706. Andy & DJ CTI: Michael Cohen Takes The Stand, Trump Pulls Enormous Crowd For New Jersey Rally & Farmers Will Now Get Paid To Test For Bird Flu

Primary Topic

This episode dives into political and social commentary, discussing current events including Michael Cohen's testimony, Trump's rallies, and new agricultural policies affecting farmers.

Episode Summary

In this vibrant episode, Andy Frisella and DJ discuss a range of topics kicking off with Michael Cohen's testimony in the Trump trial in New York. They critique the media's portrayal of the trial and express skepticism about Cohen's credibility. The conversation then shifts to Donald Trump's ability to draw massive crowds at his rallies, contrasting it with the current political landscape and media handling of political figures. Additionally, they touch on a new policy where farmers will be compensated for testing dairy cows for bird flu, interpreting this move as a potential government overreach and expressing concerns about its implications on small farms and food supply.

Main Takeaways

  1. Questioning Credibility: The hosts question the credibility of Michael Cohen as a witness in the Trump trial, discussing his history and motivations.
  2. Political Engagement: They comment on the significant public engagement at Trump rallies, suggesting it reflects broader political sentiments and media bias.
  3. Government Overreach: The discussion on government compensation for bird flu testing in dairy cows raises concerns about potential overreach and its impact on small farmers.
  4. Media Critique: There's a strong critique of how mainstream media handles and portrays political events and figures.
  5. Public and Private Dichotomy: The episode delves into the difference in public response and official narratives in the political realm.

Episode Chapters

1. Introduction

The episode opens with a high-energy introduction from DJ, setting the stage for a deep dive into pressing political and social issues. Andy Frisella: "Welcome to motherfucking reality, guys."

2. Michael Cohen Testimony

Discussion on Michael Cohen's credibility and the media portrayal of his testimony against Trump. Andy Frisella: "This guy is a convict and felon..."

3. Trump's Rally

They discuss the massive crowd at Trump's New Jersey rally and its political implications. DJ: "Trump's ability to pull such crowds speaks volumes."

4. Bird Flu Policy

The hosts analyze the new policy on testing dairy cows for bird flu, expressing skepticism about its real motives. Andy Frisella: "It's a move that could potentially harm small farmers."

5. Conclusion

The episode wraps up with reflections on the importance of understanding the true motivations behind political actions. DJ: "Always question the narrative."

Actionable Advice

  • Stay informed and skeptical of media narratives.
  • Engage in political discussions with a critical mind.
  • Support local farmers and question governmental policies affecting small businesses.
  • Share credible information and counteract misinformation.
  • Be active in community and political events to influence change.

About This Episode

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Michael Cohen taking the stand in the NY vs. Trump trial, a video showing an enormous crowd of over 100,000 people at Trump's New Jersey rally, and farmers getting paid to test their dairy cows for bird flu.


Michael Cohen, Donald Trump


None mentioned


None mentioned

Guest Name(s):

No guests mentioned

Content Warnings:



Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case clo clo. What is up, guys? It's Andy Frisella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys.

Today we have Andy and DJ Cruise, the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're gonna do. That's what CTI stands for. Cruise, the Internet. This is where we put topics on the screen, the topics of the day.

Andy Frisella
We speculate on what's true and what's not true, and then we talk about how we, the people gotta solve the problems going on in society. Other times throughout the week, we're gonna have Q and A f. That's like what we did yesterday, where you submit questions and we answer them. You can submit your questions for Q and a f, which can be about anything. Usually they're about how to win, how to kick ass in life, business, entrepreneurship.

But we'll answer them all. You could submit those questions a few different ways. First way is, guys, you can email. Those questions in to ask andyforseller.com, or. You go on YouTube in the comments section of the Q and a f episode, ask your question.

We'll pick some from there as well. Other times we have real talk. Real talk is exactly what it sounds like. It's five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. And then we have 7500 hard versus.

75 hard versus where we bring on a guest who has completed 75 hard program, which is the initial phase of the Live Heart program, talks about how their life was a dumpster fire and how they extinguished that dumpster fire using the live hard program. If you're unfamiliar with the live Hard program, the 75 hard program is the world's most popular mental transformation program in history. And it just so happens to be free. You can get it for free at episode 208 on the audio feed. Only.

We were not on YouTube back then. We've only been doing YouTube for a short while. So. Episode 208 on the audio feed. Uh, go check it out.

There is a book available called the book on mental toughness. It's available on andyforsella.com that outlines the entire live hard program, plus ten chapters on mental toughness forward by Tim Grover, um, and a bunch of case studies of famous people, you know, and how they use mental toughness to become the famous people that you know. Now, you're going to notice on this show, we don't run ads. I don't want to have to report to anybody about what I can and can't say. I fund this show myself.

I see it as a matter of service. And so I make a deal with you guys, all right? So I'm not going to fill your ears with 30 minutes worth of ads. And I ask very simply that you pay the fee and what paying the fee means. Support our companies and share the show.

If the show makes you laugh, it makes you think. If it gives you a new perspective, if it teaches some things, if it's something that you need to share, please share it, okay? We're constantly battling shadow bands and traffic throttling and all that shit because we talk about the stuff nobody wants us to talk about. So don't be a ho. Share the show.

All right. What's up, dude? Hey. What? Huh?

What are you doing? Got cherry over there. I know you like that cherry chapstick. No, this ain't cherry. What is it?

It's just, um, offensively large sunscreen, lip balm. Why is it so large?

That's fucked up. What? That's fucked up.

Andy Frisella
You know what? It said it was large, bro. Emily got this for me, actually. Well, that's fucked up. I didn't even put.

I didn't even think about it like that, man. Think about like what? What are you talking about? I was just asking why it's so large. Have you seen that?

Well, I mean, listen, the chapstick. There is a running. There's a consistent theme there. But, you know, I was. Have you seen that meme of the.

You know, it's like, I saw it on some pro black page. It was like, you know, I don't know why white people call us monkeys. And then they show, like, a monkey's lips and then, like, a white person's lips. Have you seen that meme? No.

Have you guys seen the meme? Let me find. I gotta find it real quick. We don't look at the racist memes. Only you look at the racist.

Oh, I look at. I mean, like that. I mean that. Yeah. My favorite memes.

Um, see, how do I. We're not allowed to look at them. I don't even know how to begin. We see them, our eyes catch on fire. Monkey white people lips.

Andy Frisella
And then. And then the phone yells at us.

Do not laugh. Oh, yeah.

You cannot argue with science. I love it. Look at this.

For every white that has called a black person a monkey. You cannot argue with science.

Andy Frisella
I mean, that's pretty good. I mean, I'm saying. Yeah. But, uh. But yeah, it's good chapstick, though.

Yeah. Keeps my, uh, my lips nice. Yeah. I mean, that's a pretty accurate me. You're good, though, huh?

You're good. I got good. You're black by the lips. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got all the good stuff.

Yeah, yeah. What's the other good stuff? I could dance pretty good.

Oh, shit, man. Unemployable. Yes.

Andy Frisella
Oh, fuck, dude. That's fucking true.

Oh, my God. Let's get this going, man. This is great. I fucking love it. I love it.

That's, uh.

Andy Frisella
I didn't mean to laugh at that.

Whatever, dude. Fuck it. Hey, it is what it is, man. Oh, man. Everything good with you, man?

You get cheers. Yeah. I got my tropic lightning first form energy today. I'm making a switch. I've been doing the screaming freedom.

Yeah. For a while, and I was at Will's wedding this weekend, and I drank some tropic lightning. I forgot how fucking good it is. Especially when it's cold, bro. So good.

Andy Frisella
The orange and the tropic lightning are neck and neck for me. Yeah. Should combine them, huh? Orange lightning. Mm hmm.

