammer name right there. Breakker has two rich parents. Yes. You know, breaker's gonna take a gap year before they go to college.

You know what I mean? Cause that's just like a social thing. When they go to school. Yeah. You know, find themselves.

Luke James
I got to find myself, breaker. Always looking for themselves. Yes. Me, too. Me, too.

Laci Mosley
Spending a lot of time trying to find myself. Have you ever gone on any self exploration trips? Yes. Okay, you said that so quickly. So I feel as though you.

Where do you like to go? You know, it's funny. To be fair, I like to go to New York. What? Yeah.

Luke James
I love New York. That's not where you find yourself. That's where you lose yourself in your wallet. You can lose yourself and find yourself in New York. And yes, you can lose your wallet, but that's why you put that in the front pocket.

Laci Mosley
Okay. Okay. You know, that's what I talk about, too. You have to have your belongings on you when you're in big crowds. I've said that.

Luke James
Don't play yourself. Right. So, New York, what do you do out there? You, like, smell the hot dog carts? Oh, man.

Once I get one, you know, it takes me about two days to get over the smell. But past that, all of my best friends are in New York, and all of them are scammers. And in the best ways. And I benefit from that. I just find them.

I find New York to be freeing in a way. I mean, people dress in so many different ways. I mean, people dress very well in New York. You know what I mean? And they're finding there's some, like, do's and there's some don'ts, but who cares?

Nobody's know. You know what I mean? You're free. You can wear a clown outfit and someone will say, that's fashion. Right?

Laci Mosley
No one will pay attention to you, New York. I will say that. You could definitely be crying. And people are like, I gotta go. It's totally.

Luke James
Nobody's got time for any of that. I wish that people in LA dress like that. We do not dress like that. Me, too. It's so sad.

I mean, y'all tried during Coachella, don't y'all? This. I am from Texas. Sorry not to say, like, that's a fashion camper, okay. Cause we did grow up wearing denim and diamonds, honey.

You know, Coachella, everybody puts on costumes. Yeah, that's true. But Coachella has become commercial costumes now. It's actually very sad. It's cosplay.

It's not. Yeah. I'm like, y'all might as well just go to spirit of Halloween. Cause, baby, what is this? It's not giving.

Laci Mosley
We gonna drag everybody today. First and foremost. First and foremost. Also. Urban outfitters.

What are you doing? Unless you sponsor the show. So then, I love urban outfitters, but what are y'all doing? Why am I going into urban Outfitters? And it looks like.

It looks like. Oh, God. I need a very shady department. Kmart. It's giving.

Kmart 2003 used to be popping. Yeah. Urban outfit. Urban outfitters used to be popping, and. Now they're letting the trends push them.

And I'm like, why is that? I know I'm not that old. Y'all clothes are ugly, okay? That's all it is. No, it's another form of scamming.

Luke James
They're scamming us. They really are. Cause also, like, making those kind of fast fashion, you know, early two thousands clothes, which were just, like, a travesty for us. They're so cheap. So why are you selling the shirt with the stomach belt attached for 69.72?

Laci Mosley
What's going on? No, stop it. Stop the what? What is going on? That used to be a thing.

You should be able to get a whole outfit in the early 2000. Shirt, belt. Sometimes you put the pants on the shoe already in there. You don't even gotta wear a hair tie. Like, we had problems.

We thought we were giving, okay? We were giving. I have gone to the club in a stomach. Bright colors. Oh, goodness.

Why? Jersey shore. Bless y'all. But so breakker says. Breakker says, hi, Lacey and co.

That would be you, Liz. I'll take it. So Breakker says, this is something that happened at the hotel. So they said, I checked into a hotel in the Albuquerque airport. So this was an Albuquerque airport Sheraton lap of luxury.

Sheraton sponsored the show. Immediately upon reaching our room, a woman called the hotel room phone. She said that the credit card we used for incidentals didn't save in the system. And this has happened with multiple guests this evening. She said she could take the number over the phone or we could come back down to the front desk.

I said we would go back to the lobby, and she hung up. When we got to the desk, the desk clerk said he had no idea what we were talking about, and our info was fine. I guess we were targeted by a scammer, but we were trying to figure it out, and we're trying to figure out how they heard that we were checking in at the time and on our floor. It was very strange. Has this happened to anyone else?

So I haven't heard about this particular scam yet. Calling the hotel room specifically, I think, is very smart. I'm sure you travel a lot. Yeah. If someone called your hotel room and said that your car didn't go through, are you going to the lobby, or are you giving a card on the phone?

Luke James
I'm going to the lobby. Okay, good. Okay, Luke. Okay, I see you. So you're not getting scammed?

Never. Wait, have you ever been scammed? Wow, he's really thinking about this, y'all. I could say it so quickly. Yes, absolutely.

I have been scammed an embarrassing amount. I haven't seen. When? A few years ago. My Amex.

My Amex was. There was. It was some fraudulent activity. Activity? Yeah.

Laci Mosley
Okay. Like, did you use it at a gas station or something? That's usually where they get people that clone the car at the gas station pump. I believe it was a department store. What did they buy?

What department store? So it was. I mean, obviously it could have been only one department store, and I think it was. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I was in a particular city. This is so vague.

Luke James
And they were in. And they were charging from another city. Okay. It was. The charges were, like, somewhere else that I had never gone.

Laci Mosley
Is this vague because you don't remember what city, or vague because you have, like, a secret family? No, no, no. Vague. Cause I don't remember. I don't remember what city.

He said I was in a town at a place. Yes. Yeah. It was definitely a location. It's definitely.

Luke James
It was definitely a big city of some sort that I'm shopping in if I'm in a department store. Could have been New York. Could have been. Could have been New York. Yeah.

And then I was. I was receiving charges from somewhere. San Francisco, somewhere else. Somewhere, yeah. Okay.

Laci Mosley
Any stores that you would shop in or. No. Do you remember any of the stores? No. And it was like.

Luke James
It was, like, very small amounts. Oh, so they were testing. Yeah. So they'll test to see, like, if you got a coin on a card, and then they'll run it up. A lot of times, a lot of the scammers will steal your card from any location, but then they'll use them in Brooklyn, and they'll go to, like, a CV's, and they'll go to self checkout, and they'll make one small purchase, or they'll test it first at Domino's and.

Laci Mosley
Cause, like, pizza is one of those innocuous things that if you go to another city, like credit card companies usually don't pick up on the. Oh, they ordered some domino's. So they'll go to Domino's first, and then they'll go run it up at a self checkout. Yeah, they have their ways. That's smart.

Luke James
Shout out to American Express for being on top of it. Oh, listen, they want their coins back immediately. They will. I get that coin? Cause I'm not gonna give it to you.

Laci Mosley
Yeah, listen, okay. Not me. Bank of America is the most hardcore. They will shut your card off. If you think about buying something, they're like, you don't be buying stuff.

What is this? You spending our money? Bank of America. This is not our money. It's not our money.

They're like, no, it's our money source. Okay? We both getting some of it. What do you mean, ill advised? Ill advised.

