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This episode of "Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend" explores the realities of mining, featuring a conversation with a miner named Brad who shares insights from his profession.

Episode Summary

In this engaging episode, Conan O'Brien dives into the life of a miner, with guest Brad detailing his experiences in the mining industry. The episode unfolds as a lively conversation filled with humor and unexpected turns, touching upon topics like the physical and psychological aspects of mining, as well as some light-hearted banter about mining-related terminology and scenarios. Conan and his team add a layer of entertainment with their spontaneous reactions and questions, making complex topics more accessible and enjoyable for listeners. The dialogue also branches into personal anecdotes and broader discussions on professional challenges, mirroring some of the thematic elements found in comedy and other professions.

Main Takeaways

  1. Mining involves significant physical and psychological challenges, including working deep underground in extreme conditions.
  2. Modern mining operations use advanced technology and thorough planning, often taking years to develop a new mine.
  3. The episode highlights the importance of safety and mental health in high-risk professions like mining.
  4. Humor can be a powerful tool to explore and explain complex, technical professions to a broader audience.
  5. The conversation provides insights into the adaptability and resilience required in mining, paralleling many aspects of personal and professional life.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Conan humorously introduces the episode with a sponsorship message, setting a light-hearted tone. Conan O'Brien: "This episode is brought to you by McDonald's...they're the little engine that could."

2: Guest Introduction

Brad, a miner, is introduced, providing background about his work and the mining industry. Brad: "I work in mining currently I work on capital projects, building new mines."

3: Deep Dive into Mining

Detailed exploration of mining practices, including the physical conditions and the psychological impact on workers. Brad: "Usually when you're that deep, the rock itself is about 123 degrees Fahrenheit."

4: Personal Stories and Humor

Conan and Brad exchange humorous stories related to mining and workplace scenarios, bringing a human element to the technical discussion. Conan O'Brien: "If I were you, I'd bring eggs down and crack them on the rock and fry up."

5: Wrap-Up and Reflections

The episode concludes with reflections on the conversation, linking mining to broader themes of resilience and human endeavor. Conan O'Brien: "You're bringing us the precious metals...building a better tomorrow."

Actionable Advice

  • Understand the risks and safety measures associated with high-risk professions.
  • Use humor and relatability to make complex subjects more engaging and understandable.
  • Recognize the importance of mental health and support in demanding jobs.
  • Appreciate the extensive planning and technology behind modern industrial practices.
  • Explore the personal stories behind professional roles to gain deeper insights into various fields.

About This Episode

Conan talks to miner Brad from Manitoulin Island about efficient mine design, how deep Conan could bury himself, and which specific mining position Conan would be best suited for.


Conan O'Brien, Brad, Sona Movsesian, Matt Gourley





Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:



Conan O'Brien
This episode is brought to you by McDonald's. Not sure you've heard of them up and coming little restaurant, but they're making it. They're the little engine that could. You know, the moment of bliss when you spot your fries being scooped into the carton and suddenly time slows down. I have that all the time.

I love their fries. Oh, yes. Yes. McDonald's fries hit different when they're free. That's another thing I'll tell you.

And when they belong to your friends, there's no better feeling than thinking you're out of fries. And then you discover extra fries at the bottom of your bag or else. My son still hasn't finished his fries, and I'm done with mine. And he used to be weaker than me, so I could just take them. Yeah.

Now I can't. Cause he's stronger than me. Oh, yeah. There's no wrong way to eat McDonald's fries, but we all think our way is the best way. And I like stealing them from someone else.

That's my favorite way. Get your favorite McDonald's fries today. McDonald's. Check them out sometime. They're everywhere.

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Sona Movsesian
Conan O'Brien needs a fan. Want to talk to Conan? Visit teamco.com callconan. Okay, let's get started. Hi, Brad.

Conan O'Brien
Oh, my God. Hello. Wow. Let me quickly describe to our listeners. Awesome.

That the gentleman who's just appeared on screen is wearing a protective helmet, a bright orange, looks like a construction jersey, and your shirt is covered in dirt. So, sir, your name is Brad, I'm told. Is that right? Yes. I'm calling you from Manitoulin Island, Gourbay.

