690. Andy & DJ CTI: Israel Strikes Back At Iran, Jury Selection Complete Of Trump Hush Money Trial & Biden Admin Leaves Hundreds Of U.S. Troops 'Hostage' In Niger

Primary Topic

This episode delves into various geopolitical and domestic issues, including Israel's military response to Iran, the Trump hush money trial jury selection, and the Biden administration's handling of U.S. troops in Niger.

Episode Summary

In this episode, hosts Andy Frisella and DJ discuss several pressing issues, notably Israel's recent airstrikes on Iran in retaliation for missile attacks, the complete jury selection for Trump's hush money trial, and the precarious situation of U.S. troops left in Niger by the Biden administration. The conversation touches on the implications of these events and includes candid discussions on government actions, personal freedoms, and media bias. The episode is filled with strong opinions, reflecting a critical view of current U.S. foreign and domestic policies.

Main Takeaways

  1. Israel's limited strikes in Iran were a reaction to Iranian aggressions, but the situation remains highly volatile with potential for escalation.
  2. Jury selection in the Trump hush money trial has been completed, highlighting the significant public and political interest in the case.
  3. The Biden administration is criticized for its handling of U.S. troops in Niger, with comparisons to past U.S. foreign policy mishaps.
  4. There's a deep mistrust towards the mainstream media, perceived as being biased and occasionally dishonest in their reporting.
  5. The hosts express a need for greater transparency and accountability in government actions, both domestically and internationally.

Episode Chapters

1: Israel Strikes Back at Iran

Focuses on the recent military actions between Israel and Iran, with discussions on the potential repercussions and historical context. Andy Frisella: "We're looking at a very tense situation that could escalate."

2: Jury Selection for Trump Trial

Covers the completion of jury selection for Donald Trump's hush money trial, exploring its implications for U.S. politics. DJ: "This trial could be a significant moment in American legal and political history."

3: U.S. Troops in Niger

Discusses the strategic errors and potential dangers faced by U.S. troops stationed in Niger due to administrative decisions. Andy Frisella: "Our guys are basically sitting ducks because of indecision at the top."

Actionable Advice

  1. Stay informed: Keep abreast of global and national news from multiple sources to avoid bias.
  2. Critical thinking: Question narratives presented by mainstream media and official statements.
  3. Engage politically: Participate in local and national elections to influence foreign and domestic policy.
  4. Support veterans: Advocate for policies that genuinely support returning soldiers and their families.
  5. Promote transparency: Demand greater accountability and transparency from elected officials.

About This Episode

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Israel striking back at Iran, the jury selection being completed on day 4 of Trump's hush money trial, and the Biden administration leaving hundreds of U.S. Troops 'Hostage' in Niger.


Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris


None mentioned


None mentioned

Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:

Explicit language and politically charged discussion


Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes. What is up, guys? It's Andy Frisella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, to fakeness and delusions of modern society. And welcome motherfucking reality, guys.

Andy Frisella
Today we have a special Saturday. Andy and DJ Cruise, the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're gonna do. We had to do it on Saturday, man. We only got one in this week.

We had to get two. We know you guys love it. It's your favorite episode. We're extra handsome. You want to see us, hear us, give us hugs and stuff through the phone, you know, it's all good.

What's up, dude? I'm actually not a big hugger like that, though, man. I'm gonna be honest. Really? Yeah.

Like, I mean, I, like, I will, but, like, let me initiate it. Let you initiate the hugs? Yeah, like, don't initiate a hug on me. Yeah, let me do it. You know, I'm saying, does that make sense?

Is that weird? I don't know. I mean, is that weird? People's got their own preferences about how I don't like people touching me at all. That's what I'm saying.

Like, I mean, you know, I'm just like. I like it. Like, if I want to. If I want to be touched, I will initiate the touching. Yeah, I kind of get that.

Yeah, I mean, it's normal. Yeah. You know what I don't like, dude? Is that when people. Here's what I really fucking don't like.

Oh, let's do this. Yeah. Pet peeves. Let's get it up. When people grab me from behind.

Oh, yeah. You know, because, like, getting stabbed from behind like that. And then, like, when people grab my shoulder, they're like, I'm walking and they're like, hey, bro, don't do that. Yeah, you know what I don't, like. Remember that time that fucking happened to me.

Andy Frisella
I'm not gonna say who it was. And I almost fucking killed him. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah. Yeah, I do.

I do remember. I'm not gonna say who was, cuz. It was a public figure, but I do remember that. Yeah. You know what else really grinds my gears is people that don't know when to let go of a handshake.

Oh, man. Like, they keep going, bro. Like, they won't let go. Yeah. They will not let go, bro.

I cannot stand it. Like, I feel like it's awkward. There's like a. There's like a. 3 seconds.

Andy Frisella
No. I don't know how long it is, but there's, like a clear, delineated moment where it gets weird as fuck. You know what I'm saying? Like, it goes from normal, and then all of a sudden it's weird. You just won't let go.

Yeah, like, let me go, man. And then what happens is you, like, look in their eyes and you're like, oh, this is a little. This is a little gay. Yeah, we just made eye contact. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
I don't know about this. You know, it's a weird thing. 3 seconds. Yeah. 3 seconds.

Yeah. That's all you get. Yeah. And let me go. Yeah, I can agree with that one.

That's a weird one. Oh, man. What's going on with you? Everything good? Yeah, just doing a thing, man.

Yeah. Just doing the thing. We had a tornado come through yesterday. Did. We did have a little tornado, bro.

That was crazy. She was wild. Yeah, it was quick. I mean, but that shit was wild. Yeah, that was.

That was. I mean, we see a lot of weather here. That was pretty serious weather. Oh, yeah. And, like, I mean, just.

It just came so quick. Cause, like, I mean, I remember, like, I was watching. Yeah, yeah, it's typical. But I was watching the radar and shit, man. I'm like, oh.

Like, this thing's like, here. It's here. Yeah. And then it's gone. I'm like, all right.

Andy Frisella
Well, it came through quick. Yeah, it did. Yeah. Sweet, man. So we decided to do CTI this week for Saturday because real talk, there's.

There's a lot of shit going on. You know, we realized that we didn't get two in this week. I like to. I like to get two in a week. We might be moving that up.

You know, maybe making some changes in the rotation. I know everybody likes the Q and a f and all that, but, you know, I think. I think CTI is going to get a little bit more love than the other shows. Yeah. Moving forward.

Let us know what you guys think. Let us know down in the comments. Yeah. Yeah. All right, man.

