Unleash the Kraken

Primary Topic

This episode features a unique blend of comedy and insights into unique careers, focusing on Ben, a guest who builds pipe organs and plays them at Seattle Kraken NHL games.

Episode Summary

In the "Unleash the Kraken" episode of "Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend," Conan delves into the fascinating world of pipe organ building and playing with his guest, Ben, who uniquely ties his craft to sports by playing at NHL games for the Seattle Kraken. The discussion illuminates Ben's unconventional career path from engineering to organ building and his role in enhancing the hockey game experience with music. Conan's witty banter and curiosity about the technical and artistic aspects of organ crafting, alongside discussions on the cultural impact of team anthems, add depth and hilarity. The episode is rich with humorous anecdotes, technical details about pipe organs, and personal reflections, making it a compelling blend of education and entertainment.

Main Takeaways

  1. Ben transitioned from studying engineering to building pipe organs, highlighting an unusual but fulfilling career path.
  2. The Seattle Kraken's fan culture and anthem, "Unleash the Kraken," play a significant role in the team's identity, as discussed by Ben.
  3. The technical aspects and challenges of building and playing pipe organs are explored, revealing the complexity behind the craft.
  4. Conan's interaction with his guest underscores the importance of pursuing a career that aligns with one's passions.
  5. The episode emphasizes humor's role in making technical discussions accessible and engaging.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction and Sponsor Messages

Ben is introduced after a series of advertisements. Conan briefly discusses his connection to Seattle through his family. Conan O'Brien: "My wife is from Seattle, and I go there a lot."

2: Ben's Career as a Pipe Organ Builder

Ben discusses his unique job of building pipe organs and playing them at NHL games, adding a personal touch to his role with the Seattle Kraken. Ben: "So my day job is I build pipe organs... and then a seasonal part-time gig is I play organ at the Seattle Kraken NHL games."

3: The Art and Science of Pipe Organs

The conversation shifts to the specifics of pipe organ construction, including the number of pipes and the physical demands of the job. Ben: "The biggest organ that we've done, I think, has in the ballpark around 5000 pipes."

4: Humorous Interlude and Career Advice

Conan and Ben exchange jokes about organ donations and discuss the broader implications of pursuing a job that brings joy and satisfaction. Conan O'Brien: "An organ donor, if you will, but my question is, there was nothing there and I made something."

5: Musical Influence in Sports

The episode concludes with a focus on how music, specifically organ music, enhances the sporting experience, including how Ben adapts various music genres for the games. Ben: "I'll play classic rock songs. I'll play hip hop songs. You can get away with anything on an organ because there's no lyrics."

Actionable Advice

  1. Explore unconventional career paths that align with your passions, as demonstrated by Ben's shift from engineering to organ building.
  2. Consider the cultural impact of your work, similar to how team anthems can influence sports team identities.
  3. Embrace the technical aspects of your job to innovate and improve your craft, akin to Ben's detailed approach to organ building.
  4. Use humor to make complex subjects more relatable and enjoyable.
  5. Engage with community and cultural traditions to enrich your professional and personal life, as seen in Ben's integration into the NHL's fan culture.

About This Episode

Conan talks to Ben from Seattle about building and playing pipe organs and performing at Kraken games.




Seattle Kraken

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Conan O'Brien
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Sona Movsessian
Conan O'Brien needs a fan. Want to talk to Conan? Visit teamcoco.com callconan. Okay, let's get started. Hey, Ben.

Matt Gourley
Welcome to Conan O'Brien needs a fan. Hi, everybody. How's it going? Hey, Ben, how are you? You know, I'm doing just fine.

How about yourselves? I'm doing well. That's all the time we have. It's nice chatting with you, Ben. It's nice to see you.

Conan O'Brien
Where are you calling in from, Ben? So I'm calling in from Tacoma, but I live just up the road in Seattle, so that's up in Washington state. I know my Seattle well. I married into Seattle. My wife is from Seattle and I go there a lot.

Currently, my in laws from Seattle are visiting us here in Los Angeles. Oh, beautiful. I spent a lot of time with them. And yes, Seattle's a wonderful place. I really like it there.

I keep meaning to go visit that trash can they've got for you in Langley, but there's a few. I was on an island. You haven't made it over there. I was in one of the islands, and I was there because my wife had a play that was being produced there, and they found out I was in town, and they said they wanted to honor me, and they named a trash can after me. The highest honor you know, I assumed it was, and I went with it.