And they'll embarrass you, too. They'll be like, what's this? You. We stopped the charge. You can try it again, though.

Are you embarrassed? Is that you? New bank? Who this? Who new charge?

Who this? You know, us. Yeah. I mean, so I will say you're very smart, Luke, to go to the front desk if this happens. If someone calls and asks for your credit card information over the phone, especially in a hotel, you should definitely just.

I know it's hard to go down to the lobby and, like, get yourself some cucumber water if it's a cute hotel on the way, you know what I mean? But go down to the desk and verify, because this is actually, usually they won't call your room and ask for your credit card information. It's nonsense. And everyone. You guys gotta be a little hyper vigilant these days.

I don't know about you, but every single. Every single day I'm getting emails, texts, phone calls from scammers with all new types of tricks, and it feels like it's getting more aggressive than it used to be. On my way here, I got a scam. A text from a number. I don't know, it was like a number email type thing.

Luke James
A text. And I'm like, oh, my God, what did I sign up for? What did they say? That it was like, I could help you with this loan and this. What?

What are we talking about? I don't have none of that. Luke, they're trying to help you with this loan. What do you mean? I don't.

Laci Mosley
You are a busy man, okay? Between them and the shy, somebody got to help you with the loan you don't know you have. They can keep their links. I'm good, thank you. You don't want to click just to see.

Luke James
No, I'm good for the trap. I don't want the trap. You not try to link with the link? No, don't need it. Good.

Laci Mosley
I like a little thriller in my legs. Cause sometimes if they text me, I will text back, but then they won't have a conversation with me. I think I'm doing too much. I gotta be a little more fake skeptical. Cause they'll hit me up and be like, oh, is this Tom?

And I'll be like, oh, no, this isn't Tom. This is so and so. And then they'll be like, oh, that's who I meant to text. I'll be like, oh, great. I haven't talked to you in so long.

How you doing? What's up? What do you need? And then I get too eager, and then they stop. The scammers are ghosting me, which hurts my feelings.

Luke James
That is hilarious. You flip it on them? Yes. They're like, no, she's too into it. And I'm like, for real?

I don't like this. I gotta start playing hard to get. You gotta neg the scam. Yeah, yeah. You have to make a morning.

It's a little foreplay, right? It's just like relationships. I'm jumping in, tuku. I'm like, we move in, u haul all in. I love you.

I love you. You wanna call me Facetime Bestie? I started texting the scammer bestie. What's good? I just saw the craziest meme.

Laci Mosley
Hold on, I'm finna send it to you, bestie. Like, girl, we don't. This has now become us being scammed. I'm done. Yeah, y'all, like, check that out.

Also, if you have student loans, obviously, like, we're getting all the forgiveness emails. I mean, who wouldn't want their student loans forgiven? If you have them, just make sure you're checking the address. Don't click on any links. Normally, if you got your loans through, like, above bar legal channels, not somebody who's like, kind of bust your kneecaps, then you're definitely gonna have a portal and a website, something dot gov.

That's where you should log in and put in your information. Real paper trailer. Yeah. Cause we already know, like, Joe Biden has been real stingy with those refunds, so they're definitely not gonna send you an email talking about, girl, we can forgive your loans. No, you have to hunt that stuff down.

Luke James
No, you know, at all times. It's crazy. Who. Listen, somebody sent me a tweet and was like. Cause I did a campaign for Joe Biden when he first ran for president called leg 2020, because Donald Trump was talking about how police officers should be shooting people in the heart, unarmed civilians.

Laci Mosley
And Joe Biden was like, you know what? What about if we shot him in the leg? What? And I was like, you know what? That's better than getting shot in the heart.

Luke James
Take that. And so now they're talking about climate change and air pollution and stuff. I was like, well, it's long. 2024, you know? Yeah, they're late.

2024. Joe might have 1ft in the grave. But listen, what are our options here? Okay, what are our options? Okay, he only got 1ft, though, and it's good.

We got Cornel west. You know, he's been here a thousand years. Shoot, he really has. If he don't know no better than we know. I mean, shit, I mean, somebody got.

Laci Mosley
I mean, what are we gonna do at this point? It's not like we have options. This is the worst dating pool of president we've ever had. Oh, it's trash. Trash.

It's like America's on its fourth divorce and we're just settling at this point. I wanna date again. I wanna be by myself forever. Right? We need to find ourselves, America.

Let's find. What if we just took 2024 off and we found ourselves? Let's go find ourselves. We could do that. Yeah.

We all go for a hike. We all go for a walk, we meditate, we do yoga. We don't vote for nobody. Nobody. Just center yourself.

Right, listen, but you know I'm gonna get in trouble. We probably gonna be running the ads for somebody at some point. Robbery. I love fashion, okay? But we all know buying the latest and the greatest constantly is a little bit of a scam to the planet, which is why I love newly.

It's a subscription clothing rental service that's all about helping you have fun and get creative with your style. Sometimes you put something on the gram and you can be like, oh, well, is this dead now? Well, with Nuuly, you can keep having fresh fits and you're helping the planet try out trending styles, colors, silhouettes, and then you can send it back for something new. Okay? Come on, newly.

For just $98 a month, you get your choice of any six styles each month, access to thousands of styles for more than 400 brands with inclusive sizing. I know that's right. It's fast free shipping and returns with professional cleaning in newly state of the art laundering facility, plus the option to buy whatever you love, which I love that because sometimes I put on a piece and I'm like, it's mines now, so you can buy it from Nuuli. I love using Nuuli because the free shipping, it's really quick and the pieces are really nice quality. Also, I love that the orders, like when I got mine, it was shipped in a recyclable reusable tote.

Nuuly is a great value at dollar 98 a month for any six styles. But right now you can get dollar 20 off your first month of Nuuli. When you sign up with the code goddess 20, just go to that's newly with two U's and enter the code goddess 20 and sign up to get $20 off your first month. That's n newly with two U's with code goddess 20 newly subscription clothing rental change your clothes. Watch Queenie, the new original series on Hulu.

Who is Queenie? Shes in her twenties. She lives in London. Shes facing all the firsts. First major heartbreak, first shitty apartment and soul sucking job, first therapy session to work through those mommy issues.

Can she turn her quarter life crisis into a revolution? Maybe. Will she make some questionable decisions along the way? Definitely. The new series Queenie premieres June 7, streaming on Hulu and fraud.

And now it's time for my favorite part of this podcast, historic hoodwings. This is where we regale Luke with a famous Khan Caper group of criminals. We're gonna have a variety, we're saying a little bit of the music field, even though we know you're a multi hyphenate. But I do want to do a little content warning up here. There is a brief mention of violence and drug abuse.

We will put a timestamp in the footnotes, and we'll be able to breeze over that as light as possible. We like to keep it light over here. Keep it light. I'm very unserious. That's what I like to be.