Sweet. We want. You want to do it? Yeah, let's do some cruising. Yeah, let's do it.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Don't forget, we got a fee for the show. All right. The fee doesn't mean send us money, although we'll take it. What it really means is support the show, man.

We're. We're constantly dealing with all these issues on the Internet where they don't want us to be seen and heard and, you know, all the little trick tips and tricks they do to suppress what's going on. And, you know, if you want the message to be heard, you guys are going to have to share it. So when we say pay the fee, that's what that means. You know, we don't run ads on the show.

I don't talk about all this shit that I don't use. I appreciate that you support our companies, but share the show. You know what I'm saying? Like, get the word out. Don't be a ho.

Share the show. All right, let's get into it, man. I thought. I thought it'd be cool to bring back one of our segments because we haven't done in a minute. Dumbass of the day.

Andy Frisella
Dumbass. Dumbass of the day. Let's do it. This one should come at no surprise. Um, hold on.

Kamala Harris. Close. Joe Biden. Yes. All right.

Yeah. Joe Biden. Joe Biden. Which, I mean, listen, like, he might get the yearly award for this. Like, we probably should do Grammys or some.

Well, it's almost like. It's almost like it's so obvious, you know what I mean? Like, it's almost not fair. It's not fair. I mean, like, listen, it's not.

It's not right. We're picking on a evil tyrant who's just, you know, getting in his old, you know, centuries of. Yeah, but I like picking on him. So let's do it. Let's do it.

Biden, dumbass of the day. Headline reads, biden says a child gave him the middle finger. It happens all the time.

Andy Frisella
Well, if you stop fucking sniffing him, bro, they probably stop that shit. He can't help that. You start doing weird shit like walking off the stage and trying to sniff all these little kids, and you're a weird motherfucker, bro. I don't know if you notice, like, you ever watched yourself on tv? I don't think they let him, bro.

You wander off the stage to go find, like, ten year old kids, and then they look at you like you're. Like, you're a creep, creepy old man. Cuz you are. He sniffs out the Gerber fucking baby food. Weird, but, yeah.

81 million votes. Joe Biden this week said a child gave him the middle finger. Quote, it happens all the time. Here's the little Maga child.

I never thought I'd see a sign when I'm going through a neighborhood or a rural town in the west or Senate and see big signs that have a trump sign in the middle that says F. Biden. And having a little kid standing with his middle finger. Seven years old, eight years old. Well, I promise it happens all the time.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, but you know what? It's wrong for them to give the finger, but let them cut off their dicks. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, that's completely fine. Now, the funny thing about this, though, is that, like, just happens all the time.

Well, maybe it's you, man. Maybe it's you. You know, if something continues to happen over and over again, sometimes we got to say, hey, maybe it's me. Maybe it is. I'm the problem.

Yeah, well, the funny thing about this, though, man, is that, like, I think just a day before this, or maybe even, no, I think it was actually earlier that day. Cause this was in Scranton, Pennsylvania. But earlier that day, he was asked a very interesting question, and let's see his response. So this, this clip is before the middle finger situation. And just listen to this.

Andy Frisella
When you drive around the area, you see a lot of Trump signs, not very many Biden signs. Do you feel like you're in trouble here? Well, you haven't been driving the right places, pal.

But then he says he sees this shit everywhere. He says, well, that's cause he's a compulsive liar. Maybe they had to remind him, bro. He lies about everything. These people have no problem lying about fucking anything.

Andy Frisella
They don't care. They don't care if you believe him. I don't know if you guys have figured this out, but, like, you guys are all on the Internet saying, oh, I can't believe this? How long are you going to continue to say, I can't believe this? Or, they think we're stupid, or they think we're, you know, not smart enough to know what's going on.

You aren't smart enough to go with know what's going on because they don't. You haven't picked up on the fact that they don't give a fuck if you notice what they're doing. Yeah, you know, so, yeah, you're not, you're. Why do you continue to be surprised? Why are you continuing to be like, oh, I can't believe they're doing this?

Believe it. When he's up there talking about the economy, saying, oh, the bidenomics is work. It is working because they're all getting filthy fucking rich and you're getting poor. It is working. It's working perfectly for them.

That's what you're not understanding. You're not understanding that they are not serving our interests at all. They could care less. They don't care if you know that they're lying. They don't care if you lose your house or lose your money or lose your career.

They don't care. All they care about is making sure that enough people vote for them that they can cover the gap that is between the people that run against them and them in the way that they fudge the elections so they can continue to steal your money and continue to enrich themselves. That's what they fucking worried about. And you guys think, oh, you guys just make a fatal mistake thinking they represent you. They don't represent you at all.

There's nothing about them that represents you. And that doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat. No. Black, white, gay, straight, it doesn't matter. They don't care about you anyway.

Yeah. Have you ever looked at the faces on this picture? Yeah. They're all like, what the fuse? Laughing.

He's like, not again. Yeah, those are, those are secret service guys. Yeah. He's like, shit, I'm getting fired again.

Andy Frisella
Bro. He's laughing, bro. Why do we continue to elect these elderly people around the country? Why do we, why? Why?

We don't have better leaders than guys that are 80 something years old. This is the best we got. Listen, dude, it would make good sense for us to elect younger leaders because younger leaders have to live with the repercussions of their decisions. These motherfuckers are going to be in a hole in fucking two years, right? You see what I'm saying?

They don't give a shit. So like why not elect people who are in the middle of their life, who are intelligent, who have accomplished things, who understand how to build and create things and operate things and have displayed so in their private life so that the consequences of the decisions that they make, they are worried about because they have to live with them, right? These people don't have to live with these consequences. Don't give a shit cuz. They won't be here to disrupt repercussions, man.

It's real shit, man. It's real. Well, guys, dumbass of the day goes to Biden. Good job. Good job.

He's a weekly regular. Yeah. With that being said, let's get into some of these cruises, man. Guys, remember if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to Andy for seller calm. You guys can find them link there.

That being said, headline number one, let's dive into it. This is a talk of the town today. Got it covered. A lot of interesting stuff happening around this, so let's try to connect some dots. This headline reads, Israel strikes back at Iran.

Five key questions. So this is Fox News reporting on this. There are some inconsistencies here. There's some weird things happening, so let's dive into it. So Israel carried out limited strikes in Iran early Friday in retaliation for Tehran firing a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel last Saturday.

Here are the key facts you need to know about the latest escalation of violence between the two countries. Number one, where did the strike hit? So Fox News confirms that there have been explosions in Iran's Isfahan province, which is where Natanz, one of Iran's nuclear facilities, is located. A well placed military source told Fox News that the strike was, quote unquote Limited. Here's an image of that facility.

