EP 215: AI News That Matters - Feb. 26th, 2024

Primary Topic

This episode discusses the significant impact of AI on various industries, particularly entertainment and business, with a focus on developments in AI video generation and regulatory responses.

Episode Summary

In this episode of Everyday AI, host Jordan Wilson delves into the latest developments in AI, focusing particularly on the entertainment industry's response to advances in AI video technology. A highlight is Tyler Perry's decision to halt a major studio expansion due to potential job losses from AI advancements. The episode also covers the phasing out of Chat GPT plugins and the broader implications for business productivity and customization. Further discussion includes a major data sharing deal between Google and Reddit, which underscores the growing importance of data in training AI models and the strategic maneuvers companies are making in the AI space.

Main Takeaways

  1. Tyler Perry has paused an $800 million studio expansion due to the disruptive potential of AI video technologies.
  2. OpenAI's Sora video generation tool is noted for its high quality, raising concerns about significant job disruptions in the entertainment industry.
  3. OpenAI is phasing out Chat GPT plugins, shifting focus to custom GPTs which may affect business productivity and customization.
  4. Google's $60 million data sharing deal with Reddit highlights the strategic importance of data in AI model training.
  5. The episode underscores the rapid development of AI technologies and their profound impact across various sectors.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction to AI Impacts

Discusses the broad impacts of AI on society, focusing on everyday applications and the changing landscape in AI development. Jordan Wilson sets the stage for detailed discussions on specific AI news.

  • Jordan Wilson: "We simplify AI and bring its power to your fingertips."

2: Tyler Perry's Studio Pause

Explains Tyler Perry's decision to pause his studio expansion due to AI's potential to disrupt the film industry by causing job losses.

  • Jordan Wilson: "Tyler Perry is holding off on an 800 million dollar studio expansion because of AI."

3: Phasing Out Chat GPT Plugins

Covers the announcement by OpenAI to phase out Chat GPT plugins and the implications for users who integrate these tools into their workflows.

  • Jordan Wilson: "Chat GPT plugins are on their way out."

4: Google and Reddit's AI Deal

Details the $60 million AI content licensing deal between Google and Reddit, emphasizing its significance in the AI and data landscape.

  • Jordan Wilson: "Google and Reddit have struck a $60 million Data Sharing deal."

5: Wrap-up and Takeaways

Summarizes the key points discussed in the episode and provides a wrap-up of the actionable insights shared by the host.

  • Jordan Wilson: "We've got a lot of AI news that matters."

Actionable Advice

  1. Keep abreast of AI developments in your industry to anticipate changes.
  2. Evaluate the integration of AI tools into business processes to enhance productivity.
  3. Monitor regulatory developments in AI to ensure compliance and leverage new opportunities.
  4. Consider strategic partnerships or data sharing agreements to enhance AI capabilities.
  5. Stay informed about AI educational resources to improve personal and professional knowledge.

About This Episode

ChatGPT Plugins are on their way out! Tyler Perry is putting his studio expansion on hold due to AI, and Google is making TONS of news right now! Here's this week's AI news that matters and why it's important.


Jordan Wilson, Tyler Perry


OpenAI, Google, Reddit



Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:



Jordan Wilson

This is the Everyday AI show, the Everyday podcast where we simplify AI and bring its power to your fingertips. Listen daily for practical advice to boost your career, business, and everyday life.

Chat GPT plugins are on their way out. Tyler Perry put his new studio on. Hold because of and Google is making. Just about all of the news right now. All right, this is AI news that matters.

So we do this every single week. We help you keep up with what's going on in the world of generative AI and how you can use all. Of this information to get ahead in. Your company, in your career. So what's going on, y'all?

My name is Jordan Wilson. I'm the host of Everyday AI. We're a daily livestream podcast and free daily newsletter helping everyday people like you and me not just keep up with all of this that's going on, but how we can all actually get ahead. That's what this is all about. So if you're joining us on the podcast, thank you as always.

Make sure to check out your show notes, the episode description. We have a lot more information in there, as always. And if you're joining us live, thank you for joining as well. Get your questions in. What do you want to know about what's going on in the world of AI news?

