#917 - "YouTube Battle, SCOTUS Disclosures, Trump Retribution, & A$$hole of Today feat. Joro Spiders!"

Primary Topic

This episode of the "I Doubt It" podcast features a vibrant discussion on recent political controversies, YouTube censorship issues, Supreme Court ethics concerns, and an invasive species of spider becoming a nuisance.

Episode Summary

In Episode #917, hosts Jesse Dollemore and Brittany Page tackle a range of hot topics. They discuss YouTube's aggressive copyright strikes against creators, highlighting a specific incident involving a video critique of a Dr. Phil interview with Donald Trump, which was flagged for copyright infringement. The episode also dives into recent Supreme Court financial disclosures, with a focus on Justice Clarence Thomas’s failure to report luxury travels funded by a conservative billionaire, contrasting this with other justices' transparent disclosures. Additionally, the hosts touch on Trump's retributive statements against political opponents and introduce the "A$$hole of Today" segment featuring the invasive Joro spiders, which are spreading across the U.S. The discussion is rich with insights, criticism, and a bit of humor, especially when addressing the peculiarities of the Joro spiders.

Main Takeaways

  1. YouTube's current copyright strike system can severely impact content creators, often benefiting larger corporations over individual creators.
  2. Supreme Court justices, particularly Clarence Thomas, face scrutiny over undisclosed luxury travels funded by influential supporters, raising ethical questions.
  3. Donald Trump’s rhetoric about retribution towards political adversaries continues to stir controversy and concern about the politicization of legal processes.
  4. Invasive species like the Joro spiders can have significant ecological impacts, and public awareness is crucial for managing such issues.
  5. The podcast effectively uses humor and detailed analysis to discuss serious topics, making complex issues accessible and engaging for listeners.

Episode Chapters

1. YouTube Censorship Battle

The hosts discuss the challenges and implications of YouTube's copyright system, particularly its impact on content creators. They share a personal story of a copyright dispute involving a critique of a Dr. Phil interview with Donald Trump.

  • Jesse Dollemore: "Under the fair use law, commentary and critique are protected, yet we faced a copyright strike."

2. SCOTUS Financial Disclosures

Analysis of recent financial disclosures by Supreme Court justices, focusing on discrepancies and undisclosed travels by Justice Clarence Thomas.

  • Brittany Page: "It's crucial for public figures, especially justices, to maintain transparency to preserve trust in the judicial system."

3. Trump's Call for Retribution

Discussion on Donald Trump’s statements about seeking retribution against political opponents, examining the potential threats to democratic norms.

  • Jesse Dollemore: "This rhetoric from Trump could lead to a dangerous politicization of justice."

4. A$$hole of Today: Joro Spiders

Introduction to the invasive Joro spiders segment, discussing their impact and the media coverage around them.

  • Brittany Page: "While these spiders are not directly harmful, their rapid spread could disrupt local ecosystems."

Actionable Advice

  1. For YouTube creators, familiarize yourself with copyright laws and consider legal backup for disputes.
  2. Engage in advocacy for transparent financial disclosures in all levels of government to enhance accountability.
  3. Stay informed about political rhetoric and its implications on legal and democratic processes to combat misinformation.
  4. Participate in local environmental conservation efforts to manage and mitigate the effects of invasive species.
  5. Encourage discussions about media literacy to help the public critically analyze news and reports.

About This Episode

Thank you to the sponsor for a portion of today's episode: Uplift Desk! Get 5% off with code IDOUBTIT at https://upliftdesk.com/idoubtit

Jesse and Brittany discuss their visit to the White House, a recent YouTube battle with Dr. Phil, and their upcoming vacation, listener emails related to the importance of abortion rights and our live event in North Carolina, the framing of financial discourses from Supreme Court Justices in the media, Donald Trump's denials of his attacks on the military as well as his recent appearance at a rally in Las Vegas and plans for retribution, and A$$hole of Today feat. Joro spiders!


Jesse Dollemore, Brittany Page, Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump


YouTube, Supreme Court



Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:

Mentions of political retribution and invasive species may be unsettling to some listeners. Use discretion.


Jesse Dollemore
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Brittany Page
At t mobile.com. Across America, up to four lines via virtual prepaid card allow 15 days qualifying. Unlock device credit service ported 90 plus days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required. Card has no cash access and expires in six months. The following broadcast may contain free thinking and open minded discussion, ideas, skepticism, and adult subject matter.

Topics will be discussed using adult language, sometimes gratuitously. Get ready to move the conversation forward. This ain't your granddad's news and comments show. This is I doubt it podcast with Brittany Page and Jesse Dolomore.

Welcome, welcome, welcome, one and all episode at 917 of I doubt a podcast. I'm your host, Jesse Dolomore, joined today by the lovely, talented, scholarly Brittany page. Well, we've had some busy days lately, and we're gonna do a bit of housekeeping to catch up and inform everybody about what's been going on. And one of those things is we went to the White House. Yeah.

Jesse Dollemore
We got invited through an organization that you are involved with. Vote vets. Vote vets. That's right. Progressive veterans advocacy organization.

Yeah. And it was for the 80th anniversary of D day. Yeah. And it was a really cool experience. Interesting.

Brittany Page
It's the second time I've been to the White House. The first. The first was with vote vets as well. Oh. Except it wasn't actually, it wasn't technically White House.

It was the old executive office building. Oh. When we got to like, tour Kamala Harris's office and stuff and then sat down with a couple of people from. Anyway, that's what we did last summer. That's last summer, really, huh?

Remember how hot it was when we went to the press conference? Like, it was. It's crazy how time, it's crazy how time flies. But anyway, this was a little different. It was.

Got to see the china room and. You know, with all the, I don't know why. That's the thing that stuck out to me. Well, let's explain what that is that people, all the presidents select their fancy china and for like, state dinners and stuff. And then they put it on display afterward, I guess, pieces of it, so you can see which designs.

Well, the reason selected, the reason I remembered the China room is from the movie american. This american president or american president. What's the name of it? I don't know. It's your favorite movies.

Michael Douglas and Annette Benning. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. The, the american president, I think, is the name of it. And in it, Michael Douglas as president.

The character is talking about the dish room, and then she makes Sidney Allen Wade is her name, and she makes fun of him because it's the China room. Yes. That's a great example of the classic film of the american president. So, yeah, it was a good time. A lot of security checkpoints that one has to pass.

I mean, how many times did we give our id and they, what are they checking? What is one guard post check of your id that the other one before it didn't. Yeah, I mean, it's good. It's probably all security theater and they aren't actually doing anything. Right.

Jesse Dollemore
There's also people that don't want to go through each checkpoint. There's signs everywhere. Like, hey, if you've had some medical treatment with radioisotopes or whatever, some radiology thing, you got to let us know because you're going to go, you're going to send the, the detectors off. That's how, or at least that's what they want you to think. Yeah, they're scanning.