Second thing they covered is how much damage did the attack cause? They say following the attack, iranian state media stated that the nation's atomic sites were fully safe and had not been struck by the missiles. The International Atomic Energy Agency United nations affiliate watchdog organization later confirmed there is no damage to Iran's nuclear sites. There has been no reports of large scale damage or any casualties. How will Iran, Iran respond?

A senior iranian official reportedly told Reuters on Friday that Tehran has no immediate plans to strike back. That official said the foreign source of the incident has not been confirmed and the discussions leans more towards infiltration than attack. That's a very, very interesting statement. Right? While everybody believes it's obvious who did this, Iran saying that they're still trying to confirm who did it in the first place.

Now that is interesting. All right, we'll hold on to that thought. Iranian state media reportedly has been downplaying Friday strike. A well placed military sources told Fox News that the strikes were limited, quote, the explosion this morning in the sky of Isfahan was related to the shooting of air defense systems at a suspicious object that did not cause any damage. Iranian army commander general was quoted by the Associated Press as saying, what is Israel said about the strike?

Israel and its government have been notably quiet leading up to and the following the retaliatory strike on Iran. Quote, Israel will do whatever it needs to defend itself. Prime Minister Benjamin Net Netanyahu said in a statement before the israeli strike. Foreign leaders have all sorts of suggestions and advice. I appreciate that, but I want to be clear.

Our decisions we will make ourselves. Now here's the gold question. And I thought this was interesting that Fox News included this as well. But here's question number five. Was the US involved in the strike in Iran?

The United States has denied any involvement in the strike, having pleaded with Israel for days to respond with restraint against iranian strikes. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, when asked about Israel's strike on Iran Friday, said, I'm not going to speak to that except to say that the United States has not been involved in any offensive operations. Now, when I heard this, it sounded familiar. I feel like I've heard that somewhere. You know what I'm saying?

Like, I feel like I might have heard that once or twice. Yeah, no shit. Like, at least a couple of times I've heard this same, like line of statement, oh, that's slavery. Sorry. Nord Stream 911, Bill Clinton.

You hear that quite often. I just thought that was interesting. Now, now here's the catch, right? So this, this article comes out yesterday, and it's titled, the headline reads, Iran's foreign minister, our response to israeli attacks, quote, will be immediate and at maximum level. Now this is before the strikes on Iran just happened, right?

So he got interviewed by CNN and was quoted in that, in that interview saying, quote, in case the israeli regime embarks on adventurism again and takes action against the interest of Iran, the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level. He said, it will be decisive. Our response will be decisive through the swiss embassy in Tehran. He continued, saying, we have announced to the White House, sent a message to the White House in Washington, DC, the administration, in which we reiterated that if the israeli regime commits the grave error once again, our response will be decisive, definitive, and regretful for that. He added, we do not seek to create tension in crisis or increase such situations in the Middle east, and we sincerely hope that the israeli regime does not repeat the previous egregious error.

Now, he also went on to say that the over 300 missiles and drones that Iran and its proxies fired to Israel, that was just the minimum that the country could do. He said, quote, why do we call it carried out at a minimum? Because it was geared towards two military targets, one in the Nova team air base and the other one, an intelligence and information center. We did not target economic and financial centers, civilian centers. Only the two locations from which f 35 aircraft were flown took off from there and targeted the embassy building in the Golan.

And he said that the, again, 300 missiles, that was the least that they could do. So it's very, very interesting while all of this is happening again. So, you know, Israel has not yet taken responsibility for the three missiles that were fired into Iran have yet to claim full responsibility for it anywhere. In any statement, you got Iran saying they're trying to confirm who actually did it. And by the way, yeah, we passed through another bill in the house to give more funding to proxy wars, both in Israel and Ukraine as well.

Andy, what do we got on all of this?

What does your immediate heart say? Who did well, and after I was watching this last night, and so were you, we were going back and forth about it. You know, we saw the launch from Iran to Israel. Right. And then Saturday, and then Biden called Netanyahu and then called Iran.

Andy Frisella
Okay. And they had a conversation where Biden asked Iran if they would allow Israel to make a retaliatory airstrike that was benign, meaning it was not going to kill anybody to save face in the world view. Okay. So that's what Biden was trying to tell Iran. And after watching this unfold last night, Israel shoots over at Iran.

Iran's first response. And I sent you the screenshot. It said that they deny that there was even an attack. They said an attack didn't even happen. These people are lying.

They said there was no missile attack at all. Right? And then, like, ten minutes later, they came back out and they said there was a missile attack, but nothing got actually damaged. So there's some bullshree. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
There's some bullshit happening here. And my gut. You ask what my gut says? My gut says that Israel intentionally launched these attacks to save face, and they intentionally did not destroy the bases that they shot near. Right.

What? They. They targeted a lot of their nuclear facilities, and they're just shy of. Yes, but they didn't hit him. Right.

Okay. And that's a message that says, hey, we can fucking get you. All right, but we're choosing not to. And so that's how I'm reading the situation as to what's going on now, to who did it, I couldn't say. But, you know, you know that the US is involved.

If Biden's calling Iran and saying, hey, let them strike back to safe face, but they won't hurt anybody, that means the US is involved, right. At some level. By the way, they're using all us equipment, us armaments, the same thing that's going on in Ukraine. And, you know, done, by the way. I don't know if you saw that.

Uh, they're finally, like, all mainstream media is finally admitting that Ukraine's done. I mean, have you heard anybody talk about all these men killed in Ukraine? No. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Nobody's talking about it.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. No one's talking about the. The amount of children that have been killed in Palestine. No one's talking about that. And when you do talk about it, you're anti semitic and you're a piece of shit, bro.

That's not. Okay. Okay. That's not a logical argument. No.

No. Because it's not anti semitic to observe facts. It's not racist to observe facts. It's not bigoted to observe facts of the matter. You're.

You're arguing. Is it justified or not? That's not what I'm arguing. What I'm arguing is, did it happen or not? And it did happen.

It didn't. It's not happening. It's happened. Right? So we have to, like, look at this and what does this mean and why are they doing this and what's going on here?

And here's what I will say, is if this escalates, which it could. This could escalate, this could become a full blown war, and it could get to nuclear right away. If that happens, we're in deep shit here. Everybody loses. No, no.