So like I said, we do this every single Monday because you can spend hours, literally, you can spend hours a. Day just going into deep dives and. Down rabbit holes on what's happening in AI and worrying about it and saying, oh, what should I pay attention to? Don't do that. We do that for you.

And then all you got to do. Is show up here on Mondays and we're going to tell you what's what also in the newsletter. So if you haven't already, make sure to go to your Everydayai.com and sign up for that free daily newsletter. Right. We're going to be recapping all of these stories and more, some other fresh finds from across the web, some even newer AI news than this.

So this is a little bit of. A deeper dive into what matters for you. So thanks for everyone joining us, Rodriguez joining us from DC and Tara joining us from Nashville, Jay joining us from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thank you all for joining us. Let me know, what do you want.

To know about what's going on in. The AI news this week? So, hey, if you do want to. Keep up, FYI, our website is a. Free, generative AI university.

It is. There's now more than 200 live stream videos you can watch, 200 podcast episodes you can go listen to whenever you want, 200 email newsletters you can go back and read, written by me, a human right. There's so much great information there, and you can go sort it by what you care about. So if you want to know about AI and sales or AI and entrepreneurship or Chat GPT, or whatever it is that you care about, you can just go click there and just literally get up to speed as quickly as humanly possible. All right, so let's go over what you should be paying attention to in.

The AI news this week for the. Week of February 26. All right, well, 25th, 26th, right? Depends on if you're starting your day on Sunday or Monday. So here's the big one, and I'm.

Interested to hear what you all think of this one. But Tyler Perry is holding off on an 800 million dollar studio expansion because of AI. All right, so tv and movie mogul Tyler Perry has halted the expansion of his studio complex due to concerns about the potential impact of AI tools like OpenAI's video generating tool, Sora, on the entertainment industry. So Tyler Perry did say that he believes that AI tools like Sora could lead to job losses and calls for regulation to protect the livelihoods of those working in the industry. So we've been saying this for now, like a year or more, that AI.

Video is going to be extremely disruptive in 2023. So this is pretty big news. If you don't know anything about Tyler. Perry, he is one of the most well known people in entertainment, in the movie industry. His studios, Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, I believe, is still the largest single studio in the United States.

Right? So here you have one of the most important and prominent figures in the entertainment industry in video production coming out. And saying this, OpenAI Sora was number one. The quality was amazing. Right?

And that immediately Tyler Perry said this. Could be a problem. Right? He had plans to expand his studio. With a nearly $1 billion capital investment.

So $800 million. He saw what was happening with AI and AI video and he said, no, not expanding right now because the quality here is outstanding. Right. And the potential for job loss, especially. In that industry, is huge.

Right? So make sure to check out about this one in today's newsletter because I believe there was a story that said just in the state of California, all. Right, just in the state of California. They'Re expecting AI to impact 62,000 jobs in the entertainment industry. I actually think it's going to be a lot more than that.

But if you didn't already see OpenAI's. Sora, we did a whole episode last week. All right, so I'll make sure to leave that in the podcast description and. In the show notes. But the quality of OpenAI's sora is like nothing we've seen.

Right. If you go back to the days of the original AI video, there's a very famous, or infamous video of Will. Smith eating spaghetti, right? And it was pretty bad, right? But it was one of the first kind of AI videos that took the.

Internet by storm, mainly because of how bad it was. Right. It's like Will Smith was morphing into spaghetti. The spaghetti was kind of eating, know, he was shape shifting every second. So it was pretty bad, right.

With OpenAI's Sora, which is not publicly available yet, that's important to talk about right now. It's just red teamers have access. So kind of like an internal group that's checking sora for safety, and a select group of kind of designers and artists have access to Sora. But if you're joining on the live stream right here, I just have a pretty simple left to right comparison. We did a little comparison video when.

Sora was first announced. So OpenAI released both the videos and the prompts that they used. And at that time, we grabbed a handful of those examples, downloaded them, and then ran those same prompts through what. I think is still to this day. The leading AI video platform that's available to everyone.

