Last Looks: Madame Web

Primary Topic

This episode delves into the production and reception of the movie "Madame Web," featuring insightful critiques and humorous commentary from the hosts.

Episode Summary

In this episode of "How Did This Get Made?", hosts Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas review the movie "Madame Web." They explore various aspects of the film, including its plot, character development, and special effects, while providing a comedic take on its shortcomings. They discuss specific scenes and decisions that seemed illogical or poorly executed, often referencing fan comments from their discord channel for additional humor and insight. The episode is filled with lively discussions, corrections and omissions from previous episodes, and segments where the hosts interact with their listeners to address their thoughts and corrections about the movie.

Main Takeaways

  1. The hosts critique the unrealistic aspects of the movie "Madame Web" and discuss fan reactions.
  2. They highlight humorous and illogical moments in the film, as pointed out by themselves and their listeners.
  3. The episode includes interactive segments where the hosts address listener corrections and omissions.
  4. It features discussions on various other topics, including upcoming events and personal anecdotes from the hosts.
  5. The hosts express their appreciation for their listeners and their contributions to the podcast.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Paul Scheer opens the episode with an announcement and sponsorship messages. He provides a humorous take on why eating Reese's is beneficial, setting a light-hearted tone for the episode. Paul Scheer: "And that is eat more Reese’s peanut butter cups. Yes. Think about it. All the gurus, all the coaches out there, they've never said the words eat more Reese’s."

2: Review and Discussion

The hosts dive into the review of "Madame Web," critiquing various elements of the film and discussing fan feedback and humorous aspects noted during their viewing. Paul Scheer: "Welcome to how did this get made? Last looks. Yes, where you, the listener, get to voice your issues on Madame Webb."

3: Corrections and Omissions

This chapter focuses on correcting previous errors and addressing omissions pointed out by listeners, showcasing the podcast's interactive nature. Paul Scheer: "It is now time for corrections and omissions. Corrections and omissions. You are wrong."

4: Closing Remarks

The hosts wrap up the episode with final thoughts on "Madame Web," upcoming podcast events, and a sneak peek at the next movie review. Paul Scheer: "Coming up after one final break, I'll recommend all the things I'm currently enjoying, and then I will announce next week’s movie."

Actionable Advice

  1. Engage with your audience to improve content quality based on feedback.
  2. Utilize humor to discuss and critique entertainment effectively.
  3. Consider listener interaction as a way to build community around your content.
  4. Stay updated on related events to enhance your podcast's relevance.
  5. Always verify information and be open to corrections for continuous improvement.

About This Episode

Paul responds to your corrections and omissions from Madame Web, shares a bonus scene from the Madame Web live show, and announces next week's movie. Plus, Paul gives you his picks for all the TV shows, books, movies, and music he's currently loving.


Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, Jason Mantzoukas


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Paul Scheer
Give the gift of adventure. Give Jefferson's ocean bourbon and Jefferson's Ocean bourbon rye. Please sip responsibly. Copyright 2023 Jefferson's Bourbon company Crestwood, Kentucky hey, everybody, just wanted to give you a quick heads up here. There's something we should all be doing.

It's going to improve your life, make every day a little bit better. And that is eat more Reese's peanut butter cups. Yes. Think about it. All the gurus, all the coaches out there, they've never said the words eat more Reese's.

I mean, the combination of sweet chocolate and salty peanut butter, I mean, this is something that brings other people and ourselves joy. That's why there's two in a pack shop. Reese's peanut butter cups. Now at a store near you. Found where wherever candy is sold.

And often in my pantry. Cause I love these. Finally, a justification for Dakota Johnson's acting drop dead Fred again. And today's show will be brought to you by a New York Times bestselling author. All this and more on today's last looks hit the theme.

Jason, Paul, and June.

I ask, how did this get fade? Yeah, how did this get paid? How did this get paid?

A monster didn't. A crazy movie that even gonna break down again. Shut up the monsters.

The weeks are huge for Lexus. This bonkers flick makes no goddamn sense. Hey. Yay. That's good.

How did this get faith?

I got 1st 2nd dancer.

Are you telling me this is a Jacobs letter scenario?

