692. Andy & DJ CTI: Hillary Clinton Speaks On Trump, Iran-Allied Militia Coalition Claims Base Was Hit By Airstrike & Shohei Breaks Matusi's MLB Record

Primary Topic

This episode delves into various current events, including political statements, international tensions, and notable sports achievements.

Episode Summary

Andy Frisella and DJ discuss a range of topics, starting with their thoughts on modern societal issues and censorship challenges. The conversation includes a detailed discussion about Hillary Clinton's comments on Donald Trump, an airstrike on an Iran-allied militia coalition base, and Shohei Ohtani breaking Hideki Matsui's MLB record. They provide their personal takeaways on the implications of these events, weaving in their political and social opinions. The episode mixes humor with serious commentary, engaging with the audience to think beyond mainstream narratives.

Main Takeaways

  1. The hosts critically analyze Hillary Clinton's statements on Donald Trump, reflecting deep political divides.
  2. They report on an airstrike in the Middle East, discussing its potential implications on global politics.
  3. Shohei Ohtani's achievement in MLB is celebrated as a significant sports milestone.
  4. The episode challenges listeners to question media narratives and think independently.
  5. The discussion underscores ongoing societal and political tensions, encouraging a proactive stance on current issues.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

The hosts set the stage for the episode's themes and express their intentions to challenge societal delusions.

  • Andy Frisella: "Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society."

2: Political Commentary

Discussion on Hillary Clinton’s recent remarks about Donald Trump and the broader political landscape.

  • DJ: "These people aren't going to stop doing this insane shit until it starts to affect them."

3: International Affairs

Talks about an airstrike on an Iran-allied militia base and its broader geopolitical ramifications.

  • Andy Frisella: "This is just pure karma."

4: Sports Achievements

Celebration of Shohei Ohtani breaking an MLB record, highlighting his accomplishment.

  • Andy Frisella: "Shohei breaks Matsui's MLB record."

Actionable Advice

  1. Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on current events from multiple sources.
  2. Critical Thinking: Analyze the information critically, question mainstream narratives.
  3. Engage in Discussions: Share and discuss your views with others to broaden perspectives.
  4. Support Free Speech: Advocate for and support platforms that promote free expression.
  5. Participate in Community: Engage in community discussions or forums to influence societal issues positively.

About This Episode

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Hillary Clinton saying Trump wants to kill and imprison his opposition, Iran-allied militia coalition claiming its base in Iraq was hit by an airstrike, and Shohei Ohtani breaking Hideki Matusi's MLB record for most homers by a Japanese-born player.


Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Shohei Ohtani

Content Warnings:



Andy Frisella
Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak. Cloak. What is up, guys? It's Andy for Sella. And this is the show for the realists.

Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and DJ cruise the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're going to do. We're going to cruise the Internet.

That's what CTI stands for. And put topics on the screen. We're going to talk about what's going on. We're going to speculate on what's true and what's not true. And then we're going to talk about how we, the people, have to solve these problems going on in the world.

I'm just going to get right into it, man. You know, we got a fee. The fee is very simple. If you get value out of the show, if you like the show, if it makes you laugh, it makes you think, if it gives you new perspective, it's a message that you think needs to be heard, it's very important that you share the show. I don't run ads on the show.

I don't report back to some corporate sponsor about what I can and can't say. And in exchange for that, I just appreciate you guys sharing the show, supporting the companies, and really just helping us do this. You know, we're always facing the censorship and the shadow bands and all this kind of stuff. We just had a YouTube episode completely taken down on a Saturday for literally no explained reason. So we need you guys help, so don't be a ho.

Andy Frisella
Share the show. All right. What's up? How's it going? Good.

Yeah. So, you know, I fucked up over the weekend. What'd you do? So. So, went to Wally World, I think this was on Saturday.

And. What's Wally World? Walmart. Yeah. Yeah.

I didn't know if it was WAll e's up the street or Walmart. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Walmart. And they had a sale.

Andy Frisella
I've always wanted a pool, and they had a sale on the pool on above ground pool. And so I got it and set it up in the backyard. Thought everything was cool, you know, you. Got to level that out. Shit.

Okay. All right. Yeah, well, I had. I did level it with my eyes. And shut the fuck.

I swear to God. I swear to God. So you put this whole pool together. Filled it up.

I filled that bitch up. Problem is. Yeah, bro. It's bad. It's bad.

What are you gonna do? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I got 1500 gallons of water.

Andy Frisella
I don't know how to get out because of. It's like the. The side where the pump. It has a pump and everything, bro. Like, you know, that's probably gonna break the pool because it's got all the way leaning inside.

It's leaning. It's leaning. Yeah, it's leaning. But I got about 1500 gallons of water I can't get out the pool because the holes are on the side, on the high side. Well, then you got to go get a pump, dude.

Yeah. You can rent a pump down here at k and K. What's k and K? It's this tool rental place right here. Okay.

They rent a pump. Uh huh. Throw the pump in the pool. But I don't want to just, like. Bro, I don't want to just, like, throw the water out.

Andy Frisella
You know what I'm saying? What are you planning on doing? I don't. I don't know. That's what I'm saying.

Help me just make, like, water balloons for antifa. No, I was thinking, don't they got those big, like, plastic containers? Like the. You see them at the, like, the farms and shit? Like the big plastic?

Yeah. Thousand gallon, right? Yeah. I was thinking, get a couple of those. But then I'm like, okay, I still got to get it in there.

Andy Frisella
I don't know how to get it in there and then getting it out. I'm like, okay, well, I can put it over my balcony if I put them up on my deck. Listen, brass, we're fucking luck you're making this up. There's no way someone's this fucking stupid. Hold on, hold on.

You want me to prove it to you? I. Well, I'm. I mean, I hear your plan. It sounds pretty terrible.

Hold on. I'm gonna prove it to you.

Yep. I'm prove it to you.

Hello? Hey, babe. You're live on real af. I just got a question for you. Uh huh.

Andy Frisella
Uh, the pool. Yeah. Did I fuck up? Yeah, you did. Okay.

Proof. I believe that you fucked up. I fucked up, man. I believe you fucked up. I just can't believe that, like, you think you're gonna, like.

Andy Frisella
I don't know what to do. All this other shit. You drain the water out, you level the ground, you put more water in it. Yeah, well, so I talked to somebody and they said that I just. On the hot.

Because there's a high side and the low side. Right. The high side. Where is where you realize you're making our audience dumber, bro. Listen, I'm lost right now.

I'm gonna be honest. Yeah, we could tell. I'm lost and I'm stuck. Okay, this is how you do it. You go rent the pond.

I figured. I asked you, bro, you, you know, you built a pond and shit. Yeah. Help me. Well, I surely didn't dig it on the side of a fucking hill.

Andy Frisella
Listen, bro, I looked, I'm like, it's not. I'm okay. Maybe like an inch, maybe. It might be like, at what point. Did you figure out this wasn't gonna work?

When it was filled up, it was all the way. Took the whole. You didn't look at it and say, man, it's not. Put the water hose in there and probably around like 05:00 p.m. And then like, you know, did you get in there?

No, it's too cold. It's cold as shit. Yeah, but like, 01:00 a.m. I go back out. I'm like, okay, well, I fucked up on this one.

And I just want to save the water, bro, because, like, that water bill is going to get me, you know, I just don't want to waste the water. Wait till you got to refill it again. Well, it has a pump and everything, so I figured I'd just cover it. For the winter, right? Cause it has a little cover thing for it.

Here, let me. Let me tell you something. How do I fix this? Well, first of all, if you're worried about the water bill, you don't get a pool.

All right, start there. Start there. Okay. All right. All right, let's, let's also.

Let's go back to how you're going to get this to work. Yeah, I gotta get it. You're gonna drain the water out of the pool. You're gonna get someone with some sort of skid steer or something, come over and let. I know.

But what you don't know is that it's a huge pain in the ass to move mine. Cause it's a 14,000 pound machine. Oh, I can't just put it on a regular trailer. Oh, damn. It's an 870 bobcat.

So it doesn't fit on a regular trailer. I gotta get a gooseneck. We can't drive it here? We can, but it's a huge pain in the ass. Got it.