We're in deep shit here. Because if a world war comes around and you got Russia and China and all these other BRICs countries back in Iran, and we've only got a bunch of fucking neutered NATO countries in Europe that are getting taken over by migrants and fucking, uh, climate weirdos, they can't. Defend themselves right now, dude. That's what I'm saying. So we're over here, you know, thinking we're badass and Israel's badass, and we're bad enough to take on the entire world.

That's not real. We'll lose that fucking war, okay? And that means that shit's gonna come to your doorstep. So there should be no american citizen that think this is okay to go to war. And we see all these warmongers on tv, Hannity and fucking Levine and all these fucking guys who keep saying, you know, we got to stand with Israel and fucking bro.

Motherfucker. We got. We got millions of homeless people on our streets. We got people that can't pay their bills. Legal.

Legal ones. That's what I'm saying. I'm not talking about the migrants. I'm talking about veterans. I'm talking about people who are addicted to fucking drugs because they've legalized hard drugs in these weird areas, which now they're reversing because their city's a shithole.

Andy Frisella
You know, people are like, the cities are a fucking disaster because of crime. We have people that can't pay their bills. We have people that can't pay for their kids education. We, they can't feed their fucking kids. You know how many of these kids are getting their only meal at fucking public school?

It's a shitty one at that, okay? But we're sending billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of dollars to a fucking already wealthy country, which is Israel, okay? And then Ukraine. And by the way, when we send that money over there, it's not going there. It's going into the pockets of our own politicians via kickbacks and all this crooked shit.

And these people who are up in Washington are so fucking greedy that they are breaking the backs of the american people to get more and more and more and more from us. And they are ruining the middle class. They are ruining Americans lives. They are ruining american cities. And it's all so that these motherfuckers can take more money and get more control over us.

And this is a big problem. And they've done such a great job. When you play this out over the last few years. Look how they've intentionally divided us along every single line. They divided us around race with George Floyd.

They divided us around gay and straight people with the trans bullshit. They've. They've created these absurdities that have created massive division, and the massive division has been created intentionally so that we can't get together and say, hey, what the fuck are these guys doing to us? You know what I'm saying? And, dude, we need to come together as Americans and realize what's actually happening here.

And what's actually happening is they're stealing your money. They're making you go to work. You're working your ass off. You're getting taxed half of your money. And that half of the money is going in the pockets to these politicians.

Oh, and by the way, they're printing money on top of it so they can steal more, which is reducing your buying power and making you poorer by the day. It's taking your dollar and making it worth $0.75 since 2020. You know how hard that is to do? It's really hard, bro. And these guys are doing it, and we're all sitting over here pointing at each other thinking we're the problem.

No, we're not the problem. Our tyrannical government is the problem. And these people are out of control. They're fucking. They're.

They're the most greedy, disgusting pigs on the planet. And it's not Democrat and Republicans, it's all of them. We need a complete replacement of our political class, meaning we need to vote every motherfucker out and replace them with people that aren't these people. We need to make reform. We need to create a situation where there's no insider trading.

Every law that's passed by Congress has to be abided by, by the congressional. You know, we need tax reform, we need crime reform. We. We need real reform here in America to get this back on track. And that cannot happen until we figure out that it's us versus them.

Yeah. Yeah, that's real shit, man. Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's go check some out.

Got cruise the comments. Yep.

Andy Frisella
Let's do it. This might be one of my favorite comments I've ever write it. No, no. I mean, if you think it's funny. I did.

Okay. This comment comes from at Justin Tootle 137.

Says, uh, why do I need 75 hard when I'm 7.5 soft?

Andy Frisella
You know how we know? You got a little wiener, bro.

You know how we know? How we know? No offense. Toodle. You got a toodly doo over there.

Down there. You got no seven half soft. You got a little tootly. Oh, shit. Tootly do, baby wiener.

Prove it.

Andy Frisella
He's gonna send you a dick. God damn it. Fuck. All right, man, we're going to put you in the category of DJ jokes, but we appreciate you listening to the show, Justin. Yeah, appreciate the.

Appreciate the comment. Totally. Do this next one, bro. Listen, all right. I'm getting beat up in the fucking YouTube comments.

Andy Frisella
You are? I'm getting beat up, bro. They are beating my ass. For what? Shit like this.

At software engineer 9217, he says DJ is the representation why everyone can be a comedian. Trophy for DJ. DJ back at it again with the burner accounts. DJ is paying influencers to promote him. DJ is working overtime on the burner accounts trying to get that trophy.

Andy Frisella
I mean, we got smart people.

It's not just that. This one might be the best one. This comment comes from at bare metal bomb bomber seats 1116. Is that DJ's dad about fucking will bates?

Andy Frisella
Fuck, dude. Will Bates is everybody's dad. That's true. They are lighting my ass up today, man. I don't know what's happening.

Is this cuz he's black? That's what it is. Sounds like a racist comment. I wouldn't mind. Will be in my dad.

Will, where were you at in 95? Around. He could be your dad, he could be. He could have been like ten. I wouldn't know.

Andy Frisella
It's possible. Yeah. Never met mine.

No, man. Hey, guys, we appreciate you, though. We appreciate you for being real ass fans. Yeah, you guys are smart. You got some smart people catching on to your games, bro.

It's every comment. You're gonna have to get more sneaky, bro. It's. Anybody that says anything, like, oh, DJ's kind of funny. Oh, okay.

I see every fucking one, bro. Every fucking one. Like I said, they caught on to your. You gotta be more sneaky. Yeah.

That's what it is. Yeah, you gotta say it like, you know, sometimes DJ's kind of funny. That might. Yeah, that might get it. Not just DJ is the funniest motherfucker in the world.

Whatever. DJ should be with Matt rife.

DJ should open for Tony Hitchcliff. Yeah, that's right. You should, though. We both should. We should be on kill Tony.

Let's do it. Yeah, go tell Tony that. To have Andy and DJ on. I saw him last night. Was he here?

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Was it good? It was amazing. Was it? Yes.

You go tell him. What the fuck? I wanted to scream, but. Yeah, you wanted to scream. I was a pussy.

You pissed out. I pissed out. Come on, man. Sorry, guys. I got you next time.

Yeah, we only got one shot. We only got one shot to get. To the big leagues. Fucking swinging. A miss.

Yeah, I'm trying to get. I'm trying to get on that Tony. That's that kill Tony show, bro. I think I'd have a fun time. Yeah.

I don't want to be the stand up guy. I want to sit at the table. Oh, I do the stand up. I would do it. Yeah.

But I'm saying afterwards, I want to sit at the table. Hey, get the fuck up. Yeah, yeah, I'm down. Yeah. Ron White sitting there.