So we're going back to 2017. A subgenre of rap emerged from Detroit that would define the careers of a new type of rapper, the scam rapper. The genre is defined not only by bragging about ill gotten gains, a variety of frauds and scams, but instructions for listeners on how to commit scams themselves. So this is like how to, you know, but it's educational, but it's also a bop. Yeah, yeah.

You know, what? I mean? Yeah. I mean, do you teach people things in your song, Luke? I mean, yes.

But not about crime, though. No. I mean, it could be a crime of the heart. Oh, wow. That sounds like the most beautiful fuckboy sentence I have ever heard in my life.

A crime of the heart? Yes. Yes. Maybe. I didn't cheat on you.

That was a crime of the horror. That's right. Yeah. It's a crime of a heart. Y'all run with that.

Y'all take that every way y'all can have it. So, last year, we had the honor of regaling the story of Dallas, Antonio Ashberry and TJ six X, who's one of my favorites. Cause we had Jonica Booth and Chameleon on from rap shit. And we wanted to highlight some other artists. You know, they're also artists who act.

You know what I mean? Look at y'all. I love it. So we're gonna go back into it. So let's talk about self made cash.

Fellow Detroit scam rapper Self made cash was indicted for wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and possession of unauthorized access devices around the same time as TJ six X, who we've talked about. So when he started releasing his music, TJ six X, self made cash right here. You can see him up there. He's got cash. He's saying he's self made.

I mean, he's saying everything that he do. Also, are his hands really small, or are these bills fake? Because money is not that big. No, it looks a little. Is this a perspective situation?

Luke James
It could be a bit of a perspective. It could be a bit of a crispy hundred dollar bills. I've never seen hundos that were that long. Or he could have little hands. Yeah, it's giving baby hands.

Damn. But also, what's interesting to me about this is I've never been impressed by rappers or anybody in general, taking pictures with money. That is. It's so. Hmm.

Tacky. Yeah, it's tacky. But also, to me, it doesn't say that you're rich if you have to take pictures with the money. That means, you know, you're not gonna have it for long. It's supposed to have a memory.

Yes, it's a memory. Oh, yeah. I remember my first beer. It's crazy. Things like that happen.

Laci Mosley
You take a picture with it, right? It's like, let me take a picture with this money before. I don't have it no more, but I do love a money phone. I think that's hilarious. But we have self made cash here, right?

So he was getting indicted when TJ six x came out. So, 25 year old, self made cash. You look a little older than 25. You living too hard. Self made.

Luke James
You know you need some sleep, brother. Right, so, them days starting to show on you. Okay. So, he was born Jonathan woods and was accused of training people on how to use stolen credit card numbers for a fee like TJ six x. So, his long running scam began in 2017, and shortly after, he began releasing YouTube music videos.

Laci Mosley
So, he didn't take your route, Lucan. You know, with your group members singing outside of the McKnight cry Reese event, he decided to just get on YouTube. So, on social media. And in his music, cash bragged about being the greatest swiper of all time, meaning that he was the most skilled at credit card fraud, which. I mean, that happens to everybody.

They got you. They've gotten me. So he said, swiper, no swiping. He said, move out of the way. Door explorer.

Luke James
Swiper, no swiping. I'm the biggest swiper. All right. So he'd post Instagram photos with sacks of cash and videos showing him shopping for shoes, eating in an empty waffle house, and bragging, you know, you're the boss, when they shut waffle house down for you. Ew.

What? I mean, we are just not dreaming big enough. I don't know. It just. I mean.

Laci Mosley
I don't know. Shutting down waffle house, you know, that's where our greatest fighters are. Yes. Everybody thinks it's the MMA. It's the waffle house.

They have hands. Hands. For eggs, waffles, toast. And for you. Yes.

Luke James
Just for you. So I feel like that's like armed security. That's like being locked down in Buckingham palace. Yeah, yeah. That is.

Laci Mosley
You got the best guards around you. You know, you get food. You get smacked in food and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, I know. No, I can't get with it.

No. You don't want to shut down the waffle house. It's ill. Just nothing but grease in the air. Listen, grease.

Violence. I don't know, there's something about the energy there. You know what I mean? It's exciting. You never know what'll happen to you.

Luke James
Shut it down. When you've ever gone into a restaurant and not know if you'll, like, walk out on your own or in a stretcher, that's a thrill. Oh, wow. You know? Mm.

Yeah, no, I'm good. Give me that. Thrill seeker. No, no, no, no. Give me safety.

Laci Mosley
Okay, okay, fine, fine. You want safety when you eat at a restaurant. Fine, fine. Okay. Yeah.

Someone's, like, a little excitement. So, boasting about his lifestyle brought him attention. And soon after, people began reaching out to cash to learn how to hunt on the dark web for the best bank identification numbers, bins that belong to stolen credit cards. But according to prosecutors, in fact, the information was worthless, and many of the bins were non existent. So he was scamming the fans, too.

He was like, I'm gonna teach y'all how to rob. Pay me right. I'm a rob, y'all while y'all learn how to rob. I mean, I think that's fair. Yeah, yeah.

Game recognized game. So he's yet to be convicted, and today continues to make music about his stock market investments.

Luke James
It's interesting. Kids learn a lot through music. Okay. Yes, yes. They be bopping all day.

Laci Mosley
Have you seen. What's that little black girl's name? The black cartoon that makes the songs? Gracie. Gracie's corner.

I love Gracie. She got bobs. It goes off. Have you heard I love my veggies? I think I have.

I love my veggies. It's like, yum, yum. Eat em up, eat em up, eat em up. And I was like, well, gracie got me over here throwing ass. You should do a little bop.

Yeah, I just might. I just might. But. So he's still out here on the streets teaching people about crime, and we love that for him. Interesting.

Well, how do you feel about scam rap? It actually is a really big genre. You know, it sounds funny, and in a way it is entertaining, as long as it doesn't end up with them actually going to jail. See, I can understand the entertainment artistic point of view. Okay?

Luke James
There's an audience for that. And that's cool, right? It's no different than a gangster movie, right? You know, you're like, as long as it's fiction. Yeah.

When you put in your life in danger, your family, your legacy. Yeah, that's true. Then it gets too real. Come on, bro. Okay.

Yeah. I mean, when it comes to, like, music and stuff like that, do you. Do you ever. I mean, I'm sure you write about your life experiences and stuff, but, like, do you ever write about people specifically? Is there any way anybody would know it's about them?

There's possibilities. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. For sure.

Laci Mosley
But not, like, the general public. That would be like, they listen to it and be like, wait a minute. No, you got to dig deep, and then you'd have to know my own history. They have to know your heart. Yeah.

Crimes of the heart. Crimes of my heart. Okay. Okay. Bet.

Luke James
Sounds like an album. It does. Cause I definitely in stand up, it's a little more. When I do stand up, I definitely do talk about people that if they were there, they would know. And I've gone to french shows where they talked about me, and I was there and I knew.

And you knew? Yes. Feel good? No. Shout out to jojo.