So my brother has one that'll fit on a trailer though. Okay. All right. I'll call Sal. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Okay. Level it out. Which you probably have to have me do. Okay, I can do that. We can have a s'mores party.

Sure. And make it worth your while. Look, man, I just feel sorry for you. I just want to say, Mike, I just want to save the water. You know what I'm saying?

You let go of that. That's not happening. Fuck. That's not happening. What are you going to do with it?

Let go of that idea. Yeah, okay. Don't try to save. You know how like, you had to let go of like, playing professional football at some point? Mm hmm.

Yeah. You just gotta let go of the water. Just let it go. Like my hairline. Yeah, you fire that, you got to.

Andy Frisella
Do it asap too, cuz that water. Is gonna stress the. You. Yeah, you fired your hair. Didn't quit.

Yeah, it was only fight I've ever lost, actually. You didn't. You didn't lose, cuz. You fired it. It's like a girl when she, you know she's gonna break up with you and then you're like, hey, bitch, get out of my house.

See, I feel like. No, no. I feel like I was like, then you win. I was a boyfriend hanging on like it had been fired me, and I was just hanging on for. So you were simping out.

That's what it was. Yep. Brother, you remember what that shit was like, man. Was bad. Who convinced you to make it cool?

You did. No, you did. I listened. I'm trying to listen now to save my water bill. That's a lost cause.

Okay, all right. We can fix it. All right. All right, well, let's set it up, man. Let's do a, let's do a skid stir party.

I don't know what you guys do. I love that. Because that means it's gonna take like five. Bro, I've been operating equipment since I was fucking ten. All right, well, let's do it.

Yeah. All right. We gotta get it done. Sweet. All right, well, thank you, guys.

Andy Frisella
That's a tuned in for Andy's advice. Yeah, we'll put it on YouTube. Oh, let's do it. Let's do it. I'm down.

I'm down. All right, to the show. Seven, eight minutes. You won't get back? No.

Hey, listen, I just lost everything. I'm sure there's somebody out there that. Everybody turned it off. They're like, holy shit. I'm sure somebody out there had that same problem.

Guaranteed not. Okay. This dude stupid as fuck. It's so bad. It's so bad.

Andy Frisella
All right, well, let's get into our dumbass of the day.

I think that's self explanatory. We can skip that. All right, well, dumbass of the day number two, this is just pure karma. This headline reads, la Mayor Karen Bass's home broke it into while people were inside. Suspect in custody.

Did you see this? No. Oh, this is great. This is great. So Karen Bass, the Los Angeles mayor, right.

Andy Frisella
She was one of the first due to the defund the police and criminal sympathizing. Her house got broken into while she was there. Suspect was arrested after breaking into Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass's home early Sunday morning. Los Angeles Police Department said about 06:40 a.m.. An individual smashed a window to break into Getty House while people were inside Getty Houses, Bass's official home and is located on South Irving Boulevard in Windsor Square, nearly 5 miles west of Los Angeles City hall.

When officers arrived, they apprehended the suspect without incident. Police say said nobody was injured during the incident, adding that the investigation was ongoing. The incident comes as crime continues to rise amid the LA district attorney's soft on crime approach to court cases. Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon barred prosecutors from pursuing advance punishments from, for gang members, amongst other things. He took away cash bail.

He took away a bunch of different things, and she is the one that spearheaded it, and now she's dealing with the repercussions. Andy, anything on this? Good? Yeah, I mean, it's cool. Listen, these people aren't, these people aren't going to stop doing this insane shit until it starts to affect them.

And all it's going to take is one or two of these mayors or these people getting fucking killed by one of these situations for everybody to wake up and say, oh, shit, you know, the whole reason we have so much of this bullshit these people have bought into is legitimately because they're stupid. They're stupid people. And they bought into this marxist ideology that, you know, criminals, you know, prosecuting criminals is, you know, not something we're going to do. And it's starting to, you know, it's, it's been ruining society for years and years and years, and now it's starting to make its way to these people who make those rules. And, uh, you know, quite honestly, like, you know, it's only a matter of time before a few of these people end up getting killed and, and, you.

Know, people start waking up to the. Damage they've done and the problem is, is that the damage they've done is very hard to correct. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, yeah, yeah.

Andy Frisella
I just thought this was. This was great karma. Yeah. Coming right back to her. She's glad that, you know, that the people were home, because had she not been home, they probably would have did that squatter shit.

That would have been hilarious. Yeah. I mean.

I don't know. Fuck these people. That's what I think, guys. Jump down the comments. Let us know what you guys.

That's what I think, dude. Like, I'm so. Like, I'm so tired of seeing our society just crumble because these people are, quote unquote above it. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Andy Frisella
It's unaffected people affecting everybody. That's right. And people who think they're above the law. People. Well, they are above the law.

They're not. Think they are. I mean, how much shit have we seen happen that, you know, if you're a Democrat or you're a criminal, you get away with it. And if you're. If you're the opposite, you don't.

Andy Frisella
I mean, bro, even back during COVID You know what I'm saying? The locking down everybody, and then you got Gavin Newsom going to fucking five star restaurants and shit with fucking 15 people and no social distance, no mass. It's. Yeah, because it's bullshit and they know it. Yeah, it's the rules for the man.

And back kind of backfired on her. Well, it's. Here's the problem, bro. Everybody keeps saying, oh, can you believe they're doing this? Yeah, man, they're doing it.

And until the american people get together and stand up against it and demand these people resign. Demand, bro, we should be having some sort of tax strike or some sort of, you know, collective unity that says, hey, fuck all of you. Yeah. Like, we demand that you resign. And if you don't, there's going to be problems.

Like, that's where we should be. We should be there as a people already and we're not there. A boycott of the government. Yeah, that's. That's what should be happening.


You know, I still think we're far away from that. I think a lot of people are still two, three years behind and their understanding of what they think is actually going on. You know, you see all these people talking about, man. You know, Biden's been a terrible president. Not according to their agenda.

To their agenda. He's done everything that they want, and it's been great for them. And until people realize that they're not going to. We're not going to come to the understanding of what's actually going on. When they get up there and say, oh, the economy is wonderful.

That's not to gaslight us. That's because to them, the economy is wonderful. They're making more money than they've ever made. They have a green light to print however much money they want, and they get kickbacks in all different ways and fashions that benefit them. And so when, when they're not gonna go up there, when they're making more money they've ever made, and say, oh, the economy sucks, they're gonna want us to believe it's good so they can ride it out as long as possible.

And what we're seeing in this scenario is the intentional devaluation of our currency in order for them to switch over to a monitored digital currency. And right now, they're filtering out as much money as they can so they can take it, and they can buy assets before the collapse and then sell assets into the new digital currency after the collapse and maintain their wealth. When they hyperinflate the US dollar, bro, that's going to fucking break a lot of people that aren't prepared, that don't have assets, that don't understand the concept. What I'm saying here about acquiring assets, liquidating them under the new currency, if you. If you can't do that, you're gonna lose everything you got.

And if you don't have anything, it's gonna affect you. You know, a lot of people say, well, fuck, I only have a $1,000. That doesn't really matter to me. Yeah, it does, because it's gonna break so many people around you that you're not gonna have the opportunity to even work. You see what I'm saying?

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Yeah. Or that you. That thousand dollars you have. Okay, here's the new currency.

We'll give you 750 for that. And they're gonna fucking break all these people, especially the people who hold enough, like, their retirement and their cash. And, you know, let's say you have a 50 year old couple or 60 year old couple who saved, you know, 500 or a million bucks in cash or a couple million bucks in cash, because they've been, you know, playing by the rules. Well, they're gonna fucking make that currency go away and that person's not gonna have shit. And they're probably gonna say, well, we FDIC insure your account for 250 grand, so we'll give you that in digital currency.

But now you're after that you know, it is what it is because you weren't savvy enough to change with the times. And so while they're intentionally inflating our currency and creating a scenario where hyperinflation is going to be the logical result of what's going on, most people are completely unprepared. Because for that to transfer, you've got to have some sort of asset that will go from one to the other. Like, for example, you know, if you have gold or you have jewelry or you have cars or you have property that are, you know, assets. Now, very few cars are assets.

I'm talking about collector cars. Those assets will transfer post collapse, right? Because they're going to have a value and you just sell them for. But if you've got cash, bro, and they, and they ruin the currency, you're fucking done, you know, and that's going to happen to a lot of people, bro, unfortunately. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get into our cruise, guys. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to andy Fascella.com. You guys can find them.