Let's do it. Get in the back, bitch. Drink old. Drink your whiskey over there. I like Ron with your funny jokes.

He's funny. I know. He is funny. He's fucking hilarious. That's why it'd be funny to tell him to move, because he has some good shit to say back.

Oh, he's super witty. Yeah, he's been on there a few times, I think. Yeah, Ron White's a fucking Og, bro. Yes, he is. Well, guys, let's keep this cruise moving.

Andy Frisella
Headline number two, Tony, have us on, man. Yeah, let us all. We love you. Yeah, DJ loves you a little more in that way. DJ.

DJ's got a banana in his shorts for you. Whole four inches. For you. Why does it got to be a banana? What else would it be?

A Vienna wiener? A cucumber? What? A plantain? What about one of them little smokies?

No, it would be a smokey. Yeah, I think it's a little smokey. I know you said banana. I'll take banana. Oh, you like banana now?

Andy Frisella
I'll leave it. Alright.

Alright guys, headline number two. Let's get into it head on to reads. Jury selection completed on day four of Trump hush money trial. So five more alternate jurors have been seated in former President Trump's hush money payment trial on Friday, completing jury selection, the individuals join the other twelve jurors and first alternate who were sworn in during jury selection proceedings on Thursday. An alternate juror listens to the testimony just like all the other jurors, but doesn't join in the deliberations unless one of the main jurors needs to drop out or is removed.

Judge Juan Merchant said the opening statements in Trump's historic criminal trial can begin as early as Monday. Once jury selection was completed, the judge instructed jurors not to discuss or research the case before sending them home for the weekend. Now, here's the facts. Yeah, right, like that's gonna fucking stop it. Fast facts.

So former President Trump is the first president in us history to stand criminal trial. He has pleaded not guilty to all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Those charges, levied against him by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, are related to alleged hushed money payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in an effort to silence her during the run up to the 2016 election. The trial is expected to last nearly two months. It is currently in the jury selection process.

Seven jurors will were sworn in as Thursday morning, but two of those were later excused after they feared their identities would leak through the press. The trial is not being televised. Instead, news reporters and producers will have the ability to sit inside the courtroom and deliver information to the public. Speaker one. So you can't see it for yourself, right?

Andy Frisella
But our non biased media sources will definitely tell you the truth about what exactly happened. Yeah, exactly. Just like they always tell us the truth about everything. Why would they lie to us? They never lie about anything.

Why would they lie to us? Why would they? Why would they want to lie? They wouldn't. It's not like they trying to push some ulterior motives or narrative.

Andy Frisella
It's not like they just got caught lying about an entire fucking pandemic. It's not like they lie about racial division. It's not like they lie about the economy. It's not like they fucking lie about everything. You know, if they did, I mean, I definitely wouldn't trust him.

I wouldn't trust. They don't if they did that, though. Yeah, they don't. They don't do that. No.

But yes. The criminal trial in New York is the first of four Trump could stay in this year. Trump has been charged in three separate criminal trace cases, special counsel Jack Smith's classified records case, special counsel Jack Smith's 2020 election interference case, and Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fannie Willis's case. So there's the four. Now, something interesting happened here, and this one's weird.

Okay. I don't know if you saw this, but a man set himself on fire outside the courtroom. Outside the courthouse? Yeah. Why?

Well, let's dive into it a little bit, because there's some weird shit with this one. So this is New York Post reporting that a man set himself on fire outside Manhattan criminal court Friday afternoon as former President Donald Trump's hush money trial was underway. Law enforcement sources told the Post the shocking incident unfolded in a barricaded park just across the street from the 100 Center street courthouse around 01:30 p.m. This was just today? Like an hour ago?

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Just happened. Damn. Just happened. Just as the jury was finalized in the historic case, disturbing footage showed him in a seated position while completely engulfed in flames, then his blackened body twitching on the ground as people rushed over with fire extinguishers.

So police sources say, said the man is 20 years old and possibly homeless. He had been sitting on a bench inside the park when he suddenly threw his belongings on the ground and doused himself in something before going up in flames, according to sources. I heard this clattering, and it was these papers that had flung up, and they clattered to the ground. A witness only identified as Dave, told the Post. Now, the post has obtained footage.

The burning is separate, but they have attained this footage that they claim to be a. An Instagram post from the individual that did this back in January. He recorded this footage. And I want you to see this. Let's.

Let's see this. You guys see a first year? Really f. Here's clip. So this is the guy.

Start a revolution.

Andy Frisella
Start a revolution. You've got nothing to lose. Start a revolution. So, so, yeah, so that's the guy. Does he look 20?

No. Okay. He's got gray hair, man. And I know guys mid thirties. I know why people age a little different.

But, like, he's not no, no, that guy's definitely not. He's got gray hair in his beard and his hair. 20. No, not fucking 20. Yeah.

No, that's interesting right now. Again, you can, these next clips, they may be disturbed to watch. You guys can find them on our YouTube. Andy, for seller calm, we link them there for you guys. Here is the first video.

This is kind of just an overshot of, of the scene. It's blurred out, but you can get the idea of it.

Andy Frisella
He died. Not sure. As of right now, I'm not sure. They, they rush him to the hospital.

Now, you mentioned our media doesn't like. Our media doesn't lie to us. Mm hmm. Right. And we haven't seen, you know, weird things happen that, you know, don't really have any real explanations or anything like that.

Let's go to CNN real quick because I want to show you a video clip. Okay. This is from CNN. So this is one of the journalists that were reporting live right outside the courthouse right when this was happening magically. Just tell me what you guys think.

Andy Frisella
Let's. Let's watch this clip. CNN. Oh, what do you say? We also are seeing an active shooter.

An active shooter is in the park outside the court. We have a man who is. He has set fire to himself. A man has emblazoned himself outside of the courthouse just now. Our cameras are turning right now.

A man has now lit himself on fire outside of the courthouse in Manhattan, where we are waiting his history to be made. A full jury panel is gone. We are watching him. Hold on, hold on. Let's remind them today.

Around his body and person, we have seen an arm that. Why would she say that? Well, I think someone's telling her that in her ear. An active shooter is in the park outside the court. We have a man who is.

He has set fire to himself. A man has emblazoned himself outside of the courthouse just now. Our cameras are turning right now. A man has now lit himself on fire outside of the courthouse. And he's just sitting there to be made.

A full jury panel is gone. We are watching a man who is fully emblazoned in front of the courthouse today. We are watching multiple fires. Holy fuck. His body and person.