Bonjour, Madame and Monsieur Webb. I am your blood uncle Paul Scheer. And I hope you all enjoyed your blood aunt Jason Manzoukas filling in in the last episode. But unfortunately, Cassandra Webb hit Jason with her ambulance. So you are stuck with me once again.

Welcome to how did this get made? Last looks. Yes, where you, the listener, get to voice your issues on Madame Webb, a movie that discord user Scully thinks should have had the tagline. All of the paramedics in this movie still couldn't save it. Way to go, Scully.

All right. Later in the show, I'm going to tell you all the things I'm currently loving and want to recommend. And I will also share with you an exclusive deleted scene from our Madame Webb live show. And as always, I will reveal next week's movie. But first things first, a big shout out to Teddy love supreme for that opening theme song.

Teddy, that was awesome. I love it. We love these songs. If you have a last looks theme song, send it to how did this get but keep them short.

15 to 20 seconds is best, people. How did this get made is going on the road. That's right, in June on Father's Day. How did this get made is live in Boston for the film communion with Christopher Walken. If you've read my book, joyful recollections of trauma, you know that I have a very strong connection to this movie.

We cannot wait to be there in Boston at the Wilbur Theater. Some tickets are left. I will be doing a book signing after the show, so that will be a lot of fun. And then just a few days later, on the 20th, we will be at the Nantucket Film Festival. That's right.

We're doing a movie called Bait. We're going to be in a very fun venue. They call it a casino, but it looks like a wedding venue. Get tickets. Wherever you get your tickets for the Nantucket film Festival, you can just go to

i'm also going to be doing a book signing out there in Nantucket as well. I can't wait to see you all for a little east coast. How did this get made? And in July, guess what? We're coming back to Texas.

You heard me. Can't announce it yet, but that's my little sneak preview of it. Also, if you're in LA, you can come see me. That's right. And Jesse Thorne, you know, the great Jesse Thorne.

We are going to be doing a show on the 13th in Pasadena. You can just go to or to find out what that's all about. It's a bullseye. Live ticket prices vary from seat to a seat with a book or even pay what you want. So come check out Jesse and I at Crawford Theater in Pasadena on June 13.

Okay, so let's get into it. Last week we talked at length about Madame Webb. Well, we had questions and we might have even missed a few things. Here is your chance to set us straight. Fact check us if you will.

It is now time for corrections and omissions. Corrections and omissions. You are wrong. Thank you. Mad licks.

Love that theme. Way to go. Let's go to the discord. John Notconnor writes, another week name drop in. Madam Webb was in the taxi when Maddie Franklin says she's about to call my uncle Jonah for help.

Who bothers giving their uncle's name in casual conversations when seconds matter? This, of course, was a veiled reference to J. Jonah Jameson, who is in the comics, a family friend of Matty Franklin, not a blood uncle. Sorry, Paul, but of course, because this is Sony, she can't come out and say, I know the editor of the Daily Bugle. He can help us.

That's right. It's just all under the surface. And why? Because if they can't say it, they can't make a movie about it, so why even tease it anyway? Cameron H.

Continues with the J. Jonah Jameson talk. Something I thought would have been really cool and probably couldn't have been done due to a rights issue is if J. Jonah Jameson had been one of the people terrorized by Ezekiel. It would explain why later on in life when he sees another costume person dressed as that same exact spider kind of creature, his immediate reaction is that man is a menace.

Cameron H. Get yourself a plane ticket to Hollywood. That's a brilliant, a brilliant fix. I mean, even for Marvel comics, that's a great. I love that twist.

BX Quinn writes as a paramedic. Everything medical bothered me, but they couldn't even get the uniform right. They are paramedics wearing EMT patches on the shoulder instead of paramedic patches. And ambulance drivers are just ambulance drivers. They have no medical training.

The movie calling a paramedic or an EMT an ambulance driver is like calling a nurse a doctor's helper. Bam. I like that, I like that, I like that. You really come down. Did you chime in on our episode of Ambulance?

Because I'd like to hear what BX Quinn has to say. And I've actually believe as I'm saying your name, you might have. All right, doctor guts, let's talk about the game at the baby shower where guests try to guess the baby's name. I can't believe this would be a game anyone would play. I mean, where is the fun?