Link there. With that being said, let's get into headline number one. Let's check in with your favorite person. Who's your favorite person, Andy? This is sarcasm.

Obviously, you love her. Hillary Clinton. Yes. Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton.

Andy Frisella
Good job. Hello. Number one reads Hillary Clinton. What Trump really wants is to kill an imprisoned opposition. Exile journalists.

Have you seen this? Yeah. Oh, dude is great. I got the clip. So former secretary of State Hillary Clinton implied that if former President Donald Trump wins the upcoming 2024 presidential election, he would go to violent extremes regarding his opponents and journalists.

During an interview on the podcast defending Democracy on Friday, Clinton spoke to host Mark Elias about Trump's behavior and remarks, the 2016 presidential election and the 2020 presidential election, Supreme Court President Joe Biden, and the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Here's the clip. And they say, oh, you know, Joe Biden's old. I always say, look, you're right. Joe Biden is old.

Hillary Clinton
He's also effective. He's compassionate. He cares about people. He wants to maintain our democracy. He will abide by the results of a fair and free election.

And Donald Trump is old and he has 91 felony criminal indictments against him and in a court of law. It's not just rhetoric. You gotta step up and prove evidence. That's one of the reasons you win so many cases, Mark, because the other side is in there. Just you know, carrying on, you know, making claims they can't prove.

And you actually step up and you got facts and you got evidence. How novel. And you win because you have a better case. This man has been indicted 91 times. And do we really expect him to govern in a stable, appropriate, rules based, respectful way?

Of course not. And if you're somebody who thinks, well, yeah, but he's entertaining and politics is boring, and I don't know what they do. Anyway, you cannot think like that in this election, no matter what issue you care about. I don't care what it is.

You will find that the next president will have some influence on that. And you want somebody, at the very least, who will try to find what the facts are and make decisions that are evidence based. And finally, I think we haven't talked much about the international arena, but his bromance with Putin. And it was actually called that, I think, by the former prime minister of Australia, who said he saw Trump with Putin. And Trump was, like, just gaga over Putin because Putin does what he would like to do.

Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance. That's what Trump really wants. And so we have to be very conscious of how he sees the world, because in that world, he only sees strongmen, leaders. He sees Putin, he sees Xi, he sees Kim Jong un in North Korea. Those are the people he is modeling himself after.

Yeah. So real quick, all I can. When I was watching this, I just kept looking in the background and all those fucking vases were vases. What do they call them? I'm just thinking, like, taxpayer dollars.

Taxpayer dollars. Taxpayer dollars. That's what I was just talking about, bro. That's an asset. That.

Andy Frisella
Those assets. Yeah, that fucking vase is probably worth fucking a couple million bucks. Voss. Yeah, it's a. Whatever.

And fucking. She fucking. This is what I'm talking about. You know, historic antique furniture is one of the greatest. That's one of the biggest ways that people launder money.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, it's embezzlement. I mean. I mean, I. Embezzlement, it's money laundering. 100%.

100%. Like, it's like Hunter's artwork. Yeah. Yeah. It's insane.

Andy Frisella
But let's check in on Trump. We haven't done so in a minute. But, you know. Yeah, he has that case going on right now, the hush money case. The evidence prosecutors can present a former president testifies.

So Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Brad can bring up information from cases brought against former President Trump by New York attorney general. Leticia James and E. Gene Carroll in cross examination of the 2024 GOP presumptive nominee should he testify in his own defense. The judge presiding over the trial ruled Monday. So they're talking right now about Trump testifying in his own trial and they're saying, and the judge just ruled that if he does, then Alvin Brad can bring up all the other cases to kind of like paint this picture of this criminal to the jury.

Thought that was pretty interesting. But it's important to bring to note, guys, Trump has never officially been charged, or, I'm sorry, convicted of any crime. But that's where the judge ruled that, you know, they can bring all those other cases that are still ongoing to paint Trump is this criminal. Judge Juan Merchant, who is presiding over the criminal trial, decided Monday the Bragg's office can bring up information from James's lawsuit against the former president, including New York judge Arthur in Goren's decision that found him liable of fraud, not guilty, liable.

So that's going on. They also played. Did you. They played that. Do you remember that tape?

It's like, you know the grab him. By the c tape? Yeah, yeah, they had, they played that. That was like in their opening arguments from the prosecutors, they played that. Trump had to listen to the whole thing.

Andy Frisella
He was forced to listen to the full transcript of the access Hollywood tape. That's what it was. And it was read aloud to the jury as well. And it's just interesting with all this stuff going on. Andy, do you got anything on this?

Well, it sounds like she's terrified. It sounds like they're terrified. And honestly, I don't think I, my personal opinion and from what I've been saying and what I've been observing is the harder they push on this shit, the more people go towards Trump. You know, like people are recognizing that the DOJ is out of line here, they're recognizing that it's been weaponized and they're recognizing how aggressive these people are. These people are not democrats.

That's the thing. You have to understand that they are fucking communists and they're not going to walk out on stage say, hey, we're communists. But when you hear this woman say her favorite book is rules for radical by Salinsky and put him down as some sort of mentor to her and all these other communist books and manifestos, like, bro, these people aren't going to walk out and say, hey, guess what, guess what we're trying to do, you know, and this is what people say, well, if this was true, it'd be on the news. Dude, what the fuck is wrong with your brain? That's not how these people operate.

Communists don't come in and say, hey, we're running for office as communists. They come in and they subvertly take over in a revolution. That's what's happened every single time in the history of communism, which, by the way, has killed more people than any war, any plague, any natural disaster in the history of humankind, and that's just the last hundred years. Okay? So we need to recognize what's actually going on here.

And it's not, oh, normal political cycle. And what she's saying is all correct, except that's what they want to do, right? They are. Everybody recognizes that these people are projecting. Everybody recognize, nice.

Is that these people are gaslighting. Everybody recognizes that they are full of shit. Unless you are completely brainwashed, anti Trump, NPC, which, by the way, I still think they know it's bullshit. They just refuse to acknowledge it because they hate Trump so bad. Which is interesting, because those people know that their people are full of shit.

And they think, one, that they're going to be immune somehow to whatever changes they want to make to America. They think that, like, man, you know, when they bring. That's fine. They bring in communism, we're all going to be rich. They'll redistribute wealth.

Tell me a time in communism history where people have been wealthy. They go to starving because they make society so expensive to run that people quit farming, they quit building, they quit manufacturing, because you can't do it. These companies, I know it's hard to believe. Run on fucking math, okay? And if you have an operating process that is too expensive to actually operate the company, we are not in a position just to print more money like the federal government.

And these fucking idiots up in Washington who have never run a motherfucking snow cone stand can't even do math to understand that. So what happens is the producers shrug their shoulders and say, fuck it. It ain't worth it no more. And society starves. And these people who root for this fucking bitch and all her fucking friends, you people are walking into a death trap of your own because you are the people that will be killed first.

You are the least likely to be able to take care of yourself. You're the least prepared. You're averse to weapons, you don't know how to grow food, you don't know how to do anything. And you're dependent on these people's promises, which they do not intend to keep, which makes you what they call a useful idiot. They manipulate you to help get them in power.

Once they get in power, they do away with you. We talked about this on two different episodes with Curtis Bowers and about 100 episodes without them. All right? I'm actually getting tired of pointing it out. You guys who listen to the show, you need to be pointing this out.

You need to be explaining this to your friends. You need to be, you know, become the voice in your little community to wake people up and wake up their minds and their hearts to what's actually going on. These people are not Democrats. If you are a Democrat and you listen to the show, these people are not for you either. Okay?

So we have to come to an understanding of what's actually going on. Do you think it's an accident that all these people are coming across the border? Dude, they have the lowest approval rating from their own party that they've ever had in the history of politics. And their answer to that is to say, hey, fuck our voters that voted for us. We'll just bring in more people.

That's their answer. Okay? That's what they think of you as a Democrat. So if you're sitting there and you're saying, oh, Hillary Clinton, you know, I'm with her. You're a fucking moron.