Brittany Page
Yeah, it was absolutely fun. It was an interesting, I mean, the White House is just beautiful. And it was cool seeing all that old original artwork and some of the famous paintings of Abraham Lincoln, of John Adams. It was cool. Yeah, very cool.

Jesse Dollemore
So we also had an experience this week where, and this is going to be talking about how the sausage is made, I guess, behind the scenes of how things work over here, being content creators. So you made a video commenting on a recent doctor Phil interview that he did with Donald Trump. And I guess doctor Phil is starting his own, like, daily wire or something, right? Like he's starting his own media, his. Own streaming company or service or something.

Yeah. So that will surely be really successful. And he sat down with Donald Trump. I can't wait until he just pivots to go back to what he's good at, which is just exploiting people who suffer from, with substance abuse problems and homelessness and poverty. Yeah, yeah.

So he sat down with Donald Trump, did this interview, and continues to claim that he's, like, not political while he's. And not conservative. Yeah. Sitting down with Donald Trump for his first interview. And if you go look at who he's following on Twitter, it's like all of the worst right wing people that you can imagine and listen, interviewing Trump.

Brittany Page
By, just by virtue of interviewing Trump doesn't mean he's conservative or right wing or, or more political or not. But the way he conducted the interview is demonstrative of his right wing nature. Well, he was also saying things like, you aren't a thin skinned person. You have this very, like he was doing some sort of personality analysis of Donald Trump, but it was like the complete opposite of who Donald Trump is as a person and has been his entire life. It was such a strange experience to see Doctor Phil describing Donald Trump as though he's not the things that he very much is.

Yeah. Just in opposite terms. Yeah, it was, it was so strange. But you did this video and. And then you got a copyright strike, and I guess you should explain what that means to the audience.

Well, I got the precursor to a copyright strike. I got, they requested, ostensibly it's matter entertainment, which I don't know if it's actually his company, but how do you do a copy? Like, I couldn't just, I couldn't just go to David copyright Strike, some of David Pakman's stuff unless it was mine. You know what I mean? So someone connected to somehow the doctor Phil interview that you used in the video, authorized, I don't know what word it would be initiated, this precursor to the copyright strike.

Ostensibly, yes. By saying that you inappropriately used, without. Authorization, used his content. A clip from the interview. Yeah.

Jesse Dollemore
And I guess you should explain what fair use is because under the fair use doctrine. Yeah. Fair use provisions of us copyright law, it's. I can, I absolutely have a right to use portions of his content, copyrighted or not, if I'm providing commentary, critique, news reporting, scholarly record of it. Obviously that doesn't apply the scholarly, but without doubt, it's how I do my job is taking moments from the media and providing commentary about them, criticizing, whether it be Kristen Welker or Chuck Todd before her or.

Brittany Page
I'm able to do this because of fair use copyright law. Well, and there would be effectively no media channels online if you weren't able to do that, because that's largely what media is. Yeah. Even, and it's not even politics. Like, there's a lot of channels out there.

Like there's a channel out there called Big Joel, who one has done some amazing work taking down Doctor Phil. Coincidentally, phenomenal videos. Absolutely. But also does like movie review things where he's talking about in depth things about certain movies and then place clips from them. He wouldn't be able to do that.

All of those movie review channels out there that talk about different movies and place short snippets of those movies would not be able to do that if not for fair use provisions. Right, right. So you are able to, once someone makes a claim, basically on your video and says, hey, he's using this inappropriately, we're making a claim on this. YouTube comes to you and they say, this person's making a claim, you get to respond. And so you responded and you disputed their claim.

That's right. And said to YouTube, you know, everything you just said right now, basically about what fair use is, how you used the clip, that it falls under fair use and that this, you were using it appropriately. And usually it takes several days a week for them to get back. This was immediately they came back and said, nope, we stand by our guns. You absolutely are using this inappropriately and we're going to, we want it taken down.

Jesse Dollemore
And when you say they, that's not YouTube, that's matter entertainment, right. Whatever element it is from the doctor Phil Sphere universe that is, that is making a claim. So, yeah, they doubled down and they said, okay, we, we read your dispute and no, we don't agree that you are using it under the fair use doctrine. Why do I keep saying doctrine? I tweeted fair use doctrine.

Okay. Yeah. So, and then at that point, what they said was YouTube said, okay, they said, no, we're gonna go with what they say. So you, it's going to be take, the video is going to be taken down in seven days. And unless you withdraw your appeal, if you withdraw your appeal, it's going to go back to normal and whatever.

Brittany Page
And. But if you don't withdraw your appeal, we're going to remove your video and you're going to get a copyright strike which limits certain aspects of my channel. You get punished, basically, you get punished. And if you get enough copyright strikes, your channel is just fucking deleted. You're gone off YouTube.

Jesse Dollemore
Right. So it's serious. It's a serious accusation. It's a big deal. Right?

Brittany Page
So I chose not to be bullied because I'm in the right here. I chose not to be bullied. They're making these immediate decisions like, it's not, they're not even thinking about it. It's just reflexive that they're, they're saying, no, no, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. So I chose not to appeal.

And then I made a video on Saturday talking about it. The audience rallied like 330,000 people as of, or more right now have seen that video. My, my, I'm being bullied by doctor Phil video. Their response video. And then on Sunday, yesterday, I got a tweet reply from Team YouTube and then a DM and they said, yeah, we're siding with you on this.

You're right. Unless the person comes back and says, well, unless they can demonstrate that they've been materially harmed and they gave us certain reasons, it's just gonna, it's gonna stay up, right, the video. So this is one of the reasons why, look, a lot of people complain. Creators complain about YouTube and bitch about YouTube that. And I've never really been one of those.

I'm not one who's like, oh, thank you for allowing us to have this, this platform and this job. Like, I'm so grateful to YouTube. But, you know, look, it's a massive corporation. It's a giant ship. It takes a lot to turn the ship.

It takes a lot to make decisions. For me, this was pretty nimbly handled it pretty quickly and they landed on the right way. I know a lot of people to get, they get fucked over or whatever. Um, that hasn't been my experience. So I'm, I'm pretty pleased with how this, with this, how this came out.

Jesse Dollemore
Well, and lucky. And we've been talking about this too, because in the past, before the platform was as large as it is now, there wouldn't have been recourse. Yeah, you would have been bullied and silenced and you would have potentially had that copyright strike on your channel. You would have been forced to delete the video. But now, because you have numbers and you can rally that audience and you can have them tag Doctor Phil and you can mobilize people to go and do something about it.

You were able to avoid having a negative mark against your channel. But smaller channels are not as lucky. That's right. They can be taken advantage of. They can be messed with.