Right, which is Runway. So Runway gen two. And you'll see here it was a wolding mammoth example. So kind of a group of wolding mammoths walking through the snow, right? So on the left here, we have.

The Sora example, which looks strikingly real, right? And then on the right, you have the Runway gen two. So again, Runway is the best one that you can. If anyone listening out here today wants to put in a text prompt and. Create video, Runway is the best one publicly available.

But presumably, once Sora is publicly available, I'm finding it hard for any reason. To use any other product, right. Sora reportedly allows you to create 1 minute of AI video, whereas most other kind of generative AI text to video or photo to video platforms give you about four to 16 seconds, depending on which way you slice it. Right? But there's no comparison.

Right. The comparison on the right with Runway, I mean, it looks okay, right? But one of the woolly mammoths is kind of missing a know. If you watch it, know, they kind of morph a little bit. Right?

Tyler Perry is very smart. Always. I always tell, like, look, look at the money, look where the money's going. Look where the money's not going. If you want to know about how AI is impacting a certain industry, a certain field, maybe where your career or your company is headed, look where the money's going.

Right? What are the big tech companies doing? Are they investing more people in these areas? Are they investing more money? Well, here you go, I'd say is one of the most prominent figures in.

Video and in entertainment. Tyler Perry saw, literally, specifically saw Sora. And said, oh, no, hit and pause. Hit and pause on this nearly $1 billion expansion because of how good Sora is. And right away, without, presumably Tyler Perry hasn't used it.

He just, according to all these reports, saw the quality and said, oh, this is going to be bad for the entertainment industry from a jobs perspective, right. It will allow smaller creators to create much higher quality visuals, much better stories. Right? So, yes, there will be some new studios that will pop up that didn't exist before. I get that.

But with a single text prompt, right? And again, we'll share examples of this in the newsletter if you haven't seen anything. But Sora, with a single text prompt, can create something that would have probably. Taken a team of maybe 20, 30. 40 people and multimillions of dollars.

Right? I'm not kidding. There is one example in particular that I'll make sure that we share. It was kind of a desert scene and kind of like some astronaut looking people, but it's like, man, you got to fly a big crew to some remote place, right? You got to have expensive cameras, you got to have a whole production crew, right?

And a simple text prompt in Sora did this. All right? And actually, Sora, I think, is about much more than you know. Tyler Perry here is recognizing it in this piece of news, is recognizing the great impact that it's going to have in the video and the entertainment industry. But it's actually about AGI.

It is. I did a whole episode on that. So I'm not going to talk about that now. But I'll let you know this, it's not just Tyler Perry, right? This is happening across the industry.

All right, so eleven labs, as an. Example, joined Disney's accelerator program. All right? So yeah, Disney is investing very heavily in AI. Similarly, Disney just announced their 2024 Disney accelerator program, right?

So each year they bring some kind of small companies that they see making big impacts in the movie and entertainment industry. They bring them kind of in this accelerator program, bring them under the Disney wing, teach them things, invest in them, et cetera. So out of the five companies that. Were in the Disney accelerator program this. Year, three are just AI companies, right?

So audio shake, I think that one. Is Promethean AI and eleven labs. So huge implications. And eleven labs, y'all. Eleven labs is amazing.

It's so good. So a text to speech platform, very realistic. And a lot of people are similarly how Tyler Perry saw Sora and said, oh, this is going to impact our industry. A lot of people are saying that about text to speech in these platforms like eleven labs that, I mean, you. Can type in a text prompt and.

You can hear the quality of the output. It sounds human, right? That's the thing. That's the thing. Right?

Now, if you don't follow, if you don't follow this on a daily or. Weekly basis, you might remember those things. Like Will Smith's eating spaghetti AI videos, or you might have heard an AI generated voice a couple months ago and you're like, no, Jordan, you're crazy. You don't know what you're talking about. Will Smith can't even eat spaghetti in AI.

And these AI voices are so robotic. Nope, they're not. You cannot tell the difference right now. Between, I think, sora AI, like Sora's. AI video, and real video produced from humans, right?