Conan O'Brien
And actually we had a lot of fun. It was a nice sort of happening and a good time was had by all. But let's not talk about me and my awards and the trash can that bears my name. Let's talk about you. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

What do you do for a living there, Ben? So I've got an assemblage of very odd jobs. So my day job is I built pipe organs, the kind you would find in a church or university, stuff like that. And then a seasonal part time gig is I play organ at the Seattle Kraken. NHL games.

Yes. Unleash the Kraken. That's. You got Conan. No, that is.

I love when they named that NHL franchise the Kraken, I was so happy. And then that's their motto is unleash the Kraken. And I thought, this is genius. So I started rooting for the Kraken just because of the creative choice. Oh, beautiful.

Yeah, I was down with the Kraken. I'm still down with the crack. Is it unleash or release? There you go. Unleash.

Usually it's release, but not to side with girlie out the gate. I'm just going by Clash of the Titans. Yeah. So I've been doing it wrong. I've been shouting, unleash the Kraken.

Conan O'Brien
And whenever I do that, they lose. So this might be unusual. You're to blame. You're to blame. Well, I just think of.

I've seen many times I go to the park and stuff, and they say, please keep your crack unleashed. And so as a rule follower, that's why I went with unleash. I was wrong. You guys were right. And Gorley, you were right.

Matt Gourley
I wasn't doing it to be right. I was just correcting history. Clash of the Titans. This is important. I understand.

Conan O'Brien
Okay, so we have a lot to talk about here. First of all, let's talk pipe organs. I know nothing about pipe organs. Of course, I grew up going to many masses and seeing a lot of pipe organs in my life. And so I'm very impressed by them, but I don't know anything about them.

I mean, how did you become a guy who makes a pipe organ? How does one. And you're a young man. It's not like your great grandfather handed this on down to you. It feels like this is just something you kind of figured out on your own.

Yeah. You know, it's just a series of stumbling into odd career paths. I went to school for engineering and decided about halfway through that I didn't really want to do that and wanted to try and figure out how can I do like, you know, work with my hands, build stuff. And through a series of very chance encounters at the University of Illinois, got linked up with a pipe organ builder there. But they didn't need any more people.

And believe it or not, there's a lot of people that do this throughout the country. And so he kind of put the guy there, pointed me to a website that listed a bunch of other ones. And I just done a bunch of emails saying, hey, I think what you guys do is neat. Do you need another hand around the shop? And one thing led to another and now I live in Seattle and do this.

Conan O'Brien
You know what? I like that. Perseverance. Perseverance. You had a sense of what you wanted to do and you kept at it.

Did you choose the right path? I'm not sure. Verdict's out every day. I'll be honest with you, Ben, what. Do you have against pipe organs?

I was attacked by one. Yeah, it fell over on me and the sound it made was incredible. It went ba. As my life was being crushed out of me. No, Ben, I obviously think it's very cool what you do.

Tell me how many pipes are in a pipe organ. It kind of depends on the size. So we will do anything from some of the ones we're finishing up right now are kind of a smaller practice size. They go in a practice room or if you had a nice vaulted ceiling, you could fit it in your house. Those might have a couple hundred.

But the biggest organ that we've done, I think, has in the ballpark around 5000. 5000 pipes now. And they range in size, so the smallest one will be about like an inch long. That's your high pitched stuff. That'll sound kind of like this.

Conan O'Brien
Oh, my God. On the bigger range of the scale, the largest pipe that'll end up going in most of the organs we do from tip to tail is around 32ft long. And what sound does that make? Would that make like a.

Exactly. You nailed it. Oh, my God. He's got one. This is big.

But we do. This isn't like the big one, but it is at least a little deeper to give you kind of the range here. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I think we overdid it there.

Conan O'Brien
It made the sound that we thought it would make and then all of us went, you did it better. I think, actually it's just so different than the other one. Yes. Wow.

Sona Movsessian
It really was. I mean, I didn't expect. No one was very high. And then the other was pitch. A high pitch.

Conan O'Brien
Yeah. Yeah. Low. Yeah. Shocking.

So it's incredible that you learned how to do that. Is there a lot of welding, soldering involved? A lot of metalwork? Do you put on goggles? Are there sparks flying?

Paint a picture for me. Yeah. It's just like the fires of vulcan and fascia. There's a lot of soldering. These secrets are making organ pipes and actually a lot of brass, musical instruments is a lot of just kind of beating the shit out of it until it's the right shape.

So it's definitely a physical job, but, yeah. So we'll start with liquid. We'll start with ingots of metal and we'll melt them down in a big furnace. So you have this liquid kind of terminator 2000 looking stuff. This is a real.

Conan O'Brien
I'm sorry, I don't want to embarrass you, but you're like a real person because you're taking. My job does not involve, and I envy you for this. My job doesn't involve taking ingots of metal and melting them down in a vat. And I come into this room in a t shirt and blah, blah, blah, blah. You're actually building things that will outlive you.