Brittany Page
Just like I was in the beginning, right. And shut down because of it. And so it is really unfortunate that you have to have a larger platform in order to not be fucked with. Yeah. And, well, in the beginning, like when.

I would do Tomi Lahren videos, Comedy Central, they're notorious for, for content id claims, HBO with Bill Marshow. In the beginning was Newsmax. When they first came on the scene, they were really bad about it and I think they realized that it was wasting their effort, so they just stopped doing it. But this is, it's just ridiculous. It's only away from the free speech purists, the absolutists, to silent speech.

It's a way to do it right. And it's a frustrating thing about YouTube. I mean, we've talked about it a lot that, and even with videos I've done, I've turned off monetization and haven't even attempted to get a video monetized. When I've done certain topics that would be controversial, that would potentially get my video demonetized. Like, I just don't even want to bother with.

Jesse Dollemore
With dealing with trying to get it monetized on YouTube. So I just turn it off. And there are many topics where YouTube will limit ads, will limit your ability to make money off of video. Because if you're talking about something that involves, like, violence, like protests. Yeah.

Brittany Page
Sometimes it's not even, like, directly depicting it. It's just discussing it. Right. Like, I recently did a video about, and we're going a little far afield here, but after the Trump verdict, there was these two individuals who were just being abusive and insane out there in front of the courthouse, Trump supporters. And that video got age restricted.

Restricted. Not only did it get demonetized, but it also got age restricted. So you have to be logged in. There's all of these barriers to actually getting through to click to see the video. Are you sure you want to see it?

Are you 18? Are you sure? Okay, here you go. Uh oh. Click.

Do you want to. Are you sure? It's just terrible. Yeah. Anyway, very irritating, especially when, like, in the beginning, and this will be the last other example is after Charlottesville, I did a video that I was very, very proud of that I thought was very important, and it also got age restricted.

It's, for me, it's not so much about the monetization. It's more about the reach of the video being squelched and people unable to access the truth as readily as they should. And that's a big problem. Yeah. Well, we also want to talk about.

Jesse Dollemore
I'm really good with segues right now that. Well, no, here's how you do it. You go. Yeah. It really causes burnout.

Brittany Page
This is a bummer. That makes me very tired. And therefore, we're going to go on vacation. Yeah.

Jesse Dollemore
We do have a vacation planned, and it's been a long time coming, the planning and also the need for it. So we're gonna be going to Scotland, and it is primarily for your birthday. Our birthdays are so close. It's also yours. Sure.

Yeah. And my birthday is the 21st. Your birthday is the 27th? Yes. And we'll still be in country for your birthday?

Yes. We will not be in country for mine. Correct. So maybe it is just for my birthday. Yes.

Yes. Well, you have a big birthday, so. Yeah, I'm a big boy. Yeah. That's why.

And we are looking forward to that. It's going to be good. We have a guest host that will be filling in for Jesse's channel every day. And make sure you are tuned into that and support that. We haven't announced it yet.

Brittany Page
I'm kind of playing the tease game with it this week. I'm sure we'll we'll announce it maybe the end of the week or maybe the beginning of next. We're gonna announce. It's gonna be great. He's gonna be so fucking good.

He is. I mean, I know I've been doing it for longer, but he is a content creator that I very much look up to, which is weird. And I'm very excited to give him my platform for a week. And I hope everybody gets out there and supports him. Yeah.

Jesse Dollemore
Yeah. So the the schedule for the show has been a little haphazard. We are planning on getting our shit together, as it were, when we return, but expect things to, we're still gonna do episodes for the vacation, like, before we leave when we come back. So it's not gonna be negatively affected too much with the show. But we are preparing to take a break.

Brittany Page
Really needed break. Really, really take a break. And then when we come back, we are going to be refreshed. We are going to be ready to fight and really focus on the upcoming election in November and what we need to do to ensure that we still have a democracy. We really will also want to get a slate of interviews scheduled.

We really want to get back on the. Because that's something we very much enjoy. And we get awesome feedback from you guys that you also enjoy those interviews. So one, if you have recommendations for people you'd like us to talk to, we want to hear those, but also expect, you know, a robust showing after we have some r and r for a week. Which, by the way, first time we've taken a vacation.

Vacation. Other than like a quick weekend or something. Yeah. Maybe ever. Well, and we've had a lot of different things happen behind the scenes.

Jesse Dollemore
Like, we've been struggling to get an editor, not for editing the audio of this show, but editing videos. And we finally free me up because. Up to this point, I've done all the editing. We finally have a really strong editor who is awesome. And it helps a lot even just to have one additional person on the team because it's a two person operation, and having even one additional person helps so much.

So that has been really helpful. And yeah, so we're looking forward to having a break, but also the return from that break and just feeling more rested and ready to fight. Yeah. So anyway, we appreciate you guys so much. Thank you very much.

Brittany Page
And we're looking forward to the fight. As Brittany said, leading into November, in this increasingly technological world that we live, we only seem to spend more time hunched over our gadgets, legs pretzeled and twisted and backs arched, staring at the almighty screen. We are better than this. We need to stand up for ourselves, improve our bodies and our brains. That's why Jesse and I changed to an uplift standing desk.

Jesse Dollemore
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Brittany Page
The New York Times wire Cutter has chosen uplift desk as their standing desk of choice for five years running. Since uplift desks are super stable, you can switch between sitting and standing configurations with the single tap of a button, and there's more than 100 desktop styles and tons of accessories to choose from, including four for free with every desk purchase. Uplift Desk also offers a 15 year warranty, free shipping and free returns with free return shipping. Are you ready to prioritize your health and productivity? Move more with Uplift desk.

Head to upliftdesk.com I doubt it, or just click the link below to score 5% off of your first purchase when you use code idoutit at checkout. Work better live healthier with Uplift desk we would love to hear from you. 657-464-7609 is our voicemail line, and you can also email us a voice memo from your smartphone or a regular old fashioned email to I doubt it at dollar more.com. We want to get to listener communication and we are going to start with an email. Hi Brittany and Jesse.

Jesse Dollemore
I wanted to share something I learned about recently because I think it highlights why protecting abortion rights and gun control are so important. I learned about this listening to a true crime podcast and have linked an article below. The TLDR is pregnant women are more likely to be killed by their abusive partners than they are to die due to pregnancy complications, and that most of those deaths involve firearms. Also, black women are at higher risk of being killed than white or hispanic women. Thank you for all you guys do.

And Britney is the best part. Thank you, Isaac. Love the show. Britney's the best part. And then Isaac linked to a Harvard school of Public Health link that I will put in the show notes.