If we're talking about basic shots, right? Quick edits, you can't tell the difference. Same thing with AI voices you can't text to. Speech is getting so good over the last couple of months.

Even this example of eleven labs, they've. Updated their model and you won't believe your ears. All right, enough on that. Our next piece of AI news that matters. And hey, this really matters if you listen to the show, if you're a huge Chad GPT fan.

Chad GPT is killing plugins. Yes, we've known about this for a while and we've talked about it here on the show for a while. But up until Friday, up until a couple of days ago, it was more. Of just a well believed rumor, but. There was no hard data.

But OpenAI did officially announce the phasing out or the killing of Chat GPT plugins. All right, so here's exactly what that means. So kind of OpenAI is pushing gpTs, right? Which is great. GPTs are cool.

If you don't know what GPTs are, they're just kind of, I would say, custom versions of Chat GPT that anyone can make no code or low code depending on how you build it. But even if you're not a big techie, you can go create a slightly customized version of Chat GPT based on your data, you can upload maybe documents about yourself or your company in a knowledge base. You can tweak it, you can go and configure it just with text. Pretty cool, right? So OpenAI is phasing out plugins, and they're going to be officially gone here in a couple of weeks.

So here's the dates that you need to know. So if you are using Chat GPT plugins, if they have become an integral part of your workflow, maybe if you've taken our free prime prompt polish course, you've been laughing your way to the bank because you've been creating plugin packs, which is something we love. More on that here in a second. But we have end dates ready. So March 19 is the last day.

That you can create a new chat with plugins, okay? So right now, plugins is its own dedicated mode. So when you launch into Chat GPT and you have to have Chat GPT plus to use both plugins or gpTs, which is $20 a month. So now if you go in there, you can still create new chats with. Plugins, but only until March 19, all right?

And then your existing chats that use plugins, they will work until April 9. So again, March 19 is the last day that you can create new chats with plugins inside of Chat GPT. And April 9 is the last day that you can use your current chats with plugins. So kind of a big bummer. Even what we do here at everyday AI, we have different, what we call plugin packs, right?

So we teach prime prompt polish, which is creating expert chats inside of chat GBT. And many times those expert chats for us. And I'm hoping for many of you out there have taken advantage of this over the last year, works with three plugins. So here's, at least in the short. Term, what that means.

I think it means a huge loss. Of business productivity in the short term, right? Without going into too much details, right? Now, plugins can work sort of autonomously, right? So you can have any three plugins in a new chat inside of chat GBT.

You can train them and then put in, as an example, one text prompt. And then you can essentially tell those. Three plugins to work with each other, right? You could have one plugin that scrapes a website, you could have another plugin that from, that information from a scraped website creates a PowerPoint presentation, and then you could have zapier enabled, and in one command, you can have these three plugins working with each other autonomously. Right, which is pretty amazing.

You cannot do that right now with gpts. So that's the big thing that people aren't seeing, at least in the short term. This is a huge step backwards for business productivity, especially for those of you out there that have become really great at using plugins. Right? So right now you can only work with one GPT at a time.

So yes, you can mention any GPT, right? So in theory you could create a new chat with 50 gpts, but you can only work with one at a time. As it stands now, as we all. Know, OpenAI is working heavily on AI agents and AI assistants. So presumably that's going to change, hopefully sometime in the near future, but at least a huge step backwards for business productivity, at least in the short term.

Again tomorrow, OpenAI might change this and might allow you to work with multiple gpts within the same prompt, but right now you can't. So keep that in mind. And also check out the newsletter. We're going to have a lot more on that one. All right.

And hey, thank you. Thank you for all your questions. I'm going to try to get to them. So if you do have questions like Douglas here saying, what will the PPP pro look like without plugins? Hey, great question, Douglas.

Well, yeah, we're rebuilding, we're actually rebuilding all of our prime prompt polish courses from scratch. We're having to redo them all, which is okay. Right. But hey, if you're one of the 2400 business leaders that have taken our free prime prompt polish program, you might want to sign up again. All right, so we're going to have a lot of new dates out there in April.