Laci Mosley
She was talking about therapy. I'm not gonna spoil her joke, but she said the three different times she had gone to therapy, and one of them was mine, it was like, my friend offered me ten free sessions, and that seemed kind of sketch to me. And I was like, shit was not sketch. I'm trying to help you. I'm listening.

Why you dragging me? I got suspect therapy recommendations. Wow. Damn. Wow.

Luke James
The disrespect. And I was in the audience, like, wow. And I'm here. I'm supporting you. I bought a ticket.

Laci Mosley
This is crazy. And everybody was kikiing about it, right? I shoulda heckled. I've never heckled before. Don't you know her?

Luke James
Boo boo? We don't like this. Ain't that your friend? Don't you know her? Yeah, I drove us both here.

Laci Mosley
I'll be outside.

So let's move into nuke bizzle. So nuke Bizzle's real name is Fontrell. Antonio Baines. Oh, we got a money phone. Fontrell.

Luke James
Antonio. Fontrell. Antonio Baines. Now, what was he supposed to do with his life but crime? Fontrell.

Yeah. Bless him. Is this a common. I'm trying to figure out where we got front trail from. Fontrell.

Laci Mosley
I like it. Listen, all names are made up. Everything made up. Yes, but Fontrelle. I'm trying to figure out if it's, like a combo name.

Luke James
What's up, Shorty? My name is Fontrell. Like, your dad was named Fontaine and like, your mama name was Michelle. And we was just finding this trail that we used to always go on, and I just. Font trail, it just roamed.

Laci Mosley
That's where he was conceived, on the trail. And we were fond of it. Fond of it. And then we went to Antonio, so we made a pivot there. Fontrell.

Antonio Bay. What was on the outskirts of San Antonio? San Antonio. So, you know. Okay.

Yeah, it is that your daddy liked the spurs, so that's your daddy, like the spurs. So you get it, right? I love when people name their kids stuff. It's just like a combo of their interests. Yes.

Or my mom worked in social work for a little bit, and she had one boy whose name was Thalastian. Say that again. The Lastian. The Lastian. And it was spelled like the last one.

Luke James
I'm not mad. That was the last baby they were gonna have, so they named him the Lastian. The last one. Ooh, this is true. The Lastian.

Laci Mosley
Shout out to you out there. I like that. I ain't gonna lie. I like it. It's kinda strong.

If you say it fast together, it's kinda cute. The Lastian. The Lastian, meaning the last one. Yeah. You know what?

And now you made it art. It feels biblical, right? I feel like Thalassian definitely has an ankh necklace by now. And he's. He's very much into healing and spirituality, so.

Luke James
Doctor Sebi pictures on the wall, right? Oh, gosh. Not the Doctor Sebi. You know why that killed him? He had the cure.

Laci Mosley
That's why they killed him. He had the cure. Y'all drinking y'all sea mosses every day. They said he about to screw up our scam. Get him out of here.

That's why they got him. Okay. It's not a conspiracy. It's facts. Oh, that's a deep cut for those of you who know.

So we have a man with a tattoo in the middle of his face. Fontrell also has a tattoo in nuke bizzle. Is that a real goals? Yeah, he has real floss. Those look permanent.

Luke James
Those are permanent, for sure. Those aren't the ones you can pop in. No, no. That's very juvenile of him. It is also like, that's.

Laci Mosley
Oh, doesn't the metal have an odor to it? You really have to take care of that. You have to floss. Yeah. And I just don't think that the blunt wraps and whatnot are.

Yeah, I almost see a backwood in between two of his teeth right now. Yeah. God bless him, though. Yes. You know what?

Look, he's got a phone call to answer, and it's money. Yeah. Yeah, man, it's money on the line. His name is nuke bizzle. As a rapper, he was sentenced to 77 months in prison after rapping about getting rich from a pandemic relief program.

Fontrell, aka Nuke bizzle, was ordered to pay more than $700,000 in restitution to the California employment development department. In July of 2022, he pled guilty to one count of mail fraud. I told y'all about the mail, y'all. Anytime you lick a stamp before you do a lick, like, you're putting yourself in danger. Yes.

The USP's will pull up, and you will be cuffed up in that door, in that car with no doors. Y'all know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Yeah. So he's also since pled guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon in California and possession of.

Oh, no. Oxycodone with the intention to distribute in Tennessee. So he was traveling a lot. Damn. So he was all over the continental us doing crime.

Luke James
Yeah, man, on social media, too. Yes. And that's why I'm like, why are y'all don't advertise your crimes? It's just, you know, the guys in the movies, they weren't, like. They didn't have cameras following them around.

Laci Mosley
No. Like, this is, like, we found out about all of these stories 50 years later after all of that. You know, you just. But, I mean, like, if a fraud falls in a forest, did it make a sound? Did you hear it?

You get what I'm saying? Like, somebody got to see me do a crime. Or did I do crime at all, man? What is it about y'all letting that ego get y'all, man? Right?

Cause now I feel like police officers were just on instagram, like, yo, did they tag them? Yes. Okay. We got the whole ring. They got brand new cars.

Luke James
They barely run them. They could just sit at. Just look and scroll. Y'all are making it too easy. Y'all are making it way too easy for the feds.

Laci Mosley
Okay, so Fontrelle, he would get these debit cards that were preloaded with unemployment benefits that are administrated by the California edd, which I do wanna say, like, him fucking with the California edd was ill advised because that's one of the worst places. Like, we're a very, like, pro employee state. And if you get on unemployment in California, the unemployment department in California will run scams on you. So you best believe you're not gonna run a lick on them. No, you're not gonna do that.

Cause a lot of people who get unemployment in California, you'll get it. And then once the timeframe is up for it, they know. You know, like, or if you say you got a job and you get off of it immediately, they almost always send you a letter saying that there's an overpayment issue and that you owe them, like, two grand or whatever, or whatever. And it's just them getting their money back. Like, if you go to court and fight it, you'll likely win.

But most people don't. And they're like, they got a job now. Let's go ahead and get that money back that we gave them. Damn. Yeah.

And it's messed up because we all pay unemployment taxes, right? So it's like, if you do need it, you shouldn't have to give it back. Right. And they take taxes out of the unemployment that they give you. Yeah, they do.

Luke James
Dang. The biggest scam of all. And not the biggest, but definitely one of them. But, y'all, if you're in Cali and they're telling you they overpaid, you just show up in court, okay? A lawyer.

Laci Mosley
Or be your own lawyer. Get a neck brace and a cane. Go to court and tell them how California edd violated you. Even if it's in Long beach. Go.

Right. You have to. Okay. Start walking today. Go.

Okay. Show up and say all the phrases you know. Habeas corpus, everything. Objection. Just get up there, be a menace, a nuisance, they will let you go.

Habeas corpus. You just gotta get in there with whatever you got. Just spent a week of law and order. You have something. Something to do.

How to get away with murder and get your biola Davis walk. That's like a little bit of a limp to it. Okay. Yes, my client. Get in there.

Luke James
It's in the eyes. Yeah. Say phrases, okay? Just play the sound from law and order. Sv chunk.