Now, every other company's gonna have that next week. Tropic sunrise. Yeah. Well, that's a good name. I like that.

Anyway. It's good. We're good with names. Fucking good. Yeah.

Energy drinks going well, dude, we're starting to move pretty well. Oh, a lot of direct to consumer energy, which no one's ever done before. Well, it's super cool, too, bro. Like, is like, it's almost like anywhere I go now, I'm seeing it. Yeah.

And, like, I also love to, like. I mean, we're local. You guys know we're in Missouri right now. Like, the. Dude, the deer burgs.

The fucking displays are fucking ridiculous. Yeah, dude, the customers do that. Like, it's. Customers walk by and do that. That's.

Andy Frisella
Dude, that's our community. That's awesome. Yeah, it's our own community. Like, everybody, when the cans are backwards, they straighten them out. Call it the standard.

Yeah. Yeah, dude, it's badass. This is how it's done, man. Our customers are fucking care enough to, like, take care of our shit when we're not there. It's pretty fucking awesome.

Yeah. Shout out to you guys. It's real shit, man. Yeah. Well, um.

You want to. You want to do some shit? Yeah, let's do it. Do it. Yeah.

Not that you want to do it real good. Fuck. If you're gonna do something, might as well do it all the way. Guys, let's get into this, but before we get to our headlines, we got a dumbass of the day. All right.

Yeah, these. These are good. It's your favorite or your second favorite person, I think, on the Internet. Kamala. No.

Andy Frisella
Hillary. No, that's first. Yeah. Oh, man. I don't know.

There's a lot of people that would rank in the second. Saki wacky. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I do hate her.

Jen Psaki. I like. I like KGP better than Saki. Saki is just so fucking hated. It's so easy, too.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. She does not make it hard. No. Like some people, it's like, you know, you're like. You actually really want to like him.

You just hate him. Sake. It's like, at least, like, when you. When you watch KGP, you could tell she knows she's lying. You know, saying, like, she knows she's lying.

Andy Frisella
And it's almost, like, kind of funny. Cause, like, she knows she's lying. We're just not gonna get into that. Yeah, right, right. But Saki would straight up just be like, you know, saying, like, bro, do.

You remember the Communist Party hat thing she wore? Yeah. Cause she's a fucking communist like the rest of them, bro, these people don't understand. Communists don't come out and say they're communists, dude. They meet in secret.

It's like being gay in 2000. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Like, there's a whole community. No one knows about it.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. What do you mean they're not communist? They don't say they're communists. No shit. Yeah, they're in the closet, in your.

Closet, stealing your shit. But Jen Psaki, man, she gets it today. She. So she wrote this book a couple of years ago, and now she's being forced to completely rewrite that book and republish it. Headline reads, Jen Psaki forced to edit book after making misleading claim about Biden not checking watch at ceremony.

Do you remember that? Yeah. She wrote a book about it. So MSNBC host Jen Psaki said she will alter future reprints of her book after being called out for downplaying President Biden looking at his watch during a 2021 ceremony for us servicemembers who were killed in Afghanistan. Psaki, who was Biden's White House press secretary before joining MSNBC, initially claimed in her new book, say more that Biden never looked at his watch during the ceremony, but a report by axios noted that Saki's version contradicted pictures and Gold Star family's first hand accounts.

Now, Saki, the article continues, who initially declined comment, changed her tune after online backlash and told axios, quote, the detail in a few lines of the book about the exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints. And the ebook, the soon to be removed version of Saki's book claim, quote. The president always reading your book anyway. Yeah, I was about to say that. I mean, she only got a, like, you're fucking idiot.

It's like, five copies. I sold more books in fucking 2 hours than you'll sell your entire life. It's true. Just quit. It's true.

Yeah. So she claimed that he only looked at his watch one time, and, like, we've all seen the pictures. This piece of shit. Like, while the bodies are literally coming off the plane. Yeah.

All right. Of service members from the afghan withdrawal. This is him checking. Checking his watch. It's fucked up, but, you know, it is what it is.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. She's a dumbass. I think she got. She. She gets it for the day.

Yeah. I mean, she. She's in the hall of fame. Yeah. Dumbass hall of Fame.

For sure. We should get her a jacket. Yeah. A straight jacket. Yeah.

Or in her case, a gay straight jacket. What's a gay straight jacket? She's lesbian. Is she? I think so.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. I think she's not. She's on. No, bro, she's married some dude. Is she?

Yeah. She sure is a dude. I mean, I think so. I'm pretty sure she's married to a white dude. Let's get a fact check on that.

Yeah, she's married to a white dude. Gregory Meecher. Gregory. Bro. Imagine being married to her, bro.

Imagine me and named Greg. Imagine having. I say what I was gonna say. I don't want to offend anybody. Like, I try not to.

Andy Frisella
I try not to make fun of people's appearances. No way. Yeah. No, that's not real. She feeds him well.

I don't know what you're laughing at over there. I had a joke. I had a joke. But we go there either. Not gonna go there.

I can make fun of you now that you're training again. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Yeah, you can make fun of me. What?

I'm not. But you are. But you do. Yeah. All right, let's move on, guys.

Let's get into these headlines. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, links, articles, videos, go to andyforsella.com you can find them link there. With that being said, headlines number one, let's go check in on the trial going on in New York. That's the big topic everybody wants to talk about today. Trump's trial in New York.

Michael Cohen began his testifying today on the stand. And there's some interesting stuff coming out about that. Quick facts on this. So prosecutors with Manhattan da Alvin Bragg's office called on their star witness, ex lawyer Michael Cohen, to testify in the New York v. Trump case on Monday.

The prosecution is nearing the end of its witness list, at which point lawyers for Trump will present the main thrust of his defense. Now, Cohen's a documented liar, right? This is a guy who was in the Trump's organization who was, you know, allegedly supposed to be close to Trump, but he's a, he's a liar. He's perjured himself on the stand multiple times. He's been convicted of lying in testimony before.

So they, and this is supposed to be the prosecution's like star witness, right? So they bring him in and almost immediately, Senator JD Vance, who, I like this guy. He's out of Ohio. He's a good dude. Seems like, it seems like it seems.

Like a pretty decent dude, but he's been ripping this guy apart. He said today, quote, this guy is a convict and felon who admitted in his testimony that he secretly recorded his former employer, that he only did it once, allegedly, and that this was supposed to help Donald Trump. Does any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that Michael Cohen says? I don't think that they should, Van said. So what's he talking about?

Apparently Cohen secretly recorded a conversation with Trump back in 2016. Cohen testified today that during Trump's 16th day in court that he secretly recorded Trump on his iPhone on September 6, 2016, just weeks before the general election regarding a payment to former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker. According to the testimony, Becker had paid former Playboy model Karen McDougal McDougal $150,000 to purchase her story, that she said that she had an affair with Trump and to subsequently quiet her claims ahead of the election. The recording was played for the jury, which included Cohen telling Trump he needed to, quote, open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David, referring to Pecker, quote, so what do we got to pay for this? 150 Trump is heard saying Cohen argued in his testimony that Trump knew Packer had purchased the rights to McDougall's claims of an affair and agreed to pay $150,000 he already knew based upon conversation with David, which is why he mentioned the number 150, Cohen said.

Now, that's not the only shady part they got, you know, kind of exposed today. This piece that came out, the telegram reads, Alvin Bragg's office deleted phone calls of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels lawyer. So a paralegal from Manhattan Attorney General Alvin Bragg's office testified on Friday during former President Donald Trump's hush money trial that some phone calls between Michael Cohen and Stephanie Clifford's, aka Stormy Daniels lawyers were deleted, raising questions about evidentiary integrity. In a bid to challenge some of the evidence being put forward in President Trump's business records falsification trial in Manhattan, Trump attorney Emma Bove asked paralegal Jaden Jamal Schneider in court on Monday, on May 10, about roughly three pages worth of records that the attorney claimed Mister Bragg's office had deleted. Now, he confirmed those deletions.