So we're essentially going to take a month off of our Free training because we got to rebuild it from scratch. All right. But yeah, Douglas, that's what the PPP Pro is going look like without plugins. Is we're going to have to rebuild it. But that's okay.

We always keep things up to date. All right, next piece of AI News. Another big one here. So the Mystery Company signing a $60 million AI content Licensing deal with Reddit has been revealed. And it's Google.

All right, so we've talked about this on the show last week and in the newsletter, but it had been reported and we had talked about that there is a Mystery Company signing a $60 million annual deal with Reddit. All right, so here's what this means. So Google and Reddit have struck a $60 million Data Sharing deal which allows Google to use Reddit posts for training its AI models, so its GeMini AI Model and to improve Google search. All right, so this deal allows Google to use Reddit posts to train its AI models and improve those services. And then Reddit will have access to Google's AI models to improve its internal site search.

All right, so there's some wins for. Both parties here, but this deal is. Significant for both companies and sets a precedent for obtaining data for AI models. And this comes right as Reddit files for its IPO. So its initial Public offering.

So Reddit is going public. So a great kind of timely piece of news here for Reddit and Google. But also Google is facing a lot of criticisms for its AI, Chatbot, Gemini. And we're going to talk about that here in a second. So I'd say it's a big win, big win for both companies, but I'd say, actually I think it might be a bigger win for Google, if I'm being honest.

Right? It's timely for Reddit, it's very timely to get a 60 million annual partnership with Google, right? Literally, this is within a day of announcing that Reddit is going public. Now, let me try to zoom out a little bit and tell you why this is important specifically for Generative AI. And for large language models.

So if you haven't noticed over the. Last couple of years, Internet search is getting terrible, right? And actually Reddit has turned into a search engine of types, right? So a lot of people either are skipping using Google or skipping using Bing and just going straight to Reddit, or when they are searching for something on the Internet. Reddit is often one of the first websites that pops up.

It's actually outranking, which I know is weird. It's outranking Google a lot. It's outranking Microsoft a lot, right? Because what the algorithm has taught us is that people are finding answers on Reddit to their queries, right? So they're not necessarily finding answers when they go on other websites, right?

Because Internet browsing, and I've talked about. This, we had a whole show on this, especially with AI chat bots. Current day Internet browsing has become unbearable because Internet publishers are losing so much revenue from now getting way fewer clicks because of people are getting those answers. In AI chat bots, or maybe they're. Getting them in Reddit.

So generally now, Internet using the Internet to find information is becoming unbearable. The amount of ads that pop up or take up the full screen or the amount of actual helpful content, and it's real estate on the screen is shrinking. So this is actually really worth paying attention to. And I think here's what's going to happen. Well, number one, I think Google got a steal.

I think Google got a steal. You might look at that and say. $60 million for data. That's a lot, right? I don't think it is.

I think it's a bargain, right. For the amount of data that Reddit has, the amount of helpful data that will help Google Gemini provide better answers. It cannot be understated. That's huge, right? And I've been using Google Gemini since the new Ultra 1.0 update came out.

Most people don't have access to the new Ultra 1.5, but hey, I've been using Gemini since the paid version came out earlier this month. And if I'm being honest, it's not good. I don't like it. Aside from using it to recap YouTube videos, which you can only do, fYi, you can only do with your personal know, because even if you're using your workspace account, so if you're like me and if you use Google workspace for, as an example, your work email, your work calendar, your work Google Drive, even if you are using the enterprise version. Of Gemini on your work account, you.

Don'T have access to all of that data within Gemini. We don't. I'm paying $36 a month for the Gemini enterprise product and it still can't speak with my work data. So if you're using a personal Gmail account, at least Gemini is good for a couple of things, but not a lot. So I do think this is big news.

I think it's going to push Gemini forward, but I also think it's going. To signal, what about, I mean, here's the reality. Almost all large language models have used data from Reddit to build their current models. So what happens now? Right, are we going to see more and more partnerships like this?

