How to Take Over the World

Ben Wilson

Embark on a captivating journey with "How to Take Over the World," a podcast hosted by Ben Wilson that delves into the lives and strategies of history's greatest achievers. Each episode of this insightful podcast explores the unique methods, mindsets, and moves that have defined iconic figures from Alexander the Great to modern moguls like Elon Musk. Whether you're a history buff, aspiring leader, or just curious about the secrets behind extraordinary success, this podcast offers a deep dive into the blueprints of power and accomplishment. With a keen eye for detail, Ben Wilson unpacks complex historical narratives and distills them into actionable lessons that resonate with today’s innovators and thinkers. Through engaging storytelling and rigorous analysis, "How to Take Over the World" not only educates but also inspires its listeners to apply these lessons in their own quests for greatness. Join Ben as he bridges the past with the present, providing a fascinating perspective on how to harness the timeless tactics of influential leaders in everyday life.


  • The Legacy of Alexander Hamilton

    In this episode of "How to Take Over the World," Ben Wilson explores the significant yet often misinterpreted contributions of Alexander Hamilton to the formation and direction of the United States. The episode challenges popular perceptions, contrasting Hamilton’s portrayal in modern media with his historical impact as a fervent critic of democracy and a key architect of America’s economic foundation. Through engaging narratives and expert insights, the episode illuminates Hamilton's dual role alongside Washington in founding the nation—Washington as the personality, Hamilton as the visionary. Key discussions include Hamilton's controversial stance on democracy, his instrumental role in the constitutional convention, and the enduring effects of his financial policies, such as the national bank and the assumption of state debts, which solidified the federal government's power and set the stage for a flourishing economic system.

  • The Rise of Alexander Hamilton

    Host Ben Wilson explores Alexander Hamilton's brilliance and indispensable contributions to the American Revolution. He discusses Hamilton's early life in the Caribbean, his emergence as a young prodigy, and his critical roles during the revolution. Wilson draws an intriguing comparison between Hamilton and Napoleon, noting their similar backgrounds and ambitions. The episode also highlights Hamilton's relationships with key figures like George Washington and his pivotal role in the Siege of Yorktown, showcasing his military genius and political acumen. Wilson uses detailed historical accounts and quotes to paint a vivid picture of Hamilton's character and his profound impact on American history.

  • Washington vs Cato with Alex Petkas

    In the episode "Washington vs Cato with Alex Petkas," host Ben Wilson engages with guest Alex Petkas to delve into the intriguing parallels between George Washington and the Roman figure Cato the Younger. The discussion reveals how both men embodied classical virtues and stoicism, influencing their respective republics. Washington's admiration for Cato is evident as they explore his fascination with the play "Cato" by Joseph Addison, which inspired him during the Revolutionary War. The episode also touches on other historical figures like Julius Caesar and their impact on leadership and governance. The conversation provides a deep dive into how the legacies of such historical figures continue to inform modern understandings of leadership and moral integrity.

  • President George Washington (Part 3)

    "President George Washington (Part 3)" explores the final years of George Washington's life, focusing on his presidency and the lasting impact he had on the United States. The episode begins with Washington's return to civilian life and the challenges he faced managing his estate at Mount Vernon. It then shifts to his presidency, highlighting his crucial role in strengthening the federal government and establishing a strong executive branch. Washington's strategies, such as his non-partisan stance and diplomatic skills, are discussed, emphasizing his ability to navigate political and social challenges of the era. The episode also explores his personal struggles with fame and the physical toll of his duties. Throughout, the narrative underscores Washington's foresight, leadership, and the enduring legacy of his principles in American governance.

  • George Washington: Revolutionary General (Part 2)

    "George Washington: Revolutionary General (Part 2)" delves into Washington's leadership during the American Revolutionary War, focusing on his strategic acumen rather than battlefield prowess. Host Ben Wilson discusses Washington's role in key battles, his ability to inspire and unite his troops, and his reliance on intelligence and subterfuge. The episode underscores Washington's adeptness at managing both military and political challenges, demonstrating how his leadership style was instrumental in navigating the complexities of the war and American politics. Special attention is given to Washington's handling of the siege at Yorktown, his strategic retreats, and the eventual victory that led to British surrender, painting a comprehensive picture of a leader who was strategic, resilient, and principally unyielding.

  • The Making of George Washington

    "The Making of George Washington" explores the monumental life of America's first president, focusing on his early years and military career prior to the Revolutionary War. Host Ben Wilson discusses Washington's upbringing in Virginia, his initial surveying work, and his surprising military accomplishments against formidable odds. Key moments include Washington's role in the French and Indian War and his interactions with influential figures, setting the stage for his future leadership in the Revolution. Drawing from biographies by Ron Chernow and James Thomas Flexner, the episode offers a nuanced portrayal of Washington, highlighting his strategic mind, physical prowess, and the character traits that poised him for greatness.

  • Ernest Shackleton: Enduring The Impossible

    "Ernest Shackleton: Enduring The Impossible" uncovers the harrowing journey of the Endurance, detailing the survival and leadership of Ernest Shackleton after the ship was trapped and crushed by Antarctic ice. Hosted by Ben Wilson, the episode paints a vivid picture of the crew's struggle against the frozen wilderness, showcasing Shackleton's extraordinary leadership in the face of certain doom. The narrative explores how Shackleton’s unwavering purpose and adaptability saved his crew under the most dire conditions. Through tales of perseverance, clever improvisation, and indomitable will, listeners gain insights into human resilience and the power of effective leadership in crisis situations. The episode draws extensively from historical accounts, including Shackleton's own writings and notable biographies, providing a comprehensive view of the adventure that continues to inspire leaders and adventurers alike.