And it reads, homicide leading cause of death for pregnant women in us. Quote, women in the us who are pregnant or who have recently given birth are more likely to be murdered than to die from obstetric causes. And these homicides are linked to a deadly mix of intimate partner violence and firearms, according to researchers from Harvard Th Chan School of Public Health. So, yeah, that absolutely speaks to another important element of why abortion rights are important. And the efforts that we're seeing to restrict abortion rights across the country put people's lives in danger in more ways than one.

And this is an element that people may not be thinking about when they think about the ways in which women are put in danger due to those abortion restrictions. Yeah. Like if someone wants to extricate themselves from a bad relationship and then they get, quote, unquote, trapped in by a pregnancy that they're unable to terminate, that's, some of this is by design, though. You know, if you watch and listen and pay attention to what's taking place in Texas in disparate states all across the union, this is what they want. If you're listening to right wing rhetoric from assholes like Charlie Kirk and others in that media space, they want women confined, barefoot and pregnant.

Brittany Page
As the old adage goes, that's what they want. When you got this goofy NFL player up there telling women who just graduated college that their only worth is to be mothers to children and not to seek employment outside of the house, this is what they want. They're telling us what they want. ZACHAry yeah, this also touches on something that we talked about with Doctor Diana Green Foster, the author of the Turnaway study. And we talked to her, I don't know, maybe two years ago now.

Time's flying. Yeah, I think it was pre dobbs. So pre DObbs and we talked to her about the reasons that women seek abortions. And a lot of these Republicans will admit that they never thought about that. And she writes about examples of that in the book.

Jesse Dollemore
I've talked about that in examples in my videos. A lot of these republican politicians will admit when asked, like, hey, do you, why do you think people are seeking abortions. And they're like, yeah, I don't really know. I haven't really thought about it. I haven't thought about the thing that I am have an opinion about and am approving legislation to restrict people's access to this thing that I have no idea that I'm not even thinking about.

So. And one of the reasons that people seek abortions is because they are in abusive relationships and they don't want to be tied to an abusive partner for the rest of their life, and they want to be able to get out of that situation. And Doctor Diana Green Foster's research finds that when you restrict access to abortion, you are potentially putting women in a position where they will not be able to leave that relationship and they are going to be in danger. And a lot of people would push back on that. Like irrational, not reasonable people would push back on that.

Brittany Page
But when you have republican states all across the country that are not carving out even exceptions for rape where a woman would be forced to carry her rapists baby and then go through the rest of her life with that rapist baby, and then the rapist would have rights to visitation and all that comes with that, then she has to have a relationship of whatever form with the person that raped her. This is what they want. Listen to them when they tell you. Well, and we talked about an important email that we got from a listener, this was a few episodes ago asking practically how do you get approved for that rape exemption? Right.

Jesse Dollemore
And that led to a really beneficial conversation, I think, for people to hear that in a lot of these cases, the quote unquote rape exception in these abortion laws is like nonexistent. It's essentially not something that you can get because you need to have a police report and you need to still be within a time restriction. Like, it is effectively not an exception. So if you do want to listen to that episode, it's episode 7786 with Diana Green Foster, author of the Turnaway study. And I would recommend that you go and check that out.

So thank you to Isaac, huge supporter of the show. We appreciate you very much. Thank you. We have another email here. The name is not within the body of the email.

And so our policy is that we say it's from anonymous when the person did not put their name in the body of the email. This is related to the North Carolina event that we spoke at, I think now a couple months ago. Good evening. Thanks so much for coming out to North Carolina to share some of your background with us. Parenthetically, I was the light skinned dude in the black shirt and dockers hat standing in the back.

I've been listening to your content for about five years and was excited when I heard you would be in the area. I just moved from Anchorage, Alaska a little over a year ago. Wow. Y'all did an excellent job summarizing your history with white supremacy throughout your early formative years. There was not enough time for me to ask both of you this, but what role do you believe white folks can play in dismantling the white supremacy culture of our society?

Britney, I know you did not want any pictures taken at the beginning of your portion of the presentation, but I thought it would be safe to take the attached photos to share with you toward the end. The picture quality is not the greatest, but my enjoyment of taking candid photos is well known, a well known, underappreciated quality of mine. So you are welcome. Hope to see y'all again soon. Well, thank you so much.

Yes, those. Those photos are appreciated. And just to give context, I didn't want photos taken at the beginning because I presented some family photos with, you know, nazi memorabilia from my childhood. A picture of me and my sister in front of a swastika flag in our garage. Not your nazi memorabilia, your parents nazi memorabilia.

I said, from my childhood. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I haven't shared those publicly, and I'm not ready to do that because I can't take that back. Once you post that on Twitter, it won't be mine anymore. And so that's like a big decision to make.

So, anyway, I appreciate that and thank you for coming to the event. This gives me an opportunity to say that I'll be putting the link to our talk in the show notes. So if you want to watch that, it's on YouTube now and you are free to watch it. I will say, I can't watch it. I'm not going to watch it.

In fact, Marcus was so kind to send it to us to get us to approve it before posting. And I said, sorry, I am a child and I will cringe if I watch that. So I'm not going to, but I hope everyone else enjoys it. To answer the question, how can white people contribute to the fight against white supremacy? Wow.

Brittany Page
It's a. That's a huge, massive question that maybe we should get somebody on and talk about it. But off the top of my head, I would say one. One. The most important thing is to acknowledge that we have a white supremacy problem in the country at all.

Jesse Dollemore
Yes. So many people don't even act like, oh, what are you talking about? White supremacy. I don't know why I'm doing that voice, but I get challenged a lot. Like, you know, quit making something out of nothing.

Brittany Page
Quit. Quit making this act like this is a thing when it's not. And it is. So one is to just acknowledge it. The other thing is to actually talk about it with people who might not be where you are.

And third is to vote for people who will dismantle the white supremacy in our country. You hear a lot, a lot from the other side of people who will say, well, I don't have anything against gay people or gay marriage. I don't have anything against it. Live your life, be you, whatever. But then they'll vote for people who will undermine marriage equality, who will undermine civil rights.

That's effectively, you are having something against marriage equality and civil rights if you're voting for people who will harm it. So vote for people who will dismantle white supremacy. And don't look the other way when a politician, whether it be Republican or Democrat, when they act in contrary to those values. I think those are the three most. Acknowledge it, talk about it, and vote.

Jesse Dollemore
Yeah, I will add to that. I agree with all that. I will add to that ongoing education. And I think that we have to continue to learn about history to not forget the ways in which that inequality was baked into the system. And I am reading another one of a former guest, Mehrsa Baradaran's latest book, the quiet neoliberalism and the looting of America.

We had her on previously to talk about her book from 2017, the color of money, Black Banks, and the racial wealth gap. And I am, you know, I read books related to racism. We've had Robert P. Jones on about the history of racism multiple times now in Christianity. And I am reading this book right now, and I am still.