Is there a little exclusivity in this Google and Reddit agreement? Will that change a little bit? Again, this is initial reporting, so we have to wait and see. But presumably what's either going to happen is Reddit is going to be able to get even larger deals with the anthropics and the openais of the world, or we're going to see big lawsuits because it is so difficult and so expensive to untrain models, especially off a source like Reddit. All right, go use chat, GPT or anthropics, Claude, and search for things that, you know would probably only you could find on Reddit.

Find like certain details and you'll see that these models have gobbled up again. For the most part, large language models. Are trained on the history of the. Open Internet and more, right. Which includes Reddit.

So it's interesting to see what's going to happen. Is Reddit going to be striking a. Ton of these large content partnership deals? Will there be some heavy exclusivity enforced in this Google Reddit partnership? I'm not sure, but we're probably going.

To find out over the next week. Or two, but it's going to be interesting. All right. Yeah. Tanya here asking, I wonder how much it costs to build Reddit.

Probably less than other companies.

I'm not sure, Tanya. We can probably figure that out. But presumably a little cheaper, right? Because if you don't know Reddit, it is user generated, right? The overwhelming majority of everything on Reddit is know, for the most part.

I mean, yeah, there's a lot of. Garbage on Reddit, right? A lot of misinformation, disinformation. But for the most part, there's a lot, a ton of very high quality information on Reddit generated by users. So presumably it is much cheaper for Reddit to operate than maybe a large news organization or a large company like an anthropic or an OpenAI, just because it is end users who are not being paid, who are going in and they are actually, in Theory now, Training Reddit and training Google Gemini in Theory to be smarter.

And this signals a much deeper conversation that we'll probably save for another. Hot. Take Tuesday on what it means for Data. Right now you see universities selling, literally, it's an open market like it's a biding war, literally marketing student data and large research study data to these companies, to the Googles and the Openais and the Microsoft's of the world and the anthropics of the world. They're out there selling data.

They're collecting and harvesting as much high quality original data as possible and selling it to the highest bidder. Right? I'm not saying that's what Reddit's doing, but you're seeing this at very well established universities. So it's interesting to see how this. Is all going to pan out.

All right, we got a lot of Google News. All right, let's get to it as. We continue to go over the AI news that matters. So Google has temporarily shut down its AI image Generator called Imagine two. All right, so Google has paused its Gemini AI tool from generating images of humans after receiving backlash for creating stereotypical images of black founding founders, a female pope, et cetera.

Or know gay couples when asking it to generate pictures of straight couples. All right, so you've probably seen this a lot on the news, but this highlights kind of ongoing struggles in the AI industry to avoid bias, but to. Also be more inclusive, right? We've talked about this on the everyday AI show a lot, right? So a lot of AI image generating models, if you ask for, say, hey, generate an image of a powerful CEO of a tech company, right?

And almost every single time it's going. To generate a white male, right? Which is not good. That's a bias and that's a stereotype. So what we found with Google Gemini's AI, imagine two, was kind of the opposite, right?

It was actually being historically inaccurate. There's a lot of examples here, but. This example that I'm showing here on the live stream is from CNN business. So this example that someone on CNN business shared it said, hi, gemini, can you produce for me a picture of a pope? And then Gemini produces a picture of a pope.

And obviously every single pope that has existed in history is a white man. And then Google Gemini just depicted two different people that are not white. One woman, one man who are not white. So this is a tough conversation and. I don't have the right answers for this because how do you find the middle ground?

Right? We don't have it right now. Right. So I think with Google Gemini's imagine, the problem is it was historically inaccurate, but it was more inclusive. But at the same time, if you use like mid journey, like I said, we've talked about this on the show.

We've showed examples of this on the show. So much of everything that you ask it to produce is white males, which isn't good. So I don't know how this is going to pan out, but what we do know right now is you can. No longer, at least as of late. Last night, you can no longer use Google Gemini's imagine.

So it's AI image generator to produce pictures of people. So they've currently paused this capability. So.

That'S not all the Google news. All right, so there is a new Google model. Yes, another Google model. This is a little confusing, but I'm going to do my best to explain it. So Google has announced another large language model.

This time it's a lightweight open model named Gemma. All right, so Google has introduced Gemma. It's a family of lightweight, state of the art open models inspired by Gemini, and it is designed for responsible AI development. All right? So right now, Gemma kind of is.