These pipe organs will live. They could live for 1000 years. But not to be in your defense, but you make something out of nothing. Yeah. It crafts laughter.

You're right. I have no ability and I make something. You're a conjurer. You know I'm a conjurer? Yes.

Yes. I suppose I am a conjurer, if you will. Thank you. But I am just not the same. His is way cooler.

Yeah. Thank you. So you make these amazing organs. Let's say I wanted to buy an organ. You know, be nice if someone would give me one.

Conan O'Brien
An organ donor, if you will, but. Oh, God. Home run. But my question is, there was nothing there and I made something. Something horrible.

Matt Gourley
Yeah, a pile of shit. Okay. There you go. Thank you. Critics.

Conan O'Brien
Everyone's a critic. How much are we talking? Let's say I wanted to buy a pipe organ for my wife for her birthday. Top of the line, mid range. What?

I'm looking for something mid range. I don't want to go with a small organ. I want to go with something that has at least 1000 pipes. Okay? So as long as your estate has the space to kind of, you know, accommodate something that big.

What are you talking about? You're talking to Conan O'Brien. I have nine estates that have been joined together with various bridges and habit trails. So I scurry through tubes to get from one estate to the other. Okay, so what are we talking about?

Conan O'Brien
Let's say I wanted 1000 pipe. Oregon. What do you think it might run me? You're probably going to run in like the million dollar range somewhere, which for. You, but I wouldn't say chump change.

I mean, I'd have to shake out a couple of couch cushions, but we'd find it. No, no. That's so cool. How long would it take to build? Usually takes about a year from when we'll start in on one project and the shop.

There's eight guys that work here full time and everyone's kind of got their specialty. So, like right now, for example, the pipes. We're starting the next organ while we're finishing up some of the casework on the previous ones. But generally something around that size, like 1000, 2000. Let me ask you a really obnoxious Los Angeles question.

Conan O'Brien
If I threw more money at it, could I get it faster? What if I was like, hey, man. Do you want to come help out? Sure. No, no, just, you know, that obnoxious, like, hey, I need this in three months.

I'll give you 10 million. Or is that just impossible? Speaker one. It would make my life a lot worse if you wanted to do it. But the kind of guy.

I'm impressed. The kind of guy I'm impersonating doesn't care. Yeah, yeah. And you'd get $10 million. Well, no, he'd eventually not pay.

Oh, man, come on. No, I'm talking. This guy is awful. Is this guy currently running for president? Running again for present.

Matt Gourley
Okay. Yeah.

Conan O'Brien
But anyway, let's talk about your other gig, which is you play at the Kraken games. I mean, what kind of songs do you play when you're on that organ? You know, what are the. Everything.

You know that one? Oh, yeah, yeah. There's those kind of the old standbys, your let's go crack and stuff like that. But especially being a new team, you kind of get to start fresh and really build the repertoire. Harvey C fit.

So, you know, I'll play classic rock songs. I'll play hip hop songs. You play hip hop on a pipe organ? You can get away with anything on an organ because there's no lyrics, so. Oh, so you're playing hardcore, hardcore hip.

Hop, you know, from time to time. But I don't want to get you in trouble, but what would be the nastiest song that you've played at a kraken game, or do you not want to say? Well, I can't censor anything, right? So I think the song title, that would. Would have gotten me most in trouble.

There's an exhibit song called Motherfucker. So that's an example that you probably couldn't play if it's your jam. I'm sure we all know motherfucker. That's a good one. Yeah, something like that.

Conan O'Brien
Oh, that's so cool. That's great. Why don't you play it and I'll sing it? Yeah, go ahead. Yep, yep.

What, what, what, motherfucker? I mean, that was actually. I was almost right, is. What's shocking is that you were pretty close on where the motherfucker dropped. Yeah.

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It must be fun. I mean, first of all, it sounds like you're a talented musician as well, so this must be really nice that you've. You've built this life for yourself. It's one of those things you show up to work and it's like, it is stupid that someone let me do this. I know exactly what you're talking about.

I thought you might. No, I do think to get serious for a second, I do think that one of the main goals, then I talk to my kids about this all the time, is really trying to figure out what excites you, what you like, and then just keep at it and try and figure out a way to make that thing that brings you some joy. A career. Absolutely. Cause I talk to people all the time who really hate what they do.