And just shouting out a random name and having the expectant mother just repeatedly say, nope, nope. It just felt like a lame meta reference on the writer's part since the audience is ahead of the characters in knowing what the baby's name will be. You know, I didn't think about it like that. I didn't even really read that it was gonna be Peter. I thought it was just a baby.

I mean, this is where my brain kind of shuts off to small details. I just thought they were playing a game of, like, give the mom good advice. Oh, boy, oh, boy. I missed it all. But there we go.

Peter Parker. We get it. Joe Tangello writes, I like how she stole the cab in an emergency, then proceeded to drive it around for a good stretch of the movie like it was her personal car. I mean, the perfect car for staying inconspicuous while the police and an evil spider man are after you is definitely a marked cab. Well, Joe, yeah, you really nailed it.

I guess they thought, oh, yeah, cabs, they just blend in. But she was, like, out in the middle of a forest. Stinkpot Turtle writes, madame Webb was born with a disease, and I'm gonna mispronounce it. Cause I'm not gonna go back and listen to it to get it right. Meth.

Senia Gravis and Paul did mention that you can't detect this disease in the womb. But one other piece of info about MG is that it breaks down the communication between the brain and the body's voluntary muscles. Or did I say body? I meant body and face. One of the most common symptoms is expressionless mask like face.

Another is speaking monotone, quoted directly from the MG foundation of America's website. Voice problems seen in MG include vocal fatigue, difficulty controlling pitch, or a monotone voice. So maybe the spider didn't cure Cassie after all. Oh, my God. Stinkpot turtle.

I don't want to laugh at that, at obviously anyone who has this, but way to go. Cameron H. Again chimes in the moment, which truly solidified for me that perhaps no one involved with this movie cared, was when Cassie takes her cessna jaunt down to Peru for the afternoon and she tells the peruvian Spider man how her mother wrote that Las Aranas were a myth, he asks her, and what did you think? And her answer is, I think she was crazy to come down here by herself. First of all, fucking rude Madam Webb.

Second of all, she wasnt alone. The man she hired for her security killed her. And lastly, you currently are alone in Peru yourself, Cameron H. Way to serve it up to Cassie. All right, were going to take a quick break and when were back.

We will hit the phone lines for more corrections and omissions. And of course, we will announce our next movie. Stick around. Today's podcast is brought to you by Squarespace I love Squarespace. I am in the middle of trying to balance my business life and my real life.

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And I did find that actually, when I was on my last trip, that's right, the whole family and I went to upstate New York and we had an amazing time. Now, I'm going to tell you, the entire time we were away, and it was about ten days, we could have been hosting our place on Airbnb. You know, it's a great way to make a couple extra bucks. And it's easy to host with Airbnb because when you're away, your home could be an Airbnb. Hosting can fit into your lifestyle and is a great way to earn some extra money.

Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how host welcome back to last looks. We have some very important corrections and omissions to go through from Madam Webb. Let's go to the phones.

First up, Kelly. Hi, Paul or Jason. I don't want anyone to be mad at me if he is posting another episode. I have an omission for Madam Webb. Something that was not mentioned, which was very confusing to me, was how there was a headline on the newspaper the very same day that the girls were supposedly kidnapped.

I'm pretty sure it was the same day. And then this, this brings an alternate question, which is, if it is the following day, that means Madam Webb left the girls in the forest overnight and they slept where? On what? Just, you know, something I've been thinking about a lot. Thanks.

Paul Scheer
Yeah, well, you know what? These newspapers have to keep up with the Internet. I hear that current newspapers print five to ten copies a day just to get the latest headlines. I mean, the newspaper work in this movie was bad. But let's go back to J.

Jonah Jameson. Maybe he is. That's how he becomes. That's how he becomes like a great newspaper man. He releases not only an evening and a morning edition, which, by the way, if we want to give the movie some benefit of the doubt, that was a thing.

An evening edition and a morning edition, I think. Am I making that up? I might be. Anyway, Kelly, you're fucking right. I don't care.

But J. Jonah Jameson, he released three editions a day. Yes, he lost a ton of money, but he had the latest news always. All right, anonymous. Ooh, I love an anonymous call.

What do we got, Paul or Jason? I guess this is for the Madam web episode. Sorry, it's for the Madam web episode. The reason why Ezekiel is trying to kill the girls is not because, well, in the movie, they've conflated it. What happens is, is that they combine two characters.