Laci Mosley
Chunk. Every other word. They'll let you go, okay? You'll make it. Ice T has taught us enough.

He has taught us we can all get through court so much. I love him so much. What a career. See? Also a crafter turned actor.

Yeah. Kept the ponytail, though. Hey, listen, he did. To the very end. To the very.

You know what I mean? He still got it. I love that for him. No, he ain't got it no more. He ain't got it no more.

Luke James
No, no, no. He's down to, like, a fade. Okay. I gotta keep up with him. Cause I thought he ain't got the pony.

No, no, no. He's leveled up into the grown man thing. I hate to see that. Yeah, no, he doing his good. He doing good.

Laci Mosley
Feel bad for his scrunchie provider. I know they down bad.

They used to have it up. Okay, damn. You gonna cut? He's like, you don't need me no more, man. He's like, come on, let me.

I could probably put a little bit of that fade in the scrunchie hole. I can do it. I can do it. Give me some edge tamer. I got you.

We can do the tiniest ponytail. Come on, ice. Come on, ice. I've been living off these scratches for my whole. What?

Luke James
For you. What about my kids? I gotta go to college. Look at me.

Laci Mosley
Oh, ice tea scrunchie, man. We're sending you lots of love. Big hugs. Big hugs. So, the debit cards that he got were issued in the names of third parties, including identity theft victims, using addresses Frontrell had access to in Beverly Hills and Koreatown.

So in the music video for his song Edd, which California Edd, that's the employment development department. He made a song called California Employment Development department. I also love how specific this is. You know, what rappers. What are y'all rapping about these days?

It's all misogyny, cuss words. How much money you got? Why not rap about the California unemployment department or employment department? This is different. You know what I mean?

Luke James
Very different. Though I will knock his creativity. Exactly. We need some variety in the music industry right now. How many times I'm gonna hear about a fat ass and how much money you got?

Laci Mosley
Like, let's be serious. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. Talk about the California employment. Come on, man.

Development department. And I gotta hear some of this talk. Look, we have to hear some of this talk. Let's listen. And I just woke up to 300 g go 60k off of sba.


All right. Yes, man, he's a genius. He is. It's interesting. It's interesting.

Luke James
It's interesting. Like, some of his rap looks are, like, my swagger for EDd. And he holds up stacks of envelopes from EDD, saying that he's going, I'm going to the bank with a stack of these. So not only is he talking about it, he has the forms in the video and the logo and the logo. Who failed him?

Who? I want to know. Honestly, I feel like the only failure here is the cameraman and whoever hit upload. Cause y'all should have just been doing this. No face.

Laci Mosley
No face. Say, bro, I don't know if you really want to put this out here. It's a nice video, bro, but I don't. Look, hey, look. Cause you know the bruh, right?

But then, I mean, I don't know. It's hard for me. Cause you have songs like the race. I couldn't beat that case, so I did the race, and it's like, he was on the run from the law when he made that song. And that song goes.

That song goes very hard. It goes crazy. So stuff like this, I'm like, oh, I love it. But, like, why do you have to post? Damn.

Why? I mean, you didn't get to notice they taking y'all lyrics, man. Right. They taking them. That's like, if you're working for a company, you got a music video called Embezzle Embezzle.

Embezzlement. Got my embezzle from the bezel, man. I'm cooking the books. Moving. Like, it's like moving away, right?

We all crooks, and it's like you're showing us, like, as you're in the office, like, laundromat wash. We don't need this much money for stamps. It's going into my account, and it's like, y'all hear Bob from accountant is constantly rapping, and we are losing millions. Account number 554332. Yeah, I said it.

What you gonna do, right? Literally, like, what's going on? Like, keep it to yourself. I don't know if we need to rap about it. Oh, well, you know what I mean?

Nuke bizzle. I'm gonna pray for you. We all gonna pray for you, man. Damn. You need that.

But let's do one more here. Let's talk about. Oh, actually, we have time for two more. So let's talk about deuces wild. So, in 2021, two Detroit rappers, and we have a video of them.

Deuce or ladies? Yes. Ladies. Deuces wild is their name. I love that.

Cause it makes me think of spades. I understand. But two is for deuces. Yes. So we have Samira on the left over there, and she's got the glasses on, so, you know, she can do the paperwork.

Luke James
Absolutely. And then we got Noelle on the right. She's got her head on. It's backwards. I see her breaking kneecaps.

She's the conversation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's the conversation. And the violent. Totally, totally.

Laci Mosley
This is what we're getting from here. So, they were charged with stealing more than $5 million from the United States IR's tax schemes. Mm hmm. And we have a little bit of their music here. The duo collectively claimed withholdings and refunds for the IR's.

Yes. Oh. Which is wild, because I try to stay off of their radar. I don't want them to know I'm alive. The black woman fears nothing.

These are black queens. Look at their hair. Their hair is telling me they don't fear nothing. Not a damn side swoop, bang, with kool aid red in it. Hey, I'm never gonna, like, have an altercation with you.

If I saw this woman and I was, like, 2 seconds earlier than her for a parking. I'm backing up. She has the parking spot. She could walk up to me in a long line and be like, I was here first. I'd be like, you know what, girl?

I remember seeing that step right in. Oh, my goodness. No, you don't want no problems with that bang. You don't want ever bang. Okay.

That bang. Bang. If I have to move it out of my eye, it's gonna be a problem. I swear. She never has to ship that bang because girls already know.

It's also half a bang. What's like, three quarters of a bang? If I have to move this bitch, it's over. It's over. For all you right here with the hat.

Luke James
Go take it off. Right? Yeah. I'm not messing with her bang. That bang has intimidated me severely.

Laci Mosley
And we have a little bit of their music here. This song is called sweat it. Let's play a little bit of this.

Where are they? Memphis? St. Louis? Detroit.

Luke James

Okay. We got different color walls. I ain't even gonna sweat it. Okay, pause it. I mean, the song kind of.

Laci Mosley
Yeah, I was sweating. I ain't even gonna sweat it. I ain't even gonna sweat it. Okay. And I'm trying to figure out where they are.

There's a red wall and a blue wall. Yeah. It's given. Like, we pulled up at the takeout spot, and we was like, yeah. While we wait for our order, we will be in the corner filming our music video.

Luke James
It's definitely the studio they recorded this in. And that studio has a room that has really. There's so much sheen on the paint, though. Yeah, yeah. That's why I know it's a studio.

Laci Mosley
Okay. You think it's a studio? It's at home studio. Okay. It's giving hustle and flow.

It's gonna kill them pants. That's what I'm talking about. Main. It's giving main energy. It's giving main energy.

Super main. You want something in my mind when I do this music?

Yes. Terrence Howard is definitely. Love you, Terrence. Yes. He's definitely in the building.

He's just so sweaty because they had to kill them fans. You know what? I like this duo so far. I mean, getting back at the IR's, we all know they're a scam. They're criminally underfunded on purpose.

I tell you all the time. So they can't audit of super rich people. They audit the middle class. So we know what they're doing over there. And it's so cute.