Conan O'Brien
That's just no way to go through life if you can possibly avoid it. Well, and like, the other side of it, the advice part of it, too, that I'll tell people all the time is that any job I've ever had has never been from a job listing and just applying to something it's been finding, like, oh, here's something. I'm really interested. And then you have to find the people who are doing what you want to do and find a way to get involved. Yeah.

Sona Movsessian
I can't believe how many people do this. Yeah. Is it common? Do you guys have conventions? It's more common than you'd think.

Matt Gourley
Well, just like every city needs you guys, right? Yeah. Yeah. Every. No, it's true.

Conan O'Brien
Every city needs at least someone who's making pipe organs or maintaining. Right? Yeah. And then you got to figure out if there's, there's at least one. Often there's more.

Do you guys have a union? Is there a pipe organ union? There's no union. Not yet. What's organized?

I'd like to organize. You guys organize. We'll get on the phone. We're going to do this, and then. Let'S you and I unionize.

Matt Gourley
Sona, I'm down. I'm going to bring in some thugs. And goons for just the two of us. Yeah. It's going to be like an automobile plant in the thirties.

Conan O'Brien
Oh, man, we're going to beat you with pipes. Get the national guard on trains to come in. Exactly. Get all these guys that really are dressed like it was the thirties, and you guys are just going to be having a quiet conversation over in the kitchen area over flan, talking about, yeah, maybe we could work out. And these guys are going to come and just start wailing on you with pipes.

Sona Movsessian
Yeah. Hey, and you can bring the pipes. Oh, yeah. There you go. Perfect.

I think I'm on their side, though, you know, solidarity. Yeah, you'll be on their side, but later on you'll realize, wait a minute, the pipes they used that Conan had the goons hit Sonan Gorley with were made. That's going to be the twist ending is you're going to think, this is horrible, and then you're going to see your signature on the pipes. See, but then I'll remember that $10 million demand where I had to work round the clock, slaving away for Conan's pipe organ. And then I'll remember, no, my heart's with the little people.

Conan O'Brien
Yeah, exactly. Then you realize I didn't need a pipe organ. I just wanted the pipes to hit Gourlay and Sona to keep them from unionizing. You're like, hey, Conan, do you care about. I don't care about what the size of the pipes send the bigger, heavier pipes sooner.

I don't like those little pipes. I don't need the organ, just the pipe. Yeah. I don't need the organs. I just need the pipe.

That's very cool. And the one that you play for the kraken. I know that you play that you like hip hop and stuff like that, but how does the let's go Kraken song go? Is it the standard? Is it unleash the kraken?

Right. Well, it's just usually it's, you know, unleashed. It's released, and then the collapse. Release the kraken. Yeah, unleash the kraken.

Sona Movsessian
Just say you were incorrect and you were wrong. It really flows. Unleash the kraken. Un. You get to really hit.

Conan O'Brien
Un. Release the kraken. Nope, doesn't work. Unleash the kraken. And let's see if I can get this turned around in Seattle.

So it's. Unleash the kraken. So this kraken, this underwater sea creature, is on a leash? Yeah, he's on a leash. Okay.

And then. And the other team isn't afraid and they're winning. And then suddenly the mascot comes out and unleashes the Kraken. It's just in the mood. There's literally a cage that they released.

It's a lot of logistics to have to fight with a leash. To do with a leash. No, you take the leash off. Now there is gonna have to be a collar. Does he have a harness, too, or.

Conan O'Brien
Is it just the collar? He has a harness, too. It sort of keeps his chest stable and it's easier to walk him and he heals better. And he has a little torso sweater. He has a little torso sweater?

Yeah. He's got a little thing that says with his chip id number. Because when your kraken goes lost, you want to make sure that if anyone finds him, they take him to the nearest vet. That's true. Listen, I've given this a lot of thought, and I think I've just improved the kraken.

This is very cool. I think we should chip in because we have a cool little spot. Let me see where I'm going. Okay. Yeah, let him see where he's going.

Yeah, let me see where I'm going. Here. Go. Dutch. We have a place here, our offices.

And I think there'd be some room for a. A pipe, organically, where I thought he was going. Have to be not too big because our space isn't huge. And the pipes would probably have to go through at least two ceilings and come out the roof. Would that work?

We can give you some smaller ones that are only about 12ft tall. So that might just be one ceiling for you. There's options. We can talk about it. You said chip in.

Sona Movsessian
We have to chip in. Wait a minute. Why should I have to pay for everything? This is your building, your podcast. I'm not interested in co owning an organ.

Matt Gourley
Yeah, I want the full thing. Yeah, I would like a whole organ. My assumption was that you guys would donate, but I would still own it completely. No, we're not gonna donate. We're gonna unionize.