Ezekiel is also combined with the character called Morland. Morland was, in the comics, was going around killing the spider people to absorb their powers. That's why he was trying to go after Maddie, Julia, and Irania. He was to kill them, instill their powers. I don't know why they never put that in the movie because it would have made the movie so much more interesting as opposed to I'm gonna kill them because I had a dream.

But anyway, great show. Thank you so much. I love the show. Have a great day. Yes, yes, yes.

Paul Scheer
That's what this movie needed. I mean, really, this movie needed something. You can clearly tell that they just re edited it and rewrote it in every step of the process, and they just made it so fucking dumb and simple. And the simplicity of it is so lame. It's like he just is afraid to die.

And why would he be dying? Because we don't even understand what he's doing. That's bad. Oh, gosh. It makes me angry all over again.

Catherine from Paris, what do you got? Hi, Paul. This is Katherine from Paris. I just listened to the Madame Webb episode and I don't understand why it's called Madame Webb. I thought you would have some explanation.

Katherine from Paris
But she's not french. She likes pigeons, but she's not french. So that was confusing to me. And I also wanted to say something. I've made me laugh about that.

Apparently Jason had the same doctor as I did for his colonoscopy, the guy I showed for me. Are you gonna love the drug? Is the same thing Michael Jackson. Well took. And so, yeah, I can only recommend doing a colonoscopy because I'm not that old.

And there was something. They found something, and it was not spiral webs or any superpower, but, yeah, PSA to anyone. Even if you're not 50, you could have something going on in your bum that is not spider magic. So get screened. That's.

That's all. And thank you for making such a fun show. Bye. All right, I believe that. Talk to your doctor about that.

Paul Scheer
I asked my doctor about a colonoscopy. He told me I didn't show any signs that needed one under 50, but we should be checking it out. Talk to your doctor. Get yourself a colonoscopy. Okay.

And let's get to your big point, which is why is she madam Webb if she's not french? I mean, maybe a more appropriate name would be like La Reina. Right? La Reina. It, you know, happened there, you know, happened in a spanish speaking country, why do we go to French?

I mean, that's a Marvel thing. So I don't want to blame this movie too much about that. They just had to take what they had. So send that to. Send it to your local Marvel editor and find out what they're going to say.

Let's go to Addie from St. Louis. Wow, lots of calls this week. Addie from St. Louis.

What do you got? Hi. There are two things this movie does that just a lot of movies do, and it's so inaccurate, it drives me up a wall. The first is giving it cat milk. Once cats are weaned, they are lactose intolerant and should not have any kind of dairy, especially milk.

Addie from St. Louis
And movies keep doing this. I'm like, you're putting bad information out there. Please stop showing cats drinking milk. The second one, which I more recently learned, was that when a woman's water breaks, unless it's like a weird color or smell, there's like, blood or something, you don't have to immediately get to the hospital or the baby's going to come out. I am 38 weeks pregnant and just recently learned this because I always learned from movies like, oh, the water breaks, you got to go.

And it's like, no, you usually have quite a few hours before the baby is going to come out. And also, it's usually a trickle, not a giant gush if your water breaks. So my question kind of is, why do movies keep showing these things as facts and making people think like me, that they're real? I just like some insight. Thank you.

Bye. Finally, a cat and I share something in common. We are both lactose intolerant. And, yes, I think, did we talk about this a little bit in the show about the pregnant woman thing? Because that was something that was a huge misconception for me until we had our first child.

Paul Scheer
It was like, oh, you could take your time. I never knew about that. Movies really warp your brain about all sorts of things, about getting pregnant, having babies, so many things there. Don't watch John Hughes movies to learn about all that sort of stuff. All right.

Wow, another call. Jeremy from San Francisco. What do you got? Hi, Paul. I'm in the middle of watching Madame Webb because I did the reverse.

Jeremy from San Francisco
I listened to the podcast, and now I'm watching the movie at minute 55, when Dakota Johnson is looking at the notebook from her mother. There's a bunch of molecules, and I have a PhD in chemistry. And the way that nitrogen is in those molecules, it can never form. Like, those molecules just do not exist. It's just flat out false bad science.

And I'm just really surprised that nobody caught that. Thanks. Bye. Fuck yeah. Jeremy, I love that you are pausing the movie to figure this shit out.