Released, or it comes in two flavors so there is the two b and the seven b variations. So that's billions of parameters. So it's the Gemma 2 billion and the Gemma 7 billion, and each are kind of come pretrained and instruction tuned. So there's a lot of confusion over what this new Gemma is. All right?

And again, if you haven't read a lot about it, that's why we do this every week. You don't got to spend hours every day trying to keep up. Tune in every Monday. We'll tell you what's what, and then read our newsletter today as well. All right, but here's essentially now what we got going on with Google and all of its models, because there's a lot of confusion on the Internet of what Gemma is, and especially when Google keeps changing its Gemini models names.

Right? So we talked about this before. Previously, when Google just released Gemini, you could go in if you had the paid version, it was $20 a month, and you would use what was called Gemini advanced, and then you could toggle between Gemini Ultra and Gemini Pro. All right? So that kind of made sense.

But now if you're using the enterprise version, there's just Gemini. And it's like, oh, where's Gemini Pro? Where's Gemini Ultra? Which 01:00 a.m.. I using?

I have no clue, and I think. Most people don't, but I can at least try to explain all the different models because right now with Gemini, Google. Has three different models. So they have Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano. All right, so Gemini Ultra and Gemini Pro are the two models powering their Gemini chatbot.

All right. So if you're using the free version, presumably it used to tell you it doesn't anymore, but presumably you are using Gemini Pro. All right, so if you're using the free version of Gemini, you're presumably using Gemini Pro. It used to tell you it doesn't anymore if you're using a paid version. So with Gemini advanced or with Gemini Enterprise or Gemini business, you are presumably using Gemini Ultra 1.0.

Eventually you'll probably be using Gemini Ultra 1.5. Again, Google's not telling us. So if you're using Gemini, you're probably using Pro or Ultra. All right, so Gemini Nano is its edge AI model. So what?

That means it is an on device, right? So think the new Samsung S 24 phone has the Gemini Nano model. So it's a smaller version of Gemini that lives on devices. And it's kind of fine tuned for those specific purposes to accomplish things on a device and kind of the big deal about that is it makes it faster, right? Because right now, if you're using Gemini Pro or ultra via the Gemini AI chatbot, it's cloud computing.

It's resource heavy, it's quick, but it's not super fast. Right? But when you're using Gemini Nano on your smartphone, if you have the new Samsung Galaxy S 24, it's using it locally, which means it's very fast and it's very secure. All right? So now let's try to keep up because Gemma, the new model is none.

Of those, all right? So it's essentially a much smaller version of Gemini, but it is made to be downloaded, it is made for developers, it is made to be a local version of Gemini, because right now, if you want to use Gemini, you can really only use it cloud based. Right? With Gemini Pro and Gemini Ultra, both of those two Gemini variations are too big. You can't run those locally.

All right, so that's the difference here. With the Gemma model. It is lightweight, it is much smaller at 2 billion and 7 billion parameters. So you can download this and you can run it locally on your desktop and you can also run it on Google Cloud and hugging face. All right, so a lot going on there.

A lot going on there with Google. So much.

Oh, man. This week, I don't know about you guys, right? And I'm going to get to your questions as we wrap up here. Or you can let me know what you think is the biggest piece of AI news or if you're not joining us live, don't worry, you can always reach out. I put my email, I put my LinkedIn URL in every single episode, show notes.

So go check out the show description, hit me an email, let me know what you think. Let me know what you think is the most impactful story this week. So let me get to a couple of comments and questions here as we wrap up. So Cecilia was asking what's the best text to speech AI? Great question, Cecilia.

So yeah, like we were talking about. Earlier, we said eleven labs was entering. Disney's AI accelerator program. We are talking about the big news of Tyler Perry halting his 800 million dollar expansion. And Disney, I said, is investing heavily into these AI startups as well.

With eleven labs, the text to speech platform, joining the Disney accelerator, Cecilia, I'll. Say right there, eleven labs, there's a lot. Well said. Labs is good. Google, Amazon, OpenAI, they're all working on their own text to speech models, none of which their current models are publicly available or their newest, most advanced models are publicly available.

