What’s wrong with the remote vs. in-office debate? (with Atlassian’s Scott Farquhar)

Episode Summary

This episode dives into the remote versus in-office work debate, highlighting insights and strategies from Atlassian’s experience with distributed work.


Episode Synopsis

Bob Safian speaks with Scott Farquhar, co-CEO and co-founder of Atlassian, about the contentious debate over remote versus in-office work. Atlassian, a global software company valued at $60 billion, has notably embraced distributed work through its "Team Anywhere" program. This approach allows employees to work from any location, offering insights into a future where work is more humane and balanced. The episode discusses the impact of remote work on employee promotion and productivity, challenges and advantages of distributed work, and Atlassian’s innovative workplace strategies. Farquhar argues that remote work should not be controversial, stressing the importance of intentional gatherings to foster connection and the negligible correlation between office attendance and employee connectedness.

Key Highlights

  • The episode starts with an introduction to Atlassian's embrace of distributed work.
  • Farquhar shares his personal experience working remotely and the philosophy behind Atlassian's "Team Anywhere" program.
  • The discussion covers misconceptions about remote work's impact on productivity and promotions.
  • Farquhar highlights the importance of intentional gatherings to build social bonds.
  • Insights from Atlassian's report on distributed work, emphasizing no correlation between daily office attendance and employee connectedness.

Main Takeaways

  • Remote Work Flexibility: Remote work offers a more humane way to work, tapping into a wider talent pool not limited by geographic proximity to an office.
  • Intentional Togetherness: Building social bonds doesn't require daily office attendance but can be achieved through deliberate, periodic gatherings.
  • Productivity over Presence: Productivity should be measured by output and impact, not hours spent in the office.
  • Advantages of Distributed Work: Remote work can lead to significant benefits, including increased employee satisfaction, talent acquisition, and retention.
  • Innovation in Work Practices: Atlassian’s approach to remote work has led to innovative product development and workplace strategies.

Actionable Advice

  1. Embrace Remote Work: Consider implementing or expanding remote work policies to access broader talent pools.
  2. Organize Intentional Gatherings: Schedule regular, purposeful meetings or gatherings to strengthen team bonds without requiring daily office presence.
  3. Focus on Output: Measure employee success based on the quality and impact of their work, rather than their physical presence in an office.
  4. Leverage Technology: Use collaboration tools and platforms to maintain productivity and foster communication among distributed teams.
  5. Continuously Adapt: Stay open to evolving workplace strategies based on feedback and the changing nature of work.