For real, dude. And, like, by definition, there is a term for you. If you would take two days of your life and read rules for radicals or read Karl Marx, you would find out that these people think you are a fucking moron. And they're right because you don't do any research. You don't look into anything.

You don't. You can't figure out what's actually going on. And you guys that know what's going on, you won't speak to these people. You won't try to wake them up because you're scared or you're afraid, bro. Listen, this is going to get real, real, real, real.

Okay? Real soon. These people, if they are elected again, will 100%, because it's the next step in the communist takeover. They will 100% arrest and probably kill every single person of any alternative media source that speaks up against them. Okay?

And that's not have to. That's not Fox News, that's Joe Rogan, that's me. That's fucking PBD. That's all these dudes that you guys listen to, for your information, they will put all those motherfuckers in jail. Guaranteed.

That's what they do. And then they kill them. Okay? So that's the next step. So that you won't have any voice.

So us citizens have a choice to either stand up now and speak up now, or don't have anybody to speak up for you or be with you after. After this starts to go down. And that's what's happening, dude. You guys think this is normal politics? It's not normal politics, no.

These people intend to eliminate any resistance. They tried to do it in COVID. If you guys would. If people would have bought COVID the way they wanted people to buy it. Their plan was to remove people who wouldn't go along with the vaccine from society.

They said it openly, in a soft way a bunch of times. What are we going to do with these people? They're killing everybody. They won't wear a mask, they won't get vaccinated. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, severe death and destruction over the winter for anybody.

Like, bro, we had, we had people legitimately, like, go on the, go on the Instagram page, occupied Democrats and read the comments under the post. And you think these people want to be reasonable with you? They want you fucking dead. This is not fucking, you know, accept our way of life. Those same people that tell you to accept their way of life, or you're a bigot, or you're a racist, or you're a this or that, they passionately hate your way of life and are trying to take it from you.

That's the reality. So until the common sense american, and I'm not saying left or right, I'm saying common sense people who believe in a free and fair United States of America, until those people stand up and say, fuck you, this will not stop. And it needs to stop to the point of where if we need to get together and say, hey, we don't even acknowledge these people as our government anymore as a whole. Like, these people, these 600 people in Washington, DC do not represent us at all. And it's not Republicans or Democrats, it's all of them, they do not represent us.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, yeah. You know, the thought that keeps going through my mind is like, you know, you look at this and like, she alludes to it too in that clip, you know, but one of the things is it's like they keep, they're now starting to. And I've been seeing this narrative pick up a little bit that, you know, Trump won't accept the outcome of this election. Election. And I feel like they're saying that.

Because they're gonna steal again. The truth is, is that they would not, they're not going to accept the outcome of the election. And I think it's important for people to understand, you know, it's like, you know, all the damage that has been done in the last four years, these tyrants, these communists are not gonna go down peacefully or without a fight. You know, I'm saying, like, they're not, bro. Like it won't allow that.

No, because they know their asses are on the line. She's saying, oh, they're gonna do this and that and this cuz she knows what the fuck they've done. Exactly. She knows what the consequences. Yeah, and these media people who have locked, blatantly lied, blatantly lied about the pandemic, blatantly lied about all this shit.

You know what, they do deserve to be arrested. They do. Yeah. Yeah, man. So it's going to be one or the other.

It's either going to be us or them. Yeah. And until people fucking understand that, you know, that's what they intend. She, this woman, if they get in power, they will call for the arrest of everybody. Look what they did, bro.

They took, they've already shown their cards, they've already taken people who support Donald Trump, put them on domestic terrorist lists. They got guys like Mike Glover who served in the fucking military, in the CIA for 20 plus years of his life, gave his best years of his life to the United States of America and now he's on a domestic terrorist list. People who five years ago, seven years ago, would be celebrated as patriots and lovers of America are now on domestic terrorist list. It's because they don't need them anymore. They don't want them anymore.

They don't want the United States of America to be a quote unquote superpower anymore. They're trying to create a one world government and to create a one world government just like a communist country. They don't, they need everybody to be brought down to a level of poverty so it's easy to control. You see what I'm saying? So they need to take the United States of America, run it into the ground so that it can be on the same level as a lot of these other countries, so that they can control it better.

Because they know that if people are poor, if people are starving, if people and especially are unarmed, they can do whatever they want. And so, you know, we have to make a choice, dude. We can either stand up now and make our voices heard and demand that these people fucking stop this bullshit or. Who knows what's going to happen. Because the longer it goes on, the harder it is to resist.

And the good news is, I do think people are waking up. But you all need to wake up a lot fucking faster. And you guys need to get aggressive about sharing the message in your own community with your own friends, having real conversations, looking into it yourself, becoming well versed and well knowledge on your own, and showing people what the fuck is going on. Yeah. Guys, jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think.

Andy Frisella
With that being said, let's go cruise some. Yeah. Oh, buddy. Do I got some for you. Oh yeah.

Oh, buddy. This first comment comes from at dirty eyes. Dirty eyes. Dirty eyes. All right, Andy, you sound like a snowflake.

Get the sand out your vag and try to be a man.


I don't even know what to say to that. Oh, man. I mean, saying in the vag is pretty painful, bro. Yeah, bro. That sounds like it hurts.

Yeah, it does. Gives you a little rash. You know, you get a little chafing. You know, I'm saying Vegas still don't clear that. Oh, brother.

You know, man. All right. Yeah. I don't even know what to say to them. I'm a snowflake because I fucking stand up for you fucks and don't even know what's going on.

Dirty eyes. You don't even know what the fuck's going on. That's a problem. They have dirty eyes. Yeah.

Yeah. You can't see. That's what it is. Running. Fuck, bro.

Andy Frisella
All right, let's see. All right, this one might be a little worse. Okay, this one comes from at Chelten John. He's talking about the doctors who did his hair transplant surgery from his nutsack to his face.

What doctors? I think we were talking about. I think this. Because this is from IG's. I think this was one of the comments.

Andy Frisella
I think there's a real. About the. About where you were talking about all the doctors that like, perpetuated the bullshit. Yeah, well, I mean, if they're gonna cut dicks off, they probably do pubic hair transplants. It's possible.

Yeah, it's possible. I mean, I should look into that, bro, because like, down there it's still dark. Look into it. For sure. Down there it's still dark.

Up here it's all silver. Maybe I can go back in my age. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Oh shit. I like it. I think it's funny. All right, Sheldon. Yeah.

Yeah. Good job. Yeah, Sheldon, you made it funny. All right. And then finally, let's.

Andy Frisella
Let's get to some. You ever notice how fucking terrible the. The people on the left, make jokes. I mean, it's pretty bad. Yeah, it's pretty bad.

That was all right, though. It was decent. I can respect that. It was decent. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
This last comment comes from at unofficially, DJ Johnson. These people, since 690, was removed by the YouTube Bolshevik party. Guess I'll let you all know here that DJ can be funny sometimes. Look at the fucking profile picture.

I like the comments, bro. The YouTube Bolshevik party. That's accurate. Hey. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Hey. Somebody here is paying attention. That's what I'm saying. This man's awake. Yeah, whoever that is.

Yeah, DJ. That's not me. I swear to God. Listen, I do not have. All right, I.

Did I have sex. Make any alter accounts on YouTube. All right, that's a lie. My official statement. Guys, we appreciate you for being real ass fans.

Yeah. Even your nut sack transplant motherfuckers. Exactly. Yeah. That's not a real thing.

I don't know. I hope not. Fuck. I don't know. I'm saying.

I can get rid of my gray and put that fucking dark shit back in there, though, you know? I'm saying that's not a bad idea. Oh, man. You know what's funny, dude? Like, the snowflake thing.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, yeah, yeah. These people literally cry, cry, cry when shit doesn't go their way and throw tantrums. Like, have you ever seen these people show up at, like, the way they behave? It's insane. There's only one group of people that snowflakes legit.

Everybody knows that. I love when these fuck. Like, this is almost just like Hillary, bro. Like, Hillary saying the shit that she's gonna do and what she is. That's what these people do.

Andy Frisella
You know, that probably was Hillary commenting.

My vag is so Sandy.

Andy Frisella
And he's got the Sandy badge. Sandy Badge. Sandy Badge. Oh, man. Guys, headline number two.