Manitoulin Island, Canada. Okay, and so you're on a. Is this a large island or a fairly small island? It'd be about a two hour drive across. It's about 12,000 residents.

Okay. I'm going to say. So it's larger than Gilligan's island, but smaller than, say, the big island of Hawaii. Okay. I'm just trying to get my bearings here.

Conan O'Brien
And are you a crossing guard who just fell down a hill? I'm just curious. I'm trying to judge the. You've got this big white safety helmet, which, by the way, I think is a good idea for anyone calling into this podcast. You should be wearing absolutely protective gear.

Tell us, what is it you do? Because you are literally wearing your profession on your sleeve. I just can't tell what it is. So I work in mining currently I work on capital projects, so building new mines. But in the past I used to work underground as a shaft miner or helping with.

So you are the classic. You are a miner, a man who goes down beneath the earth, deep beneath the earth, to extract ore. Is that correct? Yes. My role isn't specifically mining, but I help with.

I started with mine design and now I do scheduling and project controls, but for a period of five years, I did work underground. Yeah, Brad, you keep sort of saying I don't go underground anymore, but look at your shirt now either you just got into a terrible bar fight.

Conan O'Brien
I mean, you were covered in looks like coal dust, frankly. So you've been down underground recently, have you not? Yeah, these are my coveralls, and I go down once every two weeks. I work from home, primarily now. Okay.

All right. But work on projects in Sudbury and also some in America. Okay. Okay. Well, you can throw those in the wash if you want.

Sona Movsesian
Okay. I'm just saying, that's your business, not mine. Do you have a lunchbox? I used to have a metal lunchbox. So that's a famous thing.

So they made a metal so you could sit on it while you're waiting for the cage. I didn't know that. I didn't either. That's a good. That's a good question, Sona.

Conan O'Brien
No, it is a good question. No, no, no, it is a good question because I don't have. I have never had a profession where I needed a lunchbox, you know? And I think it's. I've always been a little envious.

I haven't had a lunchbox since I was a kid. But I bet this lunchbox you had is badass. I mean, it's like you could sit on it and. What kind of food did you have there in your lunchbox? I just bring a sandwich.

Nothing too extravagant. Depends where you're working. I've worked in conditions where it's constantly raining on you, so it's not like you're setting out to, you know, eat a nice meal kind of thing. Oh, so mean. Raining on you.

Conan O'Brien
What about when you're. Did you ever have a meal when you were deep, deep, deep underground? Yeah, the one of the projects I'm working on, the mines. 8500ft underground, so about 1.6 miles. What up?

What? Hard pass. Okay. No one was asking. Hey, you want to go down in a 1.6 miles?

What kind of lunch can you have? How many miles underground? 6 miles or 0.61.6 miles underground. Okay. So sort of in the middle.

1.6 miles underground. That's not good math. 1.6 miles underground and you crack open your lunchbox. Can you eat when you're that far down? What you.

Usually when you're that deep, the rock itself is about 123 degrees fahrenheit, right. So you go to a place called a refuge station, which is air conditioned, and it's like an office space where you can have a lunch. Oh, come on. That's. No, that's wimping out.

Conan O'Brien
If I were you, I'd bring eggs down and crack them on the rock and fry up. Fry up? Literally, Earth's heat. Make fajitas. Yeah, make fajitas down there.

Sizzle them up on a rock. That's so cool to be eating a fajita that was cooked by earth's molten core. That's an amazing thing. You could then send them to the surface and have people say, hey, do you want a molten core fajita? People would buy those, don't you think?

I think so. It might taste a little different. A little metallic. Yeah. Oh, I don't want that.

Conan O'Brien
When you're deep, deep, deep down in the earth's. Beneath the earth's crust. Why are you making that sexual? I know I'm not. At all.

Matt Gourley
You sure? Sounded like it. Did you? Adam is shaking his head no, he didn't think it was sexual, and Eduardo didn't think it was sexual, so I think that's you. But we were closer to you.

Maybe we could sense the musk when. You are just driving that shaft.