You know what? The IR's owes me a check right now. These women are heroes. Oh, they are. It's been over nine weeks.

Ir's. You are on notice. You know, when I went on the site. So, first of all, when they owe me the refund. Cause I overpaid.

And, like, I don't get, you know, actors and stuff. Like, we. The way we get money is different. So it's like, you pay. You overpay or whatever.

Well, I had a different account. I have a new one now. I don't play those games, but. So I know that I was gonna get a refund. It was a significant amount of money.

They sent me a letter in the mail talking about, oh, we know you're getting a refund, but we gotta make sure this is an identity theft first. I said, bitch, it wasn't an identity theft when I sent you all this damn money. Yeah, you didn't question me. You didn't clear that up. Oh, but now you care about my identity.

Luke James
Clear that up, bitch. Right. So then I did all the paperwork and stuff online that they said to do. They said, okay, in nine weeks, you'll get your check. It's been maybe six months.

Laci Mosley
I still don't have a check. I went online to try to figure out how to do it. They said, okay, well, how much are you missing? And if you don't have the specific amount with the cents, they're like, we can't find it. What?

Luke James
Well known scur. Rob the IR's. Rob them. This is why I am on your side. Stick them up, heroes.

Laci Mosley
Stick them up. So Samira Morel, known as cream, and Noelle Brown, known as brown. She kept it simple. Oh, bless her. No makeup, I like.

Right? Samira was like, you know what? I'm gonna have. My name is gonna be cream. But Noelle was like, I already got brown in my name.

I'm gonna just be brown. Brown, brown. Boogie out. Brown, brown. Okay, so it says they were both charged with aggregated.

Excuse me. Aggravated identity theft. What is aggravated? In front the identity theft? Is that, like, violent?

Like, give me your identity, bitch. Like, I don't understand this. Aggravated has come up twice. Someone pull up the exact aggravated that this is even happening. I'm aggravated.

Cause what's passive identity theft? I wanna do that, like, very chill. Nice. Identity theft. It was.

Luke James
Yeah, I mean, he really mean to do it. Right. It was an accident. I became you and I took out some loans. My bad.

Laci Mosley
Yeah, yeah. What's aggravated? But while Judith finds oh, so aggravated. Simply stated, aggravated identity theft occurs when someone knowingly transfers, possesses, or uses, without permission, identification of another person, then uses that identification during and or in relation to the act of a particular felony violation. So, I think the aggravation comes in when you commit a felony with someone else's identity.

Cause otherwise, it's just identity theft. Right. So, it's like, not only did I ruin your credit, I ruined your record. Ruin your whole record. Oh, no.

Okay, see, I don't wanna do that. We could just mess with your credit a little bit. Yeah, you screwing up everybody life. Yeah. It's like they got pulled over for a routine traffic stop, and now they in the clink cause of you.

Yeah. No. Okay. I don't like the aggravated part of that, ladies. But I digress.

So, Samira and Noelle, cream and brown, they falsely reported withholdings and claimed refunds of more than $13.6 million. Damn. Now I can't even get my little refund back. How did y'all get 13.6? Do they rap about it in the song?

Cause I will listen to the rest. That's not their fault. No, they did their job. Yeah, who allowed that to just go out like that? This is an oversight issue.

Luke James
Nobody checks and balances. Nobody's looking at this now. It says, today we paying out 13.6 mil to cream and brown. That sounds right. Making the checkout to cream and brown.

Laci Mosley
Cream and brown. Okay. Sounds good to me. So the IR's had paid out 5000. Excuse me, $5,500,039 to the women before recognizing the fraud.

So they were trying for 13.6. And the IR's let them get a. A smooth five and a half mil. And then they were like, wait a minute. Something's fishy about that.

We barely like to play basked people as it is. Really fishy. It feels like. Let me give you this to get more data. But it seems like a set.

Luke James
Ladies were set up. You think they like? But why? You don't have to set them up with five mil, though. I feel like you could set up a little less than that.

Yeah. I don't know. I mean. So according to the complaint, a total of 122 returns were filed. That's a lot of work.

Laci Mosley
These women worked hard for this. They went crazy filing 122 fake claims. What is the conversation? What is the day to day vibe? I mean, look at them.

They gotta get Mary J. Blige boots. You know what I mean? Like, this wardrobe ain't cheap. These hairstyles aren't cheap.

These backgrounds. Look, we're in pink. Now we're in pink. Yeah. That paper costs a lot of money, right?

I mean, I don't know how you get up to 122? It's like, hey, girl, you know what we should do? We should defraud the IR's a little bit. Really? Yeah, girl, you serious?

Luke James
Yeah. How? So? Let's go to Fedex. What?

How do we do this? They got printers. So we go over there, we start filling out some claims. Like, I don't know how you start and end up with this much. You're right.

Laci Mosley
Like, there has to be an impetus. Their closet has to be full of costumes. I mean. I mean, look, they had a different hairstyle in every photo. The red Bang is gone.

Now we have a front ponytail. Like, be serious. Damn. Yeah. I love this for them.

So, the funds went into accounts that were opened by Samira, and most of the funds were either withdrawn immediately or they were just immediately spent. So they also did not let this money waste any time. They took it out. They took a photo with it. Okay, we got the memories.

Now onto the beauty supply. Let's go, hair. Right. In 2022, Samira went on the run after failing to appear at multiple court dates. She also claimed to work at a wig shop.

That's not surprising. I can see she's giving wig employed that never actually existed. Wow. Yeah, that's the gag right there. It is.

Cause, like, with all the wigs she got, I could see her working at a wig shop. She said, it's more of, like, a movin shop. It's wigs in the back of my car. Yeah, I got em. You know, I only accept cash.

Luke James
That's it. My shop is at an intersection at all times, and we only accept cash. Only cash slinging these things. So she was caught. Samira.

Laci Mosley
This was cream in December 2022, and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison and three years of supervised release. Look at how she's kind of smirking in this photo. Like, you got me in a different wig. She's like. She's like, damn, I'll be out soon.

Luke James
That's all y'all got, right? Y'all got me on some little fraud or whatever. That's all y'all got. Boom. This is cute.

Laci Mosley
Mm. Okay, so she was also ordered to pay the remaining restitution of $7,979,000, which I don't. She's not giving 7 million to me. No. Yeah.

I don't know if y'all gonna get that restitution. I told y'all, I'm gonna be famous. Watch look she got there. Watch look. JT had to do a little bid, and she came out and she's doing.

Luke James
Great, I guarantee you. I wouldn't be surprised. People say, you know what? I'm gonna go to jail for five years, right? Just for a little craze.

I got all this music. It's ready, baby. Let me put five years in, and I'm gonna come on out and bomb hit him with all this music. And it. You could really do a dent in five years.

Laci Mosley
Have a whole catalog. You have more albums than Taylor Swift in a year. Like, boo. Yeah. Legitimacy.

Luke James
There it is, right? I've been to jail. I'm just trying to tell y'all how to switch it up. When you come to jail, buy my music. That's the campaign.