He acknowledged that some phone call records from 2018 between Mister Cohen and Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels lawyer, had been deleted, along with some records of conversations between Miss Clifford's manager, Gina Rodriguez, and the National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard about Stormy's claims that she had an affair with President Trump. The Trump attorney alleged that the deletions were significant, prompting Mister Jamal Schneider to dispute that character characterization, though he acknowledged that some of the records had been indeed deleted. And not just like deleted, but they knew they deleted them. Submitted a paper with all of the call logs, with those call logs off for court records. So, I mean, a lot of bullshit happening in there.

I still think the play is for Trump to just do violate the gag order again and call the judges bluff because, I mean, the case is almost done. They probably got about another two weeks or so before this is all over. I say you just get it over with and done with. Andy, what's your thoughts on all of this stuff? I mean, look, dude, and all of these cases that have been going on with Trump, it's been already, you know, the integrity of the investigation and the charges at hand, it's not even to the rank of questionable.

Andy Frisella
It's, it's fraudulent and it's insane. And, you know, they put these buzzwords out there, you know, 191 felonies, so that the normies will pick it up and just use as a talking point. Right? You know, when we see people talking about Trump, he's a felon, he's got 191 felonies, blah, blah, blah, and they're not paying attention to any of the details. And, and these people know that, right?

Like, these people doing this corruption, they know that all they have to do is charge him for him to be guilty in the public eye amongst the normies, picking up the MSM sound clips. Right. This is what happened during COVID It's what happened during Ukraine. It's what happened during what's going on right now in the Middle east. The me too movement.

The me too movement. Like all this shit, like, these people are literally like some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. And you could see that because when you go out in the street, like, these people who do investigative or conversational reporting out on the street, and they walk up to people and they say, what do you think? Do you, do you, like, I saw this one this morning. Do you think that men have more privilege than women in society?

Oh, absolutely. Okay, well, tell me one privilege that they have that you don't have. Not a single one of these ladies could come up with a fucking thing of to back up anything they say. And this is a consistent theme with the progressive left and these, these young voters especially, or really, you know, and the white, middle class women voters who just see a news bite or they see a headline on CNN and they just repeat it over and over and over again. And so we have those people who will believe that, but then we have the common sense crowd and then the Trump supporters, right, which I would characterize, you know, there's basically three different pie slices of people that, that are what I would call common sense.

There's people in the middle who probably identify with libertarians more than anybody else. There's people who are conservative who may not agree with everything that Trump says, but they're going to vote his way anyway. And then there's people who are pro freedom slash maga people who are going to, you know, see right through this. And what's happening here is that the more they lean on Trump and the more they push on Trump, his poll numbers are going up because it's exposing the corruption in the courts. So I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing that he's having to go through all this, because what it's doing is it's, it's exposing how messed up our, our justice system is and how biased it can be.

And people are starting to realize, especially the black community, they're starting to recognize this and say, dude, this is what they've been doing to us. Right. And so I think that's the biggest segment of America that is actually shifting over to Trump because they recognize the corruption from their own experiences. Right. So, you know, the more they push.

And the more they do this shit and the more they lean on them and the more they lie and the more they make up shit, the more likely is they're going to lose. And I called this from the beginning when Alvin Bragg first started this shit up. I said, bro, this is going to blow up in their face. I was having a conversation with our boy Steph from New York about this when it first happened. And he was telling me, he was a smart kid.

I like him a lot. He was like, man, Bragg's a bad. And Steph is, by the way, Steph has typically identified with the left. And we were having a conversation in DM's and he's like, Bragg's gonna fucking get him. Blah, blah, blah.

I said, dude, watch. I said, it's gonna blow up in their face. And that was about a year ago, you know, when all this shit started happening and it's blown up in their face. And, and I think the more they lean on them, the more they persecute them, the more they judge them, the more they drive nails in their own coffin. That's, that's how I feel about it.

Yeah. What do you think? Yeah, no, I mean, same, I think. I think the, the part that, that this is, the part that bothers me is I'm at a point now where I feel like the, the integrity of our judicial system at all levels, local levels, state levels, federal levels, has been completely stained, like, beyond repair. Yes.

Right. And so, you know, the part that concerns me, it's like, man, how do we, how does that get fixed? How do you fix something that is obviously broken? You know, I'm saying, like, we know there's, there's, there's processes and procedures and written law and all of these, I mean, you got, there are precedences that are being set right now that, that really concern me, man. And that's what I don't, I don't know what this looks like.

What does, what does our legal system look like in ten years? Yeah. What is it? Well, what does the reformation look like it's needed, right? How do you get these people out who are willing to, you know, all of these attorneys and all of the people involved in the Georgia case, in the agrarian case and in this case and the, the fucking fed raid case, bro, every single person involved deserves to go to jail.

Andy Frisella
All of them. Bar licenses stripped. No. Completely barred from law. If you're an FBI agent to put the top secret folder on fucking shit that wasn't top secret.

Took the photo, did, bro, this is all conspiracy. It's really like Rico, okay? And they all deserve to go to jail. And they go, they deserve to be made examples of go to jail for life for what they've done because the disruption that it's caused inside of our republic is significant. And when we look back at, you know, the election in 2020, which the majority of Americans believe was fraudulent, not the majority of the right, the majority of Americans, meaning the Democrats and the Republicans, believe that there was massive fraud when you pull them, okay?

And if you watch the media and you watch CNN and MSNBC, they act like it's absurd to even say that. But when you poll people, even the Democrats, they all say that this is what they believe. And when we look at that and then we look at the economic damage that's happened because of COVID because of the economy, because of this administration getting in, we look at the societal damage, the cultural damage, because of the open borders and what's going on. Like, dude, this is, this is treason. This is treasonous shit.

And for this to be fixed, every single one of those people has to be held accountable. And they, they will only be held accountable if people start demanding accountability. These people do not deserve to just go out into the, into the world. And what I really think here, dude, is I think this is good, this is happening to Trump, that they're doing this because I think it's going to allow these people to be held accountable because that's the president's being set right now, right? That he's not getting immunity.

And he said like a hundred times, the presidentials deserve immunity. And if you don't give it to me and someone else gets in, you're going to have to play by that rules. And he, you know, I've heard him setting it up. Yeah, bro. And so, like, he's trying to protect them.

No, I don't think so. I think he's just pointing out, yeah, that if they do this to them, he's gonna do that to them and they deserve to have it happen to them. You know, you have Hillary Clinton on tv saying this man plans to jail his political opponents. Yes. Because that's what you're doing.

You're doing the same shit. And these people come on tv and pander to these, you know, this isn't 2016 anymore, bro. Like, there's not this massive support for Hillary Clinton. And because she lives up and, you know, fucking in her ivory tower and comes out dressed in, you know, fucking empress outfits and shit and some cult shit. Her pantsuits are so bad.

Bro, she wear, did you not see that thing she wore? She wears these things that are like robes. Like, she thinks she's a fucking, like a fucking, some sort of empress. Pharisees. Yeah.

I don't know what the fuck she thinks, but she believes it. She thinks that she is up here and we are all down here and there's not support for her. And the reason she can't identify that is because she's up in her ivory tower. So she comes in and she says these things and everybody's like, no, that's what you're doing. It's very obvious that's what you're doing.

And the more these people try to gaslight what they're actually doing, the more people are waking up. So I actually enjoy when they put Hillary Clinton on tv because it wakes more people up. Like, dude, I have people in my family who are hardcore Democrats and they're like, bro, this is fucked up. This is bad shit. I didn't realize how bad it was.