Conan O'Brien
I still don't know what you guys are talking about, but you are pounding away, pounding away at the rich loam that is the fecund earth.

But no, seriously, when you are down there, do you have any insights? Does anything ever come to you when you're 1.6 miles beneath the surface of the earth? I've never had that experience. Does it ever give you any profound thoughts about, I don't know, the whole thing? It is really neat when you take a fresh blast.

So excavating the tunnel a little bit further, that you're like the first person that stood in that place kind of thing. Oh, that is cool. You're like, on the. So, yeah, it is. It is pretty fascinating what mining does, and there's a lot of people that work to make that happen.

Sure. I have to admit that the idea of having that much earth above me, I don't think I'm claustrophobic, but that might get to me. Have you ever had anybody, and I'm going to use a term that Matt Gorley uses a lot. Have you ever had anyone wig out, just sort of flip their wig down there? That is you.

Sona Movsesian
You say that all the time. That's the way he talks. But anyway, have you ever had, have you ever had anybody just go. And this is another madism, you know, Coco cabana crazy down there. Coco bana crazy.

Matt Gourley
That one. But do you, do you have people ever just lose it down there because they can't handle it? Yeah, it does happen, like when you're traveling in the cage, which would be like the elevator shaft, you. A lot of times people just have to go back to surface. They can't handle the.

The darkness and, or the thought of it. I'd say it's quite rare. A lot of people are fine with it, but. Yeah. And there is challenging conditions for sure.

Conan O'Brien
Now, let me ask you a question. To make it very safe. Brad, you're clearly a fan because you called in. Unless this is a wrong number, but. Which only happens about 20% of the time.

But, Brad, actually call it, let's say, please. I'm using the old term. Yeah, you sure are. Anyway, Brad, when you picked up the phone and hit the old rotary dial. Oh, sexual again, Brad, let's say that I was going down on the mine with you, and you were like, oh, we know each other now.

We're friends. And I come by your island. What's the name of the island again? Manitoulin island. Okay.

Manitoulin island. Okay. I come by. It's in Lake Huron. Okay, well, that's not helping at all.

Matt Gourley
Save it. No, no, I see no lake Huron here on my map of the world. But anyway. Oh, now you're going to say it's one of the great lakes. Whatever.

Conan O'Brien
We'll get into that. The greatest one. Let's say I'm going down the cage with you because we're friends. I say, hey, Brad, it's me, Conan, from the podcast. You're like, oh, cool, nice to see you.

And I go, oh, wow, still pretty dusty. You could clean that thing once in a while. And you go like, yeah, I know. Then we get in the shaft and we start to go down, down, down in the cage. If I started to freak out, would you immediately take me back up?

Or was there some part of you that would, like, maybe, is it possible that you would slap me in the face and say, get a hold of yourself? Yeah, we'd let you work down there for a while. Just work it out. Sweat it out. I'd sweat it out pretty fast if it's 123 degrees, I'll tell you that much right now.

Matt Gourley
I love to slap you in the face and go, get it together, man. Listen, and you've said that before when in your words, I flip my wig. But yes, in the old days, it was acceptable if someone was wigging out or getting crazy to slap them, to bring them around. But you can't do that anymore. We're not allowed to slap people.

Conan O'Brien
Which I think is true. We live in terrible times.

So now, where else can you go surfing and skiing the same day, huh? I don't know. Or check out a world class art museum and then camp at a dark sky sanctuary that night, huh? Yeah. Yeah.

Where else can you hike through redwoods and then get a luxury spa treatment? Where? California. California. Sona.

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Anyway, I love California. Discover why California is the ultimate playground. Head to visit california.com to start planning your trip today.

On the way in today's Sona, I was thinking about just how much has changed over the years. Yeah. You know, when I was a kid. We were all dancing the jitterbug and the Watusi. And then you grow up now, and there's mosh pits and everything's gone cuckoo.

There's this new thing called rap. I don't know what's happening anymore. But guess what? In a world full of change, there's one thing that hasn't changed. The great taste of Miller lite.