So if you need a text to speech model today to go work on something, I would say it's eleven labs. All right, Justin, I love this. Justin says, does this mean generative AI Madea? Right? So that's Tyler Perry's franchises.

Yeah. He has so many different movies under his belt. I mean, who knows, right? I don't know. Because here's the other thing.

OpenAI Sora, again, if you haven't watched it, make sure to check out the newsletter. We're going to be dropping some different examples. Here's the thing. I don't know if it's going to be able to produce copyrighted content right now. It's the big gray area in the.

Room, or the big elephant in the room is, hey, all these models can produce copyrighted content, right? If you use AI image generators, even if you're not trying to produce copyrighted content. I did this on the show before I did it live. We were using mid journey and know give me a superhero and it spit out copyrighted materials. It spit out Marvel, right?

So I don't know if these future models like Sora will be able to. Produce like, oh, I don't know. Presumably it's going to happen, I would assume, right? At least in the samples that people. Have been releasing out of Sora, I'm not seeing any overly flagrant copyrighted materials coming out.

But again, this is a very kind of closed access right now. And everything, presumably everything that's being released from these kind of red teamers who are testing Sora for safety and the select group of AI artists and designers that have access to this. I assume that there's a pretty strict policy on how they are producing content and what they can and can't release. So I'm not sure. But presumably, yeah, we're going to see some AI movies that probably contain some.

Type of copyrighted materials. All right, that is it, y'all. We got to the AI news that matters. But that's not all. There's obviously a lot more.

This is just what we're the tip of the iceberg that we're getting to today. So thank you for joining us. I appreciate it. But let's talk about a couple of things that are happening. Well, number one, was this helpful?

Is the AI news that matters helpful for you? Let me know in the comments, or just send me an email. Let me know if this is helpful for you. But if it is helpful, please consider sharing this. Share this episode with your friends.

Share everyday AI with your colleagues, or maybe just repost this episode, right? So if you're listening here on LinkedIn, it takes us sometimes ten to 20 hours to put single episodes together. We'd appreciate it if you took ten to 20 seconds to share this with your network to keep them up to speed. That would be great. All right.

And as a reminder, go to your everydayai.com and sign up for the free. Daily newsletter because like I said, we. Have a lot more in today's newsletter and with the AI news that matters. All right, a couple things I've got to shout out. So normally we do hot take Tuesdays, we're going to have a guest tomorrow, but we're still going to keep it a little hot.

So we have Tebow, the CTO from Taplio, going to be coming on and talking about how to stand out in a world where everyone can create an AI startup. This one I'm very excited for. Tebow is a very talented startup founder who's created multiple very successful products. So I'm excited about that because we've talked about on the show here many times, it's so easy now to just sprinkle AI into something. So we're going to be talking about what it means to actually stand out with AI.

And then Wednesday, Wednesday, this is going to be, I think, one of our biggest shows ever. I spent like the majority of my weekend putting this show together. I'm not even done. We're going to continue. So make sure to join us Wednesday on the seven steps on how to actually use Chat GPT in 2024.

I'll make sure to put the link in the show notes. All right. But it was our most popular podcast ever was how to actually use chat GBT. The problem is that podcast was from like May, so it's like nine months old, so a lot of people are still listening to it and so much of it is outdated. So been spending so much time to update that.

So if you want to know how to properly use Chat GPT, to grow your company, to grow your career, even if you're brand new to Chat GPT, this show is for you. If you're using Chat GPT hourly, this show is for you. So we're going to cover everything from beginner and kind of the 101 to some very advanced techniques. So this show is for everyone. Please join us Wednesday and please join us every day.

Thank you for tuning in and we hope to see you back tomorrow and every day for more everyday AI. Thanks, y'all.

And that's a wrap for today's edition of Everyday AI. Thanks for joining us. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a rating. It helps keep us going for a little more AI magic. Visit your Everydayai.com and sign up to our daily newsletter so you don't get left behind.

Go break some barriers and we'll see you next time.