And these are people coming to me in my DM's being like, dude, and these are like my cousins and my family and people I know and they're like, dude, I thought you were crazy, dude. I'm like, no, man. Like, you think I don't care about you and everybody else. Like, people are waking up, dude. And for her to come, for these people to her and these other people to come on tv and say these things, it's just opening up the eyes of many more Americans.

So, so I actually think it's a good thing. I think due to, on top of that, I think one point that people kind of, kind of miss at the bare minimum, like this, this, this what's happening right now with our legal system and all these charges and all these, you know, pending felonies that Trump has on them, 91 and 94, something like that, indictments, this is election interference. Bare, minimally. Bare minimum. Well, Andrew Bailey suing him for the info on that.

Yeah, you know, I'm saying, like, it's bare minimum is that it's the same thing they did for, during the 2020 election. Like, I remember, I think Vivek also said it, too, when we had him on. You know, he's like, you know, I do believe the election was stolen, but not in the way that people think it was. Right. Because he didn't know any said, I don't have the evidence of all the ballot harvesting and stuff like that.

But bare minimum with the stuff that they did with the Russia collusion, right, and like the Biden laptop, all of that stuff. Like that's, that was election interference, right? Like, doing the exact same thing. And like, we, I know we've showed it. There was, you know, that little, uh, little, uh, little post of like, it's like a chronological order where it's like, you know, there would be a Trump win something.

Right? And then, you know, this indictment pops up. Yeah. Then this. Right, like, or, you know, charges against under Biden.

Like, they always have, like, rebuttal on bullshit. And it's like, it's not, it's not a coincidence that all these charges kind of came out at the same exact time. Yeah. It's not a coincidence that we are in election year that Trump is running for president. He's, he absolutely, absolutely has the republican seat.

You know, and it's not, if there's no coincidence here, this is election interference, bare minimum. You know, and just because if he wins, that doesn't make this shit go away either. They're still going to be, they still have to be held responsible. Yeah, well, I think a lot more about this is going to come our way real soon. Yeah, so we'll see, man.

We'll see guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said. Let's go check some of these out, man. We got some interesting comments today.

Let's check these out, guys. This first comment comes from at definitely not DJ 69.

I will 100% be voting for Biden if, when they roll out a voucher program for free Popeyes chicken and purple Kool Aid. Look here, man. Listen, don't use me to do your racism. Yeah, man, that's what this is. Oh, you that takes away from your racist.

That's what I'm saying. I can do my shit just fine. That's right. That dilutes yours.

Andy Frisella
DJ's racism. It ain't purple Kool Aid, bro. It's purple drink. Yeah, that's how you know it's not. That's not.

This. Listen, this is, this is a white dude, 100%. Come on, man. Come on. At least make it convincing.

Drop a few n words in there or something. Damn. Yeah, man. And stop diluting DJ's racism. That's, that's against code, man.

Come on, man, be authentic. Get your own racism. Let's hear your own ideas. Send them back. What?

All right, guys, this next one, this next one comes from Dave Z. He says no homo, but I got really hard hearing about an Andy presidency. What you mean by that? That sounds pretty homo.

Andy Frisella
I'm just saying what you mean by that? Yeah.

Trying to catch me in one of these stormy Daniels cases.

I did not have sexual relations with Dave. With Dave.

Dave Z. I like that. But Daisy. Dave Z, that's like the white Jayz. You see what I did there?

Yeah. No diddy, bro. No diddy. No diddy. No diddy.

Guys, too much cialis for that guy. This last one. We got one more here. This last one comes from at Mike Lister, 21 69. Give Modot his 2d trophy.

2d goat trophy. That makes sense. That's not funny. Was hilarious. I wish I could have seen his face.

I still don't know why that was funny. What the. What are you talking about? This must be one of our foreign listeners. No, I think this is one of our Arkansas listeners.

Andy Frisella
Two deaks. The love how they spell mad, bro. Listen, I don't know if you guys, when I go through the comments, modot, everybody, like, there's. There's like a thousands, like thousand different ways they spell his name. I think it's great.

I think that along is awesome. I think there's only one two deep trophy and I got it. There is only one. There's only one. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Um, we don't know why it was funny either. I don't know which part he's talking about. I just like the two deaks. I have a hard time comprehending. I wonder if he put that there because of like, the censorship, you know, he couldn't spell out dick, so he put Deke.

Maybe. I think he's talking about. That makes sense. That's not funny. Was the microwave with the.

Oh, when Madot was. Was given any. A blow job? Yeah. No, when you were making terrible jokes and we were just calling it out.

Wait, let's. How does that now make sense to you? Okay, let's revisit. We're shooting fucking radiation in food. Let's try it again.

What's your thesis? What's the thesis? The thesis is very simple. We have a box that people stand in front of with 3ft away from their fucking face while their hot pocket turns in circles. So is it while their food is injected with radiation, then they open the box where the radiation has just been shooting at their faces?

All in their face? Yes. And then they eat the food that's been like, bro, I'm with you. Now my question is, all right, we're talking about, you know, the author. So does that.

Are you saying that that, like, passes through? I don't fucking know, bro. People get sick from that shit. Who knows? Dude, what we made a magic box.

Andy Frisella
You just hit a button, a shit gets hot. Does that make sense to you? Shouldn't it? Like, dude, we were talking. That's not fire in there.

You know? I'm saying, like, it just don't make sense to me. It's just. I don't know, man. I.

Shut the fuck up. You don't fucking agree. You don't even know. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense. Yeah, I get it.

I get it. Yeah. Like, it doesn't seem. It was just like a. No, no.

Okay. The reason I laughed, guys, is because it just seemed like, you see, the. Thing about the cell phones, like, causing fucking brain tumors with people. I did see it. That people holding their cell phone to their ear, causing brain tumors, headaches, migraines, all.

Andy Frisella
Apparently in France, they banned, uh, certain cell phones because of it. That's. Bro, I want to get like, an old school Nokia. I just want that. I want to get like, an old school, like, before cell phone.

Cell phone. Right. I'll have one. Oh, like, you to my. Yeah, tomorrow.

Like when you, like, uses in telegrams and shit. Yeah, like pigeons. That's what I want to get back to. Holding it back to pigeons. So people just leave me to fuck alone.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, dude, I need to check my fucking email. I'm gonna look at it. I emailed you. Yeah. Cool.

Fuck, you know, they text me, they're like, oh, you didn't text me back. I know.

If it's that important, bro, you'll find me. Yeah, right, right. Otherwise, fucking text someone else. Well, guys, we appreciate you being real ass fans. Thank you, guys for all the likes, comments and subscribe and shares.

Make sure you guys are subscribed. Hit that bell. Notification to get up to date on the latest episodes coming out as well. With that being said, man, let's keep this moving. Headline number two.

Did you see the. Did you see that? That rally that Trump held? Yeah, man. In fucking New Jersey.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Holy. Hold on, dude. He held a rally like that every day leading up to the 2020 election for the 30 days before that, for. The whole month of October.

So if we go back in history for the whole month of October in 2020, he held a rally just like that where 50, 70,000 people showed up every single day for 30 days. So let's remember that. But, yeah, I saw this. Yeah. So the final official estimated, the official estimate is up to 100,000 people.

Yeah. In New Jersey. Yeah. That's the shocking part for me, bro, because New Jersey is like, is it, was it maybe it was. Is it?

I don't know if it is anymore. Hold on. Is it? Yeah. Because we don't really know, bro.

Andy Frisella
I also saw a report about the Dominions executives that the Dominion machines being controlled out of Canada by chinese executives who were on the board of Dominion, had the ability to change. It came out this weekend. So. Yeah, I don't know, man. We don't really know who is what.

Who is for what. Because of the amount of election bullshit these people have been able to. You know, like, dude, if you go into California and, you know, you talk to people, they're sick of this shit. You know, you go to New York, you talk to people, they're sick of this shit. So how come California and New York are always fucking blue?