Are you with me on this? Oh, yeah, I'm right there with you. Yeah. And you know another thing that hasn't changed is that it's less filling. Yeah.

I hate a filling beer. When I have a filling beer, I just want to sit down in a beanbag chair for six days. But not with Miller Lite. So what's the best thing about the original light beer? Mm hmm.

Back in 1975, the big debate in America was what's more important? That it. It's less filling. Miller Lite or it tastes great. Yeah.

The cool thing is when we all realized it's both. Okay? It's less filling and it tastes great. Yeah. Right.

Sona Movsesian
Everybody wins. Everybody wins. Miralite keeps it simple, undebatable quality, great taste. Only 96 calories. You don't have to choose what's best.

Conan O'Brien
Miller Lite has great taste, and it's less filling. Tastes like Miller. Time to get mirrorlight delivered right to your door. Visit millerlight.com Conan or you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer. Yeah.

Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin 96 calories per 12oz fewer cals and carbs than premium regular beer.

Come on. If most people are being honest, no one really knows what you do for work, right? Yeah, it's true. Yeah. Especially if you're in what I like to call b two b.

Sona Movsesian
What is that? I'll explain. Okay. That's a business doing business with other businesses. You know what I'm saying?

Conan O'Brien
I call it b two B. It's a little thing. It's also. It's a boy band I'm working on. Anyway.

Fortunately, LinkedIn has a network of professionals who get what you do, and you can reach the right people who matter most to your company because they're LinkedIn. Yeah. That's what they do. LinkedIn has over. This is the fun part to say, 1 billion members.

Sona Movsesian
Are you serious? Yeah. That's more people than are on earth, because there are people on the moon using it in Saturn. That's over 1 billion members on its platform, including 70 million decision makers. God, I'd like to meet a decision maker.

Conan O'Brien
Since LinkedIn members are regularly updating their work history, you can precisely build a target audience by job title, industry, company, and more. Man. You can reach the right people for your. I'm going to say it again, B. Two B.

Business with LinkedIn ads gets even better because LinkedIn will give you a $100 credit on your next campaign. There you go. Just go to LinkedIn.com teamco to claim your credit. That's LinkedIn.com teamcoco. Terms and conditions apply.

LinkedIn, the place to be. To be.

This show is sponsored by Betterhelp. We all sometimes have issues or things we need to talk about get off our chest. I have that all the time, don't you, Sona? I do, yeah. And we need people to talk to, and we carry around different stressors.

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Visit betterhelp.com conant today to get 10% off your first month. That's better. Help. H dash e dash p.com Conan tell me about. Is this for the area where you grew up?

I grew up in Sudbury, which is where a lot of mining happens for nickel and copper. An asteroid actually hit there 2 billion years ago, roughly. And that's what created all that metal in the ground. Are you kidding me? I grew up in the crater.

Conan O'Brien
You grew up in an asteroid crater? Yeah. Wow. You're like Superman. Yeah, I was gonna say, you might have abilities that others don't have because you grew up in an asteroid crater.

It's gotta have some effect on you. I mean, that's gotta just be packed with all kinds of metallic various structures and ores, if you will. I don't quite know what I'm saying, but you have to admit that you grew up in a crater that was formed by an asteroid. You might have. Can you read my mind right now?

Matt Gourley
That's a song from Superman. I can, but I'm scared to what I'm reading. There's nothing in there. Listen, those killings were self defense. Oh, no.

Conan O'Brien
What do you mean? I would say if you grew up in an asteroid crater, there's a good chance you won't get hit again. So statistically speaking, you're safest from an asteroid. So. That's a great point.

Sona Movsesian
No, okay. No, no, that's true. That I think. How many times can an asteroid hit one place? Well, I think it resets every time.

What do you mean? It's randomly flying? No, no, no. I think what Matt is saying, if you're really getting into hardcore statistics, is correct, that when something like that happens, it does reset. So that the chances of it happening there again are the same as the chances of it ever happening in the first place or any other place.

Conan O'Brien
Yeah. So would you. I think, actually you should go. Yeah. That's a little extreme.