That's it. Okay? This is authentic jail music. Okay? Yeah, yeah.

Laci Mosley
D block beats. Get into it. So our last scammer rapper, we're gonna talk about here. We gotta talk about Youngboy. And I love the young boy groups because they all have names that are sentences.

You know what I mean? It's like, young boy never broke again. You know, that's a lot. He's telling you a phrase within that. Yeah.

If you had a sentence, singer, name, what would it be? You're Luke James, but he. Not that.

Luke James
What would I be? What would you be? Let's think here. Luke James. Crimes of the heart.

Laci Mosley
Luke James Hart. Boy. No, I need a young boy. I need. I need a.

Luke James
I need. I need a young boy right in front of it. Young, young luke. Young. Never scammed again.

Young boy Luke. Crime of the heart. Oh, okay, okay. Young boy Luke. Crime.

Laci Mosley
Heart thief. Young, young boy Luke. I'll steal your heart. Criminal romance. Ooh, romantic criminal.

Just vague enough that we will never know what it means. Young boy lrc. Ooh. Okay, see, you know what? And there probably is one young boy LRC.

Yeah, that's a whole gang. That's a whole. Like the Rockies, like the ASap gang. We can do it. Yes, I think you could.

So in April 2024, rapper Youngboy, also known as NBA Youngboy. And Youngboy never broken in, like I said. And YB, he's got one more. YB. See, he's already a scammer.

He has so many different aliases. He was served as search warrant as a part of an ongoing investigation into criminal conduct. That is so vague. Just criminal conduct. Like, we know you're doing crime.

We don't know quite yet what. But it's some conduct that's becoming of. A criminal, but they also know we will believe it. So just say criminal conduct. And people, it don't matter.

People just general crime imagination. He know he guilty. They knew he doing something. Yeah, that's literally what it sounds like. We know he doing something.

We have a court order for. We know you doing something, so we will be searching the premises. Yeah, I just. I know you do something. Yeah, we gonna find something.

That's what we looking for. Come on. Very much something. So, a young boy who was 24, he was born. Okay, we got a Kentrell and a font trail.

Do they know each other? Questions? So, Cantrell Deshawn golden, and the FBI has identified him as a part of the NBA street gang in Louisiana. Are you from Louisiana, Lou? I'm from New Orleans, yes.

Oh, wow. Okay. Because I already mentioned Louisiana earlier. Oh, you're from New Orleans. Okay.

That's a very scary city. Louisiana mean, like in a crimey way? I just mean, like, in a ghosty way. Oh, yeah, definitely. I feel like nobody leaves when they supposed to leave and exit when they supposed to depart.

Like, people just die and then they be like, I'm a kick it here. Yeah. Yes. It's definitely all of those things for sure, right? It's like just a hangout.

It's like, yeah. We're not passing on, though. I passed, and now I'm stuck. I mean, it's the big easy. That's the name, you know, it's easy to get stuck.

Yes. I have very, like, witchy energy down there. Yeah, I like it. I do, too. I have family from naked ish, so sometimes I'm in.

Luke James
Were you from where? I'm from Texas, but I have family in nakedish. So you ain't fall. You ain't that promote its own thing. It is.

Laci Mosley
Yeah. We're bigger than France. That's true. And we all know that. We pledged to our own flag.

I don't know why we're constantly threatening to leave the union still. Oh, man, you see these movies? Yeah, but it's like, I couldn't go with that by black, but I still had the pledge to it. But honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one and indivisible.

Gang. Gang. I'm done. Every day. Everybody's a gang member that lives there.

Truly? Oh, it's a wild place. The laws are bad, but the barbecue's delicious. Okay. Hmm.

Luke James
Come get this barbecue, man. You can taste the oppression. Tastiest gang ever. Thanks, Governor Abbott. So.

Laci Mosley
So, NBA Youngboy, much of his music subject centers around shooting and killing people and using drugs and having a strong dislike for law enforcement. I sound like a news anchor. While I say that and a strong dislikement for law enforcement. Last summer, investigators were alerted to Youngboy's potential fraudulent prescription ring when someone called in an order to a local pharmacy using the credentials of a doctor who did not have a patient matching that name. So they're also doing, like, small pharmaceutical crimes on the side.

We have some of Youngboy's music here. We'll play a little bit. This song is called catch him. Oh, fucking Trey. Gangster shit.

Luke James
Gangster shit? Don't come around? You ain't gangsta, bitch.

Put that pussy on her teeth, leave that pussy in the street? Stand around and be a crowd. That made me pop. I need that shit. Okay.

Laci Mosley
Why does this bring this out of us? We both are like, bow bow bow bow. You put a bow in the song. You got me. Don't let your tongue roll.

And I'm like, yes. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I'm a bird. The bird jumped out. I gotta put it away.

Luke James
Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm there. I'm gonna start throwing ass on the table. Throw that ass. I'll be right here. We a gangsta, bitch.

Laci Mosley
Oh, my goodness. I work in an office.

Oh, my gosh. But if you see me on the streets, I do drive around. Like, I feel like nurses are always the ones who are blasting, like, the hardest rap music ever. And they nissan ultimas. That is hilarious.

That's the nurse car and the kidnapper car. Y'all know that. Oh, my God. They pulling up to the niCu, like. Bow bow bow bow.

Yeah, that's who's taking care of your babies, guys. You see them? They're like, oh, it's time for your feeding. And then as soon as they leave, they get in their niece high ultimate light. They split.

And it's Miss Claire. You ready for your walk, right?

Like, oh, yeah, there's my nurse. I said, Tina. She's leaving for the day. Bow bow bow bow.

Oh, she's early for work. Yes. You always hear em coming. Ooh, nice eyelashes, right? Oh, they got a lash check.

Okay. What? You see a nurse, you know, she blinks too hard. She could fly away. Cause those lashes are thiok.

Okay. That's ethic, Dick.

I'm crying. They don't play about them lash extensions, buddy. Don't play with them. Okay? That's a weave.

At this point, y'all getting eye weaves. Coming to work with eyes red as hell. And why are the lash checks, y'all? That's a scam. If you are getting your lashes done and you leave and your eyes are bloodshot.

That means the chemicals are burning your eye skin. I wish I could. Eye skin is the medical term. Make sense of it, please. I know beauty is pain, but your eyes should not be beat.

Luke James
Girl, you ain't supposed to be blind. And why do the lash tech girlies, like, they have the audacity to take photos of these poor, burned women? Oh, my gosh. Their scar, their scourged eyeballs, and put them on instagram. It is a travesty.

It truly is. I'm not gonna lie. That is really something we need to talk about. We do. Like, your eyes are too heavy, baby boo.

Laci Mosley
Like, it's. I like a thick lash, too, y'all. But please, let's be serious. Don't kill it now, right? I just don't want to kill the wreck.

Like a strong gust of wind. I'm like, is it ac on? Oh, you just blinking. Wow. Yeah.