I'm, like, highlighting it. I'm, like, carrying it with me. I'm like, this is my Bible. I'm learning so much from it. Last night, we were on the couch, and you, I, like, we had to pause the tv so you could tell me.

Brittany Page
You're like, I wish I could just memorize these two pages. Right. Like, verbatim, right. And be able to rattle all of this amazing information off. Yes.

Jesse Dollemore
Yes. Yeah. Because that's what it is. I mean, it's just jam packed with things that you need to know. And the reason I said that to you is because I was thinking of someone that I was talking to recently who has very different political views from me.

And I was reading these two pages, and I was like, if only I could have said this, it would have convinced them. It would have changed their minds. Yeah. Yeah. Because I feel that way.

Like, a lot of times you're talking to someone and you're just like, wow, they're, they're ignorant, you know, and it's not an insult. It's, you know, I'm ignorant in a lot of ways. We, we are not aware of everything. We don't have all of the information. And so that's why ongoing education is so important.

You can't have, you know, graduated high school or finished whatever last degree that you had, and then your learning stops. No, learning should be a lifelong process where you are continuing to try to learn about the world and ensure that you're updating your views as much as possible. And that's something that I try to do, and I think that it has helped me, so I think it would help other people. And, you know, on that note, that's why we talk to so many authors, because we want to continue to learn from people and also amplify that information and amplify other people's voices. And by the way, there's a second part to that, which is being willing to change your mind when the information changes or your understanding of information that's existed for a long time.

Brittany Page
When that changes, you have to be willing. Right. So thank you very much for attending the event. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your candid photos, which were really great and very much appreciated.

And really, you're pretty well known for that. And, yeah, so we want to give a shout out to our Patreon supporters because we could not do this show without our Patreon supporters, and we very much appreciate them. So we want to shout out first our new Patreon supporters, and that would be Matty J. Maddie J. By the way, a whole bunch of them came through in support of us and the doctor Phil drama.

Jesse Dollemore
Eteo Eteow Eteow Tina Tina Sally E. Sally E cor Marjon K. Marjon K. Jason, RN 1977 Jason, RN 1977 Kenneth. K Kenneth K Adam B Adam B.

Justine A Justine A Easy Pickup Girl Easy Pickup Girl Kim Kim Wanda E. Wanda E Bja Bja King C King C Manuel M Manuel M Brandon B Brandon B John M John M Elizabeth S. Elizabeth S Gabriel Gabriel Dan Z Dan Z Wendy H Wendy H Bernie. H Bernie H. Dona S Dona S.

Jessie G. Jessie G Greg S. Greg S. And Annie Q. And Annie Q.

So again, forgive me if I mess something up. Please feel free to write in and shame me because I will change my tune. And thank you to our Patreon supporters who increased their pledges. That would be Curtis G. Curtis G.

Bumblebee Whisperer, Bumblebee Whisperer and Melina H. Melina H. Thank you so very much for your support. And yeah, a lot of that was in response to the doctor Phil bullying. So grateful.

So very kind of everyone to join in. Patreon.com I doubt it podcast if you two want to help support the show and help us keep the lights and the mics on. We love and appreciate you very much. We really need new phones. T Mobile will cover the cost of.

Speaker C
Four amazing new iPhone fifteen s and. Each line is only $25 a month. New iPhone 15s only at T Mobile. Get four iPhone 15s on us and four lines for $25 per line per month with eligible trade in when you. Switch minimum of four lines for $25 per line per month without a pay discount using debit or bank account $5 more per line without auto pay plus taxes and fees phone fee 24 monthly bill credits for all qualified customers.

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Brittany Page
Facing down pessimistic politics with realistic optimism.

Jesse Dollemore
So we know that Clarence Thomas has scoundrel, has accepted all of the gifts, so many gifts. He loves accepting gifts and not reporting them on his financial disclosures. That's the main thing. Well, it's the main thing because it would draw attention to the inappropriate gifts he's receiving, to the tune of $4 million. But he decided to change his behavior on Friday when he acknowledged on financial disclosures that he had accepted luxury travel from the conservative billionaire Harlan Crow.

Speaker E
Previously unreported travel tonight, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for the first time is officially disclosing a controversial 2019 trip to Bali with billionaire Harlan Crowe. The acknowledgement out today in Thomas annual financial disclosure report. It comes after a report last year from ProPublica that detailed his secret lavish vacations paid for by the top republican donor who's a longtime friend of the justice. Thomas is also disclosing another trip that same year to California with Crow, though the report only includes lodging expenses, not travel costs, ProPublica reported Thomas had flown on Crow's private jet, a stark contrast to the more modest image the conservative justice has projected. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that.

Brittany Page
Oh, I do. There's something normal to me about it. At the time, Thomas said the trips were a form of personal hospitality that justices did not have to report. Now, his disclosure report said the two trips had been inadvertently omitted from his 2019 report. As for his colleagues, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson reported receiving a $900,000 book advance plus four concert tickets worth $3,700 from pop superstar Beyonce.

Speaker E
And Justice Sonia Sotomayor disclosed $86,000 in book royalties. The Supreme Court adopted a new code of conduct last year, although critics say there's no way to enforce it. What I love about this story is, number one, I never get sick of hearing, I prefer the Walmart parking lots. To the beaches, not his super yacht vacations in Indonesia. How embarrassing is that?

Jesse Dollemore
That he said that? Like, also, I love the folksy.

I. Love them Walmart parking lots. They're great. This is me. Supreme Court justice hires Thomas.

So, I mean, I don't even like the beach. And I would prefer a beach over the Walmart parking lot because of course I would. Right. Anyone who doesn't even like the beach would still go to the beach over a Walmart parking lot. What are you gonna do in a Walmart parking lot anyway?

Fox News, maybe he just has a. Penchant for, like, a taste for meth or something. Fox News News tweeted about this and, oh, my God. It's pretty remarkable because obviously the main problem here is Clarence Thomas and Alito. Right?

They are. I thought you were going to go the other way. Obviously, the problem here is Ketanji Brown Jackson and concert tickets, because that's what they're running with on the headline and then ignoring this. Right. So they wrote say my name reference to Destiny's child song.

I'm sure Jesse got that. A financial disclosure revealed lavish gifts for the newest supreme court justice, including from Beyonce. Full details on the eye popping filings. And, and then they did a headline with no dollar amount attached about Clarence Thomas and just was like, well, there was just a discrepancy. He overlooked reporting.

Brittany Page
I love that they say that this is his annual financial disclosure, his 2023 financial disclosure statement that he's filing. And then it includes trips from 2019, right? Yeah. And I mean, look at the juxtaposition. News is attacking Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, but for $3,700.