Paul Scheer
And let me tell you, I work with a bunch of great prop masters and that just seems like super ass lazy because normally they have these things that they can pull on. The fact that they didn't even go to somebody to make it even kind of right. Wow, these corrections and omissions are stunning. I don't even know if I can pick a winner. I mean, there are so many in here that are so good.

I have to say, though, and again, I don't want to make fun of anyone with mythicania Gravis, but Stinkpok Turtle, you, I think, might have busted open the funniest reveal of this entire movie that ties everything together. So you are our winner, and you get this amazing song from the action jackson five. Hit it. You win. As this week's winner, you will receive the admiration of dozens, if not hundreds, and listeners.

Otherwise, you win nothing. Thank you, action Jackson five, for that winter theme song. Remember, if you want to submit an alt movie tagline or chime in with your own thoughts about the latest episode, hit up the discord at discord, Gg HDTGM or call us at 619. P a U L a S K that 619. Paul ask.

Coming up after one final break, I'll recommend all the things I'm currently enjoying, and then I will announce next week's movie. But first, I've got some bonus audience questions from our madame Webb live show to play for you. Check out this deleted scene. How are you? I'm good.

I'm John. So, cassie. Cassandra. Thank you. Put some respect on her name.

Cassie Webb. In greek mythology, there's this character, Cassandra, who can see the future. Okay. But she's also cursed so that no one ever believes her. Oh, but that's not what's happening here.

No, I mean, that's an interesting observation, but is that in the comics? Do you know if that's in the comics? I don't. Okay. Anyone.

But I do think that's probably why she is named Cassandra. Yes. Okay, well, thank you. All right, great. We learned a little bit here tonight.

All right. I love it. All right. Yeah. Okay.

Your name, your question. I'm Sandy. My question is, in the beginning of the movie, when the ambulance gets hit by the trash truck or whatever, it pans out and the trash truck is headed straight into a river or stream. Or it's going straight into the water. There does seem, there seems to be a lot of trucks flying into water.

A lot of things like, I lived in New York for many years. I never saw cars jump off as many bridges as this movie shows. All right, your name, your question. Sean. This might be more of an unspoiled question, but why get out.

That's not this podcast, buddy. Well, then ask it on unsmold. Sean Paul. Walk away. Walk away.

We'll let Amy Nicholson answer why in the motel room, was the wallpaper in the motel room matching the carpet from the shiny? Yes, we all noticed that you're smart. We get it. Okay? Your, we know it was a callback to the wallpaper and the rug.

I love traveling. I love traveling with my family. And one of the best things about traveling with my family is finding a perfect house. You know, one of those places where you feel like you are at home. And I did find that actually when I was on my last trip.

That's right, the whole family and I went to upstate New York and we had an amazing time. Now I'm going to tell you, the entire time we were away and it was about ten days, we could have been hosting our place on Airbnb. You know, it's a great way to make a couple extra bucks. And it's easy to host with Airbnb because when you're away, your home could be an Airbnb. Hosting can fit into your lifestyle and is a great way to earn some extra money.

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That's bonkers. There's no safe like simplisafe. Welcome back. By now, I'm sure you've noticed that every Monday we re release old how did this get made? Episodes back into our feed.

This week's matinee. Monday was our episode on the first ever Marvel movie. You see how we tie that together? Howard the Duck with guest Kristen Schall. And next week's episode will be solar babies.

That's right, with John Mulaney. John Mulaney in Solar Babies. A fun episode. And we even have an interview with Mel Brooks about that episode. Maybe we can get that out there and re release that as well.

That was done by our great friend Blake J. Harris. All right, so keep on checking out these replays of classic episodes every Monday. Now, we have spent a lot of time hearing from you, but no one has asked me about me. What am I up to?

It is now time for Paul's pick of the week.

Of the week.

Thank you, Jonathan Apgar. Wow, that was a great theme, people. Thank you. Thank you for coming out for my book tour. You made me a New York Times bestseller.

I mean, truly, I am floored by that. You know how hard that is? I didn't realize how hard that was until I had a book. I came out in a week where there were five nonfiction books released. Three of them were memoirs, and I still got on the New York Times bestseller list.