We have seen an arm that has been visible, that has been engulfed in total flames. There is chaos that is happening. People are wondering right now if people are in danger. I'm looking across the court, across the courtyard. There is a man racing to his aid.

There's coats coming off to try to put out the fire. We have members of security details, NYPD is rushing to the scene. They are trying to come now. Officers are on the scene. A fire extinguisher is right now present being put on this man to try to put out.

People are climbing over barricades to try to separate the public, to put out the flame on this man. He has lit himself out in fire in front of the courthouse right now. We are watching as the plane. We can smell the air. I can smell the burning of some sort of a flesh.

I can smell the burning of some sort of agent being used as well as accelerant to put that fire. I smell an actual fire extinguisher having been displayed. I see a person whose body appears to be on the ground being surrounded by officers. I have multiple officers. I've counted about a dozen officers on the scene.

The fire is still burning. It's now in multiple locations. It continues to continue to blaze. We right now have officers removing their coats, trying to surround this person, to develop their body to prevent them from further going into flames. You can smell.

I'm sitting here with Evan Perez. You can smell burning flesh. You can smell an accelerant. The flames are continuing to engulf his person. I hear shouts that are coming from the, across the courtyard.

I have people, multiple people running over. He's dead. You could tell by the way they're acting. Engulfed in flames. A portion of his body is soaked, engulfed in flames.

A yellow smoke is billowing from on top of his person as it is engulfing the officers who are continuing to try to put out these flames that are continuing to emblazon. Now the officers are not visible through the gulf. And the cloud of smoke, it's pretty good play by play by her. I mean, ESPN. Yeah.

Stage deal. They might hire her. It's just weird. It's weird. It is weird.

Andy Frisella
All right. What's even weirder is that there were, you know, some photographs that New York Post also was able to capture, these pamphlets that witnesses said were thrown up in the air right before this happened. Here's a picture of one. Here's a picture of one.

The true history of the world hunted. Carnival edition. We all know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the american public believes is false. CIA director Bill Casey, 1981, an Occupy returns booklet. Our only goal, abolish our criminal government and replace it with one that serves all.

Andy Frisella
Man, I feel like I might have just said that now. Again, I don't really know what to make much of this. It's just weird, you know, I don't know, some things are what they are, dude. And, like, I think a lot of people are feeling hopeless about what's going on. They feel like they can't do anything.

And this is maybe his way of, you know, trying to get the word out about what he thinks is going on, which, you know, I look at that cover, and I agree, you know, the true history of the world is not being told to people. People are, like, the best example I can give for people to look at when we talk about the lies that have been told over the course of time, because you'd say that to someone and they're like, what do you mean? You know, what do you mean they lied about history? Well, if you're two generations removed from an event, how do you know that it even happened? How do you know that it happened the way they said?

How do you. What do you know? What about the other side of the story? You see, our education system only really teaches us one side of the history of America, not all sides. And they do that for the world, too.

So these world conflicts, world War one, World War two, Korea, Vietnam, we are only told part of the story, and that's very hard for people to except. But if you want to see how this works, all you got to do is go back and google the January 6 anniversary, that candlelight vigil. Candlelight vigil. Right. And you go find it, and you have Kamala Harris comparing it to 911 comparing it to Pearl harbor.

You have all these Democrat congresspeople out on the steps with candles and shit, and we're all looking at it like. The fuck are you talking about? Yeah, and, dude, what people fail to connect is that they don't care if you get it. They don't care if you think it's fake because they're playing a 100 year game. And when they do these things, they're not doing it for you to believe it.

They're doing it for your kids and their kids to believe it. And that's been going on over the course of time for, you know, who knows how far back. Right? We don't know. Right.

So our history has been disrupted and, you know, intentionally, you know, changed so that we can believe certain narratives about certain things. And, you know, it's hard for people to really accept that as truth. It's hard for people to step outside the realm of what they know to be fact and say, wait, now, how do we really know? How do we know? You know what I'm saying?

Yeah. And there's a lot of stuff that happens that is done for the history books ahead of time, that we. They don't care if we're going to get it, bro. We're going to be dead in 30 years, 40 years. They don't fucking care.

This is for the next fucking however many years past that to have a cause for why they do things the way they do them. Right? Like, when they finally introduce this digital currency, and when they finally, uh, if they get total control over people with a social credit system, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, there's a very good chance that they point back to Trump and they point back to that insurrection, and they point back to the COVID and they say, the reason we have to do this is because all these people did all this crazy shit and we have to shut this down. And all their little minions will be like, yeah. Not realizing that it applies to them.

And as it applies to them, when they start to wake up to the truth, they won't be able to say or do anything because they champion this surveillance state, this oppressive state, to come in and take care of the opposition, not realizing that it will apply to them as well and ruin their lives. So, to me, you know, this could be a lot of things. It could be a psyop, it could be bullshit. That dude's definitely not 20 years old. But when we look at the pamphlet that he's got here and we look at what he did, you know, this could have been done straight up for the attention to get this little thing out there.

You see what I'm saying? So who knows, man? Well, I'm sure we'll find out more. It just happened an hour ago. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely interesting, guys jumping on this conversation.

Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. Let us know with that being said. Yeah, I think people got to come to the reality that we've been lied to about our history. Yeah. And it's very evident, bro.

It's very evident. Like, you can look at very recent things, like, I mean, even when, you know, I remember when the Hamas Israel conflict started, right. And all of the propaganda, you know, atrocity propaganda that was coming out, that was immediately recanted. Yeah, but just think, if they were able to do that with the capabilities of social media that we have today and they still push the propaganda, what could they have lied about in the past? Without social.

Without social. Without the spread of. There's no limits. There's no limits when the truth is whatever we actually tell you is the truth. There's no third party verification no, there's no fact checkers.

It's what we tell you it is. You know, so I think the short answer to what could they have lied about? I think the short answer is all of it. Yeah. And not only that, I think people are starting to realize it too.

Yeah. Yeah. So guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline, headline number three. Now again, I know this has probably been a little bit one of our heavier, you know, CTI's, but I mean, we got to talk about this because I think this is probably going to be another big, big thing that happens within the next couple of weeks to change and alter american demoralization.

Andy Frisella
All right. And it's. It's. There's not a ton out there because this is another fresh topic that just came out. But I really think it's important to cover this.

Just a foreshadow what's about to happen. This is. This is a big deal. And I believe that this is probably going to be Afghanistan 2.0, if not bigger. All right, so this report, this headline reads, nightmare in Niger exclusive.