Okay. But sure. Hey, so, Brad, I'm curious about something. I sometimes when my kids were little, or I would play Minecraft with them. Does that give me the same amount of technical skill in mining as what you possess?

Pretty close. Yeah, it's right there. Yeah. How about dig dug? What's dig dug?

Matt Gourley
What do you mean, what's dig dug? What's a dig dug? It's a video game from the eighties. Anyone here know it? I know it.

Conan O'Brien
Oh, Eduardo knew it. Yeah. What's dig dug? It. A thumbs down.

Adam just gave it a vicious thumbs down. I gotta get with some people that know culture. I was disgusted. You brought it up. I saw my dig dug head.

So, Brad, you're saying that if I've done Minecraft with my kids, Jesus, I kind of have not the same amount of knowledge as you, but I have a similar amount of knowledge. Yes. You're right up there. You can start tomorrow if you want. I have a question.

When you dig a mine, let's say you dig a really deep shaft that goes like 2 miles down. Oh, yeah. And take it easy. And it's a really deep shaft. Do you ever get down there and there's just.

Matt Gourley
Don't stop. And there's just nothing. Don't stop. Ew. You know what I mean?

A little bit more. Too much matt. Too much matt. Too much do you ever get down? And you've spent a lot of money and you went 2 miles down and there's nothing.

Conan O'Brien
Yeah. And you think to yourself, whose fucking idea was it to dig a mine here? And then everyone looks at you because you were the one that said, I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some good copper down there. Let's go for it, fellas. Has that ever happened?

There's certainly cases where it hasn't happened to that degree where the amount of war is not as much as they thought. So they drill a bunch of holes in the ground before they would do that. But, yeah, there's cases where a mine that they thought was going to happen did economically. It's just. It's just a stinker.

Conan O'Brien
Now, are you the one that takes the heat for that, or can you. Oh, definitely not. Definitely not. Oh, good. Good.

Well, I bring it up for a reason. I bring it up for a reason, which is this happens in comedy, too, where I'll think there's a funny area and I'll convince some of my friends over the years we should write a sketch about this. And we really spend a lot of time digging down mining this area. And then we read it at. Read through at Saturday night live or the Simpsons or whatever, or my show, and it just doesn't work.

Matt Gourley
Apples to oranges. This feels to me like life and death. You and I understand what that's like. Meaning I know what it's like to be a manly miner because of you. Don't.

Conan O'Brien
No, you don't. You know what it's like to be in a superfluous career. It's not superfluous. I have found many a magic coin in my comedy diggings. That's all I'm going to say right now.

Sona Movsesian
Does it smell bad down there?

It does near the washroom, but for the most part. What do you mean? So there's no odor. There's no odor down towards the center of the earth. Right.

Conan O'Brien
You don't smell sulfur or anything like that? Not in a hard rock mine. If you were in coal mines, there might be gases that you would smell. But for nickel and copper mines, it's pretty standard. Yeah.

We pump air underground, so it's constantly circulating from underground back up to surface. I'm learning a lot about mining. You design mines? I have helped design them, yes. But I don't understand what's the.

Conan O'Brien
Don't you just go straight down and then you have some shafts that come off the side, or is it more complicated than that? It's pretty complex. You spend years going through different stages to figure out the best paths to access the ore. So lots of people involved. Takes probably about ten years to build a mine.

Sona Movsesian
What? I didn't realize there was that much thought that went into it. Hey, it's just like a sketch. What is like a sketch? I've spent ten years on a sketch.

Matt Gourley
Oh God. I spent mister. I've spent ten years on a sketch. Sona. Oh, okay.

Conan O'Brien
Listen. Don't belittle what I do. I think what I do and what Brad does is exactly the same. We both risk our lives digging deep to try and find something of value. And so I often get quite dusty.

Yeah, I'll say. Criticizing the dirt on his. I wasn't criticizing. I'm just saying aesthetically, you know, before you go to a cocktail party, you got the little washeroo. That's all I'm saying.

Hey. Hey, Brad. Do you have a question? Oh, no, no, no. You're not getting me off this quickly.