That is an impossible task. I got on the indie bookstore bestseller list, which means that you've all been purchasing from indie bookstores. I can't thank the indie bookstores. Enough from the Strand to Elliott Bay to Powell's, everybody who has been so supportive, word book store in Brooklyn. I have just been completely blown away.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for buying the book, buying the audiobook. Thank you for reviewing it. I mean, that's the other thing.

You all have been reviewing this book. It's been amazing. Your responses to the book, I am full, full of gratitude. I will ask one more thing and say, if you have not reviewed it yet, please do review it and recommend it to your friends. Because something kind of crazy is happening with this book, which is, I think that people didn't expect this book to be what it is and now they're really enjoying it and people are excited about that.

I'm excited about that. So yeah, let's keep it going. I just wanted to say though, from the bottom of my heart, one of the best parts of this entire tour for the last two weeks when I've been away was meeting all of you, whether it was in San Francisco or Brooklyn or New York or Chicago, I've just been completely overwhelmed by how wonderful everybody is. And I will still get chances out there to meet you. And I will be hiding books and stores.

You can go to my website to see all the different independent stores that I have left signed books and special gifts in. You can go anywhere from San Francisco to Chicago to New York. Every place that I've been, I've been trying to give a good amount of signed books. So I will keep on updating that list on my website and I will have that on the discord as well. But I just truly, truly, truly blown away.

Loved meeting you all. Loved getting amazing gifts. Pete, the s man gave me his collection of Batman trading cards. I got the most expensive popcorn in Chicago. I signed in airports.

I met random people. I had the best time. And it's not over. It's just the big chunk of it is over. So I just wanted to say thank you.

But now, enough about that. Let me get into some stuff that you need to get into. And first of all, I want to highly recommend Ryan north. He is writing the new Fantastic Four. So I want to recommend him as somebody who I think is very funny.

But I also think that his fantastic forerun is genius. He's written some books. I love his books. Like he wrote a book called how to overtake the world, how to invent everything. But this Fantastic Four run is truly a I got my son into reading comic books and it got me into reading comic books with him.

Which is great because it's our first time that we've been able to do it. If you're looking for a movie that's fun to watch with your kids, I'm going to recommend wish Dragon. It's a new Sony movie that's on Netflix. My son went nuts for it, and I was a little bit nervous about it because he made me watch that Woody woodpecker movie, and I didn't really love that one. But I get why it could be fun, I guess.

Anyway, wish Dragon I enjoyed so much more. It's kind of like Aladdin, but with a little bit of a different spin on it. I really, really enjoyed it. All right, let's also talk about books, people. I am a New York Times bestselling author, so, yeah, I'm going to recommend some fucking books.

Chelsea Devantes, you heard her on our 50 shades of gray episodes. She has a brand new book out. It is called. I shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm going to anyway. Chelsea is absolutely fantastic.

Her book is perfect. If you want to listen to it, go to or, and they will give money to independent bookstores. But support her. Her book is coming out. I'm also reading, and I gotta say, it's pretty fucking great.

Eruption, which is essentially a Michael Crichton book, but he passed away before he was able to finish it. So they got James Patterson to finish a Michael Crichton book about the biggest earthquake of all time happening on Hawaii's big Island. It is so fun. I'm in the middle of it right now, and I'm loving every single moment of it. It is so, so good.

I know I'm a little bit late to the game on this one, but the wager is a fantastic read. And if you don't want to read the wager, it's a true story about. About a british maritime ship that is lost at sea. A year later, the survivors of the shipwreck arrive. And then a year after that, another ship of survivors arrive and are like, fuck those first survivors.

That's how the book starts. It is great. It's, I think, one of the books of the year, the wager. It's written by the same guy who did killers of the flower moon, but the audiobook of that is really fucking solid. I love it.

I'm cursing a lot, probably because I'm tired, but I really, really wanted to recommend those. If we're talking music, I want to recommend Chief Keef's new album, or I think it's new almighty. So too, I really have been digging that also. I mean, there's so many things I've been doing. I gotta recommend people to get up on summer House.

It is, I think, one of the best Bravo shows. It really is a fun one to start off on. I'm all on board with all the drama going on there. I think this is a good season. You could start on this season.