Biden administration leaves hundreds of uS troop hostage in Niger. Shit, man. Fuck. Is that really how you say it? Yeah, Niger.

I feel like black people always say Niger. Well, you know, white people say, I know. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
God. Oh fuck, that was good. Allegedly. Allegedly. Why did I think of that, man?

It's Nazir, bro. Hey, bro, listen. It's Nazir. That's a w. Andy, that was good.

Hey man, that was good. You leave it to me. Just pick up your slack. God damn, Najeer. Right?

Okay. White people. White people allegedly say that.

Oh shit. Okay. But real shit. Yes. This.

This is a heavy thing, right? So the article reads, more than 1000 us troops are effectively being held hostage in Niger with medical supplies running low, stuck between the military junta controlled government's demand for them to leave and the Biden administration's refusal to let them go home after the end of their deployments, according to a report prepared by Representative Matt Gaetz and obtained exclusively by Breitbart. In addition, the report accuses Biden administration officials of trying to cover up the situation to lawmakers as well as to troops deployed there and their families anxiously awaiting their return. Our troops are currently sitting on a powder keg caused by political indecision at the top of the Department of State and Department of Defense. With a military junta in charge who detests our presence and considers us unserious and predatory.

The situation seems to be setting the groundwork for catastrophic diplomatic collapse like we saw during the 2012 Benghazi attack. Additionally, these troops are already running short on necessary life saving supplies such as blood and medications, the report by Gates office said. They are, in effect, hostages of an indecisive commander in chief, the report said. The report is based on interviews by Gates office with troops currently stationed in Niger who reached out to Gates office after they did not receive assistance from the departments of defense and state. The service members are currently deployed to airbase 100 101 in the capital of Niger, Naimi, as part of the 768th Expeditionary Air Base Squadron, or 768 EABs, which is comprised of active duty and reserve forces, Air National Guard airmen, Army special forces, and contract support.

There are about 450 personnel at the airbase 101. Until the takeover by the junta, the base was a major hub for us intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance against terrorist groups, al Qaeda, the Islamic State in West Africa, Boko Haram, and on Soro. It was also a hub for us military advisors supporting Niger's forces. The US troop presence became threatened after the military junta, known as the Kunsail national pour la Sombre Guard de la Patrie, or the National Council of the Safeguard for the fatherland, declared it had been taken over the country on July 26, 2023, just months before, secretaries of State Anthony Blinken had praised Niger as, quote, a model of resilience, a model of democracy, a model of cooperation. Isn't that kind of interesting?

Wherever we kind of, you know, touch our hands, fucking just collapse and coos and fucking. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that weird? So the HuTA declared in March 2024 a cancellation of the military accords with the US after a series of meetings with assistant secretary of State Molly Fee and US Africa command, or Africom commander Marine General Michael Langley, according to the report. Now, here's the thing.

We are spending a million dollars a month supporting AB 101, another million dollars supporting AB 102, which is another base that's close by. And basically what the junta has done is completely closed off supply chains to both of these bases. All right? Airspace is hard to get into right now, especially with the situations that's going on a little bit further north. We got a thousand troops that are pretty much stuck sitting in these fucking bases with no supplies.

They're not being resupplied. And the Biden administration, DoD, they're just kind of leaving them there with no plans to bring them home. This is. This is not looking good. This is not looking good.

And again, they are very, very adamant and very vocal about not wanting them there. And Biden is not getting them out. It's weird. It's not weird. I bet.

Andy Frisella
I would not be surprised if they let those people get overrun and killed, just like they happened in fucking Mogadishu, just like it happened in Benghazi. I would not be surprised if they. Do this again, bro. And, you know, here's the thing. And so, like, there's a few other countries that are operating in that area, right?

Russia has some undisclosed fobs located in an area. They're having no issues. They actually have great diplomatic relationships with Niger. Well, yeah, that's because they're not coming in and overthrowing the people's government. I mean, that.

Andy Frisella
Listen, dude. People don't understand this. Most places around the world hate the US. And the reason they hate the US is because they walk in. What if someone walked in your house and started eating your food and then decided, you know what?

You don't run your house. House. Right. We're going to run it like this from now on. I'm gonna bring this guy in.

Yeah, yeah. And this guy's now gonna. He's gonna tell you what to do. He's gonna tell you when to mow the grass. He's gonna tell you when you can eat.

And you don't even know this guy. Democracy, though. But we know for sure that the way you were running it was completely fucking wrong. See, that's what's happening. The US does this everywhere.

And if we want to know the truth, then this is the truth. And people get super pissed when you say this, but the US is the iron fist in the white glove for the global communist and Israel. That's the truth. When they. When they want something, they.

They strum up this patriotic message around young us men, and they say, you're doing it for freedom. You're doing it for democracy. They send them over there, they fucking fuck up the local shit. A lot of them get killed, and. And then nothing happened.

Nothing good happens of it. And then these guys come home and they live the rest of their life all fucked up because of the shit that they were asked to do that had no real purpose. And they don't figure out that it had no real purpose until they're in their thirties in their home, or they're in their forties in their home, and they're like, what the fuck was I doing that for? Why did I do that? You know, I had a buddy of mine.

I had a buddy of mine tell me. He's like, he was telling me stories about, like, the shit that. That the US did. And he was like, look, man. And he was being real with me.

I'm not going to say who it was. You guys don't know him. But he goes, look, dude. He goes, we did some fucked up shit over there. He's like, I remember one time that shit was going on.

He's like, I broke into this dude's house. He was sitting at his fucking kitchen table. I fucking shot him in the face and ate the rest of his dinner. Shit. Yeah.

So, like, what do you think we do there? You see what I'm saying? Like, we're that. What if. What if Russia came here and treated us like that?

Like, Americans don't get it. And then they cheer the shit on, and then they wonder why the rest of the world's like, fuck America. Death to America. That's why we're not minding our own business. We're sending our troops over for causes that do not benefit us, but only benefit these elite fucks and the Raytheons and the Lockheed Martins and the war machines.

Yeah. You know, the. The military industrial complex. Those people all get rich. So, yeah, they want to start wars, but they want you to go fight them for them.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. This is apparently the guy in charge right now over in Niger, who isn't it? Doesn't it kind of look like. It does look like that. Why are you gay?

Why are you here? What? He's saying, fuck, yeah. But what makes you think I'm gay? Oh, you are gay.

But, yeah. So, I mean, it's just. It's very weird. And during a congressional hearing on this past Tuesday, gates slammed army leaders for leaving us soldiers in harm's way. Quote, I will tell you that I'm not tracking that anybody is.