Jesse Dollemore
Yeah. And I mean, and $10,000 of artwork. But again, it's like, it's not adding up to the amount of Clarence Thomas, first of all. But also, she's just disclosing this like she's reporting. ProPublica is not having to dig it up.

Like, there's not this investigation where there's pressure mounting that he should have done something he didn't do. Like, she's just like, yeah, I got these Beyonce tickets. Also. I love in the report that even the journalist just repeats as though he has to do so from longtime friend Harlan Crowe, this billionaire that was only a friend after Clarence Thomas became a supreme Court justice. They weren't longtime friends before he became a justice, which, by the way, maybe there'd be.

Brittany Page
Yeah, this guy's been my best friend since we were in high school and we love each other and he gives me, he gives me gifts because he's super, super well off. Maybe I would understand that, except you didn't fucking know the guy and he wasn't a long time friend until you were in a position to help him with verdicts on the Supreme Court. Zachary, do you think Harlan Crowe would be interested in an arrangement where he provides me with extravagant vacations and then I never have to, to speak or deal with him at all? Like, just he is into nazi memorabilia. So maybe you could give him that photo that you don't want to show publicly yet.

Maybe he'd give you some cash for that thing. I guess that's something to consider. So we would love to know what you think about this. Six, five six. No credit for that.

Jesse Dollemore
No credit for the full circle there. Outrageous people. I doubt it@dollarmore.com. Wait, what's that number again? No one heard it.

Brittany Page
I was talking. They know it. And so, so we are. I don't know if you guys know this, but approaching November rapidly and you're going to, you're going to be seeing all the headlines as you already are, about how the race is neck and neck. Trump and Biden tied, Trump one point ahead, blah, blah, blah.

Jesse Dollemore
You've seen it. You know what's going on. So CB's news this morning, they reported basically on the state of the race right now going into this week between Trump and Biden. Good morning, Tony. Republicans are hoping to flip Nevada and that's why former President Trump was there this weekend in his first major rally since being convicted on 34 felony counts in his New York criminal trial, he took aim at President Biden's policies.

Donald Trump
If we win Nevada, we win the whole thing. In the sweltering Las Vegas heat, former President Donald Trump took on President Biden, attacking him on key issues like the economy and immigration. With his border nightmare, Joe Biden is also waging an all out war on the workers of America and continued to. Rail against his ongoing legal troubles, including his recent criminal conviction in New York, which Trump claims is mobilizing support. We just had the largest fundraising effort in a period of one week than anybody has ever had.

Speaker G
Though a new CB's news poll shows a majority of likely voters say Trump's conviction is not a major factor in November's election, with the top issues being the economy, inflation, where Trump has an edge, and the state of democracy, something President Biden stressed throughout his trip to France to mark 80 years since D Day. I think it is a measure of a country's support for democratic values that they honor those who've risked their lives and lost their lives. Sunday, Biden visited a World War one cemetery outside of Paris and without mentioning his rivals, seemed to take a swipe at Trump. The idea that I'd come to Normandy and not make this short trip here to pay tribute, and it's the same story. Think about it.

Donald Trump
America showed up. Biden's predecessor skipped that same cemetery during a trip to France in 2018 and reportedly afterward called those who were buried there losers and suckers, something Trump has repeatedly denied saying. And did so again in Las Vegas. Losers about people that died in world War one in front of military people. It's not a possibility you could say a thing like that.

Speaker G
One more notable result from our CB's News poll. The majority of people voting for President Biden now say their main rationale is to oppose Trump, a number that has grown in the last few months. The key is always, well, who will be mobilized to turn out in November. So Trump is denying that he said the losers and suckers thing. And what's remarkable about that is that we know the way that he talks, we know his history with disparaging whoever he wants.

Jesse Dollemore
I think the telling thing about that is he's like, and say that in front of military people. You know, like that's the more concerning element for Donald Trump is to say it in front of military people. But even then, I don't think that it matters because Donald Trump, and we're going to play this clip to remind everybody of what he said eight years ago about John McCain, because this was something he said publicly. This isn't reports from John Kelly of something he said in secret. No, he said this on a stage about John McCain eight years ago.

Donald Trump
You know, it's a great applause line and obviously they appreciate it. But referring to people as rapists, referring to John McCain, a war hero, five and a half years as a pow, and you call him a dummy, is that appropriate in running for president. You gotta let me speak, though, Frank, because you interrupted all the time. Okay, so, no, I know him too well. That's the problem.

Let's take John McCain. I'm in Phoenix. We have a meeting that is going to have 500 people at the Biltmore Hotel. We get a call from the hotel, it's turmoil. Thousands and thousands of people are showing up three, four days before they're pitching tents on the hotel grass.

The hotel says we can't handle. It's going to destroy the hotel, move it to the convention center. We have 15,000 people, the biggest one ever. Bigger than Bernie Sanders. Bigger than 15,000 people showed up to hear me speak.

Bigger than anybody, and everybody knows it. A beautiful day with incredible people that were wonderful, great Americans. I will tell you, John McCain goes, oh, boy, Trump makes my life difficult. He had 15,000 crickets. Crazies show up.

Crazies. He called them all crazy. I said they weren't crazy. They were great Americans. These people, if you would have seen these people, you.

I know what crazy is. I know all about crazies. These weren't crazy. So he insulted me, and he insulted everybody in that room. And I said, somebody should run against John McCain, who has been, you know, in my opinion, not so hot.

And I supported him. I supported him for president. I raised a million dollars. It's a lot of money. I supported him.

He lost. He let us down, but, you know, he lost. So I never liked him as much after that because I don't like losers. But, but Frank, Frank, let me get to it. He hit me.

He's not a war hero. He's not a war hero. He's a war hero. Five and a half years, he's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured.

Okay. I hate to tell you. Do you agree with that? He's a war hero because he was captured. Okay, you can have, and I believe perhaps he's a war hero, but right now, he said some very bad things about a lot of people.

So what I said is, john McCain, I disagree with him, that these people aren't crazy. And very importantly, and I speak the truth, he graduated last in his class at Annapolis. So I said, nobody knows that. I said he graduated last or second to last. He graduated last in his class at Annapolis.

And he was a. I said. I played the lengthier clip for two reasons. Why. I like the context.

Jesse Dollemore
Yeah, to give context, but also to give a flavor that, again, he, he has always been this person, this rambling word salad, saying nothing, attacking people, sniffing. Yeah, I mean, he's, this was eight years ago. Also crowd sized, crowd size, crowd size. Lying, lying, lying. It's all the same shit.

It's all the same shit. So here's, here's the thing that really bothers me is the hypocrisy of the republican party. They claim to be patriots and support the troops and back the blue and all of this until they don't, until they fucking don't listen. Donald Trump went on true social and attacked the claims that John Kelly made of him, saying suckers and losers, people who died and got wounded in combat and, and blamed it on far left media outlets and shit. It wasn't far left.