This is an interesting one because I think it's. Again, there is too many games that are being played right now with too many world powers. And the shit's got to stop. Hello. Number two reads, iran allied militia coalition claims its base in Iraq was hit by an airstrike.

Did you see this? Who fucking cares? Fuck you people. Well, fuck everybody over there. Fucking blow yourselves up.

I don't give a shit. A lot of sand. I'm tired of hearing about it, bro. We got fucking 5 million people on the fucking streets in America, dude. I don't give a fuck.

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of y'all stick taking our money and our fucking. All our shit and all our fucking division that's created over it. Fucking do what you're gonna do. Shut the fuck up.

That's what I think. So an airstrike early Saturday, hit a base. It has to do with fucking the United States, bro. I don't care. I really don't know.

It's really. I think it's wrong that people are getting slaughtered and all. Yeah, I do. But at the same time, we got our own fucking problems. Yeah.

And I'm like, I'm fucking. I'm fucking tired of it, dude. I'm tired of, like, shouldn't our focus as Americans be on what the fuck is going on here? And every time these things happen overseas, all people do is cry about what's happening overseas, and they act like what's happening here isn't even happening. We're numb to.

Andy Frisella
It is what it is, bro. I think. I think most american, like, I mean. Bro, no, they keep thinking America's the best country in the world. That's because you haven't fucking been anywhere.

Right, right, right. We got a long way to go to get back to that, bro. And I think we can get back to it. I'm not saying that I love this country, but fuck, bro, to sit here and say that, that's like the last team in the NFL saying we're fucking great team. Your record would say otherwise.

Andy Frisella
Cowboys. Whatever. Anyway, sorry. Yeah, no, you good? Yeah.

So. Airstrike early Saturday hit a base used by the Popular Mobilization Forces, a coalition of Iran allied militias in Iraq, the group said in a statement. The attack on the Khalsu military base north of Babylon, a former us post that was handed over to the iraqi military in 2011, wounded three PMF members, said two militia officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. Now here's the thing. So cENTCom, or US central command denies the US behind the Iraq airstrike.

Andy Frisella
US central Command, or CEnTCOM, is refuting reports claiming the US conducted airstrikes in Iraq following a blast at a military base in the country that killed a member of an iraqi security force. They put out a tweet. US central Command tweeted out, we are aware of reports claiming the United States conducted airstrikes in Iraq today. Those reports are not true. The United States has not conducted airstrikes in Iraq today.

Interesting, right? There was also a blast at Khalsoul military base, around 30 miles south of Iraq's capital city, Baghdad, in early hours on Saturday, local time, killed one member of Iraq's popular mobilization forces or PMF and left eight people wounded, according to Reuters. Now here's the interesting thing. This is where it gets interesting. There was no drones or planes in iraqi airspace during the military base blast, right?

So Iraq security services said on Saturday, April 20 there were no warplanes or drones in the air during overnight explosions that rocked Iraq's military base housing a coalition of pro iranian armed groups. An iraqi security forces media unit said in a statement that air defense command reported no drones or combat aircraft in the airspace of Babylon province before or during the explosion. Now daily, daily wire wrote this article says new headline reads, new images show base of iranian backed group in Iraq was completely destroyed in strike. Israel also denied. That's interesting.

So this happens in the United States immediately comes out and Israel immediately comes out and say, hey, we had nothing to do with this. But they also denied any involvement. Iraq said that it did not detect any of the foreign objects. Right. Now, here's the interesting thing.

The United States and Israel are the only two countries that would have interest in this in Iraq. They're the only two countries that have both. Both have advanced stealth jets that would be invisible to enemy radar. Right. Here's a clip of one of the bases that got hit.

And in addition to, you know, having those airplanes that are capable of stealth flight, the US and Israel also both possess advanced missiles that have the ability to completely evade detection by enemy radar. Right. And so Iraq saying that, hey, we didn't catch anything over the skies and the only two countries with those capabilities are both saying it wasn't us. Is there another country that potentially has this, like, what are we doing? It's interesting.

Now, speaking of Israel, let's move topics, bring it back to home base here. You see the protests that are happening here? Yeah, they're massive. Yeah, they're massive. And it's causing quite an uproar.

Columbia University anti Israel protesters five dramatic moments from a week of chaos. So protesters at Columbia University have spent days protesting against Israel war with Hamas, forcing authorities to arrest more than 100 of the agitators. And the school's president has shifted all classes to virtual learning. On Monday, amid safety concerns, colombian Columbia University president doctor Nimet Munash Shafiq mostly closed the campus and urged commuting students not to travel to the campus. In a statement posted just after 01:00 a.m.

On Monday, in the statement, the president said she was deeply saddened by certain actions of the agitators who have formed an encampment on the campus and have riled students and faculty with anti jewish slogans and chants. Statement is the latest action from the school's administration amid the fiery protest in and around New York City campus and began Wednesday as dozens of anti Israel activists created an encampment on the main lawn of campus. Here's a few pictures of it right now. It's interesting how many of them had the same exact tents in that, in that interest. No, it's just Walmart.

It's almost like. Same place I got the pool. It's almost like they were organized. What's that remind you of? Let's see.

Andy Frisella
It reminds me of the bricks being dropped off during 2014 here. Right? Mike Brown. Protest reminds me of the signs during George Floyd. The t shirts during George Floyd.

I mean, it reminds me of all the organized protests that we've had that burned down the country in the last four years. Yeah, kind of what that reminds me of. Interesting. Now I'll say this. Right.

America's America, right. Freedoms are freedoms. Rights of rights. And we have to respect those, those rights of other people, no matter if we disagree with why they're exercising those rights. Protest is protest, right.

Now, the interesting thing here is that this whole narrative of antisemitism and calling everything antisemitic just for simply asking questions, perhaps right has been. Has been on the rise. But now it's taken a whole different direction. An entirely different direction. This video clip comes out from this Twitter user.

His name is lecom. He posted this video. Let's watch it. Let's watch it. Here's the clip.

We have to stop trying to educate anti Semites, and we have to hurt them instead. Decades of education has not worked. It has not worked. It is the worst it has ever been. It has factually failed.

This is the most dangerous time to be a jew in our living lifetime. Education has failed to stop those who are anti semitic. Stop trying to cure them. Stop trying to heal them. Stop thinking it's your job to be some kind of nurse or therapist for them or savior for their fucking hatred.

Stop trying to heal anti Semites and hurt them. That will make them stop. They will not stop because of intellectual ideas. They will not stop because you magically put butterflies and unicorns and fairies and love into their heart. They will stop out of fear because they know they will get hurt.

They will stop because it is unpleasant to get hurt. And when I say hurt, I'm talking, of course, within the law, every legal means available to you. If someone transgresses and is anti semitic, you must, to the best of your ability, ruin to their fucking life, ruin their fucking life as best you can, without remorse, without pity, and without any excitement. Just factually, objectively cause them pain legally, with their reputation, financially, damage them, hurt them. Maybe they'll think twice, and maybe other Angie Samurais will think twice too.

It's not your job to educate them. It's not going to work. By all means, continue educational programs in order to reach those who aren't anti semitic or who haven't transgressed. But stop trying to educate away anti Semitism. We need to hurt those who try to hurt us.

It's a deeper, more immediate, more emotionally understood thing in the very cells of your body to be scared of getting hurt, hurt, to be scared of experiencing a cost to your life and reputation and your pocket and your freedom. So that is the future of stopping antisemitism. It's not education. It's fucking hurting anti Semites. And it's very important.

It's quite a subtle but big shift. It's not subtle, actually. It's a big fucking shift of where we're at. That is how to do it. The current methodology has not worked.

Failed. Have the grandeur and the intellectual honesty to admit that this is the worst it's ever been. And all of the programs and initiatives to try and educate people against an symptoms, they have fucking failed. So we need to instill a fear in people and pain and let them know that there's a fucking cost if they hurt us, and that we fucking unashamedly will stand proudly behind the pain we will administer to anyone who tries to fuck with us or fucking hurt us, okay? And that's all I want to say.

That's the fucking way. Don't heal anti Semites. Fucking hurt them. You know, it's interesting because he's saying, like, you know, fire them. And financially, it's almost like they would have control of those different places.

Sounds like it. Not only does it sound like that, that sounds an awful, like a lot like, cancel culture. Yeah. Hmm. Wonder where that came from.