Who's to say they haven't been doing this for years in those areas because they had to get those votes in order to even be competitive? No, that's real. You know, like, just because this happened on a national level allegedly. Allegedly doesn't mean it couldn't have been happening in those two places for the last 30 fucking years. Yeah, so, like, we don't actually question everything.

Well, dude, that's what I'm saying. We don't really know how people feel where you go. You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, did you see that video where they were at Venice beach and. And there was.

It was like an old man, and this guy was standing on top of a. One of those, like, concrete barrier pillars and he was asking people who they were going to vote for. And this old man started saying, I'm voting for Biden. And the guy's like, well, why are you voting for Biden? Very civil.

You know, the guy couldn't give him any reasons. And then all of a sudden, dude, there was, like 50 people walking by and they all started to, like, circle him around. All of them voted for one trump. You know, I'm saying. That's in fucking Venice beach, bro.

Yeah. You know, so, like, I don't necessarily believe that New York and California or New Jersey. I don't necessarily believe that they're. All these progressive left people are Democrats. I.

Andy Frisella
I think in some of these states, like Michigan, where, you know, the. The auto industry has traditionally been Democrat because the Democratic Party has been for the working class 30 years ago. Right. But without those guys realizing, like, hey, that's. That's not the case anymore.

And I think they're starting to get it now. So, you know, fuck, dude. I don't know, man. Yeah, I mean, dude, a hundred thousand people is insane. Here's a couple.

I mean, that's a shit ton of people.

Andy Frisella
Like under y'all fuck.

A shit ton of people. Yeah, it's a lot. But then it comes out, we got polls. And I promise you this is not a Trump rant. I got something to cover on this.

But, but leading up to this, we got some new polls that come out that this headline reads. New York Times poll. Trump continues to dominate swing states, soars with hispanic, black and young voters. Former President Donald Trump maintains a strong position among key swing state voters and has made historic inroads with hispanic, black and young voters. New York Times Sienna Philadelphia Inquirer polling found Monday Trump leads in five of the six swing states.

In four of the five states, excluding Pennsylvania, Trump's lead is outside the margin of error, meaning that if you were to fucking run the election today, Trump wins. No doubt. He gets all 270 plus some. And these are in key states. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump is dominating. Dominating. Well, he, remember he was dominating in 2022. He was, he was. Listen, he had the election one at fucking 112 in the morning.

Andy Frisella
Hold on. I was watching it till late. Yeah. I went to bed at like twelve. I wake up, Biden's in winning.

Mm hmm. The fucking curve goes straight up. Remember that? Yeah, the f, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now with all of this stuff going on, right?

Here's the interesting piece that nobody's talking about today. This headline comes out, this article comes out. Report Biden campaign floats virtual convention to avoid pro palestinian protests. Okay, well, that's not why. That is not why at all.

Come on, man. Come on, man. Same reason he was in his basement during 2020, because he can't get anybody to show the fuck up for him. Isn't that the thing though? Right?

So like, in 2020, we use, what do they use to do that? They use COVID. Yeah. That they create, right. That they push, that they cove.

It was the excuse. Right? Now here we are in 2024 and we got all of these protests all over the country, pro Palestine, you know, this whole Middle east debacle that's going on. And now they're saying he's going back to the basement because of those protests, which we just reported. His donors are the ones supporting it.

This is, this is great. You can't make this up. President Joe Biden's campaign advisors seem to be afraid of the Democrat party's voters as some are reportedly pushing for aspects of a virtual convention to avoid protest over the administration's handling of the war between Israel. And Hamas political politics bureau chief Jonathan Martin reported Friday that some of Biden's closest advisors are looking to synthesize portions of a traditional convention with 20 twenty's iteration, which was conducted virtually during the corona virus. Good gosh, man.

We're good, man.

Andy Frisella
I mean, dude, this is why they don't have him campaigning, because no one's going to show up. Well, not only that, but that's why. That's why Trump did those 30 appearances right before election day in 2020, because he wanted to show the physical draw versus Biden. Yeah. And they were like 15 people in fucking jeeps.

Yeah. Right. And Trump's got tens of thousands. Yeah. It's insane.

Yeah. They were in a school gym with six foot circles, so they could have nine people there. Right. So they, so again, so they push the COVID stuff, they enforce the lockdown. So cut to save face for Biden because he can't pull an audience.

And here they go in 2024, they about to do the exact same thing because they're scared of protesters that they paid and supported. I mean, look, man, it's. It's a good gameplay. No, it ain't. It's bullshit.

Andy Frisella
And everybody's gonna know it this time. Yeah. You know, but I don't think that's gonna stop them from trying to cheat, dude. I think they're gonna fucking cheat. I don't think there's any way, any way possible they're going to allow him to win whatever it takes because they know, like I've been saying, they know what that's going to mean for them, and it's going to mean accountability for a whole lot of people.

Like, a whole lot of people are going to get arrested and go to jail, including probably former presidents of this country. So. Yeah, there you go right there. This guy fucking ruined the country, dude. Bro, isn't 100% Barack Obama?

100%? Yeah, I don't even want to claim him no more. I mean, he. Dude, the guy's a piece of shit. I'm gonna call the committee.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, I mean, you know, they're gonna run the same play, man. Yep. They're gonna run the exact same play.

And so I think it's just important. What would you say is we know when we actually talk about the elections themselves, right? Like, what, what would you say is the important things that people, we the people could be doing both in, like, prep for the election and then actually getting to the election day, what would you say are the important things? Well, I think the first and foremost, most important is that everybody votes. All right?

Andy Frisella
Like, here's what happens. A lot of times, a lot of people think because the candidate might have a ton of momentum, right? And they think it's an automatic, that they're going to win. And they're like, well, fuck, it doesn't really matter if I vote. You know, I got shit to do today, blah, blah, blah.

And because they think everybody else is going to vote. But when you have everybody thinking like that, that causes a problem. So I think it's very important that everybody realize that they have to vote. And if you're one of these people who believes that the election doesn't matter and you shouldn't vote, you should still go vote. That way it can be proven that the election was fraudulent.

So it's very important that people vote. I think the second thing is, it's important that people make sure that there's checks and balances in their community, you know, and watching these polling centers so that people aren't dropping off, you know, 50,000 fucking votes at 04:00 a.m. You know, I think there's going to be a need to literally man the polling stations with. With people. And that could be of both parties.

I think that's, you know, it's not just one party. Like, people from both parties should be watching the polling stations to make sure that doesn't happen. And, you know, I think. I think those are the two main things that need to happen. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, do like one. I know one simple thing to shit. Sign up to become an election judge. Yeah.

You know, I'm saying you get a little. You get, you know, I think it's not enough for gas money, but, you know, you get paid. I think it's like, you know, you get like $200 or something, so it won't be enough to cover your gas, but, yeah. Sound out to be an election. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
I think a lot of people just opt out of being involved because they think other people are going to handle it. And we can see where that's gotten this country wave. Do you guys remember that? Yeah. Right.

You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So, I mean, there are those things, I think ultimately duty. It's a civic duty, man. I think, you know, in a time that we're in right now, you.

You can't just trust that, you know, Joe Schmo, your neighbor, is going to take care of it. Well, I really. I really believe that that's what's happening. I believe people get overconfident. They believe that everybody there's no way that we can lose this.

Andy Frisella
It's no different than a football team going out on the field. That's eleven and o facing a team that's not won a game. You still got to play the fucking game. Or being up 30 to zero at halftime. Yeah, you can lose that game.

Right? And so when people start thinking, oh, well, you know, we got it in the bag, this and that, that's where bad things happen. And I think that's what we've been suffering from for quite a while. You know, people just refuse to do their part and refuse to get engaged. And I think it's important for everybody that listens to this show, regardless of how you vote now, you know, I think we all know most of the people on this show are going to vote for Trump.