I really do think you could start on this season and you would just enjoy it for all that it is. Somebody asked me when I was on watch what happens live. They're like, how do I tell my husband to watch Bravo with me? I think that summer house might be the best entry point. I really do believe that.

I am a big believer in that show and the positive power of it. I also really. I'm in a bosh hole right now. Bosh season five and six just devoured them. I'm late on the game to bosh a little bit, and I've been loving those.

And I will say that on unspooled, we went back and watched the original Mad Max, and now I've been on a Mad Max run. So I've watched Mad Max one, two, and three, getting up for, getting geared up for Furiosa. And gosh, I got to tell you, bad boys, too. Let's talk about it. I'm actually going to be on, I think, Dave Chensky's podcast talking about bad boys two next week, so take a listen for that.

All right. I think I've given you a bunch of different things. I'm never going to be as thorough as Jason is, but let me tell you this. I will say that, you know that I'm a huge survivor fan, and I almost lost my shit when I saw our friend, friend of the podcast, John Lovett as a cast member on next season's Survivor. It's a must tune in.

I hated the ending of this survivor. I think these people played a very dumb game. I'm very angry at it. But this is not a Survivor podcast, so I'm not going to go into detail about that as well. But maybe next season I should.

People say I should. I want to anyway. You can subscribe to my substack. Maybe I can go in there and bitch about survivor. All right, next week's movie, I know you're waiting for it.

We are going to be going from Madame Webb to drop dead Fred. Wait, what? No, not drop dead Fred again. No. We'll be watching the 2000 fantasy adventure film Merlin the Return, starring drop dead Fred himself, Rick Mayhall.

But shh. Don't tell June. Here's a breakdown of the plot. The sorcerer Merlin awakens King Arthur and his knights in order to stop a scientist from freeing the evil Mordred from his prison in another world. Oh, I love this movie.

Rotten Tomatoes doesn't have any reviews for it, so instead we turn to letterbox users. Wm Connell, who writes the scene in where the knights attack a truck with swords because they think it's a monster or something, was actually pretty good. And honestly, William McConnell, that is the dumbest scene I've ever seen in my life. Anyway, listen to the trailer for Merlin the return from out of the past comes a legendary sorcerer, Merlin, a mythical king, and an evil beyond imagination. Your day is over.

I have this Excalibur now. To save the kingdom, they must travel across time itself. Patrick Bergen for the dragon, Tia Carrera, and Rick Mayo. I am too old for this as Merlin Merlin the return you can currently stream Merlin the return for free on Tubi, Freevi, Pluto TV, and Roku. It all sounds like made up places and Roku, and you can rent it on Amazon Prime Video separately.

I will encourage you to check out Hoopla and Kanopy, which are digital media services offered by your local public library. And I am loving my librarians. They have asked me to go to their association of librarian event in San Diego. I'm very honored to be there with my book support. Your local public libraries.

I know the waiting list for my book at these places is stupidly long, but I appreciate that they have a couple of copies in stock, but it looks like you may have to wait for a couple of years to get it on the rate that I'm seeing people get these books. So keep on asking your public library, write a review for me on joyful recollections of trauma and keep telling your friends I really appreciate it. Again, I'm overwhelmed, and I'm not even being. I just don't know how to even spin it more than just saying. I'm just overwhelmed by the reviews, by you all, by what you've been writing to me privately, publicly.

It's really been awesome. Anyway, that is it for the show. Please remember to rate and review. It helps. And if you listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, make sure you are following us and that you have automatic downloads turned on.

You can visit us on social media, all platforms at HDTGM. A big thank you to our producers, Scott Sanni and Molly Reynolds. Our movie picking producer Avril Halley and our associate producer, Justice Cisneros, and our engineers, Casey Holford and Rich Garcia. We will see you next week for Merlin the return.

Hulu has movies. We're here to tell you again. Hulu has movies that put you in the driver's seat, like Ferrari, starring Adam Driver. Hulu has movies that will terrify you, like the first Omen, the entire Omen franchise. Hulu has movies that will inspire you, like Origin, directed by Ava DuVernay.

Hulu has movies that will make you hold on tight, like bullet Train with Brad Pitt. We've said it before and we'll keep saying it. Hulu has movies this father's day. The Home Depot has same day delivery on the perfect gift to help dad be everything he can be. Because your dad is more than just a dad.

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