Brittany Page
It was lifelong conservative Republican, four star Marine general John Kelly, who was not only the Department of Homeland Security chief, he was also Donald Trump's chief of staff. Right? He was a guy who implemented the insane, horrible, family separating border policy. He's not some pinko liberal, whatever. He is of like mind with Donald Trump on policy and just told the truth about what he heard.

Yeah, come on. Well, and they were reporting in that, in that piece about Donald Trump being at his rally in Las Vegas. And at the rally, he took some time to talk about his policies that he's going to be supporting to help Americans. And this was just a segment of that. We don't have enough time.

Donald Trump
And now, by the way, it's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me. Right. We'll stay out here for a little while. If anybody gets tired, you'll let me know. And if anybody goes down, if you start going down, we have people, they'll pick you up right away.

They'll throw water. You know, they were so worried. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you. And they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog.

Secret Service said, we have to make sure everyone's safe. I said, what about me? Oh, we never thought of that. They don't think about me. I'm working my ass off.

I'm working hard. So of course, he wasn't talking about policies that will improve Americans lives, right? Of course, he is talking about himself as always, and worried about himself. And that was also the case in a interview that he did with Sean Hannity on Fox News just a few days ago, June 5, where again, he is going really hard on why he wants to get elected. It is, it's amazing to me that conservative media wants to give him every fucking opportunity to back away from the revenge and the retribution.

Brittany Page
Talk and he's not having it. They're giving him, please, just please act normal. And he's like, no, fuck you. I'm gonna continue to do what I do. It has to stop, because otherwise we're not gonna have a country.

Donald Trump
Look, when this election is over, based on what they've done, I would have every right to go after them. And it's easy because it's Joe Biden. And you see all the criminality, all of the money that's going into the family and him. And that was after Sean Hannity had been like, well, you're not gonna, it's not gonna be retribution, right? You're not gonna have revenge, right?

Brittany Page
And he's like, no, you know what? I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it. I got every right to do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do the thing that's such a bad thing for the country that's being done to me.

I'm gonna do it. Right? It's just, it's fucking nonsense, right? And thankfully, we have news organizations that are taking this seriously, like PBS with Laura Barone Lopez. And she sat down with Ryan Goodman, a professor at NYU Law who previously served as the special counsel at the Department of Defense and also a Harvard law chair, too.

He's a big brain and talked to. Him about specifically this clip, but also broadly, just the comments that Donald Trump has been making about retribution. And this clip is going to start after Laura Barone Loeb has asked, basically, what are the implications of Donald Trump making these statements? I think they're very serious implications because the president of the United States is the commander in chief, but is also the top executive for the Justice Department and has enormous power. So this is not just a kind of an idle threat.

Ryan Goodman
And we know from the first Trump administration that he, in fact, did try to make good in the threats by, for example, asking his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton. So I think it's a very real concern for politicizing and weaponizing the Justice Department. And when he asked Jeff Sessions to do that, Sessions refused, according to Robert Muellers report. So what's to stop President Trump from doing that again, potentially successfully, if he has a second term? At some level, there might be very little to stop President Trump from doing that again.

We only found out, as the public from the Mueller report years later what he had tried to do with Jeff Sessions. Even at the time, Jeff Sessions was recused from the very investigation itself with respect to Hillary Clinton. So Trump was saying please unrecuse yourself and do this. So there was an additional safeguard that time around. And President Trump, according to the New York Times, was also directing attorney general Barr to go after the investigation of the investigators, which ended up with nothing.

It was actually an embarrassment, no other word for it for special counsel John Durham. So I think that's when he had a more pliant attorney general. And we only discovered that by a New York Times 2023 article about how Trump had driven attorney General Barr and John Durham to do that years later. So I do think that the forces that stood up against him in the past are not going to be the same when he has learned much better how to utilize the levers of power. Right.

Speaker D
He could install loyalists across all of these agencies, not just the Justice Department. I also want to ask you about comments from Stephen Miller, former senior advisor to then President Trump, and he's still close to Trump. And he said on Fox after the New York verdict, is every Republican DA starting every investigation they need to right now? Every facet of Republican Party politics and power has to be used right now to go toe to toe with Marxism and beat these communists using common slurs that Republicans do now for democrats there. Other Trump allies have called for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to be jailed.

What are they essentially calling for here across the board? So it's quite extraordinary. Mister Miller himself, I imagine, will have a senior position in a second Trump administration, if there is one. They're calling for state level attorney generals and local level district attorneys to just indict people on the basis of politics. It's not as though Mister Miller is actually citing criminality or actual crimes being committed.

Ryan Goodman
So it's just really extraordinary what he's saying rhetorically, but I don't think it's pure rhetoric. And the comparison with what Alvin Bragg has done in New York, I think is stark. You know, the way I look at the Elven Bragg cases, as a district attorney, what choice did he have? He was actually handed basically a case that the Southern District of New York said Michael Cohen was guilty of having acted on behalf of individual one, but they hadn't charged individual one. And in the plea agreement, Michael Cohen pleads to falsifying business records as part of the Trump Organization.

So that's a very different crime base that Elven Bragg was going off on. And what Stephen Miller is saying is there's hardly a word for it other than, like, retribution and political retribution, but this is really where he's at. I don't think there's any way to otherwise interpret his words. And what's fascinating about this is that he has somehow created this base that will tell people who are interviewing them on voter panels that they're concerned about the economy or they're concerned about this. But Donald Trump primarily is talking about his own personal grievances and his wishes to enact retribution on behalf of himself.

Jesse Dollemore
He keeps acting like. Right. It's, it's representative of, like, if they can do this to me, they can do this to you. Like, that's, that's the device that he's using to convince his base. But really, it's just personal grievances, personal retribution.

And what I liked about this clip is that hearing, even the name Jeff Sessions is like a lifetime ago. Yeah. You know, we're talking also, you yearn for those days. Like, oh, yeah, Jeff Sessions, who was a vile, vile demagogue and xenophobe and racist and white supremacist, but also had just enough respect for the law to recuse himself in certain matters. And that's what Donald Trump threw him under the bus for.

Right. And how, how the, the professor here was talking about how we only learned about certain things that were happening behind the scenes within the Trump administration, like last year. Yeah. And how long it takes to uncover some of this and to investigate it and to publish it so that the public is aware there's things happening right now that we probably won't find out about until years down the line. Right.

And that's a scary thought, too, because what we do know is scary enough related to Project 2025. It is, it is remarkable that they are now threatening to, they're going to go after Joe Biden for crimes. They're going, whatever. They never list any crimes. They never list anything that their, their retribution and their, their law fare will be based on.