And here's the other thing. Everybody's an anti semite. Just like everybody's a racist, just like everybody's a misogynist. Just like everybody's at everything that you don't want us to fucking be for asking a motherfucking question. And, bro, I'm gonna tell you this, that little video you made ain't helping your cause, okay?

It ain't helping your cause because, and let's be real, do we see all these Jews getting fucking killed in the streets? No, we don't see that. But what we do see is fucking tens of thousands of palestinian children being fucking slaughtered. And if we ask a question about it, we're anti semitic. That's not, that's not okay.

That's not okay. Okay. And it is not anti semitic to ask questions. It is not anti semitic to point out statistical fact. It is not racist to ask questions.

It is not racist to point out statistical fact. And for this guy to get on the Internet and say all this shit that he's saying, that only furthers the divide and creates more problems. Are there legitimate anti semitic people? Yeah. Are there legitimate racist people?

Yeah. Are there people out here? Are there people out here who, who fake these victim protected classes so you can't criticize them in any way, shape or form? Yes. And, dude, these people who are protesting for palestine, you know, it's, these people are, it's very.

The economy. The economy is weird here. No, it's very, it's, it's a lot of the base for joe Biden. It's a lot of the base for the Democrats that they're pissing off by allowing this to happen. Right.

And so I didn't think they, I don't think they counted on that to happen. Nope. And, and those people are not going to go out and vote joe Biden. They're not going to, bro. They hate him for what's happening.

And I don't know, man, like, real talk, you know, you, could you call anybody anti semitic for saying that you're anti genocide, but doesn't that make you anti arab? Doesn't that make you anti muslim? Right. That just as important, you know, like, these people, they say, oh, well, we're God's chosen people. So there's a fucking elitist aspect in a lot of these people.

And it's not all jewish people. In fact, most of them aren't like that. It's the fucking, it's the very radical, you know, it's a sect, bro. And they have a superiority over everybody else, which is why they get on here and say this shit, you know? Dude, I don't know, man.

Like, guys like that are making it dangerous for all jewish people. And that's, that's fucking wrong because most jewish people don't even understand what the fuck is going on. So fucking hurt them, bro, you've been trying to hurt people for the last fucking 20 years. That's the problem. People are tired of getting called anti semite.

People are tired of getting called names. They're tired of getting bullied. They're tired of being forced to go along with things that they don't want to go along with. They're tired of being called a misogynist. They're tired of being called a racist.

Those name calls don't matter anymore because they've been completely overused, and people are. And now they're throwing a fucking temper tantrum because people are ignoring it. When they used to say anti semite, and then all of a sudden, oh, my God. No. Now it's like, anti semite.

Whatever, bro. Everybody's an anti semite. Right, right. And so, like, dude, if we want to move this fucking society forward, guys like this need to be. Fucking need to shut the fuck up, because at the end of the day, we're gonna all have to work together.

It's not fucking jewish people versus white people and black people or fucking arab people. It's fucking. We have a country full of all different cultures that is gonna have to get together. Just being intentionally divided by a fucking group of tyrants, a lot of which are elite jewish people, and then there's other people that are not jewish. And it doesn't make.

These people are criminals, bro. Criminals are fucking criminals. It doesn't matter with our background. That's right. And so, like, dude, this guy getting on here and saying this shit like, bro, you're just hurting the cause.

And, like, what I fucking hear when he's saying that is he's afraid. I feel like he's afraid, bro. You know, this is the worst time that ever existed for jews. I don't know, bro. We have all these times that were where jews were persecuted hundreds of times through history.

They were persecuted more than any other person. There's. You know, we. We have all this. All these stories about everything that's happened over fucking a thousand years.

And, bro, at the end of the day, who gets to who? Can you not criticize? Jeeps. No, you can't do it. Why?

Andy Frisella
You can't do it. You criticize white people all day. You could make whole fucking. You know, white supremacy. You make up whole narratives about whiteness, you, whiteness is evil.

Whiteness is bad. Fuck whiteness. White people are this and that and this. You say fucking one thing about fucking jewish people, and it's like, oh, my God. We're gonna fucking take all your shit.

Fuck you. We're gonna fire you. We're gonna cancel you. Fuck you, fuck this. Fuck that.

And then they wonder why people eventually are like, wait a minute. Is there truth to this? You know what I'm saying? Like, so dude, this kind of shit doesn't help anybody. It's not fucking good for anybody.

He sounds scared, which I could see why. Because people are not caring about this shit anymore. And it's been total intimidation. It's been total fucking cancel culture, you know? And it's been mainly fucking geared towards white people.

White people get canceled. What? Who else gets canceled? Does Joy Reid get canceled for saying the racist shit she says on national fucking television? No, she's fine, bro.

Imagine if a white dude got up there and said exactly what he said about black people or Jews. Imagine that. The exact same thing he said. But white. Somebody white said that?

Andy Frisella
Oh, yeah. You see what I'm saying? It'd be national fucking news. So there's a clear double standard in what people can say and not say. And I want to be clear.

I fucking. There's room for everybody here, but there ain't room for people like that. No, not. And I'm not saying people like that. Jews.

I'm saying individuals like that. Yes. We need to stop generalizing and start saying, it's this guy, it's this guy, it's this guy, it's this guy. I've only said this a thousand times. If we continue to generalize, black people, white people, Jews, Arabs, we can't get anywhere because it's not a real discussion.

It's not true. Right? Jews have criminals. I fucking hate to tell you. I know you think your God's chosen fucking people.

All people have value. All of us. We all have that. You don't have more value than us, motherfucker. I don't give a fuck what you think or say, okay?

Secondly, not all black people are fucking criminals. Some are not. All white people are criminals. Guess what? Some are.

Some are. Okay? So until we start fucking saying it's Steve, it's Klaus Schwab, it's Bill Gates, it's this, it's that, or whoever the fuck we think it is. And stop. They want us to generalize.

That's their defense. Where we lose. Yes. We lose because they can hide behind the generalization. I think something else that was interesting, too, in this guy's video is I think he also is very aware of how the base has turned on that narrative, too.

Andy Frisella
Because if you notice what he said in there, he said, it doesn't matter how many rainbows and unicorn stickers we give them. It does not matter. Did not help. So I didn't read it like that. I read it like he.

What he's saying is trying to peacefully coerce them isn't working. That's how I read that. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe I'm reading it a little deep.

Andy Frisella
I just thought that was interesting because, I mean, that's the exact people that are in that. That little encampment. Well, you know what? I'll be real, dude. You like saying, yeah, but here's what I'm gonna tell you.

Because white culture has been so hammered with racist and cancel culture and all this shit, they're afraid to say anything. You know? Like, you don't think that white people hear Joy Reid and they're like, man, fuck you. Mm hmm. Of course they think that.

Andy Frisella
Right? And then if they say they think that, they're racist. The fuck out of here, dude. I ain't with that shit. No, no, it doesn't make sense.

No, it's intentionally does not make sense. Absolute double standard, bro. And it's very dangerous. This is. This is how the rwandan genocide started.

We had radio broadcasters in Rwanda saying, these people are less than fucking bacteria. They're these. That. They're these kind of people and these kind of just, like, what they say about fucking white people in public. They say in public.

Imagine the shit they say about white people being said about black people in public. Right? Imagine the shit being said on national tv, the shit Joy Reid says and other fucking people in the media say openly. Imagine that being said next time you hear them talk about whiteness or white people or this or that. Imagine that being said about anybody else.

Andy Frisella
Right? It's unacceptable. And the interesting thing, too, it's like, you know, you look at the rwandan genocide, and what happened was, like, you know, you had this build up of pressure of all these narratives and all these things being said. And then one day, tens of thousands of machetes just dumped. Just appear.

Yeah. Just appears. Piles of them just appear. Yeah. Right?

Andy Frisella
And so, like, people got to remember, man, there isn't. Ain't. There is a. An intentional push, bro, behind this shit. These people have already proven there's.

Listen, there is a fucking part of society that has already proven that they would be 100% for removing people that don't agree with them from society, meaning execute them. We saw it during COVID Bro, you don't think these people who were freaking the fuck out about COVID Remember the comments, bro, I hope you get COVID and die. Mm hmm. How many comments? I saw tens of thousands of people saying that, I hope you get COVID, and I hope your family gets COVID, and I hope they all fucking die.