Conan O'Brien
Brad, I have a question for you, which is I. This idea just occurred to me. It's standard for people to be buried 6ft underground. Is it possible, is it legal? And could you see to it that when my time comes, and I hope that's not for at least three years.

Is it possible that I could be buried 1.6 miles underground? I. Technically. Yeah, you could. Thank you.

Thank you. I accept your offer. Like for a cave in or something? No, I just want me to be. They take me down in the cage and they dig out a little area and they put me there.

And then I'm 1.6 miles underground. They're not gonna build a cage. Like, they're just gonna dig a hole and then throw your body in there. Why would they put that much work. Into your cage that exists?

Down. Go down 1.6 miles and then. Hey, over there to the left, there's a nice spot. Dig. Dig.

They shove my. You want to be buried in a mine that already exists? One that's going to fry your body? Yeah. It'll cook it slowly over time.

Sona Movsesian
Oh, no. Then that'll smell. Not. It'll smell like roasting ham. Trust me.

Conan O'Brien
That's what happens when I go to the beach. People say, who's cooking bacon?

See, Brad, I dug a shaft and I hit gold. Did you have a question for me, Brad? Yes. If you worked in mining, what mining position would you work in these real names? What do you mean?

Shaft miner. Clam operator. Oh boy. Oh boy. A scoop operator.

Boom truck driver. That's the stuff. Jack leg driller. Oh, my God. Or a jumbo driller.

Conan O'Brien
Well, okay. All right. I'm a jack leg driller. If anything, I would like to be known like, hey, hey, what's conan do? He's a jack leg driller.

I'd like to say that in a bar. Hey, friend, what do you do in the mine? Jack leg driller. I think it sounds cool. I don't know what it does.

What does it mean? That's probably the toughest job in the mine. Jack leg driller. Yeah. It's probably why I'm drawn to it.

I'm not afraid of a little hard work. So what does a jack leg griller do? Jack leg is a handheld drill. It's about 100 pounds. It's metal.

And you're drilling holes about 8ft long into the rock to either blast or put in ground support so the rock doesn't collapse. Hey, who's the guy that blows stuff up? Ralph. Yeah. What is Ralph?

A loader blaster. I would love to blow stuff up. And I would love to be the guy that likes the fuse and then starts running, but trips and then notices that my leg is stuck. And I'm looking back and I'm going, trying to blow the fuse out, but it's getting closer and closer. Does that ever happen or is that just something I saw in a cartoon?

Definitely more cartoon than real life. No, I prefer cartoons. Hey, Brad, it was nice talking to you. You are the first miner that I've spoken to, I believe, and I'm glad you're doing that work. That's good work.

Conan O'Brien
You're bringing us the precious metals. You're bringing us everything we need to build a better tomorrow. And I thank you for it. Well, thank you. If it's not grown, it's mine.

So there's lots that mining contributes. Yeah. And I also want to. I know you don't like compliments. No, no, no.

Conan O'Brien
I'm dying for one right now. Thank you. Such an honor to speak to a comedic legend. Mister Gorley.

Direct. Ensona. Ensona. That's great.

Brad, you hit the mother lode, so congratulations. Well, thank you so much. And I'm sure they thank you as well. They don't get a lot of compliments, so that's a huge thing for them. That's true, really.

It's few and far between, I suppose. Get a lot. Not sure why I don't. I often listen to the podcast. Driving to Sudbury, I get up early, so it brings a lot of.

A lot of laughs, a lot of joy. So thanks for everyone that's. Well, Brad, we're happy to be a part of your life. And thank you very much for contacting us. It was cool talking to you.

Great to meet you all. Take care so much. Be safe. Bye. Conan O'Brien needs a friend with Conan O'Brien Sona Mofsecian and Matt Gorley produced by me Matt Gorley executive produced by Adam Sacks, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco and Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Yearwolf theme song by the White Stripes incidental music by Jimmy Vivino take it away, Jimmy.

Matt Gourley
Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair, and our associate talent producer is Jennifer samples. Engineering by Eduardo Perez additional production support by Mars Melnick talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message.

It too could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend wherever fine podcasts are downloaded.

This has been a team coco production in association with Earwolf.

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