Conan O'Brien
That's right. All right. I'm gonna need these pipes faster than I thought. I want the really good whacking pipes. I don't care what they sound like.

As I'm hitting Sony, you hear doom, doom. Hey, Ben, it's been really nice talking to you. Do you have a question? So my question would be, you know, it's a matter of when, not if you make the transition into professional sports. Thank you.

Physique such as yours, I think you're natural for hockey. Ben, I've always. I admire where you're coming from, and you seem like a very sensible and perceptive young man. So the question is, what sport? Or the question would be, you know, when you make the jump over to hockey, what would you want as, like, your goal song?

So, you know, you've just absolutely wheeled down the ice and you found an opening in the goal. You embarrass him, you just get the puck in the back of the net. What song do you want? Reverberating as the crowd goes. What's the theme from?

Conan O'Brien
St. Elmo's fire.

St. Elmo's fire. Here, we're gonna get it. Eduardo's looking it up. What is it?

Oh, were you just doing your taxes? You jumped immediately on the. I was researching unions. No, you can join. You can join.

Matt Gourley
Now we're three straws. You're gonna get a head full of pipe if you're not careful. Is it called for just a moment or love theme? Yeah, I think it's called St. Elmo's fire, isn't it?

Conan O'Brien
It's a love theme from St. Elmo's fire. I don't think that's it. Who sings it? Which is really what you want for hockey, is a nice love theme.

No, no, no. Man in motion. Can you play a second of it, Jon parr? Sure. We'll have to take it out, right?

Sona Movsessian
Yeah. This will have to be taken out. I know, but then maybe I can sing a second of it, and then they'll still come after us, but I'll avoid them. I'm very good at that.

Conan O'Brien
Why do you want this to be. Oh. Oh, my God. This is gonna take. It's an eighties song.

It's gonna take. How much time do you have, Ben? It's gonna take. Are they gonna play the whole song after you score a goal? Yeah, whole song.

They'll do about. Yeah. Just for Conan. Yeah. They'll stop and everyone will stop politely listen.

Conan O'Brien
Is there someone that can play, like.

Matt Gourley
Luckily, if I take the music out, I don't think this is in any way a royalty problem. No one will know. And there's other people in it, too. But the main one I remember is Demi Morin Rablo. Cause it's ain't almost fire.

Conan O'Brien
Yeah, that's what I want to play with those lyrics. Are you gonna sing it? Oh, you're gonna score, and then you're gonna grab a mic. Ben's accompanying you on the organ. Here's the deal.

I score a goal. Okay? I put the crack in the head, drop my stick. Ben tosses me a mic. I grab it.

Long intro. Eighty's style. And then, remember, there was a movie that came out in 85, the crowd out of the arena, and Ben is wailing away with me. You know, this is gonna be great. Yeah.

And I'm playing air guitar with my hockey stick. Yeah. I can't wait until someone just beats you and from the other team. Just beats. That's gonna take at least five.

That's gonna take, like, five minutes for someone to get organized. Enough. All right, Ben, it was so cool talking to you. I look forward to joining the Kraken. Tell the Kraken I'm coming, and I'm going to join.

Yeah, for sure. I'm gonna sing the St. Elmos theme. After every goal I score, you are going to accompany me. I have new lyrics which just basically lists who I can remember from the cast.

Sona Movsessian
And it's unleash the Kraken, not release the Kraken. It is now officially unleashed the Kraken. And I want that change made to all merchandise and to clash of the Titans. You're going to go back and change that? Nope.

Conan O'Brien
Okay. Hey, Ben, very nice to meet you. Very cool talking to you. And continued success. I think you're a very cool guy.

Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Have a good one. You guys take care. Conan O'Brien needs a friend with Conan O'Brien, Sona Movesessian and Matt Gorley produced by me, Matt Gorley.

Matt Gourley
Executive produced by Adam Sacks, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco and Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at yearwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy.

Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair, and our associate talent producer is Jennifer samples engineering by Eduardo Perez additional production support by Mars Melnick Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too could be featured on a future episode.

And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend wherever fine podcasts are downloaded.

This has been a Team Coco production in association with Earwolf.

Conan O'Brien
Packages by Expedia. You were made to be rechargeable. We were made to package flights, hotels, and hammocks for less. Expedia made to travel. We all know Kit Kat bars taste delicious, but what about how they sound?

It's not just a catchy jingle. It's the satisfying crack of breaking off a piece of Kit Kat, followed by a crisp crunch. Oh, we forgot one other sound that accompanies Kit Kat bars, too. Or maybe it's more like altogether, Kit Kat bars are music to our ears and yummy flavors to our mouths. Have a break.

Conan O'Brien
Have a kit, Katie.