Brittany Page
But when, when Donald, we have all the indictments. Many of these indictments are what are considered speaking indictments, which lay out a clear, a crystal clear narrative of the crimes that were committed. There are the statutes listed. It just, they're telling a story here. And I don't mean like a false fiction story.

They lay it out in great detail. It's like a documentary. But when you talk to, you know, a Stephen Miller or the other dipshit, the no neck, who got busted putting, like, abortion pills in his girlfriend's drink. Jason Miller. Jason Miller also.

Yeah. They don't name any crimes. It's just like, we're gonna go after them. We're gonna do the same thing to them, except we have crimes listed and that were committed. Right.

Jesse Dollemore
And just look at the juxtaposition of the, of the parties of how the parties are responding to criminality within their own party. You have Bob Menendez. Good, fine. Get rid of him. Absolutely.

You have Henry Kuilar in Texas. Yeah. Good. Investigate him. Take care of it.

You know, even in, not in the party. But Hunter Biden. Right. I haven't seen anybody say this is political prosecution, persecution. It's, yeah.

Brittany Page
If he did it, if he's found guilty, have him be sentenced. Absolutely. Yeah. And listen, I have a lot of sympathy for Hunter Biden. He's a troubled person.

Jesse Dollemore
That's, you know, a bummer. I, you know, but, yeah, if he lied on the forum and he, you know, got the gun and he lied and was suffering from his addiction actively in that time, like. Yes, absolutely. So there is this weird impulse on the right to rally and say that this is political persecution, that Joe Biden is out to get Donald Trump. He's behind all of this.

Well, it's also a federal investigation that is, you know, having his son in court on charges. So doesn't seem like it's holding up very well for them. We would love to know what you think about this. 657-464-7609 or you can send an email to. I doubt it@dollarmore.com.

David Coyle
It'S the app. Joro spiders. Wait, wait, a spider or spiders? Yes. Is slash r the asshole of today?

Jesse Dollemore
Absolutely. What are they doing here every day? Apparently, yeah. So there is, they're calling this the. Invasive, by the way, trigger warning content warning for those of you, like Brittany Page, who are arachnophobic.

They're calling this the invasive joro spiders coming to New York City. East coast braces for a surge of invasive flying spiders. And this is going to be David Coyle, assistant professor of forest health and invasive species at Clemson University. He's going to be talking to the CB's anchor here about these juror spiders that are soon to be taking over America. By the way, when you see the photo of them, they're not cute and cuddly.

Brittany Page
They're, they're scary as fuck. It's a nightmare. Yeah. The very first question everyone wants to know, are these spiders actually dangerous to human or dangerous to our pets? They are not dangerous.

David Coyle
We've got zero evidence that they're going to be dangerous. I've known one person that's been bitten, and it's akin to a mosquito bite. A little bit of redness, a little bit of swelling, more irritating than anything? They're pretty docile. I guess we could just end it right there, right?

Jesse Dollemore
No, no. Let the propaganda flow from this guy. Yeah, I've seen the spider. Really? Just tarantula like, huge teeth, giant chompers.

Brittany Page
Are they dangerous? They're pretty good. Well, I've handled them dozens of times. My kids have handled them. They are not an aggressive type of spider.

David Coyle
That's out to get you. Well, how did they even get here? Because they're not native to this area. That's right. Our best guess is they probably just hitchhiked over on cargo containers.

We've got a lot of stuff that comes into the port of Savannah here in Georgia, and it likely made its way up just on cargo containers. And, you know, like you mentioned, we first found it in 2014. It probably got here few years earlier. I would say around 2020 or 2021 is when populations really started kind of exploding across North Georgia and South Carolina. So, again, our best guess is it just hitchhiked its way over here.

Jesse Dollemore
We understand that they love to fly. We've told people about how to identify them. But I'm wondering, whenever we're talking about an invasive species coming into an ecosystem that is not native to supporting them, is there a threat to the local ecosystem? Yeah, there actually is. You know, we've done several spider surveys over the last couple of years where we looked at all the different types of spiders of this group, these orb weavers.

David Coyle
And what we found is where you've got really, really high populations of joro spiders. You don't find a lot of other spiders like that. So it's almost like they've pushed everything out. And then as you get away from that really high population, you start to see a lot of native ones again. So what does this mean long term?

I mean, these are questions that take years and years and years to answer. But we do know that where there's high populations of Joros, you have much lower populations of the native spiders, for sure. And in terms of the flying, it's a little misleading, because what they do is when they're really young, right after they hatch, they're maybe the size of a sesame seed. Some of them will sort of let some silk go, and they will be carried away by the wind. So it's not.

Jesse Dollemore
They're more like paratroopers. Right? Yeah, paratroopers. Right. They have no control over where they go.

David Coyle
Right. So they're just as likely to land somewhere great as they are to land in the middle of a lake. So this happens early spring, happens over your heads it happens every year and nobody ever notices. Yeah, listen, I don't know if you can tell just by listening to the audio, but this guy's basically just like three juro spiders in a trench coat because he's talking about how you heard. So he admits someone got bit, right?

Jesse Dollemore
He admits it. He admits that they went after a person and bit them. Wait, you gotta give me a second to recover. And then he's like, oh, it's just like a mosquito. It's like a mosquito bite.

Brittany Page
How did that juror spider learn how to speak English so well? And then he's like, oh, well, you know what? The flying thing. Flying sounds really scary. It's more like they're drifting on their little silk cloud and they're really innocent and sweet.

Jesse Dollemore
Please, please. With this absolute propaganda section, how did. This news outlet book a Joro Spider for an interview? Exactly. Disgusting.

So I am horrified and absolutely. And he's also like, this happens every spring and it never makes the news. You know what? I've had enough of this guy. Okay, all right.

Brittany Page
We're ending it there. Okay, whatever. Unbelievable. We would love to know what you think. All you juro spiders out there, please get in contact with the show.

657-464-7609 of course, you can always email a voicemail from your smartphone if you have won. Joro spiders, I doubt it@dollarmore.com. dot we love and appreciate you very much, Joro spiders. You are the best. We can't wait to inhale you in the wind.

If you'd like to support the show, those of you who have money Joro spiders, you can go to Patreon. The joke's over. Patreon.com idoweditpodcast. We'd love to have you join the Patreon family, help us keep the lights on and the mics on and move the conversation forward on an episode by episode basis. We'll see you next time.

Until then, for Brittany Page, I'm Jesse Dolomore, and this has been, I doubt, after investing billions to light up our network. T Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now you can switch, keep your phone and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and at and t@tmobile.com. Across America, up to four lines via virtual prepaid card allow 15 days qualifying unlock device credit service ported 90 days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required.

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Speaker D
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