I think it's important that you go talk to people legitimately about the issues, because I could tell you this, if the Biden administration stays in and they somehow cheat, our country will fail in the next four years, our economy will collapse, you will be destitute, and there will be starvation happening here, and we will be a third world country. That's reality. We won't survive it. And people think that's extremism or alarmism. It's not.

It's just facts. And that's coming from a person who runs multiple companies, who understands the economic factors at play here. Okay? If there's no customers, there's no business. If there's no business, there's no economy.

And that's. That's where we're headed right now. And we got all these little communist fucks running around demanding that, you know, they get part of your wealth that you've worked your entire life for. Or, you know, if you have big dreams and you haven't created wealth, they think that you should go work for them so that they can have what the fuck you're having, even though they're not doing a goddamn thing. And this comes back to the thing that I keep talking about.

People who don't pay taxes, who do not file a tax return should not be able to vote. Most of these people don't fucking contribute. They run around waiting for the government to forgive their loans or give them some benefits or pay for their shit, and in the meantime, they don't do anything. They don't file a tax return, dude. So why the fuck are we giving them the ability to have any say in what we do?

I don't think those people have. I. Dude, I think that's a fundamental change in the voting system that needs to happen if we want to have a productive, prosperous country. You know, I also think that a lot of the financial aid that, that, that I think we need financial aid. I think we need programs to help people get on their feet.

But I think, you know, being on those programs for your entire life is unacceptable. I think we have to, we have to have restrictions around that. And I guarantee if you put restrictions around those things and made it so people didn't, weren't able to milk them for 30 years, people would figure out a way to fucking survive or they won't and it won't matter. So like, dude, I'm, you know, at this point in time, dude, we need to get back to the capitalist roots of this country because, you know, they say trickle down economics doesn't work. No, it fucking does work.

It does work when the government's not taxing the fuck out of businesses and individuals and taxing them to the point just below what would actually cause them to financially break, which is where we're at now. It does work when you're actually involved in the system. It does work when you're, when you work hard and you dedicate yourself. Does it work for people that don't file a tax return and sit all around all day on welfare and fuck off? No, it doesn't work for them.

Okay. So, but those, those, there's enough of those people that they make an impact in, in the vote. And so I don't believe that. I don't believe that if you're on public assistance, I don't believe that if you have not filed a current tax return that you should be able to vote. And I think we have to put real restrictions around who can vote.

You know, you know, not just voter id, but like you're approved to vote because you filed this, you know what I'm saying? Contributing member of society. That's correct, dude. We cannot allow our country to continue because. Why do you think they're importing, they're importing all these people, not just because they want them to replace, you know, or change the demographic of the country or just vote for Joe Biden, which.

They are doing well. No, but they know those people are going to struggle financially. So they know that if they bring in all these people that those people will vote not just for Biden, but they will always vote to take from the people who have earned their lives for themselves. And if they can outnumber the amount of people that are producing, they will create a true communist system. And the problem with that is that our, our economy will collapse.

Andy Frisella
Privately owned businesses will collapse, which is what they want. And then all services, all, all goods, everything will come from government, which we've seen over and over and over again throughout history. Does not work. Millions of people starve and die because the government's so efficient. The government would never so inefficient.

The government would never, ever, ever be as efficient and effective as a privately owned business because a privately owned business has motivation to earn a profit. The government doesn't. They're a bureaucracy. They don't, they don't get rewarded for doing a good job. They get what they get no matter what.

So, you know, something has to change there. And if we changed it to a situation where, you know, these people that are importing, you know, now, if you had someone who's paying taxes, even if they're 15 years old, I don't give a shit, let them vote. Right? If they're a woman and they pay taxes, let them vote. If they're this and they pay taxes, let them vote.

You know what I'm saying? Like, for real? Yeah, like, I don't care. But that's fair, because we can't have these people who aren't working, who aren't providing, who aren't contributing to the country having a say, especially when there's becoming more and more and more of them because they're importing them now. It's a conflict of interest.

It totally, dude. Bare minimum, not right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, guys, jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think.

That being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. Number three reads, farmers will now get paid to test their dairy cows for bird flu. Now this is an interesting one. Stay with me, guys, because I want to, I want to.

Let's connect some dots here. Um, sandy, um, headline. The article continues. Federal authorities on Friday pledged nearly $200 million an attempt to control the spread of bird flu on dairy farms. Some of that money would go directly to farms to help them reduce the spread of the virus, cover veterinarian costs, and compensate farmers who lost milk because of sick cows.

The money is also intended to encourage testing of both dairy cows and the people who work closely with them, a key step, experts say, in understanding the true scope of bird flu, also known as h five n one. Across the United States, incentives work very well to get a better understanding of epidemiology, said Caitlin Jedalina, who tracks illnesses for a website called your local epidemiologist. Right now, there is no requirement for dairy cows to be tested unless they are being moved across state lines, according to a recent federal order. Otherwise, the decision is left to the farmers. During a press briefing Friday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said around 80 cows had been tested since the order went into effect.

A USDA spokesperson later clarified that since the order went into effect, an additional 80 tests have been conducted daily. As a Friday, 42 herds in nine states, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, Ohio, and Texas, had been affected by the outbreak. Quote, those 42 family farm operations are suffering, and we want to make sure we're there to provide help and assistance. Vil Sac State the USDA will offer $98 million to affected farms over the next four months, which could equate to as much as $28,000 per farm, Vil Sac said. Now, again, farmers will now get paid to test the dairy cows for this bird flu.

Okay, now we got to go back. Gotta go back to, like, 2020, 2021. Do you remember. Remember people being able to get paid to do COVID tests, right? Yeah, a decent amount of money.

Almost $200 a test in some places, depending on what state you guys are in. This is actually from. Straight from the department of Health and Human Human Services, their own h, uh, AJ test dot gov website talking about this. Now. What was the.

That was an issue with. With the COVID test? What was it with the. The PCR rate? PCR test?

Andy Frisella
The cycle rate on the PCR test was turned up to such a rate where if you even had, like, one little, uh, molecule of a virus, not enough. Not enough viral load to actually get you sick, it would still test you positive. Yeah, it's almost a direct quote. Then they took itself. Yeah.

And then they took the case numbers and made the. So what they did was, if you guys remember, they incentivized doctors offices and organizations to PCR test their people, and then they took those test results from the cycle rate that was turned up super high, which, like I said, would detect an amount of virus that didn't have the viral load to actually get someone sick. It would turn out as a positive COVID test. And then they took that and they created the hysteria around COVID. Okay, so what this sounds like to me is they're doing the same thing with bird flu.

So they're gonna. They're gonna provide these tests, you know, they're gonna cycle the rate up, they're gonna say, look at this bird flu outbreak, and then they're gonna create a massive fucking situation where likelihood. What they'll probably do is they'll say it's time to kill all these animals, right. Which will create a fucking situation where we're starving this. Dude, the fucking paintings on the wall.

Yeah. I mean, listen, like, I mean, and that's not just us saying that. I mean, this is. I wouldn't be surprised if they put the fucking virus in the motherfucking tests, dude, to get them into the fucking system. Well, so listen, there's some interesting things with this, by the way.

This is the article from New York Times or New York. Yeah, New York Times. Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn't be. Where they go in detail and they talk about that specifically stating how in three sets of tested data that included cycle cycle thresholds, right, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada, up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus.

Andy Frisella
They didn't care, though. They just wanted to scare the fuck out of people and create hysteria so that they could justify the state of emergency which took away our rights. Now, and let me actually, the question, when you incentivize a behavior, what do you get? The behavior? More of it.

