Conan O'Brien Must Go Fan Compilation

Primary Topic

This episode is a compilation of conversations with fans from around the world, exploring their personal stories and interactions with Conan O’Brien.

Episode Summary

In this special episode of "Conan O'Brien Must Go Fan Compilation," Conan connects with international fans who have been featured in his podcast. These fans, from various backgrounds and professions, share unique and personal stories, making for engaging and often humorous dialogues. The episode traverses different countries and cultures, highlighting Conan's playful banter and genuine interest in his fans' lives. From a Norwegian pop group to a fish farmer, and a medical student in Bulgaria, the episode captures the essence of Conan's global reach and his ability to connect with people across diverse backgrounds. The episode is filled with light-hearted exchanges, cultural insights, and moments of unexpected comedy, providing an intimate glimpse into the lives of fans who cherish Conan's work.

Main Takeaways

  1. Conan's global fanbase includes a diverse range of individuals from various professions and cultures.
  2. Fans appreciate Conan's humor and genuine interest in their stories.
  3. The episode showcases the universal appeal of comedy and its ability to connect people.
  4. Personal anecdotes from fans provide a unique insight into their lives and cultures.
  5. The interactions often lead to humorous and memorable moments, highlighting the light-hearted nature of the podcast.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

Conan introduces the episode's concept of connecting with international fans. He highlights the global reach of his podcast. Conan O'Brien: "This is a compilation we're going to play now of those people who ended up being a big part of the show."

2: Fans from Norway

Conan speaks with Norwegian fans involved in diverse activities like pop music and fish farming. Yarla: "Can you rap a Norwegian for me? Okay, check it, check it."

3: Fan from Thailand

Conan interacts with Anna from Bangkok, discussing the challenges of working from home with family around. Anna: "I have to be on Zoom, and my mom will always yell outside."

4: Fan from Argentina

Sebastian, an artist from Buenos Aires, shares his art with Conan, who is impressed by his work. Sebastian: "Would you ever paint me? Oh, yeah. You are very handsome."

5: Medical Aspirations in Bulgaria

Conan talks to Mohammed, a medical student in Bulgaria, about his aspirations and experiences. Mohammed: "Something surgery wise I think would interest me quite a lot."

Actionable Advice

  1. Engage with global cultures to broaden your perspective.
  2. Utilize humor to connect with people from different backgrounds.
  3. Show genuine interest in others' stories to foster meaningful interactions.
  4. Explore creative outlets as a way to express and share your unique identity.
  5. Consider the impact of family dynamics on professional life and find ways to balance both.

About This Episode

Conan presents a special compilation of the first time he met his International fans on the podcast who ended up being a big part of the his new travel show Conan O’Brien Must Go. Check out Conan O’Brien Must Go available now on Max.


Conan O'Brien, Sona Movsesian, Yarla, Anna, Sebastian, Mohammed

Content Warnings:



Conan O'Brien

Hey, if you're a regular listener to this podcast, you undoubtedly know that my Max travel show premiered yesterday, and the premise of the show is I visit international fans in their country that I first met while doing the podcast. So I travel to their country and surprise them. So anyway, this is a compilation we're going to play now of those people who ended up being a big part of the show. And this is the first time we meet on the podcast. All of these full length episodes are available in the podcast feed, so if you miss them the first time you want to revisit, go to it.

Enjoy. Hey, Conan. My name is Zelda, and I'm from Bergen, Norway. Let me say this correctly, and first of all, nice to meet you, Yarla. Yeah, that's pretty good.

Yeah. Tell us a little bit about yourself. You seem like a nice, cool chap. I make norwegian pop, like funk music with my custom. Wait, do you have a group?


Yeah, we have a group called Eda. Can you rap a Norwegian for me? Okay, check it, check it.

Conan O'Brien

Wow. I like that. You should try it.

I want to be a hit on the norwegian pop charts. Is that a possibility? That is an above 0% possibility. I cannot say that it's over 1%. But it's like, definitely.


Well, come on, mid zeros. Listen. Okay, mid zeros. Yarla, it was really nice talking to you. Let me know if you guys were over here.

Conan O'Brien

Kai, tell me a little bit about yourself. Who are you? I am just a run of the old male fish farmer from Norway going. Out on the sea and working with these fish. It's amazing.