Andy Frisella
Remember that they proved it already. It's already been tested, bro. People better start standing up for themselves and black people and white people and fucking asian people and latino people and jewish people that all are common sense. Need to start standing up against all this shit. It's bad shit.

It never ends good. No. Never ends good. No. If people were saying this openly about black people, I'd be standing up being like, this is bullshit.

And you all fucking listen to show know that I would too if it was being said about jewish people, blah, blah blah. Just like I say now, when I say, hey, it ain't all fucking jewish people. Like, let's get to the right thing here. There's bad people and it doesn't matter what fucking group they belong to. We need to hold them accountable.

It's real shit, man. Guys, jump in on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. Let's talk about some real racism. Let's go to headline three.

Andy Frisella
So headline three is brought to you by the news outlet that brought you 75 hard challenge workouts. Dangerous, okay? Oh yeah, the same. You remember that one? Yeah, and they put, they put my fucking picture on it.

I remember when you took that picture. I do too. I wasn't even in shape. I mean, you were, you were decent though, bro. You were.

Look, those guns mean. Yeah, at least use a picture when. I like now we'll resubmit a newer. Yeah, brought to you by the same people that, you know, told you water was dangerous. Okay.

Yeah. All right, so this is the article that they tried to cover. Now sometimes they go back to the. Other 1 June 7 and then they. Did another 1 June 23.

Yeah, that's right. They did two in a row last year. Mm hmm. Yeah, they love me last year. Oh yeah, they were on the roll.

But so they are ratioed in the fucking comments both times. Oh, they got hammered just like cuz. Our people are fucking. You guys are the soldiers. Yeah, yeah.

Andy Frisella
But they do this thing where you know the main newsfeed, right? You go to the homepage, they have a headline. But then when you click that headline, it takes you to that article and that sometimes that headline may change, right? So this is the headline when you click on it, this is what it says. Shohi oh tani breaks Hadequi mutui Matsui's.

Hideki Matsui. Hideki Matsui's MLB record for most homers by japanese born player. But you want to see what they were. They called the headline before you clicked on it and you tell me if this is a little. Might be a little racist, taking down Godzilla.

No, that's fucking. That was Hideki Matsui's nickname. That was his nickname. Okay, Godzilla. Okay.

Andy Frisella
All right, bro. All right. Shit. All right. Look at me getting all offensive and.

Now you fucked up the whole headline. You didn't know the joke? I don't. I didn't know who he was. Yeah, no, he had sue.

He played for the Yankees, bro. He's a fucking stud. Was he solid? Yeah, he's really good. Oh, apparently shohe just beat him.

Well, I wonder if you. I thought that. I don't know, brassaw that I thought it was. And I thought they tried to cover it up, because when you click it. Nah.

Andy Frisella
Then it goes to this headline. But I don't think it's racist anyway, bro. That's where Godzilla lives. Why do you think Kim Jong un is sending them missiles out in the sea all the time, bro? He's trying to hit japanese Godzilla.

You know what I'm saying? That is fucked up. Yeah. Motherfucker. He's trying to get himself some stir fried kitty cat.

Yeah. Now that's racist.

What the fuck? Oh, man. All right, so it's not racist. Okay.

Motherfucker. They say we smell like bologna. I could say that. Oh, it's true. Oh, you guys all fuck with white people.

I'ma fuck with you back. And they do eat. And I do love you. They do eat. Feline.

I would eat it, too, if I was hungry. Really? Yeah. Like, you, motherfucker, you eat everything.

Andy Frisella
That was a little loud. That was a little too much. I did see you working out this morning. I know. I'm getting back into it, man.

I felt good, though, for some reason. I just like this guy, the cats and fucking high in protein, dude. Is it. Yeah, man. Is it stir fry?

Meow, meow. I do. I do some stuff to cat, but I don't know if I'd eat it. You fuck. It's not true.

I eat it.

Andy Frisella
I like this guy, though. Show. He show high. I like them. You just broke the broke matzo.

He's record liking him because you. Now you feel bad? No, no. I've always liked him. There was just something about it.

One of them things where it's like, man, I got black friends. I like black people. That's what it is. No, I'm not Dave. Yeah, I got.

Dave's not japanese. He's korean. Is he? Yeah. Difference.

Andy Frisella
What's the difference? Look at them. There's a difference. Yeah, but what one's from Korea? One Japan?

Well, what's the difference? By looking at him, Andy, they look different. How so? How so? You don't think they look different?

You don't think? No, I think they do. I mean, how do you think they look different? I never really paid attention. They all look.

They all look the same to you, huh?

Andy Frisella
They fucking do. I don't know the difference. Do black people think white people all look the same? No, no, no. You got red ones.

You got the light skinned ones. You got. You're light skinned. Oh, I'm light skinned. Light skinned, yeah.

Oh, you got red ones. You got light skinned ones. You call the red ones lobsters? Are those, like, redheads? They get, like, burn in the sun?

Yeah, they're lobsters. Call them lobsters. You know, layer. Layer the lobster. We call them lobsters.

Or, you know, we. It's collective. Really? Mm hmm. So what do you call the ones with tans and shit?

The light skin. Well, then who's dark skin? Me. No, you're not dark skin. There is no such thing as a dark skin white person.

The fuck there ain't, bro. When I get tan, I'm darker than you. No. Yes. No.

Andy Frisella
The only dark skinned white person was the lady who tried to. Tried to do the n double ACP thing. Fucking Rachel Nolan. I guess they do exist.

Oh, man. Yeah. I don't know. I just like this guy, dude. I like him.

He, uh. I know you like him so much, you defended him from racist attacks. That's what I'm saying, man. I'm like, shit, they're saying Godzilla, bro, that's kind of racist. I didn't know.

I really didn't know. That was his action for real, though. That's not racist. It's not? No.

Oh, Godzilla is like a national treasure to fucking Japan. Japanese. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. What would be the alternative black headline here?

What would that be? Oh, you want me to answer this? Buckle up, buttercups. Here we go. Taking down Popeyes.

Andy Frisella
Try number two. Let's see what we got. Taking down Social Security, taking down the food stamps office. Never mind, bro. All right.

No, I stopped. What about white people taking. Forget the raisins. Taking down the cookout.

I know what it ain't. It ain't burning up the dance floor.

Remember that video we played a couple shows ago? The white people dancing? Which one? Well, they were dancing for Biden. Oh, fuck, yeah.

I can't get that out of my hand. Yeah. Making us all look bad. Yeah. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Oh, all right. Well, we defeated racism today, guys. Taking down Social Security. Taking down single parent households. Yeah, man, I'm sorry.

All right, well, yeah, well, okay. Well, I thought. I thought we had something there, guys. I tried. Yeah.

Yeah. Racism does not exist. It doesn't exist. Bullshit it does. The only racism that's out there is from dumb motherfuckers, low iq fucks.

Like, if you fucking judge someone, generalize an entire race of people based off the actions of a few, you are a low iq moron. For real. And apparently that's most people. Apparently, most people can't understand that if you judge someone by the fucking pigment of your skin, you are a level above preschool intelligence. For real.

Shit. No, that's real shit. I don't give a fuck if that's black, white, red, yellow, fucking whatever, bro. I don't give a shit. Rainbow.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. You know, are you a good person or not? Are you a criminal or not? It's all that matters. Yeah, it's all the matters.

Well, guys, jump in the comments. Let us know what you guys thought. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. Thumbs up or dumb as fuck this. Where bring a headline and we talk about it.

It'll get one of those two options. And so with that being said, a thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads, tattoo artist causes uproar by claiming she inked a customer with crying blood tattoo, as critics who believe it's real say she should have refused and warned he'll never get a job. Now, you like tattoos? I like tattoos. Right.

Tattoos are cool. Um, you know, some people get interesting tattoos with no meaning, and, you know, that's a separate group, but I think this is in a whole different category. Um, so a tattoo artist has caused a stir on Instagram after claiming she gave a client a crying blood tattoo. Atlanta based tattooist, uh, Portia lay or Lee. He.

Lee. Lee. Okay. Porsche Lee. All right, I see what they did there.