Yeah. Right. And so if they're syntabizing now, let's pay attention to who's actually being affected by this, because I think that's also very, very important. We're not talking about, you know, these big, massive, you know, corporate farms. What are we talking about?

42 family farm operations, small business, small. Family farms, where I'm sure that these cows are literally all they're going to. Go through and they're going to say all these little farms got to destroy their cattle, destroy their livestock. They're going to put them out of business. They're going to leave the corp, the big corporate farming operations out of it.

And then when the farmers can't pay their fucking farms off because they can't pay their property tax, the government's going to reconfiscate the land, which is what they're doing to create the idea of, you will own nothing and you will be happy. This is how the government reclaims quote unquote property. It's not really reclamation in the first place because you don't own your property, right? Like, even if you have your property paid off, you still got to pay the government to own your property. Fuck that.

Yeah. Okay. It's a scheme. Yeah. We don't own shit as individuals.

Andy Frisella
Right? We pay fucking 40% income tax plus all the other tax we pay, which equals way over 50% when we add it all up, then we pay. If we decide to build something with our life, they want us to pay a 40% capital gains tax, which means if I build a billion dollar business, I got to pay them $400 million just because it means that they're my partner. Fuck you. You're not my partner.

Then out of that 600 million I get to keep, when I die, they get 65% of it. Okay? This is the system that we live in. People do not understand the tax code. We are not free.

We are fucking slaves. And this is just another example. It's almost the exact parallel example of what they did to small businesses owned by the middle class during COVID But now they're doing it with farms. And so, you know, this is what they're going to try to do. And four years ago, what they try to do.

And they did this in Canada and they did this in Europe to a lot of people until the farmers fucking got sick of it. They increased. Remember the supply chain issues? Well, they caused massive fertilizer increases and massive feed increases and massive fuel. These farms barely make a profit, bro.

They pay in a good time. Yes. And these people understand that if they turn up the expenses on these farmers, that these farms are going to go out just like these small businesses were and the government's going to actually end up owning them again. You know, that's. That's how I see this playing out, dude.

And it's so interesting, man, because they're running this play right now. And again, guys, like, listen, this is a speculative show, right? We just try to connect the dots how we see them. But that. That makes sense.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, it's what. Well, that's. Cuz that's what they do. It's exactly. It's not a conspiracy.

They fucking do this. Like this is what the fuck they do. Like this is what they do. This is what they're doing. They're doing this other play.

We are part of the World Economic Forum agenda here in the United States. They are already doing this all through western Europe. That's. Remember all those farmers that revolted? That's what this shit's about.

Okay? It was all the farming restrictions that were creating a situation where farmers couldn't operate. And they were going to lose their fucking farms up in Canada. They've been doing this to farmers for the last four years. And many of these farmers have lost their land, had their land reclaimed by the fucking canadian government, which is total communist government already.

And dude, now they're trying to do it here. And the reason that we're behind everybody in this agenda is because we have fucking guns. So they can't come in and just force us. Like they've been doing in Europe and like they've been doing in Canada, they have to inch it forward. And so, yeah, dude, I think this is a much bigger story than people are paying attention to because what will happen is that when they start testing these cattle, they will say there's a huge, massive bird flu outbreak on all these family farms.

And then they will say these big corporate farms are immune from it. And they will fucking straight up do that, bro. And they'll remove the ability to get truly farm grown, farm raised beef. And then, and then all we'll be able to get is their bullshit. And then if we don't want to, if they, if they decide they don't want us to have meat, all they got to do is stop selling it to us, you know?

And by the way, we all know what the kind of meat we get from those fucking places. We get the bullshit. We get all the fucking chemicals and all the shit injected into them, right? Like, dude, but that's a big move to do it. Like, I know a lot of government.

Should not be involved at all in your ability to buy locally grown food or meat at all. They have no right to be involved in that. No, no. And, like, dude, I know, I know quite a few people that, that have done the whole, you know, like local, own local source stuff, like the raw milk and stuff like that. I don't know too many people, like, local to me.

I would like to do that stuff, bro. It's all over my taylor. Really? Yeah, because, I mean, like, dude, there's a big movement, you know, I'm saying? But now this appears to be, like their threat to kind of, kind of quash that, you know, dude, most people.

Andy Frisella
Have never even had, like a, like an actual steak, bro. All they've gotten is these bullshit antibiotic fucking hormone induced steaks. They've never had a real steak. They've never had a real steak from a real cow that has been raised the right way. They've never had an elk steak that someone just, like, shot in the fucking woods and brought it straight to the table.

Like, dude, I'm not a hunter, but I've had good elk steaks from my buddies. They sent them to me. Fuck, bro. You guys are like, dude, and this is shit we can provide for ourselves, right? And this is, this is the biggest case for hunting, in my opinion.

You know, you guys know I'm not a hunter, but mainly because I love animals and I, if I have to and shit gets weird, I'm gonna go kill some fucking animals cuz like, I'm not gonna starve. But, but at the end of the day, you know, these people shouldn't be involved in the, in the ability. It should be total capitalism. It should be if you want to buy it. If I want to buy my, my cows from my father in law out of his farm, I can do that.

If I want to buy them from the grocery store from one of the big global corps, I can do that. And when they should be allowed to compete on an even playing field and because these motherfuckers have so much money, they're creating all these rules and dude, nothing about this is good for us. And so we have to get in a place where we all understand what's actually going on there is a very anti human. It's not just anti american, it's anti human being agenda. That part of the population is like just screaming in support for like, dude, this is not about green earth.

This is not about like, dude, we had a Curtis Bowers on who's written two different, produced two different very, very good movies. Agenda and agenda two which you can get on Amazon, talk about the, the green movement and the, the. What the fuck do they call it? The eco movement or whatever the fuck that, you know, Greta Thunberg, what she. Call it like the new Green deal.

And fucking idiot shit. Climate change. Yeah, bro. Do you understand that if we eliminate all the carbon dioxide production, do you know what would happen to the plants? Like, do you not remember like in the fucking first science class you ever took where it said trees make oxygen, humans make carbon dioxide which feed the trees.

Like, if you really want the fucking plants and the trees to grow properly, you need carbon dioxide for that to fucking happen. And like, these fucking idiots who are, you know, they're being straight up lied to, you know, because, dude, everybody cares about the environment. We all care about the environment, but you fucking idiots just don't know how it works. So, like, I want to save the planets by and say, save the earth and the trees by killing them off. It's whatever, dude.

Like, but that's. It's just the whole environmental movement is. Is a vessel for communism globally. And, you know, people buy it. Yeah.

Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think and let's go down there. I like cows. I like to eat them. I did rosin. Yeah, I fuck a good steak up.

Andy Frisella
Yep. I fucking, bro, I like them as animals too. But I'm not gonna stop eating them. I want. What's the, what's the.

The hairy one name, like the curly. Highland. Yeah, the Highland. I want a highland cow. Yeah, I'll change, I'll take the pool out.

Andy Frisella
I would have a cow. I would have pet cows that I wouldn't eat, but I would eat other people's cows. I'll eat somebody else's cow in a minute. Yeah, you know, that's the way it is. Those are my cows.

Yeah, they're all my fucking squad, bro. I'm not eating them. Yeah, but I want one of those highland cows, man. Those things look just cool. Yeah, they do.

They look so cool. Yeah, I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be opposed to getting the dairy cows and shit, but, you know, I'm black toast, bro. Milk fucks me up. Does it? Mm hmm.

My bad. You're pro trying at whole milk, bro. Well, I use the. The fair life shit or the raw milk. I mean, well, see, that's what I was about to say, cuz.

Like, I heard people say, like. But like, I'm still like, bro, listen, it's bad. Yeah, well, like, I. Listen, I will clear this whole building out. You know what I'm saying?

You give me some real milk. Yeah, I know.