We're just two. Like, we're colleagues, but basically we're really good friends going out on a boat, doing our thing. Well, you mentioned that you go out in the sea with someone else. Who is this? His name is, like, in Norwegian, his name is pronounced Gar.

Seamen. His name is Guard Seamen? Yeah, that's. Yeah, it's guard semen. Do you ever get irritated with him?

Every day. Every day. What does guard semen do that gets on your nerves? What doesn't he do that gets on my nerves? God, he just exists.


Hey, Conan. I'm Anna, and I'm calling from Thailand. So tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? I live in Bangkok.

The capital city? Yep. And right now I'm living with my mom. How's that going? It can be quite hard when, you know, I'm working from home and I have to be on Zoom, and my mom will always yell outside.

Conan O'Brien

What kind of things does she yell at you? Anna, you want dinner? If I could talk to her, maybe I could explain to her that it's very important that Anna do her work. And you've got to stop yelling. Why do you think she would listen to you?

Nice to see you, Whitney. Tell me a little bit about yourself. What do you do for fun? I climb. I do indoor rock climbing.

Sona Movsesian

Have you tried? No. The idea of going to a gym and doing rock climbing really frightens. No, it's really fun. You should try.

Conan O'Brien

Whitney, do you really think I'd be a good rock climber? Honestly? No.

Whoa. Well, wait a minute. Are you aware that I'm a very old man? I am aware. You like seventies.

No, I'm not seventies. I like. Whitney, that's terrible. Is there anything you'd like to say that's better, positive about me? Well, no.

All right. Well, Whitney, I do hope our paths cross one day. And you take care. My name is Sebastian. I'm calling from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tell me a little bit about yourself, Sebastian. I'm an artist, a painter, illustrator, and these are some of my paintings. Oh, my God. You're really. You're really good.

Those are terrific. I'm curious. Would you ever paint me? Oh, yeah. You are very handsome.

Sona Movsesian

Oh, that's. Thank you. And what have you noticed about me that stands out in a portrait? You have like a chin like a tomato soup tin, you know? Wait.

Conan O'Brien

Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I have a tomato soup can chin, cucumber soup. I don't care what. What type of soup it is. Hello, Conan?

This is Matthias and I'm calling from Argentina. Tell us a little bit about yourself, Matias. I've just started the 11th season of our radio program. Tell us about your radio show. That's exciting.

It's been going on eleven seasons. Well, the problem is that nobody listens to us, but otherwise it's going great. When you say nobody. When you say nobody listens. Give me an actual figure of how many people listen to the radio show.

About four. Oh, maybe three. Jesus Christ. Here's what I can promise you, Matthias, is that you currently have four listeners that you're related to. Yes, I can improve your listenership.

Sona Movsesian

My name's Cami. I'm calling from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hey, Cammie, I'm told you need dating advice. Are you dating? I date men only.


Men only? Older. How much older than you do? These men have to be as much. As they can, and it's not creepy.

Conan O'Brien

What's creepy? Does 60 seem creepy to you? A bit, yes. You're exactly 60. I'm exactly 60.

When you meet a guy, do you tell him you're a fan of mine? I don't want to hurt your feelings, but might not even know who you are. Yes. Yes. And they don't know Conan O'Brien.

Sona Movsesian

They don't know the love of my life, Larry David. The love of your life. Wait a minute, wait a minute. He's 76. Yeah, but he's Larry David, dude.

Oh, oh, oh. So Conan O'Brien's a creep cause he just turned 60 and you see Larry David as a potential lover. Conan. Mohammed, how are you? I'm good, I'm good.

Conan O'Brien

Where are you right now? So right now I'm in my family home in Dublin in Ireland. My family came here about 25 years ago from Pakistan. So I was born here, grew up here, raised in Dublin, and for the past three, four years now I've been going to university in the pieces together. Your name's Mohammed?

Yes. You grew up in Ireland? Yes. And you're going to the University of Bulgaria? Yes.


I'm a fourth year medical student out there. What do you think you want to do in medicine? Something surgery wise I think would interest me quite a lot. Okay. Well, my wish, and I know this is a very strange thing to say, is that one day you perform surgery on me.

That would be, that would be an honor. That would actually be pretty incredible. It's weird.

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