Andy Frisella
It's like Braxton with two x's. Yeah, got it. Shared a video as if people have. You know, exceptional reading skills. That's what.

Anyway, yeah, that's what it is. It's true. Yeah, let's confuse them more. This is a vowel. This is a constant.

Sound it out. I mean, they got me Porsche. Porsche Lee. Okay, all right. Shared.

Andy Frisella
Shared a video of an unknown man who appeared to be inked with blood red teardrops which ran down from his eyes to his mouth. The supposed tattoo imitated real tears with scarlet ink pooling and clumps beneath his eyelid before thinning out as it reached the lower half of his face. Porsche asked her followers whether they would consider getting the same tattoo, but some people said the body artist was too wild, while others claimed it would ruin their chances of getting a good job. Although the tattoo looked to look three d to be a real inking, her followers were convinced it was genuine and reacted in uproar. Here's the tattoo.

Is that real? Yeah, it's real. No, it ain't. No, it's real. This is real.

Andy Frisella
He did it. Guess what he didn't do. Good job. Good job. Let's be honest, he wasn't doing that anyway.

Hey, I don't understand why these people are surprised they don't get a job. I saw this video from this chick who had fucking tattoos all over her face. Like, all over her face. And she tried to apply to get a job at. It was like Walmart or something, and they didn't call her back.

And she made this, like, video on TikTok. Like, being a kick at a job. Because of my tattoos. They're discriminating. No fucking shit.

Andy Frisella
No shank was gonna happen. You know, like, bro, if you tattoo your face and, you know, if you're an artist or a singer or something where it's appropriate and you've actually already kind of made it, and, you know, this is gonna be your career. Okay, sure. I can understand getting out there a little bit, you know what I'm saying? Getting your neck done, getting a fucking, you know, it's becoming more and more acceptable.

But when you get your fucking face tattooed, what job could you actually do? What can you do? You can't be. I mean, you're severely limiting yourself, even if you're a talented individual, because guess what? You're weird.

You're fucking weird, bro. Like, I know you want everybody to accept you for everything. And this is the culture we live in. We want everybody to accept every fucking thing about everybody. You could have 4000 piercings in your face and look like fucking pinhead and, you know, oh, they're discriminating against me.

Yes, yes. We told. You were told this before you got this shit. You sure people told you this? Your parents told you this, other people told you this, and now you feel entitled to get the same treatment as everybody else?

I was talking to a dude one time who's fucking heavily tattooed. Like, his whole fucking body, his whole face, everything. Cause I don't give a fuck, bro. I'm friends with everybody. It doesn't bother me.

And we were sitting in a bar and we were drinking, and he goes, he said, something, he's like, you know, like he said something like, oh, you know, it's like, you know. Cause I'm a minority and this guy's white. I'm like, you're fucking white, dude. And he goes, yeah, but I got tattoos all over my face. Everybody stares at me all the time.

I'm like, that don't make you a minority. Like, no shit. They stare at you. You're fuck. You fucking have shit all over your face and all over the rest of your body and nobody else has.

Andy Frisella
He thought that he was gonna get all these tattoos on his face and nobody was gonna look at him. Dude, I guess that's what these people think. I don't know what they think, bro. I got. I got lots of tattoos.

But like when I, you know, if I go on vacation somewhere, I take my shirt off and people stare at me, I'm fucking. I'm like, yeah, well, it's cuz I'm fucking blasted, you know I'm saying? So I like that. Yeah, but I still wouldn't do that on my fucking face. You know what I'm saying?

Like. And then there's some that do look cool, like Dave's. The little fucking tattoo that he's got on his chops. That's cool. I like that chopstick.

Andy Frisella
No, it is. No, it's not. It's a fucking hammer and a fucking. It's, it's a. It's, it's a chisel or something.

Or a pickaxe. Ain't fucking chopsticks, motherfucker. That's racist. I'm being so fucking for real right now. First of all, Dave don't even eat anything but fucking chicken fingers and grilled cheese, bro.

Dave don't know how to use no fucking chopsticks. Betrayal. He betraying his. Anyway, I really know, I thought like jelly roll chopsticks. Why Emily calls them chopsticks, cuz?

Emily calls everybody stupid ass names. Emily, you should hear what she calls you when you ain't around, bro. Oh, shit. Nah, bro, she's the most. You guys think I'm fucking wild, bro.

Why don't you put her on your show? There's a reason.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, it's funny because they said in the article, they're like. While teardrop tattoos have often been associated with murder or gangs, it is unclear what the meaning behind the crying blood tattoo is. Yeah, I don't. I don't know, man. Is it a lightning bolt there?

Why does it look 3d though? Like that's. It does look like it's like on his. It looks like wax or something. I think it's because it's fresh, you know?

Oh, yeah. It's puffed up. It's puffed up. That's fresh. That's right.

Andy Frisella
That's a real tattoo, bro. Hmm. Well, best of luck to you. You know, this guy will be crying about fucking, you know, those of you that can't see, this guy's also black. I'm just saying, he'll be fucking crying.

Real talk, listen. Real talk or not, he'll be crying, saying the reason he didn't get a fucking job is because he's fucking racist because he has some crazy fucking shit on his face, you know? Oh, dude, I couldn't get a job because I'm this or that. Have you looked at yourself? Okay.

A job is a serious thing. A career is a serious thing. If you make choices that don't allow for the career to happen, that doesn't mean that someone's bigoted towards you. That means you made those choices, and you have to deal with the consequences. Right.

Andy Frisella
Like, it's not the system. Yeah. No one fucking tired of your actions. By the way, if you want to wear that on your face, cool. I don't give a shit.

We. I'll be cool with you. I don't care. I'm fucking. I don't judge people on that shit, bro.

Some of my good buddies got fucking tattoos on their face. I don't care. Derek White has got tattoos on his face. I don't even notice him when I talk to him because I. He's had them for so long.

You know what I'm saying? Like, tommy's got a fucking tattoo on his face. I don't even know. Fucking heads tattoo. Yeah.

I don't fucking notice that. Like, it's just who they are, you know? Micah from Arizona's tattooed everywhere on his head. I mean, it fucking. You know?

But, like, these guys are making their own path in life, demanding society roll. Biggest fucking artist in the world right now for country music, bro. He's fucking tatted on his face. But guess what? He ain't getting a job, right.

These guys are running their own play. So if you're running your own play in real life, do whatever the fuck you want. Like, bro, real talk. I could do whatever I want if I want to go get my head tattooed, my face tattooed, I could do that because guess what? I'm running my own play.

But unless you're running your own play for real and not, like, gonna run it, it's probably not a good idea to do it. You know, I didn't get tattooed till I was 33 years old because I was like, fuck, dude, I needed that. Long to get it. Well, first of all, I wanted to afford the best. Yeah.

Second of all, I. I wasn't sure if that would hurt me or not in my career, so I waited. See, I'm saying. Yeah, yeah. So you know this.

Yeah, dumb as. Dumb as fuck. Yeah, yeah. Completely dumb. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, man. Gotta make better a lot of these. People, dude, I love that. It's right next to a Bible verse. To a lot of these people.

Dj. They're just screaming for any. Any kind of attention they can possibly get, you know? And then they gave mad when they get. Dude, it's like, girls with huge tits.

It is. It's the truth. Yeah, they fucking put them out there. They wear. They wear the cleavage way out in the fucking open.

And then you're like. You like, go like this one time, you're like. And they're like, I fucking saw that there's fucking harassing me, dude. You're fucking me. Your fucking hindenburgs are not fucking camouflaged, bro.

You know, saying, like, Hindenburg? Yeah, dude, I'm just saying, like, don't fucking put the shit out there and then get mad when people fucking notice it. Whether it's tattoos or your boobies hanging out or whatever the fuck you got going on. I'm tired of that shit. Don't get mad when you get exactly what you.

Dude. Exactly. Could you believe the go? And then they stick a plane. Can't find any guys.

Yeah, no shit. Because if they try to talk to you, you go on the Internet and make a twitter thread about it. Mm hmm. Fucking idiot. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
All right, well, dumb as fuck here, man. Yeah, guys. Andy, that is all I got. Yeah. Don't be a hoe share the show, keep your hendenbergs in went from sleeping.

On the flow now my jury box froze fuck up pole fuck up stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row can't fold just a no headshot case close.