That's what it sounds like. I'm just a little less y'all. But so, obviously, NBA Youngboy makes the music that gets us going and the nurses going. So, last summer, investigators were first alerted to Youngboy's potential fraudulent prescription ring. Right?

Because they called in this order, and it didn't match any of the doctor's patients. So, 18 prescriptions were successfully filled, and two were attempted but unsuccessful in Utah. Like, throughout Utah. Utah is an interesting place to be doing this kind of time. I just feel like it's too clean over there.

I don't. I don't know if you should be doing it there. The Utah airport is very scary. Everybody in there looked terrifying. Don't know if I've ever been.

I had to do a layover there, and it was horrific. I was like, get me out of here. Sounds like a layover place. I feel like everybody was writing a manifesto. It felt very unsafe.

I needed to go. Absolutely. They didn't want me there. I didn't want to be there. We all understood the assignment was for me to get on that plane.

Luke James
That's scary. It was. So many cases involve someone impersonating elderly patients to order antibiotics and promethazine with codeine and heavily abuse control. It's like a heavily abuse controlled substance, which we know about now, antibiotics is interesting to me because, like, that's not something you get high on. So we all also just like, a street pharmacist, for real.

Laci Mosley
They were like, oh, you got a sinus infection. NBA Youngboy got you. Yeah. Yeah. Because, like, I don't understand why NBA Youngboy is giving people antibiotics.

You know what I mean? He's like, you got an abscess? Bow bow bow bow. Take this twice a day for three weeks. I'll fix that for you.

Right? And according to one pharmacist, at least one call to order a prescription involves someone clearly much younger, trying to sound older, likely Youngboy or one of his associates. So they're also calling this. Hello, cv's? Y'all shut up.

Oh, I'm on the phone. Stop, stop, man. What you doing? Hey, man. Shut up.

Little bitch. I'm on the phone. Mister pharmacist, it's me. Old man. Sometimes broke, occasionally.

Luke James
They're my sons. Yeah, that's young boy never broke again. I'm old man broke, broke. I'm old man broke now. Don't listen to them.

Don't listen. Right? And so the pharmacist is like, you're clearly not this person. So recently, there was a search warrant that was executed on a young boy's home, his multimillion dollar dollar mansion in Webber County, Utah. So he has a home in Utah, which is interesting to me.

Laci Mosley
Rappers are getting beautiful home. This house is nice. I mean, Youngboy's done a lot. I mean, he clearly has. And he said he was never gonna be broke again.

That house is definitely giving rich energy. You gotta speak it into existence. And in Utah, but still in promethazine, like the girls do. Love that purple sprite. I'm like, y'all, that is lean as heroin.

Please stop drinking it. Get up off of this crack. Stop it. Future loves to sing about it. And then he had a court case when he was trying to get custody, or I guess visitation for Lil baby future.

And he was talking about, oh, I don't actually do that. It's just in my songs. But I'm not actually drinking lean constantly. Yeah, that's the interesting part of it. But we love future.

Luke James
Thank you. You know what? Future. Future is also a heart crimer out there. Okay?

Laci Mosley
Yes. He's a heart crime. He's never gonna stop. Thank you for your contribution. Future looks just like Meryl Streep.

If you put them next to each other, you'll never be able to unsee it. I'm so sorry to do that for you of rappers. Yeah, play with him if you want. Play with him if you want to. The Meryl Streep of rap, you can't play with him.

Luke James
I'm sure you can't play with him. Novadius, don't do it. The Meryl Streep of rap. You heard it here first from Luke. So Youngboy's been on house arrest since 2021, when he and 15 others were arrested and received federal charges for filming a music video with guns.

Laci Mosley
Y'all know y'all can get fake guns for these music videos, y'all. You really don't have to have guns or no guns. That's a thought. Just use your hands. We know what you mean.

Yeah, we know what this means. Bow, bow. Take fingers out. So, Youngboy was booked for an investigation. Investigation of pattern of unlawful activity, which means he was just doing crime a lot, including procuring or attempting to procure drugs, identity fraud, forgery, possession of controlled substances, and possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person.

So, just all the crimes. They said, we're just gonna get you on general crime, like you are a menace to society. I feel like I've never heard menace to society so accurately described, but. Oh. His trial and federal charges are set for July 15.

So, young boy. Okay, we're gonna pray for you out there. Okay? I'm gonna put some bow bows up to sky daddy. 100% gonna pray for you, brother.

Luke James
Come on out of that. So, Luke, thank you so much for being here. This was such a fun episode. Oh, thank you. I'm so grateful.

Laci Mosley
I take that as a compliment. No, you should. And we always ask people on the show, where would you like people to find you? Projects that are coming up, your social media, all of that. Oh, you know, I'm on IG wolf James.

Luke James
Type in Luke James. I'm up there. Project's coming out. Well, you know, this Thursday, them the scare, second season of the awesome anthology by little Marvin on Prime Video. You can definitely tap into that, binge it, watch it with a bunch of friends, turn the lights out.

Don't scam anyone while you do that. And just get into it. Be frightened. Be very scared. And then we got the shy May 10.

Yeah. And, yeah, I'm just gonna scam you all the way through this year. Yes. The scam is, Luke James will be on all of your television screens and on all your listening devices, all the platforms. We're all in his universe now.

I love that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get into me. Get into it. Get into him, get into him.

We are it. Yes. And as always, you can find me at d I b a L a C I D valace on all platforms, pre order. My book scam got us right now. It's in the footnotes.

Laci Mosley
Y'all help me scam the Times bestseller list. Okay? That comes out September 10, 2024. And if you want to see the photos, and music videos of these rappers. Pull up to the scam.

Gotta spot on Instagram. And if you wanna chat with me, scam got us pod on Twitter. Congregation, y'all get out there, and y'all stay swiping your own card. I said your own card. If you believe it's your own card.

Game goddess.

This has been an Earwolf production in association with Team Coco, scammed by the stars and is hosted by me, Lacey Moseley, aka hey, scam goddess. Our producer is Judith Kargbo, and our audio engineer is rich Garcia. Research for the show is done by Kalin Brandt. Stay scheming.

Luke James
If you think Taco Bell is only for late night, you are mistaken. Taco Bell is also for daytime, which. Is why it's introducing the new cantina. Chicken menu with new cantina chicken tacos, burrito, and quesadilla. And new ingredients like seasoned slices, low roasted chicken, freshly prepared pico de Gallo.

Shredded purple cabbage, and even a new. Avocado verde salsa packet. It's the taco Bell for when it's not late night. Whoa. Not just late night.

Laci Mosley
Try the new cantina chicken menu. Now. The participating us taco Bell locations was supplies last contact source for participation with spams.

Luke James
Every day, our world gets a little more connected, but a little further apart. But then there are moments that remind us to be more human. Thank you for calling Amica insurance. Hey, uh, I was just in an accident. Don't worry.

Laci Mosley
We'll get you taken care of. At Amica, we understand that looking out for each other isn't new or groundbreaking. It's human. Amika empathy is our best policy.

Luke James
Amika empathy is our best policy.