Somebody in Niger is not getting their medicine or their mail. But I will follow up after this, said army chief of Staff General Randy George. On Tuesday, under questioning by Gates. We've received reports that they've run out of medicine in May. Gates retorted.

And you know why you don't know that? Because it's a cover up. Because United States embassy in Nigeria is covering up. Because of the secretary Blinken's embarrassment. Because Blinken went there in March of 2023 and said, this was the centerpiece of our african strategy.

I'm looking at what could erupt as another Benghazi. Gates. So we'll. We'll keep this on the radar, man. I think.

I think something's. Yeah, I would not be surprised, bro, if they let these people get overrun and fucking killed. Yeah. To demoralize us even more in the eyes of the world. Yeah, I think it's coming.

Andy Frisella
People don't understand what's at, why they're doing that. They're like, why would they make us look stupid in the rest of the world's eyes? Because they don't want enemies to be afraid and they don't. They want us to have as much trouble as we can because they need us to go from, you know, world power, world power back down to third world so that they can have a complete world government system set up that's, you know, headlined by the World Economic Forum and all the plans they. That these very rich, very out of touch people make for the rest of us.

And they're not elected. They're not. We don't want them. We're not. We didn't choose them.

But they've decided that this is what needs to happen and this is what they're trying to accomplish. So, you know, they're. They're going to run the United States into the dirt as far as they can, as far as the people will let them. And until people stand up and fucking make their voices heard and make their presence known and in a unified way, meaning, like, in a very strong show of force, it's going to continue. Yeah.

Yeah. Guys, jump in on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. This is a good one.

This is. This is thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline and we talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads, pizza Hut location goes viral after closing for unforeseen circumcisions.

I would hope that I would see a circumcision coming at me.

Did you ever have to put any, like, handwritten notes on your doors or did you guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, we used to have to put notes on the doors and we had to take a dump because, like, bro, there would be nobody else there, so we'd have to be like, we'll be back in five minutes.

Andy Frisella
Yeah, like, we didn't put, like, taking a shit. No. Yeah, we left that off of there, but that's what we'd have to do. You have to put a sign up on the door. You write it?

Yeah. Tape it to the door. Lock the door, go back, do business, come back out. You gotta wash your hands in there. Yeah.

Andy Frisella
Of course. Oh, okay. Come back out. Unlock the door. Let them in.

It happened all the time, bro. You gotta do what you gotta do. Yeah, well, they fucked up. Here. Let's dive into this little bit.

So, no tips required at this pizza shop.

Canadian pizza. Oh, that's the problem. It's canadian. Yeah. Canadian pizza Hut is going viral after employees posted a sign on its front door with an unfortunate typo.

Quote, here's the fucking big. Due to unforeseen circumcisions, the dining room will be closed this evening. Sorry for the inconvenience. Open for takeout and delivery only. Yeah, they ran out of toppings, apparently.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The hilarious sign was ridiculed online, where it quickly went viral. Quote, the perfect typo doesn't equip one Twitter user, Star Trek legend George Takei. Or Taki. Is it Taki?

Andy Frisella
Takaya. Taki teriyaki. Teriyaki? George Teriyaki.

What? That's so racist. No, it's not racist. Star Trek legend George Teriyaki joked back. I mean, if he's joking back, he could take a joke, too.

Yeah. Hey. He tweeted back. He said, typos are my worst enema. And that tweet has viewed more than 85,000 times.

So the restaurant had a good sense of humor about the response and even put up a new sign offering a new cheeky deal to customers. Quote, in light of recent circumstances, for a limited time, when you buy one regular priced medium or large pizza for only $5, the sign posted on Facebook said. Listed several deal items. No tip required.

The shop blamed the typo on autocorrect. Damn. Auto. Yeah. Huh.

Listen, it does get me sometimes. Yeah. Like, when I try to say fuck, but it says duck. Yeah. I get pissed.

Andy Frisella
Yeah. Oh, I get pissed. Or when I'm trying to, like, type out Niger. I'll get it.

I don't get it. I'll get it. I went over my head. I went over your hood.

Says, quote, we at Pizza Hut appreciate all of our loyal customers and how you're having fun with our little mishap. Yesterday, the locations general manager, Mark Gerard posted on Facebook, quote, damn sick audio autocorrect marketing done right. One amused person wrote or commented on the post. The local hospitals charitable foundation even jumped in on the fun, according to CTV News. Quote, hey, Timmons, pizza hut.

Stick to pizza and we'll handle the circumcisions. I thought that was interesting because, you know, they are technically doing the circumcisions, but cutting little kids pieces. Penises off. But, no, they were kind of being for real about that part.

Andy Frisella
What? Okay, that was good. You guys didn't get that because they're cut. You know, transgender. You know what they say the best jokes are the ones.

You gotta explain. The best ones, right? That's one. All right. Yeah.

So. Well, all right, let's try this one, then. All right. You know one thing I love about pizza Hut buildings? Right?

It doesn't matter what goes in them. You can always tell. They were always pizza hut.

Andy Frisella
You sure you want to go on, Tony? You sure? Fuck. The correct joke is. The correct joke about the Pizza Hut building is no matter what it becomes, you can always tell.

That used to be a pizza hut. That's what I said. And this is what the trans community doesn't understand. Yeah, that's. That was the joke.

Oh, you just said it different? Mm hmm. Okay, well, that's a good one, man. Yeah, fuck you. Yeah, that's a good one.

Fuck this shit. All right. Pizza hut circumcisions. Yeah. What we got?

Andy Frisella
Thumbs up. Get your pizza, get your circumcision. Get on with your day. I love it. Yeah, I like it, too, bro.

Here's what I like about it. For real, though. I like that everybody's making jokes out of it, and it's funny. Like, there's too many serious crybaby turds on the Internet. Circumcisions aren't funny.

I'm offended. Yeah. Like, it's just fun. It's funny to make, like, to have a sense of humor. And it's cool when companies have one.

Yeah. So I like it. That's real. All right, well, thumbs up on that one. Yeah.

Well, guys. Andy. That's all I got. All right, guys. That's the show.

Andy Frisella
Don't be a ho. Share the show. Yeah. Went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow, fuck up stove counted millions in the code bad bitch booted swole got up on bank roll, can't fold just a no headshot, case closed.

Went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow, fuck up stove counted millions in the code bad bitch booted swole got up on bank roll, can't fold just a no headshot, case closed.