Andy Frisella
You're the only guy I know that takes shits that last over an hour anyway. Yeah, well, you know, this is very dangerous and people should pay attention to the story because this is how they. They recomfiscate land and eliminate food supply and create dependency on the government and. Make it seem like a good idea. That's right.

Yeah, that's real, man. Guys, that was our third and final headline. Let's get into our final segment of the show. As always, thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline up, we talk about it.

It'll get one of those two options. So that being said, let's get into this. Andy, let me ask you a question. Are you a. Do you like pranks?

Andy Frisella
Well, as long as they're not on pranks on me. Okay, so you like, I like them on other people. Gotcha. Yeah. Have you.

Did you? Cuz I feel like, like. Bro, I know the high school. You mamma fucker. Everybody ever pranked me.

Andy Frisella
You know anybody that's ever pranked me? No, actually I don't. That's cuz they're dead.

Well, like, I feel like, I feel like I, like I know the high school you went to. Did y'all do any like. Like senior pranks and shit. Did you ever. They did, but I didn't do that.

You didn't participate? Nah. Is that just like, you pleading the fifth or like. No, I don't. I mean, like, this shit's not like.

Dude, you're not a big prank guy? No, the prank. The dude. Did you see the one I sent you from that fucking dude on the golf course? Oh, that's funny.

And because that's exactly what I got here. Oh.

This is fucking good, bro. This. Get the fuck out of here. Golfers just about killed their paw paw with the fake snake on the string. Now, this is one that I laugh my ass off, but if it had happened to me, you'd all be dead.

Andy Frisella
No fucking question, bro. I do not fuck with fucking snake. I get it. I get it. Article reads, it says there's a fine line between pranking your paw paw and elder abuse.

So the golfers in this video are riding that line with this fake snake on a string. Print this. Officially, it's a little cruel to do something like this to an older gentleman who is just trying to enjoy a day out of the golf course. Unofficially, this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. This is one of those videos where you laugh your you know what off as you simultaneously feel bad for the person.

That's the butt of the joke. When the footage first picks up, the older man is giggling about something. I'm assuming he just got done wrapping up a world class dad joke, but he stops laughing pretty fast when his friends warn him that a snake is going after his feet. In reality, one of the golfers had attached the snake to the man's pants with some fishing line so he was dragging behind him. It's tough to tell that, though, when you are the person getting pranked in the heat of the moment.

Here's the video, here's the clip. Including people who have a dead tree and let it fall on a neighbor's car.

Andy Frisella
I don't like snakes.

Fuck, dude, he bout broke his back. Hit that golf cart. Breathe.

Dude. That's fucking funny. If that were me, I kill those dudes. You'd be. You'd be in a fucking hole.

What happened to dj? I don't know, man. Fucking didn't show up to work, bro. Bro, that's some fucking funny ass shit. But, like, not funny at the same time, dude.

Bro, you see how hard he hit that golf cart, dude, he goes from laughing to fucking scared shit. Listen, snakes, look at his face.

I don't like snakes.

Brody stays so calm. I don't like snakes. You don't say? Oh, fuck, dude. That's a good one.

I'm just glad it wasn't me, dude. I would straight up shit my pants, motherfucker. That would be the end of my day of golf. Oh. Remember I got heart problems, bro.

It's real. You can't fuck with me like that. That's real. Fuck.

Dude. I love how the guy just goes, I don't like snakes. It's not like Forrest Gump. Oh, man. Oh, dude.

Andy Frisella
How sore you think he was the next day after hitting that golf cart? Like, listen, I'm surprised. Didn't break a hip, bro. Fuck, man. Is the golf cart all right, dude?

That's bad, bro. When I first saw that, I fucking watched it 100 times. I watched it a hundred times, man. Listen, bro, we need to get somebody around here with that one. Yeah, yeah, I could, uh, Sal, don't.

Andy Frisella
Listen the show, cuz he's too busy. We get Sal with it. Get Sal. Yeah, I'll attach a. I'll put a black person on the fishing line, attach it to him, see what he does.

That was funny. That was funny. Was it now? Dude?

Whoa. Fuck those snakes, man. Yeah, fuck this, bro. Do you see that fucking video of fucking Tarzan handling that king Cobra? Oh, yeah.

Andy Frisella
You know Mike Holston? Tarzan? Yeah. Yeah, fucking, bro. The real Tarzan.

On fucking Instagram, bro. I was watching his reels. Holy shit hours the other night, bro. He's got one that he just posted, like, over the weekend. It's like this fucking huge king Cobra.

Mm hmm. And he's like, best comment wins. I said best comment is. Nope. Got like 2000 fucking likes on it.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, bro. Yeah. You don't like snakes? Fuck no, dude. Fucking snakes are bad demons.

Yeah, dude. They're demolished. Don't fuck with the venomous ones. I don't fuck with any of them. I'm okay with, like, non venomous snakes.

Andy Frisella
But I don't understand how you could like snakes. Like, how could someone like a snake? I mean, they're cool creatures, bro. No, they're not. How they move.

No, they're intelligent, smart. How are they smart? I mean, like, bro. I mean, just survival wise. They're smart.

Like, incredibly smart. Like, and they can be like. You're just lying right now. They could be very social too. Is he making this up?

Andy Frisella
He's definitely making this up. No covering his track. I've had a snake. I got two snakes. I still have one snake.

Yeah, it fucking died because you didn't fucking take care of it. No, it was fucking, like, 13 years old, bro. Captive snakes don't live that long. How long do snakes live? Well, live like a thousand years, don't they?

Yeah. Well, I mean, Pelosi still here? Yeah.

Andy Frisella
How long does a snake live? It depends. Like, if they're in captivity, it's not that long. But, like, it out in the wild, bro, they can live pretty long.

Wait for my lifespans range from two to 50 years. Two to 50? Yeah. Dude, you know what's crazy, dude? You know what I want to get?

I want to get elephants. That'd be cool, bro. I've been seeing some cool elephant videos on Instagram, man. Elephants are pretty awesome. You get your baby, though, and they're real smart.

Yeah, no, dude. Yeah, I want to get. Well, dude, you can't. I don't think you can get babies, cuz, like, unless you have your adults have babies because, like, they're, like, super bonded. Yeah.

Hmm. But fuck, dude, that'd be cool. How much do elephants cost? A lot. Like, how do you.

What's a lot? How much does an elephant cost? I know giraffes are, like 400 grand. Anywhere between 30 to 40,000. No, that's not it.

Andy Frisella
Fuck you. I'm gonna get a whole. I'm gonna get a whole herd. Oh, that's a dead elephant. I don't want that.

The price of a dead elfman is about $30 to $40,000 for his tusks. Oh, that's just for the tusk, dude. But now it's gonna get you. Have you ever seen that video? Have you seen that?

Have you seen that. Have you seen that video where the people are. People are the elephants. Like, there's like five people lined up, and he's reaching out over the cage, like, the top of the. Whatever, and he's, like, touching all of them.

And then this one chick has her phone and he fucking punches her in. The face with his trunk. No fucking pictures, bitch. Anyway, yeah. All right, cool, man.

We're thumbs up. Yeah, that was funny. Thumbs up. I do one. I agree.

I hope he's all right. He looks like a pretty good. I took it like a chair. That guy seemed like he was already plotting his revenge, you know, saying, these guys seem like they've been doing this shit to each other for a long time. Like, that's.

Every time they go. You can see it on his face when he was. Yeah. He's like, I'm gonna fucking kill these dudes. Yeah, he probably is.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. All right, what if that's the next. In recent news, a man killed four people on the golf course. Well, thumbs up to that, man. Guys.

Andy. That's all I got. All right, guys. Don't be a ho. Show the show.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze. Fuck up, bowl, fuck up stove. Counted millions in the cold bitch booted swole.

Got up on bank row, can't fold. Just a no headshot case close.